Fabricated Assembly Analysis: DFM Concurrent Costing Dfma
Fabricated Assembly Analysis: DFM Concurrent Costing Dfma
Fabricated Assembly Analysis: DFM Concurrent Costing Dfma
3. Accept the default forming direc�on. Rename the Process Chart tab from Original to weldment, by clicking the
tab to put it into edit mode and then type the new name.
4. Click the bu�on Select process and material.
5. In the Process and material selection window, choose Assembly fabrication for the process. For the material,
open the Carbon steel category and choose Generic low carbon steel.
6. Click the OK bu�on to return to the main window with the responses for the fabrica�on process shown on the
right panel.
7. In the Basic data box enter $0.05 in the response Scrap value of finished assembly. The Assembly labor rate of
$30.00 will be applied to all the opera�ons used in crea�ng this assembly.
8. There are 4 sheet metal parts to be welded together. The first process step is to set up the assembly jig to hold
the first part. We can start with the opera�on of se�ng up this jig. Click the Insert Opera�on toolbar bu�on.
9. In the Insert Opera�on dialog that opens, expand the category, if necessary, to see the opera�ons in the
Welded fabrication category. Double-click the Setup welding jig opera�on to add it to the Process Chart. Close
the Insert Opera�on dialog. The cost of the jig is applied to the tooling cost for the part.
The assembly labor rate, set at the process level as we saw earlier, will be applied to the setup �me. Click the Calculate
bu�on to update the Cost resuts box.
10. We now add the first part. This part has been analyzed using DFM Concurrent Cos�ng, and the cost informa�on from that
analysis is used here. To add a DFM part, click the Import Analyzed Part toolbar bu�on , then click Browse in the Select
analyses dialog.
11. You are presented with an Open dialog. Navigate to the directory where the DFM sample file welded assembly.dfmx is
located, the samples subfolder of the DFMA Data directory, by default. Select the welded assembly file and click the Open
12. Because the file welded assembly.dfm contains more than one analysis, you are presented with the tab names of each
analysis. Click the second name, base, and click OK to add the base to the Process Chart.
13. The Response Panel for the base has two group boxes, one Basic data, the other Part data. Most of this data has been
imported from the exis�ng DFM analysis, and is not editable. Click Calculate to see the cost breakdown for the added part
as shown in the Cost results.
14. The next step in the analysis is to acquire the base and posi�on it in the jig. If necessary, re-open the Insert Opera�on
dialog (Insert menu→ Operation). Double-click the opera�on Get parts and position in jig (Welded fabrication category.)
Close the Insert Opera�on dialog.
15. In the Envelope dimension group box, enter the dimensions of the base: length 4, width 4, and depth 0.25. For Symmetry,
select Two axes. There will be no problems acquiring the base or inser�ng it into the jig, so we will accept the defaults for
the other opera�on fields. Click Calculate.
16. Now add the DFM part back plate from the welded assembly.dfmx file as you did the base and click Calculate.
17. Select the Get parts and position in jig opera�on and click the Copy toolbar bu�on. Now select the back plate entry and
click the Paste toolbar bu�on.
Edit the dimensions: length 5, width 3, and depth 0.25. Select Symmetry of One axis. Again, there will be no problems
acquiring the back plate or inser�ng it into the jig. Click Calculate.
18. Now we will add the two iden�cal gussets to the Process Chart. From the welded assembly.dfm file, add one gusset and
change its repeat count to 2. Click Calculate.
19. Copy and paste the opera�on Get part and position in jig as before. Edit the dimensions: length 3, width 2.25, and depth
0.25 and again, change the Repeat count response to 2 (the two gussets will be acquired simultaneously). Also check the
box for Not self-locating. Select Symmetry of No axes. Note that the �me for the assembly step is updated a�er each
response as shown below.
21. Now the parts are to be welded together. With the Secure parts in jig entry highlighted on the Process Chart, double-click
the Robot MIG fillet weld opera�on in the Welded fabrication category. It is added to the Process Chart.
22. The edits needed to the responses for the welding opera�on are Number of welds 8 and Total welded length 22 inches.
Click the Calculate bu�on to update the cost results.
23. To complete the manufacture of the welded fabrica�on, there is an addi�onal opera�on needed. From the Welded
fabrication list in the Insert Opera�on dialog, double-click Remove assembly. Click Calculate again.
24. Finally, we will inspect the finished product. In the Insert Opera�on dialog, expand the Inspection entry and double click
Inspect visually to add it to the Process Chart. Accept the rejects percentage of 0.5. Change the Inspected area to 88.15
square inches and click Calculate.
25. Close the Insert Opera�on dialog. To review the Cost results for this assembly fabrica�on analysis, click the top level of the
Process Chart. The total cost per part is $5.84.