Choi Et Al 2015
Choi Et Al 2015
Choi Et Al 2015
DOI 10.1007/s11356-015-4863-2
Abstract The fast growing of global aquaculture industry Keywords Grass carp . Food waste . Papain . Bromelain .
accompanied with increasing pressure on the supply and price Nitroblue tetrazolium activity . Protein solubility . Lipid
of traditional feed materials (e.g., fish meal and soy bean utilization . Aquaculture
meal). This circumstance has urged the need to search alter-
native sources of feed stuff. Food waste was used as feed stuff
in rearing fish which possess substantial protein and lipid. Introduction
Grass carp are major species reared in Hong Kong with lower
nutritional requirements; it is also an ideal species for investi- Based on Hong Kong Government statistics, food wastes con-
gating the feasibility of using food waste as fish feeds for local tributed 42.3 and 34.9 % of the total domestic waste and
aquaculture industry. The growth and immunity, reflected by commercial and industrial (C&I) waste in 2011, respectively
total protein, total immunologlobulin (IgI), and nitroblue tet- (EPD 2012). More food wastes from C&I sectors have been
razolium (NBT) activity of grass carp blood, were depressed found in recent years, with only 400 t daily in 2001 but
when feeding with food waste feeds without enzymes. How- reached 1056 t in 2011 (EPD 2012). However, almost all these
ever, the supplementation of bromelain and papain in fish feed food wastes are disposed in the landfill now, and there is still
enhanced the efficient use of food waste by grass carp, which more than 2000 t that is disposed by this mean in 2022 al-
in turn improved the fish immunity. The present results indi- though various waste treatment facilitates and waste reduction
cated that the addition of those enzymes could enhance the schemes are implemented (EPD 2014). Other alternatives on
feed utilization by fish and hematological parameters of grass recycling food waste should be implemented shortly, while the
carp, and the improvement on growth and immunity superior utilization of food waste could diminish the volume of
to the control (commercial feed) was observed with the addi- dumped waste and extend the lifespan of landfills, while the
tion of bromelain and papain supplement. Addition of 1 and protein-rich food waste could be incorporated into fish feed as
2 % mixture of bromelain and papain could significantly en- raw materials.
hance the lipid utilization in grass carp. Protein is the most expensive component in feed in which
the major quantity of which comes from fish meal, and the
utilization of dietary protein in fish is related to the energy in
feed. Energy is obtained from the catabolism of proteins when
Responsible editor: Philippe Garrigues the dietary energy is inadequate or dietary protein is excessive
(Alatise et al. 2006). The feed is more cost effective if dietary
* M. H. Wong protein is used for growth, e.g., repairing and building up tissue as much as possible and with the least amount broken
down to energy (Gauquelin et al. 2007). Protein utilization in
Department of Science and Environmental Studies, The Hong Kong fish could be enhanced by adjusting feed protein to energy
Institute of Education, Hong Kong, People’s Republic of China (P/E) ratio (McGoogan and Gatlin 2000) or applying feed
School of Environment, Jinan University, Guangzhou, supplements such as medicinal herbs (Li et al. 2009) and
People’s Republic of China baker’s yeast (Osman et al. 2010).
Environ Sci Pollut Res
Increasing the utilization of feed in aquaculture is important wastes. Fruit waste mainly contained peels with some flesh
and beneficial to aquaculture industry as well as the environ- of various fruits, about 25 % of pineapple, 25 % watermelon,
ment, as better feed conversion could reduce nutrient loss and 15 % cantaloupe, and 35 % other fruits, e.g., strawberry, ba-
lower the feed cost in aquaculture production. However, using nana, and apple. Vegetables contained various types of leaf
food waste for aquaculture use may not always gain the best vegetables, such as lettuce and spinach. Cereals usually in-
growth rate compared to the commercial feed from the high- cluded rice bran, soy bean meal, rice grain, and spaghetti
quality raw materials; upgrading of food waste for fish feed (Table 1).
making would be a multi-purpose approach to deal with the All the food wastes were collected daily from the hotels
problems on municipal solid waste disposal and aquaculture and food processing plant and transferred to the factory of
development in Hong Kong. In this study, a cereal-dominant Kowloon Biotechnology Limited (at Lau Fau Shan) for fur-
food waste fish feed (food waste A (FW A)) is formulated and ther processing within 2 h. They were diced into small pieces
upgraded by enzymes for grass carp feeding. (~1-cm diameter), with excessive water squeezed out, and
Supplementation of enzymes was adopted for the dried at 80 °C for 6 h. Each type of food wastes was grinded
upgrading food waste feeds in this study. Nowadays, exoge- into powder to form different food waste products, under dif-
nous enzymes are extensively applied as animal feed additives ferent ratio and mixed with other raw materials (non-food
to improve the nutritional value and reduce water pollution waste), such as fish meals, and corn starch for pelletizing fish
(Kolkovski et al. 1997). Addition of enzymes in feed could feed.
enhance the availability, and utilization of plant protein by fish Table 2 shows the different types of food wastes prepared
could be due to elimination of anti-nutritional factors in plant, for laboratory experiments. They included FW A, a commer-
e.g., phytates (Liebert and Portz 2005; Singh et al. 2011). cial feed, Jinfeng®, 613 formulated feed (~30 % protein),
Bromelain and papain could be considered as possible feed which mainly contained wheat middling, flour, bean pulp,
supplements used in aquaculture, with fruit waste also as a rapeseed meal, fish meal, bean oil, and fish oil used as the
possible source for these two enzymes. Bromelain could be control feed. The proximate composition (ash, moisture, pro-
extracted from the stem and fruit of pineapple and papain tein, fiber, lipid, and nitrogen free extracts), amino acid pro-
obtained from papaya leaf, unripe fruit, and papaya latex. file, and the feed protein solubility in KOH were determined
Bromelain increased the digestibility of animal and vegetable based on the methods described in later section, and the results
proteins by partially hydrolyzing the molecules into smaller are shown in Tables 3 and 4.
peptides (Fennema 1996). Papain can hydrolyze proteins, In general, FW A mainly composed of cereal food wastes,
lipids, and carbohydrates and function at wide range of pH e.g., rice bran, soy bean meal, rice grain, and spaghetti, which
and temperature (Miyamoto et al. 2004). Soy protein peptides would be ideal protein sources for herbivores, i.e., grass carp.
were shortened by papain treatment and hence increased its An additional food waste formulation (food waste D (FW D))
solubility (Wu et al. 1998). It has been demonstrated that pre- was prepared by adding corn starch and lipid (peanut cooking
digestion of soybean residues by papain could enhance the oil) into FW A to replace part of the food wastes, contained
feed conversion in common carp (Cyprinus carpio) (Wong 60 % food wastes. Corn starch and lipid contents in FW D
et al. 1996). were increased from 15 to 25 % and 6 to 12 %, respectively.
It is hypothesized that the enzyme mixture of bromelain
and papain could enhance the utilization of food waste feeds Grass carp feeding trial design
by fish. As a result, the objectives of present study were to
investigate (1) the growth performance of grass carp, (2) the In the present experiment, papain and bromelain were mixed
fish immunity when fed food waste and enzyme- with the food waste diets (FW A and FW D containing 75 and
supplemented food waste, and (3) the feasibility of improving 60 % food waste, respectively). The composition of FW D
the protein efficiency using lower protein and higher lipid was similar to FW A with dominant cereal proportion, but a
contents in feeds. higher portion of corn starch and lipid was replaced part of the
food waste. Papain (Sigma 76220, papain from Carica
papaya) and bromelain (Sigma B-4882, EC, brome-
Materials and methods lain from pineapple stem) were mixed with the food waste
diets (FW A and FW D containing 75 and 60 % food waste,
Food waste fish feed preparation respectively) with (50 % by mass of fish diet) 0.025 mol/L
sodium dihydrogen phosphate and adjusted to pH 8 with
Food wastes mainly consisted of food processing waste and NaOH, at 37 °C for 5 h. The commercial fish feed, Jinfeng®,
partially post consumed waste, collected from local hotels and 613 formulated feed (~30 % protein) and two food waste diets
food processing plants, grouped into three major categories: (FWs A and D) without enzyme treatment were used as the
(1) fruit peel and vegetables, (2) bonemeal, and (3) cereal control. Then, the substrates were heated to 95 °C for 5 min to
Environ Sci Pollut Res
Table 1 Collected food waste categories the beginning of the experiment. After 56 days of feeding
Categories Food Amount Non- experiment, three fish from each tank were collected and
(%) cooked killed by MS-222, weighed, freeze-dried, ground into a
or cooked homogeneous sample, and kept at −20 °C until analysis.
The protein contents in the fish feed, carcass, and feces
Fruit peel -Pineapple 20 Non-cooked
and vegetables -Watermelon 20
were analyzed for nitrogen content with a CHN analyzer
-Cantaloupe 15 (Carlo Erba NA 1500, CE Instruments, Thermoquest Italia,
-Strawberry, banana, apple 30 Milan, Italy).
-Leaf vegetables, such as 15 The moisture and ash contents of the experimental
lettuce and spinach
Cereals -Rice bran 50 Non-cooked
diets and fish carcass were determined according to
-Soy bean meal 20 Cooked the procedures of the Association of Official Analytical
-Rice grain 20 Cooked Chemist (AOAC) (1990a, b). Ultrasound-assisted extrac-
-Spaghetti 10 Non-cooked tion with modifications was adopted for lipid content
Bone -Beef, pork, and chicken 60–70 Cooked determination in fish feed and fish carcass (Metherel
-Salmon 30 Non-cooked
-Groupers 10 Cooked
et al. 2009).
Crude fiber was determined by the loss on ignition (AOAC
1984) of defatted feeds (2 g) after digestion H2SO4 and then
inactivate the enzyme (Wu et al. 1998). The fish feed NaOH. The chemical analysis was performed in duplicate
dough was pelletized (3-mm diameter) with a meat sa mp le s. Th e n it ro ge n- fr ee e xtr ac t (n on -f ibr ou s
grinder and dried at 50 °C for 24 h. The proximate carbohydrate) was calculated by subtracting the sum of (mois-
composition (ash, moisture, protein, fiber, lipid, and ture %+crude protein %+crude fat %+crude fiber %+ash %)
nitrogen-free extracts) and the feed protein solubility in from 100.
KOH were determined (Araba and Dale 1990) and are Different parameters, specific growth rate, relative
shown in Table 3. weight gain, feed conversion ratio, protein efficiency
Five hundred fingerlings of grass carp Ctenopharyngodon ratio, apparent net protein, and lipid utilization (BFish
idella (herbivore) were used for testing different fish feeds, growth performance parameters^ section for details),
with 18 individuals (~9–12 g) stocked in each tank (~60 L were calculated for monitoring the growth performance,
water) in triplicates. The water temperature, pH, and dissolved based on different treatments.
oxygen were measured three times a week using a portable
Hanna pH meter and a YSI digital dissolved oxygen (DO), Fish growth performance parameters
meter and the values ranged from 20.2–22.1 °C, 6.1–6.7, and
6.3–7.2 mg/mL, respectively. Growth rates were calculated for each aquarium as a specific
Feeding with the control feed was carried out at the rate of growth coefficient resulting from the following expression:
2 % body weight daily in each experimental feeding group,
and the fish were acclimated for 3 weeks before the onset of 1. Daily feeding rate (% of body weight/day)=Daily feed
experiment. The experiment was conducted for a period of intake (g/fish) / initial average body weight (g)
56 days, with the fish blood samples collected at days 1, 14, 2. Specific growth rate (SGR) (%/day)=100 (Ln Wf−Ln
28, and 56, by caudal venous puncture at vertebral column of Wi) / t
the fish (fish were anesthetized by MS-222). The oxidative 3. Relative weight gain (RWG) (%)=(Wf−Wi)×100 / Wi
radical production (nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT) assay) in where Wf is the mean final body weight (g) for the fish
blood, total protein, and total immunoglobulin of plasma were in each aquarium, Wi is the mean initial body weight of
determined. the fish in the same aquarium, and t is time in days.
The fish were starved for 24 h before collecting the 4. Feed conversion ratio (FCR)=feed intake (g) / (Final bio-
carcass for chemical analyses, with five fish collected at mass – Initial biomass (g))
Table 2 Food waste feed formulations (FWs A and D, containing 75 and 60 % food waste, respectively)
Formulation Food waste products Non-food waste products Peanut oil Total (%)
Table 3 Composite analysis of experimental feeds with 1 or 2 % mixture of bromelain and papain in food wastes A and D (FWs A and D)
Formulation Control FW A 0 % FW A 1 % FW A 2 % FW D 0 % FW D 1 % FW D 2 %
Dry matter (%) 93.68±0.20 a 95.69±0.02 a 94.79±0.23 a 94.24±0.33 a 93.58±0.35 a 93.64±0.31 a 93.54±0.27 a
Ash (%) 8.24±0.09 a 9.18±0.46 b 8.81±0.29 ab 8.68±0.25 ab 10.48±0.36 c 10.41±0.33 c 10.27±0.39 c
Protein (%) 30.16±1.55 a 31.44±0.31 ab 31.17±0.08 ab 32.07±1.68 b 19.41±0.35 c 20.00±0.55 c 20.39±0.39 c
Lipid (%) 5.17±0.94 a 6.12±1.66 a 6.02±0.81 a 6.08±0.56 a 12.88±1.66 b 12.76±0.98 b 12.71±1.05 b
Fiber (%) 9.57±0.21 a 9.62±0.63 a 9.60±0.60 a 9.54±0.76 a 8.25±0.88 a 8.10±0.84 a 8.08±0.85 a
Carbohydrates (%)a 40.53 39.64 39.19 37.86 42.55 42.37 42.09
Energy (kJ/g diet)b 16.17 16.64 16.51 16.52 17.03 17.09 17.11
CHO/L ratioc 7.84 6.43 6.51 6.23 3.30 3.32 3.31
P/E (mg/kJ)d 1865.0 1889.1 1887.5 1941.2 1139.9 1170.3 1191.5
Protein solubility (%)e 60.57±2.64 a 51.81±1.43 b 72.89±4.18 c 73.48±3.63 c 56.21±2.51 ab 76.58±3.39 cd 78.95±3.69 d
Different letters (a–d) among feeding groups are significantly different (p<0.05)
Carbohydrates (%)=100−(crude protein %+crude lipid %+moisture %+ash %+fiber %) (Castell and Tiews 1980)
Energy (kJ/g diet)=(% crude protein×23.6)+(% crude lipids×39.5)+(% carbohydrates×17.3) (Chatzifotis et al. 2010)
Carbohydrates to Lipid (CHO: L) ratio=% wt. in CHO/ % wt. in lipid
Protein to energy (P/E) (mg/kJ)=crude protein (%) / Energy
Protein solubility (%)=Protein in KOH / Protein in Sample×100 % (Araba and Dale 1990)
5. Protein efficiency ratio (PER)=weight gain (g) / protein modifications. The protein concentration of the plasma was
intake (g). determined according to the modified colorimetric meth-
6. Apparent net protein utilization (ANPU) (%)=100×(final od based on Bradford protein assay (Bradford 1976).
fish body protein (g)−initial fish body protein (g)) / total Briefly, 5 μL of plasma and 250 μL of Bradford solu-
crude protein intake (g) tion were added to 96-well microtiter plates. After
7. Apparent net lipid utilization (ANLU) (%)=100×(final 20 min of incubation at 22±1 °C, the absorbance was
fish body lipid (g)−initial fish body lipid (g)) / total lipid measured with a microplate reader (Infinite 200, Tecan,
intake (g) Austria) at 595 nm. The protein concentration (g/L) was
calculated from the standard curve.
For total immunoglobulin, 50 μL plasma and 50 μL poly-
Fish immunological parameters ethylene glycol (10 %) (PEG) were incubated at 22±1 °C for
2 h and the mixtures were centrifuged at 1000g for 15 min.
Plasma total protein and total immunoglobulin assays The protein content of the supernatant was determined by the
assay mentioned above. The total immunoglobulin concentra-
The total immunoglobulin (IgI) in plasma was determined tion (total IgI) of the plasma (g/L) was the difference between
using the method described in Siwicki et al. (1994) with slight the total protein (TP) level in plasma and PEG-treated plasma.
Table 4 Growth performance of grass carp fed different food waste feeds upgraded by papain and bromelain
Measurement Control FW A 0 % FW A 1 % FW A 2 % FW D 0 % FW D 1 % FW D 2 %
Initial weight (g) 10.76±0.07 a 11.05±0.14 b 10.55±0.13 d 10.89±0.05 c 11.10±0.09 b 10.96±0.08 c 10.64±0.1 a
Final weight (g) 15.02±0.14 a 14.96±0.26 a 15.77±0.41 b 15.66±0.17 b 14.23±0.06 c 13.68±0.33 d 12.63±0.16 e
Feeding rate (% b.w./day) 2.08±0.05 ab 2.07±0.02 ab 2.08±0.05 ab 2.05±0.06 a 2.14±0.05 b 2.11±0.05 ab 2.12±0.01 ab
SGR (% b.w./day) 0.60±0.02 ab 0.54±0.05 a 0.72±0.07 c 0.65±0.02 b 0.44±0.01 d 0.40±0.04 d 0.31±0.02 e
RWG (%) 39.56±1.66 ab 35.43±3.65 a 49.51±5.55 c 43.80±1.40 b 28.24±0.70 d 24.86±2.48 d 18.78±1.38 e
FCR 3.14±0.04 ab 3.46±0.29 b 2.64±0.28 ab 2.85±0.09 a 4.3±0.14 c 4.80±0.46 c 6.19±0.46 d
ANPU (%) 30.66±3.64 ab 30.04±1.77 ab 33.66±3.56 ab 28.05±0.98 a 30.95±4.93 ab 37.54±6.55 b 32.11±4.01 ab
ANLU (%) 93.96±15.64 a 107.91±9.19 a 132.98±19.53 b 47.11±6.50 c 53.95±10.67 c 41.71±5.88 cd 25.31±8.39 d
PER 1.05±0.01 ab 0.92±0.08 bc 1.22±0.14 d 1.09±0.04 ad 1.19±0.04 ad 1.05±0.10 ab 0.80±0.06 c
Different letters (a–e) among feeding groups are significantly different (p<0.05)
Environ Sci Pollut Res
NBT assay FWA feed groups, with same observation found in FW D feed
groups. The protein efficiency ratio (PER) of FW A 1 % was
The nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT) assay was carried out based the highest among all feeding groups, which was significantly
on the method described in Anderson and Siwicki (1995). higher than the control group and FW A 0 % (p<0.05). It was
Heparinized fish blood (100 μL) was added to an equal vol- also noted that PER of FW D 2 % was significantly lower than
ume of 0.2 % NBT (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO, USA) the control and FW D 0 % (p<0.05).
solution. The mixture was then incubated at 22±1 °C for
30 min. The resultant suspension (50 μL) was added into a Grass carp carcass composition
glass tube 1.0 mLN,N-dimethyl formamide (Sigma-Aldrich,
St. Louis, MO, USA) and centrifuged at 3000g for 5 min. The The carcass moisture contents of grass carp fed FWA 1 % and
optical density (OD) of the supernatant was measured by a FWA 2 % were significantly higher than the control (Table 5).
spectrophotometer (UV-1601, Shimadzu, Tokyo, Japan) at On the contrary, carcass moisture contents in FW D 0 % and
540 nm. FW D 1 % were significantly lower than the control (p<0.05).
No significant differences in terms of ash contents were ob-
Statistical analyses served between all feeding groups (p>0.05). The carcass pro-
tein contents in FW D 0 % and FW D 2 % were significantly
The effects of different feed types on the feed compositions, lower than control (p<0.05). The carcass lipid contents of FW
fish growth, and fish carcass compositions and in two fish A 1 % and FW A 2 % were significantly lower than control
species were analyzed by one-way ANOVA, comparing the (p<0.05) with FW D 0 % having higher carcass contents than
mean value with Duncan’s multiple range tests (p<0.05) control (p<0.05). The decreasing trends of lipid contents were
(SPSS Statistics 17.0, Chicago, IL, USA). The correlation significantly correlated with the increase of enzyme supple-
between fish carcass lipid and feed types was tested by ments (0, 1, and 2 %) in FWA (r=0.630) and FW D (r=0.669)
Spearman’s test (p<0.01). groups (Spearman’s test, p<0.01).
Table 5 Proximate compositions (%, wet weight basis) of grass carp carcass fed different food waste feeds upgraded by papain and bromelain
Control FW A 0 % FW A 1 % FW A 2 % FW D 0 % FW D 1 % FW D 2 %
Different letters (a–d) among feeding groups are significantly different (p<0.05)
D formulation was similar to FW A but contained lower pro- The poor growth of fish could be due to the difference in
tein level and lower CHO/lipid ratio. The growth perfor- carbohydrate and lipid (CHO/L) ratios in feed, which were
mances of fish in most feeding groups of FW D were signif- about 3.3 in FW D and 6.3 in FW A. A study showed that
icantly lower than the control (p<0.05). an inclusion of 10–20 % of corn starch could promote growth
1 14 Day 28 56
b) 30
ab a
a abc b abab a
25 abc ab ab abc
Protein Concentration (g/L)
abc c bc bc c bc
abc bc
1 14 28 56
c) 12
10 a ab
IgI Concentration (g/L)
a b
ab a a
8 ab ab bc
bc a
a a a
b c
6 b
1 14 28 56
Environ Sci Pollut Res
and PER in yellowfin seabream (Sparus latus), but adverse grass carp. The exogenous enzymes in feed may enhance me-
effect was observed when percentage reached 26 % (Wu et al. tabolism and utilization of lipid in grass carp, with more en-
2007). There is no specific information on the optimum car- ergy converted from lipid, leading to more protein reserved in
bohydrates in feeds (NRC 1993), although warmwater fish carcass as observed. However, there is no specific study on the
like grass carp (Lin 1991) are believed to have better utiliza- effects of exogenous enzymes on the lipid utilization in fish.
tion of carbohydrates than coldwater fish like Atlantic salmon Exogenous enzyme supplementation could assist feed di-
(Salmo salar) (Helland et al. 1991). In general, 28–32 and gestion and utilization in fish. The ANPU of grass carp was
36.5–42.5 % dietary proteins and carbohydrates accordingly improved when adding 1 % of mixed enzymes in FW A.
are optimal for grass carp juvenile (Hasan et al. 2007), similar Bromelain and papain could hydrolyze proteins and release
to the control feed and FW A in the present study. shorter peptides in feed, the key factor to increase protein
Low P/E value in FW D indicated that a large portion of digestibility (Fennema 1996; Singh et al. 2011). A few studies
energy was derived from non-protein source, and low CHO/L also showed that an addition of exogenous papain in feed
ratio indicated that energy is mainly from feed lipids. The non- could enhance the growth of common carp and improve
protein energy sources could affect the efficiency of protein water quality. Wong et al. (1996) showed that common carp
utilization in fish (Wilson and Halver 1986). However, it has could digest the soybean residues treated with 1 % papain
been noted that a high lipid content could hinder the growth in more efficiently; the turbidity of tank water and, hence, fish
various fish, including green grouper (Epinephelus coioides), mortality were reduced in the papain feed groups. A recent
Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), and grass carp (Ali and study also showed that the growth of common carp with 2 %
Al-Asgah 2001; Luo et al. 2004, 2005; Du et al. 2009). The papain was promoted, although the water parameters were not
high lipid content in feed may also affect the lipid content in affected (Singh et al. 2011). Another study on palm kernel
carcass and the feed utilization. The grass carp fed FW D 0 % meal also indicated that addition of enzyme (Ronozyme VP)
retained higher lipid content in body and showed poor growth. could enhance the growth and net protein utilization in tilapia
Ali and Al-Asgah study (2001) also showed that Nile tilapia (Boonyaratpalin et al. 2000). It was also revealed that exoge-
fed high dietary lipid (>14 %) resulted in poor growth and nous enzymes (commercial products) could improve the pro-
higher carcass lipid. tein digestibility and feed conversion in rainbow trout (Onco-
However, in the present study, fish showed impaired rhynchus mykiss) (Farhangi and Carter 2007).
growth responses when fed feeds containing high lipid and The cost of enzyme-supplemented fish feed could be fur-
low protein feed. High lipid retention in the grass carp was ther reduced if fruit processing wastes were utilized instead of
observed when fed FW D without enzyme supplement (FW D pure enzymes. The use of pineapple wastes could also pro-
0 %). Lower carcass protein retentions were observed in the mote the growth of Labeo rohita fingerling, with the SGR and
fish fed FW D, and protein-sparing effects were not shown. PER significantly higher in feed containing 25 % pineapple
Protein-sparing effect occurred when fish are more capable to wastes than the control and other fruit waste feeds such as
metabolize feed protein into body tissue from dietary energy orange and lime (Deka et al. 2003). In Hawaii, the growth of
of non-protein sources. This was observed in many fish spe- Litopenaeus vannamei was comparable to commercial feed
cies, e.g., Jundia (Rhamdia quelen) and hybrid clarias catfish when fed 50 % inclusion of fermented papaya waste in shrimp
(Clarias macrocephalus×Clarias gariepinus) (Jantrarotai feed. The production cost could be further reduced under a
et al. 1998; Meyer and Fracalossi 2004). The high dietary lipid large-scale production (Kang et al. 2010).
did not compensate the effect of low dietary protein based on
the retarded growth and lower carcass protein contents; a Hematological parameters of fish fed food waste
higher dietary energy level may be required in both fish to supplemented with enzyme mixture
spare protein.
The hematological parameters were affected by the two food
Utilizations of food waste supplemented with bromelain waste feeds and supplemented enzymes. The total protein,
and papain mixture total IgI, and NBT activity of fish feeding with food waste
feeds were depressed to some extent during the experiment;
The addition of bromelain and papain may enhance the feed e.g., significantly reduced NBT activities were found in grass
utilization or stimulate fish immunity. The present results carp fed FW A 0 % and all FW D groups at day 28 (p<0.05).
showed the enhanced growth and reduced lipid retention in The production of oxidative radical by neutrophil was quan-
grass carp when fed enzyme-supplemented feed. The de- tified by the NBT assay (Siwicki et al. 1994) and noted that
creased carcass lipid was significantly correlated with the in- the oxidative radical is an important defense system in fish
crease of bromelain and papain in FW A (r=0.630) and FW D (Anderson 1992).
(r=0.669) (Spearman’s test, p<0.01). Addition of 1 and 2 % The total IgI and total serum protein levels of grass carp in
of bromelain and papain mixture could enhance ANLU in FW A 0 % were also significantly lower than the control
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