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1st Periodical Test in Earth Scie-2019

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Cordillera Administrative Region
Tumalip, Baay-Licuan, Abra


Name:_____________________________________ Score: ___________________

b. Refilling plastic water bottles.

Direction: Read the questions/statements carefully and c. Throwing old toys in the trash can.
choose the best answer. Write the letter of the correct d. Taking aluminum cans to the school
answer. recycling center.
‘’ Isa lang yung piliin mo, ‘yong masasabi mong the BEST at RIGHT one 8. A day on Saturn takes about 10 Earth hours.
para hindi ka magsisi sa huli. Kapag nagdadalawang isip ka, take your Which fact would best explain this short day?
time to choose, pag nagkamali ka sa pagpili, masasaktan ka lang. kaya
kung sa tingin mo hindi siya yong tama at ayaw mo na talaga sa kaniya a. Saturn is less dense than Earth
learn to let go, huwag mong paasahin yong mga ibang choices mo.” b. Saturn is much farther from the Sun than
“Seryosohin mo ang pagsagot katulad ng pagseseryoso mo sa taong Earth.
minamahal mo. c. Saturn rotates more rapidly than Earth.
1. Which of the following theories describes the d. Saturn’s orbit has greater eccentricity than
universe that was once very small and very
hot, and then it expanded overtime until it Earth’s.
reached it s peak 13.7 billion years ago? 9. In an area where a river has cut deep into
a. Steady State Theory Earth, there are several layers of very different
b. Big Bang Theory rock exposed. The oldest rock layer is most
c. Cosmic Inflation Theory likely to be the layer that is
d. Continental Drift Theory a. below the other layers.
2. The formation and evolution of the solar b. the thickest layer.C
system was formed 4.6 billion years ago from a c. the most rich in fossils.D
rotating gas cloud or ________ of extremely d. igneous intrusive rock
hot gas. 10. Which of the following statements best
a. Planetisimal describes how the planets of the solar
b. Star system formed?
c. Nebula a. They are condensed rings of matter
d. Tidal thrown off by the young Sun.
3. Earth’s present shape is not a perfect sphere b. They are the remains of an exploded
but an oblate spheroid?What caused its star once paired with the Sun.
shape? c. The Sun captured them from
a. Because of its gravity and revolution smaller, older nearby stars.
around the sun d. They formed from a nebular cloud
b. Because of its revolution around the sun of dust and gas.
c. Because of its gravity that pulls its mass to 11. Which planet was formed from the light
the center or its core and its rotation gases of the outer solar nebula?
d. All of these a. Mars
4. Which of the following earth’s subsystem b. Mercury
protect Earth from many external threats in c. Venus
space like planetary debris, impacts from d. Uranus
celestial bosies and radiation? 12. Evidence suggests that Earth is about 9.6
a. Geosphere billion years old, even though no Earth rocks
b. Biosphere have been found that can be dated at more
c. Hydrosphere than 4 billion years old. This discrepancy is
d. Atmosphere most likely caused by Earth’s original crust
5. Predict what will happen when carbon dioxide being
and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere a. difficult to date so precisely.
increases. b. subject to extensive erosion.
a. Greenhouse effect will intensifies c. blasted away during Earth’s formation.
b. More gases will trap the sun’s radiation d. destroyed by solar radiation.
that is being radiated back to the 13. The primitive atmosphere of Earth was
atmosphere deficient in free oxygen. What process was
c. There will be an increase in the earth’s primarily responsible for the development of
temperature the present percentage of free oxygen in the
d. All of these Earth’s atmosphere?
6. What will happen if a critical part of a life- a. outgassing
support system is significantly changed or fail b. photosynthesis
to operate properly? c. volcanic eruptions
a. Population will continue to grow d. oxidation of iron-based minerals
b. Organisms will be able to survive 14. Most of the molecular oxygen in the early
c. Organisms may no longer be able to atmosphere of Earth resulted from
survive a. photosynthesis in primitive plants.
d. All of these b. decaying primitive plants and animals.
7. Reduce, recycle and reuse is one way to c. volcanic eruptions.
mitigate the environmental problems brought d. lightning striking Earth.
by human activities such as pollution. Which of 15. Which of the following is the best evidence
the following is not an example of reduce, that Earth’s continents were once in vastly
reuse, recycle? different positions than they are today?
a. Using worn-out clothes for rags.
a. Penguins are found only in the Southern d. A metamorphic rock cannot be
Hemisphere. transformed into an igneous rock.
b. Fossils of tropical plants are found in 23. During the 1800s, miners needed to be able to
Antarctica. tell real gold from another mineral, pyrite. To
c. Volcanoes encircle the Pacific Ocean. tell them apart, the miners would bite the
d. Major rivers form deltas from continental mineral they found. If they saw a bite mark in
erosion. the mineral, they knew it was real gold. What
16. If Jupiter is much larger than Earth, why does it property were they testing?
have a lower density? a. cleavage
a. Because Jupiter is rotating faster than b. luster
Earth c. hardness
b. Because Earth is closer to the sun than d. streak color
Jupiter. 24. Most rocks found near Mt. Mayon are
c. Because Jupiter is a gaseous planet while classified as igneous rocks because
Earth is rocky a. Rocks undergo frequent shaking due to
d. Because Earth has a thinneratmosphere earthquakes
than Jupiter b. Rocks are constantly heated by hot springs
17. Which of the following is the largest planet in c. Rocks solidified from magma
the Solar System? d. All of the above
a. Saturn 25. Which of the following is a chemical
b. Uranus weathering agent?
c. Neptune a. Growing tree roots
d. Jupiter b. Water run-off
18. As part of the modern theory of the origins of c. Burrowing animals
the elements, it is hypothesized that before d. Carbonic acid
the formation of the stars, most of the matter 26. What drives the endogenous process on earth?
in the universe consisted of what atoms? a. Thermal energy from the mantle
a. hydrogen and helium b. Gravity of the earth
b. nitrogen and carbon c. Water and wind
c. silicon and lithium d. organisms
d. uranium and radium 27. Put the layers of the earth in order from
19. It is generally true that igneous rocks outside layer to inside
a. contain primarily evaporites. a. mantle, crust, core
b. can be scratched with a penny. b. core, mantle, crust
c. normally contain fossils. c. crust, mantle, core
d. are composed of silicate minerals. d. mantle, core, crust
Use the diagram below to answer questions 20-22. e. crust, core, mantle
28. What makes up the lithosphere?
a. Continental crust
b. Crust and the upper mantle
c. Oceanic crust and continental crust
d. Upper mantle
29. The movement of the lithospheric plates is
facilitated by a soft, weak and plastic-like layer.
Which of the following layers is described in
the statement?
a. Asthenosphere
b. Atmosphere
c. Lithosphere
d. Mantle
30. The lithospheric plates are believed to be
moving slowly. What is the driving force that
facilitates this movement?
a. Gravitational force of the moon
b. Magnetic force at the poles
c. Convection current in the mantle
20. What is formed when sediments is cemented d. The force of the atmosphere
together? 31. What theory did early scientists Alfred
a. Magma Wegener give about the Earth’s crust?
b. Igneous a. There was only one large continent
c. Metamorphic b. There was no land part on Earth
d. Sedimentary c. The earth was deep within the oceans
21. What are the processes involve in order for the d. The Earth had only two continents on it
sedimentary rocks to become sediments? 32. Who were the two scientists who proposed
a. Weathering the theory of the seafloor spreading in the
b. Erosion early 1960s?
c. Compaction a. Charles Darwin and James Hutton
d. Both a and b b. Harry Hess and Robert Dietz
e. Both b and c c. Alfred Wegener and Abraham Ortelius
22. What must happen for metamorphic rock to d. Henry Dietz and Robert Hess
be transformed into igneous rock? 33. Which of the following properly describes
a. The metamorphic rock needs to be broken crustal plates?
down by weathering. a. A large body of water
b. The metamorphic rock needs to b. Large pieces of rocks that compose
experience great heat and pressure. continents and ocean floors
c. The metamorphic rock must melt and the c. A large area of land floating in the ocean
magma has to cool. d. All the land and water parts of the earth
34. If you are a cartographer, what will give you an a slurry of pyroclastic material, rocky debris,
idea that the continents were once joined? and water. The material flows down from
a. Ocean depth a volcano, typically along a river valley?
b. Position of the south pole a. Volcanic ash
c. Shape of the continents b. Lahar
d. Size of the Atlantic ocean c. Pyroclastic flow
35. A rift valley is evidence of which kind of plate d. Volcanic dust
a. convergent a
b. divergent
c. transform
d. uniform
36. The convergence of two continental plates
would produce
a. island arcs.
b. rift valleys.
c. folded mountains.
d. trenches.
37. Earthquake vibrations are detected, measured,
and recorded by instruments called
a. sonargraphs.
b. seismographs. b
c. Richter scales.
d. magnetometers.

43. From the figure of undisturbed stratified rocks

38. At above, in which layer is considered to be the
44. In which method uses fossil evidences with
radioactive elements to determine age of
stratified rocks?
a. radioactive decay
b. radiocarbon dating
c. lithostratigraphy
d. biostratigraphy
which location would earthquakes be least 45. In what Era does the single-celled
likely to occur? cyanobacteria exist?
a. 1 a. Precambrian
b. 2 b. Palezoic
c. 3 c. Mesozoic
d. 4 d. Cenozoic
39. At which location would subduction occur? 46. Which event happened during Cretaceous
a. 1 Period?
b. 2 a. Largest dinosaurs developed
c. 3 b. Humans started leaving records
d. 4 c. First rocks on Earth’s crust appeared
40. Why does the Earth’s size remain the same in d. All of these
spite of the movement of plates away from 47. Why is the Philippines vulnerable to
each other at oceanic ridges? earthquake?
a. The edges of the continenents are a. It is because the Philippines is an
maintained . archipelago.
b. It is composed of continental and oceanic b. It is because the Philippines is
crust of constant sizes. geographically located along the Pacific
c. Creation of crust at divergent margins is region near the equator.
balanced by destruction at convergent c. It is because the Philippines lies along the
margins. Pacific Ring of Fire.
d. What happens in the oceanic ridge merely d. all of the above
shakes the ocean waters and does not 48. Why is it beneficial to be able to predict when
cause these to rise to increase the size of and where natural hazards will occur?
earth. a. communities can be notified to evacuate
41. Which of the following best describes b. So that we can stop them from happening
disasters? again
a. It is a serious disruption of the functioning c. so that scientists know where to go in order
of a community or a society. to study them
b. It is the characteristics and circumstances d. so that we can harness their power for
of a community, system or asset that make renewable energy
it susceptible to the damaging effects of a 49. Which is the BEST way you can help prepare
hazard. for natural disasters?
c. It the degree to which the elements at risk a. Watch your pets for any unusual behavior
are likely to experience hazard events of b. Always carry a pint of water with you.
different magnitudes. c. Keep the windows of your house closed at
d. All of the above all times.
42. What do we call the type of mudflow or debris d. Make an emergency supply kit with your
flow composed of family.
50. How do you stay safe during an earthquake?
a. If inside when the shaking starts, move no
more than a few steps, drop to the ground,
cover and hold
b. if outside, find a clear spot and drop to the
c. both of the above
d. none of the above

Prepared by:

Subject Teacher


Prepared by:

Subject Teacher

Noted by:

Principal I



Prepared by:

Subject Teacher
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Cordillera Administrative Region
Tumalip, Baay-Licuan, Abra

b. Chloroplast are
I. Multiple Choice. Read carefully the present.
questions/statements. Choose the letter of the c. It is surrounded by a cell wall.
correct answer before the number. d. The cytoplasm is bound by a plasma
For number 1 – 4, refer to the cell structures membrane
below. 15. In which type of cell iss will a greater number of
a. Mitochondria mitochondria most likely to be found?
b. Nucleus a. In cells requiring much energy
c. Nuclear membrane b. In nonliving cells
d. Cell membrane c. In old cells
e. Endoplasmic reticulum d. In photosynthesizing cells
1. It is considered as the control center of the cell. 16. If eukaryotes are organisms having cells that are
2. It guards the entry and exit of the materials in a meembrane-bound, which of the following forms
cell. of life is NOT EUKARYOTIC?
3. It is considered as the powerhouse of the cell. a. Bacterial cell
4. Organelles that transport materials inside the cell b. Protist like Amoeba
5. Which of the following organelles present in cell is c. Plant cell
associated with cellular respiration? d. Human cell
e. chlorophyll 17. Dscribe the energy changes in photosynthesis.
f. Thylakoid a. Chemical energy  energy of flowing
g. Mitochondria electrons  light energy
h. stroma b. Chemical energy  light energy 
6. Where does light-dependent reaction chemical energy
photosynthesis occur?(refer to choices in no. 5) c. Light energy  chemical energy  energy
7. What are the products in the light-dependent of flowing electrons
reaction that is needed in the 2 nd stage of d. Light energy  energy of flowing electrons
photosynthesis (Calvin cycle)?  chemical energy
a. ATP and NADPH 18. Starting requirements for photosynthesis and
b. ATP, NADPH and oxygen respiration are cycled between the two processes,
c. ATP and Oxygen except
d. NADPH and oxygen a. Carbon dioxide
8. What is the raw material of photosynthesis that b. Light
enters the leaf mainly through the stomata? c. Oxygen
a. Carbon dioxide d. water
b. Oxygen 19. Which does not describe digestion?
c. Sunlight a. Absorption of food molecules into the
d. Water walls of the small intestine
9. To be able to photosynthesize, an organism must b. Breaking of food into smaller sizes
have c. Distribution of food molecules by blood
a. Chlorophyll and lymph
b. Cuticle d. Passage of water and undigested food into
c. Leaves the large intestines
d. Sugars 20. If your kidneys are not functioning, what will
10. What is the function of the nervous system? happen to the waste materials carried by the
a. distributes food and oxygen to the cell blood?
b. coordinates and controls bodily functions a. They clog the urethra
c. serves as framework of the body b. They will pass out of the body in the form
d. removes waste products of the body of urine
11. It regulates all the body activities to keep them c. They will remain in the blood.
operating at homeostasis d. They will stay in the urinary bladder
a. Endocrine system 21. If people plant trees in deforested areas, they help
b. Respiratory System in slowing down of global warming. How?
c. Circulatory system a. Photosynthetic rate increases and CO 2
d. Lymphatic system level correspondingly increases.
12. What does the union of a sperm and an egg cell b. Photosynthetic rate decreases and CO 2
produce? level also decreases.
a. Gamete c. The level of CO2 in the atmosphere
decreases as photosynthetic increases.
b. Zygote d. The levels of methane, nitrogen oxides,
c. Embryo and CFCs in the atmosphere decreases as
d. Multicellular animal CO2 increases.
13. Which is present in a plant cell but not in animal 22. A farmer is experiencing a problem growing his
cell as seen throuhg a compound microscope? crops. Most of the leaves of the crops are turning
a. Cell membrane yellow. Which of the following will likely result
b. Cell wall from the yellowing of the leaves of the crops.
c. Cytoplasm a. It will increase the production of food.
d. Nucleus b. It will decrease the production of food.
14. Which of the following is not a unique c. The production of food will remain the
characteristics of plant cells? same.
a. A large central vacoule develops at d. None of the above.
23. A friend asks which of the following plants should
be planted in a well-lighted area. What is your 46. TIGH + ? __ __ __ __ __
a. Rice V. Essay. Answer and discuss the following questions
b. Onion briefly. (2 points each)
c. Bermuda grass
d. garlic 47-48. Why are plants green?
24. Which of the following describes asexual
a. Sex cells are not involved.
b. A new individual develops from a sex cell.
c. It involves the union of gametes
d. Itinvolves the union of two kins of
25. Which of these statements about the flower is NOT
a. It is the organ for sexual reproduction.
b. Some of its parts may develop into a fruit
with seeds.
c. Many structures aid in bringing the sperm
cell in the pollen to the egg cell in the
ovule. 49-50. Vacoules are storage areas in cells. They may
d. Its male and female parts are both found store water, food or waste products. In plants cells,
in the same flower. vacoulesare big, in animal cells vacoules are small. Why
26. What will happen if ATP and NADPH are already do you think so?
used up at night?
a. Less oxygen will produced
b. Less carbon dioxide will be used
c. Glucose production will stop
d. Water molecule will split to form electrons

II. What’s the Group. Identify and underline which do

not belong to the group and name/write what
is common to the three remaining terms.
27. Cell wall, chloroplast, thylakoids, lysosome
28. Carbon dioxide, water, oxygen, sunlight
29. Blood, brain, spinal chord, nerves
30. Kidney, intestine, stomach, anus
31. Stroma, grana, thylakoid, cristae

III. Modified True or False. In the statements

given below, write O if the underlined word or
phrase makes the statement true; otherwise,
change the underlined word or phrase to make
it true.
32. Water is the by-product of photosynthesis.
33. Organisms that exist as single cells are are called
34. Plants cells have greater number of golgi bodies as
compared to animal cell. Prepared by:
35. Glucose is the cell’s immediate source of energy.
36. Brain is the basic unit of the nervous system. GLAISA C. BAUTISTA
37. Sexual reproduction occurs in many animals Subject Teacher
through sex cells which are produced during
38. The circulatory system makes gas exchange Noted by:
possible between the body cells and the external
environment. CESARIA T. SANTOS
39. The kidneys are the most important excretory Principal I
organs of mammals. GOOD LUCK!!! _gcb1121_
40. Animals reproduce both asexually and sexually.
41. The leaf is an efficient structure for carrying out

IV. Anagram Plus. Find 5 Science terms by adding

one of the given letters to each word and
rearranging all the letters. Each letter will be
used only once.

42. STORM + ? __ __ __ __ __ __

43. TEAR + ? __ __ __ __ __

44. WEAR + ? __ __ __ __ __

45. BOLD + ? __ __ __ __ __

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