IT3204: Software Engineering I: University of Colombo, Sri Lanka

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Academic Year 2011/2012 – 2nd Year Examination – Semester 3

IT3204: Software Engineering I

PART I – Multiple Choice Question Paper
25 th February 2012

Important Instructions :
• The duration of the paper is 1 (one) hour.

• The medium of instruction and questions is English.

• The paper has 25 questions and 6 pages.

• All questions are of the MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) type.

• All questions should be answered.

• Each question will have 5 (five) choices with one or more correct answers.

• All questions will carry equal marks.

• There will be a penalty for incorrect responses to discourage guessing.

• The mark given for a question will vary from 0 (All the incorrect choices are
marked & no correct choices are marked) to +1 (All the correct choices are
marked & no incorrect choices are marked).

• Answers should be marked on the special answer sheet provided.

• Note that questions appear on both sides of the paper.

If a page is not printed, please inform the supervisor immediately.

Mark the correct choices on the question paper first and then transfer them to
the given answer sheet which will be machine marked. Please completely
read and follow the instructions given on the other side of the answer
sheet before you shade your correct choices.

Consider the following description about software called HOROSCOPE and answer the questions
1 to 6 which follow.

HOROSCOPE is software which enables someone to enter a birth and birth time and view a
description of his/her future. HOROSCOPE requires a user date of register with the system by
entering personal data and a payment by credit card. HOROSCOPE is available as an online tool
and accessible in different languages.

1) Which of the following category pair(s) best describe HOROSCOPE?

(a) generic software and web-based software

(b) customized software and business software
(c) business software and system software
(d) application software and generic software
(e) real time software and system software

2) Which of the following are the 2 most important qualities that HOROSCOPE must possess from
among the following?

(a) portability (b) usability

(c) security (d) interoperability
(e) maintainability

3) Which of the following process model(s) is/are suitable for the development of a system such as

(a) traditional waterfall model (b) evolutionary prototyping

(c) spiral model (d) formal system development model
(e) agile development

4) Which of the following is/are (a) functional requirement(s) of HOROSCOPE?

(a) The system must allow a user to register (b) The system must use the hardware
with the system. resources in an optimal way.
(c) The system must ensure the security of (d) The user must be prompted to enter
the transactions. his/her date of birth and time of birth to
display a description of his/her future.
(e) The system must ensure confidentiality of
personal data.

5) Which architectural model(s) best suit(s) the design of a system such as HOROSCOPE?

(a) repository model (b) waterfall model

(c) client-server model (d) spiral model
(e) formal systems development model

6) Select the most likely language which must have been used for the development of HOROSCOPE
from among the following?

(a) Fortran (b) Pascal

(c) C++ (d) C
(e) Java

7) Which of the following is/are (a) disadvantage(s) of throw-away prototyping when compared with
evolutionary prototyping?

(a) The resultant software (b) The initial effort for (c) The customer can see a
can contain casual prototyping is wasted to working version only at
features of the prototype. a certain extent. the end.
(d) The model cannot (e) There is no provision for
incorporate customer a contract to be signed
feedback. with client at start.

8) Which of the following is/are (an) agile software development technique(s)?

(a) extreme programming (b) rational unified process (c) scrum

(d) clean room software (e) computer aided software
engineering engineering

9) Which of the following is/are (a) correct statement(s) regarding CASE tools?

(a) A software tool to draw class diagrams can be considered an upper CASE tool.
(b) CASE tools can be used to automate almost every aspect of software engineering.
(c) An automatic test case generator can be considered a lower CASE tool.
(d) CASE tools can improve productivity of a software engineering company.
(e) CASE tools can reduce the workload significantly when re-engineering legacy software.

10) Which of the following diagrams can be used to depict a functional view of a business during the
requirements analysis stage?

(a) data flow diagrams (b) use case diagrams (c) structure charts

(d) sequence diagrams (e) class diagrams

11) Which of the following is/are the most suitable requirement gathering technique(s) to capture
volatile requirements?

(a) questionnaire (b) observation (c) introspection

(d) interview (e) prototyping

12) Suppose you are working as a software engineer in a software engineering team and your project
manager wants the design to be discussed in different levels of detail. Which design principle(s)
will directly facilitate your project managers need from among the following?

(a) abstraction (b) modularity (c) reuse

(d) stepwise refinement (e) information hiding

13) A computer-user interface is considered vital in rendering system functionality to the user in an
effective way. Which of the following can be considered usability guidelines to follow during the
process of user interface development for a computer game?

(a) Allow different user levels so that users can migrate from basic level to advance as they
become familiar with the software.
(b) Text has to be used predominantly to provide help for new users of the game.
(c) Use consistent colors and sound on the interface.
(d) Different languages have to be used on the same interface for users from different countries
to use the game.
(e) Utilize different channels of interaction such as sight and sound together when interacting
with the user.

14) Consider the following applications.

i. software utility on a vehicle dash board

ii. computer program for visually impaired

Which technology pair(s) best suit(s) the development of interfaces of the above applications

(a) command-line and GUI (b) touch screen and voice (c) voice recognition and
recognition mouse
(d) direct manipulation and (e) keyboard and voice
brail keyboard recognition

15) Suppose you have been hired to work as a programmer for a software project. If a question was
asked at the interview regarding proper programming practice, which of the following should have
been included in your answer?

(a) The program must include comments (b) Line spacing should be avoided as much
describing pre and post conditions. as possible.
(c) Every program statement must be aligned (d) The program must contain meaningful
with each other on the left. variable names.
(e) The program must tally with the design.

16) Which of the following testing technique(s) involve(s) an audience exterior to the software
development company?

(a) integration testing (b) beta testing

(c) white box testing (d) unit testing
(e) acceptance testing

17) Which of the following level(s) is/are present in the capability maturity model?

(a) defined (b) intermediate (c) recursive

(d) managed (e) optimized

18) Which of the following is/are (a) key challenge(s) of software engineering?

(a) coping with legacy (b) coping with increasing (c) employee folklore
systems failure rate
(d) coping with application (e) timely completion of
diversity software projects

19) Consider the following faulty code fragment of a compiled program.

if a then
while b
repeat c
until d
If you were asked to test this code to locate faults using a program tracing tool, which of the
following testing technique(s) can be used?

(a) black box testing (b) alpha testing (c) static verification
(d) white box testing (e) path testing

20) Certain recurring design elements called design patterns can be used when designing software.
Which of the following is/are (an) advantage(s) of using design patterns.

(a) improved design quality (b) reduced testing effort (c) improved productivity
(d) improved maintainability (e) increased staff turnover
of software

21) Identify the system(s) which agile methods are not suitable for its/their development.

(a) computer game (b) aircraft control system (c) stock control system
(d) e-commerce system (e) life support system

22) Suppose a legal issue has been raised to ban marketing of software you developed as a software
engineer. Identify at which phase(s) of the software lifecycle, the problem could have been avoided

(a) design (b) maintenance (c) testing

(d) feasibility study (e) coding

23) Which of the following statement(s) is/are valid with regards to software maintenance?

(a) Software maintenance absorbs most of the life cycle costs.

(b) A software product can be maintained over and over again without degrading its quality.
(c) Regression testing must be performed after each change to the software in order to ensure
that the change has not compromised quality.
(d) The failure rate of software increases as more and more maintenance is done.
(e) A modular design makes it difficult to debug faults.

24) Which of the following activity/activities is/are part of maintenance?

(a) fault repair (b) re-engineering (c) version control

(d) regression testing (e) adding new features

25) Which of the following aspect(s) need(s) to be considered when managing a software project?

(a) project planning (b) human resource utilization

(c) language choice (d) choosing the correct process model
(e) estimating project costs


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