Foreign Language 1 (HPC 5) : Republic of The Philippines Laguna State Polytechnic University Province of Laguna

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Republic of the Philippines

Laguna State Polytechnic University

Province of Laguna

Foreign Language 1

(HPC 5)

Name: ____________________________
Section: ____________________________

Compilation Prepared By: Mrs. Vanessa J. Silang CHMT- Foreign Lagnguage 1

Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
Province of Laguna

any other country in the world and is one of the top producers of
The French Language international films.
 French is the second most frequently used language on the internet.
French is spoken as a native language in more than two dozen  French is ranked the 2nd most influential language in the world.
countries on five continents. Depending on your sources, French is either
11th or the 13th most common native language in the world, with 72-79 About French Language
million native speakers and another 190 million secondary speakers. French
is the second most commonly taught second language in the world (after  French is a Romance language, deriving from Latin and closely
English), making it a real possibility that speaking French will come in related to Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, and Romanian.
handy practically anywhere you travel.  It is native tongue of over 87 million people and has an additional 68
million non-native speakers.
French Business  In medieval times and until the 19th century. It was often the
language used in diplomacy, culture, administration, royal courts
The United States was France’s leading investor, accounting for across Europe and also in trade, thus appropriately becoming the
25% of the new jobs created in France from foreign investment. There are lingua franca of its time.
2,400 US companies in France generating 240,000 jobs. American  French-speaking people have made incursions upon the British Isles
companies with offices in France include IBM, Microsoft, Mattel, Dow many times in the past, most noticeably in the Norman Invasion of
Chemical, SaraLee, Ford, Coca-Cola, AT&T, Motorola, Johnson & 1066. for this reason, although English is a Germanic language, at
Johnson, Ford, and Hewlett Packard. least a third of the English lexicon is derived from French.
 In the United Nations, the Olympic Games, and the European
French World Union, its official language of 29 countries and is spoken in:
 French is an official working language in dozens of international
organizations, including the United Nations, International Olympic France, Belgium, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Tunisia, Morocco, Senegal,
Committee, and International Red Cross. Haiti, Ivory Coast, Madagascar, the Congo, Algeria, Niger, Mali, Burkina
 French is the lingua franca of culture, including art, cuisine, dance, Faso, Togo, Gabon, the Seychelles, Burundi, Chad, Rwanda, Djibouti,
and fashion. France has won more Nobel prizes for literature than Cameroon, Mauritius, and Canada (mostly in the province of Quebec,
where it is the primary language, but it is also used in other parts of the

Compilation Prepared By: Mrs. Vanessa J. Silang CHMT- Foreign Lagnguage 1

Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
Province of Laguna

country- notably New Brunswick, which is the only bilingual province. All v = vee
consumer product packages in Canada are required by law to have both and w = dooble vay
English and French labels. x = eeks
y = eeee grec
The French Alphabet Z = zed

a = ahh Final Consonants

b = bey
c = see Final consonants are usually silent: Paris (pa-ree).
d = dee
e = euh However, the consonants C, R, F & L are usually pronounced at the end of
f = eff words.
g = jeeh
h = ash
i = eeeee
j = zjee Common exceptions where the last letter can be heard include
k = kya Août (August)
l = ell Cinq (five)
m = em Sept (seven)
n = en Huit (eight)
o = oh Neuf (nine)
p = pee
q = kuh
r = err
s = ess
t = tay

Compilation Prepared By: Mrs. Vanessa J. Silang CHMT- Foreign Lagnguage 1

Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
Province of Laguna

Symbol French English Pronunciation le dièse

pound sign, luh dee-ehz
n # le carré (French
. le point period luh pwah number sign luh kah-ray
Canadian term)
, la virgule comma lah vehr-gool € le symbole euro euro sign luh sam-bohl uh-roh
: les/le deux-points colon lay/luh duh-pwah le signe du dollar luh seen doo doh-lahr
$ dollar sign
; le point-virgule semicolon n
luh pwah -vehr-gool le dollar luh doh-lahr

' l'apostrophe (f) apostrophe lah-poh-strohf le signe de pour-cent luh seen duh poor-sahn
% percent sign
le pour-cent luh poor-sahn
exclamation luh pwahn dehks-klah-
! le point d'exclamation + le signe plus plus sign luh seen ploos
point mah-see-ohn
le point luh pwahn dan-tehr-oh- = le signe égal equal sign luh seen ay-gahl
? question mark
d'interrogation gah-see-ohn la barre oblique lah bahr oh-bleek
/ forward slash
«» les guillemets (m) quotation marks lay gee-uh-may le slash luh slahsh

() les parentèses (f) parentheses lay pah-rahn-tehz la barre oblique lah bahr oh-bleek an-
\ inverse backslash vehrs
les points de lay pwahn duh soos- l'anti-slash (m) lahn-tee slahsh
… ellipsis
suspension (m) pahn-see-ohn
le trait d'union dash, hyphen luh tray doo-nee-ohn l'arobase (f)
- @ at sign luh ah koh-mehr-see-
le moins minus sign luh mwahn le a commercial
— le tiret em dash luh tee-ray
* l'astérisque (m) asterisk lahs-tay-reesk

Compilation Prepared By: Mrs. Vanessa J. Silang CHMT- Foreign Lagnguage 1

Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
Province of Laguna

Accents Où -where

Some but not all accents can change the sound of the letter and or the Mix of accent aigu and accent grave
meaning of a word. The main ones are:
É accent aigu Hélène - Helen
È accent grave élève - pupil
Ê accent circonflexe éphémère - ephemeral
Ë trema légère - light
Ç cedilla déjà - already
décès - death
É Accent Aigu or Acute Accent
Le bébé- the baby
L’ été - the summer En été le père du bébé boit
Le café - the coffee Du café avec de la crème légère
L’ épaule- the shoulder Avec son élève nommée Hélène.
Poésie - poetry lls écrivent des poèmes.
Créé -created
In summer the baby’s father drinks
È accent grave or grave accent Coffee with light cream with his
Pupil called Helen
Le frère - the brother They write poems.
Le père - the father
La mère - the mother Ê Accent circonflexe
Très - very
Crème -cream Forêt
à -at or to Mât

Compilation Prepared By: Mrs. Vanessa J. Silang CHMT- Foreign Lagnguage 1

Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
Province of Laguna

Hôtel Ç Accent cedille or la cédille
Hôpital ço…. çu… ça…
La leçon - the lesson
Ë trema accent Le reçu - the receipt
Français - french
Maïs - sweetcorn Le garçon - the boy
Mais - but Le caleçon - the boxer shorts
Naïve - naive La façade - the wall
Noël - Christmas Ça va - ok
Haïr - to hate
Laïque - secular
Faïence - earthenware
Canoë - canoe/canoeing

Accent Trema in a sentence

Anaïs mange du
Maïs à noël
Sur son canoë

Anais is eating some

sweetcorn at Christmas
on her canoe.

Compilation Prepared By: Mrs. Vanessa J. Silang CHMT- Foreign Lagnguage 1

Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
Province of Laguna


Je = I „³ 1st per. sing. A bientôt = see you soon

Tu = you „³ 2nd per. sing. A demain = see you tomorrow
Il = he/it 3rd per. sing A plus tard = see you later
Elle = she/it A la prochaine = until we meet next
Nous = we „³ 1st per. plu. Bonne anniversaire = happy birthday
Vous = you „³ 2nd per. plu. Bonne chance = good luck
Ils = they 3rd per. Plu., Bon voyage = happy journey
Elles= they Bon année = happy new year
Bonne route = have a safe journey
Bonne nouvelle année = happy new year
FRENCH GREETINGS Joyeux Noël = merry Christmas


Bonjour = good morning /good day/hello Monsieur = mister/sir

Bonne journée = have a nice day Madame = madam
Bonsoir = good evening Mademoiselle = miss
Bonne soirée = have a nice evening Homme = man
Bon après midi = good after noon Femme = woman / wife
Bonne nuit = good night Dame = lady
Salut = hi / bye Garçon = boy
au revoir = Bye, bye Fille = girl
Adieu = good bye / farewell

Compilation Prepared By: Mrs. Vanessa J. Silang CHMT- Foreign Lagnguage 1

Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
Province of Laguna

• Comment allez-vous ? (formal)
• Comment ça va ? = how are you ?
• Comment vas-tu ?
• Je vais bien, merci
• Ça va bien, merci =I am fine, thank you
• Comment vous appelez-vous? (formal)
• Comment t’appelles-tu ?
• Comment tu t’appelles ?= what is your name?
• Je m’appelle ……….. = My name is………


Quel âge avez-vous?

Quel âge as-tu ? how old are you?
J’ai dix ans = I am ten years old
Où habitez-vous?
Où habites-tu ? where do you live?
J’habite à ……… = I live in ………..
Merci = thank you
De rien = no mention
S’il vous plait = please

Compilation Prepared By: Mrs. Vanessa J. Silang CHMT- Foreign Lagnguage 1

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