HIT Pendulum Impact Testers
HIT Pendulum Impact Testers
HIT Pendulum Impact Testers
from 5 to 50 Joule
FP 573 2.0109
Intelligent Testing
1. The Pendulum Impact Testers from • Tool-free pendulum change
Zwick are a HIT Each pendulum is equipped with a quick change unit,
allowing changing of pendulums to be carried out
Important Characteristics quickly without special tools. Significantly there are no
Leading mechanical testing products manufacturer mounting components which can be easily lost with a
Zwick Roell Group’s HIT Pendulum Impact Testers resulting change in pendulum energy.
are benchmark instruments for plastics manufacturers
and processors • Low-wear disc brake
The optional pendulum disc brake is virtually wear-
Accuracy, dependability and ergonomic design are free.
primary features of the HIT pendulum impact testers.
Advanced manufacturing technology brings improved • Ergonomic design
accuracy specifications, with the following innovations Important operating elements such as keyboard,
and benefits for users in both R+D and quality brake, release lever and display are all at one level
assurance: within easy reach of the operator.
Fig. 1: HIT5P with Charpy fixture, HIT5.5P with Izod fixture, HIT50P with safety housing
2. HIT Pendulum Impact Testers – Low vibration instrument design
Everything a Pendulum Impact Tester The systematic design of the perfect low-vibration
Needs pendulum impact tester begins with the items closest to
the specimen - the pendulum and the supports.
Models available
HIT pendulum impact testers are available in two For this reason we use high-performance carbon
versions: materials for the HIT pendulums. This significantly
increases the stiffness of the pendulum, brings the
• Stand Alone model distribution of its mass very close to the ideal pendulum
This model is the ideal choice when there is no need and makes both instrument and results more reliable
to store test data. The results are calculated by the and robust over the long term.
pendulum impact tester and can be displayed as
required as absorbed impact energy, or as a
percentage of the pendulum´s potential energy. A
large, clear display allows reliable result reading, even
at a distance.
Conventional pendulum
Impact speed in m/s
Carbon pendulum
Time in m/s
Fig. 1: HIT Stand Alone PC models Fig. 3: Reduced inherent vibrations carbon pendulum
These outstanding features earned HIT pendulum Motorised pendulum return
impact testers the Materialica 2006 Design Award. After the test the pendulum is automatically captured
and returned to the starting position. This feature
The heavy frame is made of cast iron to dampen enables the starting angle setting to be varied and
vibrations, and three heavy-duty locking leveling-feet optimum test parameters such as impact speed and
ensure that the HIT remains perfectly level. energy loss on impact to be determined.
Fig. 1: Charpy fixture showing large mounting face and clamping wedge Fig. 3: Electronic pendulum coding
An optionally available table has been specifically The pendulum´s test type and standard, energy, starting
designed to ensure optimum operating conditions for the angle and other physical data are identified electronically,
HIT range. eliminating erroneous measuring.
Reliable test results can now be achieved regardless of Precision manufacture ensures that test results exceed
local conditions. Large-area leveling elements and the requirements of international standards. Pendulums
positioning stops provide a firm base for the pendulum can therefore be freely interchanged between HIT
impact tester. With Izod tests, the specimen remains fall instruments with the same maximum energy rating.
directly from the support into a tray, so that they can be
disposed of efficiently.
Instrumentation Modern instrument electronics
With instrumented testing, the load during impact is The electronics perform all important functions: the
measured using piezo load cells or strain gages, calculation and display of impact energy, the standard-
depending on the individual case. The raw values are in compliant correction of windage and bearing friction and
the form of a load-time curve. monitoring the vertical position in the impact direction.
Test time in ms
Instrumented Zwick pendulums in use are identified via A wide input range allows easy connection of the HIT
the sensor plug and all associated parameters (e.g. tup range to any mains supply in the world.
calibration data) are set correctly. This provides the user
with straightforward handling, a high level of flexibility and Simple, intuitive operation is a feature of HIT electronics
maximum measuring reliability, as no further operator with the individual steps subdivided logically from set-up
intervention is required for hardware or software. to test definition. The menu leads quickly from set-up to
test mode. Set-up includes:
Specimen conditioning The pendulum is easily changed by means of a quick
A magazine and tempering box are available from Zwick. release mechanism, eliminating the need for tools.
Operator protection
The HIT pendulum impact testers can be equipped with
modular safety devices. Certain legal safety standards
allow working without protection shields up to a
pendulum energy of 5.5 joules. Above this value
operator protection is required.
A local operator shield is available for the Charpy fixture Charpy fixture
to protect the operator from flying debris (Fig. 3) The Charpy fixture comprise a heavy cast iron base.
Test-specific accessories such as supports and anvils
In the interests of safety the HIT25P and HIT50P are are selected according to the specimen to be tested
equipped for two-handed operation and have safety (Fig. 2).
devices to left and right.
Adapter plate
testXpert® II PC-Software Anvil
A choice of Master and Standard Test Programs are Support
available for the HIT pendulum impact testers. Charpy fixture
The quick change adapter plates are used to adapt the
pendulum impact tester to different specimen widths, whilst
the supports are precisely positioned using set pins and
adapt to the specimen thickness.
• Quick changing of Charpy fixture Fig. 2: The clamping force is reproducible with the pneumatic
• Anvils precision-made by CNC machine and individually operated Izod fixture
inspected for 100% accuracy
Both fixtures are equipped with a centering unit which
Izod fixture ensures that the specimen is always positioned at notch
Two types of Izod fixtures can be used: The manual root level. Positioning of the sample relative to its width
fixture clamps the specimen via a fine-threaded lead in the impact direction is achieved via quick-change
screw, ensuring optimum gripping force is applied, inserts with lateral guides.
whether to sensitive, soft or hard specimens.
• Quick centering and gripping of specimen
• Fine adjustment of specimen clamping force
• Quick testing using the pneumatic fixture
• High test result reproducibility due to the constant
clamping force
Tensile-impact fixture
Specimen and yoke are assembled in a jig. Depending
on the testing method being used, the specimen and
yoke are clamped in either the pendulum or the tensile
impact fixture.
Fig. 1: Izod fixture with manual operation
For ISO and ASTM specimens corresponding templates
The pneumatic vise is ideal if a high through-put is to be can be selected.
achieved, or if temperature conditioned specimen are to
be tested. A further advantage is its high clamping force
reproducibility, which leads to excellent test results on
materials which are sensitive to clamping forces.
Fig. 3: Clamping jig and templates for the tensile impact test
For tests according to ISO 8256, Method A one specimen Dynstat fixture
shoulder is gripped a yoke. The other end of the specimen The HIT pendulum impact testers can also be equipped
is clamped in the tensile impact fixture. The pendulum for Dynstat tests to DIN 51230. A Dynstat fixture and a
strikes the yoke and creates a tensile impact on the free comprehensive range of pendulums cover the Dynstat
end of the specimen. Yokes with masses of 15 up to applications.
120 g are available.
Specimen preparation
Fig. 2: Tensile impact specimen in pendulum - ASTM D 1822 Fig. 4: Notch cutting machine Zwick ZNO
3. Instrument Specification HIT5P The specification guide on the following pages is
The following points should be checked before a designed to help you to configure your instrument to
pendulum impact tester is specified in detail: meet your testing requirements. Naturally, we will be
• To be used with or without a PC happy to answer any questions that may arise.
• Standards to be used
• Test methods and specimen to be used For a quick orientation we marked the item numbers
with a red dot (•).
Selection of the basic instrument HIT5P
HIT5P - installation, operator protection Alternatively, the tables specifically designed for the HIT
The HIT5P can be installed on any sturdy and stable pendulum impact testers, starting at the HIT5.5P can be
table with adequate stiffness in the pendulum impact used.
The HIT5P can, according to current machine safety
However, we strongly recommend fixing the table top to regulations, be operated without a safety device.
a solid wall, e.g. with angle brackets. This is the only However, a safety device is to be recommended if there
way to ensure no loss of energy when installing the is a risk of injury to the operator from specimen
tester on free-standing tables which would otherwise fragments.
result in excessively high impact strength values.
Safety device, left Safety device, fixed mounting left and right
fixed mounting on the left Operating area freely accessable
CE- and DIN 51233-compliant
•010924 •010926
HIT5P - testXpert® II PC-Software
testXpert® II comprises Master and Standard Test Programs for optional use with the PC model.
HIT5P – Charpy testing: pendulums Important: The HIT5P does not require additional
ISO 179 recommends using a pendulum in a narrowly pendulum masses or fasteners to change pendulum
limited range with the consequence is that pendulums energy.
must be changed quite often.
The combination of pendulum identification and the
In order to meet this demand, HIT-pendulum impact quick-change unit ensures that errors in pendulum
testers have a pendulum quick-change unit. Pendulum energy due to incorrect use of supplementary masses or
changing is performed in seconds and, thanks to the loss of associated fasteners are eliminated.
pendulum identification technology, without any further
inputs. Pendulums can be purchased individually or in sets:
HIT5P - Charpy testing: jigs
For adjustment of the anvils and adjustment of the fin to the anvils. The notch alignment unit can also be precisely
•016126 •016124
HIT5P - tensile impact testing: tensile impact fixtures, yokes and pendulums
Standard Tensile impact fixture Yoke Mass Impact energy, pendulum Impact velocity
ISO 8256-A •010967 •325684 15 g 2J •010968 2.9 m/s
•325686 30 g 4J •010970 2.9 m/s
HIT5P - tensile impact testing: clamping units for tests to ISO 8256
4. Instrument Specification HIT5.5P • To be used with or without a PC
The following points should be checked before a • Standards to be used
pendulum impact tester is specified in detail: • Test methods and specimen to be used
Selection of HIT5.5P basic unit
PC model Stand Alone model
to be used with PC to be used without PC
Max. impact energy 5.5 J (4.06 ft lbf) 5.5 J (4.06 ft lbf)
Impact velocity 2.2 to 3.40 m/s 2.2 to 3.40 m/s
Interfaces RS232, USB upstream none
Height x Width x Depth (w/o shield) 920 x 870 x 500 mm 920 x 870 x 500 mm
Weight without accessories approx. 137 kg approx. 137 kg
Line voltage 100 to 240 V, 50/60 Hz, 70 W 100 to 240 V, 50/60 Hz, 70 W
Test results, numeric impact energy [%], Impact energy abs. impact energy [%], Impact energy abs.
impact strength
Units SI, metric, imperial J, ft lbf, %
Control functions friction correction friction correction
vertical position of pendulum vertical position of pendulum
period of oscillation period of oscillation
display of instrument data display of instrument data
Item number •325650 •325648
Pendulum release units for various standards In order to achieve the different impact speeds for ISO
Two cable release units are available. The cable release and ASTM tests, two starting angle mechanisms are
unit is suitable for general purpose testing, and the available. They release the pendulum at the
pneumatic version is recommended for high specimen corresponding starting angle. To run tests to both
throughput. groups of standards, please specify both item numbers.
Pneumatic release Cable release Starting angle according Starting angle according
unit unit to DIN/ISO-Standards to ISO/ASTM-Standards
DIN 53435, ISO 179, ISO 180, ASTM D6110, ASTM
ISO 8256 D256, ASTM D4812, ASTM D1822
•325700 •325702 •325924 •325926
HIT5.5P - Instrumentation
This option is required for the instrumented Charpy and Izod pendulums.
For simple upgrading of a HIT basic instrument (PC model). •021759
Date data recording unit enabling, for example, recording of a load signal during impact test
Features of the data recorder:
- High performance A/D converter with 16 bit resolution
- Two independent, configurable data channels
- Measurement frequency up to 4 MHz per channel
- Ratiometric measurement ensures maximum measurement accuracy
- Memory depth up to 200.000 data points per channel
- Independently programmable trigger methods (e.g. angle of rotation)
HIT5.5P – installation, operator protection, pendulum brake
These items are optional.
Safety device Safety device
Instrument table left left and right Pendulum brake
Low vibration mount. Swivable with Swivable left with remains Specimen disc
table 1200 (47.3") x specimen remains container, fixed to the right. brake, manually
710 (28"), container, not required Operating area freely accessable operated
weight: 115 kg for energies < 5.5 J CE- and DIN 51233-conform
•326058 •325816 •325818 •325704
HIT5.5P – Charpy testing: Charpy fixture and The notch alignment unit is required to align the
accessories specimen notch with the centre of impact. If the
A local operator shield is optionally available for the distance from the edge of the notch to one end of the
Charpy fixture. Charpy supports and anvils are also specimen is specified in the test Standard then the side
available to suit the specimen. alignment unit should be used for centering the
specimen. The attached stop can be swivelled.
Charpy fixture Local operator shield Notch alignment unit Side alignment unit
•325708 •325710 •325712 •325714
HIT5.5P – Charpy testing: pendulums, pendulum- Important: The HIT5.5P does not require additional
sets pendulum masses or fasteners to change pendulum
ISO 179 recommends using a pendulum in a narrowly energy.
limited range with the consequence that pendulums
must be changed quite often. The combination of pendulum identification and the
quick-change unit ensures that errors in pendulum
In order to meet this demand, HIT-pendulum impact energy due to incorrect use of supplementary masses or
testers have a pendulum quick-change unit. Pendulum the loss of associated fasteners are eliminated.
changing is performed in seconds and, thanks to
pendulum identification, without any further inputs. Pendulums can be purchased individually or in sets:
Conventional Instrumented
Standard Impact energy pendulum pendulum Impact velocity
ISO 179-1 (conventional) 0.5 J •325738 - 2.9 m/s
ISO 179-2 (instrumented) 1J •325740 - 2.9 m/s
2J •325742 •021764 2.9 m/s
4J •325744 - 2.9 m/s
5J •325746 •021768 2.9 m/s
ASTM D 6110 0.5 J (0.37 ft lbf) •325762 - 3.46 m/s
1J (0.74 ft lbf) •325764 - 3.46 m/s
2.7 J (2 ft lbf) •325766 •021781 3.46 m/s
5.4 J (4 ft lbf) •325768 •021782 3.46 m/s
Pendulum sets
ISO 179-1 4 J and 5 J •325748 -
ASTM D 6110 2.7 J and 5.4 J •325770 -
(2 ft lbf and 4 ft lbf)
HIT5.5P – Charpy testing: adapter plates, supports and anvils
‘Size b’ in the table means the specimen´s dimension in direction of impact, ‘size h’ is the dimension in the direction
of the pendulum´s center of rotation.
ASTM D 6110 12.7 mm (1/2") •325752 3.17 mm (1/8") •325754 •325750 101.6 mm (4")
12.7 mm (1/2") •325752 6.35 mm (1/4") •325756 •325750 101.6 mm (4")
12.7 mm (1/2") •325752 12.7 mm (1/2") •325758 •325750 101.6 mm (4")
HIT5.5P – Izod testing: fixtures pressure to the specimen. Operation is quick and easy
As the clamping force of the Izod fixture may directly via the integral pneumatic switch and is ideal for high
influence the test results, two Izod fixtures are available: volume testing
The fixture with manual clamping transmits the torque to Inserts are required to accommodate the specimen to
the jaws without friction loss, while the pneumatically be tested.
operated fixture applies constant, adjustable clamping
HIT5.5P – tensile impact testing: tensile impact fixture, yokes and pendulums
Standard Tens. impact fixture Yoke Mass Impact energy, Pendulum Impact velocity
ISO 8256 •325682 •325684 15 g 2J •325688 2.9 m/s
Method A •325686 30 g 4J •325690 2.9 m/s
ISO 8256 •325692 •325848 15 g 2J •325696 2.9 m/s
Method B 4J •325698 2.9 m/s
ASTM D 1822 •325692 •325848 15 g 1.35 J (1 ft lbf) •325999 3.46 m/s
2.7 J (2 ft lbf) •325804 3.46 m/s
5.4 J (4 ft lbf) •325806 3.46 m/s
HIT5.5P – tensile impact testing: clamping units for tests to ISO 8256 and ASTM D 1822
Simplifies effective clamping of the specimen in the yoke. Clamping template and jig are required.
5. Instrument Specification HIT25P / • Test methods and specimen to be used
The following points should be checked before a Both impact testers already incorporate a two-hand
pendulum impact tester is specified in detail: safety pendulum release unit plus starting angles for
• To be used with or without a PC tests to ISO and to ASTM.
• Standards to be used
Selection of the HIT25P basic unit
PC model with
PC model pendulum return Stand Alone model
to be used with PC to be used with PC to be used without PC
Max. impact energy 25 J (18.45 ft lbf) 25 J (18.45 ft lbf) 25 J (18.45 ft lbf)
Impact velocity 2.2 - 3.8 m/s 2.2 - 3.8 m/s 2.2 - 3.8 m/s
Interfaces RS232, USB device RS232, USB device none
Height x Width x Depth 1170 x 1180 x 500 mm 1170 x 1180 x 500 mm 1170 x 1180 x 500 mm
(with shield)
Weight w/o accessories approx. 215 kg approx. 225 kg approx. 215 kg
Line voltage 100 to 240 V, 50/60 Hz, 70 W 100 to 240 V, 50/60 Hz, 70 W 100 to 240 V, 50/60 Hz, 70 W
Test results, numeric impact energy [%], impact energy [%], impact energy [%],
impact energy absolute impact energy absolute impact energy absolute
impact strength impact strength
Units SI, metric, imperial SI, metric, imperial J, ft lbf, %
Control functions friction correction friction correction friction correction
vertical position of pendulum vertical position of pendulum vertical position of pendulum
period of oscillation period of oscillation period of oscillation
display of instrument´s data display of instrument´s data display of instrument´s data
Safety device safety device left and right safety housing safety device left and right
Item number •016889 •010892 •016892
HIT25P / HIT50P – installation, operator protection
These items are optional.
Safety housing Instrument table for HIT25P Instrument table for HIT50P
Covers entire Low-vibration mounting table with Low-vibration mounting table with
front and top specimen tray specimen tray
Weight: 115 kg Weight: 260 kg
1200 mm x 710 mm 1280 mm x 710 mm
•016674 •326058 •326104
HIT25P / HIT50P – Charpy testing: pendulums, Important: The HIT25P and HIT50P do not require
pendulum sets additional pendulum masses or fasteners to change
ISO 179 recommends using a pendulum in a narrowly pendulum energy.
limited range with the consequence that pendulums
must be changed quite often. The combination of pendulum identification and the
quick-change unit ensures that errors in pendulum
In order to meet this demand, HIT pendulum impact energy due to incorrect use of supplementary masses or
testers have a pendulum quick-change unit. The the loss of associated fasteners are eliminated.
changing of a pendulum is performed within seconds
and, thanks to pendulum identification technology, Pendulums can be purchased individually or in sets:
without any further inputs.
Pendulum Pendulum
Standard Impact energy conventional instrumented Impact velocity
ISO 179-1 (conventional) 0.5 J •325738 - 2.9 m/s
ISO 179-2 (instrumented) 1J •325740 - 2.9 m/s
2J •325742 •021764 2.9 m/s
4J •325744 - 2.9 m/s
5J •325746 •021768 2.9 m/s
7.5 J •326110 •021771 2.9 m/s
15 J •326112 •021776 3.8 m/s
25 J •326114 •021779 3.8 m/s
50 J •326116 •021780 3.8 m/s
ASTM D 6110 0.5 J (0.37 ft lbf) •325762 - 3.46 m/s
1J (0.74 ft lbf) •325764 - 3.46 m/s
2.7 J (2 ft lbf) •325766 •021781 3.46 m/s
5.4 J (4 ft lbf) •325768 •021782 3.46 m/s
10.8 J (8 ft lbf) •326118 •021784 3.46 m/s
21.6 J (16 ft lbf) •326120 •021785 3.46 m/s
Pendulum sets
ISO 179-1 4 J and 5 J •325748 -
15 J and 25 J •016340 -
ASTM D 6110 2.7 J and 5.4 J •325770 -
(2 ft lbf and 4 ft lbf)
HIT25P / HIT50P – Charpy testing: Charpy Standard, the side alignment unit should be used for
fixture and accessories centering the specimen. The attached stop can be
A local operator shield is optinally available for the swivelled. The side alignment unit can be mounted at
Charpy fixture. Supports and anvils are additionally any position (upper or lower impact level, right or left
available to suit the specimen. The notch alignment unit side) on the fixture. If frequent tests at different impact
is required to align the specimen notch with the centre levels are performed it is advisable to fully equip the
of impact. If the distance from the edge of the notch to fixture for both tests.
one end of the specimen is specified in the test
HIT25P / HIT50P - Charpy testing: jigs
For adjustment of the abutments and adjustment of the tup to the abutments. The notch alignment unit can also be
precisely adjusted.
ASTM D 6110 12.7 mm (1/2") •325752 3.17 mm (1/8") •325754 •325750 101.6 mm (4")
12.7 mm (1/2") •325752 6.35 mm (1/4") •325756 •325750 101.6 mm (4")
12.7 mm (1/2") •325752 12.7 mm (1/2") •325758 •325750 101.6 mm (4")
HIT25P / HIT50P – Izod testing: fixtures Operation is quick and easy via the integral pneumatic
As the clamping force may directly influence the test switch and is ideal for mass testing. Inserts are required
results, two options are available: to accommodate the specimen to be tested.
The fixture with manual clamping transmits the torque to Each fixture must be fitted with the appropriate inserts.
the jaws without friction loss, while the pneumatically
operated fixture applies constant, adjustable clamping
pressure to the specimen.
HIT25P / HIT50P – Izod testing: inserts and pendulums
HIT25P / HIT50P – tensile impact testing: tensile impact fixture, yokes and pendulums
Standard Tens. impact fixture Yoke Mass Impact energy, pendulum Impact velocity
ISO 8256 •326241 •325684 15 g 2J •325688 2.9 m/s
Method A •326241 •325684 15 g 4J •325690 2.9 m/s
•325682 •325686 30 g 7.5 J •326132 3.8 m/s
•325682 •325686 30 g 15 J •326134 3.8 m/s
•325682 •326140 60 g 25 J •326136 3.8 m/s
•325682 •326140 60 g 50 J •326138 3.8 m/s
•325682 •326245 120 g 25 J •326136 3.8 m/s
•325682 •326245 120 g 50 J •326138 3.8 m/s
ASTM D 1822 •326130 •325848 15 g (0.033 lb) 1.35 J (1 ft lb) •325999 3.46 m/s
•326130 •325848 15 g (0.033 lb) 2.7 J (2 ft lb) •325804 3.46 m/s
•326130 •325848 15 g (0.033 lb) 5.4 J (4 ft lb) •325806 3.46 m/s
•326130 •326278 60 g (0.132 lb) 10.8 J (8 ft lb) •326152 3.46 m/s
•326130 •326278 60 g (0.132 lb) 21.6 J (16 ft lb) •326154 3.46 m/s
HIT25P / HIT50P – tensile impact testing:
clamping units for tests to ISO 8256 and ASTM D 1822
Simplifies a rectangular clamping of the specimen in the yoke. For this clamping template and jig are required.
Zwick Asia Pte Ltd. Zwick Testing Machines Ltd.
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www.zwick.com.sg www.zwick.co.uk
info@zwick.com.sg sales.info@zwick.co.uk
Zwick Ibérica
Equipos de Ensayos S.L.
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08915 Badalona (Barcelona) - Spain
Phone ++34 934 648 002
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