Skin Effect: "Skin Depth" Redirects Here. For The Depth (Layers) of Biological/organic Skin, See

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Skin effect

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"Skin depth" redirects here. For the depth (layers) of biological/organic skin, see skin.

Skin effect is the tendency of an alternating electric current (AC) to distribute itself within a
conductor so that the current density near the surface of the conductor is greater than that at its
core. That is, the electric current tends to flow at the "skin" of the conductor, at an average
depth called the skin depth. The skin effect causes the effective resistance of the conductor to
increase with the frequency of the current because much of the conductor carries little current.
Skin effect is due to eddy currents set up by the AC current. At 60 Hz in copper, skin depth is
about 8.5 mm. At high frequencies skin depth is much smaller.

Methods to minimise skin effect include using specially woven wire and using hollow pipe-
shaped conductors.


 1 Introduction
 2 Material effect on skin depth
 3 Mitigation
 4 Examples
 5 Effect on Inductance
 6 See also
 7 Notes
 8 References
 9 External links

[edit] Introduction
When an electromagnetic wave interacts with a conductive material, mobile charges within
the material are made to oscillate back and forth with the same frequency as the impinging
fields. The movement of these charges, usually electrons, constitutes an alternating electric
current, the magnitude of which is greatest at the conductor's surface. The decline in current
density versus depth is known as the skin effect and the skin depth is a measure of the distance
over which the current density falls to 1/e of its original value. A gradual change in phase
accompanies the change in magnitude, so that, at a given time and at appropriate depths, the
current can be flowing in the opposite direction to that at the surface.

The effect was first described in a paper by Horace Lamb in 1883 for the case of spherical
conductors, and was generalised to conductors of any shape by Oliver Heaviside in 1885. The
skin effect has practical consequences in the design of radio-frequency and microwave
circuits and to some extent in AC electrical power transmission and distribution systems.
Also, it is of considerable importance when designing discharge tube circuits.

The current density J in an infinitely thick plane conductor decreases exponentially with depth
d from the surface, as follows:

where δ is a quantity called the skin depth and JS is the current density at the surface. The skin
depth is defined as the depth below the surface of the conductor at which the current density
decays to 1/e (about 0.37) of JS. It can be calculated as follows:


ρ = resistivity of conductor
ω = angular frequency of current = 2π × frequency
μ = absolute magnetic permeability of conductor , where μ0 is the
permeability of free space (4π×10−7 N·A-2) and μr is the relative permeability of the

The resistance of a flat slab (much thicker than δ) to alternating current is exactly equal to the
resistance of a plate of thickness δ to direct current. For long, cylindrical conductors such as
wires, with diameter D large compared to δ, the resistance is approximately that of a hollow
tube with wall thickness δ carrying direct current. That is, the AC resistance is approximately:


L = length of conductor
D = diameter of conductor

The final approximation above is accurate if D >> δ.

A convenient formula (attributed to F.E. Terman) for the diameter DW of a wire of circular
cross-section whose resistance will increase by 10% at frequency f is:

The increase in AC resistance described above is accurate only for an isolated wire. For a wire
close to other wires, e.g. in a cable or a coil, the ac resistance is also affected by proximity
effect, which often causes a much more severe increase in ac resistance.
Skin depth is due to the circulating eddy currents (arising from a changing H field) cancelling
the current flow in the center of a conductor and reinforcing it in the skin.

[edit] Material effect on skin depth

Skin depth varies as the inverse square root of the conductivity. This means that better
conductors have a reduced skin depth. The overall resistance of the better conductor is lower
even though the skin depth is less. This tends to reduce the difference in high frequency
resistance between metals of different conductivity.

Skin depth also varies as the inverse square root of the permeability of the conductor. In the
case of iron, its conductivity is about 1/7 that of copper. Its permeability is about 10,000 times
greater, however. The skin depth for iron is about 1/38 that of copper or about 220
micrometres at 60 Hz. Iron wire is worthless as a conductor at power line frequencies. Skin
effect reduces both the effective thickness of laminations in power transformers and their

Iron rods work well for direct-current (DC) welding but it is impossible to use them at
frequencies much higher than 60 Hz. At a few kilohertz, the welding rod will glow red hot
from skin effect losses but will barely have enough power available to sustain an arc. Only
non-magnetic rods can be used for high-frequency welding.

[edit] Mitigation
A type of cable called litz wire (from the German Litzendraht, braided wire) is used to
mitigate the skin effect for frequencies of a few kilohertz to about one megahertz. It consists
of a number of insulated wire strands woven together in a carefully designed pattern, so that
the overall magnetic field acts equally on all the wires and causes the total current to be
distributed equally among them. This has the effect of reducing the effective permeability and
increasing the skin depth.[1]

Litz wire is often used in the windings of high-frequency transformers, to increase their
efficiency by mitigating both skin effect and, more importantly, proximity effect.

Large power transformers are wound with stranded conductors of similar construction to litz
wire, but of larger cross-section.[2]

High-voltage, high-current overhead power transmission lines often use aluminum cable with
a steel reinforcing core, where the higher resistivity of the steel core is largely immaterial.

In other applications, solid conductors are replaced by tubes, which have the same resistance
at high frequencies but lighter weight. Very recently, researchers have been able to create
extremely light cell-phone antennas using carbon-nanotubes,[3] their performance attributed to
skin effect.

Solid or tubular conductors may also be silver-plated providing a better conductor (the best
possible conductor except for superconductors) than copper on the "skin" of the conductor.
Silver-plating is most effective at VHF and microwave frequencies, because the very thin skin
depth (conduction layer) at those frequencies means that the silver plating can economically
be applied at thicknesses greater than the skin depth.

[edit] Examples

Skin depths for some metals

If the electrical resistivity of a material is equal to 1/σ and its relative permeability is defined
as μ / μ0, where μ0 is the magnetic permeability of free space.

δ = the skin depth in metres
μ0 = 4π×10-7 H/m
μr = the relative permeability of the medium
ρ = the resistivity of the medium in Ω·m (for Cu = 1.68×10-8 Ω·m)
f = the frequency of the wave in Hz
If the resistivity of aluminum is taken as 2.8×10-8 Ω·m and its relative permeability is 1, then
the skin depth at a frequency of 50 Hz is given by

Iron has a higher resistivity, 1.0×10-7 Ω·m, and this will increase the skin depth. However, its
relative permeability is typically 90[dubious – discuss], which will have the opposite effect. At 50 Hz
the skin depth in iron is given by

Hence, the higher magnetic permeability of iron more than compensates for the lower
resistivity of aluminium and the skin depth in iron is therefore one-fifth that of aluminium.
This will be true whatever the frequency, assuming the material properties are not themselves

Skin depth values for some common good conductors at a frequency of 10 GHz (microwave
region) are indicated below.

Conductor Skin depth (μm)

Aluminum 0.80
Copper 0.65
Gold 0.79
Silver 0.64

At microwave frequencies, most of the current in a good conductor flows in an extremely thin
region near the surface. The extremely short skin depth at microwave frequencies shows that
only surface coating of guiding conductor is important. A piece of glass with an evaporated
silver surface 3 μm thick is an excellent conductor at these frequencies.

In copper, the skin depth at various frequencies is shown below.

Frequency Skin depth (μm)

60 Hz 8470
10 kHz 660
100 kHz 210
1 MHz 66
10 MHz 21
In Engineering Electromagnetics, Hayt points out that in a power station a bus bar for
alternating current at 60 Hz with a radius larger than one-third of an inch (8 mm) is a waste of
copper, and in practice bus bars for heavy AC current are rarely more than half an inch
(12 mm) thick except for mechanical reasons.

[edit] Effect on Inductance

The effect on inductance.[4][5]

"Skin effect ... slightly decreases the inductance." [6]

The energy stored in an inductor is

The energy stored in the magnetic field is

is proportional to leading to a definition of inductance as

The energy stored in a series of inductors is

If the volume containing the non-zero magnetic field is divided into disjoint regions (the
regions themselves may be composed of unconnected regions) then the energy stored in the
magnetic field is

Thus each region of the volume containing the magnetic field can be assigned an inductance.
For a transmission line the two regions are typically for the field external to the
conductors and for the field internal to the conductors.

At dc (zero frequency), both internal and external volumes contain magnetic field so the dc
inductance is .

At high frequency, the region of non-zero B field inside the conductors is confined to the skin
depth, giving an approximate formula where is a constant and is the
skin depth (assumed to be the same on all conductors).

Once the frequency is high enough, inductance can be approximated by

where is a constant and is the frequency.
At infinite frequency the skin depth becomes essentially zero and the inductance becomes

Chen (2004, p. 26) gives an equation of this form for telephone twisted pair:

Most equations and discussions of transmission lines tacitly assume that

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