CTL Brochure MBA
CTL Brochure MBA
CTL Brochure MBA
Course Prospectus
MBA Master of Business Administration *
In partnership with
Subject to validation LAMPETER
The College of Technology London (CTL) is the exclusive partner of the University of
Wales Lampeter, and delivers the full Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree
programme at its London campus. Students graduate at the University of Wales
Lampeter in the original St. David’s Building.
Both CTL and Lampeter strive to maintain the quality of their provision. The MBA faculty is comprised of
lecturers from leading UK business schools and universities such as European Business School,
Cranfield and the LSE making the Lampeter MBA at CTL one of the best value postgraduate business
degree programmes available in London.
For faculty information refer to: www.ctlondon.ac.uk/faculty
The Master of Business Administration (MBA)* is the premier business qualification offered by
the College of Technology London in partnership with the University of Wales Lampeter (UWL).
For aspiring senior managers, future CEOs and entrepreneurs an MBA is often considered the prerequisite business
qualification, and the College of Technology London is one of the few UK private institutions to offer a full MBA programme in
partnership with a UK university.
The UWL MBA is designed to develop managerial competence in a wide variety of business situations appropriate to diverse
national backgrounds. There is a focus on international business and course delivery methods encompass simulation, case
studies, groupwork and out-of-class and leadership development including one week on the UWL campus in Wales.
This degree is structured to include essential core modules five degree specialisations in Leadership, HRM, Marketing,
Entrepreneurship and Information Management. The final term requires the student to submit a fully researched dissertation.
The preceeding Masters Entry Programme (MEP) programme ensures that students with degrees from non-business
disciplines or students new to the UK have the necessary background to the UK business environment which is essential to
completing the MBA degree.
*subject to validation