Effects of Online Game
Effects of Online Game
Effects of Online Game
Oxford dictionary (2014) defined effect as a change that is a result or consequence of an action or other cause while
Cambridge dictionary (2014) defined effect as the result of a particular influence. The definition of addiction according
to the Oxford dictionary (2014) is the fact or condition of being addicted to a particular substance or activity. Other
definition defined addiction as the state of being enslaved to a habit or practice or to something that is psychologically
or physically habit-forming, as narcotics, to such an extent that its cessation causes severe trauma. Online video game is
defined as a video game played over some form of computer network. This network is usually the internet or equivalent
technology, but games have always used whatever technology was current for example modems before the Internet,
and hard wired terminals before modems. Online gaming is also a technology rather than a genre that it is a mechanism
for connecting players together rather than a particular pattern of game play.In this new era of technology, online
gaming has become more popular among teenager as it can be played whether on smartphone, tablet or computer. As it
become accessible almost anywhere at any time, all range of age are now possible to be addicted into playing online
video game which at the end of the day they become less care about themselves, their performance at school or
workplace and their social life. In addition to that, player can also now access their game progress anywhere they went
as most of the online gaming nowadays enable player to store and save their data on cloud storage. Several types of
online gaming are massively multiplayer online games (MMOGs) and massively multiplayer online role-playing game
(MMORPGs) which involves millions player playing the game at the same time. Online game are now also come in many
genre such as action, adventure, simulator and many more. Some of the online gaming that are popular among
teenagers nowadays is Dota, Clash of Clan and Hay Day. The total of daily active player in Dota 2 is 800, 000 concurrent
users and almost 8.5 million users have registered in Clash of Clan and also Hay Day combined. There are actually several
cases involve a teen die while playing online game in China and as a result their government has built a facility where
parent can send their children to overcome online gaming addiction.
Some claimed that playing online gaming is one way to release stress and fill your free time. While some said that too
much game can affect one's mind and attitude. For example, people who play games are constantly feeling tired. When
someone is more likely to spend more time in playing online game, some of them may end up with being addicted to it.
Friends and surrounding environment plays a big part in influencing us towards playing online game as the city with
better internet connection and easy access to computer will make it easier for the people to gain the access to online
game. In addition to that, some of the games developers today try to gain profit by create a system where the players
must use their real money to help them doing mission.
There is several significance from the research that have been conducted which is to overcome all the problem that arise
among the gamers from becoming more worst in the future;
The internet is now possible to be accessed in throughout the world and it has opens up a whole other world, the world
that most of us spend hours and hours browsing whether weekly or daily. Using internet, it gives us access to network
that provide faster services such as email, chat rooms, webs and also playing video game is now possible via online.
From the rapid growth of internet connection, there are some of the problem that exists and some of them are:
It became a phenomenon in our surrounding which people nowadays are too focusing with their gadget playing online
games rather than chatting with others.
It can be neither men nor female students can be affected with the existence of online video game.
With the advance technology nowadays, people are getting easy to do anything such as playing video game via online.
To recognize the potential online video game addiction symptoms among the students based on the data collected from
the study.
Online gaming is popular among teenager now days and people often get addicted when playing online video games.
Based from the observation, the effect of online gaming will be the core of the researchers’ research. The researchers
would like to monitor the behavior of the respondent which is the students of Universiti Selangor (UNISEL) Shah Alam.
For example, how often do they play online games and how is their sleeping pattern and to find out whether is there any
way that their health condition could be affected by playing online video game. Their relationship with family and
friends is another thing to could look at. Are they communicating between one another? Just what drove them to online
gaming and the financial they put into it. When choosing a game, are they certain factors to look at and the platform to
use when online gaming. These will our guide in the research.
The scope of this study will include addiction and effect of online game. The study will be conducted through a specific
time of October 2014 – November 2014. The targeted respondents of this research are the university’s student from the
age of 18 to 24 years old. The respondents of this research are specifically student that only play online game. They are
the students of Diploma and Degree in Shah Alam Campus.
There are many theories that can be related with this research. One of the theories that can be used to help us on
learning the behaviour of students in UNISEL Shah Alam towards online video game is behavioural change theories
which used to explain why the humans’ behaviours change. These theories claimed that personal, behavioural
characteristics and environmental as the main factors in behavioural determination. The interest of these theories has
been increased in the application in daily life such as in the areas of health, education, criminology, energy and
international development. This theory is important in this research to prove whether people change their behaviour is
because of their environment, their education level or other factor? This theory is also expected to explain the effect of
online video games had towards the life of the students in UNISEL Shah Alam. John B. Watson (1913) said that
behaviours can be measured, trained, and changed. Behaviourism, also known as behavioural psychology, is a theory of
learning based upon the idea that all behaviours are acquired through conditioning. Conditioning occurs through
interaction with the environment. Behaviourists believe that our responses to environmental stimuli shape our
behaviours. The researcher can relate this phenomenon with the respondent background such as from where they come
from whether from rural area or from urban area. This is important in this research because the researcher want to find
out whether respondents environment will affect their behaviour toward online game.
Some of us may make a statement that addiction of playing video game is one of the modern- day psychological
disorders and some of us are disagree with that statement. Based on the research done by the America Psychiatrist
Association (APA) in May 2003 conclude that addiction of playing video game is not mental disorder due to the
insufficient evidence to include it as an official mental disorder. However, proposed criteria for "Internet Gaming
Disorder" are included in Section 3, Conditions for Further Study. While Internet Gaming Disorder is proposed as a
disorder, it is still discussed how much this disorder is caused by the gaming activity itself, or whether it is to some
extent an effect of other disorders. Research suggests that excessive online gaming may in extreme cases lead to
symptoms commonly experienced by substance addicts, namely salience, mood modification, craving, and tolerance
majority of their respondent that is teenagers in Taiwan showed strong interests in role- playing of online game, in
which they often do things that they dare not to do in real life. This is believed due to the fact that in an anonymous
environment, online game players tend to use their nickname rather than their real. In their paper, they also conclude
that those who are addicted to the Internet might attempt to escape from the limitations brought by real life in order to
obtain the space for survival and security. In addition to that, their research also indicates that online gaming brings an
anonymous environment with lower public self-awareness, and allows players to stop concentrating on the self-
consciousness in order to prevent becoming overly- worried about what other people would judge the way they act in
front of others. At the conscious level addicted players might seek self- presentation in an anonymous, relaxing, and
secure space but unconsciously, they might actually have an unsatisfied need for self-presentation due to their poor self-
image in real life. In research done to understand the Generations Online in 2009 by Sydney Jones and Susannah Fox
(2009), they explained that generation Y is a young adults generally 18- 32 years old who grew up in the Information Age
and they also be dubbed as the ‘Net Generation’. But, while these “digital natives” may be savvier with their gadgets and
more keen on new uses of technology, their elders in Generation X, the Baby Boomers and older generations tend to
dominate internet use in other areas. In their research they claimed that the most groups of age to use the internet for
entertainment and for communicating with friends and family is the teens and generation Y. They are more likely to seek
entertainment through online videos, online games and many more. These groups of age are also more likely than older
users to read other people’s blogs and to write their own, as they like to use social networking sites and to create
profiles on those sites. Younger internet users are often to use personal blogs to update friends on their lives, and they
use social networking sites to keep track of and communicate with friends. From the survey they make, they conclude
that teen internet users’ favorite online activity is game playing which is 78% of 12- 17 year old internet users play
games online, compared with 73% of online teens who email, the second most popular activity for this age group. Online
teens are also significantly more likely to play games than any other generation, including Generation Y, only half (50%)
of whom play online games. This research shows that most of the internet user nowadays spends their time online with
playing online video game. In other study done by Eun Joo Kim, Kee Namkoong, Taeyun Ku and Se Joo Kim (2008), they
want to investigate the connection between online game addiction and self-control, aggression and narcissistic
personality traits, which are known as the psychological characteristics linked to “at-risk” populations for online games
addiction, whereas self-control is negatively correlated with online game addiction. In addition, a multiple regression
analysis revealed that the extent of online game addiction could be predicted based on the person's narcissistic
personality traits, aggression, self-control, interpersonal relationship, and occupation. However, only 20% of the
variance in behavioral consequences was explained with the model. Based on their study, they suggest that certain
psychological characteristics such as aggression, self-control, and narcissistic personality traits may predispose some
individuals to become addicted to online games. This result will deepen our understanding of the “at-risk” population for
online game addiction and provide basic information that can contribute to developing a prevention program for people
who are addicted to online games. Dongseong Choi and Jinwoo Kim in 2004 propose that theoretical model using the
concepts of customer loyalty, flow, personal interaction and social interaction to explain why people continue to play
online network games. The study then conducts a large-scale survey to validate the model. Finally, it analyzes current
online games to identify design features that are closely related to the theoretical concepts. The results indicate that
people continue to play online games if they have optimal experiences while playing the games. This optimal experience
can be attained if the player has effective personal interaction with the system or pleasant social interactions with other
people connected to the Internet. Personal interaction can be facilitated by providing appropriate goals, operators and
feedback; social interaction can be facilitated through appropriate communication places and tools. This paper ends
with the implications of applying the study results to other domains such as e-commerce and cyber communities. Some
researchers claim that teenagers choose online gaming as a way or method to cope with daily problem and stress.
Online gaming can also become a dysfunctional media-focused coping strategy (Thalemann, 2009). It is reported that
this is similar to how teenagers react towards frustration and stresses (Wölfling, Thalemann, & Grüsser, 2008). For
example, problematic gamers will indeed show off emotions like anger, depression and frustration. But it’s not all bad,
problematic gamers can show positive emotions depending on the outcome of the game. This seems particularly
problematic because those teenagers who play online games excessively are likely to develop a healthy lifestyle because
they are constantly playing online games instead of occupying themselves with school, friends and family. Therefore,
their Therefore, their psychosocial development may be significantly impaired. The consistent blocking out of and
passive coping with stressful experiences is a strategy that may be successful in the short-term. However, from a long-
term perspective, it may not work quite as well and could have deadly consequences. In this case, it appears more likely
that once new stressors appear, teenagers continue to use escapist and media-focused coping mechanisms. In United
Kingdom, the research done by David Rudd (2011)stated that the addiction in playing online game is believed to drive
someone to extreme circumstances so much so that from some evidence demonstrated parents tend to believe that
their child is in a position where their health and future is a worry. While the health could be an issue due to lack of
exercise but failing to adhere to education and lack of future job prospects has no strong solid evidence to indicate this
is a true thus have no findings about the matter. Other than that, social networking sites like Facebook have a good
history of allowing young people to gain information and access to various other educational idea’s and games that have
some underlying educational traits that may or may not be meant to be viewed like that but me personally to use a
game like Farmville to give any sort of educational foothold for a young person would not be of importance as could we
honestly say that what you could give to a young person in that time wouldn’t be better spent giving them a proper
foundation for understanding.
Using World of Warcraft (WoW) as an example, David Rudd said that WoW is designed to gives a very vast gaming
experience but at the same time making sure the gamer has continuous content to take part in to keep the gamer
played their game. Lastly, from the aspect social of the game, it is a very addictive part of the game with being able to
alwaysfind a “guild” that is of similar strength, ability and direction as the young person themselves so thus will keep the
player coming back to even chat to virtual friends within the game.Based on the literature review that has been done,
this paper will find out what is the attitude of UNISEL’s student had towards online game and to investigate the reason
why they play online game. It ishypothesized that those who are spend more time playing online video game will be
addicted and affect their lifestyle.
As this research purpose is to understand the behavior and attitude of the students in UNISEL Shah Alam towards online
game, the researcher have decided to use qualitative research method to collect and analyze the data received.
According to the Qualitative Research Consultants Association (QRCA) website, qualitative research is designed to reveal
the respondent’s range of behavior and the perceptions that drive it with reference to specific topics or issues. Thus by
using qualitative research method, the researcher wanted to find out the attitude and behavior of the students who are
playing online video game. The reason why the researcher not using quantitative research method is because this
research is not to find out how many but to know what, why and how the phenomena occur.
Questionnaire containing questions about the respondent demography, experience in playing online video game and
several other aspects are being asked in order to achieve the goal of this research. The data collected will be primarily
for those who are playing online video game only as this research is to find out the effect of online video game in
students daily life. As the population sample for the whole population in UNISEL Shah Alam, a total of 40 students of
UNISEL Shah Alam will be picked randomly by the researcher to answer the questionnaire. A total of 40 questionnaires
will be distributed from November 6, 2014 until November 13, 2014. The research instrument that will be used by the
researcher is survey paper or questionnaire and also observation. The researcher chooses survey paper than online
survey due to the fact that people may be more likely to fill in paper surveys than online surveys. The data collection is
estimated to be done on October 30, 2014. The data that the researchers obtained will be analyzed on November 14,
2014 until November 26, 2014. The researcher will be using Microsoft Excel to process the data and the finding will be
presented and explained in percentage, charts and also table. The researcher will be also explaining the findings from
the observations that have been done.
On November 6, 2014 until November 13, 2014, located in UNISEL Shah Alam campus area, the researcher has
distributed a total of 40 questionnaires to 40 respondents. The respondent was picked anonymously and they were
asked to answer all the question in the questionnaire that was gave to them. Out of 40 respondents, 6 of them are
admitted that they never played an online video game. Thus the researchers only choose to use the data collected from
34 respondents.
Male Female
The pic chart above showed the gender of the respondent that the researcher received. Total of 62% or 21 of the
respondent are male while 38% or 13 of them is female.
o% Age
Among 34 of the respondents, 15 (44%) of them are in the age of 21 – 24 years old while none of them are above 25
years old. Majority of the respondent are from the age range of 18 – 20 years old.
Gadget Owned
The questionnaire also asked the respondents to choose which gadgets that they owned and they allow to choose more
than gadget. As a result, most of the respondent which is 51% of them owned handphone followed by computer which
owned by 36% of the respondents and only 13% of the respondents owned a tablet.
Have Internet Access at Home
9% Yes
The researcher also asked the respondents in the questionnaire whether they have access to the internet at
home or not and most of the respondents which is 91% of them answered yes while the remaining 9% of them
answered no.
1-5 y/o
6-12 y/o
41% 53%
13-20 y/o
>21 y/o
The last question in the questionnaire that was asked by the researcher to the respondents are the age when
they was exposed to the internet. There was 3% of the respondents answered between 1-5 years old and
other 3% of the respondent answered they were exposed to internet when their age is above 21 years old. A
total of 53% answered between the age of 6-12 years old and 41% of them answered the age between 13-20
years old.
There are several parts in the question that have been asked by the researcher and one of it is the experience
of the gamers about the online game. The first question on this part is to get know whether the respondents
are playing video games or not
No 0
Based on the table above, the feedback that the researchers get back from the respondents
are positively they play online video games which is totally 100 % of the respondents.
2. What gadget do you use to play online video game?
Computer 18
Hand phone 27
Tablet 6
Other than that, the researcher would like to know what gadget they normally used to p[lay
online video games and there are 3 options for the researcher to choose which they can
answer more than one of the option. Hand phone is the highest vote which is 53 %
respondents answered. Another two gadgets are computer and tablet which a few used is
tablet which is 12 % while 35 % are using computer.
Besides that, the researcher also asked about how many online games that the respondents play currently.
Majority of the respondents are play 1-2 games which are 62 % following the smallest answer 5-6 games got of 6
% and more than 7 games are zero. The rest are the 3-4 games which is 32 % answered.
Morning 5
Afternoon 11
Night 29
Midnight 20
The researcher also asked when the respondents playing the online video game that have four option. From
the feedback that researchers receives, the highest is night which is 44 % Followed by midnight which is 31 % .
in the afternoon there are 17 % and in the morning there are 8 % of respondents.
Alone 20
Friend 14
As shown in the table above, it is two type of the gamers either they would like to play alone or with friends.
From the answer given by the respondents, 59 % prefer playing alone and 41 % with friends.
Health Issue
In this part, the question is about health issue. It is to survey whether the gamers are practice a healthy lifestyle or not.
From the table above the researcher was asking whether the respondent ever stay up just to play online video game or
not and surprisingly the answer yes is majority which is 22 answer or 65% of them. This show one of unhealthy lifestyle
that is not good to our life. The amount of no’s in this question is 12 or 35% of the respondent.
2. Do you hold off going to the toilet when you are playing online video game?
Yes 20
No 14
Other than that, the researcher also asked them whether they hold off going to the toilet or not when they are playing
game. There are 20 or 59% of them are answer yes following with answer no is about 14 or 41% of them. This is also not
good for our health which may harm our urinary bladder system.
Besides that, the researcher also asked them about their meals taken. Have some of the gamers will skip their
meals just to concentrate with their game or will finish their game before take a meals. This is also one of the
unhealthy habits that will make our body feel tired because lack of energy from foods. From the abswer given,
56% answered no while 44% of them answered yes. Although the aswer yes is less than no, it is still a big
number that we need to take seriously.
Lastly before a narrative question in this part, the researcher would like to know whether the respondents feel dizzy or
not while playing the online video game. The result shows the respondents that answer no is about 25 or 74% while
answer yes is only 9 or 26% of them. Thus, this shows that the dizzy problem no needs to be worry because less of them
feel that during playing game.
5. What do you feel when you lose in the online video game?
Positive Response 3
Negative Response 31
For this question, the researcher has collect variety of data from the 34 respondents. Hence, the researcher has divided
the data into 2 classes there are positive and negative group.
The first group which is negative group are consist of any answer that described the respondent as sad, frustrated,
depressed, emotional nor angry until they become more aggressive. From the data that has been collected, the
researcher find out that most of the respondent, which is totally 23 people did not happy when they lose the game.
When they losing, the respondent tend to do something bad such as scold or beat people around them. The second
group which is positive groups has totally 11 of respondents. These respondents stated that they didn’t feel any sort of
negative feeling such as angry or stress if they lose in the online games. Otherwise, the respondent claimed that they
don’t really mind to start over because they enjoy and having fun playing these online games.
In order to understand more on how online video game affect the students, the researcher have done several
observation. A total of 2 anonymously respondent were chosen by the researchers and the respondents were not aware
that they were being observed to help the researchers obtain unbiased result. The researchers chooses their
respondents randomly and they approach the respondents to become friends so that the researchers will be able obtain
a more data later.
The first respondent was a male, 20 years old and a student of Diploma of Communication and Media. In order to
observe the respondent frequently, the researcher has
respondent from the same class with the researcher. The respondent owned a computer and also hand phone and most
of time, the respondent will always bring his hand phone when hanging out. The duration of the observation is in 15
days and each day the researcher spend 4 hour to observe the respondent. During 60 hour of observation, the
respondent was seen playing online video game majority of the time especially during free time at the café. The
respondent is more likely to play online video game in his hand phone rather than his computer due to the fact that
hand phone is more easy to carry around nowadays. In most of the classes, the respondent was seen playing online
video game in his hand phone although there is a lecturer teaching in the class. The attention of the student when in the
class is mostly disrupted by the online video game that the respondent played on his hand phone. When having a lunch
at the university café, the respondent more likely spend most of his time playing online video game after finishing his
food rather than talking or chatting with his friend. Not only the respondent, the researcher also seen almost all the
students in the café using their hand phone rather than socializing with others. This suggests that students nowadays
become more anti-social as they more prefer using their hand phone than socializing with each other. It is a common
that every class that was held in the morning, the respondent will be coming late to the class and the respondent will tell
the lecturer that he is overslept when being asked by the lecturer. When it come to the assignment or task that need to
be done by the respondent, the respondent will always late submitting it to the lecturer. In order to know why this
happen, the researcher has interviewed one of the respondent housemate that was also a friend to the respondent.
After interviewing the respondent housemate, the researcher found out that the respondent usually plays online video
game in his hand phone until mid-night. The respondent also actively play online video game in his computer and
according to the respondent housemate, respondent always go to sleep only when it around 5.00 o'clock in the morning
until 8.00 o'clock in the morning. The researcher also found out that the respondent spend most of his time inside the
house playing online video game rather then hangout with his housemates. Online video game and ignoring his
housemate, it has turns him to anti-social and thus damages their relationship slowly. Respondent also always skipping
class due to the reason he is having migraines and it is not surprising to the researcher as according to the study,
someone who plays video games for long hour is easier to get migraines because of the intense concentration required
and the strain put on the eyes. Other than migraines, respondent was also reported complaining about back pain. This
condition is known as musculoskeletal symptoms. A study involving musculoskeletal symptoms and the use of
computers among adolescents Finland confirmed the association between musculoskeletal symptoms and the use of
computers. This study claims that the use of a computer every day for 2 hours or more to increase the risk for pain at
the site of the most anatomy such as back pain.
Other than that, the researcher also able to observe on how the respondents react when he is losing in the online video
game that he played. The respondent sometime was seen angry and scolding his teammate which is also his classmate
when he is playing online video game with his friends. When someone disturb or calling his name while he is playing
online video game, the respondent will either get angry or ignore the people that call him. Overall, the researcher
conclude that online video game has effect t the life of the respondent based on his relationship with others, his mental
state, his healthy and also disrupting his attention when in classes.
From 1 September – 31 October, the researchers has made an observation to study and understand more about impact
of online video games. The respondent that has been chosen is 1 of the Unisel’s student. The researcher use Covert
Observational methods in this research, because by use this methods they can see their respondent’s behavior or action
naturally from a distance. The observation process usually started from evening until night.
The respondent that has been choosen was 23 years old, he is Arau Perlis.He plays different types of online video game
such as Clash of Clan, Fun Run, and Candy Crush. These games can be easily downloaded by using smartphone, tablet
and many more. In this observation, the respondent use laptop and smartphone as his platform to play online video
games. Majority of online video games nowadays requires internet to allow people plays together. Besides that, most of
the creator gain profits by create a system where player spend their money to buy something that will give an
advantaged in the games. Playing online video games can be costly. The respondent must pay for internet and of course
electricity bill. From a research, people that play online video games frequently and spend more than 4 hours per day
may have a health problem. From this observation, the respondent has several health issues. One of the health issues
are the respondent usually have a headache especially at the morning due to lack of sleeps. He also can’t focus very well
during classes. This may effects his performance and exam result. The respondent also has an eyes strain because they
keep staring the screen at the same distance point for a long period. The respondent’s vision may become blurry.
Another health issues that occur toward respondent is backaches. This problem happened when the respondent seat at
same position for hours, and because the lack of movement, their body become stiffness. The respondent also has the
same problem for his neck or wrist. The respondent playing games engrossed until forget to having meal at the right
times. He also usually chose junk food as the main food while playing games. All these junk food are not healthy for the
body. The respondent also may have obesity and low level of stamina. The respondent usually will not doing any
physical exercise activity such as jogging to keep their body healthy. The respondent will spend his free time by playing
video games rather than doing outdoor activity. The respondent also has a problem to wake up the morning because his
inconsistent sleep pattern. The respondent looks tired and sleepy especially at the morning. Video games can affect the
respondent behavior, action and emotion. From this observation, the respondent behavior and emotion is not
consistent. From this research, the respondent become more rough and aggressive when they lose the games.
Sometimes, he slam the smartphone as the way to release anger. There are another things that change when the
respondent lose the games. He will tend to speak louder and rude towards others. From this observation, the
respondent becomes more violent after playing fighting games. This is happened because the respondent The
respondent social interaction with people around him also change when he play the online video games. From what the
researcher has observed, the respondent didn’t really give any attention toward others people while he playing the
games. While respondent’s friends having a chat with each other, the respondent just not showing any interest toward
them. The respondent also usually will try to avoid any conversation with people around by remain silent. The
respondent also usually becomes talk less when he was gathering with his family member. This is because there is no
interesting topic that the respondent talks about. However from what the researcher has observed, the respondent may
like join the conversations that were related with the video games. The respondent seems happy and love talking about
the games. Lastly, the researcher conclude that playing online video games can give an impact towards person’s
physical, psychology and his social interaction with other people.
In the era of modern technologies now, have a great gadget is a dream for every student, especially students at the
university. The research data shows that the entire respondent has at least one gadget whether cell phone, tablet or
computer. All three gadgets mentioned have access to online video game that either paid or free. For students in today’s
world, to have a debit or credit card is a crucial in order to deal with their financial matter with promptly and quickly.
However, waste such as buying an advantage in an online game for example gems, expansion or other advantages is not
recommended. In addition to that, there is also a minority of students who do not have credit or debit card. From the
research also, the researcher found out that there is minority of the students that don’t have internet connection at
their house. By using internet, students can also contact their friends anytime at anywhere. Online gaming is becoming
more interesting as the player can invite and play the online game together with their friend although they are not in the
same room. As the technology become more advanced day by day, the Internet more accessible to a variety of age
groups. No doubt that there are many children nowadays have to know what it is internet and how to use it. Based on
the research, the majority of respondents to gain exposure on the internet is at the age of 6-20 years, while there is
some of the students being exposed on the Internet at the earliest age which is at age before 6 years and some was
exposed to the internet after reaching the age of 21 years old.
From the data received, majority of the students play an online video game. However, there is also some small portion
of student who didn’t play online video game. When being asked on whether they love to play online video game, all
respondent answered yes and this show that students like to play online video game and most of them spend 1-6 hours
per day playing online video game. There are great amount of students love to play online video game 6-7 days per week
and also 2-3 days per week. Those who spend more than a total of 40 hour per week or average of 6 hours per day
everyday are at risk on being addicted to play online game. In this new era, online video game can be played almost in all
gadgets available today such as hand phone, computer and also tablet. The researcher found out that most of the
students of UNISEL Shah Alam use hand phone follow by computer and lastly tablet to play online video game. Most of
them played about 1 or 2 games in their gadgets while none of them plays more than seven games in their gadgets.
Many of them also prefer to play online video game at night and midnight. Based on the researcher opinion, this can be
the caused on why some of the students who played online video game experiences sleeping disorder and thus
distracting their attention when they in morning classes. According to the research, majority of the students in UNISEL
Shah Alam prefer by playing game alone than rather with their friends and this may lead to anti-social problem. This can
be seen when students prefer being alone playing online video game rather than chatting and socializing with their
friends. When it comes to spending money on online video game, majority of the respondent answered they will never
spend their money online and this show that free online game attract the most than the paid game.
Health is one of the important things that we need to take serious in any activity we do. Thus, in this research the
researcher also had provided a several question that related with the respondents health which usually happen to
whom that addicted to the online video gaming. From the observation and experienced that the researcher had going
through, there are 5 questions about health which consists four yes and no questions and one narrative question.
The conclusion that can be makes is that there are most of positive effects in playing online video games rather than all
of the view is on the negative side.