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2. Castigate To criticize harshly, to objurgate. 52. Yeoman A free man who cultivates his own land, a farmer.
3. Obfuscate To make sth more difficult, to obscure. 53. Levity Lack of seriousness, flippancy, frivolity, puerility.
4. Petulant Easily annoyed and complaining, peevish. 54. Edict An official order, rescript, fiat, decree.
5. Equivocal Unclear, having two or more meanings, ambiguous. 55. Horde A group of people, throng, multitude, swarm.
6. Preternatural Very unusual, non-natural, inexplicable by natural law. 56. Coax sb To persuade sb to do sth, cajole, adulate, importune.
7. Portent A sign of sth about to happen, a presage, a prodigy, augur 57. Dingy Dirty, shabby, filthy, nasty, mangy, cruddy, mucky, grungy.
8. Gallantry Very brave behavior, valorousness, chivalry. 58. Heed To pay attention, contemplate, mull, hearken.
9. Downcast Unhappy, not confident, hopeful, dejected, blue. 59. Cede sth To give control of sth to sb, yield, to give way, concede.
10. Erstwhile Former, in the past, quondam. 60. Subaltern Inferior in rank or status, subordinate.
11. Enfranchise To give the right to vote, empower, affranchise. 61. Acquiesce in To accept sth reluctantly, accede, embrace.
12. Salutary Having a good helpful result, wholesome. 62. Chastise To criticize sb harshly for doing sth, punish, berate, keelhaul.
13. Dither Be indecisive, to waver, vacillate. 63. Interminable Continuing for a very long time, durable, perpetual.
14. Convoluted Difficult to understand, byzantine, labyrinthine. 64. Reticent Unwilling to tell people about things, reserved, self-effacing.
15. Pusillanimous Showing lack of courage, sissy, craven, poltroon, recreant. 65. Alacrity A quick & cheerful readiness to do sth, promptitude, fervor, avidity.
16. Sabbatical A break or change in normal routine. 66. Propitious Indicating a good chance of success, auspicious, roseate, fortuitous.
17. Charlatan A person who falsely claim to have special knowledge, mountebank. 67. Accentuate To make sth more noticeable, emphasize, foreground.
18. Vacillate To waver between two opinions, shillyshally, wobble. 68. Sedulous Showing dedication & diligence, assiduous, diligent.
19. Tumult A state of noisy confusion, hurly-burly, welter, chaos. 69. Heyday A time when sb / sth is most successful, prime.
20. Strident Loud and harsh, vociferous, raucous. 70. Pertinacious Adhering firmly to an opinion, dogged, tenacious, hell-bent.
21. Tacit Understand without being expressed, silent, unvoiced. 71. Serf A person in modified slavery & bound to work.
22. Futuristic Strong & very modern & unusual in appearance. 72. Strangle To kill by compressing the throat, throttle, choke.
23. Garish Unpleasantly bright, gaudy, ostentatious. 73. Commute To change a death sentence in a less severe punishment.
24. Recant Withdraw and reject opinion or statement, to unsay. 74. Couple with To join together, splice, coalesce.
25. Tedious Boring, arid, drab, tame, stodgy, vapid, prosaic. 75. Compulsive Not being able to control a habit or behaviour, irrepressible, involuntary.
26. Schism A division of a group on disagreement, discord, friction. 76. Destitution In utter poverty, impecuniosity, indigence, penuriousness.
27. Aegis Protection, patronage, sponsorship, defense. 77. Legacy Money or property left when sb dies, bequest, patrimony.
28. Acme The highest point of success, pinnacle, zenith, apex, apogee. 78. Thawing Of whether to get warm & melt snow.
29. Somber Sad & serious, murky, pale. 79. Striking Interesting, unusual & attractive, eye-catching.
30. Tavern A place where alcohol is sold, a bar, grog-shop, a cantina. 80. Redeem To make sb/sth seem less bad, atone, compensate.
31. Flout To intentionally disobey law & rule, gibe, deprecate. 81. Insolent Rude & showing lack of respect, sassy, cheeky, impudent, impertinent.
32. Wont An established custom, habitual way of doing sth, prone. 82. Ignoble Not good & honest, execrable, currish, ignominious.
33. Suffrage A legal right to vote, enfranchisement. 83. Sturdy Strong & healthy, stalwart, brawny.
34. Exponential Very fast sudden & abrupt. 84. Conceited Having too much pride in oneself, vainglorious, overweening, egotistic.
35. Irascible Easily becoming angry, touchy, choleric, grumpy, crotchety. 85. Cloak A sleeveless coat.
36. Tardy Slow to move, happen, sluggish, pokey, dilatory, languid. 86. Sunken Hollow & deep as result of illness.
37. Heave Lift sth heavy with great effort, heft. 87. Gaiters Socks.
38. Rattle To make sb nervous, frighten, clatter, unnerve, demoralize. 88. Indelicate Rude & offensive, embarrassing, indiscreet.
39. Substantial Larger in amount, notable, monumental, weighty. 89. Unceremoniously Without caring about people’s feelings.
40. Machination A secret plan or scheme, dodge, intrigue, conspiracy. 90. Twitch To make sudden quick movement.
41. Caprice A sudden change in sb’s mood, mercurialness, volatility. 91. Impertinence Rude behaviour & comment, backchat.
42. Stratum Level, class, rank or grade of people, echelon, segment. 92. Interpose To put in by way of interruption.
43. Tarry To leave slowly & hesitantly, sojourn. 93. Petty Of little or less importance, footling.
44. Capitulate To surrender under agreed conditions, knuckle, concede. 94. Conciliatory Appeasing & calming, soothing.
45. Parable A short moral story, a fable, myth. 95. Chime in To join or interrupt a conversation.
46. Elude To manage to avoid or escape, eschew, shun, weasel. 96. Labour under delusion To believe sth that is untrue.
47. Moribund About to die, deteriorating, terminal, defunct. 97. Get into way of sth To get into habit of doing sth.
48. Retentive Having the ability to remember things easily, recollective. 98. So much so To such an extent.
49. Rave To talk in a noisy way, bluster, spout. 99. Omniscient Knowing all.
50. Docile Easily handled or controlled, amenable, biddable, tractable, compliant.