FDIand Growth

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research paper series

Globalisation, Productivity and Technology

Research Paper 2004/15

Foreign Direct Investment and Productivity Growth:

A Survey of Theory

Ben Ferrett

The Centre acknowledges financial support from The Leverhulme Trust

under Programme Grant F114/BF
The Author
Ben Ferrett is a Research Fellow in the Leverhulme Centre for Research on Globalisation and
Economic Policy, which is located within the School of Economics at the University of

Contact Details
Ben Ferrett
School of Economics
University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham NG7 2RD
United Kingdom

e-mail: ben.ferrett@nottingham.ac.uk

Financial support from the Leverhulme Trust (Programme Grant F114/BF) is gratefully
acknowledged. A revised version of this text will appear as chapter 4 of Globalisation and
Productivity Growth, edited by my colleagues David Greenaway, Holger Görg and Richard
Kneller and published by Palgrave, under the title ‘Foreign Direct Investment and Productivity
Growth: Theory’.
Foreign Direct Investment and Productivity Growth: A Survey of Theory
Ben Ferrett


This paper analyses several theoretical perspectives on the relationship between foreign direct
investment (FDI) flows and ‘productivity growth’, interpreted as growth in total factor
productivity (TFP). We begin with general equilibrium models. An open economy version of
Solow’s famous (1956) growth model is developed, where North-to-South FDI flows both
equalize the return to capital across countries and transfer technical knowledge internationally.
Two recent models of general equilibrium with imperfect competition are also discussed: one
allows for specialisation in intermediates production à la Ethier (1982), and the other contains
endogenous R&D decisions. Three partial equilibrium models are then presented to provide
‘strategic’ (game theoretic) analyses of (a) how spillovers affect an MNE’s choice between FDI
and exporting; (b) trained worker mobility as a specific mechanism for spillovers; and (c) the
relationship between FDI flows and R&D performance. Before evaluating the state of research
on the FDI/ productivity relationship (in the Conclusion), the penultimate section considers
whether the form of FDI (‘greenfield investment’ versus cross-border mergers and acquisitions)
undertaken matters for its relationship with TFP growth in two game-theoretic models (first,
with endogenous R&D; and, second, when firms differ in their technologies).

JEL classification: F21; F23; O31; O40.

Keywords: foreign direct investment; productivity growth; total factor productivity; spillovers;
R&D; acquisition-FDI; greenfield-FDI.

1. Introduction
2. General Equilibrium Perspectives
3. Partial Equilibrium Perspectives
4. Does the Form of FDI Matter?
5. Conclusion
Non-Technical Summary

This paper analyses several theoretical perspectives on the relationship between foreign direct
investment (FDI) flows and ‘productivity growth’, interpreted as growth in total factor
productivity (TFP), the joint productivity of a given bundle of inputs (e.g. capital and labour).
Two ways in which a firm’s TFP can increase can be distinguished. A firm might receive
superior technical knowledge from other firms (‘spillovers’), or it might develop better
techniques internally, via investment in research and development (R&D). The models outlined
in this paper can be viewed as formalizations of the linkage between FDI flows and these two
mechanisms of TFP growth.

We begin with general equilibrium models. An open economy version of Solow’s famous
(1956) growth model is developed, where North-to-South FDI flows both equalize the return to
capital across countries and transfer technical knowledge internationally. Two recent models of
general equilibrium with imperfect competition are also discussed: one allows for specialisation
in intermediates production à la Ethier (1982), and the other contains endogenous R&D
decisions. Three partial equilibrium models are then presented to provide ‘strategic’ (game
theoretic) analyses of (a) how spillovers affect an MNE’s choice between FDI and exporting;
(b) trained worker mobility as a specific mechanism for spillovers; and (c) the relationship
between FDI flows and R&D performance.

Before evaluating the state of research on the FDI/ productivity relationship in the Conclusion,
the penultimate section considers whether the form of FDI (‘greenfield investment’ versus
cross-border mergers and acquisitions) undertaken matters for its relationship with TFP growth.
By way of motivation, there are at least two general reasons for emphasizing the distinction
between greenfield- and acquisition-FDI. First, the intuitive industrial-organization response
that the greenfield/ acquisition distinction affects ‘concentration’ is confirmed by applied work;
indeed, UNCTAD (2000) finds that a persistent ‘concentration effect’ is the most significant
difference between greenfield- and acquisition-FDI. Second, neither type of FDI is empirically
trivial; e.g. UNCTAD (2000) estimates that the ratio of acquisition- to greenfield-FDI in
aggregate global FDI flows was 4:1 in the late 1990s, and since then cross-border M&A flows
have collapsed.

We present two game-theoretic models of the relationship between the form of FDI and firms’
TFPs. In the first, R&D is endogenous. We isolate circumstances where both consumers and
firms prefer acquisition-FDI to greenfield-FDI – despite the increase in ‘concentration’ it
implies – because R&D performance improves following acquisition. In the second model, in
contrast to the first, firms are heterogeneous, differing in their (exogenous) technologies. We
examine how FDI inflows and outflows of both kinds help shape the national ‘productivity
distribution’ across plants in an industry. Technology can flow both within firms (when firms
with different technologies initially merge) and between firms (via ‘spillovers’). This second
analysis sheds some light on how FDI flows might account for the frequently-observed
‘productivity advantages’ of foreign- over domestically-owned firms.
1 Introduction
This paper presents several theoretical perspectives on the relationship between for-
eign direct investment (FDI) °ows and `productivity growth', interpreted as growth
in total factor productivity (TFP), the joint productivity of a given bundle of in-
puts (e.g. capital and labour). Two ways in which a ¯rm's TFP can increase can be
distinguished.1 A ¯rm might receive superior technical knowledge from other ¯rms
(`spillovers'), or it might develop better techniques internally, via investment in re-
search and development (R&D). The models outlined in this paper can be viewed as
formalizations of the linkage between FDI °ows and these two mechanisms of TFP
In the next Section we present some general equilibrium perspectives on the FDI/
productivity relationship. An open economy version of Solow's famous (1956) growth
model is developed, where North-South FDI °ows equalize the return to capital
across countries and simultaneously transfer technical knowledge internationally. We
then go on to consider the implications of some recent models of general equilibrium
with imperfect competition for the FDI/ productivity relationship. These are able to
account for the in°uence of specialisation (`variety') in production and endogenous
R&D decisions, neither of which can be examined within a perfectly competitive
framework. The key advantage of general equilibrium modelling is that it allows the
economy-wide e®ects of FDI °ows to be analysed. However, due to the demands
of tractability, this is at the expense of detailed study of the impact of FDI at the
micro level. Moreover, intuition suggests that the micro e®ects of FDI °ows will be
both subtle and important: multinational enterprises (MNEs) typically operate in
`concentrated' industries where considerations of strategic inter-¯rm rivalry are likely
to exert a signi¯cant in°uence on equilibrium outcomes. Therefore, in Section 3 a
variety of partial equilibrium perspectives are presented. We analyse the strategic
e®ects of spillovers on the ¯rm's choice between FDI and exporting (Section 3.1)
and a speci¯c mechanism { worker mobility between ¯rms { through which spillovers
occur (Section 3.2).2 We also present a model of the interactions between FDI °ows
and R&D investments (Section 3.3).
To ¯x ideas, a comment on how `productivity growth' is accounted for in these
modelling frameworks might be useful. The general equilibrium models typically
specify a production function (e.g. the aggregate production function in the Solow
model), an explicit component of which is an index of TFP.3 However, in partial
equilibrium (industrial organization) models production functions are rarely explic-
This classi¯cation is not meant to be exhaustive. For example, TFP growth due to increased
specialisation in the production of intermediates (Adam Smith's famous pin factory) does not ¯t
well into it.
In the literature, spillovers without a well-speci¯ed mechanism are referred to as `demonstration
Note that the empirical studies often interpret `productivity' as labour productivity, value-
added output per worker. From a theoretical viewpoint, it is problematic to think of FDI as
a®ecting labour productivity directly, because output per head is endogenously determined { given
market conditions and technology { by ¯rms' pro¯t-maximizing choices. Unless some aspect of
technology changes, there is no reason for output per head to change. Therefore, the focus in the
theoretical models is on the impact of FDI on TFP.

itly speci¯ed; rather, we work with its dual, the cost function. In these models an
increase in TFP is generally re°ected as a reduction in (constant) marginal cost.4
In Section 4 we examine two modelling approaches that disaggregate FDI °ows
into their components, green¯eld-FDI (`green¯eld investment') and acquisition-FDI
(cross-border mergers and acquisitions), to examine their separate relationships with
productivity growth. This is an interesting exercise both because there are intuitive
industrial-organization reasons for believing that market structure (at least in the
short run) will be di®erentially a®ected by green¯eld- versus acquisition-FDI, and
because neither type of FDI is trivial in real-world °ows.5 First, we examine the
relationships between the two types of FDI °ow and industry R&D performance;
and, second, we examine how FDI in°ows and out°ows (of both kinds) help shape
the national `productivity distribution' across plants in an industry. This second
analysis sheds some light on how FDI °ows might account for the frequently-observed
`productivity advantages' of foreign- over domestically-owned ¯rms.
Finally, Section 5 concludes.

2 General Equilibrium Perspectives

In this Section we develop a simple model of how FDI °ows can arise endogenously
as an equilibrium feature of an integrated world capital market.6 In our model FDI
°ows (in equilibrium) from high to low productivity countries (where `productiv-
ity' is to be interpreted as total factor productivity, TFP), and the `productivity
advantages' of source countries are assumed to be embodied in FDI °ows. Both di-
rectly (via the import of superior capital) and indirectly (via technological spillovers
to local ¯rms), FDI in°ows into low-productivity `developing' countries raise those
economies' aggregate total factor productivities. Our model thus formalizes the pro-
cess by which North-to-South FDI °ows can enable developing countries to `catch
up' (and possibly `converge') with industrialized countries. An appealing feature of
our analysis is its general equilibrium perspective, but this comes at some cost: for
example, we are unable to comment on the `strategic' features of competition that
might well be signi¯cant in the (typically concentrated) markets in which MNEs
The world comprises two regions (perhaps single countries or groups of identical
countries), the North and the South. Aggregate production functions take a Cobb-
If the ¯rm's production function exhibits constant returns to scale (and is therefore homothetic)
and all factors of production are variable, then average cost is independent of output (and therefore
equals marginal cost): factor intensities depend only on relative factor prices. TFP growth, which
shifts the unit isoquant inwards in its entirety, must reduce average cost (the optimal, i.e. lowest,
isocost line shifts inwards).
If acquisition-FDI results in a more `concentrated' market structure than green¯eld-FDI, then
{ to the extent that ¯rms' rents vary with `concentration' { this poses signi¯cant problems for
using value-added per worker to proxy `technology'.
Inspiration for the model presented here was drawn from Koizumi and Kopecky (1977), Findlay
(1978) and Wang (1990). For simplicity, there is no `general' economic growth in our model (i.e.
the production possibilities in the `advanced' countries are unchanging through time), but only
`catching up' by developing regions. See Wang (1990) for a model of on-going growth.

Douglas form:

North : YN = AN KN® L1¡®

N ) yN = AN kN ®

South : YS = AS KS® L1¡®

S ) yS = AS kS®

where upper and lower case letters represent aggregate and per-capita quantities
respectively (Y = net output; K = capital; and L = labour). AN and AS index
total factor productivity (assumed to be a `pure' public good, both nonrival and
nonexcludable, within the country). ® 2 (0; 1) is the share of capital in national
income (assuming perfect competition in product and factor markets).
Under autarky (i.e. international immobility of both factors), the steady-state
level of capital per head is determined (as in the Solow growth model) by the re-
quirement that per-capita investment (¯nanced by savings) compensate the capital-
diluting e®ects of depreciation and population growth:

Autarky: si yi = (n + ±) ki , i 2 fN; Sg
|{z} | {z }
realized investment per head required investment per head
(determined by savings) to maintain constant k

The rates of population growth and depreciation (common across regions) are
n and ± respectively, and s is the constant average propensity to save (di®erent
across regions). Therefore, in the steady state y=k = (n + ±) =s for both regions.
Substituting this into the marginal product of capital, @y=@k = ®y=k, we derive the
autarky real interest rates:
® (n + ±) ® (n + ±)
Autarky interest rates: rN = , rS =
sN sS
The important feature of rN , rS is that they are independent of AN , AS : the
immediate (i.e. pre-accumulation) rise in the marginal product of capital caused
by an improvement in TFP is entirely o®set in the steady state by an increase in
capital per head (`capital deepening'). We make the following intuitively-appealing

Technological leadership : AN > AS

Savings behaviour : sN > sS

The top assumption means that North is the technological leader, and the lower
one is su±cient to guarantee rS > rN in autarky.7 Figure 1 illustrates the analysis so
far.8 Note that under autarky steady-state capital and income per head are lower in
the South than in the North for two reasons: the North's higher propensity to save
and accumulate (sN > sS ) and its higher level of TFP (AN > AS ), which increases
Northern savings and income per head for any kN = kS , sN = sS .
Of course, sN > sS is unnnecessary for rS > rN under autarky. We could plausibly assume
higher population growth in South, which would achieve the same result.
Nothing in our analysis implies (or requires) yS > sN yN for all kS = kN . Figure 1 assumes
this merely for graphical convenience.


So far we have assumed perfect factor immobility between the two regions. Now
assume that capital becomes perfectly mobile internationally (`globalization'), which
implies rN = rS = rW , the world real interest rate, in equilibrium (otherwise capital
could pro¯tably change locations). Because rS > rN in autarky, capital will °ow
from North to South upon liberalization.9 The (steady-state) equilibrium values of
kN , kS under perfect capital mobility are characterized by two conditions:
µ ¶
kN AN 1 ¡ ®
rN = rS ) = , (1)
which ensures that the marginal products of capital are equalized across re-
gions,10 and

Capital exports = imports: sN yN ¡ (n + ±) kN = (n + ±) kS ¡ sS yS , (2)

| {z } | {z }
Capital exports from Capital imports by
North per head South per head

which ensures that aggregate (global) capital demand and supply balance. ((2)
implicitly assumes that the two regions have the same population; the extension to
size asymmetries is straightforward, requiring the LHS of (2) to be multiplied by
LN =LS .) (1) and (2) uniquely determine a (kN ; kS )-pair with kN > kS where both
capital-labour ratios lie inside the autarky range (see Figure 1). Two features of
the steady-state equilibrium under perfect capital mobility are noteworthy. First,
production per head falls in the North and rises in the South as capital migrates
southwards.11 Second, capital (FDI) °ows from the North to the South. This creates
the possibility of international technology transfer if the North's TFP advantage is
to some extent embodied in its capital out°ows. Assume that TFP in the South,
AS , evolves according to
à !
dAS A N kM AN kM
=f ; > 0 for all > 1, >0
dt AS kS AS kS
It is important to note that nothing in the logical structure of our model implies this direction
of FDI °ow. For example, if AN > AS but sS > sN (so rN > rS under autarky), then capital
would °ow from South to North upon liberalization.
Therefore, to the extent that national TFPs di®er, national capital:output ratios will also
di®er in equilibrium in an integrated global capital market. Lucas (1990, section II) provides an
interesting numerical calibration, which suggests that the return to capital is virtually equalized
between the USA and India once TFP di®erences are accounted for.
It is important to note that this does not mean that national income per head has fallen
in the North. In addition to domestic production, Northern citizens also receive income from
their exported capital. Because capital °ows Southwards as long as its marginal product in South
exceeds that in North (i.e. gain > loss at the margin), Northern national income per head rises
with capital liberalization. (The analysis of changes in the distribution of income between labour
and capital in North is more problematic; see Ru±n, 1979.)

with f (1; ¢) = f (¢; 0) = 0. Therefore, Southern TFP grows if there exists a
technological gap between North and South (i.e. AN > AS ) and the South hosts
Northern FDI (i.e. kM = kX > 0). Wang (1990) places more structure on the f (¢; ¢)
function by assuming that both of its partial derivatives are strictly positive: AS
grows more rapidly, the larger is the technological gap between North and South
(AN =AS ) and the more important is Northern FDI in the Southern capital stock
(kM =kS ). The latter hypothesis was ¯rst proposed by Findlay (1978). However, this
extra structure is unnecessary for our analysis of North-to-South technology transfer
via FDI. Indeed, it is conceivable that dAS =dt may not be monotonically increasing
in AN =AS . For example, if the South lacks su±cient `absorptive capacity', then
dAS =dt may decrease in AN =AS for su±ciently large AN =AS (`small gaps are easier
to close than big ones'), perhaps making dAS =dt bell-shaped in AN =AS .
Therefore, in the world depicted in Figure 1 perfect capital mobility implies that
(in the very long run) AS converges on AN as the South imports Northern FDI and
techniques. Note from (1) that AS = AN implies kS = kN for real interest rate
equalization. In the limit, yS = yN for all kS = kN ; but the South will continue
to host FDI from the North because its propensity to save is lower. There is one
especially signi¯cant respect in which our analysis di®ers from convention: the e®ects
of an increase in the Southern propensity to save (sS ). Assume that sS rises to
the level of sN . Then the two regions' autarky real interest rates will be equal,
and no North-to-South capital movement will occur upon liberalization. Therefore,
South is stuck in a trap and will not `catch up' over time with North. This is an
instance where saving more can stymie capital accumulation that would otherwise
have occurred in the long run! The reason for this result is that increased Southern
savings (completely) `crowd out' FDI in°ows from North, so South loses the bene¯t
of technology transfer.12 Of course, this is a polar case because rises in sS that
preserve sN > sS will be consistent with North-to-South FDI °ows and technology
transfer upon capital liberalization. Here, the increase in Southern savings merely
retards its convergence with North. These results on the e®ects of higher Southern
savings contrast with the `conventional' case of ¯xed national TFPs where increases
in the propensity to save will increase the steady-state k if the economy is closed
(the Solow case) or large and open (rW will fall); only if the economy is small (a
price-taker in international markets) and open will an increase in saving have no
e®ect on k.
In the remainder of this Section we brie°y review two strands of literature that
examine the FDI/ productivity relationship in general equilibrium models with im-
perfect competition. Rodriguez-Clare (1996) examines how the extra demand for
locally-produced intermediate goods, created by inward FDI in the ¯nal-goods sec-
tor, enables greater specialisation (division of labour) in the intermediate-goods
industry as more varieties are produced (i.e. more ¯rms enter), an issue that cannot
be addressed under perfect competition where the number of ¯rms is indetermi-
Southern savings and FDI in°ows from North are perfect substitutes for maintaining the
Southern capital stock. The intuition behind this argument is easiest to grasp if one considers a
small open economy facing a given world real interest rate. In this case (k is tied down by rW )
there is a one-for-one inverse relationship between Southern savings and FDI in°ows from North.

nately large. Following Ethier (1982) in applying the Dixit-Stiglitz (1977) model of
monopolistic competition to the vertical relationship between industries producing
intermediate and ¯nal goods,13 Rodriguez-Clare showed that inward FDI into the
¯nal-goods sector generates a positive externality for other ¯nal-good producers via
backward linkages: the investing MNE's demands cause the intermediate-goods sec-
tor to expand (more varieties), which raises the TFP of local producers of the ¯nal
good. (Rodriguez-Clare assumes that domestic ¯rms must buy all their intermediate
inputs locally, so inward FDI that represents merely a relocation of production {
rather than a global increase { nevertheless confers external productivity bene¯ts.
However, MNEs may source their intermediates from abroad; if this occurs to a large
extent, inward FDI that displaces local ¯nal-goods producers and creates an `enclave
economy' within the host country may harm local ¯rms by reducing the number of
locally-produced intermediate varieties.) Haaland and Wooton (1999) examine the
implications of a model similar to Rodriguez-Clare's for the international agglomer-
ation of ¯nal-goods production. Since inward FDI by a single MNE raises the TFP
of all ¯rms in the ¯nal-goods sector, it increases the incentive for additional MNEs
to enter, perhaps leading the production plants of mobile ¯rms to be internationally
concentrated in a relatively small number of locations.
The second group of general equilibrium models with imperfect competition ex-
amines the relationships between Northern ¯rms' R&D decisions, undertaken to
move up the `quality ladder' and exploit a monopoly position in a niche market, and
Southern ¯rms' rate of imitation. (Imperfect competition is necessary here because
it generates the rents ¯rms need to ¯nance sunk R&D investments.) Benchmark
models (although without FDI) of product-cycle trade, where Northern ¯rms inno-
vate and produce `young' goods before production eventually moves to the cheaper
South, are provided by Grossman and Helpman (1991, chs. 11 and 12) and Help-
man (1993). A higher rate of imitation by Southern ¯rms of Northern goods, which
shifts production Southwards due to its cost advantage, can { somewhat paradoxi-
cally { increase R&D spending in the North: although the monopoly pro¯ts from a
successful innovation are shorter lived, they may be larger than previously because
the general Southwards migration of production will depress factor prices in the
North. Glass and Saggi (1999) introduce FDI by Northern ¯rms into this frame-
work. There are now two channels of `international technology transfer' between
North and South: Southern ¯rms may imitate either Northern `national' ¯rms or
Northern MNEs. The impact of Northern FDI in the South on the level of R&D in
the North depends on how aggregate Southern imitation responds to inward FDI.
If total imitation rises, then R&D spending in the North will rise via the previous
mechanism; however, if imitation of Northern MNEs merely substitutes for imita-
tion of Northern `national' ¯rms, then Northern R&D spending will be essentially
Compared to the Dixit-Stiglitz model of monopolistically-competitive ¯rms selling to con-
sumers, Ethier relabels the ¯rm sector `intermediate-goods producers' and the consumer sector
`¯nal-goods producers'. The love-for-variety utility function of consumers in Dixit-Stiglitz be-
comes the production function for ¯nal goods: ceteris paribus, the output of ¯nal goods rises if
the number of intermediate varieties rises, which is interpreted as a rise in TFP caused by greater
specialisation in intermediates production.


3 Partial Equilibrium Perspectives

3.1 Demonstration E®ects
In this Section we simplify from general to partial equilibrium. This has the advan-
tage that we are able to deepen our analysis in certain respects (notably, the inclusion
of strategic behaviour) while retaining analytic tractability. We begin with a simple
example to highlight some of the issues involved. Assume that a foreign MNE is
considering whether to serve a host-country product market by exporting from its
domestic production base or by establishing local production facilities (green¯eld-
FDI). The MNE's (constant) marginal production cost is cM and exporting incurs
a per-unit trade cost of t. The sunk cost of establishing a new plant in the host
country is G. The host-country product market contains a single local ¯rm with
marginal production cost cL . For the moment we do not need to place restrictions
on cL , cM relative to each other. Assume that if both ¯rms produce in the host
country there is a probability µ 2 (0; 1) that the more productive ¯rm's technology
spills over (via unspeci¯ed `demonstration e®ects') to its rival.15 Denoting the vari-
able pro¯ts of ¯rm i in duopolistic competition (perhaps aµ la Cournot) with ¯rm
j by ¹¼ D (ci ; cj ), where ¹ is host-country `market size' (population), and assuming
cL > cM (which ¯xes { if it occurs { the direction of spillover as M-to-L), the MNE
optimally chooses FDI over exporting i®

fcL > cM :g ¹ [µ¼ D (cM ; cM ) + (1 ¡ µ) ¼ D (cM ; cL )] ¡G > ¹¼ D (cM + t; cL ) (3)

| {z } | {z }
Expected variable pro¯ts Variable pro¯ts
with local production (FDI) under exporting

A number of comparative-statics results are immediately clear from (3). First,

an increase in µ makes FDI `less likely' (FDI pro¯ts fall because ¼ D (cM ; cL ) >
¼ D (cM ; cM ) if cM < cL but exporting pro¯ts are unchanged) as the risk that the
MNE will lose its technological advantage via spillovers increases. Second, an in-
crease in G makes FDI `less likely' (FDI pro¯ts fall but exporting pro¯ts are un-
changed), but an increase in t makes FDI `more likely' (exporting pro¯ts fall but
Two further relevant references are Walz (1997), where FDI spillovers provide the only channel
of North-South `international technology transfer', and Glass and Saggi (1998), who examine in
detail how the `absorptive capacity' of the South a®ects its ability to imitate Northern ¯rms.
Therefore, the scope of spillovers is geographically bounded (i.e. localized). In our formulation
spillovers occur when the more productive ¯rm's (process) technology becomes common knowledge.
This contrasts with the modelling of spillovers in d'Aspremont and Jacquemin (1988), where a
proportion, ¸, of marginal cost spills over. In this case, equation (3) would become

¼D (cM ; ¸cM + (1 ¡ ¸) cL ) ¡ G > ¼D (cM + t; cL ) :

See Ferrett (2003c) for more discussion of this distinction.

FDI pro¯ts are unchanged).16 This replicates the well-known result that the `tari®-
jumping' motive for FDI strengthens as tari®s rise (Motta, 1992). Third, the e®ect
of an increase in cL (i.e. in the MNE's `technological lead') on the MNE's optimal
decision depends on whether spillovers are `large' or `small'. If µ is `large' (» = 1),
then exporting pro¯ts rise but FDI pro¯ts are (approximately) unchanged, so FDI
becomes `less likely'. However, if µ is `small' (» = 0), then both exporting and FDI
pro¯ts increase following a rise in cL but FDI pro¯ts will rise by more, making FDI
`more likely'.17 Fourth, as with technological lead, the e®ect of a rise in market size,
¹, depends on the probability of spillovers. If µ is `small' (» = 0), increasing mar-
ket size makes green¯eld-FDI `more likely' (because ¼ D (cM ; cL ) > ¼ D (cM + t; cL )).
However, if µ is `large' (»
= 1), then an increase in market size will make green¯eld-
FDI `less likely' if and only if ¼ D (cM + t; cL ) > ¼D (cM ; cM ) (e.g. if t is small and
cL is large relative to cM ).18
An important assumption underlying the preceding analysis is cL > cM (i.e. the
MNE's technology at the outset is more productive). This assumption is a persistent
theme in theoretical modelling of competition between MNEs and `national' ¯rms.
We cover some of the reasons motivating it in Section 4. Note, however, that in
the simple framework outlined above there is no (logical) reason not to explore
the consequences of setting cM > cL , `multinationals without advantages' (Fosfuri
and Motta, 1999).19 If cM > cL , the MNE optimally chooses green¯eld-FDI over
exporting i®

fcM > cL :g ¹ [µ¼ D (cL ; cL ) + (1 ¡ µ) ¼ D (cM ; cL )] ¡G > ¹¼ D (cM + t; cL ) (4)

| {z } | {z }
Expected variable pro¯ts Variable pro¯ts
with local production under exporting

The di®erence between (3) and (4) lies in the ¯rst term on the LHS: if spillovers
occur, they °ow from the MNE to the local ¯rm when cL > cM but in the opposite
direction when cM > cL . Some of the comparative-statics analysis of (4) (i.e. for t,
G) mirrors that of (3). However, if µ rises when cM > cL , green¯eld-FDI becomes
`more likely' (because ¼D (cL ; cL ) > ¼ D (cM ; cL )): such inward FDI has been nick-
named `technology-sourcing FDI' (Dri±eld and Love, xxxx), undertaken in the hope
of enabling the MNE to bene¯t from `reverse' spillovers from local ¯rms. If the local
¯rm's technological lead (i.e. cM ) rises, then green¯eld-FDI becomes `less likely' if
`Less likely' and `more likely' here refer to the direction of change in the size of a region in
parameter space. For given parameter values, there is no probabilistic element to the MNE's
decision (hence the quotation marks).
For example, in a `linear' Cournot duopoly (constant marginal cost, linear inverse demand) a
given increase in rival's marginal cost causes the same changes in industry price (upwards) and
¯rm production (net decrease) independently of marginal cost levels (see Shy, 1995). Therefore, a
lower-marginal cost ¯rm will bene¯t more from a given increase in rival's marginal cost (i.e. given
increase in industry price) because its scale of production is larger.
Note that this result contrasts with the models of Rowthorn (1992) and Horstmann and
Markusen (1992) where spillovers are not considered (i.e. µ = 0 in our terminology) and in-
creases in market size always make FDI `more likely' in equilibrium. (Those models implicitly set
cM = cL .)
Both Fosfuri and Motta (1999) and Siotis (1999) analyse this case.

spillovers are `small' but `more likely' if they are `large' (because the value of `catch-
ing up' is greater, the larger the technology gap). Finally, if cM > cL an increase in
market size makes green¯eld-FDI `more likely' independently of the probability of
The two preceding models, both very simple, give some idea of how complex
are the links between FDI incentives, spillover possibilities and technological gaps.
In particular, I want to emphasise that if we allow MNEs to be strategic players
we cannot simply take the magnitude of the FDI °ow as ¯xed when discussing the
e®ects of variations in the degree of spillovers (as we did in the general equilibrium
model of the previous Section where FDI occurred to equalize the marginal product
of capital across regions and spillovers were merely a by-product of those °ows).20
An interesting generalization of the models presented above would allow for two-
way FDI °ows (`cross-hauling'), i.e. to give the local ¯rm the option of investing in
the MNE's home country. This would seriously complicate the analysis, however,
because spillovers between the two ¯rms can now occur in two countries. Therefore,
a given ¯rm's incentive to invest abroad will typically di®er depending on whether
or not its rival has undertaken FDI because the possible spillover °ows are di®erent.
Ferrett (2003b) examines this case.21
The discussion thus far has focussed exclusively on `horizontal' spillovers (i.e.
between ¯rms within a given industry). However, few of the general results appear
to carry over to the case of `vertical' spillovers. Consider a simple extension of the
`international outsourcing' model of Pack and Saggi (2001) where a monopolist has
located ¯nal-goods production abroad (via FDI) and must purchase intermediate
goods from a local (also monopolistic) ¯rm. It is immediately clear that the invest-
ing MNE has a strong incentive to encourage `vertical' spillovers from itself to the
local supplier that reduce the latter's marginal cost, because these will reduce the
MNE's input price. Furthermore, it is also the case that the MNE bene¯ts from
horizontal spillovers in the upstream (intermediate-goods) industry that reduce the
marginal costs of extra potential suppliers and provoke their entry, thus stimulating
`competition' in the upstream market and reducing the MNE's input price.
In the remainder of this Section we consider two models of the relationships be-
tween FDI °ows and host-country ¯rms' productivities. The ¯rst models a spillover
mechanism (unlike the framework examined above where spillovers were unformal-
ized `demonstration e®ects'): trained workers' mobility. The second model analyses
the relationships between FDI °ows and (process) R&D investment in an attempt
Wang and Blomstrom (1992) and Das (1987) are both models where the degree of spillover from
MNE to local rival (the parallel in the framework sketched above is the level of µ) is endogenously
determined (via MNE investments in technology transfer and local-¯rm investments in imitation).
However, both models assume that the MNE's production location (i.e. use of FDI) is given.
Note that the interdependences between ¯rms' strategies have di®erent roots in the models
of Horstmann and Markusen (1992) and Rowthorn (1992) compared to the hypothetical model
described here. In Horstmann/ Markusen and Rowthorn sunk costs on production in their home
countries (both ¯rm- and plant-speci¯c) create interdependences between the ¯rms' decisions: a
¯rm may optimally choose to exit the industry in response to inward FDI by a rival. In contrast,
in the framework sketched here spillover possibilities, which vary with the two ¯rms' locations,
create interdependences.

to formalize arguments about the (positive) linkages between inward FDI, `compe-
tition', and R&D spending.

3.2 A Spillover Mechanism: Trained Workers' Mobility

In this Section we present a model of the spillover mechanism: a foreign MNE
that establishes a plant in a host country (green¯eld-FDI) trains local workers, and
the spillover occurs when those newly-trained workers move to local ¯rms. The
model we present is a simpli¯ed version of Fosfuri, Motta and R¿nde (2001).22 The
model comprises two stages and analyses ¯rms' equilibrium decisions within a single
host country. Figure 2 shows the game tree. At stage one a foreign MNE chooses
whether to serve the host country via (green¯eld-)FDI or exports from a pre-existing
production base abroad. The MNE's proprietary technology allows it to produce
a good (serve a `market niche') that is not currently served by host-country ¯rms.
If the MNE chooses FDI, its stage-one pro¯t is M ¡ G, where M is the monopoly
pro¯t from local production and G is the sunk cost of a plant. In this case, the MNE
must train a local worker, which is assumed to be costless (labour is internationally
immobile by assumption, so the MNE cannot `import' a skilled worker from abroad).
The worker's reservation wage is zero. If the MNE chooses exports, its stage-one
monopoly pro¯t is MX 2 [0; M ] because of trade costs. MX is inversely related to
trade costs.


Stage 2 is the second period of production. If the MNE chose exports in stage
one, its stage-two choices are identical to those in stage one (with corresponding
payo®s). I assume
MX < M ¡ G,
so the MNE will optimally choose FDI in stage two if it previously exported.
(This amounts to assuming that the `tari®-jumping' motive for FDI is `su±ciently
strong'.) However, if the MNE undertook FDI in stage one and trained a local
worker, it must bid for the (mobile) worker in stage two with/against a single host-
country entrant ¯rm.23 We assume that the ¯rm with the higher valuation for the
worker wins the auction, paying as a wage its rival's valuation.24 The local ¯rm will
pay at most
vL = D,
A key simpli¯cation is that the host-country product market is constrained to be of the same
size in both periods. I also ignore complications relating to the local ¯rm's `absorptive capacity'.
Glass and Saggi (2001?) also model spillovers through workers' mobility, and they consider the
host-country government's optimal policy response given a bidding instrument.
Of course, it is possible to imagine the local ¯rm already being in the product market, albeit
owning a highly ine±cient technology relative to the MNE.
The hiring process is a ¯rst-price auction: the ¯rms simultaneously and irreversibly make take-
it-or-leave-it o®ers to the mobile trained worker, and we focus on the Pareto dominant equilibrium.
I assume that the MNE can only write a one-period contract with the worker.

where D 2 [0; M ] is its duopoly pro¯t upon entry excluding wage payments. D is
inversely related to the intensity of (product market) competition between the local
¯rm and the MNE. For example, D = 0 if the ¯rms compete in prices (Bertrand)
and sell homogeneous goods, whereas D = M if { from a demand-side view { the
¯rms produce in independent markets.25 The MNE will pay at most

vM = M ¡ D,

the di®erence between its second-period (variable) pro¯ts when it keeps and loses
the worker.26 Therefore, the MNE wins the auction i®
vM > vL , D < ,
otherwise the local ¯rm could out-bid it. Given our assumption that the MNE
will undertake FDI in period two if it previously exported (i.e. MX < M ¡ G), we
must now examine two cases. First, the MNE will undertake FDI in period one if
it will win the subsequent auction i®

MX < M ¡ D. (5)

Second, if it will lose the auction for the trained worker, the MNE will neverthe-
less undertake FDI in period one i®

MX < D. (6)

Figure 3 plots the game's subgame perfect Nash equilibria in (D; MX )-space un-
der the assumption that M > 2G.27 Consider ¯rst `small' MX (< M=2), which
relates to large trade costs. Here the MNE will always choose local production in
period one (`tari®-jumping' FDI). If vL = D is small (< M=2), the MNE will outbid
the local ¯rm at auction, and the host country will experience a pecuniary external-
ity: in period two, the MNE pays the trained worker more than her reservation wage
(= 0). However, if vL = D is large (> M=2), the local ¯rm will win the auction, and
the host country experiences a technological externality in addition to a pecuniary
one: the local ¯rm appropriates the MNE's technology by hiring away its trained
worker. Equilibria are more complicated when MX is `large' (> M=2), because
¯rst-period exporting becomes a viable option. Note that (5), (6) both embody a
trade-o® between export pro¯ts in period one and pro¯ts on local production after
To some extent, it is natural to think of D as determined by the type of training supplied by the
MNE in stage one. With training in ¯rm-speci¯c technology (e.g. product- and process-speci¯c),
D will be `small'; but with `general' training { that can readily be used in almost any ¯rm { D
will be `large'.
If the MNE loses the trained worker at auction, it must train another (costlessly) in period
two. Note that even if it loses the auction, the MNE will continue local production in period two
because it has already built a plant there, allowing it to `jump' the trade cost.
This guarantees that the MNE will optimally choose X in period one for some (D; MX )-pairs
with MX < M ¡ G, our maintained assumption.

the auction in period two.28 For small D, the MNE optimally undertakes FDI in
period one and wins the auction as before. However, the second-period wage of the
(retained) worker increases one-for-one with D, so eventually winning the auction
and producing locally in period two afterwards becomes unpro¯table relative to ex-
porting in period one (entry to the exporting region in Figure 3 from the left). If the
MNE will lose the auction (D > M=2), then local production following the auction
is more pro¯table than exporting in period one i® (6), i.e. for `large' D (exit from
the exporting region in Figure 3 to the right).


This Section has provided a formalization of the spillover mechanism that works
through trained workers' mobility. An important ¯nding is that two types of spillover
are experienced by the host country: a pecuniary spillover because the trained worker
commands a higher wage regardless of whether she is `poached'; and a technological
(`pure') spillover if the trained worker takes her newly-acquired skills to a local ¯rm.
The degree of competition between MNE and local rival is a key determinant of
equilibrium outcomes: if they produce for `quite di®erent' markets (D » = M), the
MNE will willingly train in the knowledge that its trained worker will be poached
because the business activities of the poaching ¯rm will harm the MNE relatively
little. We also discovered that the MNE's ability to export from a foreign country
to the host country's market has an important in°uence on outcomes as a fall-back

3.3 FDI Flows and R&D Performance

In this Section I present a model of the green¯eld-FDI and process R&D decisions
of rival `international duopolists' taken from Ferrett (2002).29 By making both FDI
and R&D decisions endogenous, I am able to analyse some of the relationships
between them. Some have argued (e.g. Dunning, 1977) that R&D investments
`cause' (`precede') FDI by providing ¯rms with the capabilities they need to compete
in international markets and co-ordinate business activities across national borders,
cultures, legal systems and languages. However, we shall see that the FDI/ R&D
relationship is more complex than this: two-way linkages exist between these two
corporate strategy decisions.
Consider a two-¯rm, two-country world where the ¯rms originate from di®erent
countries (i.e. own pre-existing home plants in di®erent countries) and compete in a
homogeneous good. The ¯rms play the following two-stage international duopoly
Independently of its period-one choice, the MNE will enjoy one period with pro¯ts of M ¡ G.
If it originally chooses FDI, this occurs in period one, whereas it occurs in period two following
The results we discuss are those for the `blockaded entry' game in Ferrett (2002). Petit and
Sanna-Randaccio (2000) analyse a similar game with spillovers, but their analysis does not admit
an analytical solution.

Stage 1. The duopolists simultaneously and irreversibly choose their corporate struc-
tures: whether to undertake green¯eld-FDI abroad and whether to invest in
process R&D.

Stage 2. All ¯rms' adopted corporate structures become common knowledge, as

does the success/ failure of any R&D investments undertaken. The duopolists
compete aµ la Bertrand to serve the two national product markets.

In stage one, the duopolists face two discrete choices. By paying a sunk cost of G
(green¯eld-FDI), they can establish a plant abroad. The bene¯t of green¯eld-FDI
is that it reduces the ¯rm's marginal cost of serving the foreign product market
by t, the per-unit (speci¯c?) trade cost. By paying a sunk cost of I, the ¯rm
undertakes process R&D: with probability p R&D is `successful' and the ¯rm's
marginal production cost falls from c, its initial level, to 0; with probability 1 ¡ p
R&D `fails' and marginal production cost remains at c. (The probability of R&D
success is identical and independent across ¯rms.) I make the following assumption
on the marginal cost parameters to limit the taxonomy:

1 > c > t > 0,

so the per-unit trade cost lies (strictly) between the marginal production costs
of a successful and an unsuccessful innovator. This assumption on the ordering of
marginal cost parameters is important partly because { given the stage-two Bertrand
competition in homogeneous goods { only the lower-cost ¯rm serves the market. The
variables of immediate interest are the probability of R&D success, p, and national
market size, ¹, which determines the slope of the demand function in both (identical)
Qd = ¹ (1 ¡ price) in both countries.
I assume that ¯rms maximize their expected pro¯ts, and I solve the game by
backwards induction to isolate its subgame perfect Nash equilibria. Given our as-
sumptions, each duopolist's corporate structure belongs to f1N; 1R; 2N; 2Rg, where
the ¯rst element of each term indicates whether the ¯rm owns 1 plant or (following
green¯eld-FDI) 2 and the second indicates whether the ¯rm undertakes R&D (R)
or not (N ). To give a feel for the game's structure, I brie°y present two pairs of
specimen payo®s. First, if both ¯rms choose 1N (i.e. to maintain only their home
plants and not to invest in R&D), then each earns pro¯ts of ¹R (c; c + t), where
¹R (ci ; cj ) is the variable pro¯t of ¯rm i in Bertrand competition with ¯rm j (ci ,
cj are their respective marginal costs) within a market of size ¹. In the case where
the industrial structure is (1N; 1N ), each ¯rm serves only its home market and is
a®orded some protection from import competition by the trade cost, t. Second, in
the industrial structure (1R; 2R) { ¯rm 1 chooses 1R and 2 chooses 2R { expected
pro¯ts are

E¼ 1 = p (1 ¡ p) ¹ [R (0; c) + R (t; c)] ¡ I

E¼ 2 = p (1 ¡ p) ¹ [R (0; c + t) + R (0; c)] + p2 ¹R (0; t)
+ (1 ¡ p)2 ¹R (c; c + t) ¡ G ¡ I

Because ¯rm 2 has a local plant (via green¯eld-FDI) in country 1, ¯rm 1 must
possess a marginal production cost advantage if it is to earn strictly positive variable
pro¯ts. This occurs with probability p (1 ¡ p) when 1's R&D e®ort succeeds but
2's fails. On the other hand, ¯rm 2 can earn strictly positive variable pro¯ts at
home when the ¯rms' marginal production costs are equal (i.e. if both R&D e®orts
succeed, probability p2 , or fail, probability (1 ¡ p)2 ) because the trade cost a®ords
its domestic plant some protection from foreign competition.
The equilibrium industrial structures of the international duopoly game are plot-
ted in (p; ¹)-space in Figure 4.30 Several general (but not infallible) conclusions on
the comparative-statics e®ects of varying p, ¹ can be drawn from Figure 4. The
number of R&D investments is (weakly) increasing in both market size and the
probability of R&D success. The equilibrium number of plants is also (weakly) in-
creasing in national market size.31 The e®ect of increases in the probability of R&D
success on the equilibrium number of plants is less clear. Note that the boundaries
of the (2R; 2R) equilibrium region are asymptotic to the lines p = 0 and p = 1, so
for `su±ciently large' p (2R; 2R) is never an equilibrium industrial structure. This is
due to our assumption of Bertand competition in homogeneous goods, which implies
that ¯rms will only incur sunk costs if they are likely to generate a marginal cost
advantage. Therefore, playing 2R cannot be a best response to 2R for p » = 1 because
the most likely outcome is a market price of 0 in both countries and a loss of G + I
for both ¯rms. This underlies the switch in equilibrium industrial structure from
(2R; 2R) to (1R; 1R) as we move rightwards for large ¹.
From casual inspection of Figure 4, it appears therefore that the numbers of
FDI and R&D investments are (generally) positively associated in equilibrium. (We
must be careful not to speak of causation within this framework because both FDI
and R&D are endogenous variables!) However, we can go further than this conclu-
sion and investigate how a commitment to undertake either FDI or R&D a®ects a
duopolist's `incentive' to undertake the other sunk investment.32 (While this does
not relate to causality, it does give a °avour of the relationships between FDI and
R&D investment decisions.33 ) It is immediately clear that a ¯rm committed to in-
I show in Ferrett (2002) that su±cient conditions for Figure 4 are G ¸ I > 0 and c ¡ t
`su±ciently large'. See Ferrett (2003c) for a complete characterization of permissible parameter
In addition to p, ¹, there are four other structural parameters: G, I, t, c. Changing their
values will shift the inter-regional boundaries in Figure 4. For example, increasing G will move
the (2R; 2R) region upwards and will squeeze the (1R; 1R)/ (1N; 2R) region from below, making
green¯eld-FDI `less likely'. However, increasing t will have the opposite e®ects (as well as shifting
the upper boundary of the (1R; 1R)/ (1N; 2R) region upwards), as `tari®-jumping' FDI becomes
more attractive.
This amounts to analysing how a hypothetical prior commitment to undertake R&D (resp.
green¯eld-FDI) a®ects the incremental pro¯tability of also undertaking green¯eld-FDI (resp.
R&D). It is important to note that this does not relate directly to the determination of equi-
librium industrial structures, which are determined as Nash equilibria (i.e. mutual best responses)
rather than via comparisons of (joint) pro¯t levels. Indeed, the international duopoly game in
Figure 4 can exhibit Prisoner's Dilemma characteristics.
Petit and Sanna-Randaccio (1998, 2000) undertake a similar analysis with similar results.

vesting in R&D is `more likely' to undertake green¯eld-FDI than one that is not.
In this international duopoly model playing 2N is strictly dominated by 1N (be-
cause Bertrand competition with the foreign incumbent ensures that rents to cover
G can only be earned if R&D is undetaken), so a non-R&D ¯rm will never opti-
mally undertake green¯eld-FDI.34 This result captures the FDI/ R&D link in OLI
(`ownership-location-internalisation') models (Dunning, 1977; Markusen, 1995). In
order to make green¯eld-FDI pro¯table, the `ownership advantages' generated by
(successful) process R&D are necessary.
It can also be shown that a ¯rm committed to undertaking green¯eld-FDI is
`more likely' to invest in R&D than one that is not.35 The reason for this is that,
following green¯eld-FDI and the elimination of trade costs on foreign sales, a ¯rm has
a larger output base over which to spread a successful process innovation; therefore,
the value of a successful process innovation is larger to a 2-plant than to a 1-plant
Therefore, two-way (positive) relationships exist between FDI °ows and R&D
levels. It is also possible to examine how spending on FDI or R&D by one duopolists
a®ects its rival's incentives to undertake FDI or R&D (see Ferrett, 2003c).

4 Does the Form of FDI Matter?

The partial equilibrium models of the previous Section all identi¯ed FDI in general
with green¯eld-FDI (`green¯eld investment') in particular, while the general equilib-
rium models covered in Section 2 were rather ambiguous about the precise form of
FDI (`green¯eld investment' versus cross-border mergers and acquisitions, M&As)
considered.36 In this Section we examine two modelling approaches that explicitly
disaggregate FDI °ows into green¯eld- and acquisition-FDI.37 The ¯rst (Ferrett,
2003a) examines how the green¯eld/ acquisition choice interacts with ¯rms' R&D
decisions. Inter alia, this allows a test of the `failing ¯rm' defence of acquisition-
FDI in°ows (Ferrett, 2003c): that acquisition-FDI is associated with su±ciently
enhanced technological performance to o®set the adverse welfare e®ects of increased
`concentration'. Formally, the modelling framework builds on the `international
duopoly game' described in Section 3.3 by adding two features: ¯rst, a stage 0
However, 2R is occasionally chosen over 1R (e.g. whenever 2R arises in equilibrium).
See Ferrett (2003c) for a proof.
This ambiguity on the form of FDI in the general equilibrium models surveyed is not surprising
because both of the market structures they employ (i.e. perfect and monopolistic competition)
assume long-run free entry. Therefore, in the long run the number of plants is tied down by a zero-
pro¯t condition, and the green¯eld/ acquisition choice will be irrelevant for equilibrium market
By way of motivation, there are at least two general reasons for emphasising this distinction.
First, the intuitive industrial-organization response that the green¯eld/ acquisition distinction
a®ects `concentration' is con¯rmed by applied work; indeed, UNCTAD (2000) ¯nds that a persistent
`concentration e®ect' is the most signi¯cant di®erence between green¯eld- and acquisition-FDI.
Second, neither type of FDI is empirically trivial; e.g. UNCTAD (2000) estimates that the ratio
of acquisition- to green¯eld-FDI in aggregate global FDI °ows was 4:1 in the late 1990s, and since
then cross-border M&A °ows have collapsed.

where the two incumbents are able to merge; and second, an intermediate stage
between 1 and 2 where a third (`potential entrant') ¯rm decides whether to enter
the industry at a global level. If no merger occurs at stage 0, the two incumbents
play the `international duopoly game', augmented by the possibility of global en-
try. However, if the two incumbents merge initially, then the integrated incumbent
monopolist thus created only has to decide whether to invest in R&D before facing
the potential entrant's decision (the two plants initially in the industry have been
integrated via acquisition-FDI).38
For our purposes, the welfare conclusions of this analysis are particularly rel-
evant. Comparing the equilibrium industrial structures with and without merger,
there is generally a Williamson (1968)-type welfare tradeo® between pro¯ts and
consumer surplus: ¯rms (collectively) bene¯t but consumers lose from the increased
`concentration' following acquisition-FDI. However, in small markets (where entry
by the `outside' ¯rm never occurs) acquisition-FDI can be Pareto improving: the
integrated monopolist created in equilibrium by acquisition-FDI invests in process
R&D, whereas the incumbents acting independently would not, and this results in
lower prices to consumers despite monopolization. Consumers have bene¯ted from
an increase in TFP, caused by R&D investment, that occurs only when FDI takes the
form of acquisition. To understand why industry R&D spending can be higher fol-
lowing acquisition-FDI, consider the incumbents' R&D incentives in the no-merger
`threat point' of (1N; 1N ), where each incumbent maintains only her home plant and
undertakes no R&D. Because they must pay trade costs on sales abroad, the return
to a successful process innovation (a reduced marginal cost spread over output) is
lower than that enjoyed by the integrated monopolist, who `jumped' the trade cost
using acquisition-FDI.39
The second approach that considers FDI/ productivity linkages in a model where
FDI °ows are disaggregated is Ferrett (2003b). The object is to examine the rela-
tionships between FDI in°ows and out°ows (of both forms) and the national `pro-
ductivity distributions' across ¯rms (plants) in an industry. The empirical backdrop
for this work is the widely-documented `productivity gaps' between foreign- and
domestically-owned ¯rms that exist in many industries across numerous countries.40
The merger decision is settled by applying the co-operative decision rule of Salant, Switzer
and Reynolds (1983). The game is solved backwards to stage 1 to obtain subgame perfect Nash
equilibria conditional on whether or not the merger occurs in stage 0; then, the payo® to the
integrated incumbent is compared to the payo®s of the incumbents acting independently in the
no-merger equilibrium to assess the pro¯tability of merger.
Note that the cause of Pareto improving acquisition-FDI in this model (an `output base' e®ect)
di®ers from that in Horn and Persson (2001b), where mergers are associated with savings in ¯xed
and variable production costs (`synergies').
For the UK this `productivity gap' has been documented by Davies and Lyons (1991), Gri±th
(1999) and Oulton (2001). In particular, Oulton concludes that the labour productivity of foreign-
owned ¯rms has been continuously around 40 per cent higher than in UK-owned ¯rms and that this
`productivity advantage' is not entirely due to a concentration of foreign-owned ¯rms in industries
with particularly high physical and human capital intensities. International evidence is provided
by Globerman, Ries and Vertinsky's (1994) study on Canada and by Doms and Jensen's (1998)
study of US manufacturing, which found that the signi¯cant di®erence { in terms of `productivity
gaps' { is between MNEs and non-MNEs, not between foreign- and domestically-owned ¯rms.

In the model two characteristics of national `productivity distributions' across plants
are endogenously determined. First, plants can be either high- or low-productivity
(there are two technologies), depending on which types of `technology transfer' oc-
cur; and, second, the number of plants is endogenously determined at equilibrium (a
single potential-entrant ¯rm exists). There are three ways in which ¯rms' FDI deci-
sions interact with a national `productivity distribution' in the industry modelled.
First, undertaking (either form of) FDI can lead to inter-¯rm technology transfer
(i.e. `spillovers') between the MNE's newly-established branch plant abroad and
rival ¯rms located in the host country. In our model spillovers can °ow in both
directions between a foreign branch plant and local rivals.41 Second, following a
°ow of acquisition-FDI, intra-¯rm technology transfer occurs: the high-productivity
purchaser is able costlessly to install its (superior) technology in the acquired plant
abroad. The concept of intra-¯rm technology transfer is identical to that employed
by Long and Vousden (1995) in their model of cross-border mergers, who assume
that every plant in a merged ¯rm operates at the minimum marginal cost of its
constituent plants before the merger. Third, FDI decisions interact with national
`productivity distributions' through the relationship between the green¯eld-FDI/
acquisition-FDI choice and the potential entrant's decision.
The world comprises two countries and three ¯rms, two `incumbents' and one
`potential entrant'. The incumbents initially own one plant each, located in di®er-
ent countries, with di®erent productive e±ciencies (technologies). The sequence of
moves is as follows. At stage 1 ¯rm M , the high-productivity incumbent, chooses
between acquisition-FDI (making a take-it-or-leave-it o®er to the rival incumbent),
green¯eld-FDI (building a plant abroad to `jump' the trade cost), and exporting.
In stage 2 ¯rm T , the low-productivity incumbent, chooses { if it still exists as an
independent player { between green¯eld-FDI and exporting. In stage 3 ¯rm E, the
low-productivity potential entrant, chooses between no-entry, 1-plant entry (and
the plant's location), and 2-plant entry. Stage 4 is the `market stage'. Spillovers
(inter-¯rm technology transfer) occur at the start of stage 4: with probability µ,
the best-practice technology installed in a country spills over to all local rivals.42
Intra-¯rm technology transfer also occurs since technology is assumed to be a public
good within the ¯rm. Finally, Cournot competition determines market equilibria
in both countries. (The game's equilibrium is obtained by solving backwards to
stage 2 for a subgame perfect Nash equilibrium given M 's choice. M 's choice be-
tween acquisition-FDI and her preferred candidate of fexporting, green¯eld-FDIg is
determined by the Salant-Switzer-Reynolds (1983) `pro¯tability' criterion.)
Figure 5 gives a generic representation of the game's equilibria.43 As the plant
sunk cost rises, the equilibrium number of plants falls. However, there is also a
signi¯cant non-monotonicity: acquisition-FDI arises in equilibrium on two separated
intervals of plant sunk costs. The reason for this is that `entry' (i.e. E's optimal
number of plants) is `more likely' (i.e. greater) if M chooses acquisition-FDI (and E
This follows Fosfuri and Motta (1999) and Siotis (1999).
Therefore, spillovers are geographically bounded in extent.
Owing to the game's complexity, I am only able to solve backwards to stage 2 analytically in
Ferrett (2003b). M 's equilibrium choices are investigated using numerical simulations.

faces a monopolist) than if M chooses between green¯eld-FDI and exporting (and
E faces a duopoly). In the upper region where entry is `inevitable', acquisition-FDI
arises because it substitutes for costly green¯eld-FDI. However, in the region where
entry is `conditional' { i.e. entry occurs if and only if M chooses acquisition-FDI {
acquisition-FDI is rendered unpro¯table by subsequent, rent-dissipating entry.


A number of the features of Figure 5 contrast strongly with the implications of

Dunning's (1977) OLI (ownership-location-internalisation) paradigm for the sources
of foreign-owned ¯rms' observed `productivity advantages'. The OLI paradigm ar-
gues that a necessary condition for undertaking FDI is that the potential MNE pos-
sess a (proprietary) `ownership advantage' relative to local rivals in the host country
(e.g. a highly productive technology) to o®set the increased costs of co-ordinating
business activities across international borders.44 It follows that the observed `pro-
ductivity advantages' of foreign-owned MNEs are embodied in their FDI in°ows:
either a (relatively) highly productive new plant is established via green¯eld-FDI,
or the technology in a pre-existing plant is upgraded (intra-¯rm technology transfer)
following acquisition-FDI. In our model, in contrast, the possession of ¯rm-speci¯c
`ownership advantages' is evidently unnecessary for green¯eld-FDI: in the bottom
three regions of Figure 5 the laggard ¯rms, T and E, both build additional plants.45
Moreover, an increase in M's technological lead (the di®erence between the marginal
costs of the two technologies) discourages technology-dissipating green¯eld-FDI by
M (the technological leader) but encourages technology-sourcing green¯eld-FDI by
T (the laggard).
The OLI paradigm draws no strong distinction between green¯eld- and acquisition-
FDI. However, we found that { through its e®ect on `concentration' and thus E's
entry incentives { the green¯eld/ acquisition choice exerts an important in°uence
on equilibrium industrial structures. Furthermore, although we set the model out
by assuming that M , the high-productivity incumbent, is the purchaser, this as-
sumption is not necessary to support our derived equilibria (Figure 5). Because
the acquisition decision rule is co-operative and the integrated ¯rm's characteristics
are independent of the purchaser's identity, we could relabel the model with ¯rm
T , the low-productivity incumbent, as the potential acquirer without altering its
equilibruim predictions.46 Therefore, whenever incentives for `technology-embodied'
acquisition-FDI exist, so do those for `cherry-picking' acquisition-FDI, and the view
that foreign MNEs' `productivity advantages' are necessarily embodied in their FDI
in°ows is without theoretical support from our model.
See Markusen (1995) for an introduction to the OLI paradigm. I have argued elsewhere (Fer-
rett, 2003c) that OLI's conclusions are consistent with the assumption of monopolistic competition
in product markets. Helpman, Melitz and Yeaple (2004) provide a formal model of the choice be-
tween FDI and exporting along these lines.
In the `conditional entry' region T 's choice between X and G depends on the level of trade
costs (the `proximity-concentration tradeo®' of Brainard, 1997), as does E's choice between one
plant and two in the upper `inevitable entry' region.
This would have to preserve M 's ability to move before T if no acquisition occurred.

5 Conclusion
In this paper we have surveyed a number of theoretical perspectives on the link
between FDI °ows and TFP growth. Sections 2 and 3 discussed, respectively, gen-
eral and partial equilibrium models. In Section 2 we presented an open economy
of the Solow growth model, where North-to-South FDI °ows both equalize the re-
turn to capital across countries and transfer technical knowledge internationally;
and in Section 3 we analysed models of (a) how spillovers a®ect an MNE's choice
between green¯eld-FDI and exporting, (b) trained worker mobility as a speci¯c
mechanism for spillovers, and (c) the relationship between green¯eld-FDI °ows and
R&D performance. Section 4 considered how the form of FDI (green¯eld-FDI vs.
acquisition-FDI) undertaken a®ects the FDI/ productivity relationship.
The most exciting recent development in theoretical modelling of the FDI/ pro-
ductivity relationship is, in my opinion, the strategic analysis of ¯rms' international
location (FDI) decisions when TFP is endogenously determined (via, e.g., spillovers
or R&D investment). These game-theoretic models (discussed in Section 3) permit
consideration of the e®ects of strategic inter-¯rm rivalry, which { given that MNEs
typically operate in oligopolistic (`concentrated') industries { must be important in
the determination of real-world outcomes. Three conclusions from this line of re-
search are worth restating. First, the notion that the FDI decision can fruitfully be
analysed as `prior' (i.e. exogenous) to spillover possibilities { so that, for example,
the greater the `degree' of spillovers from inward FDI, the greater the TFP bene-
¯t to indigenous host-country ¯rms { has been questioned by models showing that
a technological leader's incentive to produce abroad weakens as spillovers become
more likely. Second, the assumption that R&D investments are necessarily prior to
FDI (as in Dunning's OLI paradigm) has been challenged by models where MNEs
have larger output bases than national (`exporting') ¯rms { because FDI `jumps'
trade costs { and, consequently, a stronger incentive to undertake R&D. Third, it
appears that the form of FDI undertaken can exert a signi¯cant in°uence on equi-
libria. For example, if R&D investments are endogenously determined, then both
consumers and ¯rms might prefer acquisition-FDI to green¯eld-FDI { despite the
increase in `concentration' it implies { because R&D performance improves following
acquisition (see Section 4).
Despite these successes, the `strategic' approach to analysing FDI/ productivity
linkages would bene¯t from development. New research questions exist that are
amenable to examination within (reasonably straightforward modi¯cations of) the
current `strategic' frameworks: for example, analysis of the e®ect of national insti-
tutions { such as the strength of intellectual property rights (IPRs) a®orded by the
legal system { on ¯rms' FDI and R&D decisions when they behave strategically vis-
µa-vis each other and perhaps national governments. Moreover, a key methodological
drawback is its partial equilibrium character, which limits the range of issues that
can be addressed (e.g. labour market and inter-industry e®ects are not well dealt
with).47 Examining these and other issues will ensure that theoretical analysis of
Developing a tractable model of oligopoly in general equilibrium is a problem with a long and
distinguished pedigree in economics. See Neary (2003) for a recent analysis.

the FDI/ productivity relationship is an active and productive area of work for the
foreseeable future.

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y ≡ real output
per head
slope = rN

slope = rW yS

slope = rW



slope = rS


0 kS kS* kN* kN k ≡ capital per

Figure 1: North-South FDI flows in General Equilibrium à la Solow

Key: kN, kS and rN, rS are autarky capital:labour ratios and real interest rates
respectively. Upon integration, the common (world) real interest rate is rW. kN*, kS*
and kX, kM are, respectively, capital:labour ratios and capital exports and imports per
head in the integrated equilibrium. kX = kM if and only if LN = LS.

Stage 1 Stage 2 vM > vL
(2M – G – vL , 0)

FDI and Train

vL > vM (M – G + D , D – vM)
(Lose and Train)

FDI and Train (M – G + MX , 0)



(2MX , 0)

Figure 2: Game Tree for simplified Fosfuri/Motta/Rønde model

(The MNE’s payoff precedes the local firm’s in brackets; vM = M – D and vL = D.)

MX = M – D MX = D



Pecuniary Technological
spillover and

0 MNE wins auction M / 2 MNE loses auction M

Figure 3: The MNE’s equilibrium period-one choices (assuming M > 2G)


(2R , 2R)

(1R , 1R) (1R , 1R)

(1N , 2R)

(1N , 1N)

(1N , 1R)

0 0.5 1

Figure 4: Equilibrium Industrial Structures in the International Duopoly Game

Key: The first element of each equilibrium choice indicates whether the firm operates
1 plant or 2, and the second indicates whether (R) or not (N) the firm invests in R&D.
See Ferrett (2002) for analytical definitions of the inter-regional boundaries.

Plant sunk cost

M chooses acquisition-FDI.
Entry Blockaded E chooses no-entry.
(independently of
M’s choice)

M, T choose between exporting

and greenfield-FDI.
E chooses no-entry.
Entry Conditional
(on M’s choice)

M chooses acquisition-FDI.
E chooses between 1- and
2-plant entry.

Entry Inevitable
(independently of
M’s choice)
M, T choose greenfield-FDI.
E chooses 2-plant entry.

0 θ ≡ Prob{spillovers} 1

Figure 5: Equilibrium Industrial Structures

Key: Firms M and T are the high- and low-productivity incumbents respectively. Firm
E is the (low-productivity) potential entrant.

In Bain’s terminology, ‘entry inevitable’ means ‘easy entry’, which must be

accommodated; ‘entry conditional’ means strategic entry deterrence is possible; and
‘entry blockaded’ means the entry threat is incredible.


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