Pesticides and Pesticide Safety: Kentucky Master Gardener Manual Chapter 10

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University of Kentucky

College of Agriculture,
ENT-70 Food and Environment
Cooperative Extension Service

Pesticides and
Pesticide Safety
Kentucky Master Gardener Manual Chapter 10
By Lee Townsend, extension entomologist, University of Kentucky.

est is not a biological term for an organism’s environmental
In this chapter: role as are the words plant, herbivore, predator, and scavenger.
It is a term for an organism that is either causing damage or is
Types of Pesticides.............................................144 somewhere where it’s not wanted. Pests can include plants, insects
The Pesticide Label............................................146
and their relatives, and microorganisms that cause plant diseases.
Often, pests are a problem because we use cultural practices or cre-
Exceptions to Label Instructions...................147 ate conditions favoring organisms that they feed on, compete with,
Pesticide Formulations.....................................147 or infect the desirable species.
Key pests are present and often cause enough damage to require
Application Equipment....................................148
regular control (for example, Japanese beetles on roses). Occasional
Calibrating Sprayers..........................................148 pests require control during some years because of favorable
Safety......................................................................150 weather conditions (such as fireblight on crabapples). Sporadic
pests do not require control most years but may be very damag-
Other Safety Issues............................................151
ing in certain circumstances (such as periodical cicadas on newly
Integrated Pest Management .......................152 established trees).
Credits....................................................................152 Some natural forces act on all organisms, causing their numbers
to rise and fall from year to year. You may not be able to alter the
effect of natural forces on a pest population, but you can be aware
of their influence and take advantage of them whenever possible.
These natural forces include climate, natural enemies, geographic
barriers, food and water supply, and shelter.
Unfortunately, natural controls may not act quickly or com-
pletely enough to prevent unacceptable injury or damage. That
is when other control measures must be used. Those measures
include host resistance, biological control, cultural control, mechan-
ical control, sanitation, and chemical control, or pesticides.
The active ingredient in a pesticide product is a chemical that,
when used according to label directions, can reduce or control
a pest problem. A pesticide application should be thought of as tem-
porary solution to a pest problem, not the way to solve it. Ideally, a
pesticide helps to reduce losses or damage until the conditions lead-
ing to the outbreak change or those conditions can be corrected.

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144 • Pesticides and Pesticide Safety Chapter 10

Accurate identification is the first step To inhibit germination or seedling

in an effective pest management program. growth, use pre-emergent herbicides. To
(See Chapter 8, Insects, in this manual for control weed seedlings, these herbicides
more information.) Identification is the key must be applied to the soil before the seed-
to all kinds of information about the pest, lings break through the soil surface. In order
including its life cycle, behavior, and recom- to come into close contact with germinat-
mendations for effective management. ing weed seeds, these products require
Incorrect pest identification is a leading rainfall or incorporation into the soil. Some
cause of pest control failures and improper products do not move within the plant, so
use of pesticides. injury symptoms occur only at the site of
Your county office of the Cooperative uptake. In contrast, systemic herbicides
Extension Service can help with pest iden- enter through the roots and move up. Their
tification and control recommendations. effects are most obvious where the product
Diagnostic labs in plant disease, insect, tends to accumulate.
and weed identification are also available, Postemergent herbicides are applied to
along with help in how to take useful pest the foliage of growing weeds. Those that
samples. Most of these diagnostic services become active upon contact kill the plant
are free. by destroying leaf and stem tissues. They
require thorough spray coverage. In con-
trast, systemic postemergents move within
Types of Pesticides leaves and other green parts to growing
Herbicides points, where they act. These products vary
in their ability to move within a plant.
Herbicides are pesticides that kill plants. Factors that affect how well these herbi-
Selective herbicides are used in lawns, land- cides work include characteristics of plant
scapes, and gardens to control unwanted leaf surface, plant size and age, water stress,
plants without damaging desirable plants. air temperature, humidity, and herbicide
Nonselective herbicides are used to kill all additives. Differences in the amount of her-
plants in an area. Selective (and in some bicide uptake within the plant often explain
cases nonselective) products are used as the year-to-year variation in herbicide
spot treatments to control weeds in turf and effectiveness.
ornamental landscapes to remove undesir- Plants that can rapidly degrade or
able species growing near desirable plants. deactivate a herbicide can escape its toxic
A herbicide’s mode of action is the way effect. However, plants under stress (such
it affects a plant. Some herbicides damage as hot or cold temperatures, high humid-
leaf cells, causing them to dry up; others ity, or physical injury) may be affected by
reduce the nutrient uptake. A few interfere herbicides that they normally tolerate. Also,
with the plant’s ability to grow normally or misapplication, especially at excessive rates,
to conduct photosynthesis. The mode of can overwhelm the ability of the plant to
action often dictates when and how a her- degrade or deactivate the chemical and
bicide is used. Herbicides must adequately result in plant injury.
make contact with and enter the plant.
Then, a sufficient amount of the herbicide
must move to the site of action to produce
the desired effect.
Chapter 10 Pesticides and Pesticide Safety • 145

Fungicides Stomach poisons kill insects with chew-

ing mouthparts after they feed on treated
Fungicides are pesticides that destroy plant tissue, while contact insecticides must
or inhibit the growth of fungi. Contact be absorbed into the body to kill the target.
fungicides, sometimes called protectant Contact insecticides often are used against
fungicides, remain on plant surfaces after sap-feeding pests that do not eat plant
application and do not enter plant tissue. tissue and require thorough spray cover-
In order to be effective, contact fungicides age. An insecticide may work as a stomach
must be on the plant’s surfaces before infec- poison against caterpillars or beetles and
tion begins. as a contact insecticide against aphids or
Systemic fungicides are absorbed into scale crawlers. These products are broken
the plant and moved up within the water- down by moisture, sunlight, or microor-
conducting tissue (xylem); downward ganisms, so their residual effect is limited.
mobility is limited. Systemic fungicides Consequently, correct timing of applica-
sometimes can suppress the fungus after it tions is important.
has infected the plant. Systemic insecticides are absorbed into
Fungicide labels usually provide a plants through the roots or foliage. They can
range of application rates and intervals. be particularly effective against sap-feeding
Fungicides can be used as a preventive (usu- insects such as aphids and may provide con-
ally at low rates and/or with long intervals trol of some borers and leaf miners. Uptake
between applications) when a disease of a systemic insecticide by the roots and
outbreak has not yet occurred but when movement to the pest -feeding site may take
weather favorable for disease is expected. several weeks, so this type of insecticide
Fungicides may also be used, often at higher may have to be applied several weeks before
rates and/or at short intervals, after an the pests are active. Systemic insecticides
outbreak has occurred and disease pressure can remain in the plant at effective levels
is high. Such applications cannot cause sick for a long period of time and may have an
tissue (yellow or brown leaves, rotted roots) impact on beneficial insects.
to become healthy again, but they can While many insecticides affect the
protect uninfected tissue and new growth. insect’s nervous system, products with
These applications are only effective if the different modes of action are being used—
turf is actively growing. those that target muscles, insect develop-
ment and metamorphosis, or parts of
Insecticides the nervous system that are distinctive to
Insecticides can be classified as either insects.
broad-spectrum insecticides, which can The active ingredients in organic insec-
kill a variety of insects (caterpillars, beetles, ticides typically come from plant extracts
aphids, etc.) or as selective insecticides, (pyrethrins, neem), products from soil
which affect a limited range of species (for microorganisms (Bt, spinosyn), or plant
example, caterpillars only) and can help to fatty acids (insecticidal soaps). The spec-
preserve beneficial species. trum of pests affected and the length of
control following an application of organic
insecticide may be limited.
146 • Pesticides and Pesticide Safety Chapter 10

The Pesticide Label 16

10 1
The pesticide label is the way the manufac-
turer tells you how to use a product safely and
effectively. Always read the label before you 11
buy and use a product. Check the directions- 12 2
for-use section to be sure that the plants,
insects, or pathogen, and the site that you 3 8
intend to treat are listed. Be sure you under-
stand how and when to apply the pesticide 14
with appropriate equipment.
17 6 4
15 7
1. The product name or trade same, regardless of the amount of entry (mouth, skin, lungs, product is intended to pro-
name appears in large print at in the product. The use rate of the eyes) are most likely to be harm- tect. The directs also provide
the top of the label. 25% WP per gallon of water will ful and must be particularly information on when, where,
2. Type of pesticide—the label be twice that of the 50%WP. protected. The label will then how, and in what form the
must identify the type of pesti- 4. The net contents tell how provide specific action that can product should be applied,
cide or the types of pests that much product is in the container prevent overexposure to the proper equipment to be used,
it controls. in units of liquid or dry measure. pesticide. Protective clothing correct dosage, mixing direc-
3. The ingredient statement 5. Name and address of the and equipment required to tions, compatibility with other
must include the concentration manufacturer. handle or apply the pesticide often-used products, minimum
and common (generic) and/ or 6, 7. The EPA registration num- will be listed. time between the application
chemical name of each active ber is unique for each pesticide 14. Environmental hazards and entry into the treated area
ingredient in the product and product. It identifies the manu- warns of pesticide risks to wild- for unprotected persons, and
percentage of inert ingredients. facturer and product and indi- life, birds, fish, bees, and the possible problems with plant
Many pesticide products, even cates that the product has been environment and provides prac- injury.
though produced by different approved by the EPA for the tical ways to avoid harming Harvest interval: When used
manufacturers, contain the same listed uses. The EPA establish- them. Some examples are “This on fruits or vegetables, there
active ingredient. By purchas- ment number identifies where product is highly toxic to bees may be a period of time that
ing pesticides according to the the product was produced. exposed to direct treatment or must elapse from application
common name you will be sure 8. All products must bear the residues on plants,”“Do not con- until the residue drops to a
you are getting the correct active statement “Keep Out of Reach taminate water when cleaning level at which the crop can be
ingredient no matter what the of Children.” equipment or when disposing safely harvested. It is a mistake
brand name is. When comparing 9. The signal word indicates the of wastes,” and “Do not apply to assume that a residue can
two different products with the acute toxicity of the product. where runoff is likely to occur.” be washed off if the crop is
same active ingredient, be sure 10. The statement of practical 15. Physical or chemical hazards harvested before the waiting
to compare the amount of active treatment lists the first-aid treat- lists any special fire, explosion, period is complete. The harvest
ingredient in each product. Often, ment that should be given in or chemical hazards the product interval is often listed as a num-
different products will contain case of accidental exposure to may pose. ber in parentheses following the
the same active ingredient but the pesticide. 16. Directions for use begins crop name.
the concentration will vary. Make 11. The note to physician lists with this statement: It is a viola- 17. Storage and disposal direc-
comparisons based on use rates treatment information and tion of Federal law to use this tions: This section of the label
of pesticides containing the same antidotes and often provides product in a manner incon- will tell you how to store and
amount of active ingredient. an emergency phone number sistent with its labeling. The dispose of the product cor-
For example, Sevin is a brand for further information. instructions list what pests rectly. Pay attention to specific
name of a common insecti- 12. Precautionary statements the product will control and temperature conditions that
cide used in the garden and identify potential hazards and the plants, crops, or sites the are listed.
landscape. Its common name is recommend ways that the risks
carbaryl; the chemical name is can be minimized or avoided. What pesticide label signal words mean:
1-naphthyl N-methylcarbamate. Types of precautionary state-
Being able to recognize the com- ments include “Hazards to Approx. Lethal
mon name may allow you to find Humans and Domestic Animals,” Signal Word Toxicity Human Dose
the pesticide you want under a “Environmental Hazards,” and Danger-Poison/ Highly toxic or A few drops to a
different brand name. It may be “Physical or Chemical Hazards.” Danger harmful to skin/eyes teaspoon
sold as a 50% wettable powder 13. Hazards to humans and
(WP) or a 25% WP. The actual domestic animals. The signal Warning Moderately toxic 1 teaspoon to 1
concentration of the active ingre- word is listed followed by state- tablespoon
dient in the spray tank will be the ments indicating which route(s)
Caution Low toxicity to rela- 1 tablespoon to 1
tively nontoxic pint or more
Chapter 10 Pesticides and Pesticide Safety • 147

Exceptions to Label Instructions diluted spray must be agitated regularly to

keep the particles from settling to the bot-
Federal law allows pesticides to be used tom of the tank. Flowables have no solvent,
in some ways not specifically mentioned in so there is less chance of leaf burn.
the labeling. Unless it is a violation of the
state law, you may do the following: Dry
• Apply a pesticide at any dosage, concen-
tration, or frequency less than that listed Dusts (D) are fine clay or talc-like prod-
on the labeling ucts with a low percentage of active ingredi-
• Apply a pesticide against any target pest ent. A dust is ready to apply and requires
not listed on the labeling if the applica- no mixing or cleanup. However, it is hard to
tion is to a plant or site that is listed treat the lower surfaces of leaves and large
• Use any appropriate equipment or amounts drift-off target.
method of application that is not prohib- Granules (G) have an active ingredient
ited by the labeling that is on or in small clay particles that
• Mix a pesticide or pesticides with a fertil- are applied with a spreader or shaker can.
izer if the mixture is not prohibited by Granules are designed to let the pesticide
the labeling fall to the soil surface rather than stay on the
• Mix two or more pesticides if all the dos- foliage.
ages are at or below the recommended Wettable powder (WP or W) formulations
rate are made by putting the active ingredient in
a fine powder. They are like a dust formula-
tion but with a much higher percentage
Pesticide Formulations of active ingredient. WPs are mixed with
water and sprayed on trees or plants. This
A pesticide formulation is a mixture
type of formulation needs continuous
of chemicals (active ingredient + inert
agitation in the spray tank to maintain it in
ingredients) that control a pest. Different
suspension. Inhalation and skin/clothing
formulations are developed for safer, easier
exposure is a problem.
handling, mixing, or application; reduction
Soluble powder (SP) is an active ingredient
of drift off-target; or specific application
in powder form that dissolves in water.

Liquid Other
Ready-To-Use (RTU) products are sold
Emulsifiable concentrates (EC or E) package
in aerosol cans or hand-pump sprayers.
the active ingredient with a solvent and an
No mixing or cleanup is necessary. This
emulsifier so it can be mixed with water
approach is efficient when a small number
and applied with a sprayer. ECs are easy
of plants need to be treated.
to pour and measure, but the solvent can
Baits (B)are made by adding the active
damage the leaves of some sensitive plants
ingredient to an edible or attractive sub-
(the solvent has “phytotoxicity”). Also, an
stance. Baits are often used to control slugs,
EC formulation is easily absorbed if spilled
snails, or small ground insects and rodents.
on the skin.
Flowables (F) contain the active ingredient
on very fine particles in a milkshake-like liq-
uid. A flowable is easy to pour and measure
accurately, but it does not dissolve in water.
The small particles are suspended, so the
148 • Pesticides and Pesticide Safety Chapter 10

Application Equipment Calibrating Sprayers

Pesticide application equipment comes Label instructions for spraying pesti-
in all shapes, sizes, types, and prices. Select cides on plants usually are based on mix-
equipment that fits your needs and situa- ing specific volumes of product and water
tion. Following are various types of applica- (for example, 1 fl oz in 1 gal of water) and
tion equipment: wetting the plants to the dripping point.
Hose-End Sprayer—These small, inexpen- Sprayer calibration is not necessary. Over-
sive sprayers are designed to be attached to treating can occur if more product per
a garden hose. With some sprayers, a small gallon than specified on the label is added
amount of pesticide is mixed with water— or if the foliage is wet excessively, both of
usually no more than a pint—and placed in which can injure leaf tissue, so the applica-
the receptacle attached to the hose. With tor should decide how much application to
others, a pesticide concentrate is already in spray.
the container, which is connected by a tube Label instructions for treating turf or soil,
to the hose opening. When the water is in contrast to those for plants, are usually
turned on, the suction created by the water based on a specific amount of product,
passing over the top of the tube pulls the such as 3 fl oz in 2 to 5 gallons of water per
concentrate up and into the high. 1,000 square feet. Calibration is required for
Potential problems include poor spray turf and soil application—so that the area
distribution, drift onto the applicator, and can be treated evenly at the recommended
drift onto non-target areas. Metering of rate, the applicator needs to know both the
the concentrate into the water stream can sprayer output (ounces per minute) and the
be inaccurate, since it is determined by the amount of time needed to treat a specific
water pressure. These sprayers put out an area.
excessively high volume of spray for most Sprayer calibration is relatively easy and
needs, using excessive pesticide. All hose- should be done before the start of each
end sprayers should be equipped with an growing season. The delivery rate will vary
anti-back siphon device to prevent the pes- with the air pressure in the tank and size
ticide from being drawn back into the water of the sprayer nozzle opening. Pressure in
system if there is a drop in water pressure. the tank will drop as you spray, so be sure
Compressed Air Sprayer—The spray is mixed to pump frequently in order to maintain a
in a small tank (generally 1 to 3 gallons). uniform delivery rate. Also, check regularly
A hand- operated pump supplies pressure to make sure the nozzle opening has not
during application. A uniform spray con- become plugged.
centration can be maintained because the Here is the procedure for calibrating a
pesticide is mixed with a known quantity of sprayer:
water. Frequent agitation of the spray mix- 1. Fill the tank with water and pump up the
ture is necessary when using a dry formula- tank pressure. Use a stopwatch as you
tion (WP, WDG, or F). The applicator has spray water into a pint jar to determine
excellent coverage control, so this sprayer is how long it takes to deliver a known
a good choice for treating flowers, shrubs, amount. Suppose it takes 30 seconds to
and small trees, but the spray will not reach deliver 1/2 cup of water or one minute to
into tall trees. deliver 1 cup (8 fl oz/minute). Mark the
Hand-pump Sprayers can be used to treat delivery time on the sprayer for future
individual plants or small groups of plants. use.
Many ready-to-use formulations are avail-
able for this type of container.
Chapter 10 Pesticides and Pesticide Safety • 149

2. Mark off a known area on a driveway Some Application Precautions

or hard surface so you can see the water
deposit (for example,10 ft x 10 ft) and Before adding pesticide, always check
measure the time it takes to spray the application equipment for leaking hoses or
area evenly and thoroughly at a normal connections and plugged, worn, or dripping
walking speed, which will tell you how nozzles. Before spraying, clear all people,
long it takes to spray 100 square feet. If toys, and pets from the area to be sprayed.
it takes 30 seconds to spray 100 square To minimize drift, apply pesticides only on
feet, it will take 5 minutes to spray 1,000 days with light breezes. If moderate winds
square feet. At 8 fl oz per minute, you will (more than 10 mph) arise while you are
use 5 cups, or 40 ounces, of water. If the working, stop immediately. Reduce drift by
label calls for 3 tablespoons of pesticide spraying at a low pressure and using a large
for 1,000 square feet, those 3 tablespoons nozzle opening. Generally, early morning
must be mixed with 40 ounces of water or late evening are the safest times of day to
to achieve proper spray coverage. spray to reduce chance of drift.
Vaporization is the evaporation of an
active ingredient during or after application.
Mixing Pesticides Some pesticide vapors can cause injury.
Pesticide compatibility exists when two High temperatures increase vaporization,
or more pesticides can be mixed together so choose pesticide formulations that do
without causing adverse effects such as not evaporate easily, and spray during the
jelling, forming of clumps in the tank, or the cool part of the day. Some products, such
pesticides remaining unmixed. as 2, 4,-D, are very volatile under favorable
Synergism occurs when mixing of two conditions. These products should not be
or more pesticides increases their activity. used near highly sensitive plants such as
Synergism may increase control or result grapes and tomatoes. Do not apply when it
in the need for less chemical. It may also be is windy or when temperatures following
more harmful to a nontarget organism. A application will climb above 85° F.
synergistic effect can also be undesirable,
causing death or damage to the organ- Cleaning Equipment
ism that is being protected. No chemicals
should be mixed together unless the label Thoroughly clean all equipment immedi-
specifically says they are compatible. ately after use. Do not store diluted pesti-
When mixing of two or more pesticides cides in the spray tank. If you have excess
results in reduced effectiveness, it is called pesticide, spray it over an area or on specific
antagonism. plants that are permitted by the label, first
In some cases, pesticide labels include checking the label to determine what the
information about tank mixes and recom- safe areas are. Thoroughly clean all spray
mend or caution against specific combi- equipment inside and out with clean water,
nations. Pesticides can be mixed unless and don’t forget to flush hoses and nozzles.
prohibited by the label, but the applicator Use caution to ensure that the cleaning
assumes responsibility for any problems water does not damage crops. Do not dump
that occur. the rinse water in a confined area where
it will be concentrated and may become
a pollutant. Instead, spray the rinse water
over a broad area, further diluting the pesti-
cide. Never rinse pesticides down the drain!
150 • Pesticides and Pesticide Safety Chapter 10

Storage and Disposal Safety

Use and store pesticides away from chil- Safe use of pesticides involves self-pro-
dren and animals. tection and knowledge of proper tech-
The best solution to the problem of what niques for mixture, application, cleaning of
to do with excess pesticides is to avoid hav- equipment, storage, and disposal. You also
ing them—buy only the amount needed for need to be able to recognize the symptoms
a year or a season. Calculate carefully how of pesticide poisoning.
much diluted pesticide is needed for a job Use safety precautions as described
and mix only that amount, and use all the below and treat all pesticides with respect,
mixed pesticide in accordance with labeling taking care to always follow label directions.
If you must store pesticides, store them
in their original containers in a locked
Tips for Safe Handling and Mixing
cabinet. They should be protected from Here are some tips for safe handling and
temperature extremes, because some can mixing of pesticides:
be damaged upon freezing and others can • Wear rubber gloves and any other pro-
be altered by heat. Do not store pesticides tective equipment, such as eye protec-
in the home! tion, required by the label.
To dispose of empty containers, first • Keep children and pets away from the
rinse them out, pouring the rise water into area where you are mixing pesticides.
the spray tank. Rinse three times, allowing • Close container caps when you are fin-
30 seconds for the water to drain between ished using the pesticide.
each rinse. Before disposing of the cans, • Do not leave containers unattended
wrap them in newspaper and secure them. while applying pesticides.
The empty containers are best placed in • Keep a separate set of tools, including
refuse cans destined for a sanitary landfill. measuring spoons and cups and stirring
If possible, break the containers before dis- paddles, for mixing and applying pes-
posal. Do not burn paper containers. ticides. Use plastic or metal items, not
Never re-use empty pesticide containers glass or wood.
other than to refill them with the original • Open and mix pesticides outdoors or in
pesticide. Never allow children to play with a well-ventilated space.
empty containers. • Mix only the amount of pesticide you
will use.
Common Reasons for • Have an absorbent material available to
clean up a liquid spill, such as cat litter
Control Failures (best), sawdust, or sweeping compound.
If the pesticide doesn’t work, ask yourself These materials can also be used to clean
these questions: up other spills too, such as paints, sol-
1. Was the pest identified correctly? If it vents and fuels. Spread the absorbent on
wasn’t,, the wrong pesticide may have the spill, then sweep it up and put it into
been used or applied at the wrong time. a heavy-duty plastic bag. Do not wash
2. Was the correct rate of pesticide applica- down spills with water.
tion used? Lack of calibration or faulty • Any material used to clean up the spill
equipment can cause control failures. should be properly disposed of, including
3. Was the application timed correctly? a broom.
Sometimes the pests are too large to be • Small quantities of spilled homeowner
controlled by a pesticide or they’re in a pesticides and clean-up materials may
less susceptible stage. In other cases, the be placed into a heavy-duty plastic bag
damage is already done and killing the and securely sealed and disposed of in
pest has no impact on the problem. household trash. Immediately wash your
hands and any exposed areas of your skin
with soap and plenty of water. Shower if
Chapter 10 Pesticides and Pesticide Safety • 151

Personal Protection Other Safety Issues

The minimum protective equipment to
wear during the mixing and application of Pesticides and the Environment
any pesticide is long pants, a long-sleeved Pesticides can harm the environment if
shirt, shoes with socks, and rubber gloves. A they are not used correctly. Most pesticides
hat is needed if you are spraying tree foliage break down quickly and remain in the envi-
or where you may be exposed to drift from ronment only briefly before being changed
above. into harmless products. Some, however,
After using any pesticide, wash your break down slowly and stay in the environ-
hands and arms thoroughly with soap and ment for a long time. They can build up in
water. If you have been doing a lot of spray- some plants and in the bodies of animals
ing or dusting, remove your clothes, take a and people.
shower, and put on clean clothes. Clothing Responsible pesticide users know and
worn while applying pesticides should be follow good practices that achieve effective
laundered separately from the family wash. pest control with very little risk of environ-
After cleaning pesticide-contaminated mental impact.
clothing, the washer should be run once Anyone who uses a pesticide must ask
without laundry but with detergent. the following questions:
• How could this pesticide affect the
Know Symptoms of immediate environment where it is being
Pesticide Poisoning • What is the danger that the pesticide
It’s important to be aware of the early will move out of the use site and cause
symptoms and signs of pesticide poisoning. environmental harm elsewhere?
These symptoms are general and similar
to those of flu or heat stress. They include Off-Target Pesticides
fatigue, headache, and dizziness. Exposure
to concentrated pesticides can also cause Fine mists of herbicides can drift to
blurred vision, excessive sweating and sali- nearby gardens or landscape plants and
vation, nausea and vomiting, and stomach either injure them or leave unacceptable
cramps or diarrhea. residues. The natural enemies of pests
First-aid procedures vary somewhat can also be killed by pesticides. To protect
depending upon the pesticide, so see the beneficial insects, avoid excessive use of
pesticide label for instructions. In general, insecticides—spray only when pest activity
however, you want to stop the exposure and is increasing or high. Use selective products
wash or flush the area to remove or dilute and spot-treat infested areas when possible.
the pesticide. Life in streams or ponds can be contami-
Specific information on poisons and nated by accidental spraying of ditches and
chemicals is available from the Kentucky waterways, runoff from sprayed landscapes,
Regional Poison Center of Kosair Children’s or careless disposal of containers. If more
Hospital, (800) 222-1222. than one pesticide will control the pest,
choose the one that is the least hazardous
to the environment and most useful for the
152 • Pesticides and Pesticide Safety Chapter 10

How to protect pollinators our flowers, ornamentals and turf are not
harmful to the plant. Low numbers and
from pesticides light to moderate damage should be toler-
Most people who are active in caring for ated, when practical. Both homeowner
their lawns and landscaped plants are aware and commercial use of insecticides should
of (and concerned about) the decline of involve careful, responsible, and prudent
insect pollinators. Reasons for the dimin- applications of compounds that are toxic to
ishing numbers of honey bees include beneficial insects. Beginning in 2014, some
combinations of habitat loss, parasites (such pesticide labels feature a “pollinator protec-
as mites), diseases (including bacteria and tion box” (or bee icon) that alerts applica-
viruses), and pesticide exposure. Even sub- tors to specific use restrictions.
lethal exposures to pesticides can negatively
impact insect pollinators in many ways,
such as negatively affecting their orientation Integrated Pest Management
and feeding behaviors, ability to reproduce, Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is an
and increase their susceptibility to diseases. approach to pest control that incorporates
The most important action to protect in a coordinated strategy techniques includ-
pollinators is to not apply pesticides to ing cultural practices, resistant varieties, use
plants with open flowers. Encourage pol- of natural enemies, and selective pesticide
linators by establishing a variety of plants application.
with different bloom colors and shapes that Key IPM principles include the
flower at different times throughout the following:
season. This will provide continuous food • Control a pest only when it is causing or
(nectar and pollen) sources and nesting is expected to cause more harm than is
habitats for many types of insect pollinators. reasonable to accept.
Follow steps such as these to reduce • Rather than to try to eradicate the pest,
exposing pollinators to pesticides: use a strategy that will reduce the pest
• Mow all grass areas before applying numbers to an acceptable level.
insecticides. This will remove most of • Cause as little harm as possible to every-
the flowering plants and will reduce bee thing except the pest.
foraging in treated areas. • What were weather conditions before
• Apply insecticides when the air tempera- and after application? Weather can
ture is below 55°F, bees are less likely to impact pest control. Rain can wash off
be actively foraging then. pesticide residues before the product can
• Use buffer strips between treated turf work, and poor growing conditions can
areas and flowering plants. prevent herbicides from being effective.
• Spot treat infested areas rather than
broadcasting applications.
• Whenever possible, use insecticides or Credits
formulations that are least toxic to bees. Compressed air sprayer: http://ag.arizona.
Insecticides should be the last resort images/p14-1.gif
in managing insect pests. While we want Pesticide label:
to maintain the visual appeal of our yards pubs/plantsci/pests/a1098w.gif
and landscapes, most insects that feed on

Educational programs of Kentucky Cooperative Extension serve all people regardless of economic or social status and will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, eth-
nic origin, national origin, creed, religion, political belief, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, pregnancy, marital status, genetic information, age,
veteran status, or physical or mental disability. Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Depart-
ment of Agriculture, M. Scott Smith, Director of Cooperative Extension Programs, University of Kentucky College of Agriculture, Lexington, and Kentucky State University,
Frankfort. Copyright © 2018 for materials developed by University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension. This publication may be reproduced in portions or its entirety for
educational or nonprofit purposes only. Permitted users shall give credit to the author(s) and include this copyright notice. Publications are also available on the World
Wide Web at
Revised 1-2018

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