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Electrochemistry and Gas laws


Multiple Choice
Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 1. All of the following are units of gas pressure EXCEPT

a. the erg.
b. the standard atmosphere.
c. the bar.
d. millimeters of mercury.
e. the pascal.
____ 2. A balloon contains 3.2 10-2 m3 of nitrogen gas at a pressure of 712 mm Hg. What is the volume of the
balloon in liters and the pressure in atmospheres?
a. 3.2 10-5 L and 0.712 atm
b. 3.2 10-5 L and 0.937 atm
c. 3.2 10-1 L and 1.00 atm
d. 3.2 101 L and 0.712 atm
e. 3.2 101 L and 0.937 atm
____ 3. A balloon with a volume of 8.73 L contains 0.321 moles of helium gas. What is the density of the gas?
a. 0.0368 g/L
b. 0.147 g/L
c. 0.700 g/L
d. 2.80 g/L
e. 27.1 g/L
____ 4. If the volume of a confined gas is doubled at constant temperature, what change is observed?
a. The pressure of the gas is decreased to of its original value.
b. The pressure of the gas is decreased to of its original value.
c. The pressure of the gas is increased to twice its original value.
d. The density of the gas is doubled.
e. The velocities of the molecules are doubled.
____ 5. Place the following units of pressure in order from lowest to highest pressure.
a. 1 atm < 1 Pa < 1 mm Hg < 1 bar
b. 1 mm Hg < 1 bar < 1 atm < 1 Pa
c. 1 Pa < 1 mm Hg < 1 bar < 1 atm
d. 1 Pa < 1 mm Hg < 1 atm < 1 bar
e. 1 bar < 1 mm Hg < 1 Pa < 1 atm
____ 6. All of the following relationships are false for gases EXCEPT
a. volume is inversely proportional to the moles of gas.
b. volume is directly proportional to pressure in mm Hg.
c. volume is directly proportional to pressure in atmospheres.
d. volume is directly proportional to temperature in Kelvin.
e. volume is directly proportional to the gas constant R.
____ 7. Avogadro's law states that
a. 1 liter of any gas contains 6.02 1023 gas molecules.
b. the volume of a gas is directly proportional to its temperature.
c. the gas constant equals 0.0821 L atm/(mol K) for all ideal gases.
d. the volume of a gas must always be a constant.
e. equal volumes of all gases at the same pressure and temperature contain an equal number
of moles.
____ 8. The molar masses of helium and oxygen are 4.0 g/mol and 16 g/mol, respectively. At the same temperature
and pressure, 1 mole of helium will occupy
a. the same volume as 1 mole of oxygen.
b. four times the volume of 1 mole of oxygen.
c. twice the volume of 1 mole of oxygen.
d. half the volume of 1 mole of oxygen.
e. one fourth the volume of 1 mole of oxygen.
____ 9. A balloon is filled with oxygen gas to a volume of 1.75 L at 36ºC. The balloon is then heated to 72ºC. What is
the volume of the heated balloon?
a. 0.875 L
b. 1.57 L
c. 1.95 L
d. 3.50 L
e. 4.11 L
____ 10. The lid is tightly sealed on an empty 2.0 L soda bottle at 27.0ºC and 748 mm Hg. If the bottle is heated to
100.0ºC, what is the pressure inside the bottle?
a. 63 mm Hg
b. 210 mm Hg
c. 620 mm Hg
d. 930 mm Hg
e. 1300 mm Hg
____ 11. A bicycle tire is filled to a pressure of 4.42 atm (65 psi) at a temperature of 12ºC. If the temperature of the tire
increases to 33ºC, what is the pressure in the tire? Assume the volume of the tire is constant.
a. 4.75 atm
b. 5.91 atm
c. 9.28 atm
d. 12.1 atm
e. 16.1 atm
____ 12. If 6.00 g of nitrogen gas (N2) is introduced into an evacuated 2.00 L flask at 28ºC, what is the pressure inside
the flask?
a. 0.246 atm
b. 1.83 atm
c. 2.65 atm
d. 15.8 atm
e. 74.1 atm
____ 13. At 108ºC, the pressure in a 10.0 L flask is 874 mm Hg. How many moles of gas are in the flask?
a. 0.368 mol
b. 0.873 mol
c. 1.30 mol
d. 348 mol
e. 986 mol
____ 14. What volume does 22.4 moles of hydrogen gas occupy at 0ºC and 1.00 atm?
a. 0.0821 L
b. 1.00 L
c. 22.4 L
d. 184 L
e. 502 L
____ 15. A 3.00 L flask contains 2.33 g of argon gas at 312 mm Hg. What is the temperature of the gas?
a. 151 K
b. 257 K
c. 292 K
d. 341 K
e. 4890 K
____ 16. A 10.0 L flask contains 14.1 grams of an unknown gas. If the pressure in the flask is 2.3 atm at 65ºC, which
of the following is a possible identity of the gas?
a. NH3
b. CO
c. O2
d. CO2
e. CS2
____ 17. A mass of 5.0 grams of dry ice, CO2(s), is sealed in an evacuated 2.0 L plastic soda bottle. What is the
pressure inside the bottle when the CO2 is heated to 35ºC?
a. 0.16 atm
b. 1.4 atm
c. 8.9 atm
d. 18 atm
e. 63 atm
____ 18. At 28ºC, a gas cylinder containing hydrogen has an internal volume and pressure of 46.6 L and 1.50 102
atm. The gas is allowed to escape the cylinder and expand until its pressure reaches 1.00 atmosphere. If the
temperature of the gas remains constant, what volume will the gas occupy?
a. 0.311 L
b. 2.22
c. 46.6 L
d. 6.99 103 L
e. 8.91 103 L
____ 19. At 21ºC, a gas cylinder containing carbon monoxide has an internal volume and pressure of 46.6 L and 1.50
102 atm. What mass of nitrogen gas is contained in the cylinder?
a. 2.90 102 g
b. 4.05 103 g
c. 8.11 103 g
d. 1.14 105 g
e. none of the above
____ 20. 25.0 L of hydrogen gas at 50.0 atm and 25ºC expands to 65.0 L and is subsequently heated to 35ºC. What is
the new pressure?
a. 19.9 atm
b. 25.2 atm
c. 26.9 atm
d. 28.4 atm
e. 31.2 atm
____ 21. What volume of oxygen (O2) at 22ºC and 1.00 atm contains the same number of molecules as 0.400 L H2 at
45ºC and 1.00 atm?
a. 0.251 L
b. 0.298 L
c. 0.371 L
d. 0.400 L
e. 0.431 L
____ 22. A balloon is filled with 1.50 L of helium gas at sea level, 1.00 atm and 32ºC. The balloon is released and it
rises to an altitude of 30,000 ft. If the pressure at this altitude is 228 mm Hg and the temperature is -45ºC,
what is the volume of the balloon?
a. 0.336 L
b. 1.56 L
c. 1.68 L
d. 2.81 L
e. 3.74 L
____ 23. A volatile compound with a mass of 0.8822 grams is placed in an evacuated 0.250 L flask. The flask is heated
to evaporate the compound. At 99ºC, the pressure in the flask is 1.25 atm. What is the molar mass of the
a. 86.2 g/mol
b. 116 g/mol
c. 229 g/mol
d. 257 g/mol
e. 303 g/mol
____ 24. What is the density of argon gas at 25ºC and 1.00 atm?
a. 0.0110 g/L
b. 1.63 g/L
c. 19.5 g/L
d. 977 g/L
e. 1.24 103 g/L
____ 25. At 1.00 km above sea level, the atmospheric pressure is 675 mm Hg and the temperature is 282 K. If nitrogen
comprises 78.1% (mole percent) of air, what is the density of nitrogen at this height?
a. 0.0238 g/L
b. 0.521 g/L
c. 0.839 g/L
d. 1.07 g/L
e. 638 g/L

____ 26. At what temperature does 1.00 atm of carbon dioxide (CO2) gas have the same density as 1.00 atm of helium
gas at 25ºC?
a. 0 K
b. 25 K
c. 482 K
d. 983 K
e. 3.28 103 K
____ 27. Which of the following pure gases has the greatest density at 1.0 atm and 305 K?
a. He
b. CO
c. N2
d. CO2
e. CF4
____ 28. The density of hydrogen gas in a flask is 0.147 g/L at 305 K. What is the pressure inside the flask?
a. 0.139 atm
b. 1.19 atm
c. 1.83 atm
d. 2.98 atm
e. 3.69 atm
____ 29. An unknown gas contains 85.6% C and 14.4% H. At 0.455 atm and 425 K, the gas has a density of 0.549 g/L.
What is the molecular formula for the gas?
a. CH4
b. C2H4
c. C3H6
d. C4H6
e. C4H8
____ 30. If 4 L of methane is burned in excess oxygen, what volume of water is produced? Assume that the
temperature of the reactants and products is 25ºC and the pressure of the system remains constant at 1.0 atm.

CH4(g) + 2O2(g)  CO2(g) + 2H2O(l)

a. 2 L
b. 4 L
c. 6 L
d. 8 L
e. 12 L
____ 31. A volume of 3.0 L of butane is burned in excess oxygen. Balance the chemical equation below and determine
how many total liters of gases are produced? Assume that both the reactant and product temperature is 500 K
and the pressure of the system remains constant at 1.0 atm.

C4H10(g) + O2(g)  CO2(g) + H2O(g)

a. 3.0 L
b. 6.0 L
c. 12 L
d. 27 L
e. 42 L
____ 32. If 5.00 L of propane is burned in 21.0 L of oxygen, what volume of carbon dioxide is produced? Assume that
the temperature of the reactants and products is 25ºC and the pressure of the system remains constant at 1.0

C3H8(g) + 5O2(g)  3CO2(g) + 4H2O(l)

a. 12.6 L
b. 15.0 L
c. 21.0 L
d. 25.6 L
e. 26.0 L

____ 33. A 10.0 L flask contains 2.5 atm of ethane gas and 8.0 atm of oxygen gas at 28ºC. The contents of the flask
react until the limiting reactant is consumed. What is the total pressure in the flask after the temperature
returns to 28ºC?

2C2H6(g) + 7O2(g)  4CO2(g) + 6H2O(g)

a. 10.5 atm
b. 11.6 atm
c. 15.1 atm
d. 17.0 atm
e. 21.7 atm
____ 34. A 5.00 L flask contains 2.0 atm of acetylene gas and 3.0 atm of oxygen gas at 301 K. The contents of the
flask are reacted and allowed to return to 301 K. How many moles of carbon dioxide are formed?

2C2H2(g) + 5O2(g)  4CO2(g) + 2H2O(l)

a. 0.49 mol
b. 0.81 mol
c. 2.4 mol
d. 4.0 mol
e. 6.2 mol
____ 35. A mass of 0.650 grams of calcium carbonate is added to 50.0 mL of 0.275 M HCl. If the CO2(g) gas is
collected in a 1.00 L flask at 25ºC, what is the pressure of CO2(g) in the flask?

CaCO3(s) + 2H+(aq)  Ca2+(aq) + H2O(l) + CO2(g)

a. 0.0129 atm
b. 0.0583 atm
c. 0.159 atm
d. 0.314 atm
e. 15.9 atm
____ 36. Ammonia gas is produced commercially from the reaction of nitrogen and hydrogen. What volume of
ammonia can be produced from the reaction of 5.5  103 kg of N2 and 1.5  103 kg of H2? Assume the
reaction is 100% efficient and the product is collected at 325 K and 25 atm.

N2(g) + 3H2(g)  2NH3(g)

a. 7.0 103 L
b. 1.4 104 L
c. 1.8 104 L
d. 4.2 105 L
e. 5.2 105 L
____ 37. Nitroglycerin (227.1 g/mol) releases a large amount of energy and gaseous products upon decomposition. If
10.00 grams of nitroglycerin decomposes in an evacuated 1.00 L flask, what is the pressure inside the flask?
Assume the temperature is 4.00 102 K and that the flask survives the explosion.

4C3H5N3O9(l)  6N2(g) + 12CO2(g) + 10H2O(g) + O2(g)

a. 1.45 atm
b. 10.5 atm
c. 41.9 atm
d. 328 atm
e. 952 atm
____ 38. The composition (in mole percent) of the atmosphere is 78.1% N2, 21.0% O2, and 0.9% Ar. What is the partial
pressure of each gas when the barometric pressure is 754.1 mm Hg?
a. N2 = 21.1 atm, O2 = 6.5 atm, Ar = 0.3 atm
b. N2 = 78.1 mm Hg, O2 = 21.0 mm Hg, Ar = 0.9 mm Hg
c. N2 = 244 mm Hg, O2 = 244 mm Hg, Ar = 244 mm Hg
d. N2 = 405 mm Hg, O2 = 234 mm Hg, Ar = 293 mm Hg
e. N2 = 589 mm Hg, O2 = 158 mm Hg, Ar = 7 mm Hg
____ 39. Sulfur burns in oxygen with a deep blue flame to produce sulfur dioxide. If 5.85 g S8 and 1.00 atm of O2
completely react in a 5.00 L flask (at 25ºC), determine the partial pressure of SO2 (at 25ºC) and the total
pressure in the flask.

S8(s) + 8O2(g)  8SO2(g)

a. O2 = 0 atm, SO2 = 1.00 atm, total pressure = 1.00 atm

b. O2 = 0.093 atm, SO2 = 0.917 atm, total pressure = 1.00 atm
c. O2 = 0.107 atm, SO2 = 0.893 atm, total pressure = 1.00 atm
d. O2 = 0.855 atm, SO2 = 0.145 atm, total pressure = 1.00 atm
e. O2 = 0.917 atm, SO2 = 0.163 atm, total pressure = 1.08 atm
____ 40. An unknown mass of ammonium perchlorate, NH4ClO4 (117.5 g/mol), is placed in an evacuated 1.00 L flask
and heated to 251ºC. At this temperature the NH4ClO4 decomposes violently. The gaseous products exert a
pressure of 466 mm Hg at 251ºC. What mass of NH4ClO4 was placed in the flask?

2NH4ClO4(s)  N2(g) + Cl2(g) + 2O2(g) + 4H2O(g)

a. 0.149 g
b. 0.419 g
c. 0.682 g
d. 1.67 g
e. 3.19 g
____ 41. Water can be decomposed by electrolysis to hydrogen gas and oxygen gas. What mass of water must
decompose to yield 24.0 L of oxygen gas at 1.00 atm and 25ºC?

2H2O(l)  2H2(g) + O2(g)

a. 11.1 g
b. 17.7 g
c. 23.6 g
d. 35.3 g
e. 70.7 g
____ 42. A mixture of methane and helium is placed in a 2.0 L flask at 27ºC. The partial pressure of CH4 is 0.72 atm
and the partial pressure of helium is 0.22 atm. What is the mole fraction of methane?
a. 0.23
b. 0.29
c. 0.50
d. 0.77
e. 3.5
____ 43. A sample of carbon dioxide is collected over water at 25ºC (vapor pressure H2O(l) = 23.8 mm Hg). The CO2
and water vapor occupy a volume of 1.80 L at a pressure of 783.0 mm Hg. What mass of CO2 is present?
a. 3.23 g
b. 4.40 g
c. 9.02 g
d. 14.7 g
e. 16.3 g
____ 44. A 10.0 L flask is used to collect 0.500 moles of N2 and 0.180 moles of O2 over water at 30ºC. What is the
pressure in the flask? (vapor pressure H2O(l) = 31.8 mm Hg)
a. -30.1 atm
b. 1.15 atm
c. 1.48 atm
d. 1.69 atm
e. 1.73 atm
____ 45. Water can be decomposed by electrolysis to hydrogen gas and oxygen gas. If 2.33 g of water is decomposed
to H2(g) and O2(g) and the gases are collected in a 1.00 L flask over water at 25ºC (vapor pressure H2O(l) =
23.8 mm Hg), what is the pressure in the flask?
a. 3.19 atm
b. 4.71 atm
c. 4.75 atm
d. 4.78 atm
e. 9.52 atm
____ 46. All of the following are properties of gases according to the kinetic theory EXCEPT
a. gases consist of mostly empty space.
b. attractive forces cause gas molecules to collide.
c. gas pressure is caused by collisions of molecules with the container walls.
d. collisions between gas molecules are elastic.
e. gas molecules are in constant motion.
____ 47. At a given temperature, molecules of different gases
a. have the same average kinetic energy of translational motion.
b. have the same average velocity.
c. have the same diameter.
d. have the same density.
e. have identical masses.
____ 48. The average kinetic energy of a gas molecule is
a. directly proportional to its average speed.
b. directly proportional to the square of its mass.
c. directly proportional to the square of its average speed.
d. inversely proportional to its average speed.
e. inversely proportional to the square of its mass.
____ 49. At 25ºC, the average velocity of a hydrogen molecule is 1.92  103 m/s. What is the average velocity of a
nitrogen molecule at the same temperature?
a. 138 m/s
b. 515 m/s
c. 7.16 103 m/s
d. 2.67 104 m/s
e. none of the above
____ 50. At what temperature does O2 have the same average velocity as H2 does at 273 K?
a. 273 K
b. 389 K
c. 498 K
d. 658 K
e. 4.33 103 K
____ 51. If a gas effuses 1.73 times faster than Kr, what is its molar mass?
a. 16.0 g/mol
b. 28.0 g/mol
c. 36.6 g/mol
d. 55.4 g/mol
e. 126.9 g/mol
____ 52. In an experiment, argon is allowed to effuse through a tiny opening into an evacuated 5.00  102 mL flask for
30.0 seconds, at which point the pressure in the flask is found to be 15.0 mm Hg. The experiment is repeated
using an unknown gas at the same temperature and pressure. After 30.0 seconds, the pressure is found to be
47.4 mm Hg. What is the molar mass of the gas?
a. 4.00 g/mol
b. 16.0 g/mol
c. 28.0 g/mol
d. 32.0 g/mol
e. 83.8 g/mol
____ 53. Which conditions will cause the greatest deviation from the ideal gas law?
a. 100 atm and 500 K
b. 100 atm and 10 K
c. 0.001 atm and 500 K
d. 0.001 and 10 K
e. 0.001 and 273 K
____ 54. One way in which real gases differ from ideal gases is that the molecules of a real gas
a. have no kinetic energy.
b. move in curved paths.
c. have no mass.
d. occupy no volume.
e. are attracted to each other.

____ 55. If a reactant loses electrons it is

a. reduced.
b. oxidized.
c. disproportionated.
d. the cathode.
e. a catalyst.
____ 56. The anode is where
a. electrolyte concentrations are lowest.
b. electrolyte concentrations are highest.
c. the Nernst potential is measured.
d. anions are produced.
e. oxidation occurs.
____ 57. All of the following statements concerning voltaic cells are true EXCEPT
a. a voltaic cell consists of two half-cells.
b. a voltaic cell can serve as an energy source.
c. the electrodes in a voltaic cell must be composed of dissimilar metals.
d. the two half-cells in a voltaic cell are connected by a salt bridge.
e. reduction occurs at the cathode in a voltaic cell.
____ 58. The following reaction occurs spontaneously.

Cu2+(aq) + Zn(s)  Cu(s) + Zn2+(aq)

Write the balanced reduction half-reaction.

a. Zn(s) + 2e-  Zn2+(aq)
b. Zn(s)  Zn2+(aq) + 2e-
c. Zn2+(aq) + 2e-  Zn(s)
d. Cu2+(aq) + 2e-  Cu(s)
e. Cu(s) + 2e-  Cu2+(aq)
____ 59. The following reaction occurs spontaneously.

2Al(s) + 6H+(aq)  2Al3+(aq) + 3H2(g)

Write the balanced oxidation half-reaction.

a. Al(s)  Al3+(aq) + 3e-
b. Al3+(aq) + 3e-  Al(s)
c. H2(g)  2H+(aq) + 2e-
d. 2H+(aq) + 2e-  H2(g)
e. 2H+(aq)  H2(g) + 2e-
____ 60. Given the following half-reactions,

Pb(s) + 2I-(aq)  PbI2(s) + 2e-

I2(aq) + 2e-  2I-(aq)

write the balanced overall reaction.

a. Pb(s) + I2(aq) + 2e-  PbI (s) + I-(aq)
b. Pb(s) + I2(aq)  PbI2(s)
c. Pb(s) + Cl2(aq)  Pb2+(aq) + 2I-(aq)
d. 2Pb(s) + 4e-  2PbI(s) + I2(aq)
e. Pb(s) + e- + 2I-(aq)  PbI2(aq)

____ 61. Given the following half-reactions,

2IO3-(aq) + 12H+(aq) + 10e-  I2(s) + 6H2O

Fe2+(aq)  Fe3+(aq) + e-

write the balanced overall reaction.

a. 2IO3-(aq) + Fe2+(aq)  I2(s) + Fe3+(aq)
b. 2IO3-(aq) + 10Fe2+(aq)  I2(s) + 10Fe3+(aq)
c. 2IO3-(aq) + 12H+(aq) + Fe2+(aq)  FeI2(s) + 6H2O
d. 2IO3-(aq) + 12H+(aq) + Fe2+(aq)  I2(s) + Fe3+(aq) + 6H2O
e. 2IO3-(aq) + 12H+(aq) + 10Fe2+(aq)  I2(s) + 10Fe3+(aq) + 6H2O
____ 62. Write a balanced chemical equation for the overall reaction represented below.

Al | Al3+ || Zn | Zn2+

a. 3Zn(s) + 2Al(s)  2Al+(aq) + 3Zn2+(aq)

b. Zn(s) + 2Al+(aq)  2Al(s) + Zn2+(aq)
c. 3Zn2+(aq) + 2Al3+(aq)  2Al(s) + 3Zn(s)
d. 3Zn2+(aq) + 2Al(s)  2Al3+(aq) + 3Zn(s)
e. Zn(s) + Al3+(aq)  Al(s) + Zn2+(aq)
____ 63. Write a balanced chemical equation for the overall reaction represented below.

Pt | Fe2+, Fe3+ || Cl- | AgCl | Ag

a. AgCl(s) + Fe3+(aq) + 2e-  Ag(s) + Fe2+(aq) + Cl-(aq)

b. AgCl(s) + Fe3+(aq)  Ag(s) + Fe2+(aq) + Cl-(aq)
c. AgCl(s) + Fe2+(aq)  Ag(s) + Fe3+(aq) + Cl-(aq)
d. Ag(s) + Fe3+(aq) + Cl-(aq)  AgCl(s) + Fe2+(aq)
e. Ag(s) + Fe2+(aq) + Cl-(aq)  AgCl(s) + Fe3+(aq)
____ 64. Write a balanced chemical equation for the overall reaction represented below.

Cu | Cu2+ || Cl- | Hg2Cl2 | Hg

a. 2Hg(l) + Cu2+(aq) + 2Cl-(aq)  Hg2Cl2(s) + Cu(s)

b. Hg2Cl2(s) + Cu(s)  2Hg(l) + Cu2+(aq) + 2Cl-(aq)
c. Hg2Cl2(s)  2Hg(l) + Cl2(aq)
d. Hg2Cl2(s) + Cu(s)  2Hg(l) + Cu2+(aq) + Cl2(aq)
e. 2Hg(l) + Cl2(aq)  Hg2Cl2(s)
____ 65. What is the correct cell notation for the reaction below?

Cd2+(aq) + Ni(s)  Cd(s) + Ni2+(aq)

a. Cd2+ | Cd || Ni | Ni2+
b. Cd | Cd2+ || Ni2+ | Ni
c. Ni | Ni2+ || Cd2+ | Cd
d. Ni | Cd2+ || Ni2+ | Cd
e. Cd2+ | Cd || Ni | Ni2+
____ 66. What is the correct cell notation for the reaction below?

Cu2+(aq) + 2Ag(s) + 2Cl-(aq)  Cu(s) + 2AgCl(s)

a. Cu | Cu2+ || Cl- | AgCl | Ag

b. Cu | Cu2+ || Cl- | Ag | AgCl
c. Ag | AgCl || Cl- || Cu2+ | Cu
d. AgCl | Ag || Cl- || Cu2+ | Cu
e. Ag | AgCl | Cl- || Cu2+ | Cu

____ 67. Which species is the best oxidizing agent?

a. bromine
b. sodium ion
c. potassium metal
d. fluoride ion
e. carbon dioxide
____ 68. Which species is the best reducing agent?
a. sodium ion
b. sulfide ion
c. chlorine
d. sodium metal
e. silver metal
____ 69. The more __________ is for a species, the stronger the oxidizing strength of the species.
a. voltaic
b. positive
c. dilute
d. negative
e. concentrated
____ 70. The standard reduction potential, , of Zn2+(aq) is -0.762 V. Write the equation for the standard oxidation
potential. What is the value of ?
a. Zn2+(aq) + 2e-  Zn(s) = -0.762
b. Zn2+(aq)  Zn(s) + 2e- = +0.762
c. Zn2+(aq)  Zn(s) + 2e- = -0.762
d. Zn(s) + 2e-  Zn2+(aq) = -0.762
e. Zn(s)  Zn2+(aq) + 2e- = +0.762
____ 71. The standard oxidation potential, , of Cu(s) is -0.339 V. The oxidation product is the copper(II) ion. Write
the equation for the standard reduction potential. What is the value of the standard reduction potential, ?
a. Cu2+(aq)  Cu(s) + 2e- = -0.339 V
b. Cu2+(aq) + 2e-  Cu(s) = +0.339 V
c. Cu(s) + 2e-  Cu2+(aq) = -0.339 V
d. Cu(s)  Cu2+(aq) + 2e- = +0.339 V
e. Cu(s) + 2e-  Cu2+(aq) = +0.339 V
____ 72. Which of the followings species are oxidizing agents: I2, F-,Cr2O72-, Ni, and Li?
a. I2 only
b. I2 and F-
c. I2 and Cr2O72-
d. F-, Ni, and Li
e. Ni and Li
____ 73. Which of the following species are reducing agents: K, H+, MnO4-, Cl2, Sn4+?
a. K only
b. K and Cl2
c. H+ and Sn4+
d. MnO4- and Cl2
e. Cl2 and Sn4+

____ 74. Write the overall chemical reaction and calculate E for the following reduction and oxidation half-reactions.

2H+(aq) + 2e-  H2(g) = 0.000 V

Zn(s)  Zn2+(aq) + 2e- = +0.762 V

a. Zn2+(aq) + H2(g)  Zn(s) + 2H+(aq) Eº = +0.381 V

b. Zn2+(aq) + H2(g)  Zn(s) + 2H+(aq) Eº = -0.762 V
c. Zn(s) + 2H+(aq)  Zn2+(aq) + H2(g) Eº = +0.762 V
d. Zn(s) + 2H (aq)  Zn (aq) + H2(g)
+ 2+
Eº = -0.762 V
e. Zn(s) + 2H+(aq)  Zn2+(aq) + H2(g) Eº = -0.381 V
____ 75. Write the overall chemical reaction and calculate E( for the following reduction and oxidation half-reactions.

Sn4+(aq) + 2e-  Sn2+(aq) = +0.154 V

Al(s)  Al3+(aq) + 3e- = +1.68 V

a. Al(s) + Sn4+(aq)  Al3+(aq) + Sn2+(aq) Eº = -1.83 V

b. 2Al(s) + 3Sn4+(aq)  2Al3+(aq) + 3Sn2+(aq) Eº = +1.83 V
c. 2Al(s) + 3Sn4+(aq)  2Al3+(aq) + 3Sn2+(aq) Eº = -1.83 V
d. 2Al(s) + 3Sn4+(aq)  2Al3+(aq) + 3Sn2+(aq) Eº = -3.82 V
e. 2Al(s) + 3Sn (aq)  2Al (aq) + 3Sn (aq)
4+ 3+ 2+
Eº = -0.305 V
____ 76. Using the reduction half-reactions, write an overall reaction in the direction that is spontaneous. Calculate Eº.

AgI(s) + e-  Ag(s) + I-(aq) = -0.152 V

Co (aq) + e  Co (aq)
3+ - 2+ = +1.953 V

a. Co2+(aq) + AgI(s)  Co3+(aq) + Ag(s) + I-(aq) Eº = -2.105 V

b. Co2+(aq) + Ag(s) + I-(aq)  Co3+(aq) + AgI(s) Eº = -1.801 V
c. Co3+(aq) + Ag(s) + I-(aq)  Co2+(aq) + AgI(s) Eº = +1.801 V
d. Co3+(aq) + Ag(s) + I-(aq)  Co2+(aq) + AgI(s) Eº = +2.105 V
e. Co3+(aq) + AgI(s)  Co2+(aq) + Ag(s) + I-(aq) Eº = -2.105 V
____ 77. Using the reduction half-reactions, write an overall reaction in the direction that it is spontaneous. Calculate

MnO4-(aq) + 8H+(aq) + 5e-  2Mn2+(aq) + 4H2O = +1.512 V

Fe3+(aq) + e-  Fe2+(aq) = +0.769 V

a. 5Fe3+(aq) + Mn2+(aq) + 4H2O  5Fe2+(aq) + MnO4-(aq) + 8H+(aq) Eº = +2.333 V

b. 5Fe2+(aq) + Mn2+(aq) + 4H2O  5Fe3+(aq) + MnO4-(aq) + 8H+(aq) Eº = -0.743 V
c. MnO4-(aq) + 5Fe2+(aq)  Mn2+(aq) + 5Fe3+(aq) Eº = -2.281 V
d. MnO4 (aq) + 8H (aq) + 5Fe (aq)  Mn (aq) + 5Fe (aq) + 4H2O Eº = +0.743 V
- + 2+ 2+ 3+

e. MnO4-(aq) + 8H+(aq) + 5Fe3+(aq)  Mn2+(aq) + 5Fe2+(aq) + 4H2O Eº = +2.281 V

____ 78. The cell voltage, Eº, is __________ for a reaction taking place in a voltaic cell.
a. reductive
b. oxidative
c. negative
d. zero
e. Positive
____ 79. Which of the following half-reactions has been assigned a standard reduction potential of 0.00 V?
a. 2H+(aq) + 2e-  H2(g)
b. Ag+(aq) + e-  Ag(s)
c. Hg2Cl2(s) + 2e-  2Hg(l) + 2Cl-(aq)
d. Au3+(aq) + 3e-  Au(s)
e. Cu2+(aq) + 2e-  Cu(s)

____ 80. Calculate E for an electrochemical cell based on the following overall reaction:

2H+(aq) + Cd(s)  H2(g) + Cd2+(aq)

if (H+) = 0.000 V and (Cd2+) = -0.402 V.
a. -0.402 V
b. -0.201 V
c. 0.000 V
d. +0.201 V
e. +0.402 V
____ 81. Use the standard reduction potentials below to determine which of the following metals can be oxidized by 1
M HCl: Zn, Sn, Cu, and Fe.

Al3+(aq) + 3e-  Al(s) = -1.68 V

Zn2+(aq) + 2e-  Zn(s) = -0.762 V
Sn2+(aq) + 2e-  Sn(s) = -0.141 V
Cu2+(aq) + 2e -  Cu(s) = +0.339 V

a. Al only
b. Cu only
c. Al and Cu
d. Zn and Sn
e. Al, Zn, and Sn
____ 82. Calculate E for an electrochemical cell based on the following overall reaction

2MnO4-(aq) + 16H+(aq) + 10I-(aq)  2Mn2+(aq) + 8H2O + 5I2(s)

if (MnO4-) = +1.512 V and (I2) = +0.534 V.
a. -1.512 V
b. -0.978 V
c. +0.534 V
d. +0.978 V
e. +2.046 V
____ 83. The standard reduction potentials for F2(g) and Br2(l) are +2.889 V and 1.077 V, respectively. Write the
chemical equation and calculate Eº for a voltaic cell based on fluorine and bromine.
a. F2(g) + 2Br-(aq)  2F-(aq) + Br2(g) Eº = +1.812 V
b. F2(g) + Br2(g)  2F-(aq) + 2Br-(aq) Eº = -1.812 V
c. F2(g) + Br2(g)  2F-(aq) + 2Br-(aq) Eº = +1.812 V
d. 2F-(aq) + 2Br-(aq)  F2(g) + Br2(g) Eº = +1.812 V
e. Br2(g) + 2F-(aq)  2Br-(aq) + F2(g) Eº = -1.812 V
____ 84. The overall chemical reaction for the electrolytic decomposition of water is

2H2O  O2(g) + 2H2(g)

What is the reduction half-reaction?

a. 2H+(aq)  H2(g) + 2e-
b. H2(g) + 2OH-(aq) + 2e-  2H2O
c. 2H2O + 2e-  H2(g) + 2OH-(aq)
d. O2(g) + 4H+(aq) + 4e-  2H2O
e. H2O  H2(g) + O2-(aq) + 2e-
____ 85. For a spontaneous reaction, at constant pressure
a. Gº > 0 and Eº > 0.
b. Gº > 0 and Eº < 0.
c. Gº < 0 and Eº > 0.
d. Gº < 0 and Eº < 0.
e. Gº = 0 and Eº = 0.
____ 86. What is the relationship between Gº and Eº?
a. Gº = FEº
b. Gº = -nFEº
Gº =
Gº =
Gº = -

____ 87. What is the relationship between Eº and the equilibrium constant, K?
Eº =
Eº =
c. Eº = RTlnK
d. Eº = -RTlnK
Eº =

____ 88. A voltaic cell is based upon the following overall reaction:

2H+(aq) + Pb(s) + SO42-(aq)  H2(g) + PbSO4(s)

where Eº = +0.356 V. Calculate the equilibrium constant at 25ºC? (R = 8.31 J/K·mol, F = 96480 C/mol e-)
a. 1.3 10-2
b. 7.1 101
c. 3.3 102
d. 1.1 106
e. 1.1 1012
____ 89. A voltaic cell is based upon the following overall reaction:

2Ag+(aq) + Sn(s) 2Ag(s) + Sn2+(aq)

where Eº = +0.940 V. Calculate the equilibrium constant at 25ºC? (R = 8.31 J/K·mol, F = 96480 C/mol e-)
a. 6.1 1012
b. 8.0 1015
c. 1.6 1023
d. 6.5 1031
e. 9.1 1043
____ 90. A voltaic cell is based upon the half-reactions below.

Pb2+(aq) + 2e-  Pb(s) Eº = -0.127 V

Cd2+(aq) + 2e-  Cd(s) Eº = -0.402 V

Calculate the equilibrium constant for the overall chemical reaction at 25ºC. (R = 8.31 J/K·mol, F = 96480
C/mol e-)
a. 1.3 102
b. 4.4 104
c. 2.0 109
d. 3.9 1018
e. 1.3 1021

____ 91. A voltaic cell is based upon the half-reactions below.

Cu2+(aq) + 2e-  Cu(s) Eº = +0.339 V

NO3-(aq) + 4H+(aq) + 3e-  NO(g) + 2H2O Eº = +0.964 V

Calculate the equilibrium constant for the overall chemical reaction at 25ºC. (R = 8.31 J/K·mol, F = 96480
C/mol e-)
a. 1.2 104
b. 3.6 1010
c. 1.3 1021
d. 4.8 1031
e. 2.8 1063
____ 92. Calculate Gº for a voltaic cell with Eº = +0.24 V if the overall reaction involves a 3 electron reduction. (R =
8.31 J/K·mol, F = 96480 C/mol e-)
a. -69 kJ
b. -23 kJ
c. -0.83 kJ
d. + 220 kJ
e. +580 kJ
____ 93. What is the correct form of the Nernst equation?
Eº = E -
E = Eº -
E = Eº -
G = Eº +
Gº = G -

____ 94. In an electrochemical cell, if E > Eº then

a. Q > 1.
b. Q < 1.
c. n = 1.
d. F > 9.648 x 104.
e. the system has reached equilibrium.
____ 95. Calculate E for the following electrochemical cell at 25ºC,

Cu | Cu2+ (0.100 M) || Zn2+ (0.0750 M) | Zn

if Eº (Cu2+) = +0.339 V and Eº (Zn2+) = -0.762 V. (R = 8.31 J/K·mol, F = 96480 C/mol e-)

a. -1.105 V
b. -0.919 V
c. -0.486 V
d. -0.259 V
e. +0.486 V
____ 96. Calculate E for the following electrochemical cell at 25ºC,

Pt | H2(g) (1.0 atm) | H+ (0.010 M) || Ag+ (0.020 M) | Ag

if Eº (H+) = +0.000 V and E° (Ag+) = 0.799 V.

a. +0.275 V
b. +0.799 V
c. +0.817 V
d. +0.911 V
e. +1.01 V

____ 97. A voltaic cell is based upon the half-reactions below.

Pb2+(aq) + 2e-  Pb(s) Eº = -0.127 V

Cd2+(aq) + 2e-  Cd(s) Eº = -0.402 V

Calculate the cell voltage at 25ºC if the [Pb2+] = 1.00 M and [Cd2+] = 0.25 M.
a. 0.188 V
b. 0.257 V
c. 0.275 V
d. 0.293 V
e. 0.332 V
____ 98. What concentration of Ag+ is present in the following electrochemical cell if E = -0.683 V and Eº (Ag+) =
+0.799 V at 25ºC?

Ag | Ag+ (? M) || H+ (1.0 M) | H2 (1.0 atm) | Pt

a. 9.3 10-26 M
b. 8.1 10-4 M
c. 1.1 10-2 M
d. 9.1 10-1 M
e. 9.1 101 M
____ 99. What concentration of H+ must be present at the cathode if E = -0.0330 V for the following electrochemical
cell at 25ºC? (F = 96480 C/mol e-).

Pt | H2 (1.0 atm) | H+ (1.0 M) || H+ (? M) | H2 (1.0 atm) | Pt

a. 0.0056 M
b. 0.078 M
c. 0.11 M
d. 0.18 M
e. 0.28 M
____ 100. Al3+ is reduced to Al(s) at an electrode surface. If a current of 25 amperes is maintained for 8.0 hours, what
mass of aluminum is deposited on the electrode? Assume 100% current efficiency.
a. 0.019 g
b. 2.5 g
c. 44 g
d. 67 g
e. 2.0 102 g
____ 101. What charge (in Coulombs) is required to oxidize 1.0 g of silver to silver(I) ions? (F = 96480 C/mol e-)
a. 1.0 10-5 C
b. 1.1 10-3 C
c. 3.1 10-1 C
d. 6.1 101 C
e. 8.9 102 C
____ 102. An electrolytic cell is used to plate silver from a silver nitrate solution onto an electrode. How much time (in
seconds) is required to deposit 8.0 g of silver if the current is kept constant at 5.0 amperes? Assume 100%
current efficiency. (F = 96480 C/mol e-)
a. 1.7 102 s
b. 1.4 103 s
c. 2.5 104 s
d. 5.9 104 s
e. 2.6 105 s
____ 103. If current is passed in an electrolytic cell containing sodium chloride dissolved in water, what is the product at
the cathode?
a. H+
b. NaCl(s)
c. H2(g)
d. Cl2(g)
e. O2(g)
____ 104. Which of the changes below will increase the voltage of the following cell?

Zn | Zn2+ (0.10 M) || Ag+ (0.10 M) | Ag

a. Reducing the size of the Ag electrode.

b. Increasing the size of the Zn electrode.
c. Increasing the concentration of Zn2+.
d. Answers b and c are correct.
e. None of the above are correct.
Electrochemistry and Gas laws
Answer Section


1. ANS: A
2. ANS: E
3. ANS: B
4. ANS: B
5. ANS: C
6. ANS: D
7. ANS: E
8. ANS: A
9. ANS: C
10. ANS: D
11. ANS: A
12. ANS: C
13. ANS: A
14. ANS: E
15. ANS: B
16. ANS: A
17. ANS: B
18. ANS: D
19. ANS: C
20. ANS: A
21. ANS: C
22. ANS: E
23. ANS: A
24. ANS: B
25. ANS: C
26. ANS: E
27. ANS: E
28. ANS: C
29. ANS: C
30. ANS: D
31. ANS: D
32. ANS: A
33. ANS: B
34. ANS: A
35. ANS: C
36. ANS: D
37. ANS: B
38. ANS: E
39. ANS: C
40. ANS: B
41. ANS: D
42. ANS: D
43. ANS: A
44. ANS: E
45. ANS: D
46. ANS: B
47. ANS: A
48. ANS: C
49. ANS: B
50. ANS: E
51. ANS: B
52. ANS: A
53. ANS: B
54. ANS: E
55. ANS: B
56. ANS: E
57. ANS: C
58. ANS: D
59. ANS: A
60. ANS: B
61. ANS: E
62. ANS: D
63. ANS: C
64. ANS: B
65. ANS: C
66. ANS: E
67. ANS: A
68. ANS: D
69. ANS: B
70. ANS: E
71. ANS: B
72. ANS: C
73. ANS: A
74. ANS: C
75. ANS: B
76. ANS: D
77. ANS: D
78. ANS: E
79. ANS: A
80. ANS: E
81. ANS: E
82. ANS: D
83. ANS: A
84. ANS: C
85. ANS: C
86. ANS: B
87. ANS: A
88. ANS: E
89. ANS: D
90. ANS: C
91. ANS: E
92. ANS: A
93. ANS: B
94. ANS: B
95. ANS: A
96. ANS: C
97. ANS: D
98. ANS: C
99. ANS: E
100. ANS: D
101. ANS: E
102. ANS: B
103. ANS: C
104. ANS: E

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