Numerical Calculation of Ship Wave Resistance Based On Linear Theory
Numerical Calculation of Ship Wave Resistance Based On Linear Theory
Numerical Calculation of Ship Wave Resistance Based On Linear Theory
0 1/ 2 Ki(t ) = Ki(−t )
P= ³³ f ( x, z ) exp[2k (t 2 + 1) 2 ( ) z ]cos[2k (t 2 + 1) x]dxdz ,
x 0 0 − 2Fr −2 ³ + exp[(1 + t 2 )Fr −2 z]sin[(1 + t 2 )1/2 Fr −2 x]
−11/ 2
L h
0 1/ 2
T cos[(1 + t 2 )1/2 Fr −2 x]nxda − 2³ + sin[(1 + t 2 )1/2 Fr −2 x]
Q=³ ³ f x ( x, z) exp[2k0 (t 2 + 1)2 ( ) z]sin[2k0 (t 2 + 1) x]dxdz . c
−11/ 2
L cos[(1 + t 2 )1/2 Fr −2 x]nxt y dl
f x is ship form function, Fr is Froude number, (13)
k0 = 1 / 2 Fr is wave number. So, the wave resistance coefficient is expressed as˖
Cw = =
C. Noblesse’s new slender ship theory 0.5ρU 2 L2
Based on Noblesse’s new slender ship theory, the 1 ∞ª 2 2 2 1/ 2
Kr (t ) + Ki(t ) (1 + t ) dt
velocity potential is obtained by using alternative method, π ³−∞ ¬ ¼
which avoided the problem of solving the distribution of
source and dipole. The dimensionless form of ϕ = ϕ / UL III. NUMERICAL CALCULATION AND COMPARISON
and ( x, y , z ) = ( X , Y , Z ) / L are obtained and the linear free The numerical algorithm outline in the preceding
surface condition is became as the flowing formula. sections has applied to prediction of wave resistance. The
∂ϕ ∂ 2ϕ case considered is the well-known Wigley hull model,
+ Fr 2 2 = 0 (z=0) (8) which is defined by the analytical formula.
∂z ∂x 2 2
The velocity potential equation, which is valid both in B ª § 2x · º ª § z · º (15)
y = «1 − ¨ ¸ » «1 − ¨ ¸ »
near-field and far-field, can be obtained by using Green 2 «¬ © L ¹ »¼ «¬ © T ¹ »¼
theorem. The characteristic dimensions of the Wigley hull are
ª ∂E º L=16, B/L=0.1, T/L=0.0625 and Cb=0.444. In Fig.2, it
ϕ (ξ ) = ³ «Gnx − ϕ »da +
¬ ∂n ¼ shows that the Wigley hull surface is divided into 110
ª § ∂ϕ ∂ϕ · ∂G º planes.
Fr 2 ³ «G ¨ nx2 + t x − nz t y ¸ −ϕ t y dl −
¬ © ∂l ∂d ¹ ∂x ¼»
Fr 2 ³ Gq(ϕ )dxdy
Where, h is hull surface, c is waterline, ³ is still water
surface, n is denotes the outward normal and t is tangential
vector of waterline c.
Kochin free amplitude function is expressed as˖
∂E Figure 2. Sketch of panel arrangement of Wigley
K (t ) = Fr − 2 ³ ( En x − ϕ )da +
h ∂n
At first, based on C.C.Hsiung method, ship hull surface
ª § 2 ∂ϕ ∂ϕ · ∂E º was represented by using tent function and a numerical
³c ¬« E ©¨ n x + t x ∂l − n z t y ∂d ¸ −ϕ t y dl −
¹ ∂ x z ¼» calculation program for wave make resistance value was
worked out to calculate wave resistance of Wigley hull. In
³σ Eq (ϕ )dxdy Figure3, it shows the comparison of calculation result
(10) between this paper and reference[5][6].
Where, E = exp[ Fr −2 (1 + t 2 )1/2{(1 + t 2 )1/2 z − i( x + ty)}] . Due In Figure3, it shows that the computed result of wave
to first step velocity potential ϕ (0) (ξ ) = 0 , the first step resistance coefficient of the Wigley hull with fixed sinkage
kochin amplitude function can be expressed ignoring the and trim is consistent with the computed results carried out
last term of Esq. (10). by references. It can be seen that the wave resistance
coefficient has the same tendency as the variation,
therefore, the applicability of calculation method and 0.035 Fr=0.4
Matlab program are verified. 0.030
Secondly, based on zeroth order similar, the zeroth
order Kochin wave amplitude function for Fr=0.2ǃ0.3ǃ 0.025
symmetry of the ship and based on the Eq.(12), it can be
known that the real part of zeroth order kochin wave
amplitude function is 0. In Figure4, it shows the result of 0.010
different Froude numbers.
Cw 0.000
0 2 4 6 8 10
0.24 CW = RW /(8B T ρ g /(π L))
2 2
0.015 Cw = Rw /(0.5 ρU 2 L2 )
0.010 0.3
0.005 0.2
0 2 4 6 8 10
t 0.0
0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50
(a) Fr=0.2
Figure 5. The wave resistance coefficient compared curve oriented
new slender ship theory
In Figure5, it shows that the wave resistance of Wigley
0.015 ship increased slowly when 0.2 ≤ Fr ≤ 0.4 Both the wave
resistance coefficient calculated by noblesse new slender
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