Content Focus: There Are Places in The Community Where I Can Get Services That Will Keep Us Safe
Content Focus: There Are Places in The Community Where I Can Get Services That Will Keep Us Safe
Content Focus: There Are Places in The Community Where I Can Get Services That Will Keep Us Safe
Content Focus: There are places in the community where I can get services that will keep us safe.
Content Performance
DOMAIN: Period of
Arrival LANGUAGE, The child The child should Use polite greetings andindividual, peer
Time LITERACY AND demonstrates be able to: courteous expressions inor group
COMMUNICATI an appropriate exploration of
ON (LL) understandin situations:(LLKOL-Ia-1) the different play
g of: confidently speak areas or activity
Sub-Domain: and express Good Morning/Good centers in the
Oral Language increasing his/her feelings in Afternoon classroom while
(OL) his/her words that make waiting for the
conversation sense other children to
skills arrive.
The teacher
stands by the
door of the
greets and
welcomes the
children and
ans as they
Transition to
Meeting Time 1: Use transition songs previously learned.
The teacher reminds the learners about the time left in Work Period Time 1 around 15 minutes before
Meeting Time 2.
Transition to After 10minutes, the teacher tells the learners to start packing away the materials they used and be
Meeting Time 2: ready for Meeting Time 2.
A transition song or a countdown may be used. Use transition songs previously learned.
LANGUAGE, Ang bata ay Ang bata ay The learners will
LITERACY AND nagkakaroon nakapagpapama present their
COMMUNICATION ng pag-unawa las ng… work to the
(LL) sa… Talk about one’s class.
increasing speaks and
Sub-domain: his/her expresses personal experiences Question/s
Oral Language(OL) conversation his/her
Meeting Time 2 skills feelings and Have you seen
ideas in words a police station
that make in our
sense community?
barangay hall?
safe from bad
people or in
case of trouble.
You can call
numbers of
police and the
barangay hall
in case of
The teacher commends the learners for the work they did in Work Period Time 1 and tells them to
Transition prepare for recess time by washing their hands.
Pagkilala ng Sarili
at pagpapahayag
ng sariling
Pakikisalamuha sa
iba bilang kasapi
The teacher reminds the children to pack away the things they used in recess time, clean up their
Transition to
eating area, throw their trash bin, wash their hands, brush their teeth, change their wet clothes and
Quiet Time:
have their quiet time.
Use transition songs previously learned.
Quiet Time Some of the pupils can rest or engage in relaxing activities.
While singing a transition song, the teacher “wakes” the learners up and tells them that it’s time to
listen to a story.
Transition to When the learners are ready, the teacher proceeds with the pre-reading activities and makes sure that
Story Time: the learners are listening attentively.
Use transition songs previously learned.
2.1 Why did
Karding’s father
help his
2.2 Do you think
Mang Kardo is a
L3 (Evaluation)
3.1 Is it right to
help others
in need?
4.1 If you
were Karding
would you also
be proud of
Mang Kardo?
4.2 If you were
Mang Kardo will
you help
someone in
need? Why? Wh
L5 (Creative)
How will
you help
someone who is
in need?
After the post-reading activities, the teacher gives instructions regarding the teacher-supervised and
Transition to
independent activities, answers any questions and tells the learners to join their group and do the
Work Period 2:
assigned tasks.
The teacher tells the learners to help pack away the materials they used in the Indoor/Outdoor Games
Transition to time and get ready to do the wrap up activities in Meeting Time 3 and a transition song or countdown
Meeting Time 3: maybe used.
Use transition songs previously learned.
Kindergarten Teacher’s Guide/ Standards and Competencies for 5-Year Old Filipino Children
NKTG pages 359, 362, 363, 366, 357