Investments in R&D and Business Performance. Evidence From The Greek Market

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Investments in R&D and business performance.

Evidence from the Greek market.

E. Parcharidis, N.C. Varsakelis,

Department of Economics,
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.


The purpose of the present paper is to discuss the question: are investments in
R&D, innovation and new technologies, intangible factors of business performance? There
is a great controversy concerning the relationship between profitability and investments in
research and development. Many studies have failed to identify consistent positive returns
from R&D and IT investments, and the paradox has been termed as the “IT productivity
paradox”. Most of the optimistic researchers argue that the disappointing results are due to
mismeasurement errors, problematic design of the research and time lags between learning
and adjustment, because R&D investments can take several years to show results. In our
research, we apply a panel data analysis using data from industrial and computer
companies listed in the Athens Stock Exchange, for the period 1995-2000. We find that
although the R&D investments have a negative influence on profitability for the year of the
investment, they can show strong positive relation after two years.

Keywords: Performance, R&D, profitability, firm level data, Greek market, productivity
paradox, R&D strategy.

JEL Classification: O300, L250, M200, L190

Parcharidis Efstathios: PhD student. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Dept of Economics,

Thessaloniki, Greece. Email: Tel: +306976868790
Varsakelis Nikos: Professor. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Dept of Economics, P.O. BOX
184, 54006 Thessaloniki, Greece. Email:

1. Introduction

In a competitive environment, firms are forced to adopt strategies in order to

confront competition, increase profitability and market share. R&D investment has an

essential role in these strategies, although it has distinguished characteristics from other

investments. Since more than half of the investments are associated with salaries of skilled

– expert workers and scientists, the degree of uncertainty associated with its output may

influence the investment rate over time (Hall, 2000). R&D investment generates profits

with a time lag (Aboody and Lev, 2001; Jefferson, 2006), and hence should be sustained at

a certain level (Hall 2002).

The continuous substitution of knowledge (intangible capital) for physical (tangible

capital) the last decades, has shown the important role of R&D on the performance of the

firms (Lev, 1999). R&D investment has been studied from several different perspectives.

Thorough research using a production function approach has been done by Griliches as

early as 1979. Verspagen and Los (2000) researched the R&D spillovers and productivity,

while Hall (2002) studied the financing of R&D. Aboody and Lev (2001), Ding, Stolowy

and Tenenhaus (2007), Jefferson , huamao, Xiaojing and Xiaoyun (2006), studied the time

lag of R&D on profitability and the contribution to the future earnings of the firm. In

addition to those studies, Lev and Sougiannis (1996) found a positive correlation between

R&D expenditures and economic growth.

The questions addressed in this paper aim to research the influence of R&D on

profitability, the time period for profit realization and the existence of decreasing returns.

We used data from the balance sheets of 36 industrial and computer firms listed in the

Athens Stock that report R&D stock, from the total 143, for the period 1995-2000.Using

panel data estimations, we found that R&D needs at least two years to positively affect

profitability. Moreover, this impact exhibits decreasing returns.

The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 gives the theoretical framework.

Section 3 describes the data, presents the methodology and discusses the empirical results.

Finally, section 4 offers some concluding remarks and policy implications.

2. Theoretical framework

R&D and implementation of new technologies, for products development and

innovative production processes, are used in order to provide differentiation that can yield

competitive advantage and lead time over rivals (Mansfield, 1968; Baily, 1972). Hence, the

firm invests in R&D and innovation to achieve market share and monopolistic profit.

Hall (2000) states, that more than 50% of the R&D spending is associated with salaries

and wages of highly educated scientists and engineers. Their efforts create an intangible

asset (know how), from which profits in future years will be generated. Low investment in

R&D reduces innovation and knowledge creation, which in turn reduces productivity as

well as investments in both physical and human capital (Rogers, 2005).

R&D has generally been ignored, partly due to data availability problems. Sougiannis

(1994) notes that most of the results that show no significant relationship between R&D

and future benefits, may be due to sample sizes, research design, statistical techniques and

quality of the R&D data used. Studies in research intensive industries show that R&D

investments give above average returns (Grabowski, 1978).

A business unit with higher productivity is generally more profitable. There are many

other factors that influence performance, that we should take into consideration in order to

check the importance of innovative intangible capital stock.

Hence, we posit the following hypothesis.

Hypothesis 1. R&D stock is related to profitability.

The time lags are a major concern in the data and analysis. First of all a research may

take a few years to complete. After completion, it may take a couple of years to start

showing results (Griliches, 1979). This may be one of the most important reasons to check

variation over time and to research more than 5 years of firm level data. Some of the

studies use 15 years of data.

Jefferson (2006) finds that the returns to industrial R&D appear to be at least three to

four times the returns to fixed production assets. There is a direct positive correlation

between R&D expenditures and economic growth. Lev & Sougiannis (1996) found that the

useful life of R&D varies from 5 to 9 years, while Aboody & Lev (2001) conclude that the

estimated duration of the benefits from R&D projects is seven years and most of the

operating income benefits are generated in 3 years from the R&D investment. Hence, we

posit the following hypothesis.

Hypothesis 2. There is a time lag for the R&D stock to show results.

If we assume the production function exhibits the usual properties, then the R&D stock

as a production factor should exhibit decreasing marginal returns. Thus, we posit the 3rd


Hypothesis 3. The R&D stock exhibits decreasing returns.

3. Data, Methodology and Empirical Results

We used data from the balance sheets of 36 industrial and computer firms listed in the

Athens Stock that report R&D stock, from the total 143, for the period 1995-2000. The

firms are the most important manufacturing and computer firms in Greece.

We define gross profit to sales ratio (GPSL) as a proxy for business performance. We

used the gross profit to sales ratio as the depended variable in our model, because it is more

closely related to monopolistic profit.

Firms that report R&D investments in their balance sheets, include research and

development expenditures for new products development, innovations in production,

software systems, brand development and other intangibles. Hall and Hayashi (1989), state

that R&D is an important intangible capital that can lead to more long-lasting and

supranormal returns; it is embodied in the firm and its employees and includes knowledge,

accumulated know-how, technical expertise, trade secrets, patents, etc. Knowing that, we

used the R&D stock to total assets, denoted as RDTA, as an explanatory variable in our


We finally used the following control variables: first, the cost of goods sold to

inventories ratio denoted as CGSINV, as a proxy for the corporate management and second

the size of the firm proxied either by the logarithms of sales (SIZE) or by the logarithm of

fixed assets (LFA).

Tables 1 and 2 present the descriptive statistics and the correlation matrix of the

variables used in our models. Data show a 28,4% average gross profit to sales ratio and an

average of 1,8% R&D stock to total assets. In accordance to our findings, Voulgaris,

Asteriou and Agiomirgianakis (2004), also calculated an average of 25% for gross profit

ratio for SMEs and an average of 28% for LSEs, in their sample from the manufacturing


Following the discussion of the previous section, the relationship between firms’

performance and the explanatory variables is modeled as follows:

Profitability = f(research and development, control variables)

Where GPSL stands for profitability, RDTA with one and two lags stands for research and

development and SIZE, LFA and CGSINV as control variables. Finally, to test the 3rd

hypothesis for decreasing returns to R&D we included the squared RDTA with two lags.

Table 3 presents the panel estimations. In estimating panel data the unobserved

effect or individual heterogeneity is random and should be tested for random effect or fixed

effect. If the unobserved effect is uncorrelated to the observed explanatory variables

(cov( xit , ci )=0, t=1,2,…T) is called random effect otherwise fixed effect. Hausman test

suggested, in our case, that the unobserved effect is correlated to the observed explanatory

variables and therefore the fixed effect method is more robust than random effects analysis

for the estimation of the parameters. The cost of this robustness is the exclusion of the

time-constant observables. However, since our data set does not include any time constant

observable explanatory variable, this cost is relatively low.

We conclude that R&D investments have a negative influence on performance, for

the year following the year of the investment, since the novelty of the methods introduced

to production processes requires a learning and adjustment period. The strong positive

coefficient on the [RDTA] t − 2 term explains that there is a positive influence of R&D on the

profitability of the firm on the following 2 years. This means that, we have to wait for 2

years after the investment in order to have strong positive returns in GPSL. Hence, our first

and second hypotheses are valid and R&D is related to profitability and there is a time lag

in order for the R&D investments to show results.

Based on our findings, we suggest smooth and consistent investments in R&D. The

managers have to wait for 2 years in order to have positive results from R&D. From our

experience from the internet industry, internet companies need a period of two years from

new product development and R&D investments, in order to increase sales and profits.

Hence, companies with late reaction to the competition need around 2 years to react to the

new technologies, and another 2 years after implementation, concluding to a time span of

four years. Branch (1974) finds that there is a lag of 4 years between introducing an

innovation to practice and receiving a patent on it. That is why he used the patents received

in year t as an index of a firm’s R&D output in year t-4.

The negative coefficient on the [RDTA] t2−2 term suggests that the third hypothesis

for the existence of decreasing marginal returns is supported by the data. Therefore, the

continuous increase of R&D share to total assets is not followed by equivalent increase in

profitability and even more the level of R&D investment has an upper limit after which

profitability decreases. In order to estimate the upper level of RDTA, we take the partial

derivative of GPSL with respect to [RDTA] t −2 from the (A2) model in Table 3. Hence:

= 0 ⇒ b1 + 2b2 [ RDTA]t − 2 = 0 ⇒ [ RDTA]t − 2 = 0,157
∂[ RDTA]t − 2

Where b1 is the estimated coefficient of the [RDTA] t − 2 and b2 is the estimated

coefficient of the squared [RDTA] t − 2 . Thus, the upper limit for R&D as share of total assets

is 15.7% and after that profitability decreases. Using the partial derivative of GPSL with

respect to [RDTA] t − 2 from the (A2) model, we also find that an increase on the share of

R&D to total assets by of 1% leads to an increase on GPSL by 1.69%, in the following two


= b1 + 2b2 [ RDTA]t − 2 = 1.975 − 2 ⋅ 6,269 ⋅ 0.023 = 1,69
∂[ RDTA]t −2

CGSINV show a negative influence on performance in all our models. This means

that lowering the stock the performance decreases, in contrast older findings that, it is large

inventories that create a drag on firm’s performance (Chhibber and Majumdar, 1999). This

may be due to the fact that further lowering inventories leads to operational and sales


Finally, the size has a negative influence on gross profit margin (in contrast to the theory).

This may be true for Greece as the major companies are old, former state owned

companies, and we find in literature that the age of the firm has a negative influence on

performance (Majumdar, 1997). Moreover, although a positive relationship between size

and profitability is expected, firms that grow at a rate faster than that which the

entrepreneur can manage may experience diseconomies of scale which reduce profitability

(Glancey, 1998).

4. Conclusions and policy implications

In our study we undertook an empirical investigation using panel data methodology

for 36 industrial and computer companies listed in the Athens Stock that report R&D stock,

for the period 1995-2000. Our findings suggest that the effect of R&D investment on

profitability becomes positive after a period of two years with decreasing returns.

More specifically, the production costs tend to increase in the short run, because

new product development, new production methods and information technology, need time

to show results, since the novelty of the methods introduced into the production processes

creates turmoil during the adjustment period. That explains the negative relation of R&D to

profitability for the subsequent of the investment year. Finally, 2 years after the R&D

investment, the new methods and improvements are fully functional and absorbed and we

can see positive returns on profitability, but with decreasing results.

Although we have results in accordance to the theory, further research should be

done using data from the income statements of the firms, as many of the R&D expenditures

are calculated in the income statements and not to the balance sheet. Only the 30% of the

companies in the Athens Stock Exchange calculate R&D expenditures in their balance

sheet. Matteucci and Sterlacchini (2005), also found that only 34% of their sample from

Italian manufacturing firms, do report R&D expenditures. We can also find in the literature

that most companies do not capitalize R&D, even when accounting standards allow them

the option. The difficulty on modeling such a research is that many of the R&D

expenditures are calculated in the income statements as production costs and not

specifically as an R&D figure. Furthermore, R&D and innovation is a value that many

times is not calculated in the financial statements. Lev (2003), comments that most

companies do not report how much they spend on employee training, on brand

enhancement, or on software technology. Most of the times, R&D and innovation is an

intangible asset that has to do with entrepreneurship and the owner’s innovative ideas.

Many of the assets bought for production, involve high technology and R&D, but the extra

value is paid as a product and is not calculated in the balance sheet. The companies should

calculate this extra value and take it into account in the intangibles, with annual

depreciation, and not just calculate it as expenses in the income statement. Though, this

direction deals with the personality and education of the entrepreneur. Lev (2003)

comments that managers tend to manipulate and immediately expense R&D expenditures

in order to meet profit goals. The same problem arises when many innovative products and

R&D expenses are paid through operating leasing and hence they are also calculated as

production expenses in the income statement.


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Table 1: Descriptive Statistics

Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum

GPSL 0.284 0.117 0.058 0.597
RDTA 0.018 0.030 0.000 0.187

[RDTA] t −1 0.022 0.036 0.000 0.201

0.023 0.037 0.000 0.201

[RDTA] t − 2

SIZE 17.612 1.182 15.669 21.909

LFA 17.052 1.396 13.143 20.732
CGSINV 7.051 11.674 0.869 70.446

Table 2: Correlation Matrix

GPSL [RDTA] t −1 [RDTA] t − 2 [RDTA] t − 2 SIZE LFA CGSINV

-0.629 1
[RDTA] t −1

-0.752 0.934 1
[RDTA] t − 2

2 -0.120 0.853 0.921 1

[RDTA] t − 2

SIZE -0.273 -0.103 -0.050 -0.073 1

LFA -0.150 -0.292 -0.260 -0.327 0.783 1
CGSINV -0.165 0.108 0.121 0.033 0.095 -0.020 1

Table 3: Panel estimations: Dependent variable GPSL
Model A1 Model A2 Model B1 Model B2

[RDTA] t −1 -0.823** -0.698**

(-2.558) (-2.317)
1.041*** 1.975*** 0.950** 1.961***
[RDTA] t − 2
(2.826) (2.906) (2.566) (2.886)

2 -6.269* -6.412**
[RDTA] t − 2
(-1.948) (-01.996)
CGSINV -0.102* -0.106* -0.129** -0.125**
(-1.688) (-1.720) (-2.097) (-2.022)

SIZE -0.035*** -0.018*

(-2.649) (-1.665)
LFA -0.015** -0.960*
(-2.603) (-1.720)
0.929 0.926 0.929 0.926
R2 adjusted
F-statistic 36.142 33.498 37.514 34.588
Prob(F-statistic) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Hausman test
x (4) = 1.224
x (4) = 5.507
x (4) = 2.478
x (4) = 7.609

p=0.874 p=0.239 p=0.648 p=0.107

T statistic in parentheses.
***, **, * indicate a significance at the 1%, 5% and 10% levels respectively.


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