Kranunion.: World Market Leaders United

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World market leaders united

The technical concepts developed by our
K ranunion is a group of three leading crane
manufacturers specialised in the design
and production of cranes and transporters for
experts are at the core of all Kranunion
products. In the interest of our customers
ports. shipyards. steel mills and the railways: we are always striving to develop and
KIROW is the world market leader for railway improve the knowledge our specialists
cranes and slag pot carriers. have accumulated over decades. Those
who choose Kranunion choose German
ARDELT is world market leader for double jib engineering of the superior quality, they
level luffing cranes.
choose environmentally friendly and secure
KOCKS is world market leader for Goliath high-tech solutions, low operating costs and
cranes. top performance and reliability.
Boxer 6000 by Kocks used for container
handling at the Port of Ashdod
As a matter of course, on-site services by
qualified engineers and instruction and
training of our customers' staff are part of our product support programme, because
our goal is to ensure the constant availability of our systems to the satisfaction of our


Spinnereistraße 13 Weserstraße 64 Heegermühlerstraße 64
04179 Leipzig, Germany 28757 Bremen, Germany 16225 Eberswalde, Germany
Phone: +49-341-4953-0 Phone: +49-421-6601-0 Phone:+49-3334-62-0
Fax: +49-341-4773-274 Fax: +49-421-6601-400 Fax:+49-3334-6223-08
Kirow railway crane Multi Tasker 810 used
for track work in Ashkelon

Leipzig helps Middle Eastern countries The environment and transfer centre,
solve problems with lack of water your partner for friendly solutions, for
national and international markets
S ustainable water management is increasingly is becoming more and more
important in Germany and abroad. While declining population figures in
eastern Germany call for individual solutions instead of big sewage plants,
countries with extremely dry climates such as Israel have to make use of
L eipzig's Environment and Transfer Centre at the Chamber of Trade
is both a services provider and a source of inspiration for the 12,000
crafts and trade businesses in the region. For more than ten years, the
their precious water resources as efficiently as possible. A new advice and
Centre has been supporting local crafts and medium-sized businesses
information centre for topics such as these opened in Leipzig last year.
in developing new markets for ecological products and services. The
In twelve demonstration boxes the BDZ, an initiative for the promotion of Centre's portfolio has a strong focus on ecological construction and the
decentralised wastewater treatment, presents small, fully functional sewage implementation of environmentally friendly waste disposal solutions. Other
plants which have been integrated into the waste water cycle. As a stakeholder important fields are construction with renewable raw materials and the use
in more than 60,000 regional businesses, Leipzig's Chamber of Commerce of alternative materials for products and services.
and Industry has been supporting the construction of the centre from the In the light of the current global warming debate the question of energy
outset. It makes a contribution both to the protection of the environment and efficiency of buildings is becoming increasingly important. Topics such as
to water pollution control, and strengthens the small and medium-sized waste zero-energy housing, photovoltaics and solar thermal energy are setting
water businesses in the region at the same time. trends in the activities of small and medium-sized construction companies.
The Environment and Transfer Centre supports these companies in their
Wolf-Michael Hirschfeld, chairman of the board of the governing association work and trains company owners and their staff in the competent use of
of the BDZ and director of the environmental working group of the chamber, these technologies. This includes building diagnostics such as Blower
emphasises the international orientation of the centre: "Members of the BDZ Door Testing and infrared thermography.
also work in Israel as part of the integrated water resource management
project of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. The aim of the Decentralized supply and disposal solutions are a particularly interesting
project is to give countries of the Middle East access to technologies with field for the Centre, not least when considering the type of companies
which they can make cost-effective use of their water." Project manager presently located in the region around Leipzig. The Environment and
Roland Müller of Leipzig's Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research Transfer Centre develops training concepts to help specialists qualify in
adds, "While the focus in other countries of the Middle East is on waste water fields related to building and maintaining small biological sewage treatment
disposal, in Israel it is all about the effective provision of water. We are in plants. In view of international market trends, the Centre is also working on
touch with the government there, and BDZ companies have already made solutions for independent water supply and waste water disposal systems
presentations at a trade show in Tel Aviv." for households and industrial plants. The Centre collaborates closely with
manufacturers and fitters in conceiving strategies for developing German and international markets.

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