Simulation of A Windtunnel2020-21
Simulation of A Windtunnel2020-21
Simulation of A Windtunnel2020-21
The objective of this numerical simulation is to guide you through using ANSYS Workbench
for the first time. The CFD package used for the numerical simulation is FLUENT and the
simulation is based around your 2nd year Flow Around a Cylinder laboratory. However, you
will be tasked to come up with your own benchmark test.
Summary: A three dimensional model of the laboratory wind tunnel is created in ANSYS
Geometry. A flow domain around the cylinder is meshed. Boundary conditions are specified
and different turbulent models are applied. Plots of static pressure, velocity magnitude and
streamlines are produced. The drag coefficient and force measurements are computed by
the software.
Access ANSYS from UCL desktop. Please make sure you save your work regularly.
Windows > All Programs > ANSYS 18.0 > Workbench 18.0
Under Analysis Systems click and drag Fluid
Flow(Fluent) onto the Project Schematic.
In this part you will create the domain of the wind tunnel and insert a cylinder. You can use
AutoCAD to build more complicated geometries. For this exercise you will be shown a quick
way of building your geometry in Design Modeller.
Right click on Geometry open with New Design Modeller
Geometry. (not the default Space Claim Geometry).
Click on Generate then on use the following functions to change the
Now you need to include the cylinder – or should I say cut the cylinder from the domain.
Mesh Generation
This section shows how to generate the mesh for the domain where you want the flow to be
calculated. At each node (corner) a conservation of momentum calculated. You should
consider the velocity gradients you are expecting in order to determine the mesh resolution.
In workbench update project and ensure Geometry and Mesh have ticks
Right click Setup and click Edit
Check Double Precision and select OK
>>>> Go back to the Mesh Generation and export the
mesh as FLUENT Input Files (*.msh)
Setup > General. Set the parameters as shown (include gravity)
Setup > Models > Viscous > Edit. Select parameters as shown (default settings) and click OK
Setup > Materials > Fluid > air >Create/Edit Materials. Change the fluid properties to the
values in the diagram. Change the name to air-test. Click Change/Create. Then click Close
Now click on the Cell Zone Conditions tab and click on the Edit button. Change the Material
Name from air to air-test. Click OK.
Now we input the boundary conditions. Select inlet and left click on Edit.
Set the velocity components (0.5 m/s) as given. This value will need to be adapted
depending on your free stream wind tunnel velocity. Click OK.
On the outlet make sure that the Type is set to pressure-outlet. Use default parameters.
Make sure the boundary condition type is wall for walls and cylinder
Solution > Initialization. Right click Initialize.
Solution > Run Calculation. Set number of
iterations to 500, Reporting Interval to 50 and
Profile Update Interval to 100. Right click
Once the solution has converged we proceed to
review the results. Under the Results section click
on Graphics and Animations >Contours > Set Up.
Select the option Filled, and select Contours of
Velocity with the option Velocity Magnitude.
Click on New Surface > Plane (take the plane
down the middle of your wind tunnel as shown
Determine the drag exerted by the fluid on the cylinder using the Reports section under
Results. Click on Reports, select Forces and press the Set Up button. Select only the Wall
Zone corresponding to Cylinder by highlighting it. Click on Print. A print out with all the
forces acting on the cylinder will be shown in the command window.
To extract velocity profiles, you will need to create rake the use the XY Plot option with the
write to file.
Next steps
• Build your own model and compare your CFD results with existing data set – this is
called benchmarking. Investigate the impact the different viscous models have on
the results (two or three).