Blog: Chef Jemichel The Chef-Doctor
Blog: Chef Jemichel The Chef-Doctor
Blog: Chef Jemichel The Chef-Doctor
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Chef Jemichel Says - by chef jem Blog entry 7/28/19, 3:28 AM
Subsequent response finally acknowledged that the Organic Laws were included in the R… Chef … 8 y
teacher training however apparently without any insights! That's understandable because Re: Traditional
Fo… trimn… 8 y
the significant insights have only come about in recent years. Re: "Perhaps
The V… ren 9 y
The "significant insights" are ones that include the most fundamental basis for limited Re: Weston
government. The insight for the "most fundamental basis for limited government" comes Price's… loops…
by understanding proprietary jurisdiction. To know what "proprietary jurisdiction" is 9y
Re: Hunza
requires viewing all four Organic Laws as a whole set and with two phases within that. Babies Chef JeM
This particular "viewing" is uniquely presented by Ed Rivera, by his students and by OLI 9y
subscription readers who have grokked this view. This first level insight that can be easily Re: The China
shared at about the tenth year High School level. Once this insight is gained then it can Study CaitS… 9 y
clear a way for deeper insights (such as presented by Anna Reitz) and that could be All Comments
presented in the eleventh and twelfth year of High School. By the senior year at least
some of the students could be clear enough to actually act on their insights, along with Blog Entries
their understanding and ideally independent research findings whereby they verify to their (12 of 404):
own satisfaction the true nature of much of what is veilded from the general public. Chef Jemichel
Says - 20 mon
Events 20 mon
New light for "an enlightened history" coupled with love for both our collective humanity
Have You Got
and for the truth of self in each individual will enliven the teaching of history and transform "The Magnesium
the learning process as well as the learner. The question is where can this be taught? … 20 mon
......... "If The Kidneys
Could Be Kep…
21 mon
In Gratitude!
Re: "A Toast with
- Frey Wine" 21
*** Is "... Protecting
July 7, 2019 - A comment (that requires "Facebook" to post and this blog-writer doesn't do Farmers a… 22
“Red Salt” 22 mon
Glen Ivy Hot
Thank you dear Luminita for "I Love You"! Springs Resort
22 mon
Self-Love together with Truth of Self plus some form of creativity will do wonders![18] Get a Great
Workout in Less
… 22 mon
Mexican Cuisine
*** 22 mon
June 3, 2019 - Water: Science & Tech with a World Leading Expert - In-Home Self-
Healing Support
24 mon
Plus Chef Jemichel's comment on the transcript of the Robert Slovak interview with Ben
Loosing Weight
Greenfield.[17] Made Easy 24
- mon
All Entries (404)
May 6, 2019 - At: Weston A. Blogs by
chef jem (10):
“Accountability” is deservedly mentioned twice in this article to which I’ll reply. When the Son of Truth of
health and lives of children are at risk because of products that are pushed by Self 53 d (706)
corporations that have infiltrated through the protective services of government – the lack Raw Milk: The
of accountability gets our attention. Something many of us can agree on is that Whole Truth 86
corrections are needed now. What corrections and in what order? No corrections can be d (298)
possible until the People recover their original, sovereign, land & soil-based proprietary Cheeta: Cultivate
self-governing jurisdiction. Only then will the People have al the authority they need to Healing Env… 5
deal with every corporation that comes onto the land & soil of their original state. This mon (57)
recovery has actually begun and simply needs the support of more Americans in every The ’Creme de la
state. Creme’ by Ch…
See: 27 d (49)
[16] My Enchanted
- Garden Onion 4 Page 2 of 8
Chef Jemichel Says - by chef jem Blog entry 7/28/19, 3:28 AM
mon (38)
*** Psyche & Health
March 12, 2019 - Comment on: "Addicted to Food? Increasing Evidence Suggests 9 mon (37)
Compulsive Eating, like Compulsive Drug Use, Is a Brain Disorder."[14] - The U-n-I-Verse
89 d (33)
(with minor edits) - The Whey, The
I suggest a couple additional factors to consider in regards to the topics of obesity, food Truth and The
addiction, etc. L… 6 y (26)
Modern-day processed food contains "ingredients"/chemical elements that have been Nutritional
positively identified as either "addictive" or addictive like. Probably the most impactful of Awarenes… 19
these ingredients is sugar. None of this is mentioned in the above titled paper. mon (20)
Original Truth of
Processed foods most often include refined unsaturated, poly-unsaturated or partially Self 10 y (19)
unsaturated vegetable oils as a substitute for our more traditional saturated animal fats.
Traditional animal fats allowed for a sense of satiation that is not matched by the refined Similar
vegetable oils and most especially not with the varieties like corn, soy and canola, the last Blogs (10 of
two of which come from non-food plants. 185):
Path of my Life
Due to the missing satiation factor many modern-day consumers (especially most all who by Karlin 21 d
rely on "fast foods", "convenient foods", etc,) are perpetually hungry for real complete Whiplash
nourishment. Nutritional deficiency is generally undetected by doctors (as an actual Claims by
caustive or at least as a contributing factor) who reply on pharmaceuticals as their sarahangius 87 d
"medicine" of choice. Identifying the whole spectrum of undernourishment that includes all DhampurGreen -
nutritional deficiencies deserves to be included for a more complete picture on the Best… by
nutritional causes of obesity and so called "food addiction." These insights would naturally Dhampurseo 89
also underscore how undernourishment of the brain can manifest as a "disorder." d
-- Best Jaggery
and It… by
Additional Comment: Dhampurseo 3
With several decades of experience (cross a full spectrum of nutritional states) plus Best Restaurant
additional observations in relation to this subject matter I don't think we really need to Car… by
have obesity analyzed for psychiatric assessment, labeled and codified as if obesity in laspaghettata 4
general is a true brain disorder; especially not before the more fundamental nutritional mon
assessment is made. One of my main citable reference for this perspective is the findings accident claims
of Dr. Weston A. Price[15] who was considered as the "Charles Darwin" of nutrition. man… by
- sarahangius 5
*** Health by
July 6, 2018 - On Consciousness-Based Medicine - morganpfranklin
11 mon
Comment: All Blogs (1,019)
People may generally agree that we can have "awareness of symptoms” – however the Back to blog! Page 3 of 8
Chef Jemichel Says - by chef jem Blog entry 7/28/19, 3:28 AM
additional beliefs that people may have regarding “disease” are most largely implanted by
the medical industry via life-threatening fears of diagnosis that typically result in shock-
conflicts in the patent.
Dr. Hamer (German New Medicine) extensively identified the multitude of origins of (what
he termed) "special biological survival programs" by physiologically tracking the
symptoms to specific shock conflicts that the patient had experienced prior to the onset of
their symptoms. Consciousness in this instance is shifting from the fear of disease to a
new understanding of the innate wisdom throughout the whole body-mind matrix that
responds on a physical level to whatever may appear as a life-threatening impact on the
psyche level. When this consciousness becomes the basis of medicine then there is no
need to diagnose (and no need to give a prognosis) for there is nothing in the body to
correct; only the aftershock of a conflict to resolve (and only if it hasn’t already resolved
November 18, 2018 - "Paper Monsters" -
I find it interesting that a "legal entity" can be created on paper and regarded as a
"person" with - what appears to amount to as - more privileges than are typically granted
to flesh and blood individuals. More so I find it extremely interesting that individuals who
work for these "persons" can feel justified in committing criminal acts (murder as well as a
"laundry list"[12] of many other crimes) under the "color of the law" of the "legal entity". It
underscores the need to "pierce the veils" of "corporate personhood" in order to see each
and every individual/soul of the men and women who manifest the "body" of these
entities. The entity itself is soul-less. In order "to live" it needs real souls. The people who
give their souls to the "legal fiction" that they work for are enabling the crimes against
humanity whether or not they actually participate first hand in the "murdering". They are
all agents of the thing. "Notice to the agent is notice to the principal. Notice to the principal
is notice to the agent."
March 22, 2018 -
Rumi says: "Why struggle to open a door between us when the whole wall is an illusion?"
You most definitely don't have to "struggle" - however consider that there is a "door" for
you to open and this door is called dialogue - even through whatever "wall" might appear
to exist is truly an illusion.
January 27, 2018 - Comment Regarding Government Codes Concerning Private Food
Access Agreements (as presented by the Weston A. Price Foundation) -
Unless an individual understands the Organic Laws (of the United States of America, see
the cover page in the "United States Code" Vol I)[9] they are most likely going to be
vulnerable to making assumptions about the dictates of their government.[7] I’m
reasonably certain that this will more often then not be the case even though the
“Founding Fathers” warned Americans that they had to be vigilant in restraining
government. Unfortunately I have not seen a positive response to many dozens of
comments that have been very kindly offered (by yours truly) pointing to the need to know Page 4 of 8
Chef Jemichel Says - by chef jem Blog entry 7/28/19, 3:28 AM
the Organic Laws and (consequentially) now I am largely refraining from making further
elaborations on the vital difference in perspective between the present-day government
“codes” (i.e. the code of Virginia) and fundamental Law (sometimes referred to just as
“The Constitution” however, and IMO, best understood as the Organic Laws).
I wish this status (of what might at least be agreed upon (by some people) as “silence”)
could be interpreted more positively than how I may appear to judge it however I have a
(sometimes challenging) standing agreement not to make assumptions about others and
yet I wish to respond to yet another indication of governmental overreach that is
repugnant to my core values and especially to the American Spirit that is most definitely
incarnated in me!
I feel obliged to at least give a very brief opening statement on what could possibly
become an introductory prelude to the Organic Laws if interest were ever to be
Any two or more individuals have it as their unalienable Right to make/enter into any
agreement of their choosing not only with impunity but also without incurring any
interference by external government. This is part of the Common Law of America that
actual predates the Organic Laws. The only restraint to this freedom is that the individuals
cause no harm to any other individuals. If this Law, that predates every “code” of every
corporate state, were to be completely understood and adopted the American people
would not suffer the onerous codes of corporate fictions that threaten the livelihoods,
health and well-being of Americans (for the enrichment of government retirement funds
and other off-ledger accounts that are continuously fed by fines and penalties).[8]
Submitted on
November 20, 2017 at 5:33 pm (Eastern)
- ("comment is awaiting
The following comment is in reply to an "alert"[5] sent to members of the Weston A. Price
Foundation and subscribers.
Is it possible to get clear about the Law regarding Federal proprietary jurisdiction limits?
What if the reach of the Department of Health does not Lawfully extend onto the land/s of
the several states of the Union?
Consider the following:
A “Man’s Court case may have cracked open Fraud of D.C. Federal Jurisdiction”. “Federal
Proprietary Jurisdiction Limits” includes all “Acts of Congress”!
We’ve been saying all
along at the Organic Laws Institute (and for years before) that Federal jurisdiction is
limited firstly because it is based on natural proprietary jurisdiction limits of the land, the
territory, the property, etc.[4] A “Man’s Court case may have cracked open Fraud of D.C.
Federal Jurisdiction”![1]
“We are bound to interpret the constitution in the light of the law as it existed at the time it
was adopted,” Mattox v. U.S., 156 U.S. 237, 243 (1895).[2]
“Federal Proprietary Jurisdiction Limits” includes all “Acts of Congress”. I am willing to
research the “Act” that created the Department of Health and prepare a report on that.[6]
In any case –
The written Organic Laws tell us that Federal legislation is positively proprietary based.
That means it’s limited to the territory actually owned by or subject to the exclusive
jurisdiction of the United States of America: Page 5 of 8
Chef Jemichel Says - by chef jem Blog entry 7/28/19, 3:28 AM
I have a number of blogs on this subject matter. This “comment” is excerpted from:
“… Federal Jurisdiction.
The zone of Federal Jurisdiction, where the U.S. Federal Government has exclusive
legislative authority, is within the District of Columbia, Guam, American Samoa, Puerto
Rico and the other American Offshore Territories and possessions, and under admiralty
Law in the territorial waters off the continental coasts, (federal zone) outside of the
territorial waters controlled by the states (state zone waters).
No Federal Legislative Jurisdiction lies within the borders of the 50 States. Federal rules,
laws, and jurisdiction can only be applied within the 50 states borders with written
permission from the state, for designated Federal Forts, Magazines, Interstate
Waterways, and Buildings.”[3]
If “The United States” (as per “this Constitution”) is congruent with the principal of
proprietary-based jurisdiction then what (if any) true Lawful relationship do Americans
have with “this Constitution” if they are not actually in “The United States” or in any legal
arrangement with the United States government?
However, the status of “free inhabitant” is still an option, but one would have to be willing
to let go of personally identifying as a subject (citizen) of the “United States government”
and that may be too much to ask and especially if the Individual is wholly dependent upon
government support.
Just confirmed that the "The Department of Health, Education, and Welfare" (HEW) and
also known as the Health Department is an "Act of Congress"[6] and therefore this
governmental agency is limited by Law (The written Organic Laws) in its jurisdiction to
certain well-defined "territory" and furthermore cannot "regulate you without your
See all these entries and most especially #66 to #70!
[4] “Government bureaucrats rely on your ignorance of the fact that all written law is
limited to a specific subject. For governments, the subject is territory. Thus, Congress
cannot write laws for Japan. Furthermore, Congress cannot write laws to regulate you
without your consent, unless the United States of America owns the property on which
you are located.” – From: What Does The Constitution Say? at Page 6 of 8
Chef Jemichel Says - by chef jem Blog entry 7/28/19, 3:28 AM
[6] "The Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (HEW) was created on April 11,
1953, when Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1953 became effective.":
This is the "Act of Congress" that allowed for the above named "reorganization" of the
executive branch that subsequently included the formation of what we now refer to as the
"Department of Health ...":
Posted at:
[9] March 9, 2018 - Also see the Organic Laws in United States Code:
[10] This Rumi quote was first seen in my network at LinkedIn however I don't find that
particular quote now. (The "wall" must have disappeared! ; ~ )
[15] See: "Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, chapter 19: "Physical, Mental and Moral
Keywords: Page 7 of 8
Chef Jemichel Says - by chef jem Blog entry 7/28/19, 3:28 AM
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