Background of The Study
Background of The Study
Background of The Study
The rise in the use of the internet has led in many changes in our daily life. In
particular, this rise has also led to the rise of online gaming. Most of the time, online
gaming refers to the video games played over the internet, where multiple players are in
connection. The players should have proper internet or data to be played properly.
Games can easily find opponents of a similar skill level when playing a head-to-
head game over the internet. Players can also compete in massively multiplayer games,
Today, one can see the impact of computer and video games in politics, television,
popular music and Hollywood. A lot of research conducted to study its effect on lifestyle
behavior of the wow power leveling gamer especially students. However, computers and
video games also received much more negative critics because games showed on
Everyone who plays online games has a different reason for playing, and the usage
of the game leads to different effect for each individual. Video games maybe therapeutic
for some people, but the small amount of people who are negatively affected by gaming
Problem Statement
The problem of this study is the students spent so mush time in playing online
games. To resolve this study is the students will have limited time to play online games.
The purpose of the study is the students will lessen what would be the effect of
playing games. To learn and limit their time in playing online games than doing their
This study will be valuable and significant to students, parents, readers, and
future researchers.
Students. This study is primarily important of the students, for it will give them
information about the impacts they may get from online gaming.
Parents. This study will help the parents to have enough knowledge about the
Readers. This study will help the readers to have the understanding about the
Teachers. This study will provide additional knowledge on what strategy to use
to educate students about the well-known effects of online gaming to students academic
Community. This study will help the community to specify and to understand
Research Questions
Research Hypothesis
Not all the time the respondents affects their academic performance and behavior
when they are playing online games because they no how to limit and balance their time
Identification of Variables
This study will only focus to the students who are playing online games. This
study will conduct to the senior high and junior high students in Sacred Heart Diocesan
School, Inc. Located at the Camagong St., Molave Zamboanga del Sur.