Client: Supplier: Location: Sheet: Item: Large Size Gear Box

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Client: Supplier: Location: Sheet 1 of 1

The below given inspection check list proposed to take in to account with utmost priority by the supplier so that cement
manufacturing machineries (CMM) could met their intended purpose to set up new coming project:


Sr. No. Characteristics Type of Check Reference STD Acceptance Criteria TPIA
1 Raw materials including housing Visual Applicable standard Applicable standard R
2 Forged gear blank and shaft Visual Applicable standard Applicable standard R
Heat treatment of gear blank and To achieve the required
3 Visual R
shaft mechanical properties
4 NDT of gear blank and shaft UT ASTM A 388 Refer note 1 below R
5 Mechanical & Chemical test Measurement Applicable standard Applicable standard R
Establishment of WPS + PQR +
6 Visual ASME Section IX ASME Section IX R
WPQ for fabricated housing
7 Welding Visual Approved drawing Approved drawing R
Article 6 from ASME Appendix 8 from ASME
8 NDT of housing after welding 100% PT R
Sec V Sec VIII Div 1
Approved drawing Approved drawing and
9 PWHT of housing Visual R
refer note 2 below
10 Machining Visual Approved drawing Approved drawing R
Teeth cutting of gear blank (by Machining drawing Machining drawing
11 Visual R
Dynamic balancing of gear after Approved drawing Approved drawing with
12 Measurement R
teeth cutting ISO 1940
Heat treatment of gear after To achieve the required
13 Visual R
teeth cutting hardness
NDT of gear after heat No linear indications No linear indications
14 treatment and shrink fitting with MT R
15 Assembly Visual Approved drawing Approved drawing W
Measurement of
dimensions, vibration,
noise level, gear ratio,
Inspection and performance
16 orientation, direction of Approved drawing Approved drawing W
rotation, leakage of
lube oil and bearing
17 Identification / rating detail Visual As per Contract W
Cross hatch adhesion Approved Painting
18 Final painting W
test & DFT procedure
19 Preparation of dossier Verification R


1. No defect shall be permitted in D/6 zone. Here D is the diameter of the forging. In isolated case back wall echo
shall be always more than 50% and defect echo less than 50% of FSH. In non isolated case the back wall
echo shall be minimum 40% and defect echo shall be maximum 50% of FSH. The maximum length of
continues indication shall be 50 mm and minimum distance between two successive indications shall be 250
2. In no case PWHT shall be replaced with vibratory stress relieving.
3. ITP of kiln support roller shall be applicable for cast steel housing in place of fabricated housing.
4. During performance test bearing temperature must stabilized and shall be within 40 0 Deg C above ambient

Proposer: Company: Borneo, Republic of Indonesia

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