Reiss 1975
Reiss 1975
Reiss 1975
Department of Chemistry, University of California, Los Angeles, California 90024
Received March 17, 1975; accepted July 8, 1975
The possibility that two-phase fluid systems will emulsify spontaneously, due to entropy
effects, is investigated theoretically. It is discovered that for interfacial tensions below about
2 dynes/cm, such spontaneous dispersions can occur, although with large tensions
the dispersed particles are not macroscopic. However, for interracial tensions below 5 X 10 -4
dynes/cm, macroscopic particles are formed.
Spontaneous dispersion due to entropy effects is to be distinguished from the formation of
micellar solutions that form because of energetic considerations.
Copyright ~ 1975 by Academic Press, Inc. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Vol. 53, No. I, October 1975
All rights of reproduction in any form reserved.
free energy, and no further decrease (e.g., free be positive and spontaneous dispersion will
energy of mixing) is required to effect dispersion. not occur.
I t is natural to ask whether cases exist in However, as indicated in the last section,
which the interracial tension is positive, but there is another contribution, &G", which
small enough that the increase in interface free comes from mixing, so the change in free energy
energy can be overcome by the mixing free should be
energy so that dispersion occurs. Dispersion a a = ~G' + a a " . E2~
at the critical point is a limiting example of
this phenomenon; it is well known that the If &G" is sufficiently negative, the net change
interracial tension tends to vanish as the &G will be negative, leading to a dispersed
critical temperature is approached. equilibrium state. We therefore attempt to
Recently, there have been reports (2) of the calculate zXG".
development of surfactants capable of reducing In performing this calculation, we note, as
interfacial tensions at an oil-water interface to it has been recognized before (3), that a
the range 10 -4 to 10.5 dynes/cm. One wonders spherical cluster of fluid not fixed to the
whether or not such a low interracial tension is laboratory frame of reference (e.g., not like a
enough to cause spontaneous dispersion. Such drop suspended from a capillary tube, itself
an end result could have a profound impact at rest in the laboratory frame) must be defined
(ignoring economics) on technological processes thermodynamically by a Gibbs dividing
like tertiary recovery. surface centered on its center of mass. Thus,
In the remainder of this paper, we perform the spherical clusters in our model will have
a statistical thermodynamic analysis of the this property. In contrast, a "drop" to which
possibility of such "entropy-induced" disper- the surface tension ~ refers, is fixed to the
sions in systems where the interfacial energy laboratory frame, and the dividing surface
is small, but still positive. used to define it is similarly fixed. Thus, in a
drop the position of the center of mass may
2. A SIMPLE MODEL fluctuate with respect to the dividing surface.
The question raised at the end of the previous The thermodynamic properties of the cluster
section can be studied conveniently by model- may therefore (as we shall show) be estimated
ing the dispersed fragments as spherical drops from those of the drop, but they are not
of one phase possessing the interfacial tension precisely the same.
corresponding to the fiat interface, even though To make matters even simpler, we assume
the drops may be very small, e.g., consisting that when dispersion occurs, clusters of only
of several thousand molecules. We denote the one size (one value of radius) are produced.
two phases by the subscripts 1 and 2, reserving Since the entropy of mixing would only be
the 2 for the less abundant phase, which we increased by admitting clusters of many sizes,
also regard as the dispersed phase. If the the tendency towards dispersion could only be
interracial tension is denoted by ~, and we increased. Thus, an estimate based on clusters
assume that the chemical potentials of both of one size gives a lower limit for the influence
components are not changed by dispersion, towards dispersion. If dispersion is indicated,
the change in free energy associated with the phenomenon is even more likely when
such a process (ignoring the free energy of many sizes are allowed.
mixing) will be Our general procedure will be equivalent to
the following. The "internal" partition func-
AG' = ~ N,4~rri2~, [1-] tions (motion relative to the centers of mass)
i of the clusters will be estimated, essentially,
where Ni are the number of drops of phase 2 by referring them to the free energies of a
of radius r~. If ~ is positive, G will necessarily laboratory drop of the same size. The spherical
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Vol. 53, No. 1, October 1975
x dr~...drxJm...dpze~. [93
L L .. exp I - - f i e ( R e . . RND)]
X lI exp --fl
In this equation, rl and pl, etc., are the co- i=i 2m
ordinates of position and momentum of the
N2 molecules (which for simplicity we assume +
to be structureless and devoid of internal
degrees-of-freedom), U(rl.-.rN,) is the po- X dr~(i)dpl (~).. .dp,/~) 1 [125
tential for molecular interaction within clusters,
¢ is the hard sphere potential defined in
Eq. [8], m is the mass of a molecule, in which we allow contributions to the integral
h is Planck's constant, and/3 is 1/kT, where k only when each set of r l ( i ) " • ' r , S ) have values
is the Boltzmann constant and T is tem- such that
[ry) -- R~[ < r, [13]
The potential U can be represented by the
where r is given by Eq. [7]. Eq. [13] implies
i=ND that any r/i) lies closer than the distance r to
U= ~ Ui(r1(~)--'r,Jl)), [10] the center of mass of the ith cluster. In Eq.
[12], the condition, Eq. [13], could be applied
where U~ is the potential for molecular inter- by simply introducing potentials which pass
action within the ith cluster, and (rl (o. . •rn (o) to infinity when the inequality in Eq. [13] is
are the coordinates of the molecules within violated. However, the condition is so simple
that cluster. This follows from the assumption that it is enough to state it.
that the interaction between clusters is deter- Next we transform to center of mass co-
mined by ¢(R1". "RN~), so that there are no ordinates (4, 5). Thus, we introduce r/~)' by
cross terms in U between clusters. For a fixed the relation
set of locations, rt (o.. .r~ (ND) (and conse- r/i) = r/i)' + R~, j = 1,2...n- 1, 04]
quently a fixed set of R1." "RND), there is a
large number of permutations of the N2 where
molecules which correspond to the same value
1 J=~
of the integrand in Eq. [9]. However, permu- ll~ = - E C i). [153
tations that permute "whole clusters" must n j=l
not be counted since these are accounted for
by the integration in Eq. [9-1. The molecules In terms of these coordinates, we may write
are of course considered distinguishable, the
actual indistinguishability being corrected for, Ui(rl(O...r. (1)) = fi(rl (i)'.. .rn_l(1)'), [16]
as usual, by the 1/2V2[ preceding the integral
in Eq. [9-1. The proper number of permutations since the molecular interaction can only depend
may easily be shown (4) to be given by on the internal coordinates of the cluster.
Substituting Eqs. [-14-1-1-16] into [12"], inte-
grating over the momenta, and performing
Journal of CoUoid and Interface Science, Vol. 53, No. 1, October 1975
<°f £
. . . . .
dRy.., d R ~ e~p [ - - ~ ( R 1 . . . R~)-]
In this equation, nv2 is the volume of the a distance r of their common center of mass
cluster. The integration is limited to this are allowed.
volume by the condition, Eq. [-13]. The Comparison of Eq. [-18-] (with ~ = 0) with
quantity, % resulting from the integration over Eqs. [-20-] and [-21-] reveals that
momenta, is
"y = (2~rmkT/h2)~, [-19-1
i.e., the reciprocal of the de Broglie wavelength
for a molecule of mass m. In passing to the
last form in Eq. [-18-], use has been made of the
fact that all the integrals in the continued
product are identical and the i subscript and M dri'.., dry-1' I I [-223
superscript could be dropped. The n 3 in Eq.
[-18-] comes from the Jacobian of the trans- Now, within the framework of our model, we
formation from laboratory to center-of-mass wish to evaluate the quantity in braces in
coordinates (4, 5). Eq. E22-] (for use in Eq. [-183) by reference
As a point of reference, it might be men- to the free energy of a "drop" of n molecules.
tioned that if q~ were set equal to zero so that The partition function of a drop, fixed in the
the individual clusters did not interact with laboratory frame of reference, may be expressed
one another (an ideal gas of clusters) and the by a formula very similar to Eq. [-22-]. To
transformation back to laboratory coordinates avoid confusion, we denote this partition
were made, the result would be function by X~. Then we have (4),
=':/ L
n! - exp[- --Su(rl. • •r,) -]
X drl...drn, [-211
X L ( m " • • f exp [--Sf(rl'" • •r~-l)-]
of mass, the volume over which the center-of- Comparison of Eqs. 1,26] and [27-] then yields
mass coordinates r~'.., rn_, ~ go in the integral
in Eq. 1,23-] will be a function of R (5). We
indicate this by symbolizing the limits of
integration by v(R) rather than nv2 as in Eq. z(R)dR
1,22-]. In addition, in Eq. [23-] the integration
t,.~ nv2
over R is limited to the volume, nv2, of the where P (0) is the probability density measuring
fxed drop, rather than extending over V as it the chance that the center of mass will be
does in Eq. 1,22]. found at the origin. Substitution of Eq. [29-]
We can also write Eq. [23-] in the form into Eq. 1,28-] gives
standard for the partition function of a fluid
of n molecules confined to a volume nv2, "in-in3 f J]~
namely, n! "'" v2exp [---/sf(rl'...r~-l')-]
X . = ('i./n!)Zn, 1,24]
X drl'-..dr,_l' -- z(0) = - - P(0), 1,30-]
where z. is the configurationalpartition function n[ 7
for n molecules confined to nv2. Comparison of
Eq. [24] with Eq. 1,23] shows that and substitution of Eq. [30] into [-181 yields
configurational integral by z(R), Eq. 1,24-] in which u2 is the chemical potential in phase 2
becomes at temperature T and pressure p (note that
the pressure inside a drop may differ from the
Xn = z(R)dR. 1,26-1 pressure p outside), and a is given by
a = 47r~(3v2/47r)~, 1,33"1
Since the integral over the center-of-mass
where ~ is the surface tension. In the canonical
coordinates in Eq. 1,22-] refers to the case
ensemble, a~ is related to the partition function
where the center of mass is constrained to the
k~ by
center of the spherical volume, nv2, i.e., to the
case R = 0, we can write a~ = -- (1//3) in Xn, [34]
so that combining Eqs. [32] and [34] gives
"In/V "In
q" n! z(0)dR n] Vz(O). 1,27] X~ = exp[--fl{n#2 + an~ -- pnv2}-]. 1,35]
The quantity P (0) has been estimated with
Furthermore, the quantity in braces in considerable accuracy, in another context
Eq. 1,22] is clearly (3, 4) to be
- -
z(0) =
1-283 P(0) = -- 1 I~r( 6n )'1'
, 1,36-]
P(o) . .
, .r,2,7
n; (12)' [38]
= -
(1 - y)~
nT)2 L. 71" .A T2 \ 7 1 " ] "
Substitution of this relation into Eq. [40]
With both M~ and P (0) determined, it remains and subsequent integration yields
to evaluate the integral in Eq. [31]. We
accomplish this in the next section.
ZHS= {
V(1--y) exPL2(l_y)Mj E<
INTEGRAL AND FREE ENERGY OF TIlE Thus, we have expressed ZHS as a function of
TOTAL SYSTEM N•, r, and V.
Substitution of Eqs. [35], [38], and [46]
The integral in Eq. [31] is simply the into [31] then yields,
configurational partition function for N•
hard spheres of radii r confined to the volume
V. We denote it by ZHs(ND, V). Now the
hard sphere equation of state may be expressed
in the form
(O lnZns~ , X exp [ - - ( ~ T ) { n u 2 q-au2 q-an~--pnv2,]
pH~ = kT 7V / T , ~ [393
ray(y - 2)-]} N~,
X V(1 -- y) exp l . . . . / 1-47]
from which we easily derive, by integration, L 2(1 -- y)2_l
the formula
where we have substituted 1/kT for 5. Finally,
ND substituting Eqs. [5] and [47] into [3] gives,
Nit S
Co for the total partition function of the system,
X exp --fiND
u. d CO
p~s(C) , [40] Q = exp --
kT ND!
in which X exp -- (1 -- y)
C = ND/V [41] ( V2
Co = lim C. [42] X exPL2(1 -- y)~dJ ' [48]
V -->~o
Co is of course zero, but we retain it in Eq. where we have used the relations
[40] because it is not immediately clear that
it introduces no singularity. : Y D n = IV'2 [-49]
Now an excellent analytical expression for
N~n~2 = V~ [50]
PHS (C) is available from scaled particle theory
(6), and confirmed by Percus-Yevick theory together with Eq. [6].
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Vol. 53, No. 1, October 1975
Although the system is in equilibrium, ~1 is AG', and AG", the free energy of mixing is
and ~ are different because they refer to
different species. Actually each phase is a
binary solution and ~ and #~ are separately AG"=--kTND l n t v2 (l--y)
equal in each phase. However, both phases
are assumed dilute so that the bulk free
J E55]
F3y(y - 2) -I 1 1-]
energy of phase 1 is essentially N ~ and that X exp [ - - --~-a-~2J/ -- in ND +
-2y(1 - y)
-- k T i n - -- exp [--an~/kT-]
ND[ v2 \ T r ~ The quantitative consequences, for disper-
sion, may be quickly discerned through an
x (1 - y ) e x p - -
V3y(y- 2)7j}~,
- Z E511 application of Eq. [-53]. In this analysis, we
I_2(1 -- y) will regard the interracial tension ¢ which
enters the equation through a in the manner
and the Gibbs free energy is prescribed by Eq. [-33] as the controllable
variable. At constant temperature, such a
G = A + p V = N l # i + N2#2
variation of ¢ will require the addition of a
third component, a surfactant, to the system.
-krln 7o! L ,7) We can assume that the surfactant is strongly
localized to the surface, and that it is able
to reduce the surface tension (when enough
X (1 -- y) exp [_)~ - - y - ~ j . [52-] of it is present) to such small values as 10-4 to
10.5 dynes/cm. The general approach will
involve expressing AG in Eq. [53] as a function
The last term on the right side of Eq. E521 is of n, and determining what value of n will
AG of Eq. F21, N1~1 + N2~2 being the free cause AG = 0. Any smaller value of n will
energy before dispersion. We may express this then require AG < 0, and spontaneous dis-
term as persion will be indicated.
AG = an+ND On the other hand, it must be borne in mind
that the maintenance of ~ at a constant low
level as dispersion occurs will require the
G . (l-y) addition of more surfactant since more surface
will be generated. Therefore, to achieve the
equilibrium state of dispersion characteristic
× exp [3y(y--_ 2)1/ -ln V + 1] E531 of a given constant ¢, a very large amount of
surfactant may be required. To express AG or,
from which it is evident that equally convenient (since N1) is positive),
A G / N D as a function of n, we make use of the
a n i N D = 4~rr~aN z) [-541 relation ND = N2/n, Eq. [-491. In addition,
Journal of Collold and Interface Science, VoI. 53, No. 1, October 1975
~r n r
y = 47rraC/3 = 41rraND/3V (dynes/cm) (molecules) (ern ) (sites/par ticle)
= nv2Nv/V = nv2N2/Vn
1.68 10 6.20 X 10-s 2.25 X 10
= v2.¥2/V. [57] 1.00 102 1.34 X 10-7 1.04 X 102
3.53 X 10-1 103 2.88 X 10-7 4.84 X 102
S u b s t i t u t i n g Eqs. [--33] and [48] into, [53] 1.06 X 10-1 104 6.20 X 10-7 2.25 X 103
and setting AG -- 0, gives 2.91 X 10-2 105 1.33 X 10-6 1.04 X 10*
7.64 X 10-3 106 2.87 X 10-6 4.84 X 104
kT(4~) I Ve (12n')I 1.94 X I0-3 107 6.19 X 10-6 2.24 X 105
,r=-- in - - -- (l--y) 4.82 X 10-4 10s 1.33 X 10-5 1.04 X 106
47r t v2.¥2 \ ~r / 1.18 X 10 -4 109 2.87 X 10 -5 4 . 8 4 X 106
2.83 X 10-~ 10~° 6.19 X 10-5 2.25 X 107
6.73 X 10-~ 10n 1.33 X 10-4 1.04 X 108
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, VoL 53, No. 1, October 1975