Lab Manual With 20 Exp

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Concrete Technology Laboratory Manual, Civil Engineering Department, NKOCET, Solapur.


Students shall read the points given below for understanding the theoretical
concepts and practical applications.
1. Listen carefully to the lecture given by teacher about importance of subject,
skills to be developed, information about equipment, instruments, procedure,
method of continuous assessment, tentative plan of work in laboratory and
total amount of work to be done in a semester
2. Students shall undergo study visit of the laboratory for types of equipment,
instruments, material to be used, before performing experiments.
3. Read the write up of each experiment to be performed, a day in advance.
4. Organize the work in the group and make a record of all observations.
5. Understand the purpose of experiment and its practical implications.
6. Student should not hesitate to ask any difficulty faced during conduct of
7. Student shall develop maintenance skills as expected by the industries.
8. Student should develop the habit of group discussion related to the
experiments exercises so that exchanges of knowledge / skills could take
9. Student shall attempt to develop related hands - on - skills and gain
10.Student shall focus on development of skills rather than theoretical or
codified knowledge.
11.Student shall visit the nearby workshops, workstation, industries,
laboratories, technical exhibitions, trade fair etc. even not included in the
Name : ………………………………………………………………….
Lab Manual. In short, students should have exposure to the area of work
Classin: the
right ………………………..
student hood. Roll No. …………………………….

12.Student shall insist for the completion of recommended Laboratory work,

industrial visits, answers to the given questions, etc.
13.Student shall develop the habit of evolving more ideas, innovations, skills
etc. those included in the scope of the manual.
14.Student shall refer technical magazines, proceedings of the Seminars, refer
websites related to the scope of the subjects and update their knowledge and
15.Student should develop the habit of not to depend totally on teachers but to
develop self-learning techniques.
16.Student should develop habit to submit the practical, exercise continuously
and progressively.

Concrete Technology Laboratory Manual, Civil Engineering Department, NKOCET, Solapur. 2

Concrete Technology Laboratory Manual, Civil Engineering Department, NKOCET, Solapur. 3
Concrete Technology Laboratory Manual, Civil Engineering Department, NKOCET, Solapur. 4
Date of Sign. of
. Pag
Title Performanc Teache
No e
e r
1 Fineness of cement by dry sieving method
2 Fineness of cement by Blaine’s Air
permeability Apparatus.
3 Specific Gravity of cement
4 Standard consistency of cement
5 Initial setting and final setting time of
6 Soundness test of cement
7 Compressive strength test of cement
8 Sieve analysis of coarse aggregate
9 Sieve analysis of fine aggregate
10 Bulk density of coarse aggregate
11 Aggregate crushing value test
12 Aggregate impact value test
13 Flakiness and elongation indices of coarse
14 Specific gravity and water absorption of
coarse aggregate.
15 Specific gravity and water absorption of
fine aggregate.
16 Bulking of sand
17 Slump cone test
18 Compacting factor test of fresh concrete
19 Vee –Bee consistometer test of fresh
20 Compressive Strength and Flexural Strength
of Cement concrete

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1. Brand of cement:

2. Type of cement:

3. Grade of cement:

4. Mfg. Date: W _______ M _______ Y _______

5. Mass of cement taken in IS Sieve, A =

6. Mass of residue after sieving, B =

7. Fineness of Cement = (B/A) X 100 =

Concrete Technology Laboratory Manual, Civil Engineering Department, NKOCET, Solapur. 7


Aim: To determine fineness of the cement.

90 micron IS sieve, pan, lead, weighing balance (sensitive to 0.1 gm) plate,
bristle brush,

The method only indicates the amount of grit retained on the sieve. The
object of this test is to check the proper grinding of cement. During the
manufacture the cement must be properly ground to be uniformly fine otherwise
the concrete made of it will be of poor workability and will require large amount of
mixing water.
For ordinary Portland cement the residue by mass on IS test sieve should not
be more than 10% and for rapid hardening Portland cement the residue by mass on
IS test sieve should not be more than 5%
To have thorough idea of particle sizes, it is more common to specify the
surface area of cement particles in one gram of cement. Finer the cement more is
the surface area. Specific surface by air permeability method for Ordinary Portland
Cements should not be less than 2250 cm2/gm

1. Weight accurately 100 gm of cement in a plate and transfer it to a clean dry IS
test sieve and break down any air set lumps.
2. While holding the sieve and pan in both hands. Sieve with gentle wrist motion
until most of the fine material has passed through and the residue looks fairly
clean. This usually requires three to four minutes.
3. Place the cover on the sieve and remove the pan. With sieve and cover held
firmly in one hand, the other side of the sieve is tapped with the handle of the
brush which is used for cleaning the sieve. Sweep clean the underside of the
4. Empty the pan and wipe it clean with a cloth.
5. Replace the sieve in the pan and remove the cover carefully. Return any coarse
material that had been caught in the cover during tapping the sieve.
6. The sieving is continued as described above for 15 minutes. Rotating the sieve
continuously throughout the sieving operation. Involving no danger of spilling
the cement.
7. Weigh the residue.

Result: Fineness of cement by dry sieving method is_ _ _ _ _ _ _.

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1. Brand of cement:

2. Type of cement:

3. Grade of cement:

4. Mfg. Date: W _______ M _______ Y _______

(a) Calibration Data:

Description Value
1 Apparatus Identification
2 Mass of empty crucible (gm)
3 Mass of crucible + mercury required to fill the cell (gm)
4 Mass of mercury required to fill the cell WA (gm)
Mass of crucible + mercury required to fill the portion above the
cement bed, WB (gm)
6 Bulk volume of compacted bed of cement V, (cm3)
7 Mass of sample W (gm)
Average time taken by manometer liquid to fall from second to
third line Ts (sec)
9 Air temperature (ºC)
10 Specific Surface of standard cement Sss (cm2/g)

(b) Fineness Determination:

Description Value
1 Material Identification
2 Mass of sample, W (gm)
3 Air temperature (ºC)
4 Time for liquid to fall through the middle interval
First Run (sec)
Second Run (sec)
Third Run (sec)
Average Time T (sec)
5 Specific Surface S (cm2/g)

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Aim: To determine the specific surface of cement by Blaine’s air permeability


The Blaine variable flow air permeability apparatus, analytical balance,
stop watch, mercury and crucible.

The degree of fineness of cement is a measure of the mean size of the grain
in the cement. The rate of hydration and hydrolysis and consequent development of
strength depends upon the fineness of cement. To have the same rate of hardening
in different brands of cement, the fineness has been standardized. The finer cement
has quicker action with water and gains early strength through its ultimate strength
remains unaffected. However, the shrinkage and cracking of cement will increase
the fineness of cement.
The Blaine air permeability apparatus is essentially a means of drawing a
definite quantity of air through a prepared bed of cement of definite porosity. The
number and size of pores in a prepared bed of cement of definite porosity is a
function of the particles and determines the rate of air flow though the bed.
The Blaine’s variable flow air permeability apparatus is consisting of a
permeability cell, perforated disc, plunger, filter paper, and manometer.
To have thorough idea of particle sizes, it is more common to specify the
surface area of cement particles in one gram of cement. Finer the cement more is
the surface area. Specific surface by air permeability method for Ordinary Portland
Cements should not be less than 2250 cm2/gm

(a) Calibration of the Blaine Apparatus:
1. Calculate the bulk volume (V) of compacted bed of standard cement.
W A −W B
Where, WA = gms. of mercury required to fill the permeability cell
WB =gms. of mercury required to fill the portion of the cell not
occupied by the bed of cement formed by 2.8 gms of standard
cement sample
ρ = Density of mercury at temperature of test.
2. Determine the weight of the standard sample (w) required to produce a bed
having porosity of 0.500 (=e) using W = 3.15V(1-e)
Where, V = Bulk volume of compacted cement powder
e = Desired porosity of bed of cement (=0.500)

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Fig. Blaine Air Permeability Apparatus

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3. Evacuate the air until the fluid moves above the upper line without pulling it
over the top of the side outlet. Close the valve and note the time T s taken by
manometer liquid to fall from second mark (from top) to the third mark on
the manometer when the air is allowed to permeate through the compacted
bed of standard cement sample. Note the air temperature.

(b) Specific Surface Determination:

4. Weigh an amount of cement sample equal to that determined in step 2, in
5. Place the perforated disc in the permeability cell, then add a filter paper,
followed by the sample and another filter paper. Compress the specimen
with plunger, remove the plunger and couple the permeability cell with the
6. Evacuate the air until the fluid moves above the upper line without pulling it
over the top of side tube. Close the valve of manometer and note the time T
it takes for the fluid to drop from the second mark to the third mark on the
manometer when the air is allowed to permeate through the compacted bed
of cement obtained in step 5. Note the air temperature.
7. Calculate the specific surface S in square centimeters per gram of the tested
cement by using following formula, if the temperature at calibration an at
the time of test are within ±3 per cent of each other:

Ss √ T
√ Ts
Where S = Specific surface of standard cement used in calibration in cm2/gm
Ts = Measured time in seconds required for the fluid to fall the middle
interval for standard sample, and
T = Measured time in seconds required for the fluid to drop over the
middle interval.
Compare the test values with the specified values of the cement sample used.

Result: Fineness of cement by Blaine air permeability is _ _ _ _ _ _ _.


Concrete Technology Laboratory Manual, Civil Engineering Department, NKOCET, Solapur. 12

1. Brand of cement:

2. Type of cement:

3. Grade of cement:

4. Mfg. Date: W _______ M _______ Y _______

Observation Table:
Description Value

1 Mass of empty bottle, W1 (gm)

2 Mass of bottle + Water, W2 (gm)

3 Mass of bottle + Kerosene W3 (gm)

4 Mass of Cement W5, (gm)

5 Mass of bottle + Cement + Kerosene, W4 (gm)

W3 - W1
6 Sp. Gravity of Kerosene, s= W - W
2 1

W5 ( W3 - W1 )
7 Sp. Gravity of Cement, S= W + W - W ( W - W )
( 5 3 4) 2 1


Aim: To determine specific gravity of the cement.

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Weighing balance, specific gravity bottle, kerosene, free water

Specific gravity is normally defined as the ratio between the mass of a given
volume of material and mass of an equal volume of water. One of the methods of
determining the specific gravity of cement is by the use of liquid such as water free
kerosene which does not react with cement. A specific gravity bottle may be
employed or a standard le-Chatelier flask may be used.

1. Weigh the specific gravity bottle dry. Let the mass of empty bottle be W1
2. Fill the bottle with distilled water and weigh the bottle filled with water. Let the
mass be W2
3. Wipe dry the specific gravity bottle and fill it with kerosene and weigh. Let this
mass be W3
4. Pour some of the kerosene out and introduce a weighed of cement
(about 50 gms) into the bottle. Roll the bottle gently in inclined position unit no
further air bubbles rise to surface. Fill the bottle to the top with kerosene and
weigh it. Let this mass be W4
5. From these data calculate specific gravity of cement.

Result: Specific Gravity of cement is_ _ _ _ _ _ _.

Concrete Technology Laboratory Manual, Civil Engineering Department, NKOCET, Solapur. 14


1. Brand of cement:

2. Type of cement:

3. Grade of cement:

4. Mfg. Date: W _______ M _______ Y _______

5. Sample Calculation:

Water = % of Water X Weight of cement (gm)

Water = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ X _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Water = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ml

Observation Table:
Sl. Water Water Depth of Penetration
No. (%) (ml) (mm)

Concrete Technology Laboratory Manual, Civil Engineering Department, NKOCET, Solapur. 15


Aim: To determine standard consistency of cement or cement paste.

The standard consistency of cement is the percentage of water required for
preparing the cement paste which permits the Vicat’s plunger of 10 mm diameter
and 50 mm length, to penetrate to a height 35 to 33 mm from top (i.e. 5 to 7 mm
from Bottom) of Vicat’s mould.
Standard consistency is nothing but cement paste having certain fluidity.
Standard consistency is denoted by letter ‘P’ and expressed in percentage (%).
Standard consistency is used to fix the quantity of water to be mixed in cement
before performing tests for setting time, soundness and compressive strength.

Apparatus: Vicat apparatus, plunger 10 mm in diameter & 50 mm in length,

non-porous plate, trowel, measuring cylinder.

Material: Cement sample, water.

1. For preparing one mould take 500 gm of cement
2. Measure water for firs trial starting with 24% of mass of cement.
3. Prepare a paste of cement with a weighed quantity of water, 3 to 5 minutes
mixing time is counted from the time of adding water to the dry cement until
commencing to fill the mould.

4. Fill the Vicat mould resting upon non-porous plate with this paste. After
completely filling the mould, smooth off the surface of the paste by trowel
making it level with the top of the mould. The mould may be slightly shaken to
expel air.

5. Place the test block in mould with the nonporous plate under the rod attached
with the plunger. Lower the plunger gently to touch the surface of the test block
and release it quickly, allowing it to sink into the paste.

6. Prepare the trial pastes with varying percentage of water (firstly at an interval of
4%. that is of 24%,28% and 32% and then at an interval of 1% and 0.25%
between the percentage range determined by the previous test) and test as
described above until the amount of water necessary for the standard
consistency as defined is obtained.

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Fig. Vicat Apparatus

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Result: Standard consistency of given sample of cement P = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ %

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1. Brand of cement:

2. Type of cement:

3. Grade of cement:

4. Mfg. Date: W _______ M _______ Y _______

5. Standard consistency of cement, P = _ _ _ _ _ _ %

6. Water for Setting Time Test = 0.85 x P % x Weight of cement.

Water for Setting Time Test = 0.85 x _ _ _ _ _x _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

Water =_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ml

Observation Table:
Time Depth of
Sl. Time
Elapsed penetration Remark
No. (24hrs)
(min) OR Impression
1 - The Time when water is added.

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Aim: To determine initial & final setting time of given cement sample.

In order that the concrete may be placed in position conveniently, it is
necessary that the initial setting time of cement is not too quick and after it has
been laid, hardening should be rapid so that the structure can be made use of as
early as possible. The initial set is a stage in the process of hardening after which
any crack that may appear will not re-unite. The concrete is said to be finally set
when it has obtained sufficient strength and hardness. Therefore certain limits for
initial and final setting times have to be specified.
For Portland cement, the initial setting time should not be less than
30 minutes and final setting time should not be more than 600 minutes. For quick
settling cement, initial settling time should not be less than 5 and final settling time
should not exceed 30 minutes. The settling time is influenced by temperature,
humidity of air and quality of gypsum in cement.

Apparatus: Vicat’s apparatus, Plunger, Initial and final setting time needles,
mixing pan, trowel, measuring cylinder.

Material: Cement sample, water.

1. The Standard consistency of cement is found.
2. Prepare a neat cement paste by gauging the cement with water = 0.85P, where
P = standard consistency as found before. The mixing time is again kept
between 3 to 5 minutes. Note the time the instant when the water is added.
3. Fill the Vicat mould and smooth off the top surface of the cement paste.
4. For the determination of initial setting time, place the test block confined in the
mould and resting on non-porous plates under the rod attached with initial
setting time needle lower the needle gently in contact with the surface of the
test block and release quickly. Allowing it to penetrate into the test block.
5. Repeat this procedure until the needle fails to pierce the block for about 5 mm
measured from the bottom of the mould. The period elapsed between the time
when water is added to the cement and the time at which the needle fails to
pierce the test block by about 5 mm is the initial setting time.
6. For the determination of final setting time replace the initial setting time needle
of the Vicat apparatus by the, needle with final setting time needle, when needle
is released quickly to fall on the mould the collar as well as central point will
make impression like ‘ ’

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Fig. Vicat Apparatus for Setting Time Test of Cement

Fig. Final Setting Time needle

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7. After few Minutes if needle is released the central point will make the
impression like ‘•’. Record this time and find setting time.

Result: 1) Initial setting time of given cement sample is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ minutes.

2) Final setting time of given cement sample is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ minutes

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1. Brand of cement:

2. Type of cement:

3. Grade of cement:

4. Mfg. Date: W _______ M _______ Y _______

5. Standard Consistency of cement, P = _ _ _ _ _ _ _%

6. Water for Soundness Test = 0.78 x P% x Weight of Cement.

Water = 0.78 x _ _ _% x_ _ _ _ _

Water = _ _ _ _ _ ml

Observation Table:
Sl. No. Description Sample 1 Sample 2
1 Initial distance between indicator ends (D1)
2 Final distance between indicator ends (D2)
3 Cement expansion (D2 – D1)

Fig. Le Chatelier’s Apparatus for Soundness Test of Cement


Concrete Technology Laboratory Manual, Civil Engineering Department, NKOCET, Solapur. 23

Aim: To test given cement sample for soundness by Le-Chatelier method.

Excess of free lime and magnesia present in cement slakes very slowly and
cause appreciable change in volume after setting. In consequence cracks, distortion
and disintegration results, thereby giving passage to water and atmospheric gases
which may have injurious effect on concrete and reinforcement. This defect is
known as unsoundness. The expansion is prevented by limiting the quantities of
free lime and magnesia in cement.
The test is designed to accelerate this slaking process by application of heat
and to measure the extend of expansion and to see if this expansion is less than the
specified limit. Indirectly, this test gives the extent of free lime and magnesia a
present in cement. Le-Chatelier method and Autoclave method are used for
soundness test of cement. The Le-Chatelier expansion should not be more than 10

Apparatus: Le-Chatelier apparatus, two glass plates, water-bath, scale, mixing

pan, measuring cylinder, spatula and trowel.

Material: Cement, water

1. Find Standard consistency (P) of cement
2. Take 100 gm of cement and water = 0.78P, where P = Std. Consistency.
3. Prepare the cement paste with fingers and spatula.
4. Place the Le-Chatelier apparatus on a glass plate and fill it with the paste, and
level the top surface. Cover the mould with another piece of glass sheet. Place a
small weight
5. Immediately submerge the whole assembly in water at a temperature of
29 ± 2°C and keep there for 24 hours.
6. Measure the distance D1 between the indicator points after 24 hours.
7. Again submerge the mould in water-bath and bring the water to boiling point in
25 to 30 minutes and keep it boiling for 3 hours.
8. Remove the mould from the water. Allow it to cool and measure the distance D 2
between indicator points. The difference (D2–D1) between the two
measurements gives the expansion of cement.

Result: 1) Soundness of given sample 1 is _ _ _ _ mm.

2) Soundness of given sample 2 is _ _ _ _ mm.

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1. Brand of cement:

2. Type of cement:

3. Grade of cement:

4. Mfg. Date: W _______ M _______ Y _______

5. Quantity of Cement = 200 gms

6. Quantity of Standard Stand = 600 gms

[Grade I = 200 gms, Grade II = 200 gms, Grade III = 200 gms]

7. Standard consistency of cement, P = _ _ _ _ _%

8. Water = [(P/4)+3]% x [Weight of Cement + Sand]

Water = _ _ _ _ _ml.

Observation Table:
Size Loadin Load
Date Date No. of e Avg.
Sample of Weight g Area at
of of Days Strength Comp.
No. Cube (gm) (mm2) Failure
Casting Testing Cured (Load/Area) Strength
(mm) (N)


Concrete Technology Laboratory Manual, Civil Engineering Department, NKOCET, Solapur. 25
Aim: To find the compressive strength if the given test sample.

The compressive strength of hardened cement is the most important of all the
properties. The strength test is not made on neat cement paste because of
difficulties of excessive shrinkage and subsequent cracking of cement strength of
cement is indirectly found on cement sand mortar.

Cube moulds of size 70.6mm with base plate, Vibrating machine, mixing
plate, measuring cylinder, trowels, weighing balance, Universal testing machine or
compression testing machine.

Material: Cement, standard sand, water.

1. Calculate the material required. The material for each cube shall be mixed
separately and the quantities of cement and standard sand shall be as follow
Cement = 200 gm, Standard sand = 600 gm, Water = ((P/4) + 3 per cent of
total weight of cement and sand, where P = Std. Consistency.
2. Place the mixture of cement and standard sand in the proportions of 1: 3 by
mass on a non-porous plate and mix it dry with a trowel for one minute and
then with water until the mixture is of uniform colour.
3. Measure the quantity of water calculated and spread on the dry mixture of
cement and sand. Mix the material till it gives homogenous mix.
4. Place the assembled mould on the table of the vibrating machine and firmly
hold it in position by mans of suitable clamps. Securely attach the hopper at top
of the mould to facilitate tilling and this hopper shall not be removed until
completion of the vibration period.
5. Immediately after mixing the mortar as explained above fill the entire quantity
of mortar in the hopper of the cube mould and compact by vibration. The period
of vibration shall be 2 minutes at the specified speed of 12000 ± 400 cycles per
6. Remove the mould from the machine and keep it at a temperature of 27 ± 2°C
in an atmosphere, at least 90 per cent relative humidity for 24 hours after
completion of vibrations.
7. At the end of this period, remove the cube from the mould and immediately
submerge it in clean and fresh water and keep there until taken out just, prior to
testing in UTM or CTM. The water in which the cubes are submerged shall be

Concrete Technology Laboratory Manual, Civil Engineering Department, NKOCET, Solapur. 26

renewed after every 7 days and be maintained at a temperature of 27 ± 2°C.
Keep the cubes wet till they art' placed in machine for testing.
6. Test the specimens at the required periods test three cubes at the periods
mentioned below, the periods being reckoned from the completion of vibration.
The compressive strength shall he the average of the strengths of the three
cubes for each period –
a) Ordinary Portland cement: 3 and 7 days.
b) Rapid hardening Portland cement: 1 and 3 days.
c) Low heat Portland cement: 3, 7 and 28 days.
7. The cubes shall be tested on their sides. The load being applied at the rate of
35 N/mm2 per minute.

 3 Days compressive strength is_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ MPa.
 7 Days compressive strength is_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ MPa.
 28 Days compressive strength is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ MPa.

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Nominal Maximum Size of Aggregate 20 mm Nominal Maximum Size of Aggregate 10 mm

Sr. Weight of Sample Taken = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _kg Weight of Sample Taken = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _kg

No Weight Weight
Size Cumulative % Cumulative %
. Retaine % Weight Percentage Retaine % Weight Percentage
Weight Weight
d Retained Passing d Retained Passing
Retained Retained
(kg) (kg)
1 80 mm
2 40 mm
3 20 mm
4 10 mm
5 4.75 mm
6 2.36 mm
7 1.18 mm
8 600µ
9 300µ
10 150µ
11 Pan -- -- -- -- -- --
Fineness ΣCumulative % Weight Retained ΣCumulative % Weight Retained
= =
Modulus 100 100

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Aim: Determine the fineness modulus of given sample.

Coarse aggregate is the broken stone or gravel. The aggregates which are
having size more than 4.75mm are termed as coarse aggregates and less than are
termed as fine aggregate.
In the entire body of aggregate determination of fineness modulus may be
considered as a method of standardization of the grading of the aggregates. It is
obtained by sieving a known mass of given aggregate on a set of standard sieves
and by adding the cumulative percentages of mass of material retained on all the
sieves and dividing the total percentage by 100.
Sieve analysis is the process of determining particle size distribution of
given sample. Sieve analysis is important to decide the proportion various coarse
aggregate of various sizes to get minimum voids.

Apparatus: IS sieve of sizes 80mm, 40mm, 20mm, 10mm, 4.75 mm, 2.36 mm,
1.18 mm, 600µ, 300 µ, 150 µ and pan below it, mechanical sieve shaker, weighing

Material: Coarse Aggregate

1. Take 10 kg of coarse aggregate of nominal size 20 mm from a sample of
50 kg by quartering.
2. Carry out sieving by hand. Shake each sieve in order: 80 mm, 40 mm, 20 mm,
10 mm, 4.75 mm, 2.36 mm, 1.18 mm, 600µ, 300 µ, and 150 µ over a clean dry
tray for a period of not less than 2 minutes. The shaking is done with a varied
motion: backwards and forwards, left to right, circular clockwise and
anticlockwise and with frequent jarring.
3. Find the mass of aggregate retained on each sieve taken in order.

Result: The fineness modulus of coarse aggregate of 20 mm MSA = _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Result: The fineness modulus of coarse aggregate of 10 mm MSA = _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Concrete Technology Laboratory Manual, Civil Engineering Department, NKOCET, Solapur. 32

Weight of Sample Taken = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _kg
Sr. Sieve % Weight Cumulative % Percentage
No. Size Retained Weight Retained Passing
1 4.75 mm
2 2.36 mm
3 1.18 mm
4 600µ
5 300µ
6 150µ
7 Pan -- -- --

ΣCumulative % Weight Retained

Fineness Modulus =

ΣCumulative % Weight Retained

Fineness Modulus =

ΣCumulative % Weight Retained

Fineness Modulus =

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Aim: Determine the fineness modulus of given sample.

Sieve analysis is the process of determining particle size distribution of
given sample. The aggregates which are having size more than 4.75 mm are
termed as coarse aggregates and less than 4.75 mm are termed as fine aggregate.
Sieve analysis is the process of determining particle size distribution of given
In the entire body of aggregate determination of fineness modulus may be
considered as a method of standardization of the grading of the aggregates. It is
obtained by sieving a known mass of given aggregate on a set of standard sieves
and by adding the cumulative percentages of mass of material retained on all the
sieves and dividing the total percentage by 100.

Apparatus: IS sieve of sizes 4.75 mm, 2.36 mm, 1.18 mm, 600µ, 300 µ,150 µ and
pan below it, mechanical sieve shaker, and weighing balance.

Material: Fine Aggregate


1. Take 2 kg of fine aggregate by method of quartering.

2. Arrange the sieve in the order of 4.75 mm, 2.36 mm, 1.18 mm, 600µ, 300µ, and

3. Carry out sieving by sieve shaker. Shake for a period of not less than 2 minutes.
The shaking is done with a varied motion: backwards and forwards, left to right,
circular clockwise and anticlockwise and with frequent jarring.

4. Find the mass of aggregate retained on each sieve taken in order.

Result: The fineness modulus of fine aggregate = _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Concrete Technology Laboratory Manual, Civil Engineering Department, NKOCET, Solapur. 34
Sr. 10 mm Fine
20 mm
No Description CA Aggregate
1 Diameter of Container (d)
2 Height of Container (h)
Volume of Container ,
V1 = (πd2/4) x h
Volume of container by filling
water (V2)
5 Loose Weight of aggregate (W1)
Rodded Weight of aggregate
Weight of water to fill the voids
8 Dry Loose Bulk Density = W1/V1
9 Rodded Bulk Density = W2/V1
% Voids in compacted aggregate
= (W3/V1) * 100

Concrete Technology Laboratory Manual, Civil Engineering Department, NKOCET, Solapur. 35


Aim: To determine bulk density of coarse aggregate and fine aggregate.

The bulk density or unit weight of aggregate gives valuable information
regarding the shape & grading of aggregate bulk density shows how densely the
aggregate is packed when filled in standard manner the bulk density depends upon
the particle. Higher the bulk density lower the void content to be filled by fines the
sample which gives the minimum voids or maximum density is taken as write
material for make him economical mix.
Apparatus: Cylindrical container, weighing balance, Water.
Material: Coarse Aggregates – 20 mm, 10mm and Fine aggregate.
1. Take a cylindrical container & measure its dimension – height and diameter to
calculate its volume (V1)
2. Fill the container with water and record the weight of water which is the
approximate volume of container (V2) since 1kg of water = 1liter of water.
3. Take oven dried sample as to be tested
4. Fill empty container by aggregate in loose manner and record it as loose weight
W1. Do not shake the container or do not tamp the material.
5. Take out aggregate and fill it into container in standard manner i.e. in three
equal layers each being tamped 25 times with circular face of tamping rod.
Record this as compacted weight, W2.
6. Pour water over the aggregate and submerge in water without overflowing the
container and record weight of water, W3, this is used to calculate voids present.
7. Calculate loose bulk density, Rodded (i.e. Compacted) bulk density and %voids
for compacted aggregate.

20 mm 10 mm F. A.
Dry Loose Bulk Density _______ _______ _______
………………… _ _ _
Rodded Bulk Density _______ _______ _______
…………………… _ _ _
% Voids in compacted _______ _______ _______
aggregate………... _ _ _
Concrete Technology Laboratory Manual, Civil Engineering Department, NKOCET, Solapur. 36
1. Weight of aggregate taken, A = _ _ _ _ _ _

2. Weight of fraction passing through 2.36 mm Sieve, B = _ _ _ _ _ _ _

3. Aggregate Crushing Value= A x 100 = _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Concrete Technology Laboratory Manual, Civil Engineering Department, NKOCET, Solapur. 37


Aim: To determine the crushing value of the coarse aggregate.

The aggregate crushing value gives a relative measure of the resistance of an
aggregate to crushing under a gradually applied compressive load. The strength of
concrete in general cannot exceed the strength of the aggregates that constitute it.
However, it is not possible to directly test the aggregate for its strength. The
aggregate crushing value is used as an index of aggregate strength. The crushing
value is useful when lower strength is suspected for instance with limestone, some
granites and basalts.
The aggregate crushing value should not be greater than 45 per cent by mass,
for non-wearing surfaces and 30 per cent for aggregate used in concrete wearing
surfaces such as roads, aircraft runways and pavements, warehouse floors,
workshop floors.

IS sieves 2.36 mm, 10 mm and 12.5 mm, aggregate crushing value unit
consisting of cylindrical measure, cylindrical mould with base plate, tamping rod,
compression testing machine, weigh balance.
Material: Coarse Aggregate

1. Take about 6.5 kg of surface dry aggregate passing through 12.5 mm sieve and
retained on 10 mm sieve.
2. Fill the aggregates into standard cylindrical measure in three layers
approximately. Each layer is tamped 25 times with the tamping rod of 16 mm
diameter and 60 cm length with bullet end. Top surface of measure is leveled.
3. Weight of the aggregate taken in the cylindrical measure is taken (A).
4. Fill the cylindrical mould with the aggregates removed from the cylindrical
measure, in a standard manner as filled in the cylindrical measure.
5. Level the top surface of the aggregate in the mould. Place the plunger over
aggregates. The plunger should not jam in the mould.
6. Place the mould with plunger on the anvil of the compression testing machine
7. Apply the gradual compressive load of 4 0 tons in 10 minutes and release it.
8. Remove the crushed aggregates from the mould and sieve it on 2.36 mm sieve.
The fraction passing is weighed. (B)

Result: The aggregate crushing value of coarse aggregate = _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Concrete Technology Laboratory Manual, Civil Engineering Department, NKOCET, Solapur. 38

1. Weight of aggregate taken, A = _ _ _ _ _ _

2. Weight of fraction passing through 2.36 mm Sieve, B = _ _ _ _ _ _ _

3. Aggregate Impact Value= A x 100 = _ _ _ _ _ _ _


Aggregate Impact Test Apparatus

Concrete Technology Laboratory Manual, Civil Engineering Department, NKOCET, Solapur. 39


Aim: To determine the impact test value of an aggregate

The aggregate impact value gives a relative measure of the resistance of an
aggregate to sudden shock or impact. Impact is a large force applied for short
duration. Impact value measures the toughness of the aggregate.
The impact value should not be greater than 45 per cent by mass, for
non-wearing surfaces and 30 per cent for aggregate used in concrete wearing
surfaces such as roads, aircraft runways and pavements, warehouse floors,
workshop floors.

Apparatus: Impact testing machine, electric oven, standard rammer, 12.5mm, 10

mm and 2.36mm IS Sieves, shovel, and pan.

Material: Coarse aggregate.

1. Obtain the aggregate sample from the bin or stock pile in such a way as to
represent the whole aggregate. This can be done by riffle box or by
quartering. The sample must be poured evenly over the top of the box and
the aggregate is collected in the boxes at the bottom. Now reject one half of
the sample and the other half is again poured. The process is repeated until
the desired quantity of the sample is obtained.
2. Obtain about 350 gm of aggregate of size passing through 12.5mm IS Sieve
and retained on 10 mm IS sieve and measure by filling and striking off level
a measure 75 mm in diameter and 50 mm in height in three equal layers and
giving each layer 25 strokes with standard rammer.
3. Dry the aggregate sample for 4 hours in an oven at a temperature of
100-110°C. Weigh and pour the aggregate in the cylinder of the impact
testing machine, level the surface and give twenty-five strokes with standard
4. Release the falling hammer and repeat the procedure until 15 blows are
given to the aggregate at 2 seconds interval.
5. Remove the sample from the cylinder and subject it to sieving on 2.36 mm
IS sieve and weigh the fraction passed (B).

Results: Aggregate impact value is _ _ _ _ _.

Concrete Technology Laboratory Manual, Civil Engineering Department, NKOCET, Solapur. 40

A. Flakiness Index: Mass of aggregate, W1 =_ _ _ _ _ _ _
Mass of Flakiness
Passing Retained Mass of aggregate Index
Sr through on IS aggregate passing
gauge Size (B/A)*100
No. IS sieve sieve Retained through
(mm) (mm) (mm) the slot (B) (%)

1 63 50 33.90
2 50 40 27.00
3 40 31.5 19.50
4 31.5 25 16.95
5 25 20 13.50
6 20 16 10.80
7 16 12.5 8.55
8 12.5 10 6.75
9 10 6.3 4.89
Total = ΣA = ΣB= -
Gross Flakiness Index = x100 =

B. Elongation Index: Mass of aggregate, W1 =_ _ _ _ _ _ _

Mass of Elongation
Passing Retained Mass of
Thickness aggregate Index
Sr. through on IS aggregate
gauge Size retained on
No. IS sieve sieve Retained (B/A)*100
(mm) the gauge
(mm) (mm) (A) (%)
1 50 40 81.0
2 40 31.5 58.5
3 25 20 40.5
4 20 16 32.4
5 16 12.5 25.6
6 12.5 10 20.2
7 10 6.3 14.7
Total = ΣA = ΣB= -
Gross Elongation Index = x100 =

Concrete Technology Laboratory Manual, Civil Engineering Department, NKOCET, Solapur. 41


Aim: To determine the flakiness and elongation indices of coarse aggregates.

An aggregate having least dimension less than 3/5th of its mean dimension
is termed flaky where the mean dimension is the average of the sieve sizes through
which the particles pass and the sieve size on which these are retained e.g.
thickness less than 3/5*[(50+40)/2] = 27 mm is termed as flaky aggregate. On the
other hand the particles having the largest dimension (length) greater than 9/5 times
the mean size are termed elongated. e.g. length more than 9/5*[(50+40)/2] = 81
mm is termed as elongated aggregate.
The presence of excess of flaky and elongated particles in concrete aggregate
decreases the workability appreciably for a given water-cement ratio. Thus
requiring larger amounts of sand, cement and water. The flaky and elongated
particles tend to orient in one plane and cause laminations which adversely affect
the durability of the concrete. The percentage of flaky and elongated particles
should be limited to 10 to 15.
Apparatus: Balance, a set of 10 sieves ranging from 63mm to 6.3mm IS sieve,
Flakiness gauge and Elongation gauge.
Material: Coarse Aggregate.
A. To determine flakiness index of coarse aggregates:
1. Take a sufficient quantity W1of coarse aggregate by quartering so as to provide
at least 200 pieces of, my fraction.
2. Carry out sieving by hand. Shake each sieve in order: 63mm, 50mm,
40mm,31.5mm, 25mm, 20mm, l6mm, 12.5mm, 10mm and 6.3mm, over a
clean dry tray for a period not less than 2 minutes. The shaking is done with a
varied motion; backward and forward, left to right, circular. Clockwise and
anticlockwise and with frequent jarring, so that the material is kept moving
over the sieve surface in frequently changing directions.
3. Pass the separated aggregate fractions as retained (A) on the sieves in step 2
through the corresponding slots in the thickness gauge.
4. Determine the mass of aggregate passing though each of the slots.(B)

Concrete Technology Laboratory Manual, Civil Engineering Department, NKOCET, Solapur. 42

Fig. Thickness Gauge for Flakiness Index

Fig. Length Gauge for Elongation Index

Concrete Technology Laboratory Manual, Civil Engineering Department, NKOCET, Solapur. 43

5. Find the total mass of the materials passing through the slots of the thickness
gauge. Calculate the flakiness index as defined below –
The flakiness index is an empirical factor expressing the total mass of material
passing through the slots of the thickness gauge as the percentage of the mass
of sample taken for testing.
B. To determine tire elongation index of coarse aggregate:
1. Take a sufficient quantity of coarse aggregate by quartering so as to provide at
least 200 pieces of any fraction.
2. Carry out sieving by hand. Shake each sieve in order: 63mm. 50mm, 40mm.
31.5mm, 25mm, 20mm, 16mm, 12.5mm, 10mm, and 6.3mm.
3. Pass the separated aggregate fractions as retained on the sieves in step 2
through the corresponding length gauge slot. A particle of length which cannot
pass through the corresponding gauge size is taken as retained by the length
gauge. Weigh the mass of aggregate retained on each of the length gauge sizes.
4. Find the total mass of the material retained on the length gauges.
5. Determine the elongation index as percentage material retained by the length
gauges of the total material taken for testing.

Result: 1) Flakiness index of coarse aggregate =_ _ _ _ _ _ _%

2) Elongation index of coarse aggregate =_ _ _ _ _ _ _%

Concrete Technology Laboratory Manual, Civil Engineering Department, NKOCET, Solapur. 44

Description Sample 1 Sample 2
1 Mass of saturated surface dry sample in air (W1)
2 Mass of basket suspended in water (W2)
3 Mass of material + basket suspended in water (W3)
4 Mass of oven dry aggregate air (W4)
5 Bulk Specific Gravity =
Wt. of Sample at SSD
Wt.of Sample at SSD - Wt of sample in Water at SSD
W 1 - (W 3 - W 2 )
6 Apparent Specific Gravity = W - (W - W ¿ ¿
4 3 2

W1 - W4
7 Water absorption percent = W x 100

Fig. Diagrammatic representation of Moisture in Aggregate

Concrete Technology Laboratory Manual, Civil Engineering Department, NKOCET, Solapur. 45


Aim: To determination of specific gravity and absorption of coarse aggregate.

The specific gravity of an aggregate sample is the ratio between the mass in
air and mass of an equal volume of water. In other word the specific gravity is the
ratio of weight of material in air to the loss of weight of material in water.
For accurate results in laboratory the allowance is made for the volume of
voids between the particles and for the water absorbed by them. It is seen that
higher the specific gravity of aggregate, harder and stronger it will be.
Balance of capacity of 5 kg, wire basket, water tub for immersing the wire
basket in water, suitable arrangement for suspending the wire basket from centre of
scale pan of balance and absorbent cloth for surface drying of the sample.
Material required: Coarse aggregate
1. Take about 5 kg of aggregate by method of quartering; rejecting all material
passing a 10 mm IS sieve.
2. Wash thoroughly to remove dust etc. from the surface of particles. Dry to
constant mass at a temperature of 105 ± 5°C.
3. Immerse the sample in water at 22 to 32°C for a period of (24 ±0.5) hours
(30 minutes for laboratory practice).
4. Remove the aggregate from water and roll the same in a large piece of an
absorbent cloth until all visible films of water are removed, although the
surface of particles will still appear to be damp
5. Now, weigh 3 kg of this sample in the saturated surface dry condition and note
down the weight.
6. Place the weighed aggregate immediately in the wire basket and dip it in water.
Weight this basket with aggregate, while keeping it in water with the help of
the balance. Note its weight.
7. Dry the sample to the constant weight at the temperature of 100 to 110°C for
(24 ±0.5) hours. Cool to room temperature and weigh.

Result: 1. Bulk Specific Gravity of given coarse aggregate is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Result: 2. Apparent Specific Gravity of given coarse aggregate is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Result: 3. Water absorption of given coarse aggregate is _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _
Concrete Technology Laboratory Manual, Civil Engineering Department, NKOCET, Solapur. 46

Empty Bottle Empty Bottle + Sand Bottle + Sand +Water Bottle +Water
W1 W2 W3 W4

Sr. No. Description Value

1 Weight of empty pycnometer (W1)

2 Weight of pycnometer + Sand (W2)

3 Weight of pycnometer + Sand + Water (W3)

4 Weight of pycnometer + Water (W4)

5 Weight of Saturated Surface Dry Sand (W5)

6 Weight of Oven Dry sand (W6)

W2- W1
7 Specific Gravity, G=
[ ( W 2 - W1 ) - ( W 3 - W 4 ) ]

W5 - W6
8 Water Absorption =
x 100

Concrete Technology Laboratory Manual, Civil Engineering Department, NKOCET, Solapur. 47


Aim: To determine the specific gravity and water absorption of fine aggregate.

The specific gravity of an aggregate is defined as the ratio of the mass of a
given volume of sample to the mass of an equal volume of water at the same
The specific gravity of fine aggregate is generally required for calculations
in connection with concrete mix design, for determination of moisture content and
for the calculations of volume yield of concrete. The specific gravity also gives
information on the quality and properties of aggregate. Deviation of specific
gravity from its standard value indicates change in shape and grading.
Water absorption influences the behavior of aggregate in concrete in several
important aspects. A highly absorptive aggregate, if used in dry condition, will
reduce effective water-cement ratio to an appreciable extent and may even make
the concrete unworkable unless a suitable allowance is made. Hence determination
of absorption of aggregate is necessary to determine net water-cement ratio.

Apparatus: Weighing Balance, a pycnometer, distilled water, conical mould

(64 mm diameter at top and 90 mm diameter at bottom and 73mm in height), oven
to operate between l00-110oC, metal tray, a source of supplying a current of warm
air, such a hair drier.

A. Specific Gravity:
1. Take a sample of the fine aggregate 1.5 kg and soak it in water and keep it for
24 ± ½ hours. The temperature should be 27 ± 2oC.
2. Clean the pycnometer and dry it, then take its weight including brass cap and
washer, (W1).
3. Take about 200 to 400 grams of sand in pycnometer and note down the weight
of pycnometer, cap and washer with sand, (W2)
4. Now remove the cap and fill with distilled water to half of its height. Stir with
thin rod to remove the air from the voids. Add more water and stir it until the
air is completely removed from voids. Now replace the cap and fill the
pycnometer completely with water. Note weight of this unit (W3).
5. Empty the pycnometer and clean it. Fill the pycnometer with water up to top
level of hole in the cap and weigh it (W4)

Concrete Technology Laboratory Manual, Civil Engineering Department, NKOCET, Solapur. 48

Concrete Technology Laboratory Manual, Civil Engineering Department, NKOCET, Solapur. 49
B. Water Absorption Test:
6. Weigh the remaining 1000 gm of saturated surface dry sand in the tray of
known weight. (W5)
7. Dry the sample in an oven at 100-110°C for 24 hours.
8. Weigh the dry sand with tray. (W6)
9. Calculate absorption capacity as the percentage of oven dry mass

Result: 1. Specific Gravity of Fine aggregate is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Result: 2. Water absorption of Fine aggregate is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Concrete Technology Laboratory Manual, Civil Engineering Department, NKOCET, Solapur. 50


Dry Sand AfterMoist

being Sand
saturated with water

Details Fine Sand Medium Sand Coarse Sand
Mass of Sand (gm)
Height of dry sand ‘h’ (mm)

Water Height of
Sr. Mass of % % Bulking =
x 100
added Moist Sand
No. sand Moister h
(ml) (h’)

Concrete Technology Laboratory Manual, Civil Engineering Department, NKOCET, Solapur. 51


Aim: Determination of necessary adjustment for the bulking of sand.

In concrete mix design, the quantity of fine aggregate used in each batch
should be related to the known volume of cement. The difficulty with measurement
of fine aggregate by volume is the tendency of sand to vary in bulk according to
moisture content. The extent of this variation is given by this test. If sand is
measured by volume and no allowance is made for bulking, the mix will be richer
than that specified because for given mass, moist sand occupies a considerably
larger volume than the same mass of dry sand, as the particles are less closely
packed when the sand is moist. It will be necessary to increase the volume of sand
by the percentage bulking. The correction to be made is only a rough method at the
best, but a correction of the right order can easily be determined and should be
applied in order to keep the concrete uniform. This experiment is intended to cover
the field method of determining the necessary adjustment for bulking of the

Balance, cylindrical container, graduated cylinder, beaker, tray, steel rule.

1. Put sufficient quantity of the dry sand loosely into the container until it is about
two-third full. Level off the top of sand and weigh the container. Calculate the
mass of sand by deducting the mass of container.
2. Push a steel rule vertically down through the sand at the middle to the bottom
and measure the height of sand. Record it as ‘ h’.
3. Empty the sand out into a clean metal tray without any loss.
4. Add two per cent of water by mass of sand. Mix the sand and water thoroughly
by hand.
5. Put the wet sand loosely into the container without tamping it.
6. Smooth and level the top surface of the moist sand and measure its depth at the
middle with the steel rule. Let it be ‘h’ mm.
7. Repeat the steps 4 to 6 of the above procedure with 2 per cent of water by mass.
8. Go on increasing the percentage by two till bulking is maximum and starts
falling down and ultimately is zero, i.e. saturated sand occupies the same
volume as dry sand.

Result: The maximum bulking of Fine Sand is _ _ _ _ _ at_ _ _ __ moisture.

The maximum bulking of Medium Sand is _ _ _at_ _ _ _ _ moisture.
The maximum bulking of Coarse Sand is _ _ _ _ at_ _ _ _ _moisture.
Concrete Technology Laboratory Manual, Civil Engineering Department, NKOCET, Solapur. 52
Centimeter Graph Paper for Bulking of Sand

Concrete Technology Laboratory Manual, Civil Engineering Department, NKOCET, Solapur. 53


Concrete Technology Laboratory Manual, Civil Engineering Department, NKOCET, Solapur. 54


Coarse Fine
Sr. Water–Cement Cement Aggregat Aggregat Slump
No. ratio (kg) e e (mm)
(kg) (kg)
ecommended slump values for concrete for various concreting works:

Sr. Slump
Name of works
No. (mm)
1 Roads, mass concrete, foundations 25 to 50
2 R.C.C beams and slab 50 to 100
3 Column and retaining wall 75 to 125

Fig. Slump Cone test and Types of Slumps

Concrete Technology Laboratory Manual, Civil Engineering Department, NKOCET, Solapur. 55


Aim: To determine workability of fresh concrete by the Slump test.

Unsupported fresh concrete, flows to the sides and a sinking in height takes
place. This vertical settlement is known as slump. In this test fresh concrete is filled
into a mould of specified shape and dimensions, and the settlement or slump is
measured when supporting mould is removed. Slump increases as water content is
Slump is a measure indicating the consistency or workability of cement
concrete. It gives an idea of water content needed for concrete to be used for
different works.
A concrete is said to be workable if it can be easily mixed and placed,
compacted and finished. A workable concrete should not show any segregation or
bleeding. Segregation is said to occur when coarse aggregate tries to separate out
from the finer materials and a concentration of coarse aggregate at one place
occurs. This results in large voids, less durability and strength. Bleeding of
concrete is said to occur when excess water comes up at the surface of concrete.
This causes small pores through the mass of concrete and is undesirable.

Iron pan to mix concrete, weighing machine, trowels, slump cone apparatus
300 mm scale, tamping rod, and graduated cylinder.

Four mixes are to be prepared with water-cement ratio (by mass) of 0.50. 0.60, 0.70
and 0.80, respectively and for each mix take 10 kg of coarse aggregate,
5 kg of sand and 2.5 kg of cement, with each mix proceed as follows:

1. Mix the dry constituents thoroughly to get a uniform color and then add water.
2. Place the mixed concrete in the cleaned slump cone mould in the 4 layers, each
approximately ¼ of the height of the mould. Tamp each layer 25 times with
tamping rod distributing the strokes in a uniform manner over the cross-section
of the mould. For the second and subsequent layers the tamping rod should
penetrate in to the underlying layer. Strike off the top with a trowel or tamping
rod so that the mould is exactly filled.
3. Remove the cone immediately raising it slowly and carefully in the vertical

Concrete Technology Laboratory Manual, Civil Engineering Department, NKOCET, Solapur. 56

4. As soon as the concrete settlement comes to a slope, measure the subsidence of
concrete in mm which will give the slump.
5. Any slump specimen which collapses or shears off laterally gives incorrect
result and if this occurs the test is repeated, only true slump should be measured

Result: 1) The Slump of concrete is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ for w/c ratio_ _ _ _ _ _.

Result: 2) The Slump of concrete is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ for w/c ratio_ _ _ _ _ _.

Concrete Technology Laboratory Manual, Civil Engineering Department, NKOCET, Solapur. 57

1 Water – cement ratio
2 Cement (kg)
3 Coarse Aggregate (kg)
4 Sand (kg)
5 Water (liter)
6 Mass with partially compacted concrete ,W1
7 Mass with fully compacted concrete,W2
8 Compacting Factor, C.F. = W1/W2

Fig. Compacting Factor


Table Relationship between

degree of workability and C.F.

Degree of
Sr. Slump Compaction
workabilit Suitability
No. (mm) Factor
Roads vibrated by power operator
1 Very low 0 to 25 0.78
Roads vibrated by hand operator
machine mass foundation without
2 low 25 to 50 0.85
vibration or lightly reinforced
section with vibration
Less workable, flat slabs,
3 Medium 50 to 100 0.92 manually compacted reinforced
Concrete Technology Laboratory Manual, Civil Engineering Department, NKOCET, Solapur. 58
For section with congested
100 to
4 High 0.95 reinforcement not suitable for


Aim: To determine the workability of concrete mix by the compaction factor test.

Compaction factor test is adopted to determine the workability of concrete,
where nominal size of aggregate does not exceed 40 mm. It is based upon the
definition, that workability is that property of the concrete which determines the
amount of work required to produce full compaction. The test consists essentially
of applying a standard amount of work to standard quantity of concrete and
measuring the resulting compaction. The Workability gives an idea of the
capability of being worked i.e. idea to control the quantity of water in cement
concrete mix to get uniform strength.
It is more sensitive and precise than slump test and is particularly useful for
concrete mixes of low workability as are normally used when the concrete is to be
compacted by vibration, such concrete may constantly fail to slump. The
compaction factor (C.F.) test is able to indicate small variations in workability over
a wide range.

Compaction factor apparatus, trowels, graduated cylinder of 1000 ml
capacity, balance to weigh up to 30 kg (nearest to about 10 gm) and tamping rod or
vibrating table.

1. Four mixes are to be prepared with water – cement ratio (by mass) 0.50, 0.60,
0.70 and 0.80, respectively. For each mix take 9 kg of aggregate, 4.5 kg of sand
2.25 kg of cement for 1:2:4 proportion, with each mix proceed as follows:
2. Mix sand and cement dry, until a mixture of uniform colour is obtained. Now
mix the coarse aggregate and cement-sand mixture until coarse aggregate is
uniformly distributed throughout the batch.
3. Add the required amount of water to the above mixture and mix it thoroughly
until concrete appears to be homogeneous.
4. Keep the compaction factor apparatus on a level ground and apply grease or oil
the inner surface of the hoppers (A & B) and cylinder (C). Fasten the flap
doors. Fix the cylinder on the base with fly nuts and bolts such a way that the
central points of hoppers and cylinder lie on one vertical line.
5. Fill the freshly mixed concrete in upper hopper gently and carefully with hand
scoop without compacting.
Concrete Technology Laboratory Manual, Civil Engineering Department, NKOCET, Solapur. 59
6. After two minutes, release the trap door so that the concrete may fall into the
lower hopper bringing the concrete into standard compaction.

Concrete Technology Laboratory Manual, Civil Engineering Department, NKOCET, Solapur. 60

7. Immediately after the concrete has come to rest, open the trap door of lower
hopper and allow the concrete to fall into the cylinder bringing the concrete into
standard compaction.
8. Remove the excess concrete above the top of the cylinder by a pair of trowels,
one in each hand will blades horizontal slide them from the opposite edges of
the mould inward to the centre with a sawing motion.
9. Clean the cylinder from all sides properly.
10.Find the mass of partially compacted concrete thus filled in the cylinder, say
11.Refill the cylinder with the same sample of concrete in approximately 50 mm
layers, vibrating each layer heavily so as to expel all the air and to obtain full
compaction of concrete.
12.Struck off level the concrete and weigh the cylinder filled with fully compacted
concrete, say W2.

Result: The C.F. of concrete is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ for w/c ratio_ _ _ _ _ _.

Result: The C.F. of concrete is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ for w/c ratio_ _ _ _ _ _.

Concrete Technology Laboratory Manual, Civil Engineering Department, NKOCET, Solapur. 61


1 Water – cement ratio 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80

2 Cement (kg)
3 Coarse Aggregate (kg)
4 Sand (kg)
5 Water (liter)
6 Initial reading on the graduated rod , A
7 Final reading on the graduated rod, B
8 Slump (A) – (B), mm
9 Time for complete remoulding in
seconds (i.e Vee Bee Time)

Fig. Vee Bee


Concrete Technology Laboratory Manual, Civil Engineering Department, NKOCET, Solapur. 62


Aim: To determine the workability of fresh concrete by Vee – Bee Consistometer.

Vee-Bee Consistometer consisting of a cylindrical container and a sheet
metal slump cone, tamping rod, weighing balance and trowels, stopwatch.

The workability of fresh concrete is a composite property which includes the
diverse requirements of stability, mobility, compactability, placeability and
finishability. There are different methods for measuring the workability. Each of
them measures only a particular aspect of it and there is really no unique test which
measures workability of concrete in its, totality. This test gives an indication of the
mobility and to some extent of the compatibility of freshly mixed concrete.
The test measures the relative effort required to change a mass of concrete
from one definite shape to another (i.e. from conical to cylindrical) by means of
vibration. The amount of effort called remolding effort is taken as the time in
seconds required for completing the change. The results of this test are of value in
studying the mobility of the masses of concrete made with varying amounts of
water, cement and with various types of grading of aggregate.
The time required for complete remolding in seconds is considered as a
measure of workability and is expressed as the number of Vee-Bee seconds. The
name Vee-Bee is derived from the initials of V. Bahnmer of Sweden who
developed this test and is usually reported to as the Vee-Bee consistometer test.
The method is suitable for dry concrete. For concrete of slump in excess of 50 mm
the remoulding is so quick that the time cannot be measured.

1. Four mixes are to be prepared with water – cement ratio (by mass) 0.50, 0.60,
0.70 and 0.80, respectively. For each mix take 9 kg of aggregate, 4.5 kg of sand
2.25 kg of cement for 1:2:4 proportion, with each mix proceed as follows:
2. Mix sand and cement dry, until a mixture of uniform colour is obtained. Now
mix the coarse aggregate and cement-sand mixture until coarse aggregate is
uniformly distributed throughout the batch.
3. Add the required amount of water to the above mixture and mix it thoroughly
until concrete appears to be homogeneous.
4. Place the sheet metal slump cone in the cylindrical container of the
consistometer. Fill the cone in four layers, each approximately one quarter of
the height of the cone. Tamp each layer with twenty five strokes of the bulleted
end of the tamping rod. The strokes are distributed in a uniform manner over

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5. the cross-section of the cone and for the second and subsequent layers the
tamping bar should penetrate into the underlying layer. After the top layer has
been rodded, struck off level the concrete with a trowel so that the cone is
exactly filled.
6. Move the glass disc attached to the swivel arm and place it just on the top of the
slump cone in the cylindrical container. Adjust the glass disc so as to touch the
top of the concrete cone, and note the initial reading on the graduated rod. (A)
7. Remove the cone from the concrete immediately by raising it slowly and
carefully in the vertical direction. Lower the transparent disc on the top of
concrete. Note down the reading on the graduated rod. (B)
8. Determine the slump by taking the difference A & B.
9. Switch on the electrical vibration and start the stop watch. Allow the concrete to
remould by spreading out in the cylindrical container. The vibrations are
continued until the concrete is completely remoulded, it. The surface becomes
horizontal and the whole concrete surface adheres uniformly to the transparent
10.Record the time required for complete remoulding in seconds which measures
the workability expressed as number of Vee-Bee seconds.

Result: The Vee-bee time of concrete is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ for w/c ratio_ _ _ _ _ _.

Result: The Vee-bee time of concrete is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ for w/c ratio_ _ _ _ _ _.

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Important Points

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Important Points

Vision Statement

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