HND in Civil Engineering: Code Title Assessor / Examiner Individual Student Project Ms. Sushama de Silva

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HND in Civil Engineering

Code Title Assessor / Examiner

CE 5008 Individual Student Project Ms. Sushama De Silva

Assessment 2
Title : Weighting :
Individual Student Paper 70%

Submit to: Deadline

Office SIS Other
Late submissions will incur a penalty according to the regulations
Additional submission details:
At the presentation session need to submit a hardcopy of the PowerPoint presentation slides to the panel.


1. Identify a research question, problem or hypothesis and establish aims and objectives to support the
2. Communicate the planned project work using standard methods and tools.
3. Collate, and appraise existing knowledge in a Civil Engineering field and present a critical evaluation in the
form of a literature review.
4. Develop a research and data collection strategy appropriate to the research question / problem posed.
5. Source, collect, and analyses relevant and original qualitative and / or quantitative data.
6. Critically evaluate the research findings using reasoned and logical arguments within a structured written


Assessment Assessment Type Description Task Deadline
Assessment 01 PRACTICAL EXAM (PE) Viva/PPt % 30% Week 09/10

Assessment 02 COURSE WORK (CW) Individual Student Paper 70% Week 17

(2500 words)

Programme HND in Civil Engineering Learner name

Assignment title Assessor name

Unit no. & title Targeted assessment criteria

Issue date Submission deadline

Date submitted

Question Marks awarded

General comments

I certify that the evidence submitted for this assignment is the learner’s own.
Assessor declaration The learner has clearly referenced any sources used in the work. I understand
that false declaration is a form of malpractice.

Assessor signature Date

Learner comments

Learner signature Date


The individual student project will provide the student with an opportunity to carry out an
extended investigation of a subject related to Civil Engineering discipline, demonstrating the
ability to pursue an in-depth study in a critical manner, while exercising an ability to manage
work effectively by presenting a clearly defined piece of work to a deadline in a concise
The aim is also to encourage the students in application of tools and strategies to accomplish a
given task on a defined subject area and to demonstrate ability to read research and discriminate
on the selection of material, developing an ability to integrate selected material and focus on a
defined topic.

 Data Collection: Implement the project within agreed methodology
 Analysis of Data, Discussion & Conclusion: Evaluation of the project (overview of the
success or failure of the research project) This should also include the implications, limitations,
improvements and recommendations for the future.
 Present and evaluate the findings in the agreed format (refer appendix)

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Important Information for Students

 The criteria each task relates to are shown against that task where possible.
 Please note that plagiarism is treated as a serious offence and therefore the work you
produce must be individual and original although may work in groups in some
instances (Please refer to Student Handbook on Plagiarism & Cheating).
 All sources of information must be referenced using “Harvard referencing” where a
reference list/Bibliography should be included at the end of the assignment.
 Please note that the submission date given for this assignment is the final date that you
can hand over the assignment. A one week grace period maybe extended with prior
approval from the Program Manager – Undergraduate.
 Please read, follow and reference both the contents of the unit outline and the grading
criteria of the assignment before completing this assignment.
 Assume reasonable values for any data not given in or with the examination paper.
Clearly state such assumptions made on the script.
 In case of any doubt as to the interpretation of the wording of a question, make suitable
assumptions and clearly state them on the script.

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Insert your name here

Faculty of Engineering & Construction, International College of Business & Technology,

Sri Lanka

Abstract why to conduct this research, how you did it, what the key findings
are, and the implications of your research. It needs to be written for the non-
specialist (i.e. someone from another profession or discipline) and should
make them want to read the whole piece – it is a way of marketing your own
work. The Abstract should be no more than 300 words (if possible, make it
around 150 words). You may wish to leave your abstract to the last as it
would be easier to summarise after you finish your work.

Key Words: Give not more than 5 key terms that help define your study,
separated by comma

refereed academic journals: a key part of this text

INTRODUCTION (HEADING1) is for you to produce a professional-standard
piece of writing based on your own research.
Replace this text with your own introductory
section. It needs to explain: You are expected to use illustrations where
appropriate, within the text, with captions, and
What is your research topic giving the sources.
Why it is a problem / why it is important
Full and correct referencing is most important,
What have / haven’t been done in the area and work without this is likely to be failed.
(briefly) Again, see the journal examples for guidelines.
Research aim and objectives Use the “Harvard” system that this University
Remember that you can adjust the structure of requires.
this template if you think it appropriate: but do
use headings and subheadings to clearly Aims and objectives (Heading2)
structure your text. All research needs clear, tightly-focused and
You will be expected to keep to the guidelines of precise aims and objectives. Replace this text
this “journal”, which are adapted from real with your own. Remember that, in such a short

Individual Student Projects HND Civil Engineering Journal Vol.1 ICBT Campus, Sri Lanka 2017
piece, you probably will not need more than one Replace this text with a discussion of the
aim, and only a small number of objectives (3- information you have found:
4). Make sure that they are actually achievable. Present the data collected: table, diagram
Start your research aim and objectives with a DISCUSSION
verb (i.e. they are some actions you are going to
do) Replace this text with your own discussion of
what your results mean:
What does the data mean in the context of your
Replace this text with an integrated overview of research
the field of study: How important is this issue?
What are the key concepts of your research How do your research findings agree / disagree
What have been done in the area (detailed) with the existing literature and why / why
What the existing literature agrees / disagrees not
Where is the knowledge gap (i.e. areas other Results and discussion sections may be
people haven’t thoroughly researched and combined if appropriate
you are going to focus on CONCLUSION
In this section, you need to show your awareness
of the breadth and diversity of literature that Replace this text with your own conclusions:
relates to the research including relevant facts,
figures, theories, authors, models, debates or What are the key findings from your research
studies. What are your conclusions / recommendations
to your research problem
METHODOLOGY Limitation of the research / Further research
Remember that these must clearly come from
Replace this text with your own explanation of your own information and analysis: they must
your research approach: not simply appear out of thin air!
What research approach you chose
Why your research approach is the right one - REFERENCES
Replace this text with your own alphabetical list
How you did it - details of your research of the references cited within your text.
process Guidance on the Harvard system is widely
The experiments used and the justifications for available. Look at the sample journal issues to
the selection see exactly how each type of reference (book,
The sampling method and justifications book chapter, journal paper etc) is laid out.
The analysis method used on the project Please note that there should be no appendices.
Limitations of the methods
HOWEVER, please make sure you keep copies
Good research publications give a very clear of any results you have acquired e.g. interview
“story” of what was done, with full explanation transcripts, survey responses etc.
of why it was done that way (for example, why a Markers/external examiners reserve the right to
case study was the best way to research this demand evidence is produced (with a few days’
issue; and why this particular case was chosen). notice) if they wish to see it.

Individual Student Projects HND Civil Engineering Journal Vol.1 ICBT Campus, Sri Lanka 2017
Marking Scheme Date:
Student Name: ………………………………………….. :

Student ID: ………………………………………………

Marker Name: ……………………………………………

1. Aims, objectives and hypothesis

Must be summarized, but no allocated marks absent present

Average- Poor -
Depth of knowledge (Use of literature and referencing) Excellent- 5 V.Good - 4 Good -3
2. 2 1
i Number of references appropriate to subject
ii References from a variety of sources (internet /journal / book)
iii Proper understanding of topic area
iv Consideration of validity of each of sources used in (ii)
v Critical analysis with Harvard reference
Sub Total /25

Excellent: 7- V.Good :5- Average- Poor -

3. Data collection & Analysis 8 6 Good :3-4 2 1
i Range of data collection
ii Presentation of data using appropriate methodologies
iii Analysis of data using appropriate methodologies
iv Findings expressed in an appropriate and rigorous way
Evidence of deeper consideration of research question and / or
v advanced interrogation of data
Sub Total /40
Average- Poor -
Excellent- 5 V.Good - 4 Good -3
4. Discussion & Conclusions 2 1
i Discussions grounded with theory / literature
ii Triangulation** of data sources evident
iii Summary uses student findings in appropriate manner
iv Discussion analytical and clear
v Conclusions rigorous and appropriate
vi Suggestion for further study / identify areas of uncertainty
Sub Total /30

Average- Poor -
Excellent- 5 V.Good - 4 Good -3
5. Report writing & clarity of expression 2 1

Sub Total /5

TOTAL /100

References Used, not listed Listed, not used Used and Listed


o Data source—using evidence from different types of data sources, such as primary and secondary research or interviews, documents, public
records, photographs and observations
o Methodology—combining multiple methods to gather data, such as documents, interviews, observations, questionnaires or surveys, when
conducting primary research, at different times and in different places
o Theory—using more than one theoretical approach (theory) to interpret and support data

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