Labview Workshop Brouchure PDF
Labview Workshop Brouchure PDF
Labview Workshop Brouchure PDF
E-mail Address :
Faculty members of Electronics and Instrumentation Dr. A.Sanjeevi Gandhi, Prof/EIE
Engineering Department
Details of the Registration fee Mr.R.Krishna Kumar, AP/EIE
Amount :
The Coordinators, Organized by
DD No :
LabVIEW Workshop,
Date :
Department of Electronics and Instrumentation
Bank Name :
Accommodation required : Yes/No
Karpagam College of Engineering,
(Please tick)
Participant Category : Faculty/Research Othakalmandapam (PO),
(Please tick) Scholar/Student Coimbatore – 641032. DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS AND
Signature of the Applicant
Last date of receipt
The Karpagam Charity Trust was promoted by LabVIEW is a platform for a virtual
of application : 10-09-2019
Dr.R.Vasanthakumar, Chairman and Managing programming language from National Instruments.
trustee, in 1989, with a vision to serve and lead the It is a graphical programming environment used by Intimation about
society by imparting quality based education as the millions of Engineers and scientists to develop Selection : 12-09-2019
mission. Karpagam College of Engineering was sophisticated measurement, test and control systems
established in 2000, approved by AICTE and affiliated using intuitive graphical icons and wires that Confirmation from
to Anna University, Chennai. Karpagam College of resemble a flowchart. LabVIEW is a development the participants : 14-09-2019
Engineering offering four years B.E/B.Tech. Degree environment for problem solving, accelerated
The participants are limited to “50” and
courses in Electrical and Electronics, Electronics and productivity and continual innovation. Additional registrations are carried out on first come first serve
Communication, Electronics and Instrumentation, modules have been designed to use in the real- time basis.
Mechanical, Automobile, Civil, Computer Science, process like biosignal analysis, Image processing, DSP,
Electronics & Telecommunication and Information and FPGA programming etc. CONTACTS
Technology, M.E, MBA and MCA programmes.
Topics to be covered: Coordinators : +91 9750358928
ABOUT THE DEPARTMENT : +91 9095018889
Introduction to Virtual Instrumentation E-mail :
The Department of EIE was started in 2008, has
qualified faculty members, well-equipped Introduction to Graphical System Design
College Phone : 0422-2619026
laboratories such as Transducers and Measurements Familiarization with LabVIEW
Lab, Process Control Lab, Virtual Instrumentation Lab, College Fax : 0422-2619046
Important Components of LabVIEW
Industrial Instrumentation Lab, Electronics Circuits
Lab, Control system and simulation Lab with latest Real time Data Acquisition and Website :
software packages. The main objective of the Measurements
department is to produce talented and zealous LabVIEW based Industrial Applications REGISTRATION FEE
Instrumentation Engineers to satisfy the industrial Research Scholars/Faculty : Rs.500/-
needs. Every year the Department organizes various Case study of biomedical applications
Members/UG & PG Students
programmes periodically. WHO SHOULD ATTEND?
RESOURCE PERSON All Engineering branches of UG, PG Students, The Registration fee is to be paid by D.D. drawn in
Faculty Members & Research Scholars can apply.
Sessions will be handled by experts from industries
and faculty from reputed institution. payable at Coimbatore and send to the coordinator
along with the registration form on or before 10
September 2019.