Planificare La Limba Engleză: Initial Test

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Unitatea de invatamant:

Disciplina: Engleza
Clasa: a VIII a
Nr. ore/saptamana:
Manual: REWARD
Sem I: 18 saptamani




1. REVISION 1.1 Present simple and continuous S1
Initial test 1.2 Past simple and continuous
2.3 Present perfect simple and
2.4 continuous
3.2 Past perfect simple and
4.3 continuous
Future simple and continuous
The plural of nouns
Possessive adjectives and
2. Lesson 1. 1.1 Asking questions S1
Could I Ask You 1.2 Classroom language
Something? 2.3 Listening for main ideas
3.2 Talking about personal
4.3 information
3. Lesson 2. 1.1 Present simple and present S2
1.2 continuous
Going Places 2.3 Journeys by train
USA 3.2 Completing a diary
4.3 Writing a personal letter
4. Lesson 3. 1.1 Describing a sequence of events S2
All Dressed in 2.4 “Before” and “after”
Red 3.2 “During” and “for”

5. Lesson 4. 1.3 Adverbs and adverbial phrases of S3

Are You a Couch 2.2 frequency
Potato? 3.1 Talking about likes and dislikes
Adjectives to describe likes and
6. Lesson 5. 1.2 Adjectives: -ed and –ing endings S3
Face the Music 3.3 Types of music
4.3 Adjectives to describe how you
feel about something
Writing a short report
Giving opinions about
contemporary music
7. Progress check 1.1 Countries, nationalities and people S4
lessons 1-5 2.1 Techniques for dealing with with
2.2 difficult words
8. Lesson 6. 1.3 Past simple and continuous S4
How We Met 2.2 Nouns and adjectives to describe
3.1 personal qualities
Writing a paragraph about a
special friend
9. Lesson 7. 1.1 “Used to” and “would” + S5
The Way Things 1.2 infinitive
Used to Be 2.3 Nouns and verbs which go
3.2 together
4.3 Writing a paragraph about how
things used to be
10. Lesson 8. 1.1 Describing a sequence of events S5
Cold, Lost, 1.2 Writing paragraphs about
Hungry and 2.3 experiences in foreign places
Alone 3.2
11. Lesson 9. 1.1 Non-defining relative clases; S6
Chocolate –Like 2.4 “who”, “which”, “where”
Falling in Love 3.2

12. Lesson 10. 1.1 Verbs with 2 objects; S6

What Did I Do? 2.4 Complaining and apologizing
3.2 Making requests
Talking about misunderstandings
13. Progress check 1.1 Adjectives and strong equivalents S7
lessons 6-10 1.2 Adjective prefixes
2.1 Homophones
2.2 Talking about embarrassing
3.1 incidents
14. Lesson 11. 1.3 Present perfect : “already”, S7
Do it Now! 2.2 “yet”,still”
3.1 Verbs for householding actions
Talking about domestic activities
15. Lesson 12. 3.2 Present perfect continuous for S8
London Calling 4.3 asking and saying how long
5.1 Words connected with news items
Politics and military
Expressing opinions
16. Lesson 13. 1.2 Famous characters from fiction S8
Fictional Heroes 3.3 Present perfect simple and present
Never Die 4.3 perfect continuous

17. Lesson 14. 1.1 A view of Prague S9

Twin Cities 1.2 Making comparisons
2.3 Town features and facilities
18. Lesson 15. Personal possessions S9

I Couldn't Live 1.3 Adjectives: order of adjectives
Without It 2.2 Objects around home
3.1 Compound nouns
Nouns and adjectives which go
19. Progress check 1.1 Adjectives and participles S10
lessons 11-15 1.2 Adjectives which go after the
2.1 noun
20. Lesson 16. 1.3 Style and fashion S10
Do it in Style 2.2 Asking for and giving advice
3.1 “Must” and “should”
Clothes, accessories, appearance
Material and colours

21. Lesson 17. 1.2 A ghost story S 11

Rose Rose 3.3 Making predictions: “may” and
4.3 “might”
“Going to” and “will”
22. Lesson 18. 1.3 Jobs and conditions of work S 11
What Do You Do 2.2 Drawing conclusions
for a Living? 3.1 “must”, “can’t” , “might”, “could”
Describing impressions
Revision Adjectives to describe personal
and professional qualities
23 Lesson 19. 1.1 Pilgrimage to Santiago de S12
Guided Tours 1.2 Compostela
2.3 Talking about obligation,
3.2 permission and prohibition
4.3 Religion and tourism
24. Lesson 20. 1.3 Emotional reactions S12
How Unfair Can 2.2 Talking about ability and
You Get? 3.1 possibility: “can”, “could”, “be
able to”
Compound adjectives
25. Progress check 1.1 Multi-part verbs: phrasal verbs S13
lessons 16-20 1.2 and prepositional verbs with
2.1 objects
26. Lesson 21. 1.2 Films S13
Cinema Classics 3.3 Adverbs: formation
4.3 Giving opinions
Types of films
Adjectives to describe opinions
27. Lesson 22. 2.4 Animal conservation S14
Wild and 4.1 Adverbs: position of adverbs and S14
Beautiful 5.1 adverbial phrases
28. Lesson 23. 1.1 A poem S15
Valentine 2.4 Reported speech: statements
3.2 Love symbols

Adjectives to describe personal
29. Lesson 24. 3.2 The media S15
Medium wave 4.3 Reported speech: questions
5.1 Newspapers, television and radio
30. Lesson 25. 1.2 Reported speech: reporting verbs S16
A cup of tea 3.3 A short story by Katherine
4.3 Mansfield
31. Progress check 1.1 Multi-part verbs: phrasal verbs S16
lessons 21-25 1.2 without objects and phrasal
2.1 prepositional verbs
32. Lesson 26. 1.1 American regional cooking S17
Eat your heart 2.4 Giving instructions and special
out…in U.S.A 3.2 advice
Kitchen equipment
33. Lesson 27. 1.1 Holiday postcards S17
Home thoughts 1.2 Defining relative clauses
from abroad 2.3 Holidays
34. Lesson 28. 1.1 Things grown and made in Britain S18
Local produce 1.2 The passive
2.3 Manufactured and natural
Revision 3.2 products
4.3 Words which go together

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