Is Not A Level of Teaching Learning
Is Not A Level of Teaching Learning
Is Not A Level of Teaching Learning
Spare the rod __ spoil the child. This assumption is related to that type of discipline
which has been advocated by ______.
(a) Naturalist philosophy
(b) Pragmatist philosophy
(c) Victorian Era philosophers
In order to modify the undesirable behaviour of a student the most effective method
(a) To punish the student
(b) To bring it to the notice of parents
(c) To find out the reasons for the undesirable behaviour and provide remedies
(d) None of these
Answer: c
The most important thing for a student to gain a better insight in the subject is /
are ______.
(a) The notes given by the subject teacher in the class
(b) The discussion facilitated by the teacher and held by the students for comprehending
various aspects of the topic under reference
(c) The source material arranged by the teacher for the students
(d) None of these
Answer: b
Schools should arrange co-curricular activities for the students, because ______.
(a) Curricular experiences are incomplete without supplements
(b) Interplay of curricular and co-curricular experiences gives a better insight into the
content and its context
(c) Everybody wants co-curricular activities these days
(d) None of these
Answer: b
You are teaching in your class and it is almost the end of your session. A child of
your class comes late and seeks your permission to enter the class. You will ______.
(a) Not permit the child, as it makes little sense coming to class so late
(b) Get annoyed, as you are disturbed
(c) Allow him/her to enter and ask him/her the reasons for being so late when the class gets
(d) None of these
Answer: c
You enter your regular class to discover the children not in a mood to study that
particular day. You will______.
(a) Value the child’s precious time and, therefore, teach as per your plan
(b) Feel disturbed seeing the reluctance of the children to study
(c) Allow students the freedom to come up with what they want and gradually connect them
to your plan
(d) None of these
Answer: c
Answer: a
Today’s parents exert a lot of pressure for achievement on their children as ______.
(a) They want to fulfil their dreams through their children
(b) They are scared about their children’s future
(c) The world is getting competitive everyday
(d) None of these
Answer: c
Also Check: Teaching Methods MCQs for the posts of Educators / ESE /
Teachers (Set-I)
An effective teacher______.
(a) Can manage his/her class well
(b) Knows his / her subject very well
(c) Cares for his/ her students
(d) None of these
Answer: c
Discipline means______.
(a) Strict-behaviour
(b) Severe punishment
(c) Going by the rules
(d) None of these
Answer: c
One of the students of a class hardly talks in the class. How would you encourage
him to express himself?
(a) By organising discussions
(b) By encouraging children to take part in classroom activities
(c) By organizing educational games/ programmes in which – children feel like speaking-
(d) None of these
Answer: c
If students of your class are naughty, then what will you do?
(a) You will inform the principal
(b) You will not teach in that class
(c) You will punish them
(d) None of these
Answer: c
Also Check: Teaching Methods MCQs for the posts of Educators / ESE /
Teachers (Set-II)
A student has not completed his homework. You will address him by saying ______.
(a) When are you going to complete it?
(b) You did not do it. Try it
(c) Why did you not complete it?
(d) None of these
Answer: c
Schools should be concerned with the development of child, which should include—
(a) Acquisition of knowledge by the child
(b) Acquisition of life-skills by the child
(c) Acquisition of skills required by the nation
(d) None of these
Answer: b
One basic difference between traditional schools and open learning schools is
(a) The former are systematic
(b) The former carry personal touch
(c) The latter use modern gadgets
(d) None of these
Answer: b
Answer: a
A student wants to share his problem with his teacher and visits the teacher for the
same at his home. In such a situation, the teacher should______.
(a) Suggest to him to escape from his home
(b) Contact the student’s parents and provide help
(c) Extend reasonable help and boost his morale
(d) None of these
Answer: c
The major responsibility with which school personnel have been entrusted is that
(a) Adjusting social demands to the needs of the child
(b) Adjusting the child to conform to the demands of society
(c) Changing human nature to conform to social expectations
(d) None of these
Answer: b
The best reason because of which a teacher can command respect from his
students is if______.
(a) He follows innovative practices in the class
(b) He dictates notes to the class
(c) He reads and explains the text-book
(d) None of these
Answer: a
You have a class which is very heterogeneous in height. You should allow a seating
(a) That is random
(b) Where smaller students are allowed to sit in such a way that they can see and participate
easily in class activities
(c) that is purely based on height
(d) None of these
Answer: b
______ may not be the best reason for cheating in the classroom examination.
(a) Too lazy to study
(b) Parental pressure for good marks
(c) Self-prestige
(d) None of these
Answer: c
Also Check: Teaching Methods MCQs for the posts of Educators / ESE /
Teachers (Set-II)
______ is not a level of teaching learning.
(a) Differentiation level
(b) Memory level
(c) Reflective level
(d) Understanding level
Answer: a
(d) Directive
Answer: c
It is popularly said that any two students are not alike. This implies that they differ
in their
(a) Physical and mental set up
(b) Aptitude
(c) Social status
(d) Attitude
Answer: a
Out of the following, in which lesson, a general rule is explained first and then
examples are illustrated?
(a) Deductive lesson