Heiss 2000
Heiss 2000
Heiss 2000
The dependence on parameters of the energies and widths erality for our specific purpose when the restriction to a two-
of resonance states has always been a central focus of inter- dimensional problem is made. For easy illustration we begin
est in virtually all domains of physics. One particular aspect with the discussion of
冉 冊 冉 冊
is the repulsion of levels in the complex energy plane. A
level repulsion in the complex energy plane can appear as a ⑀1 0 1 0
H⫽ ⫹U U† 共1兲
crossing of, say, their real parts, since the corresponding 0 ⑀2 0 2
imaginary parts still can avoid each other; likewise, a genu-
ine repulsion of the real parts can imply a crossing of the with
冉 冊
imaginary parts. These aspects have been discussed in a va-
riety of contexts: in nuclear and particle physics, for electro- cos ⫺sin
magnetic resonators 关1,2兴, and in results found for absorptive U共 兲⫽ . 共2兲
sin cos
media in solid state physics 关3兴. An investigation on a more
theoretical footing is found in 关4兴. This is, up to a similarity transformation, the most general
The purpose of the present paper is twofold. First, we form of a real two-dimensional Hamilton matrix of the type
demonstrate that the various types of crossing and/or anti- H 0 ⫹H 1 . We emphasize again that our aim is not in par-
crossing can be understood from a common principle. They ticular directed at a physical model that is describable by a
are related to each other by the position of particular singular two-dimensional problem although there may exist interest-
points of the spectrum, which are called exceptional points ing problems in our special context. The example has been
共EP兲 关5兴. The second aspect deals with the fact that, if an EP chosen for illustration, while the physical application that we
is encircled, the phases of the associated wave functions have in mind is in general an infinite-dimensional situation.
change in a particular way which is different from the phase The eigenvalues of H are given by
behavior when a genuine degeneracy of levels 共a diabolic
point兲 is encircled 关6兴. At an EP two levels coalesce, but, as ⑀ 1 ⫹ ⑀ 2 ⫹ 共 1 ⫹ 2 兲
E 1,2共 兲 ⫽ ⫾R, 共3兲
is discussed below, an EP is not to be confused with a genu- 2
ine degeneracy of two resonant states. The fact that there are
different types of coalescence of resonance states was where
pointed out in 关4兴. However, in the quoted paper, the type of
singularity, in fact the concept of an EP was not explicitly
employed; rather the effect upon the Green’s function or the
R⫽ 再冉 2 冊 冉
⑀ 1⫺ ⑀ 2 2 共 1⫺ 2 兲
2 冊 2
scattering amplitude was elaborated, which is of lesser inter- 1/2
est here. Genuine degeneracies of resonance states have been 1
⫹ 共 ⑀ 1 ⫺ ⑀ 2 兲共 1 ⫺ 2 兲 cos 2 . 共4兲
discussed in the literature, including an associated phase be- 2
havior of the wave functions involved 关7,8兴. However, the
subject of the present paper which is a generalization and Clearly, when ⫽0 the spectrum is given by the two lines
further expansion of a previous publication 关9兴 addresses a
thoroughly different situation. E 0k 共 兲 ⫽ ⑀ k ⫹ k , k⫽1,2
All essential aspects of exceptional points can be illus-
trated on an elementary level with a two-level model. In fact, which intersect at the point of degeneracy ⫽⫺( ⑀ 1 ⫺ ⑀ 2 )/
for finite- or infinite-dimensional problems an isolated ex- ( 1 ⫺ 2 ). When the coupling between the two levels is
ceptional point can be described locally by a two- turned on by switching on , the degeneracy is lifted and an
dimensional problem 关10兴. In other words, even though a avoided level crossing occurs. Now the two levels coalesce
high or infinite dimensional problem is globally more com- in the complex plane where R vanishes. This happens at
plex than the two-dimensional problem, we do not lose gen- the complex conjugate points
⑀ 1⫺ ⑀ 2
c ⫽⫺ exp共 ⫾2i 兲 . 共5兲
1⫺ 2
冉 冊 冉 冊
The top row shows a usual level repulsion among the four
⑀1 0 1 0
levels together with the exceptional points without absorp-
H⫽ ⫹U 共 1 兲 U †共 1 兲
0 ⑀2 0 2 tion, i.e., for a real symmetric Hamiltonian, while in the bot-
冉 冊
tom row the absorption has been made sufficiently strong to
1 0 enforce the crossing of all levels; the last EP which has just
⫺i U 共 2 兲 U †共 2 兲 . 共6兲
0 2 slipped over the real axis with increasing absorption lies at
⬇⫺5.5. Note the symmetric positions of the EP with re-
The additional term ( real兲 can be used to describe an ab- spect to the real axis in the top row which prevails for a
sorption while adhering to real values of . Also, the unper- self-adjoint Hamiltonian 关12兴. Also note that the crossing of
turbed energies ⑀ k may be chosen complex, that is including the real axis by an EP can happen in either direction; this is
a width. The EP of the enlarged model are situated at why, in the particular case considered, two EP are left in the
lower half plane for the absorptive Hamiltonian.
c ⫽ ⫺1⫹i e ⫾2i 2
⑀ 1⫺ ⑀ 2
e 冊
1 ⫺ 2 ⫾2i ⑀ 1 ⫺ ⑀ 2
1⫺ 2
. 共7兲
We present a topological argument why either the real
parts or the imaginary parts must cross when energy trajec-
tories of an absorptive Hamiltonian pass the vicinity of an
In an experimental situation a judicious choice of these EP. We denote by cross the real part of an EP and follow the
additional parameters can move one of the EP in the plane
close to the real axis. In fact, we now demonstrate that the
position of an EP can be arranged in various ways to lie just
above or below the real axis. The different effect of these
two situations for the energies, when sweeping over real val-
ues of , turns out to be anticrossing for the real and cross-
ing for the imaginary parts in the one case, and crossing for
the real and anticrossing for the imaginary parts in the other.
In Fig. 1 we illustrate the real and imaginary parts of the
energies as a function of the real parameter for two differ-
ent values of . For simplicity, the choice 2 ⫽0, 1 ⫽1, and
2 ⫽0 was made. Other choices lead qualitatively to the
same result if 1 ⫽ 2 . Also, if the unperturbed energies are
chosen complex, either in addition or instead of the choice
just made, the qualitative picture remains. The switching
from level avoidance to level crossing of the real parts—and
associated with it the switching from crossing to avoidance FIG. 2. Effect of strong absorption in an arbitrary four-level
of the related imaginary parts—is effected by the slipping of model. Complex conjugate pairs of EPs of a nonabsorptive Hamil-
the EP over the real axis. Within the model considered tonian 共top left兲 lead to genuine level repulsion 共top right兲. The
here it can be achieved by starting with different unperturbed absorption moves one member of each pair of EPs either into the
widths and/or an absorptive part of the Hamiltonian which upper or lower plane 共bottom left兲 thereby effecting level cross-
couples to the two channels with different strength. In Fig. 2 ing 共bottom right兲.
1共 兲 ⫽ 冉 冊
, 2共 兲 ⫽ 冉 ⫺sin
冊 , 共9兲
FIG. 3. Schematic energy trajectories in the complex energy
plane. Explanations in main text. tan 共 兲 ⫽ 关 共 1 ⫺ 2 兲 sin 2 1 ⫺i 共 1 ⫺ 2 兲 sin 2 2 兴 /
allow a measurement of the phases of the wave functions, sible in a variety of other systems, systems where interacting
i.e., of the field strengths. It appears, however, that this is resonances prevail. The present paper focuses on level cross-
possible 关14兴. ing or anticrossing and related phase behavior for the asso-
We stress that exceptional points are a universal phenom- ciated wave functions. Interference effects between the two
enon in contrast to diabolic points. While diabolic points distinct cases—left-hand and right-hand passage of an EP—
and statistical aspects for a large number of resonance states
may arise when two real parameters are suitably chosen in a
will be the subject of forthcoming considerations.
Hamiltonian, exceptional points always occur whenever
there is level repulsion. The physically interesting aspect is The author acknowledges useful discussions with Peter
of course the access to one or more of these points in an von Brentano as well as the warm hospitality of the Theory
experiment. It was demonstrated that this is achievable in Group of the Max Planck Institute at Heidelberg where most
dissipative resonators. It is expected that it should be pos- of this paper was written.
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