Report On Mobile Charger
Report On Mobile Charger
Report On Mobile Charger
submitted by
SAMARJEET (1774531003)
SUDHEER (1774531005)
Under the guidance of
Mr. Kartik Goyal
Asst. Professor, Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering
This project was carried out for the purpose that we learn very minute level
basics of electronics. The purpose was served & we are humbly thankful to Mr.
Kartik Goyal, Asst. Professor who put his heart & soul in giving us all the
necessary inputs in carrying out this project. His kind & helping nature made
this project possible.
Further, we are very much thankful to Mr. Sanjay Jaiswal, Lab Staff, ECE Dept.
who was always ready with all extension of all lab resources to us for fulfilling
our requirements.
At last but not the least, we are grateful to Dr. A.K. Srivastava, Principal SRMS
CET who motivated us for carrying out this project.
Samarjeet (1774531003)
Sudheer (1774531005)
A mobile battery charger circuit is a device that can automatically recharge a mobile
phone’s battery when the power in it gets low. Nowadays mobile phones have become
an integral part of everyone’s life and hence require frequent charging of battery owing
to longer duration usage.
Battery chargers come as simple, trickle, timer based, intelligent, universal battery
charger-analyzers, fast, pulse, inductive, USB based, solar chargers and motion powered
chargers. These battery chargers also vary depending on the applications like mobile
phone charger, battery charger for vehicles, electric vehicle batteries chargers and
charge stations.
Charging methods are classified into two categories: fast charge method and slow
charge method. Fast charge is a system used to recharge a battery in about two hours or
less than this, and the slow charge is a system used to recharge a battery throughout the
night. Slow charging is advantageous as it does not require any charge detection circuit.
Moreover, it is cheap as well. The only drawback of this charging system is that it takes
maximum time to recharge a battery.
The aim of our project is to build a mobile charger that can generate
power from that energy which was previously used to get lost. Our
project is extremely simple but highly useful. This system when
applied on large scale can generate very high amount of power
which can be used for the charge battery.
Also, our objective is set to learn the basic concepts of components,
fabrication, etc. With this project, we want to enhance our skill set of
electronic industry.
This shows the basic block diagram of our project. It is divided into three
main block:
1. Generation of power from the piezoelectric material.This is the starting
point of our project,here the power is generated by striking the piezoelectric
2. Rectification of generated AC voltage.As the power generated from the
piezo material is AC is needed to be rectified.
3.Storage of rectified voltage.