Do What You Want

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©2018 Mash Elite Performance
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THE NEW WORLD OF DOING WHAT YOU WANT .................................................................................4

THE PROS AND CONS OF EACH DISCIPLINE ...................................................................................9
WHY NOT? ...........................................................................................................................................22
FUNCTIONAL FITNESS, AND ENDURANCE ..........................................................................24
FUNCTIONAL FITNESS, AND ENDURANCE ..........................................................................83
FUNCTIONAL FITNESS, AND ENDURANCE ..........................................................................110
WEIGHTLIFTING, POWERLIFTING, BODYBUILDING, AND ENDURANCE .........................................123
WEIGHTLIFTING, FUNCTIONAL FITNESS, AND ENDURANCE ......................................................162
POWERLIFTING, STRONGMAN, BODYBUILDING, AND ENDURANCE ...........................................213
THROWING DOWN THE GAUNTLET: A 12-WEEK CHALLENGE .............................................270
CONCLUSION .......................................................................................................................................272
APPENDIX A: BAND TENSIONS .........................................................................................................273

If you’re thinking about using these programs, please be smart. Don’t participate in strenuous exercise
unless cleared by a competent medical professional. Heavy weights can be dangerous, so only perform
these exercises if you can do so safely. If you follow any of these programs or perform any of these
exercises, you do so at your own risk.

Do What You Want 2

I'm a fan of the raw barbell movements. With a rack, a barbell,
and some plates, you have the most versatile and powerful piece of
fitness equipment on the planet.

But I still love to use other implements like dumbbells, kettlebells,

bands, chains, belt squat machines, reverse hypers, med balls, and
some specialty bars. I realize that many athletes may not have
access to all of the suggested equipment - and that's fine! The
program will still work beautifully if you can get close.

For many exercises, I'll list substitutions. Feel free to swap out
anything you think makes sense. Dumbbells can be used instead of
kettlebells. A normal barbell can be used instead of a specialty bar.
Rather than a box squat, it's not a big deal to just perform a normal
back squat. The program will still produce some amazing results.

If you have any specific questions about equipment needs, feel

free to reach out to us at

Do What You Want 3

I grew up in a world where weightlifters, powerlifters, and
strongmen ran in separate groups. There was a time in my career
where I wouldn’t dream of doing cardio because I thought it would
compromise my strength.

Now the world is changing for the good. For several years, the
best strength and conditioning coaches have been combining these
multiple disciplines to make their athletes stronger and faster. Guys like
Coach Joe Kenn of the Carolina Panthers have the ability to creatively
apply each of these areas to the unique demands of their sport.

With the onset of CrossFit, people from all walks of life have
been introduced to the barbell and fitness. People are coming into
the barbell world without preconceived notions of the way things
should be. These same people are teaching old dogs like me that
these preconceived notions are pretty dumb in the first place.

Why must someone stick to only one of these disciplines? I fell

in love with the barbell because I wanted to be strong and muscular.
I wanted to look and feel like the Incredible Hulk.


Being strong and athletic is what has always drawn me to the
weight room. I remember reading about Jon Cole in Powerlifting

Do What You Want 4

USA. I have to say he is one of my all-time heroes. Jon Cole is the
definition of a strength athlete in my book. As a weightlifter he
hit 155kg in the snatch and 195kg in the clean and jerk. However,
it was powerlifting where he dominated - lifting 901.5lb in the
squat, 580lb in the bench press, and 882.5lb in the deadlift. These
numbers were achieved wearing an old belt and Ace bandages.
There was no magic suit - just amazing strength.

His athletic accomplishments didn’t stop in weightlifting and

powerlifting. He was also an amazing thrower for Arizona State
University. Hold on - there is more!

Here are some of his versatile athletic accomplishments:

• 100-yard dash in 9.9 seconds at a body weight of 258lb at

an AAU track meet in 1969
• Baseball throw of 435 feet, measured by ASU Baseball
Coach Bob Winkles in 1967
• Football place-kick of 68 yards, witnessed and measured
by ASU Football Coach Frank Kush in 1967
• Javelin throw of 241 feet at an AAU track meet in 1968
• Discus throw of 231 feet and 7 inches at an AAU track
meet in 1972
• Shot put throw of 71 feet and 4 inches at an AAU track
meet in 1972

He also competed in the first ever World’s Strongest Man

competition in 1977, placing sixth. Jon Cole was the first person
who came to my mind when I decided to write this book. When
I read about him in Powerlifting USA, I knew right away I wanted
to be like Mr. Cole. I didn’t want to be known as a powerlifter or
weightlifter. I wanted to be known as a dominant strength athlete.

Do What You Want 5

At the end of 2015, I competed in my first and only super total
meet, and it was one of the most fun experiences of my strength
career. Combining weightlifting and powerlifting in training and
competition was an incredibly challenging venture - but one that
was a blast. I was able to not only perform the five lifts, but I was
able to combine them at a fairly elite level (especially for a 42 year
old man):

• Back Squat - 295kg/650lb

• Bench Press - 184kg/405lb
• Deadlift - 317.5kg/700lb
• Snatch - 135kg/297lb
• Clean and Jerk - 166kg/365lb

Of course, I’ve had a long career training both the Olympic lifts
as well as the powerlifts. My best all-time raw numbers are:

• Back Squat - 805lb

• Bench Press - 530lb
• Deadlift - 815lb
• Snatch - 145kg/319lb
• Clean and Jerk - 190kg/418lb


Another guy who comes to mind when I talk about doing what
you want is my friend Alex Viada. I am talking about a guy who can
squat and deadlift over 700 pounds, finish the Iron Man Triathlon,
and run an ultra-marathon.

Do What You Want 6

There is something else: he’s freaking jacked! Yeah, he looks
like a professional bodybuilder. Is this really possible? When I was
younger, I would have told you it wasn’t. But it really comes down to
energy systems, knowing what each sport requires, and putting the
elements together as optimally as possible.

When it comes to endurance training, Alex has taught me the

most of anyone else by far. I highly recommend his book, The
Hybrid Athlete. It will give you all the basic knowledge of energy
systems you need to devise some really cool powerlifting and
running programs. When I bought it, I couldn’t put it down until I
read every page.


The world of strength is now starting to realize we can do what
we want. I love having weightlifters, powerlifters, bodybuilders,
CrossFitters, and strongmen at my gym, LEAN Fitness. I am intrigued
by all the disciplines, and I love watching our athletes get stronger
in each. Proper planning is all that is required.

We can combine weightlifting with powerlifting. We can combine

powerlifting with a 10k. Athletes all over the world are showing they
can combine CrossFit with Olympic weightlifting at a very high level.
I have two such athletes in my gym. Ryan Grimsland made the 2018
Youth Pan Am Team in Olympic weightlifting, and he’s looking very
likely to make the CrossFit Games this year. Haley Adams is one of
the best teenage CrossFitters in the world, and she could easily be
one of the best weightlifters in America.

I’m not telling any of you what you should do. I am telling you
that you should define the athlete you want to become. I hope none

Do What You Want 7

of you will let society or anyone else define you as an athlete. If you
want to be a great powerlifter, then do what you want. If you want
to powerlift, weightlift, and run a 5K, then you also should do what
you want.

Your moment in the sun as an athlete will not last forever.

Yes, you can lift weights until you die, but I am talking about your
best years. What are you going to do with the prime years of your
athleticism? I recommend you treat those years like gold because
they are just as precious. Don’t waste those years doing what
someone else wants you to do. You should decide exactly what
makes you get up in the morning and then attack that very goal.

Do What You Want 8

When you consider peak power and rate of force development,
it’s hard not to mention the snatch and clean and jerk as superior
movements to perform. There are other benefits as well:

• Kinesthetic awareness
• Balance
• Mobility
• Speed
• Force absorption

These are all hallmarks of athleticism needed on the field of

play, in the arena of competition, or simply in the quest to be the
best man or woman you can be.

However, there are some concerns with the Olympic lifts. The
biggest issue most strength coaches have with the Olympic lifts
is the rate of application. The snatch and clean and jerk can take
months to teach to some athletes in a perfect setting. When you
are trying to teach the lifts to hundreds of athletes, it’s even harder.

If you are a strength coach, your job is to prepare your athletes

for their sport. It’s not to make them good at the Olympic lifts. You
need to make them stronger, faster, and more mobile. There are

Do What You Want 9

other ways besides the snatch and clean and jerk. With that being
said, a good thought-out system can teach athletes to perform the
lifts with competence in a solid 15-20 minutes per day. Coaches
like Spencer Arnold are showing it can be done in high schools with
average athletes. If you are a capable coach with Division I athletes,
the process should be even easier.

Another factor is the coach. A coach needs to be proficient in

teaching the Olympic lifts. You can’t go to a weekend seminar and
decide to teach the snatch and clean and jerk. You will have to put
your time in as a coach. I suggest finding a mentor in order to learn
the lifts correctly. Your time will be well spent.

If you are not an athlete and just want to learn the lifts, go for it.
There is nothing more exhilarating in the gym than performing the
perfect snatch. It’s like performing the perfect swing on the golf
course, but you are doing it with heavy weight. Nothing is more
athletic and cool in the weight room. There will be a pretty long
learning curve – but dang it, you are going to love it when you
actually get it.

The squat, bench press, and deadlift are great ways to add
muscle and increase absolute strength. There is tremendous
carryover between these movements and performance in many
key areas.

When it comes to vertical leap and the 40-yard dash, there

are three factors that can directly affect their improvement:

Do What You Want 10

• Improvement in body composition
• Improvement in back squat
• Improvement in clean

It goes in that order. Yes, that’s right - the back squat correlates
better than the clean. I’m not big on absolutes, but I am not sure
how you could have a credible strength and conditioning program
without a form of squatting.

The powerlifts are great for absolute strength. For about the first
two years of an athlete’s training life, increasing absolute strength
will improve all the qualities of strength. After that, you will need
to get more specific in your training – but your program may still
include heavy usage of the powerlifts.

The powerlifts are great for adding muscle mass and preparing
athletes to avoid injury. General strength and muscle mass are
what most athletes need to produce force, absorb force, and
survive impact.

Compared to the Olympic lifts, the powerlifts are easy to teach

and to learn. They are simple and effective. Velocity devices allow
strength coaches to use these lifts to improve all qualities of
strength without the lengthy learning curves of the Olympic lifts.
(See my book Bar Speed for more on velocity based training.)

The downfall of the powerlifts is decreased quality of movement.

You can check out any great powerlifter, and they’re not going
to move like a great Olympic weightlifter. There are points of
diminishing returns on all the lifts for sport athletes. Once you are
back squatting and deadlifting twice your bodyweight and bench
pressing 1.5 times your bodyweight, it would be wise to consider
more specificity in regards to your sport.

Do What You Want 11

Muscle gain is fascinating. I enjoyed doing a lot of research on
muscle science before writing Mash Jacked. It’s our book all about
hypertrophy, which is just a fancy word for gaining muscle.

After newbie gains, the fastest way to get a muscle stronger is

to make it bigger. If you look at world-class powerlifters, they are all
going to be jacked. I remember reading an issue of Flex Magazine
when I was in college. One article was a comparison between
Dorian Yates, Mr. Olympia from the era, and Ed Coan, champion
powerlifter from the era. Ed was just about as jacked as Dorian.
Heck, Ed’s back was more jacked than Dorian’s in my opinion.

Bodybuilding is a discipline of strength that should cross all

borders. Bodybuilding is for so much more than just looks. Yeah,
we want to get jacked - but there is way more to it.

Bodybuilding movements help us address muscular imbalances.

A symmetrical body is a strong and stable body. If we all had
perfectly balanced bodies there would be very few injuries in the
gym. However, perfection doesn’t exist this side of heaven. We can
only strive to move closer and closer to perfection. (Check out my
book No Weaknesses for more on muscular imbalances and injury

If powerlifters just performed the competition lifts, they would

be all kinds of asymmetrical. Their internal rotators would be tight,
and their external rotators would be weak. The anterior portion of
their bodies would dominate the posterior. All of this could lead to
overuse injuries - and all too often does.

Do What You Want 12

If weightlifters only did their competition lifts, their lower bodies
would dominate their upper bodies. This is something you see quite
frequently in weightlifting. Athletes will have tree trunk legs and
glutes, but their upper body will look like it belongs to some teenage
video game player tucked away in their parents’ basement. This
can lead to major overhead stability issues and eventually injuries.

Most great strength athletes continue hypertrophy work and

bodybuilding movements right up to competition time. You can
watch the Chinese weightlifting team crushing lateral raises and
dips in the training hall of any World Championships (well, unless
they are banned). Louie Simmons would tell you to focus on
hypertrophy more in the end and less on the competition lifts. I am
not all the way in that camp, but my guys and gals will definitely be
getting their pump on right up to competition time. I want strong
and balanced athletes.

The only negative is that bodybuilding can lead to a lot of

nonfunctional muscle if left to itself. There are plenty of weak
bodybuilders who can’t tie their own shoes, and that has no place
in athletics. However, we can avoid that fate with a focus on full
ranges of motion and continued performance in the competition
lifts. That’s the recipe for a jacked, strong, and athletic individual.


I wrote a great deal about the science of hypertrophy in Mash
Jacked. But here is a short primer. There are three main ways to
create hypertrophy: mechanical tension, metabolic stress, and
muscular damage.

Mechanical Tension: This occurs when you lift super heavy

weights. Powerlifters and weightlifters don’t need much help here.

Do What You Want 13

The key is taking heavy weights through a full range of motion.
Tension can be applied when the muscle is contracted and when it
is lengthened - and when you take a heavy back squat all the way
down to where your hamstrings are resting on your calves, you are
applying both forms of tension.

Metabolic Stress: Old school bodybuilders were right. One of

the scientific mechanisms behind hypertrophy is metabolic stress
– or getting that amazing pump. There are multiple reasons such as
vein occlusion, fiber type recruitment, changes in hormones (such
as IGF-1 and myostatin), and cell volumization. You can check out
Mash Jacked for the details. But in short - if you want to build the
most muscle possible, don’t neglect those ten-rep skin-popping
pump sessions.

Muscle Damage: The final key factor in muscle growth is the

painful but necessary muscle damage. If you’ve ever walked
awkwardly after a squat session due to DOMS (delayed onset
muscle soreness), then you know what I’m talking about. We can
focus on this element of hypertrophy by accentuating the eccentric
portion of the exercise (the lowering or negative portion of the lift)
and by stretching muscles while they’re activated (like in RDLs or
dumbbell flies).

The key to all of this is wise usage of hypertrophy and

bodybuilding work. It must complement the other strength work,
and recovery must be taken into account.

I incorporate strongman movements for almost everyone I
coach – from athletes to the general population. I love strongman
training for several reasons.

Do What You Want 14

First, all planes of movement are incorporated: sagittal, frontal,
and transverse. That means you are performing movements front
to back, side to side, and rotationally. This is perfect if you are a field
athlete because you are required to operate in all of these planes.
However, most powerlifting and Olympic weightlifting movements
are performed using only the frontal plane. Too heavy a focus on
these exercises can cause a lot of imbalances, creating a lack of
performance on the field and potential injury.

When it comes to training the core (all of the muscles that protect
the spine and pelvis), I love strongman movements - especially
carries. I particularly like unilateral farmer’s walks because you can
address side-to-side asymmetries and promote proper hip function
at the same time. I agree with my friend Dan John that a carry should
be present in just about every training protocol.

You can also develop force production with tire flips and the log
clean and press. Heck, throwing any kind of apparatus will develop
massive amounts of power. The stones will help athletes build
impressive absolute strength in all kinds of abnormal positions.

We use strongman work to promote work capacity because:

• Carries, drags, and pushes are easy to recover from because

there isn’t any heavy eccentric work. That means very little
muscle damage occurs.
• Most of the movements (like prowler pushes, farmer’s
walks, sled drags, and rope pulls) are easy to teach in a
safe manner. I can get my athletes strong and in shape
while keeping them safe.
• Strongman exercises are fun! This is a huge reason. Our
athletes love to perform the movements.

Do What You Want 15

But just like the other disciplines, there are some drawbacks to
strongman training. Although many of the strongman movements
are safe, some of them can be pretty dangerous. I see a lot of coaches
teaching the tire flip. The biggest injury I see with tire flips is a bicep
tear. You can keep your arm straight for the majority of the tire flip,
but there is still some flexion of the elbow that is going to occur. A
450lb or heavier tire is a lot of stress on a bicep - especially at the
high velocity that is occurring during a flip. The more I hang out with
Dr. Stuart McGill, the more I realize that stones and odd objects are
probably too big of a risk for my athletes. I would rather spend the
majority of my time with movements requiring a neutral spine.

There is also the problem of space. Strongman equipment

takes up a lot of room, and it can be quite the task to store a bunch
of strongman equipment. I still suggest all facilities carry farmer’s
walk handles, prowlers, sleds, and possibly a few yokes. A few axle
bars are also nice for overhead carries, Zercher carries, and the
occasional curl session.


Since functional fitness box programming already uses the
Olympic lifts and powerlifts, we don’t have to repeat that. However,
I love the different aspects of functional fitness for our athletes.
Lately we have gotten more and more into this world. We’re
coaching so many great CrossFitters now like Haley Adams, Ryan
Grimsland, and Nathan Clifton. We also work with Team CrossFit
Invoke (owned by CrossFit’s own sweetheart, Christmas Abbott).

I have come to love the gymnastics and bodyweight movements

used for these functional fitness approaches. Look, I want my

Do What You Want 16

athletes to be athletic. I want them to have extraordinary amounts
of relative strength. We use handstand walks, handstand push-ups,
pull-ups, and muscle-ups (when appropriate and safe). My 14-year-
old monster, Morgan McCullough, can string together muscle-ups.
I’m creating true athletes. It’s funny how the athletes who can
perform the most gymnastic movements end up being my best
weightlifters. Ironic, huh?

Most young athletes come to me nowadays unable to perform

pull-ups or even push-ups. They simply lack general physical
preparedness. I suspect this is true because of too much early
specialization and too many athletes sitting in front of a computer
or playing on their phones instead of playing outside. Functional
fitness activities are more important for the early development of
athletes than powerlifting or weightlifting.

I love watching Coach Don McCauley train his group of young

weightlifters who average 10 years old in age. In a 45-minute session,
25 minutes is spent on general physical preparedness, and only
about 20 minutes on weightlifting. CrossFit Kids is a great place
to start if you have young children. I have my sons in gymnastics.
I also let them play on the family farm. I want my kids to be just
that… kids.

We even have our weightlifters and sport athletes perform some

of the metcons that characterize the functional fitness world. Work
capacity is a very important aspect of training that is way too often
overlooked. The key is choosing metcons that complement the
other aspects of the workout. You will also want to consider the
movements of the sport, the speed of the sport, and the energy
systems being worked. I will explain this more in-depth a little later
in this book. It’s not as hard as you might think as long as you take
into consideration a few key factors.

Do What You Want 17

Alex Viada was the first person I know of who showed us that
not only can endurance/cardiovascular training be performed
alongside strength, but it’s actually beneficial if performed correctly.
So what are the benefits of cardiovascular training?

First, it’s important you guys know some basics about energy
systems. The fuel necessary to make muscles contract is adenosine
triphosphate (ATP). ATP is what makes the body do its thing.
There are two main ways your body replenishes ATP for energy:
anaerobically without oxygen and aerobically with oxygen. Here’s
the way it goes:

• For the first 10 seconds or so of activity, the body

replenishes ATP directly from phosphocreatine (PCr). This
is the fastest way the body replenishes stored ATP. This is
the alactic system as no lactate is produced.
• After that - and up to a few minutes of high intensity activity,
we enter the lactate system. The anaerobic glycolytic
system is the primary energy source.
• After that, we are relying on the oxidative system. This is
aerobic activity utilizing oxygen.

Endurance training for more than several minutes creates an

aerobic training effect, strengthening the heart and increasing
the vascular network used to pump blood back to the heart. This
allows the cardiovascular system to have stronger and faster
contractions for a sustained period of time. Already this should be
raising some eyebrows.

The heart’s stroke volume (blood pumped per contraction) is

also increased with endurance training. That means each beat

Do What You Want 18

of the heart is sending out more blood to the body for improved
performance and recovery. This doesn’t seem to be the case for
HIIT or resistance training. Due to muscle occlusion and straining,
no blood is flowing during muscle contraction and less is being
returned to the heart. So even though an athlete’s heart rate might
increase, that doesn’t mean blood flow increases. Yet highly trained
aerobic athletes are able to still maintain blood flow during HIIT
and resistance training.

Another benefit to aerobic training is that the capillary network

to all working muscle is increased dramatically. That means more
blood flow to all the muscles of the body. More blood flow means
better performance and recovery. This is why all functional fitness
athletes should spend lots of quality time building their aerobic
capacity. Increased strength and improved aerobic capacity will make
everything in competitive functional fitness easier to improve upon.

One of the most significant adaptations of endurance training is

an increased number of mitochondria. Mitochondria are responsible
for energy production at the cellular level. They produce ATP
from both glucose and fatty acids. This happens independent of
anaerobic glycolysis. That means less glucose lost to the lactate
production. Lactate is a fast source of ATP production, but it is
limited in two major ways:

• Increased acidity can actually slow down or stop muscle

• Lactate production of ATP runs through glucose stores
much faster with the same amount of work being produced.

Here’s the bottom line: if the aerobic system is running more

efficiently, you will be able to handle more work for longer because

Do What You Want 19

you are able to tap into fat more efficiently. After the first eight to
ten seconds of resistance training, you are tapping into the lactate
system. You are also starting to use the aerobic system. A more
efficient aerobic system will lead to less depletion of the body’s
glucose stores. You will be able to perform more work with the
same fatigue, or the same amount of work with less fatigue. Either
way, a strong aerobic system is important.

The only negatives I could find in my research of aerobic training

are the rule of specificity and potential problems with recovery. If
you are an Olympic weightlifter, long distance running or cycling
might be a bad idea. Your goal is to be as explosive as possible,
so running slowly could teach the body to be slow. A better choice
might be swimming.

If you want to perform sprints, recovery becomes a major concern

due to the muscle damage caused from sprinting. It’s very similar
to high repetition squats with extreme eccentric and concentric
contractions of similar muscles and acute joint angles needed to
perform these activities. You could perform sprints with the workout
if you took them into consideration. However you wouldn’t want to
perform sprints the day before a major squat session. The same
would go for bench pressing and trying to perform the ski erg. You
would probably want to use the stationary bike instead.

One idea of Alex Viada’s I haven’t tried yet is rucking or walking/

hiking with a heavy pack. My friend Chuck used to do this a lot in
preparation for returning to military training. Rucking could be an
activity to try for power athletes because:

• It’s a low impact exercise with at least one foot on the ground
at all times.

Do What You Want 20

• Mild joint angles and mild eccentric contractions cause very
little muscle damage.
• It would be easy to change the stimulus with either increased
weight (a little at a time - like five or ten pounds), increased
distance, or increased speed.

The way to handle cardio in the midst of a strength program

is simply to avoid adding endurance exercises that might tax the
same muscles. If you decide to bang out 20+ miles per week of
running, it’s probably going to decrease some of the gains you would
be getting from squatting. It’s simply too much impact. However,
banging out some miles on a bike or rower wouldn’t be nearly as
damaging. It’s just an impact thing.

Do What You Want 21

As you can see, each fitness discipline has its own pros and
cons. You may be drawn to many of them at the same time. So
how do we fit them together? How do we do what we w ant?

This is the fun part. This is the part most coaches of the past
are totally against. However, guys like Alex Viada and Greg Nuckols
are asking, “why not?”

I have been asking the same question about powerlifting and

weightlifting for quite some time. I love both disciplines of strength,
and I’ve always enjoyed performing both. CrossFit has taught the
world you can combine forms of training. The key is how to best
put them together.

The first step in doing what you want is thinking about the
answers to these questions:

• What’s important to you?

• How can you benefit from the pros of the individual disciplines
while leaving the negatives?
• How can you recover from muscle damage?
• What is most easily paired?
• How can you use the energy systems to your advantage?

For the rest of this book, we are going to look at a few

different combinations. I’m going to explain what’s going on in
the programs because I’m hoping to teach you all how to create
your own perfect workout.

Do What You Want 22

This book has been so much fun to create… because I have to
make this confession:

Most of you see me as a weightlifting coach, and that’s great -

because I am. Some of you still remember me as the powerlifter,
and I love that - because that’s still who I am. A few of you think
of me as a strength and conditioning coach, and still some of you
think of me as a powerlifting coach. The truth is that all of you are
right. I have spent my life trying to perfect all of these elements.
I enjoy all of it. I have coached some of the best weightlifters,
powerlifters, and sport athletes (football, soccer, basketball, etc.)
in the world.

If I focus on just one sport or one element of my life, I quickly

get bored. Weightlifting definitely takes up most of my time –
but, dang it, I love it all. Weightlifting, powerlifting, and strength
and conditioning are all huge aspects of who I am. I have been in
these sports at a very high level as an athlete, and I have coached
athletes in each of these disciplines at the absolute highest level. I
can’t undo that. My heart belongs to each of those areas.

This book is for all of you who are like me. If you don’t want
to 100% sell out to any one discipline of strength, this book is
for you. I am going to give you examples of programs that will
lead you down whatever road you choose. I hope you all enjoy this
book, and I hope to hear about all of the gains and exciting new
barbell adventures.

Now let’s dive in and do what you want.

Do What You Want 23

We’re going to start out with the workout that has it all. Below
is a workout that combines weightlifting, powerlifting, strongman,
bodybuilding, functional fitness, and endurance training (specifically,
preparing for a 5K). I have never seen anyone combine all of these
disciplines, and I am not necessarily advising it. However, based on
the earlier information I shared about energy systems, this workout
is possible.

There might need to be some adjustments to this program based

on each individual. Some people are designed perfectly for running,
while others might be designed perfectly for strength training. Some
people have better conditioned aerobic systems, which will allow
for more efficient use of glycogen. These types of people are going
to do great with this workout. Others might need to limit the volume
a bit until they are more conditioned.

My goal is to teach all of you how to design the perfect program

based on your individual goals and genetic makeups. Let’s take
each block one at a time, and I’ll break each one down and explain
what’s going on. Later I am going to show you how to take this first
master plan and make it into whatever you want. I am also going to
show you how to trim the volume for each and every plan.

Do What You Want 24

Hang Snatch from Below the Knee 3RM (7 RPE), then -10% for 3
Box Squats Superset with Seated Box 75% for 7 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest and 7 x 3
2 Inch Deficit Snatch Grip Deadlift (5 Sec 5RM (7 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 5
GHDs 3x8
Seated Band Leg Curls 4 x 12 reps
Unilateral Farmer's Walk 3 x 40 yd each arm
For Time: 3 Rounds of
1000m Row
20 (10 each leg) Weighted Box Step-ups (angle of knee to hip should be no more than parallel for box
height) with 25lb/15lb each hand
100m Single Arm KB Carry (each arm) with 70lb/55lb

Push Jerks 5RM (7 RPE), then -10% for 5
Wide Grip Bench Press (Wider than Normal 80% for 10 x 3
Competition Grip)
Pull-ups 5 x submaximal reps switch grips each set, weakest to
DB or KB Upright Rows 5 x 10
Dips with Eccentric Slower than Concentric 5 x submaximal reps (if ten reps or more, add weight)
Banded Rows 4 x 60 sec
Metcon: Workout from Aerobic Capacity (Chris Hinshaw)
This is a continuous workout where your 'rest' is only the easy pace interval parts.
There are 9 total 100m sprints. Your focus is on this part of the workout. You pick your easy pace!
Focus on form. Intensity should not be 100% but 97-98% in order to maintain form.
200m run at easy pace; 100m sprint
400m run at easy pace; 100m sprint
600m run at easy pace; 100m sprint
800m run at easy pace;100m sprint
1000m run at easy pace; 100m sprint
800m run at easy pace; 100m sprint
600m run at easy pace; 100m sprint
400m run at easy pace; 100m sprint
200m run at easy pace; 100m sprint
Total: 5900m

Do What You Want 25

Hang Clean 3RM (7 RPE), then -10% for 3
Front Squats 80% for 10 x 3
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (Stay at a 4 x 15 each leg
7 RPE)
KB Goblet Squats 3 x 10
Axle Bar Zercher Carries 3 x 40 yd
Skill Work for Quality and Not for Time: 3 Sets of:
50 Double Unders
10 Alternating Pistol Squats
Metcon: 12 Min AMRAP:
10 Goblet Squats with 55lb/44lb
15 Hollow Rocks (focus on form of the movement)
20 Kettlebell Swings with 55lb/44lb

Close Grip Bench Press 60% for 5 x 10
Incline DB Press 60% for 5 x 10
Bent-over Rows 60% for 5 x 10
KB Bottom Up Z Press 3 x 10 each arm
Preacher Curls 3 x 10
Gymnastics Strength Work:
A: 10 x 2 Press to Handstand
(Scale accordingly, even if it's just bear crawl and pulling feet to hands)
B: 10 x 1 Handstand Push-up Negative (slowest possible)
Toes to Bar
Handstand Push-up

Snatch Complex Power Snatch Double (Work Heavy)
Clean and Jerk Complex Power Clean and Push Jerk Double (Work Heavy)
One Arm OH Fat Grip Dumbbell Carry 3 x 25 yd each arm

Front Squat with Belt Set 1: 80% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 80% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 80% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Sumo Deadlifts 75% for 7 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
GHDs 3x8
Belt Squat RDLs 3 x 60 sec
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
2 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 26

Hang Snatch from Below the Knee 3RM (8 RPE), then -10% for 3
Box Squats Superset with Seated Box 80% for 8 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest and 8 x 3
2 Inch Deficit Snatch Grip Deadlift (5 Sec 5RM (8 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 5
GHDs 4x8
Seated Band Leg Curls 4 x 12 reps
Unilateral Farmer's Walk 3 x 40 yd each arm
Skill Work for Quality and Not for Time: 4 Sets of:
50 Double Unders
10 Weighted Alternating Pistol Squats
Metcon: 20 Min EMOM:
Odd - 10 Alternating Pistols
Even - 45 Second Plank Hold (weighted if possible)

Push Jerks 5RM (8 RPE), then -10% for 5
Wide Grip Bench Press (Wider than Normal 80% for 10 x 4
Competition Grip)
Pull-ups 5 x submaximal reps (switch grips each set, weakest
to strongest)
DB or KB Upright Rows 5 x 10
Dips with Eccentric Slower than Concentric 5 x submaximal reps (if ten reps or more, add weight)
Banded Rows 4 x 60 sec
Metcon: 20 Min AMRAP:
200m Sprint Run
8 Barbell Thrusters 135lb/95lb
10 Toes to Bar

Do What You Want 27

Hang Clean 3RM (8 RPE), then -10% for 3
Front Squats 80% for 10 x 4
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (Stay at a 5 x 15 each leg
7 RPE)
KB Goblet Squats 4 x 10
Axle Bar Zercher Carries 3 x 40 yd
Metcon for Time:
Run 1 mile (at 80-85% pace)
20 Burpees over Barbell
10 Deadlifts with 255lb/185lb
400m Farmer's Carry with 55lb/35lb each hand
10 Deadlifts
20 Burpees over Barbell
Run 1 mile (at 80-85%)

Close Grip Bench Press 65% for 5 x 10
Incline DB Press 65% for 5 x 10
Bent-over Rows 65% for 5 x 10
KB Bottom Up Z Press 3 x 10 each arm
Preacher Curls 3 x 10
Gymnastics Strength Work:
A: 10 x 2 Press to Handstand
(Scale accordingly, even if it's just bear crawl and pulling feet to hands)
B: 10 x 1 Handstand Push-up Negative (slowest possible)
30 Muscle-ups for Time

Snatch Complex Snatch from High Box: 2RM
Clean and Jerk Complex Clean + 2 Front Squats + 2 Jerks: Max
One Arm OH Fat Grip Dumbbell Carry 3 x 25 yd each arm

Front Squat with Belt Set 1: 83% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 83% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 83% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Sumo Deadlifts 80% for 8 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
GHDs 3x8
Belt Squat RDLs 4 x 60 sec
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
3 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 28

Hang Snatch from Below the Knee 3RM (9 RPE)
Box Squats Superset with Seated Box 85% for 6 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest and 6 x 3
2 Inch Deficit Snatch Grip Deadlift (5 Sec 5RM (9 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 5
GHDs 5x8
Seated Band Leg Curls 4 x 12 reps
Unilateral Farmer's Walk 3 x 50 yd each arm
Metcon 4 Rounds:
25 Calorie Assault Bike
20 yd Forward and 20 yd Backward OH Axle Carry
15 Kettlebell Swings with 55lb/44lb

Push Jerks 5RM (9 RPE)
Wide Grip Bench Press (Wider than Normal 80% for 10 x 5
Competition Grip)
Pull-ups 5 x submaximal reps (switch grips each set, weakest
to strongest)
DB or KB Upright Rows 5 x 10
Dips with Eccentric Slower than Concentric 5 x submaximal reps (if ten reps or more, add weight)
Banded Rows 4 x 60 sec
Gymnastics Strength Work:
5 x 2 Strict Muscle-up
5 x 2 "Kipping Muscle-up"
Metcon: 8 Sets of:
500m Row
(1 minute rest between sets)
Record each time

Do What You Want 29

Hang Clean 3RM (9 RPE)
Front Squats 80% for 10 x 5
KB Goblet Squats 3 x 15
Axle Bar Zercher Carries 3 x 50 yd
Skill Work for Quality Not for Time: 3 Sets of:
25 Triple Unders (work on them for 1-2 minutes/set if you don't have them)
L-Sit Holds x 25-45 seconds
Metcon: 8 Min AMRAP:
3 Hang Power Cleans with 205lb/135lb or with 225lb/155lb for stronger athletes
6 Alternating Pistols
40 yd Bear Crawl

Close Grip Bench Press 70% for 5 x 10
Incline DB Press 70% for 5 x 10
Bent-over Rows 70% for 5 x 10
KB Bottom Up Z Press 3 x 10 each arm
Preacher Curls 3 x 10
Run 400m (at 80%); Run 400m recovery pace
Run 400m (at 85%); Run 400m recovery pace
Run 400m (at 90%); Run 400m recovery pace
Run 400m all out; Walk 400m for recovery

Snatch Complex Pull + Snatch + Hang Snatch: Max
Clean and Jerk Complex Clean + 2 Front Squats + Jerk: Max
One Arm OH Fat Grip Dumbbell Carry 3 x 30 yd each arm

Front Squat with Belt Set 1: 85% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 10
Sumo Deadlifts 85% for 6 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
GHDs 3x8
Belt Squat RDLs 3 x 70 sec
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
4 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 30

These first three weeks are the accumulation phase. The goal
is to acclimate the athlete to the work that lies ahead. I normally
have each of our athletes complete movements that are foreign to
them or different than normal.

In this first block, we are performing a hang snatch from below
the knee for a three-repetition maximum along with a few down
sets. If you have purchased any of my other books, you will see
a lot of similarities. I explained a lot of the principles behind my
programming in the Mash System, so read that one for some deeper
insight into the details.

The box squats are a very basic dynamic effort prescription

with 75% being performed for seven sets of three repetitions. Each
week that volume will continue to rise, and the total volume will
wave. Box squats are great for these types of concurrent training
programs because box squats require less recovery. The slight
break in time under tension allows the athlete to recover much more
quickly with less muscle damage. We are pairing the box squats
with box jumps to encourage athletic ability, starting strength, and
rate of force production. All these factors are important for all of
this program’s goals.

Next is snatch grip deadlifts from a two inch deficit. These are
perfect for improving weightlifting and powerlifting at the same
time. Snatch grip deadlifts will obviously strengthen the positions
of the Olympic lifts, and they will also strengthen the pull of a regular
deadlift by building strength from a bigger range of motion. In the
first week, I am asking you to stick to a 7 RPE (rate of perceived

Do What You Want 31

exertion). That means you will be stopping three sets before failure.
It’s going to be a long training cycle, so I am asking you to start out
a bit slower to see how the body adapts.

GHDs and seated band leg curls are great for strengthening the
posterior chain, which will aid pretty much all of your activities.
Glute ham raises are perfect for strengthening the hamstrings as
they cross the knee and the hip, which is imperative for keeping the
knees and the low back healthy. The leg curls are an added tool for
healthy knees to encourage a solid quad-to-hamstring ratio.

The unilateral farmer’s walks are much more than a simple

strongman movement. Unilateral farmer’s walks also strengthen
the quadratus lumborum, encourage hip health, and stabilize the
internal and external obliques. I would recommend carries to all
athletes and general fitness enthusiasts for core stability, hip health,
and work capacity. Healthy hips and a stable core will allow the
body to handle running and the beating that comes from CrossFit.

On this first day, you will notice a common theme for our
functional fitness workouts. We are using endurance work with
rowing, biking, and running to complement our goal of completing
a 5K road race. I suggest rowing at a steady pace and maintaining
75-80% of maximum heart rate. The goal is to limit muscle damage
for easier recovery. The step-ups will complement the leg day, while
strengthening the knee to avoid overuse injuries. The carries are
again great for core stability and work capacity while minimizing
muscular damage.

If possible, it’s ideal to split up the strength work from the

metcon and cardio elements. This gives you some time to consume
enough glycogen-building foods to fuel each workout. But if this

Do What You Want 32

isn’t possible with your schedule, you can still perform the day’s
work in one session due to the shorter distances.

As you seek to adjust the program to you as an individual, here

are a few changes you could make to this day if you are finding the
volume too high. (Remember that I’ll lay out some lower volume
approaches later in this book.)

• You could drop the leg curls since there is a leg curl
component in glute ham raises.
• You could drop the box jumps as you will already be getting
in a lot of explosive movements from the Olympic lifts.
• In the metcon you could simply perform a 3000m row at a
nice and steady pace with a 75% of MHR Pace.

Push jerks are a great way to practice the dip and drive for split
jerks. I recommend maintaining a vertical torso, placing your body
weight more towards the heels, and focusing on driving vertically.
You will see I am prescribing a 7 RPE on week one to avoid crushing
your joints.

Wide grip bench press is a great way to strengthen aspects of

the bench press that are often neglected when using a constant
grip. Ten sets of three repetitions are a great way to produce some
hypertrophy if you are trying to get jacked with some bodybuilding.
Ten sets of three will deliver big on mechanical loading and muscle
damage - as opposed to multiple sets of ten repetitions where
metabolic stress becomes the hypertrophy stimulator.

Do What You Want 33

Pull-ups are great for stabilizing the shoulder and strengthening
the back. Not to mention, pull-ups are excellent for hypertrophy
if you are trying to add some slabs of meat on your body. I love
recommending sets of submaximal repetitions (submaximal
means stopping short of your full max) because I don’t want you
to miss on a pull-up. Missing repetitions is brutal on the body, and
missing lifts causes unnecessary muscular damage.
Upright rows are great for shoulder health and muscular
balance. Weightlifters in particular perform countless repetitions
of pressing and overhead movements. Upright rows complement
the vertical pressing with vertical rowing. Dips are great for getting
jacked and strengthening the muscles that are responsible for
overhead stability. Banded rows are amazing for strengthening the
back without creating a lot of muscle damage.
The aerobic work is something we got from Chris Hinshaw. Most
of the plan is steady running with a goal of maintaining 75% of
MHR. The sprinting will obviously spike your heart rate, but the goal
is to let it drop back down as soon as possible. One big change you
could always make is to run the entire way at a steady pace that
maintains 75% of MHR.
On the rest of this day, you could also drop the upright rows and
banded rows. You will already be pulling up a lot with the Olympic
lifts, and you will be performing the barbell row on the next upper
body day. It’s really all about your own strengths and weaknesses,
not to mention it’s also about your personal ability to handle volume.

You are starting this day with hang cleans and a simple three-
repetition maximum. I’m not asking you to kill it here. Simply get in
some work and stop at a 7 RPE.

Do What You Want 34

With the front squats, it’s go time. The first week has 10 x 3 at 80%.
Each week the percentage stays the same, but you will be adding a
repetition. This is hypertrophy the hard way. The heavy weight forces
adaptation and is a key aspect of mechanical loading in hypertrophy.
Ten sets at this high intensity will also cause major muscle damage,
which will also bring the gains in the hypertrophy department.

Rear leg elevated split squats are great for so many reasons.
Weightlifters and powerlifters spend most of their time with
bilateral movements, which can cause a lot of imbalances. The
body is meant to move freely in all planes of motion. Elevated split
squats are also great for hypertrophy, particularly when we’re using
15 repetitions per leg per set. We are now getting into metabolic
stress (the pump) and muscle damage. This movement is also
great for hip health, allowing the opposite sides of the hip to move
independently from the other (which isn’t common with the other
movements most frequently used).

Kettlebell goblet squats are meant to aid in the hypertrophy

area. Kettlebells used properly are great not only for building some
muscle size but also for technique work. The design of the bell is
great for teaching athletes to maintain a vertical spine while sitting
as low as possible. The Zercher carries are great for strengthening
the core as it relates to the transverse abdominis and rectus
abdominis. Zercher carries and squats are my personal favorite for
strengthening the core in an upright manner.

I carefully chose the metcons to complement the workout,

especially as it interacts with hypertrophy work. You can see the
movements are leg movements, metabolic triggers, and core
movements. Here’s a key point: conditioning and cardiovascular
work must either complement the workout or be performed
separately. In this case the movements are complementary.

Do What You Want 35

This day shifts the focus from mechanical loading to metabolic
stress. It’s time to feel the burn and get a pump. Hypertrophy training
that elicits that amazing pump helps to create greater levels of IGF-
1 and growth hormone while down regulating the growth-hindering
myostatin. This positive hormonal state is what allows for better
muscle protein synthesis. Basically, we are able to add more protein
to our muscles than we breakdown.

We are banging out five sets of ten repetitions in close grip

bench press, dumbbell incline press, and bent-over rows. All of
these movements are multi-joint movements famous for creating
muscle growth. The kettlebell bottom up Z-press is great for
shoulder health and posture. At ten reps you will also elicit some
significant hypertrophy. We are finishing up with preacher curls to,
of course, bang out some curls for the girls. I don’t perform lots of
bicep exercises, but all athletes should perform some for muscular
balance and elbow health.

You will see the gymnastics work is complementary to the

workout. We are using handstand pushups to strengthen the
shoulders. The toes to bars aren’t really complementary, but they’re
not contradictory either. They are simply for strengthening the core.

This day is reserved to focus on the Olympic lifts. Snatch and
clean and jerk are both very complicated in nature, requiring them
to be trained more frequently and with intent. That’s the reason for a

Do What You Want 36

day of focus. This is our max effort day for the Olympic movements.
The goal is to focus while pushing the movements as high as
possible. The lift should end with a miss or form breakdown.

We finish the day with one-arm overhead fat grip dumbbell

carries. These are great for strengthening the overhead position,
encouraging hip health, and developing symmetrical strength.

We begin with Mash Method squats, which are strategic squats
designed to roll in a wave-like fashion. Using waves of ten reps and
three reps aid in covering mechanical loading, metabolic stress,
and muscle damage. You’ll crush heavy weights, and then you’ll
turn around and hit high repetitions.

In the first set, you are front squatting 80% for three repetitions
and then resting two minutes to allow for recovery. After that you
will take 60% for ten repetitions. Then you can rest for a normal
amount of time between sets (two to three minutes or whatever
you normally rest). If those weights weren’t difficult, you can add
5kg or 10lb to the bar and repeat.

The goal of these waves is to use post-activation potentiation

to help you lift heavier weights for more repetitions. Post-activation
potentiation is just a fancy way of saying that lifting heavy weight
makes lighter weights feel even lighter. Going super heavy primes
your nervous system, and the body will be firing muscle fibers for
the heavier weight even when you are lifting the lighter weights. You
will also notice a couple of other benefits from this style of lifting.

Do What You Want 37

Athletes, especially females, will be more prepared for the
heavier weights that are coming later in the program. I used to have
women performing high repetitions with 15 pounds below their
maxes only to have less than optimal improvements on their actual
maxes. This style of wave loading has really helped to prepare all
of my athletes for bigger maximum lifts.

You will also notice your efficiency in the lift improves each and
every set. I even notice that the heavy weight feels lighter each set.
Most of my team set three-repetition maxes during sets like this.

Sumo deadlifts are specifically for getting better in the powerlifts,

but they also serve a purpose for muscular balance. Whether
you are sumo or conventional in competition, you should spend
some quality time training in the opposite stance. Both stances
complement and strengthen each other.

GHDs (glute ham developers - my way of saying glute ham raises)

are great for hypertrophy and strength. To my knowledge this is
the only exercise on Earth where the hamstring is targeted where
it crosses the knee and the hip. High volume GHDs are the very
exercise my wife used to deadlift 375lb at a body weight of 128lb.
Hamstrings, glutes, and low back are crucial for pulls, sprinting,
and jumping.

Belt squat RDLs are my favorite exercise for increasing

hypertrophy in the hamstrings and particularly the glutes. When
I’m warming up and preparing my hip to train heavy and hard, this
is my go-to movement. These also play a major role in my plan to
keep my hip healthy for the future. The belt forces the glutes to
activate in order to achieve hip extension. This hip extension helps
to counter the anterior slide of the femur.

Do What You Want 38

We finish the week with a nice and easy run. I suggest doing this
workout on day seven or several hours (six to eight hours) after the
strength workout from day 6. If you have to perform this workout
on Day 6, you will need to restore your glycogen levels with lots of
calories to support the run.

Here’s the way the run will work. You will warm up for five
minutes, run the miles at a nice 90% pace, and then take it easy
for a five-minute recovery period. If this pace is too hard to recover
from, I suggest going at 75% of maximum heart rate for 20 minutes
(10 minutes per mile) with the same warm up and cool down. Nice
and easy is the key. The increases in distance and time will slowly
prepare the body for a 5K at the end of this program. If you push
this part of the workout too hard, it will negatively affect the entire
plan. Be smart!

Now let’s move on to the hypertrophy phase.

Do What You Want 39

Clean and Jerk from Blocks with Bar at 70% x 3, 75% for 2 x 2, 80% x 2, 85% for 2 x 1
No Hook Clean from Blocks 3RM (no misses, 8 RPE)
Front Squats 70% x 4, 75% for 2 x 3, 78% for 2 x 2, 80% x 1
Deadlifts (All Reps Dead Stop) 70% x 4, 75% x 3, 78% for 2 x 2, 80% x 1
Unilateral Hyperextensions 4 x 6 each leg
BB Elevated Hip Thrusts with Band around 3x8
Yoke Carries 5 x 20m (handled the same as 5 x 5 method)
Metcon for Time: 3 Rounds
Row 1500m
Run 800m
Assault Bike 30 Calories

Jerk Recoveries 5RM
Close Grip Bench Press 70% x 4, 75% for 2 x 3, 78% for 2 x 2, 80% x 1
Floor Presses with 50-100lb of Chains 8RM, then -15% for 2 x 8 (last set is 8+)
Band Face Pulls and Press 3 x 12
BB Rows Paused 2 Seconds on Sternum 3 x 10
Skill Work for Quality Not for Time: 4 Sets of:
25 Triple Unders (work on them for 1-2 minutes/set if you don't have them)
L-Sit Holds x 25-45 seconds
Metcon: 4 Rounds of 3 Min AMRAP:
10 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls with 115lb/75lb
10 Box Jumps with 24"/20"
(Rest 3 minutes between rounds and start over each round; compare rounds)

Snatch from Blocks with Bar at Knee 70% x 3, 75% for 2 x 2, 80% x 2, 85% for 2 x 1
No Hook Snatch from Blocks with Bar at 3RM (no misses, 8 RPE)
Back Squat Box Squats (add weight to the 40% Bar Weight + 30% Bands or Chains for 6 x 3 (60-
last two sets if the speed is there) 90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Belt Squat KB RDLs 3 x 45 sec
Reverse Hypers 3 x 45 sec
Metcon 5 Rounds:
20 yd Staggered Carry
20 yd Sled Drag Forward with 150lb/100lb
20 yd Staggered Carry (opposite hands)
20 yd Sled Drag Backward with 150lb/100lb

Do What You Want 40

Velocity Bench Press 50% Bar Weight + 25% Bands or Chains for 6 x 3 (60-
90 sec rest, velocity goal of 0.75m/s)
Log Press 5RM, then -15% for 2 x 5 (last set 5+)
Seated Pin Presses with 50-100lb of 6RM, then -10% for 3 x 6
Bands or Chains
Pull-ups 3 x submaximal reps
Hang Muscle Snatch 3x5
Gymnastics Strength Work:
A: 10 x 12 sec Handstand Hold on Parallettes
B: 10 x 1 Handstand Push-up Negative (slowest possible)
10 Rope Climbs with Burpees between each climb (Burpees increasing by 5 each climb)
(Rest 5 minutes)
Accumulate 100-200 ft of Handstand Walks

Clean and Jerk Max Effort Pull + Clean + Front Squat + Jerk: Max
Low Bar Back Squat with Belt Set 1: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 75% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 75% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Competition Stance Deadlifts 75% for 6 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (Stay at a 4 x 10 each leg
7 RPE)
Pull-Throughs with Bands or Cables 3 x 15
OH Axle Bar Carries 3 x 40 yd

Snatch Max Effort Pull + 2 Snatches: Max
Bench Press Set 1: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 75% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 75% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
DB Tricep Extensions Superset with Band 6 x 8 and 6 x 15
Push Downs
Fat Bar Curls 3 x 10
Rows Superset with Band Pull-Aparts 3 x 10 and 3 x 10
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
3 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 41

Clean and Jerk from Blocks with Bar at 75% for 2 x 3, 80% for 2 x 2, 85% x 2, 88% for 2 x 1
No Hook Clean from Blocks 3RM (no misses, 8 RPE)
Front Squats 73% x 4, 78% for 3 x 3, 80% for 3 x 2, 83% for 2 x 1
Deadlifts (All Reps Dead Stop) 73% x 3, 78% for 2 x 2, 80% for 3 x 2, 83% for 2 x 1
Unilateral Hyperextensions 4 x 6 each leg
BB Elevated Hip Thrusts with Band around 3x8
Yoke Carries 5 x 20m (handled the same as 5 x 5 method)
Skill Work for Quality Not for Time: 3 Sets of:
Turkish Get-ups x 5 each side with moderate weight, focused on skill of movement
Pistol Squat x 10 (alternating) with 2 second pause in the bottom
Metcon: 12 Min AMRAP:
200m Run
15 Toes to Bar
20 Goblet Squats

Jerk Recoveries 5RM
Close Grip Bench Press 73% x 4, 78% for 3 x 3, 80% for 3 x 2, 83% for 2 x 1
Floor Presses with 50-100lb of Chains 8RM, then -15% for 2 x 8 (last set is 8+)
Band Face Pulls and Press 3 x 12
BB Rows Paused 2 Seconds on Sternum 3 x 10
Gymnastics Strength Work:
Part A. 3 x Max Effort Hold on the Rings in the false grip
Part B. 10 x 1 Muscle-up Negative with a 5 second count down if possible
(Jump into the top of the muscle-up and do the negative down, resting between reps)
Metcon For Time:
E2MOM for 20 minutes:
3/2 Muscle-up + 20 Double Unders
Focus on the strict muscle-up if possible
(Rest 10 minutes)

Snatch from Blocks with Bar at Knee 75% for 2 x 3, 80% for 2 x 2, 85% x 2, 88% for 2 x 1
No Hook Snatch from Blocks with Bar at 3RM (no misses, 8 RPE)
Back Squat Box Squats (add weight to the 45% Bar Weight + 30% Bands or Chains for 7 x 3 (60-
last two sets if the speed is there) 90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Belt Squat KB RDLs 3 x 50 sec
Reverse Hypers 3 x 50 sec
Metcon: 4 Rounds of
500m Row
25 Wall Balls with 30lb/20lb to 10'/9' Target
10 Handstand Push-ups
5 Deadlifts with 255lb/185lb and with 315lb/225lb for stronger athletes (do not go over 80% of 1RM)

Do What You Want 42

Velocity Bench Press 55% Bar Weight + 25% Bands or Chains for 6 x 3 (60-
90 sec rest, velocity goal of 0.75m/s)
Log Press 5RM, then -15% for 2 x 5 (last set 5+)
Seated Pin Presses with 50-100lb of 6RM, then -10% for 3 x 6
Bands or Chains
Pull-ups 3 x submaximal reps
Hang Muscle Snatch 3x5
Metcon 5 Sets of:
Farmer's Carry x 20 yd with 135lb/95lb each hand
Sled Push High x 20 yd with 150lb/100lb
Farmer's Carry x 20 yd with 135lb/95lb each hand
Burpee Broad Jumps x 20 yd
Sled Push Low x 20 yd with 150lb/100lb
Walking Lunge Step x 20 yd (no weight)
(Rest 2 minutes between sets)

Clean and Jerk Max Effort Clean + Front Squat + Jerk: Max
Low Bar Back Squat with Belt Set 1: 78% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 78% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 78% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Competition Stance Deadlifts 78% for 7 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (Stay at a 4 x 10 each leg
7 RPE)
Pull-Throughs with Bands or Cables 3 x 15
OH Axle Bar Carries 3 x 40 yd

Snatch Max Effort Pull + Snatch: Max
Bench Press Set 1: 78% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 78% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 78% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
DB Tricep Extensions Superset with Band 6 x 8 and 6 x 15
Push Downs
Fat Bar Curls 3 x 10
Rows Superset with Band Pull-Aparts 3 x 10 and 3 x 10
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
2.5 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 43

Clean and Jerk from Blocks with Bar at 65% for 2 x 3, 70% x 2, 75% for 2 x 1, 80% x 1, 83% x 1
No Hook Clean from Blocks 90% of 3RM for 2 x 3
Front Squats 70% x 4, 75% x 3, 78% for 2 x 2, 80% x 1
Deadlifts (All Reps Dead Stop) 70% x 3, 75% x 3, 78% x 2, 80% x 1
Unilateral Hyperextensions 3 x 6 each leg
BB Elevated Hip Thrusts with Band around 3x8
Yoke Carries 5 x 20m (handled the same as 5 x 5 method)
Skill Work for Quality Not for Time: 4 Sets of:
Turkish Get-ups x 8 each side with moderate weight, focused on skill of movement
Pistol Squats x 16 (alternating) with 2 second pause in the bottom
Deadlifts (at 60-65% 1RM)
Lateral over the Bar Burpees
(After every 'set' perform 30 Double Unders)

Jerk Recoveries 5RM
Close Grip Bench Press 70% x 4, 75% x 3, 78% for 2 x 2, 80% x 1
Floor Presses with 50-100lb of Chains 90% of 8RM for 2 x 8
Band Face Pulls and Press 3 x 12
BB Rows Paused 2 Seconds on Sternum 3 x 10
Gymnastics Strength Work:
A. 4 x Max Effort hold on rings in the false grip
B. 10 x 1 Muscle-up Negative with an 8 second count down if possible
(Jump into the top of the muscle-up and do the negative down, resting between reps)
Metcon 5 Sets as fast as possible:
20 Calorie Assault Bike
10 Hang Power Snatches with 115lb/75lb
5 Deficit Handstand Push-ups 6"/4"
(Rest 1:1)

Snatch from Blocks with Bar at Knee 65% for 2 x 3, 70% x 2, 75% for 2 x 1, 80% x1, 83% x 1
No Hook Snatch from Blocks with Bar at 90% of 3RM for 2 x 3
Back Squat Box Squats (add weight to the 35% Bar Weight + 30% Bands or Chains for 5 x 3 (60-
last two sets if the speed is there) 90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Belt Squat KB RDLs 3 x 30 sec
Reverse Hypers 3 x 30 sec
Metcon 1: 5 Sets of:
30 seconds work/30 seconds rest (rotating through movements)
Goblet Squats
Toes to Bar
Yoke Carry (on back) with 135lb/95lb
(Rest 10 minutes)
Metcon 2: 8 Sets of:
Row for Meters
(30 seconds on/30 seconds rest)

Do What You Want 44

Velocity Bench Press 45% Bar Weight + 25% Bands or Chains for 5 x 3 (60-
90 sec rest, velocity goal of 0.75m/s)
Log Press 90% of 5RM for 3 x 5
Seated Pin Presses with 50-100lb of 90% of 6RM for 2 x 6
Bands or Chains
Pull-ups 3 x submaximal reps
Hang Muscle Snatch 3x5
Gymnastics Strength Work:
A. 10 x 20 sec Handstand Holds on Parallettes
B. 4 x Max Effort Handstand Walks
800m Sandbag Carry
20 Sandbag Ground to Shoulder
20 Sandbag Shoulder to Overhead
20 Sandbag Squats
400m Sandbag Carry
10 Sandbag Ground to Shoulder
10 Sandbag Shoulder to Overhead
10 Sandbag Squats

Clean and Jerk Max Effort Clean and Jerk Max Double
Low Bar Back Squat with Belt Set 1: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 75% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 75% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Competition Stance Deadlifts 70% for 6 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (Stay at a 4 x 10 each leg
7 RPE)
Pull-Throughs with Bands or Cables 3 x 15
OH Axle Bar Carries 3 x 40 yd

Snatch Max Effort Snatch Max Double
Bench Press Set 1: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 75% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 75% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
DB Tricep Extensions Superset with Band 6 x 8 and 6 x 15
Push Downs
Fat Bar Curls 3 x 10
Rows Superset with Band Pull-Aparts 3 x 10 and 3 x 10
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
3.5 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 45

This is the portion of our cycle where we focus on adding some
muscle. I’m sure that you could tell the accumulation phase also
has a large hypertrophy component. However, we are focused
with more specificity during this phase. We incorporate the lifts a
little more, but our main goal is to add some muscle size for future
strength. That’s the whole point of hypertrophy phases. A bigger
muscle has the potential to become a stronger muscle.

We start out with a clean and jerk focus. Blocks are used for
two reasons. First, the blocks help develop the middle or the
second pull. A lot of people are weak through the middle. That’s
unfortunate because the middle is the most important part of the
pull. Second, blocks take some pressure off of the low back, which
is perfect during this phase due to the increased volume of the
strength movements.

The second movement is no hook cleans from blocks. These

are great for teaching the athlete timing and also to keep the bar
close. By not using a hook grip, the center of gravity becomes the
real challenge. If the bar is close, the athlete can hold on much
more easily. Also lifters can’t over-pull the bar, or it will come out of
their hands. They will learn to open the hips and immediately get
under. Timing is always the most important aspect of the lift.

The front squat volume and the deadlift volume are designed to
cause major hypertrophy and strength gains. It’s crucial to choose
the volume correctly if you are pursuing multiple disciplines. If you
go all-out on the squats and pulls, there will be nothing left for the
other goals.

Do What You Want 46

Unilateral hyperextensions are great for strengthening glutes and
hamstrings while eliminating any asymmetries. Hyperextensions
are great for hypertrophy, but they are also easier to recover from
due to the lack of muscle damage. Hypers will deload during the
eccentric contraction, which causes less muscle damage. The
glutes and hamstrings will strengthen from mechanical loading
and metabolic stress.

Elevated glute bridges with a barbell are awesome at building

mass and strength in the glutes. Of course, I got this exercise
from Bret Contreras (just like everyone else). Once again, there is
very little muscle damage, so you can stay recovered for the other
workout goals.

Yoke carries are great for strongman work. I love these because
so much of what we do is closed chain, while the yoke carries are
open chain. The glutes contract one at a time to take the brunt of
the load as the stabilizer. This movement under load strengthens
the hips while encouraging their movement, which is great for hip
health. The isometric contraction of the entire torso is one of the
best core exercises on earth. You are teaching the core to stabilize
the spine in a functional and upright way. Yokes are easy to recover
from due to the lack of eccentric contraction, making them the
perfect fit for this concurrent program.

Most of our metcons are either aerobic in nature or complementary.

This is important if you want to survive this strategic plan without
overtraining. Again, getting some nutrition in between the strength
work and the metcons would be ideal. You will notice I am trying
to group lower body movements and upper body movements
somewhat separately, giving each group time to recover.

Do What You Want 47

This day is, on the contrary, more upper body dominant. We start
with jerk recoveries to stabilize the overhead position. This movement
is key for a big jerk. If you are performing jerk recoveries with 200kg,
then 180kg isn’t so scary to jerk. I am simply being real right now,
and all of you know exactly what I am talking about. After the jerk
recoveries, we go right into the main upper body movements.

Next are close grip bench presses. To get strong and build muscle
without destroying the joints, the key is repetition practice with loads
around 75-80%. Yes, Prilepin said 90% and above is the best way to
get strong - but we all know intensities like that aren’t sustainable.

Floor presses with chains are great for strengthening the triceps
in a way that is good for the bench press and a way that will also
strengthen the overhead position of the Olympic lifts. Triceps
extensions are great, but strengthening the triceps with a functional
pressing movement is more efficient.

The band face pulls and barbell rows are great ways to strengthen
the back and stabilize the scapula without causing a lot of damage.
These are also great for bodybuilding. The coolest strength athletes
on the planet (like Ed Coan, for example) have the most massive
backs on earth. I remember being amazed at Ed’s back when I saw
him in a muscle magazine in the 90’s. I wanted to be just like him,
so I set out to do just that. If you are a real strength athlete, you will
have the same goal as well.

The fuctional fitness work starts with practice on triple-unders

and L-sit holds. Many athletes who want to improve in their functional
fitness competition times make the huge mistake of not practicing

Do What You Want 48

the skills. The metcon is focused on work capacity with mainly
the upper body sustaining muscle damage from the upright rows.
The sumo deadlifts with light weight are actually a good recovery
exercise for the lower body.

This day is very similar to the first but with a focus on the snatch
instead of the clean and jerk. We will use the same volume, and we
are using the no hook snatch from blocks for the same reasons we
used the no hook clean.

The box squats with accommodating resistance are a great way

to teach speed without causing a lot of damage to recover from.
Using the box can be quite the miracle when it comes to recovery.
That slight release of time under tension makes the movement
much easier on the body. If you have a Tendo unit or another way
to measure velocity, I suggest shooting for a velocity of 0.75 m/s
or faster to assure you are training the quality of strength known
as strength speed. Simply put, strength speed is taking a moderate
weight and moving it quickly. This is a quality that is important for
Olympic weightlifting and powerlifting. (For more on velocity zones
and these strength qualities, check out our book Bar Speed.)

Belt squat kettlebell RDLs are my absolute favorite exercise. Of

course, I perform these with a belt squat machine from Westside
Barbell. If you don’t have access to one, you can just perform RDLs.
The belt squat is a miracle for encouraging glute activation. You
physically can’t reach hip extension without firing the glutes in a
dramatic way due to the belt pulling back. The belt squat also acts
as traction for the lower back. This machine is the one piece of
equipment that has kept me from getting a hip replacement.

Do What You Want 49

The reverse hypers are also great for strengthening the low back,
glutes, and hamstrings. The pendulum swing is known to lubricate
the spine and encourage spinal health. My partner Chris Mason
swears this machine has allowed him to lift heavy for the first time
in ten years.

The RDLs do, of course, cause some muscular damage that

leads ultimately to massive hamstrings. The reverse hypers, on the
other hand, cause little to no damage and actually help to counter
the effects of the RDLs. Together, these two movements can work
miracles on the posterior chain.

The metcon chosen for you is great for recovery and strength,
while leaving no damage to recover from. All the exercises are
isometric contractions in nature, so the core will be strengthened
without being crushed. In my opinion, this style of work capacity
development is the best way to condition - especially if you are
running a concurrent/hybrid program.

This day starts with velocity based bench press. The
accommodating resistance is great for velocity work. As I said
before, the goal is 0.75 m/s or faster. The deloading of the bands
when the bar is on your chest encourages muscle recovery.

The log press takes the place of a shoulder press or push press.
With adding in strongman work, you can replace another typical
movement you might use. The strongman apparatus can act as a
new stimulus that might force adaptation and lead to increases in
hypertrophy and strength. Besides, the log press is a fun movement
to practice. It is so medieval.

Do What You Want 50

Seated pin presses with bands or chains are my favorite
functional exercise to strengthen overhead stability. The bands/
chains help to overload the lockout position, which is massively
important for jerks and snatches. These have to be performed in
a power rack or half rack with safety pins. The bar starts on the
pins at or around nose level, which emphasizes the lockout of a
pressing movement.

For developing the back, pull-ups are my preferred functional

movement. Pull-ups are the perfect test for relative strength. Hang
muscle snatches are great for strengthening the external rotators
in a way that is appropriate for Olympic Weightlifting. They will also
build the upper back and traps.

I love the way this program emphasizes practicing the gymnastic

movements. The functional fitness section starts with handstand
strengthening movements to prepare the athlete. This handstand
work is also great for the overhead portion of Olympic weightlifting.
The metcon is complementary to the entire workout with the rope
climbs and some added burpees for the metabolic aspect. We
finish with handstand walk practice. This functional fitness work
includes a vertical pull (rope climb) and a vertical press (handstand
work). The pairing of the two encourages shoulder health.

Max effort clean and jerk work is on the schedule for the beginning
of this day. Intensity/load is high, but the volume of the movement
is low. I suggest stopping before a miss or at least stopping after
the first miss.

Do What You Want 51

After the clean and jerk complex, we move right into Mash
Method squat waves. The waves are a form of post-activation
potentiation because the muscles remember the most recent set
performed. After performing heavy triples, the higher reps will seem
easier and more efficient. The triples and tens are the ultimate way
to maximize hypertrophy and strength at the same time.

We move next into deadlifts. We are using Prilepin’s

suggestions for average intensity needed for strength gains.
We are again performing the rear leg elevated split squats as in
previous weeks, but we are lowering the repetitions. Of course,
the intensity/load must go up when you lower the repetitions.
The change in reps along with the extra load will also add to
some amazing gains in hypertrophy.

Pull-throughs are one of my favorite recovery-friendly exercises

for building mass and strength in the glutes, low back, and
hamstrings. The band deloads during the eccentric contraction,
sparing the muscles from damage.

We are laying off any functional fitness or endurance work to

allow the body to recover. However, we are including some overhead
carries to strengthen the overhead position and encourage perfect
posture. Overhead carries are a staple exercise in my programming.
Not only do they develop the overhead position, but they also
strengthen the entire core from fingertip to toe.

This day begins with a snatch complex. I like combining the
snatch with bench press because the external rotation of the snatch

Do What You Want 52

contrasts the internal rotation of the bench press. This will lead
to healthier shoulders more than the row-to-press suggestions of
the past. I still like to make sure I am getting in some rows, but
the external rotation of the snatch and/or muscle snatch seems to
keep my shoulders rolling right along.

The bench press waves are taken directly from the Mash Method
to elicit post-activation potentiation. Let me say right now before
anyone decides to blow up my social media: I didn’t invent post-
activation potentiation. I simply use it more than most coaches in
several different ways. Yes, I agree there isn’t much new out there in
the world – what matters is the way you package all the principles
to create your own approach. (For a more detailed explanation,
check out the Mash System.)

The rest of the workout is awesome bodybuilding work. I love

the first superset of dumbbell triceps extensions with band push-
downs. I have prescribed six sets. I recommend taking no longer
than 15-30 seconds between sets for the most skin-popping pump
of your life. Can you believe I’m talking about getting a pump? What
you guys might not know is I loved bodybuilding first, just like most
strength athletes. Lou Ferrigno inspired me when he played the
Incredible Hulk. Along the way I fell in love with strength (probably
because my genetics were geared more towards absolute strength),
but I never lost my love and respect for bodybuilding.

When I was in college, I trained with Chris “Ox “ Mason – who is

now my good friend and business partner. He was a bodybuilder,
and I was starting to dabble in powerlifting and weightlifting. It was
the perfect combo. He provided the massive pump from metabolic
stress, and I brought mechanical loading to the equation. I made a
Junior World Team, and he qualified for Nationals in bodybuilding.

Do What You Want 53

We knew instinctively that this combination of strength and
bodybuilding was a good idea, and now science is confirming what
we already knew. We finish the bodybuilding work with some curls,
rows, and band pull-aparts.

The running portion is a simple five-minute warm up, three

miles at 90%, and then a five-minute cool down. The warm up could
simply be:

1. Some fast walking

2. Some walking hamstring sweeps
3. Lunges
4. The McGill "Big Three" (Bird Dogs, Side Planks, and Curl Ups)
5. Air squats
6. Light jog

The cool down could be the same routine, although you’d start
off with the light jog and finish with the fast walking.

If the 90% is too hard to recover from, you might consider an

alternative. You could substitute each mile with six to seven minutes
of low intensity running or fast walking, so this would be 18 to 21
minutes of low intensity cardio with your heart rate at 75% of your
MHR. This is what I’m doing with my personal running program that
I will be talking more about a little later. Once again, I want to give
100% credit to Alex Viada for my endurance programming. That
guy is simply amazing.

Let me reiterate: If you can swing it, I recommend pushing the

running portion to day seven. If you can’t, then try to rest six to eight
hours before performing the cardiovascular portion and remember
to fuel up with some carbohydrates to replenish your glycogen

Do What You Want 54

stores. Day six is mainly upper body work, so it’s not as damaging
as performing squats on this day. However, it would still be better
to wait a day.

Do What You Want 55

No Hook and No Feet Snatch 3RM (8 RPE)
Clean and Jerks 70% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% for 2 x
1, 88% x 1
High Bar Squat with Belt 80% for 3 x 3, 85% for 2 x 2, 88% x 2
Velocity Deadlifts 75% Straight Weight for 8 x 2 with 60-90 sec rest (or
60% Bar Weight + 20% Bands/Chains)
Goodmornings (SS Bar, Regular, Wide, 3 x 5 starting with 30% of Back Squat
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (Stay at a 4 x 5 each leg
7 RPE)
Yoke Carries 5 x 25m (handled the same as 5 x 5 method)
Skill Work for Quality Not for Time: 3 Sets of:
5-8 Butterfly Chest to Bar Pull-ups (focusing on rhythm and form)
40 Unbroken Double Unders (focusing on technique, breathing, feet together, and staying relaxed)
Metcon: 12 Min AMRAP:
15 Double Arm Kettlebell Swinging Rows
200m Run
15 Kettlebell Potato Squats

Jerk From Racks 3RM (paused 3 sec in catch)
Bench to Chest 75% x 5, 80% x 3, 85% x 1 (percentages based on raw
Max Effort Sling Shot Bench 3RM
Bench Press to Chest 83% x 3, 88% x 2, 90% for AMRAP
Close Grip Axle Bar Decline Presses with 5RM, then -15% for 3 x 5 (last set is 5+)
100lb of Chains
Rope Face Pulls (Hand to Ears) 3 x 12
BB Rows Paused 2 Seconds on Sternum 4x5
Gymnastics Strength Work:
A. Max Effort Strict Handstand Push-ups - 1 attempt
B: Take 70% of above and perform that number for 5 sets (ex: 10 strict on A, 7 for part B)
Metcon 1: 4 Sets for Time:
25 UNBROKEN Wall Balls 20lb/14lb to 10' target
(If you break a set, you will accumulate 5 burpees to be done at the end of the 4th round while time
is still going! You will restart the round if you break. Rest as needed in order to do all 25 unbroken.)
(Rest 10 minutes)
Metcon 2: 8 Sets of:
Row for Meters (40 sec on/20 sec off)

Snatch 70% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% for 2 x
1, 88% x 1
Power Cleans 3RM (8RPE)
Back Squat Box Squats (add weight to the 50% Bar Weight + 20% Bands or Chains for 6 x 3 (60-
last two sets if the speed is there) 90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Belt Squat KB Deadlifts 3 x 45 sec
Suitcase Deadlifts from 4 Inch Deficit (Stay 3 x 5 each side
at 7-8 RPE)
Leg Curls (Band, DB, or Machine) 4 x 10 reps
Metcon: 4 Rounds of
Unilateral Farmer's Carry x 100m Left Hand
15 KB Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (same weight as carry)
20 Hollow Rocks
Unilateral Farmer's Carry x 100m Right Hand
Recovery Row:
15-20 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)

Do What You Want 56

Heaving Snatch Balance 1RM with 5 sec pause, then -20% for 3 reps not paused
Dynamic Bench Press (Alternate Grip Each 50% Bar Weight + 20% Bands or Chains for 6 x 3 (60-
Set) 90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Log Press 3RM, then -15% for 2 x 3 (last set 3+)
Weighted Dips or Nosebreakers 4x8
Pull-ups 4 x submaximal reps
DB Pullovers 4 x 12
DB Tri-Delts 3 x (9 front, 9 side, 9 rear)
Gymnastics Strength Work:
A. Ring Muscle-ups: 1 Max Effort Set
B: Take 70% of above and perform that number for 5 sets
(ex: 10 Muscle-ups in A, 7 Muscle-ups for 5 sets in B)
(Rest as needed between sets for Part B)
Metcon: 4 Rounds of 3 Min AMRAP:
5 Bar Muscle-ups
10 Box Jumps to 30"/24"
(Rest 3 minutes between rounds, score individually, and compare)

Clean and Jerk Max Effort Clean + Hang Clean + Jerk: Max
Back Squat with Belt Set 1: 80% x 2, rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 6
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 80% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 6
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 80% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 6
Max Effort Deadlift From 8 Inch Blocks: 3RM, then -10% for 3
BB High Pull from Pins Belt Squat 3 x 40 sec
Reverse Hypers 3 x 45 sec
Farmer's Walk 4 x 30 yd
Plank with Lat Pull 3 x 30 sec each side

Snatch Max Effort Snatch + Hang Snatch: Max
Bench Press Set 1: 85% x 2, rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 6
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 6
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 6
Axle Bar Football Close Grip Bench 6RM, then -15% for 2 x 6 (last set is 6+)
DB Hammer Curls 3 x 10
Rows Superset with DB Rear Delt Flies 3 x 10 and 3 x 10
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
4.5 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 57

No Hook and No Feet Snatch 3RM (9 RPE)
Clean and Jerks 75% x 3, 80% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% for 2 x 1, 88%
High Bar Squat with Belt 80% for 3 x 3, 85% for 2 x 3, 88% for 2 x 2, 90% for 2 x 2
Velocity Deadlifts 80% Straight Weight for 7 x 2 with 60-90 sec rest (or
65% Bar Weight + 20% Bands/Chains)
Goodmornings (SS Bar, Regular, Wide, 3 x 5 (just progress about 2-5k from last week)
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (Stay at a 4 x 5 each leg
7 RPE)
Yoke Carries 5 x 25m (handled the same as 5 x 5 method)
5 Rounds:
400m Med Ball Run with 20lb/14lb
30 Weighted Sit-ups with Med Ball
25 Wall Balls

Jerk From Racks 3RM (first rep paused 3 sec in catch)
Bench to Chest 75% x 5, 80% x 3, 85% x 1 (percentages based on raw
Max Effort Sling Shot Bench 3RM
Bench Press to Chest 83% x 3, 88% x 2, 90% for AMRAP
Close Grip Axle Bar Decline Presses with 5RM, then -15% for 3 x 5 (last set is 5+)
100lb of Chains
Rope Face Pulls (Hand to Ears) 3 x 12
BB Rows Paused 2 Sec on Sternum 4x5
Gymnastics Strength Work:
A. Max Effort Strict Handstand Push-ups - 1 attempt
B: Take 70% of above and perform that number for 7 sets (ex: 10 strict on A, 7 for part B)
(Rest as needed between sets for Part B)
Metcon for Time: 3 Rounds of
15 Thrusters with 125lb/85lb
20 Toes to Bar
500m Row
Metcon 2:
Steady 15 minutes conversational pace on Assault Bike

Snatch 75% x 3, 80% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% for 2 x 1, 88%
Power Cleans 3RM (9 RPE)
Back Squat Box Squats (add weight to the 55% Bar Weight + 20% Bands or Chains for 7 x 3 (60-
last two sets if the speed is there) 90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Belt Squat KB Deadlifts 3 x 50 sec
Suitcase Deadlifts from 4 Inch Deficit (Stay 3 x 5 each side
at 7-8 RPE)
Leg Curls (Band, DB, or Machine) 4 x 10
5K Row at 85%

Do What You Want 58

Heaving Snatch Balance 1RM with 5 sec pause, then -20% for 3 reps not paused
Dynamic Bench Press (Alternate Grip Each 55% Bar Weight + 20% Bands or Chains for 7 x 3 (60-
Set) 90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Log Press 3RM, then -15% for 3 x 3 (last set 3+)
Weighted Dips or Nosebreakers 4x8
Pull-ups 4 x submaximal reps
DB Pullovers 4 x 12
DB Tri-Delts 3 x (9 front, 9 side, 9 rear)
Gymnastics Strength Work:
A. Ring Muscle-ups: 1 Max Effort Set
B: Take 70% of above and perform that number for 5 sets
(ex: 10 Muscle-ups in A, 7 Muscle-ups for 5 sets in B)
(Rest as needed between sets for Part B)
Power Cleans with 155lb/105lb
Burpees over the Bar
Double Unders

Clean and Jerk Max Effort Clean + Front Squat + Jerk: Max
Back Squat with Belt Set 1: 83% x 2, rest 2 minutes, then 68% x 6
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 83% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 68% x 6
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 83% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 68% x 6+
Max Effort Deadlift From 8 Inch Blocks: 1RM, then -10% for 3
BB High Pull from Pins Belt Squat 3 x 45 sec
Reverse Hypers 3 x 50 sec
Farmer's Walk 4 x 30 yd
Plank with Lat Pull 3 x 30 sec each side

Snatch Max Effort Snatch Pull + Snatch: Max
Bench Press Set 1: 88% x 2, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 6
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 88% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 6
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 88% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 6+
Axle Bar Football Close Grip Bench 6RM, then -15% for 2 x 6 (last set is 6+)
DB Hammer Curls 3 x 10
Rows Superset with DB Rear Delt Flies 3 x 10 and 3 x 10
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
3 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 59

No Hook and No Feet Snatch 1RM
Clean and Jerks 65% x 3, 78% x 2, 83% x 2, 88% x 1, 90% for 2 x 1, work
up (allowed 1 miss)
High Bar Squat with Belt 1RM, then -20% for 2 x 3
Velocity Deadlifts 85% Straight Weight for 10 x 1 with 60-90 sec rest (or
70% Bar Weight + 20% Bands/Chains)
Goodmornings (SS Bar, Regular, Wide, 3 x 5 (just progress about 2-5k from last week)
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (Stay at a 3 x 5 each leg
7 RPE)
Yoke Carries 5 x 25m (handled the same as 5 x 5 method)
100 Double Unders
50 Calorie Row
20 Pistol Squats

Jerk From Racks 3RM (no pauses)
Bench to Chest 75% x 5, 80% x 3, 85% x 1 (percentages based on raw
Max Effort Sling Shot Bench 1RM
Bench Press to Chest 83% for 3, 88% x 2, 90% for AMRAP
Close Grip Axle Bar Decline Presses with 5RM, then -15% for 5+
100lb of Chains
Rope Face Pulls (Hand to Ears) 3 x 12
BB Rows Paused 2 Sec on Sternum 4x5
Gymnastics Strength Work:
A: 2 min Accumulate in Support on Rings
B: 2 min Accumulate in Bottom of the Ring Dip
Metcon 1: 6 Sets of:
50 Double Unders
15/12 Ring Dips
(Rest 10 minutes)
Metcon 2: 5 Sets of:
20 Calorie on Assault Bike
10 Burpees

Snatch 65% x 3, 78% x 2, 83% x 2, 88% x 1, 90% for 2 x 1, work
up (allowed 1 miss)
Power Cleans 1RM
Back Squat Box Squats (add weight to the 60% Bar Weight + 20% Bands or Chains for 7 x 2 (60-
last two sets if the speed is there) 90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Belt Squat KB Deadlifts 3 x 60 sec
Suitcase Deadlifts from 4 Inch Deficit (Stay 3 x 5 each side
at 7 RPE)
Leg Curls (Band, DB, or Machine) 4 x 10
Metcon: 4 Sets of:
Plank Hold x 45 seconds
OH Axle Bar Carry x 20 yd Forward
Bear Crawl x 20 yd
Sled Drag Forward x 20 yd
OH Axle Bar Carry x 20 yd Backward
Sled Drag Backward x 20 yd

Do What You Want 60

Heaving Snatch Balance 1RM with 3 sec pause, then -20% for 3 reps not paused
Dynamic Bench Press (Alternate Grip Each 60% Bar Weight + 20% Bands or Chains for 7 x 2 (60-
Set) 90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Log Press 3RM, then -15% for 3+
Weighted Dips or Nosebreakers 4x8
Pull-ups 3 x submaximal reps
DB Pullovers 3 x 10
DB Tri-Delts 3 x (9 front, 9 side, 9 rear)
Skill Work for Quality Not for Time: 3 Sets of:
Handstand Walks x 20-40 yd
Ring Muscle-up x 2-4 + 2 Ring Dips
Metcon for Time: 5 Rounds of
3 Bar Muscle-ups
10 Overhead Squats with 135lb/95lb
400m Run

Clean and Jerk Max Effort 1RM
Back Squat with Belt Set 1: 85% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 5
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 1,
rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 5
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 1,
rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 5
Max Effort Deadlift From 2 Inch Deficit: 1RM
BB High Pull from Pins Belt Squat 3 x 50 sec
Reverse Hypers 3 x 60 sec
Farmer's Walk 4 x 30 yd
Plank with Lat Pull 3 x 40 sec each side

Snatch Max Effort Snatch Max
Bench Press Set 1: 90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 5
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 90% x 1,
rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 5
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 90% x 1,
rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 5
Axle Bar Football Close Grip Bench 5RM, then -15% for 5+
DB Hammer Curls 3 x 10
Rows Superset with DB Rear Delt Flies 3 x 10 and 3 x 10
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
3 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 61

Now we are into the part of the program where it gets a little more
interesting. The goal is to get stronger, more efficient, and in better
shape all at the same time. Is it possible? Of course! I really don’t
think it’s that hard. Hopefully, you are seeing that these elements fit
together quite nicely when you think about it for a minute. It goes
something like this:

• Powerlifting is the main accessory for weightlifting.

• Weightlifting helps keep the body balanced from the
• Strongman work can often be substituted for traditional
accessory work like presses, pulls, pushes, and drags.
• Functional fitness should either match the workout in a
complementary way or target opposite energy systems.
• Bodybuilding complements everything. When chosen
properly, a focus on metabolic stress versus muscle
damage is quite easy to recover from.
• Endurance work focuses on the oxidative system, which
helps to make everything more efficient. This element of
the workout helps the body recover more rapidly, so it’s
basically the glue that can hold the other portions together.

You better buckle up for these next few weeks as I'm asking you
to go hard. You are going to get tired and sore, so I suggest a lot of
focus on recovery and nutrition. Adaptation is the goal here. I want
to force your body to adapt to the stimulus in a way that causes it
to get bigger and stronger. Remember you are in control of your
body. If you are struggling to keep up, cut the volume back a bit or
hold back on the loading.

These workouts are pretty intense. If possible, I suggest breaking

these babies into two workouts per day as much as possible.

Do What You Want 62

We are starting out with “no hook and no feet” snatch. You won't
use a hook grip or move your feet. I love this movement to teach
athletes timing and correct bar path without a lot of verbal cues.
Not using a hook grip requires you to keep the bar close or you
will lose the bar out of your hand. You can’t over-pull or waste a
lot of time at the top of the pull, so you’ll learn to extend the hips
and immediately begin the descent. This portion of the workout is
designed to be low in load to save the body for the rest of the day.

The first day of each week is set aside for high volume clean and
jerks. We are using the Mash Method (post-activation potentiation)
again with waves in the clean and jerks. The goal is better efficiency
in the movement during each wave. The intensity averages around
78%, so the focus is on the efficiency of the movement more than
heavy weight. The heavier ranges are simply to elicit the PAP

You will notice the volume of the back squat is averaging around
85%. Prilepin told us in 1974 that using loads of 90% and heavier is
the way to get strong. Yet we all know this range is hard to maintain
without injury. However, the sweet spot is somewhere between 80
to 85%. We are using Prilepin’s chart to determine optimal volume,
but remember that Prilepin’s chart is an average taken from elite
weightlifters. You might find the volume is too much. Simply trim
it back if that’s the case. Some actually find this level of volume is
too easy to recover from. In that case I suggest adding a set or rep
here and there until a good amount of volume is reached.

So how do athletes determine the optimal volume for them?

It’s a lot of personal preference, but here is the way I suggest. If

Do What You Want 63

you are recovering easily to the point where you constantly want
to perform more exercise, I suggest adding some volume. If you
are experiencing problems with sleeping, issues with appetite, or
other symptoms of overtraining, I suggest cutting back. The goal is
to beat the body up just enough to force it to adapt to the stimulus
without crushing it into the ground. How’s that for scientific?

The deadlifts are meant to focus on the strength speed quality

of strength. I have given you two options here. You may choose
to either use straight weight or throw in some bands/chains for
accommodating resistance. Either way is fine with me. However,
I am partial to accommodating resistance because you can use
lighter weight off the floor, which allows for more speed to be built
in the initial surge. I will give you one more option: to do all singles.
If you struggle to maintain technique in the second repetition,
then perform the total volume in singles. (For example, instead of
performing 8 x 2, you can try 16 x 1.) If you are in a hurry, alternate
resting 30 seconds and resting 60-90 seconds. When he visited my
gym, Dr. Stuart McGill suggested this to me to avoid back issues,
and it really helped to save my back.

The accessory work ends the day with goodmornings. I love

goodmornings, but I definitely suggest you stick to the prescribed
percentages. Goodmornings are one of the best tools I have ever
used to build my posterior chain in a functional way that led to an
increase in my lifts. However, they can be very dangerous since the
load is shifted directly on the low back during the hip hinge. Take
your time and build this movement slowly. The rewards will be a
bigger total.

The rear leg elevated split squats are still in the equation for all
the reasons we talked about earlier. However, the repetitions are

Do What You Want 64

even lower here, so the intensity should be higher. We want to build
strength in this movement to keep our muscular balance in check.
These are great for hypertrophy but also for hip and knee health. I
also like the way they actively stretch the psoas while strengthening
the legs.

We are sticking with the yoke walks, but I should say that
you could change these out for any one of several strongman
movements. Car pulls, farmer’s walks, other types of carries, or
drags all fit the bill. You could also change out deadlifts for stone
lifts during one of the deadlift days. It’s all about substituting a
similar strongman movement for one of the traditional lifts. This is
the art of programming I enjoy so much.

The functional fitness work consists of skill practice,

complementary movements, or endurance work. I suggest you keep
the endurance work at a slow intensity after this type of workout.
Once again, this is why it’s optimally a good idea to separate this
workout into at least two sessions. Proper nutrition will be key to
supply the body with enough glycogen to fuel this bad boy.

We start off the second day with some jerks, but the load will
be low due to the pauses in the catch position. I love this type of
pause because it allows the athlete to focus on the proper position
for receiving the bar. Focusing on the correct position will usually
cause the athlete to dip and drive properly as a byproduct. The low
load is exactly what I want at this point to not detract from the
upcoming bench press work.

Do What You Want 65

I like to warm up to around 85% with a regular bench press to
the chest before adding Mark Bell’s Sling Shot. By the way, he didn’t
sponsor this book or any other book where I have prescribed using
the Sling Shot. I simply believe in the product as it allows me to
elicit post-activation potentiation with a full range of motion. With
the Sling Shot on, I am having you work up to a 3RM. I suggest
trying not to miss and ending with a 9 RPE.

The next step is to take it back to the chest. The real test is the
90% for as many repetitions as possible, but I have you taking a few
sets to prepare.

The assistance work is one of my favorites. Close grip axle bar

decline presses with chains are used to strengthen the lockout
portion of the bench press while also getting the triceps huge. You
think that movement is conjugate enough for you (axle bar, close
grip, decline, and chains)? Sometimes it’s just fun, and none of us
should forget that.

The accessory/bodybuilding work is rows and face pulls to

develop a strong back and scapula region. The functional fitness
work helps add some quality muscle as well. Handstand push-
ups are great for building functional shoulder strength. All the
functional fitness work centers on complementary movements,
conditioning, and endurance work. We are either helping you get
jacked or strengthening your heart.

The third day is very similar to day one in the Olympic movements,
but we are focusing on the snatch and are using a version of the

Do What You Want 66

clean that will help strengthen the movement. Power cleans are
great for teaching a powerful pull, and they are also great for
teaching you to meet the bar quickly.

The squats on this day are dynamic effort box squats. Again,
this movement is great for recovery due to the box. The kettlebell
belt squat RDLs are such an amazing posterior chain exercise. If
you don’t have a belt squat machine, you could use the free weight
attachment with the chain that dangles down, or you could just use
kettlebells. This movement is a massive butt builder, and it also
works the hamstrings and low back.

The suitcase deadlifts are a great strongman movement that

helps to build powerful and symmetrical hips, low back muscles,
and obliques. The basic leg curl movement is to build massive
hamstrings and to promote healthy and balanced knees. Most
of the time when one of my athletes is having knee pain, the pain
dissipates after I have them do some leg curls.

The conditioning work consists of a recovery row and recovery-

friendly strongman movements like drags, carries, and holds.
These types of movements are the best to promote stability and
conditioning without the muscular damage you would get from
movements requiring eccentric contractions. The third day is a
great transition day that should leave you ready to go for day four.

We are starting off with heaving snatch balances to practice a
good catch position for the snatch while opening up the chest and
building overhead stability. This is also a great way to squeeze in
some active recovery for the lower body.

Do What You Want 67

Then you will move right into dynamic bench presses focused
on strength speed, which is why I suggest keeping the velocity at
around 0.8 m/s. If you missed our book Bar Speed, you might want
to check that one out to learn more about velocity based training. If
you don’t want to use bands or chains, simply add up the total load,
subtract 5%, and go with straight weight.

Here’s an example. Let’s say your bench press max is 400 pounds.
In Week 7, we are suggesting you go 50% straight weight and 20%
bands or chains. The total load is 70% (50% + 20%). You would then
subtract 5%, which gives you 65% (70% - 5%). Then perform the
prescribed sets and repetitions. It’s that easy.

Next is the log press. I don’t care if you start with it in the rack
or on the floor. You should do a little of both because either could
be required in a competition. We are incorporating the log press
instead of a shoulder accessory movement on this day. There are
two different methods we are using to maximize our training with
the log. With the max effort method, we are finding a 3RM. We
are also using the repetition method on the final set with a 3+ (as
many reps as possible past three), which presents itself often in
competition. Both methods are good for overall strength training
as well.

The rest of the movements are basic bodybuilding movements

to get you swole (yeah, I am using slang) and sexy: dips, pull-ups,
pullovers, and tri-delts. There is nothing fancy about these - just
vein-popping pumps. The tri-delts are a complex of front, lateral,
and rear shoulder raises performed together to assure total deltoid
annihilation. Do I sound like a solid issue of Muscle and Fitness?

The functional fitness work again will consist of upper body

movements that complement the other movements. If not, it will be

Do What You Want 68

conditioning work. I suggest you pace yourself unless competing
in functional fitness is the number one goal. I would treat the
metabolic conditioning like low intensity cardio. Just keep moving
and keep the heart rate up around 75% of MHR.

This day is focused on lower body strength. We are starting
with max effort clean and jerks to acclimate the body to heavy
attempts. The best way to improve the Olympic movements is by
taking attempts over 90%. You simply can’t do it all the time, but in
the last few weeks it’s time to turn up a bit.

We are still using the Mash Method/PAP in the back squats, but
the repetitions are moving to singles/doubles and fives. The goal
is to move big weights in the five repetition sets. Heavy weight for
five repetitions equals big gains in strength. That’s exactly what we
are after.

In the deadlifts we are using the max effort method to work

towards a new personal record. The deadlift is a difficult movement
to strengthen at times. It’s the easiest to increase early on, but it
becomes the hardest towards the end of one’s strength career. At
least this was my experience with the lift. I found the best way to
get the deadlift stronger was hitting it from all different heights in
all different ways. The key is to leave no angle or height unworked.

I love this next exercise: high pulls from pins on the belt squat
machine. These are simply awesome for developing a high rate of
force development where hip extension is concerned. You will also
notice an improvement in eccentric strength as the body adapts

Do What You Want 69

to the downward pulling of the belt squat. If you don’t have a belt
squat machine, just go with high pulls by themselves. You will still
work hip extension, and you will still develop the back and traps.
If you want a huge yoke (neck, traps, and upper back), this is the
movement to get you one.

Reverse hypers have already been discussed, but I will still say
this movement is amazing for back health and for building the
capacity of the posterior chain. A farmer’s walk is a movement all
athletes and trainees should perform. If you don’t believe me, just
read some of Dr. Stuart McGill’s free articles or his books. If you
want to develop the true core stability required in life and sport,
you must have these carries in your program. This is why mixing
in strongman training is easy because a lot of the strongman
movements are necessary for improving other strength sports. I
hope you’re noticing how a lot of these movements naturally go
together. I am not quite sure why it has been so taboo. Most of
these movements fit together like a glove.

The final exercise on this day is the plank with a lat pull. One
reason I like this advanced plank movement is because it’s not so
boring. This movement also involves the latissimus dorsi, which is
a huge component of the core.

Day six starts with a max effort snatch complex followed by
bench press waves. Once again, I love the way the snatch opens
up the chest and counters the internal rotation that is present in
so many big benchers. I don’t think there is a lot of research about
what I am about to tell you, but I am going to say it anyways. When

Do What You Want 70

powerlifters get pulled forwards into internal rotation is when they
starting tearing pecs. I’ve seen it a million times, and it is a terrible
looking injury. We want quality tissue that comes from balanced
shoulder joints.

Next is a movement that may be a little confusing. When I

prescribe axle bar football close grip benches, I am not talking
about a football bar. I am just referring to putting your feet on the
bench and not using any leg drive at all. This becomes 100% an
upper body movement.

Dumbbell hammer curls are a great bodybuilding movement that

develops the biceps and the forearm - especially the brachioradialis
where it crosses the elbow. It originates in the humerus and inserts
in the radius, so it’s crucial for elbow health. The elbow is a joint
that must be stable and balanced for long-term strength training.

We finish the day with some back-blowing rows and rear

deltoids. When I think of Ed Coan, Pyrros Dimas, and Bill Kazmaier
(my favorite strength heroes), they all have massive backs. Is it a
necessity? I believe so. But even if it’s not, a massive back looks
freaking cool.

We finish the week off with some running. The only thing different
from earlier in the program is that we are slowly increasing the
distance. If this intensity is too much for you, I suggest low intensity
cardio for six to seven minutes per prescribed mile at 90%.

Do What You Want 71

Power Snatch 3RM (8 RPE)
Clean and Jerk 70% x 3, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% x 1, 73% x 3, 78% x 2,
83% x 1, 88% x 1, 90% x 1
Back Squat 75% x 3, 80% x 3, 85% x 2, 78% x 2, 83% x 2, 88% x 1,
90% x 1
Deadlift Competition Stance 80% x 3, 85% x 2, 90% x 1, 83% x 1, 88% x 1, 93% x 1,
work up if feeling good
GHDs (Weighted if Possible) 4x5
BW Lunges 100m
Yoke Carries 5 x 30m (handled the same as 5 x 5 method)
Conditioning: 5 Sets of:
Plank Hold x 45 seconds
OH Axle Bar Carry x 20 yd Forward
Bear Crawl x 20 yd
Sled Drag Forward x 20 yd
OH Axle Bar Carry x 20 yd Backward
Sled Drag Backward x 20 yd

Jerk from Blocks 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% x 2, Max Out
Bench to Chest 75% x 3, 80% x 2, 85% x 2 (percentages based on raw
Max Effort Bench Press with Reverse 3RM
Bands (Purple if Max is > 300 and Mini
Band if Max < 300LB)
Bench Press (No Bands) Competition Grip 90% for AMRAP
Incline Close Grip Axle Bar Presses with 3RM, then -15% for 4 x 3 (last set is 3+)
100lb of Chains
Chest Supported KB Bat Wing Rows (2 Sec 3 x 10
Pause at Top)
Skill Work for Quality Not for Time: 4 Sets of:
Handstand Walks x 20-40 yd
Muscle-up x 2-4 + 2 Ring Dips
Metcon: 2 Rounds of
Run 800m
40 Toes to Bar
20 Box Jumps 30"/24"
10 Handstand Push-ups

Snatch 70% x 3, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% x 1, 73% x 3, 78% x 2,
83% x 1, 88% x 1, 90% x 1
Clean from High Blocks (Bar at Mid Thigh) 3RM (8 RPE)
High Bar Back Squat + Bands or Chains 60% Bar Weight + 10% Bands or Chains for 7 x 3 (60-
90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Reverse Hypers 4 x 50 seconds
Conditioning: 4 Rounds of
30 seconds Assault Bike for Calories; 30 seconds rest
4 Rounds:
30 seconds Double Unders; 30 seconds rest
4 Rounds:
30 seconds Kettlebell Swing 55lb/44lb; 30 seconds rest

Do What You Want 72

Dynamic Bench Press 60% Bar Weight + 10% Bands or Chains for 7 x 3 (60-
90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Log Press 1RM, then -20% for 2 x 3 (last set 3+)
Seated DB Power Cleans Superset with 3 x 10 and 3 x 10
Plate Front Raises
Horizontal Bodyweight Rows with Feet 3 x submaximal reps
Lying DB External Rotation 3 x 10 each arm
Metcon 1: Elizabeth
Power Cleans with 135lb/95lb
Ring Dips
(Rest 10 minutes)
Metcon 2: 6-8 Sets of:
100m Row as fast as possible
(Rest 1 minute between sets)

Snatch 1RM Competition Style (3 attempts)
Back Squat with Belt Set 1: 88% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 4
Set 2: (add 5-10 kilos to 1-rep if possible, don't add for
4-rep) 88% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 4
Set 3: (aadd 5-10 kilos to 1-rep if possible, don't add for
4-rep) 88% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 4+
Max Effort Deadlift Reverse Bands (Purple 3RM, then -10% for 3
if maximum is > 400lb and Mini Bands if <
400lb, Bands Should Completely Deload at
Leg Curls (Band, DB, or Machine) 4 x 10
BB Hip Thrusts with Band around Knees 3 x 10
Side Planks with Rows 3 x 20 sec each side
KB Staggered Carries (OH and Farmer's) 3 x 40 yd each way

Clean and Jerk 1RM Competition Style (3 attempts)
Bench Press Set 1: 88% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 4
Set 2: (add 5-10 kilos to 1-rep if possible, don't add for
4-rep) 88% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 4
Set 3: (add 5-10 kilos to 1-rep if possible, don't add for
4-rep) 88% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 4+
Band Push-downs 3 x 20
Preacher Curls 3 x 10
Seated Rows 3 x 10
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
4 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 73

Power Snatch 1RM (9 RPE)
Clean and Jerk 60% x 3, 70% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% x 1, 88% x 1,
work up (allowed 1 miss)
Back Squat 78% x 3, 83% x 2, 88% x 1, 90% x 1, 85% x 2, 90% x 1,
93% x 1
Deadlift Competition Stance 85% x 3, 90% x 2, 93% x 1, 88% x 1, 93% x 1, 95% x 1,
work up if feeling good
GHDs (Weighted if Possible) 3x5
Yoke Carries 5 x 30m (handled the same as 5 x 5 method)
Conditioning: 4 Sets of:
Zercher Carry x 40 yd
Legless Rope Climb x 2
Sled Pull to Row Backward x 10
D-Ball to Shoulder x 10
Sled Pull to Press Forward x 10

Jerk from Blocks 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% x 2, Max Out
Bench to Chest 75% x 3, 80% x 2, 85% x 2 (percentages based on raw
Max Effort Bench Press with Reverse 3RM
Bands (Purple if Max is > 300 and Mini
Band if Max < 300LB)
Bench Press (No Bands) Competition Grip 93% for AMRAP
Incline Close Grip Axle Bar Presses with 3RM, then -15% for 4 x 3 (last set is 3+)
100lb of Chains
Chest Supported KB Bat Wing Rows (2 Sec 3 x 10
Pause at Top)
Skill Work for Quality Not for Time: 3 Sets of:
50 Unbroken Double Unders
L-Sit Hold x 30-45 seconds
Metcon: 15 Min AMRAP:
5 Ring Muscle-ups
10 Strict Handstand Push-ups
300m Row

Snatch 70% x 3, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% x 1, 73% x 3, 78% x 2,
83% x 1, 88% x 1
Clean from High Blocks (Bar at Mid Thigh) 3RM (8 RPE)
High Bar Back Squat + Bands or Chains 60% Bar Weight + 10% Bands or Chains for 7 x 3 (60-
90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Reverse Hypers 4 x 50 seconds
Sled Drags Forwards 2 x 60 seconds
Sled Drags Backwards 2 x 60 seconds
Metcon: 3 Rounds of 3 Min AMRAP:
3 Hang Power Cleans with 205lb/145lb
15 Wall Balls 30lb/20lb to 9'
(Rest 3 minutes between rounds)

Do What You Want 74

Dynamic Bench Press 65% Bar Weight + 10% Bands or Chains for 6 x 3 (60-
90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Log Press 1RM, then -20% for 3+ (don't miss)
Seated DB Power Cleans Superset with 3 x 10 and 3 x 10
Plate Front Raises
Horizontal Bodyweight Rows with Feet 3 x submaximal reps
Lying DB External Rotation 3 x 10 each arm
Gymnastics Strength Work: 8 Sets of:
10 Ring Push-ups (nice and controlled)
30 seconds hold on rings in Push-up position
Metcon 1 for Time: 3 Rounds of
20 Weighted DB Box Step-ups with 30lb/20lb each hand
20 Ab Roll-outs
10 Shoulder to Overhead with 135lb/95lb
(Rest 10 minutes)
Metcon 2: 6-8 Sets of:
100m Row for Time
(Rest 1 minute between sets)

Snatch 1RM Competition Style (3 attempts)
Back Squat with Belt Set 1: 90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 4
Set 2: (add 5-10 kilos to 1-rep if possible, don't add for
4-rep) 90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 4
Set 3: (add 5-10 kilos to 1-rep if possible, don't add for
4-rep) 90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 4+
Max Effort Deadlift Reverse Bands (Purple 1RM, then -15% for 3
if Max is > 400lb and Mini Bands if <
400lb, Bands Should Completely Deload at
Leg Curls (Band, DB, or Machine) 4 x 10
BB Hip Thrusts with Band around Knees 3 x 10
Side Planks with Rows 3 x 25 sec each side
KB Staggered Carries (OH and Farmer's) 3 x 40 yd each way

Clean and Jerk 1RM Competition Style (3 attempts)
Bench Press Set 1: 90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 4
Set 2: (add 5-10 kilos to 1-rep if possible, don't add for
4-rep) 90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 4
Set 3: (add 5-10 kilos to 1-rep if possible, don't add for
4-rep) 90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 4+
Band Push-downs 3 x 15
Preacher Curls 3 x 10
Seated Rows 3 x 10
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
5 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 75

Power Snatch 65% for 3 x 2
Clean and Jerk Work up to Clean and Jerk opener
Back Squat Work up to last warm up for 1
Deadlift Competition Stance Work up to last warm up for 1
GHDs (Weighted if Possible) 3x5
Yoke Carries Heaviest 30m Yoke Carry for Max Speed
Skill Work for Quality Not for Time: 4 Sets of:
50 Unbroken Double Unders
L-Sit Hold x 30-45 seconds
Kettlebell Swings with 55lb/44lb
Calorie Row

Jerk from Blocks Off
Bench to Chest 75% x 5, 80% x 3, 85% x 2, 90% x 1 (percentages based
on raw max)
Max Effort Bench Press with Reverse Off
Bands (Purple if Max is > 300 and Mini
Band if Max < 300LB)
Bench Press (No Bands) Competition Grip Opener
Incline Close Grip Axle Bar Presses with Off
100lb of Chains
Chest Supported KB Bat Wing Rows (2 Sec 3x5
Pause at Top)
Gymnastics Strength Work:
4 x 30 second Handstand Hold on Parallettes
4 x 20 second Max Effort Strict Deficit Handstand Push-up 6"/4"
Metcon: 4 Rounds of
10 Push Jerks with 135lb/95lb
Run 400m
10 Chest to Bar Pull-ups

Snatch 1RM (no misses)
Clean from High Blocks (Bar at Mid Thigh) 65% for 3 x 2
High Bar Back Squat + Bands or Chains 75% Bar Weight Only for 5 x 2 (60-90 sec between sets,
velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Reverse Hypers 3 x 70 seconds
Sled Drags Forwards 1 x 60 seconds
Sled Drags Backwards 1 x 60 seconds
Metcon 1:
10 Min EMOM:
Odd - 3 Deadlift (at 70%)
Even - 8 Burpees over Bar
(Rest 10 minutes)
Metcon 2: 3 Sets of:
500m Row
(Rest 3 minutes between sets)

Do What You Want 76

Dynamic Bench Press 75% Bar Weight Only for 5 x 2 (60-90 sec between sets,
velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Log Press Off
Seated DB Power Cleans 3 x10
Plate Front Raises Off
Horizontal Bodyweight Rows with Feet 3 x submaximal reps
Lying DB External Rotation 3 x 10 each arm
Conditioning: 5 Sets of:
Zercher Carry x 40 yd
Legless Rope Climb x 2
Sled Pull to Row Backward x 10
D-Ball to Shoulder x 10
Sled Pull to Press Forward x 10

Snatch Max Out
Clean and Jerk Max Out

Squat Max Out
Bench Press Max Out
Deadlift Max Out
Max Speed 5K for Time

Do What You Want 77

Now that we’ve gone over the strength phase, let’s explain how
we peak all of these disciplines at the same time. This is where the
magic happens.

This final phase involves getting you used to heavy weights. If

you want to increase your maximum lifts, you have to go heavy.
There is no way around it.

We will be dropping most of the accessory movements that

create muscular damage. We are going to need to recover, so
strategic exercise selection is more important than ever. I would
encourage you to listen to your own body throughout this process.
If you are feeling slow and beat up, then pull back on that day. The
goal is to be 100% ready when it counts.

This week we are starting with the power snatch. We are not
looking to go all out on this lift. We want to practice a pulling
perfectly and meeting the bar quickly and in a good position. The
focus for this day will be clean and jerk. The first week we are using
Mash Method waves to fine tune efficiency. We are still working up
fairly heavy, but the main goal is perfect movement.

We are using waves in the back squat as well to perfect movement

and work up heavy. You will notice with each wave the movement
seems easier. We are using the same waves next to prepare you
to peak in the deadlift. I would once again suggest splitting this up
into two sessions if possible.

We’ve followed this up with some glute ham raises to strengthen

the posterior chain and promote knee health. We’ve increased the
total volume in the yoke walks, so you will be prepared for this in

Do What You Want 78

a competition if that’s the plan. Either way, you will want to track
the progress in speed, weight, and distance. These yoke carries are
amazing for overall core stability, so they fit right into any plan.

With the functional fitness work, we are starting to pull back

even more. The metcons will be strongman-type movements, core
stability exercises, or cardiovascular exercises. The goal is to
maintain our work capacity development without causing muscle
damage. We are looking for total recovery in this final phase.

The focus starts off on the jerk for this day, and then we move
right into the bench press. The only real change from last block is
that we are using reverse bands instead of the Sling Shot.

We have axle bar close grip presses again, but now the movement
is an incline bench press instead of a decline bench. This portion
will work to strengthen the triceps and improve the lockout of all
the lifts.

I personally believe that chest-supported kettlebell batwing

rows are amazing for strengthening the scapular region. The
functional fitness movements are going to be upper body gymnastic
movements and endurance work.

The snatch will use the same waves as we used on the first
day for the clean and jerk. The goal is to focus on every repetition

Do What You Want 79

of every set. There is no room to lose concentration at this point.
The clean accessory movement is high box cleans from the power
position. I want you to focus on the speed underneath the bar. Fire
the hips powerfully and then immediately rip underneath.

After that, we finish this day up with dynamic squats and reverse
hypers. The metcons are either endurance work or recovery-friendly
movements that won't beat you down.

We start with dynamic bench press with only 10% of the load
coming from accommodating resistance. Once again, if you want to
use straight weight, simply figure out the total load and subtract 5%.

We will max out the log press in the first two weeks followed by
a downset for max reps. The accessory movements are dumbbell
power cleans for external rotation and plate front raises. Neither
exercise involves any amount of eccentric contraction that will
cause any muscle damage or require extra amounts of recovery
time. At this point most accessory movements should be focused
on metabolic stress. You should just be trying to get a pump all the
way into home base.

We are also including some horizontal bodyweight rows to

strengthen the scapula. We are performing lying dumbbell external
rotations for a little different angle. This is external rotation with
your elbow below the shoulder. Every time you move the body into
a different position, muscles are worked in a slightly different way.
The goal is complete muscular balance.

The metcons here are a little more intense, but they are meant
to be complementary to the part of the body being worked. For

Do What You Want 80

example, you’ll start this block by crushing ring dips in “Elizabeth.”
There will also be some conditioning that will aid in your goal to run
a 5K at the end of this monster.

This day begins with a max snatch. I suggest treating it like a
competition in the way you warm up and the attempts you take.
This is the time to figure out first, second, and third attempts. You
don’t want to get used to making several misses. You can have one
or two misses, but the goal is to always make your lifts.

We move right into Mash Method squats with a peak phase of

singles and four repetitions. This time you will go up in weight on
the singles, but you will stay the same on the fours. On the final set
of the four repetitions, you will take it for as many repetitions as

After squats we move right into max effort deadlifts using reverse
bands. The accessory work is leg curls and barbell hip thrusts. You
will be performing side planks with a row for the core exercise
of choice on this block. I love the kettlebell staggered carries for
overhead stability and muscular balance. There aren’t any metcons
on this day, so the goal is recovery.

The clean and jerks starting this day will be competition style as
well. Treat this day like a competition, so that you will be prepared

Do What You Want 81

come competition day. We are using the same Mash Method
peaking waves for the bench press that we did with the squats. The
accessory movements are focused on concentric contractions and
metabolic stress. The week will end with endurance work as you
prepare to run a 5K.

The final week is a taper week for pretty much everything. On

day one, we are working up to a clean and jerk opener and our last
warm up weight in the back squat and deadlift. Day two will be
the opener in the bench press, and we drop everything else but the
rows. On the third day you can max in the snatch but try not to
miss. If you do miss, stop right there and move on. Everything goes
down from there in total volume.

Then it’s go time at the end of the week. You will max out the
snatch and clean and jerk on Friday and then the squat, bench press,
and deadlift on Saturday. You will also run your 5K on Saturday, or
you could run it the following day on Sunday.

So that’s the crazy plan. We have shown you how to combine

six different sports in this program in a way that should peak each
of them. For the rest of the book, we are going to show you how
to take this master plan and trim it down into whatever you want. I
want to show you how to use the master plan to make a program
that fits exactly whatever goals you might have. I will even show
you how I did just that for myself.

Do What You Want 82

This workout, as well as all the workouts to follow, is a spinoff
of the “Do It All” plan. Since we threw everything (including the
kitchen sink) into that plan, it’s simply a matter of adding and
subtracting from there. It’s my way of teaching you guys how to
make the perfect plan to match your goals and passions.

This plan is almost exactly like the “Do It All” plan but with
less volume. I’d say the majority of you would perform better
with this program. It’s just enough of each component to elicit
the intended response.

I imagine you guys have heard of the 80/20 rule. You are
going to get 80% of your results from 20% of the work you are
performing. We have kept everything necessary for getting
you better at Olympic weightlifting, powerlifting, strongman
movements, bodybuilding, functional fitness, and endurance
conditioning. But we’ve taken out portions of the workout that
aren’t absolutely necessary for producing results.

On the first day of the first week, for example, we took out the
glute ham raises. They could potentially cause more damage than
some can recover from within such a high volume workout. We
are still strengthening the hamstrings where they cross the knee

Do What You Want 83

joint with the leg curls without accumulating as much muscular
damage. Muscle damage isn’t necessarily a bad thing. It’s one of
the ways to trigger muscle growth. However, if the overall volume is
high, some people might not have the work capacity or the genetics
to handle it.

Carrying on with our idea of keeping only the bare essentials,

you may notice I took out some of the accessory Olympic
movements from the second block. The snatch and clean and jerk
don’t necessarily cause a lot of muscular damage. However, every
Olympic weightlifter will tell you the snatch and clean and jerk will
beat up the low back, knees, shoulders, and other joints.

In the strength phase, we will focus on strengthening the

movements we intend to peak at the end of the workout. We cut out
the bodybuilding movements that might cause a lot of muscular
damage, but we have kept the movements that produce metabolic
stress. We are still going to get a pump! Luckily, the pump doesn’t
cause damage, so you can still recover easily.

Throughout this program, we’ve also eliminated some of the

functional fitness movements that might cause a lot of damage.
That’s a delicate decision to make. You want to make sure you
are getting enough practice in all the main movements without
beating the body up too badly. My approach is to prescribe
enough wall balls, double unders, muscle-ups, and chest to bar
pull-ups to ensure that you are getting in enough work. As the
weeks progress, the workouts become more endurance focused
to prepare for the 5K race.

As this cycle peaks, the 80/20 rule will be in full effect. We will
still be working on bodybuilding/hypertrophy, but the goal is to

Do What You Want 84

maintain the gains. You don’t want to lose the muscle you built in
the first few blocks, but you also need to recover from the work.

At the end of this program, you’ll peak on:

• Snatch
• Clean and Jerk
• Back Squat
• Bench Press
• Deadlift
• Log Press
• Yoke Carry
• 5K

I hope these programs are inspiring and challenging you. Now

it’s time for you to put in the work and do what you want.

Do What You Want 85

Hang Snatch from Below Knee 3RM (7 RPE), then -10% for 3
Box Squats 75% for 7 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
2 Inch Deficit Snatch Grip Deadlift with 5 5RM (7 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 5
Sec Eccentric
Seated Band Leg Curls 4 x 12 reps
Unilateral Farmer's Walk 3 x 40 yd each arm
3 Rounds:
1000m Row
20 (10 each leg) Weighted Box Step-ups (angle of knee to hip should be no more than parallel for box
height) with 25lb/15lb each hand
100m Single Arm KB Carry (each arm) with 70lb/55lb

Push Jerks 5RM (7 RPE), then -10% for 5
Wide Grip Bench Press (Wider than Normal 80% for 10 x 3
Competition Grip)
Pull-ups 5 x submaximal reps (switch grips each set, weakest
to strongest)
Dips with Eccentric Slower than Concentric 5 x submaximal reps (if ten reps or more, add weight)
Metcon: Workout from Aerobic Capacity (Chris Hinshaw)
This is a continuous workout where your 'rest' is only the easy pace interval parts.
There are 9 total 100m sprints. Your focus is on this part of the workout. You pick your easy pace!
Focus on form. Intensity should not be 100% but 97-98% in order to maintain form.
200m run at easy pace; 100m sprint
400m run at easy pace; 100m sprint
600m run at easy pace; 100m sprint
800m run at easy pace; 100m sprint
1000m run at easy pace; 100m sprint
800m run at easy pace; 100m sprint
600m run at easy pace; 100m sprint
400m run at easy pace; 100m sprint
200m run at easy pace; 100m sprint
Total: 5900m

Hang Clean 3RM (7 RPE), then -10% for 3
Front Squats 80% for 10 x 3
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (Stay at a 4 x 15 each leg
7 RPE)
KB Goblet Squats 3 x 10
Axle Bar Zercher Carries 3 x 40 yd
Skill Work for Quality and Not for Time: 3 Sets of:
50 Double Unders
10 Alternating Pistol Squats

Do What You Want 86

Close Grip Bench Press 60% for 5 x 10
Incline DB Press 60% for 5 x 10
Bent-over Rows 60% for 5 x 10
Preacher Curls 3 x 10
Toes to Bar
Handstand Push-up

Snatch Complex Power Snatch Double (Work Heavy)
Clean and Jerk Complex Power Clean and Push Jerk Double (Work Heavy)
One Arm OH Fat Grip Dumbbell Carry 3 x 25 yd each arm

Front Squat with Belt Set 1: 80% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 80% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 80% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Sumo Deadlifts 75% for 7 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
Belt Squat RDLs 3 x 60 sec
Tempo Run
5 minute warm up
2 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 87

Hang Snatch from Below Knee 3RM (8 RPE), then -10% for 3
Box Squats 80% for 8 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
2 Inch Deficit Snatch Grip Deadlift with 5 5RM (8 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 5
Sec Eccentric
Seated Band Leg Curls 4 x 12 reps
Unilateral Farmer's Walk 3 x 40 yd each arm
20 Min EMOM:
Odd - 10 Alternating Pistols
Even - 45 Second Plank Hold (weighted if possible)

Push Jerks 5RM (8 RPE), then -10% for 5
Wide Grip Bench Press (Wider than Normal 80% for 10 x 4
Competition Grip)
Pull-ups 5 x submaximal reps (switch grips each set, weakest
to strongest)
Dips with Eccentric Slower than Concentric 5 x submaximal reps (if ten reps or more, add weight)
Metcon: 20 Min AMRAP:
200m Sprint Run
8 Barbell Thrusters 135lb/95lb
10 Toes to Bar

Hang Clean 3RM (8 RPE), then -10% for 3
Front Squats 80% for 10 x 4
KB Goblet Squats 4 x 10
Metcon for Time:
Run 1 mile (at 80-85% pace)
20 Burpees over Barbell
10 Deadlifts with 255lb/185lb
400m Farmer's Carry with 55lb/35lb each hand
10 Deadlifts
20 Burpees over Barbell
Run 1 mile (at 80-85%)

Do What You Want 88

Close Grip Bench Press 65% for 5 x 10
Incline DB Press 65% for 5 x 10
Bent-over Rows 65% for 5 x 10
Preacher Curls 3 x 10
Gymnastics Strength Work:
A: 10 x 2 Press to Handstand
(Scale accordingly, even if it's just bear crawl and pulling feet to hands)
B: 10 x 1 Handstand Push-up Negative (slowest possible)

Snatch Complex Snatch from High Box: 2RM
Clean and Jerk Complex Clean + 2 Front Squats + 2 Jerks: Max
One Arm OH Fat Grip Dumbbell Carry 3 x 25 yd each arm

Front Squat with Belt Set 1: 83% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 83% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 83% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Sumo Deadlifts 80% for 8 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
Belt Squat RDLs 4 x 60 sec
Tempo Run
5 minute warm up
3 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 89

Hang Snatch from Below Knee 3RM (9 RPE)
Box Squats 85% for 6 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
2 Inch Deficit Snatch Grip Deadlift with 5 5RM (9 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 5
Sec Eccentric
Seated Band Leg Curls 4 x 12 reps
Unilateral Farmer's Walk 3 x 50 yd each arm
Metcon: 4 Rounds of
25 Calorie Assault Bike
20 yd forward and 20 yd backward OH Axle Carry
15 Kettlebell Swings with 55lb/44lb

Push Jerks 5RM (9 RPE)
Wide Grip Bench Press (Wider than Normal 80% for 10 x 5
Competition Grip)
Pull-ups 5 x submaximal reps (switch grips each set, weakest
to strongest)
Dips with Eccentric Slower than Concentric 5 x submaximal reps (if ten reps or more, add weight)
Metcon: 8 Sets of:
500m Row
1 minute rest between sets
(Record each time)

Hang Clean 3RM (9 RPE)
Front Squats 80% for 10 x 5
KB Goblet Squats 3 x 15
Metcon: 8 Min AMRAP:
3 Hang Power Cleans with 205lb/135lb or with 225lb/155lb for stronger athletes
6 Alternating Pistols
40 yd Bear Crawl

Do What You Want 90

Close Grip Bench Press 70% for 5 x 10
Incline DB Press 70% for 5 x 10
Bent-over Rows 70% for 5 x 10
Preacher Curls 3 x 10
Run 400m (at 80%); Run 400m recovery pace
Run 400m (at 85%); Run 400m recovery pace
Run 400m (at 90%); Run 400m recovery pace
Run 400m all out; Walk 400m for recovery

Snatch Complex Pull + Snatch + Hang Snatch: Max
Clean and Jerk Complex Clean + 2 Front Squats + Jerk: Max
One Arm OH Fat Grip Dumbbell Carry 3 x 30 yd each arm

Front Squat with Belt Set 1: 85% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 10
Sumo Deadlifts 85% for 6 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
Belt Squat RDLs 3 x 70 sec
Tempo Run
5 minute warm up
4 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 91

Clean and Jerk from Blocks with Bar at 70% x 3, 75% for 2 x 2, 80% x 2, 85% for 2 x 1
Front Squats 70% x 4, 75% for 2 x 3, 78% for 2 x 2, 80% x 1
Deadlifts (All Reps Dead Stop) 70% x 4, 75% x 3, 78% for 2 x 2, 80% x 1
BB Elevated Hip Thrusts with Band around 3x8
Yoke Carries 5 x 20m (handled the same as 5 x 5 method)
Metcon for Time: 3 Rounds of
Row 1500m
Run 800m
Assault Bike 30 Calories

Jerk Recoveries 5RM
Close Grip Bench Press 70% x 4, 75% for 2 x 3, 78% for 2 x 2, 80% x 1
Floor Presses with 50-100lb of Chains 8RM, then -15% for 2 x 8 (last set is 8+)
BB Rows Paused 2 Sec on Sternum 3 x 10
Metcon: 4 Rounds of 3 Min AMRAP:
10 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls 115lb/75lb
10 Box Jumps to 24"/20"
(Rest 3 minutes between rounds and start over each round; compare rounds)

Snatch from Blocks with Bar at Knee 70% x 3, 75% for 2 x 2, 80% x 2, 85% for 2 x 1
Back Squat Box Squats (add weight to the 40% Bar Weight + 30% Bands or Chains for 6 x 3 (60-
last two sets if the speed is there) 90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Reverse Hypers 3 x 45 sec
Metcon: 5 Rounds of
20 yd Staggered Carry
20 yd Sled Drag Forward 150lb/100lb
20 yd Staggered Carry (opposite hands)
20 yd Sled Drag Backward 150lb/100lb

Do What You Want 92

Velocity Bench Press 50% Bar Weight + 25% Bands or Chains for 6 x 3 (60-
90 sec rest, velocity goal of 0.75m/s)
Log Press 5RM, then -15% for 2 x 5 (last set 5+)
Seated Pin Presses with 50-100lb of 6RM, then -10% for 3 x 6
Bands or Chains
Pull-ups 3 x submaximal reps
10 Rope Climbs with Burpees between each climb (Burpees increasing by 5 each climb)
Rest 5 minutes
(Accumulate 100-200 ft of Handstand Walks)

Clean and Jerk Max Effort Pull + Clean + Front Squat + Jerk: Max
Low Bar Back Squat Set 1: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 75% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 75% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Competition Stance Deadlifts 75% for 6 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
Pull-Throughs with Bands or Cables 3 x 15
OH Axle Bar Carries 3 x 40 yd

Snatch Max Effort Pull + 2 Snatches: Max
Front Squat with Belt Set 1: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 75% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 75% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
DB Tricep Extensions Superset with Band 6 x 8 and 6 x 15
Push-downs (30 Sec Between Sets)
Fat Bar Curls 3 x 10
Tempo Run
5 minute warm up
3 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 93

Clean and Jerk from Blocks with Bar at 75% for 2 x 3, 80% for 2 x 2, 85% x 2, 88% for 2 x 1
Front Squats 73% x 4, 78% for 3 x 3, 80% for 3 x 2, 83% for 2 x 1
Deadlifts (All Reps Dead Stop) 73% x 3, 78% for 2 x 2, 80% for 3 x 2, 83% for 2 x 1
BB Elevated Hip Thrusts with Band around 3x8
Yoke Carries 5 x 20m (handled the same as 5 x 5 method)
Metcon: 12 Min AMRAP:
200m Run
15 Toes to Bar
20 Goblet Squats

Jerk Recoveries 5RM
Close Grip Bench Press 73% x 4, 78% for 3 x 3, 80% for 3 x 2, 83% for 2 x 1
Floor Presses with 50-100lb of Chains 8RM, then -15% for 2 x 8 (last set is 8+)
BB Rows Paused 2 Sec on Sternum 3 x 10
Metcon 1 for Time:
E2MOM for 20 minutes:
3/2 Muscle-up + 20 Double Unders
Focus on the strict muscle-ups if possible

Snatch from Blocks with Bar at Knee 75% for 2 x 3, 80% for 2 x 2, 85% x 2, 88% for 2 x 1
Back Squat Box Squats (add weight to the 45% Bar Weight + 30% Bands or Chains for 7 x 3 (60-
last two sets if the speed is there) 90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Reverse Hypers 3 x 50 sec
Metcon: 4 Rounds of
500m Row
25 Wall Balls 30lb/20lb to 10'/9' Target
10 Handstand Push-ups
5 Deadlifts 255lb/185lb and 315lb/225lb for stronger athletes (do not go over 80% of 1RM)

Do What You Want 94

Velocity Bench Press 55% Bar Weight + 25% Bands or Chains for 6 x 3 (60-
90 sec rest, velocity goal of 0.75m/s)
Log Press 5RM, then -15% for 2 x 5 (last set 5+)
Seated Pin Presses with 50-100lb of 6RM, then -10% for 3 x 6
Bands or Chains
Pull-ups 3 x submaximal reps
Metcon: 5 Sets of:
Farmer's Carry x 20 yd with 135lb/95lb each hand
Sled Push High x 20 yd with 150lb/100lb
Farmer's Carry x 20 yd with 135lb/95lb each hand
Burpee Broad Jumps x 20 yd
Sled Push Low x 20 yd with 150lb/100lb
Walking Lunge Step x 20 yd (no weight)
(Rest 2 minutes between sets)

Clean and Jerk Max Effort Clean + Front Squat + Jerk: Max
Low Bar Back Squat Set 1: 78% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 78% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 78% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Competition Stance Deadlifts 78% for 7 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
Pull-Throughs with Bands or Cables 3 x 15
OH Axle Bar Carries 3 x 40 yd

Snatch Max Effort Pull + Snatch: Max
Front Squat with Belt Set 1: 78% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 78% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 78% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
DB Tricep Extensions Superset with Band 6 x 8 and 6 x 15
Push-downs (30 Sec Between Sets)
Fat Bar Curls 3 x 10
Tempo Run
5 minute warm up
2.5 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 95

Clean and Jerk from Blocks with Bar at 65% for 2 x 3, 70% x 2, 75% for 2 x 1, 80% x 1, 83% x 1
Front Squats 70% x 4, 75% x 3, 78% for 2 x 2, 80% x 1
Deadlifts (All Reps Dead Stop) 70% x 3, 75% x 3, 78% x 2, 80% x 1
BB Elevated Hip Thrusts with Band around 3x8
Yoke Carries 5 x 20m (handled the same as 5 x 5 method)
Skill Work for Quality Not for Time: 4 Sets
Turkish Get-ups x 8 each side w/moderate weight, focused on skill of movement
Pistol Squats x 16 (alternating) with 2 second pause in the bottom

Jerk Recoveries 5RM
Close Grip Bench Press 70% x 4, 75% x 3, 78% for 2 x 2, 80% x 1
Floor Presses with 50-100lb of Chains 90% of 8RM for 2 x 8
BB Rows Paused 2 Seconds on Sternum 3 x 10
Metcon 5 Sets for Time:
20 Calorie Assault Bike
10 Hang Power Snatches with 115lb/75lb
5 Deficit Handstand Push-ups 6"/4"
(Rest 1:1)

Snatch from Blocks with Bar at Knee 65% for 2 x 3, 70% x 2, 75% for 2 x 1, 80% x 1, 83% x 1
Back Squat Box Squats (add weight to the 35% Bar Weight + 30% Bands or Chains for 5 x 3 (60-
last two sets if the speed is there) 90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Reverse Hypers 3 x 30 sec
Metcon 2: 8 Sets of:
Row for Meters (30 sec on/30 seconds rest)

Do What You Want 96

Velocity Bench Press 45% Bar Weight + 25% Bands or Chains for 5 x 3 (60-
90 sec rest, velocity goal of 0.75m/s)
Log Press 90% of 5RM for 3 x 5
Seated Pin Presses with 50-100lb of 90% of 6RM for 2 x 6
Bands or Chains
Pull-ups 3 x submaximal reps
800m Sandbag Carry
20 Sandbag Ground to Shoulder
20 Sandbag Shoulder to Overhead
20 Sandbag Squats
400m Sandbag Carry
10 Sandbag Ground to Shoulder
10 Sandbag Shoulder to Overhead
10 Sandbag Squats

Clean and Jerk Max Effort 2RM
Low Bar Back Squat Set 1: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 2: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 3: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Competition Stance Deadlifts 70% for 6 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
Pull-Throughs with Bands or Cables 3 x 15
OH Axle Bar Carries 3 x 40 yd

Snatch Max Effort 2RM
Front Squat with Belt Set 1: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 2: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 3: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
DB Tricep Extensions Superset with Band 6 x 8 and 6 x 15
Push-downs (30 Seconds between Sets)
Fat Bar Curls 3 x 10
Tempo Run
5 minute warm up
3.5 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 97

No Hook and No Feet Snatch 3RM (8 RPE)
Clean and Jerks 70% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% for 2 x
1, 88% x 1
High Bar Squat with Belt 80% for 3 x 3, 85% for 2 x 2, 88% x 2
Velocity Deadlifts 75% Straight Weight for 8 x 2 with 60-90 sec rest (or
60% Bar Weight + 20% Bands/Chains)
Yoke Carries 5 x 25m (handled the same as 5 x 5 method)
Metcon: 12 Min AMRAP:
15 Double Arm Kettlebell Swinging Rows
200m Run
15 Kettlebell Potato Squats

Jerk from Racks 3RM (paused 3 sec in catch)
Bench to Chest 75% x 5, 80% x 3, 85% x 1 (percentages based on raw
Max Effort Sling Shot Bench 3RM
Bench Press to Chest 83% x 3, 88% x 2, 90% for AMRAP
Close Grip Axle Bar Decline Presses with 5RM, then -15% for 3 x 5 (last set is 5+)
100lb of Chains
BB Rows Paused 2 Sec on Sternum 4x5
Metcon 1 for Time: 4 Sets of:
25 UNBROKEN Wall Balls 20lb/14lb to 10 foot target
(If you break a set, you will accumulate 5 burpees to be done at the end of the 4th round while time
is still going! You will restart the round if you break. Rest as needed in order to do all 25 unbroken.)
(Rest 10 minutes)
Metcon 2: 8 sets
Row for Meters
40 sec on/20 sec off

Snatch 70% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% for 2 x
1, 88% x 1
Power Cleans 3RM (8 RPE)
Back Squat Box Squats (add weight to the 50% Bar Weight + 20% Bands or Chains for 6 x 3 (60-
last two sets if the speed is there) 90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Leg Curls (Band, DB, or Machine) 4 x 10 reps
Metcon: 4 Rounds of
Unilateral Farmer's Carry x 100m Left Hand
15 KB Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (same weight as carry)
20 Hollow Rocks
Unilateral Farmer's Carry x 100m Right Hand
Recovery Row:
15-20 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)

Do What You Want 98

Heaving Snatch Balance 1RM with 5 sec pause, then -20% for 3 reps not paused
Dynamic Bench Press (Alternate Grip Each 50% Bar Weight + 20% Bands or Chains for 6 x 3 (60-
Set) 90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Log Press 3RM, then -15% for 2 x 3 (last set 3+)
Weighted Dips or Nosebreakers 4x8
Pull-ups 4 x submaximal reps
Metcon: 4 Rounds of 3 Min AMRAP:
5 Bar Muscle-ups
10 Box Jumps 30"/24"
(Rest 3 minutes between rounds and score individually and compare)

Clean and Jerk Max Effort Clean + Hang Clean + Jerk: Max
Back Squat with Belt Set 1: 80% x 2, rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 6
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 80% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 6
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 80% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 6
Max Effort Deadlift From 8 Inch Blocks: 3RM, then -10% for 3
BB High Pull from Pins Belt Squat 3 x 40 sec
Farmer's Walk 4 x 30 yd

Snatch Max Effort Snatch + Hang Snatch: Max
Bench Presses Set 1: 85% x 2, rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 6
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 6
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 6
Axle Bar Football Close Grip Bench 6RM, then -15% for 2 x 6 (last set is 6+)
DB Hammer Curls 3 x 10
Tempo Run
5 minute warm up
4.5 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 99

No Hook and No Feet Snatch 3RM (9 RPE)
Clean and Jerks 75% x 3, 80% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% for 2 x 1, 88%
High Bar Squat with Belt 80% for 3 x 3, 85% for 2 x 3, 88% for 2 x 2, 90% for 2 x 2
Velocity Deadlifts 80% Straight Weight for 7 x 2 with 60-90 sec rest (or
65% Bar Weight + 20% Bands/Chains)
Yoke Carries 5 x 25m (handled the same as 5 x 5 method)
5 Rounds:
400m Med Ball Run 20lb/14lb
30 Weighted Sit-ups with Med Ball
25 Wall Balls

Jerk from Racks 3RM (first rep paused 3 sec in catch)
Bench to Chest 75% x 5, 80% x 3, 85% x 1 (percentages based on raw
Max Effort Sling Shot Bench 3RM
Bench Press to Chest 85% x 3, 90% x 1, 93% for AMRAP
Close Grip Axle Bar Decline Presses with 5RM, then -15% for 3 x 5 (last set is 5+)
100lb of Chains
BB Rows Paused 2 Sec on Sternum 4x5
Metcon for Time: 3 Rounds of
15 Thrusters 125lb/85lb
20 Toes to Bar
500m Row
Metcon 2:
Steady 15 minutes conversational pace on Assault Bike 70% of MHR

Snatch 75% x 3, 80% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% for 2 x 1, 88%
Power Cleans 3RM (9 RPE)
Back Squat Box Squats (add weight to the 55% Bar Weight + 20% Bands or Chains for 7 x 3 (60-
last two sets if the speed is there) 90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Leg Curls (Band, DB, or Machine) 4 x 10 reps
5K Row at 85%

Do What You Want 100

Heaving Snatch Balance 1RM with 5 sec pause, then -20% for 3 reps not paused
Dynamic Bench Press alternate 55% Bar Weight + 20% Bands or Chains for 7 x 3 (60-
GripeachSet 90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Log Press 3RM, then -15% for 3 x 3 (last set 3+)
Weighted Dips or Nosebreakers 4x8
Pull-ups 4 x submaximal reps
Power Cleans with 155lb/105lb
Burpees over the Bar
Double Unders

Clean and Jerk Max Effort Clean + Front Squat + Jerk: Max
Back Squat with Belt Set 1: 83% x 2, rest 2 minutes, then 68% x 6
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 83% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 68% x 6
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 83% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 68% x 6+
Max Effort Deadlift From 8 Inch Blocks: 1RM, then -20% for 3
BB High Pull from Pins Belt Squat 3 x 45 sec
Farmer's Walk 4 x 30 yd

Snatch Max Effort Snatch Pull + Snatch: Max
Bench Presses Set 1: 88% x 2, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 6
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 88% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 6
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 88% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 6+
Axle Bar Football Close Grip Bench 6RM, then -15% for 2 x 6 (last set is 6+)
DB Hammer Curls 3 x 10
Tempo Run
5 minute warm up
3 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 101

No Hook and No Feet Snatch 1RM
Clean and Jerks 65% x 3, 78% x 2, 83% x 2, 88% x 1, 90% for 2 x 1, work
up (allowed 1 miss)
High Bar Squat with Belt 1RM, then -20% for 2 x 3
Velocity Deadlifts 85% Straight Weight for 10 x 1 with 60-90 sec rest (or
70% Bar Weight + 20% Bands/Chains)
Yoke Carries 5 x 25m (handled the same as 5 x 5 method)
Metcon: 3 Rounds for Time:
100 Double Unders
50 Calorie Row
20 Pistol Squats

Jerk from Racks 3RM (no pauses)
Bench to Chest 75% x 5, 80% x 3, 85% x 1 (percentages based on raw
Max Effort Sling Shot Bench 1RM
Bench Press to Chest 83% for 3, 88% x 2, 90% for AMRAP
Close Grip Axle Bar Decline Presses with 5RM, then -15% for 5+
100lb of Chains
BB Rows Paused 2 Seconds on Sternum 4x5
Gymnastics Strength Work:
A: 2 min Accumulate in Support on Rings
B: 2 min Accumulate in Bottom of the Ring Dip
Metcon 1: E2MOM for 6 Sets of:
50 Double Unders
15/12 Ring Dips

Snatch 65% x 3, 78% x 2, 83% x 2, 88% x 1, 90% for 2 x 1, work
up (allowed 1 miss)
Power Cleans 1RM
Back Squat Box Squats (add weight to the 60% Bar Weight + 20% Bands or Chains for 7 x 2 (60-
last two sets if the speed is there) 90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Leg Curls (Band, DB, or Machine) 4 x 10
Metcon: 4 Sets of:
Plank Hold x 45 seconds
OH Axle Bar Carry x 20 yd Forward
Bear Crawl x 20 yd
Sled Drag Forward x 20 yd
OH Axle Bar Carry x 20 yd Backward
Sled Drag Backward x 20 yd

Do What You Want 102

Heaving Snatch Balance 1RM with 3 sec pause, then -20% for 3 reps not paused
Dynamic Bench Press alternate 60% Bar Weight + 20% Bands or Chains for 7 x 2 (60-
Gripeachset 90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Log Press 3RM, then -15% for 3+
Weighted Dips or Nosebreakers 4x8
Pull-ups 3 x submaximal reps
Skill Work for Quality Not for Time: 3 Sets of:
Handstand Walks x 20-40 yd
Ring Muscle-up x 2-4 + 2 Ring Dips

Clean and Jerk Max Effort 1RM
Back Squat with Belt Set 1: 85% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 5
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 1,
rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 5
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 1,
rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 5
Max Effort Deadlift 2 Inch Deficit Deadlift: 1RM (No Bands)
BB High Pull from Pins Belt Squat 3 x 50 sec
Farmer's Walk 4 x 30 yd

Snatch Max Effort 1RM
Bench Presses Set 1: 90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 5
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 90% x 1,
rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 5
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 90% x 1,
rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 5
Axle Bar Football Close Grip Bench 5RM, then -15% for 5+
DB Hammer Curls 3 x 10
Tempo Run
5 minute warm up
3 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 103

Power Snatch 3RM (8 RPE)
Clean and Jerk 70% x 3, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% x 1, 73% x 3, 78% x 2,
83% x 1, 88% x 1, 90% x 1
Back Squat 75% x 3, 80% x 3, 85% x 2, 78% x 2, 83% x 2, 88% x 1,
90% x 1
Deadlift Competition Stance 80% x 3, 85% x 2, 90% x 1, 83% x 1, 88% x 1, 93% x 1,
work up if feeling good
Yoke Carries 5 x 30m (handled the same as 5 x 5 method)
Conditioning: 5 Sets of:
Plank Hold x 45 seconds
OH Axle Bar Carry x 20 yd Forward
Bear Crawl x 20 yd
Sled Drag Forward x 20 yd
OH Axle Bar Carry x 20 yd Backward
Sled Drag Backward x 20 yd

Jerk from Blocks 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% x 2, Max Out
Bench to Chest 75% x 3, 80% x 2, 85% x 2 (percentages based on raw
Max Effort Bench Press with Reverse 3RM
Bands (Purple if Max is > 300 and Mini
Band if Max < 300LB)
Bench Press (No Bands) Competition Grip 90% for AMRAP
Incline Close Grip Axle Bar Presses with 3RM, then -15% for 4 x 3 (last set is 3+)
100lb of Chains
Chest Supported KB Bat Wing Rows 3 x 10
Paused 2 Seconds at Top
Skill Work for Quality Not for Time: 4 Sets of:
Handstand Walks x 20-40 yd
Muscle-up x 2-4 + 2 Ring Dips

Snatch 70% x 3, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% x 1, 73% x 3, 78% x 2,
83% x 1, 88% x 1, 90% x 1
Clean from High Blocks (Bar at Mid Thigh) 3RM (8 RPE)
High Bar Back Squat + Bands or Chains 60% Bar Weight + 10% Bands or Chains for 7 x 3 (60-
90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Reverse Hypers 4 x 50 seconds
4 Rounds:
30 seconds Assault Bike for Calories; 30 seconds rest
4 Rounds:
30 seconds Double Unders; 30 seconds rest
4 Rounds:
30 seconds Kettlebell Swing 55lb/44lb; 30 seconds rest

Do What You Want 104

Dynamic Bench Press 60% Bar Weight + 10% Bands or Chains for 7 x 3 (60-
90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Log Press 1RM, then -20% for 2 x 3 (last set 3+)
Seated DB Power Cleans Superset with 3 x 10 and 3 x 10
Plate Front Raises
Metcon 1:
Power Cleans with 135lb/95lb
Ring Dips
(Rest 10 minutes)
Metcon 2: 6-8 Sets of:
100m Row as fast as possible
Rest 1 minute between sets

Snatch 1RM Competition Style (3 attempts)
Back Squat with Belt Set 1: 88% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 4
Set 2: (add 5-10 kilos to 1-rep if possible, don't add for
4-rep) 88% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 4
Set 3: (add 5-10 kilos to 1-rep if possible, don't add for
4-rep) 88% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 4+
Max Effort Deadlift Reverse Bands (Purple 3RM, then -10% for 3
if Max is > 400lb and Mini Bands if <
400lb, Bands Should Completely Deload at
Leg Curls (Band, DB, or Machine) 4 x 10
KB Staggered Carries (OH and Farmer's) 3 x 40 yd each way

Clean and Jerk 1RM Competition Style (3 attempts)
Bench Presses Set 1: 88% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 4
Set 2: (add 5-10 kilos to 1-rep if possible, don't add for
4-rep) 88% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 4
Set 3: (add 5-10 kilos to 1-rep if possible, don't add for
4-rep) 88% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 4+
Band Push-downs 3 x 20
Preacher Curls 3 x 10
Tempo Run
5 minute warm up
4 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 105

Power Snatch 1RM (9 RPE)
Clean and Jerk 60% x 3, 70% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% x 1, 88% x 1,
work up (allowed 1 miss)
Back Squat 78% x 3, 83% x 2, 88% x 1, 90% x 1, 85% x 2, 90% x 1,
93% x 1
Deadlift Competition Stance 85% x 3, 90% x 2, 93% x 1, 88% x 1, 93% x 1, 95% x 1,
work up if feeling good
Yoke Carries 5 x 30m (handled the same as 5 x 5 method)
Conditioning: 4 Sets of:
Zercher Carry x 40 yd
Legless Rope Climb x 2
Sled Pull to Row Backward x 10
D-Ball to Shoulder x 10
Sled Pull to Press Forward x 10

Jerk from Blocks 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% x 2, Max Out
Bench to Chest 75% x 3, 80% x 2, 85% x 2 (percentages based on raw
Max Effort Bench Press with Reverse 3RM
Bands (Purple if Max is > 300 and Mini
Band if Max < 300LB)
Bench Press (No Bands) Competition Grip 93% for AMRAP
Incline Close Grip Axle Bar Presses with 3RM, then -15% for 4 x 3 (last set is 3+)
100lb of Chains
Chest Supported KB Bat Wing Rows 2 3 x 10
Seconds pause at top
Metcon: 15 Min AMRAP:
5 Ring Muscle-ups
10 Strict Handstand Push-ups
300m Row

Snatch 60% x 3, 70% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% x 1, 88% x 1,
work up (allowed 1 miss)
Clean from High Blocks (Bar at Mid Thigh) 1RM (9 RPE)
High Bar Back Squat + Bands or Chains 65% Bar Weight + 10% Bands or Chains for 6 x 3 (60-
90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Reverse Hypers 4 x 60 seconds
Metcon: 3 Rounds of 3 Min AMRAP:
3 Hang Power Cleans 205lb/145lb
15 Wall Balls 30lb/20lb to 9'
(Rest 3 minutes between rounds)

Do What You Want 106

Dynamic Bench Press 65% Bar Weight + 10% Bands or Chains for 6 x 3 (60-
90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Log Press 1RM, then -20% for 3+
Seated DB Power Cleans Superset with 3 x 10 and 3 x 10
Plate Front Raises
Metcon 1: 3 Rounds for Time of
20 Weighted DB Box Step-ups with 30lb/20lb each hand
20 Ab Roll-outs
10 Shoulder to Overhead with 135lb/95lb
(Rest 10 minutes)
Metcon 2: 6-8 Sets of:
100m Row as fast as possible
(Rest 1 minute between sets)

Snatch 1RM Competition Style (3 attempts)
Back Squat with Belt Set 1: 90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 4
Set 2: (add 5-10 kilos to 1-rep if possible, don't add for
4-rep) 90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 4
Set 3: (add 5-10 kilos to 1-rep if possible, don't add for
4-rep) 90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 4+
Max Effort Deadlift Reverse Bands (Purple 1RM, then -15% for 3
if Max is > 400lb and Mini Bands if <
400lb, Bands Should Completely Deload at
Leg Curls (Band, DB, or Machine) 4 x 10
BB Hip Thrusts with Band around Knees 3 x 10
KB Staggered Carries (OH and Farmer's) 3 x 40 yd each way

Clean and Jerk 1RM Competition Style (3 attempts)
Bench Presses Set 1: 90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 4
Set 2: (add 5-10 kilos to 1-rep if possible, don't add for
4-rep) 90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 4
Set 3: (add 5-10 kilos to 1-rep if possible, don't add for
4-rep) 90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 4+
Band Push-downs 3 x 15
Preacher Curls 3 x 10
Tempo Run
5 minute warm up
5 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 107

Power Snatch 65% for 3 x 2
Clean and Jerk Work up to opener
Back Squat Work up to last warm up x 1
Deadlift Competition Stance Work up to last warm up x 1
Yoke Carries Heaviest 30m Yoke Carry for Max Speed of 30m
Kettlebell Swings with 55lb/44lb
Calorie Row

Jerk from Blocks Off
Bench to Chest 75% x 5, 80% x 3, 85% x 2, 90% x 1 (percentages based
on raw max)
Max Effort Bench Press with Reverse Off
Bands (Purple if Max is > 300 and Mini
Band if Max < 300LB)
Bench Press (No Bands) Competition Grip Opener
Incline Close Grip Axle Bar Presses with Off
100lb of Chains
Chest Supported KB Bat Wing Rows (2 Sec 3x5
Pause at Top)
4 Rounds:
10 Push Jerks 135lb/95lb
Run 400m
10 Chest to Bar Pull-ups

Snatch 1RM (no misses)
Clean from High Blocks (Bar at Mid Thigh) 65% for 3 x 2
High Bar Back Squat + Bands or Chains 75% Bar Weight Only for 5 x 2 (60-90 sec between sets,
velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Reverse Hypers 3 x 70 seconds
Metcon 1:
10 Min EMOM:
Odd - 3 Deadlift (at 70%)
Even - 8 Burpees over Bar
(Rest 10 minutes)
Metcon 2: 3 sets
500m Row
(Rest 3 minutes between sets)

Do What You Want 108

Dynamic Bench Press 75% Bar Weight Only for 5 x 2 (60-90 sec between sets,
velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Log Press Off
Seated DB Power Cleans 3 x10
Plate Front Raises Off
Conditioning: 5 Sets of:
Zercher Carry x 40 yd
Legless Rope Climb x 2
Sled Pull to Row Backward x 10
D-Ball to Shoulder x 10
Sled Pull to Press Forward x 10

Snatch Max Out
Clean and Jerk Max Out

Squat Max Out
Bench Max Out
Deadlift Max Out
Max Speed:
5K for Time

Do What You Want 109


This is a bonus program I wanted to include to show what’s really

possible in four days. Some of us simply don’t have six days per
week and multiple sessions per day to train. We have jobs. We have
hobbies other than working out. We have families. I have children
and a wife I want to spend time with. They deserve for me to be
there with them.

This program shows that you can have multiple goals and still
only train four days per week. You can still get strong and fit with this
plan, and you can still potentially compete in multiple disciplines. If
you are a person who doesn’t have all the time in the world to train,
check out this plan.

Do What You Want 110

Hang Snatch from Below the Knee 3RM (7 RPE), then -10% for 3
Box Squats 75% for 7 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
2 Inch Deficit Snatch Grip Deadlift (5 Sec 5RM (7 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 5
Seated Band Leg Curls 4 x 12 reps
Unilateral Farmer's Walk 3 x 40 yd each arm
For Time: 3 Rounds of
1000m Row
20 (10 each leg) Weighted Box Step-ups (angle of knee to hip should be no more than parallel for box
height) with 25lb/15lb each hand
100m Single Arm KB Carry (each arm) with 70lb/55lb

Push Jerks 5RM (7 RPE), then -10% for 5
Wide Grip Bench Press (Wider than Normal 80% for 10 x 3
Competition Grip)
Pull-ups 5 x submaximal reps (switch grips each set, weakest
to strongest)
Dips with Eccentric Slower than Concentric 5 x submaximal reps (if ten reps or more, add weight)
Metcon: Workout from Aerobic Capacity (Chris Hinshaw)
This is a continuous workout where your 'rest' is only the easy pace interval parts.
There are 9 total 100m sprints. Your focus is on this part of the workout. You pick your easy pace!
Focus on form. Intensity should not be 100% but 97-98% in order to maintain form.
200m run at easy pace; 100m sprint
400m run at easy pace; 100m sprint
600m run at easy pace; 100m sprint
800m run at easy pace;100m sprint
1000m run at easy pace; 100m sprint
800m run at easy pace; 100m sprint
600m run at easy pace; 100m sprint
400m run at easy pace; 100m sprint
200m run at easy pace; 100m sprint
Total: 5900m

Hang Clean 3RM (7 RPE), then -10% for 3
Front Squats 80% for 10 x 3
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (Stay at a 4 x 15 each leg
7 RPE)
KB Goblet Squats 3 x 10
Axle Bar Zercher Carries 3 x 40 yd
Skill Work for Quality and Not for Time: 3 Sets of:
50 Double Unders
10 Alternating Pistol Squats

Close Grip Bench Press 60% for 5 x 10
Incline DB Press 60% for 5 x 10
Bent-over Rows 60% for 5 x 10
Preacher Curls 3 x 10
Toes to Bar
Handstand Push-up
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
2 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 111

Hang Snatch from Below the Knee 3RM (8 RPE), then -10% for 3
Box Squats 80% for 8 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
2 Inch Deficit Snatch Grip Deadlift (5 Sec 5RM (8 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 5
Seated Band Leg Curls 4 x 12 reps
Unilateral Farmer's Walk 3 x 40 yd each arm
20 Min EMOM:
Odd - 10 Alternating Pistols
Even - 45 Second Plank Hold (weighted if possible)

Push Jerks 5RM (8 RPE), then -10% for 5
Wide Grip Bench Press (Wider than Normal 80% for 10 x 4
Competition Grip)
Pull-ups 5 x submaximal reps (switch grips each set, weakest
to strongest)
Dips with Eccentric Slower than Concentric 5 x submaximal reps (if ten reps or more, add weight)
Metcon: 20 Min AMRAP:
200m Sprint Run
8 Barbell Thrusters 135lb/95lb
10 Toes to Bar

Hang Clean 3RM (8 RPE), then -10% for 3
Front Squats 80% for 10 x 4
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (Stay at a Off
7 RPE)
KB Goblet Squats 4 x 10
Axle Bar Zercher Carries Off
Metcon for Time:
Run 1 mile (at 80-85%) pace
20 Burpees over Barbell
10 Deadlifts 255lb/185lb
400m Farmer's Carry 55lb/35lb each hand
10 Deadlifts
20 Burpees over Barbell
Run 1 mile (at 80-85%)

Close Grip Bench Press 65% for 5 x 10
Incline DB Press 65% for 5 x 10
Bent-over Rows 65% for 5 x 10
Preacher Curls 3 x 10
Gymnastics Strength Work:
A: 10 x 2 Press to Handstand (Scale accordingly, even if it's just bear crawl and pulling feet to hands)
B: 10 x 1 Handstand Push-up Negative (slowest possible)
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
3 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 112

Hang Snatch from Below the Knee 3RM (9 RPE)
Box Squats 85% for 6 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
2 Inch Deficit Snatch Grip Deadlift (5 Sec 5RM (9 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 5
Seated Band Leg Curls 4 x 12 reps
Unilateral Farmer's Walk 3 x 50 yd each arm
Metcon: 4 Rounds of
25 Calorie Assault Bike
20 yd Forward and 20 yd Backward Overhead Axle Carry
15 Kettlebell Swings 55lb/44lb

Push Jerks 5RM (9 RPE)
Wide Grip Bench Press (Wider than Normal 80% for 10 x 5
Competition Grip)
Pull-ups 5 x submaximal reps (switch grips each set, weakest
to strongest)
Dips with Eccentric Slower than Concentric 5 x submaximal reps (if ten reps or more, add weight)
Metcon: 8 Sets of:
500m Row
(1 minute rest between sets)
Record each time

Hang Clean 3RM (9 RPE)
Front Squats 80% for 10 x 5
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (Stay at a Off
7 RPE)
KB Goblet Squats 3x5
Axle Bar Zercher Carries Off
Metcon: 8 Min AMRAP:
3 Hang Power Cleans with 205lb/135lb or with 225lb/155lb for stronger athletes
6 Alternating Pistols
40 yd Bear Crawl

Close Grip Bench Press 70% for 5 x 10
Incline DB Press 70% for 5 x 10
Bent-over Rows 70% for 5 x 10
Preacher Curls 3 x 10
Run 400m (at 80%); Run 400m recovery pace
Run 400m (at 85%); Run 400m recovery pace
Run 400m (at 90%); Run 400m recovery pace
Run 400m all out; Walk 400m for recovery
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
4 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 113

Clean and Jerk from Blocks with Bar at 70% x 3, 75% for 2 x 2, 80% x 2, 85% for 2 x 1
Front Squats 70% x 4, 75% for 2 x 3, 78% for 2 x 2, 80% x 1
Deadlifts (All Reps Dead Stop) 70% x 4, 75% x 3, 78% for 2 x 2, 80% x 1
BB Elevated Hip Thrusts with Band around 3x8
Yoke Carries 5 x 20m (handled the same as 5 x 5 method)
Metcon: 3 Rounds for Time of
Row 1500m
Run 800m
Assault Bike 30 Calories

Snatch from Blocks with Bar at Knee 70% x 3, 75% for 2 x 2, 80% x 2, 85% for 2 x 1
Close Grip Bench Press 70% x 4, 75% for 2 x 3, 78% for 2 x 2, 80% x 1
Log Press 5RM, then -15% for 2 x 5 (last set 5+)
Pull-ups 3 x submaximal reps
BB Rows Paused 2 Sec on Sternum 3 x 10
Metcon 5 Rounds:
20 yd Staggered Carry
20 yd Sled Drag Forward with 150lb/100lb
20 yd Staggered Carry (opposite hands)
20 yd Sled Drag Backward with 150lb/100lb
(Rest 5 Minutes)
Accumulate 100-200 ft of Handstand Walks

Clean and Jerk Max Effort Pull + Clean + Front Squat + Jerk: Max
Low Bar Back Squat Set 1: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 75% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 75% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Competition Stance Deadlifts 75% for 6 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
Pull-Throughs with Bands or Cables 3 x 15
Overhead Carries Axle 3 x 40 yd

Snatch Max Effort Pull + 2 Snatches: Max
Bench Press Set 1: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 75% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 75% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
DB Tricep Extensions Superset with Band 6 x 8 and 6 x 15
Fat Bar Curls 3 x 10
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
3 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 114

Clean and Jerk from Blocks with Bar at 75% for 2 x 3, 80% for 2 x 2, 85% x 2, 88% for 2 x 1
Front Squats 73% x 4, 78% for 3 x 3, 80% for 3 x 2, 83% for 2 x 1
Deadlifts (All Reps Dead Stop) 73% x 3, 78% for 2 x 2, 80% for 3 x 2, 83% for 2 x 1
BB Elevated Hip Thrusts with Band around 3x8
Yoke Carries 5 x 20m (handled the same as 5 x 5 method)
4 Rounds:
500m Row
25 Wall Balls with 30lb/20lb to 10' target
10 Handstand Push-ups
5 Deadlifts with 255lb/185lb and with 315lb/225lb for stronger athletes (do not go over 80% of 1RM)

Snatch from Blocks with Bar at Knee 75% for 2 x 3, 80% for 2 x 2, 85% x 2, 88% for 2 x 1
Close Grip Bench Press 73% x 4, 78% for 3 x 3, 80% for 3 x 2, 83% for 2 x 1
Log Press 5RM, then -15% for 2 x 5 (last set 5+)
Pull-ups 3 x submaximal reps
BB Rows Paused 2 Sec on Sternum 3 x 10
Metcon 1 for Time:
E2MOM for 20 minutes:
3/2 Muscle-up + 20 Double Unders
Focus on the strict muscle-up if possible
Metcon 2: 5 Sets of:
Farmer's Carry x 20 yd 135lb/95lb each hand
Sled Push High x 20 yd 150lb/100lb
Farmer's Carry x 20 yd 135lb/95lb each hand
Burpee Broad Jumps x 20 yd
Sled Push Low x 20 yd 150lb/100lb
Walking Lunge Step x 20 yd (no weight)
(Rest 2 minutes between sets)

Clean and Jerk Max Effort Clean + Front Squat + Jerk: Max
Low Bar Back Squat Set 1: 78% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 78% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 78% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Competition Stance Deadlifts 78% for 7 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
Pull-Throughs with Bands or Cables 3 x 15
Overhead Carries Axle 3 x 40 yd
Metcon: 12 Min AMRAP:
200m Run
15 Toes to Bar
20 Goblet Squats

Snatch Max Effort Pull + Snatch: Max
Bench Press Set 1: 78% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 78% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 78% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
DB Tricep Extensions Superset with Band 6 x 8 and 6 x 15
Fat Bar Curls 3 x 10
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
2.5 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 115

Clean and Jerk from Blocks with Bar at 65% for 2 x 3, 70% x 2, 75% for 2 x 1, 80% x 1, 83% x 1
Front Squats 70% x 4, 75% x 3, 78% for 2 x 2, 80% x 1
Deadlifts (All Reps Dead Stop) 70% x 3, 75% x 3, 78% x 2, 80% x 1
BB Elevated Hip Thrusts with Band around 3x8
Yoke Carries 5 x 20m (handled the same as 5 x 5 method)
Skill Work for Quality Not for Time: 2 Sets of:
Turkish Get-ups x 8 each side with moderate weight, focused on skill of movement
Pistol Squats x 16 (alternating) with 2 second pause in the bottom
Metcon 2:
800m Sandbag Carry
20 Sandbag Ground to Shoulder
20 Sandbag Shoulder to Overhead
20 Sandbag Squats
400m Sandbag Carry
10 Sandbag Ground to Shoulder
10 Sandbag Shoulder to Overhead
10 Sandbag Squats

Snatch from Blocks with Bar at Knee 65% for 2 x 3, 70% x 2, 75% for 2 x 1, 80% x 1, 83% x 1
Close Grip Bench Press 70% x 4, 75% x 3, 78% for 2 x 2, 80% x 1
Log Press 90% of 5RM for 3 x 5
Pull-ups 3 x submaximal reps
BB Rows Paused 2 Sec on Sternum 3 x 10
Metcon: 5 sets as fast as possible of
20 Calorie Assault Bike
10 Hang Power Snatches with 115lb/75lb
5 Deficit Handstand Push-ups 6"/4"
(Rest 1:1)

Clean and Jerk Max Effort 2RM
Low Bar Back Squat Set 1: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 2: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 3: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Competition Stance Deadlifts 70% for 6 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
Pull-Throughs with Bands or Cables 3 x 15
Overhead Carries Axle 3 x 40 yd
Metcon: 8 Sets of:
Row for Meters (30 seconds on/30 seconds rest)

Snatch Max Effort Max Snatch Double
Bench Press Set 1: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 2: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 3: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
DB Tricep Extensions Superset with Band 6 x 8 and 6 x 15
Fat Bar Curls 3 x 10
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
3.5 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 116

No Hook and No Feet Snatch 3RM (8 RPE)
Clean and Jerks 70% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% for 2 x
1, 88% x 1
High Bar Squat with Belt 80% for 3 x 3, 85% for 2 x 2, 88% x 2
Velocity Deadlifts 75% Straight Weight for 8 x 2 with 60-90 sec rest (or
60% Bar Weight + 20% Bands/Chains)
Yoke Carries 5 x 25m (handled the same as 5 x 5 method)
Metcon: 12 Min AMRAP:
15 Double Arm Kettlebell Swinging Rows
200m Run
15 Kettlebell Potato Squats
Metcon 2: 8 Sets of:
Row for Meters (40 sec on/20 sec off)

Snatch 70% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% for 2 x
1, 88% x 1
Jerk From Racks 3RM (paused 3 sec in catch)
Bench to Chest 75% x 5, 80% x 3, 85% x 1 (percentages based on raw
Max Effort Sling Shot Bench 3RM
Bench Press to Chest 83% for 3, 88% x 2, 90% for AMRAP
Log Press 3RM, then -15% for 2 x 3 (last set 3+)
BB Rows Paused 2 Sec on Sternum 4x5
Metcon 1 for Time: 4 Sets of:
25 UNBROKEN Wall Balls with 20lb/14lb to 10' target
(If you break a set, you will accumulate 5 burpees to be done at the end of the 4th round while time
is still going! You will restart the round if you break. Rest as needed in order to do all 25 unbroken.)
(Rest 10 minutes)
Metcon 2: 4 Rounds of 3 Min AMRAP:
5 Bar Muscle-ups
10 Box Jumps 30"/24"
(Rest 3 minutes between rounds)
Score individually and compare

Clean and Jerk Max Effort Clean + Hang Clean + Jerk: Max
Back Squat with Belt Set 1: 80% x 2, rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 6
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 80% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 6
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 80% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 6
Max Effort Deadlift From 8 Inch Blocks: 3RM, then -10% for 3
BB High Pull from Pins Belt Squat 3 x 40 sec
Farmer's Walk 4 x 30 yd
Recovery Row:
15-20 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)

Snatch Max Effort Snatch + Hang Snatch: Max
Bench Press Set 1: 85% x 2, rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 6
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 6
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 6
Axle Bar Football Close Grip Bench 6RM, then -15% for 2 x 6(last set is 6+)
Pull-ups 4 x submaximal reps
DB Hammer Curls 3 x 10
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
4.5 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 117

No Hook and No Feet Snatch 3RM (9 RPE)
Clean and Jerks 75% x 3, 80% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% for 2 x 1, 88%
High Bar Squat with Belt 80% for 3 x 3, 85% for 2 x 3, 88% for 2 x 2, 90% for 2 x 2
Velocity Deadlifts 80% Straight Weight for 7 x 2 with 60-90 sec rest (or
65% Bar Weight + 20% Bands/Chains)
Yoke Carries 5 x 25m (handled the same as 5 x 5 method)
5 Rounds:
400m Med Ball Run with 20lb/14lb
30 Weighted Sit-ups with Med Ball
25 Wall Balls

Snatch 75% x 3, 80% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% for 2 x 1, 88%
Jerk From Racks 3RM (first rep paused 3 sec in catch)
Bench to Chest 75% x 5, 80% x 3, 85% x 1 (percentages based on raw
Max Effort Sling Shot Bench 3RM
Bench Press to Chest 85% x 3, 90% x 1, 93% for AMRAP
Log Press 3RM, then -15% for 3 x 3 (last set 3+)
BB Rows Paused 2 Sec on Sternum 4x5
Metcon for Time: 3 Rounds of
15 Thrusters with 125lb/85lb
20 Toes to Bar
500m Row

Clean and Jerk Max Effort Clean + Front Squat + Jerk: Max
Back Squat with Belt Set 1: 83% x 2, rest 2 minutes, then 68% x 6
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 83% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 68% x 6
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 83% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 68% x 6+
Max Effort Deadlift From 8 Inch Blocks: 1RM, then -20% for 3
BB High Pull from Pins Belt Squat 3 x 45 sec
Farmer's Walk 4 x 30 yd
Steady 15 minutes conversational pace on Assault Bike at 70% of MHR

Snatch Max Effort Snatch Pull + Snatch: Max
Bench Press Set 1: 88% x 2, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 6
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 88% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 6
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 88% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 6+
Axle Bar Football Close Grip Bench 6RM, then -15% for 2 x 6 (last set is 6+)
Pull-ups 4 x submaximal reps
DB Hammer Curls 3 x 10
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
3 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 118

No Hook and No Feet Snatch 1RM
Clean and Jerks 65% x 3, 78% x 2, 83% x 2, 88% x 1, 90% for 2 x 1, work
up (allowed 1 miss)
High Bar Squat with Belt 1RM, then -20% for 2 x 3
Velocity Deadlifts 85% Straight Weight for 10 x 1 with 60-90 sec rest (or
70% Bar Weight + 20% Bands/Chains)
Yoke Carries 5 x 25m (handled the same as 5 x 5 method)
Metcon for Time: 3 Rounds of
100 Double Unders
50 Calorie Row
20 Pistol Squats

Snatch 65% x 3, 78% x 2, 83% x 2, 88% x 1, 90% for 2 x 1, work
up (allowed 1 miss)
Jerk From Racks 3RM (no pauses)
Bench to Chest 75% x 5, 80% x 3, 85% x 1 (percentages based on raw
Max Effort Sling Shot Bench 1RM
Bench Press to Chest 83% for 3, 88% x 2, 90% for AMRAP
Log Press 3RM, then -15% for 3+
BB Rows Paused 2 Sec on Sternum 4x5
Gymnastics Strength Work:
A: 2 min Accumulate in Support on Rings
B: 2 min Accumulate in Bottom of the Ring Dip
Metcon 1: 6 Sets of:
50 Double Unders
15/12 Ring Dips

Clean and Jerk Max Effort 1RM
Back Squat with Belt Set 1: 85% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 5
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 1,
rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 5
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 1,
rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 5
Max Effort Deadlift From 2 Inch Deficit: 1RM
BB High Pull from Pins Belt Squat 3 x 50 sec
Farmer's Walk 4 x 30 yd
Metcon: 4 Sets of:
Plank Hold x 45 seconds
OH Axle Bar Carry x 20 yd Forward
Bear Crawl x 20 yd
Sled Drag Forward x 20 yd
OH Axle Bar Carry x 20 yd Backward
Sled Drag Backward x 20 yd

Snatch Max Effort 1RM
Bench Press Set 1: 90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 5
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 90% x 1,
rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 5
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 90% x 1,
rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 5
Axle Bar Football Close Grip Bench 5RM, then -15% for 5+
Pull-ups 3 x submaximal reps
DB Hammer Curls 3 x 10
Skill Work for Quality Not for Time: 3 Sets of:
Handstand Walks x 20-40 yd
Ring Muscle-up x 2-4 + 2 Ring Dips
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
3 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 119

Power Snatch 3RM (8 RPE)
Clean and Jerk 70% x 3, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% x 1, 73% x 3, 78% x 2,
83% x 1, 88% x 1, 90% x 1
Back Squat 75% x 3, 80% x 3, 85% x 2, 78% x 2, 83% x 2, 88% x 1,
90% x 1
Deadlift Competition Stance 80% x 3, 85% x 2, 90% x 1, 83% x 1, 88% x 1, 93% x 1,
work up if feeling good
Yoke Carries 5 x 30m (handled the same as 5 x 5 method)
Conditioning: 5 Sets of:
Plank Hold x 45 seconds
OH Axle Bar Carry x 20 yd Forward
Bear Crawl x 20 yd
Sled Drag Forward x 20 yd
OH Axle Bar Carry x 20 yd Backward
Sled Drag Backward x 20 yd

Snatch 70% x 3, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% x 1, 73% x 3, 78% x 2,
83% x 1, 88% x 1, 90% x 1
Jerk from Blocks 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% x 2, Max Out
Bench to Chest 75% x 3, 80% x 2, 85% x 2 (percentages based on raw
Max Effort Bench Press with Reverse 3RM
Bands (Purple if Max is > 300 and Mini
Band if Max < 300LB)
Bench Press (No Bands) Competition Grip 90% for AMRAP
Log Press 1RM, then -20% for 2 x 3 (last set 3+)
Chest Supported KB Bat Wing Rows (2 Sec 3 x 10
Pause at Top)
Skill Work for Quality Not for Time: 4 Sets of:
Handstand Walks x 20-40 yd
Muscle-up x 2-4 + 2 Ring Dips
Conditioning: 4 Rounds of
30 seconds Assault Bike for Calories; 30 seconds rest
4 Rounds:
30 seconds Double Unders; 30 seconds rest
4 Rounds:
30 seconds Kettlebell Swing with 55lb/44lb; 30 seconds rest

Snatch 1RM
Back Squat with Belt Set 1: 88% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 4
Set 2: (add 5-10 kilos to 1-rep if possible, don't add for
4-rep) 88% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 4
Set 3: (add 5-10 kilos to 1-rep if possible, don't add for
4-rep) 88% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 4+
Max Effort Deadlift (Reverse Bands Purple 3RM, then -10% for 3
if maximum is > 400lb and Mini Bands if <
400lb)(Bands should completely deload at
Leg Curls (Band, DB, or Machine) 4 x 10 reps
KB Staggered Carries (OH and Farmer's) 3 x 40 yd each way
Metcon: 6-8 Sets of:
100m Row as fast as possible (Rest 1 minute between sets)

Clean and Jerk 1RM
Bench Press Set 1: 88% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 4
Set 2: (add 5-10 kilos to 1-rep if possible, don't add for
4-rep) 88% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 4
Set 3: (add 5-10 kilos to 1-rep if possible, don't add for
4-rep) 88% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 4+
Seated DB Power Cleans Superset with 3 x 10 and 3 x 10
Plate Front Raises
Band Push-downs 3 x 20
Preacher Curls 3 x 10
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
4 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 120

Power Snatch 1RM (9 RPE)
Clean and Jerk 60% x 3, 70% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% x 1, 88% x 1,
work up (allowed 1 miss)
Back Squat 78% x 3, 83% x 2, 88% x 1, 90% x 1, 85% x 2, 90% x 1,
93% x 1
Deadlift Competition Stance 85% x 3, 90% x 2, 93% x 1, 88% x 1, 93% x 1, 95% x 1,
work up if feeling good
Yoke Carries 5 x 30m (handled the same as 5 x 5 method)
Conditioning: 4 Sets of:
Zercher Carry x 40 yd
Legless Rope Climb x 2
Sled Pull to Row Backward x 10
D-Ball to Shoulder x 10
Sled Pull to Press Forward x 10

Snatch 60% x 3, 70% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% x 1, 88% x 1,
work up (allowed 1 miss)
Jerk from Blocks 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% x 2, Max Out
Bench to Chest 75% x 3, 80% x 2, 85% x 2 (percentages based on raw
Max Effort Bench Press with Reverse 3RM
Bands (Purple if Max is > 300 and Mini
Band if Max < 300LB)
Bench Press (No Bands) Competition Grip 93% for AMRAP
Log Press 1RM, then -20% for 3+ (don't miss)
Chest Supported KB Bat Wing Rows (2 Sec 3 x 10
Pause at Top)
Metcon: 15 Min AMRAP:
5 Ring Muscle-ups
10 Strict Handstand Push-ups
300m Row

Snatch 1RM Competition Style (3 attempts)
Back Squat with Belt Set 1: 90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 4
Set 2: (add 5-10 kilos to 1-rep if possible, don't add for
4-rep) 90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 4
Set 3: (add 5-10 kilos to 1-rep if possible, don't add for
4-rep) 90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 4+
Max Effort Deadlift with Reverse Bands 1RM, then -15% for 3
(Purple if Max is > 400lb and Mini Bands if
< 400lb, Bands Should Completely Deload
at Lockout)
Leg Curls (Band, DB, or Machine) 4 x 10 reps
BB Hip Thrusts with Band around Knees 3 x 10
KB Staggered Carries (OH and Farmer's) 3 x 40 yd each way
Metcon: 3 Rounds of 3 Min AMRAP:
3 Hang Power Cleans 205lb/145lb
15 Wall Balls 30lb/20lb to 9'
(Rest 3 minutes between rounds)

Clean and Jerk 1RM Competition Style (3 attempts)
Bench Press Set 1: 90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 4
Set 2: (add 5-10 kilos to 1-rep if possible, don't add for
4-rep) 90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 4
Set 3: (add 5-10 kilos to 1-rep if possible, don't add for
4-rep) 90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 4+
Seated DB Power Cleans Superset with 3 x 10 and 3 x 10
Plate Front Raises
Band Push-downs 3 x 15
Preacher Curls 3 x 10
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
5 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 121

Power Snatch 1RM (no misses)
Clean and Jerk Work up to opener
Back Squat Work up to last warm up x 1
Deadlift Competition Stance Work up to last warm up x 1
Yoke Carries Heaviest 30m Yoke Carry for Max Speed of 30m
Kettlebell Swings with 55lb/44lb
Calorie Row

Snatch 65% for 3 x 2
Jerk from Blocks 65% for 3 x 2
Bench to Chest Off
Max Effort Bench Press with Reverse Opener
Bands (Purple if Max is > 300 and Mini
Band if Max < 300)
Bench Press (No Bands) Competition Grip Off
Log Press Off
Chest Supported KB Bat Wing Rows (2 Sec 3x5
Pause at Top)
Metcon: 3 Sets of:
500m Row (Rest 3 minutes between sets)

Snatch Max Out
Clean and Jerk Max Out

Squat Max Out
Bench Max Out
Deadlift Max Out
Max Speed:
5K for Time

Do What You Want 122


This is very similar to the plan I am personally using right now.

This is definitely my favorite program because you can still perform
the big five movements (snatch, clean and jerk, squat, bench, and
deadlift) while getting jacked and fit. This workout is still a hybrid of
the original “Do It All” plan. We just subtracted the functional fitness
work, added more bodybuilding, and added more pure endurance
work to prepare you for the 5K.

This program has two important differences I want to point

out. First, you can check out the endurance work. We have added a
tempo run to the first day. I’d recommend separating the strength
training from the endurance work by six to eight hours. We aren’t
talking about a ton of mileage, so it’s not going to zap your glycogen
like a 10- to 20-miler. But it is still optimal to separate the two. It’s
easy to get up and knock out the endurance work first thing in the
morning before you even begin your day.

Second, you will notice there is an extra upper body day that
emphasizes bodybuilding. There is only one competitive lift (clean
and jerk) on this sixth day, but the hypertrophy work being performed
is still work that will improve the bench press and overhead stability.
You are still getting complete synergy from every day of your
workout. Dips are great strength builders that will directly affect
the bench press and the lockout position overhead. I love using
bands for hypertrophy because the nature of their deload during
the eccentric phase causes very little muscle damage.

Do What You Want 123

Throughout this program, we have replaced some accessory
work for movements that are known to produce more hypertrophy.
For example, the first day of the fourth week has hack squats
instead of unilateral hyperextensions. If you don’t have access to a
hack squat machine, you can use a double kettlebell goblet squat.

I hope you guys are seeing the pattern now because I want
you to be able to write a program for yourself someday. Almost
any strength discipline can be trained simultaneously with other
disciplines if you consider energy systems, muscular damage, fiber
type manipulation, and recovery.

For the last few weeks of the program, we build towards a peak
in a super total (weightlifting and powerlifting combined) meet
and a 5K road race. Even at the end, we’ll still be incorporating
bodybuilding movements. I want you to keep your hypertrophy
gains so you can tear up the beach scene. Not to mention, if you do
hypertrophy work to get strong, why would you quit doing it come
time to compete?

Do What You Want 124

Hang Snatch from Below the Knee 3RM (7 RPE), then -10% for 3
Box Squats 75% for 7 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
2 Inch Deficit Snatch Grip Deadlift (5 Sec 5RM (7 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 5
GHDs 3x8
Seated Band Leg Curls 4 x 12 reps
Unilateral Farmer's Walk 3 x 40 yd each arm
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
2 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Push Jerks 5RM (7 RPE), then -10% for 5
Wide Grip Bench Press (Wider than Normal 80% for 10 x 3
Competition Grip)
Pull-ups 5 x submaximal reps (switch grips each set, weakest
to strongest)
Bent-over Rows 60% for 5 x 10
DB or KB Upright Rows 5 x 10

Hang Clean 3RM (7 RPE), then -10% for 3
Front Squats 80% for 10 x 3
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (Stay at a 4 x 15 each leg
7 RPE)
KB Goblet Squats 3 x 10
Axle Bar Zercher Carries 3 x 40 yd
Recovery Row:
10-15 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)

Close Grip Bench Press 60% for 5 x 10
Incline DB Press 60% for 5 x 10
KB Bottom Up Z Press 3 x 10 each arm
DB Lateral Raises 3 x 10

Do What You Want 125

Snatch Complex Power Snatch Double (Work Heavy)
Front Squat with Belt Set 1: 80% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 80% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 80% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Sumo Deadlifts 75% for 7 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
GHDs 3x8
Belt Squat RDLs 3 x 60 sec
One Arm OH Fat Grip Dumbbell Carry 3 x 25 yd each arm

Clean and Jerk Complex Power Clean and Push Jerk Double (Work Heavy)
Dips (Eccentric Slower than Concentric) 5 x submaximal reps (if ten reps or more, add weight)
Superset with Preacher Curls and 3 x 10
Band Push-downs Superset with Band 3 x 45 sec and 3 x 45 sec
Banded Rows 4 x 60 sec
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
3 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 126

Hang Snatch from Below the Knee 3RM (8 RPE), then -10% for 3
Box Squats 80% for 8 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
2 Inch Deficit Snatch Grip Deadlift (5 Sec 5RM (8 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 5
GHDs 4x8
Seated Band Leg Curls 4 x 12 reps
Unilateral Farmer's Walk 3 x 40 yd each arm
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
3 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Push Jerks 5RM (8 RPE), then -10% for 5
Wide Grip Bench Press (Wider than Normal 80% for 10 x 4
Competition Grip)
Pull-ups 5 x submaximal reps (switch grips each set, weakest
to strongest)
Bent-over Rows 65% for 5 x 10
DB or KB Upright Rows 5 x 10

Hang Clean 3RM (8 RPE), then -10% for 3
Front Squats 80% for 10 x 4
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (Stay at a 5 x 15 each leg
7 RPE)
KB Goblet Squats 4 x 10
Axle Bar Zercher Carries 3 x 40 yd
Recovery Row:
10-15 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)

Close Grip Bench Press 65% for 5 x 10
Incline DB Press 65% for 5 x 10
KB Bottom Up Z Press 3 x 10 each arm
DB Lateral Raises 3 x 10

Do What You Want 127

Snatch Complex Snatch from High Box: 2RM
Front Squat with Belt Set 1: 83% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 83% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 83% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Sumo Deadlifts 80% for 8 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
GHDs 3x8
Belt Squat RDLs 4 x 60 sec
One Arm OH Fat Grip Dumbbell Carry 3 x 25 yd each arm

Clean and Jerk Complex Clean + 2 Front Squats + 2 Jerks: Max
Dips (Eccentric Slower than Concentric) 5 x submaximal reps (if ten reps or more, add weight)
Superset with Preacher Curls and 3 x 10
Band Push-downs Superset with Band 3 x 50 sec and 3 x 50 sec
Banded Rows 4 x 60 sec
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
4 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 128

Hang Snatch from Below the Knee 3RM (9 RPE)
Box Squats 85% for 6 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
2 Inch Deficit Snatch Grip Deadlift (5 Sec 5RM (9 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 5
GHDs 5x8
Seated Band Leg Curls 4 x 12 reps
Unilateral Farmer's Walk 3 x 50 yd each arm
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
4 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Push Jerks 5RM (9 RPE)
Wide Grip Bench Press (Wider than Normal 80% for 10 x 5
Competition Grip)
Pull-ups 5 x submaximal reps (switch grips each set, weakest
to strongest)
Bent-over Rows 70% for 5 x 10
DB or KB Upright Rows 5 x 10

Hang Clean 3RM (9 RPE)
Front Squats 80% for 10 x 5
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (Stay at a 5 x 15 each leg
7 RPE)
KB Goblet Squats 3 x 15
Axle Bar Zercher Carries 3 x 50 yd
Recovery Row:
15-20 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)

Close Grip Bench Press 70% for 5 x 10
Incline DB Press 70% for 5 x 10
KB Bottom Up Z Press 3 x 10 each arm
DB Lateral Raises 3 x 10

Do What You Want 129

Snatch Complex Pull + Snatch + Hang Snatch: Max
Front Squat with Belt Set 1: 85% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 10
Sumo Deadlifts 85% for 6 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
GHDs 3x8
Belt Squat RDLs 4 x 70 sec
One Arm OH Fat Grip Dumbbell Carry 3 x 30 yd each arm

Clean and Jerk Complex Clean + 2 Front Squats + Jerk: Max
Dips (Eccentric Slower than Concentric) 5 x submaximal reps (if ten reps or more, add weight)
Superset with Preacher Curls and 3 x 10
Band Push-downs Superset with Band 3 x 55 sec and 3 x 55 sec
Banded Rows 4 x 60 sec
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
5 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 130

Clean and Jerk from Blocks with Bar at 70% x 3, 75% for 2 x 2, 80% x 2, 85% for 2 x 1
No Hook Clean from Blocks 3RM (no misses, 8 RPE)
Front Squats 70% x 4, 75% for 2 x 3, 78% for 2 x 2, 80% x 1
Deadlifts (All Reps Dead Stop) 70% x 4, 75% x 3, 78% for 2 x 2, 80% x 1
Hack Squat or Double Kettlebell Goblet 3 x 20
BB Elevated Hip Thrusts with Band around 3 x 10
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
3 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Jerk Recoveries 5RM
Close Grip Bench Press 70% x 4, 75% for 2 x 3, 78% for 2 x 2, 80% x 1
Floor Presses with 50-100lb of Chains 8RM, then -15% for 2 x 8 (last set is 8+)
Pull-ups 3 x submaximal reps
BB Bent-over Rows Paused 2 Sec on 3 x 10 and 3 x 12
Sternum Superset with Band Face Pulls
and Press

Snatch from Blocks with Bar at Knee 70% x 3, 75% for 2 x 2, 80% x 2, 85% for 2 x 1
No Hook Snatch from Blocks with Bar at 3RM (no misses, 8 RPE)
Back Squat Box Squats (add weight to the 40% Bar Weight + 30% Bands or Chains for 6 x 3 (60-
last two sets if the speed is there) 90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Belt Squat KB RDLs Superset with Leg 3 x 45 sec and 3 x 10
Curls (Seated, DB, or Machine)
Reverse Hypers 3 x 45 sec
Recovery Row:
10-15 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)

Velocity Bench Press 50% Bar Weight + 25% Bands or Chains for 6 x 3 (60-
90 sec rest, velocity goal of 0.75m/s)
Seated Pin Presses with 50-100lb of 6RM, then -10% for 3 x 6
Bands or Chains
Plate Raises Superset with DB Lateral 3 x 10, 3 x 10, and 3 x 10
Raises Superset with DB Power Clean and
Hang Muscle Snatch 3x5

Do What You Want 131

Clean and Jerk Max Effort Pull + Clean + Front Squat + Jerk: Max
Low Bar Back Squat with Belt Set 1: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 75% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 75% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Competition Deadlift 75% for 6 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (Stay at a 4 x 10 each leg
7 RPE)
Bilateral Farmer's Walk 3 x 30 yd

Snatch Max Effort Pull + 2 Snatches: Max
Bench Press Set 1: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 75% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 75% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
DB Tricep Extensions Superset with Band 6 x 8 and 6 x15
Push-downs (30 Sec between Sets)
Fat Bar Curls Superset with Concentration 3 x 10 and 3 x 10
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
4 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 132

Clean and Jerk from Blocks with Bar at 75% for 2 x 3, 80% for 2 x 2, 85% x 2, 88% for 2 x 1
No Hook Clean from Blocks 3RM (no misses, 8 RPE)
Front Squats 73% x 4, 78% for 3 x 3, 80% for 3 x 2, 83% for 2 x 1
Deadlifts (All Reps Dead Stop) 73% x 3, 78% for 2 x 2, 80% for 3 x 2, 83% for 2 x 1
Hack Squat or Double Kettlebell Goblet 4 x 20
BB Elevated Hip Thrusts with Band around 3 x 10
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
2.5 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Jerk Recoveries 5RM
Close Grip Bench Press 73% x 4, 78% for 3 x 3, 80% for 3 x 2, 83% for 2 x 1
Floor Presses with 50-100lb of Chains 8RM, then -15% for 2 x 8 (last set is 8+)
Pull-ups 3 x submaximal reps
BB Bent-over Rows Paused 2 Sec on 3 x 10 and 3 x 12
Sternum Superset with Band Face Pulls
and Press

Snatch from Blocks with Bar at Knee 75% for 2 x 3, 80% for 2 x 2, 85% x 2, 88% for 2 x 1
No Hook Snatch from Blocks with Bar at 3RM (no misses, 8 RPE)
Back Squat Box Squats (add weight to the 45% Bar Weight + 30% Bands or Chains for 7 x 3 (60-
last two sets if the speed is there) 90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Belt Squat KB RDLs Superset with Leg 3 x 50 sec and 3 x 10
Curls (Seated, DB, or Machine)
Reverse Hypers 3 x 50 sec
Recovery Row:
15-20 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)

Velocity Bench Press 55% Bar Weight + 25% Bands or Chains for 6 x 3 (60-
90 sec rest, velocity goal of 0.75m/s)
Seated Pin Presses with 50-100lb of 6RM, then -10% for 3 x 6
Bands or Chains
Plate Raises Superset with DB Lateral 4 x 10, 4 x 10, and 4 x 10
Raises Superset with DB Power Clean and
Hang Muscle Snatch 3x5

Do What You Want 133

Clean and Jerk Max Effort Clean + Front Squat + Jerk: Max
Low Bar Back Squat with Belt Set 1: 78% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 78% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 78% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Competition Deadlift 78% for 7 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (Stay at a 4 x 10 each leg
7 RPE)
Bilateral Farmer's Walk 4 x 30 yd

Snatch Max Effort Pull + Snatch: max
Bench Press Set 1: 78% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 78% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 78% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
DB Tricep Extensions Superset with Band 6 x 8 and 6 x15
Push-downs (30 Sec between Sets)
Fat Bar Curls Superset with Concentration 3 x 10 and 3 x 10
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
4 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 134

Clean and Jerk from Blocks with Bar at 65% for 2 x 3, 70% x 2, 75% for 2 x 1, 80% x 1, 83% x 1
No Hook Clean from Blocks 90% of 3RM for 2 x 3
Front Squats 70% x 4, 75% x 3, 78% for 2 x 2, 80% x 1
Deadlifts (All Reps Dead Stop) 70% x 3, 75% x 3, 78% x 2, 80% x 1
Hack Squat or Double Kettlebell Goblet 3 x 10
BB Elevated Hip Thrusts with Band around 3 x 10
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
3.5 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Jerk Recoveries 5RM
Close Grip Bench Press 70% x 4, 75% x 3, 78% for 2 x 2, 80% x 1
Floor Presses with 50-100lb of Chains 90% of 8RM for 2 x 8
Pull-ups 3 x submaximal reps
BB Bent-over Rows Paused 2 Sec on 3 x 10 and 3 x 12
Sternum Superset with Band Face Pulls
and Press

Snatch from Blocks with Bar at Knee 65% for 2 x 3, 70% x 2, 75% for 2 x 1, 80% x 1, 83% x 1
No Hook Snatch from Blocks with Bar at 90% of 3RM for 2 x 3
Back Squat Box Squats (add weight to the 35% Bar Weight + 30% Bands or Chains for 5 x 3 (60-
last two sets if the speed is there) 90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Belt Squat KB RDLs Superset with Leg 3 x 30 sec and 3 x 10
Curls (Seated, DB, or Machine)
Reverse Hypers 3 x 30 sec
Recovery Row:
15-20 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)

Velocity Bench Press 45% Bar Weight + 25% Bands or Chains for 5 x 3 (60-
90 sec rest, velocity goal of 0.75m/s)
Seated Pin Presses with 50-100lb of 90% of 6RM for 2 x 6
Bands or Chains
Plate Raises Superset with DB Lateral 3 x 8, 3 x 8, and 3 x 8
Raises Superset with DB Power Clean and
Hang Muscle Snatch 3x5

Do What You Want 135

Clean and Jerk Max Effort 2RM
Low Bar Back Squat with Belt Set 1: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 2: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 3: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Competition Deadlift 70% for 6 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (Stay at a 4 x 10 each leg
7 RPE)
Bilateral Farmer's Walk 4 x 25 yd

Snatch Max Effort 2RM
Bench Press Set 1: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 2: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 3: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
DB Tricep Extensions Superset with Band 6 x 8 and 6 x15
Push-downs (30 Sec between Sets)
Fat Bar Curls Superset with Concentration 3 x 10 and 3 x 10
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
5 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 136

No Hook and No Feet Snatch 3RM (8 RPE)
Clean and Jerks 70% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% for 2 x
1, 88% x 1
High Bar Squat with Belt 80% for 3 x 3, 85% for 2 x 2, 88% x 2
Velocity Deadlifts 75% Straight Weight for 8 x 2 with 60-90 sec rest (or
60% Bar Weight + 20% Bands/Chains)
Belt Squat KB Deadlifts 3 x 45 sec
Reverse Hypers 3 x 45 sec
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
4.5 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Jerk From Racks 3RM (paused 3 sec in catch)
Bench to Chest 75% x 5, 80% x 3, 85% x 1 (percentages based on raw
Max Effort Sling Shot Bench 3RM
Bench Press to Chest 83% for 3, 88% x 2, 90% for AMRAP
Close Grip Axle Bar Decline Presses with 5RM, then -15% for 3 x 5 (last set is 5+)
100lb of Chains
Weighted Dips or Nosebreakers Superset 4 x 8 and 4 x 10
with Incline DB Curls
DB Fat Grip OH Walks 3 x 20 yd forwards and backwards

Snatch 70% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% for 2
x 1, 88% x 1
Power Cleans 3RM (8 RPE)
Back Squat Box Squats (add weight to the 50% Bar Weight + 20% Bands or Chains for 6 x 3 (60-
last two sets if the speed is there) 90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Heavy Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats 4 x 5 each leg and 4 x 20
Superset with Leg Press or KB Goblet
Recovery Row:
15-20 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)

Heaving Snatch Balance 1RM with 5 sec pause, then -20% for 3 reps not paused
Dynamic Bench Press (Alternate Grip Each 50% Bar Weight + 20% Bands or Chains for 6 x 3 (60-
Set) 90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Seated DB Shoulder Press 6RM, then -15% for 2 x 6 (last set is 6+)
DB Tri-Delts 3 x (9 front, 9 side, 9 rear)
DB Pullovers 4 x 12

Do What You Want 137

Clean and Jerk Max Effort Clean + Hang Clean + Jerk: Max
Back Squat with Belt Set 1: 80% x 2, rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 6
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 80% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 6
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 80% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 6
Max Effort Deadlift From 8 Inch Blocks: 3RM, then -10% for 3
Suitcase Deadlifts from 4 Inch Deficit (Stay 3 x 5 each side
at 7-8 RPE)
BB High Pull from Pins Belt Squat 3 x 40 sec
Leg Curls (Band, DB, or Machine) 4 x 10 reps

Snatch Max Effort Snatch + Hang Snatch: Max
Bench Press Set 1: 85% x 2, rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 6
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 6
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 6
DB Incline Chest Press 4 x 10
BB Bent-over Rows Paused 2 Sec on 4 x 5 and 4 x submaximal reps
Sternum Superset with Pull-ups
One Arm Kettlebell Rows 3 x 10 each arm
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
6 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 138

No Hook and No Feet Snatch 3RM (9 RPE)
Clean and Jerks 75% x 3, 80% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% for 2 x 1, 88%
High Bar Squat with Belt 80% for 3 x 3, 85% for 2 x 3, 88% for 2 x 2, 90% for 2 x 2
Velocity Deadlifts 80% Straight Weight for 7 x 2 with 60-90 sec rest (or
65% Bar Weight + 20% Bands/Chains)
Belt Squat KB Deadlifts 3 x 50 sec
Reverse Hypers 3 x 50 seconds
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
3 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Jerk From Racks 3RM (first rep paused 3 sec in catch)
Bench to Chest 75% x 5, 80% x 3, 85% x 1 (percentages based on raw
Max Effort Sling Shot Bench 3RM
Bench Press to Chest 85% x 3, 90% x 1, 93% for AMRAP
Close Grip Axle Bar Decline Presses with 5RM, then -15% for 3 x 5 (last set is 5+)
100lb of Chains
Weighted Dips or Nosebreakers Superset 4 x 8 and 4 x 10
with Incline DB Curls
DB Fat Grip OH Walks 3 x 20 yd forwards and backwards

Snatch 75% x 3, 80% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% for 2 x 1, 88%
Power Cleans 3RM (9 RPE)
Back Squat Box Squats (add weight to the 55% Bar Weight + 20% Bands or Chains for 7 x 3 (60-
last two sets if the speed is there) 90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Heavy Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats 4 x 5 each leg and 4 x 20
Superset with Leg Press or KB Goblet
Recovery Row:
15-20 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)

Heaving Snatch Balance 1RM with 5 sec pause, then -20% for 3 reps not paused
Dynamic Bench Press (Alternate Grip Each 55% Bar Weight + 20% Bands or Chains for 7 x 3 (60-
Set) 90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Seated DB Shoulder Press 6RM, then -15% for 2 x 6 (last set is 6+)
DB Tri-Delts 3 x (9 front, 9 side, 9 rear)
DB Pullovers 4 x 12

Do What You Want 139

Clean and Jerk Max Effort Clean + Front Squat + Jerk: Max
Back Squat with Belt Set 1: 83% x 2, rest 2 minutes, then 68% x 6
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 83% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 68% x 6
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 83% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 68% x 6+
Max Effort Deadlift From 8 Inch Blocks: 1RM, then -20% for 3
Suitcase Deadlifts from 4 Inch Deficit (Stay 3 x 5 each side
at 7-8 RPE)
BB High Pull from Pins Belt Squat 3 x 45 sec
Leg Curls (Band, DB, or Machine) 4 x 10 reps

Snatch Max Effort Snatch Pull + Snatch: Max
Bench Press Set 1: 88% x 2, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 6
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 88% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 6
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 88% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 6+
DB Incline Chest Press 4 x 10
BB Bent-over Rows Paused 2 Sec on 4 x 5 and 4 x submaximal reps
Sternum Superset with Pull-ups
One Arm Kettlebell Rows 3 x 10 each arm
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
4 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 140

No Hook and No Feet Snatch 1RM
Clean and Jerks 65% x 3, 78% x 2, 83% x 2, 88% x 1, 90% for 2 x 1, work
up (allowed 1 miss)
High Bar Squat with Belt 1RM, then -20% for 2 x 3
Velocity Deadlifts 85% Straight Weight for 10 x 1 with 60-90 sec rest (or
70% Bar Weight + 20% Bands/Chains)
Belt Squat KB Deadlifts 3 x 60 sec
Reverse Hypers 3 x 60 seconds
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
3 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Jerk From Racks 3RM (no pauses)
Bench to Chest 75% x 5, 80% x 3, 85% x 1 (percentages based on raw
Max Effort Sling Shot Bench 1RM
Bench Press to Chest 83% for 3, 88% x 2, 90% for AMRAP
Close Grip Axle Bar Decline Presses with 5RM, then -15% for 5+ (last set is 5+)
100lb of Chains
Weighted Dips or Nosebreakers Superset 4 x 8 and 4 x 10
with Incline DB Curls
DB Fat Grip OH Walks 3 x 20 yd forwards and backwards

Snatch 65% x 3, 78% x 2, 83% x 2, 88% x 1, 90% for 2 x 1, work
up (allowed 1 miss)
Power Cleans 1RM
Back Squat Box Squats (add weight to the 60% Bar Weight + 20% Bands or Chains for 7 x 2 (60-
last two sets if the speed is there) 90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Heavy Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats 4 x 5 each leg and 4 x 20
Superset with Leg Press or KB Goblet
Recovery Row:
20-25 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)

Heaving Snatch Balance 1RM with 3 sec pause, then -20% for 3 reps not paused
Dynamic Bench Press (Alternate Grip Each 60% Bar Weight + 20% Bands or Chains for 7 x 2 (60-
Set) 90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Seated DB Shoulder Press 5RM, then -15% for 5+
DB Tri-Delts 3 x (9 front, 9 side, 9 rear)
DB Pullovers 3 x 10

Do What You Want 141

Clean and Jerk Max Effort 1RM
Back Squat with Belt Set 1: 85% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 5
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 1,
rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 5
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 1,
rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 5
Max Effort Deadlift From 2 Inch Deficit: 1RM
Suitcase Deadlifts from 4 Inch Deficit (Stay 3 x 5 each side
at 7 RPE)
BB High Pull from Pins Belt Squat 3 x 50 sec
Leg Curls (Band, DB, or Machine) 4 x 10

Snatch Max Effort Snatch Max
Bench Press Set 1: 90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 5
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 90% x 1,
rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 5
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 90% x 1,
rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 5
DB Incline Chest Press 4x8
BB Bent-over Rows Paused 2 Sec on 4 x 5 and 4 x submaximal reps
Sternum Superset with Pull-ups
One Arm Kettlebell Rows 3 x 10 each arm
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
5 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 142

Power Snatch 1RM (9 RPE)
Clean and Jerk 60% x 3, 70% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% x 1, 88% x 1,
work up (allowed 1 miss)
Back Squat 78% x 3, 83% x 2, 88% x 1, 90% x 1, 85% x 2, 90% x 1,
93% x 1
Deadlift Competition Stance 85% x 3, 90% x 2, 93% x 1, 88% x 1, 93% x 1, 95% x 1,
work up if feeling good
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
4 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Jerk from Blocks 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% x 2, Max Out
Bench to Chest 75% x 3, 80% x 2, 85% x 2 (percentages based on raw
Max Effort Bench Press with Reverse 3RM
Bands (Purple if Max is > 300 and Mini
Band if Max < 300LB)
Bench Press (No Bands) Competition Grip 93% for AMRAP
Incline Close Grip Axle Bar Presses with 3RM, then -15% for 4 x 3 (last set is 3+)
100lb of Chains
Nosebreakers Superset with Pullovers 4x10, 4 x 10, and 4 x 10
Superset with Close Grip Presses
KB Staggered Carries (OH and Farmer's) 3 x 40 yd each way

Snatch 60% x 3, 70% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% x 1, 88% x 1,
work up (allowed 1 miss)
Clean from High Blocks (Bar at Mid Thigh) 1RM (9 RPE)
High Bar Back Squat + Bands or Chains 65% Bar Weight + 10% Bands or Chains for 6 x 3 (60-
90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Leg Curls (Band, DB, or Machine) 4 x 10
Reverse Hypers 4 x 60 seconds
Sled Drags Forwards 2 x 60 seconds
Sled Drags Backwards 2 x 60 seconds
Recovery Row:
20-25 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)

Do What You Want 143

Dynamic Bench Press 65% Bar Weight + 10% Bands or Chains for 6 x 3 (60-
90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Seated DB Power Clean and Press 3 x 10 and 3 x 10
Superset with Plate Front Raises
Chest Supported KB Bat Wing Rows (2 Sec 3 x 10
Pause at Top)
Lying DB External Rotation 3 x 10 each arm

Snatch 1RM Competition Style (3 attempts)
Back Squat with Belt Set 1: 90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 4
Set 2: (add 5-10 kilos to 1-rep if possible, don't add for
4-rep) 90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 4
Set 3: (add 5-10 kilos to 1-rep if possible, don't add for
4-rep) 90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 4+
Max Effort Deadlift Reverse Bands (Purple 1RM, then -15% for 3
if Max is > 400lb and Mini Bands if <
400lb, Bands Should Completely Deload at
BB Hip Thrusts with Band around Knees 3 x 10
GHDs (Weighted if Possible) 3x5

Clean and Jerk 1RM Competition Style (3 attempts)
Bench Press Set 1: 90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 4
Set 2: (add 5-10 kilos to 1-rep if possible, don't add for
4-rep) 90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 4
Set 3: (add 5-10 kilos to 1-rep if possible, don't add for
4-rep) 90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 4+
Band Push-downs 3 x 15
Preacher Curls 3 x 10
Seated Rows 3 x 10
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
6 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 144

Power Snatch 1RM (no misses)
Clean and Jerk Work up to opener for 2 Cleans + 1 Jerk and then work
Back Squat Work up to opener for a double
Deadlift Competition Stance 90% x 2, 93% x 1, work up if feeling good
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
5 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Jerk from Blocks 1RM
Bench to Chest 75% x 3, 80% x 2, 85% x 2 (percentages based on raw
Max Effort Bench Press with Reverse 1RM
Bands (Purple if Max is > 300 and Mini
Band if Max < 300LB)
Bench Press (No Bands) Competition Grip 93% x 2, 95% for 1, max, then 85% for AMRAP
Incline Close Grip Axle Bar Presses with 3RM, then -15% for 4 x 3 (last set is 3+)
100lb of Chains
Nosebreakers Superset with Pullovers 3 x 8, 3 x 8, and 3 x 8
Superset with Close Grip Presses
KB Staggered Carries (OH and Farmer's) 3 x 40 yd each way

Snatch Work up to opener for a double, and then work up
Clean from High Blocks (Bar at Mid Thigh) 1RM (no misses)
High Bar Back Squat + Bands or Chains 70% Bar Weight + 10% Bands or Chains for 7 x 2 (60-
90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Leg Curls (Band, DB, or Machine) 4 x 10
Reverse Hypers 3 x 35 seconds
Sled Drags Forwards 2 x 60 seconds
Sled Drags Backwards 2 x 60 seconds
Recovery Row:
20-25 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)

Do What You Want 145

Dynamic Bench Press 70% Bar Weight + 10% Bands or Chains for 7 x 2 (60-
90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Seated DB Power Clean and Press 3 x 10 and 3 x 10
Superset with Plate Front Raises
Chest Supported KB Bat Wing Rows (2 Sec 3 x 10
Pause at Top)
Lying DB External Rotation 3 x 10 each arm

Snatch 1RM Competition Style (3 attempts)
Back Squat with Belt 1RM
Max Effort Deadlift 2 Inch Deficit Deadlift: 1RM (No Bands)
BB Hip Thrusts with Band around Knees 3 x 10
GHDs (Weighted if Possible) 3x5

Clean and Jerk 1RM Competition Style (3 attempts)
Bench Press 1RM
Band Push-downs 3 x 10 reps
Preacher Curls Off
Seated Rows 3 x 10
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
7 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 146

Power Snatch 65% for 3 x 2
Clean and Jerk Work up to opener
Back Squat Off
Deadlift Competition Stance Work up to opener x 1
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
2 miles at 80% pace
5 minute cool down

Jerk from Blocks Off
Bench to Chest 75% x 5, 80% x 3, 85% x 2, 90% x 1 (percentages based
on raw max)
Max Effort Bench Press with Reverse Off
Bands (Purple if Max is > 300 and Mini
Band if Max < 300LB)
Bench Press (No Bands) Competition Grip Opener
Incline Close Grip Axle Bar Presses with Off
100lb of Chains
Band Push-downs 3 x 15
KB Staggered Carries (OH and Farmer's) Off

Snatch 1RM (no misses)
Clean from High Blocks (Bar at Mid Thigh) 65% for 3 x 2
High Bar Back Squat + Bands or Chains 75% Bar Weight Only for 5 x 2 (60-90 sec between sets,
velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Leg Curls (Band, DB, or Machine) Off
Reverse Hypers 3 x 70 seconds
Sled Drags Forwards 1 x 60 seconds
Sled Drags Backwards 1 x 60 seconds
Recovery Row:
10-15 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)

Do What You Want 147

Dynamic Bench Press 75% Bar Weight Only for 5 x 2 (60-90 sec between sets,
velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Seated DB Power Clean and Press 3 x 10
Plate Front Raises Off
Chest Supported KB Bat Wing Rows (2 Sec 3x5
Pause at Top)

Snatch Max Out
Clean and Jerk Max Out

Back Squat Max Out
Max Bench Press Max Out
Max Deadlift Max Out
5K Race

Do What You Want 148

All of us are so different. Some of us thrive on high volume
and moderate intensity. Some of us thrive on lower volume, higher
intensity, and higher frequency. The goal is to find out who you are
or who your athlete is.

Part of my purpose for writing this book is to teach you guys

and gals how to increase and decrease volume on your own, so
you can experiment on your own to figure out optimal volume. For
this program, I wanted to provide you with a lower volume version
of a plan with Olympic weightlifting, powerlifting, bodybuilding, and
endurance work.

If you’re unsure of the way you react to volume, these lower

volume workouts might be the best place to start. If this cycle is
easy to complete and recover from, then give the higher volume
version a try on your next go around. If you struggle to complete
this plan, you might want to look at how I trimmed the original plan
down to a four-day plan and try the same approach with this one.

Do What You Want 149

Hang Snatch from Below the Knee 3RM (7 RPE), then -10% for 3
Front Squats 80% for 10 x 3
2 Inch Deficit Snatch Grip Deadlift (5 Sec 5RM (7 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 5
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (Stay at a 4 x 15 each leg
7 RPE)
Unilateral Farmer's Walk 3 x 40 yd each arm

Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
2 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Hang Clean 3RM (7 RPE), then -10% for 3
Wide Grip Bench Press (Wider than Normal 80% for 10 x 3
Competition Grip)
Pull-ups 5 x submaximal reps (switch grips each set, weakest
to strongest)
Bent-over Rows 60% for 5 x 10
KB Bottom Up Z Press 3 x 10 each arm
DB or KB Upright Rows 5 x 10
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
3 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down


Snatch Complex Power Snatch Double (Work Heavy)
Front Squat with Belt Set 1: 80% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 80% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 80% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Sumo Deadlifts 75% for 7 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
GHDs 3x8
Belt Squat RDLs 3 x 60 sec
Seated Band Leg Curls 4 x 12 reps

Clean and Jerk Complex Power Clean and Push Jerk Double (Work Heavy)
Close Grip Bench Press 60% for 5 x 10
Incline DB Press 60% for 5 x 10
DB Lateral Raises 3 x 10
Dips (Eccentric Slower than Concentric) 5 x submaximal reps (if ten reps or more, add weight)
Superset with Preacher Curls for Dips and 3 x 10 for Preacher Curls
Recovery Row:
10-15 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)

Do What You Want 150

Hang Snatch from Below the Knee 3RM (8RPE), then -10% for 3
Front Squats 80% for 10 x 4
2 Inch Deficit Snatch Grip Deadlift (5 Sec 5RM (8 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 5
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (Stay at a 5 x 15 each leg
7 RPE)
Unilateral Farmer's Walk 3 x 40 yd each arm

Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
3 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Hang Clean 3RM (8 RPE), then -10% for 3
Wide Grip Bench Press (Wider than Normal 80% for 10 x 4
Competition Grip)
Pull-ups 5 x submaximal reps (switch grips each set, weakest
to strongest)
Bent-over Rows 65% for 5 x 10
KB Bottom Up Z Press 3 x 10 each arm
DB or KB Upright Rows 5 x 10
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
4 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down


Snatch Complex Snatch from High Box: 2RM
Front Squat with Belt Set 1: 83% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 83% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 83% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Sumo Deadlifts 80% for 8 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
GHDs 3x8
Belt Squat RDLs 4 x 60 sec
Seated Band Leg Curls 4 x 12 reps

Clean and Jerk Complex Clean + 2 Front Squats + 2 Jerks: Max
Close Grip Bench Press 65% for 5 x 10
Incline DB Press 65% for 5 x 10
DB Lateral Raises 3 x 10
Dips (Eccentric Slower than Concentric) 5 x submaximal reps (if ten reps or more, add weight)
Superset with Preacher Curls for Dips and 3 x 10 for Preacher Curls
Recovery Row:
10-15 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)

Do What You Want 151

Hang Snatch from Below the Knee 3RM (9 RPE)
Front Squats 80% for 10 x 5
2 Inch Deficit Snatch Grip Deadlift (5 Sec 5RM (9 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 5
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (Stay at a 5 x 15 each leg
7 RPE)
Unilateral Farmer's Walk 3 x 50 yd each arm

Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
4 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Hang Clean 3RM (9 RPE)
Wide Grip Bench Press (Wider than Normal 80% for 10 x 5
Competition Grip)
Pull-ups 5 x submaximal reps (switch grips each set, weakest
to strongest)
Bent-over Rows 70% for 5 x 10
KB Bottom Up Z Press 3 x 10 each arm
DB or KB Upright Rows 5 x 10
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
5 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down


Snatch Complex Pull + Snatch + Hang Snatch: Max
Front Squat with Belt Set 1: 85% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 10
Sumo Deadlifts 85% for 6 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
GHDs 3x8
Belt Squat RDLs 3 x 70 sec
Seated Band Leg Curls 4 x 12 reps

Clean and Jerk Complex Clean + 2 Front Squats + Jerk: Max
Close Grip Bench Press 70% for 5 x 10
Incline DB Press 70% for 5 x 10
DB Lateral Raises 3 x 10
Dips (Eccentric Slower than Concentric) 5 x submaximal reps (if ten reps or more, add weight)
Superset with Preacher Curls for Dips and 3 x 10 for Preacher Curls
Recovery Row:
15-20 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)

Do What You Want 152

No Hook Snatch from Blocks with Bar at 3RM (no misses, 8 RPE)
Clean and Jerk from Blocks with Bar at 70% x 3, 75% for 2 x 2, 80% x 2, 85% for 2 x 1
Front Squats 70% x 4, 75% for 2 x 3, 78% for 2 x 2, 80% x 1
Deadlifts (All Reps Dead Stop) 70% x 4, 75% x 3, 78% for 2 x 2, 80% x 1
Hack Squat or Double Kettlebell Goblet 3 x 20
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (Stay at a 4 x 10 each leg
7 RPE)

Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
3 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Snatch from Blocks with Bar at Knee 70% x 3, 75% for 2 x 2, 80% x 2, 85% for 2 x 1
Jerk Recoveries 5RM
Close Grip Bench Press 70% x 4, 75% for 2 x 3, 78% for 2 x 2, 80% x 1
Floor Presses with 50-100lb of Chains 8RM, then -15% for 2 x 8 (last set is 8+)
Pull-ups 3 x submaximal reps
BB Bent-over Rows Paused 2 Sec on 3 x 10
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
4 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down


Snatch Max Effort Pull + 2 Snatches: Max
Low Bar Back Squat Set 1: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 75% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 75% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Competition Stance Deadlifts 75% for 6 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
Reverse Hypers Superset with Leg Curls 3 x 45 sec and 3 x 10
Bilateral Farmer's Walk 3 x 30 yd

Clean and Jerk Max Effort Pull + Clean + Front Squat + Jerk: Max
Bench Press Set 1: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 75% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 75% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
DB Tricep Extensions Superset with Fat 5 x 8 and 5 x 10
Bar Curls
Plate Raises Superset with DB Lateral 3 x 10, 3 x 10, and 3 x 10
Raises Superset with DB Power Clean and
Recovery Row:
10-15 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)

Do What You Want 153

No Hook Snatch from Blocks with Bar at 3RM (no misses, 8 RPE)
Clean and Jerk from Blocks with Bar at 75% for 2 x 3, 80% for 2 x 2, 85% x 2, 88% for 2 x 1
Front Squats 73% x 4, 78% for 3 x 3, 80% for 3 x 2, 83% for 2 x 1
Deadlifts (All Reps Dead Stop) 73% x 3, 78% for 2 x 2, 80% for 3 x 2, 83% for 2 x 1
Hack Squat or Double Kettlebell Goblet 4 x 20
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (Stay at a 4 x 10 each leg
7 RPE)

Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
2.5 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Snatch from Blocks with Bar at Knee 75% for 2 x 3, 80% for 2 x 2, 85% x 2, 88% for 2 x 1
Jerk Recoveries 5RM
Close Grip Bench Press 73% x 4, 78% for 3 x 3, 80% for 3 x 2, 83% for 2 x 1
Floor Presses with 50-100lb of Chains 8RM, then -15% for 2 x 8 (last set is 8+)
Pull-ups 3 x submaximal reps
BB Bent-over Rows Paused 2 Sec on 3 x 10
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
4 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down


Snatch Max Effort Pull + Snatch: Max
Low Bar Back Squat Set 1: 78% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 78% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 78% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Competition Stance Deadlifts 78% for 7 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
Reverse Hypers Superset with Leg Curls 3 x 50 sec and 3 x 10
Bilateral Farmer's Walk 4 x 30 yd

Clean and Jerk Max Effort Clean + Front Squat + Jerk: Max
Bench Press Set 1: 78% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 78% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 78% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
DB Tricep Extensions Superset with Fat 5 x 8 and 5 x 10
Bar Curls
Plate Raises Superset with DB Lateral 4 x 10, 4 x 10, and 4 x 10
Raises Superset with DB Power Clean and
Recovery Row:
15-20 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)

Do What You Want 154

No Hook Snatch from Blocks with Bar at 90% of 3RM for 2 x 3
Clean and Jerk from Blocks with Bar at 65% for 2 x 3, 70% x 2, 75% for 2 x 1, 80% x 1, 83% x 1
Front Squats 70% x 4, 75% x 3, 78% for 2 x 2, 80% x 1
Deadlifts (All Reps Dead Stop) 70% x 3, 75% x 3, 78% x 2, 80% x 1
Hack Squat or Double Kettlebell Goblet 3 x 10
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (Stay at a 4 x 10 each leg
7 RPE)

Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
3.5 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Snatch from Blocks with Bar at Knee 65% for 2 x 3, 70% x 2, 75% for 2 x 1, 80% x 1, 83% x 1
Jerk Recoveries 5RM
Close Grip Bench Press 70% x 4, 75% x 3, 78% for 2 x 2, 80% x 1
Floor Presses with 50-100lb of Chains 90% of 8RM for 2 x 8
Pull-ups 3 x submaximal reps
BB Bent-over Rows Paused 2 Sec on 3 x 10
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
5 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down


Snatch Max Effort Max Snatch Double
Low Bar Back Squat Set 1: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 2: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 3: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Competition Stance Deadlifts 70% for 6 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
Reverse Hypers Superset with Leg Curls 3 x 30 sec and 3 x 10
Bilateral Farmer's Walk 3 x 25 yd

Clean and Jerk Max Effort Clean and Jerk Max Double
Bench Press Set 1: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 2: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 3: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
DB Tricep Extensions Superset with Fat 5 x 8 and 5 x 10
Bar Curls
Plate Raises Superset with DB Lateral 4 x 12 , 4 x 12, and 4 x 12
Raises Superset with DB Power Clean and
Recovery Row:
15-20 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)

Do What You Want 155

No Hook and No Feet Snatch 3RM (8 RPE)
Clean and Jerks 70% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% for 2 x
1, 88% x 1
High Bar Squat with Belt 80% for 3 x 3, 85% for 2 x 2, 88% x 2
Velocity Deadlifts 75% Straight Weight for 8 x 2 with 60-90 sec rest (or
60% Bar Weight + 20% Bands/Chains)
Belt Squat KB Deadlifts Superset with Leg 3 x 45 sec and 4 x 20
Press or KB Goblet Squats

Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
4.5 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Snatch 70% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% for 2 x
1, 88% x 1
Jerk From Racks 3RM (first rep paused 3 sec in catch)
Bench to Chest 75% x 5, 80% x 3, 85% x 1 (percentages based on raw
Max Effort Sling Shot Bench 3RM
Bench Press to Chest 83% for 3, 88% x 2, 90% for AMRAP
Close Grip Axle Bar Decline Presses with 5RM, then -15% for 3 x 5 (last set is 5+)
100lb of Chains
Weighted Dips or Nosebreakers Superset 4 x 8 and 4 x 10
with Incline DB Curls
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
6 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down


Clean and Jerk Max Effort Clean + Hang Clean + Jerk: Max
Back Squat with Belt Set 1: 80% x 2, rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 6
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 80% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 6
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 80% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 6
Max Effort Deadlift From 8 Inch Blocks: 3RM, then -10% for 3
Suitcase Deadlifts from 4 Inch Deficit (Stay 3 x 5 each side
at 7-8 RPE)
Reverse Hypers 3 x 45 seconds
Leg Curls (Band, DB, or Machine) 4 x 10 reps

Snatch Max Effort Snatch + Hang Snatch: Max
Bench Press Set 1: 85% x 2, rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 6
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 6
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 6+
DB Incline Chest Press 4 x 10
BB Bent-over Rows Paused 2 Sec on 4 x 5 and 4 x submaximal reps
Sternum Superset with Pull-ups
DB Tri-Delts 3 x (9 front, 9 side, 9 rear)
Recovery Row:
15-20 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)

Do What You Want 156

No Hook and No Feet Snatch 3RM (9 RPE)
Clean and Jerks 75% x 3, 80% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% for 2 x 1, 88%
High Bar Squat with Belt 80% for 3 x 3, 85% for 2 x 3, 88% for 2 x 2, 90% for 2 x 2
Velocity Deadlifts 80% Straight Weight for 7 x 2 with 60-90 sec rest (or
65% Bar Weight + 20% Bands/Chains)
Belt Squat KB Deadlifts Superset with Leg 3 x 50 sec and 4 x 20
Press or KB Goblet Squats

Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
3 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Snatch 75% x 3, 80% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% for 2 x 1, 88%
Jerk From Racks 3RM (first rep paused 3 sec in catch)
Bench to Chest 75% x 5, 80% x 3, 85% x 1 (percentages based on raw
Max Effort Sling Shot Bench 3RM
Bench Press to Chest 85% x 3, 90% x 1, 93% for AMRAP
Close Grip Axle Bar Decline Presses with 5RM, then -15% for 3 x 5 (last set is 5+)
100lb of Chains
Weighted Dips or Nosebreakers Superset 4 x 8 and 4 x 10
with Incline DB Curls
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
4 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down


Clean and Jerk Max Effort Clean + Front Squat + Jerk: Max
Back Squat with Belt Set 1: 83% x 2, rest 2 minutes, then 68% x 6
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 83% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 68% x 6
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 83% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 68% x 6+
Max Effort Deadlift From 8 Inch Blocks: 1RM, then -20% for 3
Suitcase Deadlifts from 4 Inch Deficit (Stay 3 x 5 each side
at 7-8 RPE)
Reverse Hypers 3 x 50 seconds
Leg Curls (Band, DB, or Machine) 4 x 10 reps

Snatch Max Effort Snatch Pull + Snatch: Max
Bench Press Set 1: 88% x 2, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 6
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 88% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 6
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 88% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 6+
DB Incline Chest Press 4 x 10
BB Bent-over Rows Paused 2 Sec on 4 x 5 and 4 x submaximal reps
Sternum Superset with Pull-ups
DB Tri-Delts 3 x (9 front, 9 side, 9 rear)
Recovery Row:
15-20 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)

Do What You Want 157

No Hook and No Feet Snatch 1RM
Clean and Jerks 65% x 3, 78% x 2, 83% x 2, 88% x 1, 90% for 2 x 1, work
up (allowed 1 miss)
High Bar Squat with Belt 1RM, then -20% for 2 x 3
Velocity Deadlifts 85% Straight Weight for 10 x 1 with 60-90 sec rest (or
70% Bar Weight + 20% Bands/Chains)
Belt Squat KB Deadlifts Superset with Leg 3 x 60 sec and 4 x 20
Press or KB Goblet Squats

Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
3 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Snatch 65% x 3, 78% x 2, 83% x 2, 88% x 1, 90% for 2 x 1, work
up (allowed 1 miss)
Jerk From Racks 1RM no pauses
Bench to Chest 75% x 5, 80% x 3, 85% x 1 (percentages based on raw
Max Effort Sling Shot Bench 1RM
Bench Press to Chest 83% for 3, 88% x 2, 90% for AMRAP
Close Grip Axle Bar Decline Presses with 5RM, then -15% for 5+
100lb of Chains
Weighted Dips or Nosebreakers Superset 4 x 8 and 4 x 10
with Incline DB Curls
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
5 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down


Clean and Jerk Max Effort 1RM
Back Squat with Belt Set 1: 85% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 5
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 1,
rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 5
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 1,
rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 5
Max Effort Deadlift From 2 Inch Deficit: 1RM
Suitcase Deadlifts from 4 Inch Deficit (Stay 3 x 5 each side
at 7 RPE)
Reverse Hypers 3 x 60 seconds
Leg Curls (Band, DB, or Machine) 4 x 10 reps

Snatch Max Effort 1RM
Bench Press Set 1: 90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 5
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 90% x 1,
rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 5
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 90% x 1,
rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 5
DB Incline Chest Press 4x8
BB Bent-over Rows Paused 2 Sec on 4 x 5 and 3 x submaximal reps
Sternum Superset with Pull-ups
DB Tri-Delts 3 x (9 front, 9 side, 9 rear)
Recovery Row:
20-25 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)

Do What You Want 158

Clean and Jerk 60% x 3, 70% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% x 1, 88% x 1,
work up (allowed 1 miss)
Back Squat 78% x 3, 83% x 2, 88% x 1, 90% x 1, 85% x 2, 90% x 1,
93% x 1
Deadlift Competition Stance 85% x 3, 90% x 2, 93% x 1, 88% x 1, 93% x 1, 95% x 1,
work up if feeling good
Leg Curls (Band, DB, or Machine) 4 x 10

Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
4 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Snatch 60% x 3, 70% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% x 1, 88% x 1,
work up (allowed 1 miss)
Bench to Chest 75% x 3, 80% x 2, 85% x 2 (percentages based on raw
Max Effort Bench Press with Reverse 3RM
Bands (Purple if Max is > 300 and Mini
Band if Max < 300LB)
Bench Press (No Bands) Competition Grip 93% for AMRAP
Incline Close Grip Axle Bar Presses with 3RM, then -15% for 4 x 3 (last set is 3+)
100lb of Chains
Nosebreakers Superset with Pullovers 4 x 10, 4 x 10, and 4 x 10
Superset with Close Grip Presses
BB Curls 3 x 10
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
6 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down


Snatch 1RM Competition Style (3 attempts)
Back Squat with Belt Set 1: 90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 4
Set 2: (add 5-10 kilos to 1-rep if possible, don't add for
4-rep) 90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 4
Set 3: (add 5-10 kilos to 1-rep if possible, don't add for
4-rep) 90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 4+
Max Effort Deadlift Reverse Bands (Purple 1RM, then -15% for 3
if Max is > 400lb and Mini Bands if < 400lb,
Bands Completely Deload at Lockout)
BB Hip Thrusts with Band around Knees 3 x 10
GHDs (Weighted if Possible) 3x5

Clean and Jerk 1RM
Bench Press Set 1: 90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 4
Set 2: (add 5-10 kilos to 1-rep if possible, don't add for
4-rep) 90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 4
Set 3: (add 5-10 kilos to 1-rep if possible, don't add for
4-rep) 90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 4+
Band Push-downs 3 x 15 reps
Preacher Curls 3 x 10 reps
Seated Rows 3 x 10
Recovery Row:
20-25 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)

Do What You Want 159

Clean and Jerk Work up to opener for 2 Cleans + 1 Jerk and then work
Back Squat Work up to opener for a Double
Deadlift Competition Stance 90% x 2, 93% x 1, work up if feeling good
Leg Curls (Band, DB, or Machine) 4 x 10

Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
5 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Snatch Work up to opener for a Double, and then work up
Bench to Chest 75% x 3, 80% x 2, 85% x 2 (percentages based on raw
Max Effort Bench Press with Reverse 1RM
Bands (Purple if Max is > 300 and Mini
Band if Max < 300LB)
Bench Press (No Bands) Competition Grip 93% x 2, 95% for 1, max, then 85% for AMRAP
Incline Close Grip Axle Bar Presses with 3RM, then -15% for 4 x 3 (last set is 3+)
100lb of Chains
Nosebreakers Superset with Pullovers 3 x 8, 3 x 8, and 3 x 8
Superset with Close Grip Presses
BB Curls 3 x 10
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
7 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down


Snatch 1RM Competition Style (3 attempts)
Back Squat with Belt 1RM
Max Effort Deadlift 2 Inch Deficit Deadlift: 1RM (No Bands)
BB Hip Thrusts with Band around Knees 3 x 10
GHDs (Weighted if Possible) 3x5

Clean and Jerk 1RM Competition Style (3 attempts)
Bench Press 1RM
Band Push-downs 3 x 10
Preacher Curls Off
Seated Rows 3 x 10
Recovery Row:
20-25 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)

Do What You Want 160

Clean and Jerk Work up to Clean and Jerk opener

Back Squat Work up to last warm up

Deadlift Competition Stance Work up to last warm up
Leg Curls (Band, DB, or Machine) 3x8

Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
2 miles at 80% pace
5 minute cool down

Snatch Snatch opener
Bench to Chest 75% x 5, 80% x 3, 85% x 2, 90% x 1 (percentages based
on raw max)
Max Effort Bench Press with Reverse Off
Bands (Purple if Max is > 300 and Mini
Band if Max < 300LB)
Bench Press (No Bands) Competition Grip Opener
Incline Close Grip Axle Bar Presses with Off
100lb of Chains
Band Push-downs 3 x 15
BB Curls Off
Recovery Row:
10-15 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)


Snatch Max Out
Clean and Jerk Max Out

Back Squat Max Out
Max Bench Press Max Out
Max Deadlift Max Out
Long Slow Run:
5K Race

Do What You Want 161

I coach a lot of competitive CrossFitters. If you want to take
your functional fitness performance to the next level, this plan is the
perfect plan for you. This program will get you strong and skilled in
the movements that apply to your sport.

Although many give endurance work a bad rap, it should be

valued by all functional fitness competitors. As I explained earlier
in the book, a strong oxidative system can work together with the
glycolytic system to create an overall more efficient athlete. If
you have a weak oxidative system, you are going to burn up your
glycogen stores at a much faster rate. You’re going to enter the
infamous “pain cave” more quickly. Endurance work is the key to
turning this around.

This workout is very similar to the “Do It All” plan. We took out
a lot of the strongman work (yoke walks and log presses). For the
powerlifting work, we either eliminated it or substituted in some
movements more specific to weightlifting. For example, day two of
the first week has strict presses instead of bench pressing. Strict
presses are better for preparing you for all the overhead movements.
I have seen a lot of ladies break their wrists and elbows because
their strong legs could hoist weight overhead that their upper body
wasn’t prepared to handle. We want this program to leave you
properly prepared.

You can clearly see the differences between the “Do It All” plan
and this program when you look at the fourth day of week four.

Do What You Want 162

Velocity based bench presses and log presses are taken out and
sport-specific movements (overhead squats, overhead seated pin
presses, and muscle snatches) are added in their place. I would
encourage you to compare this plan and the “Do It All” plan day-by-
day to note the differences. Throughout the entire 12-week cycle,
we have made substitutions. Olympic weightlifting is a sport that
requires a high degree of specificity due to its complex nature, and
this program was designed around that foundation.

During the peak phase, we will become even more specific. It’s
time to peak the snatch and clean and jerk, peak your conditioning
for metcons, and end the cycle ready to run a 5K.

Do What You Want 163

Hang Snatch from Below the Knee 3RM (7 RPE), then -10% for 3
High Bar Back Squats 75% for 7 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
2 Inch Deficit Snatch Grip Deadlift (5 Sec 5RM (7 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 5
GHDs 3x8
Seated Band Leg Curls 4 x 12
Unilateral Farmer's Walk 3 x 40 yd each arm
Conditioning for Time: 3 Rounds
1000m Row
20 (10 each leg) Weighted Box Step-ups (angle of knee to hip should be no more than parallel for box
height) with 25lb/15lb each hand
100m Single Arm KB Carry (each arm) with 70lb/55lb

Push Jerks 5RM (7 RPE), then -10% for 5
Strict Press 80% for 10 x 3
Pull-ups 5 x submaximal reps (switch grips each set, weakest
to strongest)
DB or KB Upright Rows 5 x 10
Dips with Eccentric Slower than 5 x submaximal reps (if ten reps or more, add weight)
Banded Rows 4 x 60 sec
Metcon: Workout from Aerobic Capacity (Chris Hinshaw)
This is a continuous workout where your 'rest' is only the easy pace interval parts.
There are 9 total 100m sprints. Your focus is on this part of the workout. You pick your easy pace!
Focus on form. Intensity should not be 100% but 97-98% in order to maintain form.
200m run at easy pace; 100m sprint
400m run at easy pace; 100m sprint
600m run at easy pace; 100m sprint
800m run at easy pace; 100m sprint
1000m run at easy pace; 100m sprint
800m run at easy pace; 100m sprint
600m run at easy pace; 100m sprint
400m run at easy pace; 100m sprint
200m run at easy pace; 100m sprint
Total: 5900m

Hang Clean 3RM (7 RPE), then -10% for 3
Front Squats 80% for 10 x 3
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (7 RPE) 4 x 15 each leg
KB Goblet Squats 3 x 10
Skill Work for Quality and Not for Time: 3 Sets of:
50 Double Unders
10 Alternating Pistol Squats
Metcon: 12 Min AMRAP:
10 Goblet Squats with 55lb/44lb
15 Hollow Rocks (focus on form of the movement)
20 Kettlebell Swings with 55lb/44lb

Do What You Want 164

Close Grip Bench Press 60% for 5 x 10
Incline DB Press 60% for 5 x 10
Bent-over Rows 60% for 5 x 10
KB Bottom Up Z Press 3 x 10 each arm
Preacher Curls 3 x 10
Gymnastics Strength Work:
A: 10 x 2 Press to Handstand (Scale accordingly, even if it's just bear crawl and pulling feet to hands)
B: 10 x 1 Handstand Push-up Negative (slowest possible)
Toes to Bar
Handstand Push-up

Snatch Complex Power Snatch Double (Work Heavy)
Clean and Jerk Complex Power Clean and Push Jerk Double (Work Heavy)
One Arm OH Fat Grip Dumbbell Carry 3 x 25 yd each arm

Front Squat with Belt Set 1: 80% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 80% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 80% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Sumo Deadlifts 75% for 7 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
GHDs 3x8
Belt Squat RDLs 3 x 60 sec
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
2 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 165

Hang Snatch from Below the Knee 3RM (8 RPE), then -10% for 3
High Bar Back Squats 80% for 8 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
2 Inch Deficit Snatch Grip Deadlift (5 Sec 5RM (8 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 5
GHDs 4x8
Seated Band Leg Curls 4 x 12 reps
Unilateral Farmer's Walk 3 x 40 yd each arm
Skill Work for Quality and Not for Time: 4 Sets of:
50 Double Unders
10 Weighted Alternating Pistol Squats
20 Min EMOM:
Odd - 10 Alternating Pistols
Even - 45 Second Plank Hold (weighted if possible)

Push Jerks 5RM (8 RPE), then -10% for 5
Strict Press 80% for 10 x 4
Pull-ups 5 x submaximal reps (switch grips each set, weakest
to strongest)
DB or KB Upright Rows 5 x 10
Dips with Eccentric Slower than Concentric 5 x submaximal reps (if ten reps or more, add weight)
Banded Rows 4 x 60 sec
20 Min AMRAP:
200m Sprint Run
8 Barbell Thrusters 135lb/95lb
10 Toes to Bar

Hang Clean 3RM (8 RPE), then -10% for 3
Front Squats 80% for 10 x 4
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (7 RPE) 5 x 15 each leg
KB Goblet Squats 4 x 10
Axle Bar Zercher Carries 3 x 40 yd
Metcon for Time:
Run 1 mile (at 80-85% pace)
20 Burpees over Barbell
10 Deadlifts with 255lb/185lb
400m Farmer's Carry with 55lb/35lb each hand
10 Deadlifts
20 Burpees over Barbell
Run 1 mile (at 80-85%)

Do What You Want 166

Close Grip Bench Press 65% for 5 x 10
Incline DB Press 65% for 5 x 10
Bent-over Rows 65% for 5 x 10
KB Bottom Up Z Press 3 x 10 each arm
Preacher Curls 3 x 10
Gymnastics Strength Work:
A: 10 x 2 Press to Handstand (Scale accordingly, even if it's just bear crawl and pulling feet to hands)
B: 10 x 1 Handstand Push-up Negative (slowest possible)
30 Muscle-ups for Time

Snatch Complex Snatch from High Box: 2RM
Clean and Jerk Complex Clean + 2 Front Squats + 2 Jerks: Max
One Arm OH Fat Grip Dumbbell Carry 3 x 25 yd each arm

Front Squat with Belt Set 1: 83% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 83% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 83% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Sumo Deadlifts 80% for 8 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
GHDs 3x8
Belt Squat RDLs 4 x 60 sec
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
3 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 167

Hang Snatch from Below the Knee 3RM (9 RPE)
High Bar Back Squats 85% for 6 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
2 Inch Deficit Snatch Grip Deadlift (5 Sec 5RM (9 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 5
GHDs 5x8
Seated Band Leg Curls 4 x 12 reps
Unilateral Farmer's Walk 3 x 50 yd each arm
Metcon: 4 Rounds of
25 Calorie Assault Bike
20 yd Forward and 20 yd Backward OH Axle Carry
15 Kettlebell Swings with 55lb/44lb

Push Jerks 5RM (9 RPE)
Strict Press 80% for 10 x 5
Pull-ups 5 x submaximal reps (switch grips each set, weakest
to strongest)
DB or KB Upright Rows 5 x 10
Dips with Eccentric Slower than Concentric 5 x submaximal reps (if ten reps or more, add weight)
Banded Rows 4 x 60 sec
Gymnastics Strength Work:
A: 5 x 2 Strict Muscle-up
B: 5 x 2 "Kipping Muscle-up"
Metcon: 8 Sets of:
500m Row
1 minute rest between sets
(Record each time)

Hang Clean 3RM (9 RPE)
Front Squats 80% for 10 x 5
KB Goblet Squats 3 x 15
Axle Bar Zercher Carries 3 x 50 yd
Skill Work for Quality Not for Time: 3 sets
25 Triple Unders (work on them for 1-2 minutes/set if you don't have them)
L-Sit Holds x 25-45 seconds
Metcon: 8 Min AMRAP:
3 Hang Power Cleans with 205lb/135lb or with 225lb/155lb for stronger athletes
6 Alternating Pistols
40 yd Bear Crawl

Do What You Want 168

Close Grip Bench Press 70% for 5 x 10
Incline DB Press 70% for 5 x 10
Bent-over Rows 70% for 5 x 10
KB Bottom Up Z Press 3 x 10 each arm
Preacher Curls 3 x 10
Run 400m (at 80%); Run 400m recovery pace
Run 400m (at 85%); Run 400m recovery pace
Run 400m (at 90%); Run 400m recovery pace
Run 400m all out; Walk 400m for recovery

Snatch Complex Pull + Snatch + Hang Snatch: Max
Clean and Jerk Complex Clean + 2 Front Squats + Jerk: Max
One Arm OH Fat Grip Dumbbell Carry 3 x 30 yd each arm

Front Squat with Belt Set 1: 85% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 10
Sumo Deadlifts 85% for 6 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
GHDs 3x8
Belt Squat RDLs 3 x 70 sec
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
4 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 169

Clean and Jerk from Blocks with Bar at 70% x 3, 75% for 2 x 2, 80% x 2, 85% for 2 x 1
No Hook Clean from Blocks 3RM (no misses, 8 RPE)
Front Squats 70% x 4, 75% for 2 x 3, 78% for 2 x 2, 80% x 1
Deadlifts (All Reps Dead Stop) 70% x 4, 75% x 3, 78% for 2 x 2, 80% x 1
Unilateral Hyperextensions 4 x 6 each leg
BB Elevated Hip Thrusts with Band around 3x8
Yoke Carries 5 x 20m (handled the same as 5 x 5 method)
Metcon 3 Rounds for Time:
Row 1500m
Run 800m
Assault Bike 30 Calories

Jerk Recoveries 5RM
Strict Press 70% x 4, 75% for 2 x 3, 78% for 2 x 2, 80% x 1
Close Grip Floor Presses (with 50-100lb of 8RM, then -15% for 2 x 8 (last set is 8+)
BB Rows Paused 2 Sec on Sternum 3 x 10
DB Tricep Extensions Superset with Band 6 x 8 and 6 x 15
Skill Work for Quality Not for Time: 4 Sets of:
25 Triple Unders (work on them for 1-2 minutes/set if you don't have them)
L-Sit Holds x 25-45 seconds
Metcon: 4 Rounds of 3 Min AMRAP:
10 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls with 115lb/75lb
10 Box Jumps with 24"/20"
(Rest 3 minutes between rounds, and start over each round; compare rounds)

Snatch from Blocks with Bar at Knee 70% x 3, 75% for 2 x 2, 80% x 2, 85% for 2 x 1
No Hook Snatch from Blocks with Bar at 3RM (no misses, 8 RPE)
Back Squat Box Squats (add weight to the 40% Bar Weight + 30% Bands or Chains for 6 x 3 (60-
last two sets if the speed is there) 90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Belt Squat KB RDLs 3 x 45 sec
Reverse Hypers 3 x 45 sec
Metcon 5 Rounds:
20 yd Staggered Carry
20 yd Sled Drag Forward with 150lb/100lb
20 yd Staggered Carry (opposite hands)
20 yd Sled Drag Backward with 150lb/100lb

Do What You Want 170

OH Squat Variation Max Effort Work up to 75% for 3 x 5 (last set is 5+)
Unilateral Farmer's Walk 3 x 40 yd each hand
Seated Pin Presses with 50-100lb of 6RM, then -10% for 3 x 6
Bands or Chains
Pull-ups 3 x submaximal reps
Hang Muscle Snatch 3x5
Gymnastics Strength Work:
A: 10 x 12 sec Handstand Hold on Parallettes
B: 10 x 1 Handstand Push-up Negative (slowest possible)
10 Rope Climbs with Burpees between each climb (Burpees increasing by 5 each climb)
Rest 5 minutes
Accumulate 100-200 ft of Handstand Walks

Snatch Max Effort Pull + 2 Snatches: Max
Clean and Jerk Max Effort Pull + Clean + Front Squat + Jerk: Max
Rows Superset with Band Pull-Aparts 3 x 10 and 3 x 10
OH Axle Bar Carries 3 x 40 yd

Back Squat Set 1: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 75% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 75% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
RDLs 3x8
Push Press 10RM, then -15% for 2 x 10
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (Stay at a 4 x 10 each leg
7 RPE)
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
3 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 171

Clean and Jerk from Blocks with Bar at 75% for 2 x 3, 80% for 2 x 2, 85% x 2, 88% for 2 x 1
No Hook Clean from Blocks 3RM (no misses, 8 RPE)
Front Squats 73% x 4, 78% for 3 x 3, 80% for 3 x 2, 83% for 2 x 1
Deadlifts (All Reps Dead Stop) 73% x 3, 78% for 2 x 2, 80% for 3 x 2, 83% for 2 x 1
Unilateral Hyperextensions 4 x 6 each leg
BB Elevated Hip Thrusts with Band around 3x8
Yoke Carries 5 x 20m (handled the same as 5 x 5 method)
Skill Work for Quality Not for Time: 3 Sets of:
Turkish Get-ups x 5 each side with moderate weight, focused on skill of movement
Pistol Squat x 10 (alternating) with 2 second pause in the bottom
Metcon: 12 Min AMRAP:
200m Run
15 Toes to Bar
20 Goblet Squats

Jerk Recoveries 5RM
Strict Press 73% x 4, 78% for 3 x 3, 80% for 3 x 2, 83% for 2 x 1
Close Grip Floor Presses (with 50-100lb of 8RM, then -15% for 2 x 8 (last set is 8+)
BB Rows Paused 2 Sec on Sternum 3 x 10
DB Tricep Extensions Superset with Band 6 x 8 and 6 x 15
Gymnastics Strength Work:
Part A. 3 x Max Effort Hold on the Rings in the false grip
Part B. 10 x 1 Muscle-up Negative with a 5 second count down if possible (Jump into the muscle-up
and do the negative down, resting between reps)
Metcon for Time:
E2MOM for 20 minutes:
3/2 Muscle-up + 20 Double Unders (Focus on the strict muscle-up if possible)

Snatch from Blocks with Bar at Knee 75% for 2 x 3, 80% for 2 x 2, 85% x 2, 88% for 2 x 1
No Hook Snatch from Blocks with Bar at 3RM (no misses, 8 RPE)
Back Squat Box Squats (add weight to the 45% Bar Weight + 30% Bands or Chains for 7 x 3 (60-
last two sets if the speed is there) 90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Belt Squat KB RDLs 3 x 50 sec
Reverse Hypers 3 x 50 sec
Metcon 4 Rounds:
500m Row
25 Wall Balls 30lb/20lb to 10'/9' Target
10 Handstand Push-ups
5 Deadlifts 255lb/185lb and 315lb/225lb for stronger athletes (do not go over 80% of 1RM)

Do What You Want 172

OH Squat Variation Max Effort Work up to 78% for 3 x 5 (last set is 5+)
Unilateral Farmer's Walk 3 x 40 yd each hand
Seated Pin Presses with 50-100lb of 6RM, then -10% for 3 x 6
Bands or Chains
Pull-ups 3 x submaximal reps
Hang Muscle Snatch 3x5
Metcon: 5 Sets of:
Farmer's Carry x 20 yd 135lb/95lb each hand
Sled Push High x 20 yd 150lb/100lb
Farmer's Carry x 20 yd 135lb/95lb each hand
Burpee Broad Jumps x 20 yd
Sled Push Low x 20 yd 150lb/100lb
Walking Lunge Step x 20 yd (no weight)
(Rest 2 minutes between sets)

Snatch Max Effort Pull + Snatch: Max
Clean and Jerk Max Effort Clean + Front Squat + Jerk: Max
Rows Superset with Band Pull-Aparts 3 x 10 and 3 x 10
OH Axle Bar Carries 3 x 40 yd

Back Squat Set 1: 78% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 78% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 78% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
RDLs 3x8
Push Press 10RM, then -15% for 2 x 10
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (Stay at a 4 x 10 each leg
7 RPE)
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
2.5 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 173

Clean and Jerk from Blocks with Bar at 65% for 2 x 3, 70% x 2, 75% for 2 x 1, 80% x 1, 83% x 1
No Hook Clean from Blocks 90% of 3RM for 2 x 3
Front Squats 70% x 4, 75% x 3, 78% for 2 x 2, 80% x 1
Deadlifts (All Reps Dead Stop) 70% x 3, 75% x 3, 78% x 2, 80% x 1
Unilateral Hyperextensions 3 x 6 each leg
BB Elevated Hip Thrusts with Band around 3x8
Yoke Carries 5 x 20m (handled the same as 5 x 5 method)
Skill Work for Quality Not for Time: 4 Sets of:
Turkish Get-ups x 8 each side with moderate weight, focused on skill of movement
Pistol Squats x 16 (alternating) with 2 second pause in the bottom
Deadlifts (at 60-65%)
Lateral over the Bar Burpees
(After every 'set' perform 30 Double Unders)

Jerk Recoveries 5RM
Strict Press 70% x 4, 75% x 3, 78% for 2 x 2, 80% x 1
Close Grip Floor Presses (with 50-100lb of 90% of 8RM for 2 x 8
BB Rows Paused 2 Sec on Sternum 3 x 10
DB Tricep Extensions Superset with Band 6 x 8 and 6 x 15
Gymnastics Strength Work:
Part A. 4 x Max Effort Hold on the Rings in the false grip
Part B. 10 x 1 Muscle-up Negative with a 5 second count down if possible (Jump into the muscle-up
and do the negative down, resting between reps)
Metcon for Time:
E2MOM for 20 minutes:
3/2 Muscle-up + 20 Double Unders (Focus on the strict muscle-up if possible)

Snatch from Blocks with Bar at Knee 65% for 2 x 3, 70% x 2, 75% for 2 x 1, 80% x 1, 83% x 1
No Hook Snatch from Blocks with Bar at 90% of 3RM for 2 x 3
Back Squat Box Squats (add weight to the 35% Bar Weight + 30% Bands or Chains for 5 x 3 (60-
last two sets if the speed is there) 90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Belt Squat KB RDLs 3 x 30 sec
Reverse Hypers 3 x 30 sec
Metcon 1: 5 Sets of:
30 sec work/30 seconds rest (rotating through movements)
Goblet Squats
Toes to Bar
Yoke Carry (on back) with 135lb/95lb
Rest 10 minutes
Metcon 2: 8 Sets of:
Row for Meters (30 sec on/30 seconds rest)

Do What You Want 174

OH Squat Variation Max Effort Work up to 80% for 3 x 5
Unilateral Farmer's Walk 3 x 40 yd each hand
Seated Pin Presses with 50-100lb of 90% of 6RM for 2 x 6
Bands or Chains
Pull-ups 3 x submaximal reps
Hang Muscle Snatch 3x5
Gymnastics Strength Work:
A. 10 x 20 sec Handstand Hold on Parallettes
B. 4 x Max Effort HS Walks
800m Sandbag Carry
20 Sandbag Ground to Shoulder
20 Sandbag Shoulder to Overhead
20 Sandbag Squats
400m Sandbag Carry
10 Sandbag Ground to Shoulder
10 Sandbag Shoulder to Overhead
10 Sandbag Squats

Snatch Max Effort 2RM
Clean and Jerk Max Effort 2RM
Rows Superset with Band Pull-Aparts 3 x 10 and 3 x 10
OH Axle Bar Carries 3 x 40 yd

Back Squat Set 1: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 2: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 3: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
RDLs 3x8
Push Press 90% of 10RM for 3 x 10
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (Stay at a 4 x 10 each leg
7 RPE)
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
3.5 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 175

No Hook and No Feet Snatch 3RM (8 RPE)
Clean and Jerks 70% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% for 2 x
1, 88% x 1
High Bar Squat with Belt 80% for 3 x 3, 85% for 2 x 2, 88% x 2
Velocity Deadlifts 75% Straight Weight for 8 x 2 with 60-90 sec rest (or
60% Bar Weight + 20% Bands/Chains)
Goodmornings (SS Bar, Regular, Wide, 3 x 5 starting with 30% of Back Squat
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (Stay at a 4 x 5 each leg
7 RPE)
Yoke Carries 5 x 25m (handled the same as 5 x 5 method)
Skill Work for Quality Not for Time: 3 Sets of:
5-8 Butterfly Chest to Bar Pull-ups (focusing on rhythm and form)
40 Unbroken Double Unders (focusing on technique, breathing, feet together, and staying relaxed)
Metcon: 12 Min AMRAP:
15 Double Arm Kettlebell Swinging Rows
200m Run
15 Kettlebell Potato Squats

Jerk From Racks 3RM (paused 3 sec in catch)
Push Press 80% for 3 x 3, 85% for 2 x 2, 88% x 2
Weighted Dips 4 x submaximal reps
Rope Face Pulls (Hand to Ears) 3 x 12
BB Rows Paused 2 Sec on Sternum 4x5
Gymnastics Strength Work:
A. Max Effort Strict Handstand Push-ups - 1 attempt
B: Take 70% of above and perform that number for 5 sets (ex: 10 strict on A, 7 for part B)
Metcon 1 for Time: 4 Sets of:
25 UNBROKEN Wall Balls with 20lb/14lb to 10' target
(If you break a set, you will accumulate 5 burpees to be done at the end of the 4th round while time
is still going! You will restart the round if you break. Rest as needed in order to do all 25 unbroken.)
(Rest 10 minutes)
Metcon 2: 8 Sets of:
Row for Meters (40 sec on/20 sec off)

Snatch 70% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% for 2 x
1, 88% x 1
Power Cleans 3RM (8 RPE)
Back Squat Box Squats (add weight to the 50% Bar Weight + 20% Bands or Chains for 6 x 3 (60-
last two sets if the speed is there) 90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Belt Squat KB Deadlifts 3 x 45 sec
Suitcase Deadlifts from 4 Inch Deficit (Stay 3 x 5 each side
at 7-8 RPE)
Leg Curls (Band, DB, or Machine) 4 x 10 reps
Metcon 4 Rounds:
Unilateral Farmer's Carry x 100m Left Hand
15 KB Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (same weight as carry)
20 Hollow Rocks
Unilateral Farmer's Carry x 100m Right Hand
Recovery Row:
15-20 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)

Do What You Want 176

Heaving Snatch Balance 1RM with 5 sec pause, then -20% for 3 reps not paused
Pull-ups 4 x submaximal reps
DB Pullovers 4 x 12
DB Tri-Delts 3 x (9 front, 9 side, 9 rear)
Gymnastics Strength Work:
A. Ring Muscle-ups: 1 Max Effort Set
B: Take 70% of above and perform that number for 5 sets
(ex: 10 Muscle-ups in A, 7 Muscle-ups for 5 sets in B)
Rest as needed between sets for Part B
Metcon: 4 Rounds of 3 Min AMRAP:
5 Bar Muscle-ups
10 Box Jumps to 30"/24"
(Rest 3 minutes between rounds, score individually, and compare)

Snatch Max Effort Snatch + Hang Snatch: Max
Clean and Jerk Max Effort Clean + Hang Clean + Jerk: Max
Rows Superset with DB Rear Delt Flies 3 x 10 and 3 x 10
Plank with Lat Pull 3 x 30 sec each side

Back Squat with Belt Set 1: 80% x 2, rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 6
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 80% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 6
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 80% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 6
Clean Deadlift From 8 Inch Blocks: 3RM, then -10% for 3
BB High Pull from Pins Belt Squat 3 x 40 sec
Reverse Hypers 3 x 45 sec
Farmer's Walk 4 x 30 yd
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
4.5 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 177

No Hook and No Feet Snatch 3RM (9 RPE)
Clean and Jerks 75% x 3, 80% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% for 2 x 1, 88%
High Bar Squat with Belt 80% for 3 x 3, 85% for 2 x 3, 88% for 2 x 2, 90% for 2 x 2
Velocity Deadlifts 80% Straight Weight for 7 x 2 with 60-90 sec rest (or
65% Bar Weight + 20% Bands/Chains)
Goodmornings (SS Bar, Regular, Wide, 3 x 5 (just progress about 2-5k from last week)
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (Stay at a 4 x 5 each leg
7 RPE)
Yoke Carries 5 x 25m (handled the same as 5 x 5 method)
5 Rounds:
400m Med Ball Run with 20lb/14lb
30 Weighted Sit-ups with Med Ball
25 Wall Balls

Jerk From Racks 3RM (first rep paused 3 sec in catch)
Push Press 80% for 3 x 3, 85% for 2 x 3, 88% for 2 x 2, 90% for 2 x 2
Weighted Dips 4 x submaximal reps
Rope Face Pulls (Hand to Ears) 3 x 12
BB Rows Paused 2 Sec on Sternum 4x5
Gymnastics Strength Work:
A. Max Effort Strict Handstand Push-ups - 1 attempt
B: Take 70% of above and perform that number for 7 sets (ex: 10 strict on A, 7 for part B)
(Rest as needed between sets for Part B)
Metcon: 3 Rounds for Time of
15 Thrusters with 125lb/85lb
20 Toes to Bar
500m Row
Metcon 2:
Steady 15 minutes conversational pace on Assault Bike

Snatch 75% x 3, 80% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% for 2 x 1, 88%
Power Cleans 3RM (9 RPE)
Back Squat Box Squats (add weight to the 55% Bar Weight + 20% Bands or Chains for 7 x 3 (60-
last two sets if the speed is there) 90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Belt Squat KB Deadlifts 3 x 50 sec
Suitcase Deadlifts from 4 Inch Deficit (Stay 3 x 5 each side
at 7-8 RPE)
Leg Curls (Band, DB, or Machine) 4 x 10
5K Row at 85%

Do What You Want 178

Heaving Snatch Balance 1RM with 5 sec pause, then -20% for 3 reps not paused
Pull-ups 4 x submaximal reps
DB Pullovers 4 x 12
DB Tri-Delts 3 x (9 front, 9 side, 9 rear)
Gymnastics Strength Work:
A. Ring Muscle-ups: 1 Max Effort Set
B: Take 70% of above and perform that number for 5 sets
(ex: 10 Muscle-ups in A, 7 Muscle-ups for 5 sets in B)
Rest as needed between sets for Part B
Power Cleans with 155lb/105lb
Burpees over the Bar
Double Unders

Snatch Max Effort Snatch Pull + Snatch: Max
Clean and Jerk Max Effort Clean + Front Squat + Jerk: Max
Rows Superset with DB Rear Delt Flies 3 x 10 and 3 x 10
Plank with Lat Pull 3 x 30 sec each side

Back Squat with Belt Set 1: 83% x 2, rest 2 minutes, then 68% x 6
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 83% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 68% x 6
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 83% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 68% x 6+
Clean Deadlift From 8 Inch Blocks: 1RM, then -10% for 3
BB High Pull from Pins Belt Squat 3 x 45 sec
Reverse Hypers 3 x 50 seconds
Farmer's Walk 4 x 30 yd
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
3 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 179

No Hook and No Feet Snatch 1RM
Clean and Jerks 65% x 3, 78% x 2, 83% x 2, 88% x 1, 90% for 2 x 1, work
up (allowed 1 miss)
High Bar Squat with Belt 1RM, then -20% for 2 x 3
Velocity Deadlifts 85% Straight Weight for 10 x 1 with 60-90 sec rest (or
70% Bar Weight + 20% Bands/Chains)
Goodmornings (SS Bar, Regular, Wide, 3 x 5 (just progress about 2-5k from last week)
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (Stay at a 3 x 5 each leg
7 RPE)
Yoke Carries 5 x 25m (handled the same as 5 x 5 method)
Metcon 3 Rounds for Time:
100 Double Unders
50 Calorie Row
20 Pistol Squats

Jerk From Racks 3RM (no pauses)
Push Press 1RM, then -20% for 2 x 3
Weighted Dips 5 x submaximal reps
Rope Face Pulls (Hand to Ears) 3 x 12
BB Rows Paused 2 Sec on Sternum 4x5
Gymnastics Strength Work:
A: 2 min Accumulate in Support on Rings
B: 2 min Accumulate in Bottom of the Ring Dip
Metcon 1: E2MOM for 6 Sets of:
50 Double Unders
15/12 Ring Dips
(Rest 10 minutes)
Metcon 2: E2MOM for 5 Sets of:
20 Calorie on Assault Bike
10 Burpees

Snatch 65% x 3, 78% x 2, 83% x 2, 88% x 1, 90% for 2 x 1, work
up (allowed 1 miss)
Power Cleans 1RM
Back Squat Box Squats (add weight to the 60% Bar Weight + 20% Bands or Chains for 7 x 2 (60-
last two sets if the speed is there) 90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Belt Squat KB Deadlifts 3 x 60 sec
Suitcase Deadlifts from 4 Inch Deficit (Stay 3 x 5 each side
at 7 RPE)
Leg Curls (Band, DB, or Machine) 4 x 10
Metcon: 4 Sets of:
Plank Hold x 45 seconds
OH Axle Bar Carry x 20 yd Forward
Bear Crawl x 20 yd
Sled Drag Forward x 20 yd
OH Axle Bar Carry x 20 yd Backward
Sled Drag Backward x 20 yd

Do What You Want 180

Heaving Snatch Balance 1RM with 3 sec pause, then -20% for 3 reps not paused
Pull-ups 3 x submaximal reps
DB Pullovers 3 x 10
DB Tri-Delts 3 x (9 front, 9 side, 9 rear)
Skill Work for Quality Not for Time: 3 Sets of:
Handstand Walks x 20-40 yd
Ring Muscle-up x 2-4 + 2 Ring Dips
Metcon: 5 Rounds for Time:
3 Bar Muscle-ups
10 Overhead Squats with 135lb/95lb
400m Run

Snatch Max Effort 1RM
Clean and Jerk Max Effort 1RM
Rows Superset with DB Rear Delt Flies 3 x 10 and 3 x 10
Plank with Lat Pull 3 x 40 sec each side

Back Squat with Belt Set 1: 85% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 5
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 1,
rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 5
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 1,
rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 5
Clean Deadlift From 2 Inch Deficit: 1RM
BB High Pull from Pins Belt Squat 3 x 50 sec
Reverse Hypers 3 x 60 seconds
Farmer's Walk 4 x 30 yd
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
3 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 181

Power Snatch 1RM (9 RPE)
Clean and Jerk 60% x 3, 70% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% x 1, 88% x 1,
work up (allowed 1 miss)
Front Squat 78% x 3, 83% x 2, 88% x 1, 90% x 1, 85% x 2, 90% x 1,
93% x 1
Clean Pulls from 4 Inch Blocks 103% for 3 x 3
GHDs (Weighted if Possible) 3x5
Yoke Carries 5 x 30m (handled the same as 5 x 5 method)
Conditioning: 5 Sets of:
Plank Hold x 45 seconds
OH Axle Bar Carry x 20 yd Forward
Bear Crawl x 20 yd
Sled Drag Forward x 20 yd
OH Axle Bar Carry x 20 yd Backward
Sled Drag Backward x 20 yd

Jerk from Blocks 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% x 2, Max Out
Incline Close Grip Axle Bar Presses with 3RM, then -15% for 4 x 3 (last set is 3+)
100lb of Chains
Chest Supported KB Bat Wing Rows (2 Sec 3 x 10
Pause at Top)
Seated DB Power Cleans Superset with 3 x 10 and 3 x 10
Plate Front Raises
Skill Work for Quality Not for Time: 4 Sets of:
Handstand Walks x 20-40 yd
Muscle-up x 2-4 + 2 Ring Dips
Metcon: 2 Rounds of
Run 800m
40 Toes to Bar
20 Box Jumps to 30"/24"
10 Handstand Push-ups

Snatch 70% x 3, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% x 1, 73% x 3, 78% x 2,
83% x 1, 88% x 1, 90% x 1
Clean from High Blocks (Bar at Mid Thigh) 3RM (8 RPE)
High Bar Back Squat + Bands or Chains 60% Bar Weight + 10% Bands or Chains for 7 x 3 (60-
90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Reverse Hypers 4 x 50 seconds
4 Rounds of: 30 seconds Assault Bike for Calories; (30 seconds rest)
4 Rounds: 30 seconds Double Unders; (30 seconds rest)
4 Rounds: 30 seconds Kettlebell Swing with 55lb/44lb; (30 seconds rest)

Do What You Want 182

Warm Up with OH Squat Variations Work up to 83% for 1 rep paused 5 sec
Horizontal Bodyweight Rows with Feet 3 x submaximal reps
Plate Lateral Raises 3 x 10
Sled Drags Forwards 2 x 60 seconds
Sled Drags Backwards 2 x 60 seconds
Metcon 1: Elizabeth
Power Cleans with 135lb/95lb
Ring Dips
(Rest 10 minutes)
Metcon 2: 6-8 Sets of:
100m Row as fast as possible
Rest 1 minute between sets

Snatch 1RM Competition Style (3 attempts)
Clean and Jerk 1RM Competition Style (3 attempts)
Seated Rows 3 x 10
Snatch High Pulls from Blocks 80% for 3 x 3, working up each set
KB Staggered Carries (OH and Farmer's) 3 x 40 yd each way

Back Squat with Belt Set 1: 90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 4
Set 2: (add 5-10 kilos to 1-rep if possible, don't add for
4-rep) 90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 4
Set 3: (add 5-10 kilos to 1-rep if possible, don't add for
4-rep) 90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 4+
Belt Squat KB RDLs (Eccentric Slower than 3 x 45 sec
Leg Curls (Band, DB, or Machine) 4 x 10
BB Hip Thrusts with Band around Knees 3 x 10
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
4 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 183

Power Snatch 1RM (no misses)
Clean and Jerk Work up to opener for 2 Cleans + 1 Jerk and then work
Front Squat 85% for 3 x 3
Clean Pulls from 4 Inch Blocks 95% for 3 x 3
GHDs (Weighted if Possible) 3x5
Yoke Carries 3 x 20m (use the final weight from previous week)
Conditioning 4 Sets:
Zercher Carry x 40 yd
Legless Rope Climb x 2
Sled Pull to Row Backward x 10
D-Ball to Shoulder x 10
Sled Pull to Press Forward x 10

Jerk from Blocks 1RM
Incline Close Grip Axle Bar Presses with 3RM, then -15% for 4 x 3 (last set is 3+)
100lb of Chains
Chest Supported KB Bat Wing Rows (2 Sec 3 x 10
Pause at Top)
Seated DB Power Cleans Superset with 3 x 10 and 3 x 10
Plate Front Raises
Skill Work for Quality Not for Time: 3 Sets of:
50 Unbroken Double Unders
L-Sit Hold x 30-45 seconds
Metcon: 15 Min AMRAP:
5 Ring Muscle-ups
10 Strict Handstand Push-ups
300m Row

Snatch 60% x 3, 70% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% x 1, 88% x 1,
work up (allowed 1 miss)
Clean from High Blocks (Bar at Mid Thigh) 1RM (9 RPE)
High Bar Back Squat + Bands or Chains 65% Bar Weight + 10% Bands or Chains for 6 x 3 for
60-90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s
Reverse Hypers 4 x 60 seconds
Sled Drags Forwards 2 x 60 seconds
Sled Drags Backwards 2 x 60 seconds
Metcon: 3 Rounds of 3 Min AMRAP:
3 Hang Power Cleans 205lb/145lb
15 Wall Balls 30lb/20lb to 9'
(Rest 3 minutes between rounds)

Do What You Want 184

Warm Up with OH Squat Variations Work up to 85% for 1 rep paused 3 sec
Horizontal Bodyweight Rows with Feet 3x5
Plate Lateral Raises 3 x 10
Sled Drags Forwards 2 x 60 seconds
Sled Drags Backwards 2 x 60 seconds
Gymnastics Strength Work: 8 Sets of:
10 Ring Push-ups (nice and controlled)
30 seconds hold on rings in Push-up position
Metcon 1: 3 Rounds for Time of
20 Weighted DB Box Step-ups with 30lb/20lb each hand
20 Ab Roll-outs
10 Shoulder to Overhead with 135lb/95lb
(Rest 10 minutes)
Metcon 2: 6-8 Sets of:
100m Row as fast as possible
(Rest 1 minute between sets)

Snatch 1RM Competition Style (3 attempts)
Clean and Jerk 1RM Competition Style (3 attempts)
Seated Rows 3 x 10
Snatch High Pulls from Blocks 80% for 3 x 3, working up each set
KB Staggered Carries (OH and Farmer's) 3 x 40 yd each way

Back Squat with Belt 1RM
Belt Squat KB RDLs (Eccentric Slower than 3 x 30 sec
Leg Curls (Band, DB, or Machine) 4 x 10
BB Hip Thrusts with Band around Knees 3 x 10
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
5 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 185

Power Snatch 65% for 3 x 2
Clean and Jerk Work up to Clean and Jerk opener
Front Squat 90% x 1
Clean Pulls from 4 Inch Blocks Off
GHDs (Weighted if Possible) 3x5
Yoke Carries Heaviest 30m Yoke Carry for Max Speed of 30m
Skill Work for Quality Not for Time: 4 Sets of:
50 Unbroken Double Unders
L-Sit Hold x 30-45 seconds
Kettlebell Swings 55lb/44lb
Calorie Row

Jerk from Blocks Off
Incline Close Grip Axle Bar Presses with Off
100lb of Chains
Chest Supported KB Bat Wing Rows (2 Sec 3x5
Pause at Top)
Seated DB Power Cleans 3 x 10
Plate Front Raises Off
Gymnastics Strength Work:
4 x 30 second handstand hold on parallettes
4 x 20 second Max Effort Strict Deficit Handstand Push-up 6"/4"
Metcon: 4 Rounds of
10 Push Jerks with 135lb/95lb
Run 400m
10 Chest to Bar Pull-ups

Snatch 1RM (no misses)
Clean from High Blocks (Bar at Mid Thigh) 65% for 3 x 2
High Bar Back Squat + Bands or Chains 75% Bar Weight Only for 5 x 2 for 60-90 sec between
sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s
Reverse Hypers 3 x 70 seconds
Sled Drags Forwards 1 x 60 seconds
Sled Drags Backwards 1 x 60 seconds
Metcon 1:
10 Min EMOM:
Odd - 3 Deadlifts (at 70%)
Even - 8 Burpees over Bar
Rest 10 minutes
Metcon 2: 3 Sets of:
500m Row
(Rest 3 minutes between sets)

Do What You Want 186

Warm Up with OH Squat Variations 75% for 2 x 2
Horizontal Bodyweight Rows with Feet 75% for 2 x 2
Plate Lateral Raises 3 x 10
Sled Drags Forwards Off
Sled Drags Backwards Off
Conditioning: 5 Sets of:
Zercher Carry x 40 yd
Legless Rope Climb x 2
Sled Pull to Row Backward x 10
D-Ball to Shoulder x 10
Sled Pull to Press Forward x 10


Snatch Max Out
Clean and Jerk Max Out
Max Speed 5K for Time

Do What You Want 187

This is simply a lower volume version of the preceding program.
If you work a full-time job, are incredibly busy with school, or have
several children, this version will probably produce more results
than the high volume version. Absolutely nothing is new, but we
have strategically subtracted movements and volume in a way that
should still render great results. For example, we have subtracted
a squat session - the Monday dynamic squats. We’ve kept the
sessions with the most volume as to keep the majority of the gains.

You will also notice this version is only a five-day version, so

you have an extra day to rest. You can also use this day for the
endurance work, so you can separate the endurance work from
the strength work. It all depends on what’s important to you. If you
are more strength focused, use the extra day for rest. If you want
to improve your endurance, then consider moving the endurance
work to the off day. Moving the workout to another day just allows
for more recovery and higher stores of glycogen for energy. Luckily,
we are only talking about a 5K, so the mileage isn’t that brutal.

Do What You Want 188

Hang Snatch from Below the Knee 3RM (7 RPE), then -10% for 3
Front Squats 80% for 10 x 3
2 Inch Deficit Snatch Grip Deadlift (5 Sec 5RM (7 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 5
GHDs 3x8
Unilateral Farmer's Walk 3 x 40 yd each arm
For Time: 3 Rounds
1000m Row
20 (10 each leg) Weighted Box Step-ups (angle of knee to hip should be no more than parallel for box
height) with 25lb/15lb each hand
100m Single Arm KB Carry (each arm) with 70lb/55lb

Hang Clean 3RM (7 RPE), then -10% for 3
Push Jerks 5RM (7 RPE), then -10% for 5
Strict Press 80% for 10 x 3
Pull-ups 5 x submaximal reps (switch grips each set, weakest
to strongest)
Dips (Eccentric Slower than Concentric) 5 x submaximal reps (if ten reps or more, add weight)
Metcon: Workout from Aerobic Capacity (Chris Hinshaw)
This is a continuous workout where your 'rest' is only the easy pace interval parts.
There are 9 total 100m sprints. Your focus is on this part of the workout. You pick your easy pace!
Focus on form. Intensity should not be 100% but 97-98% in order to maintain form.
200m run at easy pace; 100m sprint
400m run at easy pace; 100m sprint
600m run at easy pace; 100m sprint
800m run at easy pace; 100m sprint
1000m run at easy pace; 100m sprint
800m run at easy pace; 100m sprint
600m run at easy pace; 100m sprint
400m run at easy pace; 100m sprint
200m run at easy pace; 100m sprint
Total: 5900m


Do What You Want 189

Snatch Complex Power Snatch Double (Work Heavy)
Front Squat with Belt Set 1: 80% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 80% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 80% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Sumo Deadlifts 75% for 7 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
Belt Squat RDLs 3 x 60 sec
Metcon: 12 Min AMRAP:
10 Goblet Squats with 55lb/44lb
15 Hollow Rocks (focus on form of the movement)
20 Kettlebell Swings with 55lb/44lb

Clean and Jerk Complex Power Clean and Push Jerk Double (Work Heavy)
Close Grip Bench Press 60% for 5 x 10
Bent-over Rows 60% for 5 x 10
KB Bottom Up Z Press 3 x 10 each arm
Gymnastics Strength Work:
A: 10 x 2 Press to Handstand
(Scale accordingly, even if it's just bear crawl and pulling feet to hands)
B: 10 x 1 Handstand Push-up Negative (slowest possible)
Toes to Bar
Handstand Push-up

Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
3 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 cool down

Do What You Want 190

Hang Snatch from Below the Knee 3RM (8 RPE), then -10% for 3
Front Squats 80% for 10 x 4
2 Inch Deficit Snatch Grip Deadlift (5 Sec 5RM (8 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 5
GHDs 4x8
Unilateral Farmer's Walk 3 x 40 yd each arm
Skill Work for Quality and Not for Time: 4 Sets of:
50 Double Unders
10 Weighted Alternating Pistol Squats
20 Min EMOM:
Odd - 10 Alternating Pistols
Even - 45 Second Plank Hold (weighted if possible)

Hang Clean 3RM (8 RPE), then -10% for 3
Push Jerks 5RM (8 RPE), then -10% for 5
Strict Press 80% for 10 x 4
Pull-ups 5 x submaximal reps (switch grips each set, weakest
to strongest)
Dips (Eccentric Slower than Concentric) 5 x submaximal reps (if ten reps or more, add weight)
Metcon: 20 Min AMRAP:
200m Sprint Run
8 Barbell Thrusters with 135lb/95lb
10 Toes to Bar


Do What You Want 191

Snatch Complex Snatch from High Box: 2RM
Front Squat with Belt Set 1: 83% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 83% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 83% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Sumo Deadlifts 80% for 8 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
Belt Squat RDLs 4 x 60 sec
Metcon for Time:
Run 1 mile (at 80-85% pace)
20 Burpees over Barbell
10 Deadlifts with 255lb/185lb
400m Farmer's Carry with 55lb/35lb each hand
10 Deadlifts
20 Burpees over Barbell
Run 1 mile (at 80-85%)

Clean and Jerk Complex Clean + 2 Front Squats + 2 Jerks: Max
Close Grip Bench Press 65% for 5 x 10
Bent-over Rows 65% for 5 x 10
KB Bottom Up Z Press 3 x 10 each arm
Gymnastics Strength Work:
A: 10 x 2 Press to Handstand
(Scale accordingly, even if it's just bear crawl and pulling feet to hands)
B: 10 x 1 Handstand Push-up Negative (slowest possible)
30 Muscle-ups for Time

Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
4 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 192

Hang Snatch from Below the Knee 3RM (9 RPE)
Front Squats 80% for 10 x 5
2 Inch Deficit Snatch Grip Deadlift (5 Sec 5RM (9 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 5
GHDs 5x8
Unilateral Farmer's Walk 3 x 50 yd each arm
Metcon: 4 Rounds of
25 Calorie Assault Bike
20 yd Forward and 20 yd Backward OH Axle Carry
15 Kettlebell Swings with 55lb/44lb

Hang Clean 3RM (9 RPE)
Push Jerks 5RM (9 RPE)
Strict Press 80% for 10 x 5
Pull-ups 5 x submaximal reps (switch grips each set, weakest
to strongest)
Dips (Eccentric Slower than Concentric) 5 x submaximal reps (if ten reps or more, add weight)
Gymnastics Strength Work:
A: 5 x 2 Strict Muscle-up
B: 5 x 2 "Kipping Muscle-up"
Metcon: 8 Sets of:
500m Row
(1 minute rest between sets)
Record each time

Optional Metcon:
Run 400m (at 80%); Run 400m recovery pace
Run 400m (at 85%); Run 400m recovery pace
Run 400m (at 90%); Run 400m recovery pace
Run 400m all out; Walk 400m for recovery

Do What You Want 193

Snatch Complex Pull + Snatch + Hang Snatch: Max
Front Squat with Belt Set 1: 85% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 10
Sumo Deadlifts 85% for 6 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
Belt Squat RDLs 3 x 70 sec
Metcon for Time: 8 Min AMRAP:
3 Hang Power Cleans with 205lb/135lb or with 225lb/155lb for stronger athletes
6 Alternating Pistols
40 yd Bear Crawl

Clean and Jerk Complex Clean + 2 Front Squats + Jerk: Max
Close Grip Bench Press 70% for 5 x 10
Bent-over Rows 70% for 5 x 10
KB Bottom Up Z Press 3 x 10 each arm
Skill Work for Quality Not for Time: 3 Sets of:
25 Triple Unders (work on them for 1-2 minutes/set if you don't have them)
L-Sit Holds x 25-45 seconds

Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
5 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 194

Snatch from Blocks with Bar at Knees 70% x 3, 75% for 2 x 2, 80% x 2, 85% for 2 x 1
No Hook Snatch from Blocks with Bar at 3RM (no misses, 8 RPE)
Front Squats 70% x 4, 75% for 2 x 3, 78% for 2 x 2, 80% x 1
Deadlifts (All Reps Dead Stop) 70% x 4, 75% x 3, 78% for 2 x 2, 80% x 1
Yoke Carries 5 x 20m (handled the same as 5 x 5 method)
Metcon for Time: 3 Rounds of
Row 1500m
Run 800m
Assault Bike 30 Calories

Clean and Jerk from Blocks with Bar at 70% x 3, 75% for 2 x 2, 80% 1 x 2, 85% for 2 x 1
No Hook Clean from Blocks 3RM (no misses, 8 RPE)
Push Press 10RM, then -15% for 2 x 10
BB Rows Paused 2 Sec on Sternum 3 x 10
DB Tricep Extensions 6x8
Skill Work for Quality Not for Time: 4 Sets of:
25 Triple Unders (work on them for 1-2 minutes/set if you don't have them)
L-Sit Holds x 25-45 seconds
Metcon: 4 Rounds of 3 Min AMRAP:
10 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls with 115lb/75lb
10 Box Jumps with 24"/20"
(Rest 3 minutes between rounds, start over each round, and compare rounds)


Do What You Want 195

Snatch Max Effort Pull + 2 Snatches: Max
OH Squat Variation Max Effort Work up to 75% for 3 x 5 (last set is 5+)
Seated Pin Presses with 50-100lb of 6RM, then -10% for 3 x 6
Bands or Chains
Pull-ups 3 x submaximal reps
Hang Muscle Snatch 3x5
Gymnastics Strength Work:
A: 10 x 12 sec Handstand Hold on Parallettes
B: 10 x 1 Handstand Push-up Negative (slowest possible)
10 Rope Climbs with Burpees between each climb (Burpees increasing by 5 each climb)
(Rest 5 minutes)
Accumulate 100-200 ft of Handstand Walks

Clean and Jerk Complex Pull + Clean + Front Squat + Jerk: Max
Back Squat Set 1: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 75% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 75% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Belt Squat KB RDLs 3 x 45 sec
Reverse Hypers 3 x 45 sec
Metcon: 5 Rounds of
20 yd Staggered Carry
20 yd Sled Drag Forward with 150lb/100lb
20 yd Staggered Carry (opposite hands)
20 yd Sled Drag Backward with 150lb/100lb

Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
4 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 196

Snatch from Blocks with Bar at Knees 75% for 2 x 3, 80% for 2 x 2, 85% x 2, 88% for 2 x 1
No Hook Snatch from Blocks with Bar at 3RM (no misses, 8 RPE)
Front Squats 73% x 4, 78% for 3 x 3, 80% for 3 x 2, 83% for 2 x 1
Deadlifts (All Reps Dead Stop) 73% x 3, 78% for 2 x 2, 80% for 3 x 2, 83% for 2 x 1
Yoke Carries 5 x 20m (handled the same as 5 x 5 method)
Skill Work for Quality Not for Time: 3 Sets of:
Turkish Get-ups x 5 each side with moderate weight, focused on skill of movement
Pistol Squat x 10 (alternating) with 2 second pause in the bottom
Metcon: 12 Min AMRAP:
200m Run
15 Toes to Bar
20 Goblet Squats

Clean and Jerk from Blocks with Bar at 75% for 2 x 3, 80% for 2 x 2, 85% x 2, 88% for 2 x 1
No Hook Clean from Blocks 3RM (no misses, 8 RPE)
Push Press 10RM, then -15% for 2 x 10
BB Rows Paused 2 Sec on Sternum 3 x 10
DB Tricep Extensions 6x8
Gymnastics Strength Work:
Part A. 3 x Max Effort Hold on the Rings in the false grip
Part B. 10 x 1 Muscle-up Negative with a 5 second count down if possible
(Jump into the muscle-up and do the negative down, resting between reps)
Metcon for Time:
E2MOM for 20 minutes:
3/2 Muscle-up + 20 Double Unders
Focus on the strict muscle-ups if possible


Do What You Want 197

Snatch Max Effort Pull + Snatch: Max
OH Squat Variation Max Effort Work up to 78% for 3 x 5 (last set is 5+)
Seated Pin Presses with 50-100lb of 6RM, then -10% for 3 x 6
Bands or Chains
Pull-ups 3 x submaximal reps
Hang Muscle Snatch 3x5
Metcon: 4 Rounds of
500m Row
25 Wall Balls with 30lb/20lb to 10'/9' Target
10 Handstand Push-ups
5 Deadlifts with 255lb/185lb and with 315lb/225lb for stronger athletes (do not go over 80% of 1RM)

Clean and Jerk Complex Clean + Front Squat + Jerk: Max
Back Squat Set 1: 78% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 78% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 78% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Belt Squat KB RDLs 3 x 50 sec
Reverse Hypers 3 x 50 sec
Metcon: 5 Sets of:
Farmer's Carry x 20 yd with 135lb/95lb each hand
Sled Push High x 20 yd 150lb/100lb
Farmer's Carry x 20 yd with 135lb/95lb each hand
Burpee Broad Jumps x 20 yd
Sled Push Low x 20 yd with 150lb/100lb
Walking Lunge Step x 20 yd (no weight)
(Rest 2 minutes between sets)

Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
4 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 198

Snatch from Blocks with Bar at Knees 65% for 2 x 3, 70% x 2, 75% for 2 x 1, 80% x 1, 83% x 1
No Hook Snatch from Blocks with Bar at 90% of 3RM for 2 x 3
Front Squats 70% x 4, 75% x 3, 78% for 2 x 2, 80% x 1
Deadlifts (All Reps Dead Stop) 70% x 3, 75% x 3, 78% x 2, 80% x 1
Yoke Carries 5 x 20m (handled the same as 5 x 5 method)
Skill Work for Quality Not for Time: 4 Sets of:
Turkish Get-ups x 8 each side with moderate weight, focused on skill of movement
Pistol Squats x 16 (alternating) with 2 second pause in the bottom
Deadlifts (at 60-65% 1RM)
Lateral over the Bar Burpees
(After every 'set' perform 30 Double Unders)

Clean and Jerk from Blocks with Bar at 65% for 2 x 3, 70% x 2, 75% for 2 x 1, 80% x 1, 83% x 1
No Hook Clean from Blocks 90% of 3RM for 2 x 3
Push Press 90% of 10RM for 3 x 10
BB Rows Paused 2 Sec on Sternum 3 x 10
DB Tricep Extensions 6x8
Gymnastics Strength Work:
A. 4 x Max Effort Hold on rings in the false grip
B. 10 x 1 Muscle-up Negative with an 8 second count down if possible
(Jump into the top of the muscle-up and do the negative down, resting between reps)
Metcon: 5 sets as fast as possible of
20 Calorie Assault Bike
10 Hang Power Snatches with 115lb/75lb
5 Deficit Handstand Push-ups 6"/4"
(Rest 1:1)


Do What You Want 199

Snatch Max Effort Max Snatch Double
OH Squat Variation Max Effort Work up to 80% for 3 x 5
Seated Pin Presses with 50-100lb of 90% of 6RM for 2 x 6
Bands or Chains
Pull-ups 3 x submaximal reps
Hang Muscle Snatch 3x5
Gymnastics Strength Work:
A. 10 x 20 sec Handstand Hold on Parallettes
B. 4 x Max Effort Handstand Walks
Metcon: 8 Sets of:
Row for Meters (30 seconds on/30 seconds rest)

Clean and Jerk Max Effort 2RM
Back Squat Set 1: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 2: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 3: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Belt Squat KB RDLs 3 x 30 sec
Reverse Hypers 3 x 30 sec
800m Sandbag Carry
20 Sandbag Ground to Shoulder
20 Sandbag Shoulder to Overhead
20 Sandbag Squats
400m Sandbag Carry
10 Sandbag Ground to Shoulder
10 Sandbag Shoulder to Overhead
10 Sandbag Squats

Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
5 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 200

No Hook and No Feet Snatch 3RM (8 RPE)
Clean and Jerks 70% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% for 2 x
1, 88% x 1
High Bar Squat with Belt 80% for 3 x 3, 85% for 2 x 2, 88% x 2
Velocity Deadlifts 75% Straight Weight 8 x 2 with 60-90 sec rest (or 60%
Bar Weight + 20% Bands/Chains)
Farmer's Walk 4 x 30 yd
Skill Work for Quality Not for Time: 3 Sets of:
5-8 Butterfly Chest to Bar Pull-ups (focusing on rhythm and form)
40 Unbroken Double Unders (focusing on technique, breathing, feet together, and staying relaxed)
Metcon: 12 Min AMRAP:
15 Double Arm Kettlebell Swinging Rows
200m Run
15 Kettlebell Potato Squats

Snatch 70% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% for 2 x
1, 88% x 1
Jerk from Racks 3RM (paused 3 sec in catch)
Push Press 80% for 3 x 3, 85% for 2 x 2, 88% x 2
Weighted Dips 4 x submaximal reps
BB Rows Paused 2 Sec on Sternum 4x5
Gymnastics Strength Work:
A. Max Effort Strict Handstand Push-ups - 1 attempt
B: Take 70% of above and perform that number for 5 sets (ex: 10 strict on A, 7 for part B)
Metcon for Time: 4 Sets of:
25 UNBROKEN Wall Balls with 20lb/14lb to 10' target
(If you break a set, you will accumulate 5 burpees to be done at the end of the 4th round while time
is still going! You will restart the round if you break. Rest as needed in order to do all 25 unbroken.)
(Rest 10 minutes)
Metcon 2: 8 Sets of:
Row for Meters (40 sec on/20 sec off)

Recovery Row:
15-20 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)

Do What You Want 201

Snatch Max Effort Snatch + Hang Snatch: Max
Heaving Snatch Balance 1RM with 5 sec pause, then -20% for 3 reps not paused
Pull-ups 4 x submaximal reps
DB Pullovers 4 x 12
DB Tri-Delts 3 x (9 front, 9 side, 9 rear)
Gymnastics Strength Work:
A. Ring Muscle-ups: 1 Max Effort Set
B: Take 70% of above and perform that number for 5 sets
(ex: 10 Muscle-ups in A, 7 Muscle-ups for 5 sets in B)
(Rest as needed between sets for Part B)
Metcon: 4 Rounds of 3 Min AMRAP:
5 Bar Muscle-ups
10 Box Jumps 30"/24"
(Rest 3 minutes between rounds, score individually, and compare)

Clean and Jerk Max Effort Clean + Hang Clean + Jerk: Max
Back Squat with Belt Set 1: 80% x 2, rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 6
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 80% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 6
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 80% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 6
Clean Deadlift From 8 Inch Blocks: 3RM, then -10% for 3
Suitcase Deadlifts from 4 Inch Deficit (Stay 3 x 5 each side
at 7-8 RPE)
Leg Curls (Band, DB, or Machine) 4 x 10 reps
Metcon: 4 Rounds of
Unilateral Farmer's Carry x 100m Left Hand
15 KB Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (same weight as carry)
20 Hollow Rocks
Unilateral Farmer's Carry x 100m Right Hand

Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
6 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 202

No Hook and No Feet Snatch 3RM (9 RPE)
Clean and Jerks 75% x 3, 80% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% for 2 x 1, 88%
High Bar Squat with Belt 80% for 3 x 3, 85% for 2 x 3, 88% for 2 x 2, 90% for 2 x 2
Velocity Deadlifts 80% Straight Weight for 7 x 2 with 60-90 sec rest (or
65% Bar Weight + 20% Bands/Chains)
Farmer's Walk 4 x 30 yd
5 Rounds:
400m Med Ball Run with 20lb/14lb
30 Weighted Sit-ups with Med Ball
25 Wall Balls

Snatch 75% x 3, 80% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% for 2 x 1, 88%
Jerk From Racks 3RM (first rep paused 3 sec in catch)
Push Press 80% for 3 x 3, 85% for 2 x 3, 88% for 2 x 2, 90% for 2 x 2
Weighted Dips 4 x submaximal reps
BB Rows Paused 2 Sec on Sternum 4x5
Gymnastics Strength Work:
A. Max Effort Strict Handstand Push-ups - 1 attempt
B: Take 70% of above and perform that number for 7 sets (ex: 10 strict on A, 7 for part B)
(Rest as needed between sets for Part B)
Metcon: 3 Rounds for Time:
15 Thrusters with 125lb/85lb
20 Toes to Bar
500m Row
Metcon 2:
Steady 15 minutes conversational pace on Assault Bike


Do What You Want 203

Snatch Max Effort Snatch Pull + Snatch: Max
Heaving Snatch Balance 1RM with 5 sec pause, then -20% for 3 reps not paused
Pull-ups 4 x submaximal reps
DB Pullovers 4 x 12
DB Tri-Delts 3 x (9 front, 9 side, 9 rear)
Gymnastics Strength Work:
A. Ring Muscle-ups: 1 Max Effort Set
B: Take 70% of above and perform that number for 5 sets
(ex: 10 Muscle-ups in A, 7 Muscle-ups for 5 sets in B)
(Rest as needed between sets for Part B)
5K Row at 85%

Clean and Jerk Max Effort Clean + Front Squat + Jerk: Max
Back Squat with Belt Set 1: 83% x 2, rest 2 minutes, then 68% x 6
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 83% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 68% x 6
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 83% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 68% x 6
Clean Deadlift From 8 Inch Blocks: 1RM, then -20% for 3
Suitcase Deadlifts from 4 Inch Deficit (Stay 3 x 5 each side
at 7-8 RPE)
Leg Curls (Band, DB, or Machine) 4 x 10 reps
Power Cleans with 155lb/105lb
Burpees over the Bar
Double Unders

Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
4 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 204

No Hook and No Feet Snatch 1RM
Clean and Jerks 65% x 3, 78% x 2, 83% x 2, 88% x 1, 90% for 2 x 1, work
up (allowed 1 miss)
High Bar Squat with Belt 1RM, then -20% for 2 x 3
Velocity Deadlifts 85% Straight Weight for 10 x 1 with 60-90 sec rest (or
70% Bar Weight + 20% Bands/Chains)
Farmer's Walk 4 x 30 yd
Metcon: 3 Rounds for Time:
100 Double Unders
50 Calorie Row
20 Pistol Squats

Snatch 65% x 3, 78% x 2, 83% x 2, 88% x 1, 90% for 2 x 1, work
up (allowed 1 miss)
Jerk From Racks 3RM (no pauses)
Push Press 1RM, then -20% for 2 x 3
Weighted Dips 5 x submaximal reps
BB Rows Paused 2 Sec on Sternum 4x5
Gymnastics Strength Work:
A: 2 min Accumulate in Support on Rings
B: 2 min Accumulate in Bottom of the Ring Dip
Metcon 1: 6 Sets of:
50 Double Unders
15/12 Ring Dips
(Rest 10 minutes)
Metcon 2: 5 Sets of:
20 Calorie on Assault Bike
10 Burpees


Do What You Want 205

Snatch Max Effort Snatch Max
Heaving Snatch Balance 1RM with 3 sec pause, then -20% for 3 reps not paused
Pull-ups 3 x submaximal reps
DB Pullovers 3 x 12
DB Tri-Delts 3 x (9 front, 9 side, 9 rear)
Skill Work for Quality Not for Time: 3 Sets of:
Handstand Walks x 20-40 yd
Ring Muscle-up x 2-4 + 2 Ring Dips
Metcon for Time: 5 Rounds of
3 Bar Muscle-ups
10 Overhead Squats 135lb/95lb
400m Run

Clean and Jerk Max Effort Clean and Jerk Max
Back Squat with Belt Set 1: 85% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 5
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 1,
rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 5
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 1,
rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 5
Clean Deadlift From 2 Inch Deficit: 1RM
Suitcase Deadlifts from 4 Inch Deficit (Stay 3 x 5 each side
at 7 RPE)
Leg Curls (Band, DB, or Machine) 4 x 10 reps
Metcon: 4 Sets of:
Plank Hold x 45 seconds
OH Axle Bar Carry x 20 yd Forward
Bear Crawl x 20 yd
Sled Drag Forward x 20 yd
OH Axle Bar Carry x 20 yd Backward
Sled Drag Backward x 20 yd

Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
5 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 206

Power Snatch 1RM (9RPE)
Clean and Jerk 60% x 3, 70% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% x 1, 88% x 1,
work up (allowed 1 miss)
Front Squat 78% x 3, 83% x 2, 88% x 1, 90% x 1, 85% x 2, 90% x 1,
93% x 1
Clean Pulls from 4 Inch Blocks 103% for 3 x 3
KB Staggered Carries (OH and Farmer's) 3 x 40 yd each way
Conditioning: 5 Sets of:
Plank Hold x 45 seconds
Overhead Axle Bar Carry x 20 yd forward
Bear Crawl x 20 yd
Sled Drag Forward x 20 yd
Overhead Axle Bar Carry x 20 yd backward
Sled Drag Backward x 20 yd

Conditioning: 4 Rounds of
30 seconds Assault Bike for Calories; 30 seconds rest
4 Rounds:
30 seconds Double Unders; 30 seconds rest
4 Rounds:
30 seconds Kettlebell Swing 55lb/44lb; 30 seconds rest

Snatch 70% x 3, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% x 1, 73% x 3, 78% x 2,
83% x 1, 88% x 1, 90% x 1
Jerk from Blocks 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% x 2, Max Out
Chest Supported KB Bat Wing Rows (2 Sec 3 x 10
Pause at Top)
Seated DB Power Cleans Superset with 3 x 10 and 3 x 10
Plate Lateral Raises
Skill Work for Quality Not for Time: 4 Sets of:
Handstand Walks x 20-40 yd
Muscle-up x 2-4 + 2 Ring Dips
Metcon: 2 Rounds of
Run 800m
40 Toes to Bar
20 Box Jumps 30"/24"
10 Handstand Push-ups

Do What You Want 207


Warm Up with OH Squat Variations Work up to 83% for 1 rep paused 5 sec
Snatch 1RM Competition Style (3 attempts)
Clean and Jerk 1RM Competition Style (3 attempts)
Snatch High Pulls from Blocks 80% for 3 x 3, working up each set
Metcon 1: Elizabeth
Power Cleans with 135lb/95lb
Ring Dips
(Rest 10 minutes)
Metcon 2: 6-8 Sets of:
100m Row as fast as possible (Rest 1 minute between sets)

Back Squat with Belt Set 1: 90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 4
Set 2: (add 5-10 kilos to 1-rep if possible, don't
add for 4-rep) 90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75%
Set 3: (add 5-10 kilos to 1-rep if possible, don't
add for 4-rep) 90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75%
x 4+
Reverse Hypers 4 x 50 seconds
Leg Curls (Band, DB, or Machine) 4 x 10
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
6 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 208

Power Snatch 1RM (no misses)
Clean and Jerk Work up to opener for 2 Cleans + 1 Jerk and then work
Front Squat 85% for 3 x 3
Clean Pulls from 4 Inch Blocks 95% for 3 x 3
KB Staggered Carries (OH and Farmer's) 3 x 40 yd each way
Conditioning: 4 Sets of:
Zercher Carry x 40 yd
Legless Rope Climb x 2
Sled Pull to Row Backward x 10
D-Ball to Shoulder x 10
Sled Pull to Press Forward x 10

Metcon: 3 Rounds of 3 Min AMRAP:
3 Hang Power Cleans with 205lb/145lb
15 Wall Balls with 30lb/20lb to 9'
(Rest 3 minutes between rounds)

Snatch 60% x 3, 70% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% x 1, 88% x 1,
work up (allowed 1 miss)
Jerk from Blocks 1RM
Chest Supported KB Bat Wing Rows (2 Sec 3 x 10
Pause at Top)
Seated DB Power Cleans Superset with 3 x 10 and 3 x 10
Plate Lateral Raises
Skill Work for Quality Not for Time: 3 Sets of:
50 Unbroken Double Unders
L-Sit Hold x 30-45 seconds
Metcon: 15 Min AMRAP:
5 Ring Muscle-ups
10 Strict Handstand Push-ups
300m Row

Do What You Want 209


Warm Up with OH Squat Variations Work up to 85% for 1 rep paused 3 sec
Snatch 1RM Competition Style (3 attempts)
Clean and Jerk 1RM Competition Style (3 attempts)
Snatch High Pulls from Blocks 80% for 3 x 3, working up each set
Gymnastics Strength Work: 8 Sets of:
10 Ring Push-ups (nice and controlled)
30 seconds hold on rings in Push-up position
Metcon 1 for Time: 3 Rounds of
20 Weighted DB Box Step-ups with 30lb/20lb each hand
20 Ab Roll-outs
10 Shoulder to Overhead with 135lb/95lb
(Rest 10 minutes)
Metcon 2: 6-8 Sets of:
100m Row as fast as possible (Rest 1 minute between sets)

Back Squat with Belt 1RM
Reverse Hypers 4 x 60 seconds
Leg Curls (Band, DB, or Machine) 4 x 10
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
7 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 210

Power Snatch 65% for 3 x 2
Clean and Jerk Work up to Clean and Jerk opener
Front Squat 90% x 1
Skill Work for Quality Not for Time: 4 Sets of:
50 Unbroken Double Unders
L-Sit Hold x 30-45 seconds
Kettlebell Swings with 55lb/44lb
Calorie Row

Metcon: 3 Sets of:
500m Row (Rest 3 minutes between sets)

Snatch 1RM (no misses)
Power Clean and Push Jerk 65% for 3 x 2
Chest Supported KB Bat Wing Rows (2 Sec 3x5
Pause at Top)
Seated DB Power Cleans 3 x 10
Metcon: 3 Rounds of
10 Push Jerks with 135lb/95lb
Run 400m
10 Chest to Bar Pull-ups

Do What You Want 211

Snatch 75% for 2 x 2
Clean and Jerk 75% for 2 x 2
Plate Lateral Raises 3 x 10


Snatch Max Out
Clean and Jerk Max Out
Max Speed:
5K for Time

Do What You Want 212

This workout is for all of you who just want to get jacked and
strong without the complications created by the Olympic lifts. This
is a plan that’s all about brute strength and looking good. I hope this
program will help make the world’s beaches a little more beautiful.

We have cut out the movement-intensive exercises like snatch,

clean and jerk, and the gymnastics. I love those movements, but
there are plenty of us who simply want to pound the weights and get
jacked. This is a great workout to show all of you meatheads that
you can get jacked, strong, and fit at the same time. The endurance
work will lead to a body capable of handling more volume and
recovering more quickly. When paired correctly, cardiovascular
work will only aid in the gains.

We have taken out all of the functional fitness work from the
“Do It All” plan, and now we have a more traditional endurance
template. Once again, I have to give Alex Viada credit for influencing
me more than anyone when it comes to the endurance portion of
these programs.

We have still kept some clean work in the mix because cleans
are important to the strongman training. Strongman athletes are
required to perform aspects of the clean during many competitions,
and they are always required to perform movements that require
explosive hip extension. However, you can always eliminate them
completely if your main concern is strength and bodybuilding.
I really left them in there for the serious strongman. Some jerk

Do What You Want 213

work also remains in this program because strongmen have to
be stable overhead.

We also added a day of upper body work to really focus on

getting jacked and strong. The arm work on day six will get you built
for the beach and will strengthen you for the movements that are
important. Dips are great for the bench presses and anything that
requires overhead stability and strength. Bicep work is great for
elbow health, but way too many people completely neglect direct
bicep work. This is a bad mistake and will normally lead to some
massive elbow pain. Every major joint should always be dealt with
in a symmetrical way.

When we enter the strength phase in week seven, we are going

to put in some serious work to produce functional strength from
the newly added muscle. There should be a focus on recovery more
so than with the other blocks as the joints will take the biggest hit.
Sleep, nutrition, and soft tissue work should be scheduled with as
much of a priority as the strength work.

We will be focusing on maximizing the competitive lifts and

continuing to build some muscle with exercises that aren’t quite
as damaging. The strength phase will have you lifting heavy weight
with a lot of volume. We want to force the body to adapt to extreme
circumstances, causing the body to get stronger.

The peak phase is when it starts to get super fun. This is where
we take off the gloves and go heavy. We will be peaking certain
movements sooner than others. For example, we are maxing out
the log press in the tenth week. We are peaking the jerk and clean
in the next week. The goal is to save the final week to completely
recover and focus on peaking the squat, bench, and deadlift.

Do What You Want 214

Of course, all of this is subject to change depending upon your
chosen competition.

Either way, you will be ready to compete in powerlifting and/

or strongman events by the end of this program. I have focused
on strongman movements with equipment that is more readily
available. If you are getting ready for a strongman competition with
events not covered in this plan, you can always add and subtract
movements. My hope is you’ve learned by now how to program your
own concurrent plan. If you want to get a fuller picture of hypertrophy,
assistance work, or an in-depth look at my programming principles,
we’ve got some great guides available for you at

The complete goal of this plan is absolute strength and maximal

hypertrophy. I want to make you guys and gals as strong as possible
while adding quality size. No matter what strength sport you enjoy,
all of us are in love with muscle. At one time or another, we all
looked up to Arnold and wanted to be just as built. I hope this plan
will leave you jacked and strong!

Do What You Want 215

Box Squats 75% for 7 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
2 Inch Deficit Snatch Grip Deadlift with 5 5RM (7 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 5
Sec Eccentric
GHDs 3x8
Seated Band Leg Curls 4 x 12
Unilateral Farmer's Walk 3 x 40 yd each arm
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
2 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Push Jerks 5RM (7 RPE), then -10% for 5
Wide Grip Bench Press (Wider than Normal 80% for 10 x 3
Competition Grip)
Pull-ups 5 x submaximal reps (switch grips each set, weakest
to strongest)
Bent-over Rows 60% for 5 x 10
DB or KB Upright Rows 5 x 10

Hang Clean 3RM (7 RPE), then -10% for 3
Front Squats 80% for 10 x 3
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (Stay at a 4 x 15 each leg
7 RPE)
KB Goblet Squats 3 x 10
Axle Bar Zercher Carries 3 x 40 yd
Recovery Row:
10-15 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)

Do What You Want 216

Close Grip Bench Press 60% for 5 x 10
Incline DB Press 60% for 5 x 10
KB Bottom Up Z Press 3 x 10 each arm
DB Lateral Raises 3 x 10

Front Squat with Belt Set 1: 80% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 80% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 80% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Sumo Deadlifts 75% for 7 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
GHDs 3x8
Belt Squat RDLs 3 x 60 sec
One Arm Overhead Fat Grip Dumbbell 3 x 25 yd each arm

Dips with Eccentric Slower than Concentric 5 x submaximal reps (if ten reps or more, add weight)
Superset with Preacher Curls and 3 x 10
Band Push-downs Superset with Band 3 x 45 sec and 3 x 45 sec
Banded Rows 4 x 60 sec
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
3 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 217

Box Squats 80% for 8 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
2 Inch Deficit Snatch Grip Deadlift with 5 5RM (8 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 5
Sec Eccentric
GHDs 4x8
Seated Band Leg Curls 4 x 12 reps
Unilateral Farmer's Walk 3 x 40 yd each arm
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
3 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Push Jerks 5RM (8 RPE), then -10% for 5
Wide Grip Bench Press (Wider than Normal 80% for 10 x 4
Competition Grip)
Pull-ups 5 x submaximal reps (switch grips each set, weakest
to strongest)
Bent-over Rows 65% for 5 x 10
DB or KB Upright Rows 5 x 10

Hang Clean 3RM (8 RPE), then -10% for 3
Front Squats 80% for 10 x 4
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (Stay at a 5 x 15 each leg
7 RPE)
KB Goblet Squats 4 x 10
Axle Bar Zercher Carries 3 x 40 yd
Recovery Row:
10-15 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)

Do What You Want 218

Close Grip Bench Press 65% for 5 x 10
Incline DB Press 65% for 5 x 10
KB Bottom Up Z Press 3 x 10 each arm
DB Lateral Raises 3 x 10

Front Squat with Belt Set 1: 83% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 83% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 83% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Sumo Deadlifts 80% for 8 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
GHDs 3x8
Belt Squat RDLs 4 x 60 sec
One Arm Overhead Fat Grip Dumbbell 3 x 25 yd each arm

Dips with Eccentric Slower than Concentric 5 x submaximal reps (if ten reps or more, add weight)
Superset with Preacher Curls and 3 x 10
Band Push-downs Superset with Band 3 x 50 sec and 3 x 50 sec
Banded Rows 4 x 60 sec
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
4 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 219

Box Squats 85% for 6 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
2 Inch Deficit Snatch Grip Deadlift with 5 5RM (9 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 5
Sec Eccentric
GHDs 5x8
Seated Band Leg Curls 4 x 12 reps
Unilateral Farmer's Walk 3 x 50 yd each arm
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
4 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Push Jerks 5RM (9 RPE)
Wide Grip Bench Press (Wider than Normal 80% for 10 x 5
Competition Grip)
Pull-ups 5 x submaximal reps (switch grips each set, weakest
to strongest)
Bent-over Rows 70% for 5 x 10
DB or KB Upright Rows 5 x 10

Hang Clean 3RM (9 RPE)
Front Squats 80% for 10 x 5
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (Stay at a 5 x 15 each leg
7 RPE)
KB Goblet Squats 3 x 15
Axle Bar Zercher Carries 3 x 50 yd
DB or KB Upright Rows Off
Recovery Row:
15-20 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)

Do What You Want 220

Close Grip Bench Press 70% for 5 x 10
Incline DB Press 70% for 5 x 10
KB Bottom Up Z Press 3 x 10 each arm
DB Lateral Raises 3 x 10

Front Squat with Belt Set 1: 85% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 10
Sumo Deadlifts 85% for 6 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
GHDs 3x8
Belt Squat RDLs 4 x 70 sec
One Arm Overhead Fat Grip Dumbbell 3 x 30 yd each arm

Dips with Eccentric Slower than Concentric 5 x submaximal reps (if ten reps or more, add weight)
Superset with Preacher Curls and 3 x 10
Band Push-downs Superset with Band 3 x 55 sec and 3 x 55 sec
Banded Rows 4 x 60 sec
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
5 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 221

Clean and Jerk from Blocks with Bar at 70% x 3, 75% for 2 x 2, 80% x 2, 85% for 2 x 1
Front Squats 70% x 4, 75% for 2 x 3, 78% for 2 x 2, 80% x 1
Deadlifts (All Reps Dead Stop) 70% x 4, 75% x 3, 78% for 2 x 2, 80% x 1
Hack Squat or Double Kettlebell Goblet 3 x 20
BB Elevated Hip Thrusts with Band around 3 x 10
Yoke Carries 5 x 20m (handled the same as 5 x 5 method)
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
3 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Jerk Recoveries 5RM
Close Grip Bench Press 70% x 4, 75% for 2 x 3, 78% for 2 x 2, 80% x 1
Floor Presses with 50-100lb of Chains 8RM, then -15% for 2 x 8 (last set is 8+)
Pull-ups 3 x submaximal reps
BB Bent-over Rows Paused 2 Sec on 3 x 10 and 3 x 12
Sternum Superset with Band Face Pulls
and Press

Back Squat Box Squats (add weight to the 40% Bar Weight + 30% Bands or Chains for 6 x 3 (60-
last two sets if the speed is there) 90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Belt Squat KB RDLs Superset with Leg 3 x 45 sec and 3 x 10
Curls (Seated, DB, or Machine)
Reverse Hypers 3 x 45 sec
Recovery Row:
10-15 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)

Do What You Want 222

Velocity Bench Press 50% Bar Weight + 25% Bands or Chains for 6 x 3 (60-
90 sec rest, velocity goal of 0.75m/s)
Log Press 5RM, then -15% for 2 x 5 (last set 5+)
Plate Raises Superset with DB Lateral 3 x 10, 3 x 10, and 3 x 10
Raises Superset with DB Power Clean and
Hang Muscle Snatch 3x5

Low Bar Back Squat Set 1: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 75% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 75% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Competition Stance Deadlifts 75% for 6 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (Stay at a 4 x 10 each leg
7 RPE)
Bilateral Farmer's Walk 3 x 30 yd

Bench Press Set 1: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 75% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 75% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
DB Tricep Extensions Superset with Band 6 x 8 and 6 x 15
Fat Bar Curls Superset with Concentration 3 x 10 and 3 x 10 each arm
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
4 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 223

Clean and Jerk from Blocks with Bar at 75% for 2 x 3, 80% for 2 x 2, 85% x 2, 88% for 2 x 1
Front Squats 73% x 4, 78% for 3 x 3, 80% for 3 x 2, 83% for 2 x 1
Deadlifts (All Reps Dead Stop) 73% x 3, 78% for 2 x 2, 80% for 3 x 2, 83% for 2 x 1
Hack Squat or Double Kettlebell Goblet 4 x 20
BB Elevated Hip Thrusts with Band around 3 x 10
Yoke Carries 5 x 20m (handled the same as 5 x 5 method)
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
2.5 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Jerk Recoveries 5RM
Close Grip Bench Press 73% x 4, 78% for 3 x 3, 80% for 3 x 2, 83% for 2 x 1
Floor Presses with 50-100lb of Chains 8RM, then -15% for 2 x 8 (last set is 8+)
Pull-ups 3 x submaximal reps
BB Bent-over Rows Paused 2 Sec on 3 x 10 and 3 x 12
Sternum Superset with Band Face Pulls
and Press

Back Squat Box Squats (add weight to the 45% Bar Weight + 30% Bands or Chains for 7 x 3 (60-
last two sets if the speed is there) 90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Belt Squat KB RDLs Superset with Leg 3 x 50 sec and 3 x 10
Curls (Seated, DB, or Machine)
Reverse Hypers 3 x 50 sec
Recovery Row:
15-20 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)

Do What You Want 224

Velocity Bench Press 55% Bar Weight + 25% Bands or Chains for 6 x 3 (60-
90 sec rest, velocity goal of 0.75m/s)
Log Press 5RM, then -15% for 2 x 5 (last set 5+)
Plate Raises Superset with DB Lateral 4 x 10, 4 x 10, and 4 x 10
Raises Superset with DB Power Clean and
Hang Muscle Snatch 3x5

Low Bar Back Squat Set 1: 78% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 78% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 78% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Competition Stance Deadlifts 78% for 7 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (Stay at a 4 x 10 each leg
7 RPE)
Bilateral Farmer's Walk 4 x 30 yd

Bench Press Set 1: 78% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 78% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 78% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
DB Tricep Extensions Superset with Band 6 x 8 and 6 x 15
Fat Bar Curls Superset with Concentration 3 x 10 and 3 x 10 each arm
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
4 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 225

Clean and Jerk from Blocks with Bar at 65% for 2 x 3, 70% x 2, 75% for 2 x 1, 80% x 1, 83% x 1
Front Squats 70% x 4, 75% x 3, 78% for 2 x 2, 80% x 1
Deadlifts (All Reps Dead Stop) 70% x 3, 75% x 3, 78% x 2, 80% x 1
Hack Squat or Double Kettlebell Goblet 3 x 10
BB Elevated Hip Thrusts with Band around 3 x 10
Yoke Carries 5 x 20m (handled the same as 5 x 5 method)
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
3.5 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Jerk Recoveries 5RM
Close Grip Bench Press 70% x 4, 75% x 3, 78% for 2 x 2, 80% x 1
Floor Presses with 50-100lb of Chains 90% of 8RM for 2 x 8
Pull-ups 3 x submaximal reps
BB Bent-over Rows Paused 2 Sec on 3 x 10 and 3 x 12
Sternum Superset with Band Face Pulls
and Press

Back Squat Box Squats (add weight to the 35% Bar Weight + 30% Bands or Chains for 5 x 3 (60-
last two sets if the speed is there) 90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Belt Squat KB RDLs Superset with Leg 3 x 30 sec and 3 x 10
Curls (Seated, DB, or Machine)
Reverse Hypers 3 x 30 sec
Recovery Row:
15-20 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)

Do What You Want 226

Velocity Bench Press 45% Bar Weight + 25% Bands or Chains for 5 x 3 (60-
90 sec rest, velocity goal of 0.75m/s)
Log Press 90% of 5RM for 3 x 5
Plate Raises Superset with DB Lateral 3 x 8, 3 x 8, and 3 x 8
Raises Superset with DB Power Clean and
Hang Muscle Snatch 3x5

Low Bar Back Squat Set 1: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 2: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 3: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Competition Stance Deadlifts 70% for 6 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (Stay at a 4 x 10 each leg
7 RPE)
Bilateral Farmer's Walk 3 x 25 yd

Bench Press Set 1: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 2: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 3: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
DB Tricep Extensions Superset with Band 6 x 8 and 6 x 15
Fat Bar Curls Superset with Concentration 3 x 10 and 3 x 10 each arm
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
5 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 227

High Bar Squat with Belt 80% for 3 x 3, 85% for 2 x 2, 88% x 2
Velocity Deadlifts 75% Straight Weight for 8 x 2 with 60-90 sec rest (or
60% Bar Weight + 20% Bands/Chains)
Belt Squat KB Deadlifts 3 x 45 sec
Reverse Hypers 3 x 45 seconds
Yoke Carries 5 x 25m (handled the same as 5 x 5 method)
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
4.5 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Jerk From Racks 3RM (paused 3 sec in catch)
Bench to Chest 75% x 5, 80% x 3, 85% x 1 (percentages based on raw
Max Effort Sling Shot Bench 3RM
Bench Press to Chest 83% for 3, 88% x 2, 90% for AMRAP
Close Grip Axle Bar Decline Presses with 5RM, then -15% for 3 x 5 (last set is 5+)
100lb of Chains
Weighted Dips or Nosebreakers Superset 4 x 8 and 4 x 10
with Incline DB Curls
DB Fat Grip OH Walks 3 x 20 yd forwards and backwards

Power Cleans 3RM (8 RPE)
Back Squat Box Squats (add weight to the 50% Bar Weight + 20% Bands or Chains for 6 x 3 (60-
last two sets if the speed is there) 90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Heavy Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats 4 x 5 each leg and 4 x 20
Superset with Leg Press or KB Goblet
Recovery Row:
15-20 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)

Do What You Want 228

Dynamic Bench Press (Alternate Grip Each 50% Bar Weight + 20% Bands or Chains for 6 x 3 (60-
Set) 90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Log Press 3RM, then -15% for 2 x 3 (last set 3+)
Weighted Dips or Nosebreakers 4x8
DB Tri-Delts 3 x (9 front, 9 side, 9 rear)
DB Pullovers 4 x 12

Back Squat with Belt Set 1: 80% x 2, rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 6
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 80% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 6
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 80% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 6
Max Effort Deadlift From 8 Inch Blocks: 3RM, then -10% for 3
Suitcase Deadlifts from 4 Inch Deficit (Stay 3 x 5 each side
at 7-8 RPE)
Reverse Hypers 3 x 45 seconds
Farmer's Walk 4 x 30 yd
Leg Curls (Band, DB, or Machine) 4 x 10

Bench Press Set 1: 85% x 2, rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 6
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 6
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 6+
DB Incline Chest Press 4 x 10
BB Bent-over Rows Paused 2 Sec on 4 x 5 and 4 x submaximal reps
Sternum Superset with Pull-ups
One Arm Kettlebell Rows 3 x 10 each arm
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
6 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 229

High Bar Squat with Belt 80% for 3 x 3, 85% for 2 x 3, 88% for 2 x 2, 90% for 2 x 2
Velocity Deadlifts 80% Straight Weight for 7 x 2 with 60-90 sec rest (or
65% Bar Weight + 20% Bands/Chains)
Belt Squat KB Deadlifts 3 x 50 sec
Reverse Hypers 3 x 50 seconds
Yoke Carries 5 x 25m (handled the same as 5 x 5 method)
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
3 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Jerk From Racks 3RM (paused 3 sec in catch)
Bench to Chest 75% x 5, 80% x 3, 85% x 1 (percentages based on raw
Max Effort Sling Shot Bench 3RM
Bench Press to Chest 85% for 3, 90% x 1, 93% for AMRAP
Close Grip Axle Bar Decline Presses with 5RM, then -15% for 3 x 5 (last set is 5+)
100lb of Chains
Weighted Dips or Nosebreakers Superset 4 x 8 and 4 x 10
with Incline DB Curls
DB Fat Grip OH Walks 3 x 20 yd forwards and backwards

Power Cleans 3RM (9 RPE)
Back Squat Box Squats (add weight to the 55% Bar Weight + 20% Bands or Chains for 7 x 3 (60-
last two sets if the speed is there) 90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Heavy Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats 4 x 5 each leg and 4 x 20
Superset with Leg Press or KB Goblet
Recovery Row:
15-20 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)

Do What You Want 230

Dynamic Bench Press (Alternate Grip Each 55% Bar Weight + 20% Bands or Chains for 7 x 3 (60-
Set) 90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Log Press 3RM, then -15% for 3 x 3 (last set 3+)
Weighted Dips or Nosebreakers 4x8
DB Tri-Delts 3 x (9 front, 9 side, 9 rear)
DB Pullovers 4 x 12

Back Squat with Belt Set 1: 83% x 2, rest 2 minutes, then 68% x 6
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 83% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 68% x 6
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 83% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 68% x 6
Max Effort Deadlift From 8 Inch Blocks: 1RM, then -20% for 3
Suitcase Deadlifts from 4 Inch Deficit (Stay 3 x 5 each side
at 7-8 RPE)
Reverse Hypers 3 x 50 sec
Farmer's Walk 4 x 30 yd
Leg Curls (Band, DB, or Machine) 4 x 10

Bench Press Set 1: 88% x 2, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 6
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 88% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 6
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 88% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 6+
DB Incline Chest Press 4 x 10
BB Bent-over Rows Paused 2 Sec on 4 x 5 and 4 x submaximal reps
Sternum Superset with Pull-ups
One Arm Kettlebell Rows 3 x 10 each arm
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
4 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 231

High Bar Squat with Belt 1RM, then -20% for 2 x 3
Velocity Deadlifts 85% Straight Weight for 10 x 1 with 60-90 sec rest (or
70% Bar Weight + 20% Bands/Chains)
Belt Squat KB Deadlifts 3 x 60 sec
Reverse Hypers 3 x 60 sec
Yoke Carries 5 x 25m (handled the same as 5 x 5 method)
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
3 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Jerk From Racks 3RM
Bench to Chest 75% x 5, 80% x 3, 85% x 1 (percentages based on raw
Max Effort Sling Shot Bench 1RM
Bench Press to Chest 83% for 3, 88% x 2, 90% for AMRAP
Close Grip Axle Bar Decline Presses with 5RM, then -15% x 5+
100lb of Chains
Weighted Dips or Nosebreakers Superset 4 x 8 and 4 x 10
with Incline DB Curls
DB Fat Grip OH Walks 3 x 20 yd forwards and backwards

Power Cleans 1RM
Back Squat Box Squats (add weight to the 60% Bar Weight + 20% Bands or Chains for 7 x 2 (60-
last two sets if the speed is there) 90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Heavy Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats 4 x 5 each leg and 4 x 20
Superset with Leg Press or KB Goblet
Recovery Row:
20-25 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)

Do What You Want 232

Dynamic Bench Press (Alternate Grip Each 60% Bar Weight + 20% Bands or Chains for 7 x 2 (60-
Set) 90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Log Press 3RM, then -15% x 3+
Weighted Dips or Nosebreakers 4x8
DB Tri-Delts 3 x (9 front, 9 side, 9 rear)
DB Pullovers 3 x 10

Back Squat with Belt Set 1: 85% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 5
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 1,
rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 5
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 1,
rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 5
Max Effort Deadlift From 2 Inch Deficit: 1RM
Suitcase Deadlifts from 4 Inch Deficit (Stay 3 x 5 each side
at 7 RPE)
Reverse Hypers 3 x 60 sec
Farmer's Walk 4 x 30 yd
Leg Curls (Band, DB, or Machine) 4 x 10

Bench Press Set 1: 90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 5
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 90% x 1,
rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 5
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 90% x 1,
rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 5
DB Incline Chest Press 4x8
BB Bent-over Rows Paused 2 Sec on 4 x 5 and 3 x submaximal reps
Sternum Superset with Pull-ups
One Arm Kettlebell Rows 3 x 10 each arm
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
5 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 233

Back Squat 75% x 3, 80% x 3, 85% x 2, 78% x 2, 83% x 2, 88% x 1,
90% x 1
Deadlift Competition Stance 80% x 3, 85% x 2, 90% x 1, 83% x 1, 88% x 1, 93% x 1,
work up if feeling good
Yoke Carries 5 x 30m (handled the same as 5 x 5 method)
BW Lunges 100m
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
4 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Jerk from Blocks 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% x 2, Max Out
Bench to Chest 75% x 3, 80% x 2, 85% x 2 (percentages based on raw
Max Effort Bench Press with Reverse 3RM
Bands (Purple if Max is > 300 and Mini
Band if Max < 300LB)
Bench Press (No Bands) Competition Grip 90% for AMRAP
Incline Close Grip Axle Bar Presses with 3RM, then -15% for 4 x 3 (last set is 3+)
100lb of Chains
Nosebreakers Superset with Pullovers 3 x 10, 3 x 10, and 3 x 10
Superset with Close Grip Presses
KB Staggered Carries (OH and Farmer's) 3 x 40 yd each way

Clean from High Blocks (Bar at Mid Thigh) 3RM (8 RPE)
High Bar Back Squat + Bands or Chains 60% Bar Weight + 10% Bands or Chains for 7 x 3 (60-
90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Leg Curls (Band, DB, or Machine) 4 x 10 reps
Reverse Hypers 4 x 50 sec
Sled Drags Forwards 2 x 60 sec
Sled Drags Backwards 2 x 60 sec
Recovery Row:
20-25 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)

Do What You Want 234

Dynamic Bench Press 60% Bar Weight + 10% Bands or Chains for 7 x 3 (60-
90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Log Press 1RM, then -20% for 2 x 3 (last set 3+)
Seated DB Power Clean and Press 3 x 10 and 3 x 10
Superset with Plate Front Raises
Chest Supported KB Bat Wing Rows (2 Sec 3 x 10
Pause at Top)

Back Squat with Belt Set 1: 88% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 4
Set 2: (add 5-10 kilos to 1-rep if possible, don't add for
4-rep) 88% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 4
Set 3: (add 5-10 kilos to 1-rep if possible, don't add for
4-rep) 88% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 4+
Max Effort Deadlift Reverse Bands (Purple 3RM, then -10% for 3
if Max is > 400lb and Mini Bands if <
400lb, Bands Should Completely Deload at
BB Hip Thrusts with Band around Knees 3 x 10
GHDs (Weighted if Possible) 4x5

Bench Press Set 1: 88% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 4
Set 2: (add 5-10 kilos to 1-rep if possible, don't add for
4-rep) 88% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 4
Set 3: (add 5-10 kilos to 1-rep if possible, don't add for
4-rep) 88% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 4+
Band Push-downs 3 x 20 reps
Preacher Curls 3 x 10
Seated Rows 3 x 10
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
6 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 235

Back Squat Work up to opener for a Double
Deadlift Competition Stance 90% x 2, 93% x 1, work up if feeling good
Yoke Carries 3 x 20m (use the final weight from previous week)
BW Lunges Off
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
5 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Jerk from Blocks 1RM
Bench to Chest 75% x 3, 80% x 2, 85% x 2 (percentages based on raw
Max Effort Bench Press with Reverse 1RM
Bands (Purple if Max is > 300 and Mini
Band if Max < 300LB)
Bench Press (No Bands) Competition Grip 93% x 2, 95% x 1, max, then 85% for AMRAP
Incline Close Grip Axle Bar Presses with 3RM, then -15% for 4 x 3 (last set is 3+)
100lb of Chains
Nosebreakers Superset with Pullovers 3 x 8, 3 x 8, and 3 x 8
Superset with Close Grip Presses
KB Staggered Carries (OH and Farmer's) 3 x 40 yd each way

Clean from High Blocks (Bar at Mid Thigh) 1RM (no misses)
High Bar Back Squat + Bands or Chains 70% Bar Weight + 10% Bands or Chains for 7 x 2 (60-
90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Leg Curls Me 4 x 10 reps
Reverse Hypers 4 x 35 sec
Sled Drags Forwards 2 x 60 sec
Sled Drags Backwards 2 x 60 sec
Recovery Row:
20-25 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)

Do What You Want 236

Dynamic Bench Press 65% Bar Weight + 10% Bands or Chains for 7 x 2 (60-
90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Log Press Off
Seated DB Power Clean and Press and 3 x 10 and 3 x 10
Plate Front Raises
Chest Supported KB Bat Wing Rows (2 Sec 3 x 10
Pause at Top)

Back Squat with Belt 1RM
Max Effort Deadlift 2 Inch Deficit Deadlift: 1RM (No Bands)
BB Hip Thrusts with Band around Knees 3 x 10
GHDs (Weighted if Possible) 3x5

Bench Press 1RM
Band Push-downs 3 x 10 reps
Preacher Curls Off
Seated Rows 3 x 10
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
7 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 237

Back Squat Work up to opener x 1
Deadlift Competition Stance Work up to last warm up
Yoke Carries Heaviest 30m Yoke Carry for Max Speed of 30m
BW Lunges Off
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
2 miles at 80% pace
5 minute cool down

Jerk from Blocks Off
Bench to Chest 75% x 5, 80% x 3, 85% x 2, 90% x 1 (percentages based
on raw max)
Max Effort Bench Press with Reverse Off
Bands (Purple if Max is > 300 and Mini
Band if Max < 300LB)
Bench Press (No Bands) Competition Grip Opener
Incline Close Grip Axle Bar Presses with Off
100lb of Chains
Band Push-downs 3 x 15
KB Staggered Carries (OH and Farmer's) Off

Clean from High Blocks (Bar at Mid Thigh) 65% for 3 x 2
High Bar Back Squat + Bands or Chains 75% Bar Weight Only for 5 x 2 (60-90 sec between sets,
velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Leg Curls (Band, DB, or Machine) Off
Reverse Hypers 3 x 30 sec
Sled Drags Forwards 1 x 60 sec
Sled Drags Backwards 1 x 60 sec
Recovery Row:
10-15 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)

Do What You Want 238

Dynamic Bench Press 70% Bar Weight Only for 5 x 2 (60-90 sec between sets,
velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Log Press Off
Seated DB Power Clean and Press 3 x 10
Plate Front Raises Off
Chest Supported KB Bat Wing Rows (2 Sec 3x5
Pause at Top)

Back Squat Max Out
Bench Press Max Out
Deadlift Max Out

For Max Speed:
5K Race

Do What You Want 239

If you have a lot going on in your life but still want to get jacked
and fit, here’s a lower volume version for you. The lower volume plan
is all the good stuff without any of the movements that aren’t 100%
needed. For example, we cut out 100% of the Olympic movements.
We have also minimized the assistance work to only the movements
that are completely needed. In all actuality, most hypertrophy and
strength is gained from the movements that are left. This plan is
absolutely perfect for the strength athlete with a busy schedule or
for the one that reacts better to slightly lower volume.

Check it out!

Do What You Want 240

Box Squats 75% for 7 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
2 Inch Deficit Snatch Grip Deadlift with 5 5RM (7 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 5
Sec Eccentric
GHDs 3x8
Unilateral Farmer's Walk 3 x 40 yd each arm
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
2 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Wide Grip Bench Press (Wider than Normal 80% for 10 x 3
Competition Grip)
Pull-ups 5 x submaximal reps (switch grips each set, weakest
to strongest)
Bent-over Rows 60% for 5 x 10
DB or KB Upright Rows 5 x 10

Front Squats 80% for 10 x 3
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (Stay at a 4 x 15 each leg
7 RPE)
Axle Bar Zercher Carries 3 x 40 yd
Recovery Row:
10-15 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)

Close Grip Bench Press 60% for 5 x 10
Incline DB Press 60% for 5 x 10
KB Bottom Up Z Press 3 x 10 each arm
DB Lateral Raises 3 x 10

Front Squat with Belt Set 1: 80% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 80% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 80% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Sumo Deadlifts 75% for 7 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
Belt Squat RDLs 3 x 60 sec
One Arm Overhead Fat Grip Dumbbell 3 x 25 yd each arm

Dips with Eccentric Slower than Concentric 5 x submaximal reps (if ten reps or more, add weight)
Superset with Preacher Curls and 3 x 10
Band Push-downs Superset with Band 3 x 45 sec and 3 x 45 sec
Banded Rows 4 x 60 sec
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
3 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 241

Box Squats 80% for 8 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
2 Inch Deficit Snatch Grip Deadlift with 5 5RM (8 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 5
Sec Eccentric
GHDs 4x8
Unilateral Farmer's Walk 3 x 40 yd each arm
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
3 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Wide Grip Bench Press (Wider than Normal 80% for 10 x 4
Competition Grip)
Pull-ups 5 x submaximal reps (switch grips each set, weakest
to strongest)
Bent-over Rows 65% for 5 x 10
DB or KB Upright Rows 5 x 10

Front Squats 80% for 10 x 4
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (Stay at a 5 x 15 each leg
7 RPE)
Axle Bar Zercher Carries 3 x 40 yd
Recovery Row:
10-15 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)

Close Grip Bench Press 65% for 5 x 10
Incline DB Press 65% for 5 x 10
KB Bottom Up Z Press 3 x 10 each arm
DB Lateral Raises 3 x 10

Front Squat with Belt Set 1: 83% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 83% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 83% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Sumo Deadlifts 80% for 8 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
GHDs Off
Belt Squat RDLs 4 x 60 sec
One Arm Overhead Fat Grip Dumbbell 3 x 25 yd each arm

Dips with Eccentric Slower than Concentric 5 x submaximal reps (if ten reps or more, add weight)
Superset with Preacher Curls and 3 x 10
Band Push-downs Superset with Band 3 x 50 sec and 3 x 50 sec
Banded Rows 4 x 60 sec
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
4 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 242

Box Squats 85% for 6 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
2 Inch Deficit Snatch Grip Deadlift with 5 5RM (9 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 5
Sec Eccentric
GHDs 5x8
Unilateral Farmer's Walk 3 x 50 yd each arm
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
4 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Wide Grip Bench Press (Wider than Normal 80% for 10 x 5
Competition Grip)
Pull-ups 5 x submaximal reps (switch grips each set, weakest
to strongest)
Bent-over Rows 70% for 5 x 10
DB or KB Upright Rows 5 x 10

Front Squats 80% for 10 x 5
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (Stay at a 5 x 15 each leg
7 RPE)
Axle Bar Zercher Carries 3 x 50 yd
Recovery Row:
15-20 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)

Close Grip Bench Press 70% for 5 x 10
Incline DB Press 70% for 5 x 10
KB Bottom Up Z Press 3 x 10 each arm
DB Lateral Raises 3 x 10

Front Squat with Belt Set 1: 85% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 10
Sumo Deadlifts 85% for 6 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
GHDs Off
Belt Squat RDLs 3 x 70 sec
One Arm Overhead Fat Grip Dumbbell 3 x 30 yd each arm

Dips with Eccentric Slower than Concentric 5 x submaximal reps (if ten reps or more, add weight)
Superset with Preacher Curls and 3 x 10
Band Push-downs Superset with Band 3 x 55 sec and 3 x 55 sec
Banded Rows 4 x 60 sec
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
5 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 243

Front Squats 70% x 4, 75% for 2 x 3, 78% for 2 x 2, 80% x 1
Deadlifts (All Reps Dead Stop) 70% x 4, 75% x 3, 78% for 2 x 2, 80% x 1
Hack Squat or Double Kettlebell Goblet 3 x 20
Yoke Carries 5 x 20m (handled the same as 5 x 5 method)
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
3 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Close Grip Bench Press 70% x 4, 75% for 2 x 3, 78% for 2 x 2, 80% x 1
Floor Presses with 50-100lb of Chains 8RM, then -15% for 2 x 8 (last set is 8+)
Pull-ups 3 x submaximal reps
BB Bent-over Rows Paused 2 Sec on 3 x 10 and 3 x 12
Sternum Superset with Band Face Pulls
and Press

Back Squat Box Squats (add weight to the 40% Bar Weight + 30% Bands or Chains for 6 x 3 (60-
last two sets if the speed is there) 90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Reverse Hypers Superset with Leg Curls 3 x 45 sec and 3 x 10
(Seated, DB, or Machine)
Recovery Row:
10-15 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)

Velocity Bench Press 50% Bar Weight + 25% Bands or Chains for 6 x 3 (60-
90 sec rest, velocity goal of 0.75m/s)
Log Press 5RM, then -15% for 2 x 5 (last set 5+)
Plate Raises Superset with DB Lateral 3 x 10, 3 x 10, and 3 x 10
Raises Superset with DB Power Clean and

Low Bar Back Squat Set 1: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 75% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 75% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Competition Stance Deadlifts 75% for 6 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (Stay at a 4 x 10 each leg
7 RPE)
Bilateral Farmer's Walk 3 x 30 yd

Bench Press Set 1: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 75% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 75% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
DB Tricep Extensions Superset with Band 6 x 8 and 6 x 15
Push-downs (30 Sec Between Sets)
Fat Bar Curls Superset with Concentration 3 x 10 and 3 x 10
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
4 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 244

Front Squats 73% x 4, 78% for 3 x 3, 80% for 3 x 2, 83% for 2 x 1
Deadlifts (All Reps Dead Stop) 73% x 3, 78% for 2 x 2, 80% for 3 x 2, 83% for 2 x 1
Hack Squat or Double Kettlebell Goblet 4 x 20
Yoke Carries 5 x 20m (handled the same as 5 x 5 method)
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
2.5 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Close Grip Bench Press 73% x 4, 78% for 3 x 3, 80% for 3 x 2, 83% for 2 x 1
Floor Presses with 50-100lb of Chains 8RM, then -15% for 2 x 8 (last set is 8+)
Pull-ups 3 x submaximal reps
BB Bent-over Rows Paused 2 Sec on 3 x 10 and 3 x 12
Sternum Superset with Band Face Pulls
and Press

Back Squat Box Squats (add weight to the 45% Bar Weight + 30% Bands or Chains for 7 x 3 (60-
last two sets if the speed is there) 90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Reverse Hypers Superset with Leg Curls 3 x 50 sec and 3 x 10
(Seated, DB, or Machine)
Recovery Row:
15-20 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)

Velocity Bench Press 55% Bar Weight + 25% Bands or Chains for 6 x 3 (60-
90 sec rest, velocity goal of 0.75m/s)
Log Press 5RM, then -15% for 2 x 5 (last set 5+)
Plate Raises Superset with DB Lateral 4 x 10, 4 x 10, and 4 x 10
Raises Superset with DB Power Clean and

Low Bar Back Squat Set 1: 78% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 78% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 78% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Competition Stance Deadlifts 78% for 7 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (Stay at a 4 x 10 each leg
7 RPE)
Bilateral Farmer's Walk 4 x 30 yd

Bench Press Set 1: 78% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 78% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 78% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
DB Tricep Extensions Superset with Band 6 x 8 and 6 x 15
Push-downs (30 Sec Between Sets)
Fat Bar Curls Superset with Concentration 3 x 10 and 3 x 10
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
4 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 245

Front Squats 70% x 4, 75% x 3, 78% for 2 x 2, 80% x 1
Deadlifts (All Reps Dead Stop) 70% x 3, 75% x 3, 78% x 2, 80% x 1
Hack Squat or Double Kettlebell Goblet 3 x 10
Yoke Carries 5 x 20m (handled the same as 5 x 5 method)
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
3.5 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Close Grip Bench Press 70% x 4, 75% x 3, 78% for 2 x 2, 80% x 1
Floor Presses with 50-100lb of Chains 90% of 8RM for 2 x 8
Pull-ups 3 x submaximal reps
BB Bent-over Rows Paused 2 Sec on 3 x 10 and 3 x 12
Sternum Superset with Band Face Pulls
and Press

Back Squat Box Squats (add weight to the 35% Bar Weight + 30% Bands or Chains for 5 x 3 (60-
last two sets if the speed is there) 90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Reverse Hypers Superset with Leg Curls 3 x 30 sec and 3 x 10
(Seated, DB, or Machine)
Recovery Row:
15-20 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)

Velocity Bench Press 45% Bar Weight + 25% Bands or Chains for 5 x 3 (60-
90 sec rest, velocity goal of 0.75m/s)
Log Press 90% of 5RM for 3 x 5
Plate Raises Superset with DB Lateral 3 x 8, 3 x 8, and 3 x 8
Raises Superset with DB Power Clean and

Low Bar Back Squat Set 1: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 2: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 3: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Competition Stance Deadlifts 70% for 6 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (Stay at a 4 x 10 each leg
7 RPE)
Bilateral Farmer's Walk 3 x 25 yd

Bench Press Set 1: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 2: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 3: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
DB Tricep Extensions Superset with Band 6 x 8 and 6 x 15
Push-downs (30 Sec Between Sets)
Fat Bar Curls Superset with Concentration 3 x 10 and 3 x 10
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
5 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 246

High Bar Squat with Belt 80% for 3 x 3, 85% for 2 x 2, 88% x 2
Velocity Deadlifts 75% Straight Weight for 8 x 2 with 60-90 sec rest (or
60% Bar Weight + 20% Bands/Chains)
Belt Squat KB Deadlifts 3 x 45 sec
Yoke Carries 5 x 25m (handled the same as 5 x 5 method)
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
4.5 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Bench to Chest 75% x 5, 80% x 3, 85% x 1 (percentages based on raw
Max Effort Sling Shot Bench 3RM
Bench Press to Chest 83% for 3, 88% x 2, 90% for AMRAP
Close Grip Axle Bar Decline Presses with 5RM, then -15% for 3 x 5 (last set is 5+) and 4 x 10
100lb of Chains Superset with Incline DB
DB Fat Grip OH Walks 3 x 20 yd forwards and backwards

Back Squat Box Squats (add weight to the 50% Bar Weight + 20% Bands or Chains for 6 x 3 (60-
last two sets if the speed is there) 90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Heavy Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats 4 x 5 each leg and 4 x 20
Superset with Leg Press or KB Goblet
Recovery Row:
15-20 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)

Dynamic Bench Press (Alternate Grip Each 50% Bar Weight + 20% Bands or Chains for 6 x 3 (60-
Set) 90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Log Press 3RM, then -15% for 2 x 3 (last set 3+)
Weighted Dips or Nosebreakers 4x8
DB Tri-Delts 3 x (9 front, 9 side, 9 rear)
DB Pullovers 4 x 12

Low Bar Back Squat Set 1: 80% x 2, rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 6
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 80% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 6
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 80% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 6
Max Effort Deadlift From 8 Inch Blocks: 3RM, then -10% for 3
Suitcase Deadlifts from 4 Inch Deficit (Stay 3 x 5 each side
at 7-8 RPE)
Farmer's Walk 4 x 30 yd

Bench Press Set 1: 85% x 2, rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 6
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 75% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 75% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
DB Incline Chest Press 4 x 10
BB Bent-over Rows Paused 2 Sec on 4 x 5 and 4 x submaximal reps
Sternum Superset with Pull-ups
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
6 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 247

High Bar Squat with Belt 80% for 3 x 3, 85% for 2 x 3, 88% for 2 x 2, 90% for 2 x 2
Velocity Deadlifts 80% Straight Weight for 7 x 2 with 60-90 sec rest (or
65% Bar Weight + 20% Bands/Chains)
Belt Squat KB Deadlifts 3 x 50 sec
Yoke Carries 5 x 25m (handled the same as 5 x 5 method)
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
3 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Jerk From Racks 3RM (first rep paused 3 sec in catch)
Bench to Chest 75% x 5, 80% x 3, 85% x 1 (percentages based on raw
Max Effort Sling Shot Bench 3RM
Bench Press to Chest 85% x 3, 90% x 1, 93% for AMRAP
Close Grip Axle Bar Decline Presses with 5RM, then -15% for 3 x 5 (last set is 5+) and 4 x 10
100lb of Chains Superset with DB Incline
DB Fat Grip OH Walks 3 x 20 yd forwards and backwards

Back Squat Box Squats (add weight to the 55% Bar Weight + 20% Bands or Chains for 7 x 3 (60-
last two sets if the speed is there) 90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Heavy Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats 4 x 5 each leg and 4 x 20
Superset with Leg Press or KB Goblet
Recovery Row:
15-20 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)

Dynamic Bench Press (Alternate Grip Each 55% Bar Weight + 20% Bands or Chains for 7 x 3 (60-
Set) 90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Log Press 3RM, then -15% for 3 x 3 (last set 3+)
Weighted Dips or Nosebreakers 4x8
DB Tri-Delts 3 x (9 front, 9 side, 9 rear)
DB Pullovers 4 x 12

Low Bar Back Squat Set 1: 83% x 2, rest 2 minutes, then 68% x 6
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 83% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 68% x 6
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 83% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 68% x 6
Max Effort Deadlift From 8 Inch Blocks: 1RM, then -20% for 3
Suitcase Deadlifts from 4 Inch Deficit (Stay 3 x 5 each side
at 7-8 RPE)
Farmer's Walk 4 x 30 yd

Bench Press Set 1: 88% x 2, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 6
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 88% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 6
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 88% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 6
DB Incline Chest Press 4 x 10
BB Bent-over Rows Paused 2 Sec on 4 x 5 and 4 x submaximal reps
Sternum Superset with Pull-ups
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
4 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 248

High Bar Squat with Belt 1RM, then -20% for 2 x 3
Velocity Deadlifts 85% Straight Weight for 10 x 1 with 60-90 sec rest (or
70% Bar Weight + 20% Bands/Chains)
Belt Squat KB Deadlifts 3 x 60 sec
Yoke Carries 5 x 25m (handled the same as 5 x 5 method)
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
3 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Bench to Chest 75% x 5, 80% x 3, 85% x 1 (percentages based on raw
Max Effort Sling Shot Bench 1RM
Bench Press to Chest 83% x 3, 88% x 2, 90% for AMRAP
Close Grip Axle Bar Decline Presses with 5RM, then -15% for 2 x 5 (last set is 5+) and 3 x 10
100lb of Chains Superset with DB Inclone
DB Fat Grip OH Walks 3 x 20 yd forwards and backwards

Back Squat Box Squats (add weight to the 60% Bar Weight + 20% Bands or Chains for 7 x 2 (60-
last two sets if the speed is there) 90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Heavy Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats 4 x 5 each leg and 4 x 20
Superset with Leg Press or KB Goblet
Recovery Row:
20-25 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)

Dynamic Bench Press (Alternate Grip Each 60% Bar Weight + 20% Bands or Chains for 7 x 2 (60-
Set) 90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Log Press 3RM, then -15% x 3+
Weighted Dips or Nosebreakers 4x8
DB Tri-Delts 3 x (9 front, 9 side, 9 rear)
DB Pullovers 3 x 10

Low Bar Back Squat Set 1: 85% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 5
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 1,
rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 5
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 1,
rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 5
Max Effort Deadlift From 2 Inch Deficit: 1RM
Suitcase Deadlifts from 4 Inch Deficit (Stay 3 x 5 each side
at 7 RPE)
Farmer's Walk 4 x 30 yd

Bench Press Set 1: 90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 5
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 90% x 1,
rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 5
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 90% x 1,
rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 5
DB Incline Chest Press 4x8
BB Bent-over Rows Paused 2 Sec on 4 x 5 and 3 x submaximal reps
Sternum Superset with Pull-ups
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
5 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 249

Back Squat 75% x 3, 80% x 3, 85% x 2, 78% x 2, 83% x 2, 88% x 1,
90% x 1
Deadlift Competition Stance 80% x 3, 85% x 2, 90% x 1, 83% x 1, 88% x 1, 93% x 1,
work up if feeling good
Yoke Carries 5 x 30m (handled the same as 5 x 5 method)
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
4 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Bench to Chest 75% x 3, 80% x 2, 85% x 2 (percentages based on raw
Max Effort Bench Press with Reverse 3RM
Bands (Purple if Max is > 300 and Mini
Band if Max < 300LB)
Bench Press (No Bands) Competition Grip 90% for AMRAP
Incline Close Grip Axle Bar Presses with 3RM, then -15% for 4 x 3 (last set is 3+)
100lb of Chains
KB Staggered Carries (OH and Farmer's) 3 x 40 yd each way

High Bar Back Squat + Bands or Chains 60% Bar Weight + 10% Bands or Chains for 7 x 3 (60-
90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Leg Curls (Band, DB, or Machine) 4 x 10
Reverse Hypers 4 x 50 seconds
Recovery Row:
20-25 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)

Dynamic Bench Press 60% Bar Weight + 10% Bands or Chains for 7 x 3 (60-
90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Log Press 1RM, then -20% for 2 x 3 (last set 3+)
Seated DB Power Clean and Press 3 x 10 and 3 x 10
Superset with Plate Front Raises
Chest Supported KB Bat Wing Rows (2 Sec 3 x 10
Pause at Top)

Back Squat with Belt Set 1: 88% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 4
Set 2: (add 5-10 kilos to 1-rep if possible, don't add for
4-rep) 88% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 4
Set 3: (add 5-10 kilos to 1-rep if possible, don't add for
4-rep) 88% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 4+
Max Effort Deadlift (Reverse Bands Purple 3RM, then -10% for 3
if Max is > 400lb and Mini Bands if <
400lb, Bands Should Completely Deload at
BB Hip Thrusts with Band around Knees 3 x 10

Bench Press Set 1: 88% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 4
Set 2: (add 5-10 kilos to 1-rep if possible, don't add for
4-rep) 88% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 4
Set 3: (add 5-10 kilos to 1-rep if possible, don't add for
4-rep) 88% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 4+
Band Push-downs 3 x 20 reps
Preacher Curls 3 x 10
Seated Rows 3 x 10
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
6 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 250

Back Squat Work up to opener for a Double
Deadlift Competition Stance 90% x 2, 93% x 1, work up if feeling good
Yoke Carries 3 x 20m (use the final weight from previous week)
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
5 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down

Bench to Chest 75% x 3, 80% x 2, 85% x 2 (percentages based on raw
Max Effort Bench Press with Reverse 1RM
Bands (Purple if Max is > 300 and Mini
Band if Max < 300LB)
Bench Press (No Bands) Competition Grip 93% x 2, 95% x 1, max, then 85% for AMRAP
Incline Close Grip Axle Bar Presses with 3RM, then -15% for 4 x 3 (last set is 3+)
100lb of Chains
KB Staggered Carries (OH and Farmer's) 3 x 40 yd each way

High Bar Back Squat + Bands or Chains 70% Bar Weight + 10% Bands or Chains for 7 x 2 (60-
90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Leg Curls (Band, DB, or Machine) 4 x10
Reverse Hypers 3 x 35 sec
Recovery Row:
20-25 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)

Dynamic Bench Press 65% Bar Weight + 10% Bands or Chains for 7 x 2 (60-
90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Log Press Off
Seated DB Power Clean and Press 3 x 10 and 3 x 10
Superset with Plate Front Raises
Chest Supported KB Bat Wing Rows (2 Sec 3 x 10
Pause at Top)

Back Squat with Belt 1RM
Max Effort Deadlift 2 Inch Deficit Deadlift: 1RM (No Bands)
BB Hip Thrusts with Band around Knees 3 x 10

Bench Press 1RM
Band Push-downs 3 x 10 reps
Preacher Curls Off
Seated Rows 3 x 10
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
7 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 251

Back Squat Work up to opener x 1
Deadlift Competition Stance Work up to last warm up
Yoke Carries Heaviest 30m for Max Speed of 30m
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
2 miles at 80% pace
5 minute cool down

Bench Press Opener
Band Push-downs 3 x 15

High Bar Back Squat + Bands or Chains 75% Bar Weight Only for 5 x 2 (60-90 sec between sets,
velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Reverse Hypers 3 x 30 seconds
Recovery Row:
10-15 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)

Dynamic Bench Press 70% Bar Weight Only for 5 x 2 (60-90 sec between sets,
velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Seated DB Power Clean 3 x 10
Chest Supported KB Bat Wing Rows (2 Sec 3x5
Pause at Top)

Back Squat Max Out
Bench Press Max Out
Deadlift Max Out

For Max Speed:
5K Race

Do What You Want 252

I want to end this book with an example of how I am personally
using all of this information to design a program that fits my goals
and lets me do what I want. Let me give you some background, so
you can get the entire picture.

I am 44 years old, and I have been training since I was 11. Yes,
I’ve been training 33 years. I was a world record holder and world
champion multiple times in powerlifting. I was also a nationally
ranked Olympic weightlifter. Everyone who knows me realizes I love
to lift a heavy barbell.

There’s much more to the story. I played college football at

Appalachian State University, and I was recruited for USA Bobsled.
I tell you this because you need to realize I love being an athlete
- not just a strength athlete. I love to push my body in new and
challenging ways. Isn’t that why all of us fall in love with training?
I am totally fascinated by the capabilities of the human body. How
far can we push it? How fast? How strong?

I have to challenge myself in new and exciting ways, or I will get

bored. I am one of those people who needs a goal to really make

Do What You Want 253

use of the gym. It’s hard for me to just go in the gym day-in and day-
out with nothing specific to work towards. I admire people who drag
their butts into the gym every single day without any quantifiable
goal in mind. I simply can’t do that.

That brings me to my current goals for my training. First, I want

to get back on the platform this year in powerlifting. I also want
to compete in Olympic weightlifting. I don’t foresee big numbers
because I have a lot of challenges to overcome. I tore my triceps
twice last year, so overhead stability is a real problem. My right
hip is getting worse. I will need a replacement soon, so this is
probably my last hoorah. I am not looking to break records in
weightlifting. I just want to perform the movements in a decent
way with decent weight.

Here is the kicker: I also want to run a 5K. I haven’t ever performed
in an endurance sport before, so this is all new for me. That makes
it super exciting. Thanks to my man Alex Viada, I feel confident I can
make this happen. I know my wife is excited to see me strengthen
the old ticker.

There are a few more goals I want to mention. First, I want to

lose some body fat, so nutrition is going to be very important. I
have a goal to compete in powerlifting at 90kg/198lb and then at
85kg/187lb in weightlifting later in the year.

I am also going to focus on movement and mobility. The biggest

issue I have with mobility is my hip. It’s going to be super challenging
- but with the help of some experts, I believe I can improve. I will
be visiting my chiropractor of over 14 years, Dr. Larry Gray, at least
once per week. I am also hoping to communicate with my friend
Dr. Stuart McGill so there should be a lot of information coming

Do What You Want 254

your way as I learn to push my broken body. We are bringing yoga
and Pilates to our gym, LEAN Fitness, so I am hoping to be in that
class at least once per week. That will be a funny sight for sure. I
will video it for all of your enjoyment and amusement.

Here’s another part of the equation I believe will register with

a lot of you. I am a father and husband before I am anything else.
I have three beautiful children and the most amazing wife on the
planet. I can’t be in the gym four hours per day. I am also the coach
of the best weightlifting team in America, and I am a strength and
conditioning coach for some of the best athletes in America. I
currently own two businesses, and I am working on two more as I
write this book.

Guys, I am busy. I get it. I really do. So I am going to show all of

you how I write a workout that helps me reach my goals without
taking me away from my other priorities in life.

Below is the workout I will personally be using to prepare me for

a super total meet along with a 5K. That’s right, a dang 5K! Believe
it or not, I am having the most fun working on my cardiovascular
system. I have neglected my cardio for so long I am getting newbie
gains. It’s been a long time since I experienced any newbie gains.
Another reason to try new things!


Let me first share with you my warm-up strategy.

1. 2 Minutes on the Bike

2. The McGill "Big Three" (Side Planks, Curl Ups, and Bird Dogs)

Do What You Want 255

3. Belt Squats: 3 x 10
4. Quads and Hip Flexor Stretch
5. Band Shoulder Traction

I don’t have a lot of time to waste when I train. I don’t have an

hour every day to warm-up. My warm-ups are focused, and they are
proven to work. I’ve added the McGill “big three” that you can read
more about on Dr. Stuart McGill’s website (

What I really want to talk about in regards to my warm-up is the

belt squat. I perform belt squat marches, squats, and sometimes
RDLs to prepare my hips and low back. The hip extension helps to
move my femur into a more advantageous position. It also helps to
shift the majority of the stress to my hips and away from my lower
back. This one movement is allowing me to train hard once again
without getting hip surgery. I can’t thank Westside Barbell enough
for turning me onto this valuable piece of equipment. When I use
the belt squat as a warm-up, I am using the least amount of weight
possible. I am simply trying to activate the glutes, traction my back,
and get my body into the correct squatting position.

One other gem I would like to mention from Westside is their

reverse hyper machine. You will find some of you respond perfectly
to both the belt squat and the reverse hyper. Some of you will
respond better to the belt squat only. But some of you, will respond
better to the reverse hyper. That’s the case for my training partner,
Chris “Ox” Mason. When the reverse hyper is performed correctly,
it will trigger the multifudus to activate. This causes more stiffness
in the low back to protect the spine where it is vulnerable. It all
depends on the individual and their specific needs. We are blessed
to have both pieces of equipment at our facility. We obviously love
Westside Barbell and the amazing accessory machines Louie
Simmons has created.

Do What You Want 256

Now take a look at the full program. I am hitting this full blast
as I type these very words. I am performing most of my endurance
work on a bike or rower to limit the impact experienced by my hips.
I will use the slow run on the last day of the week to run and/or walk
with my wife. I will probably start with a run/walk kind of pace. It
might also involve pushing a stroller to spend time with my babies.

I love finding more ways to spend time with my family. Some

people become entrepreneurs to create wealth and power. I became
an entrepreneur to spend more time with those I love. That will
always be my number one priority. A big reason I am performing
this very workout is to get in better shape for my family. I want to
play with my sons as they grow up, and I want one day to play with
my grandchildren. I suggest all of you find your why. For sustained
longevity in fitness, a why is required.

The focus is squat, bench, and deadlift as far as strength goes.

I am excited to improve in the Olympic lifts, but I simply want to be
able to perform the movements in an acceptable manner. I realize
my limitations.

This is a great workout for anyone wanting to get stronger in

the powerlifts while also bringing up the Olympic lifts. We are still
focusing on adding some quality muscle mass. Yes, I want to be
jacked for the beach as well. I am probably most excited about
the 5K just because I am so new to endurance work. If you guys
choose to perform this one with me, let me know on social media.

Do What You Want 257

Hang Snatch from Below the Knee 3RM (7 RPE), then -10% for 3
Box Squats Superset with Seated Box 75% for 7 x 3 and 7 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
2 Inch Deficit Snatch Grip Deadlift (5 Sec 5RM (7 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 5
Belt Squat RDLs Superset with One Arm 3 x 60 sec and 3 x 25 each arm
OH Fat Grip Dumbbell Carry

Airdyne or Row Sprints:
2 min warm up
45 sec on and 60 sec off x 8
5 min cool down

Wide Grip Bench Press (Wider than Normal 80% for 10 x 3
Competition Grip)
Push Jerks 5RM (7 RPE), then -10% for 5
Pull-ups 5 x submaximal reps (switch grips each set, weakest
to strongest)
DB or KB Upright Rows 5 x 10
Dips (Eccentric Slower than Concentric) 5 x submaximal reps (if ten reps or more, add weight)
Banded Rows 4 x 60 sec

Hang Clean 3RM (7 RPE), then -10% for 3
Front Squats 80% for 10 x 3
Sumo Deadlifts 75% for 7 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (Stay at a 4 x 15 each leg
7 RPE)
Unilateral Farmer's Walk 3 x 40 yd each arm
Recovery Row:
10-15 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)

Snatch Complex Power Snatch Double (Work Heavy)
Clean and Jerk Complex Power Clean and Push Jerk Double (Work Heavy)
Close Grip Bench Press 60% for 5 x 10
Incline DB Press 60% for 5 x 10
KB Bottom Up Z Press 3 x 10 each arm
Preacher Curls 3 x 10
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
20 minute Run/Walk (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 258

Hang Snatch from Below the Knee 3RM (8 RPE), then -10% for 3
Box Squats Superset with Seated Box 80% for 8 x 3 and 8 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
2 Inch Deficit Snatch Grip Deadlift (5 Sec 5RM (8 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 5
Belt Squat RDLs Superset with One Arm 4 x 60 sec and 3 x 25 yd each arm
OH Fat Grip Dumbbell Carry

Airdyne or Row Sprints:
2 min warm up
50 sec on and 60 sec off x 8
5 min cool down

Wide Grip Bench Press (Wider than Normal 80% for 10 x 4
Competition Grip)
Push Jerks 5RM (8 RPE), then -10% for 5
Pull-ups 5 x submaximal reps (switch grips each set, weakest
to strongest)
DB or KB Upright Rows 5 x 10
Dips (Eccentric Slower than Concentric) 5 x submaximal reps (if ten reps or more, add weight)
Banded Rows 4 x 60 sec

Hang Clean 3RM (8 RPE), then -10% for 3
Front Squats 80% for 10 x 4
Sumo Deadlifts 80% for 8 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (Stay at a 5 x 15 each leg
7 RPE)
Unilateral Farmer's Walk 3 x 40 yd each arm
Recovery Row:
10-15 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)

Snatch Complex Snatch from High Box: 2 RM
Clean and Jerk Complex Clean + 2 Front Squats + 2 Jerks: Max
Close Grip Bench Press 65% for 5 x 10
Incline DB Press 65% for 5 x 10
KB Bottom Up Z Press 3 x 10 each arm
Preacher Curls 3 x 10
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
40 minute Run/Walk (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 259

Hang Snatch from Below the Knee 3RM (9 RPE)
Box Squats Superset with Seated Box 85% for 6 x 3 and 6 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
2 Inch Deficit Snatch Grip Deadlift (5 Sec 5RM (9 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 5
Belt Squat RDLs Superset with One Arm 3 x 70 sec and 3 x 30 yd each arm
OH Fat Grip Dumbbell Carry

Airdyne or Row Sprints:
2 min warm up
55 sec on and 60 sec off x 8
5 min cool down

Wide Grip Bench Press (Wider than Normal 80% for 10 x 5
Competition Grip)
Push Jerks 5RM (9 RPE)
Pull-ups 5 x submaximal reps (switch grips each set, weakest
to strongest)
DB or KB Upright Rows 5 x 10
Banded Rows 4 x 60 sec
Recovery Row:
15-20 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)

Hang Clean 3RM (9 RPE)
Front Squats 80% for 10 x 5
Sumo Deadlifts 85% for 6 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (Stay at a 5 x 15 each leg
7 RPE)
Unilateral Farmer's Walk 3 x 50 yd each arm

Snatch Complex Pull + Snatch + Hang Snatch: Max
Clean and Jerk Complex Clean + 2 Front Squats + Jerk: Max
Close Grip Bench Press 70% for 5 x 10
Incline DB Press 70% for 5 x 10
KB Bottom Up Z Press 3 x 10 each arm
Preacher Curls 3 x 10
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
50 minute Run/Walk (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 260

Snatch from Blocks with Bar at Knee 3RM
Clean from Blocks Bar at Knee 70% x 3, 75% for 2 x 2, 80% x 2, 85% for 2 x 1
Front Squats 70% x 4, 75% for 2 x 3, 78% for 2 x 2, 80% x 1
Deadlifts (All Reps Dead Stop) 70% x 4, 75% x 3, 78% for 2 x 2, 80% x 1
Hang Muscle Snatch in Belt Squat 5 x 5 and 5 x 20m (handled the same as 5 x 5 method)
Superset with Yoke Carries

Airdyne or Row Sprints:
2 min warm up
60 sec on and 60 sec off x 6
5 min cool down

Jerks 5RM
Close Grip Bench Press 70% x 4, 75% for 2 x 3, 78% for 2 x 2, 80% x 1
Floor Presses with 50-100lb of Chains 8RM, then -15% for 2 x 8 (last set is 8+)
Pull-ups Superset with BB Rows Paused 2 3 x submaximal reps, 3 x 10, and 3 x 40 yd
Sec on Sternum Superset with OH Axle Bar

OH Squat 5RM
Low Bar Back Squat Set 1: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 75% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 75% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Competition Stance Deadlifts 75% for 6 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
Belt Squat KB Deadlifts 3 x 45 sec
Reverse Hypers 3 x 45 sec
Recovery Row:
10-15 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)

Clean and Jerk Max Effort Pull + Clean + Front Squat + Jerk: Max
Bench Press Set 1: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 75% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 75% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
DB Tricep Extensions Superset with Band 6 x 8 and 6 x 15
Push-downs with 30 Sec between Sets
Fat Bar Curls 3 x 10
Rows Superset with Band Pull-Aparts 3 x 10 and 3 x 10
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
40 minute Run/Walk (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 261

Snatch from Blocks with Bar at Knee 3RM
Clean from Blocks Bar at Knee 75% for 2 x 3, 80% for 2 x 2, 85% x 2, 88% for 2 x 1
Front Squats 73% x 4, 78% for 3 x 3, 80% for 3 x 2, 83% for 2 x 1
Deadlifts (All Reps Dead Stop) 73% x 3, 78% for 2 x 2, 80% for 3 x 2, 83% for 2 x 1
Hang Muscle Snatch in Belt Squat 5 x 5 and 5 x 20m (handled the same as 5 x 5 method)
Superset with Yoke Carries

Airdyne or Row Sprints:
2 min warm up
50 sec on and 60 sec off x 8
5 min cool down

Jerks 5RM
Close Grip Bench Press 73% x 4, 78% for 3 x 3, 80% for 3 x 2, 83% for 2 x 1
Floor Presses with 50-100lb of Chains 8RM, then -15% for 2 x 8 (last set is 8+)
Pull-ups Superset with BB Rows Paused 2 3 x submaximal reps, 3 x 10, and 3 x 40 yd
Sec on Sternum Superset with OH Axle Bar

OH Squat 5RM
Low Bar Back Squat Set 1: 78% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 78% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 78% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Competition Stance Deadlifts 78% for 7 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
Belt Squat KB Deadlifts 3 x 50 sec
Reverse Hypers 3 x 50 sec
Recovery Row:
15-20 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)

Clean and Jerk Max Effort Pull + Clean + Front Squat + Jerk: Max
Bench Press Set 1: 78% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 78% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 78% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
DB Tricep Extensions Superset with Band 6 x 8 and 6 x 15
Push-downs with 30 Sec between Sets
Fat Bar Curls 3 x 10
Rows Superset with Band Pull-Aparts 3 x 10 and 3 x 10
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
40 minute Run/Walk (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 262

Snatch from Blocks with Bar at Knee 3RM
Clean from Blocks Bar at Knee 65% for 2 x 3, 70% x 2, 75% for 2 x 1, 80% x 1, 83% x 1
Front Squats 70% x 4, 75% x 3, 78% for 2 x 2, 80% x 1
Deadlifts (All Reps Dead Stop) 70% x 3, 75% x 3, 78% x 2, 80% x 1
Hang Muscle Snatch in Belt Squat 5 x 5 and 5 x 20m (handled the same as 5 x 5 method)
Superset with Yoke Carries

Airdyne or Row Sprints:
2 min warm up
55 sec on and 60 sec off x 9
5 min cool down

Jerks 5RM
Close Grip Bench Press 70% x 4, 75% x 3, 78% for 2 x 2, 80% x 1
Floor Presses with 50-100lb of Chains 90% of 8RM for 2 x 8
Pull-ups Superset with BB Rows Paused 2 3 x submaximal reps, 3 x 10, and 3 x 40 yd
Sec on Sternum Superset with OH Axle Bar

OH Squat 5RM
Low Bar Back Squat Set 1: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 2: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 3: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Competition Stance Deadlifts 70% for 6 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
Belt Squat KB Deadlifts 3 x 30 sec
Reverse Hypers 3 x 30 sec
Recovery Row:
15-20 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)

Clean and Jerk Max Effort Clean and Jerk Max Double
Bench Press Set 1: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 2: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 3: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
DB Tricep Extensions Superset with Band 6 x 8 and 6 x 15
Push-downs with 30 Sec between Sets
Fat Bar Curls 3 x 10
Rows Superset with Band Pull-Aparts 3 x 10 and 3 x 10
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
50 minute Run/Walk (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 263

Hang Snatch 3RM (8 RPE)
Clean and Jerks 70% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% for 2 x
1, 88% x 1
High Bar Squat with Belt 80% for 3 x 3, 85% for 2 x 2, 88% x 2
Velocity Deadlifts 75% Straight Weight for 8 x 2 with 60-90 sec rest (or
60% Bar Weight + 20% Bands/Chains)
Belt Squat KB Goblet Squat Superset with 3 x 45 sec and 4 x 30 yd
Farmer's Walk

Airdyne or Row Sprints:
2 min warm up
60 sec on and 55 sec off x 10
5 min cool down

Jerk From Racks 3RM (paused 3 sec in catch)
Bench to Chest 75% x 5, 80% x 3, 85% x 1 (percentages based on raw
Max Effort Sling Shot Bench 3RM
Bench Press to Chest 83% for 3, 88% x 2, 90% for AMRAP
Close Grip Axle Bar Decline Presses with 5RM, then -15% for 3 x 5 (last set is 5+)
100lb of Chains
BB Rows Paused 2 Sec on Sternum 4 x 5, 3 x (9 front, 9 side, 9 rear), and 3 x 20 yd
Superset wth DB Tri-Delts Superset with forwards and backwards
DB Fat Grip OH Walks

Clean and Jerk Max Effort Clean + Hang Clean + Jerk: Max
Back Squat with Belt Set 1: 80% x 2, rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 6
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 80% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 6
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 80% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 6
Max Effort Deadlift From 8 Inch Blocks: 3RM, then -10% for 3
Suitcase Deadlifts from 4 Inch Deficit (Stay 3 x 5 each side
at 7-8 RPE)
BB High Pull from Pins Belt Squat 3 x 40 sec
Recovery Row:
15-20 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)

OH Squat 3RM
Bench Press Set 1: 85% x 2, rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 6
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 6
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 6
Weighted Dips or Nosebreakers 4x8
Pull-ups 4 x submaximal reps
DB Hammer Curls 3 x 10
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
60 minute Run/Walk (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 264

Hang Snatch 3RM (9 RPE)
Clean and Jerks 75% x 3, 80% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% for 2 x 1, 88%
High Bar Squat with Belt 80% for 3 x 3, 85% for 2 x 3, 88% for 2 x 2, 90% for 2 x 2
Velocity Deadlifts 80% Straight Weight for 7 x 2 with 60-90 sec rest (or
65% Bar Weight + 20% Bands/Chains)
Belt Squat KB Goblet Squat Superset with 3 x 50 sec and 4 x 30 yd
Farmer's Walk

Airdyne or Row Sprints:
2 min warm up
60 sec on and 60 sec off x 6
5 min cool down

Jerk From Racks 3RM (first rep paused 3 sec in catch)
Bench to Chest 75% x 5, 80% x 3, 85% x 1 (percentages based on raw
Max Effort Sling Shot Bench 3RM
Bench Press to Chest 85% for 3, 90% x 1, 93% for AMRAP
Close Grip Axle Bar Decline Presses with 5RM, then -15% for 3 x 5 (last set is 5+)
100lb of Chains
BB Rows Paused 2 Sec on Sternum 4 x 5, 3 x (9 front, 9 side, 9 rear), and 3 x 20 yd
Superset with DB Tri-Delts Superset with forwards and backwards
DB Fat Grip OH Walks

Clean and Jerk Max Effort Clean + Front Squat + Jerk: Max
Back Squat with Belt Set 1: 83% x 2, rest 2 minutes, then 68% x 6
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 83% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 68% x 6
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 83% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 68% x 6
Max Effort Deadlift From 8 Inch Blocks: 1RM, then -20% for 3
Suitcase Deadlifts from 4 Inch Deficit (Stay 3 x 5 each side
at 7-8 RPE)
BB High Pull from Pins Belt Squat 3 x 45 sec
Recovery Row:
15-20 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)

OH Squat 3RM
Bench Press Set 1: 88% x 2, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 6
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 88% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 6
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 88% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 6
Weighted Dips or Nosebreakers 4x8
Pull-Ups 4 x submaximal reps
DB Hammer Curls 3 x 10
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
40 minute Run/Walk (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 265

Hang Snatch 1RM
Clean and Jerks 65% x 3, 78% x 2, 83% x 2, 88% x 1, 90% for 2 x 1, work
up (allowed 1 miss)
High Bar Squat with Belt 1RM, then -20% for 2 x 3
Velocity Deadlifts 85% Straight Weight for 10 x 1with 60-90 sec rest (or
70% Bar Weight + 20% Bands/Chains)
Belt Squat KB Goblet Squat Superset with 3 x 60 sec and 4 x 30 yd
Farmer's Walk

Airdyne or Row Sprints:
2 min warm up
55 sec on and 55 sec off x 8
5 min cool down

Jerk From Racks 3RM (no pauses)
Bench to Chest 75% x 5, 80% x 3, 85% x 1 (percentages based on raw
Max Effort Sling Shot Bench 1RM
Bench Press to Chest 83% x 3, 88% x 2, 90% for AMRAP
Close Grip Axle Bar Decline Presses with 5RM, then -15% for 5+
100lb of Chains
BB Rows Paused 2 Sec on Sternum 4 x 5, 3 x (9 front, 9 side, 9 rear), and 3 x 20 yd
Superset with DB Tri-Delts Superset with forwards and backwards
DB Fat Grip OH Walks

Clean and Jerk Max Effort Clean and Jerk Max
Back Squat with Belt Set 1: 85% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 5
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 1,
rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 5
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 1,
rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 5
Max Effort Deadlift From 2 Inch Deficit: 1RM
Suitcase Deadlifts from 4 Inch Deficit (Stay 3 x 5 each side
at 7 RPE)
BB High Pull from Pins Belt Squat 3 x 50 sec
Recovery Row:
20-25 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)

OH Squat 3RM
Bench Press Set 1: 90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 5
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 90% x 1,
rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 5
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 90% x 1,
rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 5
Weighted Dips or Nosebreakers 4x8
Pull-ups 4 x submaximal reps
DB Hammer Curls 3 x 10
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
50 minute Run/Walk (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 266

Power Snatch 3RM (8 RPE)
Clean and Jerk 70% x 3, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% x 1, 73% x 3, 78% x 2,
83% x 1, 88% x 1, 90% x 1
Back Squat 75% x 3, 80% x 3, 85% x 2, 78% x 2, 83% x 2, 88% x 1,
90% x 1
Deadlift Competition Stance 80% x 3, 85% x 2, 90% x 1, 83% x 1, 88% x 1, 93% x 1,
work up if feeling good
Belt Squat KB RDLs Superset with BW 3 x 45 sec, 100m broken into 3 sets, and 3 x 40 yd
Lunges Superset with KB Staggered each way
Carries (OH and Farmer's)

Airdyne or Row Sprints:
2 min warm up
60 sec on and 55 sec off x 9
5 min cool down

Jerk from Blocks 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% x 2, Max Out
Bench to Chest 75% x 3, 80% x 2, 85% x 2 (percentages based on raw
Max Effort Bench Press with Reverse 3RM
Bands (Purple if Max is > 300 and Mini
Band if Max < 300LB)
Bench Press (No Bands) Competition Grip 90% for AMRAP
Incline Close Grip Axle Bar Presses with 3RM, then -15% for 4 x 3 (last set is 3+)
100lb of Chains
Chest Supported KB Bat Wing Rows (2 Sec 3 x 10
Pause at Top)
Seated DB Power Cleans Superset with 3 x 10 and 3 x 10
Plate Front Raises

Snatch 1RM Competition Style (3 attempts)
Clean and Jerk 1RM Competition Style (3 attempts)
Back Squat with Belt Set 1: 88% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 4
Set 2: (add 5-10 kilos to 1-rep if possible, don't add for
4-rep) 88% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 4
Set 3: (add 5-10 kilos to 1-rep if possible, don't add for
4-rep) 88% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 4+
Max Effort Deadlift Reverse Bands (Purple 3RM, then -10% for 3
if maximum is > 400lb and Mini Bands if <
400lb) (Bands should completely deload at
Leg Curls (Band, DB, or Machine) 4 x 10
BB Hip Thrusts with Band around Knees 3 x 10
Recovery Row:
20-25 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)

Bench Press Set 1: 88% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 4
Set 2: (add 5-10 kilos to 1-rep if possible, don't add for
4-rep) 88% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 4
Set 3: (add 5-10 kilos to 1-rep if possible, don't add for
4-rep) 88% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 4+
Band Push-downs 3 x 20
Preacher Curls 3 x 10
Seated Rows 3 x 10
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
60 minute Run/Walk (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 267

Power Snatch 1RM (no misses)
Clean and Jerk Work up to opener for 2 Cleans + 1 Jerk and then work
Back Squat Work up to opener for a Double
Deadlift Competition Stance 90% x 2, 93% x 1, work up if feeling good
Belt Squat KB RDLs Superset with KB 3 x 30 sec and 3 x 40 yd each way
Staggered Carries (OH and Farmer's) (No
BW Lunges This Week)

Airdyne or Row Sprints:
2 min warm up
60 sec on and 50 sec off x 10
5 min cool down

Jerk from Blocks 1RM
Bench to Chest 75% x 3, 80% x 2, 85% x 2 (percentages based on raw
Max Effort Bench Press with Reverse 1RM
Bands (Purple if Max is > 300 and Mini
Band if Max < 300LB)
Bench Press (No Bands) Competition Grip 93% x 2, 95% for 1, max, then 85% for AMRAP
Incline Close Grip Axle Bar Presses with 3RM, then -15% for 4 x 3 (last set is 3+)
100lb of Chains
Chest Supported KB Bat Wing Rows (2 Sec 3 x 10
Pause at Top)
Seated DB Power Cleans Superset with 3 x 10 and 3 x 10
Plate Front Raises

Snatch 1RM Competition Style (3 attempts)
Clean and Jerk 1RM Competition Style (3 attempts)
Back Squat with Belt 1RM
Max Effort Deadlift 2 Inch Deficit Deadlift: 1RM (No Bands)
Leg Curls (Band, DB, or Machine) 4 x 10
BB Hip Thrusts with Band around Knees 3 x 10
Side Planks with Rows 3 x 25 sec each side
Recovery Row:
20-25 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)

Bench Press 1RM
Band Push-downs 3 x 10
Preacher Curls Off
Seated Rows 3 x 10
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
70 minute Run/Walk (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down

Do What You Want 268

Power Snatch 65% for 3 x 2
Clean and Jerk Work up to Clean and Jerk opener
Back Squat Off
Deadlift Competition Stance Work up to opener x 1
Belt Squat KB RDLs Off
BW Lunges Off
KB Staggered Carries (OH and Farmer's) Off

Airdyne or Row Sprints:
2 min warm up
30 sec on and 30 sec off x 6
5 min cool down

Jerk from Blocks Off
Bench to Chest 75% x 5, 80% x 3, 85% x 2, 90% x 1 (percentages based
on raw max)
Max Effort Bench Press with Reverse Off
Bands (Purple if Max is > 300 and Mini
Band if Max < 300LB)
Bench Press (No Bands) Competition Grip Opener
Incline Close Grip Axle Bar Presses with Off
100lb of Chains
Chest Supported KB Bat Wing Rows (2 Sec 3x5
Pause at Top)
Seated DB Power Cleans 3 x 10
Plate Front Raises Off

Snatch Max Out
Clean and Jerk Max Out
Back Squat with Belt Max Out
Bench Max Out
Deadlift Max Out
Recovery Row:
10-15 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)

5K Race

Do What You Want 269

I am throwing down a challenge for all of you. Yes, it’s mainly to
motivate me, but I think we will all benefit from it. I want to see how
far we can take our goals in 12 weeks. I am hoping we can make
this thing fun for everyone. We can get jacked while motivating
others. I want to share what we’re learning. I want to share the ups
and the downs. The goal is to motivate the world to get stronger,
more athletic, and more in shape.

This book is about change. It’s about opening up all of your

minds. If you want to be strong and run a 5K, then do it. Don’t let
anyone tell you what you can and can’t do. Do what you want.

As I write this, I am in the process of starting my own 12-week

challenge. I want to see how far I can take my body in that time. I
will definitely monitor strength gains. That’s easy! I know where I
am starting:

• Snatch - 70kg (Remember I am rehabbing my elbow from

the triceps tear last year)
• Clean - 140kg
• Clean and Jerk - non-existent due to elbow
• Squat - 230kg/506lb
• Bench Press - 320lb
• Deadlift - 575lb

Do What You Want 270

These numbers are low for me, so I am looking to make a big
jump. My body weight is sitting at 220lb. I am planning to compete
in powerlifting at 90kg/198lb. I have some before and after pics I
will post when this is all over. I am keeping things basic with my
nutrition - basically going paleo with a few twists. I am just trying
to be healthy. I have been so unhealthy lately that a few major
lifestyle changes should make a big impact. As far as the 5K, I am
just trying to finish it under 30 minutes. I haven’t run in over ten
years. As I said before, I just want to be healthy for my family.

So that’s it! Those are my goals. I am on week two right now.

I have some good people around me pulling for me. I hope all of
you will join me in making a change in your life. I hope this book is
the catalyst that launches you into a life filled with new goals and
destinations. Let’s go do what we want.

Do What You Want 271

This book has been so much fun to write. I spent most of my
research understanding energy systems and the way different
disciplines fit together. Once I understood the best way to combine
things, I had to figure out fiber types and adaptation. Concurrent
training is really an exercise scientist’s jigsaw puzzle. Everything
fits together, but you have to find the most optimal way to assemble
the pieces.

So why did I write this? Mainly because I am tired of coaches

telling everyone what they should and shouldn’t do. Do what you
want. I recommend finding out whatever makes you passionate.
Then do exactly that. I have always been intrigued by the super
total combination of weightlifitng and powerlifting. I believe the
super total to be the true test in strength athleticism. In my opinion,
whoever wins the super total is truly the strongest man or woman
in the world. Does my opinion make this statement law? No way
- it’s just my opinion. That’s the whole point to this book. I want
you to find your own path and blaze a trail that will send sparks
throughout eternity.

As always, I look forward to all of your messages with the

victories, struggles, and questions. These messages are exactly
what keep me going. I love teaching people the lessons I have
learned over my lifetime in the hope of making someone’s life
better. I am blessed God has led me down this path. It’s a path
filled with joy and smiles. Thank you all for reading and believing
in what we are doing at Mash Elite.

Do What You Want 272

For some reason, information on the different band tensions are
always hard to find. Remember, these are just averages. If you are
tall, it’s going to add a little more at the top. If you are short, the
bands will add a little less at the top.

Here’s the thing: I recommend just coming close and rounding

down. You can always start just a little lighter and add some weight
after the first two sets.


Blue per side - 200 lb total extra at the top

Green per side - 150 lb total extra at the top
Purple per side -120 lb total extra at the top


Doubled Mini - 220 lb total extra at the top

Doubled Monster - 320 lb total extra at the top


Doubled Mini - 120 lb total extra at the top

Doubled Monster - 200 lb total extra at the top

Do What You Want 273


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