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Malignant hyperthermia (MH) is an uncommon pharmacogenetic disorder of muscle induced by

exposure to suxamethonium and all the volatile anaesthetic agents. It is characterized by
hypermetabolism, muscle rigidity and muscle injury.


The clinical features are a direct consequence of loss of skeletal muscle calcium homeostasis,
resulting in increased intracellular calcium ion concentration, which causes muscle rigidity,
hypermetabolism, and rhabdomyolysis. The diagnosis may be difficult as there is no one sign
that is unique to MH, and the onset may be rapid or insidious.

1.Unexplained increased CO2 production and tachycardia. The rise in CO2 production
results in tachypnoea in the spontaneously breathing patient or a rise in end-tidal CO2 in a
ventilated patient.

Elevation of the end-tidal CO2 - earliest, most sensitive and specific signs of MH.

2. BP is often unstable, with a tendency for decreasing SpO2.

3. Increase in body temperature occurs later, and may be at a rate of > 1 ◦ C every 5 minutes.

4. Generalised muscle rigidity, raised plasma CK and myoglobinuria are late signs.

5. Cardiac arrhythmias, hyperkalaemia and disseminated intravascular coagulation may


6. Arterial blood gas analysis - hypercarbia with respiratory and metabolic acidosis.

Masseter muscle spasm

Rigidity of the jaw muscles after administration of suxamethonium, referred to as masseter

muscle spasm (MMS) may be the first sign of possible susceptibility to MH. It is defined as
impeding intubation and lasting for 2 minutes. It is more common in children and young adults.

Sudden or unexpected cardiac arrest in young patient


1. GET HELP. GET DANTROLENE and Notify Surgeon

Discontinue volatile agents and succinylcholine

Hyperventilate with 100% oxygen at flows of 10L/min or more

Halt the procedure as soon as possible; if emergent, use non-triggers.
(Use GA machine without vaporisers or use ICU ventilator)
2. Dantrolene 2.5mg/kg rapidly IV
 Repeat until there is control of the sign of MH
 Sometimes more than 10 mg/kg (Up to 30mg/kg) is necessary
 Dissolve the 20mg in each vial with at least 60ml sterile preservative-free water
for injection. Prewarming (not to exceed 38oC) the sterile water will speed
solublization of dantrolene.
 The crystals also contain NAOH for a PH of 9, mannitol 3g.

3. Bicarbonate for metabolic acidosis

 1-2mEq/kg if blood gas values are not yet available

4. Cool the patient with core temperature >39oC, via cold saline IV. Lavage open body
cavities, stomach, bladder or rectum. Apply ice to surface. Stop cooling if temp. <38oC
and falling to prevent drift <36oC.

5. Dysrhythmias usually respond to treatment of acidosis and hyperkalaemia

 Use standards drug therapy except calcium channel blockers which may
cause hyperkalaemia or cardiac arrest in the presence of dantrolene

6. Hyperkalaemia – Treat with hyperventilation, bicarbonate, glucose/insulin, calcium

 Bicarbonate 1-2mg/kg IV
 For Paediatric, 0.1 units insulin/kg and 1ml/kg 50% glucose or for Adult, 10
units regular insulin IV and 50ml 50% glucose
 Calcium gluconate 10% 10-50mg/kg for life-threatening hyperkalaemia
 Check glucose level hourly

7. Monitor – ETCO2, electrolytes, blood gases, CK, core temperature, urine output and
colour, coagulation studies
 Venous blood gas (e.g., femoral vein) values may document hypermetabolism
better than arterial values
 Central venous or PA monitoring as indicated
 Minute ventilation


A Observe the patients in an ICU for at least 36 hours, due to the risk of recrudescence

B Dantrolene 1mg/kg q 4-6 hours or 0.25mg/kg/hr by infusion for at least 36 hours. Further
doses may be indicated.

C Monitor vitals and labs as above (see #7)

 Frequent ABG
 CK every 6-8 hours

D Counsel the patient and family regarding MH and further precautions


Items Quantity Purpose

1 Dantrolene At least 12 vials ——

2 Sterile water for injection 3 liter Reconstitution of

3 50mL syringes and 14 gauge 12 Draw up dantrolene
4 Lignocaine 5 ampoules Bolus and continuous
5 Amiodarone 5 ampoules Bolus and continuous

6 Dextrose 50% 4 ampules Treatment of hyperkalemia

7 Mannitol 25% 1 bag Renal protection
8 Frusemide 200 mg Renal protection
9 Sodium bicarbonate 8.4% (10 ampules) Treatment of metabolic
10 Calcium gluconate 10% 4 ampules Treatment of hyperkalemia
11 Adrenaline 1 mg 4 ampules Treatment of hypotension
12 Normal saline (refrigerated) 6L For injection and irrigation

Also included on the cart: crushed ice or ice maker, irrigating Foley catheter, rectal tube, cooling
blanket, central venous access kits,
pulmonary artery catheter, new fresh gas hose, carbon dioxide–absorption canisters, anesthesia
breathing circuit,ventilator bellows,
blood-collection tubes, lab slips, labels
Report for suspected Malignant Hyperthemia Reaction

Hospital :
Patient Contact Details (or Sticker)
Patient Name :

IC :
Address :

Phone : Mobile :
Date of Birth : sex :
Name and Contact details of Doctor Completing This Form :
Name :

Address (Hosp) :

Phone : Mobile : Email :

Date of Procedure :
Name of Procedure :

Name of Anaesthetist :

Drugs administered and doses ( attach a copy of the anaesthetic chart ) :

Description of events and suspected drug (s) :

Patient's usual medications :

Family history of muscle disorders, anaethetics reactions or sudden unexplained death ?

Number of previous uneventful anaesthetic procedures :

Untoward events during previous anaesthetic procedures ?

Reaction (s) :
Muscle Rigidity
Generalized Rigidity Masseter Rigidity shortly following Succinyl choline
Elevated Creatinine Kinase > 10,000 IU (no Myoglobin in Urine (> 60mcg/L)
Elevated Creatinine Kinase > 20,000 Blood /plasma/serum K+ >6 mEq/L in the
IU (with sux) absence of renal failure

Cola Coloured Urine Myoglobin in serum > 170 mcg/L

Respiratory Acidosis
ET CO2 > 55 mmHg with Inappropriate hypercarbia
appropriately controlled ventilation
ET CO2 > 60 mmHg with Inappropriate tachypnoea
spontaneous ventilation
PaCO2 > 60 mmHg with controlled PaCO2 > 65 mmHg with spontaneous
ventilation ventilation
Temperature Increase
Rapid increase in temperature Inappropriate temperature > 38.8oC in the
perioperative period

Cardiac Involvement
Inappropriate tachycardia VT or VF
Rapid reversal of MH signs with Base excess >- 8meq/L or pH < 7.25

Positive MH family history together with another indicator from the patients own
anaesthetic experience other than elevated resting serum creatine kinase

Resting elevated serum creatine kinase (in patient with a family history of MH)

Family History ( Used to determine MH susceptibility only )

Positive MH family history in relative of first degree
Positive MH family history in relative not of first degree
* Please send the completed form to Anaesthetic Department, Hospital Kuala Lumpur.

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