Notes On Science and Religion
Notes On Science and Religion
Notes On Science and Religion
In fact, the initial religious reaction against Copernicus’ theory came not from Catholics
but from Protestants. The Copernican hypothesis contradicted several passages in Scripture
concerning the fixity of the earth, and biblical literalism was Protestantism’s absolute
authority. Even before the publication of the book, Martin Luther heard of Copernicus’
theory and is reported to have said, “The fool wants to turn the whole art of astronomy
upside-down. However, as Holy Scripture tells us, Joshua bid the sun to stand still and not
the earth.” But 73 years after its publication, the Catholic Church also put the book on a list
of titles Catholics were forbidden to read.
b) Johannes Kepler Although he was hired to make the calculations necessary to demonstrate
the correctness of Brahe’s geocentric model, Johannes Kepler had for some time been a
convinced Copernican. Not that he believed that Copernicus’ model was correct in all its
details; he knew that its slight inaccuracies meant that ultimately it was incorrect. But the
aesthetic superiority of Copernicus’ heliocentric view was compelling to Kepler. Brahe
died shortly after Kepler was hired. Kepler succeeded Brahe as the mathematician and
astrologer to the Holy Roman Emperor, with the responsibility of completing Brahe’s
unfinished work. Kepler now had access to Brahe’s decades of unprecedentedly accurate
astronomical observations. He had entered Brahe’s employment with a specific heliocentric
model of his own, and Kepler now had the opportunity to check his model against the data.
Kepler soon found that his model was wrong – but he did not give up. Over a period of four
years he repeatedly devised new models, checked them against the data, and found that
they were wrong. In these attempts he focused on the planet Mars. He reasoned that a divine
Creator would not have created a different orbit for each planet; that would be unaesthetic,
something incompatible with Kepler’s view of God. If Kepler could figure out the orbit of
Mars, he was sure it would be the orbit of all the other planets as well. After years of
unsuccessful attempts using various combinations of circles, Kepler gave up on this
approach. Finally, in 1605, he hit upon the correct combination of path and speed that would
match his calculations to Brahe’s observations. Mars moves in an elliptical path, with
varying speeds depending on the distance between it and the sun. Mars speeds up as it
approaches the sun and slows as it recedes. It does this in such a way that an imaginary line
drawn between Mars and the sun sweeps out equal areas in equal time intervals. As Kepler
had suspected, this orbit worked for the other planets as well. Although Kepler’s manuscript
presenting this discovery was completed in 1605, it was not published until 1609 due to
legal disputes over Kepler’s use of Brahe’s observations, which were the property of his
heirs. Kepler’s correct orbit model was arrived at strictly by trial and error. Kepler had no
model in mind that allowed him to predict it and no clear explanation for why the planets
moved in this way. Such an explanation would not be found for another 50 years, when
Isaac Newton presented the answer. However, the accuracy with which Kepler’s model
was able to predict the past locations of the planets in the sky, as verified by Brahe’s
observations, left little doubt that Kepler’s model of orbit was correct.
c) Galileo Galelei (1564- 1642)
He is called as the father of Modern Science
Although Galileo did not invent the telescope, he was the first to use it to gain knowledge
of the heavens. Among his discoveries were the mountains and craters on the moon.
Because the moon was part of the celestial realm, Aristotle and Christian teachings required
it to be perfect. It was clearly “blemished,” perhaps signifying that as the closest celestial
object to the earth, it was a transitional object between the imperfect earth and the
absolutely perfect heavens beyond. In any case, scholars and churches of the time taught
that the moon was a perfectly smooth and spherical object. Looking at the moon with the
naked eye, it would have been easy to believe this to be true. But through Galileo’s
relatively low-power telescope, it clearly was not true. Galileo had trouble convincing
others of this. His colleagues either refused to look through the telescope or claimed that
the irregularities were an artifact of the telescope itself rather than a true image of the moon.
The resemblance of the moon’s features to those on the earth misled Galileo somewhat. He
thought that the dark, relatively smooth surfaces on the moon were oceans and named them
seas. Today we call them maria, the Latin word for seas. Galileo also discovered that the
planet Venus went through phases just as the moon does. This discovery was important
because it proved that Venus orbited the sun rather than the earth, thus proving the
Ptolemaic model wrong. Galileo also was able to demonstrate what some others had
suspected: The Milky Way, the band of diffuse light that arcs across the night sky from
horizon to horizon, is actually composed of hundreds of thousands of stars. In addition,
Galileo observed sunspots and used them to calculate the speed of rotation of the sun to be
about one revolution every 25 days. But perhaps Galileo’s most important discovery was
finding the four (now called Galilean) moons of Jupiter. One of the strongest arguments in
favor of the geocentric model was the fact that our moon orbits the earth. No one disputed
this. But the accepted argument of the day went further to say that the earth could not
possibly move because if it did, it would leave the moon behind. In the days before the
discovery of gravity, this was a very powerful argument. However, whether one believed
in a geocentric or a heliocentric universe, it was clear that Jupiter moved; it had to orbit
something, whether that object was the earth or the sun. The fact that Jupiter was somehow
able to move without leaving its moons behind destroyed the prevailing argument of the
time. As many astronomy students may know, Galileo got into serious trouble with the
Catholic Church later in his life, culminating in his being called before the Inquisition in
1633. The root of his problem with the Church began in 1616. At that time, when with the
Counter-Reformation was well underway, the Catholic Church had joined Protestant
churches in opposing the Copernican model. Galileo went to Rome to try to persuade the
Church authorities not to ban Copernicus' ideas. Although the church did not officially ban
the Copernican model, Cardinal Robert Bellarmine ordered Galileo not to "hold or defend"
the idea that the earth moves and the sun stands still at the center. This decree, however,
did not prevent Galileo from discussing the heliocentric hypothesis as a hypothesis rather
than a fact. In 1623 Cardinal Maffeo Barberini, a friend and admirer of Galileo, was elected
Pope Urban VIII. Galileo felt it was now safe to take a stronger position with respect to the
heliocentric model. His book, Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems, was
published in 1632. Before publishing, Galileo discussed the book with Urban. The pope
asked that Galileo give arguments both for and against the heliocentric and geocentric
models and offered some of his own in favor of the geocentric over the heliocentric model.
But in the Dialogue as it was published, the arguments for the geocentric model and against
the heliocentric model are made by Simplicio, a word which in Italian has the connotation
of “simpleton.” In Galileo’s book, Simplicio frequently came across as a fool, and the work
clearly is not a balanced discussion of the two models but rather a polemic for the
heliocentric model – a model that Galileo, in 1616, had been forbidden to support. To make
matters worse, Galileo is said to have put the exact words of the pope into the mouth of his
character Simplicio. The Pope was not amused, and Galileo was called to Rome to face the
Inquisition. Galileo was threatened with torture if he did not publicly recant, which
ultimately he did, avoiding torture but being found “vehemently suspect of heresy” and
sentenced to house arrest, under which he lived for the remainder of his life. In spite of his
troubles with the Roman Catholic Church, Galileo remained a devout Catholic throughout
his life. His justification for proposing theories of the universe contrary to the model of the
Bible is summarized in his statement, “The Bible tells you how to go to heaven, not how
the heavens go.” His trial before the Inquisition ended Galileo’s work as an astronomer.
Fortunately for science, it did not end his work as a physicist. During his near-decade of
house arrest, Galileo made original contributions to the science of motion through an
innovative combination of experimentation and applied mathematics. Galileo was perhaps
the first to clearly state that the laws of nature are mathematical. His studies of motion laid
the groundwork for Isaac Newton’s formulation of his three laws of motion. The first of
these laws, logically just a special case of the second law, is simply a restatement of work
done by Galileo, and was included specifically to recognize Galileo’s contribution.
Galileo’s empirical approach to his studies of motion is what we now know as the scientific
v) God understanding
Galileo’s concept was not a major departure from classical understanding.
Book of Nature and Book of Scripture do not conflict, as God is the single author.
But there are major departures- God of final cause was long back replaced by God of first
cause, Galileo saw God as the Original Creator of the interacting atoms in which resides all
subsequent causality. Nature, once created, was seen as independent and self-sufficient.
Natural causes or efficient causes made the first cause as God a mere role over the otherwise
Sovereign God.
Mind Body Dualism of Descartes made mind a priori and these thoughts of ideas was way
of reaching God without mingling with matter.
Spinoza said there is no Cosmic purpose as the world functions as per inflexible laws. God
is the immutable structure of the impersonal cosmic order. God is not moral but mechanical.
vi) Anthropology
Medieval cosmology had the celestial realm in opposition to the terrestrial while the
heliocentric model had no such differentiation between corruptible and non-corruptible.
The uniqueness and purpose of life of humans was not anymore important. Galileo
represented threatening of the whole medieval system of purpose and meaning. But humans
were still seen as rational minds.
Isaac Newton
Methods in Science- He invented Calculus
- Experimenter in mechanics and optics
- His method was of continual interaction between observation and theory
- Concepts were also about imagination
- Apart from Gravity, his novel insight was the idea that the earth’s gravitational pull
might extend to the moon. – i.e. moon might be continually falling towards the earth.
- The force to keep moon in orbit was centripetal force (towards the earth), rather than
tangential force.
- Force necessary for planet to follow an ellipse would be an attraction toward the sun in
inverse square proportion to the distance
- He observed inverse gravitational force towards earth of moon which agreed with data.
- He demonstrated the interaction of observation, theory, mathematical deduction, and
an imaginative new concept.
- He proposed the theory of gravition but did not comment on nature of gravity. He
believed in objective reality and if there were no evidence he would not comment.
Nature as a Law-Abiding Machine-
- Newtons laws of motion and gravity was applicable from smallest particle to the largest
and farthest planet.
- Harmonius order and structure like medieval world, where forces and masses were
important than hierarchy of purposes.
- World as an intricate machine following immutable laws was accepted.
- Philosophy of determinism and materialism was born.
- Machine world had an intelligent designee Creator and laws expressed God’s purpose.
- Mass and motion alone were seen as real while all others were play of the mind.
- Efficient causes was the focus, so causality was reducible to forces between particles
and all changes reducible to rearrangement of particles.
- Man in this system became a puny spectator of vast worldof motion and mechanical
principles constituted the world of nature.
- World became colorless, cold and impersonal
Newton’s 3 Laws of Motion
1) First Law- A body remains at rest or in an uniform motion unless acted upon by a force.
2) Second Law- If a force is applied to an object, it will move in the direction of the force, the
amount of force exerted is directly proportional to the mass of a body. F=m*a
3) 3rd Law of motion- To every action (force) there is an equal and opposite reaction.
Universal Law of Gravity
Newton's law of universal gravitation states that every particle attracts every other particle in the
universe with a force which is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely
proportional to the square of the distance between their centers.
F = Gm1m2r² where F is the gravitational force of attraction, which increases when the masses
are increased and distance is reduced.
G = Gravitational constant.
A. The gravitational attraction between the two bodies increases when their masses are
increased and distance is reduced
gravity is a force which tries to pull two objects toward each other. Anything which has mass also has
a gravitational pull. The more massive an object is, the stronger its gravitational pull is. Earth's gravity
is what keeps you on the ground and what causes objects to fall. Gravity is what holds the planets in
orbit around the Sun and what keeps the Moon in orbit around Earth. The closer you are to an object,
the stronger its gravitational pull is. Gravity is what gives you weight. It is the force that pulls on all of
the mass in your body.
Space is fixed, absolute and unchanged, while time is fixed absolute and unchanged.
Key concepts are –
Genetic drift
When the beetles reproduced, just by random luck more brown genes than green genes ended up in the
offspring. In the diagram at right, brown genes occur slightly more frequently in the offspring (29%)
than in the parent generation (25%).
Natural selection
Beetles with brown genes escaped predation and survived to reproduce more frequently than beetles
with green genes, so that more brown genes got into the next generation.
Download this series of graphics from the Image library.
Here, you can examine the patterns of macroevolution in evolutionary history and find out how
scientists investigate deep history.
acroevolution generally refers to evolution above the species level. So instead of focusing on an
individual beetle species, a macroevolutionary lens might require that we zoom out on the tree of life,
to assess the diversity of the entire beetle clade and its position on the tree.
Download this, and the graphic at the top of the page, from the Image
A process like mutation might seem too small-scale to influence a pattern as amazing as the beetle
radiation, or as large as the difference between dogs and pine trees, but it's not. Life on Earth has been
accumulating mutations and passing them through the filter of natural selection for 3.8 billion years —
more than enough time for evolutionary processes to produce its grand history.
en Español print
Patterns in macroevolution
You can think of patterns as "what happened when." All of the changes, diversifications, and extinctions
that happened over the course of life's history are the patterns of macroevolution.
However, beyond the details of individual past events — such as, when the beetle radiation began or
what the first flowers looked like — biologists are interested in general patterns that recur across the
tree of life:
1. Stasis: Many lineages on the tree of life exhibit stasis, which just
means that they don't change much for a long time, as shown in
the figure to the right.
In fact, some lineages have changed so little for such a long time
that they are often called living fossils. Coelacanths comprise a
fish lineage that branched off of the tree near the base of the
vertebrate clade. Until 1938, scientists thought that coelacanths
went extinct 80 million years ago. But in 1938, scientists
discovered a living coelacanth from a population in the Indian
Ocean that looked very similar to its fossil ancestors. Hence, the coelacanth lineage exhibits about
80 million years' worth of morphological stasis.
Not sinfulness and opposition to God but moral progress and unity with God were characteristic
themes. Human nature is itself divine. Religion is rooted in experience and theological
interpretations are secondary. Human effort will bring the effort of God. Jesus is a teacher with
high ideals but not saviour. Human knowledge comes through increased knowledge and noble
goals. Henry Ward Beecher made cosmic evolution could be given a theistic interpretation. The
upward march of matter and mind shows us God’s way of bringing about progress. Lyman
Abott says bible represents the dawning of religious insights in authors who were children of
their times. God is not an emperor but a God who iss immanent and brings us to fruition. Deep
commitment to Christ withour external intervention or change of laws was possible.
3) Liberal Theology- a) Growth of Biblical scholarship gave rise to new view on scripture- The
liberals granted human character to biblical record and was not an infallible book dictated by
God, but in the lives of people of Isreal, Prophets and Christ. Scrpture was then not revelation
but human witness to the human experience of revelation. B) Second reason for rise of
liberalism is appeal to religious experience. Basis of religion was religious experience. God is
known through immediate apprehension than indirect inference. “Feeling of absolute
dependence.” Scheiermacher held that theology is derived from reflective interpretation of
religious experience. Not sin but consciousness of guilt and feeling of alienation from God. C)
Primacy of the ethical in religion. Ritschil theology of moral values. Human sphere and sphere
of nature was dichotomized.
Albert Einstein
Einstein's work led to some startling results, which today still seem counterintuitive at first glance even
though his physics is usually introduced at the high school level.
2015 marks 100 years since the publication of Albert Einstein's General Theory of Relativity. Learn the
basics of Einstein's theory of relativity in our infographic here.
(Image credit: By Karl Tate, Infographics Artist)
One of the most famous equations in mathematics comes from special relativity. The equation — E =
mc2 — means "energy equals mass times the speed of light squared." It shows that energy (E) and mass
(m) are interchangeable; they are different forms of the same thing. If mass is somehow totally converted
into energy, it also shows how much energy would reside inside that mass: quite a lot. (This equation
is one of the demonstrations for why an atomic bomb is so powerful, once its mass is converted to an
This equation also shows that mass increases with speed, which effectively puts a speed limit on how
fast things can move in the universe. Simply put, the speed of light (c) is the fastest velocity at which
an object can travel in a vacuum. As an object moves, its mass also increases. Near the speed of light,
the mass is so high that it reaches infinity, and would require infinite energy to move it, thus capping
how fast an object can move. The only reason light moves at the speed it does is because photons, the
quantum particles that make up light, have a mass of zero.
Theory of Relativity and Time Dilation
Another strange conclusion of Einstein's work comes from the realization that time moves relative to
the observer. An object in motion experiences time dilation, meaning that time moves more slowly
when one is moving, than when one is standing still. Therefore, a person moving ages more slowly than
a person at rest. So yes, when astronaut Scott Kelly spent nearly a year aboard the International Space
Station in 2015-16, his twin astronaut brother Mark Kelly aged a little faster than Scott.
This becomes extremely apparent at speeds approaching the speed of light. Imagine a 15-year-old
traveling at 99.5 percent the speed of light for five years (from the astronaut's perspective). When the
15-year-old gets back to Earth, according to NASA, he would be only 20 years old. His classmates,
however, would be 65 years old.
While this time dilation sounds very theoretical, it does have practical applications as well. If you have
a Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) receiver in your car, the receiver attempts to find signals from at
least three satellites to coordinate your position. The GPS satellites send out timed radio signals that the
receiver listens to, triangulating (or more properly speaking, trilaterating) its position based on the travel
time of the signals. The challenge is, the atomic clocks on the GPS are moving and would therefore run
faster than atomic clocks on Earth, creating timing issues. So, engineers need to make the clocks on a
GPS tick slower, according to Richard Pogge, an astronomer at Ohio State University.
The clocks in space tick faster, according to Physics Central, because the GPS satellites are above Earth
and experience weaker gravity. So even though the GPS satellites are moving and experience a seven-
microsecond slowing every day because of their movement, the result of the weaker gravity causes the
clocks to tick about 45 microseconds faster than a ground-based clock. Adding the two together results
in the GPS satellite clock ticking faster than a ground-based clock, by about 38 microseconds daily.
As its name suggests this theory is only applicable for special cases, i.e. when both objects are moving
with constant or uniform speed.
Einstein explained that the relative motion of two objects should be the frame of reference rather than
an external, esoteric "etheric" reference system. By way of example, say you were an astronaut in a
spaceship, observing another spaceship at a distance. The only thing that matters is how fast you and
your observed target are moving with respect to each other. One snag, however, special relativity only
applies if you are traveling in a straight line and not accelerating. If acceleration takes place, General
Relativity needs to be applied.
The theory is based on two fundamental principles:
Relativity - The laws of physics do not change. Even for objects moving at inertial, constant speed
frames of reference.
The speed of light - It is the same for all observers regardless of their relative motion to the source of
Einstein's work creates a fundamental link between time and space. We intuitively envisage the universe
as three-dimensional (up and down, left and right, forwards and backward) but also with a time
component or dimension. The combination of these makes the 4-D environment we experience.
If you were to move fast enough through space, any observations you made about space and time would
differ from anyone else moving at a different speed than you. As the difference between speeds
increased, so would the observed differences.
It's all relative
Now, imagine you are in a spaceship with a laser in your hand. The laser beam shoots directly up to the
ceiling, strikes a mirror and gets reflected back to the floor into a detector. Remember now that the ship
is in motion, let's say at around half the speed of light. Relativity states that this move makes no
difference to you, you can't "feel" it (just like on Earth as it is spinning on its axis and hurtling through
space around the sun).
But here comes the twist:
An external observer, however, would witness something very different. If they could "see" into your
ship, they would notice that the laser beam travels "up" at an angle, strikes the mirror and then travels
downwards again at another angle to hit the detector. The observer would notice that the light path
would be longer and at a more pronounced angle than you would observe in your ship. More
importantly, the time taken for the laser to reach the detector would be different. Given that the speed
of light is constant, how can you both reach the same conclusion that proves this theory? Clearly, the
passage of time must be different for you and the external observer.
What the hell? This phenomenon is known as time dilation. In the above example, time must be
"moving" faster for you compared to that of the slower observer. This simple example allows us to
visualize Einstein's theory of relativity, whereby space and time are intimately linked.
As you can imagine such an extreme variance in the passage of time would only be appreciably noticed
at very great speeds, especially close to the speed of light. Experimentation carried out since Einstein's
revelations have validated his theory. Time and space are perceived differently for objects moving near
the speed of light.
Mass, energy and the speed of light
Einstein certainly didn't rest on his laurels. Also in 1905, he applied his principles of relativity to
produce the famous equation e=mc2. This innocuously simple equation expresses the fundamental
relationship between mass (m) and energy (e). Pretty neat.
This little equation found that as we approach the speed of light, c, the objects mass balloons. So you
get to travel really fast but your mass increases in relation to your speed. Bummer. At its extreme, if
you were traveling at the speed of light both your energy and mass would be infinite. As you already
know, the heavier the object, the harder it is; thus more energy needed, to speed it up. So by this token,
it's impossible to exceed the speed of light.
Until Einstein, mass and energy were seen as completely separate things. His work proved that the
principles of the conservation of mass and energy are part of a bigger, more unified conservation of
mass-energy. Matter, therefore, can be turned into energy and vice versa due to the fundamental
connection between them. That is, frankly, amazing.
To summarize, firstly, there is no "absolute" frame of reference, hence the use of the term "relativity".
Secondly, the speed of light is constant for whoever measures it, whether in motion or not - I know
crazy right? Lastly, the speed of light cannot be exceeded, it is the universal "speed limit".
Got it? Great. No? Don't worry if you didn't, it is, by its very nature, counter-intuitive. The greatest
discoveries in science are often found in the realms outside of our "common sense".
Quantum Physics
The term ‘quantum’ was coined by German physicist Max Planck (1858–1947) to describe a discrete
amount of energy- a ‘package’ of energy. Planck, who was one of the founding fathers of quantum
theory- was researching the relationship between intensity (the amount of light) and frequency of light.
At that time, there were only empirical laws to describe this relationship (Wien’s Law for high
frequencies, and the Rayleigh-Jeans law for low frequencies) but no solid theoretical framework which
could successfully make predictions in accordance with these [1].
As part of the solution, Planck postulated that energy can only occur in discrete packages, or ‘quanta’.
From this postulate he was able to derive a law which stood in accordance with experimental data, and
therefore with the empirical laws known at the time.
This short, but sweet equation gives one the relationship between the energy (E) associated with a
certain frequency of light (f). h is known as Plancks constant, which is always the same, tiny quantity.
This means that the value of h*f is always the smallest package of energy attainable for a given
However, it must be noted that Planck merely postulated this thinking; it was a mathematical trick which
happened to yield promising results- It did not yet occur to him that he had fundamentally changed the
way physicists would view the world[2]. Five years later Albert Einstein used Plancks postulate in order
to provide a theoretical understanding of the Photoelectric effect- A current generated in a conductor,
through illumination with visible light/ Ultraviolet. This work gained Einstein the Nobel Prize in
physics in 1921 (contrary to popular belief Einstein’s work on Relativity, which he is most famous for,
did not win him a Nobel prize) [3].
For a very long time scientists were locked in a heated debate about the nature of light. Scientists such
as Christiaan Huygens believed light to be a wave, because of the many wave-like properties exhibited
by light, such as diffraction, polarization and interference. However, Isaac Newton believed light to be
composed of particles- a theory which was mainly popularised through Newton’s prominence. It wasn’t
until the early 20th century, when Albert Einstein successfully explained the photoelectric effect using
particles of light (photons) that the particle theory of light was seriously considered again. [4]
What quantum mechanics has come to show is that light, as well as all other fundamental particles
behave both as a wave, and a particle depending on the circumstances. Lewis de Broglie postulated that
particles of matter are also waves of some sort, which have an associated wavelength (which is known
as de Broglie wavelength).[5]
There is an overwhelming amount of evidence to support this[6,7], and in recent times wave- particle
duality has been extended far beyond photons and electrons. Wave- particle duality has been
demonstrated in objects such as large organic molecules [8]- forcing us to reconsider the definitions for
‘particles’, and ‘waves’ and to ask ourselves the question whether anything ever exists as purely a
particle, or a wave.
Uncertainty is the biggest factor setting quantum physics aside from classical physics. In fact, this is an
extension of wave-particle duality since the phenomenon of wave-particle duality only arises due to a
particles uncertainty in position; allowing it to exhibit wave like properties. Before going any further I
would like to make a distinction between two types of uncertainty, which both play a big role:
uncertainty arising from our inability to know something (information inaccessible to us due to a variety
of reasons), and inherent uncertainty which exists within nature itself. Yes, as it turns out nature itself
can be uncertain about its own properties- and this has nothing to do with our ignorance, or our method
of probing. The mathematics in quantum mechanics is full of uncertainty relations; inequalities which
restrict the amount of information obtainable about a system. Take for example the most famous of
them all- Heisenberg’s uncertainty relation, which can be seen below.
Where ΔX is the uncertainty position, ΔP is the uncertainty in momentum and ħ is the (reduced) Planck
constant which we have seen above (kind of). This means that the left hand side of the equation can
never equal zero (in fact, never be smaller than ħ/2); there will always be uncertainty in the position,
and the momentum of a given quantum particle. What this means in physical terms is that you can never
exactly know the position and momentum (speed and direction) of a particle at a given time.
How can this be possible? Surely there is something that we’re misunderstanding? One attempt to
explain uncertainty in a classical sense was to suggest that this was merely another form of the ‘observer
effect’ [9]. This effect is a consequence of the inevitability that the properties system cannot be
measured without being altered; take for example measuring the temperature of a hot water bath. When
introducing a thermometer, the temperature of the bath will be (very, very slightly) altered because
energy has to be taken from, or given to the system in order to record a temperature.
The same reasoning can be used for measuring the position of an electron. If you want to know the
momentum of the electron more precisely, you will have to use more energetic light (higher frequency)
which, in turn, will change the momentum of the electron.
Even though this effect does take place, it is distinctly different from the quantum uncertainty being
Without making things a lot more complicated there is little I can say except for the fact that
uncertainty is inherent in nature, and that we have more than enough evidence for this to be credible. In
fact, some of our technology even utilises uncertainty, and would not function without it- an example
being the scanning tunnelling microscope (STM) [10] and some forms of touch – screens.
The scanning tunnelling microscope makes use of the phenomenon quantum tunnelling. (Quantum)
Tunnelling is a phenomenon in which particles can appear on the other side of an energy barrier, without
having the necessary energy to make it over the barrier.
A classical analogy to this would be: picture a ball rolling from side- to side in a valley. It does not have
the necessary energy to make it to the top of either side of the valley. Quantum tunnelling would allow
this ball to spontaneously appear on the other side of the valley, without ever having the necessary
energy to make it to the top of one of the hills.
Figure. 3 Visual
Representation of Quantum tunnelling
However, tunnelling is simply yet another amazing consequence of uncertainty; because uncertainty
also applies to the kinetic energy a particle possess.
A good and more rigorous explanation of tunnelling and its use in touch- screen technology is found
The phenomenon of superposition is one where particles tend to have multiple, seemingly mutually
exclusive properties at the same time. For example position; besides there being uncertainty in a
particles position, a particle can occupy numerous positions at the same time. This, again, is not a
desperate attempt at explaining something that we can’t, but rather a phenomenon demonstrated time
and time again [11].
Superposition arises straight from the heart of quantum mechanics- the Schrödinger equation. This
equation is the quantum equivalent of Newton’s equations of motion; it governs the dynamics of a
quantum system. Just like any other equation you input certain parameters, and then solve for possible
solutions- these solutions being properties of the system. As it turns out, there are an infinite number of
solutions to the Schrödinger equation- more precisely the sum of any solutions to this equation is yet
another solution! This means nothing less than a particle exhibiting an infinite number of properties at
the same time. What makes matters even more mind boggling is the fact that when scientists attempt to
measure particles being in several states at once- they never do! Quantum objects start behaving
classically when we measure them; one way we know that superposition exists is through secondary
effects- outcomes which can only occur if two things happened at once.
Superposition has been demonstrated in countless experiments, such as the famous double-slit
experiment. If the reader is not familiar with this experiment I would strongly advise to look it up- it is
mind blowing!
Here is a link to a video explaining it quite well (but it’s slightly cheezy!):
Another more recent experiment placed not a tiny particle, but a nano-sized ‘tuning fork’ into a
superposition of states; researchers got this mechanical object to vibrate at several frequencies at once!
[12] Furthermore superposition is utilised by plants in their photosynthesis process making it up to 99%
efficient! [13] (compared to 25%- 30% for pertol engines [14], and about 22% efficiency for solar
panels [15]).
Surely the biggest application of the superposition phenomenon is the development of quantum
computers; which famously use ‘qubits’ instead of ordinary ‘bits’. Whereas a classical bit of
information is only ever a 1 or a 0, a qubit can also be in the superpositioned state of being a 1 and 0 at
the same time. This is because qubits are made up from something exhibiting quantum properties;
ultracold atoms/ions, photons, or currents in superconductors. This leads to vastly greater computing
power because numerous solutions can be processes/calculated at the same time- once successful
quantum computers will undoubtedly change the world.
Figure 4. This is an image of ultracold ions being held in a line by magnetic fields.
This is one way to implement a quantum computer- the computations are made with these ions
Superposition applies to many different properties; whether its position, momentum, or even the
chronological order of events! [16]
That’s right, it has been recently shown that not only can a particle be in several places at once, but that
there are quantum systems in which things happen both forwards, and backwards in time!
Astonishingly, this does not violate any causal inequality because these events happen in both directions
of time- not just backwards.
It seems quantum mechanics is still getting weirder about 100 years after its initial formulation!
This loss of quantum properties has been coined ‘Decoherence’ and is an area of active research – since
it is one of the biggest obstacles facing quantum computers. In order for qubits to be 1’s and 0’s at the
same time these qubits have to remain quantum, and not ‘decohere’. This means isolating them from
their environment; which is proving to be extremely difficult.
It is very difficult to say anything more about decoherence, or the nature of quantum mechanics without
going a lot further into detail, and writing a book about it which is why I would suggest to anyone
curious or interested to start researching this stuff. I am aware that some of these explanations, to those
more knowledgeable, may be rather simplistic- something I couldn’t really help, due to the sheer
quantity of information I would have to provide to continue making sense.
As promised here is a link to the paper which attempts to explain how entanglement works:
And to those who are still unconvinced, I am happy to send my dissertation to upon request, in which I
simulate this quantum to classical transition mentioned above, and explain the how of things in a lot
more detail.