Lab Manual Mse314

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(MSE 314)

Lab Manual (Set I)

Department of Materials Science & Engineering

Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur

Course Instructors

Dr. Arunabh Meshram

Dr. Rahul Sarkar

2022-2023 Semester-II


Dr. Arunabh Meshram

Office: FB-409, MSE Department

Dr. Rahul Sarkar

Office: FB-403, MSE Department
Ph: 2242/E-mail:

Mr. K. S. Tripathi
Office: WL-103
Ph: 7943/E-mail:
Laboratory Schedule
Monday and Wednesday: 2-5 PM

Tutors and Staffs:

Tutors E-mail Phone
Dr. Arunabh Meshram 2268
Dr. Rahul Sarkar 2242

Roll No. Name Email
19206264 Bharat Singh Chahar
20106285 Swati Kumari
21106016 J Karthikeyan
21106266 Ankur Srivastava
21106263 Aman Nigam
20106281 Shivam Srivastava

S No. Staff E mail Phone
1. K. S. Tripathi 7943, 7263
2. Nripen Deka 7949
3. Anurag Prasad 6049, 7977

List of experiments FOR Semester 2022–2023(II)
1. Measurement of heat-transfer Coefficient
2. Design of an electric resistant furnace and calibration of thermocouple
3. Flow of gases through beds of solid particles
4. Mass Transfer between Solid and Liquid in gas stirred ladles
5. Crushing and Grinding of ore
6. Proximate analysis and calorific value of solid fuel

1. Gas solid-Equilibrium during decomposition of calcium carbonate
2. Roasting of Zinc Sulphide
3. Kinetics of oxidation of copper
4. Electrolysis of aqueous solution
5. Two phase gas-liquid flows inside an immersed ladle shroud under steady
operating condition
6. Residence time distributions (RTD) in a single strand slab caster tundish under Steady
operating condition


1. W.M. Rohsenow and H.T. Choi: Heat, Mass and momentum Transfer, Prentice-Hall,
U.K., 1961, Ch. 6 and 7.
2. W.H. McAdams: Heat Transmission, McGraw Hill Book Co.., 3rd Ed.
3. R. Schuhmann, Jr. : Metallurgical Engineering, Vol. 1, Addison Wesley, 1952, PP. 155,
4. J.H. Perry, Chemical Engineering Handbook McGraw Hill Book Co.., 4rd Ed. , 1963, Sec.
5-5 to 5-14.
5. S. M. Aeron, P.B. Crimes and F.D. Richardson, Trans. IMM, 83, p. C168 (1974).
6. K. Hauffe, The Mechanism of Oxidation of Metals and Alloys at High Temperatures,
Progressin Metals Physics, 4 (1953) 71-104.
7. K. Hauffe, Oxidation of Metals, Plenum Press, New York, 1965.
8. Non-Ferrous production Metallurgy-Bray, J.L.
9. Hand book of Non-Ferrous Metallurgy-Liddell.
10. Extractive Metallurgy of non-ferrous metals-W.H. Dennis.
11. J. Om. Boekirs and A.K.N. Reddy, Modern Electrochemistry, VOL. 2, Plenum Press,
12. Agglomeration (1962), New York, Welley and Sons, Knepper W.A.
13. J.O.M. Bockris, “Physicochemical measurements at high temperatures”, Butterworths
Scientific Publication, 1959
14. Temperature: Its Measurement and control in Science and Industry, Roinhold Publishing
Co., New York, Vol. I & II
15. R. Schuhmann, Jr.: Metallurgical Engineering, Vol.-I, Engineering Principles, Addition
Wesley Publishing company, U.S.A. 1952, Ch.-4 or any standard book on fuels.




To determine an average value of heat transfer coefficient under different fluid flow conditions.


Convective heat transfer between the solid and the fluid takes place when the two phases are
different temperatures and there is relative motion between the two phases. If the motion of the
fluid is caused by the buoyancy forces which arise due to variation in the density of the fluid with
temperature, the process is called free or natural convection. If the motion of the fluid is caused by
external means such as blower, wind, fan or pump, the process is called as forced convection. Heat
exchange due to convection may be described by the Newton’s law of cooling, shown below
Q = Ah(T − T ) (1.1)

Where, h is the heat transfer coefficient (W/m /K), A is the area of the solid-fluid interface (m2),

and TS and TF are the solid and fluid temperatures (K) respectively. The value of heat transfer
coefficient could depend upon the following factors:
(a) Type of the fluid motion.
(b) Properties of the fluid used.
(c) Geometry of the solid-fluid interface.
(d) Difference in temperature between the solid and that of the fluid.
(e) Position along the surface of the solid body.

On the assumption that there is no variation in temperature within the solid body (lumped model),
the following heat balance equation holds good:
MCP = − Ah(TS − TF )
Where, M is the mass of the solid body (Kg) and CP is the specific heat capacity of the solid
(J/KgK). Solving the differential equation by taking the initial temperature of the solid as T I, one
may obtain temperature, Tt as a function of time as shown in eq. (1.3)
(Tt − TF ) −
t = = e MCP eq. (1.3)
(TI − TF )
The above equation shows that the plot of ‘lnθt’ versus time ‘t’ will be a straight line with a slope
(-hA/MCP). Heat exchange area ‘A’ can be obtained from the dimensions of the solid. M is the
mass of the solid. For common materials, heat capacity data, CP, is available and can be obtained
from literature. Thus, heat transfer coefficient can be calculated by this procedure. It should be
noted that the lumped parameter solution is valid only for small Biot number (< 0.1).
Dimensionless Biot number (Bi) is defined as follows

Bi = hL/k (1.4)

Where,k is the thermal conductivity of solid (W/moK) and L is the characteristic length of
the body (m) defined as volume to interfacial area.
If the Biot number is greater than 0.1, the variation of temperature within the solid body
cannot be ignored. In such cases, the solution of generalized heat conduction equation is required
which in cylindrical coordinate system (we deal with cylindrical object in this experiment) is
represented as follows:

The solution to the above equation, even in simple cases, requires the help of a computer.
Therefore, in practice, we try to simplify a 3-dimensional problem to 1-dimensional by selecting
appropriate geometry and boundary conditions. In cylindrical coordinate system, this can be
achieved by assuming an infinite (very large length) cylinder with uniform boundary condition.
The above equation in 1-dimension takes the following form


Analytical solution to the above equation is available and involves infinite series. Alternatively,
the solution is available in graphical form (Heisler Chart)

Heisler Chart:
The solution of the equation is given in the chart (attached). The following dimensionless
numbers and graphs are frequently used:
(T − T )
Θ (Dimensionless Temperature) = t F eq. (1.7)
(TI − TF )
Biot Number = hL/k (W/m2oC) eq. (1.8)
Where, L = Characteristic dimensions of the solid (m)
= ½ thickness of a plate.
= Radius of a cylinder.
= Radius of a sphere.
h = heat transfer coefficient (W/m2/oC)
k = thermal conductivity of solid (W/moK)
Fourier number Fo = αt/L2 eq. (1.9)
Where, α = thermal diffusivity of solid = k/ρCP (m2/s)
ρ = density of solid (Kg/m3)
The solution of the equation takes is as shown in eq. (1.10)
Θ = Ψ (Bi, Fo, x/L) eq. (1.10)
Where, x = coordinate of the point in the body at which temperature or time is to be determined.

First determine Fourier and Biot number from the physical properties of the body. Then calculate
the dimensionless temperature Θ from the Biot and Fourier numbers.

1. Note down the room temperature and the temperature of the water in bucket.
2. Measure diameter, length and mass of the aluminum cylinder.
3. Attach the junction of the thermo-couple to the hole on the top surface of the aluminum
4. Determine the uniform temperature zone of the furnace by moving the thermocouple up
by 10 cm and down by 10 cm from the centre in increments of 2 cm. Let the
thermocouple reading stabilize before moving it to a new position.
5. Then lower the cylinder to the centre of the furnace.
6. Connect the open ends of the thermocouple wires to mili-voltmeter.
7. Wait till the temperature of the cylinder has reached a steady value of 550oC.
8. Take out the cylinder with the hot junction of the thermocouple still attached to it from
the furnace and allow it to cool in still air.
9. Determine the mV reading for the thermocouple (TC) corresponding to 200oC. Note the
temperature as a function of time in the data sheet till it has cooled to around 200oC or
10. Repeat steps 3 to 7 and 9 separately for forced air and water bath.
11. For forced air experiment, use hair dryer to generate forced air.
12. For water quenching experiment, use the X-Y recorder to record your data. After the
sample reaches 550oC, the thermocouple wires should be removed from the mili-
voltmeter and attached directly to the recorder.
13. Rotate the knob on the X-Y recorder to bring the pen in the centre of the graph sheet.
14. Transfer data from graph to the data sheet for the water quenching experiment.

1. Plot temperature versus time for all experiments in one graph paper.
2. Plot the dimensionless temperature, i.e. (Tt – TF)/(TI – TF) versus time and ln[(Tt – TF)/(TI
– TF)] versus time in all cases.
3. Determine the slope of the line, .i.e. (-hA/MCP) from the plot in step 2 above.
4. Calculate the heat transfer coefficient ‘h’ and Biot No. i.e. (hL/k) from the slope.
5. Based on the magnitude of Bi, comment on the accuracy of h determined from step 4.
6. Determine the heat transfer coefficient using Heisler’s chart (Fig 1.1).
Units Aluminum Air Water
Density Kg/m3 2700 1.18 1000
Specific Heat Capacity J/KgoK 896 1.006 4180
Thermal Conductivity W/m oK 204 0.026 0.597

Determination of Heat Transfer Coefficient

Date of Experiment: …………………….

Name Roll No.

(1) …………………………….. ……………………………….

(2) …………………………….. ……………………………….

A. Record the temperature profile inside the furnace as follows:

Position from centre (mm) versus time. Positions above and below centre should be suffixed
with “+” and “-” respectively.

Length of uniform temperature zone in the furnace (mm):Room Temperature (oC):

Water Bath Temperature (oC):
Length of the cylinder (mm):
Diameter of the cylinder (mm):
Mass of the cylinder (kg):

Air Forced Air Water

Time TC Temperature Time TC Temperature Time TC Temperature
(min) (mV) (oC) (min) (mV) (oC) (sec) (mV) (oC)
0 0 0
0.5 0.5 2
1 1 4
2 1.5 6
3 2 8
4 3 10
6 4 15
8 6 20
10 8 25
15 10 30
20 12 40
25 14 50
30 16 60

Θ = (Tt – TF)/(TI – TF)

Position Correction for use with the above Chart.

Boundary condition: k[δT/δr]r=b = h(T - T∞)
Fo = αt/L2
Fig. 1.1. Transient temperature chart for a long cylinder of radius r=b subjected to convection at the boundary surface r=b (From
Heisler). Dimensionless temperature is at the axis of the cylinder.




A. To learn construction of an electric resistance furnace.

B. To calibrate a given thermocouple and to determine the temperature profile of a cylindrical
tube furnace


For a constant temperature of the furnace, the electric power must equal the rate of heat losses to
the surroundings by convection and radiation. Heat flows by conduction from inside tube to the
outer shell through the refractory thickness. From the outside shell, heat is lost partly by convection
and partly by radiation. Heat balance gives the followings:

QK = Heat flow by conduction = 2LK(TF − TS )Ln ( 2 )
QC = Heat losses by convection and radiation = LD2h(TS − TO ) + A(TS4 − TO4 )

K is thermal conductivity of the refractory. TF is the furnace temperature, TS temperature of the

outside shell of the furnace and TO the ambient temperature. D1 and D2 are the diameters of the
furnace tube and furnace shell respectively. ‘h’ is the overall heat transfer coefficient. Under steady
state conditions, QK or QC must match the product of the voltage and current that passes through
the heating element of the furnace i.e.

QK = QC = VI


Set of two thermocouple wires is used to measure the temperature of a body in a certain range. It
works on the See-back principle according to which and electric current tends to flow in a close
loop of two dissimilar metals when two junctions are held at different temperatures. If the two
wires are joined at one end only, an electromotive force is developed across the open ends of the
wires and it can be measure to know the difference in the temperatures of hot junction and cold
junction. The following thermocouples are commonly used to measure the temperature of a body:

(a) Platinum - Platinum + 13% Rhodium 0-1600oC

(b) Platinum - Platinum + 10% Rhodium 0-1600oC
(c) Chromel -Alumel 0-1250oC
(d) Iron – Constantan 0-800oC
(e) Copper -Constantan 0-400oC

Standard tables are available that relate that e.m.f. to the actual temperature of the hot junction
provided the cold junction is maintained at 0oC. If the open ends of thermocouple wires are held
at a finite temperature, measured e.m.f. must be corrected before using the table i.e.:
ET = EM + EO
ET is the corrected value, EM actual measured value and EO is the value from the table
corresponding to the temperature of the cold junction. Low cost compensating or matching
thermocouple wires may be used to increase the length of the thermocouple if necessary. These
wires may not withstand high temperature but gives matching e.m.f. in lower temperature ranges
when used in correct polarity. It is important that the thermocouple wires or the compensating
wires must not touch each other except at the point of the hot junction otherwise the e.m.f. would
correspond to the temperature of the point of contact rather than of the hot junction. Thermocouple
is calibrated against set or standard temperatures such as melting points of pure metals, boiling
point of water etc. The standard thermocouple once calibrated or tested can be used to test and
calibrate another thermocouple.


Calibration of thermocouple and measurement of temperature profile. Take room temperature as

the temperature of the cold end junction of thermocouple.

1. Note down the room temperature. Note the current and voltage of the furnace every 10
minutes until the furnace reaches steady state.
2. Tie a standard and a non-standard thermocouple together.
3. Place both the thermocouple in the centre of the furnace using guides.
4. Measure the e.m.f. at the centre and in steps of 3 cm by pulling the thermocouple to one
end of the axis of the tube. Allow sufficient time for the thermocouple reading to reach a
steady value for each measurement; this temperature is TF. Simultaneously measure the
corresponding temperatures of the outer surface of the furnace (TS).

Measurement of cooling profile of furnace

1. Place the thermocouple tip at the centre position of furnace tube again. Allow sufficient
time to reach steady value.
2. Put the cold end of thermocouple in ice.
3. Shut off the power supply and note down the temperatures at different intervals of time
using thermocouples during cooling till 600oC is reached.


1. Plot the product VI as a function of time.

2. Calculate QK and QC using the corresponding values of TF and TS, as necessary. Calculate
the (arithmetic) average flux. Compare the average QK, average QC, and the steady state
value of VI..
3. Determine the required gauge and length of the wire to construct a furnace of same size as
used by you from the data below:
Number of turns / cm at two ends of the tube (upto 10 cm) = 3
Number of turns /cm elsewhere = 2
Maximum voltage avalable = 240V
Maximum curent permissible = 5A

Kanthal Wire Data

Gauge Diameter (m) Ω/cm

16 0.001650 0.011
19 0.001070 0.022
21 0.000813 0.036
23 0.000635 0.057
25 0.000500 0.090

4. Plot the temperature versus distance along the furnace length for both thermocouples.
5. Tabulate your results of the thermocouple calibration. The X and Y axes correspond to the
readings of the standard and non-standard thermocouples respectively.
6. Plot temperature versus time for the cooling period for both thermocouples.
7. Comment on the results of your measurements.

Calibration Table for Chromel-Alumel Thermocouples

C 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
mv mv mv mv mv mv mv mv mv mv
0 0.00 0.40 0.80 1.20 1.61 2.02 2.43 2.85 3.26 3.61
100 4.10 4.51 4.92 5.33 5.73 6.13 6.53 6.93 7.33 7.73
200 8.13 8.54 8.94 9.34 9.75 10.16 10.57 10.98 11.39 11.80
300 12.21 12.63 13.04 13.46 13.88 14.29 14.71 15.13 15.55 15.98
400 16.40 16.82 17.24 17.67 18.09 18.51 18.94 19.36 19.79 20.22
500 20.65 21.07 21.50 21.93 22.35 22.78 23.20 23.63 24.06 24.49
600 24.91 25.34 25.76 26.19 26.61 27.03 27.45 27.87 28.29 28.72
700 29.14 29.56 29.97 30.39 30.81 31.23 31.65 32.06 32.48 32.89
800 33.3 33.71 34.12 34.53 34.93 35.34 35.75 36.15 36.55 36.96
900 37.36 37.76 38.16 38.56 38.95 39.35 39.75 40.14 40.53 40.92
1000 41.31 41.70 42.09 42.48 42.87 43.25 43.63 44.02 44.40 44.78
1100 45.16 45.54 45.92 46.29 46.67 47.04 47.41 47.78 48.15 48.52




Date of experiment
Name Roll No.
(1) ………………… ……. …………….
(2)………………… …………………...
(3)…….. …………… ………………….

Furnace Dimensions:

Outside dia = ……; Inside dia = …….. mm; length = ……;

Voltage = ……..V; Current = ……..A; Room Temp = ……..oC;

E.m.f. at 25oC (a) E.m.f. at 0oC (b)

Standard Non standard Standard Non standard

Temperature profile when reference is room temperature

Distance Measured e.m.f.(mV) Corrected e.m.f. (mV) Temperature (ºC)

(cm) (c) d=a+c
Standard Non Standard Non Standard Non
standard standard standard


Cooling Data when reference is 0oC

Time Measured e.m.f.(mV) Corrected e.m.f. (mV) Temperature (ºC)
(min) (e) f=b+e

Standard Non Standard Non Standard Non

standard standard standard





To determine the pressure drop as a function of flow rate of gas passing through beds of solid
particles of different sizes and study the critical velocity to cause fluidization.


Capillary flow meter

Capillary flow meter is a device consisting of 50 to 100 mm long capillary tube made of glass.
Two legs of a manometer are connected across the two ends of the capillary to measure the pressure
drop for the flow of gas to occur through the capillary. Schematic of the flow meter is shown in
the figure. The flow meter is calibrated for a particular gas against a standard unit such as wet test
meter or the soap bubble meter. From theoretical considerations, one may derive the following
expression for flow of fluid in a tube under steady and laminar flow conditions:

 d 4 P
128 g l

Flow may be taken as laminar of the Reynolds number is less than 2100 i.e.

 g ud 4  g Q
=  2100
  d g

Pressure drop across the capillary may be

expressed in terms of the difference in heights
of the fluid such as water or mercury in the two
columns of the manometer.

∆𝑃 = 𝜌𝑓 𝑔ℎ
u =Velocity of fluid
ρg = Density of gas, kg/m3
𝜌𝑓 = Density of fluid in the manometer,
µg = Viscosity of gas, kg/ms
Q = Discharge rate in m3/s
I = Length of the capillary, m
d = Diameter of the capillary, m
h = Difference in heights in the two legs
of the water manometer.
ΔP = Pressure drop in Pascal.
𝜇𝑂2 = 12×10-6×T0.5 P, T in oK

Aerodynamics of beds of solid particles

Ergun suggested the following equation to describe the flow of gases through packed columns.

P  1−   1 
=  3    gU o
L     d P 


ε = porosity of bed = volume of pores/total bed volume

Φ = shape factor =1 for sphere
dP = diameter of sphere or 6/So any other shape, mm
So = surface area-to-volume ratio of solid particle, mm-1
g = density of gas
Uo = superficial gas velocity (volumetric flow rate/cross-section area of the tube), m/s
ΔP/L = pressure drop per unit length of bed, Nm-3
Ψ = friction factor

The friction factor may be found by using empirical correlation as follows:

Ψ = 150/Re Re<0.1 (2)

Ψ = 1.75 + 150/Re 10<Re<2500 (3)
Ψ = 160/Re + 3.1Re0.1 Re>2500 (4)

Re is the Reynolds number for flow of gases through a bed of solid particles i.e.

 gU o d p
Re = (5)
 g (1 −  )

µg is viscosity of gas phase. Onset of fluidization would occur when pressure forces excess the
gravitational forces i.e.

= (1 −  )(  s −  g ) g (6)

Critical superficial gas velocity for the onset of fluidization may be determined from equations (1)
and (6):

 s −  g   d P  3 

U c =  g   (7)
  g     
 

Schematic of the set up to study aerodynamics of beds of solid particles is shown below

Gas regulator

Bed 1 Bed 2 Bed 3 Bed 4 Bed 5

Iron ore Iron Ore

Iron ore S- 0.3 mm,
Iron ore S -1.015- S- Glass beads
S- 2.4 mm, W-20 g
Size- 1.015mm, W- 2.4 mm, W- W-50 g
150 g
Manometer 1


1. Determine the porosity of (i) glass bead bed, (ii) coarse iron ore bed, (iii) fine iron ore bed
using a measuring cylinder and water.
2. Make connections for the flow of gas individually to the five beds and measure pressure
drop in each bed.
3. Make sure that the regulator and needle valves are in closed position.
4. Open the gas cylinder by turning the key.
5. Open the needle valve slowly to obtain certain flow of the gas through the set up.
6. Calculate flow rate the flow rate of the gas from the pressure drop in the capillary flow
metre and its pressure from the capillary flow meter and the water manometer respectively
after near stabilized conditions are attained.
7. Repeat steps (5) and (6) for six different values of the flow rate. This will calibrate the
8. Repeat steps (2) to (7) for beds II to IV.
9. Repeat steps (2) and (6) for three different values of flow rate for bed V till fluidization
occurs. Record the bed height in bed V for each flow rate.
10. Repeat steps (2) and (6) for three different values of flow rate for bed V beyond the onset
of fluidization. Record the bed height in bed V for each flow rate.


1) Calculate and plot the pressure drop versus flow rate of gas for beds I and V on same graph
paper and show appropriately the experimental data on these plots for comparison.
2) Determine the minimum velocity of fluidization from the data and compare it with the
theoretical value.


I.D. of glass tubes = 20 mm.

Density of glass beads = 2.3 g/cm3

Column I II III IV V
Material Iron ore Iron ore Iron ore Glass beads Iron ore
Size, mm 1.015 1.015 – 2.4 2.4 To measure 0.3
Weight, g 150 150 125 50 20

Flow of Gases through Beds of Solid Particles
Date of experiment …………………………………
Day and Group …………………………………
Name and Roll No. …………………………………
Sl Flo
LeftCol RightCol Differenc LeftCol RightCol Differenc Pressur
. w
. . e . . e e
N. rate
mm mm mm Cc/s M mm mm Pa
BED No. 1
BED No. 2
BED No. 3
BED No. 4
BED No. 5




Mass transfer between solid additions and bulk liquid steel is an integral feature of numerous
processing operations carried out in steelmaking ladles. As an example to this, mention can be
made of melting and dissolution of deoxidizer elements and alloying additions in steel baths.
A situation of pure dissolution (mass transfer) exists when the addition’s melting point is
greater than that of steel (Note that Fe, Nb or FeW dissolves in steel rather than melt, as their
melting points are significantly higher than the liquid steel processing temperature). To
enhance the rate of mass transfer from the solid, submerged gas injections have commonly
been applied to the contents of the ladle. This is so as the dissolution process is typically
boundary layer mass transfer controlled and therefore convection plays important role in
influencing the associated rate. It is now well known that the turbulent recirculatory flow fields
induced during stirring practices affects the rate of the dissolution or mass transfer processes
considerably. Naturally therefore, it is important to know what extent the rate of dissolution is
influenced by key operating variables, such as the gas flow rate.

To determine mass transfer coefficient in the plume region of an axis- symmetric gas stirred
ladle as a function of gas flow rate by weight loss technique.

Water model of cylindrical shaped ladle (Dia = 29cm)
Nitrogen gas cylinder and Rota meter

Benzoic acid, cylindrical shaped compacts.

1. Fill water up to 25cm.
2. take benzoic acid cast, dip it in water, squeeze in towel, weigh it on electronic physical
balance, measure its length and radius using vernier caliper.
3. Length is to be measured only once, weight and radius has to be measured at the end of
each experiment (e.g. 5min, 7.5min, 10 min and 12.5 min)
4. Only one sample is enough for all gas flow rates (2, 4, and 6lit/min)
5. Fit the sample and sample holder such that riveted end lies downwards to avoid
dissolution in longitudinal direction.
6. Position the sample at the centre of the plume (10cm below the free surface and 10cm
above the bottom).
7. After each experiment switch off the gas.
8. Plot the graph during experiment itself and get it signed.
9. Keep all the instruments back at their old position and return used sample, sample
holder and scale.


1. Complete the table from your observations.

Position of the sample in the bath:
Average initial radius and length of the three samples.

Initial weight (g)

Gas Final weight (g) at Corresponding Estimated average
at various times,
flow various times, weight at various sample radius at
rate, min times, min various times, min
0 5 12.5 22.5 5 12.5 22.5 35 5 12.5 22.5 35 5 12.5 22.5 35


2. Plot average instantaneous radius (in cm) as a function of time (in secs ) for all the three
flow rates from the above table in single figure neatly. Try to fit a straight line through
each set of four points. Report the slope of the individual lines in a small table for all
three flow rates.

3. From 2, compute the mass transfer coefficient on the basis of the following

dR s
km = - .
d t C*s

In which k m is the mass transfer coefficient and ρs is the density of benzoic acid (1.26
gm/cc) and Cs* is the solubility of benzoic acid (4.0704 gm/cc). Report the estimated
mass transfer coefficient in a table for all three flow rates.

4. The mass transfer coefficient can also be calculated theoretically from the mass transfer
correlation given below

Shd = 0.546 (Red)0.57.(Sc)0.33

In this Red is the diameter based Reynolds number and is defined as, (UP.d )/ v. (Note
that UP is the plume rise velocity and is defined in S.I. units as,
UP = 4.4.Q0.33.L0.25.R0.33, Where L and R being the depth of liquid and vessel radius).
The kinematic viscosity of water is 10-6 m2/s and the Schmidt number for the system is
about 500. Show the predicted values of mass transfer coefficients for various flow
rates in a small table.

5. In a separate plot compare the predicted and experimental values of mass transfer
coefficients. What is your observation?

Answer the following question:

1. Define Sh and Sc as they appear in the mass transfer correlation above.

2. Derive the relationship given in three above, applying the principles of material
balance. State the assumptions that are implicit in the equation as shown in 3.
3. If the flow rate is maintained constant but the depth of liquid in the system is increased,
would the mass transfer coefficient go up or down? Provide quantitative argument to
justify your answer.
4. Derive an explicit relationship between mass transfer coefficient and gas flow rate from
the given mass transfer correlation.




To Study the particle size distribution resulted due to crushing and grinding of the give rock


Crushing and grinding refer to bringing about size reduction in the ore so that valuable minerals
are liberated from the gangue. It is the first step in any mineral beneficiation by methods such
as Tabling, Jigging, Magnetic Separation, Electrostatic Separation, Floatation etc. Crushing
devices include jaw crushers, gyratory crushers and roll crusher. Grinding refers size reduction
of the material to much finer size of less than 0.1mm. Grinding is normally carried out in
tumbling mills which are rotated on horizontal axis. Mills are commonly charged with a
grinding medium made of forged steel, cast steel or cast iron having Brinnel hardness value of
300 to 370. The load to the mill may vary from 20 to 50%. The present experiment is aimed at
studying the design, construction and action of the laboratory models of jaw crusher, roll
crusher and ball mill.


1. Note the action of components of Jaw Crusher by turning the fly wheel by hand.
2. Note the movement of different components by idle running of the jaw crusher.
3. Measure the operational dimensions such as gape, mouth, throat, open and closed
4. Select large pieces of the rock and feed them singly into the crusher.
5. Study the product and measure the dimensions of the largest particle in the product.
6. Take 2 kg of rock sample in the size range of 25 to 50 mm by hand picking.
7. Feed the material to the crusher without choking the crushing zone of the machine.
8. Carry out the screening of the product by shaking the sieves for about 5 minutes.
9. Retain the product for use as feed to Roll Crusher.
10. Clean the crusher, sieves and the floor with the compressed air hose.



1. Measure the diameter of theRolls and the

speed of the crusher by idle running
2. Set the crusher to 4 or 6 mm gap between
the two rolls
3. Feed about 1 kg of the product of Jaw
Crusher starting with the smallest size and
note the suitability of treating different sizes
of the feed to the machine.
4. Carry out the size analysis of the product of
the roll crusher as explained before.
5. Clean the crusher, sieves and the floor with
the compressed air hose.


1. Note down the dimension of the grinding

mill and find its volume.
2. Estimate the weight of grinding media
being used and the volume.
3. Add about 200g of the crushed material in
the size range of 3 to 14mm.
4. Run the mill for 10 min.
5. Take out the product completely and
6. Carry out the size analysis using sieves.
7. Repeat steps 3 to 6 by running the mill for
20 minutes.


Screening surface may consist of woven wire, silk or plastic cloth, perforated plate grizzly bars
of wedge wire sections. Undersize particles tend to pass through the apertures in the surface
while oversize particles are retained. Blockage of openings by oversize particles is minimized
by giving both horizontal and vertical motion or oscillation/vibration to the screening surface.
Mesh of the screens refers to the numbers of openings per linear inch. Standard testing sieves
are designed and manufactured as to follow a sieve scale where openings in fixed succession
are obtained to divide the product range into different size ranges. Standard Taylor series for
different aperture size of sieves are given below:

Mesh Opening, Mesh Opening,

No. mm No. mm
3 6.730 35 0.420
4 4.760 42 0.354
5 4.000 48 0.297
6 3.360 60 0.250
7 2.830 65 0.210
8 2.380 80 0.177
9 2.000 100 0.149
10 1.680 115 0.125
12 1.410 150 0.105
14 1.190 170 0.088
16 1.000 200 0.074
20 0.841 250 0.063
24 0.707 270 0.053
28 0.595 325 0.044
32 0.500 400 0.037

The size distribution of particles resulting from either crushing or grinding is described
using different distribution functions. One important distribution is the Gaudin-Schuhmann
distribution, which is given by:

Y = (X/Xm)α
Y = Cumulative mass % of particles of size less than X.
Xm = Size modulus (Theoretical maximum size in the ensemble of particles).
α= Distribution modulus


1. Tabulate the data on Size Analysis for each experiment using the format below:

Sieve Cumulative
Mesh Weight % Weight
Aperture, (X) Wt. %, of
No. Retained, g Retained
mm Passing, (Y)

2. Plot log Yversuslog X to determine the distribution modulus and size modulus in a Gaudin-
Schuhmann distribution for all the three experiments.
3. Comment on the applicability of the Gaudin-Schuhmann distribution for all the three
experiments. You can do this by comparing the location of experimental data points with
respect to the best fit straight line in point 2.




To determine the proximate analysis and calorific value of coal.


The proximate analysis of coal comprises of determination of the moisture, ash, volatile matter
and fixed carbon.


Free water may exist in the coal as adsorbed on the surface, condensed inside fine capillary
network and as bound to the coal molecule by chemisorption and hydrogen bonding.

Volatile Matter

A volatile product obtained by the pyrolysis of coal in the absence of air is known as volatile
matter. The product may contain hydrogen, methane, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, higher
hydrocarbons, tar, water vapors, nitrogen, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide etc. The pyrolysis
temperature of coal may lie in the range from 600-800oC. The yield of volatile can be taken as
a measure of its rank. Volatile matter will be much less in coke than that of coal as pyrolysis
had occurred during cocking at around 1000oC. Volatile matter does not contain the moisture
of coal but it contains water that is formed from the hydrogen and oxygen of coal during the


Coals are associated with certain mineral or inorganic matter, which gets deposited along with
vegetable matter or gets into coal by subsequent infiltration. The ash consists mainly of silica,
alumina, iron oxide and lime. When heated, coal as does not melt sharply at any temperature,
but begins to soften at much lower temperature than that required melting. The ash content in
coke is much higher than in coal.

Fixed carbon

Fixed carbon is obtained by deducting the sum of moisture, ash and volatile matter percentage
from 100.

Calorific value

Calorific value of the fuel is the quantity of heat liberated when unit quantity of fuel is burned
completely. When hydrogen is present in the fuel, it is converted to steam. Thus, higher heating

value (also called gross calorific value) is the total amount of heat liberated when one unit of
fuel is burnt completely and the combustion products are brought to their standard state (25oC).
Lower heating value (also called net calorific value) is
Net calorific value= Gross calorific value – latent heat of condensation (6.1)


Moisture determination:

(1) Dry the silica dish in an oven and weigh.

(2) Spread out about 1 gm of 20 mesh coal sample on the dish.
(3) Weigh the dish again to find the exact mass of the sample.
(4) Heat the dish without any cover in the oven at about 105±5oC for 1 hour.
(5) Take out the dish from the oven, cover it with the lid and cool.
(6) Weigh the dish to find the loss in weight of coal due to presence of moisture.

Volatile matter:

(1) Heat a clean crucible and its lid at 900±15oC for 7 minutes in muffle furnace.
(2) Allow the crucible and lid to cool on a metal plate for a minute and in desiccator for 10
(3) Weigh the crucible and lid together.
(4) Put near 1 gm sample and weigh again to know the exact mass.
(5) Insert the crucible with the lid on it into the furnace at 900oC and keep there for a period
of 7 minutes.
(6) Weigh the crucible with the lid to know the weight loss due to expulsion of volatile
matter and moisture

Ash determination:

(1) Follow the steps 1 to 3 of moisture determination.

(2) Insert the open crucible in the furnace at 815oC for an hour.
(3) Remove the crucible; allow it to cool for 10 minutes on the slab and 15 minutes in the
(4) Weigh the crucible to find the mass left which is the ash content of the coal.


Follow the following procedure:

(1) Add 1 ml of distilled water and connect the fuse to the lid wires.
(2) Measure the length of the nichrome wire and mass of this wire.
(3) Weigh about 1 g of coal pellet and introduce it into the bomb
(4) Pressurize the bomb with oxygen and place it inside the jacket.
(5) Fill the jacket with 2 liter of water. Temperature of water must be 2oC less than the
room temperature.
(6) Assemble the calorimeter and run the motor for 5 minutes.
(7) Record the temperature of the water bath accurately using a precision thermometer at
an interval of 1 minute for 5 minutes and ignite the charge at the start of 6th minute.
(8) Keep recording the temperature every minute till constant temperature is attained.
(9) Open the bomb carefully
(10)Wash all the interior surfaces of the bomb with the jet of distilled water and collect the
washings in a beaker.
(10)Remove all unburned pieces of the fuse wire and measure the length of the pieces.
(11)Collect and weigh the residual ash.

Caution: Never approach the top of the bomb due to danger of explosion.

The parts of a bomb calorimeter are shown below:


(1) Determine the moisture content (wt.%) in coal samples, as received basis.
(2) Determine the ash content, V.M. and fixed carbon in percentages in both samples, dry
basis and put all the results and data in the tabular form.
(3) Draw temperature versus time plot for the bomb calorimeter.
(4) Calculate the calorific value of coal from the data recorded.
(5) Method to calculate gross calorific value of coal (GCV)

(MwCpw + MsteelCpsteel)∆T – [(axb) + (cxd)]

𝐺𝐶𝑉 = Mc
∆T = Temperature rise of water in K
Mw = Mass of water in water jacket (kg)
Cpw = Specific heat capacity of water (4.18 kJ/kgK)
Msteel = weight of the bomb calorimeter + weight of stirrer+ weight of container
Cpw = Specific heat capacity of steel (0.51 kJ/kgK)
a = Mass of cotton thread (kg)
b = Calorific value of cotton thread (15120 kJ/kg)
c = Mass of nichrome wire used in experiment (kg)
d = Calorific value of nichrome wire (9.7 kJ/kg)
Mc = Mass of coal taken (kg)

Date of experiment
Name Roll No.
(1) …………………… …. …………….
(2)…………………… ….. …………….
(3)…………………… ….. …………….

(a) Proximate analysis of coal samples

Experiment Temperature Time(min) Dish Weight Dish+Sample Dish+Residue

Weight Weight


(b) Calorific Value of Coal using Bomb Calorimeter

Weight of Coal Pellet g
Weight of Thread g
Length of Wire cm
Length of unused Wire cm
Weight of Residual Wire g
Weight of Residual Ash g
Amount of Water added to Bomb Calorimeter g
Weight of Bomb Calorimeter g
Time (min) Temp(ºC) Time (min) Temp(ºC) Time (min) Temp(ºC)


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