Machining Quick Estimate: DFM Concurrent Costing Dfma
Machining Quick Estimate: DFM Concurrent Costing Dfma
Machining Quick Estimate: DFM Concurrent Costing Dfma
A machining Quick es�mate and a machining Full analysis for this part have also been completed and stored in the
cylinder.dfmx sample file installed with the so�ware.
2. Click the Original tab above the Process chart and enter Quick es�mate. Press enter to rename the analysis tab.
3. Click the Select process and material bu�on.
4. On the Process and material selec�on dialog, open the Machining or cut from stock category and click the Quick es�mate
process. Choose the Generic stainless steel material in the Stainless steel category. Click the OK bu�on to accept the
selec�ons and return to the main window.
5. The Stock process entry is now highlighted on the Process chart. A default cost es�mate for the machined part has been
calculated. This default cost es�mate will now be refined so that a more accurate Quick es�mate is generated.
6. Select Round bar or rod from the Stock material form dropdown.
7. Click the Machining opera�ons entry on the Process chart. In the Part shape classifica�on group box, click Primary
rota�onal and secondary (features). Click the Calculate bu�on to update the default values and results for the machining
8. This part must be machined from both ends and as a result will be reversed once during machining. For this reason, enter 2
into the Number of clampings input.
9. Rough turning is carried out on the outside diameter of the small flange and the outside diameter of the center sec�on. A
large non-secondary hole is drilled through the center. For these features, enter 3 into the Rough turned features input.
10. Enter 4 into the Rough milled features input to account for the four rough milled slots in the part’s center sec�on.
11. Finish turning is carried out on the outside and inside faces of the large flange, the outside face of the small flange, and the
central hole. For these features enter 4 into the Finish machined turned features input.
12. Enter 4 for both the Drilled secondary holes and the Threaded features inputs to account for the four secondary holes
that are drilled into the large flange and then tapped. Click the Calculate bu�on to update the machining opera�ons cost
13. The Part feature details group box contains inputs for the surface area generated by various machining processes. This
informa�on can either be entered directly into these fields or it can be es�mated using the geometry calculators. Normally,
the machining cost is not very sensi�ve to changes in this surface area informa�on. For this reason, it is intended that rough
es�mates for these area inputs would be entered without use of the geometry calculator. However, for completeness, this
tutorial will guide you through comple�on of the en�re geometry for this part using the calculators.
Using the Geometry calculators to de�ine the part volume and machined areas.
1. Highlight the Stock process entry on the Process Chart.
2. Open the geometry calculator for the part volume by clicking the located next to the Part volume field.
3. We will approximate the volume of the finished part by first adding cylinders for the part’s flanges and center sec�on. Click
the bu�on on the shapes toolbar to add a cylinder to the geometry chart. Name the cylinder large flange.
4. Enter a length of 0.8 inches and a diameter of 4 inches in the dimensions panel on the right side of the screen.
5. Add another cylinder to the geometry chart and name it center sec�on. Enter a length of 4.4 inches and a diameter of 2.4
6. Add a third cylinder to the geometry chart and name it small flange. Enter a length of 0.8 inches and a diameter of 3
7. We will also subtract cylinders to account for the holes that pass through the part’s center and large flange. Add a fourth
cylinder to the geometry chart and name it center hole. Enter a length of 6 inches and a diameter of 1.5 inches. Subtract
this hole by clicking the bu�on next to the Volume field on the right panel.
8. Add a cylinder to the chart and name it flange hole. Enter a length of 0.8 inches and a diameter of 0.2 inches. Change the
repeat count to 4 and subtract the volume by clicking the bu�on.
9. Obrounds are subtracted to account for the slots that are milled in the part’s center sec�on. Add an obround to the chart
and name it slot. Click the bu�on on the shapes toolbar. Enter a thickness of 0.45 inches, a width of 0.75 inches, and
a length of 2.5 inches. Change the repeat count for the obround to 4.
10. Note that the part volume total shown beneath the chart is 20.74 cubic inches. Click OK to transfer this total volume to the
11. Click on the Machining opera�ons entry on the Process chart.
12. Next we will approximate the surface area generated by the finish turning done on the outside faces of the large and small
flanges, the inside face of the large flange, and the central hole. Click the bu�on next to the Finish turned area field on
the responses panel. Click to add an annulus area to the chart and name it outside face - small flange. Enter an inside
diameter of 1.5 inches and an outside diameter of 3 inches.
13. Add another annulus area to the chart and name it outside face - large flange. Enter an inside diameter of 1.5 inches and
an outside diameter of 4 inches.
16. Click OK to transfer the Finish turned area of 52.418 to the analysis.
17. Click the beside the Area of drilled or reamed holes field. This calculator will be used to define the cylindrical area of the
four small secondary holes drilled into the large flange. Add a cylindrical area to the chart and name it flange hole. Enter a
length of 0.8 inches and a diameter of 0.2 inches. Change the repeat count to 4.
18. Click OK to transfer the hole area to the analysis.
2. Press the Calculate bu�on to complete the Quick es�mate. Click the Stock process entry on the Process chart and note that
the total cost result is $45.59.
3. Click the Machining opera�ons entry on the Process chart. Click the Display machine proper�es checkbox. Note that a Haas
SL-10 CNC lathe has been automa�cally chosen to turn this part and to mill, drill, and tap the secondary features. All default
proper�es of this machine have been taken from the so�ware’s machine library.
5. Click the toolbar bu�on to display the cost breakdown graph as a stacked bar chart.
6. Note that the total part cost es�mated by the Full analysis is $46.9 while the Quick es�mate for the same part is $45.59.
This indicates an overall underes�mate of 2.8% in the Quick es�mate of total part cost.
Normally, the machining cost is not very sensi�ve to changes in the surface areas generated by machining opera�ons. This
means these areas can be roughly defined when comple�ng a Quick es�mate. In fact, if all the default values for these areas
were used, the Quick es�mate of part cost would be $49.26 which is only 8.05% larger than the completely defined Quick
es�mate. The par�ally defined Quick es�mate overes�mates the part cost by only 5.03% when compared with the full analysis.