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1.1 To provide guidelines for obtaining written informed consent for electroconvulsive
therapy (ECT).

1.2 To identify legal requirements specific to the following categories: Voluntary patients,
patients under guardianship or conservatorship, involuntary patients, and minors.

1.2.1 This policy does not describe additional requirements specific to persons eligible
for regional center services who may require electroconvulsive therapy for mental
disorder. For information on requirements specific to this group, please see
California Code of Regulations, Title 17, Section 50801 et seq.

1.3 To identify State and local reporting requirements related to ECT.


2.1 ECT is the planned induction of a seizure through electrical means for therapeutic
purposes. (Title 9, California Code of Regulations (9 CCR), Section 836(a))

2.2 “Written informed consent” means that the person knowingly and intelligently, without
duress or coercion, clearly and explicitly manifests consent to the proposed therapy to
the treating physician and in writing on a standard consent form (Attachments I-A & I-B).
(Welfare and Institutions Code (WIC), Section 5326.5(a))



3.1.1 No ECT shall be performed if the patient, whether admitted to the facility as a
voluntary or involuntary patient, is deemed to be able to give written informed
consent and refuses to do so. (WIC 5326.85) If the patient is deemed by the physician to have capacity to give

informed consent, but refuses to do so, the physician shall
indicate in the clinical record that the treatment was refused
despite the physician’s advice and that the physician has
explained to the patient the patient’s responsibility for any
untoward consequences of his/her refusal. (WIC 5326.85)

3.1.2 A person shall be deemed to have capacity to consent or to refuse to consent if it

is determined that such person has actually understood and can knowingly and
intelligently act upon the information specified in 4.1.1. (9 CCR 840(a)) Understanding of the potential benefits and risks of the proposed

treatment is the primary factor in determining such capacity to
consent or refuse to consent. (9 CCR 840(a)) A person shall not be deemed to lack capacity to consent or

refuse consent solely by virtue of any psychiatric or medical
diagnosis. (9 CCR 840(b))
3.1.3 Consent shall be for a specified maximum number of treatments over a specified
maximum period of time not to exceed thirty (30) days (See 7.1.1). Additional
treatment in number or time, not to exceed 30 days, shall require a renewed
written informed consent. (WIC 5326.7(d) and 5326.75(a)) Consent shall be revocable by the patient at any time before or

between treatments. Withdrawal of consent may be either oral or
written and shall be effective immediately. (WIC 5326.7(d) and

3.1.4 The physician may urge the proposed treatment as the best one, but may not
use, in an effort to gain consent, any reward or threat, expressed or implied, nor
any other form of inducement or coercion, including, but not limited to, placing
the patient in a more restrictive setting, transfer of the patient to another facility,
or loss of the patient’s hospital privileges. No one shall be denied any benefits
for refusing ECT. (WIC 5326.5(b)) Transfer of the patient to another facility, loss of hospital privileges

or placement in a more restrictive setting may subsequently be
justified for medical or psychiatric reasons, but shall not be a
direct consequence of the patient’s refusal to consent to the
proposed treatment. (9 CCR 841)



4.1.1 The treating physician shall utilize the standard State Department of Mental
Health ECT consent form “Informed Consent for Electroconvulsive Treatment
(ECT) MH #300 (11/90)” and, in writing, supplement it with those details which
pertain to the particular patient being treated (WIC 5326.3). The treating
physician shall present the supplemented form to the patient and orally, in a
language or modality understood by the person giving the consent (9 CCR
839(b)), clearly and in detail explain the following: (WIC 5326.4) The reason for the ECT, i.e., the nature and seriousness of the
patient’s illness, disorder or defect. (WIC 5326.2(a)) The nature of the procedures to be used in the proposed

treatment, including its probable frequency and duration. (WIC
5326.2(b)) The probable degree and duration (temporary or permanent) of

improvement or remission, expected with and without such
treatment. (WIC 5326.2 (c)) The nature, degree, duration, and the probability of side effects
and significant risks, commonly known by the medical profession,
of such treatment, including its adjuvants, especially noting the
degree and duration of memory loss (including its irreversibility)
and how and to what extent they may be controlled, if at all. (WIC
5326.2(d)) That there exists a division of opinion as to the efficacy of the

proposed treatment, why and how it works, and its commonly
known risks and side effects. (WIC 5326.2(e)) The reasonable alternative treatments and why the physician is

recommending this particular treatment. (WIC 5326(f)) The supplemental information pertaining to this particular patient.

(WIC 5326.3) That the patient has the right to accept or refuse the proposed
treatment and that, if the patient consents, the patient has the right
to revoke his/her consent for any reason, at any time prior to or
between treatments. (WIC 5326.2(g))

4.1.2 The fact of the oral explanation shall be entered into the patient’s treatment
record including the date and time when the required information was discussed.
(WIC 5326.4)

4.1.3 Written informed consent shall be given only after 24 hours have elapsed from
the time the information in Section 4.1 has been given. (WIC 5326.5(e)) The fact that the written consent form was executed shall be
entered into the patient’s treatment record, as shall a copy of the
consent itself. (WIC 5326.4) The consent form must be dated and witnessed (WIC

5326.4). The witness must be someone other than the treating
physician who explained and presented the consent form. The consent form shall be available to the person and to his/her
attorney, guardian, and conservator and, if the patient consents, to
a responsible relative of the patient’s choosing. (WIC 5326.4)


ECT may be administered to a voluntary patient when all of the following conditions are
5.1.1 The attending or treating physician enters adequate documentation in the
patient’s treatment record of the reasons for the procedure, that all reasonable
treatment modalities have been carefully considered, and that the treatment is
definitely indicated and is the least drastic alternative available for this patient at
this time. (WIC 5326.75(a)) Such statement in the treatment record shall be signed by the

and treating physician or physicians. (WIC 5326.7(a))

5.1.2 The attending physician believes the patient has the capacity to give written
informed consent. If the attending physician believes the patient does not have the
capacity to give a written informed consent:

 A review of the patient’s treatment record shall be performed

as described in 5.2.2 (WIC 5326.75(c));
 An oral explanation is given to a responsible relative as
described in 5.1.4 (WIC 5326.75(a)); and
 A petition shall be filed in Superior Court to determine the
patient’s capacity to give written informed consent. (WIC

5.1.3 The patient gives written informed consent (WIC 5326.75(c)) as defined in
Section 4.1.

5.1.4 A responsible relative of the patient’s choosing has been given an oral
explanation of the contents of the consent (See Section 4.1) by the attending
physician. (WIC 5326.75(a)) In this context, “responsible relative” includes the spouse, parent,

adult child, or adult brother or sister of the patient. (WIC
5326.6(d)) Should the patient desire not to inform a relative or should such
chosen relative be unavailable, this requirement is dispensed with.

5.1.5 A board-certified or board-eligible psychiatrist or a board-certified or board-

eligible neurologist other than the patient’s attending or treating physician has
examined the patient and verifies the patient has the capacity to give and has
given written informed consent. (WIC 5326.75(b)) Such verification shall be documented in the patient’s treatment

record (Attachment II) and signed by the treating physician. (WIC
5326.75(b)) If no verification required by 5.1.5:
 A review of the patient’s treatment record shall be performed
described in Section 5.2.2 (WIC 5326.75(c));
 An oral explanation is given to a responsible relative as
in Section 5.1.4 (WIC 5326.75(a)); and
 A petition shall be filed in Superior Court (Department 95) to
determine the patient’s capacity to give written informed
(WIC 5326.75(c))



Persons with guardians or conservators and persons detained under Welfare and
Institutions Code, Sections 5150, 5250, 5260, 5270.10, or 5300 may be administered
ECT when ALL of the following conditions are met:

5.2.1 The attending or treating physician enters adequate documentation in the

patient’s treatment record of the reasons for the procedure, that all reasonable
treatment modalities have been carefully considered and that treatment is
definitely indicated and is the least drastic alternative available for this patient at
this time. (WIC 5326.7(a)) Such statement in the treatment record shall be signed by the

attending and treating physician or physicians. (WIC 5326.7(a))

5.2.2 A review of the patient’s treatment record is conducted by a committee of two

physicians, at least one of whom shall have personally examined the
patient. One physician shall be appointed by the facility and one shall be
appointed by the local mental health director. Both shall be either board-certified
or board-eligible psychiatrists or board-certified or board-eligible neurologists.
(WIC 5326.7(b)) Persons who serve on review committees shall not otherwise be

personally involved in the treatment of the patient whose case
they are reviewing. (WIC 5326.55) It shall be the responsibility of the local mental health director to

promulgate a list of physicians eligible to serve as local mental
health director appointees to pre-treatment review
committees. The facility shall select one physician from this
list. The physician selected from this list is considered “appointed
by the local mental health director” (Los Angeles County
Department of Mental Health (DMH). This review committee must unanimously agree with the treating
physician’s determinations described in Section 5.2.1 (WIC
5326.7(b)). Such agreement shall be documented in the patient’s
treatment record and on the Pre-Treatment Review Committee
Statement (Attachment III) signed by both physicians. (WIC

5.2.3 A responsible relative of the person’s choosing and the person’s guardian or
conservator, if there is one, have each been given an oral explanation of the
contents of the consent (See Section 4.1) by the attending physician. (WIC
5326.7(c)) In this context, “responsible relative” includes the spouse, parent,

adult child, or adult brother or sister of the patient. (WIC
5326.6(d)) Should the patient desire not to inform a relative or should such
chosen relative be unavailable, this requirement is dispensed with.
(WIC 5326.7(c))

5.2.4 The attending physician believes the patient has the capacity to give written
informed consent.

5.2.5 The patient gives written informed consent as defined in Section 4.1 (WIC
5326.7(d)). If the attending physician believes the patient does not have the
capacity to give a written informed consent, then a petition shall
be filed in Superior Court (Department 95) to determine the
patient’s capacity to give written informed consent. (WIC

5.2.6 The patient’s attorney, or, if none, a public defender appointed by the Court,
agrees as to the patient’s capacity to give written informed consent and that the
patient has given written informed consent. (WIC 5326.7(e)) If the attorney believes the patient does not have the capacity to
give a written informed consent, then a petition shall be filed in
Superior Court (Department 95) to determine the patient’s
capacity to give written informed consent. (WIC 5326.7(f)) When Section 5326.7(e) of the Welfare and Institutions Code

requires a person’s attorney make a determination as to the
person’s capacity or incapacity to give written informed consent,
the attorney shall make an independent judgment of capacity. (9
CCR 840(c))

5.2.7 If the Court determines the patient does not have the capacity to give written
informed consent, then treatment may be performed upon gaining the written
informed consent (described in Section 4.1) from the responsible relative or the
guardian or conservator of the patient. (WIC 5326.7(g)
5.2.8At any time during the course of treatment of a person who has been deemed
incompetent, that person shall have the right to claim regained
competency. Should the person do so, the person’s competency must be
reevaluated according to Sections 5.2.6,,, and 5.2.7. (WIC

Under no circumstances shall convulsive treatment be performed on a minor under 12

years of age. (WIC 5326.8)

Persons 12, 13, 14, or 15 years of age may be administered convulsive treatment if all
requirements specific to involuntary patients and patients under guardianship or
conservatorship (See Section 5.2) have been met per CCR 845(b) and the following
conditions are met:

5.3.1 It is an emergency situation and convulsive treatment is deemed a lifesaving

treatment. (WIC 5326.8(a))

5.3.2 This fact and the need for and appropriateness of the treatment are unanimously
certified by a review board of three board-certified or board-eligible child
psychiatrists appointed by the local mental health director. (WIC 5326.8(b)) The treatment physician or the facility must contact the Office of
the Medical Director, Los Angeles County Department of Mental
Health (DMH) for information on assembling this pre-treatment
review board. Persons who serve on review committees shall not otherwise be

personally involved in the treatment of the patient whose case
they are reviewing. (WIC 5326.55) Review board agreement shall be documented in the patient’s

treatment record and signed by all three physicians. (Accord WIC

5.3.3 If substituted consent is authorized by the court and the minor is not
emancipated, the custodial parent or parents or the individual or agency with
legal custody, shall be considered the guardian for the purposes of granting or
withholding substituted consent. (9 CCR 845(c))

5.3.4 ECT is otherwise performed in full compliance with the regulations promulgated
by the Director of the State Department of Mental Health. (WIC 5326.8)

5.3.5 The treatment is thoroughly documented and reported immediately to the

Director of the State Department of Mental Health. (WIC 5326.8(d))


5.4.1 Persons aged 16 and 17 who are voluntary patients may themselves grant or
withhold consent for convulsive treatment to the same extent as adults who are
voluntary patients (See Section 5.1). (9 CCR 845(d)) The oral explanation described in Section 5.1.4 may not be given
without the minor’s consent. (Health and Safety Code, Section

5.4.2 Persons aged 16 and 17 who are detained under WIC, Sections 5250, 5260,
5270.15, 5300 or 5585.50 are subject to Section 5.2. (9 CCR 845(b)) The oral explanation described in Section 5.2.3 may not be given
without the minor’s consent. (Health and Safety Code, Section
123115(a)) If substituted consent is authorized by the court and the minor is

not emancipated, the custodial parent or parents or the individual
or agency with legal custody, shall be considered the guardian for
purposes of granting or withholding substituted consent. (9 CCR

5.4.3 Persons aged 16 and 17 who have conservators or court appointed guardians
are subject to Section 5.2. (9 CCR 845(b)) The oral explanation described in Section 5.2.3 may not be given
without the minor’s consent. (Health and Safety Code, Section


6.1.1 Any facility in which ECT is performed, whether on a voluntary or an involuntary

patient, shall designate a qualified committee of three psychiatrists and/or
neurologists knowledgeable about the treatment and its effect to verify the
appropriateness and need for such treatment. (9 CCR 847(a)) Persons who serve on review committees shall not otherwise be

personally involved in the treatment of the patient whose case
they are reviewing. (WIC 5326.55) This committee shall review all convulsive treatments given in that
facility on a quarterly basis. (9 CCR 847(a)) If treatments are initiated in a facility and then continued outside

that facility, the physician who continues treatments shall report
the total number of treatments to the facility. Any such treatments
shall be reviewed by the facility’s review committee. (9 CCR
6.1.2 For ECT not included under Section 6.1.1 (including outpatient programs), the
local mental health director shall approve the establishment of a post ECT
treatment review committee by the entity providing ECT. (9 CCR 847(b)) This committee shall consist of three psychiatrists and/or

neurologists and shall meet on a quarterly basis to verify the
appropriateness and need for such treatment. (9 CCR 847(b)) Persons who serve on review committees shall not otherwise be

personally involved in the treatment of the patient whose case
they are reviewing. (WIC 5326.55) Records submitted to these committees shall have the identifying

data on the patient deleted, except where disclosure is otherwise
authorized by WIC, Section 5328, et seq. (9 CCR 847(b)) Records of these committees will be subject to availability in the

same manner as are the records of other hospital utilization and
audit committees and to such other regulations as are
promulgated by the Director of Mental Health. (WIC 5326.91)

6.1.3 Persons serving on review committees described in Sections 6.1.1 and 6.1.2 will
enjoy the same immunities as other persons serving on utilization, peer review,
and audit committees of health care facilities. (WIC 5326.91)

6.1.4 Refusal by any facility or physician to submit ECT cases for review shall be
reported by the review committees to the Director of the State Department of
Mental Health who may take any or all of the actions specified in Section (9 CCR 847(c))


7.1.1 Convulsive treatments shall be considered excessive if more than fifteen (15)
treatments are given to a patient within a thirty (30) day period, or a total of more
than thirty (30) treatments are given to a patient within a one-year period. (9 CCR

7.1.2 If, in the judgment of the attending physician, more than the above limits are
indicated, prior approval must first be obtained from the review committee of the
facility (See Section 6.1.1) or the county (See Section 6.1.2), whichever is
(9 CCR 847(b)). Requests for approval shall include the following: Documentation of the diagnosis (9 CCR 847(b)); The clinical findings leading to the recommendation for the

additional treatments (9 CCR 847(b)); The consideration of other reasonable treatment modalities and

the opinion that additional treatments pose less risk than other
potentially effective alternatives available for the particular patient
at the present time (9 CCR 847(b)); and The maximum number of additional treatments sought (9 CCR


7.1.3 The review committee shall act upon any such request within seven (7) days of
its receipt and shall document the maximum number of additional treatments
approved. All applicable informed consent procedures shall also be followed. (9
CCR 847(b))


8.1.1 Quarterly, any such facility that has performed ECT during the prior quarter, or
that considers ECT a part of the facility’s program, shall report to the local mental
health director. These reports shall be made regardless of whether or not any of
these treatment methods were used during the quarter. (9 CCR 838(b)) The local mental health director shall transmit reports received to
the Director of the State Department of Mental Health, or to the
office designated by the Director, by the last day of the month
following the end of the quarter. (9 CCR 838.3)

8.1.2 Likewise, any physician who considers ECT a service that he/she provides, and
whose use of ECT is not included in any facility’s report, must submit a quarterly
report to the local mental health director even if such treatment was not
administered during that particular quarter. (9 CCR 383(b)) The local mental health director shall transmit reports received to
the Director of the State Department of Mental Health, or to the
office designated by the Director, by the last day of the month
following the end of the quarter. (9 CCR 838.3)

8.1.3 When more than one seizure is induced in a single treatment session, each
seizure shall be considered a separate treatment for records-keeping and
reporting purposes. (9 CCR 836(a))

8.1.4 Quarterly, the Director of Mental Health shall forward to the Medical Board of
California any records or information received from the quarterly ECT reports
indicating violation of the law and the regulations that have been adopted thereto.
(WIC 5326.15(b))


9.1.1 All ECT performed in Los Angeles County must be reported on a Monthly Report
of Convulsive Treatments Administered form (Attachment IV) on a monthly basis
to the Director of the local Department of Mental Health (DMH).

9.1.2 Monthly reports must be submitted on forms promulgated by the Director of

9.1.3 All deaths occurring during the administration of ECT must be reported to the
Office of the Coroner. If an autopsy is performed, a report of the coroner’s findings

should accompany the monthly report. If autopsy findings are unavailable, this fact and the reason for
this fact must be documented in the monthly report.


10.1.1 Any physician who intentionally violates statutory requirement described in

Sections 3.1 to 5.4, inclusive, shall be subject to a civil penalty of not more than
five thousand dollars ($5,000) for each violation. Such penalty may be assessed
and collected in a civil action brought by the Attorney General in a Superior
Court. Such intentional violation shall be grounds for revocation of

license. (WIC 5326.9(c))

10.1.2 Any alleged or suspected violation of an individual’s statutory rights related to

ECT shall be investigated by the local director of mental health or his/her
designee. Violations of requirements described in Sections 3.1 to 5.4, inclusive,
shall also be investigated by the Director of State Department Mental Health or
his/her designee. (WIC 5326.9(a)) If it is determined by the local director of mental health or the

Director of State Department of Mental Health that a right has
been violated, a formal notice of violation shall be issued. (WIC
5326.9(a)) Upon issuing a notice of violation, either director may take any or
all of the following actions:
 Assign a specified time period during which the violation shall
corrected. (WIC 5326.9(b)(1))
 Refer the matter to the Medical Board of California or other
professional agency. (WIC 5326.9(b)(2))
 Refer any violation of law to a local District Attorney or the
Attorney General for prosecution. (WIC 5326.9(b)(4))
 Revoke a facility’s designation and authorization under WIC
5404 to
evaluate and treat persons detained involuntarily. (WIC

10.1.3 A facility, clinic, or physician who fails to submit the reports described in Sections
8.1.1 and 8.1.2, by the 15th of the month following completion of the quarter, shall
be notified by the local mental health director of the legal obligation to submit
these reports. (9 CCR 838.2) Failure to comply within fifteen (15) days after such notification
shall be reported to the Director of the State Department of Mental
Health who may take any or all of the actions specified in Section (9 CCR 838.2)

REFERENCES Welfare and Institutions Code, Sections 5326.2 to 5326.95

Health and Safety Code, Section 123115
California Code of Regulations, Title 9, Sections 835 to 849


Attachment I-A Informed Consent for Electroconvulsive Treatment (ECT) English

Attachment I-B Informed Consent for Electroconvulsive Treatment (ECT) Spanish
Attachment II Consulting Physician Verification of Consent to Electroconvulsive
Attachment III ECT Pre-Treatment Review Committee Statement
Attachment IV Monthly Report of Convulsive Treatments Administered

REVIEW DATE This policy shall be reviewed on or before August 2007.

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