SEMESTRUL I- II, Anul scolar 2019-2020
2. Unit 10. Myths and 1. Expressing purpose: to, in order / 3.2;4.2 2 S16
Legends. so as not to, so (that) too, enough. 1.2;4.3
2. An encyclopedia entry Annie
Oakley. A biography.
3. Unit 11. Rocking ’n’ 1. Phrasal verbs: transitive separable 1.3;2.2 2 S17
Rolling / inseparable. 4.1;4.3
2. Zooropa and U2; Reading: Vision
of Danger (Episode 4).
4. Unit 12. Revision 1. Reading: Today’s Cub Reporters, 3.2;4.2;4.3 2 S18
Tomorrow’s Newshounds. 1.1;1.3
2. Grammar practice: Past Perfect 1.3;2.2;4.1;4.3
Continuous or Past Simple
5. Unit 13. What’s On the 1. Present Simple as Future, static 1.2;1.3 2
Box? verbs. 1.3;3.2 S19
2. Reviews of television 2.4;3.2
programmers. Types of
3. Reading: Vision of Danger
6. Unit 14. Just the Job 1. Conditional sentences with unless, 3.2;4.2 2
provided / providing (that), as long 3.2;4.2 S20
as. Condition in the past. 1.2;4.3
2. Words which avoid repetition.
7. Unit 15. A Slice of Life 1. Sequence of adjectives. Phrasal 3.1;3.2 2 26-30.03
verbs 2: transitive and intransitive. 1.4;1.5 S21
2. People in my life: a story. It’s a
funny old world!
8. Unit 16. Dreams and 1. Wish/if only past tense, wish + 2.1;3.2 2
Worries would needn’t, don’t have/need to, 1.1;1.2 S22
needn’t have, didn’t have / need to.
2. Dear diary. A Change of Heart.
9. Unit 17. In the Dead of 1. Wish / if only + Past Perfect, 3.2;4.2;4.3 2
the Night regret + verb – ing. 4.2;4.3 S23
2. Reading: Vision of Danger
10. Unit 18. Revision 1. Reading: I Can’t Understand 3.2;4.2 2 S24
What They’re Talking About! 1.2;4.3
2. Grammar practice: Present Simple 4.2;4.3
or Present Continuous, Conditional.
11. Unit 19. Hoe Was It 1. The Passive Voice: revision, 3.1;3.2 4
Done? modals and impersonal it. 1.4;1.5 S25
2. Reading: The Sony Walkman. S26
Vision of Danger (Episode 7).
12. Unit 20. Young People 1. Fixed phrases with prepositions. 1.3;2.2 2 S29
in the News As, like,, as if / as though. 2.1;3.2
2. Reading: The runway. The Junior 2.1;3.1
Golf World Champion.
13. Unit 21. Behind the 1. Participle clauses. See / hear 3.2;4.2;4.3 2 S30
Scenes somebody do / doing something. 2.1;3.1
2. Reading techniques to suit your
purpose. Good thinking Batman
14. Unit 22. Land of the 1. Ability in the past and future: 2.1;3.1 2 S31
Brave? could, be able to, manage to. 1.3;2.3
2. Reading: Children of Courage. 4.1;4.3
Vision of Danger (Episode 8).
15. Unit 23. let’s Keep 1. Future and future in the past. 1.5;3.3 2 S32
Talking 2. The writer’s angle. English as a 1.4;5.1
global language. 3.2;4.2;4.3
16. Unit 24. Revision 1. Reading: Twentieth-Century Spies. 3.2;4.2;4.3 4 S33
2. Reports / Accounts. 1.3;2.3 S34
3. Grammar practice: Passive voice, 2.3;4.2
Present and Participle Clauses,
Phrasal Verbs, Future. 3.4;4.4
4. Write a story.