The Householder'S Guide To Flat Roofing
The Householder'S Guide To Flat Roofing
The Householder'S Guide To Flat Roofing
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information in this publication. The National Federation of Roofing
Contractors (NFRC), Single Ply Roofing Association (SPRA) and the Liquid Roofing and Waterproofing Association (LRWA) have
not verified the information by independent testing nor has any control over the circumstances in which it will be used. They, their
officers, employees or members cannot therefore accept any liability arising out of its use.
This guide has been produced by the Industry for Householder’s with minimal roofing knowledge. By providing
information on the design, materials, construction and maintenance of successful flat roofs; we hope it will
assist to a satisfactory roof renewal.
Traditionally, domestic flat roofs use two or more built up layers of bituminous felt as their weather proofing.
Liquid applied systems such as glass fibre were introduced and are now quite widely used. Single Ply membranes
are also used but are particularly suitable for larger roofs. Bitumen membranes are still the most used system
and are of much higher quality than those used in previous decades and are now known as Reinforced
Bitumen Membranes (RBM).
Mastic asphalt is occasionally used but, because of its weight, has to have a much stronger roof construction.
Sadly there are still some inexperienced contractors producing poor results in residential roofing. However,
given good quality materials, installation by reputable contractors with trained certificated operatives, and
simple maintenance, the householder can be assured of a dependable and long-lasting roof.
Garages may be un-insulated, but most roofs above the habitable part of the house will be insulated to
comply with Building Regulations. In houses the insulation is sometimes placed immediately above the ceiling.
Preferably, it may be placed above the deck before the application of the waterproofing (see below, and the
note under ‘Re-Roofing – the options’ on page 6).
Some specialised insulations can also be placed above the waterproofing, but this sort of construction is
normally confined to commercial and industrial buildings and has very seldom been used on domestic buildings.
In almost all cases where RBM has been installed, the surface of the waterproofing will need protection, both
from ultraviolet light and from fire from external sources. The Building Regulations lay down the degree of
protection required in the case of fire. This can be achieved by adding a layer of mineral chippings bedded
in compound to the surface of the roof, or alternatively by using a mineral surfaced layer of RBM as the top
layer, or ‘Capsheet’. Liquid applied and Single layer systems have this protection built in and do not require
additional protection.
This type of construction has the insulation above the roof deck, thus keeping the deck ‘WARM’.This is usually
the most satisfactory construction for domestic properties as it avoids the need for ventilation of the roof
structure.The membrane is then attached to the insulation. A typical warm roof is shown in the sketch below.
Sketch 1
In cold weather, such roofs are inherently prone to condensation, which can cause materials to decay and
distort.To reduce this risk, through-ventilation has to be provided to each and every space above the insulation
but this is often difficult to achieve, for example if the roof abuts the wall of a house.
Cold roofs should not be endorsed for the climatic conditions in Scotland, according to the Building Standards
(Scotland) Regulations. Although the Regulations do not prevent the use of cold roof constructions, warm
roof constructions are recommended.
Sketch 2
If you have an existing cold roof in need of refurbishment, it should be converted to a warm roof (see Sketch
1) to meet part L of the Building Regulations.
All parts of a building benefit from care and regular checks:
We Recommend
Limited access unless the roof is designed for it. If occasional access is required, e.g. for window
cleaning, make sure that temporary boards are used unless the roof surface is designed to accept it.
Inspection twice a year, in March and November. Try to do one inspection soon after rain, to see how
well the water is draining away.
Before attempting any inspection, please ensure that access is safe, and that if a ladder is
necessary it is well secured. If you are unsure use a Competent Person. If you are unsure of the
condition of the deck, do not step onto the roof.
Some of the these items can be rectified by the Householder, for example;
Puddles and blisters - the householder will need to record the size and position to assess whether
they are getting larger.
Check upstand and adjacent details for problems.
Some will need to be checked and reported to the contractor if there are any signs of failure:
It is important that any failure of these details is reported to the contractor to avoid any subsequent water
ingress and the temptation to do-it-yourself as this may invalidate any guarantee on the roof.
Householder’s Guide to Flat Roofing 5
If the roof is out of guarantee then patch repair compounds are useful because they give the householder
time to organise re-roofing for a competitive price at the right time of year, however, always ensure that the
compound is compatible with the membrane. But in general, such repairs are only short term and worthwhile
if they are cheaper than the effective cost per year of a new roof covering. If it is still covered by a guarantee,
contact your roofing contractor or you may invalidate the guarantee.
The type and age of the present covering (if you are a recent purchaser, try to find out from the
The history of the roof - if all past repairs have been in the same place, complete re-roofing may
not be necessary.
If you wish to improve the insulation performance of the roof - lower heating bills will reduce
the annual cost.
If a re-roof is required, it must now include thermal insulation under Part L of the Building Regulations.
Roof sagging between joists (or puddles getting larger) - this is a sign of condensation or roofing
Membrane split in the line of deck boards - another sign of movement in the deck due to
condensation or structural problems.
Membrane split round perimeter - excessive movement between walls and roof.
Roof blisters getting bigger and more widespread - a sign of leakage and/or condensation.
Widespread slippage of upstands - materials and attachment may be inadequate to cope with
Cable clips puncturing membrane - use bonded bases to hold cables, after repairing the damaged
PLEASE NOTE: Refurbishment of a flat roof is likely to be reportable to the Local Authority Building
Control (LABC) and approval must be sought unless the contractor is a member of CompetentRoofer (see
page 13). Part L of the Building Regulations may require additional thermal insulation to all re-roofing projects
where the roof underneath is heated e.g. a kitchen or bathroom. The required ‘U’-value is 0.18W/m2K. You
should discuss converting to a warm-decked roof with your contractor and LABC. Here are some examples:
However, if there is existing insulation above the ceiling ideally it should be removed. If it cannot be
the contractor should calculate how much new insulation is required above the deck to avoid condensation.
If there is no evidence of condensation, extra insulation could be added above the ceiling by removing part
of the deck during the work. The thickness of the insulation will be governed by the depth of the joist and
this may not allow sufficient insulation to meet the regulations. However, through-ventilation must be
maintained and the clear space between the top of the insulation and the deck must be at least
50mm (2ins). It may be preferable to convert to a warm roof.
6 Householder’s Guide to Flat Roofing
You want to reduce or remove ponding on the roof
Renewal of the waterproofing will not stop puddles forming on the roof. The best way to remove these is to
re-fix (or renew as necessary) the deck on tapered timber strips called firings. Alternatively, if the deck cannot
be disturbed, tapered insulation is available to create drainage falls on a warm roof.
The existing waterproofing is reasonably sound but you wish to renew it in good time
Provided the roof drains and there is no evidence of condensation or structural movement, it may be possible
to prepare the surface and cover (overlay) it with compatible materials without exposing the roof deck to the
elements. This may include thermal insulation – see above.
PLYWOOD - This should be exterior grade per British Standard (BS) 5268-2, WBP (Water & Boil
Proof) to BS EN 636-2:1997. A minimum thickness of 18mm is recommended. The contractor should
ensure that it is suitable for the particular roof structure.
TIMBER BOARDING (PLANKING) - This should be tongued and grooved, and preservative
treated before delivery. The first layer of bitumen felt is always nailed to timber boarding.
ORIENTED STRAND BOARD (OSB) - OSB is similar in use and performance to plywood, but
is manufactured from wafers of timber, rather than full sheets of veneer. Only OSB/3 or OSB/4 (BS EN
300) should be used in flat roofs. Check that the product has a certificate from the British Board of
Agrément (BBA) before agreeing to its use. Thickness: minimum 18mm is recommended.
CONCRETE - Common in roofs to blocks of flats and some pre-war houses, concrete is a stable and
reliable deck material. If it needs repair, provision should be made for drying out fully before the new
waterproofing and insulation is laid.
The contractor should select a vapour control layer to suit the degree of insulation provided and the likely humidity
Householder’s Guide to Flat Roofing 7
levels in the rooms below the roof. We recommend a polyester-cored membrane be used as a VCL and that this
is extended over drips and up upstands, to form temporary waterproofing over the whole roof area.
Insulation rating: *****
A very efficient insulator, PIR is the most commonly used and is light-weighted and available in various
sheet sizes and thicknesses. The grade used should be suited to the material used for the waterproofing
and it should conform to British Standard 4841 Part 3: 2006.
A heat and fire resistant material, also available in a range of thicknesses. It should be a board of a
sufficiently strong grade to withstand foot traffic on the roof.
Insulation rating: ***
This is also an efficient insulator but it is very heat-sensitive and will require a protective overlay (for
example cork or wool-fibre soft-board) if bitumen felt is to be laid over it. It should conform to BS 3837:
Part 1.
Only HD (high duty) and EHD (extra high duty) grades are suitable for flat roofs.
Insulation rating: ***
Some products are available which combine the advantages of two materials in a single board
(e.g. Cork / Polyurethane (PUR))
Insulation rating: **
A stable and durable material usually supplied in slabs 500mm x 1000mm in a range of thickness. It is a
good insulator and is well suited to reinforced bitumen membrane waterproofing.
Pour and roll: Hot bitumen is poured in front of the RBM as it is unrolled, and thus acts as the
adhesive and seals the laps.
Torching: In this method specially designed RBM is heated with a gas torch and no separate bonding
bitumen is needed. Best suited to repair work, small areas, or where access to the roof is difficult. The
contractor must take precautions against fire. Torching is not suitable over or adjacent to flammable
Cold applied: Here, a cold adhesive is spread onto the roof surface and the RBM unrolled into
position. Laps are also sealed with the cold adhesive. Thus no bitumen boiler or gas torches are
required, enhancing safety.
Self-adhesive: The undersides of these membranes include a high-tack adhesive and release paper.
Once positioned, the release paper is peeled off, and the membrane stuck down to the substrate.They
are not suitable for layering over uneven surfaces or in cold conditions. They require rolling, or a soft
broom applied over the whole area to assist full adhesion. To achieve a good bond at laps or in cooler
months, a hot air gun or hairdryer can be used.
Surface protection
Most RBM roofs need some protection. If the only access onto the roof is for inspection, use either:
Stone chippings (12+mm): these should be bonded to the waterproofing in a gritting compound,
not bitumen.
Mineral finish: small slate flakes are bonded to the felt during manufacture. Various colours are
Reflective paints: although effective when first applied, these soon wear and discolour and need
re-painting every 3 to 4 years.
Please consult your local authority if you require advice on fire protection regulations.
If regular access is required, or the roof is to be used for a terrace / balcony, use either:
It will also be necessary to ensure that the roof structure is designed to take the weight likely to be placed
upon it, especially if this involves a change of use.
If the roof is in good condition a single layer attached to the existing will extend the life of the roof.
If it is in poor condition the existing may need stripping off and a new RBM laid with insulation if it is over a
heated area of the property. This is required under the Building Regulations.
If the roof is ponding, upgrading or applying a new membrane will not change the falls in the roof. This must
be drawn to the attention of your contractor, who depending on the degree of ponding will advise.
Polymer-Modified Materials
All major manufacturers have proprietary RBM systems, which use polymer-modified bitumens, and meet or
exceed the British Standards. These products will provide the longest possible service life, possible up to 40
For example, ‘Elastomeric’, or ‘SBS-modified’ felts, are particularly well suited to highly-insulated Warm Roofs.
Before agreeing to use one, check that the product:
Model Specification
Most manufacturers will provide a specification for use of their material.They will usually provide a guarantee
for the products if they have been properly laid. Specifications for RBM should follow the advice given in the
British Standard 8747 for pour and roll and torch-on products.
The specification should not indicate the use of torch-on application close to any flammable deck or detail.
Single ply works best in a ‘warm roof’ system (see Sketch 1), where it is laid over insulation which is then
supported by the structural deck. A ‘vapour control layer’, laid over the deck and under the insulation is
always required, to stop harmful condensation building up in the insulation. Warm roofs do not require
ventilation and are very reliable.
Adhesion: special polyurethane adhesives are used to secure the insulation and the single ply membrane.
This method is slightly more expensive but is ideal if the roof is complicated or the deck is not suitable
for fasteners.
Ballasting: this method uses the weight of paving, stone ballast or a green roof to hold the membranes
and insulation in place. Some fastenings of the components will be necessary to hold them in place
during installation.Timber decks can be laid over single ply systems provided the membrane is protected
from the bearers, but it will generally not be of sufficient weight to resist wind loading.
Overlay single ply membrane to the existing waterproofing: there will be no benefit in terms of reduced
heating bills with this option. Unless it is in very poor condition, it is generally possible to retain the
existing waterproofing and either adhere or mechanically fasten a new single ply membrane over the
Upgrade with additional insulation and new single ply membrane: depending on how well the roof is
already insulated, the cost of installing extra insulation will generally be offset by savings on energy bills
well within the lifespan of the new roof.
There are many liquid applied systems on the market.These systems when applied cure and form a completely
seamless membrane. They are often used with pre-formed trims for perimeter detailing. Depending on the
technology of the product some liquid systems are triggered by catalyst which forms a very fast cure.
Fibreglass Reinforced Liquid Applied Membranes: These contain a liquid resin and glassfibre
mat reinforcement. The most common type is GRP.
Fleece Reinforced Liquid Applied Membranes: These are similar to one above, but have a fleece
rather than fibreglass reinforcement.
Unfortunately there are products sold in the GRP category through merchants and online that are untested
and some cases clearly not fit for purpose and not tested to UK standards for roofing purposes.To compound
the problem such products are commonly installed by the ‘jobbing builder’ who may not have the full expertise
and skills to install systems correctly.
A wide range of liquid products exist that are designed purely for repair purposes.The majority are generically
referred to as acrylic compound and incorporate cut glass strands as re-enforcement. Such systems will
not comply with any relevant roofing standard and are unlikely to provide a long term solution to roofing
Overlay the existing waterproofing: there will be no benefit in terms of reduced heating bills with this
option. Unless it is in very poor condition it is generally possible to retain the existing waterproofing
and apply a liquid roofing membrane over the top.Though some liquid systems will perform well when
laid direct to an existing waterproof membrane such as felt or concrete, care must be taken to ensure
condensation control and insulation requirements are addressed.
Upgrade with additional insulation and a new liquid applied membrane: depending on how well the roof
is already insulated, the cost of installing extra insulation will generally be offset by savings on energy
bills well within the lifespan of the new roof.
The National Federation of Roofing Contractors (NFRC) - the UK’s largest roofing trade association,
representing over 70% of the roofing industry by value.
CompetentRoofer - the Government-licenced Competent Person Scheme, that allows self-certification
under the Building Regulations of roof refurbishments within England and Wales. Works carried out
by CompetentRoofer members automatically receive the Building Compliance Certificate and are
warranted for a period of ten years.
Contractors who are trained and approved applicators of the membrane manufacturer’s materials.
If your chosen contractor is not a member of any of the above, you should satisfy yourself that they employ
competent operatives who hold Construction Skills Certification Scheme cards (CSCS) for the type of work
being carried out.
Unless the job is a minor repair, it is best to get two or three contractors to give you a written Quotation
for the same work.
A ‘Core Test’ should be taken and then re-sealed, to find the exact build-up and help establish the reason(s)
for failure.
If you think some extra work may be necessary, for example to replace rotten timber, ask the contractor to
give you a ‘Provisional Sum’ in writing, which can be confirmed later. This saves arguments about cost when
the job is underway.
Other factors
Jointly inspect the area of the job to agree the existing condition of paths, decorations and so on.
The contractor should confirm start and completion dates.
If you are dissatisfied with the work, we advise that you contact the contractor immediately. Should you not
get a satisfactory response then contact the Trade Association of which they are a member.
Most contractors will say that the work is guaranteed and some will state it on their invoices. However, such
guarantees are impossible to enforce unless the contractor is inclined to honour their word.
Similarly, some clients have been known to delay or fail to pay for works completed. For this reason, most
guarantees are only issued / valid on receipt of full payment for the works.
Most manufacturers will give guarantees on their materials if they have been used properly, and where
an approved contractor has applied the material they may extend the guarantee to cover workmanship.
Guarantees may be delayed until a full Quality Control inspection has been carried out.
Contractors who are members of reputable trade associations can also offer latent defect insurance, providing
additional security for the Client or Householder. Here, the insurance company or broker deals directly with
the enquiry.
Before placing their order, the Householder should be quite clear what kind of guarantee they are expecting
and how it works.
June 2015