.J - S IR: Alcohol, Ether & Phenol

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Alcohol, Ether & Phenol


Q.1 The products of combustion of an aliphatic thiol (RSH) at 298 K are: [JEE 1992]
(A) CO2(), H2O (g) and SO2(g) (B) CO2(g), H2O (g) and SO2(g)

(C) CO2(), H2O () and SO2(g) (D) CO2 (g), H2O () and SO2()

Q.2 An organic compound C3H6O does not give a precipitate with 2,4- dinitrophenyl hydrazine reagent and does
not react with sodium metal. It could be: [JEE 1993]
(A) CH3– CH2 – CHO (B) CH3 – CO – CH3
(C) CH2 = CH – CH2OH (D) CH2 = CH – OCH3

The reaction products of C6H5OCH3 + HI  are:
(A) C6H5OH + CH3I (B) C6H5I + CH3OH

[JEE 1995]

(C) C6H5CH3 + HOI (D) C6H6 + CH3OI

Q.4 The order of reactivity of the following alcohols: [JEE 1997]


(I) (II) (III) (IV)

towards conc. HCl is
(A) I > II > III > IV (B) I > III > II > IV

(C) IV > III > II > I (D) IV > II > III > I

Q.5 Among the following compounds, the strongest acid is: [JEE 1998]
(A) HC  CH (B) C6H6 (C) C2H6 (D) CH3OH

Q.6 Which one of the following will most readily be dehydrated in acidic condition:
[JEE 2000]

(A) (B) (C) (D)

Q.7 Identify the correct order of boiling point of the following compounds: [JEE 2002]
ETOOS Academy Pvt. Ltd.
F-106, Road No. 2, Indraprastha Industrial Area, End of Evergreen Motors (Mahindra Showroom), BSNL Office
Lane, Jhalawar Road, Kota, Rajasthan (324005)
1. 2. 3.
(A) 1 > 2 > 3 (B) 3 > 1 > 2 (C) 1 > 3 > 2 (D) 3 > 2 > 1

C H O –Na  ( excess )
Q.8 + C2H5I   
2 5
 [JEE 2003]
C 2H5OH ( anhydrous )

(A) (B)

(C) C6H5OC6H5 (D) C2H5OC2H5
Q.9 Reaction of entainomerically pure acid with 1 chiral carbon and racemic alcohol with 1 chiral carbon gives an
ester which is [JEE 2003]
(A) Meso (B) Optically active mixture
(C) Racemic mixture (D) Enantionmerically pure
Q.10 On acid catalysed hydration, 2- phenyl propene gives: [JEE 2004]
(A) 3- phenyl-2- propanol
(C) 1- phenyl-3- propanol
(B) 2-phenyl-1- propanol
(D) 2- phenyl -2- propanol

Q.11 Phenyl magnesium bromide reacting with t- Butyl alcohol gives: [JEE 2005]
(A) Ph – OH (B) Ph – H
(C) (D)

Q.12 Statement-1: p- Hydroxybenzoic acid has a lower boiling point than o-hydroxybenzoic acid.
[JEE 2007]

Statement-2: o- Hydroxybenzoic acid has intramolecular hydrogen bonding.
(A) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is a correct explanation for
(B) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True, Statement-2 is NOT a correct explanation for Statement-1.
(C) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is False.
(D) Statement-1 is False, Statement-2 is True.

ETOOS Academy Pvt. Ltd.
F-106, Road No. 2, Indraprastha Industrial Area, End of Evergreen Motors (Mahindra Showroom), BSNL Office
Lane, Jhalawar Road, Kota, Rajasthan (324005)
Q.1 When t-butanol and n- butanol are separately treated with a few drops of dilute KMnO4 in one case only,
purple colour disappears and a brown precipitate is formed. Which of the two alcohols gives the above
reaction and what is the brown precipitate? [JEE 1994]

Q.2 3,3-Dimethylbutan-2-ol losses a molecule of water in the presence of a concentrated sulphuric acid to give
tetramethyl ethylene as a major product. Suggest a suitable mechanism.
[JEE 1996]

Q.3 A compound D(C8H10O) upon treatment with alkaline solution of iodine gives a yellow precipitate. The filtrate
on acidification gives a white solid (E) (C7H6O2). Write the structures of (D) and (E) and explain the formation

of (E). [JEE 1996]

Q.4 Which of the following is the correct method for synthesising methyl-t-butyl ether and why ?

(i) (CH3)3CBr + NaOMe 

(ii) CH3Br + tert-BuOna  [JEE 1997]

.S +
Conc.H SO
2 
   4  (A) [JEE 1997]

Q.6 Discuss why o-hydroxy benzaldehyde is a liquid at room temperature while

p- hydroxy benzaldehyde is a high melting solid? [JEE 1999]

Q.7 Write the structures of the product A and B. [JEE 2000]

  A + B

Q.8 Cyclobutyl bromide on treatment with magnesium in dry ether forms an organometallic A. The organometallic
reacts with ethanol to give an alcohol B after mild acidification. Prolonged treatment of alcohol B with an
equivalent amount of HBr gives 1- bromo-1- methylcyclopentane (C). Write the structures of A, B and explain
how C is obtained from B. [JEE 2001]

Q.9 Identify X, Y and Z in the following synthetic scheme and write their structure. Explain the formation of
labelled formaldehyde (H2C*O) as one of the products when compound Z is treated with HBr and
subsequently ozonolysed. Mark the C* carbon in the entire scheme. [JEE 2001]
BaC*O3  H2SO4  X (gas) [C* denotes C ]
( i )Mg / ether LiAlH
CH2 = CH – Br   
Y 
( ii ) X, ( iii)H3O

ETOOS Academy Pvt. Ltd.
F-106, Road No. 2, Indraprastha Industrial Area, End of Evergreen Motors (Mahindra Showroom), BSNL Office
Lane, Jhalawar Road, Kota, Rajasthan (324005)
Q.10 Mention two esters produced when a racemic mixture of 2- phenyl propanoic acid is treated with (+) 2-
butanol. What is the stereochemical relationship between these esters? [JEE

Q.11 An organic compound P(C5H10O) Reacts 10 times faster then ethylene with dil. H2SO4 to give two products
Q and R. Both Q and R give positive iodoform test. Identify P, Q and R and also give reason for very high
reactivity of P. [JEE 2004]

NaNO , HCl
Q.12 (X) C5H13N  2 
 (Y) (Tertiary alcohol + other products)

(Optically active)
Find X and Y. Is y optically active? Write the intermediate steps. [JEE 2005]


Q.1 B Q.2 D Q.3 A Q.4 C Q.5 D Q.6 A

Q.7 B Q.8 D Q.9 B Q.10 D Q.11 B Q.12 D

Q.1 n- butanol is oxidised by KMnO4 and not t- butanol as the latter does not contain H atom attached to carbinol
carbon atom.
– 
n- Butanol Brown
+ KMnO4  No reaction

t- Butanol

H  H O
Q.2 
 2
 

1, 2  methyl shift – H
      

Q.3 (D) (E) C6H5COOH

Q.4 The ether formation involves nucleophilic substitution of alkoxide ion for halide ion.
Slow Fast –
   R – O – R + X
3° alkyl halide can also involve elimination of HX to give alkene in the presence of a base. So, it is better to start
with 3° alkoxide and 1° alkyl halide, i.e., equation (b).

ETOOS Academy Pvt. Ltd.
F-106, Road No. 2, Indraprastha Industrial Area, End of Evergreen Motors (Mahindra Showroom), BSNL Office
Lane, Jhalawar Road, Kota, Rajasthan (324005)
Q.5 Q.6 Due to intermolecular H-Bonding. Q.7

Q.8 
    3
 
Et 2O

(A) (B) (C)


H H O
   

Br 
 

2°carbonium 3° carbonium

.S ;

Q.10 +

(recemic mixture)


during esterification reaction only –COOH and – OH participates. There is no effect on structure of configuration
of carbon adjacent of these groups. So when (±) acid reacts with pure (+) alcohol two esters are produced which
are diastereoisomers of each other.



When ethylene reacts with dil. H2SO4CH3CH2  is produced during rate determining step, whereas P gives
resonance stabilized intermediate.

ETOOS Academy Pvt. Ltd.
F-106, Road No. 2, Indraprastha Industrial Area, End of Evergreen Motors (Mahindra Showroom), BSNL Office
Lane, Jhalawar Road, Kota, Rajasthan (324005)
due to extra stability of intermediate the rate of reaction is very fast.


Y is optically inactive.


ETOOS Academy Pvt. Ltd.
F-106, Road No. 2, Indraprastha Industrial Area, End of Evergreen Motors (Mahindra Showroom), BSNL Office
Lane, Jhalawar Road, Kota, Rajasthan (324005)

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