1st Periodical Test in Earth Scie-2019
1st Periodical Test in Earth Scie-2019
1st Periodical Test in Earth Scie-2019
Department of Education
Cordillera Administrative Region
Tumalip, Baay-Licuan, Abra
Prepared by:
Subject Teacher
Prepared by:
Subject Teacher
Noted by:
Principal I
Prepared by:
Subject Teacher
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Cordillera Administrative Region
Tumalip, Baay-Licuan, Abra
b. Chloroplast are
I. Multiple Choice. Read carefully the present.
questions/statements. Choose the letter of the c. It is surrounded by a cell wall.
correct answer before the number. d. The cytoplasm is bound by a plasma
For number 1 – 4, refer to the cell structures membrane
below. 15. In which type of cell iss will a greater number of
a. Mitochondria mitochondria most likely to be found?
b. Nucleus a. In cells requiring much energy
c. Nuclear membrane b. In nonliving cells
d. Cell membrane c. In old cells
e. Endoplasmic reticulum d. In photosynthesizing cells
1. It is considered as the control center of the cell. 16. If eukaryotes are organisms having cells that are
2. It guards the entry and exit of the materials in a meembrane-bound, which of the following forms
cell. of life is NOT EUKARYOTIC?
3. It is considered as the powerhouse of the cell. a. Bacterial cell
4. Organelles that transport materials inside the cell b. Protist like Amoeba
5. Which of the following organelles present in cell is c. Plant cell
associated with cellular respiration? d. Human cell
e. chlorophyll 17. Dscribe the energy changes in photosynthesis.
f. Thylakoid a. Chemical energy energy of flowing
g. Mitochondria electrons light energy
h. stroma b. Chemical energy light energy
6. Where does light-dependent reaction chemical energy
photosynthesis occur?(refer to choices in no. 5) c. Light energy chemical energy energy
7. What are the products in the light-dependent of flowing electrons
reaction that is needed in the 2 nd stage of d. Light energy energy of flowing electrons
photosynthesis (Calvin cycle)? chemical energy
a. ATP and NADPH 18. Starting requirements for photosynthesis and
b. ATP, NADPH and oxygen respiration are cycled between the two processes,
c. ATP and Oxygen except
d. NADPH and oxygen a. Carbon dioxide
8. What is the raw material of photosynthesis that b. Light
enters the leaf mainly through the stomata? c. Oxygen
a. Carbon dioxide d. water
b. Oxygen 19. Which does not describe digestion?
c. Sunlight a. Absorption of food molecules into the
d. Water walls of the small intestine
9. To be able to photosynthesize, an organism must b. Breaking of food into smaller sizes
have c. Distribution of food molecules by blood
a. Chlorophyll and lymph
b. Cuticle d. Passage of water and undigested food into
c. Leaves the large intestines
d. Sugars 20. If your kidneys are not functioning, what will
10. What is the function of the nervous system? happen to the waste materials carried by the
a. distributes food and oxygen to the cell blood?
b. coordinates and controls bodily functions a. They clog the urethra
c. serves as framework of the body b. They will pass out of the body in the form
d. removes waste products of the body of urine
11. It regulates all the body activities to keep them c. They will remain in the blood.
operating at homeostasis d. They will stay in the urinary bladder
a. Endocrine system 21. If people plant trees in deforested areas, they help
b. Respiratory System in slowing down of global warming. How?
c. Circulatory system a. Photosynthetic rate increases and CO 2
d. Lymphatic system level correspondingly increases.
12. What does the union of a sperm and an egg cell b. Photosynthetic rate decreases and CO 2
produce? level also decreases.
a. Gamete c. The level of CO2 in the atmosphere
decreases as photosynthetic increases.
b. Zygote d. The levels of methane, nitrogen oxides,
c. Embryo and CFCs in the atmosphere decreases as
d. Multicellular animal CO2 increases.
13. Which is present in a plant cell but not in animal 22. A farmer is experiencing a problem growing his
cell as seen throuhg a compound microscope? crops. Most of the leaves of the crops are turning
a. Cell membrane yellow. Which of the following will likely result
b. Cell wall from the yellowing of the leaves of the crops.
c. Cytoplasm a. It will increase the production of food.
d. Nucleus b. It will decrease the production of food.
14. Which of the following is not a unique c. The production of food will remain the
characteristics of plant cells? same.
a. A large central vacoule develops at d. None of the above.
23. A friend asks which of the following plants should
be planted in a well-lighted area. What is your 46. TIGH + ? __ __ __ __ __
a. Rice V. Essay. Answer and discuss the following questions
b. Onion briefly. (2 points each)
c. Bermuda grass
d. garlic 47-48. Why are plants green?
24. Which of the following describes asexual
a. Sex cells are not involved.
b. A new individual develops from a sex cell.
c. It involves the union of gametes
d. Itinvolves the union of two kins of
25. Which of these statements about the flower is NOT
a. It is the organ for sexual reproduction.
b. Some of its parts may develop into a fruit
with seeds.
c. Many structures aid in bringing the sperm
cell in the pollen to the egg cell in the
ovule. 49-50. Vacoules are storage areas in cells. They may
d. Its male and female parts are both found store water, food or waste products. In plants cells,
in the same flower. vacoulesare big, in animal cells vacoules are small. Why
26. What will happen if ATP and NADPH are already do you think so?
used up at night?
a. Less oxygen will produced
b. Less carbon dioxide will be used
c. Glucose production will stop
d. Water molecule will split to form electrons
42. STORM + ? __ __ __ __ __ __
43. TEAR + ? __ __ __ __ __
44. WEAR + ? __ __ __ __ __
45. BOLD + ? __ __ __ __ __