Do What You Want
Do What You Want
Do What You Want
©2018 Mash Elite Performance
All Rights Reserved
If you’re thinking about using these programs, please be smart. Don’t participate in strenuous exercise
unless cleared by a competent medical professional. Heavy weights can be dangerous, so only perform
these exercises if you can do so safely. If you follow any of these programs or perform any of these
exercises, you do so at your own risk.
For many exercises, I'll list substitutions. Feel free to swap out
anything you think makes sense. Dumbbells can be used instead of
kettlebells. A normal barbell can be used instead of a specialty bar.
Rather than a box squat, it's not a big deal to just perform a normal
back squat. The program will still produce some amazing results.
Now the world is changing for the good. For several years, the
best strength and conditioning coaches have been combining these
multiple disciplines to make their athletes stronger and faster. Guys like
Coach Joe Kenn of the Carolina Panthers have the ability to creatively
apply each of these areas to the unique demands of their sport.
With the onset of CrossFit, people from all walks of life have
been introduced to the barbell and fitness. People are coming into
the barbell world without preconceived notions of the way things
should be. These same people are teaching old dogs like me that
these preconceived notions are pretty dumb in the first place.
Of course, I’ve had a long career training both the Olympic lifts
as well as the powerlifts. My best all-time raw numbers are:
I’m not telling any of you what you should do. I am telling you
that you should define the athlete you want to become. I hope none
• Kinesthetic awareness
• Balance
• Mobility
• Speed
• Force absorption
However, there are some concerns with the Olympic lifts. The
biggest issue most strength coaches have with the Olympic lifts
is the rate of application. The snatch and clean and jerk can take
months to teach to some athletes in a perfect setting. When you
are trying to teach the lifts to hundreds of athletes, it’s even harder.
If you are not an athlete and just want to learn the lifts, go for it.
There is nothing more exhilarating in the gym than performing the
perfect snatch. It’s like performing the perfect swing on the golf
course, but you are doing it with heavy weight. Nothing is more
athletic and cool in the weight room. There will be a pretty long
learning curve – but dang it, you are going to love it when you
actually get it.
The squat, bench press, and deadlift are great ways to add
muscle and increase absolute strength. There is tremendous
carryover between these movements and performance in many
key areas.
It goes in that order. Yes, that’s right - the back squat correlates
better than the clean. I’m not big on absolutes, but I am not sure
how you could have a credible strength and conditioning program
without a form of squatting.
The powerlifts are great for absolute strength. For about the first
two years of an athlete’s training life, increasing absolute strength
will improve all the qualities of strength. After that, you will need
to get more specific in your training – but your program may still
include heavy usage of the powerlifts.
The powerlifts are great for adding muscle mass and preparing
athletes to avoid injury. General strength and muscle mass are
what most athletes need to produce force, absorb force, and
survive impact.
I incorporate strongman movements for almost everyone I
coach – from athletes to the general population. I love strongman
training for several reasons.
When it comes to training the core (all of the muscles that protect
the spine and pelvis), I love strongman movements - especially
carries. I particularly like unilateral farmer’s walks because you can
address side-to-side asymmetries and promote proper hip function
at the same time. I agree with my friend Dan John that a carry should
be present in just about every training protocol.
You can also develop force production with tire flips and the log
clean and press. Heck, throwing any kind of apparatus will develop
massive amounts of power. The stones will help athletes build
impressive absolute strength in all kinds of abnormal positions.
First, it’s important you guys know some basics about energy
systems. The fuel necessary to make muscles contract is adenosine
triphosphate (ATP). ATP is what makes the body do its thing.
There are two main ways your body replenishes ATP for energy:
anaerobically without oxygen and aerobically with oxygen. Here’s
the way it goes:
• It’s a low impact exercise with at least one foot on the ground
at all times.
This is the fun part. This is the part most coaches of the past
are totally against. However, guys like Alex Viada and Greg Nuckols
are asking, “why not?”
The first step in doing what you want is thinking about the
answers to these questions:
This book is for all of you who are like me. If you don’t want
to 100% sell out to any one discipline of strength, this book is
for you. I am going to give you examples of programs that will
lead you down whatever road you choose. I hope you all enjoy this
book, and I hope to hear about all of the gains and exciting new
barbell adventures.
Push Jerks 5RM (7 RPE), then -10% for 5
Wide Grip Bench Press (Wider than Normal 80% for 10 x 3
Competition Grip)
Pull-ups 5 x submaximal reps switch grips each set, weakest to
DB or KB Upright Rows 5 x 10
Dips with Eccentric Slower than Concentric 5 x submaximal reps (if ten reps or more, add weight)
Banded Rows 4 x 60 sec
Metcon: Workout from Aerobic Capacity (Chris Hinshaw)
This is a continuous workout where your 'rest' is only the easy pace interval parts.
There are 9 total 100m sprints. Your focus is on this part of the workout. You pick your easy pace!
Focus on form. Intensity should not be 100% but 97-98% in order to maintain form.
200m run at easy pace; 100m sprint
400m run at easy pace; 100m sprint
600m run at easy pace; 100m sprint
800m run at easy pace;100m sprint
1000m run at easy pace; 100m sprint
800m run at easy pace; 100m sprint
600m run at easy pace; 100m sprint
400m run at easy pace; 100m sprint
200m run at easy pace; 100m sprint
Total: 5900m
Close Grip Bench Press 60% for 5 x 10
Incline DB Press 60% for 5 x 10
Bent-over Rows 60% for 5 x 10
KB Bottom Up Z Press 3 x 10 each arm
Preacher Curls 3 x 10
Gymnastics Strength Work:
A: 10 x 2 Press to Handstand
(Scale accordingly, even if it's just bear crawl and pulling feet to hands)
B: 10 x 1 Handstand Push-up Negative (slowest possible)
Toes to Bar
Handstand Push-up
Snatch Complex Power Snatch Double (Work Heavy)
Clean and Jerk Complex Power Clean and Push Jerk Double (Work Heavy)
One Arm OH Fat Grip Dumbbell Carry 3 x 25 yd each arm
Front Squat with Belt Set 1: 80% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 80% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 80% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Sumo Deadlifts 75% for 7 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
GHDs 3x8
Belt Squat RDLs 3 x 60 sec
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
2 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down
Push Jerks 5RM (8 RPE), then -10% for 5
Wide Grip Bench Press (Wider than Normal 80% for 10 x 4
Competition Grip)
Pull-ups 5 x submaximal reps (switch grips each set, weakest
to strongest)
DB or KB Upright Rows 5 x 10
Dips with Eccentric Slower than Concentric 5 x submaximal reps (if ten reps or more, add weight)
Banded Rows 4 x 60 sec
Metcon: 20 Min AMRAP:
200m Sprint Run
8 Barbell Thrusters 135lb/95lb
10 Toes to Bar
Close Grip Bench Press 65% for 5 x 10
Incline DB Press 65% for 5 x 10
Bent-over Rows 65% for 5 x 10
KB Bottom Up Z Press 3 x 10 each arm
Preacher Curls 3 x 10
Gymnastics Strength Work:
A: 10 x 2 Press to Handstand
(Scale accordingly, even if it's just bear crawl and pulling feet to hands)
B: 10 x 1 Handstand Push-up Negative (slowest possible)
30 Muscle-ups for Time
Snatch Complex Snatch from High Box: 2RM
Clean and Jerk Complex Clean + 2 Front Squats + 2 Jerks: Max
One Arm OH Fat Grip Dumbbell Carry 3 x 25 yd each arm
Front Squat with Belt Set 1: 83% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 83% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 83% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Sumo Deadlifts 80% for 8 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
GHDs 3x8
Belt Squat RDLs 4 x 60 sec
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
3 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down
Push Jerks 5RM (9 RPE)
Wide Grip Bench Press (Wider than Normal 80% for 10 x 5
Competition Grip)
Pull-ups 5 x submaximal reps (switch grips each set, weakest
to strongest)
DB or KB Upright Rows 5 x 10
Dips with Eccentric Slower than Concentric 5 x submaximal reps (if ten reps or more, add weight)
Banded Rows 4 x 60 sec
Gymnastics Strength Work:
5 x 2 Strict Muscle-up
5 x 2 "Kipping Muscle-up"
Metcon: 8 Sets of:
500m Row
(1 minute rest between sets)
Record each time
Close Grip Bench Press 70% for 5 x 10
Incline DB Press 70% for 5 x 10
Bent-over Rows 70% for 5 x 10
KB Bottom Up Z Press 3 x 10 each arm
Preacher Curls 3 x 10
Run 400m (at 80%); Run 400m recovery pace
Run 400m (at 85%); Run 400m recovery pace
Run 400m (at 90%); Run 400m recovery pace
Run 400m all out; Walk 400m for recovery
Snatch Complex Pull + Snatch + Hang Snatch: Max
Clean and Jerk Complex Clean + 2 Front Squats + Jerk: Max
One Arm OH Fat Grip Dumbbell Carry 3 x 30 yd each arm
Front Squat with Belt Set 1: 85% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 10
Sumo Deadlifts 85% for 6 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
GHDs 3x8
Belt Squat RDLs 3 x 70 sec
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
4 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down
In this first block, we are performing a hang snatch from below
the knee for a three-repetition maximum along with a few down
sets. If you have purchased any of my other books, you will see
a lot of similarities. I explained a lot of the principles behind my
programming in the Mash System, so read that one for some deeper
insight into the details.
Next is snatch grip deadlifts from a two inch deficit. These are
perfect for improving weightlifting and powerlifting at the same
time. Snatch grip deadlifts will obviously strengthen the positions
of the Olympic lifts, and they will also strengthen the pull of a regular
deadlift by building strength from a bigger range of motion. In the
first week, I am asking you to stick to a 7 RPE (rate of perceived
GHDs and seated band leg curls are great for strengthening the
posterior chain, which will aid pretty much all of your activities.
Glute ham raises are perfect for strengthening the hamstrings as
they cross the knee and the hip, which is imperative for keeping the
knees and the low back healthy. The leg curls are an added tool for
healthy knees to encourage a solid quad-to-hamstring ratio.
On this first day, you will notice a common theme for our
functional fitness workouts. We are using endurance work with
rowing, biking, and running to complement our goal of completing
a 5K road race. I suggest rowing at a steady pace and maintaining
75-80% of maximum heart rate. The goal is to limit muscle damage
for easier recovery. The step-ups will complement the leg day, while
strengthening the knee to avoid overuse injuries. The carries are
again great for core stability and work capacity while minimizing
muscular damage.
• You could drop the leg curls since there is a leg curl
component in glute ham raises.
• You could drop the box jumps as you will already be getting
in a lot of explosive movements from the Olympic lifts.
• In the metcon you could simply perform a 3000m row at a
nice and steady pace with a 75% of MHR Pace.
Push jerks are a great way to practice the dip and drive for split
jerks. I recommend maintaining a vertical torso, placing your body
weight more towards the heels, and focusing on driving vertically.
You will see I am prescribing a 7 RPE on week one to avoid crushing
your joints.
You are starting this day with hang cleans and a simple three-
repetition maximum. I’m not asking you to kill it here. Simply get in
some work and stop at a 7 RPE.
Rear leg elevated split squats are great for so many reasons.
Weightlifters and powerlifters spend most of their time with
bilateral movements, which can cause a lot of imbalances. The
body is meant to move freely in all planes of motion. Elevated split
squats are also great for hypertrophy, particularly when we’re using
15 repetitions per leg per set. We are now getting into metabolic
stress (the pump) and muscle damage. This movement is also
great for hip health, allowing the opposite sides of the hip to move
independently from the other (which isn’t common with the other
movements most frequently used).
This day is reserved to focus on the Olympic lifts. Snatch and
clean and jerk are both very complicated in nature, requiring them
to be trained more frequently and with intent. That’s the reason for a
We begin with Mash Method squats, which are strategic squats
designed to roll in a wave-like fashion. Using waves of ten reps and
three reps aid in covering mechanical loading, metabolic stress,
and muscle damage. You’ll crush heavy weights, and then you’ll
turn around and hit high repetitions.
In the first set, you are front squatting 80% for three repetitions
and then resting two minutes to allow for recovery. After that you
will take 60% for ten repetitions. Then you can rest for a normal
amount of time between sets (two to three minutes or whatever
you normally rest). If those weights weren’t difficult, you can add
5kg or 10lb to the bar and repeat.
You will also notice your efficiency in the lift improves each and
every set. I even notice that the heavy weight feels lighter each set.
Most of my team set three-repetition maxes during sets like this.
Here’s the way the run will work. You will warm up for five
minutes, run the miles at a nice 90% pace, and then take it easy
for a five-minute recovery period. If this pace is too hard to recover
from, I suggest going at 75% of maximum heart rate for 20 minutes
(10 minutes per mile) with the same warm up and cool down. Nice
and easy is the key. The increases in distance and time will slowly
prepare the body for a 5K at the end of this program. If you push
this part of the workout too hard, it will negatively affect the entire
plan. Be smart!
Jerk Recoveries 5RM
Close Grip Bench Press 70% x 4, 75% for 2 x 3, 78% for 2 x 2, 80% x 1
Floor Presses with 50-100lb of Chains 8RM, then -15% for 2 x 8 (last set is 8+)
Band Face Pulls and Press 3 x 12
BB Rows Paused 2 Seconds on Sternum 3 x 10
Skill Work for Quality Not for Time: 4 Sets of:
25 Triple Unders (work on them for 1-2 minutes/set if you don't have them)
L-Sit Holds x 25-45 seconds
Metcon: 4 Rounds of 3 Min AMRAP:
10 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls with 115lb/75lb
10 Box Jumps with 24"/20"
(Rest 3 minutes between rounds and start over each round; compare rounds)
Snatch from Blocks with Bar at Knee 70% x 3, 75% for 2 x 2, 80% x 2, 85% for 2 x 1
No Hook Snatch from Blocks with Bar at 3RM (no misses, 8 RPE)
Back Squat Box Squats (add weight to the 40% Bar Weight + 30% Bands or Chains for 6 x 3 (60-
last two sets if the speed is there) 90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Belt Squat KB RDLs 3 x 45 sec
Reverse Hypers 3 x 45 sec
Metcon 5 Rounds:
20 yd Staggered Carry
20 yd Sled Drag Forward with 150lb/100lb
20 yd Staggered Carry (opposite hands)
20 yd Sled Drag Backward with 150lb/100lb
Clean and Jerk Max Effort Pull + Clean + Front Squat + Jerk: Max
Low Bar Back Squat with Belt Set 1: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 75% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 75% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Competition Stance Deadlifts 75% for 6 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (Stay at a 4 x 10 each leg
7 RPE)
Pull-Throughs with Bands or Cables 3 x 15
OH Axle Bar Carries 3 x 40 yd
Snatch Max Effort Pull + 2 Snatches: Max
Bench Press Set 1: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 75% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 75% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
DB Tricep Extensions Superset with Band 6 x 8 and 6 x 15
Push Downs
Fat Bar Curls 3 x 10
Rows Superset with Band Pull-Aparts 3 x 10 and 3 x 10
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
3 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down
Jerk Recoveries 5RM
Close Grip Bench Press 73% x 4, 78% for 3 x 3, 80% for 3 x 2, 83% for 2 x 1
Floor Presses with 50-100lb of Chains 8RM, then -15% for 2 x 8 (last set is 8+)
Band Face Pulls and Press 3 x 12
BB Rows Paused 2 Seconds on Sternum 3 x 10
Gymnastics Strength Work:
Part A. 3 x Max Effort Hold on the Rings in the false grip
Part B. 10 x 1 Muscle-up Negative with a 5 second count down if possible
(Jump into the top of the muscle-up and do the negative down, resting between reps)
Metcon For Time:
E2MOM for 20 minutes:
3/2 Muscle-up + 20 Double Unders
Focus on the strict muscle-up if possible
(Rest 10 minutes)
Snatch from Blocks with Bar at Knee 75% for 2 x 3, 80% for 2 x 2, 85% x 2, 88% for 2 x 1
No Hook Snatch from Blocks with Bar at 3RM (no misses, 8 RPE)
Back Squat Box Squats (add weight to the 45% Bar Weight + 30% Bands or Chains for 7 x 3 (60-
last two sets if the speed is there) 90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Belt Squat KB RDLs 3 x 50 sec
Reverse Hypers 3 x 50 sec
Metcon: 4 Rounds of
500m Row
25 Wall Balls with 30lb/20lb to 10'/9' Target
10 Handstand Push-ups
5 Deadlifts with 255lb/185lb and with 315lb/225lb for stronger athletes (do not go over 80% of 1RM)
Clean and Jerk Max Effort Clean + Front Squat + Jerk: Max
Low Bar Back Squat with Belt Set 1: 78% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 78% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 78% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Competition Stance Deadlifts 78% for 7 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (Stay at a 4 x 10 each leg
7 RPE)
Pull-Throughs with Bands or Cables 3 x 15
OH Axle Bar Carries 3 x 40 yd
Snatch Max Effort Pull + Snatch: Max
Bench Press Set 1: 78% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 78% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 78% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
DB Tricep Extensions Superset with Band 6 x 8 and 6 x 15
Push Downs
Fat Bar Curls 3 x 10
Rows Superset with Band Pull-Aparts 3 x 10 and 3 x 10
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
2.5 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down
Jerk Recoveries 5RM
Close Grip Bench Press 70% x 4, 75% x 3, 78% for 2 x 2, 80% x 1
Floor Presses with 50-100lb of Chains 90% of 8RM for 2 x 8
Band Face Pulls and Press 3 x 12
BB Rows Paused 2 Seconds on Sternum 3 x 10
Gymnastics Strength Work:
A. 4 x Max Effort hold on rings in the false grip
B. 10 x 1 Muscle-up Negative with an 8 second count down if possible
(Jump into the top of the muscle-up and do the negative down, resting between reps)
Metcon 5 Sets as fast as possible:
20 Calorie Assault Bike
10 Hang Power Snatches with 115lb/75lb
5 Deficit Handstand Push-ups 6"/4"
(Rest 1:1)
Snatch from Blocks with Bar at Knee 65% for 2 x 3, 70% x 2, 75% for 2 x 1, 80% x1, 83% x 1
No Hook Snatch from Blocks with Bar at 90% of 3RM for 2 x 3
Back Squat Box Squats (add weight to the 35% Bar Weight + 30% Bands or Chains for 5 x 3 (60-
last two sets if the speed is there) 90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Belt Squat KB RDLs 3 x 30 sec
Reverse Hypers 3 x 30 sec
Metcon 1: 5 Sets of:
30 seconds work/30 seconds rest (rotating through movements)
Goblet Squats
Toes to Bar
Yoke Carry (on back) with 135lb/95lb
(Rest 10 minutes)
Metcon 2: 8 Sets of:
Row for Meters
(30 seconds on/30 seconds rest)
Clean and Jerk Max Effort Clean and Jerk Max Double
Low Bar Back Squat with Belt Set 1: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 75% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 75% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Competition Stance Deadlifts 70% for 6 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (Stay at a 4 x 10 each leg
7 RPE)
Pull-Throughs with Bands or Cables 3 x 15
OH Axle Bar Carries 3 x 40 yd
Snatch Max Effort Snatch Max Double
Bench Press Set 1: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 75% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 75% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
DB Tricep Extensions Superset with Band 6 x 8 and 6 x 15
Push Downs
Fat Bar Curls 3 x 10
Rows Superset with Band Pull-Aparts 3 x 10 and 3 x 10
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
3.5 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down
We start out with a clean and jerk focus. Blocks are used for
two reasons. First, the blocks help develop the middle or the
second pull. A lot of people are weak through the middle. That’s
unfortunate because the middle is the most important part of the
pull. Second, blocks take some pressure off of the low back, which
is perfect during this phase due to the increased volume of the
strength movements.
The front squat volume and the deadlift volume are designed to
cause major hypertrophy and strength gains. It’s crucial to choose
the volume correctly if you are pursuing multiple disciplines. If you
go all-out on the squats and pulls, there will be nothing left for the
other goals.
Yoke carries are great for strongman work. I love these because
so much of what we do is closed chain, while the yoke carries are
open chain. The glutes contract one at a time to take the brunt of
the load as the stabilizer. This movement under load strengthens
the hips while encouraging their movement, which is great for hip
health. The isometric contraction of the entire torso is one of the
best core exercises on earth. You are teaching the core to stabilize
the spine in a functional and upright way. Yokes are easy to recover
from due to the lack of eccentric contraction, making them the
perfect fit for this concurrent program.
Next are close grip bench presses. To get strong and build muscle
without destroying the joints, the key is repetition practice with loads
around 75-80%. Yes, Prilepin said 90% and above is the best way to
get strong - but we all know intensities like that aren’t sustainable.
Floor presses with chains are great for strengthening the triceps
in a way that is good for the bench press and a way that will also
strengthen the overhead position of the Olympic lifts. Triceps
extensions are great, but strengthening the triceps with a functional
pressing movement is more efficient.
The band face pulls and barbell rows are great ways to strengthen
the back and stabilize the scapula without causing a lot of damage.
These are also great for bodybuilding. The coolest strength athletes
on the planet (like Ed Coan, for example) have the most massive
backs on earth. I remember being amazed at Ed’s back when I saw
him in a muscle magazine in the 90’s. I wanted to be just like him,
so I set out to do just that. If you are a real strength athlete, you will
have the same goal as well.
This day is very similar to the first but with a focus on the snatch
instead of the clean and jerk. We will use the same volume, and we
are using the no hook snatch from blocks for the same reasons we
used the no hook clean.
The metcon chosen for you is great for recovery and strength,
while leaving no damage to recover from. All the exercises are
isometric contractions in nature, so the core will be strengthened
without being crushed. In my opinion, this style of work capacity
development is the best way to condition - especially if you are
running a concurrent/hybrid program.
This day starts with velocity based bench press. The
accommodating resistance is great for velocity work. As I said
before, the goal is 0.75 m/s or faster. The deloading of the bands
when the bar is on your chest encourages muscle recovery.
The log press takes the place of a shoulder press or push press.
With adding in strongman work, you can replace another typical
movement you might use. The strongman apparatus can act as a
new stimulus that might force adaptation and lead to increases in
hypertrophy and strength. Besides, the log press is a fun movement
to practice. It is so medieval.
Max effort clean and jerk work is on the schedule for the beginning
of this day. Intensity/load is high, but the volume of the movement
is low. I suggest stopping before a miss or at least stopping after
the first miss.
This day begins with a snatch complex. I like combining the
snatch with bench press because the external rotation of the snatch
The bench press waves are taken directly from the Mash Method
to elicit post-activation potentiation. Let me say right now before
anyone decides to blow up my social media: I didn’t invent post-
activation potentiation. I simply use it more than most coaches in
several different ways. Yes, I agree there isn’t much new out there in
the world – what matters is the way you package all the principles
to create your own approach. (For a more detailed explanation,
check out the Mash System.)
The cool down could be the same routine, although you’d start
off with the light jog and finish with the fast walking.
Jerk From Racks 3RM (paused 3 sec in catch)
Bench to Chest 75% x 5, 80% x 3, 85% x 1 (percentages based on raw
Max Effort Sling Shot Bench 3RM
Bench Press to Chest 83% x 3, 88% x 2, 90% for AMRAP
Close Grip Axle Bar Decline Presses with 5RM, then -15% for 3 x 5 (last set is 5+)
100lb of Chains
Rope Face Pulls (Hand to Ears) 3 x 12
BB Rows Paused 2 Seconds on Sternum 4x5
Gymnastics Strength Work:
A. Max Effort Strict Handstand Push-ups - 1 attempt
B: Take 70% of above and perform that number for 5 sets (ex: 10 strict on A, 7 for part B)
Metcon 1: 4 Sets for Time:
25 UNBROKEN Wall Balls 20lb/14lb to 10' target
(If you break a set, you will accumulate 5 burpees to be done at the end of the 4th round while time
is still going! You will restart the round if you break. Rest as needed in order to do all 25 unbroken.)
(Rest 10 minutes)
Metcon 2: 8 Sets of:
Row for Meters (40 sec on/20 sec off)
Snatch 70% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% for 2 x
1, 88% x 1
Power Cleans 3RM (8RPE)
Back Squat Box Squats (add weight to the 50% Bar Weight + 20% Bands or Chains for 6 x 3 (60-
last two sets if the speed is there) 90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Belt Squat KB Deadlifts 3 x 45 sec
Suitcase Deadlifts from 4 Inch Deficit (Stay 3 x 5 each side
at 7-8 RPE)
Leg Curls (Band, DB, or Machine) 4 x 10 reps
Metcon: 4 Rounds of
Unilateral Farmer's Carry x 100m Left Hand
15 KB Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (same weight as carry)
20 Hollow Rocks
Unilateral Farmer's Carry x 100m Right Hand
Recovery Row:
15-20 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
Clean and Jerk Max Effort Clean + Hang Clean + Jerk: Max
Back Squat with Belt Set 1: 80% x 2, rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 6
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 80% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 6
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 80% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 6
Max Effort Deadlift From 8 Inch Blocks: 3RM, then -10% for 3
BB High Pull from Pins Belt Squat 3 x 40 sec
Reverse Hypers 3 x 45 sec
Farmer's Walk 4 x 30 yd
Plank with Lat Pull 3 x 30 sec each side
Snatch Max Effort Snatch + Hang Snatch: Max
Bench Press Set 1: 85% x 2, rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 6
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 6
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 6
Axle Bar Football Close Grip Bench 6RM, then -15% for 2 x 6 (last set is 6+)
DB Hammer Curls 3 x 10
Rows Superset with DB Rear Delt Flies 3 x 10 and 3 x 10
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
4.5 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down
Jerk From Racks 3RM (first rep paused 3 sec in catch)
Bench to Chest 75% x 5, 80% x 3, 85% x 1 (percentages based on raw
Max Effort Sling Shot Bench 3RM
Bench Press to Chest 83% x 3, 88% x 2, 90% for AMRAP
Close Grip Axle Bar Decline Presses with 5RM, then -15% for 3 x 5 (last set is 5+)
100lb of Chains
Rope Face Pulls (Hand to Ears) 3 x 12
BB Rows Paused 2 Sec on Sternum 4x5
Gymnastics Strength Work:
A. Max Effort Strict Handstand Push-ups - 1 attempt
B: Take 70% of above and perform that number for 7 sets (ex: 10 strict on A, 7 for part B)
(Rest as needed between sets for Part B)
Metcon for Time: 3 Rounds of
15 Thrusters with 125lb/85lb
20 Toes to Bar
500m Row
Metcon 2:
Steady 15 minutes conversational pace on Assault Bike
Snatch 75% x 3, 80% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% for 2 x 1, 88%
Power Cleans 3RM (9 RPE)
Back Squat Box Squats (add weight to the 55% Bar Weight + 20% Bands or Chains for 7 x 3 (60-
last two sets if the speed is there) 90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Belt Squat KB Deadlifts 3 x 50 sec
Suitcase Deadlifts from 4 Inch Deficit (Stay 3 x 5 each side
at 7-8 RPE)
Leg Curls (Band, DB, or Machine) 4 x 10
5K Row at 85%
Clean and Jerk Max Effort Clean + Front Squat + Jerk: Max
Back Squat with Belt Set 1: 83% x 2, rest 2 minutes, then 68% x 6
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 83% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 68% x 6
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 83% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 68% x 6+
Max Effort Deadlift From 8 Inch Blocks: 1RM, then -10% for 3
BB High Pull from Pins Belt Squat 3 x 45 sec
Reverse Hypers 3 x 50 sec
Farmer's Walk 4 x 30 yd
Plank with Lat Pull 3 x 30 sec each side
Snatch Max Effort Snatch Pull + Snatch: Max
Bench Press Set 1: 88% x 2, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 6
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 88% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 6
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 88% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 6+
Axle Bar Football Close Grip Bench 6RM, then -15% for 2 x 6 (last set is 6+)
DB Hammer Curls 3 x 10
Rows Superset with DB Rear Delt Flies 3 x 10 and 3 x 10
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
3 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down
Jerk From Racks 3RM (no pauses)
Bench to Chest 75% x 5, 80% x 3, 85% x 1 (percentages based on raw
Max Effort Sling Shot Bench 1RM
Bench Press to Chest 83% for 3, 88% x 2, 90% for AMRAP
Close Grip Axle Bar Decline Presses with 5RM, then -15% for 5+
100lb of Chains
Rope Face Pulls (Hand to Ears) 3 x 12
BB Rows Paused 2 Sec on Sternum 4x5
Gymnastics Strength Work:
A: 2 min Accumulate in Support on Rings
B: 2 min Accumulate in Bottom of the Ring Dip
Metcon 1: 6 Sets of:
50 Double Unders
15/12 Ring Dips
(Rest 10 minutes)
Metcon 2: 5 Sets of:
20 Calorie on Assault Bike
10 Burpees
Snatch 65% x 3, 78% x 2, 83% x 2, 88% x 1, 90% for 2 x 1, work
up (allowed 1 miss)
Power Cleans 1RM
Back Squat Box Squats (add weight to the 60% Bar Weight + 20% Bands or Chains for 7 x 2 (60-
last two sets if the speed is there) 90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Belt Squat KB Deadlifts 3 x 60 sec
Suitcase Deadlifts from 4 Inch Deficit (Stay 3 x 5 each side
at 7 RPE)
Leg Curls (Band, DB, or Machine) 4 x 10
Metcon: 4 Sets of:
Plank Hold x 45 seconds
OH Axle Bar Carry x 20 yd Forward
Bear Crawl x 20 yd
Sled Drag Forward x 20 yd
OH Axle Bar Carry x 20 yd Backward
Sled Drag Backward x 20 yd
Clean and Jerk Max Effort 1RM
Back Squat with Belt Set 1: 85% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 5
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 1,
rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 5
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 1,
rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 5
Max Effort Deadlift From 2 Inch Deficit: 1RM
BB High Pull from Pins Belt Squat 3 x 50 sec
Reverse Hypers 3 x 60 sec
Farmer's Walk 4 x 30 yd
Plank with Lat Pull 3 x 40 sec each side
Snatch Max Effort Snatch Max
Bench Press Set 1: 90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 5
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 90% x 1,
rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 5
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 90% x 1,
rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 5
Axle Bar Football Close Grip Bench 5RM, then -15% for 5+
DB Hammer Curls 3 x 10
Rows Superset with DB Rear Delt Flies 3 x 10 and 3 x 10
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
3 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down
You better buckle up for these next few weeks as I'm asking you
to go hard. You are going to get tired and sore, so I suggest a lot of
focus on recovery and nutrition. Adaptation is the goal here. I want
to force your body to adapt to the stimulus in a way that causes it
to get bigger and stronger. Remember you are in control of your
body. If you are struggling to keep up, cut the volume back a bit or
hold back on the loading.
The first day of each week is set aside for high volume clean and
jerks. We are using the Mash Method (post-activation potentiation)
again with waves in the clean and jerks. The goal is better efficiency
in the movement during each wave. The intensity averages around
78%, so the focus is on the efficiency of the movement more than
heavy weight. The heavier ranges are simply to elicit the PAP
You will notice the volume of the back squat is averaging around
85%. Prilepin told us in 1974 that using loads of 90% and heavier is
the way to get strong. Yet we all know this range is hard to maintain
without injury. However, the sweet spot is somewhere between 80
to 85%. We are using Prilepin’s chart to determine optimal volume,
but remember that Prilepin’s chart is an average taken from elite
weightlifters. You might find the volume is too much. Simply trim
it back if that’s the case. Some actually find this level of volume is
too easy to recover from. In that case I suggest adding a set or rep
here and there until a good amount of volume is reached.
The rear leg elevated split squats are still in the equation for all
the reasons we talked about earlier. However, the repetitions are
We are sticking with the yoke walks, but I should say that
you could change these out for any one of several strongman
movements. Car pulls, farmer’s walks, other types of carries, or
drags all fit the bill. You could also change out deadlifts for stone
lifts during one of the deadlift days. It’s all about substituting a
similar strongman movement for one of the traditional lifts. This is
the art of programming I enjoy so much.
We start off the second day with some jerks, but the load will
be low due to the pauses in the catch position. I love this type of
pause because it allows the athlete to focus on the proper position
for receiving the bar. Focusing on the correct position will usually
cause the athlete to dip and drive properly as a byproduct. The low
load is exactly what I want at this point to not detract from the
upcoming bench press work.
The next step is to take it back to the chest. The real test is the
90% for as many repetitions as possible, but I have you taking a few
sets to prepare.
The third day is very similar to day one in the Olympic movements,
but we are focusing on the snatch and are using a version of the
The squats on this day are dynamic effort box squats. Again,
this movement is great for recovery due to the box. The kettlebell
belt squat RDLs are such an amazing posterior chain exercise. If
you don’t have a belt squat machine, you could use the free weight
attachment with the chain that dangles down, or you could just use
kettlebells. This movement is a massive butt builder, and it also
works the hamstrings and low back.
We are starting off with heaving snatch balances to practice a
good catch position for the snatch while opening up the chest and
building overhead stability. This is also a great way to squeeze in
some active recovery for the lower body.
Here’s an example. Let’s say your bench press max is 400 pounds.
In Week 7, we are suggesting you go 50% straight weight and 20%
bands or chains. The total load is 70% (50% + 20%). You would then
subtract 5%, which gives you 65% (70% - 5%). Then perform the
prescribed sets and repetitions. It’s that easy.
Next is the log press. I don’t care if you start with it in the rack
or on the floor. You should do a little of both because either could
be required in a competition. We are incorporating the log press
instead of a shoulder accessory movement on this day. There are
two different methods we are using to maximize our training with
the log. With the max effort method, we are finding a 3RM. We
are also using the repetition method on the final set with a 3+ (as
many reps as possible past three), which presents itself often in
competition. Both methods are good for overall strength training
as well.
This day is focused on lower body strength. We are starting
with max effort clean and jerks to acclimate the body to heavy
attempts. The best way to improve the Olympic movements is by
taking attempts over 90%. You simply can’t do it all the time, but in
the last few weeks it’s time to turn up a bit.
We are still using the Mash Method/PAP in the back squats, but
the repetitions are moving to singles/doubles and fives. The goal
is to move big weights in the five repetition sets. Heavy weight for
five repetitions equals big gains in strength. That’s exactly what we
are after.
I love this next exercise: high pulls from pins on the belt squat
machine. These are simply awesome for developing a high rate of
force development where hip extension is concerned. You will also
notice an improvement in eccentric strength as the body adapts
Reverse hypers have already been discussed, but I will still say
this movement is amazing for back health and for building the
capacity of the posterior chain. A farmer’s walk is a movement all
athletes and trainees should perform. If you don’t believe me, just
read some of Dr. Stuart McGill’s free articles or his books. If you
want to develop the true core stability required in life and sport,
you must have these carries in your program. This is why mixing
in strongman training is easy because a lot of the strongman
movements are necessary for improving other strength sports. I
hope you’re noticing how a lot of these movements naturally go
together. I am not quite sure why it has been so taboo. Most of
these movements fit together like a glove.
The final exercise on this day is the plank with a lat pull. One
reason I like this advanced plank movement is because it’s not so
boring. This movement also involves the latissimus dorsi, which is
a huge component of the core.
Day six starts with a max effort snatch complex followed by
bench press waves. Once again, I love the way the snatch opens
up the chest and counters the internal rotation that is present in
so many big benchers. I don’t think there is a lot of research about
what I am about to tell you, but I am going to say it anyways. When
We finish the week off with some running. The only thing different
from earlier in the program is that we are slowly increasing the
distance. If this intensity is too much for you, I suggest low intensity
cardio for six to seven minutes per prescribed mile at 90%.
Jerk from Blocks 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% x 2, Max Out
Bench to Chest 75% x 3, 80% x 2, 85% x 2 (percentages based on raw
Max Effort Bench Press with Reverse 3RM
Bands (Purple if Max is > 300 and Mini
Band if Max < 300LB)
Bench Press (No Bands) Competition Grip 90% for AMRAP
Incline Close Grip Axle Bar Presses with 3RM, then -15% for 4 x 3 (last set is 3+)
100lb of Chains
Chest Supported KB Bat Wing Rows (2 Sec 3 x 10
Pause at Top)
Skill Work for Quality Not for Time: 4 Sets of:
Handstand Walks x 20-40 yd
Muscle-up x 2-4 + 2 Ring Dips
Metcon: 2 Rounds of
Run 800m
40 Toes to Bar
20 Box Jumps 30"/24"
10 Handstand Push-ups
Snatch 70% x 3, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% x 1, 73% x 3, 78% x 2,
83% x 1, 88% x 1, 90% x 1
Clean from High Blocks (Bar at Mid Thigh) 3RM (8 RPE)
High Bar Back Squat + Bands or Chains 60% Bar Weight + 10% Bands or Chains for 7 x 3 (60-
90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Reverse Hypers 4 x 50 seconds
Conditioning: 4 Rounds of
30 seconds Assault Bike for Calories; 30 seconds rest
4 Rounds:
30 seconds Double Unders; 30 seconds rest
4 Rounds:
30 seconds Kettlebell Swing 55lb/44lb; 30 seconds rest
Snatch 1RM Competition Style (3 attempts)
Back Squat with Belt Set 1: 88% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 4
Set 2: (add 5-10 kilos to 1-rep if possible, don't add for
4-rep) 88% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 4
Set 3: (aadd 5-10 kilos to 1-rep if possible, don't add for
4-rep) 88% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 4+
Max Effort Deadlift Reverse Bands (Purple 3RM, then -10% for 3
if maximum is > 400lb and Mini Bands if <
400lb, Bands Should Completely Deload at
Leg Curls (Band, DB, or Machine) 4 x 10
BB Hip Thrusts with Band around Knees 3 x 10
Side Planks with Rows 3 x 20 sec each side
KB Staggered Carries (OH and Farmer's) 3 x 40 yd each way
Clean and Jerk 1RM Competition Style (3 attempts)
Bench Press Set 1: 88% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 4
Set 2: (add 5-10 kilos to 1-rep if possible, don't add for
4-rep) 88% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 4
Set 3: (add 5-10 kilos to 1-rep if possible, don't add for
4-rep) 88% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 4+
Band Push-downs 3 x 20
Preacher Curls 3 x 10
Seated Rows 3 x 10
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
4 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down
Jerk from Blocks 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% x 2, Max Out
Bench to Chest 75% x 3, 80% x 2, 85% x 2 (percentages based on raw
Max Effort Bench Press with Reverse 3RM
Bands (Purple if Max is > 300 and Mini
Band if Max < 300LB)
Bench Press (No Bands) Competition Grip 93% for AMRAP
Incline Close Grip Axle Bar Presses with 3RM, then -15% for 4 x 3 (last set is 3+)
100lb of Chains
Chest Supported KB Bat Wing Rows (2 Sec 3 x 10
Pause at Top)
Skill Work for Quality Not for Time: 3 Sets of:
50 Unbroken Double Unders
L-Sit Hold x 30-45 seconds
Metcon: 15 Min AMRAP:
5 Ring Muscle-ups
10 Strict Handstand Push-ups
300m Row
Snatch 70% x 3, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% x 1, 73% x 3, 78% x 2,
83% x 1, 88% x 1
Clean from High Blocks (Bar at Mid Thigh) 3RM (8 RPE)
High Bar Back Squat + Bands or Chains 60% Bar Weight + 10% Bands or Chains for 7 x 3 (60-
90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Reverse Hypers 4 x 50 seconds
Sled Drags Forwards 2 x 60 seconds
Sled Drags Backwards 2 x 60 seconds
Metcon: 3 Rounds of 3 Min AMRAP:
3 Hang Power Cleans with 205lb/145lb
15 Wall Balls 30lb/20lb to 9'
(Rest 3 minutes between rounds)
Snatch 1RM Competition Style (3 attempts)
Back Squat with Belt Set 1: 90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 4
Set 2: (add 5-10 kilos to 1-rep if possible, don't add for
4-rep) 90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 4
Set 3: (add 5-10 kilos to 1-rep if possible, don't add for
4-rep) 90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 4+
Max Effort Deadlift Reverse Bands (Purple 1RM, then -15% for 3
if Max is > 400lb and Mini Bands if <
400lb, Bands Should Completely Deload at
Leg Curls (Band, DB, or Machine) 4 x 10
BB Hip Thrusts with Band around Knees 3 x 10
Side Planks with Rows 3 x 25 sec each side
KB Staggered Carries (OH and Farmer's) 3 x 40 yd each way
Clean and Jerk 1RM Competition Style (3 attempts)
Bench Press Set 1: 90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 4
Set 2: (add 5-10 kilos to 1-rep if possible, don't add for
4-rep) 90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 4
Set 3: (add 5-10 kilos to 1-rep if possible, don't add for
4-rep) 90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 4+
Band Push-downs 3 x 15
Preacher Curls 3 x 10
Seated Rows 3 x 10
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
5 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down
Jerk from Blocks Off
Bench to Chest 75% x 5, 80% x 3, 85% x 2, 90% x 1 (percentages based
on raw max)
Max Effort Bench Press with Reverse Off
Bands (Purple if Max is > 300 and Mini
Band if Max < 300LB)
Bench Press (No Bands) Competition Grip Opener
Incline Close Grip Axle Bar Presses with Off
100lb of Chains
Chest Supported KB Bat Wing Rows (2 Sec 3x5
Pause at Top)
Gymnastics Strength Work:
4 x 30 second Handstand Hold on Parallettes
4 x 20 second Max Effort Strict Deficit Handstand Push-up 6"/4"
Metcon: 4 Rounds of
10 Push Jerks with 135lb/95lb
Run 400m
10 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
Snatch 1RM (no misses)
Clean from High Blocks (Bar at Mid Thigh) 65% for 3 x 2
High Bar Back Squat + Bands or Chains 75% Bar Weight Only for 5 x 2 (60-90 sec between sets,
velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Reverse Hypers 3 x 70 seconds
Sled Drags Forwards 1 x 60 seconds
Sled Drags Backwards 1 x 60 seconds
Metcon 1:
10 Min EMOM:
Odd - 3 Deadlift (at 70%)
Even - 8 Burpees over Bar
(Rest 10 minutes)
Metcon 2: 3 Sets of:
500m Row
(Rest 3 minutes between sets)
Snatch Max Out
Clean and Jerk Max Out
Squat Max Out
Bench Press Max Out
Deadlift Max Out
Max Speed 5K for Time
This week we are starting with the power snatch. We are not
looking to go all out on this lift. We want to practice a pulling
perfectly and meeting the bar quickly and in a good position. The
focus for this day will be clean and jerk. The first week we are using
Mash Method waves to fine tune efficiency. We are still working up
fairly heavy, but the main goal is perfect movement.
The focus starts off on the jerk for this day, and then we move
right into the bench press. The only real change from last block is
that we are using reverse bands instead of the Sling Shot.
We have axle bar close grip presses again, but now the movement
is an incline bench press instead of a decline bench. This portion
will work to strengthen the triceps and improve the lockout of all
the lifts.
The snatch will use the same waves as we used on the first
day for the clean and jerk. The goal is to focus on every repetition
After that, we finish this day up with dynamic squats and reverse
hypers. The metcons are either endurance work or recovery-friendly
movements that won't beat you down.
We start with dynamic bench press with only 10% of the load
coming from accommodating resistance. Once again, if you want to
use straight weight, simply figure out the total load and subtract 5%.
We will max out the log press in the first two weeks followed by
a downset for max reps. The accessory movements are dumbbell
power cleans for external rotation and plate front raises. Neither
exercise involves any amount of eccentric contraction that will
cause any muscle damage or require extra amounts of recovery
time. At this point most accessory movements should be focused
on metabolic stress. You should just be trying to get a pump all the
way into home base.
The metcons here are a little more intense, but they are meant
to be complementary to the part of the body being worked. For
This day begins with a max snatch. I suggest treating it like a
competition in the way you warm up and the attempts you take.
This is the time to figure out first, second, and third attempts. You
don’t want to get used to making several misses. You can have one
or two misses, but the goal is to always make your lifts.
After squats we move right into max effort deadlifts using reverse
bands. The accessory work is leg curls and barbell hip thrusts. You
will be performing side planks with a row for the core exercise
of choice on this block. I love the kettlebell staggered carries for
overhead stability and muscular balance. There aren’t any metcons
on this day, so the goal is recovery.
The clean and jerks starting this day will be competition style as
well. Treat this day like a competition, so that you will be prepared
Then it’s go time at the end of the week. You will max out the
snatch and clean and jerk on Friday and then the squat, bench press,
and deadlift on Saturday. You will also run your 5K on Saturday, or
you could run it the following day on Sunday.
This plan is almost exactly like the “Do It All” plan but with
less volume. I’d say the majority of you would perform better
with this program. It’s just enough of each component to elicit
the intended response.
I imagine you guys have heard of the 80/20 rule. You are
going to get 80% of your results from 20% of the work you are
performing. We have kept everything necessary for getting
you better at Olympic weightlifting, powerlifting, strongman
movements, bodybuilding, functional fitness, and endurance
conditioning. But we’ve taken out portions of the workout that
aren’t absolutely necessary for producing results.
On the first day of the first week, for example, we took out the
glute ham raises. They could potentially cause more damage than
some can recover from within such a high volume workout. We
are still strengthening the hamstrings where they cross the knee
As this cycle peaks, the 80/20 rule will be in full effect. We will
still be working on bodybuilding/hypertrophy, but the goal is to
• Snatch
• Clean and Jerk
• Back Squat
• Bench Press
• Deadlift
• Log Press
• Yoke Carry
• 5K
Push Jerks 5RM (7 RPE), then -10% for 5
Wide Grip Bench Press (Wider than Normal 80% for 10 x 3
Competition Grip)
Pull-ups 5 x submaximal reps (switch grips each set, weakest
to strongest)
Dips with Eccentric Slower than Concentric 5 x submaximal reps (if ten reps or more, add weight)
Metcon: Workout from Aerobic Capacity (Chris Hinshaw)
This is a continuous workout where your 'rest' is only the easy pace interval parts.
There are 9 total 100m sprints. Your focus is on this part of the workout. You pick your easy pace!
Focus on form. Intensity should not be 100% but 97-98% in order to maintain form.
200m run at easy pace; 100m sprint
400m run at easy pace; 100m sprint
600m run at easy pace; 100m sprint
800m run at easy pace; 100m sprint
1000m run at easy pace; 100m sprint
800m run at easy pace; 100m sprint
600m run at easy pace; 100m sprint
400m run at easy pace; 100m sprint
200m run at easy pace; 100m sprint
Total: 5900m
Hang Clean 3RM (7 RPE), then -10% for 3
Front Squats 80% for 10 x 3
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (Stay at a 4 x 15 each leg
7 RPE)
KB Goblet Squats 3 x 10
Axle Bar Zercher Carries 3 x 40 yd
Skill Work for Quality and Not for Time: 3 Sets of:
50 Double Unders
10 Alternating Pistol Squats
Snatch Complex Power Snatch Double (Work Heavy)
Clean and Jerk Complex Power Clean and Push Jerk Double (Work Heavy)
One Arm OH Fat Grip Dumbbell Carry 3 x 25 yd each arm
Front Squat with Belt Set 1: 80% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 80% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 80% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Sumo Deadlifts 75% for 7 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
Belt Squat RDLs 3 x 60 sec
Tempo Run
5 minute warm up
2 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down
Push Jerks 5RM (8 RPE), then -10% for 5
Wide Grip Bench Press (Wider than Normal 80% for 10 x 4
Competition Grip)
Pull-ups 5 x submaximal reps (switch grips each set, weakest
to strongest)
Dips with Eccentric Slower than Concentric 5 x submaximal reps (if ten reps or more, add weight)
Metcon: 20 Min AMRAP:
200m Sprint Run
8 Barbell Thrusters 135lb/95lb
10 Toes to Bar
Hang Clean 3RM (8 RPE), then -10% for 3
Front Squats 80% for 10 x 4
KB Goblet Squats 4 x 10
Metcon for Time:
Run 1 mile (at 80-85% pace)
20 Burpees over Barbell
10 Deadlifts with 255lb/185lb
400m Farmer's Carry with 55lb/35lb each hand
10 Deadlifts
20 Burpees over Barbell
Run 1 mile (at 80-85%)
Snatch Complex Snatch from High Box: 2RM
Clean and Jerk Complex Clean + 2 Front Squats + 2 Jerks: Max
One Arm OH Fat Grip Dumbbell Carry 3 x 25 yd each arm
Front Squat with Belt Set 1: 83% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 83% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 83% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Sumo Deadlifts 80% for 8 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
Belt Squat RDLs 4 x 60 sec
Tempo Run
5 minute warm up
3 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down
Push Jerks 5RM (9 RPE)
Wide Grip Bench Press (Wider than Normal 80% for 10 x 5
Competition Grip)
Pull-ups 5 x submaximal reps (switch grips each set, weakest
to strongest)
Dips with Eccentric Slower than Concentric 5 x submaximal reps (if ten reps or more, add weight)
Metcon: 8 Sets of:
500m Row
1 minute rest between sets
(Record each time)
Hang Clean 3RM (9 RPE)
Front Squats 80% for 10 x 5
KB Goblet Squats 3 x 15
Metcon: 8 Min AMRAP:
3 Hang Power Cleans with 205lb/135lb or with 225lb/155lb for stronger athletes
6 Alternating Pistols
40 yd Bear Crawl
Snatch Complex Pull + Snatch + Hang Snatch: Max
Clean and Jerk Complex Clean + 2 Front Squats + Jerk: Max
One Arm OH Fat Grip Dumbbell Carry 3 x 30 yd each arm
Front Squat with Belt Set 1: 85% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 10
Sumo Deadlifts 85% for 6 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
Belt Squat RDLs 3 x 70 sec
Tempo Run
5 minute warm up
4 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down
Jerk Recoveries 5RM
Close Grip Bench Press 70% x 4, 75% for 2 x 3, 78% for 2 x 2, 80% x 1
Floor Presses with 50-100lb of Chains 8RM, then -15% for 2 x 8 (last set is 8+)
BB Rows Paused 2 Sec on Sternum 3 x 10
Metcon: 4 Rounds of 3 Min AMRAP:
10 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls 115lb/75lb
10 Box Jumps to 24"/20"
(Rest 3 minutes between rounds and start over each round; compare rounds)
Snatch from Blocks with Bar at Knee 70% x 3, 75% for 2 x 2, 80% x 2, 85% for 2 x 1
Back Squat Box Squats (add weight to the 40% Bar Weight + 30% Bands or Chains for 6 x 3 (60-
last two sets if the speed is there) 90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Reverse Hypers 3 x 45 sec
Metcon: 5 Rounds of
20 yd Staggered Carry
20 yd Sled Drag Forward 150lb/100lb
20 yd Staggered Carry (opposite hands)
20 yd Sled Drag Backward 150lb/100lb
Clean and Jerk Max Effort Pull + Clean + Front Squat + Jerk: Max
Low Bar Back Squat Set 1: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 75% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 75% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Competition Stance Deadlifts 75% for 6 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
Pull-Throughs with Bands or Cables 3 x 15
OH Axle Bar Carries 3 x 40 yd
Snatch Max Effort Pull + 2 Snatches: Max
Front Squat with Belt Set 1: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 75% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 75% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
DB Tricep Extensions Superset with Band 6 x 8 and 6 x 15
Push-downs (30 Sec Between Sets)
Fat Bar Curls 3 x 10
Tempo Run
5 minute warm up
3 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down
Jerk Recoveries 5RM
Close Grip Bench Press 73% x 4, 78% for 3 x 3, 80% for 3 x 2, 83% for 2 x 1
Floor Presses with 50-100lb of Chains 8RM, then -15% for 2 x 8 (last set is 8+)
BB Rows Paused 2 Sec on Sternum 3 x 10
Metcon 1 for Time:
E2MOM for 20 minutes:
3/2 Muscle-up + 20 Double Unders
Focus on the strict muscle-ups if possible
Snatch from Blocks with Bar at Knee 75% for 2 x 3, 80% for 2 x 2, 85% x 2, 88% for 2 x 1
Back Squat Box Squats (add weight to the 45% Bar Weight + 30% Bands or Chains for 7 x 3 (60-
last two sets if the speed is there) 90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Reverse Hypers 3 x 50 sec
Metcon: 4 Rounds of
500m Row
25 Wall Balls 30lb/20lb to 10'/9' Target
10 Handstand Push-ups
5 Deadlifts 255lb/185lb and 315lb/225lb for stronger athletes (do not go over 80% of 1RM)
Clean and Jerk Max Effort Clean + Front Squat + Jerk: Max
Low Bar Back Squat Set 1: 78% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 78% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 78% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Competition Stance Deadlifts 78% for 7 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
Pull-Throughs with Bands or Cables 3 x 15
OH Axle Bar Carries 3 x 40 yd
Snatch Max Effort Pull + Snatch: Max
Front Squat with Belt Set 1: 78% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 78% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 78% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
DB Tricep Extensions Superset with Band 6 x 8 and 6 x 15
Push-downs (30 Sec Between Sets)
Fat Bar Curls 3 x 10
Tempo Run
5 minute warm up
2.5 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down
Jerk Recoveries 5RM
Close Grip Bench Press 70% x 4, 75% x 3, 78% for 2 x 2, 80% x 1
Floor Presses with 50-100lb of Chains 90% of 8RM for 2 x 8
BB Rows Paused 2 Seconds on Sternum 3 x 10
Metcon 5 Sets for Time:
20 Calorie Assault Bike
10 Hang Power Snatches with 115lb/75lb
5 Deficit Handstand Push-ups 6"/4"
(Rest 1:1)
Snatch from Blocks with Bar at Knee 65% for 2 x 3, 70% x 2, 75% for 2 x 1, 80% x 1, 83% x 1
Back Squat Box Squats (add weight to the 35% Bar Weight + 30% Bands or Chains for 5 x 3 (60-
last two sets if the speed is there) 90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Reverse Hypers 3 x 30 sec
Metcon 2: 8 Sets of:
Row for Meters (30 sec on/30 seconds rest)
Clean and Jerk Max Effort 2RM
Low Bar Back Squat Set 1: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 2: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 3: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Competition Stance Deadlifts 70% for 6 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
Pull-Throughs with Bands or Cables 3 x 15
OH Axle Bar Carries 3 x 40 yd
Snatch Max Effort 2RM
Front Squat with Belt Set 1: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 2: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 3: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
DB Tricep Extensions Superset with Band 6 x 8 and 6 x 15
Push-downs (30 Seconds between Sets)
Fat Bar Curls 3 x 10
Tempo Run
5 minute warm up
3.5 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down
Jerk from Racks 3RM (paused 3 sec in catch)
Bench to Chest 75% x 5, 80% x 3, 85% x 1 (percentages based on raw
Max Effort Sling Shot Bench 3RM
Bench Press to Chest 83% x 3, 88% x 2, 90% for AMRAP
Close Grip Axle Bar Decline Presses with 5RM, then -15% for 3 x 5 (last set is 5+)
100lb of Chains
BB Rows Paused 2 Sec on Sternum 4x5
Metcon 1 for Time: 4 Sets of:
25 UNBROKEN Wall Balls 20lb/14lb to 10 foot target
(If you break a set, you will accumulate 5 burpees to be done at the end of the 4th round while time
is still going! You will restart the round if you break. Rest as needed in order to do all 25 unbroken.)
(Rest 10 minutes)
Metcon 2: 8 sets
Row for Meters
40 sec on/20 sec off
Snatch 70% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% for 2 x
1, 88% x 1
Power Cleans 3RM (8 RPE)
Back Squat Box Squats (add weight to the 50% Bar Weight + 20% Bands or Chains for 6 x 3 (60-
last two sets if the speed is there) 90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Leg Curls (Band, DB, or Machine) 4 x 10 reps
Metcon: 4 Rounds of
Unilateral Farmer's Carry x 100m Left Hand
15 KB Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (same weight as carry)
20 Hollow Rocks
Unilateral Farmer's Carry x 100m Right Hand
Recovery Row:
15-20 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
Clean and Jerk Max Effort Clean + Hang Clean + Jerk: Max
Back Squat with Belt Set 1: 80% x 2, rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 6
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 80% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 6
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 80% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 6
Max Effort Deadlift From 8 Inch Blocks: 3RM, then -10% for 3
BB High Pull from Pins Belt Squat 3 x 40 sec
Farmer's Walk 4 x 30 yd
Snatch Max Effort Snatch + Hang Snatch: Max
Bench Presses Set 1: 85% x 2, rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 6
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 6
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 6
Axle Bar Football Close Grip Bench 6RM, then -15% for 2 x 6 (last set is 6+)
DB Hammer Curls 3 x 10
Tempo Run
5 minute warm up
4.5 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down
Jerk from Racks 3RM (first rep paused 3 sec in catch)
Bench to Chest 75% x 5, 80% x 3, 85% x 1 (percentages based on raw
Max Effort Sling Shot Bench 3RM
Bench Press to Chest 85% x 3, 90% x 1, 93% for AMRAP
Close Grip Axle Bar Decline Presses with 5RM, then -15% for 3 x 5 (last set is 5+)
100lb of Chains
BB Rows Paused 2 Sec on Sternum 4x5
Metcon for Time: 3 Rounds of
15 Thrusters 125lb/85lb
20 Toes to Bar
500m Row
Metcon 2:
Steady 15 minutes conversational pace on Assault Bike 70% of MHR
Snatch 75% x 3, 80% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% for 2 x 1, 88%
Power Cleans 3RM (9 RPE)
Back Squat Box Squats (add weight to the 55% Bar Weight + 20% Bands or Chains for 7 x 3 (60-
last two sets if the speed is there) 90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Leg Curls (Band, DB, or Machine) 4 x 10 reps
5K Row at 85%
Clean and Jerk Max Effort Clean + Front Squat + Jerk: Max
Back Squat with Belt Set 1: 83% x 2, rest 2 minutes, then 68% x 6
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 83% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 68% x 6
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 83% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 68% x 6+
Max Effort Deadlift From 8 Inch Blocks: 1RM, then -20% for 3
BB High Pull from Pins Belt Squat 3 x 45 sec
Farmer's Walk 4 x 30 yd
Snatch Max Effort Snatch Pull + Snatch: Max
Bench Presses Set 1: 88% x 2, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 6
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 88% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 6
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 88% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 6+
Axle Bar Football Close Grip Bench 6RM, then -15% for 2 x 6 (last set is 6+)
DB Hammer Curls 3 x 10
Tempo Run
5 minute warm up
3 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down
Jerk from Racks 3RM (no pauses)
Bench to Chest 75% x 5, 80% x 3, 85% x 1 (percentages based on raw
Max Effort Sling Shot Bench 1RM
Bench Press to Chest 83% for 3, 88% x 2, 90% for AMRAP
Close Grip Axle Bar Decline Presses with 5RM, then -15% for 5+
100lb of Chains
BB Rows Paused 2 Seconds on Sternum 4x5
Gymnastics Strength Work:
A: 2 min Accumulate in Support on Rings
B: 2 min Accumulate in Bottom of the Ring Dip
Metcon 1: E2MOM for 6 Sets of:
50 Double Unders
15/12 Ring Dips
Snatch 65% x 3, 78% x 2, 83% x 2, 88% x 1, 90% for 2 x 1, work
up (allowed 1 miss)
Power Cleans 1RM
Back Squat Box Squats (add weight to the 60% Bar Weight + 20% Bands or Chains for 7 x 2 (60-
last two sets if the speed is there) 90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Leg Curls (Band, DB, or Machine) 4 x 10
Metcon: 4 Sets of:
Plank Hold x 45 seconds
OH Axle Bar Carry x 20 yd Forward
Bear Crawl x 20 yd
Sled Drag Forward x 20 yd
OH Axle Bar Carry x 20 yd Backward
Sled Drag Backward x 20 yd
Clean and Jerk Max Effort 1RM
Back Squat with Belt Set 1: 85% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 5
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 1,
rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 5
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 1,
rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 5
Max Effort Deadlift 2 Inch Deficit Deadlift: 1RM (No Bands)
BB High Pull from Pins Belt Squat 3 x 50 sec
Farmer's Walk 4 x 30 yd
Snatch Max Effort 1RM
Bench Presses Set 1: 90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 5
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 90% x 1,
rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 5
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 90% x 1,
rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 5
Axle Bar Football Close Grip Bench 5RM, then -15% for 5+
DB Hammer Curls 3 x 10
Tempo Run
5 minute warm up
3 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down
Jerk from Blocks 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% x 2, Max Out
Bench to Chest 75% x 3, 80% x 2, 85% x 2 (percentages based on raw
Max Effort Bench Press with Reverse 3RM
Bands (Purple if Max is > 300 and Mini
Band if Max < 300LB)
Bench Press (No Bands) Competition Grip 90% for AMRAP
Incline Close Grip Axle Bar Presses with 3RM, then -15% for 4 x 3 (last set is 3+)
100lb of Chains
Chest Supported KB Bat Wing Rows 3 x 10
Paused 2 Seconds at Top
Skill Work for Quality Not for Time: 4 Sets of:
Handstand Walks x 20-40 yd
Muscle-up x 2-4 + 2 Ring Dips
Snatch 70% x 3, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% x 1, 73% x 3, 78% x 2,
83% x 1, 88% x 1, 90% x 1
Clean from High Blocks (Bar at Mid Thigh) 3RM (8 RPE)
High Bar Back Squat + Bands or Chains 60% Bar Weight + 10% Bands or Chains for 7 x 3 (60-
90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Reverse Hypers 4 x 50 seconds
4 Rounds:
30 seconds Assault Bike for Calories; 30 seconds rest
4 Rounds:
30 seconds Double Unders; 30 seconds rest
4 Rounds:
30 seconds Kettlebell Swing 55lb/44lb; 30 seconds rest
Snatch 1RM Competition Style (3 attempts)
Back Squat with Belt Set 1: 88% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 4
Set 2: (add 5-10 kilos to 1-rep if possible, don't add for
4-rep) 88% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 4
Set 3: (add 5-10 kilos to 1-rep if possible, don't add for
4-rep) 88% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 4+
Max Effort Deadlift Reverse Bands (Purple 3RM, then -10% for 3
if Max is > 400lb and Mini Bands if <
400lb, Bands Should Completely Deload at
Leg Curls (Band, DB, or Machine) 4 x 10
KB Staggered Carries (OH and Farmer's) 3 x 40 yd each way
Clean and Jerk 1RM Competition Style (3 attempts)
Bench Presses Set 1: 88% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 4
Set 2: (add 5-10 kilos to 1-rep if possible, don't add for
4-rep) 88% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 4
Set 3: (add 5-10 kilos to 1-rep if possible, don't add for
4-rep) 88% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 4+
Band Push-downs 3 x 20
Preacher Curls 3 x 10
Tempo Run
5 minute warm up
4 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down
Jerk from Blocks 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% x 2, Max Out
Bench to Chest 75% x 3, 80% x 2, 85% x 2 (percentages based on raw
Max Effort Bench Press with Reverse 3RM
Bands (Purple if Max is > 300 and Mini
Band if Max < 300LB)
Bench Press (No Bands) Competition Grip 93% for AMRAP
Incline Close Grip Axle Bar Presses with 3RM, then -15% for 4 x 3 (last set is 3+)
100lb of Chains
Chest Supported KB Bat Wing Rows 2 3 x 10
Seconds pause at top
Metcon: 15 Min AMRAP:
5 Ring Muscle-ups
10 Strict Handstand Push-ups
300m Row
Snatch 60% x 3, 70% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% x 1, 88% x 1,
work up (allowed 1 miss)
Clean from High Blocks (Bar at Mid Thigh) 1RM (9 RPE)
High Bar Back Squat + Bands or Chains 65% Bar Weight + 10% Bands or Chains for 6 x 3 (60-
90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Reverse Hypers 4 x 60 seconds
Metcon: 3 Rounds of 3 Min AMRAP:
3 Hang Power Cleans 205lb/145lb
15 Wall Balls 30lb/20lb to 9'
(Rest 3 minutes between rounds)
Snatch 1RM Competition Style (3 attempts)
Back Squat with Belt Set 1: 90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 4
Set 2: (add 5-10 kilos to 1-rep if possible, don't add for
4-rep) 90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 4
Set 3: (add 5-10 kilos to 1-rep if possible, don't add for
4-rep) 90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 4+
Max Effort Deadlift Reverse Bands (Purple 1RM, then -15% for 3
if Max is > 400lb and Mini Bands if <
400lb, Bands Should Completely Deload at
Leg Curls (Band, DB, or Machine) 4 x 10
BB Hip Thrusts with Band around Knees 3 x 10
KB Staggered Carries (OH and Farmer's) 3 x 40 yd each way
Clean and Jerk 1RM Competition Style (3 attempts)
Bench Presses Set 1: 90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 4
Set 2: (add 5-10 kilos to 1-rep if possible, don't add for
4-rep) 90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 4
Set 3: (add 5-10 kilos to 1-rep if possible, don't add for
4-rep) 90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 4+
Band Push-downs 3 x 15
Preacher Curls 3 x 10
Tempo Run
5 minute warm up
5 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down
Jerk from Blocks Off
Bench to Chest 75% x 5, 80% x 3, 85% x 2, 90% x 1 (percentages based
on raw max)
Max Effort Bench Press with Reverse Off
Bands (Purple if Max is > 300 and Mini
Band if Max < 300LB)
Bench Press (No Bands) Competition Grip Opener
Incline Close Grip Axle Bar Presses with Off
100lb of Chains
Chest Supported KB Bat Wing Rows (2 Sec 3x5
Pause at Top)
4 Rounds:
10 Push Jerks 135lb/95lb
Run 400m
10 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
Snatch 1RM (no misses)
Clean from High Blocks (Bar at Mid Thigh) 65% for 3 x 2
High Bar Back Squat + Bands or Chains 75% Bar Weight Only for 5 x 2 (60-90 sec between sets,
velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Reverse Hypers 3 x 70 seconds
Metcon 1:
10 Min EMOM:
Odd - 3 Deadlift (at 70%)
Even - 8 Burpees over Bar
(Rest 10 minutes)
Metcon 2: 3 sets
500m Row
(Rest 3 minutes between sets)
Snatch Max Out
Clean and Jerk Max Out
Squat Max Out
Bench Max Out
Deadlift Max Out
Max Speed:
5K for Time
This program shows that you can have multiple goals and still
only train four days per week. You can still get strong and fit with this
plan, and you can still potentially compete in multiple disciplines. If
you are a person who doesn’t have all the time in the world to train,
check out this plan.
Push Jerks 5RM (7 RPE), then -10% for 5
Wide Grip Bench Press (Wider than Normal 80% for 10 x 3
Competition Grip)
Pull-ups 5 x submaximal reps (switch grips each set, weakest
to strongest)
Dips with Eccentric Slower than Concentric 5 x submaximal reps (if ten reps or more, add weight)
Metcon: Workout from Aerobic Capacity (Chris Hinshaw)
This is a continuous workout where your 'rest' is only the easy pace interval parts.
There are 9 total 100m sprints. Your focus is on this part of the workout. You pick your easy pace!
Focus on form. Intensity should not be 100% but 97-98% in order to maintain form.
200m run at easy pace; 100m sprint
400m run at easy pace; 100m sprint
600m run at easy pace; 100m sprint
800m run at easy pace;100m sprint
1000m run at easy pace; 100m sprint
800m run at easy pace; 100m sprint
600m run at easy pace; 100m sprint
400m run at easy pace; 100m sprint
200m run at easy pace; 100m sprint
Total: 5900m
Hang Clean 3RM (7 RPE), then -10% for 3
Front Squats 80% for 10 x 3
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (Stay at a 4 x 15 each leg
7 RPE)
KB Goblet Squats 3 x 10
Axle Bar Zercher Carries 3 x 40 yd
Skill Work for Quality and Not for Time: 3 Sets of:
50 Double Unders
10 Alternating Pistol Squats
Close Grip Bench Press 60% for 5 x 10
Incline DB Press 60% for 5 x 10
Bent-over Rows 60% for 5 x 10
Preacher Curls 3 x 10
Toes to Bar
Handstand Push-up
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
2 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down
Push Jerks 5RM (8 RPE), then -10% for 5
Wide Grip Bench Press (Wider than Normal 80% for 10 x 4
Competition Grip)
Pull-ups 5 x submaximal reps (switch grips each set, weakest
to strongest)
Dips with Eccentric Slower than Concentric 5 x submaximal reps (if ten reps or more, add weight)
Metcon: 20 Min AMRAP:
200m Sprint Run
8 Barbell Thrusters 135lb/95lb
10 Toes to Bar
Hang Clean 3RM (8 RPE), then -10% for 3
Front Squats 80% for 10 x 4
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (Stay at a Off
7 RPE)
KB Goblet Squats 4 x 10
Axle Bar Zercher Carries Off
Metcon for Time:
Run 1 mile (at 80-85%) pace
20 Burpees over Barbell
10 Deadlifts 255lb/185lb
400m Farmer's Carry 55lb/35lb each hand
10 Deadlifts
20 Burpees over Barbell
Run 1 mile (at 80-85%)
Close Grip Bench Press 65% for 5 x 10
Incline DB Press 65% for 5 x 10
Bent-over Rows 65% for 5 x 10
Preacher Curls 3 x 10
Gymnastics Strength Work:
A: 10 x 2 Press to Handstand (Scale accordingly, even if it's just bear crawl and pulling feet to hands)
B: 10 x 1 Handstand Push-up Negative (slowest possible)
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
3 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down
Push Jerks 5RM (9 RPE)
Wide Grip Bench Press (Wider than Normal 80% for 10 x 5
Competition Grip)
Pull-ups 5 x submaximal reps (switch grips each set, weakest
to strongest)
Dips with Eccentric Slower than Concentric 5 x submaximal reps (if ten reps or more, add weight)
Metcon: 8 Sets of:
500m Row
(1 minute rest between sets)
Record each time
Hang Clean 3RM (9 RPE)
Front Squats 80% for 10 x 5
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (Stay at a Off
7 RPE)
KB Goblet Squats 3x5
Axle Bar Zercher Carries Off
Metcon: 8 Min AMRAP:
3 Hang Power Cleans with 205lb/135lb or with 225lb/155lb for stronger athletes
6 Alternating Pistols
40 yd Bear Crawl
Close Grip Bench Press 70% for 5 x 10
Incline DB Press 70% for 5 x 10
Bent-over Rows 70% for 5 x 10
Preacher Curls 3 x 10
Run 400m (at 80%); Run 400m recovery pace
Run 400m (at 85%); Run 400m recovery pace
Run 400m (at 90%); Run 400m recovery pace
Run 400m all out; Walk 400m for recovery
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
4 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down
Snatch from Blocks with Bar at Knee 70% x 3, 75% for 2 x 2, 80% x 2, 85% for 2 x 1
Close Grip Bench Press 70% x 4, 75% for 2 x 3, 78% for 2 x 2, 80% x 1
Log Press 5RM, then -15% for 2 x 5 (last set 5+)
Pull-ups 3 x submaximal reps
BB Rows Paused 2 Sec on Sternum 3 x 10
Metcon 5 Rounds:
20 yd Staggered Carry
20 yd Sled Drag Forward with 150lb/100lb
20 yd Staggered Carry (opposite hands)
20 yd Sled Drag Backward with 150lb/100lb
(Rest 5 Minutes)
Accumulate 100-200 ft of Handstand Walks
Clean and Jerk Max Effort Pull + Clean + Front Squat + Jerk: Max
Low Bar Back Squat Set 1: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 75% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 75% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Competition Stance Deadlifts 75% for 6 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
Pull-Throughs with Bands or Cables 3 x 15
Overhead Carries Axle 3 x 40 yd
Snatch Max Effort Pull + 2 Snatches: Max
Bench Press Set 1: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 75% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 75% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
DB Tricep Extensions Superset with Band 6 x 8 and 6 x 15
Fat Bar Curls 3 x 10
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
3 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down
Snatch from Blocks with Bar at Knee 75% for 2 x 3, 80% for 2 x 2, 85% x 2, 88% for 2 x 1
Close Grip Bench Press 73% x 4, 78% for 3 x 3, 80% for 3 x 2, 83% for 2 x 1
Log Press 5RM, then -15% for 2 x 5 (last set 5+)
Pull-ups 3 x submaximal reps
BB Rows Paused 2 Sec on Sternum 3 x 10
Metcon 1 for Time:
E2MOM for 20 minutes:
3/2 Muscle-up + 20 Double Unders
Focus on the strict muscle-up if possible
Metcon 2: 5 Sets of:
Farmer's Carry x 20 yd 135lb/95lb each hand
Sled Push High x 20 yd 150lb/100lb
Farmer's Carry x 20 yd 135lb/95lb each hand
Burpee Broad Jumps x 20 yd
Sled Push Low x 20 yd 150lb/100lb
Walking Lunge Step x 20 yd (no weight)
(Rest 2 minutes between sets)
Clean and Jerk Max Effort Clean + Front Squat + Jerk: Max
Low Bar Back Squat Set 1: 78% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 78% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 78% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Competition Stance Deadlifts 78% for 7 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
Pull-Throughs with Bands or Cables 3 x 15
Overhead Carries Axle 3 x 40 yd
Metcon: 12 Min AMRAP:
200m Run
15 Toes to Bar
20 Goblet Squats
Snatch Max Effort Pull + Snatch: Max
Bench Press Set 1: 78% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 78% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 78% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
DB Tricep Extensions Superset with Band 6 x 8 and 6 x 15
Fat Bar Curls 3 x 10
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
2.5 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down
Snatch from Blocks with Bar at Knee 65% for 2 x 3, 70% x 2, 75% for 2 x 1, 80% x 1, 83% x 1
Close Grip Bench Press 70% x 4, 75% x 3, 78% for 2 x 2, 80% x 1
Log Press 90% of 5RM for 3 x 5
Pull-ups 3 x submaximal reps
BB Rows Paused 2 Sec on Sternum 3 x 10
Metcon: 5 sets as fast as possible of
20 Calorie Assault Bike
10 Hang Power Snatches with 115lb/75lb
5 Deficit Handstand Push-ups 6"/4"
(Rest 1:1)
Clean and Jerk Max Effort 2RM
Low Bar Back Squat Set 1: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 2: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 3: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Competition Stance Deadlifts 70% for 6 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
Pull-Throughs with Bands or Cables 3 x 15
Overhead Carries Axle 3 x 40 yd
Metcon: 8 Sets of:
Row for Meters (30 seconds on/30 seconds rest)
Snatch Max Effort Max Snatch Double
Bench Press Set 1: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 2: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 3: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
DB Tricep Extensions Superset with Band 6 x 8 and 6 x 15
Fat Bar Curls 3 x 10
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
3.5 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down
Snatch 70% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% for 2 x
1, 88% x 1
Jerk From Racks 3RM (paused 3 sec in catch)
Bench to Chest 75% x 5, 80% x 3, 85% x 1 (percentages based on raw
Max Effort Sling Shot Bench 3RM
Bench Press to Chest 83% for 3, 88% x 2, 90% for AMRAP
Log Press 3RM, then -15% for 2 x 3 (last set 3+)
BB Rows Paused 2 Sec on Sternum 4x5
Metcon 1 for Time: 4 Sets of:
25 UNBROKEN Wall Balls with 20lb/14lb to 10' target
(If you break a set, you will accumulate 5 burpees to be done at the end of the 4th round while time
is still going! You will restart the round if you break. Rest as needed in order to do all 25 unbroken.)
(Rest 10 minutes)
Metcon 2: 4 Rounds of 3 Min AMRAP:
5 Bar Muscle-ups
10 Box Jumps 30"/24"
(Rest 3 minutes between rounds)
Score individually and compare
Clean and Jerk Max Effort Clean + Hang Clean + Jerk: Max
Back Squat with Belt Set 1: 80% x 2, rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 6
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 80% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 6
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 80% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 6
Max Effort Deadlift From 8 Inch Blocks: 3RM, then -10% for 3
BB High Pull from Pins Belt Squat 3 x 40 sec
Farmer's Walk 4 x 30 yd
Recovery Row:
15-20 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
Snatch Max Effort Snatch + Hang Snatch: Max
Bench Press Set 1: 85% x 2, rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 6
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 6
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 6
Axle Bar Football Close Grip Bench 6RM, then -15% for 2 x 6(last set is 6+)
Pull-ups 4 x submaximal reps
DB Hammer Curls 3 x 10
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
4.5 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down
Snatch 75% x 3, 80% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% for 2 x 1, 88%
Jerk From Racks 3RM (first rep paused 3 sec in catch)
Bench to Chest 75% x 5, 80% x 3, 85% x 1 (percentages based on raw
Max Effort Sling Shot Bench 3RM
Bench Press to Chest 85% x 3, 90% x 1, 93% for AMRAP
Log Press 3RM, then -15% for 3 x 3 (last set 3+)
BB Rows Paused 2 Sec on Sternum 4x5
Metcon for Time: 3 Rounds of
15 Thrusters with 125lb/85lb
20 Toes to Bar
500m Row
Clean and Jerk Max Effort Clean + Front Squat + Jerk: Max
Back Squat with Belt Set 1: 83% x 2, rest 2 minutes, then 68% x 6
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 83% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 68% x 6
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 83% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 68% x 6+
Max Effort Deadlift From 8 Inch Blocks: 1RM, then -20% for 3
BB High Pull from Pins Belt Squat 3 x 45 sec
Farmer's Walk 4 x 30 yd
Steady 15 minutes conversational pace on Assault Bike at 70% of MHR
Snatch Max Effort Snatch Pull + Snatch: Max
Bench Press Set 1: 88% x 2, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 6
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 88% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 6
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 88% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 6+
Axle Bar Football Close Grip Bench 6RM, then -15% for 2 x 6 (last set is 6+)
Pull-ups 4 x submaximal reps
DB Hammer Curls 3 x 10
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
3 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down
Snatch 65% x 3, 78% x 2, 83% x 2, 88% x 1, 90% for 2 x 1, work
up (allowed 1 miss)
Jerk From Racks 3RM (no pauses)
Bench to Chest 75% x 5, 80% x 3, 85% x 1 (percentages based on raw
Max Effort Sling Shot Bench 1RM
Bench Press to Chest 83% for 3, 88% x 2, 90% for AMRAP
Log Press 3RM, then -15% for 3+
BB Rows Paused 2 Sec on Sternum 4x5
Gymnastics Strength Work:
A: 2 min Accumulate in Support on Rings
B: 2 min Accumulate in Bottom of the Ring Dip
Metcon 1: 6 Sets of:
50 Double Unders
15/12 Ring Dips
Clean and Jerk Max Effort 1RM
Back Squat with Belt Set 1: 85% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 5
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 1,
rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 5
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 1,
rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 5
Max Effort Deadlift From 2 Inch Deficit: 1RM
BB High Pull from Pins Belt Squat 3 x 50 sec
Farmer's Walk 4 x 30 yd
Metcon: 4 Sets of:
Plank Hold x 45 seconds
OH Axle Bar Carry x 20 yd Forward
Bear Crawl x 20 yd
Sled Drag Forward x 20 yd
OH Axle Bar Carry x 20 yd Backward
Sled Drag Backward x 20 yd
Snatch Max Effort 1RM
Bench Press Set 1: 90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 5
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 90% x 1,
rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 5
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 90% x 1,
rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 5
Axle Bar Football Close Grip Bench 5RM, then -15% for 5+
Pull-ups 3 x submaximal reps
DB Hammer Curls 3 x 10
Skill Work for Quality Not for Time: 3 Sets of:
Handstand Walks x 20-40 yd
Ring Muscle-up x 2-4 + 2 Ring Dips
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
3 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down
Snatch 70% x 3, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% x 1, 73% x 3, 78% x 2,
83% x 1, 88% x 1, 90% x 1
Jerk from Blocks 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% x 2, Max Out
Bench to Chest 75% x 3, 80% x 2, 85% x 2 (percentages based on raw
Max Effort Bench Press with Reverse 3RM
Bands (Purple if Max is > 300 and Mini
Band if Max < 300LB)
Bench Press (No Bands) Competition Grip 90% for AMRAP
Log Press 1RM, then -20% for 2 x 3 (last set 3+)
Chest Supported KB Bat Wing Rows (2 Sec 3 x 10
Pause at Top)
Skill Work for Quality Not for Time: 4 Sets of:
Handstand Walks x 20-40 yd
Muscle-up x 2-4 + 2 Ring Dips
Conditioning: 4 Rounds of
30 seconds Assault Bike for Calories; 30 seconds rest
4 Rounds:
30 seconds Double Unders; 30 seconds rest
4 Rounds:
30 seconds Kettlebell Swing with 55lb/44lb; 30 seconds rest
Snatch 1RM
Back Squat with Belt Set 1: 88% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 4
Set 2: (add 5-10 kilos to 1-rep if possible, don't add for
4-rep) 88% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 4
Set 3: (add 5-10 kilos to 1-rep if possible, don't add for
4-rep) 88% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 4+
Max Effort Deadlift (Reverse Bands Purple 3RM, then -10% for 3
if maximum is > 400lb and Mini Bands if <
400lb)(Bands should completely deload at
Leg Curls (Band, DB, or Machine) 4 x 10 reps
KB Staggered Carries (OH and Farmer's) 3 x 40 yd each way
Metcon: 6-8 Sets of:
100m Row as fast as possible (Rest 1 minute between sets)
Clean and Jerk 1RM
Bench Press Set 1: 88% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 4
Set 2: (add 5-10 kilos to 1-rep if possible, don't add for
4-rep) 88% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 4
Set 3: (add 5-10 kilos to 1-rep if possible, don't add for
4-rep) 88% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 4+
Seated DB Power Cleans Superset with 3 x 10 and 3 x 10
Plate Front Raises
Band Push-downs 3 x 20
Preacher Curls 3 x 10
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
4 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down
Snatch 60% x 3, 70% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% x 1, 88% x 1,
work up (allowed 1 miss)
Jerk from Blocks 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% x 2, Max Out
Bench to Chest 75% x 3, 80% x 2, 85% x 2 (percentages based on raw
Max Effort Bench Press with Reverse 3RM
Bands (Purple if Max is > 300 and Mini
Band if Max < 300LB)
Bench Press (No Bands) Competition Grip 93% for AMRAP
Log Press 1RM, then -20% for 3+ (don't miss)
Chest Supported KB Bat Wing Rows (2 Sec 3 x 10
Pause at Top)
Metcon: 15 Min AMRAP:
5 Ring Muscle-ups
10 Strict Handstand Push-ups
300m Row
Snatch 1RM Competition Style (3 attempts)
Back Squat with Belt Set 1: 90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 4
Set 2: (add 5-10 kilos to 1-rep if possible, don't add for
4-rep) 90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 4
Set 3: (add 5-10 kilos to 1-rep if possible, don't add for
4-rep) 90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 4+
Max Effort Deadlift with Reverse Bands 1RM, then -15% for 3
(Purple if Max is > 400lb and Mini Bands if
< 400lb, Bands Should Completely Deload
at Lockout)
Leg Curls (Band, DB, or Machine) 4 x 10 reps
BB Hip Thrusts with Band around Knees 3 x 10
KB Staggered Carries (OH and Farmer's) 3 x 40 yd each way
Metcon: 3 Rounds of 3 Min AMRAP:
3 Hang Power Cleans 205lb/145lb
15 Wall Balls 30lb/20lb to 9'
(Rest 3 minutes between rounds)
Clean and Jerk 1RM Competition Style (3 attempts)
Bench Press Set 1: 90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 4
Set 2: (add 5-10 kilos to 1-rep if possible, don't add for
4-rep) 90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 4
Set 3: (add 5-10 kilos to 1-rep if possible, don't add for
4-rep) 90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 4+
Seated DB Power Cleans Superset with 3 x 10 and 3 x 10
Plate Front Raises
Band Push-downs 3 x 15
Preacher Curls 3 x 10
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
5 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down
Snatch 65% for 3 x 2
Jerk from Blocks 65% for 3 x 2
Bench to Chest Off
Max Effort Bench Press with Reverse Opener
Bands (Purple if Max is > 300 and Mini
Band if Max < 300)
Bench Press (No Bands) Competition Grip Off
Log Press Off
Chest Supported KB Bat Wing Rows (2 Sec 3x5
Pause at Top)
Metcon: 3 Sets of:
500m Row (Rest 3 minutes between sets)
Snatch Max Out
Clean and Jerk Max Out
Squat Max Out
Bench Max Out
Deadlift Max Out
Max Speed:
5K for Time
Second, you will notice there is an extra upper body day that
emphasizes bodybuilding. There is only one competitive lift (clean
and jerk) on this sixth day, but the hypertrophy work being performed
is still work that will improve the bench press and overhead stability.
You are still getting complete synergy from every day of your
workout. Dips are great strength builders that will directly affect
the bench press and the lockout position overhead. I love using
bands for hypertrophy because the nature of their deload during
the eccentric phase causes very little muscle damage.
I hope you guys are seeing the pattern now because I want
you to be able to write a program for yourself someday. Almost
any strength discipline can be trained simultaneously with other
disciplines if you consider energy systems, muscular damage, fiber
type manipulation, and recovery.
For the last few weeks of the program, we build towards a peak
in a super total (weightlifting and powerlifting combined) meet
and a 5K road race. Even at the end, we’ll still be incorporating
bodybuilding movements. I want you to keep your hypertrophy
gains so you can tear up the beach scene. Not to mention, if you do
hypertrophy work to get strong, why would you quit doing it come
time to compete?
Push Jerks 5RM (7 RPE), then -10% for 5
Wide Grip Bench Press (Wider than Normal 80% for 10 x 3
Competition Grip)
Pull-ups 5 x submaximal reps (switch grips each set, weakest
to strongest)
Bent-over Rows 60% for 5 x 10
DB or KB Upright Rows 5 x 10
Hang Clean 3RM (7 RPE), then -10% for 3
Front Squats 80% for 10 x 3
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (Stay at a 4 x 15 each leg
7 RPE)
KB Goblet Squats 3 x 10
Axle Bar Zercher Carries 3 x 40 yd
Recovery Row:
10-15 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
Close Grip Bench Press 60% for 5 x 10
Incline DB Press 60% for 5 x 10
KB Bottom Up Z Press 3 x 10 each arm
DB Lateral Raises 3 x 10
Clean and Jerk Complex Power Clean and Push Jerk Double (Work Heavy)
Dips (Eccentric Slower than Concentric) 5 x submaximal reps (if ten reps or more, add weight)
Superset with Preacher Curls and 3 x 10
Band Push-downs Superset with Band 3 x 45 sec and 3 x 45 sec
Banded Rows 4 x 60 sec
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
3 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down
Push Jerks 5RM (8 RPE), then -10% for 5
Wide Grip Bench Press (Wider than Normal 80% for 10 x 4
Competition Grip)
Pull-ups 5 x submaximal reps (switch grips each set, weakest
to strongest)
Bent-over Rows 65% for 5 x 10
DB or KB Upright Rows 5 x 10
Hang Clean 3RM (8 RPE), then -10% for 3
Front Squats 80% for 10 x 4
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (Stay at a 5 x 15 each leg
7 RPE)
KB Goblet Squats 4 x 10
Axle Bar Zercher Carries 3 x 40 yd
Recovery Row:
10-15 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
Close Grip Bench Press 65% for 5 x 10
Incline DB Press 65% for 5 x 10
KB Bottom Up Z Press 3 x 10 each arm
DB Lateral Raises 3 x 10
Clean and Jerk Complex Clean + 2 Front Squats + 2 Jerks: Max
Dips (Eccentric Slower than Concentric) 5 x submaximal reps (if ten reps or more, add weight)
Superset with Preacher Curls and 3 x 10
Band Push-downs Superset with Band 3 x 50 sec and 3 x 50 sec
Banded Rows 4 x 60 sec
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
4 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down
Push Jerks 5RM (9 RPE)
Wide Grip Bench Press (Wider than Normal 80% for 10 x 5
Competition Grip)
Pull-ups 5 x submaximal reps (switch grips each set, weakest
to strongest)
Bent-over Rows 70% for 5 x 10
DB or KB Upright Rows 5 x 10
Hang Clean 3RM (9 RPE)
Front Squats 80% for 10 x 5
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (Stay at a 5 x 15 each leg
7 RPE)
KB Goblet Squats 3 x 15
Axle Bar Zercher Carries 3 x 50 yd
Recovery Row:
15-20 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
Close Grip Bench Press 70% for 5 x 10
Incline DB Press 70% for 5 x 10
KB Bottom Up Z Press 3 x 10 each arm
DB Lateral Raises 3 x 10
Clean and Jerk Complex Clean + 2 Front Squats + Jerk: Max
Dips (Eccentric Slower than Concentric) 5 x submaximal reps (if ten reps or more, add weight)
Superset with Preacher Curls and 3 x 10
Band Push-downs Superset with Band 3 x 55 sec and 3 x 55 sec
Banded Rows 4 x 60 sec
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
5 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down
Jerk Recoveries 5RM
Close Grip Bench Press 70% x 4, 75% for 2 x 3, 78% for 2 x 2, 80% x 1
Floor Presses with 50-100lb of Chains 8RM, then -15% for 2 x 8 (last set is 8+)
Pull-ups 3 x submaximal reps
BB Bent-over Rows Paused 2 Sec on 3 x 10 and 3 x 12
Sternum Superset with Band Face Pulls
and Press
Snatch from Blocks with Bar at Knee 70% x 3, 75% for 2 x 2, 80% x 2, 85% for 2 x 1
No Hook Snatch from Blocks with Bar at 3RM (no misses, 8 RPE)
Back Squat Box Squats (add weight to the 40% Bar Weight + 30% Bands or Chains for 6 x 3 (60-
last two sets if the speed is there) 90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Belt Squat KB RDLs Superset with Leg 3 x 45 sec and 3 x 10
Curls (Seated, DB, or Machine)
Reverse Hypers 3 x 45 sec
Recovery Row:
10-15 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
Velocity Bench Press 50% Bar Weight + 25% Bands or Chains for 6 x 3 (60-
90 sec rest, velocity goal of 0.75m/s)
Seated Pin Presses with 50-100lb of 6RM, then -10% for 3 x 6
Bands or Chains
Plate Raises Superset with DB Lateral 3 x 10, 3 x 10, and 3 x 10
Raises Superset with DB Power Clean and
Hang Muscle Snatch 3x5
Snatch Max Effort Pull + 2 Snatches: Max
Bench Press Set 1: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 75% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 75% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
DB Tricep Extensions Superset with Band 6 x 8 and 6 x15
Push-downs (30 Sec between Sets)
Fat Bar Curls Superset with Concentration 3 x 10 and 3 x 10
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
4 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down
Jerk Recoveries 5RM
Close Grip Bench Press 73% x 4, 78% for 3 x 3, 80% for 3 x 2, 83% for 2 x 1
Floor Presses with 50-100lb of Chains 8RM, then -15% for 2 x 8 (last set is 8+)
Pull-ups 3 x submaximal reps
BB Bent-over Rows Paused 2 Sec on 3 x 10 and 3 x 12
Sternum Superset with Band Face Pulls
and Press
Snatch from Blocks with Bar at Knee 75% for 2 x 3, 80% for 2 x 2, 85% x 2, 88% for 2 x 1
No Hook Snatch from Blocks with Bar at 3RM (no misses, 8 RPE)
Back Squat Box Squats (add weight to the 45% Bar Weight + 30% Bands or Chains for 7 x 3 (60-
last two sets if the speed is there) 90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Belt Squat KB RDLs Superset with Leg 3 x 50 sec and 3 x 10
Curls (Seated, DB, or Machine)
Reverse Hypers 3 x 50 sec
Recovery Row:
15-20 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
Velocity Bench Press 55% Bar Weight + 25% Bands or Chains for 6 x 3 (60-
90 sec rest, velocity goal of 0.75m/s)
Seated Pin Presses with 50-100lb of 6RM, then -10% for 3 x 6
Bands or Chains
Plate Raises Superset with DB Lateral 4 x 10, 4 x 10, and 4 x 10
Raises Superset with DB Power Clean and
Hang Muscle Snatch 3x5
Snatch Max Effort Pull + Snatch: max
Bench Press Set 1: 78% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 78% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 78% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
DB Tricep Extensions Superset with Band 6 x 8 and 6 x15
Push-downs (30 Sec between Sets)
Fat Bar Curls Superset with Concentration 3 x 10 and 3 x 10
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
4 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down
Jerk Recoveries 5RM
Close Grip Bench Press 70% x 4, 75% x 3, 78% for 2 x 2, 80% x 1
Floor Presses with 50-100lb of Chains 90% of 8RM for 2 x 8
Pull-ups 3 x submaximal reps
BB Bent-over Rows Paused 2 Sec on 3 x 10 and 3 x 12
Sternum Superset with Band Face Pulls
and Press
Snatch from Blocks with Bar at Knee 65% for 2 x 3, 70% x 2, 75% for 2 x 1, 80% x 1, 83% x 1
No Hook Snatch from Blocks with Bar at 90% of 3RM for 2 x 3
Back Squat Box Squats (add weight to the 35% Bar Weight + 30% Bands or Chains for 5 x 3 (60-
last two sets if the speed is there) 90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Belt Squat KB RDLs Superset with Leg 3 x 30 sec and 3 x 10
Curls (Seated, DB, or Machine)
Reverse Hypers 3 x 30 sec
Recovery Row:
15-20 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
Velocity Bench Press 45% Bar Weight + 25% Bands or Chains for 5 x 3 (60-
90 sec rest, velocity goal of 0.75m/s)
Seated Pin Presses with 50-100lb of 90% of 6RM for 2 x 6
Bands or Chains
Plate Raises Superset with DB Lateral 3 x 8, 3 x 8, and 3 x 8
Raises Superset with DB Power Clean and
Hang Muscle Snatch 3x5
Snatch Max Effort 2RM
Bench Press Set 1: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 2: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 3: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
DB Tricep Extensions Superset with Band 6 x 8 and 6 x15
Push-downs (30 Sec between Sets)
Fat Bar Curls Superset with Concentration 3 x 10 and 3 x 10
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
5 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down
Jerk From Racks 3RM (paused 3 sec in catch)
Bench to Chest 75% x 5, 80% x 3, 85% x 1 (percentages based on raw
Max Effort Sling Shot Bench 3RM
Bench Press to Chest 83% for 3, 88% x 2, 90% for AMRAP
Close Grip Axle Bar Decline Presses with 5RM, then -15% for 3 x 5 (last set is 5+)
100lb of Chains
Weighted Dips or Nosebreakers Superset 4 x 8 and 4 x 10
with Incline DB Curls
DB Fat Grip OH Walks 3 x 20 yd forwards and backwards
Snatch 70% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% for 2
x 1, 88% x 1
Power Cleans 3RM (8 RPE)
Back Squat Box Squats (add weight to the 50% Bar Weight + 20% Bands or Chains for 6 x 3 (60-
last two sets if the speed is there) 90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Heavy Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats 4 x 5 each leg and 4 x 20
Superset with Leg Press or KB Goblet
Recovery Row:
15-20 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
Heaving Snatch Balance 1RM with 5 sec pause, then -20% for 3 reps not paused
Dynamic Bench Press (Alternate Grip Each 50% Bar Weight + 20% Bands or Chains for 6 x 3 (60-
Set) 90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Seated DB Shoulder Press 6RM, then -15% for 2 x 6 (last set is 6+)
DB Tri-Delts 3 x (9 front, 9 side, 9 rear)
DB Pullovers 4 x 12
Snatch Max Effort Snatch + Hang Snatch: Max
Bench Press Set 1: 85% x 2, rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 6
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 6
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 6
DB Incline Chest Press 4 x 10
BB Bent-over Rows Paused 2 Sec on 4 x 5 and 4 x submaximal reps
Sternum Superset with Pull-ups
One Arm Kettlebell Rows 3 x 10 each arm
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
6 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down
Jerk From Racks 3RM (first rep paused 3 sec in catch)
Bench to Chest 75% x 5, 80% x 3, 85% x 1 (percentages based on raw
Max Effort Sling Shot Bench 3RM
Bench Press to Chest 85% x 3, 90% x 1, 93% for AMRAP
Close Grip Axle Bar Decline Presses with 5RM, then -15% for 3 x 5 (last set is 5+)
100lb of Chains
Weighted Dips or Nosebreakers Superset 4 x 8 and 4 x 10
with Incline DB Curls
DB Fat Grip OH Walks 3 x 20 yd forwards and backwards
Snatch 75% x 3, 80% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% for 2 x 1, 88%
Power Cleans 3RM (9 RPE)
Back Squat Box Squats (add weight to the 55% Bar Weight + 20% Bands or Chains for 7 x 3 (60-
last two sets if the speed is there) 90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Heavy Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats 4 x 5 each leg and 4 x 20
Superset with Leg Press or KB Goblet
Recovery Row:
15-20 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
Heaving Snatch Balance 1RM with 5 sec pause, then -20% for 3 reps not paused
Dynamic Bench Press (Alternate Grip Each 55% Bar Weight + 20% Bands or Chains for 7 x 3 (60-
Set) 90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Seated DB Shoulder Press 6RM, then -15% for 2 x 6 (last set is 6+)
DB Tri-Delts 3 x (9 front, 9 side, 9 rear)
DB Pullovers 4 x 12
Snatch Max Effort Snatch Pull + Snatch: Max
Bench Press Set 1: 88% x 2, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 6
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 88% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 6
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 88% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 6+
DB Incline Chest Press 4 x 10
BB Bent-over Rows Paused 2 Sec on 4 x 5 and 4 x submaximal reps
Sternum Superset with Pull-ups
One Arm Kettlebell Rows 3 x 10 each arm
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
4 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down
Jerk From Racks 3RM (no pauses)
Bench to Chest 75% x 5, 80% x 3, 85% x 1 (percentages based on raw
Max Effort Sling Shot Bench 1RM
Bench Press to Chest 83% for 3, 88% x 2, 90% for AMRAP
Close Grip Axle Bar Decline Presses with 5RM, then -15% for 5+ (last set is 5+)
100lb of Chains
Weighted Dips or Nosebreakers Superset 4 x 8 and 4 x 10
with Incline DB Curls
DB Fat Grip OH Walks 3 x 20 yd forwards and backwards
Snatch 65% x 3, 78% x 2, 83% x 2, 88% x 1, 90% for 2 x 1, work
up (allowed 1 miss)
Power Cleans 1RM
Back Squat Box Squats (add weight to the 60% Bar Weight + 20% Bands or Chains for 7 x 2 (60-
last two sets if the speed is there) 90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Heavy Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats 4 x 5 each leg and 4 x 20
Superset with Leg Press or KB Goblet
Recovery Row:
20-25 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
Heaving Snatch Balance 1RM with 3 sec pause, then -20% for 3 reps not paused
Dynamic Bench Press (Alternate Grip Each 60% Bar Weight + 20% Bands or Chains for 7 x 2 (60-
Set) 90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Seated DB Shoulder Press 5RM, then -15% for 5+
DB Tri-Delts 3 x (9 front, 9 side, 9 rear)
DB Pullovers 3 x 10
Snatch Max Effort Snatch Max
Bench Press Set 1: 90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 5
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 90% x 1,
rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 5
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 90% x 1,
rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 5
DB Incline Chest Press 4x8
BB Bent-over Rows Paused 2 Sec on 4 x 5 and 4 x submaximal reps
Sternum Superset with Pull-ups
One Arm Kettlebell Rows 3 x 10 each arm
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
5 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down
Jerk from Blocks 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% x 2, Max Out
Bench to Chest 75% x 3, 80% x 2, 85% x 2 (percentages based on raw
Max Effort Bench Press with Reverse 3RM
Bands (Purple if Max is > 300 and Mini
Band if Max < 300LB)
Bench Press (No Bands) Competition Grip 93% for AMRAP
Incline Close Grip Axle Bar Presses with 3RM, then -15% for 4 x 3 (last set is 3+)
100lb of Chains
Nosebreakers Superset with Pullovers 4x10, 4 x 10, and 4 x 10
Superset with Close Grip Presses
KB Staggered Carries (OH and Farmer's) 3 x 40 yd each way
Snatch 60% x 3, 70% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% x 1, 88% x 1,
work up (allowed 1 miss)
Clean from High Blocks (Bar at Mid Thigh) 1RM (9 RPE)
High Bar Back Squat + Bands or Chains 65% Bar Weight + 10% Bands or Chains for 6 x 3 (60-
90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Leg Curls (Band, DB, or Machine) 4 x 10
Reverse Hypers 4 x 60 seconds
Sled Drags Forwards 2 x 60 seconds
Sled Drags Backwards 2 x 60 seconds
Recovery Row:
20-25 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
Snatch 1RM Competition Style (3 attempts)
Back Squat with Belt Set 1: 90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 4
Set 2: (add 5-10 kilos to 1-rep if possible, don't add for
4-rep) 90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 4
Set 3: (add 5-10 kilos to 1-rep if possible, don't add for
4-rep) 90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 4+
Max Effort Deadlift Reverse Bands (Purple 1RM, then -15% for 3
if Max is > 400lb and Mini Bands if <
400lb, Bands Should Completely Deload at
BB Hip Thrusts with Band around Knees 3 x 10
GHDs (Weighted if Possible) 3x5
Clean and Jerk 1RM Competition Style (3 attempts)
Bench Press Set 1: 90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 4
Set 2: (add 5-10 kilos to 1-rep if possible, don't add for
4-rep) 90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 4
Set 3: (add 5-10 kilos to 1-rep if possible, don't add for
4-rep) 90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 4+
Band Push-downs 3 x 15
Preacher Curls 3 x 10
Seated Rows 3 x 10
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
6 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down
Jerk from Blocks 1RM
Bench to Chest 75% x 3, 80% x 2, 85% x 2 (percentages based on raw
Max Effort Bench Press with Reverse 1RM
Bands (Purple if Max is > 300 and Mini
Band if Max < 300LB)
Bench Press (No Bands) Competition Grip 93% x 2, 95% for 1, max, then 85% for AMRAP
Incline Close Grip Axle Bar Presses with 3RM, then -15% for 4 x 3 (last set is 3+)
100lb of Chains
Nosebreakers Superset with Pullovers 3 x 8, 3 x 8, and 3 x 8
Superset with Close Grip Presses
KB Staggered Carries (OH and Farmer's) 3 x 40 yd each way
Snatch Work up to opener for a double, and then work up
Clean from High Blocks (Bar at Mid Thigh) 1RM (no misses)
High Bar Back Squat + Bands or Chains 70% Bar Weight + 10% Bands or Chains for 7 x 2 (60-
90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Leg Curls (Band, DB, or Machine) 4 x 10
Reverse Hypers 3 x 35 seconds
Sled Drags Forwards 2 x 60 seconds
Sled Drags Backwards 2 x 60 seconds
Recovery Row:
20-25 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
Snatch 1RM Competition Style (3 attempts)
Back Squat with Belt 1RM
Max Effort Deadlift 2 Inch Deficit Deadlift: 1RM (No Bands)
BB Hip Thrusts with Band around Knees 3 x 10
GHDs (Weighted if Possible) 3x5
Clean and Jerk 1RM Competition Style (3 attempts)
Bench Press 1RM
Band Push-downs 3 x 10 reps
Preacher Curls Off
Seated Rows 3 x 10
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
7 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down
Jerk from Blocks Off
Bench to Chest 75% x 5, 80% x 3, 85% x 2, 90% x 1 (percentages based
on raw max)
Max Effort Bench Press with Reverse Off
Bands (Purple if Max is > 300 and Mini
Band if Max < 300LB)
Bench Press (No Bands) Competition Grip Opener
Incline Close Grip Axle Bar Presses with Off
100lb of Chains
Band Push-downs 3 x 15
KB Staggered Carries (OH and Farmer's) Off
Snatch 1RM (no misses)
Clean from High Blocks (Bar at Mid Thigh) 65% for 3 x 2
High Bar Back Squat + Bands or Chains 75% Bar Weight Only for 5 x 2 (60-90 sec between sets,
velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Leg Curls (Band, DB, or Machine) Off
Reverse Hypers 3 x 70 seconds
Sled Drags Forwards 1 x 60 seconds
Sled Drags Backwards 1 x 60 seconds
Recovery Row:
10-15 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
Snatch Max Out
Clean and Jerk Max Out
Back Squat Max Out
Max Bench Press Max Out
Max Deadlift Max Out
5K Race
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
2 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down
Hang Clean 3RM (7 RPE), then -10% for 3
Wide Grip Bench Press (Wider than Normal 80% for 10 x 3
Competition Grip)
Pull-ups 5 x submaximal reps (switch grips each set, weakest
to strongest)
Bent-over Rows 60% for 5 x 10
KB Bottom Up Z Press 3 x 10 each arm
DB or KB Upright Rows 5 x 10
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
3 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down
Snatch Complex Power Snatch Double (Work Heavy)
Front Squat with Belt Set 1: 80% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 80% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 80% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Sumo Deadlifts 75% for 7 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
GHDs 3x8
Belt Squat RDLs 3 x 60 sec
Seated Band Leg Curls 4 x 12 reps
Clean and Jerk Complex Power Clean and Push Jerk Double (Work Heavy)
Close Grip Bench Press 60% for 5 x 10
Incline DB Press 60% for 5 x 10
DB Lateral Raises 3 x 10
Dips (Eccentric Slower than Concentric) 5 x submaximal reps (if ten reps or more, add weight)
Superset with Preacher Curls for Dips and 3 x 10 for Preacher Curls
Recovery Row:
10-15 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
3 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down
Hang Clean 3RM (8 RPE), then -10% for 3
Wide Grip Bench Press (Wider than Normal 80% for 10 x 4
Competition Grip)
Pull-ups 5 x submaximal reps (switch grips each set, weakest
to strongest)
Bent-over Rows 65% for 5 x 10
KB Bottom Up Z Press 3 x 10 each arm
DB or KB Upright Rows 5 x 10
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
4 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down
Snatch Complex Snatch from High Box: 2RM
Front Squat with Belt Set 1: 83% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 83% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 83% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Sumo Deadlifts 80% for 8 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
GHDs 3x8
Belt Squat RDLs 4 x 60 sec
Seated Band Leg Curls 4 x 12 reps
Clean and Jerk Complex Clean + 2 Front Squats + 2 Jerks: Max
Close Grip Bench Press 65% for 5 x 10
Incline DB Press 65% for 5 x 10
DB Lateral Raises 3 x 10
Dips (Eccentric Slower than Concentric) 5 x submaximal reps (if ten reps or more, add weight)
Superset with Preacher Curls for Dips and 3 x 10 for Preacher Curls
Recovery Row:
10-15 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
4 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down
Hang Clean 3RM (9 RPE)
Wide Grip Bench Press (Wider than Normal 80% for 10 x 5
Competition Grip)
Pull-ups 5 x submaximal reps (switch grips each set, weakest
to strongest)
Bent-over Rows 70% for 5 x 10
KB Bottom Up Z Press 3 x 10 each arm
DB or KB Upright Rows 5 x 10
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
5 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down
Snatch Complex Pull + Snatch + Hang Snatch: Max
Front Squat with Belt Set 1: 85% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 10
Sumo Deadlifts 85% for 6 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
GHDs 3x8
Belt Squat RDLs 3 x 70 sec
Seated Band Leg Curls 4 x 12 reps
Clean and Jerk Complex Clean + 2 Front Squats + Jerk: Max
Close Grip Bench Press 70% for 5 x 10
Incline DB Press 70% for 5 x 10
DB Lateral Raises 3 x 10
Dips (Eccentric Slower than Concentric) 5 x submaximal reps (if ten reps or more, add weight)
Superset with Preacher Curls for Dips and 3 x 10 for Preacher Curls
Recovery Row:
15-20 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
3 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down
Snatch from Blocks with Bar at Knee 70% x 3, 75% for 2 x 2, 80% x 2, 85% for 2 x 1
Jerk Recoveries 5RM
Close Grip Bench Press 70% x 4, 75% for 2 x 3, 78% for 2 x 2, 80% x 1
Floor Presses with 50-100lb of Chains 8RM, then -15% for 2 x 8 (last set is 8+)
Pull-ups 3 x submaximal reps
BB Bent-over Rows Paused 2 Sec on 3 x 10
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
4 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down
Snatch Max Effort Pull + 2 Snatches: Max
Low Bar Back Squat Set 1: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 75% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 75% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Competition Stance Deadlifts 75% for 6 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
Reverse Hypers Superset with Leg Curls 3 x 45 sec and 3 x 10
Bilateral Farmer's Walk 3 x 30 yd
Clean and Jerk Max Effort Pull + Clean + Front Squat + Jerk: Max
Bench Press Set 1: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 75% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 75% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
DB Tricep Extensions Superset with Fat 5 x 8 and 5 x 10
Bar Curls
Plate Raises Superset with DB Lateral 3 x 10, 3 x 10, and 3 x 10
Raises Superset with DB Power Clean and
Recovery Row:
10-15 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
2.5 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down
Snatch from Blocks with Bar at Knee 75% for 2 x 3, 80% for 2 x 2, 85% x 2, 88% for 2 x 1
Jerk Recoveries 5RM
Close Grip Bench Press 73% x 4, 78% for 3 x 3, 80% for 3 x 2, 83% for 2 x 1
Floor Presses with 50-100lb of Chains 8RM, then -15% for 2 x 8 (last set is 8+)
Pull-ups 3 x submaximal reps
BB Bent-over Rows Paused 2 Sec on 3 x 10
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
4 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down
Snatch Max Effort Pull + Snatch: Max
Low Bar Back Squat Set 1: 78% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 78% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 78% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Competition Stance Deadlifts 78% for 7 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
Reverse Hypers Superset with Leg Curls 3 x 50 sec and 3 x 10
Bilateral Farmer's Walk 4 x 30 yd
Clean and Jerk Max Effort Clean + Front Squat + Jerk: Max
Bench Press Set 1: 78% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 78% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 78% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
DB Tricep Extensions Superset with Fat 5 x 8 and 5 x 10
Bar Curls
Plate Raises Superset with DB Lateral 4 x 10, 4 x 10, and 4 x 10
Raises Superset with DB Power Clean and
Recovery Row:
15-20 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
3.5 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down
Snatch from Blocks with Bar at Knee 65% for 2 x 3, 70% x 2, 75% for 2 x 1, 80% x 1, 83% x 1
Jerk Recoveries 5RM
Close Grip Bench Press 70% x 4, 75% x 3, 78% for 2 x 2, 80% x 1
Floor Presses with 50-100lb of Chains 90% of 8RM for 2 x 8
Pull-ups 3 x submaximal reps
BB Bent-over Rows Paused 2 Sec on 3 x 10
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
5 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down
Snatch Max Effort Max Snatch Double
Low Bar Back Squat Set 1: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 2: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 3: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Competition Stance Deadlifts 70% for 6 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
Reverse Hypers Superset with Leg Curls 3 x 30 sec and 3 x 10
Bilateral Farmer's Walk 3 x 25 yd
Clean and Jerk Max Effort Clean and Jerk Max Double
Bench Press Set 1: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 2: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 3: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
DB Tricep Extensions Superset with Fat 5 x 8 and 5 x 10
Bar Curls
Plate Raises Superset with DB Lateral 4 x 12 , 4 x 12, and 4 x 12
Raises Superset with DB Power Clean and
Recovery Row:
15-20 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
4.5 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down
Snatch 70% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% for 2 x
1, 88% x 1
Jerk From Racks 3RM (first rep paused 3 sec in catch)
Bench to Chest 75% x 5, 80% x 3, 85% x 1 (percentages based on raw
Max Effort Sling Shot Bench 3RM
Bench Press to Chest 83% for 3, 88% x 2, 90% for AMRAP
Close Grip Axle Bar Decline Presses with 5RM, then -15% for 3 x 5 (last set is 5+)
100lb of Chains
Weighted Dips or Nosebreakers Superset 4 x 8 and 4 x 10
with Incline DB Curls
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
6 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down
Clean and Jerk Max Effort Clean + Hang Clean + Jerk: Max
Back Squat with Belt Set 1: 80% x 2, rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 6
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 80% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 6
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 80% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 6
Max Effort Deadlift From 8 Inch Blocks: 3RM, then -10% for 3
Suitcase Deadlifts from 4 Inch Deficit (Stay 3 x 5 each side
at 7-8 RPE)
Reverse Hypers 3 x 45 seconds
Leg Curls (Band, DB, or Machine) 4 x 10 reps
Snatch Max Effort Snatch + Hang Snatch: Max
Bench Press Set 1: 85% x 2, rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 6
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 6
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 6+
DB Incline Chest Press 4 x 10
BB Bent-over Rows Paused 2 Sec on 4 x 5 and 4 x submaximal reps
Sternum Superset with Pull-ups
DB Tri-Delts 3 x (9 front, 9 side, 9 rear)
Recovery Row:
15-20 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
3 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down
Snatch 75% x 3, 80% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% for 2 x 1, 88%
Jerk From Racks 3RM (first rep paused 3 sec in catch)
Bench to Chest 75% x 5, 80% x 3, 85% x 1 (percentages based on raw
Max Effort Sling Shot Bench 3RM
Bench Press to Chest 85% x 3, 90% x 1, 93% for AMRAP
Close Grip Axle Bar Decline Presses with 5RM, then -15% for 3 x 5 (last set is 5+)
100lb of Chains
Weighted Dips or Nosebreakers Superset 4 x 8 and 4 x 10
with Incline DB Curls
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
4 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down
Clean and Jerk Max Effort Clean + Front Squat + Jerk: Max
Back Squat with Belt Set 1: 83% x 2, rest 2 minutes, then 68% x 6
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 83% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 68% x 6
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 83% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 68% x 6+
Max Effort Deadlift From 8 Inch Blocks: 1RM, then -20% for 3
Suitcase Deadlifts from 4 Inch Deficit (Stay 3 x 5 each side
at 7-8 RPE)
Reverse Hypers 3 x 50 seconds
Leg Curls (Band, DB, or Machine) 4 x 10 reps
Snatch Max Effort Snatch Pull + Snatch: Max
Bench Press Set 1: 88% x 2, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 6
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 88% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 6
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 88% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 6+
DB Incline Chest Press 4 x 10
BB Bent-over Rows Paused 2 Sec on 4 x 5 and 4 x submaximal reps
Sternum Superset with Pull-ups
DB Tri-Delts 3 x (9 front, 9 side, 9 rear)
Recovery Row:
15-20 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
3 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down
Snatch 65% x 3, 78% x 2, 83% x 2, 88% x 1, 90% for 2 x 1, work
up (allowed 1 miss)
Jerk From Racks 1RM no pauses
Bench to Chest 75% x 5, 80% x 3, 85% x 1 (percentages based on raw
Max Effort Sling Shot Bench 1RM
Bench Press to Chest 83% for 3, 88% x 2, 90% for AMRAP
Close Grip Axle Bar Decline Presses with 5RM, then -15% for 5+
100lb of Chains
Weighted Dips or Nosebreakers Superset 4 x 8 and 4 x 10
with Incline DB Curls
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
5 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down
Clean and Jerk Max Effort 1RM
Back Squat with Belt Set 1: 85% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 5
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 1,
rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 5
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 1,
rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 5
Max Effort Deadlift From 2 Inch Deficit: 1RM
Suitcase Deadlifts from 4 Inch Deficit (Stay 3 x 5 each side
at 7 RPE)
Reverse Hypers 3 x 60 seconds
Leg Curls (Band, DB, or Machine) 4 x 10 reps
Snatch Max Effort 1RM
Bench Press Set 1: 90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 5
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 90% x 1,
rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 5
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 90% x 1,
rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 5
DB Incline Chest Press 4x8
BB Bent-over Rows Paused 2 Sec on 4 x 5 and 3 x submaximal reps
Sternum Superset with Pull-ups
DB Tri-Delts 3 x (9 front, 9 side, 9 rear)
Recovery Row:
20-25 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
4 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down
Snatch 60% x 3, 70% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% x 1, 88% x 1,
work up (allowed 1 miss)
Bench to Chest 75% x 3, 80% x 2, 85% x 2 (percentages based on raw
Max Effort Bench Press with Reverse 3RM
Bands (Purple if Max is > 300 and Mini
Band if Max < 300LB)
Bench Press (No Bands) Competition Grip 93% for AMRAP
Incline Close Grip Axle Bar Presses with 3RM, then -15% for 4 x 3 (last set is 3+)
100lb of Chains
Nosebreakers Superset with Pullovers 4 x 10, 4 x 10, and 4 x 10
Superset with Close Grip Presses
BB Curls 3 x 10
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
6 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down
Snatch 1RM Competition Style (3 attempts)
Back Squat with Belt Set 1: 90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 4
Set 2: (add 5-10 kilos to 1-rep if possible, don't add for
4-rep) 90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 4
Set 3: (add 5-10 kilos to 1-rep if possible, don't add for
4-rep) 90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 4+
Max Effort Deadlift Reverse Bands (Purple 1RM, then -15% for 3
if Max is > 400lb and Mini Bands if < 400lb,
Bands Completely Deload at Lockout)
BB Hip Thrusts with Band around Knees 3 x 10
GHDs (Weighted if Possible) 3x5
Clean and Jerk 1RM
Bench Press Set 1: 90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 4
Set 2: (add 5-10 kilos to 1-rep if possible, don't add for
4-rep) 90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 4
Set 3: (add 5-10 kilos to 1-rep if possible, don't add for
4-rep) 90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 4+
Band Push-downs 3 x 15 reps
Preacher Curls 3 x 10 reps
Seated Rows 3 x 10
Recovery Row:
20-25 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
5 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down
Snatch Work up to opener for a Double, and then work up
Bench to Chest 75% x 3, 80% x 2, 85% x 2 (percentages based on raw
Max Effort Bench Press with Reverse 1RM
Bands (Purple if Max is > 300 and Mini
Band if Max < 300LB)
Bench Press (No Bands) Competition Grip 93% x 2, 95% for 1, max, then 85% for AMRAP
Incline Close Grip Axle Bar Presses with 3RM, then -15% for 4 x 3 (last set is 3+)
100lb of Chains
Nosebreakers Superset with Pullovers 3 x 8, 3 x 8, and 3 x 8
Superset with Close Grip Presses
BB Curls 3 x 10
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
7 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down
Snatch 1RM Competition Style (3 attempts)
Back Squat with Belt 1RM
Max Effort Deadlift 2 Inch Deficit Deadlift: 1RM (No Bands)
BB Hip Thrusts with Band around Knees 3 x 10
GHDs (Weighted if Possible) 3x5
Clean and Jerk 1RM Competition Style (3 attempts)
Bench Press 1RM
Band Push-downs 3 x 10
Preacher Curls Off
Seated Rows 3 x 10
Recovery Row:
20-25 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
2 miles at 80% pace
5 minute cool down
Snatch Snatch opener
Bench to Chest 75% x 5, 80% x 3, 85% x 2, 90% x 1 (percentages based
on raw max)
Max Effort Bench Press with Reverse Off
Bands (Purple if Max is > 300 and Mini
Band if Max < 300LB)
Bench Press (No Bands) Competition Grip Opener
Incline Close Grip Axle Bar Presses with Off
100lb of Chains
Band Push-downs 3 x 15
BB Curls Off
Recovery Row:
10-15 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
Snatch Max Out
Clean and Jerk Max Out
Back Squat Max Out
Max Bench Press Max Out
Max Deadlift Max Out
Long Slow Run:
5K Race
This workout is very similar to the “Do It All” plan. We took out
a lot of the strongman work (yoke walks and log presses). For the
powerlifting work, we either eliminated it or substituted in some
movements more specific to weightlifting. For example, day two of
the first week has strict presses instead of bench pressing. Strict
presses are better for preparing you for all the overhead movements.
I have seen a lot of ladies break their wrists and elbows because
their strong legs could hoist weight overhead that their upper body
wasn’t prepared to handle. We want this program to leave you
properly prepared.
You can clearly see the differences between the “Do It All” plan
and this program when you look at the fourth day of week four.
During the peak phase, we will become even more specific. It’s
time to peak the snatch and clean and jerk, peak your conditioning
for metcons, and end the cycle ready to run a 5K.
Push Jerks 5RM (7 RPE), then -10% for 5
Strict Press 80% for 10 x 3
Pull-ups 5 x submaximal reps (switch grips each set, weakest
to strongest)
DB or KB Upright Rows 5 x 10
Dips with Eccentric Slower than 5 x submaximal reps (if ten reps or more, add weight)
Banded Rows 4 x 60 sec
Metcon: Workout from Aerobic Capacity (Chris Hinshaw)
This is a continuous workout where your 'rest' is only the easy pace interval parts.
There are 9 total 100m sprints. Your focus is on this part of the workout. You pick your easy pace!
Focus on form. Intensity should not be 100% but 97-98% in order to maintain form.
200m run at easy pace; 100m sprint
400m run at easy pace; 100m sprint
600m run at easy pace; 100m sprint
800m run at easy pace; 100m sprint
1000m run at easy pace; 100m sprint
800m run at easy pace; 100m sprint
600m run at easy pace; 100m sprint
400m run at easy pace; 100m sprint
200m run at easy pace; 100m sprint
Total: 5900m
Hang Clean 3RM (7 RPE), then -10% for 3
Front Squats 80% for 10 x 3
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (7 RPE) 4 x 15 each leg
KB Goblet Squats 3 x 10
Skill Work for Quality and Not for Time: 3 Sets of:
50 Double Unders
10 Alternating Pistol Squats
Metcon: 12 Min AMRAP:
10 Goblet Squats with 55lb/44lb
15 Hollow Rocks (focus on form of the movement)
20 Kettlebell Swings with 55lb/44lb
Snatch Complex Power Snatch Double (Work Heavy)
Clean and Jerk Complex Power Clean and Push Jerk Double (Work Heavy)
One Arm OH Fat Grip Dumbbell Carry 3 x 25 yd each arm
Front Squat with Belt Set 1: 80% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 80% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 80% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Sumo Deadlifts 75% for 7 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
GHDs 3x8
Belt Squat RDLs 3 x 60 sec
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
2 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down
Push Jerks 5RM (8 RPE), then -10% for 5
Strict Press 80% for 10 x 4
Pull-ups 5 x submaximal reps (switch grips each set, weakest
to strongest)
DB or KB Upright Rows 5 x 10
Dips with Eccentric Slower than Concentric 5 x submaximal reps (if ten reps or more, add weight)
Banded Rows 4 x 60 sec
20 Min AMRAP:
200m Sprint Run
8 Barbell Thrusters 135lb/95lb
10 Toes to Bar
Hang Clean 3RM (8 RPE), then -10% for 3
Front Squats 80% for 10 x 4
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (7 RPE) 5 x 15 each leg
KB Goblet Squats 4 x 10
Axle Bar Zercher Carries 3 x 40 yd
Metcon for Time:
Run 1 mile (at 80-85% pace)
20 Burpees over Barbell
10 Deadlifts with 255lb/185lb
400m Farmer's Carry with 55lb/35lb each hand
10 Deadlifts
20 Burpees over Barbell
Run 1 mile (at 80-85%)
Snatch Complex Snatch from High Box: 2RM
Clean and Jerk Complex Clean + 2 Front Squats + 2 Jerks: Max
One Arm OH Fat Grip Dumbbell Carry 3 x 25 yd each arm
Front Squat with Belt Set 1: 83% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 83% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 83% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Sumo Deadlifts 80% for 8 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
GHDs 3x8
Belt Squat RDLs 4 x 60 sec
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
3 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down
Push Jerks 5RM (9 RPE)
Strict Press 80% for 10 x 5
Pull-ups 5 x submaximal reps (switch grips each set, weakest
to strongest)
DB or KB Upright Rows 5 x 10
Dips with Eccentric Slower than Concentric 5 x submaximal reps (if ten reps or more, add weight)
Banded Rows 4 x 60 sec
Gymnastics Strength Work:
A: 5 x 2 Strict Muscle-up
B: 5 x 2 "Kipping Muscle-up"
Metcon: 8 Sets of:
500m Row
1 minute rest between sets
(Record each time)
Hang Clean 3RM (9 RPE)
Front Squats 80% for 10 x 5
KB Goblet Squats 3 x 15
Axle Bar Zercher Carries 3 x 50 yd
Skill Work for Quality Not for Time: 3 sets
25 Triple Unders (work on them for 1-2 minutes/set if you don't have them)
L-Sit Holds x 25-45 seconds
Metcon: 8 Min AMRAP:
3 Hang Power Cleans with 205lb/135lb or with 225lb/155lb for stronger athletes
6 Alternating Pistols
40 yd Bear Crawl
Snatch Complex Pull + Snatch + Hang Snatch: Max
Clean and Jerk Complex Clean + 2 Front Squats + Jerk: Max
One Arm OH Fat Grip Dumbbell Carry 3 x 30 yd each arm
Front Squat with Belt Set 1: 85% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 10
Sumo Deadlifts 85% for 6 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
GHDs 3x8
Belt Squat RDLs 3 x 70 sec
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
4 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down
Jerk Recoveries 5RM
Strict Press 70% x 4, 75% for 2 x 3, 78% for 2 x 2, 80% x 1
Close Grip Floor Presses (with 50-100lb of 8RM, then -15% for 2 x 8 (last set is 8+)
BB Rows Paused 2 Sec on Sternum 3 x 10
DB Tricep Extensions Superset with Band 6 x 8 and 6 x 15
Skill Work for Quality Not for Time: 4 Sets of:
25 Triple Unders (work on them for 1-2 minutes/set if you don't have them)
L-Sit Holds x 25-45 seconds
Metcon: 4 Rounds of 3 Min AMRAP:
10 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls with 115lb/75lb
10 Box Jumps with 24"/20"
(Rest 3 minutes between rounds, and start over each round; compare rounds)
Snatch from Blocks with Bar at Knee 70% x 3, 75% for 2 x 2, 80% x 2, 85% for 2 x 1
No Hook Snatch from Blocks with Bar at 3RM (no misses, 8 RPE)
Back Squat Box Squats (add weight to the 40% Bar Weight + 30% Bands or Chains for 6 x 3 (60-
last two sets if the speed is there) 90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Belt Squat KB RDLs 3 x 45 sec
Reverse Hypers 3 x 45 sec
Metcon 5 Rounds:
20 yd Staggered Carry
20 yd Sled Drag Forward with 150lb/100lb
20 yd Staggered Carry (opposite hands)
20 yd Sled Drag Backward with 150lb/100lb
Snatch Max Effort Pull + 2 Snatches: Max
Clean and Jerk Max Effort Pull + Clean + Front Squat + Jerk: Max
Rows Superset with Band Pull-Aparts 3 x 10 and 3 x 10
OH Axle Bar Carries 3 x 40 yd
Back Squat Set 1: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 75% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 75% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
RDLs 3x8
Push Press 10RM, then -15% for 2 x 10
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (Stay at a 4 x 10 each leg
7 RPE)
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
3 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down
Jerk Recoveries 5RM
Strict Press 73% x 4, 78% for 3 x 3, 80% for 3 x 2, 83% for 2 x 1
Close Grip Floor Presses (with 50-100lb of 8RM, then -15% for 2 x 8 (last set is 8+)
BB Rows Paused 2 Sec on Sternum 3 x 10
DB Tricep Extensions Superset with Band 6 x 8 and 6 x 15
Gymnastics Strength Work:
Part A. 3 x Max Effort Hold on the Rings in the false grip
Part B. 10 x 1 Muscle-up Negative with a 5 second count down if possible (Jump into the muscle-up
and do the negative down, resting between reps)
Metcon for Time:
E2MOM for 20 minutes:
3/2 Muscle-up + 20 Double Unders (Focus on the strict muscle-up if possible)
Snatch from Blocks with Bar at Knee 75% for 2 x 3, 80% for 2 x 2, 85% x 2, 88% for 2 x 1
No Hook Snatch from Blocks with Bar at 3RM (no misses, 8 RPE)
Back Squat Box Squats (add weight to the 45% Bar Weight + 30% Bands or Chains for 7 x 3 (60-
last two sets if the speed is there) 90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Belt Squat KB RDLs 3 x 50 sec
Reverse Hypers 3 x 50 sec
Metcon 4 Rounds:
500m Row
25 Wall Balls 30lb/20lb to 10'/9' Target
10 Handstand Push-ups
5 Deadlifts 255lb/185lb and 315lb/225lb for stronger athletes (do not go over 80% of 1RM)
Snatch Max Effort Pull + Snatch: Max
Clean and Jerk Max Effort Clean + Front Squat + Jerk: Max
Rows Superset with Band Pull-Aparts 3 x 10 and 3 x 10
OH Axle Bar Carries 3 x 40 yd
Back Squat Set 1: 78% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 78% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 78% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
RDLs 3x8
Push Press 10RM, then -15% for 2 x 10
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (Stay at a 4 x 10 each leg
7 RPE)
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
2.5 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down
Jerk Recoveries 5RM
Strict Press 70% x 4, 75% x 3, 78% for 2 x 2, 80% x 1
Close Grip Floor Presses (with 50-100lb of 90% of 8RM for 2 x 8
BB Rows Paused 2 Sec on Sternum 3 x 10
DB Tricep Extensions Superset with Band 6 x 8 and 6 x 15
Gymnastics Strength Work:
Part A. 4 x Max Effort Hold on the Rings in the false grip
Part B. 10 x 1 Muscle-up Negative with a 5 second count down if possible (Jump into the muscle-up
and do the negative down, resting between reps)
Metcon for Time:
E2MOM for 20 minutes:
3/2 Muscle-up + 20 Double Unders (Focus on the strict muscle-up if possible)
Snatch from Blocks with Bar at Knee 65% for 2 x 3, 70% x 2, 75% for 2 x 1, 80% x 1, 83% x 1
No Hook Snatch from Blocks with Bar at 90% of 3RM for 2 x 3
Back Squat Box Squats (add weight to the 35% Bar Weight + 30% Bands or Chains for 5 x 3 (60-
last two sets if the speed is there) 90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Belt Squat KB RDLs 3 x 30 sec
Reverse Hypers 3 x 30 sec
Metcon 1: 5 Sets of:
30 sec work/30 seconds rest (rotating through movements)
Goblet Squats
Toes to Bar
Yoke Carry (on back) with 135lb/95lb
Rest 10 minutes
Metcon 2: 8 Sets of:
Row for Meters (30 sec on/30 seconds rest)
Snatch Max Effort 2RM
Clean and Jerk Max Effort 2RM
Rows Superset with Band Pull-Aparts 3 x 10 and 3 x 10
OH Axle Bar Carries 3 x 40 yd
Back Squat Set 1: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 2: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 3: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
RDLs 3x8
Push Press 90% of 10RM for 3 x 10
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (Stay at a 4 x 10 each leg
7 RPE)
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
3.5 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down
Jerk From Racks 3RM (paused 3 sec in catch)
Push Press 80% for 3 x 3, 85% for 2 x 2, 88% x 2
Weighted Dips 4 x submaximal reps
Rope Face Pulls (Hand to Ears) 3 x 12
BB Rows Paused 2 Sec on Sternum 4x5
Gymnastics Strength Work:
A. Max Effort Strict Handstand Push-ups - 1 attempt
B: Take 70% of above and perform that number for 5 sets (ex: 10 strict on A, 7 for part B)
Metcon 1 for Time: 4 Sets of:
25 UNBROKEN Wall Balls with 20lb/14lb to 10' target
(If you break a set, you will accumulate 5 burpees to be done at the end of the 4th round while time
is still going! You will restart the round if you break. Rest as needed in order to do all 25 unbroken.)
(Rest 10 minutes)
Metcon 2: 8 Sets of:
Row for Meters (40 sec on/20 sec off)
Snatch 70% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% for 2 x
1, 88% x 1
Power Cleans 3RM (8 RPE)
Back Squat Box Squats (add weight to the 50% Bar Weight + 20% Bands or Chains for 6 x 3 (60-
last two sets if the speed is there) 90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Belt Squat KB Deadlifts 3 x 45 sec
Suitcase Deadlifts from 4 Inch Deficit (Stay 3 x 5 each side
at 7-8 RPE)
Leg Curls (Band, DB, or Machine) 4 x 10 reps
Metcon 4 Rounds:
Unilateral Farmer's Carry x 100m Left Hand
15 KB Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (same weight as carry)
20 Hollow Rocks
Unilateral Farmer's Carry x 100m Right Hand
Recovery Row:
15-20 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
Snatch Max Effort Snatch + Hang Snatch: Max
Clean and Jerk Max Effort Clean + Hang Clean + Jerk: Max
Rows Superset with DB Rear Delt Flies 3 x 10 and 3 x 10
Plank with Lat Pull 3 x 30 sec each side
Back Squat with Belt Set 1: 80% x 2, rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 6
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 80% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 6
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 80% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 6
Clean Deadlift From 8 Inch Blocks: 3RM, then -10% for 3
BB High Pull from Pins Belt Squat 3 x 40 sec
Reverse Hypers 3 x 45 sec
Farmer's Walk 4 x 30 yd
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
4.5 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down
Jerk From Racks 3RM (first rep paused 3 sec in catch)
Push Press 80% for 3 x 3, 85% for 2 x 3, 88% for 2 x 2, 90% for 2 x 2
Weighted Dips 4 x submaximal reps
Rope Face Pulls (Hand to Ears) 3 x 12
BB Rows Paused 2 Sec on Sternum 4x5
Gymnastics Strength Work:
A. Max Effort Strict Handstand Push-ups - 1 attempt
B: Take 70% of above and perform that number for 7 sets (ex: 10 strict on A, 7 for part B)
(Rest as needed between sets for Part B)
Metcon: 3 Rounds for Time of
15 Thrusters with 125lb/85lb
20 Toes to Bar
500m Row
Metcon 2:
Steady 15 minutes conversational pace on Assault Bike
Snatch 75% x 3, 80% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% for 2 x 1, 88%
Power Cleans 3RM (9 RPE)
Back Squat Box Squats (add weight to the 55% Bar Weight + 20% Bands or Chains for 7 x 3 (60-
last two sets if the speed is there) 90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Belt Squat KB Deadlifts 3 x 50 sec
Suitcase Deadlifts from 4 Inch Deficit (Stay 3 x 5 each side
at 7-8 RPE)
Leg Curls (Band, DB, or Machine) 4 x 10
5K Row at 85%
Snatch Max Effort Snatch Pull + Snatch: Max
Clean and Jerk Max Effort Clean + Front Squat + Jerk: Max
Rows Superset with DB Rear Delt Flies 3 x 10 and 3 x 10
Plank with Lat Pull 3 x 30 sec each side
Back Squat with Belt Set 1: 83% x 2, rest 2 minutes, then 68% x 6
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 83% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 68% x 6
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 83% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 68% x 6+
Clean Deadlift From 8 Inch Blocks: 1RM, then -10% for 3
BB High Pull from Pins Belt Squat 3 x 45 sec
Reverse Hypers 3 x 50 seconds
Farmer's Walk 4 x 30 yd
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
3 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down
Jerk From Racks 3RM (no pauses)
Push Press 1RM, then -20% for 2 x 3
Weighted Dips 5 x submaximal reps
Rope Face Pulls (Hand to Ears) 3 x 12
BB Rows Paused 2 Sec on Sternum 4x5
Gymnastics Strength Work:
A: 2 min Accumulate in Support on Rings
B: 2 min Accumulate in Bottom of the Ring Dip
Metcon 1: E2MOM for 6 Sets of:
50 Double Unders
15/12 Ring Dips
(Rest 10 minutes)
Metcon 2: E2MOM for 5 Sets of:
20 Calorie on Assault Bike
10 Burpees
Snatch 65% x 3, 78% x 2, 83% x 2, 88% x 1, 90% for 2 x 1, work
up (allowed 1 miss)
Power Cleans 1RM
Back Squat Box Squats (add weight to the 60% Bar Weight + 20% Bands or Chains for 7 x 2 (60-
last two sets if the speed is there) 90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Belt Squat KB Deadlifts 3 x 60 sec
Suitcase Deadlifts from 4 Inch Deficit (Stay 3 x 5 each side
at 7 RPE)
Leg Curls (Band, DB, or Machine) 4 x 10
Metcon: 4 Sets of:
Plank Hold x 45 seconds
OH Axle Bar Carry x 20 yd Forward
Bear Crawl x 20 yd
Sled Drag Forward x 20 yd
OH Axle Bar Carry x 20 yd Backward
Sled Drag Backward x 20 yd
Snatch Max Effort 1RM
Clean and Jerk Max Effort 1RM
Rows Superset with DB Rear Delt Flies 3 x 10 and 3 x 10
Plank with Lat Pull 3 x 40 sec each side
Back Squat with Belt Set 1: 85% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 5
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 1,
rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 5
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 1,
rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 5
Clean Deadlift From 2 Inch Deficit: 1RM
BB High Pull from Pins Belt Squat 3 x 50 sec
Reverse Hypers 3 x 60 seconds
Farmer's Walk 4 x 30 yd
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
3 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down
Jerk from Blocks 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% x 2, Max Out
Incline Close Grip Axle Bar Presses with 3RM, then -15% for 4 x 3 (last set is 3+)
100lb of Chains
Chest Supported KB Bat Wing Rows (2 Sec 3 x 10
Pause at Top)
Seated DB Power Cleans Superset with 3 x 10 and 3 x 10
Plate Front Raises
Skill Work for Quality Not for Time: 4 Sets of:
Handstand Walks x 20-40 yd
Muscle-up x 2-4 + 2 Ring Dips
Metcon: 2 Rounds of
Run 800m
40 Toes to Bar
20 Box Jumps to 30"/24"
10 Handstand Push-ups
Snatch 70% x 3, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% x 1, 73% x 3, 78% x 2,
83% x 1, 88% x 1, 90% x 1
Clean from High Blocks (Bar at Mid Thigh) 3RM (8 RPE)
High Bar Back Squat + Bands or Chains 60% Bar Weight + 10% Bands or Chains for 7 x 3 (60-
90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Reverse Hypers 4 x 50 seconds
4 Rounds of: 30 seconds Assault Bike for Calories; (30 seconds rest)
4 Rounds: 30 seconds Double Unders; (30 seconds rest)
4 Rounds: 30 seconds Kettlebell Swing with 55lb/44lb; (30 seconds rest)
Snatch 1RM Competition Style (3 attempts)
Clean and Jerk 1RM Competition Style (3 attempts)
Seated Rows 3 x 10
Snatch High Pulls from Blocks 80% for 3 x 3, working up each set
KB Staggered Carries (OH and Farmer's) 3 x 40 yd each way
Back Squat with Belt Set 1: 90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 4
Set 2: (add 5-10 kilos to 1-rep if possible, don't add for
4-rep) 90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 4
Set 3: (add 5-10 kilos to 1-rep if possible, don't add for
4-rep) 90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 4+
Belt Squat KB RDLs (Eccentric Slower than 3 x 45 sec
Leg Curls (Band, DB, or Machine) 4 x 10
BB Hip Thrusts with Band around Knees 3 x 10
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
4 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down
Jerk from Blocks 1RM
Incline Close Grip Axle Bar Presses with 3RM, then -15% for 4 x 3 (last set is 3+)
100lb of Chains
Chest Supported KB Bat Wing Rows (2 Sec 3 x 10
Pause at Top)
Seated DB Power Cleans Superset with 3 x 10 and 3 x 10
Plate Front Raises
Skill Work for Quality Not for Time: 3 Sets of:
50 Unbroken Double Unders
L-Sit Hold x 30-45 seconds
Metcon: 15 Min AMRAP:
5 Ring Muscle-ups
10 Strict Handstand Push-ups
300m Row
Snatch 60% x 3, 70% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% x 1, 88% x 1,
work up (allowed 1 miss)
Clean from High Blocks (Bar at Mid Thigh) 1RM (9 RPE)
High Bar Back Squat + Bands or Chains 65% Bar Weight + 10% Bands or Chains for 6 x 3 for
60-90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s
Reverse Hypers 4 x 60 seconds
Sled Drags Forwards 2 x 60 seconds
Sled Drags Backwards 2 x 60 seconds
Metcon: 3 Rounds of 3 Min AMRAP:
3 Hang Power Cleans 205lb/145lb
15 Wall Balls 30lb/20lb to 9'
(Rest 3 minutes between rounds)
Snatch 1RM Competition Style (3 attempts)
Clean and Jerk 1RM Competition Style (3 attempts)
Seated Rows 3 x 10
Snatch High Pulls from Blocks 80% for 3 x 3, working up each set
KB Staggered Carries (OH and Farmer's) 3 x 40 yd each way
Back Squat with Belt 1RM
Belt Squat KB RDLs (Eccentric Slower than 3 x 30 sec
Leg Curls (Band, DB, or Machine) 4 x 10
BB Hip Thrusts with Band around Knees 3 x 10
Tempo Run:
5 minute warm up
5 miles at 90% pace
5 minute cool down
Jerk from Blocks Off
Incline Close Grip Axle Bar Presses with Off
100lb of Chains
Chest Supported KB Bat Wing Rows (2 Sec 3x5
Pause at Top)
Seated DB Power Cleans 3 x 10
Plate Front Raises Off
Gymnastics Strength Work:
4 x 30 second handstand hold on parallettes
4 x 20 second Max Effort Strict Deficit Handstand Push-up 6"/4"
Metcon: 4 Rounds of
10 Push Jerks with 135lb/95lb
Run 400m
10 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
Snatch 1RM (no misses)
Clean from High Blocks (Bar at Mid Thigh) 65% for 3 x 2
High Bar Back Squat + Bands or Chains 75% Bar Weight Only for 5 x 2 for 60-90 sec between
sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s
Reverse Hypers 3 x 70 seconds
Sled Drags Forwards 1 x 60 seconds
Sled Drags Backwards 1 x 60 seconds
Metcon 1:
10 Min EMOM:
Odd - 3 Deadlifts (at 70%)
Even - 8 Burpees over Bar
Rest 10 minutes
Metcon 2: 3 Sets of:
500m Row
(Rest 3 minutes between sets)
Snatch Max Out
Clean and Jerk Max Out
Max Speed 5K for Time
Hang Clean 3RM (7 RPE), then -10% for 3
Push Jerks 5RM (7 RPE), then -10% for 5
Strict Press 80% for 10 x 3
Pull-ups 5 x submaximal reps (switch grips each set, weakest
to strongest)
Dips (Eccentric Slower than Concentric) 5 x submaximal reps (if ten reps or more, add weight)
Metcon: Workout from Aerobic Capacity (Chris Hinshaw)
This is a continuous workout where your 'rest' is only the easy pace interval parts.
There are 9 total 100m sprints. Your focus is on this part of the workout. You pick your easy pace!
Focus on form. Intensity should not be 100% but 97-98% in order to maintain form.
200m run at easy pace; 100m sprint
400m run at easy pace; 100m sprint
600m run at easy pace; 100m sprint
800m run at easy pace; 100m sprint
1000m run at easy pace; 100m sprint
800m run at easy pace; 100m sprint
600m run at easy pace; 100m sprint
400m run at easy pace; 100m sprint
200m run at easy pace; 100m sprint
Total: 5900m
Clean and Jerk Complex Power Clean and Push Jerk Double (Work Heavy)
Close Grip Bench Press 60% for 5 x 10
Bent-over Rows 60% for 5 x 10
KB Bottom Up Z Press 3 x 10 each arm
Gymnastics Strength Work:
A: 10 x 2 Press to Handstand
(Scale accordingly, even if it's just bear crawl and pulling feet to hands)
B: 10 x 1 Handstand Push-up Negative (slowest possible)
Toes to Bar
Handstand Push-up
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
3 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 cool down
Hang Clean 3RM (8 RPE), then -10% for 3
Push Jerks 5RM (8 RPE), then -10% for 5
Strict Press 80% for 10 x 4
Pull-ups 5 x submaximal reps (switch grips each set, weakest
to strongest)
Dips (Eccentric Slower than Concentric) 5 x submaximal reps (if ten reps or more, add weight)
Metcon: 20 Min AMRAP:
200m Sprint Run
8 Barbell Thrusters with 135lb/95lb
10 Toes to Bar
Clean and Jerk Complex Clean + 2 Front Squats + 2 Jerks: Max
Close Grip Bench Press 65% for 5 x 10
Bent-over Rows 65% for 5 x 10
KB Bottom Up Z Press 3 x 10 each arm
Gymnastics Strength Work:
A: 10 x 2 Press to Handstand
(Scale accordingly, even if it's just bear crawl and pulling feet to hands)
B: 10 x 1 Handstand Push-up Negative (slowest possible)
30 Muscle-ups for Time
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
4 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down
Hang Clean 3RM (9 RPE)
Push Jerks 5RM (9 RPE)
Strict Press 80% for 10 x 5
Pull-ups 5 x submaximal reps (switch grips each set, weakest
to strongest)
Dips (Eccentric Slower than Concentric) 5 x submaximal reps (if ten reps or more, add weight)
Gymnastics Strength Work:
A: 5 x 2 Strict Muscle-up
B: 5 x 2 "Kipping Muscle-up"
Metcon: 8 Sets of:
500m Row
(1 minute rest between sets)
Record each time
Optional Metcon:
Run 400m (at 80%); Run 400m recovery pace
Run 400m (at 85%); Run 400m recovery pace
Run 400m (at 90%); Run 400m recovery pace
Run 400m all out; Walk 400m for recovery
Clean and Jerk Complex Clean + 2 Front Squats + Jerk: Max
Close Grip Bench Press 70% for 5 x 10
Bent-over Rows 70% for 5 x 10
KB Bottom Up Z Press 3 x 10 each arm
Skill Work for Quality Not for Time: 3 Sets of:
25 Triple Unders (work on them for 1-2 minutes/set if you don't have them)
L-Sit Holds x 25-45 seconds
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
5 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down
Clean and Jerk from Blocks with Bar at 70% x 3, 75% for 2 x 2, 80% 1 x 2, 85% for 2 x 1
No Hook Clean from Blocks 3RM (no misses, 8 RPE)
Push Press 10RM, then -15% for 2 x 10
BB Rows Paused 2 Sec on Sternum 3 x 10
DB Tricep Extensions 6x8
Skill Work for Quality Not for Time: 4 Sets of:
25 Triple Unders (work on them for 1-2 minutes/set if you don't have them)
L-Sit Holds x 25-45 seconds
Metcon: 4 Rounds of 3 Min AMRAP:
10 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls with 115lb/75lb
10 Box Jumps with 24"/20"
(Rest 3 minutes between rounds, start over each round, and compare rounds)
Clean and Jerk Complex Pull + Clean + Front Squat + Jerk: Max
Back Squat Set 1: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 75% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 75% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Belt Squat KB RDLs 3 x 45 sec
Reverse Hypers 3 x 45 sec
Metcon: 5 Rounds of
20 yd Staggered Carry
20 yd Sled Drag Forward with 150lb/100lb
20 yd Staggered Carry (opposite hands)
20 yd Sled Drag Backward with 150lb/100lb
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
4 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down
Clean and Jerk from Blocks with Bar at 75% for 2 x 3, 80% for 2 x 2, 85% x 2, 88% for 2 x 1
No Hook Clean from Blocks 3RM (no misses, 8 RPE)
Push Press 10RM, then -15% for 2 x 10
BB Rows Paused 2 Sec on Sternum 3 x 10
DB Tricep Extensions 6x8
Gymnastics Strength Work:
Part A. 3 x Max Effort Hold on the Rings in the false grip
Part B. 10 x 1 Muscle-up Negative with a 5 second count down if possible
(Jump into the muscle-up and do the negative down, resting between reps)
Metcon for Time:
E2MOM for 20 minutes:
3/2 Muscle-up + 20 Double Unders
Focus on the strict muscle-ups if possible
Clean and Jerk Complex Clean + Front Squat + Jerk: Max
Back Squat Set 1: 78% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 78% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 78% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Belt Squat KB RDLs 3 x 50 sec
Reverse Hypers 3 x 50 sec
Metcon: 5 Sets of:
Farmer's Carry x 20 yd with 135lb/95lb each hand
Sled Push High x 20 yd 150lb/100lb
Farmer's Carry x 20 yd with 135lb/95lb each hand
Burpee Broad Jumps x 20 yd
Sled Push Low x 20 yd with 150lb/100lb
Walking Lunge Step x 20 yd (no weight)
(Rest 2 minutes between sets)
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
4 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down
Clean and Jerk from Blocks with Bar at 65% for 2 x 3, 70% x 2, 75% for 2 x 1, 80% x 1, 83% x 1
No Hook Clean from Blocks 90% of 3RM for 2 x 3
Push Press 90% of 10RM for 3 x 10
BB Rows Paused 2 Sec on Sternum 3 x 10
DB Tricep Extensions 6x8
Gymnastics Strength Work:
A. 4 x Max Effort Hold on rings in the false grip
B. 10 x 1 Muscle-up Negative with an 8 second count down if possible
(Jump into the top of the muscle-up and do the negative down, resting between reps)
Metcon: 5 sets as fast as possible of
20 Calorie Assault Bike
10 Hang Power Snatches with 115lb/75lb
5 Deficit Handstand Push-ups 6"/4"
(Rest 1:1)
Clean and Jerk Max Effort 2RM
Back Squat Set 1: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 2: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 3: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Belt Squat KB RDLs 3 x 30 sec
Reverse Hypers 3 x 30 sec
800m Sandbag Carry
20 Sandbag Ground to Shoulder
20 Sandbag Shoulder to Overhead
20 Sandbag Squats
400m Sandbag Carry
10 Sandbag Ground to Shoulder
10 Sandbag Shoulder to Overhead
10 Sandbag Squats
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
5 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down
Snatch 70% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% for 2 x
1, 88% x 1
Jerk from Racks 3RM (paused 3 sec in catch)
Push Press 80% for 3 x 3, 85% for 2 x 2, 88% x 2
Weighted Dips 4 x submaximal reps
BB Rows Paused 2 Sec on Sternum 4x5
Gymnastics Strength Work:
A. Max Effort Strict Handstand Push-ups - 1 attempt
B: Take 70% of above and perform that number for 5 sets (ex: 10 strict on A, 7 for part B)
Metcon for Time: 4 Sets of:
25 UNBROKEN Wall Balls with 20lb/14lb to 10' target
(If you break a set, you will accumulate 5 burpees to be done at the end of the 4th round while time
is still going! You will restart the round if you break. Rest as needed in order to do all 25 unbroken.)
(Rest 10 minutes)
Metcon 2: 8 Sets of:
Row for Meters (40 sec on/20 sec off)
Recovery Row:
15-20 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
Clean and Jerk Max Effort Clean + Hang Clean + Jerk: Max
Back Squat with Belt Set 1: 80% x 2, rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 6
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 80% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 6
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 80% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 6
Clean Deadlift From 8 Inch Blocks: 3RM, then -10% for 3
Suitcase Deadlifts from 4 Inch Deficit (Stay 3 x 5 each side
at 7-8 RPE)
Leg Curls (Band, DB, or Machine) 4 x 10 reps
Metcon: 4 Rounds of
Unilateral Farmer's Carry x 100m Left Hand
15 KB Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (same weight as carry)
20 Hollow Rocks
Unilateral Farmer's Carry x 100m Right Hand
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
6 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down
Snatch 75% x 3, 80% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% for 2 x 1, 88%
Jerk From Racks 3RM (first rep paused 3 sec in catch)
Push Press 80% for 3 x 3, 85% for 2 x 3, 88% for 2 x 2, 90% for 2 x 2
Weighted Dips 4 x submaximal reps
BB Rows Paused 2 Sec on Sternum 4x5
Gymnastics Strength Work:
A. Max Effort Strict Handstand Push-ups - 1 attempt
B: Take 70% of above and perform that number for 7 sets (ex: 10 strict on A, 7 for part B)
(Rest as needed between sets for Part B)
Metcon: 3 Rounds for Time:
15 Thrusters with 125lb/85lb
20 Toes to Bar
500m Row
Metcon 2:
Steady 15 minutes conversational pace on Assault Bike
Clean and Jerk Max Effort Clean + Front Squat + Jerk: Max
Back Squat with Belt Set 1: 83% x 2, rest 2 minutes, then 68% x 6
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 83% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 68% x 6
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 83% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 68% x 6
Clean Deadlift From 8 Inch Blocks: 1RM, then -20% for 3
Suitcase Deadlifts from 4 Inch Deficit (Stay 3 x 5 each side
at 7-8 RPE)
Leg Curls (Band, DB, or Machine) 4 x 10 reps
Power Cleans with 155lb/105lb
Burpees over the Bar
Double Unders
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
4 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down
Snatch 65% x 3, 78% x 2, 83% x 2, 88% x 1, 90% for 2 x 1, work
up (allowed 1 miss)
Jerk From Racks 3RM (no pauses)
Push Press 1RM, then -20% for 2 x 3
Weighted Dips 5 x submaximal reps
BB Rows Paused 2 Sec on Sternum 4x5
Gymnastics Strength Work:
A: 2 min Accumulate in Support on Rings
B: 2 min Accumulate in Bottom of the Ring Dip
Metcon 1: 6 Sets of:
50 Double Unders
15/12 Ring Dips
(Rest 10 minutes)
Metcon 2: 5 Sets of:
20 Calorie on Assault Bike
10 Burpees
Clean and Jerk Max Effort Clean and Jerk Max
Back Squat with Belt Set 1: 85% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 5
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 1,
rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 5
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 1,
rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 5
Clean Deadlift From 2 Inch Deficit: 1RM
Suitcase Deadlifts from 4 Inch Deficit (Stay 3 x 5 each side
at 7 RPE)
Leg Curls (Band, DB, or Machine) 4 x 10 reps
Metcon: 4 Sets of:
Plank Hold x 45 seconds
OH Axle Bar Carry x 20 yd Forward
Bear Crawl x 20 yd
Sled Drag Forward x 20 yd
OH Axle Bar Carry x 20 yd Backward
Sled Drag Backward x 20 yd
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
5 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down
Conditioning: 4 Rounds of
30 seconds Assault Bike for Calories; 30 seconds rest
4 Rounds:
30 seconds Double Unders; 30 seconds rest
4 Rounds:
30 seconds Kettlebell Swing 55lb/44lb; 30 seconds rest
Snatch 70% x 3, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% x 1, 73% x 3, 78% x 2,
83% x 1, 88% x 1, 90% x 1
Jerk from Blocks 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% x 2, Max Out
Chest Supported KB Bat Wing Rows (2 Sec 3 x 10
Pause at Top)
Seated DB Power Cleans Superset with 3 x 10 and 3 x 10
Plate Lateral Raises
Skill Work for Quality Not for Time: 4 Sets of:
Handstand Walks x 20-40 yd
Muscle-up x 2-4 + 2 Ring Dips
Metcon: 2 Rounds of
Run 800m
40 Toes to Bar
20 Box Jumps 30"/24"
10 Handstand Push-ups
Warm Up with OH Squat Variations Work up to 83% for 1 rep paused 5 sec
Snatch 1RM Competition Style (3 attempts)
Clean and Jerk 1RM Competition Style (3 attempts)
Snatch High Pulls from Blocks 80% for 3 x 3, working up each set
Metcon 1: Elizabeth
Power Cleans with 135lb/95lb
Ring Dips
(Rest 10 minutes)
Metcon 2: 6-8 Sets of:
100m Row as fast as possible (Rest 1 minute between sets)
Back Squat with Belt Set 1: 90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 4
Set 2: (add 5-10 kilos to 1-rep if possible, don't
add for 4-rep) 90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75%
Set 3: (add 5-10 kilos to 1-rep if possible, don't
add for 4-rep) 90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75%
x 4+
Reverse Hypers 4 x 50 seconds
Leg Curls (Band, DB, or Machine) 4 x 10
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
6 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down
Metcon: 3 Rounds of 3 Min AMRAP:
3 Hang Power Cleans with 205lb/145lb
15 Wall Balls with 30lb/20lb to 9'
(Rest 3 minutes between rounds)
Snatch 60% x 3, 70% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% x 1, 88% x 1,
work up (allowed 1 miss)
Jerk from Blocks 1RM
Chest Supported KB Bat Wing Rows (2 Sec 3 x 10
Pause at Top)
Seated DB Power Cleans Superset with 3 x 10 and 3 x 10
Plate Lateral Raises
Skill Work for Quality Not for Time: 3 Sets of:
50 Unbroken Double Unders
L-Sit Hold x 30-45 seconds
Metcon: 15 Min AMRAP:
5 Ring Muscle-ups
10 Strict Handstand Push-ups
300m Row
Warm Up with OH Squat Variations Work up to 85% for 1 rep paused 3 sec
Snatch 1RM Competition Style (3 attempts)
Clean and Jerk 1RM Competition Style (3 attempts)
Snatch High Pulls from Blocks 80% for 3 x 3, working up each set
Gymnastics Strength Work: 8 Sets of:
10 Ring Push-ups (nice and controlled)
30 seconds hold on rings in Push-up position
Metcon 1 for Time: 3 Rounds of
20 Weighted DB Box Step-ups with 30lb/20lb each hand
20 Ab Roll-outs
10 Shoulder to Overhead with 135lb/95lb
(Rest 10 minutes)
Metcon 2: 6-8 Sets of:
100m Row as fast as possible (Rest 1 minute between sets)
Back Squat with Belt 1RM
Reverse Hypers 4 x 60 seconds
Leg Curls (Band, DB, or Machine) 4 x 10
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
7 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down
Metcon: 3 Sets of:
500m Row (Rest 3 minutes between sets)
Snatch 1RM (no misses)
Power Clean and Push Jerk 65% for 3 x 2
Chest Supported KB Bat Wing Rows (2 Sec 3x5
Pause at Top)
Seated DB Power Cleans 3 x 10
Metcon: 3 Rounds of
10 Push Jerks with 135lb/95lb
Run 400m
10 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
Snatch Max Out
Clean and Jerk Max Out
Max Speed:
5K for Time
We have taken out all of the functional fitness work from the
“Do It All” plan, and now we have a more traditional endurance
template. Once again, I have to give Alex Viada credit for influencing
me more than anyone when it comes to the endurance portion of
these programs.
We have still kept some clean work in the mix because cleans
are important to the strongman training. Strongman athletes are
required to perform aspects of the clean during many competitions,
and they are always required to perform movements that require
explosive hip extension. However, you can always eliminate them
completely if your main concern is strength and bodybuilding.
I really left them in there for the serious strongman. Some jerk
The peak phase is when it starts to get super fun. This is where
we take off the gloves and go heavy. We will be peaking certain
movements sooner than others. For example, we are maxing out
the log press in the tenth week. We are peaking the jerk and clean
in the next week. The goal is to save the final week to completely
recover and focus on peaking the squat, bench, and deadlift.
Push Jerks 5RM (7 RPE), then -10% for 5
Wide Grip Bench Press (Wider than Normal 80% for 10 x 3
Competition Grip)
Pull-ups 5 x submaximal reps (switch grips each set, weakest
to strongest)
Bent-over Rows 60% for 5 x 10
DB or KB Upright Rows 5 x 10
Hang Clean 3RM (7 RPE), then -10% for 3
Front Squats 80% for 10 x 3
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (Stay at a 4 x 15 each leg
7 RPE)
KB Goblet Squats 3 x 10
Axle Bar Zercher Carries 3 x 40 yd
Recovery Row:
10-15 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
Front Squat with Belt Set 1: 80% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 80% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 80% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Sumo Deadlifts 75% for 7 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
GHDs 3x8
Belt Squat RDLs 3 x 60 sec
One Arm Overhead Fat Grip Dumbbell 3 x 25 yd each arm
Dips with Eccentric Slower than Concentric 5 x submaximal reps (if ten reps or more, add weight)
Superset with Preacher Curls and 3 x 10
Band Push-downs Superset with Band 3 x 45 sec and 3 x 45 sec
Banded Rows 4 x 60 sec
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
3 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down
Push Jerks 5RM (8 RPE), then -10% for 5
Wide Grip Bench Press (Wider than Normal 80% for 10 x 4
Competition Grip)
Pull-ups 5 x submaximal reps (switch grips each set, weakest
to strongest)
Bent-over Rows 65% for 5 x 10
DB or KB Upright Rows 5 x 10
Hang Clean 3RM (8 RPE), then -10% for 3
Front Squats 80% for 10 x 4
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (Stay at a 5 x 15 each leg
7 RPE)
KB Goblet Squats 4 x 10
Axle Bar Zercher Carries 3 x 40 yd
Recovery Row:
10-15 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
Front Squat with Belt Set 1: 83% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 83% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 83% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Sumo Deadlifts 80% for 8 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
GHDs 3x8
Belt Squat RDLs 4 x 60 sec
One Arm Overhead Fat Grip Dumbbell 3 x 25 yd each arm
Dips with Eccentric Slower than Concentric 5 x submaximal reps (if ten reps or more, add weight)
Superset with Preacher Curls and 3 x 10
Band Push-downs Superset with Band 3 x 50 sec and 3 x 50 sec
Banded Rows 4 x 60 sec
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
4 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down
Push Jerks 5RM (9 RPE)
Wide Grip Bench Press (Wider than Normal 80% for 10 x 5
Competition Grip)
Pull-ups 5 x submaximal reps (switch grips each set, weakest
to strongest)
Bent-over Rows 70% for 5 x 10
DB or KB Upright Rows 5 x 10
Hang Clean 3RM (9 RPE)
Front Squats 80% for 10 x 5
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (Stay at a 5 x 15 each leg
7 RPE)
KB Goblet Squats 3 x 15
Axle Bar Zercher Carries 3 x 50 yd
DB or KB Upright Rows Off
Recovery Row:
15-20 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
Front Squat with Belt Set 1: 85% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 10
Sumo Deadlifts 85% for 6 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
GHDs 3x8
Belt Squat RDLs 4 x 70 sec
One Arm Overhead Fat Grip Dumbbell 3 x 30 yd each arm
Dips with Eccentric Slower than Concentric 5 x submaximal reps (if ten reps or more, add weight)
Superset with Preacher Curls and 3 x 10
Band Push-downs Superset with Band 3 x 55 sec and 3 x 55 sec
Banded Rows 4 x 60 sec
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
5 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down
Jerk Recoveries 5RM
Close Grip Bench Press 70% x 4, 75% for 2 x 3, 78% for 2 x 2, 80% x 1
Floor Presses with 50-100lb of Chains 8RM, then -15% for 2 x 8 (last set is 8+)
Pull-ups 3 x submaximal reps
BB Bent-over Rows Paused 2 Sec on 3 x 10 and 3 x 12
Sternum Superset with Band Face Pulls
and Press
Back Squat Box Squats (add weight to the 40% Bar Weight + 30% Bands or Chains for 6 x 3 (60-
last two sets if the speed is there) 90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Belt Squat KB RDLs Superset with Leg 3 x 45 sec and 3 x 10
Curls (Seated, DB, or Machine)
Reverse Hypers 3 x 45 sec
Recovery Row:
10-15 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
Low Bar Back Squat Set 1: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 75% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 75% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Competition Stance Deadlifts 75% for 6 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (Stay at a 4 x 10 each leg
7 RPE)
Bilateral Farmer's Walk 3 x 30 yd
Bench Press Set 1: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 75% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 75% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
DB Tricep Extensions Superset with Band 6 x 8 and 6 x 15
Fat Bar Curls Superset with Concentration 3 x 10 and 3 x 10 each arm
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
4 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down
Jerk Recoveries 5RM
Close Grip Bench Press 73% x 4, 78% for 3 x 3, 80% for 3 x 2, 83% for 2 x 1
Floor Presses with 50-100lb of Chains 8RM, then -15% for 2 x 8 (last set is 8+)
Pull-ups 3 x submaximal reps
BB Bent-over Rows Paused 2 Sec on 3 x 10 and 3 x 12
Sternum Superset with Band Face Pulls
and Press
Back Squat Box Squats (add weight to the 45% Bar Weight + 30% Bands or Chains for 7 x 3 (60-
last two sets if the speed is there) 90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Belt Squat KB RDLs Superset with Leg 3 x 50 sec and 3 x 10
Curls (Seated, DB, or Machine)
Reverse Hypers 3 x 50 sec
Recovery Row:
15-20 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
Low Bar Back Squat Set 1: 78% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 78% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 78% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Competition Stance Deadlifts 78% for 7 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (Stay at a 4 x 10 each leg
7 RPE)
Bilateral Farmer's Walk 4 x 30 yd
Bench Press Set 1: 78% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 78% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 78% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
DB Tricep Extensions Superset with Band 6 x 8 and 6 x 15
Fat Bar Curls Superset with Concentration 3 x 10 and 3 x 10 each arm
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
4 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down
Jerk Recoveries 5RM
Close Grip Bench Press 70% x 4, 75% x 3, 78% for 2 x 2, 80% x 1
Floor Presses with 50-100lb of Chains 90% of 8RM for 2 x 8
Pull-ups 3 x submaximal reps
BB Bent-over Rows Paused 2 Sec on 3 x 10 and 3 x 12
Sternum Superset with Band Face Pulls
and Press
Back Squat Box Squats (add weight to the 35% Bar Weight + 30% Bands or Chains for 5 x 3 (60-
last two sets if the speed is there) 90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Belt Squat KB RDLs Superset with Leg 3 x 30 sec and 3 x 10
Curls (Seated, DB, or Machine)
Reverse Hypers 3 x 30 sec
Recovery Row:
15-20 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
Low Bar Back Squat Set 1: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 2: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 3: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Competition Stance Deadlifts 70% for 6 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (Stay at a 4 x 10 each leg
7 RPE)
Bilateral Farmer's Walk 3 x 25 yd
Bench Press Set 1: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 2: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 3: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
DB Tricep Extensions Superset with Band 6 x 8 and 6 x 15
Fat Bar Curls Superset with Concentration 3 x 10 and 3 x 10 each arm
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
5 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down
Jerk From Racks 3RM (paused 3 sec in catch)
Bench to Chest 75% x 5, 80% x 3, 85% x 1 (percentages based on raw
Max Effort Sling Shot Bench 3RM
Bench Press to Chest 83% for 3, 88% x 2, 90% for AMRAP
Close Grip Axle Bar Decline Presses with 5RM, then -15% for 3 x 5 (last set is 5+)
100lb of Chains
Weighted Dips or Nosebreakers Superset 4 x 8 and 4 x 10
with Incline DB Curls
DB Fat Grip OH Walks 3 x 20 yd forwards and backwards
Power Cleans 3RM (8 RPE)
Back Squat Box Squats (add weight to the 50% Bar Weight + 20% Bands or Chains for 6 x 3 (60-
last two sets if the speed is there) 90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Heavy Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats 4 x 5 each leg and 4 x 20
Superset with Leg Press or KB Goblet
Recovery Row:
15-20 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
Back Squat with Belt Set 1: 80% x 2, rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 6
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 80% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 6
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 80% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 6
Max Effort Deadlift From 8 Inch Blocks: 3RM, then -10% for 3
Suitcase Deadlifts from 4 Inch Deficit (Stay 3 x 5 each side
at 7-8 RPE)
Reverse Hypers 3 x 45 seconds
Farmer's Walk 4 x 30 yd
Leg Curls (Band, DB, or Machine) 4 x 10
Bench Press Set 1: 85% x 2, rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 6
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 6
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 6+
DB Incline Chest Press 4 x 10
BB Bent-over Rows Paused 2 Sec on 4 x 5 and 4 x submaximal reps
Sternum Superset with Pull-ups
One Arm Kettlebell Rows 3 x 10 each arm
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
6 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down
Jerk From Racks 3RM (paused 3 sec in catch)
Bench to Chest 75% x 5, 80% x 3, 85% x 1 (percentages based on raw
Max Effort Sling Shot Bench 3RM
Bench Press to Chest 85% for 3, 90% x 1, 93% for AMRAP
Close Grip Axle Bar Decline Presses with 5RM, then -15% for 3 x 5 (last set is 5+)
100lb of Chains
Weighted Dips or Nosebreakers Superset 4 x 8 and 4 x 10
with Incline DB Curls
DB Fat Grip OH Walks 3 x 20 yd forwards and backwards
Power Cleans 3RM (9 RPE)
Back Squat Box Squats (add weight to the 55% Bar Weight + 20% Bands or Chains for 7 x 3 (60-
last two sets if the speed is there) 90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Heavy Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats 4 x 5 each leg and 4 x 20
Superset with Leg Press or KB Goblet
Recovery Row:
15-20 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
Back Squat with Belt Set 1: 83% x 2, rest 2 minutes, then 68% x 6
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 83% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 68% x 6
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 83% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 68% x 6
Max Effort Deadlift From 8 Inch Blocks: 1RM, then -20% for 3
Suitcase Deadlifts from 4 Inch Deficit (Stay 3 x 5 each side
at 7-8 RPE)
Reverse Hypers 3 x 50 sec
Farmer's Walk 4 x 30 yd
Leg Curls (Band, DB, or Machine) 4 x 10
Bench Press Set 1: 88% x 2, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 6
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 88% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 6
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 88% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 6+
DB Incline Chest Press 4 x 10
BB Bent-over Rows Paused 2 Sec on 4 x 5 and 4 x submaximal reps
Sternum Superset with Pull-ups
One Arm Kettlebell Rows 3 x 10 each arm
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
4 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down
Jerk From Racks 3RM
Bench to Chest 75% x 5, 80% x 3, 85% x 1 (percentages based on raw
Max Effort Sling Shot Bench 1RM
Bench Press to Chest 83% for 3, 88% x 2, 90% for AMRAP
Close Grip Axle Bar Decline Presses with 5RM, then -15% x 5+
100lb of Chains
Weighted Dips or Nosebreakers Superset 4 x 8 and 4 x 10
with Incline DB Curls
DB Fat Grip OH Walks 3 x 20 yd forwards and backwards
Power Cleans 1RM
Back Squat Box Squats (add weight to the 60% Bar Weight + 20% Bands or Chains for 7 x 2 (60-
last two sets if the speed is there) 90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Heavy Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats 4 x 5 each leg and 4 x 20
Superset with Leg Press or KB Goblet
Recovery Row:
20-25 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
Back Squat with Belt Set 1: 85% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 5
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 1,
rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 5
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 1,
rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 5
Max Effort Deadlift From 2 Inch Deficit: 1RM
Suitcase Deadlifts from 4 Inch Deficit (Stay 3 x 5 each side
at 7 RPE)
Reverse Hypers 3 x 60 sec
Farmer's Walk 4 x 30 yd
Leg Curls (Band, DB, or Machine) 4 x 10
Bench Press Set 1: 90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 5
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 90% x 1,
rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 5
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 90% x 1,
rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 5
DB Incline Chest Press 4x8
BB Bent-over Rows Paused 2 Sec on 4 x 5 and 3 x submaximal reps
Sternum Superset with Pull-ups
One Arm Kettlebell Rows 3 x 10 each arm
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
5 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down
Jerk from Blocks 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% x 2, Max Out
Bench to Chest 75% x 3, 80% x 2, 85% x 2 (percentages based on raw
Max Effort Bench Press with Reverse 3RM
Bands (Purple if Max is > 300 and Mini
Band if Max < 300LB)
Bench Press (No Bands) Competition Grip 90% for AMRAP
Incline Close Grip Axle Bar Presses with 3RM, then -15% for 4 x 3 (last set is 3+)
100lb of Chains
Nosebreakers Superset with Pullovers 3 x 10, 3 x 10, and 3 x 10
Superset with Close Grip Presses
KB Staggered Carries (OH and Farmer's) 3 x 40 yd each way
Clean from High Blocks (Bar at Mid Thigh) 3RM (8 RPE)
High Bar Back Squat + Bands or Chains 60% Bar Weight + 10% Bands or Chains for 7 x 3 (60-
90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Leg Curls (Band, DB, or Machine) 4 x 10 reps
Reverse Hypers 4 x 50 sec
Sled Drags Forwards 2 x 60 sec
Sled Drags Backwards 2 x 60 sec
Recovery Row:
20-25 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
Back Squat with Belt Set 1: 88% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 4
Set 2: (add 5-10 kilos to 1-rep if possible, don't add for
4-rep) 88% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 4
Set 3: (add 5-10 kilos to 1-rep if possible, don't add for
4-rep) 88% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 4+
Max Effort Deadlift Reverse Bands (Purple 3RM, then -10% for 3
if Max is > 400lb and Mini Bands if <
400lb, Bands Should Completely Deload at
BB Hip Thrusts with Band around Knees 3 x 10
GHDs (Weighted if Possible) 4x5
Bench Press Set 1: 88% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 4
Set 2: (add 5-10 kilos to 1-rep if possible, don't add for
4-rep) 88% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 4
Set 3: (add 5-10 kilos to 1-rep if possible, don't add for
4-rep) 88% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 4+
Band Push-downs 3 x 20 reps
Preacher Curls 3 x 10
Seated Rows 3 x 10
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
6 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down
Jerk from Blocks 1RM
Bench to Chest 75% x 3, 80% x 2, 85% x 2 (percentages based on raw
Max Effort Bench Press with Reverse 1RM
Bands (Purple if Max is > 300 and Mini
Band if Max < 300LB)
Bench Press (No Bands) Competition Grip 93% x 2, 95% x 1, max, then 85% for AMRAP
Incline Close Grip Axle Bar Presses with 3RM, then -15% for 4 x 3 (last set is 3+)
100lb of Chains
Nosebreakers Superset with Pullovers 3 x 8, 3 x 8, and 3 x 8
Superset with Close Grip Presses
KB Staggered Carries (OH and Farmer's) 3 x 40 yd each way
Clean from High Blocks (Bar at Mid Thigh) 1RM (no misses)
High Bar Back Squat + Bands or Chains 70% Bar Weight + 10% Bands or Chains for 7 x 2 (60-
90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Leg Curls Me 4 x 10 reps
Reverse Hypers 4 x 35 sec
Sled Drags Forwards 2 x 60 sec
Sled Drags Backwards 2 x 60 sec
Recovery Row:
20-25 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
Back Squat with Belt 1RM
Max Effort Deadlift 2 Inch Deficit Deadlift: 1RM (No Bands)
BB Hip Thrusts with Band around Knees 3 x 10
GHDs (Weighted if Possible) 3x5
Bench Press 1RM
Band Push-downs 3 x 10 reps
Preacher Curls Off
Seated Rows 3 x 10
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
7 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down
Jerk from Blocks Off
Bench to Chest 75% x 5, 80% x 3, 85% x 2, 90% x 1 (percentages based
on raw max)
Max Effort Bench Press with Reverse Off
Bands (Purple if Max is > 300 and Mini
Band if Max < 300LB)
Bench Press (No Bands) Competition Grip Opener
Incline Close Grip Axle Bar Presses with Off
100lb of Chains
Band Push-downs 3 x 15
KB Staggered Carries (OH and Farmer's) Off
Clean from High Blocks (Bar at Mid Thigh) 65% for 3 x 2
High Bar Back Squat + Bands or Chains 75% Bar Weight Only for 5 x 2 (60-90 sec between sets,
velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Leg Curls (Band, DB, or Machine) Off
Reverse Hypers 3 x 30 sec
Sled Drags Forwards 1 x 60 sec
Sled Drags Backwards 1 x 60 sec
Recovery Row:
10-15 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
Back Squat Max Out
Bench Press Max Out
Deadlift Max Out
For Max Speed:
5K Race
Check it out!
Wide Grip Bench Press (Wider than Normal 80% for 10 x 3
Competition Grip)
Pull-ups 5 x submaximal reps (switch grips each set, weakest
to strongest)
Bent-over Rows 60% for 5 x 10
DB or KB Upright Rows 5 x 10
Front Squats 80% for 10 x 3
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (Stay at a 4 x 15 each leg
7 RPE)
Axle Bar Zercher Carries 3 x 40 yd
Recovery Row:
10-15 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
Close Grip Bench Press 60% for 5 x 10
Incline DB Press 60% for 5 x 10
KB Bottom Up Z Press 3 x 10 each arm
DB Lateral Raises 3 x 10
Front Squat with Belt Set 1: 80% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 80% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 80% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Sumo Deadlifts 75% for 7 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
Belt Squat RDLs 3 x 60 sec
One Arm Overhead Fat Grip Dumbbell 3 x 25 yd each arm
Dips with Eccentric Slower than Concentric 5 x submaximal reps (if ten reps or more, add weight)
Superset with Preacher Curls and 3 x 10
Band Push-downs Superset with Band 3 x 45 sec and 3 x 45 sec
Banded Rows 4 x 60 sec
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
3 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down
Wide Grip Bench Press (Wider than Normal 80% for 10 x 4
Competition Grip)
Pull-ups 5 x submaximal reps (switch grips each set, weakest
to strongest)
Bent-over Rows 65% for 5 x 10
DB or KB Upright Rows 5 x 10
Front Squats 80% for 10 x 4
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (Stay at a 5 x 15 each leg
7 RPE)
Axle Bar Zercher Carries 3 x 40 yd
Recovery Row:
10-15 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
Close Grip Bench Press 65% for 5 x 10
Incline DB Press 65% for 5 x 10
KB Bottom Up Z Press 3 x 10 each arm
DB Lateral Raises 3 x 10
Front Squat with Belt Set 1: 83% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 83% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 83% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Sumo Deadlifts 80% for 8 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
GHDs Off
Belt Squat RDLs 4 x 60 sec
One Arm Overhead Fat Grip Dumbbell 3 x 25 yd each arm
Dips with Eccentric Slower than Concentric 5 x submaximal reps (if ten reps or more, add weight)
Superset with Preacher Curls and 3 x 10
Band Push-downs Superset with Band 3 x 50 sec and 3 x 50 sec
Banded Rows 4 x 60 sec
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
4 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down
Wide Grip Bench Press (Wider than Normal 80% for 10 x 5
Competition Grip)
Pull-ups 5 x submaximal reps (switch grips each set, weakest
to strongest)
Bent-over Rows 70% for 5 x 10
DB or KB Upright Rows 5 x 10
Front Squats 80% for 10 x 5
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (Stay at a 5 x 15 each leg
7 RPE)
Axle Bar Zercher Carries 3 x 50 yd
Recovery Row:
15-20 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
Close Grip Bench Press 70% for 5 x 10
Incline DB Press 70% for 5 x 10
KB Bottom Up Z Press 3 x 10 each arm
DB Lateral Raises 3 x 10
Front Squat with Belt Set 1: 85% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 10
Sumo Deadlifts 85% for 6 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
GHDs Off
Belt Squat RDLs 3 x 70 sec
One Arm Overhead Fat Grip Dumbbell 3 x 30 yd each arm
Dips with Eccentric Slower than Concentric 5 x submaximal reps (if ten reps or more, add weight)
Superset with Preacher Curls and 3 x 10
Band Push-downs Superset with Band 3 x 55 sec and 3 x 55 sec
Banded Rows 4 x 60 sec
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
5 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down
Close Grip Bench Press 70% x 4, 75% for 2 x 3, 78% for 2 x 2, 80% x 1
Floor Presses with 50-100lb of Chains 8RM, then -15% for 2 x 8 (last set is 8+)
Pull-ups 3 x submaximal reps
BB Bent-over Rows Paused 2 Sec on 3 x 10 and 3 x 12
Sternum Superset with Band Face Pulls
and Press
Back Squat Box Squats (add weight to the 40% Bar Weight + 30% Bands or Chains for 6 x 3 (60-
last two sets if the speed is there) 90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Reverse Hypers Superset with Leg Curls 3 x 45 sec and 3 x 10
(Seated, DB, or Machine)
Recovery Row:
10-15 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
Velocity Bench Press 50% Bar Weight + 25% Bands or Chains for 6 x 3 (60-
90 sec rest, velocity goal of 0.75m/s)
Log Press 5RM, then -15% for 2 x 5 (last set 5+)
Plate Raises Superset with DB Lateral 3 x 10, 3 x 10, and 3 x 10
Raises Superset with DB Power Clean and
Low Bar Back Squat Set 1: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 75% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 75% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Competition Stance Deadlifts 75% for 6 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (Stay at a 4 x 10 each leg
7 RPE)
Bilateral Farmer's Walk 3 x 30 yd
Bench Press Set 1: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 75% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 75% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
DB Tricep Extensions Superset with Band 6 x 8 and 6 x 15
Push-downs (30 Sec Between Sets)
Fat Bar Curls Superset with Concentration 3 x 10 and 3 x 10
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
4 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down
Close Grip Bench Press 73% x 4, 78% for 3 x 3, 80% for 3 x 2, 83% for 2 x 1
Floor Presses with 50-100lb of Chains 8RM, then -15% for 2 x 8 (last set is 8+)
Pull-ups 3 x submaximal reps
BB Bent-over Rows Paused 2 Sec on 3 x 10 and 3 x 12
Sternum Superset with Band Face Pulls
and Press
Back Squat Box Squats (add weight to the 45% Bar Weight + 30% Bands or Chains for 7 x 3 (60-
last two sets if the speed is there) 90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Reverse Hypers Superset with Leg Curls 3 x 50 sec and 3 x 10
(Seated, DB, or Machine)
Recovery Row:
15-20 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
Velocity Bench Press 55% Bar Weight + 25% Bands or Chains for 6 x 3 (60-
90 sec rest, velocity goal of 0.75m/s)
Log Press 5RM, then -15% for 2 x 5 (last set 5+)
Plate Raises Superset with DB Lateral 4 x 10, 4 x 10, and 4 x 10
Raises Superset with DB Power Clean and
Low Bar Back Squat Set 1: 78% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 78% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 78% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Competition Stance Deadlifts 78% for 7 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (Stay at a 4 x 10 each leg
7 RPE)
Bilateral Farmer's Walk 4 x 30 yd
Bench Press Set 1: 78% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 78% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 78% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
DB Tricep Extensions Superset with Band 6 x 8 and 6 x 15
Push-downs (30 Sec Between Sets)
Fat Bar Curls Superset with Concentration 3 x 10 and 3 x 10
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
4 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down
Close Grip Bench Press 70% x 4, 75% x 3, 78% for 2 x 2, 80% x 1
Floor Presses with 50-100lb of Chains 90% of 8RM for 2 x 8
Pull-ups 3 x submaximal reps
BB Bent-over Rows Paused 2 Sec on 3 x 10 and 3 x 12
Sternum Superset with Band Face Pulls
and Press
Back Squat Box Squats (add weight to the 35% Bar Weight + 30% Bands or Chains for 5 x 3 (60-
last two sets if the speed is there) 90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Reverse Hypers Superset with Leg Curls 3 x 30 sec and 3 x 10
(Seated, DB, or Machine)
Recovery Row:
15-20 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
Velocity Bench Press 45% Bar Weight + 25% Bands or Chains for 5 x 3 (60-
90 sec rest, velocity goal of 0.75m/s)
Log Press 90% of 5RM for 3 x 5
Plate Raises Superset with DB Lateral 3 x 8, 3 x 8, and 3 x 8
Raises Superset with DB Power Clean and
Low Bar Back Squat Set 1: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 2: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 3: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Competition Stance Deadlifts 70% for 6 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (Stay at a 4 x 10 each leg
7 RPE)
Bilateral Farmer's Walk 3 x 25 yd
Bench Press Set 1: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 2: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 3: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
DB Tricep Extensions Superset with Band 6 x 8 and 6 x 15
Push-downs (30 Sec Between Sets)
Fat Bar Curls Superset with Concentration 3 x 10 and 3 x 10
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
5 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down
Bench to Chest 75% x 5, 80% x 3, 85% x 1 (percentages based on raw
Max Effort Sling Shot Bench 3RM
Bench Press to Chest 83% for 3, 88% x 2, 90% for AMRAP
Close Grip Axle Bar Decline Presses with 5RM, then -15% for 3 x 5 (last set is 5+) and 4 x 10
100lb of Chains Superset with Incline DB
DB Fat Grip OH Walks 3 x 20 yd forwards and backwards
Back Squat Box Squats (add weight to the 50% Bar Weight + 20% Bands or Chains for 6 x 3 (60-
last two sets if the speed is there) 90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Heavy Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats 4 x 5 each leg and 4 x 20
Superset with Leg Press or KB Goblet
Recovery Row:
15-20 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
Dynamic Bench Press (Alternate Grip Each 50% Bar Weight + 20% Bands or Chains for 6 x 3 (60-
Set) 90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Log Press 3RM, then -15% for 2 x 3 (last set 3+)
Weighted Dips or Nosebreakers 4x8
DB Tri-Delts 3 x (9 front, 9 side, 9 rear)
DB Pullovers 4 x 12
Low Bar Back Squat Set 1: 80% x 2, rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 6
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 80% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 6
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 80% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 6
Max Effort Deadlift From 8 Inch Blocks: 3RM, then -10% for 3
Suitcase Deadlifts from 4 Inch Deficit (Stay 3 x 5 each side
at 7-8 RPE)
Farmer's Walk 4 x 30 yd
Bench Press Set 1: 85% x 2, rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 6
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 75% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 75% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
DB Incline Chest Press 4 x 10
BB Bent-over Rows Paused 2 Sec on 4 x 5 and 4 x submaximal reps
Sternum Superset with Pull-ups
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
6 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down
Jerk From Racks 3RM (first rep paused 3 sec in catch)
Bench to Chest 75% x 5, 80% x 3, 85% x 1 (percentages based on raw
Max Effort Sling Shot Bench 3RM
Bench Press to Chest 85% x 3, 90% x 1, 93% for AMRAP
Close Grip Axle Bar Decline Presses with 5RM, then -15% for 3 x 5 (last set is 5+) and 4 x 10
100lb of Chains Superset with DB Incline
DB Fat Grip OH Walks 3 x 20 yd forwards and backwards
Back Squat Box Squats (add weight to the 55% Bar Weight + 20% Bands or Chains for 7 x 3 (60-
last two sets if the speed is there) 90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Heavy Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats 4 x 5 each leg and 4 x 20
Superset with Leg Press or KB Goblet
Recovery Row:
15-20 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
Dynamic Bench Press (Alternate Grip Each 55% Bar Weight + 20% Bands or Chains for 7 x 3 (60-
Set) 90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Log Press 3RM, then -15% for 3 x 3 (last set 3+)
Weighted Dips or Nosebreakers 4x8
DB Tri-Delts 3 x (9 front, 9 side, 9 rear)
DB Pullovers 4 x 12
Low Bar Back Squat Set 1: 83% x 2, rest 2 minutes, then 68% x 6
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 83% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 68% x 6
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 83% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 68% x 6
Max Effort Deadlift From 8 Inch Blocks: 1RM, then -20% for 3
Suitcase Deadlifts from 4 Inch Deficit (Stay 3 x 5 each side
at 7-8 RPE)
Farmer's Walk 4 x 30 yd
Bench Press Set 1: 88% x 2, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 6
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 88% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 6
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 88% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 6
DB Incline Chest Press 4 x 10
BB Bent-over Rows Paused 2 Sec on 4 x 5 and 4 x submaximal reps
Sternum Superset with Pull-ups
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
4 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down
Bench to Chest 75% x 5, 80% x 3, 85% x 1 (percentages based on raw
Max Effort Sling Shot Bench 1RM
Bench Press to Chest 83% x 3, 88% x 2, 90% for AMRAP
Close Grip Axle Bar Decline Presses with 5RM, then -15% for 2 x 5 (last set is 5+) and 3 x 10
100lb of Chains Superset with DB Inclone
DB Fat Grip OH Walks 3 x 20 yd forwards and backwards
Back Squat Box Squats (add weight to the 60% Bar Weight + 20% Bands or Chains for 7 x 2 (60-
last two sets if the speed is there) 90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Heavy Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats 4 x 5 each leg and 4 x 20
Superset with Leg Press or KB Goblet
Recovery Row:
20-25 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
Dynamic Bench Press (Alternate Grip Each 60% Bar Weight + 20% Bands or Chains for 7 x 2 (60-
Set) 90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Log Press 3RM, then -15% x 3+
Weighted Dips or Nosebreakers 4x8
DB Tri-Delts 3 x (9 front, 9 side, 9 rear)
DB Pullovers 3 x 10
Low Bar Back Squat Set 1: 85% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 5
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 1,
rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 5
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 1,
rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 5
Max Effort Deadlift From 2 Inch Deficit: 1RM
Suitcase Deadlifts from 4 Inch Deficit (Stay 3 x 5 each side
at 7 RPE)
Farmer's Walk 4 x 30 yd
Bench Press Set 1: 90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 5
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 90% x 1,
rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 5
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 90% x 1,
rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 5
DB Incline Chest Press 4x8
BB Bent-over Rows Paused 2 Sec on 4 x 5 and 3 x submaximal reps
Sternum Superset with Pull-ups
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
5 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down
Bench to Chest 75% x 3, 80% x 2, 85% x 2 (percentages based on raw
Max Effort Bench Press with Reverse 3RM
Bands (Purple if Max is > 300 and Mini
Band if Max < 300LB)
Bench Press (No Bands) Competition Grip 90% for AMRAP
Incline Close Grip Axle Bar Presses with 3RM, then -15% for 4 x 3 (last set is 3+)
100lb of Chains
KB Staggered Carries (OH and Farmer's) 3 x 40 yd each way
High Bar Back Squat + Bands or Chains 60% Bar Weight + 10% Bands or Chains for 7 x 3 (60-
90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Leg Curls (Band, DB, or Machine) 4 x 10
Reverse Hypers 4 x 50 seconds
Recovery Row:
20-25 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
Dynamic Bench Press 60% Bar Weight + 10% Bands or Chains for 7 x 3 (60-
90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Log Press 1RM, then -20% for 2 x 3 (last set 3+)
Seated DB Power Clean and Press 3 x 10 and 3 x 10
Superset with Plate Front Raises
Chest Supported KB Bat Wing Rows (2 Sec 3 x 10
Pause at Top)
Back Squat with Belt Set 1: 88% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 4
Set 2: (add 5-10 kilos to 1-rep if possible, don't add for
4-rep) 88% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 4
Set 3: (add 5-10 kilos to 1-rep if possible, don't add for
4-rep) 88% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 4+
Max Effort Deadlift (Reverse Bands Purple 3RM, then -10% for 3
if Max is > 400lb and Mini Bands if <
400lb, Bands Should Completely Deload at
BB Hip Thrusts with Band around Knees 3 x 10
Bench Press Set 1: 88% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 4
Set 2: (add 5-10 kilos to 1-rep if possible, don't add for
4-rep) 88% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 4
Set 3: (add 5-10 kilos to 1-rep if possible, don't add for
4-rep) 88% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 4+
Band Push-downs 3 x 20 reps
Preacher Curls 3 x 10
Seated Rows 3 x 10
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
6 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down
Bench to Chest 75% x 3, 80% x 2, 85% x 2 (percentages based on raw
Max Effort Bench Press with Reverse 1RM
Bands (Purple if Max is > 300 and Mini
Band if Max < 300LB)
Bench Press (No Bands) Competition Grip 93% x 2, 95% x 1, max, then 85% for AMRAP
Incline Close Grip Axle Bar Presses with 3RM, then -15% for 4 x 3 (last set is 3+)
100lb of Chains
KB Staggered Carries (OH and Farmer's) 3 x 40 yd each way
High Bar Back Squat + Bands or Chains 70% Bar Weight + 10% Bands or Chains for 7 x 2 (60-
90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Leg Curls (Band, DB, or Machine) 4 x10
Reverse Hypers 3 x 35 sec
Recovery Row:
20-25 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
Dynamic Bench Press 65% Bar Weight + 10% Bands or Chains for 7 x 2 (60-
90 sec between sets, velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Log Press Off
Seated DB Power Clean and Press 3 x 10 and 3 x 10
Superset with Plate Front Raises
Chest Supported KB Bat Wing Rows (2 Sec 3 x 10
Pause at Top)
Back Squat with Belt 1RM
Max Effort Deadlift 2 Inch Deficit Deadlift: 1RM (No Bands)
BB Hip Thrusts with Band around Knees 3 x 10
Bench Press 1RM
Band Push-downs 3 x 10 reps
Preacher Curls Off
Seated Rows 3 x 10
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
7 mile Run (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down
Bench Press Opener
Band Push-downs 3 x 15
High Bar Back Squat + Bands or Chains 75% Bar Weight Only for 5 x 2 (60-90 sec between sets,
velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Reverse Hypers 3 x 30 seconds
Recovery Row:
10-15 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
Dynamic Bench Press 70% Bar Weight Only for 5 x 2 (60-90 sec between sets,
velocity goal of 0.8m/s)
Seated DB Power Clean 3 x 10
Chest Supported KB Bat Wing Rows (2 Sec 3x5
Pause at Top)
Back Squat Max Out
Bench Press Max Out
Deadlift Max Out
For Max Speed:
5K Race
I am 44 years old, and I have been training since I was 11. Yes,
I’ve been training 33 years. I was a world record holder and world
champion multiple times in powerlifting. I was also a nationally
ranked Olympic weightlifter. Everyone who knows me realizes I love
to lift a heavy barbell.
Here is the kicker: I also want to run a 5K. I haven’t ever performed
in an endurance sport before, so this is all new for me. That makes
it super exciting. Thanks to my man Alex Viada, I feel confident I can
make this happen. I know my wife is excited to see me strengthen
the old ticker.
Airdyne or Row Sprints:
2 min warm up
45 sec on and 60 sec off x 8
5 min cool down
Wide Grip Bench Press (Wider than Normal 80% for 10 x 3
Competition Grip)
Push Jerks 5RM (7 RPE), then -10% for 5
Pull-ups 5 x submaximal reps (switch grips each set, weakest
to strongest)
DB or KB Upright Rows 5 x 10
Dips (Eccentric Slower than Concentric) 5 x submaximal reps (if ten reps or more, add weight)
Banded Rows 4 x 60 sec
Hang Clean 3RM (7 RPE), then -10% for 3
Front Squats 80% for 10 x 3
Sumo Deadlifts 75% for 7 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (Stay at a 4 x 15 each leg
7 RPE)
Unilateral Farmer's Walk 3 x 40 yd each arm
Recovery Row:
10-15 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
Snatch Complex Power Snatch Double (Work Heavy)
Clean and Jerk Complex Power Clean and Push Jerk Double (Work Heavy)
Close Grip Bench Press 60% for 5 x 10
Incline DB Press 60% for 5 x 10
KB Bottom Up Z Press 3 x 10 each arm
Preacher Curls 3 x 10
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
20 minute Run/Walk (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down
Airdyne or Row Sprints:
2 min warm up
50 sec on and 60 sec off x 8
5 min cool down
Wide Grip Bench Press (Wider than Normal 80% for 10 x 4
Competition Grip)
Push Jerks 5RM (8 RPE), then -10% for 5
Pull-ups 5 x submaximal reps (switch grips each set, weakest
to strongest)
DB or KB Upright Rows 5 x 10
Dips (Eccentric Slower than Concentric) 5 x submaximal reps (if ten reps or more, add weight)
Banded Rows 4 x 60 sec
Hang Clean 3RM (8 RPE), then -10% for 3
Front Squats 80% for 10 x 4
Sumo Deadlifts 80% for 8 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (Stay at a 5 x 15 each leg
7 RPE)
Unilateral Farmer's Walk 3 x 40 yd each arm
Recovery Row:
10-15 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
Snatch Complex Snatch from High Box: 2 RM
Clean and Jerk Complex Clean + 2 Front Squats + 2 Jerks: Max
Close Grip Bench Press 65% for 5 x 10
Incline DB Press 65% for 5 x 10
KB Bottom Up Z Press 3 x 10 each arm
Preacher Curls 3 x 10
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
40 minute Run/Walk (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down
Airdyne or Row Sprints:
2 min warm up
55 sec on and 60 sec off x 8
5 min cool down
Wide Grip Bench Press (Wider than Normal 80% for 10 x 5
Competition Grip)
Push Jerks 5RM (9 RPE)
Pull-ups 5 x submaximal reps (switch grips each set, weakest
to strongest)
DB or KB Upright Rows 5 x 10
Banded Rows 4 x 60 sec
Recovery Row:
15-20 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
Hang Clean 3RM (9 RPE)
Front Squats 80% for 10 x 5
Sumo Deadlifts 85% for 6 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (Stay at a 5 x 15 each leg
7 RPE)
Unilateral Farmer's Walk 3 x 50 yd each arm
Snatch Complex Pull + Snatch + Hang Snatch: Max
Clean and Jerk Complex Clean + 2 Front Squats + Jerk: Max
Close Grip Bench Press 70% for 5 x 10
Incline DB Press 70% for 5 x 10
KB Bottom Up Z Press 3 x 10 each arm
Preacher Curls 3 x 10
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
50 minute Run/Walk (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down
Airdyne or Row Sprints:
2 min warm up
60 sec on and 60 sec off x 6
5 min cool down
Jerks 5RM
Close Grip Bench Press 70% x 4, 75% for 2 x 3, 78% for 2 x 2, 80% x 1
Floor Presses with 50-100lb of Chains 8RM, then -15% for 2 x 8 (last set is 8+)
Pull-ups Superset with BB Rows Paused 2 3 x submaximal reps, 3 x 10, and 3 x 40 yd
Sec on Sternum Superset with OH Axle Bar
OH Squat 5RM
Low Bar Back Squat Set 1: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 75% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 75% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Competition Stance Deadlifts 75% for 6 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
Belt Squat KB Deadlifts 3 x 45 sec
Reverse Hypers 3 x 45 sec
Recovery Row:
10-15 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
Clean and Jerk Max Effort Pull + Clean + Front Squat + Jerk: Max
Bench Press Set 1: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 75% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 75% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
DB Tricep Extensions Superset with Band 6 x 8 and 6 x 15
Push-downs with 30 Sec between Sets
Fat Bar Curls 3 x 10
Rows Superset with Band Pull-Aparts 3 x 10 and 3 x 10
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
40 minute Run/Walk (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down
Airdyne or Row Sprints:
2 min warm up
50 sec on and 60 sec off x 8
5 min cool down
Jerks 5RM
Close Grip Bench Press 73% x 4, 78% for 3 x 3, 80% for 3 x 2, 83% for 2 x 1
Floor Presses with 50-100lb of Chains 8RM, then -15% for 2 x 8 (last set is 8+)
Pull-ups Superset with BB Rows Paused 2 3 x submaximal reps, 3 x 10, and 3 x 40 yd
Sec on Sternum Superset with OH Axle Bar
OH Squat 5RM
Low Bar Back Squat Set 1: 78% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 78% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 78% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Competition Stance Deadlifts 78% for 7 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
Belt Squat KB Deadlifts 3 x 50 sec
Reverse Hypers 3 x 50 sec
Recovery Row:
15-20 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
Clean and Jerk Max Effort Pull + Clean + Front Squat + Jerk: Max
Bench Press Set 1: 78% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 78% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 78% x 3,
rest 2 minutes, then 63% x 10
DB Tricep Extensions Superset with Band 6 x 8 and 6 x 15
Push-downs with 30 Sec between Sets
Fat Bar Curls 3 x 10
Rows Superset with Band Pull-Aparts 3 x 10 and 3 x 10
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
40 minute Run/Walk (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down
Airdyne or Row Sprints:
2 min warm up
55 sec on and 60 sec off x 9
5 min cool down
Jerks 5RM
Close Grip Bench Press 70% x 4, 75% x 3, 78% for 2 x 2, 80% x 1
Floor Presses with 50-100lb of Chains 90% of 8RM for 2 x 8
Pull-ups Superset with BB Rows Paused 2 3 x submaximal reps, 3 x 10, and 3 x 40 yd
Sec on Sternum Superset with OH Axle Bar
OH Squat 5RM
Low Bar Back Squat Set 1: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 2: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 3: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Competition Stance Deadlifts 70% for 6 x 3 with 60-90 sec rest
Belt Squat KB Deadlifts 3 x 30 sec
Reverse Hypers 3 x 30 sec
Recovery Row:
15-20 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
Clean and Jerk Max Effort Clean and Jerk Max Double
Bench Press Set 1: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 2: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
Set 3: 75% x 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% x 10
DB Tricep Extensions Superset with Band 6 x 8 and 6 x 15
Push-downs with 30 Sec between Sets
Fat Bar Curls 3 x 10
Rows Superset with Band Pull-Aparts 3 x 10 and 3 x 10
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
50 minute Run/Walk (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down
Airdyne or Row Sprints:
2 min warm up
60 sec on and 55 sec off x 10
5 min cool down
Jerk From Racks 3RM (paused 3 sec in catch)
Bench to Chest 75% x 5, 80% x 3, 85% x 1 (percentages based on raw
Max Effort Sling Shot Bench 3RM
Bench Press to Chest 83% for 3, 88% x 2, 90% for AMRAP
Close Grip Axle Bar Decline Presses with 5RM, then -15% for 3 x 5 (last set is 5+)
100lb of Chains
BB Rows Paused 2 Sec on Sternum 4 x 5, 3 x (9 front, 9 side, 9 rear), and 3 x 20 yd
Superset wth DB Tri-Delts Superset with forwards and backwards
DB Fat Grip OH Walks
Clean and Jerk Max Effort Clean + Hang Clean + Jerk: Max
Back Squat with Belt Set 1: 80% x 2, rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 6
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 80% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 6
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 80% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 65% x 6
Max Effort Deadlift From 8 Inch Blocks: 3RM, then -10% for 3
Suitcase Deadlifts from 4 Inch Deficit (Stay 3 x 5 each side
at 7-8 RPE)
BB High Pull from Pins Belt Squat 3 x 40 sec
Recovery Row:
15-20 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
OH Squat 3RM
Bench Press Set 1: 85% x 2, rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 6
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 6
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 6
Weighted Dips or Nosebreakers 4x8
Pull-ups 4 x submaximal reps
DB Hammer Curls 3 x 10
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
60 minute Run/Walk (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down
Airdyne or Row Sprints:
2 min warm up
60 sec on and 60 sec off x 6
5 min cool down
Jerk From Racks 3RM (first rep paused 3 sec in catch)
Bench to Chest 75% x 5, 80% x 3, 85% x 1 (percentages based on raw
Max Effort Sling Shot Bench 3RM
Bench Press to Chest 85% for 3, 90% x 1, 93% for AMRAP
Close Grip Axle Bar Decline Presses with 5RM, then -15% for 3 x 5 (last set is 5+)
100lb of Chains
BB Rows Paused 2 Sec on Sternum 4 x 5, 3 x (9 front, 9 side, 9 rear), and 3 x 20 yd
Superset with DB Tri-Delts Superset with forwards and backwards
DB Fat Grip OH Walks
Clean and Jerk Max Effort Clean + Front Squat + Jerk: Max
Back Squat with Belt Set 1: 83% x 2, rest 2 minutes, then 68% x 6
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 83% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 68% x 6
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 83% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 68% x 6
Max Effort Deadlift From 8 Inch Blocks: 1RM, then -20% for 3
Suitcase Deadlifts from 4 Inch Deficit (Stay 3 x 5 each side
at 7-8 RPE)
BB High Pull from Pins Belt Squat 3 x 45 sec
Recovery Row:
15-20 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
OH Squat 3RM
Bench Press Set 1: 88% x 2, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 6
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 88% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 6
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 88% x 2,
rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 6
Weighted Dips or Nosebreakers 4x8
Pull-Ups 4 x submaximal reps
DB Hammer Curls 3 x 10
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
40 minute Run/Walk (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down
Airdyne or Row Sprints:
2 min warm up
55 sec on and 55 sec off x 8
5 min cool down
Jerk From Racks 3RM (no pauses)
Bench to Chest 75% x 5, 80% x 3, 85% x 1 (percentages based on raw
Max Effort Sling Shot Bench 1RM
Bench Press to Chest 83% x 3, 88% x 2, 90% for AMRAP
Close Grip Axle Bar Decline Presses with 5RM, then -15% for 5+
100lb of Chains
BB Rows Paused 2 Sec on Sternum 4 x 5, 3 x (9 front, 9 side, 9 rear), and 3 x 20 yd
Superset with DB Tri-Delts Superset with forwards and backwards
DB Fat Grip OH Walks
Clean and Jerk Max Effort Clean and Jerk Max
Back Squat with Belt Set 1: 85% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 5
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 1,
rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 5
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 85% x 1,
rest 2 minutes, then 70% x 5
Max Effort Deadlift From 2 Inch Deficit: 1RM
Suitcase Deadlifts from 4 Inch Deficit (Stay 3 x 5 each side
at 7 RPE)
BB High Pull from Pins Belt Squat 3 x 50 sec
Recovery Row:
20-25 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
OH Squat 3RM
Bench Press Set 1: 90% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 5
Set 2: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 90% x 1,
rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 5
Set 3: (add 5 kilos to each weight if possible) 90% x 1,
rest 2 minutes, then 75% x 5
Weighted Dips or Nosebreakers 4x8
Pull-ups 4 x submaximal reps
DB Hammer Curls 3 x 10
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
50 minute Run/Walk (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down
Airdyne or Row Sprints:
2 min warm up
60 sec on and 55 sec off x 9
5 min cool down
Jerk from Blocks 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% x 2, Max Out
Bench to Chest 75% x 3, 80% x 2, 85% x 2 (percentages based on raw
Max Effort Bench Press with Reverse 3RM
Bands (Purple if Max is > 300 and Mini
Band if Max < 300LB)
Bench Press (No Bands) Competition Grip 90% for AMRAP
Incline Close Grip Axle Bar Presses with 3RM, then -15% for 4 x 3 (last set is 3+)
100lb of Chains
Chest Supported KB Bat Wing Rows (2 Sec 3 x 10
Pause at Top)
Seated DB Power Cleans Superset with 3 x 10 and 3 x 10
Plate Front Raises
Snatch 1RM Competition Style (3 attempts)
Clean and Jerk 1RM Competition Style (3 attempts)
Back Squat with Belt Set 1: 88% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 4
Set 2: (add 5-10 kilos to 1-rep if possible, don't add for
4-rep) 88% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 4
Set 3: (add 5-10 kilos to 1-rep if possible, don't add for
4-rep) 88% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 4+
Max Effort Deadlift Reverse Bands (Purple 3RM, then -10% for 3
if maximum is > 400lb and Mini Bands if <
400lb) (Bands should completely deload at
Leg Curls (Band, DB, or Machine) 4 x 10
BB Hip Thrusts with Band around Knees 3 x 10
Recovery Row:
20-25 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
Bench Press Set 1: 88% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 4
Set 2: (add 5-10 kilos to 1-rep if possible, don't add for
4-rep) 88% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 4
Set 3: (add 5-10 kilos to 1-rep if possible, don't add for
4-rep) 88% x 1, rest 2 minutes, then 73% x 4+
Band Push-downs 3 x 20
Preacher Curls 3 x 10
Seated Rows 3 x 10
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
60 minute Run/Walk (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down
Airdyne or Row Sprints:
2 min warm up
60 sec on and 50 sec off x 10
5 min cool down
Jerk from Blocks 1RM
Bench to Chest 75% x 3, 80% x 2, 85% x 2 (percentages based on raw
Max Effort Bench Press with Reverse 1RM
Bands (Purple if Max is > 300 and Mini
Band if Max < 300LB)
Bench Press (No Bands) Competition Grip 93% x 2, 95% for 1, max, then 85% for AMRAP
Incline Close Grip Axle Bar Presses with 3RM, then -15% for 4 x 3 (last set is 3+)
100lb of Chains
Chest Supported KB Bat Wing Rows (2 Sec 3 x 10
Pause at Top)
Seated DB Power Cleans Superset with 3 x 10 and 3 x 10
Plate Front Raises
Snatch 1RM Competition Style (3 attempts)
Clean and Jerk 1RM Competition Style (3 attempts)
Back Squat with Belt 1RM
Max Effort Deadlift 2 Inch Deficit Deadlift: 1RM (No Bands)
Leg Curls (Band, DB, or Machine) 4 x 10
BB Hip Thrusts with Band around Knees 3 x 10
Side Planks with Rows 3 x 25 sec each side
Recovery Row:
20-25 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
Bench Press 1RM
Band Push-downs 3 x 10
Preacher Curls Off
Seated Rows 3 x 10
Long Slow Run:
5 minute warm up
70 minute Run/Walk (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5 minute cool down
Airdyne or Row Sprints:
2 min warm up
30 sec on and 30 sec off x 6
5 min cool down
Jerk from Blocks Off
Bench to Chest 75% x 5, 80% x 3, 85% x 2, 90% x 1 (percentages based
on raw max)
Max Effort Bench Press with Reverse Off
Bands (Purple if Max is > 300 and Mini
Band if Max < 300LB)
Bench Press (No Bands) Competition Grip Opener
Incline Close Grip Axle Bar Presses with Off
100lb of Chains
Chest Supported KB Bat Wing Rows (2 Sec 3x5
Pause at Top)
Seated DB Power Cleans 3 x 10
Plate Front Raises Off
Snatch Max Out
Clean and Jerk Max Out
Back Squat with Belt Max Out
Bench Max Out
Deadlift Max Out
Recovery Row:
10-15 minute Recovery Row (Stay in Zone 2 or 75% of Max HR)
5K Race