Experimentation On Psi-Chi Interaction: 1 Legal Stuff

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Experimentation on Psi-Chi interaction

Vox Nocti
April 20, 2006
1 Legal Stu
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be reproduced, sold, crunched, stabbed, used as toilet paper, etc, unless Ive given written
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2 Introduction
Hey guys, this article will be a short (or not) report of some experiments DD and I held to
investigate the dierent interactions of Psi with Chi (and visa versa).
The reason why we undertook these experiments was because we found ourselves won-
dering about certain things, like whether or not Psi and Chi were the same frequency of
energy, how both substances reacted to eachother, etc etc. In order to get some empirical
data on this, we decided to spend an afternoon fucking up our energies. Now, the goal of the
experiments was simple, namely nding out how Chi and Psi react to each other in certain
situations. In order to nd this out we set up some straight-to-the-point experiments:
1. Forcibly collapsing Psi and Chi against each other
2. Mixing/Fusing of Psi and Chi
3. Disruption of Chi by Psi and visa versa
4. Interactions of Psi and Chi with the environment.
It is important to realize that these experiments where done using energy from two par-
ties, namely DD and me. Running this experiments with one party (e.g. only yourself) will
yield completely dierent results, a matter I will discuss in the appropriate chapters.
Which might also come in handy is a description of our experiences in energy manipula-
tion , since there are some big dierences between us. DDs main focus is on the manipulation
of Chi. Through years of training, and the inborn ability of sensing and seeing Chi, he has
become really eective in his eld, being able to manipulate large amount of Chi at will.
Although my (Vox Nocti) focus also lies with Chi, I lack years of training compared to DD
and am therefore not as capable at manipulating Chi as he is (although Im getting there).
But next to Chi, Ive also been getting increasingly better in Psi-manipulation, being able
to use PK elds to manipulate certain objects. So for these experiments, it was clear that
DD took on the Chi-side of things, while it focussed myself on the psionic aspects.
1 Legal Stu 1
2 Introduction 2
3 Glossary of Terms 4
4 Experimental Data 5
4.1 Forcibly collapsing Chi and Psi onto each other . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
4.2 Fusing Chi and Psi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
4.3 Disruption of Chi by Psi and visa versa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
4.4 Interactions of Psi and Chi with the environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
5 The Frequency Discussion 8
6 Conclusion 9
Glossary of Terms
3 Glossary of Terms
Chi (Taken from DarkDucks Qi Gong Books 1-3, which Im sure he doesnt mind) Chi
(also spelled as Qi (Chinese) or Ki (Japanese)) is the Life Force Energy. It is the energy that
courses through every living thing, but cannot be picked up by any of our regular senses.
Construct A conceptual structure which gives form and properties to psi energy, through
which psi energy ows, and which manifests the intent of the psion.
Dierent Frequencies Theory The hypothesis that Chi and Psi are energies with seper-
ate, distinct frequency domains, i.e. they can be viewed at being dierent energies.
Frequency (in this case) A value given to the vibration of an certain energy type (e.g.,The
frequency Chi is said to be 150Mhz). Since quantatizing the vibrations given of by energy
like Psi and Chi has a HUGE error margin, i.e. lack of a reference point makes it an arbitrary
number, a frequency is mostly not a number, but the feel of a certain energy. This feeling
can be compared to other energies, and can thus be said to have a lower or higher frequency.
Psi 1. Mental abilities which interact with the physical world without the use of the ve
senses or the physical body. 2. Of or pertaining to these abilities. 3. The energy used to
perform these abilities. For this article, we make use of the third part of the denition.
Programming Giving a Psi construct its shape and function.
Same Energy Theory The hypothesis that Chi and Psi are actually the same energy, and
the dierent eects of Chi (body functioning and stu like that) and Psi (PK, TP, whatever)
are due to way this energy is used.
Sensing The act of using extra-sensory-perception to collect information , in our case of
the energies themselves (feeling the energy).
As dened by Koboks Glossary of Psi Terms, taken with permission
Experimental Data
4 Experimental Data
4.1 Forcibly collapsing Chi and Psi onto each other
None. We were simply interested at the chain of events taking place on collision of Chi and
After creating both a Chi (DD) and Psi (Vox) eld around our hands, we look at the eects
of putting those eld against each other, while trying to knock the energy through the others
energy eld.
At low concentrations of Chi, Psi goes straight through the Chi eld (zapping DD while
its at it) like its not even there, heavily disrupting the Chi eld in the progress. A strong
diusion of Chi takes places around the trajectory of the Psi. At a medium concentration
of Chi however, crashing rst appears at the point of impact. This crashing can best be
seen as sudden repulsion and subsequent diusion of the Chi and Psi particles. Psi however
ultimately seeps past this collision point, and kind of crawls over the Chi eld, like a hand
gripping a basketball. At very high concentrations of Chi however, Psi is unable to maintain
its trajectory, and is swiftly deected from the Chi eld. Furthermore, at every concentra-
tion except the very high ones, Psi seems to be coherent c.q. solid for a longer time than Chi.
Preforming this experiment with one source, e.g. yourself, would cause the same eect.
What these results show us is that Psi has a somewhat more coherent, rigid and solid state in
respect to Chi. Because of that rigid state, Psi is highly eective against low-concentration
Chi elds, but looses tremendously to high-concentration Chi elds. The most tting analogy
is that of a rock in a river. When the river has got a low current, the water splashes apart
against the rock, but with a strong current, the rock gets dragged along with the water, and
Experimental Data
4.2 Fusing Chi and Psi
If Chi and Psi are the same energies, and of somewhat the same frequency, they will
blend/fuse into each other upon contact, creating a homologue energy eld of an inter-
mediate frequency, i.e. a frequency being between both energies.
Creation of an Chi eld formed like a ball (for nostalgic reasons ;-) with the intent of fus-
ing/blending with any incoming energy, followed by the insertion of Psi programmed to fuse
with the Chi eld.
A sphere-like form consisting of chunks of Psi and Chi, like the emulsion which appears
when mixing oil and water. No sensible form of actual fusing seemed to take place, although
the mixture as a whole appeared to have become a bit more energetically viscous. Pre-
forming this experiment on your own will cause a somewhat better mixture of Psi and Chi,
since the intentions from both energies are from the same source (and therefore have the
same strength and same general direction).
The outcome of this experiment leads to the thought that although Psi and Chi are seemingly
unable to fuse, they do exert an attractive force on each other, but only because theyre
intended/programmed to do so. Lack of this intention would lead to results seen in the next
Experimental Data
4.3 Disruption of Chi by Psi and visa versa
None, due to lack of information available on this subject,i.e. there is little written data on
the subject of Psi-Chi disruptions.
After creating an Chi eld in the form of a ball (DD:A ball. . . again. . . ?), Vox will try to
disrupt the Chi eld with a Psi construct focussed only on self-sustainment and disrupting
of the Chi eld. Likewise, Vox will form a Psi eld focussed on self-sustainment and staying
coherent, which DD will then try to disrupt with Chi.
Immediately at insertion of the Psi construct, the Chi eld of DD ,quote-unquote ;-), blew
up, meaning the Chi was suddenly and immediately repelled from the construct. This eect
lasted for as long as the construct was in place, whether new Chi was added to the eld or
not. The visa-versa experiment had some dierent eects. Although the Psi eld (which
had a triangle form) eventually disintegrated and was diused away, it took considerable
amounts of Chi to take it apart. Chi insertion at both sides of the construct (squishing the
construct together)proved to be the most eective method. Redoing the experiment with
a Psi construct which lacked the intent of disrupting yielded the same eects as described
above, but with a lesser force.
Repeating this experiment on your own can prove to be an impractical task (although it
is possible, e.g. by putting a construct on a table). It will expectedly lead to the same results.
These experiments show us, that Psi is a more compact energy than Chi, and hence ef-
fective against Chi concentrations of less to slightly more amount. At higher concentrations
of Chi, Psi loses to Chi, at least partially because the fact that the Psi eld has a small
surface so that theres a lot of Chi pressuring on it per cm
The Frequency Discussion
4.4 Interactions of Psi and Chi with the environment
Via the results of the previous experiments, the thought rises that Psi will stay in a more
coherent shape than Chi.
Just general messing with Psi and Chi, most notably by building same-shaped objects with
both energies, followed by registering what happens to them.
In all cases, the Chi objects would dissolve reasonably quickly, whereas the Psi constructs/forms
would stay in their shape indenitely (if only DD would stop messing with them...)
Doing this with one source would yield exactly the same results.
The completely dierent reactions to a normal environment strongly indicate that Psi and
Chi are fundamentally dierent in energetic make-up and can therefore be considered com-
pletely dierent types of energies.
5 The Frequency Discussion
What all these experiments have shown us is that Psi and Chi react on each other and the
environment in a way you wouldnt expect when following the same-energy-theory. The
dierence in behavior and appearance between the energies is just too big to even assume
they might be related.
During the course of our experiments, we also noticed that DD, who took on the Chi-
side of the experiments, was unable to sense Psi. He just didnt see, feel or sense it, unless
it literally slapped him in the face. Knowing DDs inborn sensitivity to all variations and
frequencies of Chi and the fact that ,although he can manipulate Chi any which way he
wants, he was unable to generate and use even the slightest amount of Psi, we deducted that
Psi must be an energy with a frequency well out of the range at which Chi operates, and
can therefore be called an other type of energy. Although this of course cant be proven,
its a strong, if not somewhat biased (only tested at one strong Chi-manipulator), nudge to
The only counter-argument weve found against the dierent-frequencies-theory, although
we havent encountered the phenomenon in our experiments, is that Chi seems to be con-
versable into Psi. Compressing loads and loads of Chi usually seems to produce a small
amount of Psi. We however thinks its not really produced but is actually a product of
your willpower. Focussing that much on turning Chi into Psi would eventually trigger the
The Frequency Discussion
proper response to /textitrelease Psi at the spot of the so-called creation, so that it appears
to come out of the Chi eld. The lack of fusing between Chi and Psi also supports this point
of view.
6 Conclusion
So there you have it, four experiments done at the most scientic method obtainable without
using powerful measuring devices, all pointing to the fact that Psi and Chi are dierent
energies. Although anyone can of course claim this were only subjective experiments, colored
by our own thoughts and memes. I could counter that argument with the fact that we had
completely dierent ideas about what would happen in comparison to what DID happen, but
the thing is that all energy-related work is ,in at least a small way, subjective. We only tried
to be as objective as humanly possible, and I think weve succeeded in that. As a closure, I
would like to say that we hope this article will seed the beginning of a lot of discussion on
this subject, and we encourage you to repeat these experiments.
Yours Truly,
Vox Nocti

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