Wooden Spoon Employee Handbook
Wooden Spoon Employee Handbook
Wooden Spoon Employee Handbook
Employee Handbook
Receipt and Acknowledgment of
Confidential Information
____________________________ _________________________
Employee's Printed Name & Signature Position
Welcome to Wooden Spoon, Inc.!
You have joined Wooden Spoon Inc. one of the Casual Filipino Dinning in
the Country. Whether you come to the company as an assistant or a
supervisor, a staff or a manager, please know that you play an invaluable
role in the life of our organization. We hope that you will find your stint
here at Wooden Spoon Inc. as a fruitful and rewarding experience.
This handbook was prepared to acquaint you with the various policies of
Wooden Spoon Inc. It is intended to give you a better understanding of
your responsibilities and the conditions under which you work and
regulations governing the workplace. This handbook should answer the
questions most frequently asked by employees and serve as a "ready
reference" for you. Your supervisor can help you with any questions you
have that are not answered here.
The company reserves the right of selection and recruitment of staff from whatever
source. All applicants are required to complete and sign a Company application form
for employment. If subsequently it is discovered that any of the information was
withheld or information given was inaccurate or falsified in any way, the employee
concerned maybe immediately dismissed. Offers of employment, probationary
and/or permanent, are also conditional on: Passing the company’s medical
examination where the opinion of the company’s doctor is conclusive, all references
being satisfactory to the company’s requirements and the successful completion of
a probationary period of six months which will exclude absence through illness. Upon
appointment each employee must supply the company with the following:
b) Birth Certificate
c) NBI Clearance
d) SSS number
e) Philhealth number
f) Pagibig number
g) TIN number
The company reserves the right to ask you to undertake a medical examination at
any time either before you start or during your employment.
To ensure that individuals who join Wooden Spoon, Inc. are well qualified and have a
strong potential to be productive and successful, it is the policy of the company to
check the employment references of all applicants.
Employees newly recruited by the company shall initially be employed for a period of
6 months on probationary basis. The performance and conduct of employees will be
reviewed on a regular basis during the probationary period. They will be also advised
of any action required on their part to maintain good progress in their employment.
All employees receive written and verbal performance evaluations once a year. The
evaluation process is intended to let you know how well you’re performing and to help
you be more effective and productive. The evaluation also gives you the opportunity
to share your thoughts about your performance and future goals with us. The
evaluation process is an opportunity to identify accomplishments and strengths as
well as openly discuss areas and goals for any improvement. Depending on your
position and performance, you may be eligible for a pay increase. Pay increases are
not guaranteed. Rewards are based solely on a person’s job performance and results.
Wooden Spoon, Inc., employees are enjoined to devote their full time working for
the company. Before accepting any outside engagement, you should discuss the
matter with your management to obtain clearance.
The required clearance is solely for the purpose of enabling the company to
determine whether the private engagement involves conflicts of interest and
whether it will, in any way, impair or diminish the efficiency and productivity with
which the employee concerned performs his duties at Wooden Spoon, Inc.
Wooden Spoon, Inc., may terminate employees for just or authorized cause and after
observance of procedural due process and by serving at least one (1) month in
b) redundancy;
e) disease / illness.
Wooden Spoon, Inc., may also terminate an employment for any of the following
a) Serious misconduct or willful disobedience by the employee of the lawful orders
of the company in connection with his work;
c) Fraud and willful breach by the employee of the trust reposed in him by the
Wooden Spoon, Inc. is committed to maintaining a safe workplace for all of our
employees. The time to be conscious about safety is before an accident happens.
Safety is everyone’s responsibility and is a regular, ongoing part of everyone’s job.
You will receive more specific, detailed information and training on safety issues as
an ongoing part of your employment. However, here are some basic guidelines and
safety rules to always keep in mind:
Never rush. Always walk carefully. Even when it’s busy, take small steps and pay
Wear shoes with non-slip soles. They cost no more than standard shoes. Ask us
about where you can purchase them.
Never operate equipment unless you have been trained how to use it properly.
Pay special attention when using slicers. They are very sharp and move very fast.
Wear nylon, no-cut gloves when cleaning slicers. If you don’t have a pair, ask
Never try to catch a falling knife. Knives are easier to replace than fingers.
Let people know when you’re carrying anything hot. Don’t be shy. Yell out something
like, “Hot food coming through.” Also, when carrying sharp objects such as knives,
call out, “Sharps coming through.” And when rounding corners with your hands full,
call out, “Corner.”
Use proper lifting techniques. Never lift too much. If it’s uncomfortable, make two
trips or get some help. Remember to always bend at the knees. Lift with you legs,
not your back.
If someone asks or tells you something, respond with “Thank You.” Not only does
this let both parties know that the information has been heard and understood, it’s
just common courtesy. Also acknowledge your coworkers communications verbally
by saying, “Got it, thanks,” or something else that lets them know that they’ve been
heard and that the information was understood.
We are obsessed with sanitation and food safety! Due to the nature of the
restaurant business, it is ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL that EVERYONE follows safe
food handling procedures. This is one area of the restaurant where there is
absolutely no compromise. NEVER take shortcuts on food safety and handling.
Every day we are entrusted with the health of our customers. This is a huge
responsibility, one that we must never take lightly. Following are some of the basic
rules we ALWAYS follow and enforce:
Keep your hands washed. Always wash your hands after using the restroom,
smoking, touching your hair, eating, sneezing or coughing. If you use latex gloves,
change them frequently.
Never pick up glasses from the rim. This is one easy way to prevent yourself from
getting sick and help to prevent the spread of germs.
Sanitize everything. Besides clean hands, use sanitizing solution to constantly keep
counters, cutting surfaces, and utensils clean. This helps to keep food handling
areas and preparation tools free of bacteria. Also, keep all kitchen and prep areas
clean at all times.
Keep food at the proper temperatures. Potentially hazardous foods like meat,
poultry, dairy and fish should always be stored below 41º. Food that is cooking or in
hot holding should always be above 140º. Bacteria count on food grows rapidly
between 41º and 140º, so it’s imperative that our food products spend a minimum
amount of time in the “temperature danger zone.”
Store food correctly. Raw meat should always be stored below cooked or prepared
Overall appearance should be neat, clean, and modest and be reflective of the
prevailing business environment the employee is involved in. Therefore, all
employees should observe good habits in grooming and personal hygiene.
If short, shoulder length (where hair does not touch shoulders), hair can remain
down. Hair should always be neatly brushed and styled. If longer, hair needs to be
in a ponytail, a braid, a hairclip, or a hair net, off the shoulders. Hair should be
styled neatly as would be appropriate for an office setting, not teased and sprayed
as if going out to a nightclub for the evening.
A minimum of jewelry should be worn while working in a food service environment.
For female small earrings, no longer than an inch, can be worn. Longer can cause
potential problems and irritations, such as when you need to lean to serve food to
customers. We don’t want long earrings dangling near someone’s face. Male are not
allowed to wear earrings on duty.
Front of the House (FOH) Employees—a khaki shirt, shirts must be in good
condition (not soiled, stained, ripped, or faded). Black pants (pants must be long
enough to touch the top of the shoes),
All clothing is to be neat, clean, and relatively wrinkle-free (in other words, if it
looks like you wore your clothing to bed, we’ll send you home to change into
something less wrinkled). Black socks and black shoes, with non-skid soles for your
safety. Only shoes with non-slip soles that permit walking safely on wet or greasy
floors should be worn. Shoes must be clean. Health code states that open-toed
shoes are not allowed. Absolutely no high heels! High heels are not safe in a
restaurant environment. Apron—Servers are required to have their own aprons.
Back of the House (BOH) Employees—BOH employees a dark brown shirt, shirts
must be in good condition (not soiled, stained, ripped, or faded). Black pants (pants
must be long enough to touch the top of the shoes), black shoes with non-skid soles
for your safety. BOH must wear their aprons and hair net at all times inside the
Employees who are dressed inappropriately will be clocked out and sent home to
Facial Hair
Facial hair should be short, neat and well-trimmed.
Makeup is to be subtle, neat, and professional. Glitter and false eyelashes are not
tolerated as they can make their way into customers’ food. Let’s put it this way—if
you look like you’re about to go to a rave or as if you are trying to emulate Lady
Gaga, you will be sent home to tone it down a few hundred decibels.
All accidents however trivial, which occur on company property, must be reported
immediately to the supervisor. The supervisor will complete the accident report
form and send a copy immediately to the management.
Following an accident the employee will be referred to a hospital for diagnosis and
treatment. The company will pay expenses.
Schedules are prepared to meet the work demands of the restaurant. As the work
demands change, management reserves the right to adjust working hours and
shifts. Schedules are posted weekly. Each employee is responsible for working
their shifts. You should arrive for your shift with enough time to make sure you’re
ready to work when your shift begins. We suggest that you arrive 10 to 15 minutes
before your shift begins so that you have time to get settled and ready for your
shift. You should be ready to start work immediately when your scheduled shift
begins. Schedule changes may be allowed only if you find a suitable replacement for
your position and get a manager’s approval. To be valid, the manager must indicate
and initial the change on the posted schedule. It is the employee’s responsibility
requesting the shift change to make sure that this happens. Shift changes must be
documented on the master schedule by the manager’s changes and initials.
Requests for substantial time off (more than two days) should be made as far in
advance as is possible. We feel it is important to follow these procedures in order
to eliminate possible misunderstandings or miscommunication.
Employee must render eight (8) hours a day and should be exclusive of the one (1)
hour daily lunch break.
All employees are required to time in and out in the Biometric and Log book provided
by the company. The management will consolidate all the number of working days
through this record that’s why it is really important to not forget to time in & out.
In case, that you forget to time in & out you need to submit an IR indicating the
reason and date in order for the management to count the day.
Meal Periods/Break time
All employee is given not less than sixty (60) minutes’ time-off for their regular
Employees wishing to trade or change shifts with one another must make application
and get approval in writing from their supervisors. Any such arrangements can be
agreed only when there is no increased cost of operation to the company.
Overtime Work
Employees are entitled for overtime pay as long as it was filed on time and approved
by his/her immediate supervisor
An employee may be required to perform overtime work in any of the following cases:
1. When the country is at war or when any other national or local emergency has
been declared by the National Assembly or the Chief Executive;
2. In case of actual or impending emergencies caused by serious accident, fire,
flood, typhoon, earthquake, epidemic or other disaster or calamity to prevent
loss of life and property, or imminent danger to public safety;
3. In cases of urgent work to be performed on the machinery, equipment, or
installation, to avoid serious loss which the employer would otherwise suffer;
4. In the event of abnormal pressure of work due to special circumstances,
where the employer cannot ordinarily be expected to resort to other
5. To prevent loss or damage to perishable goods;
6. Where the nature of the work requires continuous operations and the
stoppage of work may result in irreparable injury or loss to the employer; and
7. Under other circumstances analogous or similar to the foregoing as
determined by the Secretary of Labor and Employment.
Employee is entitled to Weekly Rest Day, Holiday Pay, and Service Incentive Leave
Wooden Spoon, Inc., shall determine and schedule the weekly rest day of his
employees to be subject to collective bargaining agreement of the supervisor
Wooden Spoon, Inc., may require an employee to work on any holiday and will be paid
equivalent to twice regular rate for a regular holiday; and 30% on Special Holiday
Employee who has rendered at least one year of service is entitled to a yearly service
incentive leave of 10 days and 5 days Sick leave or Emergency leave with pay.
All leave must be filed 1 month before taking a leave of absence. However, when
taking emergency leave/sick leave it can be filed the time the emergency occurs.
All employees is entitled for all the mandatory benefits mandate by the Government
like SSS, Philhealth and Pagibig and will be computed in accordance with the law.
Free meal is given to all employees and will depend on their given shift time.
Unexcused absence is all from work other than approved holidays, certified sickness,
approved compassionate leave or leave of absence approved in advance or where
emergency occurs for the absence has been conveyed to his/her immediate
supervisor or appropriate Management Representative, within two hours of the
specific shift / day commencement time. Failure to abide by the company’s
notification policy may be dealt with under the “Disciplinary Procedure”.
2 Persistent Absence:
3. Absence on Saturday and Sunday are not allowed unless emergency occurs.
If an employee is absent from work due to sickness for more than two (2) days, a
medical certificate which indicates the nature and expected duration of the illness
must be sent to the immediate supervisor so that it is received on or before the
third day of absence and be renewed on a weekly basis where appropriate.
Further, if an employee is absent for more than five (5) working days due to sickness
he / she must report to their immediate supervisor with a medical certificate from
a doctor nominated by the company confirming “fitness” before returning to work.
You are expected to be at your workstation promptly at the beginning of each shift
to which you are assigned. Employee is given 5 minutes grace period for every shift
equivalent to 30 minutes for 6 days of duty.
When an employee is late more than (3) occasions in one (1) month, tardiness will be
dealt with under the disciplinary procedure. Moreover this will be equivalent to (1)
day absence of work aside from receiving memo.
The company does not offer a sick pay scheme and it will be the responsibility of the
employee to claim social welfare entitlements while on sick leave.
All service charges collected by hotels, restaurants, and similar establishments shall
be distributed at the rate of 85% for all covered employees and 15% for
management. The share of the employees shall be equally distributed among them.
Probationary employees are not entitled for a service charge. That is for a total of
6 months period.
Tips are centralized and all employees included in the operation is entitled to receive
.This will be equally divided among employees on duty.
It is important for all employees to be fully aware of the rules that govern our
conduct and behavior. In order to work together as a team and maintain an orderly,
productive, and positive working environment, everyone must conform to standards
of reasonable conduct and policies of the restaurant
The following are examples of practices which will render an employee liable to
disciplinary action or dismissal depending on the seriousness of the case:
a) Playing of games, i.e. card playing, gambling etc. on the restaurant premises.
b) Indulging in horseplay or the assault of another employee.
g) Tardiness: employees are deemed to be late if they are not at their workplace
at the official starting time.
h) Time wasting: Loafing, excessive use of cloakroom or other abuse of paid time.
The following lists some examples of the offences, which are regarded as of such a
serious nature to render the employee liable to instant dismissal, this is not all
k) Refusing to obey instructions given by a supervisor or manager
v) Unauthorized absence from the work station during the work day
The primary aim of the disciplinary procedure is to help the individual whose
performance or conduct falls below the company requirements achieve the necessary
improvements. Supervisors and managers must do their share in maintaining the
consistent application of company rules. In the event that a formal action becomes
necessary, the following procedure shall be implemented.
The supervisor will warn the employee verbally of the specific aspect of the work or
conduct which is below standard (stating clearly that it is the first warning) and she
/ he will advise the improvements which must be made. The giving of this warning
will be noted by the manager and advised to the HR.
If required improvements are not achieved and further dissatisfaction with the
employee results, the Manager will issue a first written warning to the employee and
will notify the HR.
If the problem persists, the manager will issue a final written warning to the
employee, making it clear that employment will be suspended or terminated if
conduct or performance does not improve. STAGE 4 – SUSPENSION
If the problem is still unresolved and dissatisfaction with the employee continues,
the employee may be suspended for a period of time by the Manager, after all the
circumstances have been fully considered by the company.
An employee may only be dismissed with the authority of the Management or in his
absence his designated alternative after he has fully considered all the
circumstances. The Manager is responsible for verification of all circumstances
supporting the action and is to keep the HR informed concerning developments.
This procedure shall apply to all matters concerning conduct, e.g. lack of co-
operation, observation of Restaurant rules and performance etc. In cases of serious
misconduct affecting the interest of other employees or of the company, the
employee in question may be given an immediate final writing, suspension pending
investigation, or immediate dismissal.
harassment of its employees by anyone, including any supervisor, co-worker, supplier,
client or customer of the company.
Sexual advances request for sexual favors or other physical, verbal or visual conduct
based on sex constitute sexual harassment when the conduct is unwelcome and (1)
submission to the conduct is an explicit term or condition of employment, 9”)
submission to or rejection of the conduct is used as the basis for an employment
decision or (3) the conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering
with an individual’s work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive
working environment.
The company will not permit retaliation or discipline against anyone who makes a
complaint in good faith or who co-operates in an investigation.
Anyone who is found to have violated this policy is subject to disciplinary action up
to and including dismissal.
Employees will be entitled to 105 days or 3 months maternity leave.
The payment will advance by the company in two equal installment within 30 days
from the filing of maternity leave
All qualifying employees will be entitled to 14 days parental leave.
To ensure orderly operations and provide the best possible work environment, the
company expects employees to follow restaurant rules that will protect the interests
and safety of all employees and the company. An employee who does not conduct
himself or herself in an appropriate manner, as determined by the company may be
subject to the disciplinary procedure up to and including discharge.
Each employee is to be informed of the following rules governing his / her conduct
while on duty and a copy of these rules will be posted on the main notice boards.
It is necessary for the protection of all employees that smoking is not permitted in
or around the restaurant.
Good work habits are important and it is necessary that every employee performs
her / his job according to standards established by the company.
Business call /message > all employees must answer the Telephone and mobile phone
of the company immediately or return call if not answered
Personal call/message > only in cases of emergency may employees, with supervisor’s
permission make or receive calls and message during working hours.
The Restaurant recognizes alcohol and drug abuse as potential health, safety and
security problems. The Restaurant expects all employees to assist in maintaining a
work environment free from the effects of alcohol, drugs or other intoxicating
substances. Compliance with this substance abuse policy is made a condition of
employment, and violations of the policy may lead to discipline and/or discharge.
All employees are prohibited from engaging in the unlawful manufacture, possession,
use, distribution or purchase of illicit drugs, alcohol or other intoxicants, as well as
the misuse of prescription drugs on Restaurant premises or at any time and any place
during working hours. While we cannot control your behavior off the premises on
your own time, we certainly encourage you to behave responsibly and appropriately
at all times.1 All employees are required to report to their jobs in appropriate mental
and physical condition, ready to work.
All employees should also be aware that everything in the Restaurant, except
personal items you may bring to work with you, constitutes property of the
Restaurant, from food in the kitchen to the silverware on the tables. Any employee
who takes Restaurant property without the consent of either the employee’s
supervisor or, in the case of food in the kitchen, the consent of the kitchen
supervisor, is subject to immediate discipline up to and including discharge.
With regard to Restaurant property provided to you, e.g., uniforms, any such
property should be returned before departing the Restaurant on the last day of
First Aid for care of minor injuries in the restaurant are available as needed. Prompt
arrangements for medical or hospital care or more serious injury will be made. Every
injury or worked related condition requiring medical attention must be reported
promptly to your supervisor.
Persons who wish to leave the restaurant temporarily or take time off during their
work hours must:
The company has the right to search any article in the possession of an employee,
lockers and their contents and any conveyance and its contents while on company
A clean and tidy restaurant not only helps to create a pleasant working environment
but also considerably helps to promote efficiency and safety standards. Each
employee is responsible for the cleanliness of the work area and equipment under
his/her control and to leave it for the employee on the following shift in a clean and
orderly condition.
A notice board is available for employee use. The key is held by the manager and all
notices must be approved by the company before being displayed and should not
offend the normal codes of decency etc.
If you have personal affairs to attend to, you should combine these activities into
your break and lunch periods. During working hours, relatives and acquaintances
should ask to see you only in the case of an emergency.
Quality, efficiency and reliability are expected from all employees. It is vital for
ensuring a high level of customer satisfaction which helps ensure the long term
viability of the company
Dating Colleagues
Romantic relationships are typically forbidden in the workplace due to the potential conflict and
legal repercussions that may arise. A relationship between an employee in a supervisor role and
someone he/she directly manages presents the biggest potential conflict. In cases of a manager
dating a subordinate, the manager may feel a conflict of interest between his/her personal and
professional lives if the relationship affects his/her decisions regarding promotions, raises or
assignment of duties. Additionally, other employees may feel they are treated unfairly as
compared to the colleague who is dating the manager/supervisor. If the relationship ends, the
subordinate may claim he/she was treated unfairly if he/she doesn't get a promotion.
Staff meetings are held on a regular basis for your benefit as well as for the
restaurant’s. Meetings are held for a variety of reasons and can include new menu
offerings, upcoming promotions and events, training, policies, etc. Most meetings are
held pre-shift and attendance is mandatory. You will clock in for the meeting. Only
management-approved absences will be accepted. Most meetings offer employees
the opportunity to provide valuable input for feedback and provide suggestions to
enhance our working environment and the operation of the restaurant.
We cannot achieve our goals and provide the highest levels of service to our
customers without working together as a team. Teamwork basically boils down to
common courtesy and common sense. If a co-worker is overloaded and you’re not,
help them in any way you can. It’s only a matter of time before they will return the
favor. Pitch in to help a customer whether they are technically yours or not. There
is no room for ego in customer service—our goal is to give the customer the best
experience, the fastest service possible—in other words, allow others to help you
make the customer’s experience the best it can be. Genuine teamwork makes for a
much more enjoyable and satisfying work experience and results in happier (and more
generous) customers.
Communication is an integral part of teamwork. Shifts go well when people
communicate what is going on with the other personnel involved in the processes, and
shifts tend to go very poorly when communication breaks down. It is therefore
important that you master open communication with your fellow team members in all
departments of the restaurant. No job is more important than any other, and
everyone should be brought into the communication loop. Doing so will increase your
success, and the success of our team. It is also important for every employee to
have a good sense of “what’s going on” in the restaurant. It is our responsibility to
keep everyone informed of ongoing changes and news affecting the restaurant and
our people. Such communication takes place primarily in weekly schedule emails (thus,
it is very important that you read these) or in pre-shift meetings, general meetings
and by posting notices and information in the schedule posting area.
Alcohol Service
Our Restaurant serves alcohol to our guests. Most guests will enjoy wine, beer, or a cocktail
with their meal without any mishap. However, occasionally a guest will drink too much and
become intoxicated and belligerent. If you believe that a guest has had too much to drink,
do not comply with any further drink orders by the customer, but rather report the guest
to your supervisor.
Employees, regardless of age, are prohibited from drinking on the Restaurant premises
during a shift. An employee who wishes to dine in the Restaurant or to drink alcoholic
beverages in the Restaurant must do so outside of the employee’s shift and at a time when
the employee is not wearing a Restaurant uniform.
Customer Service
Our restaurant exists only because of customers, and, in particular, repeat
customers who voluntarily choose to return here and spend their hard-earned money
on our food and beverages. Without customers, we don’t have a restaurant. They are
the only reason we are here. As a result, taking care of our customers is our highest
priority. It is, in fact, a privilege, never an interruption, to serve our customers.
Telephone Courtesy
It is everyone’s responsibility to answer the phone. Always answer the phone
promptly, within two to three rings, with a smile. Believe it or not, people can hear a
smile over the phone and will usually respond in a positive manner. Always answer in
a friendly, polite manner: “Good (morning, afternoon, evening), Wooden Spoon. This
is (your name here).” Respond to any questions for which you are absolutely certain
of the answer. If you are uncertain, tell them you are not sure but that you will find
out the answer for them. Ask the person if you may put them on hold for a moment
and quickly refer the call to a manager or someone else who can respond
appropriately to the call. Always ask the caller for their name and phone number (in
case we need to ask additional questions, get accidentally disconnected, etc.). Always
thank the person for calling.