Split Spherical Roller Bearings in Fans: Examples of Application Engineering WL 22 503 EA
Split Spherical Roller Bearings in Fans: Examples of Application Engineering WL 22 503 EA
Split Spherical Roller Bearings in Fans: Examples of Application Engineering WL 22 503 EA
in Fans
Visy Pulp and Paper is a part of Visy 1,35 million tonnes is 100% recycled demanding high end graphics.
Industries, a company owned by the testliner, coated liner and The Power Boiler Primary Air Fan is
Pratt family. Visy Industries was plasterboard liner as well as one of the most critical fans within
established in Melbourne, Australia 270 000 tonnes from virgin the plant, if this fan stops, the
in 1948. Visy Industries employs unbleached kraft. plant stops. The impellor end
more than 8 000 people in Australia, In addition, Visy Pulp and Paper bearing was detected as critically
New Zealand and in the USA. Visy operates an off-line coating damaged and required urgent
Industries now operates nine paper operation which coats either clay or replacement.
recycling machines, seven in barrier coats to Visy’s recycled or
Australia and two in the USA. kraft liners. To keep the shutdown of the
Together the machines produce This added value operation allows machine as short as possible, a
more than 1,6 million tonnes of Visy Board’s preprinting facility to split FAG spherical roller bearing
packaging paper paper of which print sophisticated prints for was mounted.
Technical Data Tolerances
The former bearing arrangement had two separate Benefits for Customer
plummer block housings with solid spherical roller
bearings 22224-ES-K-C3 with H3124 adapter sleeve. For the customer the use of split bearings has some
Because the fan had to be completely disassembled for advantages:
the change of the bearing, FAG recommended using a • Reduced installation time
FAG split spherical roller bearing 222SM110-TVPA. (from 36 hrs to 6 hrs)
Split bearings can be installed in existing arrangements • Reduce manpower requirements
without removing any of the existing components. (2 people instead of 3)
The only work required is to open the housing and after • No need for use of a crane
jacking up the shaft, to remove the load from the bearing, • No need for re-alignment
cutting out the old bearing and installing the new split • No need for special tools
bearing. • No need to replace the DE bearing