Handbook of Teichmuller Theory
Handbook of Teichmuller Theory
Handbook of Teichmuller Theory
This series is devoted to the publication of research monographs, lecture notes, and other
materials arising from programs of the Institut de Recherche Mathématique Avancée
(Strasbourg, France). The goal is to promote recent advances in mathematics and theoretical
physics and to make them accessible to wide circles of mathematicians, physicists, and
students of these disciplines.
Handbook of
Teichmüller Theory
Volume I
Athanase Papadopoulos
titelei11_papadopoulos 30.4.2007 10:00 Uhr Seite 4
Athanase Papadopoulos
Institut de Recherche Mathématique Avancée
Université Louis Pasteur et CNRS
7 Rue René Descartes
67084 Strasbourg Cedex
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 30-00, 32G15, 30F60; secondary 30C62, 57N16, 53A35,
20F65, 30F20, 30F25, 30F10, 30F30, 30F40, 30F45, 14H15, 20H10, 30F15, 53B35, 57M07, 57M60, 14H60,
14D20, 57M20, 20F38.
ISBN 978-3-03719-029-6
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In a broad sense, the subject of Teichmüller theory is the study of moduli spaces
for geometric structures on surfaces. This subject makes important connections be-
tween several areas in mathematics, including low-dimensional topology, hyperbolic
geometry, dynamical systems theory, differential geometry, algebraic topology, repre-
sentations of discrete groups in Lie groups, symplectic geometry, topological quantum
field theory, string theory, and there are others.
The central object in this theory is the Teichmüller space of a surface. As is
well-known, this space can be seen from different points of view. It is a space of
equivalence classes of conformal structures on the surface, a space of equivalence
classes of hyperbolic metrics on this surface, and a space of equivalence classes of
representations of the fundamental group of the surface into a Lie group (primarily,
PSL(2, R), but there are several others). These three points of view are equally impor-
tant in the study of Teichmüller space and, in several situations, they cannot be clearly
separated. Furthermore, Teichmüller space inherits from these different points of view
various structures, including several interesting metrics (Teichmüller, Weil–Petersson,
Thurston, Bergman, Carathéodory, Kähler–Einstein, McMullen, etc.), a natural com-
plex structure, a symplectic structure, a real analytic structure, the structure of an
algebraic set, cellular structures, various boundary structures, a natural discrete action
by the mapping class group, a quantization theory of its Poisson and symplectic struc-
tures, a measure-preserving geodesic flow, a horocyclic flow, and the list of structures
goes on and on. Teichmüller theory is growing at a fantastic rate, and the richness of
this theory is to a large extent a consequence of the diversity and the richness of the
structures that Teichmüller space itself carries.
The purpose of this Handbook is to give a comprehensive picture of the classical
and of the recent developments in Teichmüller theory. The range of this picture will
hopefully include all the aspects mentioned above although, because new ideas and
new connections come out regularly in this theory, the picture will necessarily be
incomplete. Nevertheless we hope that the Handbook will reflect the beauty, the
liveliness and the richness of Teichmüller theory.
I have tried to divide this first volume of the Handbook into parts. There were
several possibilities, none of which imposed itself as being more natural or more
efficient than the others. I finally ended up with the following division into four
• The metric and the analytic theory, 1
• The group theory, 1
• Surfaces with singularities and discrete Riemann surfaces
• The quantum theory, 1
1 The titles of some parts are followed by the numeral 1 because they will be continued in Volume II of the
vi Foreword
Volume II of the Handbook will contain more material on the analytic and the
metric theory, on the group theory, on the quantum theory, as well as sections on
cluster algebras, on representation theory and higher Teichmüller theory, on complex
projective structures, on the Teichmüller geodesic flow and other dynamical aspects,
and on the Grothendieck–Teichmüller theory.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank Vladimir Turaev for his encour-
agement in this project, Manfred Karbe and Irene Zimmermann for their invaluable
collaboration in the final editing process and, of course, all the authors who contributed
to the Handbook. It was a pleasure to work with all these people.
Foreword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 785
Introduction to Teichmüller theory, old and new
Athanase Papadopoulos
Teichmüller theory is one of those few wonderful subjects which bring together, at an
equally important level, fundamental ideas coming from different fields. Among the
fields related to Teichmüller theory, one can surely mention complex analysis, hyper-
bolic geometry, the theory of discrete groups, algebraic geometry, low-dimensional
topology, differential geometry, Lie group theory, symplectic geometry, dynamical
systems, number theory, topological quantum field theory, string theory, and there are
many others.
Let us start by recalling a few definitions.
Let Sg,p be a connected orientable topological surface of genus g ≥ 0 with p ≥ 0
punctures. Any such surface admits a complex structure, that is, an atlas of charts with
values in the complex plane C and whose coordinate changes are holomorphic. In
the classical theory, one considers complex structures Sg,p for which each puncture of
Sg,p has a neighborhood which is holomorphically equivalent to a punctured disk in C.
To simplify the exposition, we shall suppose that the orientation induced on Sg,p by the
complex structure coincides with the orientation of this surface. Homeomorphisms
of the surface act in a natural manner on atlases, and two complex structures on Sg,p
are said to be equivalent if there exists a homeomorphism of the surface which is
homotopic to the identity and which sends one structure to the other. The surface Sg,p
admits infinitely many non-equivalent complex structures, except if this surface is a
sphere with at most three punctures.
To say things precisely, we introduce some notation. Let Cg,p be the space of all
complex structures on Sg,p and let Diff+ (Sg,p ) be the group of orientation-preserving
diffeomorphisms of Sg,p . We consider the action of Diff+ (Sg,p ) by pullback on
Cg,p . The quotient space Mg,p = Cg,p /Diff+ (Sg,p ) is called Riemann’s moduli
space of deformations of complex structures on Sg,p . This space was considered by
G. F. B. Riemann in his famous paper on Abelian functions, Theorie der Abel’schen
Functionen, Crelle’s Journal, Band 54 (1857), in which he studied moduli for algebraic
curves. In that paper, Riemann stated, without giving a formal proof, that the space
of deformations of equivalence classes of conformal structures on a closed orientable
surface of genus g ≥ 2 is of complex dimension 3g − 3.
The Teichmüller space Tg,p of Sg,p was introduced in the 1930s by Oswald Teich-
müller. It is defined as the quotient of the space Cg,p of complex structures by the
group Diff+ 0 (Sg,p ) of orientation-preserving diffeomorphisms of Sg,p that are isotopic
to the identity. The group Diff+ +
0 (Sg,p ) is a normal subgroup of Diff (Sg,p ), and the
+ +
quotient group g,p = Diff (Sg,p )/Diff0 (Sg,p ) is called the mapping class group of
Sg,p (sometimes also called the modular group, or the Teichmüller modular group)
2 Athanase Papadopoulos
of Sg,p . The mapping class group g,p acts on the Teichmüller space Tg,p , and the
quotient of Tg,p by this action is Riemann’s moduli space Mg,p .
During a remarkably brief period of time (1935–1941), Teichmüller wrote about
thirty papers which laid the foundations of the theory which now bears his name. After
Teichmüller’s death in 1943 (at the age of 30), L. V. Ahlfors, L. Bers, H. E. Rauch
and several of their students and collaborators started a project that provided a solid
grounding for Teichmüller’s ideas. The realization of this project took more than
two decades, during which the whole complex-analytic theory of Teichmüller space
was built. In the 1970s, W. P. Thurston opened a new and wide area of research by
introducing beautiful techniques of hyperbolic geometry in the study of Teichmüller
space and of its asymptotic geometry. Thurston’s work highlighted this space as a
central object in the field of low-dimensional topology. Thurston’s ideas are still
being developed and extended today by his students and followers. In the 1980s,
there also evolved an essentially combinatorial treatment of Teichmüller and moduli
spaces, involving techniques and ideas from high-energy physics, namely from string
theory. The current research interests in Teichmüller theory from the point of view of
mathematical physics include the quantization of Teichmüller space using the Weil–
Petersson symplectic and Poisson geometry of this space, as well as gauge-theoretic
extensions of these structures. The quantization theories are also developed with the
purpose of finding new invariants of hyperbolic 3-manifolds.
My aim in the rest of this introduction is twofold: first, to give an exposition of the
structure of Teichmüller theory that is studied in this volume of the Handbook, and
second, to give an overview of the material contained in this volume. The goal is to
give a flavour of the subject. Of course, the exposition will be very sketchy at some
1 In order not to overload this introduction, I decided not to give the complete references for the results that
I cite. Most of the references are given in the chapters that follow this introduction and, furthermore, with the
availability of electronic supports, it is nowadays easy to find the exact reference for a result, given its statement,
its author’s name and the year it was written.
Introduction to Teichmüller theory, old and new 3
metric in the usual sense of the word). I will say a few words about each of these
Teichmüller’s metric. This metric is obtained by first defining the distance between
two conformal structures g and h on the surface Sg,p to be 21 inff log K(f ), where the
infimum is taken over all quasiconformal homeomorphisms f : (Sg,p , g) → (Sg,p , h)
that are isotopic to the identity and where K(f ) is the quasiconformal dilatation of f .
Teichmüller showed that the infimum is realized by a quasiconformal homeomor-
phism, and he gave a description of this homeomorphism in terms of a quadratic
differential on the domain conformal surface (Sg,p , g). This distance function on the
set of conformal structures is invariant by the action of the group of diffeomorphisms
isotopic to the identity on each factor, and it induces a distance function on Teichmüller
space Tg,p , which is Teichmüller’s metric. Teichmüller’s metric is a complete Finsler
metric which is not Riemannian unless the surface is a torus, in which case Teichmüller
space, equipped with Teichmüller’s metric, is isometric to the 2-dimensional hyper-
bolic plane. Teichmüller’s metric is geodesically convex, that is, any two points are
joined by a unique geodesic segment. The metric is also uniquely geodesic, that is, the
geodesic segment joining two arbitrary points is unique. Furthermore, any geodesic
segment can be extended in a unique way (up to parametrization) to a geodesic line.
For some time, it was believed that Teichmüller’s metric was nonpositively curved in
the sense of Busemann, that is, that the distance function between two parametrized
geodesics is convex. Indeed, in 1959, S. Kravetz published a paper containing this
statement as one of the main results. In 1971, M. Linch found a mistake in the argu-
ments of Kravetz and in 1975, H. Masur showed that the statement is false, by providing
examples of two geodesic rays whose associated distance function is bounded, and
therefore is not convex. By a result of Masur and Wolf (1995), Teichmüller’s metric
is not Gromov hyperbolic. Despite these facts, much of the work that has been done
on Teichmüller’s metric is motivated by analogies with metrics on simply connected
manifolds of negative curvature. We can mention in this connection that there is a
Teichmüller geodesic flow which preserves a natural measure, which induces a quo-
tient geodesic flow on moduli space, and that this quotient flow, like the geodesic
flow of a finite volume hyperbolic manifold, is ergodic. (This result was obtained
independently in 1982 by H. Masur and W. Veech.)
The mapping class group g,p of Sg,p acts on Tg,p by isometries of the Teich-
müller metric and, conversely, by a result of Royden (1970), every isometry group
of the Teichmüller metric is induced by an element of the mapping class group. At
the same time, Royden showed that the Teichmüller metric can be recovered directly
from the complex structure of Teichmüller space, by proving that this metric coincides
with the Kobayashi metric of this space. (In fact, Royden proved the first result as a
corollary of the second.)
The Weil–Petersson metric. This metric is a Riemannian metric which is also closely
related to the complex structure of Teichmüller space. Its definition starts with an L2 -
norm on the space of quadratic differentials at each point X of Teichmüller space,
Introduction to Teichmüller theory, old and new 5
considered as the holomorphic cotangent space at that point. The definition of this
norm makes use of the hyperbolic metric of a surface representing
−2 this point. More
precisely, this norm is given by the formula φ = X ρ (z)|φ(z)|2 |dz|2 , with
ρ(z)|dz| being the length element on the point X represented by a hyperbolic sur-
face. The Weil–Petersson inner product on the tangent space is then defined by tak-
ing a dual of this L2 inner product, the duality between the tangent and cotangent
spaces being defined through a natural pairing between quadratic differentials and
Beltrami differentials. Several chapters of this Handbook deal with this metric, and
we shall list here some of its important geometric features. L. Ahlfors showed that
the Weil–Petersson metric is Kähler. It has variable negative sectional curvature (a
result proved independently by A. Tromba and S. Wolpert). It is geodesically convex
but it is not complete (a result obtained by Masur and by Wolpert). Masur stud-
ied the completion of this metric, and he described the points on the frontier of this
completion as Riemann surfaces with nodes 2 . More precisely, Masur identified the
Weil–Petersson completion with the augmented Teichmüller space, whose frontier is
a stratified union of lower-dimensional spaces, each of which is the Teichmüller space
of a nodal surface. He showed that in some precise sense the tangential component of
the Weil–Petersson metric on Teichmüller space extends to the Weil–Petersson metric
of these boundary Teichmüller spaces. The sectional curvature of the Weil–Petersson
metric is unbounded (its supremum is zero and its infimum is −∞), except in the
cases where the complex dimension of Teichmüller space is 1. Ahlfors showed that
the holomorphic sectional curvature of the Weil–Petersson metric is negative. Wolpert
showed that the holomorphic sectional curvature and the Ricci curvature of this metric
have negative upper bounds (proving a conjecture made by Royden), with these up-
per bounds expressible in terms of the topological type of the surface. The mapping
class group acts by biholomorphic isometries on Teichmüller space equipped with the
Weil–Petersson metric, and this metric descends to a metric on moduli space. Masur
and Wolf proved (2002) that conversely, every Weil–Petersson isometry is induced by
an element of the mapping class group, except for a few surfaces of low genus. The
untreated cases were completely analyzed later on by J. Brock and D. Margalit (2004).
J. Brock and B. Farb (2004) showed that the Weil–Petersson metric is not Gromov
hyperbolic, except if the surface Sg,p is a torus with at most two punctures or a sphere
with at most five punctures. In all the other cases, the space has higher rank in the
sense of Gromov. S.Yamada (2001) showed that the Weil–Petersson completion of the
Weil–Petersson metric is a CAT(0)-space (that is, a non-positively curved space in the
sense of Cartan–Alexandrov–Toponogov). Brock initiated a new point of view on the
2 We note that surfaces with nodes appear naturally in complex analysis. A node is the simplest type of a
singularity of a complex curve. More precisely, while a smooth point of a complex curve is a point which admits
a neighborhood which is biholomorphically equivalent to an open disk in C, a node is a point which admits
a neighborhood which is biholomorphically equivalent to a space obtained by taking a disjoint union of two
disks in C and gluing them along a point. Riemann surfaces with nodes are complex curves whose points are
either smooth points or nodes, and they appear naturally as degenerations of smooth complex curves (that is, of
Riemann surfaces). Thus, it is not surprising that surfaces with nodes appear as boundary structures of spaces of
Riemann spaces.
6 Athanase Papadopoulos
The Carathéodory, the Kobayashi and the Bergman metrics. The Carathéodory
and the Kobayashi “metrics” are semi-metrics3 that are classically defined on any
complex space, and that are invariant under biholomorphic self-mappings of this space.
In the case of Teichmüller space, these semi-metrics are genuine metrics. Let us first
recall the definitions, since they are easy to state and are most appealing from the point
of view of synthetic geometry.
Let X be a complex space and let D be the unit disk in C equipped with its Poincaré
metric. The Carathéodory
semi-metric on X is defined by the formula dC (x, y) =
supf dD f (x), f (y) for all x and y in X, where the supremum is taken over all
holomorphic maps f : X → D.
The Kobayashi semi-metric on X is defined by a dual construction. One first
defines a map dK : X × X → R by d (x, y) = inf
K f,a,b dD (a, b) for all x and y in X,
the infimum being taken over all holomorphic maps f : D → X and over all a and
b in D satisfying f (a) = x and f (b) = y. The map dK does not necessarily satisfy
the triangle inequality, and the Kobayashi semi-metric dK is defined as the largest
semi-metric on X satisfying dK ≤ dK .
We already mentioned that H. L. Royden proved in 1970 that the Kobayashi met-
ric of Teichmüller space coincides with the Teichmüller metric. In 1974, C. J. Earle
proved that the Carathéodory metric on Teichmüller space is complete, and he raised
the question of whether this metric coincides with the Teichmüller metric. He also
asked the weaker question of whether this metric on Teichmüller space is proper (that
is, whether every closed bounded set is compact). Both questions were answered by
S. L. Krushkal’. In 1976, Krushkal’ proved that the Carathéodory metric on Teich-
müller space is proper, and in 1981 he proved that the Carathéodory metric does not
coincide with the Teichmüller metric, unless the complex dimension of this space is
We also note that the Carathéodory and the Kobayashi metrics on a complex space
have infinitesimal descriptions, and that in general they are Finsler and not Riemannian
The Bergman metric is a Kähler semi-metric that is associated to any bounded
domain of holomorphy. Its definition uses the Bergman Kernel. The Bergman metric
of Teichmüller space (seen as a bounded domain through Bers’embedding) is a genuine
By a result of K. T. Hahn (1976), the Carathéodory metric on any bounded domain
in CN is bounded from above by the Bergman metric. Therefore, by using Earle’s
result on the completeness of the Carathéodory metric, the Bergman metric is complete.
B.-Y. Chen showed (2004) that the Bergman metric of Teichmüller space is equivalent
to the Teichmüller metric in the sense that there exists a positive constant C such that
C dT ≤ dB ≤ CdT , where dT and dB denote respectively the Teichmüller and the
Bergman metrics. This result was also obtained, at about the same time, by K. Liu,
X. Sun and S.-T. Yau.
3 Recall that a semi-metric d : X × X → [0, ∞[ satisfies the axioms of a metric except possibly for the
separation axiom d(x, y) = 0 ⇒ x = y.
8 Athanase Papadopoulos
A survey of the Carathéodory, the Kobayashi and the Bergman metrics on Teich-
müller space is contained in a chapter by A. Fletcher and V. Markovich in Volume II
of this Handbook.
Other metrics. There are many other interesting metrics on Teichmüller space. We
mention a few of them, although they are not considered in this volume. S. Y. Cheng,
and S. T. Yau showed that there exists a complete Kähler–Einstein metric of negative
Ricci curvature on any bounded pseudo-convex domain in CN (1975). Using Bers’
embedding, this result shows that there is a unique complete Kähler–Einstein metric
on Teichmüller space. This metric is invariant under the action of the mapping class
group. It has constant negative scalar curvature, it descends to a complete Kähler–
Einstein metric on moduli space and it has been thoroughly studied by S. Y. Cheng,
N. Mok and S. T. Yau, and by algebraic geometers. In 2004, K. Liu, X. Sun and
S.-T. Yau showed that this Kähler–Einstein metric is equivalent to the Teichmüller
metric (a result which had been conjectured by Yau in 1986), which implies that the
Bergman and the Kähler–Einstein metrics are equivalent.
We also mention a metric defined in the late 1990s by C. McMullen’s (a metric
which is now called McMullen’s metric), which is a complete Kähler metric of bounded
sectional curvature. It is obtained as a kind of interpolation between the Teichmüller
and the Weil–Petersson metric. McMullen showed that this metric is equivalent to
Teichmüller’s metric and that it is Kähler-hyperbolic in the sense of Gromov.
Other complete Kähler metrics on Teichmüller space have been considered quite
recently by K. Liu, X. Sun and S.-T. Yau. These authors asked a number of interesting
questions about these metrics: computation of the L2 -cohomology groups, Ricci flow
between these metrics, index theory, representation of the mapping class group in the
middle-dimensional L2 -cohomology, and so on.
Let us note that a recent paper by S.-K.Yeung (Quasi-isometry of metrics on Teich-
müller space, 2005) reports on the state of the art concerning quasi-isometries and
equivalences between several of the metrics on Teichmüller space that we mentioned
above. The same paper adds new results on that subject.
to a sphere, and in other cases it is not. It can happen that the boundary structure of
Teichmüller space defines a boundary structure to Riemann’s moduli space and vice
versa. We shall review here some of the boundary structures of Teichmüller space and
moduli space.
Bers’ boundary. Bers’ boundary of Teichmüller space is induced from the Bers
embedding of this space in the Banach space of quadratic differentials on a given
Riemann surface. Bers showed that the closure of this embedding is compact, and
this defines Bers’ compactification of Teichmüller space. Bers’ embedding depends
upon the choice of a basepoint in Teichmüller space, but any two such embeddings
are biholomorphically equivalent. However, Kerckhoff and Thurston showed that
the boundary structure that one obtains in this way depends upon the choice of the
basepoint. They proved that the mapping class group action on Teichmüller space
does not extend continuously to an action on the union of this space with its Bers
boundary. In fact, Kerckhoff and Thurston’s work (1990) gives a new description of
Bers’ boundary in the setting of geometric convergence in the space of representations
of the fundamental group of the surface in PSL(2, C). Their results on Bers’ boundary
are obtained after translating the questions into the context of quasi-Fuchsian groups.
By Kerckhoff and Thurston’s results, Bers’ boundary and Thurston’s boundary are
arising from such a definition is: To what extent does the visual boundary depend on
the choice of x?
The visual boundary of Teichmüller’s space equipped with Teichmüller’s metric
was studied in the late 1970s by Kerckhoff, who showed that the action of the mapping
class group on Teichmüller space does not extend continuously to the Teichmüller
visual boundary.
The Weil–Petersson visual boundary has recently been studied by J. Brock, who
worked on the analogies of this visual boundary with the boundary defined by taking
the completion of the Weil–Petersson metric, and with the Bers boundary of Teich-
müller space. Masur had already worked on the comparison between these last two
boundaries in 1982. Brock’s work starts with the known observation that some Weil–
Petersson geodesic rays have finite length, a fact related to the non-completeness
of the Weil–Petersson metric. In this work, the definition of the visual boundary is
adapted to the setting of a non-complete space. The finite-length geodesics can be
made to converge to surfaces with cusps, and this convergence is comparable to the
convergence to surfaces with nodes that appears in the works of Bers and Abikoff.
Brock also showed that the action of the mapping class group on Teichmüller space
does not extend continuously to the Weil–Petersson visual boundary. Again, this is
analogous to the result by Kerckhoff and Thurston that we mentioned above, showing
that the action of the mapping class group does not extend continuously to Bers’
boundary. Brock showed that despite these analogies, the Weil–Petersson boundary
is distinct from Bers’ boundary.
Finally, we note that the visual boundary of Thurston’s asymmetric metric is another
interesting object which so far has not been given the attention it deserves.
Other boundary structures. There are boundary structures for Riemann’s moduli
space, some of them induced from boundary structures for Teichmüller space, and
some of them belonging only to the realm of moduli space. The compactification of
moduli space by stable curves is a projective variety (studied as such by Wolpert and
others). It is a quotient space of Teichmüller space equipped with its bordification by
surfaces with nodes (sometimes called augmented Teichmüller space, with boundary
called Abikoff’s augmented boundary) by the action of the mapping class group. Note
that this boundary structure of Teichmüller space is not a compactification of this space,
but the quotient of this structure by the mapping class group is a compactification of
moduli space.
Sometimes, the same boundary structure for Teichmüller space is studied from
various points of view. When Riemann surfaces are viewed as algebraic surfaces,
the boundary structure can be studied in terms of degeneration of algebraic surfaces,
and so on. For instance, the augmented moduli space (and finite coverings of this
space), whose boundary points are surfaces with nodes, has been studied by Deligne,
Mumford, Knudsen and Mayer from the point of view of algebraic geometry, by
Abikoff from the point of view of (geometric) complex analysis, and by Marden in
relation with hyperbolic 3-manifold theory. Due to the fact that people working in
12 Athanase Papadopoulos
different domains use different languages, it is sometime difficult to see the relations
between the various results.
Let us finally mention that there are boundary structures for Schottky space, for gen-
eral representation spaces, and for several other spaces related to Teichmüller space.
– the approach where the elements of Teichmüller space are homotopy classes of
hyperbolic structures, the optimal maps between two such structures being those that
have minimum Lipschitz constant;
– the harmonic maps approach where the domain surface is equipped with a con-
formal structure and the target surface is equipped with a hyperbolic structure, and
where the harmonic maps are the optimal maps in the sense that they minimize energy.
Of course, there are very good questions concerning relations between the three
approaches. The harmonic maps approach has the advantage of using, at the same
time, the conformal and the hyperbolic point of view on Teichmüller space, and making
links between them.
M. Wolf and A. E. Fischer together with A. Tromba developed theories that de-
scribe Teichmüller space in terms of harmonic maps. The approach of Fischer and
Tromba uses techniques of analysis, whereas Wolf’s approach is more geometric. Wolf
gave a harmonic map description of the Weil–Petersson metric. He also studied har-
monic maps between a fixed Riemann surface and families of degenerating hyperbolic
surfaces. His approach includes a harmonic map description of Thurston’s boundary.
This approach involves maps from surfaces to R-trees, and it uses the work of Gromov
and Schoen on harmonic maps from surfaces to singular spaces. We can also mention
here the work of Y. Minsky, who studied the behaviour of families of harmonic maps
between surfaces when the domain surface varies along a Teichmüller geodesic, and
other related problems.
We finally mention joint work by Daskalopoulos, Katzarkov and Wentworth on
harmonic maps from surfaces to Teichmüller space equipped with the Weil–Petersson
metric and with McMullen’s metric, and joint work by Daskalopoulos, Dostoglou and
Wentworth in which they give a harmonic map interpretation of the Morgan–Shalen
compactification of the character variety of representations of the fundamental group
of a surface into SL(2, C).
By looking at the work done by the various people working in the area, one gets
the impression that all the important features of Teichmüller theory can be recovered
using the theory of harmonic maps.
Mapping class groups. The groups that play the most prominent role in Teich-
müller theory are certainly the mapping class groups.4 Important special cases of
mapping class groups include the mapping class groups of punctured disks, which can
be identified with braid groups.
The study of the mapping class group has a long history that starts with that of low-
dimensional topology. There is a large number of interesting open problems related
to the algebraic structure of mapping class groups, to their action on various spaces,
and to the structure of their subgroups. An impressive list of such problems appears
in a book edited by B. Farb (American Mathematical Society, 2006). An important
subgroup of the mapping class group is the Torelli subgroup, consisting of the mapping
classes that induce the identity on the homology of the surface, but there are several
others. In Chapter 8 of this volume, L. Mosher gives an overview of the geometry
and dynamics of actions of several classes of subgroups of the mapping class group
on Teichmüller space equipped with its Thurston boundary.
As already mentioned, the mapping class group of a surface is also the isometry
group of the Teichmüller metric and of the Weil–Petersson metric on the Teichmüller
space of that surface, and it is conceivable that similar results hold for other metrics
on that space. The most enlightening study of the mapping class group is certainly
the one that Thurston made through the analysis of the action of that group on the
compactification of Teichmüller space by the space of projective classes of measured
foliations on the surface. Thurston’s topological classification of the elements of the
mapping class group, which is surveyed in Chapter 8 by Mosher, has counterparts
in terms of the metric structures of Teichmüller space. In this connection, we recall
that after Thurston’s work was completed, Bers worked out a similar classification of
mapping classes which is based on the action of the mapping class group equipped with
the Teichmüller metric. Bers obtained this classification by analyzing the minimal set
and the displacement function associated to a mapping class acting by isometries. A
similar metric classification was recently obtained by Daskalopoulos and Wentworth,
this time with respect to the Weil–Petersson metric. This classification is surveyed in
Chapter 1 of this volume.
There are several other interesting actions of the mapping class group that were
studied in the last few decades. For instance, Hatcher and Thurston proved in 1980 that
the mapping class group of a closed surface is finitely presented, by studying the action
of that group on a two-dimensional simplicial complex whose vertices are cut systems
on the surface, that is, systems of isotopy classes of disjoint closed curves whose
complement is a sphere with holes. The edges of this complex correspond to certain
moves between cut systems, called elementary moves, and the two-dimensional cells
correspond to certain cycles of moves, which are of three types: triangles, rectangles
and pentagons. E. Irmak and M. Korkmaz proved recently that the automorphism
4 There are some variations in the terminology of mapping class groups. Usually, the term extended mapping
class group of a surface designates the group of isotopy classes of diffeomorphisms of that surface. The mapping
class group is then the group of isotopy classes of orientation-preserving diffeomorphisms of an oriented surface.
There are also various subclasses, depending on whether the surface is closed or not, with or without boundary
components, whether the group fixes a distinguished point or not, and so on.
Introduction to Teichmüller theory, old and new 15
of representations of the fundamental group of the surface into the group PSL(2, R)
of orientation-preserving isometries of H2 .
More generally, one can study the moduli spaces of representations of the funda-
mental group of a surface S in a Lie group G, that is, the space of homomorphisms of
π1 (S) into G up to conjugation. The classical case is G = PSL(2, R), as described
above. The Teichmüller space of a closed surface S of genus ≥ 2 is a connected
component of this moduli space. This component consists of the conjugacy classes
of discrete and faithful representations. W. Goldman showed that in this case, the
number of connected components of the moduli space of representations is equal to
4g − 3.
There are other important cases for the Lie group G. These include the case where
G = PSL(2, C) (which is the setting of Kleinian representations, which includes
several subsettings, like quasi-Fuchsian representations, Schottky representations, and
so on). There is also the case where G is a split semisimple real group, whose study is
the subject of “higher Teichmüller theory”. It is worth saying a few words about this
theory, since it has recently attracted much interest.
It is generally considered that higher Teichmüller theory was initiated by the work
of Nigel Hitchin, who proved in the early 1990s that the space of conjugacy classes of
discrete faithful representations in the space of conjugacy classes of all representations
of the fundamental group of a compact oriented surface of genus ≥ 2 in a semisimple
split real Lie group (namely SL(n, R) or Sp(2n, R)) is a contractible component,
a result which is regarded as a generalization of the fact that Teichmüller space is
contractible. As mentioned above, in the case n = 2, this component is the Teich-
müller space of the surface. In the case n = 3, the corresponding component is, by
a result of Goldman and Choi, the moduli space of convex real projective structures
on the surface. There are several good questions in higher Teichmüller theory, some
of them independent of classical Teichmüller theory; some concern the action of the
mapping class group on components other than the one discovered by Hitchin. V. Fock
and A. Gontcharov recently studied “positive” representations of the fundamental
group of a closed surface into a split semisimple algebraic group G with trivial center.
They proved that these representations are faithful and discrete and that the moduli
space of such representations is an open cell in the space of all representations. For
G = SL(2, R), this space is the classical Teichmüller space. Higher Teichmüller
theory has also been developed by F. Labourie. M. Burger, A. Iozzi and A. Weinhard
recently undertook a study of representations of the fundamental group of the surface
into semisimple Lie groups of Hermitian type. Let us note that one can also study
representations of fundamental groups of surfaces in compact Lie groups like SU(2);
in this case, the space of representations is compact.
in number fields. For instance, one would like to understand how the collection of such
surfaces is embedded in Riemann’s moduli space, or how to recognize the algebraic
and, more specially, the arithmetic surfaces. There are also interesting questions about
the automorphisms of such surfaces, e.g. what are the stabilizers of these surfaces in
the mapping class group, and so on.
Grothendieck’s introduction of his theory of dessins d’enfants was a major step in
this direction. This theory makes connections between Teichmüller theory, complex
algebraic geometry, arithmetic geometry and the study of a class of combinatorial
objects on the surface.
We now briefly discuss this theory, and the related space of Belyi affine curves.
This space is an analytic variety equipped with a natural action of the absolute Galois
group (also called the universal Galois group Gal(Q)) which, by definition, is the auto-
morphism group of the field Q of algebraic numbers. We note that the absolute Galois
group Gal(Q) is considered as one of the most mysterious groups in mathematics, and
for this reason, producing new actions of this group is always interesting.
Grothendieck’s approach to Teichmüller theory is based on the idea that the com-
binatorial techniques of hyperbolic geometry (starting with surface decompositions
into hyperbolic pairs of pants) have a parallel in algebraic geometry over Q. In this ap-
proach, dessins d’enfants play a prominent role. A dessin d’enfant (“child’s drawing”)
is a connected graph embedded in a compact topological surface, whose complemen-
tary components are simply connected and whose edges are colored black and white
such that no edge has its two vertices of the same color.
This theory is outlined in Grothendieck’s Esquisse d’un programme, a manuscript
which has been widely circulated in the form of mimeographed notes since it was writ-
ten in 1984 and which finally appeared in print (together with an English translation)
in 1997.
The correspondence between dessins d’enfants and algebraic curves over Q is a
consequence of a theorem of G. Belyi. This theorem states that any algebraic curve
over Q can be realized as a ramified finite covering of the Riemann sphere P1 (C),
with ramification locus contained in the set {0, 1, ∞}. In this way, an algebraic curve
over Q defines a dessin d’enfant, obtained as the preimage of [0, 1] ⊂ P1 (C) by the
covering map. The color of a vertex is specified according to whether the image of
that vertex is 0 or 1. The relation with algebraic curves over C stems then from the
fact that a complex algebraic curve X can be represented by an algebraic curve over
Q if and only if there exists a non-constant holomorphic map f : X → P1 (C) whose
critical values are in Q. The surprising contribution of Belyi was to reduce the number
of critical values to three. This result was first announced at the Helsinki ICM in 1978.
It had been conjectured by Grothendieck, who later on declared that he was amazed
by the simplicity of Belyi’s proof of this result. The converse result, that is, the fact
that to a dessin d’enfant one can associate a ramified covering over P1 (C) is due to
Grothendieck himself (who proved it using Belyi’s work).
Grothendieck’s ideas on Teichmüller space have been essentially exploited by
algebraic geometers, because the original language of Grothendieck is that of algebraic
Introduction to Teichmüller theory, old and new 19
E. Verlinde and H. Verlinde conjectured in 1990 that the space of conformal blocks
of Liouville conformal field theory (which is a version of a two-dimensional Einstein
quantum gravity) can be obtained by the quantization of the Teichmüller space of
the corresponding Riemann surface. This was motivated by the developments of
the quantization of Chern–Simons theory. The quantization theory of Teichmüller
space makes the Verlindes idea precise and it provides an explicit Hilbert space and
observable algebra for 2-dimensional quantum gravity.
More explicitly, the quantization of Teichmüller space Tg,p produces a one-para-
meter family of noncommutative ∗-algebras, with an action of the mapping class group
of the surface by ∗-algebra automorphisms. These algebras are parametrized by a
quantization parameter h̄, having the property that when h̄ = 0 the algebra coincides
with the original commutative algebra of functions on Tg,p while the first derivative of
the commutator with respect to h̄ at zero gives the Weil–Petersson Poisson structure
on Tg,p .
Quantization theories of Teichmüller space were developed independently during
the 1990s in joint work by L. Chekhov and V. Fock, and by R. Kashaev. The two
theories are essentially equivalent up to technical details.
The quantization theory developed by Chekhov and Fock considers the Teich-
müller space of a surface with holes as a (degenerate) Poisson manifold and uses
Thurston’s shear coordinates on that surface, whereas the quantization theory devel-
oped by Kashaev considers the decorated Teichmüller space and uses Penner’s λ-length
The quantization procedures produce (for h̄ = 0) semi-simple infinite-dimensional
∗-algebras, and unitary projective representations of a subgroup of the mapping class
group in the ∗-representation spaces of these algebras. Technically, this representa-
tion acts on a Hilbert space of functions on Rn by certain compositions of Fourier
transformations, multiplications by quadratic forms and multiplication by quantum
Let us also mention that Kashaev recently developed a quantization theory of the
moduli space of flat PSL(2, R)-connections on a punctured surface with parabolic
holonomy around the punctures. This moduli space is closely related to the classical
20 Athanase Papadopoulos
Teichmüller space of the surface, and in fact, two of its connected components are
isomorphic to Teichmüller space.
J. Teschner’s work proves the Verlindes’ conjecture relating the quantization the-
ories developed by Chekhov–Fock and by Kashaev to the Liouville conformal field
Furthermore, the quantization of Teichmüller space may lead to new invariants of
hyperbolic three-manifolds. A famous example in this respect is the volume conjecture
by R. Kashaev, H. Murakami and J. Murakami which expresses the volume of any
hyperbolic knot as a certain limit of a specific value of the colored Jones invariant
associated with the quantum group SU(2)q , which in turn can be computed using
Kashaev’s dilogarithmic quantization theory.
Thus, the quantization theories establish new links between Teichmüller theory,
algebra, algebraic geometry, representation theory and mathematical physics.
The present volume contains chapters written by the various people involved in
the quantization theory, namely, Chekhov, Fock, Goncharov, Kashaev, Penner and
We mention that S. Baseilhac and R. Benedetti worked out a finite-dimensional
combinatorial version of the quantization of Teichmüller space, with the aim of con-
structing new invariants for 3-manifolds, and with a view towards relating these results
to the volume conjecture (with the hope of proving this conjecture). Their techniques
are partly inspired by those used by V. Turaev in his work on Chern–Simons theory.
Volume II of this Handbook will contain a chapter written by Baseilhac and Benedetti
on that subject.
Let us also note that F. Bonahon and X. Liu worked out a finite-dimensional version
of the quantization theory of Chekhov and Fock.
Chapter 2 by Guillaume Théret and myself has two parts. The first part concerns
Teichmüller’s metric on Teichmüller space, and the second part concerns Thurston’s
asymmetric metric on this space. Teichmüller’s metric regards Teichmüller space from
the point of view of conformal geometry, whereas Thurston’s asymmetric metric is
based on considerations on Teichmüller space from the point of view of hyperbolic
geometry. The two metrics are Finsler metrics, and they are studied in the same chapter
with the aim of drawing parallels and differences between them. This chapter contains
basic facts about the two metrics and about the asymptotic geometry they induce on
Teichmüller space. The main results that are presented concern the behaviour of
geodesic rays for the two metrics, in particular the convergence or non-convergence
of certain classes of geodesic rays to points in Thurston’s boundary. This includes
results on the limiting behaviour of stretch lines, which are geodesics for Thurston’s
asymmetric metric, and on the limiting behaviour of anti-stretch lines, which are stretch
lines traversed in the negative direction, and which in general are not geodesic lines for
Thurston’s asymmetric metric. The chapter also contains a review of a parametrization
of Teichmüller space by a space of measured geodesic laminations that was introduced
by Thurston, and which Thurston calls “cataclysm coordinates”.
The results concerning Teichmüller’s metric which are surveyed in Chapter 2 are
classical, whereas some of the results concerning Thurston’s asymmetric metric are
new. We also discuss some open problems related to Thurston’s asymmetric metric.
The space of complex structures on the solenoid was studied by Sullivan and others.
There is a Teichmüller space T (H) of H, which can be defined as a certain closure
of the stack of the Teichmüller spaces of all closed surfaces of genus > 1. This
space admits a complete metric, in analogy to Teichmüller’s metric. The mapping
class group of the solenoid H is the set of isotopy classes of quasiconformal maps
h : H → H, and there is a natural action of this group on T (H ). Volume II of this
Handbook contains a chapter on the solenoid, written by D. Šarić.
In Chapter 3, Penner discusses joint work with Šarić on the punctured solenoid.
In analogy to Sullivan’s definition, the punctured hyperbolic solenoid is defined in
this setting as the inverse limit of all finite unbranched pointed covers, the branching
being permitted only over the punctures. The Teichmüller space of the punctured
solenoid is a separable Banach space admitting a complete Teichmüller metric. This
is a universal object in the sense that one can canonically embed in this space every
classical Teichmüller space over a hyperbolic punctured surface. There are again
λ-length coordinates on an appropriate decorated Teichmüller space of the punctured
solenoid, and the structure of decorated Teichmüller space for finite type surfaces
survives mutatis mutandis for this punctured solenoid.
Chapter 4 by Jean-Pierre Otal contains an exposition of the quasiconformal defor-
mation theory of Riemann surfaces, of Bers’ construction of the complex structure of
Teichmüller space and of the theory of geodesic currents and of Hölder distributions.
The space of geodesic currents is a subspace of the space of Hölder distributions. Both
spaces were introduced by F. Bonahon in the setting of Fuchsian groups of finite co-
area. According to Bonahon’s definition, a geodesic current is a positive locally finite
measure on the space of geodesic lines in the universal covering of the surface, which
is invariant by the action of the group of covering transformations on that space. We
recall that if S 1 is the boundary at infinity of the unit disk, considered as the universal
covering of the surface, then the space of geodesic lines in the universal covering of
the surface is naturally identified with the set (S 1 × S 1 \ )/(Z/2), where is the
diagonal set of S 1 × S 1 and where Z/2 acts by exchanging coordinates. The space of
geodesic currents is a complete uniform space. The terminology of currents was used
by Bonahon after Sullivan who introduced it in the study of dynamical systems, in
analogy to de Rham’s currents. Bonahon defined a topological embedding of Teich-
müller space into the space of geodesic currents, which he called the Liouville map.
This embedding gives a new and unifying point of view on Teichmüller space, from
which one can recover, for instance, Thurston’s compactification by adjoining to this
space the space of asymptotic rays, which are identified with measured geodesic lami-
nations on the surface. The space of Hölder distributions is the dual space of the space
of Hölder continuous functions with compact support. The definition of the space
of Hölder distributions was extended to the case of an arbitrary Fuchsian group by
Šarić, who showed that the Liouville map, generalized to that setting, is also a topo-
logical embedding. As in Bonahon’s setting, Šarić defined a Thurston-type boundary
by adding to the image of the Liouville map the set of asymptotic rays, which can be
identified with bounded measured laminations on the surface, but here, the closure of
24 Athanase Papadopoulos
the image is in general not compact. Chapter 4 contains an exposition of this work of
Šarić. The last part of this chapter contains new results by Otal on the analyticity of
the Liouville map.
In Chapter 6, Frank Herrlich and Gabriela Schmithüsen study, among others, the
following three questions:
— When is the image of a Teichmüller disk in moduli space an algebraic curve?
— What is the limiting behaviour of such a disk at the boundary of Teichmüller
space and in Schottky space and its compactification?
Introduction to Teichmüller theory, old and new 25
— What are the stabilizer groups of Teichmüller disks in the mapping class group,
and what is their relation with discrete subgroups of PSL(2, R) such as the Veech
The authors present three different approaches to Teichmüller disks. First, such a
disk can be considered as a complex geodesic in Teichmüller space, and in particular
as a collection of (real) geodesic rays. The second approach starts with a (singular) flat
structure that is induced on a Riemann surface by a holomorphic quadratic differential;
a Teichmüller disk is then obtained by an affine deformation of this structure. Finally,
a Teichmüller disk can also be obtained by varying the Beltrami differential of the
quasiconformal mapping corresponding to a point in Teichmüller space. The authors
show that all three approaches lead to the same object.
If the image of a Teichmüller disk in moduli space is an algebraic curve, it is called
a Teichmüller curve. Whether this happens or not can be seen from the Veech group,
which is introduced in this chapter geometrically as a Fuchsian group and equivalently
as a subgroup of the mapping class group.
Chapter 6 also contains a report on W. Abikoff’s construction of the augmented
Teichmüller space and on an alternative point of view on that space, due to V. Braun-
gardt, using a general complex-analytic device. As a matter of fact, Braungardt’s
construction is done in the category of locally complex ringed spaces.
A central aspect of Chapter 6 is the investigation of limit points of Teichmüller
curves in the Abikoff–Braungardt boundary. The main result is that these points can
be described as endpoints of Strebel rays corresponding to parabolic elements in the
Veech group. The techniques build on Masur’s analysis of Strebel rays.
Finally, a partial compactification of Schottky space is introduced in two ways. The
relation between Teichmüller space, Schottky space, moduli space, their boundaries
and the groups acting on them are worked out. Using the boundary of Schottky space,
properties of the image of a Teichmüller disk in Schottky space are obtained.
— The outer automorphism group of a free group. The exposition starts with a
description of work done by Jacob Nielsen on this outer automorphism group. The
outer automorphism group of a free group acts on a space introduced in the 1980s
by M. Culler and K. Vogtmann, called Outer space. This space, with respect to its
action by the outer automorphism group, is considered to play a role analogous to that
of Teichmüller space, with respect to its action by the mapping class group. Morita
explains important parallels between the two theories.
In this chapter, Morita presents important aspects of the algebraic structure of all
these groups, in particular on the interplay between their cohomology groups, and he
discusses some related open problems.
space of representation which, when quotiented by the mapping class group action,
gives a compactification of moduli space. The discussion on the representation space
includes a review of the various notions of convergence in the study of the represen-
tation variety of the 3-manifold group in PSL(2, C).
Chapter 9 also contains a review of earthquakes and of their generalization to
complex earthquakes, and the recent activity on that subject that stems from Sullivan’s
theorem and that has been carried out by D. Epstein, A. Marden and V. Markovic.
Chapter 10, by Ursula Hamenstädt, concerns the geometry of the complex of
curves of a surface and its relation to the geometry of Teichmüller space. The natural
action on this complex by the mapping class group of the surface has been thoroughly
investigated in the last two decades by several people. The bulk of Chapter 10 is about
the coarse geometry of this complex. Hamenstädt gives a new proof of a theorem due
to H. Masur and Y. Minsky stating that the complex of curves is Gromov hyperbolic,
and she reports on a result due to E. Klarreich describing the Gromov boundary of
this complex. She describes a map from Teichmüller space to the complex of curves
which is coarsely equivariant with respect to the action of the mapping class group on
both spaces, with the property that the image under this map of a Teichmüller geodesic
is a quasi-geodesic in the complex of curves.
Chapter 10 also contains an exposition of some basic facts on surface topology,
namely, a description of the Hausdorff topology of the space of (not necessarily mea-
sured) laminations and of train track coordinates for this space.
special case where the surface has genus zero, this structure has already been studied
by Deligne and Mostow, using techniques of algebraic geometry, and by Thurston.
The techniques used by Troyanov are close to those of Thurston.
1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
2 Teichmüller space and extremal maps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
2.1 The Teichmüller theorems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
2.1.1 Uniformization and the Fricke space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
2.1.2 Quasiconformal maps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
2.1.3 Quadratic differentials and Teichmüller maps . . . . . . . . . 40
2.1.4 The Teichmüller space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
2.1.5 Metric definition of Teichmüller space . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
2.2 Harmonic maps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
2.2.1 Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
2.2.2 Existence and uniqueness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
2.2.3 Two dimensional domains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
2.2.4 A second proof of Teichmüller’s theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
2.3 Singular space targets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
2.3.1 The Gerstenhaber–Rauch approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
2.3.2 R-trees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
2.3.3 Harmonic maps to NPC spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
3 Harmonic maps and representations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
3.1 Equivariant harmonic maps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
3.1.1 Reductive representations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
3.1.2 Measured foliations and Hopf differentials . . . . . . . . . . . 66
3.2 Higgs bundles and character varieties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
3.2.1 Stability and the Hitchin–Simpson theorem . . . . . . . . . . 69
3.2.2 Higgs bundle proof of Teichmüller’s theorem . . . . . . . . . 72
3.2.3 The Thurston–Morgan–Shalen compactification . . . . . . . . 74
4 Weil–Petersson geometry and mapping class groups . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
4.1 Weil–Petersson geodesics and isometries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
4.1.1 The Weil–Petersson metric and its completion . . . . . . . . . 78
4.1.2 The mapping class group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
4.1.3 Classification of Weil–Petersson isometries . . . . . . . . . . 83
4.2 Energy of harmonic maps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
4.2.1 Nielsen realization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
34 Georgios D. Daskalopoulos and Richard A. Wentworth
1 Introduction
Teichmüller theory is rich in applications to topology and physics. By way of the
mapping class group the subject is closely related to knot theory and three-manifolds.
From the uniformization theorem, Teichmüller theory is part of the more general
study of Kleinian groups and character varieties. Conformal field theory and quantum
cohomology make use of the algebraic and geometric properties of the Riemann moduli
At the same time, analytic techniques have been important in Teichmüller theory
almost from the very beginning of the subject. Extremal maps and special metrics
give alternative perspectives to moduli problems and clarify our understanding of a
wide range of results. In some cases they can be used to obtain new properties.
The goal of this exposition is to present some of the more recent activity using
analysis, and in particular harmonic maps, in the context of Teichmüller theory, rep-
resentations of surface groups, mapping class groups, and Weil–Petersson geometry.
Topics have been selected in order to illustrate the theme that the analytic and topo-
logical points of view complement each other in a useful way. For example, we shall
present four different proofs of the fact that Teichmüller space is a cell, and we shall
discuss the recent completion of a harmonic maps approach to Teichmüller’s existence
and uniqueness theorems on extremal quasiconformal maps. Instead of a systematic
survey of the subject, we have chosen to present the ideas behind the results through
examples and in a rather informal way. There are very few proofs, but hopefully the
references given at the end will provide the interested reader sufficient recourse for
more details.
We make no attempt to exhaust all aspects of this subject. In particular, no mention
is made of the work on quasiconformal harmonic maps of the disk and Schoen’s
conjecture (see [117], [118], [159], [181], [190]), or of the universal Teichmüller
space in general. Other topics that have been covered in great detail in the literature
Chapter 1. Harmonic maps and Teichmüller theory 35
have also been omitted or only briefly touched upon. For example, there is little
discussion of the complex analytic theory of Teichmüller space, the Bers embedding,
Royden’s theorem on automorphisms, etc. We refer instead to the other chapters in
this Handbook, in particular to [62] by A. Fletcher and V. Markovic. For the same
reason, our summary of Weil–Petersson geometry is rather brief, and instead we refer
to Wolpert’s recent survey [206].
Finally, while we have tried to give complete and accurate references to the re-
sults stated in this chapter, given the expanse of the subject there will inevitably be
omissions. For these we offer our apologies in advance. Two useful surveys of ear-
lier results on harmonic maps are [50] and [166]. Relatively recent general texts on
Teichmüller theory are [1], [86], [147]. The point of view taken in Tromba’s book
[186] is especially relevant to the material presented here. For an interesting account
of Teichmüller’s life and work, see Abikoff [2].
Georgios D. Daskalopoulos was partially supported by NSF Grant DMS-0204191.
Richard A. Wentworth was partially supported by NSF Grants DMS-0204496 and
For simplicity, we shall deal with connected compact oriented surfaces without bound-
ary and of genus p ≥ 2. The notation we shall use is the following: S will denote
the underlying smooth surface, and j will denote a complex structure on S. Hence, a
Riemann surface is a pair (S, j ). The hyperbolic metric on S will be denoted by σ .
Since it is uniquely determined by and uniquely determines the complex structure,
the notation (S, j ) and (S, σ ) will both be understood to represent a Riemann surface
structure. When the complex structure is understood we shall use letters S and R
alone to denote Riemann surfaces, and hopefully this will not cause confusion. The
following are some of the commonly used symbols in this chapter:
• id = identity map;
• I = identity endomorphism;
• f ∼ f homotopic maps;
• deg(f ) = the degree of a map between surfaces;
• K(f ) = the dilatation of a quasiconformal map (Section 2.1.2);
• = π1 (S), or = π1 (M) for a manifold M;
• M̃ = the universal cover of M;
• p = the space of smooth p-forms;
• = a Fuchsian group (Section 2.1.1);
• D = the unit disk in C;
• H = the upper half plane in C;
36 Georgios D. Daskalopoulos and Richard A. Wentworth
integrable) functions with square integrable (resp. locally square integrable) dis-
tributional derivatives;
• e(f ) = the energy density of a map f (see eq. (2.19));
• παβ = the directional energy tensor (see eq. (2.48));
• E(f ) = the energy of a map f (see eq. (2.20));
• End(V ) (resp. End0 (V )) = the endomorphism (resp. traceless endomorphism)
bundle of a complex vector bundle V (Section 3.2.1);
• ad(V ) (resp. ad0 (V )) = the skew-hermitian (resp. traceless skew-hermitian) en-
domorphism bundle of a hermitian vector bundle V (Section 3.2.1);
• = a Higgs field (Section 3.2.1);
• M(S, r) = the moduli space of polystable Higgs bundles of rank r on S (Sec-
tion 3.2.1).
2.1.1 Uniformization and the Fricke space. The famous uniformization theorem
of Poincaré, Klein, and Koebe states that every closed Riemann surface S of genus
at least 2 is biholomorphic to a quotient H/, where H denotes the upper half plane
and is a group of holomorphic automorphisms of H acting freely and properly
discontinuously. Such a group can be identified with a discrete subgroup of PSL(2, R),
i.e. a Fuchsian group (cf. [63], [86]).
On H we have the Poincaré metric
= .
(Im z)2
2 = h∗ ds 2 ,
Under the biholomorphism h : H → D given by h(z) = (z−i)/(z+i), dsH D
= .
(1 − |z|2 )2
By a straightforward calculation the curvature of the Poincaré metric is constant equal
to −1, and by Pick’s theorem its isometry group is PSL(2, R) (cf. [86]). In particular,
this metric descends to the quotient H/. Hence, every Riemann surface of genus
≥ 2 has a hyperbolic metric, and this metric is unique. On the other hand, any
Riemannian metric induces a unique complex structure. This is a consequence of
Gauss’ theorem on the existence of isothermal coordinates: if (S, g) is an oriented
surface with Riemannian metric g, then S admits a unique complex structure j such
that in local complex coordinates g = g(z)|dz|2 , where g(z) is a smooth, positive
(local) function. Hence, specifying a complex structure on the topological surface S
is equivalent to specifying a hyperbolic metric. We shall use Greek letters, e.g. σ =
σ (z)|dz|2 , to distinguish the hyperbolic from arbitrary Riemannian metrics g.
Let F(S) denote the Fricke space of conjugacy classes of discrete embeddings
= π1 (S) → PSL(2, R). Then F(S) inherits a topology as a character variety
(cf. [33], [72], [71] and Section 3.2.1 below, and the chapter by W. M. Goldman in
Volume II of this Handbook [72]). The idea is to choose a marking of the genus p
surface S, namely, a presentation
= a1 , . . . , ap , b1 , . . . , bp : i=1 [ai , bi ] = id .
where the ai and bi are represented by simple closed curves on S with geometric
intersection numbers satisfying i(ai , bj ) = δij , i(ai , aj ) = i(bi , bj ) = 0. A homo-
morphism ρ : → PSL(2, R) isdetermined by specifying 2p elements Ai , Bi ∈
PSL(2, R) satisfying the relation i=1 [Ai , Bi ] = I. A naive dimension count (which
can easily be made precise at irreducible representations ρ) suggests that the dimension
of the space of such homomorphisms is 6p − 3. Since PSL(2, R) acts by conjugation,
producing a 3-dimensional orbit, we have dim F(S) = 6p − 6. Indeed, since the
Fricke space consists of discrete embeddings, a more precise analysis can be given
which realizes F(S) as a subset of R6p−6 (cf. [1]).
It is this embedding (the details of which will not be important) that we shall use
to define the topology on F(S). We shall see below that F(S) is homeomorphic to
Teichmüller space (Theorem 2.9).
Theorem 2.2. For any Beltrami differential μ ∈ B1 (C) there exists a unique qc
homeomorphism f μ of H, extending continuously to Ĥ = H ∪ {∞}, whose Beltrami
coefficient is μf μ = μ, and which fixes the points 0, 1, and ∞. Furthermore, f μ
depends complex analytically on μ.
Corollary 2.3. For any Beltrami differential μ ∈ B1 (S) there exists a unique qc
homeomorphism f μ : S → R, for some Riemann surface R. More precisely, if
S = H/, then R = H/f˜ (f˜μ )−1 , where f˜μ is the solution in Theorem 2.2
for the pullback Beltrami differential. Furthermore, f μ depends complex analytically
on μ.
Hence, Beltrami differentials can be used to parametrize the Fricke space F(S).
Of course, there is an infinite dimensional family of Beltrami differentials giving
conjugate Fuchsian groups.
Figure 1
Theorems 2.4 and 2.5 were first stated by Teichmüller (see [182]). His papers
are “generally considered unreadable” (Abikoff, [1, p. 36]). Subsequent proofs were
given in [3] and [13] (see also [66], [77]). Below we outline a proof of these two
fundamental results based on harmonic maps to singular spaces (see Section 2.3.1).
Teichmüller maps are essentially affine with respect to a natural choice of coordi-
nates (see [86]):
Theorem 2.6. Fix ϕ ∈ QD1 (S) \ {0}, k = ϕ1 < 1, and let f : S → R be a
Teichmüller map for ϕ. Then there exists a unique holomorphic quadratic differential
ψ on R satisfying the following conditions.
(1) If z is a zero of ϕ, then f (z) is a zero of ψ of the same order.
(2) If z is not a zero of ϕ and ζ is a ϕ-coordinate about z, then there exists a ψ-
coordinate w at f (z) such that
ζ + k ζ̄
wf = . (2.8)
The quadratic differentials ϕ and ψ are called the initial and terminal differentials
of the Teichmüller map f , respectively.
2.1.4 The Teichmüller space. We now come to the definition of Teichmüller space.
Let S be a closed Riemann surface of genus p ≥ 2. Consider triples (S, f, R), where
R is a Riemann surface and f : S → R is an orientation preserving diffeomorphism.
Triples (S, f1 , R1 ) and (S, f2 , R2 ) are said to be equivalent if f2 f1−1 : R1 → R2
is homotopic to a biholomorphism. The set of all equivalence classes [S, f, R] of
triples (S, f, R) is denoted T (S) and is called the Teichmüller space based on S. The
definition of T (S) turns out to be independent of the complex structure on S (see
Theorem 2.7 below). Since any homeomorphism (in particular quasiconformal ones)
is homotopic to a diffeomorphism, one obtains the same space if one considers pairs
(S, f, R) where f is quasiconformal. This is a point of subtlety when dealing with
Riemann surfaces with punctures.
Restricting as we are to the case of closed surfaces, Teichmüller space may be
regarded as parametrizing complex structures up to biholomorphisms connected to the
identity. Indeed, if S0 = (S, j0 ) denotes the basepoint and (S, j ) is another complex
structure on the underlying surface S, then by choosing f = id and R = (S, j ) there is
an associated point [j ] = [S0 , id, R] ∈ T (S). Two points [S0 , id, R1 ] and [S0 , id, R2 ]
obtained in this way are equivalent if and only if (S, j1 ) and (S, j2 ) are biholomorphic
via a map connected to the identity. Conversely, given any triple (S0 , f, R), let j
denote the pullback by f of the complex structure on R to the underlying surface S.
Then by definition f : (S, j ) → R is a biholomorphism; hence, (S0 , id, (S, j )) is
equivalent to (S0 , f, R). With this understood, we sometimes represent points in
T (S) by equivalence classes [j ].
Chapter 1. Harmonic maps and Teichmüller theory 43
Given [j1 ], [j2 ] ∈ T (S), recall that QC[id] is the set of all qc homeomorphisms
(S, j1 ) → (S, j2 ) homotopic to the identity. The Teichmüller metric dT is defined by
dT ([j1 ], [j2 ]) = inf log K(f ). (2.9)
f ∈QC[id]
Theorem 2.7. T (S) is a complete metric space with respect to the Teichmüller met-
ric dT . Furthermore, given [S, f, R] ∈ T (S), the map [f ]∗ : T (S) → T (R) given
by [S, f , R ] → [R, f f −1 , R ] is an isometry.
Henceforth, the topology on T (S) is that given by the metric dT . Also, in light
of the theorem we identify all Teichmüller spaces independent of the choice of base
point. Now we are ready for Teichmüller’s third result.
Proof. First, note that there is a natural bijection F : T (S) → F(S) defined as follows:
given [S, f, R] ∈ T (S), by the uniformization theorem applied to the Riemann surface
R there is a discrete embedding ρR : π1 (R) → PSL(2, R), determined up to conjuga-
tion. Since the diffeomorphism f induces an isomorphism f∗ : = π1 (S) −− ∼→ π1 (R),
we obtain a discrete embedding ρ = ρR f∗ : → PSL(2, R). Notice that if
[S, f1 , R1 ] = [S, f2 , R2 ], then the corresponding homomorphisms are conjugate.
Hence, there is a well-defined point F [S, f, R] ∈ F(S). Conversely, given a dis-
crete embedding ρ : → PSL(2, R), consider the Riemann surface R = H/ρ().
The Poincaré polygon theorem realizes the boundary of a fundamental domain for
the action of ρ() as the lift of simple closed curves αi , βi on R satisfying the re-
lations i(αi , βj ) = δij , i(αi , αj ) = i(βi , βj ) = 0 (cf. [11]). The identification of
ai , bi with αi , βi fixes a homotopy class of diffeomorphisms f : S → R, and it is
clear that F [S, f, R] = [ρ]. Hence, F is a bijection. Moreover, F is continuous by
Corollary 2.3, since a qc map of small dilatation is close to the identity, hence the
corresponding deformation of the Fuchsian groups is small. Consider the following
44 Georgios D. Daskalopoulos and Richard A. Wentworth
/ T (S)
QD1 (S)G
where G = F τ . By Theorems 2.4 and 2.5, τ is a bijection. It is also continuous.
Indeed, dT (τ (0), τ (ϕ)) = log((1+k)/(1−k)), where k = ϕ1 (recall that τ (0) = S),
so τ is clearly continuous at the origin. Continuity at general points follows from the
change of basepoints in Theorem 2.7. It follows that G is a continuous bijection. By
the embedding F(S) → R6p−6 (Proposition 2.1) and Invariance of Domain, G is a
homeomorphism; hence, so are F and τ .
We have proven Teichmüller’s Theorem via his existence and uniqueness results
(Theorems 2.4 and 2.5). The proof uses the Fricke space F(S) and the finite dimen-
sionality of the space of holomorphic quadratic differentials. In Sections 2.2.4, 3.2.2,
and 4.2.2 we shall give three alternative proofs of Theorem 2.8 using harmonic maps
and the metric description of Teichmüller space.
To elaborate on this statement, we review the description of the tangent and cotan-
gent spaces to T (S) (for this approach, cf. [41], [60]). Let ∇ denote the covariant
derivative for a metric g on S. On the tangent space Tg Met(S) there is a natural
L2 -pairing:
δg, δg = (g αβ g μν δgαμ δgβν
) d vol(S,g) (2.12)
where the metrics and variations are expressed with respect to local coordinates {x α },
z = x 1 + ix 2 = x + iy, and repeated indices are summed. For σ a hyperbolic metric,
the condition that δσ be tangent to Methyp (S) is
0 = (− + 1) Tr(δσ ) + ∇ α ∇ β (δσαβ ) , (2.13)
Chapter 1. Harmonic maps and Teichmüller theory 45
where μ = μ(z)d z̄ ⊗ (dz)−1 and ϕ = ϕ(z)dz2 . Let H B(S) denote the space of
harmonic Beltrami differentials, i.e.
HB(S) = {μ ∈ B(S) : ∂¯ ∗ μ = 0},
where the adjoint ∂¯ ∗ is defined with respect to the hyperbolic metric. For any holo-
morphic quadratic differential ϕ, the Beltrami differential μ = σ −1 ϕ̄ is harmonic.
Moreover, μ, ϕ = ϕ22 , where · 2 denotes the L2 -norm with respect to the
metric σ :
ϕ22 = |ϕ(z)|2 σ (z)−1 dxdy. (2.17)
Theorem 2.11. The canonical map c : Thyp (S) → T (S) obtained by associating to
the hyperbolic metric its conformal class is a homeomorphism.
Proof. Recall from the proof of Theorem 2.9 that the map F : T (S) → F(S) is also
a continuous bijection. Since F(S) ⊂ R6p−6 , it follows by Proposition 2.10 and
Invariance of Domain that the composition
F c : Thyp (S) → F(S) → R6p−6
is a homeomorphism; hence, both F and c are as well.
Remark 2.12. (1) We emphasize that the proof of the homeomorphism Thyp (S)
T (S) given above is independent of the Teichmüller Theorems 2.5, 2.4, and 2.8.
(2) By Theorem 2.11, we may regard the topological space T (S) either as equiva-
lence classes of marked Riemann surfaces or as the moduli space of hyperbolic metrics.
In particular, for the alternative proofs of Theorem 2.8 given below, it suffices to prove
that Thyp (S) is homeomorphic to a cell.
(3) The L2 -metric (2.17) is the Weil–Petersson cometric on T (S) (see Section 4.1.1
below). In this description, it is easy to see that the Teichmüller metric (2.9) is a Finsler
metric defined by the L1 -norm (2.6).
conformal invariance, the Hopf differential, and some applications. In Section 2.2.4
we present another proof that Teichmüller space is a cell using harmonic maps.
2.2.1 Definitions. Let (M, g) and (N, h) be Riemannian manifolds. With respect to
coordinates {x α } on M and {y i } on N , write g = (gαβ ), h = (hij ). Given a smooth
map f : M → N, its differential
(df )kα = (∂f k /∂x α )dx α ⊗ (∂/∂y k ),
is a section of the bundle T ∗ M ⊗ f ∗ T N with the induced metric and connection.
Define the energy density and energy of f by
1 ∂f i ∂f j αβ
e(f ) = 21 df, df T ∗ M⊗f ∗ T N = g hij f, (2.19)
2 ∂x α ∂x β
E(f ) = e(f ) d volM , (2.20)
respectively (repeated indices are summed). The energy can be viewed as a functional
on the space of smooth maps between M and N .
The second extremal problem, analogous to the Teichmüller problem in Sec-
tion 2.1.2, may now be formulated as follows: given a smooth map f : (M, g) →
(N, h), let
E ∗ [f ] = inf{E(f ) : f smooth, f ∼ f }. (2.21)
i.e. df is a harmonic form (cf. [51], [50]). Here are some examples.
• Harmonic maps S 1 → N are closed geodesics in N.
• When N = Rn the harmonic map equations are equivalent to the harmonicity of
the coordinate functions.
• Totally geodesic maps satisfy ∇df = 0, and so are harmonic.
• Holomorphic or anti-holomorphic maps between Kähler manifolds are harmonic.
• Minimal isometric immersions are harmonic.
Now let us consider variational formulas for the energy E(f ). A smooth vector field
v along f , i.e. v ∈ C ∞ (f ∗ T N), defines a variation of f by ft (x) = expf (x) (tv(x)).
Since N is assumed to be complete, this defines a smooth map M × R → N with
f0 = f . The first variational formula is
dE(ft )
δv E(f ) = = − τ (f ), vh d volM . (2.23)
dt t=0 M
It follows that the Euler–Lagrange equations for E are precisely the harmonic map
equations (2.22).
In general there is a distinction between energy minimizers, smooth minimizers
of E which then necessarily satisfy (2.22), and smooth solutions to (2.22) which may
represent higher critical points of the energy functional. We shall see below that this
distinction vanishes when the target manifold N has nonpositive curvature. Another
case where minimizers can be detected is the following: let S be a compact Riemann
surface and N a compact Kähler manifold.
Indeed, a computation in local coordinates as above shows that for any smooth
map f : S → N,
E(f ) = f ω + 2 |∂f ¯ |2 d volS (2.24)
= − f ∗ ω + 2 |∂f |2 d volS (2.25)
where ω is the Kähler form on N. Since the first terms on the right hand sides depend
only on the homotopy class of f , the result follows.
Now let v, w ∈ C ∞ (f ∗ T N) and fs,t be a two-parameter family of maps such
that f0,0 = f , v = (∂fs,t /∂s)|s=t=0 , w = (∂fs,t /∂t)|(s,t)=(0,0) , where f is harmonic.
∂ 2 E(fs,t )
Hf (v, w) = s=t=0
= − Jf v, wh d volM , (2.26)
∂s∂t M
Jf (v) = Tr g (∇ 2 v + RiemN (df, v)df ) (2.27)
Chapter 1. Harmonic maps and Teichmüller theory 49
is the Jacobi operator, and RiemN is the Riemannian curvature of (N, h). In particular,
if N has nonpositive Riemannian sectional curvature, then
Hf (v, v) ≥ |∇v|2 d volM ≥ 0,
and hence every harmonic map is a local minimum of the energy.
Given smooth maps f : M → N and ψ : N → P , one has the composition formula
∇d(ψ f ) = dψ ∇df + ∇dψ(df, df ).
Taking traces we obtain the formula for the tension (cf. [51])
τ (ψ f ) = dψ τ (f ) + Tr g ∇dψ(df, df ). (2.28)
In particular, if f is harmonic and ψ is totally geodesic then ψ f is also harmonic.
If P = R and f is harmonic, then (2.28) becomes
(ψ f ) = Tr g ∇dψ(df, df ),
and therefore a harmonic map pulls back germs of convex functions to germs of
subharmonic functions. The converse is also true:
Theorem 2.14 (Ishihara [87]). A map is harmonic if and only if it pulls back germs
of convex functions to germs of subharmonic functions.
2.2.2 Existence and uniqueness. In the case of nonpositively curved targets the
energy extremal problem has a solution. The basic existence result is the following
The proof is based on the heat equation method to deform a map to a harmonic
one (cf. [78]). Namely, one solves the initial value problem for a nonlinear parabolic
(x, t) = τ (f )(x, t), f (x, 0) = f (x). (2.29)
Stationary solutions to (2.29) satisfy the harmonic map equations. Furthermore, by
taking the inner product on both sides in (2.29) with τ (f )(x, t) and integrating over M,
one observes, using (2.23), that the energy of the map x → f (x, t) is decreasing in t.
Hence, one hopes that as t → ∞, f ( ·, t) converges to a harmonic map. Unfortunately,
it turns out that this procedure does not always work. In general, even existence of a
solution to (2.29) for all t ≥ 0 is not guaranteed (cf. [23], [31]). However, we have
Theorem 2.16. Assume M, N are compact Riemannian manifolds and N has non-
positive sectional curvature. Given a smooth map f : M → N, then the solution to
50 Georgios D. Daskalopoulos and Richard A. Wentworth
(2.29) exists for all t ∈ [0, ∞) and converges as t → ∞ uniformly to a harmonic map
homotopic to f .
The key to this theorem is following parabolic Bochner formula. Suppose f (x, t)
is a solution to (2.29) for 0 ≤ t < T , and let e(f )(x, t) denote the energy density of
the map x → f (x, t). Then for any orthonormal frame {uα } at a point x ∈ M we
have the following pointwise identity:
∂e(f )
− + e(f ) = |∇df |2 + df RicM (uα ), df (uα )
∂t (2.30)
− RiemN (df (uα ), df (uβ ))df (uβ ), df (uα ).
where RicM is the Ricci curvature of (M, g). In particular, if M is compact and N is
nonpositively curved, then
∂e(f )
≤ e(f ) + Ce(f ) (2.31)
for some constant C ≥ 0. If the solution f (x, t) exists for 0 ≤ t < T , then it follows
easily from (2.31) that e(f ) is uniformly bounded in x and t < T . The bound on
the energy density means that the maps f ( ·, t) form an equicontinuous family from
which convergence as t → T can be deduced. Resolving the initial problem at t = T
then allows one to extend the solution for some small time t > T . This is the rough
idea behind the existence for all 0 ≤ t < ∞. In fact, more sophisticated methods
show that e(f ) is bounded for all time (cf. [145]).
The Bochner formula for harmonic maps, i.e. stationary solutions of (2.29), is
e(f ) = |∇df |2 + df RicM (uα ), df (uα )
− RiemN (df (uα ), df (uβ ))df (uβ ), df (uα ).
As before, this implies
e(f ) ≥ −Ce(f ). (2.33)
Inequality (2.33) is the key to regularity of weakly harmonic maps to nonpositively
curved spaces (cf. [166]). To state the result precisely, we note that if ⊂ M is
a domain with smooth boundary, one can solve the Dirichlet problem for an energy
minimizing map f : → N with prescribed boundary conditions. If f : M → N
is energy minimizing then it is automatically energy minimizing with respect to its
boundary values for any ⊂ M. This is what is meant by locally energy mini-
mizing. The following Lipschitz bound follows from (2.33) by iterating the Sobolev
Theorem 2.18 (Hartman [79]). Assume M, N are compact Riemannian manifolds and
N has nonpositive sectional curvature. Let f0 , f1 : M → N be homotopic harmonic
maps, and let fs : M → N be a geodesic homotopy where s ∈ [0, 1] is proportional
to arc length. Then:
(1) for every s, fs is a harmonic map with E(fs ) = E(f0 ) = E(f1 ); and
(2) the length of the geodesic s → fs (x) is independent of x.
In case N has negative sectional curvature, any nonconstant harmonic map f : M →
N is unique in its homotopy class unless f maps onto a geodesic, in which case all
homotopic harmonic maps are translations of f along the geodesic.
2.2.3 Two dimensional domains. We now specialize to the case where the domain
is a Riemann surface. Here the salient feature, as we have just mentioned above, is
that the energy functional is invariant under conformal changes of metric on S, i.e.
g → eφ g. Hence, the harmonic map equations for surface domains depend only on
the complex structure on S.
Let f : (S, σ ) → (N, h) be a smooth map, where N is an arbitrary Riemannian
manifold. Then ϕ = (f ∗ h)2,0 = Hopf(f ) is a quadratic differential, called the Hopf
differential of f . A key fact is that ϕ is holomorphic if f is harmonic. Indeed, in local
coordinates, ϕ = ϕ(z)dz2 , where
¯ | at p, respectively. An immediate
Here np and mp are the orders of |∂f |, |∂f
consequence of this is Kneser’s theorem:
Theorem 2.21 (Schoen–Yau [168], Sampson [164], see also Jost–Schoen [98]). Sup-
pose f : S → R is a harmonic map between surfaces of the same genus. If deg f = 1
and R has negative curvature, then f is a diffeomorphism.
Theorems 2.19 and 2.21 depend on the following formulas for a harmonic map
between surfaces.
¯ | = KR J (f ) + KS ,
log |∂f | = −KR J (f ) + KS , log |∂f (2.37)
where KS , KR are the Gaussian curvatures of S and R, and J (f ) = |∂f |2 − |∂f ¯ |2
is the Jacobian of f . The equations (2.37) are related to the Bochner formula (2.32).
The proof is a simple calculation which can be found, for example, in [170, Ch. 1].
Chapter 1. Harmonic maps and Teichmüller theory 53
As an application, the next theorem regarding the quotient (2.11) is due to Earle
and Eells (cf. [47] and also [48]).
Theorem 2.22. The bundle given by the quotient map p : Met hyp (S) → Thyp (S) is
trivial, i.e. there exists a homeomorphism H with the property that the diagram
The map H can be constructed as follows: fix a metric σ0 ∈ Methyp (S). For any
other σ ∈ Methyp (S), let fσ : (S, σ0 ) → (S, σ ) be the harmonic diffeomorphism ∼ id
from Theorem 2.21. Then H is defined by F (σ ) = (p(σ ), fσ−1 ).
2.2.4 A second proof of Teichmüller’s theorem. We now give a second proof that
Teichmüller space is a cell (Theorem 2.8) using harmonic maps and Hopf differentials
as opposed to Teichmüller maps. Let ϕσ = Hopf(fσ ) be the Hopf differential of
the map fσ defined above. By uniqueness of the harmonic diffeomorphism in its
homotopy class (Theorem 2.18) we obtain a well-defined map
H : Thyp (S) −→ QD(S), [σ ] → H [σ ] = ϕσ . (2.38)
Then we have
The fact that H is 1-1 is due to Sampson [164]. The smooth dependence of H
follows easily as in [51]. This seems to have been first observed also by Sampson.
That H is proper is due to Wolf. The idea is based on the following energy bound (see
also [137]):
E(fσ ) ≤ 2 |ϕσ | − 2π χS . (2.39)
To see this, let f : (S, σ0 ) → (S, σ ) be any quasiconformal map with Beltrami coef-
ficient μ and Hopf differential ϕ. Then
Properness of H now follows from (2.39) and properness of the energy. The latter is
due to Schoen and Yau [169]. In Section 4.2.2 we shall sketch the proof. Finally, that
H is onto follows from the properness and the fact that both the domain and target are
smooth manifolds of dimension 6p − 6. Hence, Theorem 2.8 is a consequence of the
theorem above, along with Theorem 2.11.
|ψ| on R by (2.35). Following the definitions of Section 2.2.1 we call such a map
harmonic if it is an energy minimizer (see also Theorem 2.18). This is a special
case of the general theory of Gromov, Korevaar, and Schoen that we shall describe
below; in particular, such minimizers always exist and are Lipschitz by Theorem 2.31.
The following result builds on earlier, weaker versions due to Miyahara [138] and
Leite [115].
This result does not answer the question of existence of extremal maps by harmonic
map methods. In their 1954 paper, Gerstenhaber and Rauch proposed a minimax
method of finding a Teichmüller map [69]. Let CM(R) denote the space of conformal
metrics on R with unit area and with at most conical singularities (see below for more
details). For each h ∈ CM(R), let Eh (f ) be defined as in (2.35), where f : S → R
56 Georgios D. Daskalopoulos and Richard A. Wentworth
Theorem 2.25 (Kuwert [113]). The Teichmüller map f0 and the singular metric
h0 = |ψ| defined by its terminal differential realize the sup-inf in (2.44).
The full Gerstenhaber–Rauch conjecture was recently proved by Mese (cf. [133],
[135]) using the harmonic map theory of Gromov, Korevaar, and Schoen. Before we
state Mese’s theorem we need to set up some notation and terminology. Let (X, d)
be a metric space which is also a length space, i.e. for all pairs p, q ∈ X there exists
a rectifiable curve γpq whose length equals d(p, q) (which we sometimes write dpq ).
We call γpq a geodesic from p to q. Then X is NPC (= nonpositively curved) if every
point of X is contained in a neighborhood U so that for all p, q, r ∈ U ,
≤ (1 − τ )dpq
+ τ dpr
− τ (1 − τ )dqr
where qτ is the point on γqr so that dqqτ = τ dqr . Note that equality is achieved for
every triple p, q, r ∈ R2 . More generally, one defines a length space with curvature
bounded above by κ by making comparisons with geodesic triangles in surfaces of
constant curvature κ (cf. [132]). It follows from (2.41) that if h(w)|dw|2 is a conformal
metric on R with
log h ≥ −2κh (2.45)
then the induced metric space has curvature bounded above by κ (cf. [131]). We shall
use this fact when we give a harmonic map construction of the Teichmüller map.
Let CMα,κ (R) denote the set of metrics h = h(w)|dw|2 on R where h ≥ 0 is
bounded of Sobolev class H 1 , satisfies (2.45) weakly, and has area = α. Let dh denote
the distance function associated to the above metric. As we have discussed before it
is not hard to see that (R, dh ) has curvature bounded above by κ. The key result is the
Theorem 2.26 (Mese [135]). Let hi ∈ CMα,κ (R), κ > 0, and fi : S → (R, hi ) be
such that
(1) fi is harmonic;
(2) lim Ehi (fi ) = sup inf Eh (f ).
i→∞ h∈CMα,κ (R) f ∼f1
2.3.2 R-trees. The use of singular metrics to prove the Teichmüller theorems is mo-
tivation to study energy minimizing maps for other metric space targets. Here we
discuss another ubiquitous example. An R-tree is a length space such that any two
points can be joined by a unique path parametrized by arc length. This path is called
the geodesic between the points, say p, q, and it is denoted pq. An equivalent def-
inition is that an R-tree is a simply connected length space with curvature bounded
above by κ for any κ ∈ R (cf. [180]).
Example 2.29. A slight modification of the above yields a non-simplicial tree. Again
take T = R2 and define d(p, q) = |p − q| if p and q lie on the same vertical line.
In all other cases, let d(p, q) = d(p, p ) + d(p , q ) + d(q, q ), where p , q are the
projections of p, q to the x-axis. Then every point on the x-axis becomes a vertex.
maintains the transversality to the foliation at every time, then ν(c1 ) = ν(c0 ). For the
free homotopy class [c] of a simple closed curve we define
i([c], F ) = inf{ν(c) : c ∈ [c]}. (2.46)
Two measured foliations (F , ν) and (F , ν ) are called equivalent if i([c], F ) =
i([c], F ) for all free homotopy classes of simple closed curves. We denote the space
of equivalence classes of measured foliations on S by MF(S). Then the collection of
intersection numbers (2.46), as c ranges over isotopy classes of simple closed curves,
endows MF(S) with a topology. We call F and F projectively equivalent if there
is b > 0 such that i([c], F ) = b i([c], F ) for all free homotopy classes of simple
closed curves. In this case, we write F = bF . The space of projective equivalence
classes will be denoted PMF(S).
Given a measured foliation (F , ν) we can associate a dual tree TF to the foliation
with an isometric action of = π1 (S). Explicitly, let (F˜ , ν̃) denote the pullback of
(F , ν) to the universal cover H of S. On H we define a pseudodistance d̃ via
d̃(p, q) = inf{ν̃(c) : c a rectifiable path between p, q}.
It follows by [18, Corollary 2.6] that the Hausdorffication of (H, d̃) is an R-tree
with an isometric action of . Strictly speaking, the setup in [18] works for measured
foliations on arbitrary 2-complexes. The approach is useful in that it avoids introducing
the notion of a geodesic lamination. For a proof using laminations, see [142], [153].
For a holomorphic quadratic differential ϕ = 0 on S we have seen in Section 2.1.3
how to define horizontal and vertical foliations. If the ϕ-coordinate is locally given by
w = u + iv, then transverse measures may be defined by |du| and |dv|, respectively.
In other words, a nonzero quadratic differential defines a measured foliation via its
horizontal foliation. We denote the corresponding dual tree by Tϕ .
The following fundamental theorem, due to Hubbard–Masur and also announced
by Thurston, asserts that every measured foliation on S arises in this way:
In Section 3.1.2 we shall sketch how we can interpret the Hubbard–Masur theorem
via harmonic maps to trees (see [198], [199]).
There is a particular class of quadratic differentials on S called Jenkins–Strebel
differentials (cf. [179]). They are characterized by the property that the noncritical
trajectories are all closed and they partition the complement of the critical trajectories
in S into cylinders with the standard foliations (see Figure 2). Notice that in this case
the dual tree Tϕ is a simplicial tree with a action. The quotient Tϕ / is a graph
Gϕ , and the quotient map p̃ : H → Tϕ descends to a map p : S → Gϕ , as indicated
in Figure 2.
Chapter 1. Harmonic maps and Teichmüller theory 59
S =
Gϕ =
Figure 2
2.3.3 Harmonic maps to NPC spaces. For the purpose of this subsection (, g)
will be a bounded Riemannian domain of dimension m with Lipschitz boundary and
60 Georgios D. Daskalopoulos and Richard A. Wentworth
(X, d) any complete NPC space. References for the following are [75], [96], [109],
[110]. The generalization to the case where X is assumed only to have curvature
bounded from above can be found in [132].
A Borel measurable map f : → X is said to be in L2 (, X) if for p ∈ X,
d 2 (p, f (x)) d vol (x) < ∞.
By the triangle inequality, the condition is independent of the choice of point p. For
f ∈ L2 (, X) we construct an ε-approximate energy function eε (f ) : ε → R,
where ε = {x ∈ : d(x, ∂) > ε} by
1 d 2 (f (x), f (y)) dσ (y)
eε (f )(x) = ,
2ωm ∂Bε (x) ε2 εm−1
where ωm is the volume of the unit sphere in Rm and dσ is the induced volume on the
sphere ∂Bε (x) ⊂ of radius ε about x. Setting eε (f )(x) = 0 for x ∈ \ ε , we can
consider eε (f ) to be an L1 function on . In particular, it defines a linear functional
Eε : Cc () → R. We say that f has finite energy (or that f ∈ H 1 (, X)) if
E(f ) ≡ sup lim sup Eε (ϕ) < ∞.
0≤ϕ≤1 ε→0
It can be shown that if f has finite energy, the measures eε (f )(x)d vol (x) converge
weakly to a measure that is absolutely continuous with respect to Lebesgue measure
on . Therefore, there is a well-defined integrable function e(f )(x), which we call
the energy density, so that for each ϕ ∈ Cc (),
lim eε (f )(x)ϕ(x) d vol (x) = e(f )(x)ϕ(x) d vol (x).
By analogy with the case of smooth maps we write e(f )(x) = 21 |∇f |2 (x) with total
E(f ) = |∇f |2 d vol .
Similarly, the directional energy measures |f∗ (Z)|2 d vol for Z ∈ (T ) is a
Lipschitz tangent vector field can also be defined as a weak-∗ limit of measures
Z e (f ) d vol . Here,
For any map f ∈ H 1 (, X) we can also make sense of the notion of the pullback
π : (T ) × (T ) −→ L1 () (2.48)
defined by
π(V , W ) = 41 |f∗ (V + W )|2 − 41 |f∗ (V − W )|2 , V , W ∈ (T ).
If the tangent space to (, g) has a local frame (u1 , . . . , um ), we write παβ =
π(uα , uβ ), and
e(f ) = 21 |∇f |2 = 21 g αβ παβ . (2.49)
The L1 -tensor will be used in the next section to define the Hopf differential.
A finite energy map f : → X is said to be harmonic if it is locally energy
minimizing. In other words, for each point x ∈ and each neighborhood of x, all
comparison maps agreeing with f outside this neighborhood have total energy no less
than f . The following are the basic existence and regularity results. For an alternative
approach, see [96].
Theorem 2.31 (Korevaar–Schoen [109], see also [172]). Let (X, d) be an NPC space.
If f : → X is harmonic, then f is locally
√ Lipschitz continuous. The Lipschitz
constant on U ⊂⊂ is of the form C(U ) E(f ), where C(U ) is independent of the
map f (cf. Proposition 2.17).
Theorem 2.32 (Korevaar–Schoen [109]). Let (X, d) be compact and NPC. Let M be
a compact Riemannian manifold without boundary, and f : M → X a continuous
map. Then there exists a Lipschitz harmonic map homotopic to f .
not on any differentiability of the target space, it continues to hold for maps to metric
space targets.
The monotonicity (2.50) can be used to construct linear approximations to harmonic
maps, and in some cases further regularity can be derived. A key quantity is the
order function. Roughly speaking, the order of a harmonic map f : → X at a
point x measures the degree of the dominant homogeneous harmonic polynomial
which approximates f − f (x). This is precisely true when X is a smooth manifold.
In the general case, it is defined as follows. Define
ε Bε (x) |∇f |2 d vol
ordx (f ) = lim . (2.51)
ε↓0 ∂B (x) d 2 (f (x), f (y))ds(y)
It follows from the monotonicity formula (2.50) that the above limit exists and is
≥ 1 for nonconstant maps. We call this limit the order of f at x. It is not an integer in
general. For example, let p : H → Tϕ be the projection map (2.47). If x is not a zero
of ϕ, then p is locally a harmonic function and ordx (p) is the order of vanishing. If x
is a zero of order k, then ordx (p) = (k + 2)/2. The order is related to the eigenvalues
of the Laplacian on subdomains of ∂Br (x), as explained in [75, Theorem 5.5]. In
Figure 3, ordx (p) is equal to the first Dirichlet eigenvalue of the domain Di in the
circle around x. It is clear in this case that it is equal to 3/2.
x p
• • p(x)
D3 D2
Figure 3
On the other hand, if y ∈ p−1 (p(x)) is not a zero, then ordy (p) = 1, and indeed
locally near y, p maps to an interval.
This can be generalized. Let f : → T be a harmonic map to an R-tree. A point
x ∈ is called regular if there exists r > 0 such that f (Br (x)) is an embedded
arc. In particular, f restricted to Br (x) is then a harmonic function. Nonregular
points are called singular. In the case of two-dimensional domains, the harmonic map
p : H → Tϕ has singularities precisely at the zeros of ϕ. In particular, they are of
codimension 2. The next result was proven in [75] for simplicial trees and in [180]
for R-trees.
Chapter 1. Harmonic maps and Teichmüller theory 63
It follows from the trace theory in [109] that equivariant harmonic maps are locally
energy minimizers. Therefore, in the case where X is a smooth manifold the first
variational formula (2.23) implies that a ρ-equivariant harmonic map is equivalent to
64 Georgios D. Daskalopoulos and Richard A. Wentworth
a smooth ρ-equivariant map that satisfies the harmonic map equations (2.22). For
general NPC targets it follows from Theorem 2.31 that ρ-equivariant harmonic maps
are Lipschitz.
The existence of equivariant harmonic maps is more complicated than in the case
of compact targets. The reason for this is that in the process of choosing an energy
minimizing sequence, e.g. using the heat flow as in the Eells–Sampson theory, the map
can “escape to infinity”, and fail to converge. An example of this phenomenon can
be found in [51]. One naturally looks for a condition on the homomorphism ρ which
rules out this kind of behavior. For example, it is reasonable to rule out the existence
of a sequence of points escaping to infinity whose translates by fixed elements in the
image of ρ remain bounded. This is the notion of a proper action (see below).
Before making this more precise we introduce the notion of the ideal boundary of
an NPC space. By a ray in X we mean a geodesic α parametrized by arc length on the
interval [0, ∞). Two rays α1 , α2 , are said to be equivalent if the Hausdorff distance
between them is finite. Denote by ∂X the set of equivalence classes of rays. Notice
that since acts by isometries, also acts on ∂X. We have the following facts:
(1) (cf. [19]) If X is locally compact then X = X ∪ ∂X can be topologized so that
it becomes a compact metric space.
(2) (cf. [32]) If (X, d) is an R-tree (not necessarily locally compact) then two rays
α1 and α2 are equivalent if and only if α1 ∩ α2 is another ray.
(3) (cf. [32]) If (X, d) is an R-tree with action, then fixes a point on ∂X if and
only if Lρ (γ ) = |r(γ )| where r : → R is a homomorphism.
We now state
Theorem 3.2 (Mese [134]). If X has curvature bounded above by a constant κ < 0,
and if f : M̃ → X is a nonconstant equivariant harmonic map, then f is unique in
its equivariant homotopy class unless it maps onto a geodesic.
Theorem 3.3 (cf. [29], [30], [43]). Let X be a Riemannian symmetric space of non-
compact type X = G/K, where G is a semisimple Lie group and K a maximal
compact subgroup. Let ρ : → G be a homomorphism with Zariski dense image.
Then there is a ρ-equivariant (smooth) harmonic map f : M̃ → X.
Chapter 1. Harmonic maps and Teichmüller theory 65
This theorem is implied by Theorem 3.1, since if ρ() fixes a point [α] ∈ ∂X, then
ρ() would be closed subgroup contained in the stabilizer of [α], which is a proper
subgroup of G. See also [99].
• Labourie’s theorem. In the Riemannian case, the criterion for existence in terms
of fixing a point in the ideal boundary was conjectured in [29] and proved in [114]
(see also [97]). A homomorphism ρ : → Iso(X) is called semisimple (or reductive)
if either ρ() does not fix a point in ∂X or it fixes a geodesic. Then we have the
Theorem 3.4 (Labourie [114]). Let X be a Riemannian manifold with negative sec-
tional curvature. Then there exists a ρ-equivariant harmonic map f : M̃ → X if and
only if ρ is semisimple.
Theorem 3.6. Let (T , d) be a minimal R-tree and ρ : → Iso(T ). Then there exists
a ρ-equivariant harmonic map u : M̃ → T if an only if ρ is semisimple.
Proof. The sufficiency follows from Theorem 3.1 (see Section 2.3.2). For the con-
verse, suppose fixes a point in ∂T . If there is a ρ-equivariant harmonic map there
would necessarily be a family of distinct such maps (see [34]). By the uniqueness
Theorem 3.2 and the minimality of T , it follows that T in this case is equivariantly
isometric to R.
In the case where X is not locally compact, the condition of not fixing a point at
infinity does not seem to be sufficient to guarantee existence. Korevaar and Schoen
developed a slightly stronger condition to cover this case. Let ρ : → Iso(X) be a
homomorphism. To each set of generators G of we associate a function on X:
Dρ (x) = max d(x, ρ(γ )x) : γ ∈ G .
A homomorphism ρ : → Iso(X) is called proper if for every B ≥ 0, the set
{x ∈ X : Dρ (x) ≤ B} is bounded. Clearly, this condition is independent of the choice
of generating set G. For complete manifolds of nonpositive curvature, the existence
of two hyperbolic isometries in the image of ρ with nonasymptotic axes is sufficient
to prove properness. More generally, ρ being proper implies that ρ has no fixed end,
for if R is a fixed ray then Dρ is bounded along R.
66 Georgios D. Daskalopoulos and Richard A. Wentworth
In case X is locally compact this is implied by Theorem 3.1, but for nonlocally
compact spaces it is not. Yet another sufficient condition is introduced in [111].
To end this section, we connect the definition of harmonicity given in this section
with that at the end of Section 2.3.2.
Proof. The fact that harmonic maps pull back functions to subharmonic ones is the
content of [56, Prop. 3.2] (see also [109]). For the converse, we argue as follows:
suppose f : H → T is a ρ-equivariant map that pulls back germs of convex functions
to subharmonic ones. Let f : H → T be a ρ-equivariant harmonic map. Since
both f , f pull back germs of convex functions to subharmonic functions, it follows
that the same is true for f × f : H → T × T . Hence, d(f, f ) is -equivariant
and subharmonic, hence constant. But because of the 1-dimensionality of trees it is
easy to see that the energy densities of f and f must be equal, so that f is energy
So far as we know, this result for general NPC targets is open.
3.1.2 Measured foliations and Hopf differentials. Recall from Section 2.3.3 that
if X is a metric space target and f : (M, g) → (X, d) is a finite energy map, then
one can associate an integrable symmetric 2-tensor παβ on S with the property that
the energy density |∇f |2 = g αβ παβ . Hence, while the energy density may not be
the square of the norm of a derivative, it is a trace of directional energies. Let us
specialize to the case where the domain is a Riemann surface, and let f be an energy
minimizer. By varying among finite energy maps obtained from pulling f back by a
local diffeomorphism defined by a vector field v, we arrive at
0= π, Lv g − (1/2) Tr g (Lv g)g d volM .
Note that the integrand is well defined since π is integrable. By a particular choice
of v, and using Weyl’s lemma on integrable weakly holomorphic functions, we obtain
[167] that
ϕ(z)dz2 = 41 (π11 − π22 − 2iπ12 )dz2
is a holomorphic quadratic differential on S (cf. Section 2.2.2). We call ϕ the Hopf
differential of f . Since these computations are local, they apply as well to the case of
equivariant harmonic maps.
Thus far we have seen that a measured foliation F on a surface S gives rise to an
R-tree TF with an isometric action of . This action has the following properties:
Chapter 1. Harmonic maps and Teichmüller theory 67
(1) the action is minimal in the sense that no proper subtree is invariant under (cf.
[153] – strictly speaking, the proof there uses geodesic laminations but it can be
easily adapted to the case of measured foliations);
(2) the action is small in the sense that the edge stabilizer subgroups do not contain
free groups on 2-generators (cf. [140] – more precisely, the stabilizers are cyclic,
since leaves on the quotient surface are either lines or circles).
Shalen conjectured [173] that every minimal, small action of a surface group on
an R-tree is dual to a measured foliation. This conjecture, which plays an important
role in Thurston’s hyperbolization theorem for fibered 3-manifolds (see [153]), was
proved by R. Skora, building upon previous work of Morgan–Otal [140].
Hf / Tϕ
AA (3.3)
• x • y
x x F
Figure 4
This type of resolution of the tree T by the dual tree Tϕ to a measured foliation,
with the folding properties of the proposition, had been obtained by Morgan–Otal in
[140], and it is the first step in proving Skora’s Theorem 3.9.
By an ingenious counting argument using interval exchanges, Skora went on to
show that provided the action of is small, folding at vertices cannot occur either,
and in fact F is an isometry. This completes the proof of Theorems 2.30 and 3.9.
An alternative source for the counting argument is [153, §8.4]. The reader may also
consult [56], [198], [199].
As a second application, consider a measured foliation F on a Riemann surface
(S, σ ). We have seen above that there is a unique holomorphic quadratic differential
ϕF = ϕ(σ, F ) whose horizontal foliation is measure equivalent to F . The extremal
length of F is defined by
ExtF [σ ] = |ϕF | (3.4)
and is a well-defined function on T (S). It is a generalization of the extremal length of
a simple closed curve to the case of arbitrary measured foliations. In [64], Gardiner
gave a formula for the first variation of ExtF [σ ]. Here we show how this formula
arises naturally as the variation of the energy of harmonic maps.
Let X be an NPC space, and suppose ρ : → Iso(X) is proper in the sense of
Section 3.1.1. For simplicity, assume X has curvature bounded above by some κ < 0.
Then for each complex structure j on S, Theorems 3.7 and 3.2 guarantee the existence
of a unique ρ-equivariant harmonic map f : S̃ → X. The energy of f = f[j ],ρ gives
a well-defined function depending upon [j ] and ρ:
In the case where X is a smooth Riemannian manifold, this formula has some
history. Wolf [200] provides a derivation and refers to earlier notes of Schoen, as well
as [185], [186], [95]. The earliest computation of this sort may be due to Douglas (cf.
[45, eq. (12.29)]). Formally, the proof of (3.6) goes as follows. The total energy is
the contraction of the energy density tensor πij with the metric on S. Hence, the first
variation involves varying first πij , i.e. the harmonic map, and then the metric. But
the term associated to the variation of the map is necessarily zero, since the map is
energy minimizing. It follows that the only contribution comes from variations with
respect to the metric. Formula (3.6) then follows easily. Some care must be taken to
justify this in the case of metric space targets (see [194]).
Now consider a measured foliation F on S with associated dual tree TF . The
energy of the unique equivariant harmonic map f : S̃ → TF is precisely the extremal
length ExtF . From (3.6) we have
Theorem 3.12 (Gardiner [64], [65]). For any measured foliation F , ExtF is differ-
entiable on T (S) with derivative
ExtF [σt ] = 2 Reμ, ϕF .
dt t=0
Here, ϕF is the Hubbard–Masur differential for F at σ0 .
Following Corlette [29] we call a flat SL(r, C) connection ∇ on the trivial rank r
bundle on S reductive if any ∇-invariant subbundle has a ∇-invariant complement.
Clearly, a reductive flat SL(r, C) connection is a direct sum of irreducible flat SL(r , C)
connections for values r < r.
Define M(S, r) to be the moduli space of isomorphism classes of polystable Higgs
bundles on S of rank r and fixed trivial determinant. We denote the space of equivalence
classes of reductive flat SL(r, C) connections on the trivial rank r bundle V → S by
χ (, r). We have the following
That is well defined follows from Corollary 3.14, and the injectivity is a conse-
quence of the uniqueness of the solution H . The surjectivity part was first conjectured
by Hitchin in [81] and was subsequently proven for rank 2 by Donaldson [44] and in
general by Corlette [29]. It is equivalent to the Corlette–Donaldson Theorem 3.3 on
equivariant harmonic maps discussed above.
Indeed, given a reductive flat connection ∇, let ρ : → SL(r, C) denote its holon-
omy representation. Since reductive representations split into irreducible factors, we
may assume without loss of generality that ρ is irreducible. By Theorem 3.3 there
exists an equivariant harmonic map H : H → SL(r, C)/ SU(r). Equivalently, we can
view H as a section of the “twisted bundle”
H ×ρ SL(r, C)/ SU(r) −→ S,
i.e. H is nothing but the choice of a hermitian metric on V . Therefore, we can split
∇ = ∇H + + ∗H , where ∇H is a hermitian connection with respect to H , and
is a smooth section of End0 (V ) ⊗ KS . Clearly, the flatness of ∇ is equivalent to the
equations (3.7) together with the Bianchi identity
d∇H ( + ∗H ) = 0. (3.8)
The harmonicity of H is equivalent to the condition [29], [44]
(d∇H )∗H ( + ∗H ) = 0. (3.9)
Conditions (3.8) and (3.9) are together equivalent to the holomorphicity of . Hence,
V with the induced holomorphic structure from ∇H and define a Higgs bundle with
(V , ) = ∇.
Notice that in the above argument we indicated that the existence of a ρ-equivariant
harmonic map H → SL(r, C)/ SU(r) was equivalent to the reductivity of the flat
connection ∇. Therefore, by Labourie’s Theorem 3.4, it is also equivalent to the
reductivity of the holonomy representation ρ : → SL(2, C), in the case of H3 =
SL(2, C)/ SU(2).
72 Georgios D. Daskalopoulos and Richard A. Wentworth
The question of the complex structure on the spaces M(S, r) χ (, r), originally
addressed by Hitchin [81], is an extremely interesting one. As a character variety,
χ (, r) is an affine algebraic variety. For example, given any γ ∈ we define a regular
function τγ : χ(, 2) → C by τγ [ρ] = Tr ρ(γ ). Here, [ρ] denotes the conjugacy class
of representations containing ρ. By [33] the ring generated by all elements τγ , γ ∈ ,
is finitely generated. Fix a generating set associated to {γ1 , . . . , γm }, and define
t : χ(, 2) −→ Cm , [ρ] → (τγ1 (ρ), . . . , τγm (ρ)).
Then t is a bijection onto its image and gives χ (, 2) the structure of an affine variety.
For higher rank, one needs to consider other invariant polynomials in addition to
traces. On the other hand, Nitsure and Simpson have shown that M(S, r) with its
complex structure induced as a moduli space over the Riemann surface S has the
structure of a quasiprojective algebraic scheme [151], [175], [176]. The bijection
M(S, r) χ(, r) is not complex analytic. On the contrary, Hitchin shows that the
two complex structures are part of a hyperkähler family. For more details, we refer to
[81], [175].
A consequence of the realization of χ(, r) as a moduli space of Higgs bundles is
that there is a natural C∗ -action. Indeed, if (V , ) is a polystable Higgs bundle then so
is (V , t), t ∈ C∗ . This defines a holomorphic action on M(S, r), and therefore also
an action (not holomorphic) on χ(, r). This action depends on the complex structure
on S and is not apparent from the point of view of representations. Nevertheless, we
shall see in the next section that it has some connection with Teichmüller theory.
3.2.2 Higgs bundle proof of Teichmüller’s theorem. For the purposes of this sec-
tion we specialize to the case r = 2 and set M(S) = M(S, 2) and χ () = χ (, 2).
Define the Hitchin map
det : M(S) −→ QD(S), [V , ] → det = − Tr 2 . (3.10)
Hitchin proved that det is a proper, surjective map with generic fibers being half-
dimensional tori. This last property in fact realizes M(S) as a completely integrable
system (see [82]). More importantly for us, notice that under the Corlette–Donaldson
correspondence : M(S) → χ(), det −1 is just the Hopf differential of the
associated harmonic map (cf. [35]). Indeed, for [ρ] ∈ χ () with an associated
equivariant harmonic map fρ , ϕρ = Hopf(fρ ) is given by
ϕρ = ∇fρ1,0 , ∇fρ1,0 = − Tr(∇fρ1,0 )2 = 2 det −1 [ρ].
In order to realize the Teichmüller space inside M(S), let ı : M(S) → M(S) denote
the involution ı(V , ) = (V , −). Notice that ı is a restriction of the full C∗ -action on
M(S) described at the end of the previous section. Also notice that under the Corlette–
Donaldson correspondence , ı corresponds to complex conjugation. Hence, the fixed
points of ı are either SU(2) or SL(2, R) representations. The former correspond under
the Narasimhan–Seshadri theorem to the Higgs pair (V , 0), i.e. ≡ 0. If (V , ) is a
Chapter 1. Harmonic maps and Teichmüller theory 73
fixed point of ı with ≡ 0, Hitchin shows that V must be a split holomorphic bundle
L ⊕ L∗ , and with respect to this splitting is of the form
0 a
= ,
b 0
where a ∈ H 0 (S, L2 ⊗ KS ), and b ∈ H 0 (S, L−2 ⊗ KS ). Stability implies b = 0, and
hence by vanishing of cohomology, deg L ≤ p − 1, where p is the genus of S. This
fact, as pointed out in [81], turns out to be equivalent to the Milnor–Wood inequality
which states that the Euler class of any PSL(2, R) bundle on S is ≤ 2p − 2 (cf. [136],
We next restrict ourselves to the components of the fixed point set of ı corresponding
to line bundles L of maximal degree p − 1. In this case, L must be a spin structure,
i.e. L2 = KS , for otherwise b = 0, contradicting stability. We denote this moduli
space by NL (S). After normalizing by automorphisms of L ⊕ L−1 , we can write
0 a
= ,
1 0
for some quadratic differential a ∈ QD(S). It follows that the restriction of the Hitchin
map to NL (S) defines a homeomorphism det : NL (S) −− ∼
→ QD(S).
The following gives another proof of Theorem 2.8.
The new ingredient in this theorem is the use of the existence of solutions to the self-
duality equations (3.7). Notice that in the reducible case described in Theorem 3.13 the
self-duality equations reduce to the abelian vortex equations Fh = −2(1 − a2L2 )ω
(cf. [92]). The relation between the vortex equations and curvature of metrics on
surfaces had been noted previously in the work of Kazdan and Warner [103].
Notice that the definition of NL (S) depends on a choice of spin structure L, and
there are #H 1 (S, Z2 ) = 22p such choices. This reflects the fact that on χ () there is
an action of Z2 , and the quotient is
χ()/Z2 = Hom(, PSL(2, C))// PSL(2, C),
74 Georgios D. Daskalopoulos and Richard A. Wentworth
the character variety of PSL(2, C), of which the Fricke space F(S) is a natural subset.
The preimage of F(S) in χ() is the disjoint union of the NL (S), and each of these is
homeomorphic to Teichmüller space.
We call the NPC space (Z, dZ ) a Korevaar–Schoen limit. Strictly speaking, the
target surfaces (R, hi ) in Theorem 2.26 are not simply connected and are not NPC.
To deal with the former, consider equivariant convergence of the lifts to the universal
covers as mentioned above. For the latter, one shows that under the assumption that
curvature is bounded from above, geodesics are locally unique, so the construction of
∞ above works at a local level.
As usual, we denote by the fundamental group of a hyperbolic surface. Let
χ () be the SL(2, C)-character variety of . As we have seen, χ () is a noncompact
algebraic variety. In this section we describe a construction, introduced by Thurston
in the case of SL(2, R) representations, to compactify χ (). It is important to note
that this is not a compactification in an algebro-geometric sense, and indeed χ () will
not be an complex analytic space.
Let C denote the set of conjugacy classes of , and let
P(C) = [0, ∞)C \ {0} R+ ,
where R+ acts by homotheties. Topologize P(C) with the product topology. We define
a map
ϑ : χ() −→ P(C), [ρ] → log(| Tr ρ(γ )| + 2) γ ∈C
The purpose of the “+2” in the formula is to truncate the logarithm so that it goes
to infinity only when the trace goes to infinity. It is easy to see (cf. [28]) that
log(| Tr ρ(γ )| + 2) is asymptotic to Lρ (γ ), where Lρ is the translation length function
of ρ acting on hyperbolic space H3 (see (3.1) and recall that Iso(H3 ) = PSL(2, C)).
In case ρ is a discrete faithful SL(2, R) representation, hence defining an element of
Teichmüller space, Lρ (γ ) is just the length of the closed geodesic in the hyperbolic
surface S = H/ρ() in the free homotopy class of γ .
Next, recall from Section 3.2.1 that by definition of the affine variety structure on
χ (), coordinate functions are of the form τγ , where τγ (ρ) = Tr ρ(γ ). Hence, τγ ,
γ ∈ C generate the coordinate ring of χ() as a C-algebra, and it follows that ϑ is a
continuous injection. Define χ() to be the closure of the image of ϑ as a subset of
P(C). It follows, essentially from the finite generation of the coordinate ring of χ (),
that χ () is compact (cf. [141]). We call χ () the Morgan–Shalen compactification
of χ (), and set ∂χ() = χ() \ χ() to be the set of ideal points. The really useful
ingredient in this construction is that the ideal points are not arbitrary but are translation
length functions for isometric actions of on R-trees. Another important property
is the following: the group Aut() of automorphisms of clearly acts continuously
on χ () and this action admits a continuous extension to χ () (this is essentially the
action of the mapping class group to be discussed in Section 4.1.2 below).
76 Georgios D. Daskalopoulos and Richard A. Wentworth
Let T (S) ⊂ χ() denote the Teichmüller space, viewed as a component of the
discrete faithful representations. The closure T (S) of T (S) in χ () is called
the Thurston compactification of T (S) and ∂T th (S) = T (S) \ T (S) is called
the Thurston boundary of T (S). The action of Aut() extends continuously to
T (S) ⊂ T (S), and indeed this was part of the motivation for Thurston’s com-
In terms of a finite set γ1 , . . . , γm ∈ , where {τγi } generate the coordinate ring
of χ (), we can rephrase the compactness of χ () as follows. Given a sequence of
representations ρi : → SL(2, C), only one of the following can occur:
(1) For some subsequence {i }, all traces ρi (γj ), j = 1, . . . , m, are bounded (in this
case, we call the sequence ρi bounded). Then [ρi ] converges (after possibly
passing to a further subsequence) in χ ().
(2) For any subsequence {i } there is some s = 1, . . . , m such that Tr ρi (γs ) → ∞
as i → ∞. Then there is a function : C → R+ , = 0, such that (after possibly
passing to a further subsequence) ρi → , projectively.
In terms of the relationship between representations and equivariant harmonic maps
we have the following simple but important observation (cf. [34]):
Figure 5
Let χdf () ⊂ χ() denote the subspace of discrete faithful representations. It
is a consequence of Jorgenson type inequalities (cf. [141]) that the Morgan–Shalen
limit of a sequence of discrete faithful representations is the length function of a small
action on an R-tree. By Skora’s Theorem 3.9, the tree is dual to a measured foliation,
and therefore ∂χdf () ⊂ PMF(S). We actually have
∂χdf () = PMF(S) QD(S), (3.12)
∂T th (S) = PMF(S) QD(S). (3.13)
The second equality (3.13), first proven by Thurston using the density of Jenkins–
Strebel differentials, was also proven by Wolf using harmonic maps [196]. We show
how this result follows from the discussion above. Recall from Theorem 2.23 that the
map H : Thyp (S) → QD(S) defined in (2.38) is a homeomorphism. Choose tj → ∞
and a sequence {ϕj } ∈ QD(S), ϕj 1 = 1. Without loss of generality, we may assume
{ϕj } converges to some nonzero ϕ ∈ QD(S). Let [σj ] = H −1 (tj ϕj ), and let fj be the
associated harmonic maps. By definition, the Hopf differentials of the rescaled maps
fˆj converge to (1/2)ϕ. Indeed, Hopf(fˆj ) = tj ϕj /E(fj ), and by (2.39) and (2.40),
E(fj ) ∼ 2tj . On the other hand, the Hopf differentials of fˆj converge to the Hopf
differential of the limiting equivariant map H → X. By the smallness of the action of
on X, Skora’s theorem implies that X is dual to a measured foliation. This measured
foliation must coincide with the horizontal foliation of (1/2)ϕ. Hence, we have shown
the equality (3.13) and that the map H defined in (2.38) extends continuously as a map
from ∂T (S) to the sphere at infinity in QD(S). Equality (3.12) follows from (3.13)
and the fact that ∂T th (S) ⊂ ∂χdf () ⊂ PMF(S).
via hyperbolic metrics presented in Section 2.1.5. This is the Weil–Petersson metric,
and its properties continue to be the subject of much research. In this section, we
present a short review of some of the aspects of Weil–Petersson geometry that will
be relevant later on. The basic definitions as well as properties of the Weil–Petersson
completion are discussed in Section 4.1.1. In Section 4.1.2 we introduce the mapping
class group, and in Section 4.1.3 we indicate how the classification of individual
mapping classes follows from the structure of Weil–Petersson geodesics.
4.1.1 The Weil–Petersson metric and its completion. Recall from Section 2.1.5
that the cotangent space T[σ∗ ] T (S) is identified with the space of holomorphic quadratic
differentials on (S, σ ). The complete hyperbolic metric on (S, σ ) can be expressed in
local conformal coordinates as ds 2 = σ (z)|dz|2 . Similarly, a quadratic differential has
a local expression ϕ = ϕ(z)dz2 . Then for ϕ ∈ T[σ∗ ] T (S), the Weil–Petersson cometric
is given by ϕwp = ϕ2 (see (2.17)). While there exist a wide variety of invariant
metrics, the Weil–Petersson metric is in a real sense the most useful for applications.
We refer the reader to Wolpert’s recent survey [206]. The two most important facts
for us here are that (1) the Weil–Petersson metric has negative sectional curvature and
(2) it is incomplete.
The curvature properties of Teichmüller space with the Weil–Petersson or Teich-
müller metrics have an interesting history. It was long thought that the Teichmüller
metric had negative curvature in the sense of triangle comparisons (see [112]). This
was disproven by Masur in [123] (see also [119], and more recently [91], [129], [130],
[125]). For the Weil–Petersson metric, the first step was taken by Ahlfors [4], who
showed that the first variation of the area element induced by the hyperbolic metric
vanishes. This implies the kählerity. He also established the negativity of the Ricci
and holomorphic sectional curvatures. The following result was established later:
Theorem 4.1 (Tromba [183], Wolpert [203], see also [95], [177].). The curvature of
the Weil–Petersson metric has
(1) holomorphic sectional curvatures and Ricci curvatures bounded above by
−1/2π(p − 1), and
(2) negative sectional curvature.
S1 S2
St =
Figure 6
Lemma 4.2. Let (S, σ ) be a hyperbolic surface and c a simple closed geodesic of
length = 0. Then any simple closed essential curve having nonzero geometric
intersection with c has length on the order ∼ log(1/).
While this follows on general principles (cf. [19]), the identification of the bound-
ary strata of the completion with lower dimensional Teichmüller spaces (and Weil–
Petersson metrics) is especially useful.
Let us point out two properties of the geometry of the Weil–Petersson completion
that are consequences of this expansion. These were first stated by Yamada [210].
The first result, dubbed nonrefraction by Wolpert, is the statement that geodesics from
points in Teichmüller space to the boundary touch the boundary only at their endpoints
(see Figure 7 (a)). It is easy to see that this is true for the model space above. Indeed,
the equations for a unit speed geodesic α(t) = (ξ(t), θ (t)) in M are
ξ ξ̈ = (3/4)ξ 6 θ̇ 2 , ξ 6 θ̇ = constant, 2|ξ̇ |, ξ 3 |θ̇ | ≤ 1. (4.2)
If ξ(t) → 0 as t → 1, say, then the second and third equations imply that the
constant above must vanish. In other words, θ (t) is constant and ξ(t) is linear.
The proof of the statement for geodesics in T (S) involves a scaling argument to
approximate geodesics in T (S) by corresponding geodesics in the model space.
The third order approximation of the Weil–Petersson metric by the model metric
is sufficient to show that the approximation of geodesics is also to high order, and
the qualitative behavior of geodesics in T (S) is the same as for the model space.
D[c1 ]
∂T (S)
D[c2 ]
(a) (b)
Figure 7
Chapter 1. Harmonic maps and Teichmüller theory 81
Another application of this approximation gives the second important result: the
different strata of the boundary of T (S) intersect transversely. For example, consider
disjoint nonisotopic simple closed essential curves {c1 , c2 } on a closed compact surface
S with isotopy classes [c1 ], [c2 ]. Let [σ1 ] denote a point in the boundary component
D[c1 ] of T (S) corresponding to pinching c1 . Similarly, let [σ2 ] denote a point in the
boundary component D[c2 ] of T (S) corresponding to pinching c2 . Since c1 and c2 are
disjoint, the intersection of the closures D[c1 ]∩D[c2 ] is nonempty, and in fact contains
D([c1 ], [c2 ]), the stratum where both c1 and c2 are pinched. In particular, there is a
path in T (S) from σ1 to σ2 , lying completely in the boundary, which corresponds to
first pinching c2 , and then “opening up” c1 . The theorem states that this path has a
“corner” at its intersection with D([c1 ], [c2 ]), and is therefore not length minimizing.
In fact, the geodesic from [σ1 ] to [σ2 ] intersects the boundary of T (S) only in its
endpoints (see Figure 7 (b)).
4.1.2 The mapping class group. Denote by Diff(S) (resp. Diff + (S)) denote the
group of smooth diffeomorphisms (resp. orientation preserving diffeomorphisms) of
S with the smooth topology. Recall that Diff 0 (S) denotes the identity component of
Diff(S), that is, the group of all diffeomorphisms isotopic to the identity. The mapping
class group of S is the quotient
Mod(S) = Diff + (S)/Diff 0 (S).
See [54] for a recent survey on mapping class groups. From any of the several def-
initions of Teichmüller space given previously, it is clear that Mod(S) acts on T (S).
The first important result about this action is the following
Theorem 4.4. The mapping class group acts properly discontinuously on T (S).
This result is commonly attributed to Fricke. One method of proof follows from
the general fact that the action of Diff(S) on the space Met(S) of smooth Rieman-
nian metrics is properly discontinuous (cf. [48], [47]). In particular the restriction
to the action of Diff 0 (S) on Methyp (S) is properly discontinuous, and Teichmüller
space, which is the quotient Thyp (S) = Methyp (S)/Diff 0 (S), inherits such an action
of Mod(S).
Diffeomorphisms of S determine automorphisms of = π1 (S) as follows. Let
x0 ∈ S be a fixed basepoint. A diffeomorphism φ : S → S determines an automor-
phism of the fundamental group π1 (S, x0 ) if φ(x0 ) = x0 . Now any diffeomorphism is
isotopic to one which fixes x0 . Different choices of isotopy define automorphisms
of which differ by an inner automorphism. Hence, there is a homomorphism
Diff(S)/Diff 0 (S) → Out(S) where Out(S) is the outer automorphism group of π1 (S).
The quotient M(S) = T (S)/Mod(S) is the classical Riemann moduli space. Since
by Teichmüller’s theorem T (S) is contractible (and in particular, simply connected),
Mod(S) may be regarded as the fundamental group of M(S). However, Mod(S) does
not quite act freely, so this interpretation holds only in the orbifold sense. Indeed,
M(S) is actually simply connected [121]. The compactification
M(S) = T (S)/Mod(S)
is homeomorphic to the Deligne–Mumford compactification of M(S), and it is a
projective algebraic variety (with orbifold singularities) [40]. An important measure
of the interior regions of M(S) is given by the Mumford–Mahler compactness theorem:
Theorem 4.6 (Mumford [146]). The set M(S)ε ⊂ M(S) consisting of equivalence
classes of Riemann surfaces where the hyperbolic lengths of all closed geodesics are
bounded below by ε > 0 is compact.
Note the condition in the theorem is Diff(S)-invariant and so is valid on the moduli
space M(S). The corresponding result is, of course, not true for T (S) because of
the proper action of the infinite discrete group Mod(S). For example, the orbit of
a point in T (S) by Mod(S) is unbounded, but projects to a single point in M(S).
This, however, is the only distinction between T (S) and M(S), and so the Mumford–
Mahler compactness theorem can be used effectively to address convergence questions
in T (S) as well.
We illustrate this by proving a fact that will be useful later on. Given a simple
closed curve c ⊂ S, let c [σ ] denote the length of the geodesic in the homotopy class
of c with respect to the hyperbolic metric σ . Note that this is independent of the choice
of σ up to the action of Diff 0 (S). Hence, c gives a well-defined function
c : T (S) −→ R+ . (4.3)
Then we have the following
Proof. For a point [σ ] ∈ T (S), let [[σ ]] ∈ M(S) denote the corresponding point in
M(S). Without loss of generality, we may assume [σj ] has no convergent subsequence
in T (S). The same may or may not be true for the sequence [[σj ]] ⊂ M(S). Indeed,
by Theorem 4.6, there are two cases: (1) there are elements [φj ] ∈ Mod(S) and a point
[σ∞ ] ∈ T (S) such that [φj ][σj ] → [σ∞ ] (after passing to a subsequence); (2) there
are simple closed curves cj such that cj [σj ] → 0 (after passing to a subsequence).
In the first case, our assumptions imply that infinitely many [φj ] are distinct. It
follows that there is a simple closed curve c such that fj (c) [σ∞ ] → ∞. But then
c [σj ] → ∞, as desired. In the second case, we may assume cj converges projectively
to a nontrivial measured foliation F (see Section 2.3.2). If c is any simple closed curve
Chapter 1. Harmonic maps and Teichmüller theory 83
with i([c], F ) = 0, then i(c, cj ) = 0 for j large. But since cj [σj ] → 0, c [σj ] → ∞
by the Collar Lemma 4.2.
Here is a very rough idea of proof of this result. Let α̃j : [0, 1] → T (S), α̃j (1) =
[φ]α̃j (0) be a sequence of curves minimizing the translation length of [φ], i.e.
lim α̃˙j wp dt = Lwp [φ].
j →∞ 0
Let αj : S 1 → M(S) be the projection of α̃j . Since M(S) is compact one can show
using Ascoli’s theorem that, after passing to a subsequence, αj converge uniformly to
some curve α : S 1 → M(S). The trick now is to show that this curve admits a lift
α̃ : [0, 1] → T (S), α̃(1) = [φ]α̃(0). Then α̃ must be an invariant geodesic. Since [φ]
is irreducible, by the nonrefraction results we know that α̃ must have image in T (S).
The existence of a lift is not obvious, since T (S) → M(S) is “branched” to infinite
order along the boundary ∂T (S). One needs to exploit the fact that α is the limit of
curves that are liftable. We refer to [39] for more details.
The existence of invariant geodesics for infinite order irreducible mapping classes
allows for the precise classification of Weil–Petersson isometries in terms of translation
length that we have given in Table 1. For [φ] ∈ Mod(S), define the Weil–Petersson
84 Georgios D. Daskalopoulos and Richard A. Wentworth
translation length by
Lwp [φ] = inf dwp ([σ ], [φ][σ ]) . (4.4)
[σ ]∈T (S)
First, let us clarify the terminology used there: [φ] ∈ Mod(S) is pseudoperiodic
if it is either periodic, or it is reducible and periodic on the reduced components; it is
strictly pseudoperiodic if it is pseudoperiodic but not periodic. Furthermore, we say
that [φ] is semisimple if there is [σ ] ∈ T (S) such that Lwp [φ] = dwp ([σ ], [φ][σ ]).
Here is a sketch of the proof: first, note that it is a consequence of Theorem 4.4 that
Lwp [φ] = 0 if and only if [φ] is pseudoperiodic. The first row of Table 1 then follows
from this and the fact that [φ] has a fixed point in T (S) if and only if [φ] is periodic.
If [φ] is infinite order irreducible, then as a consequence of Theorem 4.8, Lwp [φ]
is attained along an invariant geodesic, so these mapping classes are semisimple.
Conversely, suppose the translation length is attained at [σ ] ∈ T (S), but [φ][σ ] = [σ ].
Then we argue as in Bers [14] (see also, [9, p. 81]) to show that the geodesic from
[σ ] to [φ][σ ], which exists by the geodesic convexity of the Weil–Petersson metric,
may be extended to a complete [φ]-invariant geodesic. On the other hand, if there is a
complete, nonconstant Weil–Petersson geodesic in T (S) that is invariant with respect
to a mapping class [φ] ∈ Mod(S), the negative curvature implies that [φ] must be
infinite order and irreducible.
It is worth mentioning that no properties of pseudo-Anosov’s other than the fact
that they have infinite order and are irreducible were used in the proof above. In
particular, the description given in Table 1 is independent of Thurston’s classification.
We point out a further property of the axes of pseudo-Anosov’s.
Theorem 4.9 (Daskalopoulos–Wentworth [39], Wolpert [206]). Let A[φ] and A[φ ] be
the axes for independent pseudo-Anosov mapping classes [φ] and [φ ]. Then A[φ] and
A[φ ] diverge.
4.2.1 Nielsen realization. Here we discuss the classical question of Nielsen [150].
The exact sequence
1 −→ Diff 0 (S) −→ Diff + (S) −→ Mod(S) −→ 1 (4.5)
which defines the mapping class group does not split in general (see [122], [143],
[144]). The realization problem asks for which subgroups G ⊂ Mod(S) does there
exist a homomorphism j : G → Diff + (S) such that π j = id.
Let S be a closed Riemann surface of negative Euler characteristic. Then we have
the following two important facts. First, if φ is a holomorphic automorphism of S
homotopic to the identity, then φ is in fact equal to the identity. Indeed, if this were
not the case then since complex curves in a complex surface intersect positively the
number of fixed points of φ, counted with multiplicity, would necessarily be positive.
On the other hand, if φ ∼ id, then by the Lefschetz fixed point theorem the total
intersection number is just the Euler characteristic of S, which we have assumed is
From this fact we arrive at Fenchel’s observation that if a subgroup G ⊂ Mod(S)
fixes a point [j ] ∈ T (S), then G can be realized as the automorphism group of a
Riemann surface (S, j ) with j in the class [j ]. For if φ1 , . . . , φm are holomorphic
lifts to Diff + (S) of generators [φ1 ], . . . , [φm ] of G, then any relation on the [φj ]’s,
applied to the φj ’s, is a holomorphic map ∼ id, and so by the previous paragraph the
relations in the group also lift. In particular, (4.5) splits over G.
The second fact is that the automorphism group of a Riemann surface of genus
p ≥ 2 is finite. This is because on the one hand it is the isometry group of the
hyperbolic metric, which is compact, and on the other hand it is discrete, since
there are no holomorphic vector fields. Hence, any subgroup of the mapping class
group which fixes a point in Teichmüller space is finite and (4.5) splits over it. These
two facts motivate the following result, which is known as the Nielsen Realization
Theorem 4.10 (Kerckhoff [105]). The sequence (4.5) splits over all finite subgroups
of Mod(S).
86 Georgios D. Daskalopoulos and Richard A. Wentworth
From the discussion above, the idea of the proof is to show the following
Theorem 4.11. Let G ⊂ Mod(S) be a finite subgroup of the mapping class group.
Then G has a fixed point in T (S).
The complete proof of Theorem 4.10 was first obtained by Kerckhoff in [105] and
later by Wolpert [204]. Both proofs proceed via Theorem 4.11. Partial results had
been found earlier by Fenchel [58], [59] and Zieschang [214]. See also Tromba [187].
Proof. This is easy to see, given the Lipschitz bound Proposition 2.17 and the Mum-
ford–Mahler Compactness Theorem 4.6 (or more precisely, Corollary 4.7). Indeed, if
Eρ+ is not proper, there is a sequence [σj ] and harmonic maps fj : M → (S, σj ) in the
homotopy class defined by ρ, such that E[σj ] ≤ B for some constant B. Furthermore,
we may assume there is a simple closed curve c with c [σj ] → ∞. Let s be a closed
curve in M with fj (s) homotopic to c. Then since the fj are uniformly Lipschitz,
c [σj ] ≤ length(fj (s)) ≤ B̃ length(s).
Since the right hand side is fixed independent of j and the left hand side diverges
with j , we derive a contradiction.
Again, the existence of minima can be deduced from the properness of this func-
tional. The following can be proved using the same ideas as in the proof of Proposi-
tion 4.12 and Corollary 4.7.
As we have seen in Theorem 3.11, the function Eρ− is differentiable. From the
discussion in Section 2.1.5 (see esp. (2.18)), critical points correspond to conformal
harmonic maps, i.e. those for which the Hopf differential vanishes. According to
Sacks–Uhlenbeck [163], these are branched minimal surfaces in M.
There is a remarkable connection between these functionals and the Weil–Petersson
metric. If we take M = (S, σ0 ) for some hyperbolic metric σ0 and ρ = id, we have
defined two functions Eid± on T (S), both of which clearly have critical points at [σ0 ].
We have
Theorem 4.14 (Tromba [184], Wolf [196], Jost [94]). The second variation of either
Eid± at [σ0 ] is a positive definite hermitian form on T[σ0 ] T (S) which coincides with the
Weil–Petersson metric.
Theorem 4.15 (Tromba [187],Yamada [209]). The energy Eρ+ defined above is strictly
convex along Weil–Petersson geodesics.
This result was first obtained by Tromba in the case where M is homeomorphic
to S. It was later generalized to the statement above by Yamada. It follows that the
minimum of Eρ+ is unique if it exists.
The conclusion is that there exists an abundance of convex exhaustion functions on
Teichmüller space and an explicit method to construct them. Any one of these gives
a solution to the Nielsen problem! For the average of such a function over a finite
subgroup G ⊂ Mod(S) is again strictly convex and G-invariant. Hence, its unique
minimum is also G-invariant, i.e. a fixed point of G, and Theorem 4.11 is proven. The
easiest example is to take M = (S, σ0 ), for any complex structure σ0 , and ρ = id, as
in the previous section.
It turns out that the analogous statement Theorem 4.15 for Eρ− is false. For example,
we could choose M to be a fibered hyperbolic 3-manifold with S a fiber and ρ the
homomorphism coming from the inclusion. Then ρ is invariant by conjugation of
the monodromy of the fibration, which by a theorem of Thurston is represented by a
88 Georgios D. Daskalopoulos and Richard A. Wentworth
Theorem 4.16 (Wolpert [204], [207]). For any simple closed curve c, the function
c : T (S) → R+ defined in (4.3) is strictly convex along Weil–Petersson geodesics.
The extension of the length function to geodesic currents is also strictly convex.
One consequence of this is the geodesic convexity of Teichmüller space, i.e. be-
tween any two points in T (S) there exists a unique Weil–Petersson geodesic. One
can also construct convex exhaustion functions, although in a manner slightly differ-
ent from that of the previous section. If we choose a collection c1 , . . . , cm of simple
closed curves which are filling in S in the sense that any other simple closed essential
curve has nontrivial intersection with at least one cj , then the function
β = c1 + · · · + cm , (4.6)
is an exhaustion function. This again follows by Mumford–Mahler compactness and
the Collar Lemma. Since β is also strictly convex, this gives a solution to Nielsen’s
problem as above, and indeed this is Wolpert’s method.
Finally, we point out that Kerckhoff’s proof of Theorem 4.10 was the first to lay
out this type of argument. The difference is that he proved convexity not with respect
to the Weil–Petersson geometry but along Thurston’s earthquake deformations.
4.2.4 Further applications. We now enumerate some other applications of the ideas
developed in previous section.
• Convex cocompact representations. Note that Proposition 4.13 can also be adapted
to the equivariant case and metric space targets. Here, ρ : = π1 (S) → Iso(X),
where X is a simply connected NPC space. Injectivity is replaced by the condition
that the translation length of any isometry in the image is bounded below by a uniform
A discrete embedding ρ : → Iso(X) is convex cocompact if there exists a ρ-
invariant closed geodesically convex subset N ⊂ X such that N/ρ is compact.
to the action of a discrete subgroup of PSL(2, C). In this case, Theorem 4.17 is just
the known fact that Mod(S) acts properly on the space QF (S) of quasi-Fuchsian
embeddings. Indeed, Bers’ simultaneous uniformization theorem [12] provides a
Mod(S)-equivariant homeomorphism
QF (S) −→ T (S) × T (S).
Properness of the action of Mod(S) on T (S), Theorem 4.4, implies properness on
QF (S).
The idea of the proof of Theorem 4.17 is to show that if ρ is convex cocompact
(1) then there exists a ρ-equivariant harmonic map f : S̃ → X, and
(2) the corresponding energy functional Eρ− : T (S) → R+ is proper.
Then one associates to each ρ the compact subset of minima of Eρ− in T (S), and
properness of the action of Mod(S) on T (S) implies the result. See [73] for more
• Filling foliations. Recall from Section 3.1.2 that by the Hubbard–Masur theorem
any measured foliation can be realized as the horizontal foliation of a holomorphic
quadratic differential. As a second application, consider the problem of realizing a pair
of measured foliations as the horizontal and vertical foliations of a single quadratic
differential on some Riemann surface. A pair F+ , F− of measured foliations on S is
called filling if for any third measured foliation G
i(F+ , G) + i(F− , G) = 0 ,
where i( ·, ·) denotes the intersection number (see Section 2.3.2).
It is relatively easy to see that the horizontal and vertical trajectories of a holomor-
phic quadratic differential are filling (cf. [67, Lemma 5.3]). The proof of the converse
follows by showing, using arguments similar to those in the proof of Proposition 4.13,
that Ext F+ + ExtF− is a proper function on T (S). The first variational formula Theo-
rem 3.11 shows that a local minimum is a point at which the quadratic differentials
for F+ and F− are related by a minus sign. On the other hand, by the argument in
Section 3.1.2, F± are therefore vertical and horizontal foliations of one and the same
differential. Uniqueness can also be proven by analytic methods (see [194] for more
• Holomorphic convexity of T (S). The convex exhaustion functions constructed in the
previous sections are, in particular, strictly plurisubharmonic (Tromba [188] showed
that this is true for Eid− as well). This gives a new proof of the following
90 Georgios D. Daskalopoulos and Richard A. Wentworth
Theorem 4.20 (Yeung [212]). T (S) admits a bounded strictly plurisubharmonic func-
Explicitly, one may take −β −ε , where β is the function in (4.6) and 0 < ε < 1.
The existence of a bounded plurisubharmonic function has important implications for
the equivalence of invariant metrics on Teichmüller space (see [24], [120], [212]).
This is a consequence of Theorem 4.9. Using Theorem 3.7, it follows that there
exist equivariant harmonic maps in this case as well. Putting all of these considerations
together, we have
92 Georgios D. Daskalopoulos and Richard A. Wentworth
We note that this statement, apparently stronger than the one appearing in [39],
follows from considering the possibilities in Theorem 5.1.
It is certainly expected that uniqueness holds in the corollary under certain as-
sumptions. Some generalization of Theorem 2.33 is needed. Roughly speaking, one
expects uniqueness to fail only if the image of f lies in a flat. Alternatively, one should
be able to prove a priori that if ρ is sufficiently large then some point of the image of
f lies in the interior T (S). Then the strictly negative curvature implies that the image
is a geodesic, which again contradicts the assumption of sufficiently large.
5.1.2 Surface domains. A natural question arises from the statement of Corollary 5.3.
Under what conditions does the image of a harmonic map to T (S) actually lie in T (S)?
This is an important issue, since if f (x) ∈ T (S), then since T (S) is a manifold f is
smooth near the point x. More generally, one would at least like to have control over
the size of the singular set (cf. Theorem 2.35).
The first result in this direction is the following
To give a rough idea of why this should be the case, we again consider the model for
the Weil–Petersson geometry near the boundary ∂T (S) discussed in Section 4.1.1. Let
f : B1 (0) → M be a finite energy harmonic map. By Theorem 2.31, f is uniformly
Lipschitz. The generalization of (4.2) are the equations
ξ ξ = 43 ξ 6 |∇θ |2 , div(ξ 6 ∇θ) = 0, |∇ξ |, ξ 3 |∇θ | are locally bounded.
Because of the singularities, ξ(x, y) and θ(x, y) are only weak solutions of these
equations. We may assume that f is nonconstant with f (0) ∈ ∂ M. Furthermore,
suppose the origin is not a zero of the Hopf differential ϕ. It is not hard to show that
the singular set, i.e. f −1 (∂ M) is a leaf of the horizontal foliation of ϕ. In ϕ-coordinates
(x, y), one shows with some more analysis of the situation that ξ(x, y) ∼ y. Then the
second equation above becomes essentially div(y 6 ∇θ ) = 0. This kind of degenerate
equation appears in the study of the porous medium equation [107], and one can show
that θ (x, y) itself is locally bounded. Then a scaling argument using the monotonicity
formula (2.50) can be used to derive a contradiction.
To go from a regularity result for harmonic maps to M to a result for maps to T (S)
requires an approximation of harmonic maps to targets with asymptotically product
metrics. This is similar to the discussion of geodesics above. For more details we
refer to [193].
Chapter 1. Harmonic maps and Teichmüller theory 93
The argument proceeds as in the proof of Proposition 4.13. Note that there is a
lower bound, depending only on the genus, of the Weil–Petersson translation length
of any pseudo-Anosov (see [39]).
5.1.3 Holomorphic maps from Riemann surfaces. By Proposition 2.13 (see esp.
(2.25)), since the Weil–Petersson metric is Kähler, equivariant holomorphic maps from
surfaces to T (S) are examples of energy minimizers; in particular, harmonic maps.
These are given by holomorphic curves in M(S) that are locally liftable to T (S).
Alternatively, consider a family X → B, where B is a compact Riemann surface, and
X is a locally liftable holomorphic fibration of genus p Riemann surfaces. Associated
to this is a monodromy homomorphism ρ : π1 (B) → Mod(S). By Corollary 5.5, if
ρ is irreducible there is a ρ-equivariant harmonic map f : B̃ → T (S). In general,
this will not be holomorphic for any choice of complex structure on B. By the
essential uniqueness of the harmonic map, we see that the issue of holomorphicity is
a property of the (conjugacy class) of the monodromy representation ρ. Let us call
a homomorphism ρ : π1 (B) → Mod(S) holomorphic if there exists a ρ-equivariant
holomorphic map B̃ → T (S).
A simple example occurs when the monodromy has finite image. Then by the
Nielsen realization theorem, ρ fixes a point in T (S). In particular, there is a (constant)
holomorphic map. In terms of the family X → B, this is precisely the case where
the lift of the fibration p ∗ X → B̂ to some finite cover p : B̂ → B is trivial. Such a
fibration is called isotrivial.
The harmonic map point of view provides a tool to study holomorphic families.
Here is one property:
94 Georgios D. Daskalopoulos and Richard A. Wentworth
Proof. Suppose not. By the classification of subgroups of the mapping class group
Theorem 5.1, ρ is either reducible or virtually cyclic. In the former case, there is a
proper totally geodesic stratum S ⊂ ∂T (S) that is invariant under ρ. Since projection
to S from the interior T (S) is strictly distance decreasing, the geodesic homotopy of f
to S is both ρ-equivariant and strictly energy decreasing. This contradicts the fact that
u is the energy minimizer. If ρ is virtually cyclic, then the energy minimizer maps onto
a geodesic. Since the image is one dimensional, this contradicts holomorphicity.
Theorem 5.8. Holomorphic families with the same monodromy (up to conjugation)
are equivalent.
Theorem 5.9 (Arakelov [8], Paršin [155]). Fix a closed Riemann surface B, and
let Mod(S) denote the mapping class group of a compact surface of genus p ≥ 2.
Then there are at most finitely many conjugacy classes of non-isotrivial holomorphic
homomorphisms ρ : π1 (B) → Mod(S).
We note that this can be extended to the case where B is a Riemann surface with
punctures. The punctures correspond to singularities in the surface fibration, and in
the holomorphic case the local monodromy around the punctures is pseudoperiodic.
Finite energy maps always exist in this case (see [36]).
The key to Theorem 5.9 is a uniform bound on the energy. Since T (S) has holo-
morphic sectional curvature bounded above by a negative constant (see Theorem 4.1),
Royden’s version of the Yau-Schwartz lemma implies that if f : B̃ → T (S) is holo-
morphic, then
f ∗ dswp
≤ CdsB̃2 ,
for a uniform constant C (see [160]). In particular, by (2.25), the energy of a holo-
morphic map is uniformly bounded. Since by Proposition 2.17 the Lipschitz constant
of harmonic maps is bounded by the total energy, a sequence of holomorphic maps
to M(S) is necessarily equicontinuous (see also [74]). This allows one to construct
convergent subsequences for the maps M(S). As in the argument in Section 4.1.3
there is the issue of lifting the limiting map. In this way, one derives a contradiction
to the existence of infinitely many distinct conjugacy classes of holomorphic ρ. For
a fuller account of this approach to the Arakelov–Paršin theorem, we refer to [100]
and [85].
Chapter 1. Harmonic maps and Teichmüller theory 95
5.2 Superrigidity
In this final section we briefly describe how equivariant harmonic map theory can be
used to study homomorphisms of fundamental groups of compact manifolds to the
mapping class group. The link between superrigidity and harmonic maps uses a tech-
nique which can be traced back to Bochner and Calabi–Weil and was first fully utilized
in connection with the Margulis superrigidity theorem. In fact, as mentioned earlier,
many of the ideas presented here were inspired by the attempt to give a harmonic maps
proof of superrigidity. In Section 5.2.1 we state the Ivanov–Farb–Kaimanovich–Masur
theorem for homomorphisms of superrigid lattices into mapping class groups. In Sec-
tion 5.2.2 we describe two approaches in generalizing harmonic maps by allowing the
domain to be singular as well. The first is the analytic approach along the lines for
smooth domains, the second is the combinatorial approach. As an application one can
prove a statement on the non-Archimedean superigidity of lattices in mapping class
Theorem 5.10. Let be a cocompact lattice in any symmetric space with nonpositive
curvature other than the real or complex hyperbolic spaces. Then any homomorphism
→ Mod(S) has finite image.
For symmetric spaces of rank ≥ 2 this result is due to Farb–Masur [55], following
earlier work of Kaimanovich–Masur [102]. Ivanov has announced an independent
proof. Bestvina–Fujiwara [17] gave a proof using bounded cohomology, and for
hermitian symmetric spaces an independent proof can be found in Hain [76]. Us-
ing the method of [30], [101], [139] the remaining rank 1 cases were proven by
S.-K. Yeung [213].
Geometric superrigidity uses harmonic maps to prove results of this type. The
basic philosophy is to show that equivariant harmonic maps f : G/K → N, where
G/K is a symmetric space of higher rank and N has nonpositive curvature, would
necessarily be totally geodesic. Recall from Section 2.2.1 that the harmonic map
equations are of the form Tr ∇df = 0, whereas the equations for a totally geodesic
map are ∇df = 0. Curvature conditions must be used to show that the stronger
(overdetermined) set of equations are automatically satisfied. One then attempts to
use geometric considerations to rule out the existence of nonconstant totally geodesic
To give a simple example of how this might come about, consider the following
96 Georgios D. Daskalopoulos and Richard A. Wentworth
Indeed, the statement easily follows by integrating both sides of the Bochner for-
mula (2.32) and using the divergence theorem. When the domain does not satisfy this
curvature restriction, the proof fails. Nevertheless, more sophisticated forms of the
Bochner formulas have been derived in the case of domains with Einstein metrics,
or more generally, certain parallel tensors. For more details, we refer to [30], [101],
In light of Corollary 5.3, one is tempted to prove Theorem 5.10 using harmonic
maps to T (S). The difficulty is in the singular nature of the NPC space T (S). However,
the idea that these techniques could be generalized to singular space targets is one of
the major contributions of [75]. The argument based on the Bochner formula given
above continues to be valid, so long as the singular set of f is relatively small, e.g. has
codimension at least 2, so that the integration by parts needed to apply the divergence
theorem holds. All of this is motivation to extend the regularity result of Theorem 5.4
to higher dimensional domains.
5.2.2 Harmonic maps from singular domains. Thus far we have discussed the
theory of harmonic maps from smooth domains into (possibly singular) metric space
targets. These included singular surfaces, R-trees, and the Weil–Petersson completion
of Teichmüller space. In this section we sketch two generalizations of this study to
the case where the domain is also allowed to be singular.
We start with an analytic approach closely related to the techniques discussed
above. Let be a finite 2-dimensional simplicial complex. The restriction to two
dimensions is not essential and most of the following results hold in general. It is
important, however, to assume that is admissible (cf. [25], [49]), meaning that it
satisfies the following conditions:
(1) Every simplex is contained in a face (i.e. a 2-simplex).
(2) Every pair of faces can be joined by a sequence of pairwise adjacent faces.
(3) has no boundary, i.e. every edge is contained in at least two faces.
(4) is flat in that every open face is isometric to an equilateral triangle in R2 .
We also allow ourselves a choice w of weights w(F ) > 0 for each face. This is an
important technical point. Given an NPC space (X, d) and a map f : → X, define
the w-energy
Ew (f ) = w(F ) |∇f |2 (x) dx,
2 F
Chapter 1. Harmonic maps and Teichmüller theory 97
The important point here is that, unlike the case of smooth domains, α need not
be ≥ 1. One application of Theorem 5.12 is the compactification of character varieties
for arbitrarily finitely presented groups along the lines of Theorem 3.19. Indeed, one
can always realize such a group as the fundamental group of an admissible 2-complex.
Other potential consequences use the notion of a Hopf differential. Clearly, for energy
minimizers, ϕ = Hopf(f ) is a holomorphic quadratic differential on the interior of
each face (cf. Section 3.1.2). For points x on an edge e, we have the following
balancing condition:
Im ϕF (x) = 0,
where the sum is over all faces F adjacent to e at x. An important open question is
whether zeros of ϕ can accumulate along the edges. If not, then the Hopf differentials
of w-harmonic maps define geometric or track foliations on (cf. [18], [46], [116]).
Another important issue is the asymptotic behavior of the induced foliation on ˜ . More
generally, one might ask under what conditions one can generalize to this setting the
results for surface groups discussed previously in this chapter.
We now return to the relationship between regularity and rigidity. We have the
98 Georgios D. Daskalopoulos and Richard A. Wentworth
Using this, one has a nontrivial generalization of Theorem 5.11 to the case of
singular domains:
where exy denotes an edge with adjacent vertices x and y, and x̃, ỹ are adjacent
vertices of a lift of exy to ˜ . We say that f is a ρ-equivariant combinatorial harmonic
map if it minimizes Ecomb (f ). Under the assumption that X is locally compact and
that ρ() does not fix a point in ∂X one can prove the existence of combinatorial
harmonic maps (see Wang [191], [192]). Furthermore, assuming the first eigenvalue
of the combinatorial Laplacian of the link of every vertex with the induced weights is
> 1/2, one can deduce rigidity results as in the first approach. This can be used to
deduce non-Archimedean generalizations of Theorem 5.10 [171].
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Chapter 2
1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
2 Teichmüller’s metric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
2.1 Measured foliations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
2.2 Conformal structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
2.3 Moduli and extremal lengths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
2.4 The Teichmüller metric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
2.5 Teichmüller maps and Teichmüller geodesics . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
2.6 On the asymptotic behaviour of Teichmüller rays . . . . . . . . . . . 137
2.7 The Teichmüller boundary and convergent rays . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
2.8 Convergence to Thurston’s boundary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
2.9 On the visual boundary of the Teichmüller metric . . . . . . . . . . . 141
3 Thurston’s asymmetric metric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
3.1 Hyperbolic structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
3.2 Decompositions by generalized pairs of pants and by ideal triangles . 143
3.3 Geodesic laminations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
3.4 Horocyclic foliations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
3.5 Thurston’s cataclysm coordinates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
3.6 Stretch lines, stretch rays, anti-stretch rays and stretch maps . . . . . 164
3.7 Thurston’s asymmetric metric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
3.8 Comparison with other metrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172
3.9 Example I of a stretch line: the four-punctured sphere . . . . . . . . . 173
3.10 Example II of a stretch line: the punctured torus . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
3.11 Example III of a stretch line: the closed surface of genus 2 . . . . . . 178
3.12 The behaviour of the lengths of measured geodesic laminations along
stretch and anti-stretch lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
3.13 Thurston’s boundary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
3.14 Converging to Thurston’s boundary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
3.15 Stretch lines and earthquakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
4 Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
112 Athanase Papadopoulos and Guillaume Théret
1 Introduction
In this chapter, g and n are two nonnegative integers and S = Sg,n is a connected
oriented surface obtained from a closed surface of genus g (which we shall denote by Ŝ)
by removing n points called the punctures.1 We assume that the Euler characteristic
of S is negative. T = Tg,n denotes the Teichmüller space of S. This space carries
several interesting metrics. In this chapter, we shall consider two of them, namely,
Teichmüller’s metric and Thurston’s asymmetric metric. We shall study these metrics
respectively in Sections 2 and 3 below. These two metrics are Finsler metrics, that is,
the distance between two points in Teichmüller space can be defined by minimizing
the lengths of paths joining these points, and lengths of paths are computed by using
a norm defined on the tangent space at each point of T . In the case of Thurston’s
asymmetric metric, the norms on the tangent spaces are not symmetric.
Teichmüller space can be defined either as a space of equivalence classes of con-
formal structures on S or as a space of equivalence classes of hyperbolic structures
on S. Each of the two metrics considered here is natural from one of these points
of view: Teichmüller’s metric from the point of view of conformal geometry and
Thurston’s asymmetric metric from the point of view of hyperbolic geometry. Indeed,
Teichmüller’s metric is natural as a measure of distances between (equivalence classes
of) conformal structures, since it is defined as the logarithm of the least quasiconfor-
mal dilatation of a homeomorphism isotopic to the identity between these conformal
structures, whereas Thurston’s asymmetric metric is natural from the point of view of
measuring distances between (equivalence classes of) hyperbolic structures, since it is
defined as the logarithm of the smallest Lipschitz constant of homeomorphisms iso-
topic to the identity from one hyperbolic structure to the other one. (The order in which
we take the hyperbolic surfaces is important in the last definition because the smallest
Lipschitz constant in one direction is generally different from the smallest Lipschitz
constant in the other direction.) The difference between the conformal and the hy-
perbolic points of view makes the techniques used in the study of these two metrics
on Teichmüller space of different natures: on the one hand, we use complex analysis
(quasiconformal mappings, quadratic differentials, extremal length and so on), and,
on the other hand, we use two-dimensional hyperbolic geometry. But the problems
that we try to solve are formally the same: the global behaviour of geodesic lines (that
is, isometric images of R) in Teichmüller space, e.g. the question of whether they are
properly embedded or not, the convergence of geodesic rays to a point on Thurston’s
boundary, the study of visual boundaries, and other related problems. There are also
several analogies between the results obtained so far for the two metrics. Finally,
there are natural questions about the comparison between the two metrics. These are
reasons for which we present the two metrics in parallel.
Let us start with a few words about some analogies and some differences between
the general features of the two metrics.
1 Such a surface S is said to be of finite type, in reference to the fact that its fundamental group is of finite
Chapter 2. On Teichmüller’s metric and Thurston’s asymmetric metric 113
sociated to the geodesic line (S t )t∈R . This description makes it easy to visualize the
holomorphic coordinates of the surface S t when this surface varies along a geodesic
line. In this way, each conformal structure S t is represented by a Euclidean structure
with isolated conical singular points on the surface, where the transverse measure of
the foliation e−t F1 (respectively et F2 ) determines the Euclidean length on the leaves
of the transverse foliation et F2 (respectively e−t F1 ).
In the case of Thurston’s asymmetric metric, a distinguished class of geodesics
can be described using an object which is less symmetrical than a pair of measured
foliations. This object is a pair consisting of a complete (not necessarily measured)
geodesic lamination, and a measured foliation which is transverse to it. More precisely,
Thurston showed that any two points in Teichmüller space can be joined by a geodesic
(for his asymmetric metric) made up of a concatenation of pieces of “stretch lines”,
a stretch line being a parametrized family of hyperbolic structures S t = (μ, et F ),
t ∈ R, where μ is a complete geodesic lamination on S t and F a measured foliation
on S = S 0 which is transverse to μ. Here also, the pair (μ, et F ) defines a privileged
set of directions on the hyperbolic surface S t , viz the geodesic directions of the leaves
of μ, and the perpendicular directions which are the leaves of et F and which are
made out of pieces of horocycles, with the transverse measure of et F coinciding on
the leaves of μ with hyperbolic length. Thus, the measured foliation et F plays here
the role of a “vertical foliation”, and the complete lamination μ plays the role of a
“horizontal foliation”, associated to the stretch line. Varying the parameter t describes
the stretch line.
These descriptions of geodesic lines for the two metrics on Teichmüller space
lead naturally to similar questions concerning both metrics, as well as to questions
concerning the comparison between them. We now enumerate some of these questions.
• The descriptions of the geodesic rays for Teichmüller’s metric and for Thurston’s
asymmetric metric lead to two distinct natural parametrizations of Teichmüller space
equipped with actions of the group R∗+ of positive reals on the parameter spaces. A
first question related to these parametrizations concerns the study of the extension of
the parameters by adjoining limit points to the orbits of the R∗+ -actions. This leads
to defining boundaries to Teichmüller space, and one natural question is about the
dependence of such a boundary on the chosen parametrization in each case. Other
questions concern the comparison of these boundaries among themselves and with
other geometrically defined boundaries. More precisely, for each of the two metrics,
there is a collection of parameter spaces, each of which being a set of equivalence
classes of measured foliations. In the case of Teichmüller’s metric, a parameter space
is a space of equivalence classes of measured foliations that are transverse to a fixed
measured foliation, and in the case of Thurston’s asymmetric metric, a parameter
space is a space of equivalence classes of measured foliations that are transverse
to a fixed complete geodesic lamination. As such, the two parameter spaces admit
natural R∗+ -action (induced by the action of R∗+ on measures), and the orbits of these
actions correspond to geodesic lines in Teichmüller space, for each of these metrics
respectively. The questions about the extension of the parameters to the boundary
Chapter 2. On Teichmüller’s metric and Thurston’s asymmetric metric 115
involve the study of the asymptotic behaviour of geodesic rays for each of these
metrics. In each case, the R∗+ -orbits are properly embedded in the parameter space. In
these notes, we present these facts in some detail, as well as results on the following
• Convergence of geodesic rays. Some of the convergence results are formulated
in terms of a boundary of T which Steve Kerckhoff called Teichmüller boundary,
others in terms of Thurston’s boundary, and others in terms of the visual boundaries of
Teichmüller space. In the early 1980s, Howard Masur obtained results on the conver-
gence of some particular classes of geodesic rays for Teichmüller’s metric to points
on Thurston’s boundary, and Kerckhoff obtained results on the relative behaviour of
pairs of Teichmüller geodesic rays. We present these results below. It seems that there
were no other significant results of that type until a recent work by Anna Lenzhen,
in which she produces a geodesic ray that does not converge to a point on Thurston’s
boundary. The question of the description of the behaviour of an arbitrary geodesic
ray for Teichmüller’s metric with respect to Thurston’s boundary is still open. Con-
cerning the convergence of geodesic rays for Thurston’s asymmetric metric to a point
on Thurston’s boundary, we shall present some recent results.
• The asymptotic behaviour of “anti-stretch” rays. An anti-stretch ray is the neg-
ative part of a stretch line, oriented in the direction opposite to the one given by the
parametrization of the stretch line. Due to the fact that Thurston’s metric is not sym-
metric, an anti-stretch ray is in general not a stretch ray (even after reparametrization).
We note that an anti-stretch ray is (up to reparametrization) a geodesic ray for the
asymmetric metric on Teichmüller space which is “dual” to Thurston’s asymmetric
metric. Here, the dual K ∗ of an asymmetric metric K is defined by the formula
K ∗ (x, y) = K(y, x).
• The asymptotic behaviour of the length of an arbitrary measured geodesic lam-
ination of compact support under a stretch or an anti-stretch ray. More precisely, for
a given family of hyperbolic surfaces (S t )t∈R parametrized by a stretch line and for
any compactly supported measured geodesic lamination α, we are interested in the
existence of the limits limt→∞ lS t (α) and limt→−∞ lS t (α), and whether these limits
are finite or infinite.
We note that in the case of the Teichmüller metric, we have stated some of the
results for the restricted case of closed surfaces, because the written sources for these
results exist only in that special case (although most of these results are certainly valid
in the larger context of surfaces of finite type). For Thurston’s asymmetric metric, we
present the results in the case of surfaces with or without punctures.
The results on the Teichmüller metric that we give are classical, but some of those
on Thurston’s asymmetric metric are new.
At the end of this chapter, we formulate some open problems which concern espe-
cially Thurston’s asymmetric metric.
116 Athanase Papadopoulos and Guillaume Théret
2 Teichmüller’s metric
References for Teichmüller’s metric can be found in Teichmüller’s collected papers
[62], as well as in those of Ahlfors and of Bers [3], [12], who rewrote part of the theory
and developed it. There are several introductory books on the subject of Teichmüller’s
theory, for instance the books by Abikoff [1] and by Imayoshi and Taniguchi [27]. We
also recommend the recent books by Hubbard [25] and by Fletcher and Markovic [21].
Figure 1. The four pictures represent s-prong singular points with s = 3, 4, 5, 6 respectively.
Figure 2. The three pictures represent the local model for a measured foliation at a puncture
of S. The foliation extends in three possible ways: either as a 1-prong singular point (case (a)),
or as a regular point (case (b)), or as a singular point with at least 3 prongs (case (c)), that is,
like the singular points at interior points of the surface.
an arc to a point. (Remember that by our definition, an arc is embedded, which implies
that after such a collapse, the surface remains a surface.) An example of a Whitehead
move is given in Figure 3. Again, these moves are required to respect the transverse
measures. The inverse move of a Whitehead move is also called a Whitehead move.
Figure 3. Whitehead move: collapsing or creating an arc joining two singular points.
Here, the spine is chosen so that the singular points of the resulting foliation on S
are of the allowed type. Note that the exposition in [20] works for the case where S
is compact. To deal with the case where S is noncompact (that is, the case where S
has punctures), we can use the spine of a compact surface with boundary obtained by
replacing each puncture by a boundary closed curve and then collapsing that boundary
curve to a point. We do this in such a way that the local model of the resulting measured
foliation on the original surface S is of the allowed type, at the interior singularities and
at the punctures. The various choices of spines for the complementary components of
the cylinder C differ precisely by Whitehead moves performed on spines. Using this
fact, to any element of S, we associate a measured foliation on S which is well defined
up to isotopy and Whitehead moves. It is a fact of the classical theory of measured
foliations that the map defined in (2.1) is injective (see [20], p. 89).
Note that in the case where the surface S is the three-punctured sphere, the set S is
empty. As is well known, the Teichmüller space in that case consists of a single point,
and there is not a lot more to say. Therefore, we discard this case in what follows.
Definition 2.2 (Measured foliation with one cylinder). A measured foliation (respec-
tively a measured foliation class) which up to a constant factor is obtained from
an element of S by the map described in (2.1) will be called a measured foliation
(respectively a measured foliation class) with one cylinder.
where the infimum is taken over all closed curves c that are in the homotopy class γ
and that are made up of a finite concatenation of segments which are either contained
in leaves of F or are transverse to F , and where I (F, c) denotes the total mass (with
respect to the transverse measure of F ) of all the sub-segments of c that are transverse
to F .
In this way, a measured foliation defines an element of RS+ , the set of functions
from S to R+ . Two measured foliations are said to be measure-equivalent if they have
the same image in RS+ .
The next two theorems summarize some basic results of Thurston that we shall
refer to in the rest of the chapter.
120 Athanase Papadopoulos and Guillaume Théret
Theorem 2.3 (Thurston, see [20], p. 110). Two measured foliations are Whitehead-
equivalent if and only if they are measure-equivalent.
Theorem 2.3 gives an embedding of the space MF in the function space RS+ , and
with this embedding we have the following:
Theorem 2.4 (Thurston, see [20]), p. 117 and 150). With the topology induced on
the space MF by its embedding in the function space RS+ equipped with the weak
topology, MF is homeomorphic to R6g−6+2n \ {0}. The set of elements in MF that
are of the form xγ with x ∈ R∗+ and γ ∈ S (where γ is regarded as an element
of MF by the embedding defined in (2.1) above) is a dense subset of MF . The
projectivized space PMF , equipped with the quotient topology, is homeomorphic to
a (6g − 7 + 2n)-dimensional sphere S 6g−7+2n , in which the natural image of S is
Figure 5. Each picture represents two transverse foliations near a singular point in S.
→ −z and up to a translation in C. In that way, the leaves of F1 (respectively F2 )
are locally defined by the equation y = constant (respectively x = constant). The fact
that the local parameters z = x + iy are well defined at each point up to sign and up
to the addition of a complex number implies that the local parameters associated to
the various nonsingular points are compatible with each other from the holomorphic
point of view, and they define a conformal structure in the complement of the singular
points. Now we have to see that this conformal structure extends to the whole surface.
Let p be a singular point of F1 (or, equivalently, F2 ) and let s be the number of prongs
at that point. On each small enough disk neighborhood V (p) of p in S, we can define
a map φp : V (p) → C which sends p to 0 and which at each point of V (p) \ {p}
coincides with a branch of the map z
→ z2/s , z being the distinguished parameter.
This map is well defined up to composition in the range by a rotation of C that
fixes the origin. The maximal atlas generated by the collection of distinguished local
charts at the nonsingular points of S, together with the maps (V (p), φp ) associated
to the various singular points, defines a conformal structure on S. (We note that the
Chapter 2. On Teichmüller’s metric and Thurston’s asymmetric metric 123
condition we imposed on the way the foliations extend to the punctures of S ensures
that the requirement in Definition 2.5 that each puncture has a neighborhood which is
conformally equivalent to a punctured disk in C is satisfied.)
Since in each small enough neighborhood of each point in S, the distinguished
parameter in C is unique up to addition of a complex constant and to multiplication
by −1, such a parameter defines a metric on that neighborhood, which makes the
neighborhood isometric to an open subset of C equipped with its Euclidean metric.
Thus, if Z denotes the set of singular points of F1 and F2 , the surface S \ Z is equipped
with a canonical Euclidean metric. The leaves of the foliations F1 and F2 are geodesic
with respect to that metric, and the foliations are mutually orthogonal. Such a metric is
called a singular flat metric or a Euclidean metric with cone singularities, the singular
points being the cone points.
Definition 2.8 (Teichmüller space). The Teichmüller space of S, which we shall denote
by Tg,n , Tg,n (S), T or T (S), is the space of equivalence classes of conformal structures
on S.
The subgroup Hom0 (S) of Hom(S) consisting of the homeomorphisms that are
isotopic to the identity is a normal subgroup, and the quotient group MCG(S) =
Hom(S)/Hom0 (S) is called the mapping class group of S. It has a natural action on
the Teichmüller space Tg,n (S), which is the quotient action of that of Hom(S) on the
set of maximal conformal atlases defined above.
The set of conformal structures on S is equipped with a natural topology in
which two conformal structures G and H are close if we can find two coverings
{(Ui , φi )}i∈ and {(Vi , ψj )}j ∈J , where for each i ∈ (respectively j ∈ J), (Ui , φi )
(respectively (Vj , ψj )) is a holomorphic chart for G (respectively H ), such that
i∈ Ui = i∈J Vj = S and such that any map of the form φi ψj (with the
usual convention for its domain of definition) is C -close to the identity. (We are
using the fact that a conformal structure on S defines a canonical C ∞ -structure on that
surface.) Teichmüller space Tg,n (S) is equipped with the quotient topology. There are
124 Athanase Papadopoulos and Guillaume Théret
many nice ways of describing that topology, which show that this space is homeomor-
phic to R6g−6+2n . In particular, this topology is induced by the Teichmüller metric
which is one of the main subject matters of this chapter (Definition 2.23 below), but
we shall also see several other descriptions of this topology.
Figure 7. There is a conformal map from the quadrilateral Q on the left to the Euclidean rectangle
on the right, sending the vertical sides of Q (which are drawn in bold lines) to the vertical sides
of the Euclidean rectangle. The Euclidean rectangle is unique up to isometry, if we take the
lengths of its vertical sides to be equal to 1.
Remark 2.11. In the case where f is a C 1 -diffeomorphism and where the conformal
structures G and H are induced by Riemannian metrics, then, for each z in G, the
differential of f at z, being an R-linear map, takes a circle centered at the origin in the
tangent space Tz G of G at z to an ellipse centered at the origin in the tangent space
Tf (z) H of H at f (z). The (local) quasiconformal dilatation of f at z, denoted by
Kz (f ), is defined as the ratio of the major axis to the minor axis of that image ellipse.
This ratio does not depend on the choice of the circle in Tz G centered at the origin
that we started with. The quasiconformal dilatation of f is then equal to
K(f ) = sup Kz (f ).
Finally, we note that the quasiconformal dilatation of f at z is also given by the formula
sup{dfz (u) such that u ∈ Tz S, u = 1}
Kz (f ) = .
inf{dfz (u) such that u ∈ Tz , u = 1}
In this formula, the norm of the tangent vector u (respectively dfz (u)) is measured
with respect to the Riemannian metric defining G (respectively H ).
Chapter 2. On Teichmüller’s metric and Thurston’s asymmetric metric 127
2) More generally, we can take an arbitrary (simply connected or not) closed subset
of the Euclidean plane forming a subsurface with boundary with each boundary curve
being made of a finite number of vertical and horizontal segments (see Figure 8 for
an example). Doubling this surface, excluding the vertices, as in Example 1 above,
produces a Riemann surface equipped with a canonical product foliation structure (see
Definition 2.16), the one induced by the vertical and horizontal measured foliations
of the plane. As in the particular case considered above, for each λ > 0, one can
easily visualize a Teichmüller map on that surface, as a map induced by an affine
transformation of the Euclidean plane. Notice that in all these examples, a singular
point of each of the horizontal and vertical measured foliation is either a 1-prong or
3-prong singularity. At a 3-prong singularity, we can close the puncture, that is, we
can include in the gluing of the two planar surfaces that we started with the endpoints
of the edges that abut on that singular point. However, there are necessarily 1-prong
singularities left, and we cannot obtain closed surfaces with this kind of construction.
But it is easy to construct closed surfaces equipped with measured foliation pairs (see
for instance the examples in the chapter by Herrlich and Schmithüsen in this Handbook
Figure 8. Doubling two such shaded regions along the open edges gives examples of surfaces
with punctures equipped with measured foliation pairs. (The foliations we are talking about are
those induced by the horizontal and vertical foliations of the plane.)
Definition 2.13 (Modulus and extremal length of a homotopy class of curves). Let S
be a Riemann surface and let γ be a homotopy class of essential simple closed curves
in S. The modulus of γ , denoted by ModS (γ ) or Mod(γ ), is the supremum of the
moduli of topological cylinders in S with core curve in the class γ . The extremal
length of γ , denoted by ExtS (γ ) or Ext(γ ), is defined as 1/Mod(γ ).
Chapter 2. On Teichmüller’s metric and Thurston’s asymmetric metric 129
The notion of extremal length of a family of curves in a Riemann surface was first
defined by Beurling and it was developed later on by Beurling and Ahlfors, see [4].
The following result provides examples of Riemann surfaces in which one can see
explicitly the maximal modulus cylinder in a given homotopy class.
Theorem 2.14. Let S be a closed surface equipped with a conformal structure defined
by two transverse measured foliations F1 and F2 as in Example 2.7. Suppose that F1
is a foliation with one cylinder, and let γ be the homotopy class of the core curve of
that cylinder. Then, the cylinder C in S whose interior is the complement of the critical
graph of F1 has the largest modulus among all topological cylinders in S with core
curve in the homotopy class γ . Thus, in this situation, we have Mod(γ ) = Mod(C)
or, equivalently, Ext(γ ) = 1/Mod(C).
Theorem 2.14 is stated (in an equivalent form) by Kerckhoff in [29] (Theorem 3.1)
and it is attributed there to J. A. Jenkins and K. Strebel.
There is an extension of this result to the extremal length of an arbitrary measured
foliation class instead of a homotopy class of a simple closed curve. This is Theo-
rem 2.21 below and, before stating it, we need to recall Kerckhoff’s extension of the
notion of extremal length from the set S of homotopy classes of simple closed curves
to the space MF of equivalence classes of measured foliations. (We are using here
the inclusion S ⊂ MF defined in (2.1).)
Theorem 2.15 (Kerckhoff [29]). Let S be a closed surface. The extremal length
function defined on the set S of homotopy classes of essential simple closed curves in
S extends in a unique way to a continuous function extS = ext : MF → R∗+ satisfying
ext(xF ) = x 2 ext(F ) for every x in R∗+ and for every F in MF .
The following lemma will be useful in considerations about product foliation struc-
Lemma 2.17 (Masur [41]). Let S be a closed surface and let [F1 ] and [F2 ] be two
measured foliation classes on S that can be represented by two transverse foliations
F1 and F2 . Then the pair (F1 , F2 ) is unique up to isotopy.
Remark 2.18 (Product foliation structures and quadratic differentials). We must men-
tion that a product foliation structure can be regarded as a Riemann surface equipped
130 Athanase Papadopoulos and Guillaume Théret
with a holomorphic quadratic differential, although we do not make use of this fact
in this chapter. We recall that a holomorphic quadratic differential q on a Riemann
surface S is an invariant object that has an expression qi (z)dz2 in each holomorphic
chart (Ui , φi ), where qi (z) is a holomorphic function of z, the holomorphic local
coordinate in φi (Ui ). Invariance of q means that if (Uj , φj ) is another holomorphic
chart, if w is the holomorphic local coordinate in φj (Uj ), and if a local expression
of q in that chart is qj (w)dw 2 , then at the overlap between the two charts we have
qi (z)dz2 = qj (w)dw 2 or, equivalently, qi (z)(dz/dw)2 = qj (w). This invariance
property implies in particular that the zeroes of q and their orders are well defined.
(In other words, the zeroes of the functions qi (z) and their orders are independent
of the choice of the local chart, see [59], p. 18). Now to each pair (F1 , F2 ) of trans-
verse measured foliations on S is associated a conformal structure on that surface,
as in Example 2.7, with local coordinates z = x + iy which are well defined up to
sign and up to composition by a translation in C. From that we deduce that the local
holomorphic quadratic differential form dz2 is the local expression of a well-defined
holomorphic quadratic differential form on S (that is, the invariance property is sat-
isfied). The norm of a quadratic differential is defined as q = |q(z)|dxdy (this
uses the fact that the area element dxdy is independent of the choice of the coordinate
chart), and the condition that we imposed on the foliations F1 and F2 at the punctures
of S (see Definition 2.1) insures that the associated quadratic differential has finite
norm. Conversely, to each conformal structure on S equipped with a holomorphic
quadratic differential of finite norm, one can naturally associate a Euclidean metric
with cone singularities, and a horizontal and a vertical foliation defining an element
of the space Q(S), these two foliations being orthogonal and their leaves being local
geodesics with respect to that Euclidean metric. Let us briefly recall the definitions
of these foliations and of the Euclidean structure. Let q be a nonzero holomorphic
quadratic differential on S, let (Ui , φi ) be a holomorphic chart in S, and let qi (z)dz2
be an expression of q in that chart. If z0 = φi (x) is the image by φi of a point x
which is a nonzero point of q, then, since qi (z0 )
= 0, taking if necessary a smaller
neighborhood Ui of z0 , we may define a branch qi2 of the square root of qi on that
z 1
neighborhood. The integral Qi (z) = z0 qi (v) 2 dv is then a holomorphic function
in z and it determines a new holomorphic chart for S at the point x. The parameter
w = Qi (z) is called a distinguished parameter for q at the nonzero point x. In terms
of that parameter, the expression of q is dw 2 . (Remember that the differential dw is
only defined up to sign, but that dw 2 is well defined.) The distinguished parameter w
is unique up to addition of a complex constant and multiplication by −1. Therefore,
it establishes an isometry between its domain in S and an open subset of C equipped
with its Euclidean metric. Thus, if Z(q) ⊂ S denotes the set of zeroes of the quadratic
differential q, the surface S \ Z(q) is equipped with a canonical Euclidean structure
induced by q. At a zero of q of order p, the Euclidean structure has a cone singularity
of cone angle (p + 2)π . On S \ Z(q), the vertical (respectively horizontal) foliation
is defined locally by taking a distinguished parameter w = u + iv and transporting on
Chapter 2. On Teichmüller’s metric and Thurston’s asymmetric metric 131
the domain of this local chart the foliation by vertical (respectively horizontal) lines
u = constant (respectively v = constant) in C. Since the distinguished parameters
are unique up to sign and up to translation in C, these foliations on the various chart
domains match up and give a well-defined vertical (respectively horizontal) foliation
on S \Z(q). It also follows from this construction that the leaves of these foliations are
local geodesics and are orthogonal with respect to the canonical Euclidean structure
on S \ Z(q) induced by q. Of course, this Euclidean structure is the same as the
Euclidean structure associated to the pair of transverse measured foliations defined
in Example 2.7. For more details on quadratic differentials, we refer the reader to
Strebel’s book [59] and to other chapters of this Handbook (see [18] and [24]).
Notice that a measured foliation has all of its leaves compact if and only if the
subset of the surface consisting of the union of the leaves that start at singular points is
a compact subset of the surface. This subset is then a graph, called the critical graph
of the foliation. The complement of this graph is a finite union of cylinders foliated
by parallel leaves. The core curves of these cylinders are essential and pairwise non-
homotopic closed curves. The property for a measured foliation to have all its leaves
compact, if it holds for a given measured foliation, holds for any equivalent foliation. A
particular class of Jenkins–Strebel structures is the class of product foliation structures
whose vertical measured foliations are foliations with one cylinder, that we already
considered above (Definition 2.2).
Jenkins studied in [28] (what we now call) Jenkins–Strebel structures as solutions
of certain extremal problems concerning maps between Riemann surfaces. It follows
2 Note that the fact that in this definition we talk about the vertical (rather than the horizontal) foliation is just
a matter of convention. In comparing the statements here with statements in some of the papers that we refer to,
one has to be careful about the conventions used in those papers.
132 Athanase Papadopoulos and Guillaume Théret
from his work and from the work of Strebel in [58] that for any Riemann surface S
and for any measured foliation F on S whose leaves are all compact, there exists a
unique Jenkins–Strebel structure whose vertical foliation is equivalent to F and whose
underlying conformal structure is the given one on S. The following more general
result was obtained later on by Hubbard and Masur:
Theorem 2.20 (Hubbard & Masur [26]). For any Riemann surface S and for any
measured foliation F on S, there exists a unique product foliation structure whose
underlying conformal structure is the one of S and whose vertical foliation is equivalent
to F . Moreover, the map ψ : MF (S)×T (S) → Q(S) that associates to any Riemann
surface S and to any measured foliation class [F ] this uniquely defined element of
Q(S) is a homeomorphism.
This implies in particular that the map p : Q(S) → T (S) defined in (2.3) is
Theorem 2.20 was proved by Hubbard and Masur in the case where S is a closed
surface, and another proof was given by Kerckhoff [29]. An adaptation for the case
of non-closed surfaces is contained in [22].
Theorem 2.20 gives the following parametrization of Teichmüller space:
Given a measured foliation F on S, let MF (F ) be the space of measured foliation
classes that are representable by measured foliations transverse to a measured foliation
equivalent to F . For each [F ] in MF , we have a map
ψ[F ] : T → MF (F ) (2.4)
obtained by restricting the map ψ of Theorem 2.20 to the subset {[F ]} × T of
MF × T . By Theorem 2.20, the map ψ[F ] is a homeomorphism. We regard this
map as a parametrization of Teichmüller space by the subset MF (F ) of measured
foliation space. The flowlines of the natural action of R∗+ on MF correspond by this
parametrization to images of geodesic lines in Teichmüller space, for the Teichmüller
metric that we recall below.
Using Theorem 2.20, it is possible to compute explicitly the extremal length of
some particular measured foliation classes, for Kerckhoff’s extension of the extremal
length function ext : MF → R+ (Theorem 2.15).
Theorem 2.21 (Kerckhoff [29], p. 34). Let S be a closed Riemann surface defined by
two transverse measured foliations F1 and F2 as in Example 2.7. Then, ext([F1 ]) and
ext([F2 ]) are equal to the total area of the singular flat metric associated to the pair
(F1 , F2 ).
is the length of a closed leaf of the foliation of the cylinder, the length being computed
in the singular flat metric defined by the two transverse foliations F1 and F2 . This
value h is the total area of that singular flat metric. Thus, the proof of Theorem 2.21
for ext([F1 ]) follows from Theorem 2.14 which contains that result in the particular
case where F1 is a foliation with one cylinder, and from the continuity of the map ψ
of Theorem 2.20. By symmetry, the same result holds for ext([F2 ]).
Note that in view of Theorem 2.21 and of the quadratic behaviour in Theorem 2.15,
extremal length should be considered as an area rather than as a length.
Remark 2.22 (Area and intersection number). The geometric intersection function
i : S × S → R+ is defined by
i(γ1 , γ2 ) = min Card{C1 ∩ C2 },
where the minimum is taken over all simple closed curves C1 and C2 in the homotopy
classes γ1 and γ2 respectively. Thurston showed that this function i extends as a
continuous function i : MF ×MF → R+ , called the geometric intersection function
for measured foliations, which extends the map i(F, γ ) defined in (2.2) above. If F1
and F2 are two transverse measured foliations, then the intersection i([F1 ], [F2 ]) is
equal to the area of the singular flat metric that this pair defines.
The symmetry of the map dT follows from the fact that the inverse of a quasiconfor-
mal homeomorphism is a quasiconformal homeomorphism with the same quasicon-
formal dilatation. The triangle inequality follows from the fact that the composition of
a K1 -quasiconformal homeomorphism with a K2 -quasiconformal homeomorphism is
a K1 K2 -quasiconformal homeomorphism.
From the way we introduced the quasiconformal dilatation of a homeomorphism,
Definition 2.23 gives the Teichmüller distance between two Riemann surfaces as a
comparison between moduli of quadrilaterals in these surfaces. The following theorem
gives a characterization of the Teichmüller distance as a comparison between extremal
134 Athanase Papadopoulos and Guillaume Théret
Theorem 2.24 (Kerckhoff [29], p. 36). Let S be a closed surface and let G and H be
two conformal structures on S. The Teichmüller distance between G and H is equal
1 ExtH (γ )
dT (G, H ) = log sup .
2 γ ∈S ExtG (γ )
and by
1 extH ([F ])
dT (G, H ) = log sup . (2.6)
2 [F ]∈PMF extG ([F ])
Note that to simplify notation, we are using in 2.6 the same notation, [F ], to denote
the equivalence class of F in MF and that in PMF .
In order to see that the last expression is meaningful (even though the value
H ([F ])
extH ([F ]) is not defined for [F ] in PMF ), notice that the ratio extextG ([F ]) in (2.6)
is defined by choosing a representative in MF of the element [F ] in PMF and that
the value of this ratio is independent of the choice that we make.
Formula (2.6) is more useful than Formula (2.5) because the space PMF is com-
pact, and therefore the supremum is attained.
H ([F ]) extG ([F ])
2) In particular, we have sup[F ]∈MF extextG ([F ]) = sup[F ]∈MF extH ([F ]) , and we
note right away that the corresponding quotients that define Thurston’s asymmetric
metric (see Section 3 below) are not equal.
3) Teichmüller’s metric is a Finsler metric.
Figure 9. The effect of a Teichmüller map in local coordinates, with λ > 1 (λ is the parameter
in Definition 2.26).
Theorem 2.28 (Teichmüller [60], [61]). For any two conformal structures G and
H on S, we can find two transverse measured foliations F1 and F2 and a positive
real λ such that (F1 , F2 ) represents the structure G and ((1/λ)F1 , λF2 ) represents
the structure H . Furthermore, the Teichmüller map associated to these conformal
structures G and H is the unique homeomorphism that has the least quasiconformal
dilatation among the homeomorphisms between G and H that are isotopic to the
Remark 2.29. By Theorem 2.28, the least quasiconformal dilatation depends only on
the equivalence classes g and h of G and H respectively.
Definition 2.30 (Teichmüller line and Teichmüller ray). A Teichmüller line (respec-
tively Teichmüller ray) is a map : R → T (S) (respectively : [0, ∞[→ T (S))
defined by t
→ (t) = (e−t F1 , et F2 ) where F1 and F2 are transverse measured fo-
liations on S. (Here, as usual, we are identifying each pair of transverse measured
foliations with the equivalence class of conformal structures that it determines, as in
Example 2.7.) We say that the ray starts at the (equivalence class of the) conformal
structure determined by the pair (F1 , F2 ). By abuse of language, we shall say that F1
136 Athanase Papadopoulos and Guillaume Théret
(respectively the measured foliation class, the projective class of F1 ) is the horizon-
tal measured foliation (respectively the measured foliation class, the projective class)
of the geodesic line (or ray), and that F2 is its vertical measured foliation (respec-
tively measured foliation class, projective class). (In fact, the pair, and therefore, the
foliations are defined up to a constant factor.)
Theorem 2.31 (Teichmüller geodesics). Teichmüller space Tg,n , equipped with the
Teichmüller metric, is complete, proper and geodesic. Furthermore, each pair of
distinct points in Tg,n is contained in the image of a geodesic line which is unique up
to reparametrization. Teichmüller lines are geodesic lines for the Teichmüller metric,
that is, for each Teichmüller line : R → Tg,n , we have, for each t1 and t2 in R,
dT ( (t1 ), (t2 )) = |t2 − t1 |. Furthermore, all the bi-infinite geodesic lines for that
metric are of this form.
The following theorem is also well known. We provide a proof because it follows
directly from previously mentioned results.
Theorem 2.32. Let S be a closed surface, let t ∈ R, let F1 and F2 be two transverse
measured foliations on S and let G and H be the conformal structures associated
respectively to the pair (F1 , F2 ) and (e−t F1 , et F2 ). Then the Teichmüller distance
between G and H is equal to |t|. Furthermore, for t > 0 (respectively t < 0), the
measured foliation F1 (respectively F2 ) realizes the supremum in Formula (2.5) for
the Teichmüller distance between the two conformal structures defined by G and by H .
Proof. By Remark 2.27, the quasiconformal dilatation of the Teichmüller map be-
tween the conformal structures defined by (F1 , F2 ) and (e−t F1 , et F2 ) in the domain
and target respectively is equal to max(e−2t , e2t ) = e2|t| . This gives
dT (G, H ) = log e2|t| = |t|.
Chapter 2. On Teichmüller’s metric and Thurston’s asymmetric metric 137
Suppose now that t > 0. By Theorem 2.21 and Remark 2.22, we have
extG (F1 ) = i(F1 , F2 )
extH (e−t F1 ) = i(e−t F1 , et F2 ) = i(F1 , F2 ).
Therefore, we have, by Theorem 2.15
extH (F1 ) e2t extH (e−t F1 ) e2t i(F1 , F2 )
= = = e2t .
extG (F1 ) extG (F1 ) i(F1 , F2 )
1 extH (F1 )
dT (G, H ) = log = t.
2 extG (F1 )
For t < 0, we can obtain the required result by the same reasoning applied to the
Teichmüller map from the structure to the structure (e−t F1 , et F2 ) to the structure
(F1 , F2 ). 2
Definition 2.34 (Similar Jenkins–Strebel rays, cf. Masur [40], p. 211). Two Jenkins–
Strebel geodesic rays are said to be similar if the associated vertical system of homo-
topy classes of closed curves are equal.
Theorem 2.35 (Masur [40]). Let S be a closed surface and let r1 : [0, ∞) → T and
r2 : [0, ∞) → T be two similar Jenkins–Strebel rays starting at the same point. Then
there exists N > 0 such that dT (r1 (t), r2 (t)) ≤ N for all t ∈ [0, ∞).
138 Athanase Papadopoulos and Guillaume Théret
In his paper [29], Kerckhoff studied the relative asymptotic behaviour of pairs of
Jenkins–Strebel rays that do not necessarily start at the same point. To state a result,
we need the following
Definition 2.36 (Modularly equivalent Jenkins–Strebel rays, cf. Kerckhoff [29], p. 29).
Suppse that r1 : [0, ∞) → T and r2 : [0, ∞) → T are two similar Jenkins–Strebel
geodesic rays and let γ1 , . . . , γn be their associated vertical system of homotopy classes
of simple closed curves. For every t ∈ [0, ∞), we consider the sequences of moduli
m1 , . . . , mn (respectively m1 , . . . , mn ) of the homotopy classes γ1 , . . . , γn , defined
with respect to the Riemann surface r1 (t) (respectively r2 (t)). We say that the two
rays r1 and r2 are modularly equivalent if these two sequences of moduli are the same
up to a multiplicative constant. (Note that if this condition holds for some t > 0, then
it holds for any t > 0.)
Theorem 2.37 (Kerckhoff, [29], p. 29). Let S be a closed surface and let r1 : [0, ∞) →
T and r2 : [0, ∞) → T be two similar Jenkins–Strebel rays (that do not necessarily
start at the same point) whose vertical system of homotopy classes of simple closed
curves have 3g − 3 elements (which is the largest possible number of elements such
a system can have). Then the following are equivalent:
(1) r1 and r2 are modularly equivalent;
(2) limt→∞ inf M=Im(r2 (t)) d M, Im(r1 ) = 0. (Here, Im denotes the image set of a
Definition 2.39 (Convergent rays, cf. Kerckhoff [29], p. 28). Let M be a basepoint
in Teichmüller space T and consider the corresponding Teichmüller boundary ∂M T .
Let r : [0, ∞) → T be a geodesic ray starting at some other point M in T , and let
Im(r ) be its closure in TM . Then r is said to be convergent in TM if Im(r ) \ Im(r )
consists of a single point. In that case, Im(r )\Im(r ) is the endpoint of some geodesic
ray r starting at M, and the ray r is said to be convergent to the ray r.
For any element γ in S and for any M in T , we know, by Theorem 2.20, that there
exists a unique Jenkins–Strebel ray rM,γ that starts at M and whose vertical foliation
has one cylinder, with core curve in the homotopy class γ .
Theorem 2.40 (Kerckhoff [29], p. 29). Let S be a closed surface. Then, for any
homotopy class γ of essential simple closed curves and for any M and M in T , the
Jenkins–Strebel ray rM,γ is convergent to the Jenkins–Strebel ray rM ,γ .
Theorem 2.41 (Kerckhoff, [29], p. 29). Let S be a closed surface and let r1 : [0, ∞) →
T and r2 : [0, ∞) → T be two similar Jenkins–Strebel rays with vertical system of
homotopy classes of curves having the largest possible number of elements (that is,
3g − 3 elements). Then r1 and r2 are convergent if and only if they are modularly
Theorem 2.42 (Limits of Jenkins–Strebel rays, Masur [43]). Let S be a closed surface,
let r : [0, ∞) → T be a Jenkins–Strebel ray and let α1 , . . . , αn be the associated
vertical system of homotopy classes. Let F = F (α1 , . . . , αn ) be a measured foliation
whose nonsingular leaves are all compact, such that the complement of the critical
graph of F consists of n cylinders whose core curves are in the classes α1 , . . . , αn
and such that the height of each of these cylinders is equal to one. Then the ray r
converges to the projective class [F ], considered as a point in Thurston’s boundary of
Teichmüller space.
140 Athanase Papadopoulos and Guillaume Théret
It follows from Theorem 2.42 that there are pairs of points on Thurston’s boundary
that are limits of a large family of Teichmüller geodesics. Indeed, let F1 and F2 be
two transverse measured foliations whose nonsingular leaves are all compact and such
that for each of these foliations, the height of each foliated cylinder in the complement
of the critical graph is equal to 1. One can see that such pairs exist from the fact that
for each element [F ] in MF , the subset MF (F ) of equivalence classes representable
by measured foliations transverse to a representative of [F ] is open, therefore, by the
minimality of the action of the mapping class group on PMF ([20], p. 117), this
open set contains a conjugate of the equivalence class of any given measured folia-
tion. By the same argument, for any 1 ≤ m ≤ 3g − 3 and 1 ≤ n ≤ 3g − 3, we can
also choose F1 (respectively F2 ) to have its nonsingular closed leaves in m (respec-
tively n) distinct homotopy classes. Let c1 , . . . , cm (respectively c1 , . . . , cn ) be these
homotopy classes. Let F1 (respectively F2 ) be now an arbitrary measured foliation
having all of its nonsingular leaves compact and with associated homotopy classes
c1 , . . . , cm (respectively c1 , . . . , cn ). By Theorem 2.42, the Teichmüller geodesic line
→ (e−t F1 , et F2 ) has [F1 ] and [F2 ] as its limit points. Note that if the projective
equivalence classes of two such pairs (F1 , F2 ) and (F1 , F2 ) are distinct, then, by Teich-
müller’s uniqueness theorem, the images of the two geodesics t
→ (e−t F1 , et F2 ) and
→ (e−t F1 , et F2 ) have at most one common point. Thus, we have a large family of
Teichmüller geodesics whose limit points are [F1 ] and [F2 ].
We recall that a measured foliation F is said to be uniquely ergodic if F , as a
topological foliation, carries a unique transverse measure up to a multiplicative factor.
The property of being uniquely ergodic is invariant by Whitehead-equivalence and
by homothety. Therefore one can talk about uniquely ergodic projective classes of
measured foliations.
We shall also use the following terminology from [20]: a measured foliation F
is said to be arational if it does not contain any closed curve made up of segments
connecting singular points. Equivalently, up to performing Whitehead moves on F ,
every leaf of F is dense in the surface.
Theorem 2.43 (Limits of Teichmüller rays with uniquely ergodic vertical foliations,
Masur [43]). Let S be a closed surface. Then any Teichmüller ray whose associated
vertical foliation is arational and uniquely ergodic converges in the positive direction
to the projective equivalence class of that vertical foliation, considered as an element
of Thurston’s boundary of Teichmüller space.
be seen by referring to the result of Hubbard and Masur stated in Theorem 2.20 which
says that for any element M ∈ T and for any measured foliation class [F1 ] ∈ MF ,
there exists a unique measured foliation class [F2 ] ∈ MF such that the conformal
structure defined by the pair (F1 , F2 ) is M. Thus, the pair (F1 , F2 ) can be regarded
as a direction in Teichmüller space, at the point M, that is, the direction of the ray
defined by t
→ (e−t F1 , et F2 ) starting M. In this sense, Theorem 2.43 says that for
any point M in Teichmüller space, almost any geodesic starting at M converges to a
point in Thurston’s boundary, which is the equivalence class of the vertical foliation
of that ray.
In a recent preprint, A. Lenzhen gave an explicit example of a Teichmüller ray that
does not have a limit in PMF . We state this as
Theorem 2.44 (Teichmüller rays with no limit in PMF , Lenzhen [35]). On the closed
surface of genus 2, there exists a Teichmüller ray that does not converge to any point
in Thurston’s boundary PMF .
Definition 2.45 (Asymptotic geodesic rays). Let (X, d) be a metric space. Two
geodesic rays r1 : [a1 , ∞) → X and r2 :[a2 , ∞) → X are said to be asymptotic if
the function defined on [0, ∞) by t
→ d r1 (t + a1 ), r2 (t + a2 ) is bounded.
It is clear that the relation of being asymptotic is an equivalence relation on the set
of geodesic rays in a metric space. We shall write r1 ∼ r2 to say that the two geodesic
rays r1 and r2 are asymptotic.
Definition 2.46 (The visual boundary). Let X be a proper geodesic metric space and
let x be a point in X. The visual boundary of X at x, denoted by ∂vis,x X, is the set of
equivalence classes (for the relation ∼) of geodesic rays starting at x, equipped with
the quotient of the topology of uniform convergence on compact sets.
Note that the visual boundary at a point in Teichmüller space equipped with the
Teichmüller metric is a quotient of the Teichmüller boundary relative to that point.
In the paper [46], based on Masur’s result stated as Theorem 2.35 above, the
following is proved
142 Athanase Papadopoulos and Guillaume Théret
This result was used to give a new proof of the fact due to Masur and Wolf that
Teichmüller space equipped with the Teichmüller metric is not Gromov hyperbolic
cf. [44].
of each puncture is conformally a punctured disk (with respect to the conformal struc-
ture associated to that hyperbolic metric). Using this natural correspondence, one can
make the following definition, which is an equivalent form of Definition 2.8 above:
Definition 3.2 (Teichmüller space). The Teichmüller space of S, denoted by Tg,n (S) or
T (S), is the space of equivalence classes of complete finite area hyperbolic structures
on S.
when one starts with the purely conformal point of view (that is, Definition 2.8). The
statement that the space of deformations of equivalence classes of conformal structures
on a closed orientable surface of genus g ≥ 2 is of complex dimension 3g−3 was made
by G. F. B. Riemann (without giving a formal proof) in his paper Theorie der Abel’schen
Functionen, Crelle’s J. f. M., B. 54 (1857). A homeomorphism Tg,n R6g−6+2n , if
one does not use hyperbolic geometry, can be obtained using Teichmüller’s results. But
when the surface Sg,n is equipped with a hyperbolic structure, it is easy to produce
such a homeomorphism using a decomposition of the surface into objects we call
“generalized hyperbolic pairs of pants” with geodesic boundary. Another way to
realize that homeomorphism, in the case where the set of punctures of S is not empty,
can be achieved by using ideal triangulations. Our aim in this section is to discuss
these two sorts of decompositions.
We recall that a hyperbolic pair of pants is a sphere with three open disks removed,
equipped with a hyperbolic metric for which the three boundary components are
geodesic.3 A degenerate hyperbolic pair of pants is a complete finite area hyperbolic
surface which is either a sphere with three cusps, or a sphere with two cusps and one
open disk removed, or a sphere with one cusp and two open disks removed, and where
the boundary components, whenever they exist, are closed geodesics (see Figure 10).
There is a precise sense in which any degenerate hyperbolic pair of pants is a limit
of a family of hyperbolic pairs of pants. This can be seen from the construction of
hyperbolic pairs of pants using right-angled hexagons, which we now briefly recall.
angles, the vertices of the degenerating edge converge to a single point in the boundary
of hyperbolic space, and the right-angled hexagon becomes, at the limit, an object we
call a degenerate right-angled hexagon (see Figure 11 for a picture of such a hexagon).
Figure 11. These four generalized polygons represent respectively a right-angled hexagon and
three degenerate right-angled hexagons in the upper half-plane model of the hyperbolic plane.
Likewise, we can make (successively) the lengths of two or of three alternating edges
tend to zero. We obtain in this manner degenerate right-angled hexagons with one, two
or three edges at infinity, called spikes. Note that a degenerate right-angled hexagon
with three edges at infinity is a hyperbolic ideal triangle (that is, the convex hull, in
the hyperbolic plane H2 , of three distinct points in the boundary of that plane). A
degenerate right-angled hexagon with one, two or three edges at infinity is completely
determined up to isometry by the lengths of the edges that make with the one (or
the ones) at infinity a triple of alternating edges. Since a hyperbolic pair of pants is
obtained by gluing two isometric right-angled hexagons along three alternating edges,
it is easy to see that the isometry type of the pair of pants is completely determined
by the lengths of its three boundary geodesics. Likewise, a hyperbolic structure on
a degenerate pair of pants is completely determined by the lengths of its boundary
geodesic curves, a cusp being considered as a boundary curve of length zero. In this
sense, the hyperbolic structure is rigid at the cusps. For instance, a degenerate right-
angled hexagon with three alternating edges at infinity is a hyperbolic ideal triangle,
and, as is well known, there is a unique hyperbolic ideal triangle up to isometry. In
the same way, any two degenerate hyperbolic pairs of pants that are spheres with
three cusps are isometric. We shall call a generalized hyperbolic pair of pants either
146 Athanase Papadopoulos and Guillaume Théret
a hyperbolic pair of pants in the usual sense, or a degenerate hyperbolic pair of pants
with one, two or three cusps.
A closed surface of genus g ≥ 2 is decomposable into 2g − 2 pairs of pants, by
using 3g − 3 simple closed curves (see [20]). Using this fact, we can count the number
of curves in a generalized pair of pants decomposition of a surface of genus g with n
cusps by first replacing each cusp (if such a cusp exists) by a boundary closed curve,
obtaining a surface with boundary that is homeomorphic to a closed surface of genus g
with n open disks deleted. Doubling that surface along its boundary curves, we obtain
a closed surface of genus 2g + n − 1, which we can decompose into pairs of pants by
using 6g − 6 + 3n closed geodesics. By symmetry, we conclude that the number of
closed curves needed to decompose the surface Sg,n into generalized pairs of pants is
3g − 3 + n.
Now we can count the parameters for the Teichmüller space of a surface of genus
g with n punctures. Consider a set of closed geodesics decomposing that surface into
generalized hyperbolic pairs of pants. There are 3g − 3 + n such geodesics. There are
two parameters associated to each geodesic, one parameter (in R∗+ ) being the length
of the geodesic itself, and the other parameter (in R) describing the twist along that
curve, when we glue together its two sides. (The twist parameter is defined up to the
choice of an origin corresponding to the zero twist, and up to an orientation of the
boundary component.) This gives two sets of 3g − 3 + n real parameters each. Thus,
we have 6g − 6 + 2n parameters, which is an indication of the fact that Teichmüller
space is homeomorphic to R6g−6+2n . For a geometric and concise proof in the case
where n = 0, we refer the reader to Thurston [70], p. 271. There are also proofs of that
fact in [1], [8], [20], [27]. These length-twist parameters associated to a (generalized)
pair of pants decomposition are called (generalized) Fenchel–Nielsen parameters.
Another way of obtaining a homeomorphism Tg,n R6g−6+2n uses a decomposi-
tion of Sg,n into ideal triangles, and we now describe it in the case where n ≥ 1. Recall
that any hyperbolic ideal triangle has a well-defined center (its center of gravity), and
one distinguished point on each of its edges, which is the orthogonal projection on that
edge of the center of gravity, or, equivalently, the orthogonal projection on that edge of
the ideal vertex that is opposite to that edge. An ideal triangulation λ of S = Sg,n is a
decomposition of the associated closed surface Ŝ into triangular cells whose vertices
are all at the punctures. If S is equipped with a hyperbolic structure, then one can
make the edges of λ to be embedded bi-infinite local geodesics with limit points at the
punctures. (The bi-infinite local geodesics are, by definition, embedded images of the
bi-infinite geodesic lines in H2 realized as the metric universal covering of the surface.)
In this way, each face of λ is isometric to the interior of a hyperbolic ideal triangle, and
the hyperbolic structure on S is determined by the gluing maps between the edges of
these ideal triangles. In this gluing, there is one parameter associated to each edge of λ,
which we can take to be the algebraic distance, called the shift parameter, between
the two distinguished points on that edge, each distinguished point being associated
to one of the triangles adjacent to that edge. (Recall that using the orientation on the
surface S, one can define a notion of a left and of a right shift along the edges of μ.
Chapter 2. On Teichmüller’s metric and Thurston’s asymmetric metric 147
The sign of the distance between the distinguished points is then defined accordingly.)
Thus, the Teichmüller space Tg,n of Sg,n is seen from that point of view as the set of
shift parameters on the edges of an ideal triangulation λ of that surface, and a rough
computation of the dimension of Tg,n can be done in the following way. Let E denote
the number of edges of λ and let T be the number of its faces (triangles). Since each
triangle has 3 boundary edges and since each edge is adjacent to 2 triangles, we have
E = 3T /2. The Euler characteristic of Sg,n is χ = 2 − 2g − n. We construct an
auxiliary foliation F on the surface Ŝ obtained from Sg,n by filling in the punctures,
such that F is transverse to the edges of the triangulation λ, with a 3-prong singularity
in the interior of each triangle, and with a center-type singularity at each puncture.
There is an index formula relating the sum of the indices at the singular points of such
a foliation to the Euler characteristic χ of the surface (see for instance [20], p. 75).
The formula says that 2χ is equal to the sum of the indices of the singular points
of the foliation. The index of a 3-prong singularity is −1 and the index of a center-
type singularity is 0. Therefore, −2χ is equal to the number of 3-prong singularities,
which is the number of triangles. In other words, we have T = −2χ . Thus, we obtain
E = 23 (−2)(2 − 2g − n) = 6g − 6 + 3n. Now for the dimension of Teichmüller space,
there is one shift parameter associated to each edge and one equation associated to
each puncture; this is the equation which ensures that the hyperbolic structure near
that puncture is complete, which is equivalent to the fact that around each puncture
of Sg,n , there is a foliation by closed leaves made up of pieces of horocycles that
are perpendicular to the edges that abut on that puncture, see Definition 3.6 below.
Therefore, the number of parameters is E − n = 6g − 6 + 3n − n = 6g − 6 + 2n, as
Figure 12. One way of obtaining complete geodesic laminations on a closed surface is to divide
that surface into hyperbolic pairs of pants, and then decompose each pair of pants by bi-infinite
leaves that spiral around the boundary components, as in the example drawn here. The stump
of the complete lamination that we obtain is the union of the closed geodesics defining the pair
of pants decomposition.
Chapter 2. On Teichmüller’s metric and Thurston’s asymmetric metric 149
If the lamination λ that we started with does not have closed leaves, then we can
still complete it by adding a finite number of bi-infinite geodesics that “spiral along
bi-infinite leaves of λ”. Spiraling (along closed geodesics or along bi-infinite leaves)
can be defined as an operation in the universal covering of S, that consists in adding in
an equivariant manner to the lift of the lamination λ a certain number of geodesic lines
that converge in each direction to the limit point of the lift of some (finite or infinite)
leaf of λ. To be more precise, let us first suppose that all the leaves of λ are closed. Let
α and β be two closed leaves in λ and let us consider a segment c having one endpoint
on α and one endpoint on β, and whose interior is disjoint from λ. Starting from
the segment c, we define a continuous family of segments (ct )t≥0 in S, with c0 = c,
and such that for any t ≥ 0, the endpoints of ct are on α and on β, and spin around
these curves as t increases to ∞ with constant speed. For each t ≥ 0, we can take
the segment ct to be a local geodesic, its interior being disjoint from the lamination λ.
Let p : S̃ → S be again the metric universal covering of S, with S̃ identified with the
upper half-plane H2 . Consider a continuous family of segments (c̃t )t≥0 in H2 , which
lifts the family (ct )t≥0 in S. For each t ≥ 0, the endpoints of the segment c̃t are on
lifts α̃ an! d β̃ of α and β. The family of geodesic segments (c̃t )t≥0 converges in an
obvious sense to the image of a bi-infinite geodesic line c̃ : R → H2 whose endpoints
are endpoints of α̃ and β̃. The distance from the point c̃(t) to the geodesic lines α̃ and
β̃ tends to 0 as t → ∞ or t → −∞ (and the convergence is of the order of e−t ). The
covering map p : S̃ → S restricted to c̃ is injective, and the image of c̃ by this map is
a bi-infinite geodesic line in S which spirals at one end around α and at the other end
around β. We take this geodesic as a new leaf in the completion of λ.
To continue completing the geodesic lamination λ by filling-in the connected com-
ponents of S \ λ with bi-infinite geodesics, we must consider the general case (that is,
the case where leaves of λ are not all closed). Each completed connected component
of the surface S cut along λ is a surface with boundary, with each boundary component
being either a closed geodesic or a union of bi-infinite geodesics, as in Figure 13. We
can decompose each connected component of S \ λ into ideal triangles by succes-
Figure 13. A possible component of the surface S cut along the lamination μ.
sively inserting a finite number of bi-infinite geodesics which at each end either spiral
along a closed leaf or converge to one of the ends of a bi-infinite leaf or converge to
150 Athanase Papadopoulos and Guillaume Théret
a cusp. The number of leaves that we can add is bounded in terms of the topology
of the surface since we eventually decompose the surface into ideal triangles, each of
them having a fixed area (equal to π ), and the area of the hyperbolic surface S is a
topological invariant.
There is a natural action of the group R∗+ of positive reals on the space ML(S),
and the quotient of ML(S) by this action is the set PML(S) of projective classes
of measured geodesic laminations, whose elements are called projective measured
geodesic laminations. The subset of PML(S) consisting of the projective classes of
compactly supported measured geodesic laminations is denoted by PML0 (S). One
can define topologies on the spaces ML(S) and ML0 (S) by using the inclusion maps
of these spaces in the space RS+ and taking the restriction of the weak topology. In
this way, the correspondences between spaces of measured geodesic laminations and
spaces of equivalence classes of measured foliations become homeomorphisms.
Definition 3.5 (The stump of a geodesic lamination, [63]). The stump of a geodesic
lamination μ is the support of any maximal (with respect to inclusion) compactly
supported measured geodesic sublamination λ of μ.
Definition 3.6 (Measured foliation trivial around the punctures). A measured foliation
F on S is said to be trivial around the punctures if F is a measured foliation in the
sense of Definition 2.1 except for the condition at the punctures, which is replaced by
the following: each puncture has a neighborhood on which the induced foliation is a
cylinder foliated by homotopic closed leaves, and any segment transverse to F and
converging to a puncture has infinite total mass with respect to the transverse measure
of F .
In what follows, we shall sometimes omit the adjective “trivial around the punc-
tures” when the context is clear. We can pass from a measured foliation trivial around
the punctures to a measured foliation in the sense of Definition 2.1 by deleting, for
each puncture of S, the maximal annulus foliated by closed leaves parallel to that
puncture, obtaining thus a partial measured foliation on the surface, and then collaps-
ing the complementary components of the support of that partial foliation in order to
get a foliation whose support is the entire surface S. The resulting measured foliation
is well defined up to equivalence, except that it may be empty. Thus, to each measured
foliation which is trivial around the punctures we can naturally associate an object
which is either a well-defined element in MF or the empty foliation.
For any fixed hyperbolic structure on S, we next define an object which is “dual” to a
complete geodesic lamination and which we call the associated “horocyclic foliation”.
We start with a construction in an ideal triangle. Any hyperbolic ideal triangle is
equipped with a canonical partial measured foliation which is called the horocyclic
foliation of the triangle. This partial foliation is characterized by the following three
(1) the leaves are pieces of horocycles that are perpendicular to the edges;
(2) the non-foliated region is a triangle bordered by three of these pieces of horocycles
(see Figure 14);
(3) the transverse measure assigned to any arc which is contained in an edge of the
ideal triangle coincides with the Lebesgue measure induced from the hyperbolic
Note that the non-foliated triangular region intersects each edge of the ideal triangle
at its distinguished point.
Definition 3.7 (Horocyclic measured foliation). Let S be a hyperbolic surface and let μ
be a complete geodesic lamination on S. The completion of each connected component
of S \ μ being an ideal triangle, we can equip it with its horocyclic measured foliation.
Chapter 2. On Teichmüller’s metric and Thurston’s asymmetric metric 153
to the boundary
The union of the horocyclic measured foliations associated to the various ideal triangles
fit together smoothly, since they are perpendicular to the edges of the ideal triangles
and therefore they form a Lipschitz-line field on the surface. They define a partial
measured foliation of S, which we call the horocyclic measured foliation associated
to μ and S, and which we denote by Fμ (S). Collapsing each nonfoliated triangular
piece onto a tripod, we obtain a genuine (i.e. not partial) measured foliation on the
surface, which is well defined up to isotopy, and which we also call the horocyclic
measured foliation associated to μ.
The fact that the hyperbolic structures that we consider are complete and have
finite area is equivalent to the fact that for any complete geodesic lamination μ, the
associated horocyclic foliation Fμ (S) is trivial around the punctures.
The isotopy class of Fμ (S) depends only on the isotopy class of the hyperbolic
structure and on the complete geodesic lamination μ that we started with. Therefore,
the equivalence class of Fμ (S) is associated to the hyperbolic structure S viewed as an
element of Teichmüller space. As usual, [Fμ (S)] ∈ MF denotes the equivalence class
of the horocyclic foliation Fμ (S) after removal of the closed leaves that are parallel
to punctures (provided Fμ (S) is not the empty foliation).
The horocyclic measured geodesic lamination λμ (S) is the empty lamination if and
only if the horocyclic foliation Fμ (S) is a union of cylinders foliated by leaves that
are all parallel to punctures. It is easy to construct examples of hyperbolic structures
whose associated horocyclic foliation has this property. For instance, we can start, as
154 Athanase Papadopoulos and Guillaume Théret
in Figure 15, with an ideal quadrilateral in H2 which is the union of two ideal triangles
glued along two edges in such a way that the distinguished points on the common
edges agree. We then glue the remaining four edges by pairs, respecting the labels a
and b in Figure 15, again in such a way that the distinguished points on these edges
coincide after the gluing. The resulting hyperbolic surface is a once-punctured torus,
and the resulting lamination μ on that surface is the union of the images of the edges
of the two ideal triangles that we started with.
a b
c c
b a
Figure 15. An example of a hyperbolic structure on the punctured torus equipped with a complete
geodesic lamination μ which is an ideal triangulation. The gluing of the various ideal triangles
in the universal covering is performed in such a way that for each edge of the ideal triangulation
μ, the two distinguished points corresponding to the two triangles adjacent to it coincide. In
this case, the associated horocyclic measured geodesic lamination is empty.
Theorem 3.10 (Thurston, [67], §9). For any complete geodesic lamination μ on S,
the map φμ : T (S) → MF (μ) is a homeomorphism.
The global coordinates for Teichmüller space that are provided by this map φμ are
called by Thurston cataclysm coordinates.
The proof of Theorem 3.10 is given by Thurston in §4 and §9 of the paper [67]. This
proof involves a lot of interesting details which we shall review below. In particular,
we shall discuss in length the proof of the surjectivity of the map ϕμ , that is, the fact
that for any element [F ] of MF (μ), there exists a hyperbolic structure g ∈ T (S)
such that [F ] = [Fμ (g)]. This surjectivity is contained in Proposition 9.2 of [67].
Let us first make a few remarks about the proof of the surjectivity of φμ . Given
an element [F ] ∈ MF (μ), the transverse measure of a representative F of [F ]
determines a measure on each leaf of μ, which we think of as the one-dimensional
Lebesgue measure induced on the leaves of μ by the hyperbolic metric that we seek.
Of course this is not enough to determine the hyperbolic metric; to do this, one needs
to define an isometry between each connected component of S \ μ and a hyperbolic
ideal triangle, and then define in a consistent way a gluing of the various ideal triangles
among themselves. In the case where μ is an ideal triangulation, that is, if every leaf
of μ is isolated, then the metric g can easily be defined by gluing edge-to-edge the
ideal triangles (which are finite in number). This gluing is determined by the measured
foliation by saying that the algebraic distances between the distinguished points on
each edge of μ that are associated to the hyperbolic metric and to the measured foliation
F coincide. Here, the distinguished points on an edge of μ that are associated to a
measured foliation F are the hitting points of the singular leaves starting at the singular
points of F that are contained in the ideal triangles that are on each side of that edge.
But in the case where μ has non-isolated leaves, the gluing has to be defined by an
infinite process, and the main point of the proof is the convergence of that process.
Let us fix a geodesic lamination μ on S. We start by proving some useful facts
about measured foliations totally transverse to μ.
156 Athanase Papadopoulos and Guillaume Théret
Lemma 3.11. Let β be an infinite half-leaf of μ. Then exactly one of the following
(1) β converges to a cusp;
(2) β has a recurrence point contained in the stump of μ (that is, there exists a point
x in the stump of μ such that β returns infinitely often in any neighborhood of x).
Proof. Suppose that β does not converge to a cusp. Then there is a nonempty com-
pactly supported geodesic sub-lamination in its closure. Since each compactly sup-
ported geodesic lamination admits a nonzero transverse measure (which may be of
smaller support), we obtain a compactly supported measured geodesic sublamination
μ0 of μ in the closure of β. The sub-lamination μ0 is contained in the stump of μ. The
lemma follows then from the fact that each point in a measured geodesic lamination
of compact support is a recurrence point. 2
Lemma 3.12 (Infinite measure for infinite half-leaves of μ). Let F be a measured
foliation totally transverse to μ. Then the F -transverse measure of any infinite half-
leaf of μ is infinite.
Proof. We use Lemma 3.11. If β converges to a cusp, then it has infinite transverse
measure, by assumption on F (Definitions 3.9 and 3.6). Suppose now that β does
not converge to a cusp and let x be a recurrence point of β in the stump γ of μ. We
choose a homeomorphism ϕ : U → [0, 1]2 such that U ⊂ S contains x in its interior,
such that the image of F|U by ϕ is made of vertical segments (which we call plaques)
defined by the equations u = constant, where u is the coordinate of the first factor of
[0, 1]2 , and such that the connected components of the intersection of μ with U are
segments joining the “vertical” sides {u = 0} and {u = 1} of [0, 1]2 . In particular,
there is a segment of γ ∩ U containing x and crossing the plaques transversely from
one vertical side to the other vertical side. Since x is a recurrence point of β, there
are infinitely many segments in β ∩ U whose images by ϕ cross the square [0, 1]2
from one vertical side to the other one. All these segments have the same transverse
measure. Therefore, the transverse measure of β is infinite. 2
In the rest of this section, the geodesic lamination μ is complete.
Let [F ] be an element of MF (μ) and let us choose a representative F of [F ] that
is totally transverse to μ.
From the transversality of F to μ and by an Euler characteristic argument, we can
see that F has exactly one singular point in each connected component of S \ μ or on
the boundary of that component, and that this singular point is a 3-prong singularity.
Up to a small homotopy of F , we can suppose that all the singular points of F lie in
the interior of the components of S \ μ.
We first show that F is homotopic (in a sense that will be made precise) in each
ideal triangle to the horocyclic foliation of some hyperbolic structure on S.
We fix an ideal triangle T ∗ in H2 , equipped with its horocyclic foliation, modified
by collapsing the non-foliated region onto a spine (that is, a tripod). We call FT ∗ this
Chapter 2. On Teichmüller’s metric and Thurston’s asymmetric metric 157
measured foliation. We perform the collapse in such a way that it induces the identity
map on the boundary of T ∗ .
Let T be a connected component (including its boundary) of S \ μ equipped with
the measured foliation induced by F . Notice that T has the structure of a topological
ideal triangle. (In fact, it becomes a genuine ideal triangle as soon as we equip the
surface S with a hyperbolic metric, but we do not need to introduce arbitrarily such a
metric right now.) We have the following:
the point ϕT (x) by the map T ∗ → T ∗ that we used to collapse the unfoliated region
of that ideal triangle onto a tripod. It is easy to check that the function fq does not
depend on the choices involved in the definition of ϕT . Since the length of any arc
of the horocyclic foliation of an ideal triangle is bounded from above by 1 (which
is the length of the horocyclic arc that is on the boundary of the unfoliated region),
fq (x) is nonnegative for all x in q. Furthermore, this function converges to ∞ as the
point x converges to the cusp of q. (In fact, fq is a linear function with respect to
the “distance” from x to the unfoliated region, where this distance is defined by the
transverse measure of any transverse arc joining x to a point in the unfoliated region.)
Thus, associated to the measured foliation F , we have a family {fq } of functions,
one for each spike q of S \ μ. We shall use these functions to construct the hyperbolic
structure g satisfying [F ] = [Fμ (g)]. Following Thurston, to construct g, we construct
a map from the universal covering of S to H2 . This map will turn out to be the
developing map of that structure.
Let us choose a basepoint s on S and let π : S̃ → S be the topological universal
covering of S. We regard S̃ as the set of homotopy classes of paths with fixed endpoints
α : [0, 1] → S with α(0) = s; the projection map π : S̃ → S is given by [α]
→ α(1).
Given such a path α, we can replace it by a path α ∗ which is homotopic to α
by a homotopy with fixed endpoints, which is made of a finite concatenation of seg-
ments, each such segment being contained either in a leaf of F or in a leaf of μ. We
call such a path α ∗ a horogeodesic path. (Of course, we are using this terminology
because we imagine S as being equipped with a hyperbolic structure g for which μ
is geodesic, with F being the corresponding horocyclic measured foliation; in fact, g
will be the structure that we are seeking.) The construction of α ∗ may be done as
follows. We start by taking a train track approximation τ of μ, and for this we can
use an auxiliary hyperbolic metric for which μ is geodesic, and take the leaves of τ
so that they are nearly parallel to the geodesic leaves of μ, in the metric sense, as in
[65], §9.5.
We can cover μ by a finite collection of rectangles obtained by thickening the
edges of the train track τ . The horizontal sides of these rectangles are parallel to
the edges of τ , and the leaves of μ cross each such rectangle from a vertical side
to a vertical side. We also take τ to be close enough to μ in such a way that F is
transverse to τ . Moreover, up to taking smaller rectangles, we can assume that the foli-
ation induced by F on each rectangle consists in segments joining its horizontal sides.
Performing a homotopy with fixed endpoints on the path α, we can replace it by a
path whose intersection with each rectangle is a finite number of segments joining
its horizontal sides. Finally, replacing each such segment (by using again a homo-
topy with fixed endpoints) by a concatenation of (at most three) segments in leaves of
μ and in leaves of F , we obtain the desired horogeodesic path α ∗ . From this con-
struction, we can assume without loss of generality that α ∗ satisfies the following two
(1) each subsegment of α ∗ contained in a leaf of F or in a leaf of μ does not backtrack
on that leaf;
Chapter 2. On Teichmüller’s metric and Thurston’s asymmetric metric 159
(2) there does not exist any closed immersed disk in S whose interior is embedded
in that surface and whose boundary is the union of a subsegment of α ∗ with a
segment which is either in a leaf of F or in a leaf of μ.
A horogeodesic path satisfying these two properties will be called a minimal horo-
geodesic path.
From now on, we regard S̃ as the set of homotopy classes with fixed endpoints of
minimal horogeodesic paths α ∗ : [0, 1] → S satisfying α ∗ (0) = s.
We note that in the construction that follows, a change in the auxiliary hyperbolic
metric will only affect the developing map of the hyperbolic structure that we are
seeking by conjugating it by an orientation-preserving isometry of H2 . Precisely, this
hyperbolic structure can be seen as the plane H2 mod out by a subgroup of the group
of isometries of H2 acting properly discontinuously on that space and defined up to
conjugation, and therefore the choice of the auxiliary hyperbolic metric will not affect
the final result.
We now fix a minimal horogeodesic path α ∗ . We shall say that a subpath of α ∗
is maximal if its image is either contained in a leaf of F or in a leaf of μ, and if
this subpath is maximal (with respect to inclusion) for that property. We shall call a
maximal subpath of α ∗ , if it is contained in a leaf of F (respectively of μ), a maximal
vertical (respectively horizontal) subpath. We shall consider the image of α ∗ as being
equipped with the natural orientation induced from that of the interval [0, 1].
Let c be a maximal vertical subpath of α ∗ . The connected components of the
complement of c with respect to μ form a linearly ordered set of open intervals (aj , bj ),
j ∈ J , each interval (aj , bj ) joining opposite edges of a topological ideal triangle Tj
of S \ μ. To each such interval (aj , bj ), we now associate a parabolic isometry of H2 .
Recall that to the triangle Tj containing (aj , bj ), there is an associated homeomorphism
ϕTj which is defined up to an isotopy that induces the identity map on the boundary of
that triangle and up to a permutation of the ideal vertices, such that ϕTj maps Tj onto
some fixed ideal triangle T ∗ of H2 equipped with its horocyclic foliation, respecting
the foliations and the transverse measures. We also have an associated family of
sharpness functions {fq }, one function for each spike q of S \ μ. Let us fix an oriented
geodesic line γ in H2 which we shall henceforth refer to as the base geodesic, and
let us choose a basepoint x0 on (the image of) that geodesic. For each j in J and for
each choice of a hyperbolic ideal triangle T ∗ having the base geodesic γ as one of
its edges and situated to the right of γ (we are using an orientation of the hyperbolic
plane), we consider the associated orientation-preserving map ϕTj between Tj and T ∗
that sends the edge of Tj containing aj to the base geodesic γ . (The fact that ϕTj
preserves orientations implies that the images of the vertices of Tj are well defined.)
As the ideal vertex of T ∗ that is not an endpoint of γ varies on the circle at infinity,
the image ϕTj (aj ) varies on the base geodesic γ , and we can manage so that ϕTj (aj ) is
the point x0 . Now let Pj be the parabolic isometry of H2 that fixes the endpoint of the
spike of T ∗ that contains the segment ϕTj ((aj , bj )) and that sends ϕTj (aj ) to ϕTj (bj ).
Note that the length of the horocyclic arc joining the points ϕTj (aj ) and ϕTj (bj ) equals
e−fq (aj ) . After associating a parabolic isometry Pj to each open interval (aj , bj ), we
160 Athanase Papadopoulos and Guillaume Théret
associate to the subpath c of α ∗ the (possibly infinite) product of isometries j ∈J Pj
(see Figure 16). Note that the association of the product of isometries is in the reverse
order of the one used for composition of maps. Thus, for instance, if α crosses the
ideal triangles T1 , T2 , T3 in that order with associated parabolic isometries P1 , P2 , P3
respectively, then the product will be P1 P2 P3 .
P1 x0
P1 P2 x0
P1 P2 P3 x0
Figure 16
infinity of H2 , and let l(0) denote the length of the horocyclic arc joining x0 and P (x0 )
and contained in the horocycle centered at p. Then P ≤ l(0).
Ht denotes the horocycle through γ (t), and let l(t) denote the length of the arc in Ht
joining γ (t) to P (γ (t)).
x P (γ (t))
P (x0 )
γ (t)
−1 l(t) −|t|
= sup 2 sinh e
t∈R 2
≤ l(0)e−t−|t| ≤ l(0).
Proposition 3.15. The product of isometries j ∈J Pj that is associated to the maximal
vertical subpath c of α ∗ converges in Isom+ (H2 ).
Proof. In order to show that the product j ∈J Pj converges, we shall use the fact
that Isom+ (H2 ) is complete. Let J0 ⊂ J1 ⊂ · · · ⊂ Jn ⊂ · · · be a sequence of finite
subsets of J converging to J , that is, such that ∪n∈N Jn = J . Without loss
of generality,
we can assume that Card(Jn ) = n. For each n ∈ N, the finite product j ∈Jn+1 Pj is
obtained from the previous finite product j ∈Jn Pj by inserting one element en . More
precisely, we can find elements An , Bn , en ∈ Isom+ (H2 ) such that j ∈Jn Pj = An Bn
162 Athanase Papadopoulos and Guillaume Théret
and j ∈Jn+1 Pj = An en Bn . We have
Lemma 3.16. The isometry associated to the minimal horogeodesic path α ∗ does not
depend on the choice of α ∗ in its homotopy class with fixed endpoints.
Proof. Any two horogeodesic paths belonging to the same class [α] are related to each
other by a finite number of moves of the type described in Figure 18.
Figure 18. The dotted lines represent leaves of the foliation F , the horizontal lines are leaves
of μ and the bold lines represent the maximal subsegments of the path α ∗ . (There may be other
leaves of μ that are inside the rectangles shown and that are not drawn.)
This map is a local isometry. Changes in the choice involved in any of the parameters s
and F have the effect of conjugating the map Ds,F by an isometry (see [70]).
This map induces a representation of the fundamental group in Isom+ (H2 ), which
is free and discrete, since the quotient of H2 by the image group [F ] is the surface S.
We obtain in this way a hyperbolic structure g on S whose developing map is precisely
the map Ds,F . The hyperbolic structure g is complete because each cusp of S equipped
with that structure has a neighborhood equipped with a foliation by closed leaves that
are quotients by [F ] of horocycles in H2 , which follows from the fact that the measured
foliation F that we started with is trivial around the punctures. This measured foliation
is isotopic to the horocyclic measured foliation Fμ (g). This completes the proof of
the surjectivity of the map φμ . This map is also injective, since it admits an inverse,
which is precisely the map which we produced in the proof of the surjectivity. It is
clear from the construction of the horocyclic foliation that the map φμ is continuous.
By invariance of domain, this map is a homeomorphism. This completes the proof of
Theorem 3.10. 2
3.6 Stretch lines, stretch rays, anti-stretch rays and stretch maps
In the next definition, we use Thurston’s cataclysm coordinates φμ introduced in §3.5.
Definition 3.17 (Stretch lines, stretch rays, etc.). Let μ be a complete geodesic lami-
nation on S. For any element F in MF (μ), the map from R to T (respectively from
[0, ∞) to T ) defined by t
→ φμ−1 (et F ) is called a stretch line directed by μ and
starting at g = φμ−1 (F ). A stretch line travelled up backwards is called an anti-stretch
line. More precisely, given a stretch line t
→ φμ−1 (et F ), the map from R to T de-
fined by t
→ φμ−1 (e−t F ) is called an anti-stretch line directed by μ and starting at
g = φμ−1 (F ). A stretch ray (respectively anti-stretch ray) directed by μ and starting
at g = φμ−1 (F ) is the restriction of a stretch line (respectively an anti-stretch line)
to the half-line R+ . Given a stretch (respectively anti-stretch) ray t
→ φμ−1 (et F )
(respectively t
→ φμ−1 (e−t F )) that starts at a point g in T , we shall denote by g t the
hyperbolic surface φμ−1 (et F ) (respectively φμ−1 (e−t F )). The hyperbolic structure g 0
is the structure g that we started with. Given a stretch ray starting at g, then, for each
t ≥ 0, the identity map, considered as a map from the surface S equipped with the
hyperbolic structure g 0 to the same surface equipped with the hyperbolic structure g t ,
is called the stretch map directed by μ.
of seeing this is the fact that the relative distances between the distinguished points
remain constant (equal to zero). On the other hand, any complete lamination μ which
is not an ideal triangulation (that is, which is not a finite union of bi-infinite leaves
converging at both ends to punctures) has a nonempty stump. Therefore, in this case,
for all t
= 0, the hyperbolic structure g t is distinct from g (and for the same reason,
for all 0 ≤ t1 < t2 , g t1 is distinct from g t2 ). To see this, it suffices to consider the
effect of the stretch map on any nonempty sublamination of μ that can be equipped
with an invariant measure (for instance, the stump of μ). In the surface g t , the length
of that measured sub-lamination is multiplied by the factor et , which implies that the
structure g t is distinct from g.
It is obvious that L satisfies the triangle inequality. It is less obvious that L(g, h) ≥ 0
for all g and h (this uses the fact that any two hyperbolic structures on S have the same
area, see [67], Proposition 2.1).
Making g and h vary in their respective homotopy classes does not change L(g, h)
and thus we obtain a function which is well defined on T (S) × T (S), which is
Thurston’s asymmetric metric. We shall denote it by the same letter:
L : T (S) × T (S) → R+ .
Thurston showed that the quantity L(g, h) can also be computed by comparing
lengths of homotopic closed geodesics for the metrics g and h. More precisely, for
any homotopy class α of essential simple closed curves on S, we consider the quantity
166 Athanase Papadopoulos and Guillaume Théret
lh (α)
rg,h (α) =
lg (α)
and we set
K(g, h) = log sup rg,h (α). (3.5)
Again, it is easy to see that the function K satisfies the triangle inequality. The fact
that we have K(g, h) > 0 for all g
= h is not trivial, and it is proved by Thurston in
[67], Theorem 3.1.
Since each homeomorphism ϕ considered in Formula (3.4) is isotopic to the iden-
tity, it preserves each homotopy class of simple closed curves in S. From that obser-
vation, it is easy to see that K ≤ L. In his paper [67], Thurston proves the following
Note that in the same way as in the definition of the Teichmüller metric (see
Remark 2.25 above), by using the extension of the hyperbolic length function to the
space of compactly supported measured geodesic laminations, we can replace the
supremum in 3.5 by the supremum over the set of compactly supported measured
geodesic laminations, that is, we have
lh (α)
K(g, h) = log sup = log sup rg,h (α). (3.6)
α∈ML0 lg (α) α∈PL0
By compactness of the space PL0 (S), the supremum in (3.6) is attained at some
measured geodesic lamination.
Along a stretch line directed by a complete geodesic lamination μ whose stump γ
is not empty, the stretch map between g and g t is et -Lipschitz and rg,g t (γ ) = et . This
gives L(g, g t ) = K(g, g t ) = t for all t ≥ 0 (and justifies the dilatation factor et ).
A measured lamination α attaining the supremum in (3.6) is generally not unique,
even up to a scalar factor. For instance, any nonempty sub-lamination of such a lam-
ination has the same property. There exists a geodesic lamination that is canonically
associated to an ordered pair of hyperbolic structures (g, h), but this lamination is not
necessarily equipped with a transverse measure. Thurston introduced it in the course
of proving Theorem 3.18. He first defined the notion of a maximally stretched geodesic
lamination from a hyperbolic structure g to a hyperbolic structure h. This is a (chain-
recurrent) geodesic lamination λ for which there exists an eK(g,h) -Lipschitz map from
a neighborhood of λ in the surface S equipped with the metric g to a neighborhood
of λ in the surface S equipped with the metric h. Thurston proved that the union of all
maximally stretched geodesic laminations from g to h is a geodesic lamination. This
geodesic lamination is denoted by μ(g, h).
Remarks. 1) For any η in ML0 (S), we can find two hyperbolic structures g and h
such that the supremum in rg,h (α) in (3.6) is attained for α = η. This follows from
Chapter 2. On Teichmüller’s metric and Thurston’s asymmetric metric 167
One can see that the function L is generally not symmetric by looking at the
following example.
Example 3.19 (The metric L is not symmetric). In Figure 19, the surface S2,0 is
equipped with two hyperbolic structures g and h for which the left and right handles
are almost isometric. One can do explicit computations of lengths of closed geodesics,
by decomposing the two hyperbolic surfaces into hyperbolic pairs of pants, with the
central curve being an element of the decomposition, and with the two other closed
curves being the core curves of the two handles represented in Figure 19. Consider
the central cylinder that joins the handles. The height of this cylinder, measured in
the structures g and h respectively, is approximately equal to c and d, with d > c.
Applying the formulae that give the distance between two boundary components of a
hyperbolic pair of pants in terms of the length of the boundary components (see e.g.
[20], p. 151), we obtain lg (α) Ae−c and lh (α) Ae−d , where A is a constant that
depends on the size of the handles. Thus, the smallest Lipschitz constant of a map
from g to h is approximately equal to d/c, whereas the smallest Lipschitz constant
of a map from h to g is bounded below by e−c /e−d = ed /ec . The latter is very
large compared to d/c when d is large compared to c. Thus, we obtain examples of
hyperbolic structures g and h satisfying L(g, h)
= L(h, g).
Figure 19. An example (due to Thurston) of hyperbolic structures g and h satisfying L(g, h)
L(h, g).
168 Athanase Papadopoulos and Guillaume Théret
On the other hand, there are instances of distinct hyperbolic structures g and h
satisfying K(g, h) = K(h, g) (hence L(g, h) = L(h, g)). An example of such a pair
is given in Figure 20.
Figure 20. An example of distinct hyperbolic structures g and h satisfying K(g, h) = K(h, g):
h is the image of g by an order-two isometry which is not isotopic to the identity.
Theorem 3.20 (Stretch lines are geodesics, Thurston [67], Theorem 8.5 and Corol-
lary 4.2). Let μ be a complete geodesic lamination on S. If the stump of μ is not the
empty lamination, then any stretch line in T (S) directed by μ is a geodesic line for
Thurston’s asymmetric metric. In other words, we have, for every 0 ≤ t ≤ t ,
L(φμ−1 (et F ), φμ−1 (et F )) = t − t.
Theorem 3.21 (Concatenations of stretches, Thurston [67], Theorem 8.5). Let g and
h be two hyperbolic structures. Then we can pass from g to h by a geodesic which is
a finite concatenation of pieces of stretch lines along complete geodesic laminations
μ1 , · · · , μk , all of them containing μ(g, h). Furthermore, the number of such pieces
needed to go from g to h is bounded by a constant which depends only on the topological
type of the surface (that is, on the genus and the number of punctures). Such a geodesic
path is obtained in the following way. We first choose an arbitrary completion μ1 of
μ(g, h) and we stretch the structure g along μ1 until we reach a first point g satisfying
μ(g , h)
= μ(g, h). We necessarily have μ(g , h) ⊃ μ(g, h). Starting now with g
instead of g and continuing in the same manner, we reach h after a finite number of
Remarks. 1) That the number of pieces in this statement is bounded from above
follows from the fact that there is a bound (that depends only on the topological type
of the surface) for the length of a strictly increasing (with respect to inclusion) sequence
of geodesic laminations.
2) The geodesic path leading from g to h is in general not unique, since it depends
on the choice of the completion at each step.
Chapter 2. On Teichmüller’s metric and Thurston’s asymmetric metric 169
3) The bound in 1) does not imply that the number of distinct geodesics from g
to h is finite, since at each step there are in general infinitely many ways of completing
the given geodesic lamination.
4) An anti-stretch ray is (up to reparametrization) a geodesic ray for the asymmetric
metric on Teichmüller space which is dual to Thurston’s asymmetric metric, that is,
the asymmetric metric defined by
lg (α)
K ∗ (g, h) = log sup (3.7)
α∈S lh (α)
for any hyperbolic metrics g and h.
Here are some questions related to the example described in Figure 20.
• What does a typical geodesic from g to h look like? Is it a segment of a stretch line?
is it a concatenation of at least two such segments? Is it something else?
• Describe a geodesic from g to h that (up to reparametrization) is also a geodesic
from h to g when traversed in the opposite direction.
We now discuss a few properties of Thurston’s asymmetric metric L with respect
to sequences in T (S) that tend to infinity. Then, we shall discuss the topologies that
this asymmetric metric induces on T (S). Here, as usual, we say that a sequence (gn )
in T (S) tends to infinity (and write gn → ∞) if for any compact subset K of T (S),
we have gn ∈ T (S) \ K for all n large enough.
It is known that Teichmüller’s metric dT is proper (that is, closed balls are compact),
which implies that a sequence of points (gn ) in T tends to infinity if and only if for
every g in T (or, equivalently, for some g in T ), we have dT (g, gn ) → ∞ as n → ∞.
In [53], we prove the following analogous result for the asymmetric metric L.
Theorem 3.22. For any sequence (gn ) in T and for any h ∈ T , we have the following
gn → ∞ ⇐⇒ L(h, gn ) → ∞ ⇐⇒ L(gn , h) → ∞.
Proof. If the stump of μ is not empty, then we have, by Theorem 3.20, L(g, g t ) = t,
which, by Proposition 3.22, implies that g t tends to infinity. If the horocyclic measured
lamination λμ (g) is not empty, then, as t → ∞, we have lg t (λμ (g)) → 0. Indeed, by
Proposition 3.3 and Lemma 3.9 of [52], there exists a constant C > 0 that depends
only on the topological type of the surface S such that lg t (λμ (g t )) ≤ C. (In fact, by
170 Athanase Papadopoulos and Guillaume Théret
Lemma 3.9 of [52], we can take C = −χ where χ is the Euler characteristic of S.)
Note that the setting in [52] is that of closed surfaces, but the arguments work for
general surfaces of finite type. We have λμ (g t ) = et (λμ (g)), therefore lg t (λμ (g)) ≤
Ce−t , which tends to zero as t tends to infinity. This proves the claim. Now if
l (λ (g))
lg t (λμ (g)) → 0, then rg t ,g (λμ (g)) = l gt (λμμ (g)) → ∞, which gives L(g t , g) → ∞,
which, again by Proposition 3.22, implies that g t tends to infinity. 2
The following was obtained by L. X. Liu in [38]. It is also proved in [53].
Proposition 3.24. For any sequence (gn ) in T (S) and for any element g in T (S), we
have the following equivalences:
gn → g ⇐⇒ L(g, gn ) → 0 ⇐⇒ L(gn , g) → 0.
Associated to the asymmetric metric L, for each g in T and for each R > 0, there
are two different notions of closed balls, which we call the left closed ball centered at
g ∈ T (S) of radius R and the right closed ball centered at g ∈ T (S) of radius R, and
which we denote respectively by g B(R) and Bg (R). These are defined respectively
g B(R) = {h ∈ T (S) | L(g, h) ≤ R} (3.8)
Proposition 3.25. For any g in T (S) and for any R > 0, the closed balls g B(R) and
Bg (R), centered at g ∈ T (S) and of radius R, are compact for the usual topology.
One can similarly define left (respectively right) open balls in T , by taking the
same definitions in (3.8) (respectively (3.9)) above, except that the large inequality is
replaced by a strict inequality.
Since the metric on Teichmüller space that we are studying here is asymmetric, it
is natural to consider two topologies on that space, the one generated by the collection
of right open balls, and the one generated by left open balls. We shall call the first of
these topologies the topology associated to Thurston’s asymmetric metric K and the
second one the topology associated to its dual asymmetric K ∗ . It is easy to see that
a sequence (gn ) of points in Teichmüller space converges to a point g in that space
for the topology generated by the left (respectively right) open balls if and only if we
have K(g, gn ) → 0 as n → ∞ (respectively K ∗ (g, gn ) → 0) (that is, we have the
same convergence criteria than for genuine metrics). Proposition 3.24 is equivalent to
the following
Chapter 2. On Teichmüller’s metric and Thurston’s asymmetric metric 171
From Theorem 3.24, Proposition 3.25 and from Corollary 3.26, we obtain the
Herbert Busemann developed a theory of spaces (X, δ) satisfying all the axioms
of a metric space except the symmetry axiom, and satisfying the following additional
δ(x, xn ) → 0 ⇐⇒ δ(xn , x) → 0 for any x and for any sequence (xn ) in X.
For such spaces, there is a well-defined topology on X, the one associated to the
bona fide metric max{δ(x, y), δ(y, x)}. Theorem 3.24 insures that Thurston’s asym-
metric metric fits into that theory, and that this topology is the same as the one generated
by the collection of left (or right) open balls. Given such a space (X, δ), Busemann
introduced the following notion for such spaces (see [14], Chapter 1): (X, δ) is com-
plete if and only if for every sequence (xn )n≥0 in X satisfying δ(xn , xn+m ) → 0 as n
and m → ∞, the sequence converges to a point in X.
In that setting, the following generalization of a classical theorem of Hopf and
Rinow holds (see [14], Theorem 8, p. 4). If a locally compact space (X, δ) satisfies
Busemann’s axioms stated above, and if this “generalized metric” δ is intrinsic in the
sense that for any x and y in X, the value δ(x, y) is equal to the infimum of the lengths
of all curves joining x and y, then the following two properties are equivalent:
(1) left closed balls in X are compact;
(2) X is complete.
Here, the length of a curve is defined in a similar way as in the case of a genuine
metric space. We do not need to enter here into the details of this definition because,
by a result of Thurston (see [67], §6) that we already mentioned, Thurston’s asym-
metric metric is geodesic (that is, any two points can be joined by a geodesic), and a
generalized geodesic metric in this sense is intrinsic (see [14], p. 3).
Thus, we obtain the following
Theorem 3.30 (Liu [37]). Let T be the Teichmüller space of a closed surface of
negative Euler characteristic. Then,
(1) there does not exist any constant k > 0 such that dT (g, h) ≤ kL(g, h) for every
g and h in T ;
(2) there does not exist any constant k > 0 such that such that dT (g, h) ≤ kL(h, g)
for every g and h in T .
Theorem 3.31 (Choi and Rafi, [16]). Let T be the Teichmüller space of a surface of
finite type and of negative Euler characteristic. Then,
(1) If g and h are in the thick part of T , the distances dT (g, h) and dL (g, h) are
equal up to an additive constant which is independent of g and h. More precisely,
there exists c > 0 such that for all g and h in the thick part of T , we have
dL (g, h) − c ≤ dT (g, h) ≤ dL (g, h) + C.
(2) If g and h are not in the thick part of T and do not have a common short curve,
the distances dT (g, h) and dL (g, h) are equal up to a multiplicative factor which
is independent of g and h. More precisely, there exists k > 0 such that for all g
Chapter 2. On Teichmüller’s metric and Thurston’s asymmetric metric 173
In the same paper, Choi and Rafi also show that the thin part of Teichmüller space
with the metric dL has a product structure.
More precisely, let be a collection of k disjoint and pairwise homotopically
distinct simple closed curves on S, and consider the set
Thinε (S, ) = {g ∈ T (S) | lg (γ ) ≤ ε ∀γ ∈ }.
T = T (S \ ) × U1 × · · · × Uk ,
where S \ is the surface obtained from S by pinching all the curves in and where
for all i = 1, . . . , k, Ui is the subset {(x, y) | y ≥ 1/ε} of the upper-half plane H2 .
Finally, Choi and Rafi define the sup metric
dL = sup{dL(S\) , dL(A1 ) , . . . dL(Ak ) }
on T , where dL(S\) is the Lipschitz metric on T (S \ ) and where for i = 1, . . . , k,
dL(Ai ) is a modification of the hyperbolic metric on Ui . Then, the Fenchel–Nielsen
coordinates on T give rise to a natural homeomorphism
: Thinε (S, ) → T ,
and Choi and Rafi prove the following
Theorem 3.32 (Choi and Rafi, [16]). For g and h in Thinε (S, ), we have
|dL (g, h) − dL ((g), (h))| = O(1).
In the next three sections, we study explicit examples of stretch lines that are simple
enough to make computations.
The union of the edges of the quadrilaterals (that are glued by pairs in the surface),
together with the two diagonals that join D and B, constitute an ideal triangulation
of S which we denote by μ. In the case considered of a symmetric structure, the fact
that the hyperbolic structure is complete is equivalent to the fact that for each of the
edges AB, BC, CD and DA, the two distinguished points (in the sense defined in
§3.2) corresponding to the two ideal triangles that are adjacent to that edge coincide.
Furthermore, since the two quadrilaterals we started with are isometric, the algebraic
distance d between the distinguished points on each of the two diagonals joining the
vertices D and B coincide. As a matter of fact, the set of symmetric hyperbolic
structures on the four-punctured sphere is parametrized by R, since such a hyperbolic
structure is completely determined by the algebraic distance d.
The horocyclic foliation associated to a symmetric hyperbolic structure g together
with the ideal triangulation μ is a foliation which has one cylinder whose height is equal
to |d| (which could be equal to 0) and four other cylinders forming neighborhoods of
cusps. In other words, the associated horocyclic measured geodesic lamination λμ (g)
is a simple closed geodesic α equipped with a Dirac transverse measure of mass |d|
(and it is the empty foliation if d = 0). Stretching the hyperbolic structure g in the
direction μ always produces a symmetric hyperbolic structure. If t
→ g t , t ∈ R, is
the stretch line starting at g and directed by μ, then, provided d
= 0, we have the
(1) lg t (α) → 0 as t → ∞;
(2) the distance between the distinguished points on the diagonal BD for the hy-
perbolic structure g t equals et times that distance for the hyperbolic structure
g = g0 ;
(3) if ν is any compactly supported measured geodesic lamination on S with ν
= α,
then, we have i(ν, α)
= 0 and lg t (ν) → ∞ as t → ∞;
(4) limt→∞ g t = [α] as a point on Thurston’s boundary PMF 0 ;
Chapter 2. On Teichmüller’s metric and Thurston’s asymmetric metric 175
(5) as t → −∞, g t does not go to infinity but converges to the hyperbolic structure
that is obtained by the completely symmetric gluing of the four ideal triangles
that we started with, that is, the gluing where the distances between the pairs of
distinguished points on the six edges of μ are all equal to zero.
Figure 22. The complete geodesic lamination μ is the union of the closed geodesic γ , the
bi-infinite geodesic δ and two other bi-infinite geodesics that spiral around γ at one end and that
converge to the cusp of S at their other end.
ideal triangle. We choose the metric g so that its associated horocyclic lamination
λμ (g) is a closed geodesic α satisfying i(α, γ ) = 1, as represented in Figure 23.
In Figure 23 are represented the stump γ of μ, the closed geodesic α and the simple
closed geodesic β obtained from α by a left Dehn twist along γ .
We shall study the behaviour of the lengths of these particular closed geodesics
under the stretch and anti-stretch rays directed by μ and starting at g = g 0 . The
behaviour of the lengths of these geodesics will permit us to understand the change in
geometry of the surface g under the stretch map.
The closed geodesics α and β satisfy Card(γ ∩ β) = Card(α ∩ γ ) = 1. The
reason why we consider these geodesics is that eventually we want to get an idea of
the behaviour of the lengths of an arbitrary simple closed geodesic (and more generally
of an arbitrary compactly supported measured geodesic lamination) on S under the
stretch (respectively the anti-stretch) ray g t as t → ∞, and we expect this behaviour
to depend on the intersection pattern of that lamination with the stump of μ and with
the horocyclic measured geodesic lamination λμ (g). The general results are given
176 Athanase Papadopoulos and Guillaume Théret
α β
Figure 23. α is the horocyclic measured geodesic lamination associated to g and μ. We are
interested in the behaviour of the lengths of the three curves α, β and γ along the stretch and
the anti-stretch ray directed by μ and starting at g.
in Theorems 3.34 and 3.35 below, and the results that we present in the example
considered here are illustrations of those general results. What makes things work
easily in this example is that we can determine the exact positions of these geodesics
for the structure g t as t varies.
The horocyclic foliation Fμ (g) is the union of a cylinder C with core curve α
and of another cylinder foliated by leaves that are parallel to the puncture of S, the
two cylinders being glued along the critical graph of Fμ (g). This critical graph is
represented in Figure 24. Figure 25 represents the cylinder C to which are attached
the nonfoliated parts of Fμ (g). In that figure, the pairs of regions with the same name
Figure 24. The critical graph of the foliation Fμ (g) with its two singular points A and B.
are identified in the surface S. In the same figure, we have drawn in bold lines the
segments induced by γ and δ on the cylinder C. This cylinder has a symmetry which
is probably more apparent if we cut the cylinder along the arc induced on it by δ. After
this cutting, we obtain Figure 26, that is, a large quadrilateral R which is the union of
two smaller isometric quadrilaterals R1 and R2 . (The internal face of the cylinder C
of Figure 25 is the quadrilateral R of Figure 26.) The quadrilateral R has an order-two
symmetry of center w, where w is the midpoint of the segment induced by γ on the
cylinder C. Let s denote the midpoint of the arc induced by δ on that cylinder.
Chapter 2. On Teichmüller’s metric and Thurston’s asymmetric metric 177
Figure 25. The cylinder C and on its boundary the nonfoliated regions of Fμ (g). These
nonfoliated regions are labeled a and b, these letters corresponding to the points A and B
respectively on the critical graph of Figure 24. The two arrows indicate that the corresponding
spikes converge to the cusp.
By the uniqueness of the closed geodesic in each homotopy class of closed curves
on S, the closed geodesic α is preserved by this order-two symmetry of R. Therefore
this geodesic passes by the points s and w. The same holds for the closed geodesic β,
which passes by w (see Figure 26).
All these results on the relative positions of α and β remain true when the metric
g is replaced by the stretched (respectively anti-stretched) metric g t .
To do computations, we can use Figure 27 in which the quadrilateral R1 is repre-
sented in the upper half-plane model of hyperbolic space. In that figure, lt denotes the
length of γ for the structure g t . However, it is possible to determine the asymptotic
behaviour of the lengths of the closed curves α, β and γ along the stretch (respectively
anti-stretch) ray without computations. It suffices for that to determine the behaviour
of the lengths of the sides of R1 along these rays. We refer to Figure 26, in which
the common length of the horizontal sides of R is equal to the length of γ , and the
height of R is defined to be the length of the leaf of Fg t (μ) that is equidistant from
the boundaries of C. This last quantity is an upper bound for the length of α. Now
we observe the following facts:
(1) The distances between the non-foliated regions grow linearly with et along the
stretch ray, and they decrease to zero along the anti-stretch ray.
(2) In each spike, the lengths of the horocyclic arcs that are not on the boundary of
a non-foliated region and that are leaves of the horocyclic foliation decrease to
zero along the stretch ray and grow to 1 along the anti-stretch ray.
Using these facts, it is easy to see that along a stretch ray, the height of R tends to
zero, whereas the common length of the horizontal sides of R tends to infinity. Along
an anti-stretch line, the height of R tends to infinity whereas the length of a horizontal
side tends to zero. Now since we know the exact positions of the various curves, we
obtain the following, along the stretch ray g t :
178 Athanase Papadopoulos and Guillaume Théret
b R1
α β
(1) limt→∞ lg t (γ ) = ∞;
(2) limt→∞ lg t (α) = 0;
(3) limt→∞ lg t (β) = ∞.
Likewise, along the anti-stretch ray g t , we have
(1) limt→∞ lg t (γ ) = 0;
(2) limt→∞ lg t (α) = ∞;
(3) limt→∞ lg t (β) = ∞.
This example is rather limited in scope because the surface considered is not large
enough so as to contain closed curves that are disjoint from the stump, or from the
horocyclic measured lamination, or from both. This will be possible in the example
which we consider next.
e lt
0 x
Figure 27. The quadrilateral R1 in the upper half-plane model of H2 is the non-shaded region.
and starting at g. The closed geodesics considered here are γ1 and γ2 (chosen because
they are contained in the stump of μ), the geodesic α, and the two geodesics β1 and
β2 that are represented in Figure 30, satisfying (γ1 ∪ γ2 ) ∩ β1
= ∅, (γ1 ∪ γ2 ) ∩ β2 = ∅
and α ∩ β1 = α ∩ β2 = ∅. Again, the explicit computations that we do in this example
are illustrations of Theorems 3.34 and 3.35 below.
The horocyclic foliation Fμ (g) is a foliation with one cylinder with core curve in
the class of α. In Figure 31 we have represented the critical graph of Fμ (g) (after
collapsing the non-foliated regions). Let C denote the cylinder obtained by cutting
the surface along the critical graph of Fμ (g). This cylinder is represented in Figure 33
(together with the non-foliated regions on its boundary, as in the preceding example).
Each connected component of the intersection of the leaves of μ with C is a segment
Figure 28. The union γ1 ∪ γ2 represents the stump of the complete geodesic lamination μ, and
α represents the horocyclic measured geodesic lamination λμ (g) of the surface S = S2,0 .
180 Athanase Papadopoulos and Guillaume Théret
Figure 29. The geodesic lamination μ, with stump γ1 ∪ γ2 . There are six leaves of μ which are
not contained in the stump. Each of these leaves is a bi-infinite geodesic that spirals around γ1
or γ2 . The spiraling around each curve γ1 and γ2 is in the same direction.
β2 γ2
Figure 30. We are interested in the behaviour of the lengths of the five closed geodesics repre-
sented here under the stretch line directed by μ (of stump γ1 ∪ γ2 ) and passing by the hyperbolic
structure whose horocyclic measured geodesic lamination is α.
that joins the two boundary components of that cylinder, as shown in Figure 33. From
the definition of the transverse measure of Fμ (g), it follows that all these connected
components have the same length. In particular, we have lg (γ1 ) = lg (γ2 ).
We consider the cylinder C as the union of four quadrilaterals R1 , . . . , R4 . This
decomposition into quadrilaterals is induced by γ1 and γ2 and by two other geodesic
segments that join distinguished points on the leaves of μ, whose trace on the cylinder
C cut up along γ1 is shown in Figure 34. It is easy to see that the quadrilaterals
R1 , . . . , R4 are congruent. For each of these quadrilaterals, two of the opposite sides
are geodesics contained in leaves of μ, and the remaining two sides are made out
of horocycles contained in leaves of Fμ (g). (Note that each such side is a segment
of a horocycle and not just a union of segments of horocycles. This can be seen by
examining Figure 35 which represents one of the quadrilaterals drawn in the upper
half-plane.) The cylinder C has an order-two symmetry with respect to the midpoint
of each geodesic side of any of the quadrilaterals Ri . To see this, let us consider
the quadrilateral R obtained by cutting the cylinder C along the segment γ1 . This
quadrilateral is represented in Figure 34, with its induced decomposition into the four
Chapter 2. On Teichmüller’s metric and Thurston’s asymmetric metric 181
Figure 31. The critical graph of the foliation obtained from Fμ (g) by collapsing the non-foliated
regions on the points A, B, C, D.
3 3el/2
x = y(1 + e−l + e−2l + · · · ) = = ,
1 − e−l 2 sinh(l/2)
where l = lg (γ1 ) = lg (γ2 ).
Now we compute the lengths of the segments labeled p, q and r in Figure 37. These
segments are induced by α, β1 and β2 respectively on the quadrilateral represented.
We use the formula of Figure 36 giving a relation between the length and the slope.
For the segment p, the slope is 2ex , therefore the length is
2 sinh−1 = 2 sinh −1
2el/2 4 ( l/2)
182 Athanase Papadopoulos and Guillaume Théret
c γ2
a c a γ1 b1 d1 c
d d1 a b2 d2
b b2
b d b1 d2
a c
b d
a c a1 c2
a c
a2 c1
b a2 c2
γ1 γ2
a1 c d
b d b d 1
a c a c b1 d1 c
b1 d a b2 d2
b d b2 d1 2
b d
a c c1
a b a2 c2
a1 2 c2
b d b d a1 c 1 d
a c a c b1 d1 c
b1 d2 d2
d d1 a b2
b b2
a c
b d
a c
a c1 a2
a1 2 c2 b c2
b d b d a1 c1 d
a c a c
b1 d1 c
b1 d2
d1 d2
b d b2 a b2
a c
b d
a c c1
a1 c2 b a2 c2
d b d a1 c1 d
Figure 32. Line 1 represents the passage from the singular graph to the cylinder C obtained
by cutting the surface along the singular graph (see Figure 33). On lines 2, 3 and 4 we have
repeated the cutting, showing at each line the two closed curves γ1 and γ2 in bold lines, together
with two other leaves of μ that spiral along these two closed curves.
Chapter 2. On Teichmüller’s metric and Thurston’s asymmetric metric 183
b a
b a
b c
d d
Figure 33. The cylinder C, together with the non-foliated regions of ideal triangles on its
boundary. Non-foliated regions with the same names are identified in the surface S.
R1 a
R2 c
b γ2
u d
d R3
v c
c R4
s a
d b
b β1 γ1
Figure 34. The quadrilateral R representing the cylinder C cut along the geodesic γ1 . This
quadrilateral is the union of the four quadrilaterals R1 , . . . , R4 that are drawn. The two horizontal
sides of these quadrilaterals that are not labeled are geodesic segments in μ that join distinguished
points on the edges of that lamination. We have also represented the leaf of Fμ (g) that is
equidistant from the two boundary components of C, together with its intersection points s, w,
u, v with the geodesic edges of the quadrilaterals R1 , . . . , R4 . Finally, we have represented the
geodesic segments induced by β1 and β2 on the quadrilateral R. Each of these segments has
two boundary points on the same vertical side of R. The trace of β2 is drawn in bold lines.
184 Athanase Papadopoulos and Guillaume Théret
0 y x
Figure 35. The quadrilateral R1 , represented in the upper half-plane model of the hyperbolic
plane, is the region between the two shaded regions. It is bounded by two vertical geodesic
segments, both of length l = lg (γ1 ) = lg (γ2 ), and two horizontal horocylic segments, the lower
one having length x and the upper one having length x/ h = xe−l . The geodesic segment
corresponding to γ1 is the segment contained in the vertical ray starting at the origin, joining the
point at height 1 to the point at height el . Both the continuous and the dotted vertical lines in the
picture are induced by the leaves of μ that cross R1 and that spiral along γ1 . This spiraling is
obtained by iterating, under the map z
→ e−l z, the right hand block delimited by the geodesics
that are based at the abscissas x and x − y. This block is made out of the three ideal triangles
suggested by the dotted lines. The (Euclidean) distance y is equal to 3.
slope = 1/sinh t
Figure 36. This is a useful ingredient for computing lg t (α), lg t (β1 ) and lg t (β2 ). In this figure, the
vertical line is a geodesic in the upper half-space model of H2 , and the oblique line is a hypercycle
(a line consisting of points at hyperbolic distance t from the geodesic line). The value t is equal
to the (hyperbolic) length of any arc of circle joining these two lines perpendicularly. The slope
of the oblique line is then equal to 1/sinh t.
Chapter 2. On Teichmüller’s metric and Thurston’s asymmetric metric 185
e lt
0 (x − 3)/2 x/2 x − 21 x
Figure 37. One of the four quadrilaterals of Figure 34, drawn in the upper half-space. The
segments labeled p, q, r are the segments induced on that quadrilateral by the geodesics α, β1
and β2 respectively. The segment p is only contained in α, the segment q is only contained in
β2 , whereas the segments r is contained in β1 and β2 . The computation of the lengths of these
segments uses the coordinates that are indicated here and the ingredient in Figure 36. The labels
(x − 3)/2, x/2 and x − 21 are the abscissas of the corners in dotted lines that are above these
−1 x−3 3e−l/2
2 sinh = 2 sinh−1 .
2 4 ( l/2)
For the segment r, the slope is 2, therefore
−1 1 1+ 5
2 sinh = 2 log .
2 2
Now we stretch the structure g along μ. Recall that g t is the hyperbolic structure
defined by the equality Fμ (g t ) = et Fμ (g). The distances between the ideal triangles
of S \μ are uniformly stretched. All the remarks that we made about the quadrilaterals
R1 , . . . , R4 with respect to the metric g are valid for g t . The lengths of the bound-
ary sides of these quadrilaterals depend on t, and again, using the invariance of the
transverse measure of Fμ (g t ), we have
lg t (γ1 ) = lg t (γ2 ).
We set
lt = lg t (γ1 ) = lg t (γ2 ).
Note that lt = et lg (γ1 ) = et lg (γ2 ), since γ1 and γ2 are in the stump of μ.
186 Athanase Papadopoulos and Guillaume Théret
c a
β2 a
b d
c a
Figure 38. The universal covering of the structure g. In this picture, we can see the annuli of the
horocyclic foliation by examining the non-foliated triangular regions of the ideal triangulation.
Lifts of α, β1 and β2 are also represented.
The curve α consists of four segments of the type labeled by p in Figure 37. The
curve β1 is composed of two segments of the type r and two segments of the type q,
and the curve β2 is composed of four segments of the type r. From this we deduce
the following:
−1 3
lg t (α) = 8 sinh ,
4 sinh(lt /2)
−1 3e−lt /2 5
lgt (β1 ) = 4 sinh + 4 log 1 +
4 sinh(lt /2) 2
and √
1+ 5
lgt (β2 ) = 8 log .
Summing up, if t
→ g t is the stretch ray directed by μ and starting at g, we have
(1) limt→∞ lg t (α) = 0. More precisely, we have lg t ∼t→∞ 12e−lt /2 = 12e−e l/2 ;
(2) {lg t (β1 ) | t ≥ 0} and {lg t (β2 ) | t ≥ 0} are bounded subsets of R∗+ . In fact,
lg t (β2 ) is constant and lg t (β1 ) decreases towards 4 log 1+2 5 .
Now if t
→ g t is the anti-stretch ray directed by μ and starting at g, we have
(1) limt→∞ lg t (α) = ∞;
Chapter 2. On Teichmüller’s metric and Thurston’s asymmetric metric 187
Figure 39. Each of these three pictures represents the universal covering H2 of the surface S2,0
studied in Section 3.11 successively equipped with the structures g −t , g = g 0 and g t for some
t > 0. We have represented a part of the preimage of γ1 ∪γ2 by geodesics in bold lines, as well as
the preimage of μ that decomposes in a neat way H2 into ideal triangles. In each ideal triangle,
we have represented the small non-foliated triangular region, which permits the visualization
of the horocyclic foliation. In this way, we can see that the width of the cylinder C increases
whereas its circumference decreases.
drawn the Poincaré disk realized as the universal covering of the surface S equipped
respectively with hyperbolic structures f , g and h that belong to a stretch line directed
by μ, and appearing in that order. The central disk represents the structure g that we
started with, the left-hand disk corresponds to a structure f that lies before g on the
stretch line (that is, we can obtain g by stretching f along the same complete lamina-
tion μ) and the right-hand figure represents the structure h obtained by stretching g
along μ.
188 Athanase Papadopoulos and Guillaume Théret
From this example, we deduce the following result which says that Thurston’s
asymmetric metric and its dual are not Lipschitz-equivalent.
Proposition 3.33. There does not exist any constant C satisfying K(g, h) ≤ CK(h, g)
for all g and h in T .
Proof. We consider the stretch line studied above, directed by μ and starting at g, and
the closed geodesic α. Then we have, for every t ≥ 0,
lg (α) et l
rg t ,g (α) ∼t→∞ t = A(g)e 2
− e2 l
where A(g) is a constant that depends on the metric g. Thus we obtain K(g t , g) ≥
log rg t ,g (α) ∼ et , whereas K(g, g t ) = t. This proves the proposition. 2
We can use the explicit formulae that we produced in this example to plot the graphs
of the functions t
→ rg,g t (λ) for λ ∈ {α, β1 , β2 , γ1 , γ2 }. These graphs give us an idea
of the behaviour of the hyperbolic surfaces g t as t varies. It is also interesting to draw
the graph of the function t
→ rg,g t (δ) where δ is the closed geodesic represented
in Figure 40, because the intersection pattern of δ with α satisfies δ ∩ α
= ∅ and
δ ∩ γ = ∅. Figures 41 and 42 represent respectively the intersection of δ with the
Figure 40
Figure 41
e lt
1 elt /2
1 0
0 x
Figure 42
−∞ ∞
−∞ 0 ∞ −∞
Figure 43. t
→ lg t (α). Figure 44. t
→ log(rg,g t (α)).
∞ ∞
−∞ 0 ∞
−∞ 0 −∞
Figure 45. t
→ lg t (β1 ). Figure 46. t
→ log(rg,g t (β1 )).
−∞ 0 ∞ −2 −1 0 1 2 3
Figure 47. t
→ lg t (δ). Figure 48. t
→ log(rg,g t (δ)).
Chapter 2. On Teichmüller’s metric and Thurston’s asymmetric metric 191
(Some of the intervals Il , I0 and Ir might be empty). In the case where I0 is empty, the
function f is said to be strictly peakless. This notion was introduced by Busemann
as a generalization of convexity (see [13], p. 109). Regarding the closed geodesics γ1
and γ2 , which are in the stump, we recall that their g t -lengths (which are equal) are
strictly convex and increasing.
In the sections that follow, we shall study the asymptotic behaviour of general
stretch and anti-stretch lines in Teichmüller space.
The next result concerns the limits of the same quantities, but this time along
anti-stretch rays.
Theorem 3.35 (Théret [63]). Let μ a complete geodesic lamination on S and let
{g t | t ≥ 0} be an anti-stretch ray starting at a hyperbolic structure g = g 0 and
directed by μ. Assume the stump of μ is nonempty, and call it γ . Let α be an arbitrary
compactly supported measured geodesic lamination on S. We have the following:
192 Athanase Papadopoulos and Guillaume Théret
These two theorems suggest that the two measured geodesic laminations γ and λ
play in some cases symmetric roles.
The two theorems show in particular that the length of a measured geodesic lami-
nation that is disjoint from γ and from λ remains bounded along a stretch line.
A consequence of this fact is that subsurfaces of S that have empty intersection
with the stump and the horocyclic measured geodesic lamination are distorted by a
uniformly bounded amount as one follows a stretch line. Let us be more precise.
Consider a stretch line directed by a complete geodesic lamination μ whose stump γ
is non-empty. Let λ be the support of any horocyclic measured geodesic lamination
associated to this stretch line. Now assume that there exists a subsurface S of S with
nonempty boundary satisfying the following conditions:
• the Euler characteristic of S is negative;
• S contains at least one simple closed curve which is essential in S;
• S ∩ λ = S ∩ γ = ∅.
Note that these requirements imply that any hyperbolic structure on S induces a
hyperbolic structure with geodesic boundary on S and that S , equipped with such a
structure, is isometrically embedded in S.
Let us say that two hyperbolic structures g and g on S are K-quasi-isometric if
there exists a homeomorphism f of S sending g to g , which is isotopic to the identity
of S , and a number K > 0 such that L(f ) ≤ K and L(f −1 ) ≤ K.
If g and g on S are K-quasi-isometric, then the ratios rg,g (α) are bounded from
above by K and from below by 1/K. Conversely, one can show that if the ratios
rg,g (α), as α varies over the set of essential simple closed curves of S , are bounded,
then there exists some K for which the two structures g and g are K-quasi-isometric.
Therefore, we have the following:
from RS+ onto its projectivization P RS+ , gives an embedding (see [20])
T (S) → P RS+ . (3.10)
We also recall that the intersection number functional associates to each λ ∈
ML(S) the element i(λ, ·) ∈ RS+ , and that this defines a map from ML(S) into
RS+ . At the level of projectivizations, we obtain a map
PL(S) → P RS+
which restricts to an embedding
PL0 (S) → P RS+ , (3.11)
which induces a topology on the space PL0 (S), by restriction of the projectivization
of the weak topology on P RS+ .
We have the following result of Thurston (cf. [20], where the result is described
using measured foliations instead of measured laminations).
Theorem 3.37 (Thurston). The images of the spaces T (S) and PL0 (S) in P RS+ by
the embeddings (3.10) and (3.11) are disjoint. With the space P RS+ being equipped
with the quotient of the weak topology, the closure of the image of T (S) in P RS+ is
compact, and the complement of this image in the closure coincides with the image
of PL0 (S). Equipped with the induced topology, the union T (S) = T (S) ∪ PL0 (S)
is homeomorphic to a closed ball of dimension 6g − 6 + 2n, whose boundary is the
image of PL0 (S).
For this reason, the space PL0 (S) is also called Thurston’s boundary of Teichmüller
The following convergence criterion is useful:
Let λ be an element of PL0 (S). A sequence (gn ) in T (S) converges to the projective
class [λ] ∈ PL0 (S) if and only if there exists a sequence xn ∈ R∗+ such that for all
α ∈ S, we have
lim xn lgn (α) = i(λ, α).
Theorem 3.38 (Papadopoulos [52], Theorem 5.1 and the remark following it). Let g
be an element of Teichmüller space T (S) and let μ be a complete geodesic lamination
in S. Then the stretch ray directed by μ and starting at g converges to the projective
194 Athanase Papadopoulos and Guillaume Théret
Note that there are instances where the anti-stretch line converges to a point in
Teichmüller space (and not on its boundary). This occurs for any anti-stretch line
directed by a complete geodesic lamination μ which has finitely many leaves, and
where all of these leaves converge to punctures at both ends, and it occurs only for
such complete geodesic laminations. (In other words, μ is an ideal triangulation.) Note
that μ is an ideal triangulation if and only if the stump of μ is empty. The limiting
hyperbolic structure g is the one for which all the distances between the distinguished
points on that lamination are zero, that is, λμ (g) = ∅.
To state the next result, we say that a measured geodesic lamination μ is totally
transverse to the complete geodesic lamination μ if the measure-equivalence class of
a measured foliation representing μ is totally transverse to μ in the sense of Defini-
tion 3.9.
One application of Theorems 3.38 and 3.39 is the following
Corollary 3.40. Let α and β be two points in the boundary PL0 (S) of T (S) that can
be represented by totally transverse measured geodesic laminations, and suppose that
α is uniquely ergodic. Then there exists a line in Teichmüller space which is geodesic
for Thurston’s asymmetric metric and which converges to α in the negative direction
and to β in the positive direction.
stretch lines that are directed by these various complete geodesic laminations, passing
through hyperbolic structures which have the same associated horocyclic measured
geodesic laminations, converge in the negative direction and in the positive direction to
the same points, α and β respectively, in the boundary PL0 (S) of T (S). (To see that it
is possible to find such hyperbolic structures, one can use Thurston’s parametrization
φμ of Teichmüller space described in Section 3.5 above.)
It is possible to permute the points α and β, obtaining geodesics that converge to
α in the positive direction and to β in the negative direction (at least if β is uniquely
ergodic). Note that a priori these geodesics will be distinct from the preceding ones.
Definition 3.42 (Earthquake flow, see [30] and [66]). Let S be a hyperbolic surface,
let γ be a compactly supported measured geodesic lamination on S and let αn be a
sequence of elements in R∗+ × S converging to γ in the topology of ML0 (S). Then,
for each t ∈ R, the sequence of hyperbolic structures Eαt n (S) converges to a hyperbolic
structure Eγt (S) that does not depend on the choice of the sequence αn converging to γ .
We say that the hyperbolic structure Eγt (S) is obtained from S by a time-t normalized
earthquake along γ . The earthquake is said to be a left (respectively right) earthquake
if t ≥ 0 (respectively t ≤ 0).
Theorem 3.43 (Earthquake and stretch commute, Théret [63]). Let μ be a complete
geodesic lamination on S and let γ be a sublamination of μ equipped with a transverse
measure. Let Eγt denote as above the normalized earthquake flow along γ and let
Sμt denote the stretch flow directed by μ. Then, for every t and s in R, we have
Eγt Sμs = Sμs Eγt .
196 Athanase Papadopoulos and Guillaume Théret
In the paper [52], there is a definition and a study of the extension of the normalized
earthquake flow to Thurston’s boundary PL0 (S) which is a quotient flow of a flow
defined on the unprojectivized space ML0 (S). In fact, in the paper [52], in the case
where S is closed, these flows are defined on the space MF 0 (S) of equivalence
classes of measured foliation, and on the space PMF 0 (S) of projective classes of
measured foliations on S. We can define the flows on ML0 (S) and PL0 (S) by using
the natural correspondence between foliations and laminations. As an application of
Theorem 3.43, we have the following:
Corollary 3.44 (Théret [63]). Assume that the surface S is closed. Let γ be a measured
geodesic lamination on S and let μ be a completion of γ with stump γ . Then the time-t
normalized earthquake (defined on ML0 (S)) along γ of the horocyclic geodesic
lamination λμ (S) is the horocyclic geodesic lamination λμ (Etα (S)). In other words,
we have, for all t ∈ R, λμ (Etα (S)) = Etα (λμ (S)).
4 Problems
In this last section, we have collected a few problems, which concern mainly Thurston’s
asymmetric metric. Some of them may be easy.
Problem I. On the non-symmetry of Thurston’s metric. There are several natural
questions that arise directly from the fact that Thurston’s metric K is non-symmetric.
For instance: characterize the pairs of hyperbolic structures g and h that satisfy
K(g, h) = K(h, g). In other words, study the locus in T (S) × T (S) defined by
the equation K(g, h) = K(h, g). Since K is a geodesic metric, another natural
question is: give necessary and/or sufficient conditions on the hyperbolic surfaces g
and h under which there exists a geodesic segment from g to h which is also (up to
reparametrization) a geodesic segment from h to g.
Problem II. On the symmetrization of Thurston’s asymmetric metric. There are
several definitions for the symmetrization of an asymmetric metric K, none of them
being more natural than the others. Two such options are
σ K(g, h) = max{K(g, h), K(h, g)}
SK(g, h) = (K(g, h) + K(h, g)).
Chapter 2. On Teichmüller’s metric and Thurston’s asymmetric metric 197
class group are isometries for Thurston’s metric. Therefore, the question is about the
reverse inclusion.
We also recall that Bers obtained in [11] a classification of the isometries of the
Teichmüller metric in terms of the properties of the displacement function and of the
intersection pattern of the minimal displacement sets of the isometries. (Bers’ classi-
fication is based on Thurston’s classification of mapping classes into pseudo-Anosov,
reducible and parabolic, but it also constitutes an independent approach to the classi-
fication.) Likewise, Daskalopoulos and Wentworth obtained in [17] a classification of
isometries of the Weil–Petersson metric, again in terms of the displacement function
and the displacement sets. This result is also described in Chapter 1 of this Hand-
book, see [18]. It is natural to ask for an analogous classification for the isometries
of Thurston’s asymmetric metric. Note that this is not equivalent to the problem of
showing that the isometry group of Thurston’s asymmetric metric is the mapping class
Problem V. Geodesics. Thurston showed that stretch lines are geodesics for Thurs-
ton’s asymmetric metric and that any two points in Teichmüller space can be joined by
a geodesic path that is a concatenation of stretch segments (see Theorem 8.5 of [67]
or Theorem 3.21 above for a precise statement). However, there are other types of
geodesics. Thus, an interesting problem is to describe an arbitrary geodesic. It seems
unlikely that any geodesic is a limit of a concatenations of stretch segments. Thurston
also proved that a geodesic path joining two points in Teichmüller space is in general
not unique. Therefore, another natural question is to characterize the set of ordered
pairs of points such that the geodesic joining them is unique.
Problem VI. The dual Thurston asymmetric metric. Work out an asymptotic for-
mula linking K(g, h) and K(h, g). To find a precise formula is probably not a reason-
able problem. Along a stretch line, we suspect a formula reminding the collar formula
sinh(aK(g, h)) sinh(bK(h, g)) c with some constants a, b, c depending on the
genus and on the number and punctures of the surface S, and on the “complexity” of
the complete lamination directing the stretch line. We already know that Thurston’s
asymmetric metric and its dual are not Lipschitz equivalent. In fact, there are no con-
stants C1 and C2 such that for all g and h in T , we have K(g, h) ≤ C1 K(h, g) + C2
(Proposition 3.33 above).
Problem VII. Anti-stretch lines. Find conditions on a hyperbolic metric equipped
with a complete geodesic lamination so that the anti-stretch line starting at that hyper-
bolic metric and directed by that lamination is also a stretch line (up to reparametriza-
Problem VIII. Curvature. Study the various existing notions of curvature of Teich-
müller space equipped with Thurston’s asymmetric metric (Finsler curvature, an asym-
metric version of Gromov hyperbolicity, boundedness of curvature in the sense of
Alexandroff and so on). Note that this metric is not nonpositively curved in the sense
of Busemann since there may be several geodesic segments joining two points.
200 Athanase Papadopoulos and Guillaume Théret
Problem IX. Convergence of anti-stretch rays. For a given complete geodesic lami-
nation μ with nonempty stump γ , find weaker hypotheses than those of Theorem 3.39
that imply the convergence of an anti-stretch ray directed by μ to the projective class
of γ . The convergence result in Theorem 3.39 may suggest that if the measured
geodesic lamination γ is not uniquely ergodic, then either an anti-stretch ray directed
by μ does not converge to a definite point on Thurston’s boundary, or it converges
to the projective class of the geodesic lamination γ equipped with some transverse
measure which would be a “barycenter” of all transverse measures carried by γ . Thus,
a natural question would be to find conditions under which one of these two cases oc-
curs. One can reason by analogy with Masur’s result regarding Teichmüller’s metric
stated as Theorem 2.42 above, where a whole family of rays corresponding to different
transverse measures on a given foliation converge to a single point, corresponding to
a special transverse measure on that foliation.
Problem XI. The visual boundary. Describe the visual boundary at any point (or
at some class of points) of Teichmüller space equipped with Thurston’s asymmetric
metric. For that, one needs first to understand all the geodesic rays starting at a
point (cf. Problem V above). Does the visual boundary depend on the choice of the
basepoint? Does the action of the mapping class group extend to the space union its
Chapter 2. On Teichmüller’s metric and Thurston’s asymmetric metric 201
visual boundary? One can ask similar questions about the visual boundary of the dual
asymmetric metric K ∗ (x, y) = K(y, x).
Problem XII. Stretch maps between general metric spaces. Work out a theory of
stretch maps between general (i.e. not necessarily hyperbolic) metrics on a surface.
This problem is mentioned by Thurston in his paper [67]. A particularly interesting
class of metrics on surfaces is the class of Euclidean metrics with cone singularities.
It is also an interesting problem to study stretch maps between higher-dimensional
manifolds equipped with metrics of constant curvature, or between singular spaces
(graphs, two-complexes and so on).
Problem XIII. Moduli space. Study the behaviour of stretch and anti-stretch lines in
moduli space.
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204 Athanase Papadopoulos and Guillaume Théret
Robert C. Penner
1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
2 Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
3 Punctured surfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
4 Coordinates for circle homeomorphisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
5 Coordinates for the solenoid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
6 Concluding remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
1 Introduction
The “lambda length” of a pair of disjoint horocycles in upper halfspace centered at
u, v ∈ R of respective diameters c, d is defined to be cd 2
|u − v| and is roughly
the exponential of the hyperbolic distance between them. (See §1 for more preci-
sion.) These invariants can be used to devise coordinates in several different guises:
for the Teichmüller space of punctured surfaces [7]; for the space of cosets of the
Möbius group Möb of real fractional linear transformations in the topological group
of all orientation-preserving homeomorphisms of the circle, which forms a general-
ized universal Teichmüller space [8]; and for the Teichmüller space of the “punctured
solenoid”, which is the punctured analogue introduced in [10] (and defined in §4) of
the space studied by Sullivan [12] to analyze dynamical properties of the mapping
class group actions on the Teichmüller spaces for closed surfaces. In fact in each case,
lambda lengths give coordinates for the “decorated” Teichmüller space rather than the
Teichmüller space. (The respective notions of decoration are defined in §§ 2, 3, 4.)
Furthermore, the manifestation of lambda lengths as coordinates on the decorated
Teichmüller space of the punctured solenoid is the first step of a larger ongoing pro-
gram with Šarić [10] to extend the decorated Teichmüller theory [7]–[9] to the solenoid.
To define the punctured solenoid H as a topological space, for definiteness fix the
“modular” group G = PSL2 (Z) of integral fractional linear transformations, let Ĝ
denote its pro-finite completion (whose definition is recalled in §4), let D denote the
open unit disk in the complex plane, and define H = (D × Ĝ)/G, where γ ∈ G
acts on (z, t) ∈ D × Ĝ by γ (z, t) = (γ z, tγ −1 ). In analogy to the case of punctured
206 Robert C. Penner
2 Background
Define the Minkowski inner product ·, · on R3 whose quadratic form is given by
x 2 + y 2 − z2 in the usual coordinates. The upper sheet
H = {u = (x, y, z) ∈ R3 : u, u = −1 and z > 0}
of the two-sheeted hyperboloid is isometric to the hyperbolic plane. Indeed, identify-
ing the Poincaré disk D with the open unit disk at height zero about the origin in R3 ,
central projection H → D from (0, 0, −1) ∈ R3 establishes an isometry. Moreover,
the open positive light cone
L+ = {u = (x, y, z) ∈ R3 : u, u = 0 and z > 0}
is identified with the collection of all horocycles in H via the affine duality u →
h(u) = {w ∈ H : w, u = −1}. Identifying the unit circle S 1 with the boundary of
D, the central projection extends continuously to the projection : L+ → S 1 which
maps a horocycle in L+ to its center in S 1 .
Define a “decorated geodesic” to be an unordered pair {h0 , h1 } of horocycles with
distinct centers in the hyperbolic plane, so there is a well-defined geodesic connecting
the centers of h0 and h1 ; the two horocycles may or may not be disjoint, and there is
a well-defined signed hyperbolic distance δ between them (taken to be positive if and
only if h0 ∩ h1 = ∅) as illustrated in the two cases of Figure 1. The lambda√length of
the decorated geodesic {h0 , h1 } is defined to be the transform λ(h0 , h1 ) = 2 exp δ.
Taking this particular transform renders
√ the identification h geometrically natural in
the sense that λ(h(u0 ), h(u1 )) = −u0 , u1 , for u0 , u1 ∈ L+ as one can check.
Chapter 3. Surfaces, circles, and solenoids 207
h(u1 ) h(u1 )
h(u1 ) h(u1 )
Three useful lemmas (with computational proofs, which we do not reproduce here)
are as follows:
Lemma 2 ([7], Lemma 2.3). Given two points u0 , u1 ∈ L+ , which do not lie on
a common ray through the origin, and given two numbers λ0 , λ1 ∈ R>0 , there is a
unique point v ∈ L+ on either side of the plane through the origin containing u0 , u1
satisfying λ(h(v), h(ui )) = λi , for i = 0, 1. The point v depends continuously on
u0 , u1 and on λ0 , λ1 .
and we say that f arises from e by a Ptolemy transformation on the lambda lengths.
To see this, note that the formula for a Ptolemy transformation is independent under
scaling any of the four points in L+ , so we may alter the decoration and assume that
the four points lie in a common horizontal plane. In this plane, the Minkoswki inner
product induces a multiple of the usual Euclidean metric, and the intersection of L+
with this plane is a round circle. The formula for the Ptolemy transformation thus
follows from Ptolemy’s classical formula on Euclidean lengths of quadrilaterals that
inscribe in a circle.
Remark 2. Consider a decorated triangle, say with lambda lengths x, y, z in the cyclic
order about the boundary of the triangle determined by an orientation, and define a
ω(x, y, z) = dln x ∧ dln y + dln y ∧ dln z + dln z ∧ dln x.
A calculation shows that ω(a, b, e) + ω(c, d, e) = ω(b, c, f ) + ω(d, a, f ), thus
assigning a well-defined Ptolemy-invariant 2-form to an oriented decorated quadrilat-
eral. Regard the Poincaré disk as the open unit disk D in the complex plane in the
√ at infinity, and let
usual way so that the unit circle S 1 is identified with the circle
denote the ideal hyperbolic triangle with vertices +1, −1, − −1 ∈ S 1 as in Figure 2.
− 11
−2 − 23
− 21 3 − 21
− 13 − 31
eT U eU T
− 41 − 41
eU 2 eT 2
eU eT
1 = − 01 eI eS
− 01 = − 01
eU −1 eT −1
eU −2 eT −2
eT −1U −1 eU −1T −1
4 1
1 3
3 1
1 2
2 2 3 1
3 1 2
Figure 2
Let denote the group generated by reflections in the sides of , and define the Farey
tesselation τ∗ to be the full -orbit of the frontier of . We refer to geodesics in τ∗
as edges of τ∗ and think of τ∗ itself as a set of edges. The ideal vertices of the edges
Chapter 3. Surfaces, circles, and solenoids 209
The modular group PSL2 = PSL2 (Z) of integral fractional linear transformations
is the subgroup of consisting of compositions of an even number of reflections,
and PSL2 acts simply transitively on the set of orientations on the edges of τ∗ . The
eA = (doe)A for A ∈ PSL2
establishes a bijection between PSL2 and the set of oriented edges of τ∗ as illustrated
in Figure 2. In particular, the doe of τ∗ is eI , where I denotes the identity of PSL2 .
We adopt the standard notation
0 −1 1 1 1 0
S= , T = , U=
1 0 0 1 1 1
for certain elements of PSL2 , where S is involutive and fixes the unoriented edge of
τ∗ underlying the doe while changing its orientation, and U (respectively T ) is the
parabolic transformation with fixed point 01 (respectively 01 ) which cyclically permutes
the incident edges of τ∗ in the counter-clockwise sense about 01 (respectively the
clockwise sense about 01 ). In fact, U −1 = ST S, T −1 = SU S, and any two of S, T ,
U generate PSL2 .
We shall also require the full Möbius group Möb = PSL2 (R) ⊇ PSL2 (Z) = PSL2
consisting of all real fractional linear transformations.
3 Punctured surfaces
Let F = Fgs denote a fixed smooth surface of genus g with s ≥ 1 punctures, where
2 − 2g − s < 0.
Choose any base-point to determine the fundamental group G of F , and consider
the space Hom (G, Möb) of all discrete and faithful representations ρ : G → Möb so
that no holonomy ρ(γ ) is elliptic for γ ∈ G, and the holonomies around the punctures
of F are parabolic. Define the Teichmüller space
T (F ) = Hom (G, Möb)/ Möb,
where Möb acts by conjugacy.
If ρ ∈ Hom (G, Möb), then D/ρ(G) induces a complete finite-area hyperbolic
structure on F , whose punctures are in one-to-one correspondence with the ρ(G)-
orbits of the set of fixed points of parabolic elements of ρ(G).
210 Robert C. Penner
Theorem 4 ([7], Theorem 3.1). Fix an ideal triangulation τ of F . Then the assignment
of λ-lengths T˜ (F ) → Rτ>0 is a homeomorphism onto.
Proof. We must describe an inverse to the mapping and thus give the construction of
a decorated hyperbolic structure from an assignment of putative λ-lengths. To this
end, consider the topological universal cover F̃ of F and the lift τ̃ of τ to F̃ ; to each
component arc of τ̃ is associated the lambda length of its projection.
The proof proceeds by induction, and for the basis step, choose any triangle 0
of τ̃ and any ideal triangle 0 in H. The ideal vertices of 0 determine three rays in
L+ , so by Lemma 1, there are three well-defined points in L+ realizing the putative
λ-lengths on the edges of 0 . (In effect, this basis step of normalizing a triangle “kills”
the conjugacy by the Möbius group in the definition of Teichmüller space.) Of course,
the triple of points in L+ corresponds by affine duality to a triple of horocycles, one
centered at each ideal vertex of 0 , i.e., a “decoration” on 0 .
To begin the induction step, consider a triangle 1 adjacent to 0 across an arc
in τ̃ . The two ideal points which 0 and 1 share have been lifted to u, v ∈ L+ in
the basis step, and we let w ∈ L+ denote the lift of the third ideal point of 0 and
consider the plane through the origin determined by u, v. According to Lemma 2,
there is a unique lift z ∈ L+ of the third ideal point of 1 on the side of this plane not
containing the lift of w, where z realizes the putative λ-lengths. Again, u, v, z gives
rise via affine duality to another decorated triangle 1 in H sharing one edge and two
horocycles with 0 .
One continues in this manner serially applying Lemma 2 to produce a collection of
decorated triangles pairwise sharing edges in H, where any two triangles have disjoint
interiors (because of our choice of the side of the plane in Lemma 2). Thus, the
construction gives an injection F̃ → H, and we next show that in fact this mapping is
also a surjection. To this end, note first that the inductive construction has an image
which is open in H by construction. According to Lemma 3, there is some ε > 0 so
that each horocyclic arc inside of each triangle has length at least ε; indeed, there are
only finitely many values for such lengths because the surface is comprised of finitely
many triangles. Thus, each application of the inductive step moves a definite amount
along each horocycle, and it follows that the construction has an image which is closed
as well. It follows from connectivity of H that F̃ → H is surjective, and furthermore,
and can see that τ̃ is a tesselation of H, i.e., a locally finite collection of geodesics
decomposing H into ideal triangles.
Chapter 3. Surfaces, circles, and solenoids 211
Following Poincaré, the hyperbolic symmetry group of this tesselation is the re-
quired (normalized) Fuchsian group G giving a point of Teichmüller space, and the
construction likewise provides a decoration on the quotient H/G as required.
Remark 3. One thinks of the choice of ideal triangulation as a choice of “basis” for
the lambda length coordinates. Formulas for the change of basis are given by Ptolemy
transformations, and this leads [7], [8] to a faithful representation of the mapping class
group of F as well as its universal generalization to Tess, which is defined in the next
section. Furthermore as in Remark 2, the 2-form ω = −2 ω(a, b, c) is invariant
under this action and descends to the Weil–Petersson form on Riemann’s moduli space,
where the sum is over all triangles complementary to any fixed ideal triangulation and
the edges of the triangle have lambda lengths a, b, c in correct cyclic order determined
by an orientation of F . These two ingredients lead to natural quantizations [3], [4] of
Teichmüller space.
Theorem 5 ([8], Theorem 2.3). The mapping Homeo+ → Tess given by f → f (τ∗ )
is a homeomorphism onto.
Proof. Injectivity follows from the fact that a homeomorphism is uniquely determined
by its values on a dense set. For surjectivity, consider any tesselation with doe τ .
Using the fact that Q and τ 0 are dense in S 1 and the characteristic mapping fτ is
order-preserving by construction, a standard point-set topology argument show that
there is a unique orientation-preserving homeomorphism fτ : S 1 → S 1 which restricts
to the characteristic mapping. Both mappings f → f (τ ) and τ → fτ are continuous
by construction.
There is the natural diagonal left action of the group Möb on (S 1 )Q , which in-
duces a left action of Möb on the subspace Tess , and we finally define the universal
Teichmüller space
Tess = Möb \Tess ≈ Möb \ Homeo+
to be the orbit space with the quotient topology.
A decoration on a tesselation τ is the specification of horocycles in D, one hororcyle
centered at each point of τ 0 . Via the affine duality discussed in §1, the characteristic
mapping fτ : Q → S 1 on a decorated tesselation τ with doe extends to a mapping
gτ : Q → L+ . The image gτ (Q) is automatically “radially dense” in L+ in the sense
that (gτ (Q)) is a dense subset of S 1 , where : L+ → S 1 is the natural projection.
= {decorated tesselations τ with doe : gτ (Q) is discrete in L+ }.
The Hausdorff topology on the set of all closed subsets of L+ induces a subspace
topology on the set of all discrete subsets of L+ , and this in turn induces a compact-
. There is again a diagonal left action of Möb by Minkowski
open topology on Tess
isometries on Tess , and the decorated universal Teichmüller space is finally defined
to be the topological quotient
= Möb \Tess
Tess .
→ Tess, which is evidently continuous.
There is the natural forgetful map Tess
Given a decorated tesselation τ̃ with doe and e ∈ τ∗ , there is the corresponding
lambda length of the decorated geodesic in τ̃ with underlying geodesic fτ (e), where
fτ is the characteristic mapping of τ . Thus, lambda lengths naturally determine an
element of Rτ>0
Chapter 3. Surfaces, circles, and solenoids 213
Proof. We say that an element τ ∈ Tess is normalized provided that {±1} ⊆ τ 0 , the
doe of τ runs from −1 to +1, and the triangle
√ in τ lying
2 to the right of the doe coincides
with the triangle spanned by −1, +1, − −1 ∈ S 1 . Since Möb acts three-effectively
on S 1 and the value of a Möbius transformation at three points of S 1 determines it
uniquely, each Möb-orbit on Tess admits a unique normalized representative. Tess is
thus canonically identified with the collection of all normalized tesselations. (Again,
we have “killed” the Möbius group by normalization.)
To define a left inverse to the assignment λ ∈ Rτ>0
of lambda lengths, use Lemma 1
to uniquely lift the vertices ±1, − −1 of the triangle of τ∗ to the right of the doe to
points in the rays in L+ lying over these vertices realizing the lambda lengths. As in
the proof of Theorem 4, we may then uniquely extend using Lemma 2 to a function
g : Q → L+ realizing the lambda lengths.
If g(Q) ⊆ L+ is radially dense, then the order-preserving mapping Q → L+ → S 1
interpolates a unique homeomorphism f : S 1 → S 1 as before. One can always
produce a discrete decoration, say by taking the point f (p) ∈ L+ to have height i in
R3 if p ∈ Q is of Farey generation i.
It follows that the mapping Tess → Rτ∗ is indeed injective. Continuity follows
from the definition of the topologies, and openness of the image follows from the
D × Ĝ / D × Ĝ
(φt (z),t) →(φtγ −1 γ (z),tγ −1 )
Rather than describe the proof here, we shall for simplicity simply take this quotient
as the definition of the Teichmüller space T (H ). Again with an eye towards simplicity
here, rather than define punctures of solenoids intrinsically (as suitable equivalence
classes of ends of escaping rays), we can more simply proceed as follows. Each
φt : D → D extends continuously to a quasisymmetric mapping φt : S 1 → S 1 . We
Chapter 3. Surfaces, circles, and solenoids 217
Sketch of Proof. To prove the mapping is injective, we must again define the construc-
tion of decorated hyperbolic structure from a continuous λt ∈ (Rτ>0 ∗ Ĝ
) . To this end,
begin the definition of ρ̃ = ρ × h on the triangle to the right of the doe in τ∗ with
lambda lengths given by λt . As usual according
√ to Lemma 1, we can uniquely lift to
a triple of points in L+ lying over ±1, − −1.
It is easily seen from the identification of G = PSL2 with the oriented edges of τ∗
that any γ ∈ PSL2 can be written uniquely in the one of the following forms:
i) γ = I ;
218 Robert C. Penner
a factor of 3/2 times a lambda length this finite set, and at least a factor of 1/2 times a
lambda length in this finite set. λt is therefore pinched, proving the claim.
It follows that for each t ∈ Ĝ, λt : τ∗ → R>0 is necessarily pinched. By Theorem 8,
there is a corresponding quasiconformal homeomorphism φt : D → D. Commuta-
tivity of the diagram and continuity in Property 3 follow by construction, and this
completes the proof that the function ρ constructed above lies in Hom (G × Ĝ, Möb)
and hence determines a point of T (H ).
To define a decoration on the ρ-punctures, each λt determines a decoration on
τ∗ × {t} ⊆ D × Ĝ, as required. Property 4 is guaranteed by the claim and Theorem 7.
Property 5 holds as before in the strong sense that the Euclidean coordinates of each
h(t, q) are algebraic functions of finitely many lambda lengths, and Property 6 holds
by invariance of lambda lengths under Möb.
Differentibility at the rational points, which holds in the case of punctured surfaces
thus also holds for the solenoid according to Proposition 12 but does not hold for
general decorated tesselations with pinched lambda lengths however (cf. the discussion
following Theorem 8).
220 Robert C. Penner
6 Concluding remarks
In addition to the function h : Ĝ × Q → L+ constructed in the proof of Theorem 11,
there is another natural function h1 : Ĝ × Q → L+ defined √ as follows. Begin with
the “standard” decoration on τ∗ where all lambda lengths are 2. By Proposition 12,
each φt is smooth with bounded derivative φt (q) at each point of Q ⊆ S 1 . In an upper
halfspace model of H with the endpoint of the doe at infinity, scale the Euclidean
diameter of the horocycle centered at q ∈ Q by the absolute value of the derivative
|φt (q)| to determine the diameter of the horocycle at φt (q). This defines the function
h1 (t, q). Notice that h1 (t, Q) is again discrete and radially dense in L+ , but there
seems to be no guarantee that the function h1 discussed above satisfies Property 5.
The representation-theoretic treatment of the Teichmüller theory of the punctured
solenoid seems to us quite appealing. For example, the strong topology for the solenoid
(in Theorem 11) in contrast to the weak topology for circle homeomorphisms (in
Theorem 6) is interesting. Furthermore, one can naturally induce stronger or weaker
transverse structures in the Ĝ direction in H by imposing conditions other than con-
tinuity on the lambda length functions in Theorem 11, and we wonder in particular
what is the transverse regularity of h1 .
As was mentioned in the Introduction, Theorem 11 is the first step of an ongoing
program [10] to develop the decorated Teichmüller theory of the punctured solenoid.
Though there is an alternative to the construction of ρ : G × Ĝ → Möb in the proof of
Theorem 11, the argument given here bears a close relation to the treatment of broken
hyperbolic structures in [6].
Lambda lengths enjoy the simple transformation property of Ptolemy transforma-
tions (cf. Remark 1), and furthermore, there is a simple invariant two-form (cf. Re-
mark 2). These ingredients have been used [3], [4] to give a quantization of classical
Teichmüller theory (cf. Remark 3). These same two ingredients persist for the uni-
versal Teichmüller theory as well as for the punctured solenoid and might be used to
quantize these Teichmüller theories as well.
It is an open (but not centrally important) problem in number theory to calculate the
index of GN in G = PSL2 , and an algorithm for its calculation devolves to the “cubic
fatgraph” enumeration problem” for surfaces of fixed Euler characteristic arising as
total spaces of degree-N covers of D/G. More speculatively, there is a natural group
[10] generated by the GN -equivariant Ptolemy moves for some N , which seems closely
related to the completions [9] of the universal Ptolemy group studied in the context of
Grothendieck absolute Galois theory.
[3] V. V. Fock and L. O. Chekhov, A quantum Teichmüller space. Teoret. Mat. Fiz. 120
(1999), 511–528; English transl. transl. Theoret. and Math. Phys. 120 (1999), 1245–1259.
Quantum mapping class group, pentagon relation, and geodesics. Tr. Mat. Inst. Steklova
226 (1999), 163–179; English transl. Proc. Steklov Math. Inst. 226 (1999), 149–163.
[4] R. M. Kashaev, Quantization of Teichmüller spaces and the quantum dilogarithm. Lett.
Math. Phys. 43 (2) (1998), 105–115.
[5] C. Odden, Virtual automorphism group of the fundamental group of a closed surface.
Ph.D. Thesis, Duke University, 1997; The baseleaf preserving mapping class group of the
universal hyperbolic solenoid. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 357 (2004), 1829–1858.
[6] A. Papdopoulos and R. C. Penner, The Weil–Petersson Kähler form and affine foliations
on surfaces. Ann. Global Anal. Geom. 27 (2005), 53–77.
[7] R. C. Penner, The decorated Teichmüller space of punctured surfaces. Comm. Math. Phys.
113 (1987), 299–339.
[8] R. C. Penner, Universal constructions in Teichmüller theory. Adv. Math. 98 (1993),
[9] R. C. Penner, The universal Ptolemy group and its completions. In Geometric galois
actions II (edited by L. Schneps and P. Lochak), London Math. Soc. Lecture Note Ser.
243, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1997, 293–312.
[10] R. C. Penner and D. Šarić, Teichmüller theory of the punctured solenoid. Preprint, 2005;
[11] D. Šarić, On quasiconformal deformations of the universal hyperbolic solenoid. Preprint,
2003; www.math.sunysb.edu/~saric/research/solenoid2.pdf.
[12] D. Šarić, The Teichmüller theory of the solenoid. In Handbook of Teichmüller theory
(A. Papadopoulos, ed.), Volume II, EMS Publishing House, Zurich 2008. 206
[13] D. Sullivan, Linking the universalities of Milnor-Thurston, Feigenbaum and Ahlfors-
Bers. In Topological methods in modern mathematics (Stony Brook, NY, 1991), edited by
L. R. Goldberg and A. V. Phillips, Publish or Perish, Inc., Houston, TX, 1993, 543–564.
[14] P. Tukia, Differentiability and rigidity of Möbius groups. Invent. Math. 82 (1985),
Chapter 4
Jean-Pierre Otal
1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
2 The Teichmüller space of a Fuchsian group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224
2.1 The quasiconformal homeomorphisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224
2.2 The complex structure on Teichmüller space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
3 Geodesic currents and Hölder distributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229
3.1 The space of geodesics of H2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230
3.2 Geodesic currents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230
3.3 The Liouville measure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231
3.4 Geodesic Hölder distributions for a cocompact Fuchsian group . . . . 232
3.5 Geodesic Hölder distributions for a general Fuchsian group . . . . . . 233
4 Analytic properties of the Liouville map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237
4.1 Hölder regularity of holomorphic motions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239
4.2 Continuity properties of derivatives of Hölder functions . . . . . . . . 241
4.3 Proof of Theorems 4.3, 4.1 and 4.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
1 Introduction
Thanks to a construction due to F. Bonahon, the Teichmüller space T () of a cofinite
volume Fuchsian group can be viewed as a subspace of a Banach space: indeed
the Liouville map L is an embedding of T () into the space of geodesic currents
of . This construction allowed Bonahon to recover one important result of Thurston,
namely, that the Teichmüller space T () can be compactified by the space of pro-
jective measured laminations. This embedding however is only topological and the
space of geodesic currents needs to be enlarged in order for the Liouville map to
become differentiable. This larger space is the (Fréchet) space of geodesic Hölder
distributions H(); it was introduced by Bonahon, who showed with Sözen, that the
Liouville map L : T () → H (), is differentiable along paths. This theorem was
recently generalized by D. Šarić to the setting of an arbitrary Fuchsian group (with
224 Jean-Pierre Otal
maybe infinite covolume). Our main result in this chapter is that the Liouville map
L : T () → H() is analytic; the analytic structure on T () is the one induced by
the complex structure, the analytic structure on H () is the one induced from the
linear (Fréchet) structure.
In the first section, we review the construction due to L. Bers of the complex
structure on T (). In Section 3, we recall the definition of the space of Hölder
distributions on the space of geodesics of H2 , introduced by F. Bonahon for cocompact
Fuchsian groups and its generalization to arbitrary Fuchsian groups by D. Šarić. We
show that L is analytic in the last section.
Acknowledgement. Part of this work was written at the Bernoulli Center in Lausanne
during the Workshop “Spaces of Negative Curvature”.
Theorem 2.3 (Existence of solutions to the Beltrami equation [3], [14], [13], [15]).
Let μ ∈ L∞ (C), with μ∞ < 1. There is a unique quasiconformal homeomorphism
f μ : C → C such that
(i) f μ (0) = 0 and f μ (1) = 1;
(ii) the Beltrami coefficient of f μ is equal to μ.
The uniqueness part of Theorem 2.3 and Proposition 2.2 have the following con-
Corollary 2.4. Let k < 1. Let (μi ) be a sequence in L∞ (C) such that μi ∞ ≤ k < 1
for all i and such that (μi ) tends to μ in L∞ (C). Then the sequence (f μi ) converges
to f μ uniformly over C
Definition 2.5 (The Teichmüller space and the quasi-Fuchsian space). A quasi-Fuchs-
ian deformation of (resp. a Fuchsian deformation of ) is a pair (ρ, f ) where ρ
is a representation of into PSL(2, C) (resp. into PSL(2, R)) and f is a quasiconfor-
mal homeomorphism of C (resp. a quasiconformal homeomorphism of C leaving R
invariant) normalized by f (0) = 0 and f (1) = 1 and which conjugates and ρ():
ρ(γ ) = f γ f −1 for all γ ∈ .
One defines an equivalence relation on Fuchsian or quasi-Fuchsian deformations
by setting (ρ1 , f1 ) (ρ2 , f2 ) if and only if f1 |R = f2 |R . When the limit set of is
all R, one has (ρ1 , f1 ) (ρ2 , f2 ) if and only if ρ1 = ρ2 .
The Teichmüller space T () (resp. the quasi-Fuchsian space QF ()) is the quo-
tient of the space of Fuchsian deformations of (resp. the space of quasi-Fuchsian
deformations of ) by the equivalence relation (cf. [11], [12], [13]). The spaces
T () and QF () are complete metric spaces for the distance which is the quotient
distance of a distance on the space of Fuchsian or quasi-Fuchsian deformations, namely
d((ρ1 , f1 ), (ρ2 , f2 )) = log K(f2 f1−1 ).
The theorem of existence of solutions to the Beltrami equation allows to parame-
terize T () and QF ().
226 Jean-Pierre Otal
Definition 2.7 (The change of basepoint map). Let μ0 ∈ BT1 (); denote by μ0 the
Fuchsian group ρ μ0 (). The Teichmüller spaces T () and T ( μ0 ) are homeomor-
phic: the map (ρ, f ) → ρ (ρ μ0 )−1 , f (f μ0 )−1 at the level of (quasi-)Fuchsian
deformations induces a homeomorphism from T () to T ( μ0 ) which sends [μ] to [0].
This homeomorphism is the change of basepoint map. It is induced by a homeomor-
phism ν : B 1 () → B 1 ( μ0 ),
μ − μ0 fz 0
μ → ν(μ) (f μ0 )−1 .
1 − μ̄0 μ fzμ0
The following theorem of Ahlfors and Bers [3] is the basic tool for the construction
of a complex structure on T ().
The existence of the complex structure on T () is based on the following con-
struction. For μ ∈ BT1 (), let μ̃ be the differential in B 1 () such that μ̃(z) = μ(z)
for z ∈ H and μ(z) = 0 for z ∈ L. Then, f μ̃ is holomorphic when restricted to L: it
is a univalent map from L to C. A basic invariant of a (locally) univalent map f is its
Schwarzian derivative
3 f
S(f ) =
− .
f 2 f
Since f μ̃ conjugates the action of to the action of a subgroup of PSL(2, C), the
Schwarzian S(f μ̃ ) transforms like a holomorphic quadratic differential for . Since
f μ is globally univalent, the Nehari–Kraus Lemma says that S(f μ̃ ) is a bounded
holomorphic quadratic differential and that it belongs to the ball of radius 3/2 of
Qb (). Thus μ → S(f μ̃ ) is a map from BT1 () to Qb () with image contained in
the ball of radius 3/2.
One uses now the following observation (cf. [11, p. 98], [12, p. 133]).
Claim 2.11. Let μ1 and μ2 ∈ B 1 (). Then μ1 μ2 if and only if μ̃1 μ̃2 .
Clearly μ̃1 μ̃2 is equivalent to say that the two holomorphic maps f μ̃1 |L and
f μ̃2 |
L are equal. Therefore, by the direct part of Claim 2.11, if the two differentials μ1
and μ2 are equivalent, then the Schwarzian S(f μ̃1 ) and S(f μ̃2 ) are equal. Thus the
map μ → S(f μ̃ ) factorizes through a map from T () to Qb (): S(f μ̃ ) = ([μ]).
This map is injective. To see that, recall that if two univalent maps have the same
228 Jean-Pierre Otal
The same property holds for all other points [12, p.136]. Let μ0 ∈ BT1 (), and
let (ρ μ0 , f μ0 ) be the Fuchsian deformation of representing the point [μ0 ] ∈ T ().
The change of base point map [ν] (cf. Definition 2.7) maps neighborhoods of [μ0 ]
in T () to neighborhoods of [0] in T ( μ0 ). The preceding construction provided
a chart for a neighborhood of [0] in T ( μ0 ); precomposed with [ν], it gives a chart
which models a neighborhood of [μ0 ] in T () with a neighborhood of 0 in BT ( μ0 ).
The transition charts are holomorphic: this follows from the holomorphic dependence
of the solutions to the Beltrami equation. The complex structure on Teichmüller space
is obtained now since the Banach spaces BT ( μ ) are isomorphic. This is clear when
H2 / is a surface of finite type since BT ( μ ) is then isomorphic to C3g+n . This is
true also in general (cf. [12, p. 136]).
Definition 2.13 (The Ahlfors–Bers map). Let [μ] ∈ QF (). By the Riemann uni-
formisation theorem, there exist two Fuchsian groups ρ 1 (), and ρ 2 (), two univalent
maps f 1 : f μ (H) → C and f 2 : f μ (L) → C such that f 1 (resp. f 2 ) conjugates the
action of ρ μ () on f μ (H) (resp. on f μ (L)) to the action of ρ1 () on H (resp. to the ac-
tion of ρ2 () on L). Since f μ (R) is locally connected, Carathéodory’s theorem implies
that the homeomorphism f 1 extends to a homeomorphism from f μ (H) to H. Using
this, it is not difficult to see that the homeomorphism defined by f˜1 (z) = f 1 f μ (z)
for z ∈ H and f˜1 (z) = f 1 f μ (z̄) for z ∈ L is a quasiconformal homeomorphism
of C which conjugates the actions of and ρ 1 () on H. The same procedure gives
Chapter 4. The embedding in the space of geodesic Hölder distributions 229
Definition 2.14 (Complex harmonic charts for QF ()). Using the Ahlfors–Bers map,
QF () becomes a complex manifold whose charts are the products of the harmonic
charts for T (): these charts are called the complex harmonic charts. Such a chart
1 1
identifies the neighborhood Qb2 () × Qb2 () of [0] ∈ QF () with B1T () × B1T ()
1 1
assigning to ϕ = (φ1 , φ2 ) ∈ Qb2 () × Qb2 () the point [νϕ ] ∈ QF () where
νφ ∈ B() is defined by νϕ (z) = μφ1 (z) for z ∈ H and νϕ (z) = μφ2 (z) for z ∈ L.
The Beltrami differentials of the form νφ will be called complex harmonic, in order to
differentiate them from the harmonic Beltrami differentials, elements of BT (). The
complex harmonic differentials form a complex subspace B() of B(). The space
BT () is a totally real subspace of B(), namely BT () = {(μ1 , μ2 ) | μ1 = μ2 }.
Under the complex harmonic chart, T () maps to BT (). The same charts can be
constructed near any point [μ] ∈ T () showing that T () is a totally real submanifold
of the complex manifold QF ().
by |ξ −
| and then the distance
distance on the circle that we shall denote induced
from the product distance on R × R: d (ξ, ζ ), (ξ , ζ ) = sup |ξ − ξ
|, |ζ − ζ
| .
Let C(G) be the space of continuous functions h : G → C which have compact
support, with the norm h∞ = supg∈G |h(g)|. If K is a compact set contained
in G, we shall denote by CK (G) the subspace of functions in C(G) whose support is
contained in K. It is a Banach space for the norm h∞ = supg∈K |h(g)|. The dual
of CK (G) is a Banach space for the norm T K = sup |T (h)|, the supremum being
taken over all the functions h ∈ CK (G) with h∞ ≤ 1.
If f is a homeomorphism of R, we denote by F the homeomorphism of G induced
by the diagonal action of f
(ξ, ζ ) → (f (ξ ), f (ζ )) = F (ξ, ζ ).
This homeomorphism F induces an isomorphism of C(G) by sending h to f ∗ (h) =
h F −1 .
Definition 3.1 (The geodesic currents). The action of on C(G) induces by duality
an action of on M. A geodesic current is a functional T ∈ M which is -invariant,
i.e. which satisfies, for any γ ∈ , and for any h ∈ C(G), T (γ ∗ (h)) = T (h). The
space of the geodesic currents is denoted by M().
Definition 3.2 (The Liouville map). Let [μ] ∈ T () and let F μ denotes the home-
omorphism of G which is induced by the diagonal action of f μ , i.e. F μ (ξ, ζ ) =
(f μ (ξ ), f μ (ζ )). The group ρ μ () preserves the Liouville measure λ. Thus, since the
actions on G of the groups and ρ μ () are conjugated by F μ , the group preserves the
pullback measure (F μ )∗ (λ). Recall that the pullback measure (F μ )∗ (λ) is character-
ized by the property that for any Borel set A, one has (F μ )∗ (λ)(A) = λ(F μ (A)). Since
F μ only depends on the point [μ] in T (), one defines a map L : T () → M() by
setting L([μ]) = (F μ )∗ (λ). This is the Liouville map.
and Sözen showed that the new map L : T () → H() becomes C 1 along paths.
We introduce now the space H(), first when is cocompact like in [8], then when
is a general Fuchsian group [17], [18].
Definition 3.3 (Distributions of order α). Let (K, d) a metric space. Let α ∈]0, 1[. A
function h : K → C is α-Hölder if there is a constant C such that |h(x) − h(x
)| ≤
Cd(x, x
)α for all x, x
in K. For such a function h, one defines the α-Hölder norm
|h(x) − h(x
hα = sup |h(x)| + sup .
x∈K x
d(x, x
The space of α-Hölder functions h : K → C which have compact support is denoted
Lipα (K). For K a compact subset of G, we denote by LipαK (G) the subspace of Lipα (G)
which consists of the functions whose support is contained in K. With the norm · α ,
LipαK (G) is a Banach space. The dual of LipαK (G) is called the space of distributions
of order α on K. It is a Banach space for the norm · α which is the dual norm to
the norm · α ; it will be denoted by H α (K).
Hα ⊂ Hα.
A geodesic Hölder distribution is a linear functional T : C ∞ (G) → C which
belongs to H α for allα < 1. The space of geodesic Hölder distributions is denoted
by H. One has H = α H α .
Chapter 4. The embedding in the space of geodesic Hölder distributions 233
Remark 3.5. For [μ] ∈ T (), it is known that f μ is Hölder. Let δ > 0 be such that
(f μ )−1 is Hölder with exponent δ. Then F μ (ξ, ζ ) = (f μ (ξ ), f μ (ζ )) is δ-Hölder
also. In particular, for each compact set K ⊂ G and for each α < 1, F μ acting on
C c (G) by h → h (F μ )−1 maps continuously LipαK (G) to Lipδα F μ (K) (G). By duality,
μ αδ α
this map induces a linear map H (f ) : H () → H () which is continuous.
Since for [μ] ∈ T (), (f μ )−1 is also Hölder, H (f μ ) is a linear isomorphism.
The space M() is contained in H(): for ν an element in M(), we shall use
the notation ν, h = G hdν. The Liouville map can therefore be viewed as a map
from T () to H (). The following theorem is due to Bonahon and Sözen [8].
Theorem 3.6. Let t → c(t) ∈ T () be a smooth path defined on the interval |t| ≤ ε.
Then the map t → L(c(t)) is differentiable: for any α < 1, and for any function
h ∈ LipαK (G), the function t → L(c(t)), h is differentiable.
Definition 3.7 (Geodesic Hölder distribution). Let α < 1. A bounded geodesic Hölder
distribution of order α is a linear functional T : C ∞ (G) → C such that
234 Jean-Pierre Otal
by H α (). For α
≤ α, one has H α () ⊂ H α ().
A geodesic Hölder distribution for is a linear functional T : C ∞ (G) → C which
belongs to H α () for each α. They form a space H, equal to the intersection α H α ;
H is a Fréchet space whose topology is defined by the family of semi-norms · α .
Remark 3.8. When is cocompact, the above definition agrees with the one given
in the preceding subsection.
Remark 3.9. If one replaces, in the definition of bounded geodesic Hölder distribution,
the set of rectangles R by the set Rβ of those rectangles [a, b]×[c, d] with (a, b, c, d)
equal to β, one obtains a set of bounded Hölder geodesic distributions which is equal
to H (). For each α < 1, the norm on H α () defined as before, after the choice of
a rectangle R0
∈ Rβ playing the same role as R0 , is equivalent to the norm · α .
Remark 3.10. Remark 3.5 can be made also in the present situation. Let [μ] ∈ T (),
and suppose that (f μ )−1 is δ-Hölder. Then the map h → h (F μ )−1 induces by
duality a map H(f μ ) : H αδ ( μ ) → H α () which is continuous for each α < 1.
Also H (f μ ) : H ( μ ) → H () is an isomorphism.
Claim 3.11. For [μ] ∈ T (), the Liouville measure L([μ]) belongs to H().
A positive Radon measure ν on G defines a distribution by integration h →
G hdν. For each rectangle R ∈ R, this distribution is clearly continuous on LipR (G)
with norm less than ν(K). To prove Claim 3.11, we need to show that for each
[μ] ∈ T (), and for each R ∈ R, the measures L([μ])(R) are bounded independently
of R. Let R be a rectangle in R: R = [a, b] × [c, d] with (a, b, c, d) = 2. Let
q ∈ PSL(2, R) be the element sending R0 to R and let r ∈ PSL(2, R) be the element
such that r f μ q fixes three of the vertices of the rectangle R0 . Then the Beltrami
Theorem 3.12. The Liouville map L : T () → H () is a proper topological em-
Proof. The map L is continuous. We begin with the continuity at [0] ∈ T (). Let
α > 1. Let R be a rectangle in R and h ∈ LipαR (G). Let q ∈ PSL(2, R) be the Möbius
map sending R0 to R. We need to show that |L([μ])(h)−L([0])(h)| ≤ C(μ)hQα
for a constant C(μ) which is independent of R and h and which tends to 0 with μ∞ .
By definition of the Liouville map, one has
μ −1
L([μ]), h = h F dλ = (h Q) Q−1 (F μ )−1 dλ.
Let qμ ∈ PSL(2, R) be the Möbius map such that the quasiconformal homeomor-
φμ = q μ f μ q
fixes 0, 1 and ∞; let μ (ξ, ζ ) = (φ μ (ξ ), φ μ (ζ )). Then, since the homeomorphism
Qμ , where Qμ (ξ, ζ ) = (q μ (ξ ), q μ (ζ ))) preserves λ, one has
L([μ]), h = (h Q) (μ )−1 dλ = (μ )∗ λ, h Q. (3.1)
Theorem 4.1. For each 0 < α < 1, there exists an open neighborhood N α of T ()
in QF () such that L extends to a holomorphic map L̃ : N α → H α ().
Recall that a map between complex Banach manifolds is holomorphic if and only
if, when it is expressed in local charts, its restriction to each affine complex disc is
holomorphic [9, p. 28]. Saying that a map F : D → E from the unit disc to a Banach
manifold E is holomorphic can be formulated in any of the following equivalent ways:
(1) the map F (w) can be expanded as a series n∈N wn Fn which is uniformly
convergent over compact sets in D;
(2) the map F is continuous and the Cauchy formula holds: for all r < 1 and for all
|w| ≤ r, one has
1 F (z)
F (w) = dz.
2iπ |z|=r z − w
We shall first prove the following “local” version of Theorem 4.1. Denote by
Gf ⊂ G, the “finite part of G ”, i.e. the set {(ξ, ζ ) ∈ R2 | ξ < ζ }. For technical
reasons – namely the expression for the Liouville measure is simpler in Gf – we
first consider rectangles contained in Gf . By restriction to functions supported in a
rectangle R, L can be viewed as a map taking values in H α (R); we continue to denote
this map by L.
Claim 4.4. Let [μ] ∈ T (). Then in restriction to Gf , the measure L([μ]) is equal to
the distribution ∂ξ∂∂ζ log(f μ (ζ ) − f μ (ξ )), i.e. for each function h : Gf → C of class
deduce that for each function h : Gf → C of class C 2 and with compact support
∗ ∂ 2h
Fi (λ), h = log(fi (ζ ) − fi (ξ )) dξ dζ. (4.1)
G ∂ξ ∂ζ
As i tends to ∞, the uniform convergence of Fi−1 to (F μ )−1 implies that Fi∗ (λ), h =
λ, hFi−1 tends to λ, h(F μ )−1 that is L([μ]), h. The right term of 4.1 converges
to G ∂ξ∂ ∂ζ log(fi (ζ ) − fi (ξ )) dξ dζ . This proves Claim 4.4.
Definition 4.5. Denote by C 2 (R) the space of the functions h ∈ G which are of
class C 2 and whose support is contained in R. Observe for later use, that for each
Chapter 4. The embedding in the space of geodesic Hölder distributions 239
0 < α < 1, C 2 (R) is dense in LipαK (G). Denote by D(R) the dual of C 2 (R); with
the norm dual to the C 2 -norm, D(R) is a Banach space.
Since M() is contained in D(R), one can consider L as a map taking values
in D(R).
The following corollary is an easy consequence of Claim 4.4.
Proof. It suffices to see that the map BT1 () → D(R) which assigns to μ ∈ BT1 () the
Liouville measure L([μ]) extends to a map L̃ : B 1 () → D(R) which is holomorphic
and only depends on [μ] (and so defines a map on QF ()). Recall that the rectangle
R is contained in Gf ; the expression for L̃ is suggested by Claim 4.4. Let us define,
for μ ∈ B 1 (), L̃(μ) ∈ D(R) as the distribution
log(f μ (ζ ) − f μ (ξ )).
∂ξ ∂ζ
This distribution certainly only depends on the equivalence class of [μ]. Also, by
Claim 4.4, for μ ∈ BT1 (), one has L̃([μ]) = L([μ]). By Theorem 2.9, log(f μ (ζ ) −
f μ (ξ )) is a holomorphic function of μ, for each (ξ, ζ ). Since this function is also con-
tinuous in the three variables, the measure log(f μ (ζ ) − f μ (ξ ))dξ dζ is holomorphic
in μ. The corollary follows.
For proving Theorem 4.3, we shall construct for each α < 1, a neighborhood N α
of T () in QF () on which the map L̃ restricts to a holomorphic map with values
in H α (R). The next two subsections develop the tools necessary for doing this.
f (z1 ) − f w (z2 )
w → − log
f (z1 ) − f w (z2 )
1 − |w|
f (z1 ) − f 0 (z2 )
− log
D 1 + |w| D
Applying the exponential map to both sides of this inequality gives the required result
where the constant C(r, k) is the supremum of D 1+|w| , that is sup(D, 1).
Here is now a useful consequence of the Proposition 4.7. Recall the notation: for
ε > 0, B ε = {μ ∈ L∞ (C) | μ < ε}.
Proposition 4.9. Let r > 0. For any 0 < β < 1, there exists ε(β) > 0 such that for
μ ∈ B ε(β) one has
(i) the restriction f μ |Dr belongs to Lipβ (Dr ), and its β-Hölder norm is bounded in
terms of r and β;
(ii) the map μ → f μ |Dr from B ε to the Banach space Lipβ (Dr ) is holomorphic.
Chapter 4. The embedding in the space of geodesic Hölder distributions 241
Proof. Set ε(β) = 2(1+β) . Applying Proposition 4.7 to the (linear) holomorphic
family w → w 2μ , we deduce that for μ ≤ ε(β), the restriction f μ |Dr belongs
to Lipβ (Dr ) and its β-Hölder norm is smaller than a constant C which depends only
on r and β. This proves (i).
In order to prove (ii), we consider an affine complex disc w → μw = μ0 + wμ1
defined for w ∈ D and with image contained in B ε(β) . We denote f w the holomorphic
motion which corresponds to μw . For z ∈ Dr , w → f w (z) is holomorphic. Therefore
one can write f w (z) = Fn (z)w n , the convergence being uniform in w over the
disc |w| ≤ ρ < 1 for all ρ < 1. The Cauchy formula for the n-th derivative of
f w (z1 ) − f w (z2 ) at w = 0 gives
1 (f w (z1 ) − f w (z2 ))
Fn (z1 ) − Fn (z2 ) = dw.
2iπ |w|=ρ wn+1
Recall that for all w ∈ D, the restriction f w |Dr belongs to Lipβ (Dr ), with Hölder
norm at most C. The Cauchy formula implies therefore that the functions Fn are β-
Hölder over Dr with norm at most ρCn . Letting ρ tend to 1, we get that Fn ∈ Lipβ (Dr )
with norm at most C. Therefore, the series N Fn ( · )wn converges absolutely in
Lipβ (Dr ) uniformly on compact sets in D. This proves that the map μ → f μ |Dr
is holomorphic in restriction to any affine complex disc contained in B ε . Therefore
μ → f μ |Dr is holomorphic on B ε(β) .
Remark 4.10. For the linear family of Beltrami differentials w → μw = w.μ, the
derivative at w = 0 of the map w → f w (z) is given by
d w 1 z(z − 1)
f (z)|0 = − μ(ξ ) dveu (ξ ).
dw π C ξ(ξ − 1)(ξ − z)
It is also a classical fact (cf. [11, p. 73]) that on any compact set of C, the integral on the
right is a continuous function of z with modulus of continuity t log 1t . This is consistent
with Proposition 4.9 (ii), which implies that the restriction of z → dw f w (z)|0 to any
disc Dr – as well as the restrictions of all the derivatives of higher order – belongs to
Lipβ (Dr ), for all β < 1.
Proposition 4.11. Let 0 < α < 1 and let 1 − α/2 < β < 1. Let ε(β) be the constant
provided by Proposition 4.9. Then, if μ ∈ B ε(β) , one has
(1) the distribution L̃(μ) belongs to H α (R), and
242 Jean-Pierre Otal
Proof. To prove (i), we need to show that if μ satisfies the hypothesis and if h ∈ C 2 (R),
∂ 2h μ
∂ξ ∂ζ log f (ζ ) − f (ξ ) dξ dζ
≤ Chα
for a constant C which does not depend on h.
By Proposition 4.9, the restriction f μ |Dr belongs to Lipβ (Dr ). One can approx-
imate f μ by a sequence of C 2 -maps fi : R → C such that the restrictions fi |Dr
converge to f μ |Dr in Lipβ (Dr ). One has
∂ 2h μ μ ∂ 2h
log(f (ζ ) − f (ξ )) dξ dζ = lim log(fi (ζ ) − fi (ξ )) dξ dζ
R ∂ξ ∂ζ i→∞ R ∂ξ ∂ζ
h(ξ, ζ )
= lim fi
(ξ )fi
(ζ ) dξ dζ.
i→∞ R (fi (ζ ) − fi (ξ ))2
We can suppose α < 23 , so that in particular, β < α. Since the β-Hölder norm of
f μ |Dr is bounded independently of μ, due to Proposition 4.9, the same is also true for
the α-Hölder norm of f μ |Dr . Therefore, the α-Hölder norm of k(ξ, ζ ) = (f (ξh(ξ,ζ )
i )−fi (ζ ))
is bounded from above in terms of the α-Hölder norm of h: kα ≤ C · hα for a
constant C which is independent of h. Thus (i) will be a consequence of the following
result. Denote by Ir the interval ] − r, r[, which certainly contains I ∪ J .
Proposition 4.12. Let 0 < α < 1 and let 1 − α/2 < β < 1. Let f ∈ Lipβ (Ir ). Then
there is a constant C which depends only on α and β such that for k ∈ C 2 (R), one
∂ 2k
f (ξ )f (ζ ) dξ dζ
≤ Ckα f β .
∂ξ ∂ζ
(ξ )f (ξ ) dξ
≤ Ckα
f β .
α-Hölder norm is smaller than 2kα and such that g(ξ ) dξ = 0. We are led to
prove the inequality with g instead of k. Since g(ξ ) dξ = 0, there is a function
G : R → C such that G
(ξ ) = g(ξ ) (the circle R is identified with R/Z). We can
Chapter 4. The embedding in the space of geodesic Hölder distributions 243
normalize it so that G(ξ ) dξ . Choose also a C ∞ -function χ : Ir → Ir which has
support and is equal to 1 on I . Replacing f by χf does not change the value
of R g (ξ )f (ξ ) dξ . Also χf β ≤ Cf β for a constant C depending only on r.
Recall now the definition of the Zygmund spaces t for t ∈]0, 2[ (these spaces
can be defined for any real value of t but we shall use them only for t ∈]0, 2[).
Definition 4.14 (Zygmund spaces; [19], [20]). Let t ∈]0, 2[. A function H : R → C
is t-Zygmund if it is continuous and satisfies for all ξ and θ ∈ R:
|H (ξ + θ) + H (ξ − θ ) − 2H (ξ )| ≤ A|θ|t .
The space of the t-Zygmund functions which satisfy H (ξ ) dξ = 0 is denoted t (R);
it is a Banach space for the Zygmund norm
H (ξ + θ ) + H (ξ − θ ) − 2H (ξ )
sup |H (ξ )| + sup
|θ |t
ξ ξ,θ
When t ∈]0, 1[, the space t (R) equals Lipt (R), and the two norms, Hölder and
Zygmund, are equivalent: we shall use the same notation · t for the Zygmund norm.
When t > 1, it is classical that G ∈ t (R) if and only if G is differentiable and its
derivative G
belongs to t−1 (R) = Lipt−1 (R).
g (ξ )f (ξ ) dξ = G (ξ )f (ξ ) dξ = − G(ξ )f (ξ ) dξ,
where denotes the Laplace–Beltrami operator on R, identified with R/Z, i.e. simply
G = −G
This allows us to define, for any real number γ , the fractional power γ , as a positive
self-adjoint operator. It is a classical theorem of Real Analysis that the fractional power
γ acts on the Zygmund spaces of exponent t by shifting the exponent t: precisely if
t − 2γ > 0, then γ maps isomorphically t (R) to t−2γ (R) (cf. [19, p. 145], [20]).
The hypothesis on α
and β implies the existence of a γ such that 1 + α
− 2γ > 0
and β − 2(1 − γ ) > 0. Since 1−γ is self-adjoint
G(ξ )f (ξ ) dξ = γ G(ξ )1−γ f (ξ ) dξ.
γ G∞ ≤ γ G1+α
−2γ ≤ Cγ gα
one has
R g
(ξ )f (ξ ) dξ
≤ C · gα
f β for a constant C which is independent of
f and g.
For any ξ ∈ J , the function k(ξ, · ) is in C 2 (J ) and its α-Hölder norm is bounded by
kα . The β-Hölder norm of f (ξ, · ) is also bounded by f β . Therefore, applying
Proposition 4.13 with α
= α and using that β > 1 − α2 > 1 − α, one obtains, for all
ξ ∈I
∂k(ξ, ζ )
f (ζ )dζ
≤ Ckα f β .
To be able to apply Proposition 4.13, but to the variable ξ , we shall use the following
Claim 4.15. Let k ∈ Lipα (I × J ). Then for any ξ ∈ I , the restriction k(ξ, · ) belongs
α α
to Lip 2 (J ) and the map ξ → k(ξ, · ), from I to Lip 2 (J ), is α2 -Hölder with norm
smaller than 2kα .
(k(ξ2 , ζ2 ) − k(ξ1 , ζ2 )) − (k(ξ2 , ζ1 ) − k(ξ1 , ζ1 ))
≤ 2kα |ξ2 − ξ1 | α2 . (4.3)
|ζ2 − ζ1 | 2
If |ξ2 − ξ1 | ≤ |ζ2 − ζ1 |, then
|(k(ξ2 , ζ2 ) − k(ξ1 , ζ2 )) − (k(ξ2 , ζ1 ) − k(ξ1 , ζ1 ))| ≤ 2kα |ξ2 − ξ1 |α
α α
≤ 2kα |ζ2 − ζ1 | 2 |ξ2 − ξ1 | 2 ,
from which Inequality 4.3 follows.
If |ζ2 − ζ1 | ≤ |ξ2 − ξ1 |, then
|(k(ξ2 , ζ2 ) − k(ξ1 , ζ2 )) − (k(ξ2 , ζ1 ) − k(ξ1 , ζ1 ))|
= |(k(ξ2 , ζ2 ) − k(ξ2 , ζ1 )) − (k(ξ1 , ζ2 ) − k(ξ1 , ζ1 ))|
≤ 2kα |ζ2 − ζ1 |α
α α
≤ 2kα |ξ2 − ξ1 | 2 |ζ2 − ζ1 | 2 ,
proving the claim in that case also.
Now, Claim 4.15 and Proposition 4.13 applied with α
= 2 imply Proposition 4.12.
Chapter 4. The embedding in the space of geodesic Hölder distributions 245
As we said before, Proposition 4.12 implies Proposition 4.11 (i). It implies also (ii),
using the same argument and since for μ ∈ B ε(β) , one has (f μ −Id)|Dr β ≤ Cμ∞
(Proposition 4.9).
that if one sets N[μ0 ] = [ν]−1 (Bε(β ) ), then L̃ : N[μ0 ] → H α (R) is holomorphic.
To finish the proof of Theorem 4.3, it suffices to observe that if two holomorphic
extensions L̃1 and L̃2 of L are defined on a connected open neighborhood U of
[μ0 ] ∈ T (), then they are equal: L̃1 = L̃2 . This fact, which is obvious when is
cocompact – since then B() is a complex space of dimension n and T () totally real
of real dimension n – can be seen in general using the local charts for the complex
structure of QF (). Recall the isomorphism B1 ( μ0 ) B1T ( μ0 ) × B1T ( μ0 ) (cf.
Definition 2.14). Therefore we can suppose that U is a connected open neighborhood
of (0, 0) ∈ B1 ( μ0 ) × B1 ( μ0 ); the intersection U ∩ T () is then the set of pairs
(μ1 , μ2 ) ∈ U with μ2 = μ1 . Any point (μ1 , μ2 ) ∈ B1T ( μ0 ) × B1T ( μ0 ) belongs to a
C-affine plane which is the complexification of an R-affine line contained in T ( μ0 ):
precisely (μ1 , μ2 ) sits in the affine plane which is the complexification of the real
line passing through (μ1 +μ22,μ2 +μ1 ) , directed by the vector i(μ1 − μ2 , μ2 − μ1 ).
In particular, for ε > 0 sufficiently small, any pair (μ1 , μ2 ) ∈ U with μi ∞ ≤ ε
belongs to such an affine disc which is contained in U. The definition of a holomorphic
map implies that L˜ = L˜ on the open set {(μ1 , μ2 ) | μi ∞ < ε}. Since U is
connected, L˜ = L˜ on U.
The open neighborhood N α can now be constructed easily.
Remark 4.17. It follows from the proof that the image L̃(B ε(β) ) is bounded in H α (R):
its diameter is bounded in terms of α, β, and of the size of the rectangle R = I × J ,
i.e. by an upper bound on the lengths of the intervals I , J and upper and lower bounds
on the distance between them.
Chapter 4. The embedding in the space of geodesic Hölder distributions 247
Proof of Theorem 4.1. Recall the notations introduced during the proof of Theo-
rem 3.12. Given a rectangle R ∈ R, not necessarily contained in Gf , q ∈ PSL(2, R)
is the map sending the reference rectangle R0 to R. Recall that R0 is a rectangle
contained in Gf , so that Theorem 4.3 applies to R0 . For μ ∈ B 1 (), q μ ∈ PSL(2, R)
is the element such that the quasiconformal homeomorphism φ μ = q μ f μ q is
normalized. Equation 3.1, for any h ∈ LipαR (G), one has
L([μ]), h = (h Q) (μ )−1 dλ = L([q ∗ (μ)]), h Q.
By the definition of L̃, one also has L̃(μ), h = L̃(q ∗ (μ)), h Q. Since the
neighborhood N[0] constructed in the proof of Theorem 4.3 is invariant under the map
μ → q ∗ (μ) for all q ∈ PSL(2, R), one has |L̃([μ]), h| ≤ Ch Qα the constant
C being independent of h and R ∈ R.
By definition of the space of geodesic Hölder
distributions, this means that L̃ N[0] is contained in H α (). By the remark following
the proof of Theorem 4.3, this image is also bounded. Therefore, the argument used
for proving Proposition 4.16 shows that L̃ : N[0] → H α () is holomorphic.
For a general point [μ0 ] ∈ T (), one writes: φ μ = q μ f μ q = f νq (μ) f μ0 (q) ,
with f νq (μ) = q μ f ν(μ) (q μ0 )−1 and f μ0 (q) = q μ0 f μ0 q. Therefore
L̃ q (μ) , h Q = L̃ νq (μ) , h Q F μ0 (q) . (4.4)
Now, since q ∗ (μ)∞ = μ∞ the homeomorphisms f μ0 (q) are δ-Hölder with
the same exponent δ and with a δ-Hölder norm which
is bounded
This implies that the norms of the linear maps H (f μ0 (q) )−1 : H α F μ0 (q) (R0 ) →
H αδ (R0 ) are bounded independently of q. Since the homeomorphisms f μ0 (q) form
an equicontinuous family, the shapes of the rectangles F μ0 (q) (R0 ) are also bounded
independently of q. Let β
> 1− αδ
2 . The Beltrami coefficient νq (μ) can be computed
using the formula from Definition 2.7. It comes out that there is η(β
) > 0 which
depends only on β and on μ0 ∞ such that if μ∞ ≤ η(β
), then νq (μ)∞ ≤ ε(β
for all q. Therefore, using Theorem 4.3 and the remark following it, we obtain that
if μ − μ0 ∞ ≤ η(β
), then the term on the right in the equation 4.4 is bounded in
absolute value by Ch Qα , where the constant C does not depend on q nor on h.
Let N[μ0 ] be the neighborhood of [μ0 ] ∈ QF () which is {[μ] | μ∞ ≤ η(β
Then L̃ N[μ0 ] is bounded in H α (). Like above, one shows that L̃ is holomorphic
on N[μ0 ] . The neighborhood N α can now be constructed as in Theorem 4.3.
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Chapter 5
William J. Harvey
1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
2 Historical overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251
3 Grothendieck dessins and Thurston’s examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255
3.1 Dessins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255
3.2 Clean dessins and Galois covers of P1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255
3.3 Thurston’s examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256
4 Teichmüller theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257
4.1 Deformations of complex structure on a surface . . . . . . . . . . . . 258
4.2 Teichmüller spaces and modular groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260
4.3 Families of Riemann surfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263
4.4 Hyperbolic surfaces inside moduli space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265
4.5 Example: a T-disc parametrising tori . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267
4.6 Deformation T-discs embed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268
4.7 Veech’s examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268
4.8 Hecke triangle groups and polygonal surface tilings . . . . . . . . . . 270
4.9 Fermat curves represented by T-discs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272
4.10 Regular tesselations and smooth coverings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273
4.11 Return to Thurston’s examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274
5 Triangle groups and modular families . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275
5.1 Tesselations and triangle groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275
5.2 Associated Teichmüller families . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276
5.3 Recent work on Veech curves in Mg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281
5.4 Completion of a T-disc with large stabiliser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282
5.5 Consequences; complete curves in modular varieties . . . . . . . . . 283
6 Towards a space of all Q-curves: a universal modular family . . . . . . . . 284
6.1 A moduli space of Fuchsian groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 284
6.2 A representation of the absolute Galois group . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285
6.3 Modular forms with closed trajectories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 286
6.4 Arithmetically defined curves in moduli space . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288
250 William J. Harvey
1 Introduction
The theory of moduli for algebraic curves began with Riemann’s famous papers on
abelian functions, but it took many years before a further ingredient, Teichmüller’s
ideas on how to deform the underlying topological surface so as to effect a change in
the complex analytic structure, produced a rigorous formulation and construction of
the variety of moduli Mg , whose points represent bijectively each isomorphism class
of non-singular curve of the given genus.
We begin by describing in outline the theory of moduli for complex algebraic
curves. The special case of genus 1 is discussed briefly, both as an avatar and in order
to describe some special types of object to be used later, classical modular forms and
Riemann surfaces, but we concentrate on the curves of genus at least 2, whose Riemann
surface is uniformised by the hyperbolic plane, using the elaborate machinery of
Teichmüller spaces introduced by Ahlfors and Bers. A method of construction is then
given for explicit complex analytic models within the metric structure of these moduli
spaces, which exhibits through the medium of hyperbolic plane geometry a large class
of curves including those with defining equation over some algebraic number field.
These Teichmüller disc models of surfaces have achieved much prominence recently
through work of W. Veech and others on dynamical properties exhibited by the set
of closed geodesics on the surface, relating to interval exchange transformations and
billiard trajectories on Euclidean polygons. Here we focus on the symmetry properties
of the complex curves so defined and the existence of Belyi structures on them; in a
later section we show that there is a collection B which comprises
a union of complex
affine algebraic curves contained in the moduli space M = Mg of all (conformal
classes of) compact Riemann surfaces (viewed as hyperbolic 2-dimensional orbifolds)
which has an intrinsic arithmetical aspect. The space B is a (reducible) analytic variety
on which the absolute Galois group of the algebraic numbers Gal(Q) acts in a natural
To be more precise about the framework of the family Bg = B ∩ Mg , each mem-
ber (irreducible component) is an immersed complex affine curve in some modular
variety Mg of nonsingular curves of genus g > 1, indexed by a central base point
and unit tangent deformation vector, and the whole collection forms part of the tau-
tological geometric structure inherited from the covering Teichmüller space and the
holomorphic vector bundle 2 (Vg ) of holomorphic quadratic forms on the universal
Teichmüller-family Vg of Riemann surfaces. Veech refers to this structure, or its unit
sphere subbundle, as the Teichmüller geodesic flow. The precise relationship between
the space Bg and the Q-rational points of the moduli spaces Mg , Cg is unknown, but
we show in Section 6 that for each curve in Bg , after completion within the Deligne–
Mumford compactification M̂g , there is a ramified covering (with degree bounded
above by a linear function of g) which belongs to the conformal isomorphism class of
compact Riemann surface defined by the central point.
This survey is based on a revised version of the preprint [26]. There is little that
is original here, beyond the selection of material and point of view taken, which
Chapter 5. Teichmüller spaces, triangle groups and Grothendieck dessins 251
emphasizes wherever possible the hyperbolic geometry and group theory. However,
later results presented without attribution are the author’s responsibility.
2 Historical overview
The study of algebraic curves and their deformations has a venerable history, begin-
ning with specific investigations of simple types of curve, and progressing to very
sophisticated methods of projective geometry. With Riemann’s introduction of the
underlying topological surface and his spectacular results on theta functions and
periods of abelian integrals (Abel–Jacobi theory) ([57]), it became clear that to
answer the most fundamental questions about a given projective curve, it is neces-
sary to consider variations of the curve, and in order to maintain the link with abelian
integrals one must address the problem of how to vary the curve in all possible ways
which preserve the particular topological structure. Riemann showed that the topo-
logical genus, the number of handles of the Riemann surface of the curve, dictates the
dimension (1 if g = 1, 3g − 3 when g ≥ 2) of the moduli space of local deformations
of the curve within the (complex) projective space in which it lies. However, the
precise structure of the space of moduli remained an enigma until a more compre-
hensive account of the topological nature of surfaces became available, including the
introduction of homotopy as a refinement of the relation of homology for integration
theory along paths. Despite much progress on the analytic side with the proof of
uniformisation and the classification of Fuchsian groups, the efforts of Klein, Fricke
and (independently) Poincaré left the global moduli problem unresolved, and it was
not until the introduction of quasiconformal mappings and their relation to quadratic
differential forms by Teichmüller during the 1930s that a genuine theory of deforma-
tions of Riemann surfaces became possible. This was developed during the period after
1950 by Ahlfors and by Gerstenhaber and Rauch, but it was only after the landmark
Princeton Conference on Analytic Functions of 1957 [56] that the complex deforma-
tion theory of Riemann surfaces took flight, together almost simultaneously with the
Kodaira–Spencer theory for compact complex manifolds in general.
Grothendieck’s introduction [22] of the notion of dessin d’enfant (defined below)
brought into sharper focus the interaction between combinatorial surface theory, the
complex geometry of algebraic curves and their algebraic number coefficient fields: it
implies that the arithmetic field of definition for a curve is in some manner an intrinsic
feature of the hyperbolic geometry underlying the transcendental uniformisation of the
curve. A primary goal in this chapter is to illuminate some aspects of that perception by
systematic use of the theory of Teichmüller spaces, as developed by Ahlfors and Bers;
we shall highlight the relationship between a certain class of holomorphic quadratic
differential forms on the Riemann surface of an algebraic curve (the Jenkins–Strebel
forms) and the existence of a model of the surface (as a quotient of the hyperbolic
plane) within the corresponding modular variety. The totality of these (immersed)
252 William J. Harvey
model surfaces is a set on which the absolute Galois group of the algebraic numbers
acts, a pattern which is in accord with the conjectural picture of [22]. It may equally
be viewed as an organised combinatorial framework for the natural actions of the
various mapping class groups and subgroups which permute markings on the various
levels of ramified surface coverings that constitute the branching locus, or the orbifold
singularities, in each Mg .
A Grothendieck dessin or line drawing in a surface is a connected graph drawn
in a compact surface with the property that each complementary piece of surface is
a polygonal disc. During the late 1970s, Grothendieck proposed that there was an
intimate link between this purely combinatorial object and arithmetic geometry of
curves, and pointed out the relationship between dessins and two distinct, previously
unrelated notions: representations of a certain discrete (extended triangle) group on
the one hand and the absolute Galois group G of the field of algebraic numbers on the
In 1979, this insight received clear confirmation when G. V. Belyi proved a fascinat-
ing theorem [5] bringing out the full significance of this idea: If a projective algebraic
curve X is defined by a set of polynomial equations with coefficients in a number field,
an algebraic extension of the rational field Q, then there is a meromorphic function
on X whose only singular values are the three points 0, 1 and ∞. The converse is also
true, following indirectly from older work of A. Weil on the field of definition for an
algebraic variety; for this aspect of the Belyi theorem, the reader may consult recent
articles by J. Wolfart [74] and G. Gonzalez-Díez [18].
Grothendieck later wrote [22] an extended account of his ideas as part of a CNRS
research proposal, placing it in an elaborate conjectural theory of ‘anabelian’ fun-
damental groups in geometry. This celebrated manuscript has received widespread
unofficial distribution; subsequently, thanks partly to an influential article by G. Shabat
and V. A. Voevodsky [64] in the Grothendieck Festschrift, the notion of dessin gained
a wider audience and established itself as an independent entity on the fringe of three
broad estates – algebraic geometry, number theory and complex analytic geometry.
Each of these areas demands heavy investment in basic language and background
theory as prerequisites for understanding and progress, and so this insertion of a new
elementary structural connection between them has been widely welcomed.
To display the link, we focus on the relationship between a subclass of dessins and
a special kind of deformation of the Riemann surface structure. The latter arises from
the initial data of a complete complex algebraic curve, carrying the dessin as part of
its uniformisation in the hyperbolic plane, and an additional choice of prescribed flat
geometric pattern coming via the Belyi ramified covering from the Euclidean plane.
These two pieces of data determine a complex affine deformation curve (Riemann
surface with punctures), immersed in the corresponding modular variety and passing
through a central point which represents the base point of the deformation, the compact
Riemann surface associated with the complete curve. It will follow from the basic
link between automorphic forms and holomorphic deformations that any point of a
modular variety which represents a curve definable over Q belongs in an appropriate
Chapter 5. Teichmüller spaces, triangle groups and Grothendieck dessins 253
sense to at least one such family. As seen from the perspective of Belyi’s theorem,
a primary source of this type of structure comes from curves with sufficiently large
automorphism group. Simple examples of familiar curves falling into this category
include Wiman’s class of hyperelliptic curves with affine equation y 2 = 1 − x n , for
n ≥ 5, the famous Klein quartic given (in projective form) by x 3 y + y 3 z + z3 x = 0
and the Fermat curves x n + y n = zn , for n ≥ 4.
The theory of holomorphic families of compact Riemann surfaces is founded on
the analytic properties of the Teichmüller spaces Tg,n established by Lars Ahlfors and
Lipman Bers during the decade following 1960; these spaces are a countable set of
connected complex manifolds, one for each pair of non-negative integers g, n with
2g − 2 + n > 0, whose points represent marked complex structures on an n-pointed
genus g surface up to holomorphic equivalence. There is a small list of special low
values of g, n which represent surfaces and deformation spaces familiar from classical
work: T0,n is a single point for n = 1, 2, 3 and T0,4 = U = T1,0 is the upper half
plane. In this way, the totality of compact Riemann surfaces (non-singular curves)
with n-point subsets is organised into a union of disjoint spaces representing distinct
topological types. Each Teichmüller space carries intrinsically a structure of complex
manifold of dimension 3g−3+n and a complete global metric, defined by Teichmüller
as the logarithm of the least overall conformal distortion (measured in the sup norm)
involved in deforming one complex structure on a surface to another. If the surface
under consideration has genus 1, the deformation space is equivalent to the classical
identification of (conformal classes of) marked tori, X = C/L, with points of the upper
half plane, U = T1 , on which the modular group (1) = SL(2, Z) acts by fractional-
linear transformations, in effect changing the basis elements of the lattice L ∼
= π1 (X),
and preserving the Poincaré metric. Thus, in this special case, the deformation space
carries an intrinsically richer geometric structure of hyperbolic plane geometry and
we sometimes denote it by H 2 when focussing on this viewpoint. In general, the
mapping class group Modg,n = π0 Diff(X) of the (n-punctured) surface X acts as the
Teichmüller modular group by changing the marking on a reference surface. When
n = 0, the quotient of Teichmüller space Tg by this action of Modg is Riemann’s
moduli space Mg , which parametrises biholomorphic equivalence classes of (closed,
genus g) Riemann surfaces, while if n = 1 the resulting quotient is the modular curve
Cg , the total space of the fibred modular family of genus g surfaces.
Teichmüller also defined a special type of deformation within the spaces Tg , which
is now called a Teichmüller (geodesic) disc; we sometimes refer to it as a T-disc. They
are described in more detail in Section 4: for the purposes of this outline, we mention
only that inside any Tg,n they form a natural class of complete complex submanifold
of dimension 1, isometric to the Poincaré metric model of the hyperbolic plane H 2 ,
and that they are in plentiful supply, through each point and in any given direction,
forming an integrated part of the Teichmüller geodesic flow.
It is natural to consider the action of the mapping class group g,n on the set of all
T-discs in Tg,n . Because the modular action is biholomorphic and discontinuous, it
preserves the set of T-discs and the stability subgroup preserving a given disc is then
254 William J. Harvey
stabilisers, we hope to bring out a general perspective which places dessins within the
tautological geometric framework underpinning the patchwork collection of Teich-
müller spaces which cover the various modular families and which in the process
generate the space D0 . At the same time one needs the entire collection of lattices
(finite co-volume Fuchsian groups) and Teichmüller space inclusions to reflect the
wide range of possible Belyi representations of complex curves defined over Q: every
meromorphic function which has 3 ramification values determines a covering of the
complex projective line with the requisite properties and each admissible cusp form
of weight 4 produces a Teichmüller disc and, thereby, candidate members of the set
of Q-points of the space of moduli. This space may provide an appropriate starting
point for the (still incomplete) process of constructing the ultimate arithmetic modular
family described in the Grothendieck Esquisse [22].
3.1 Dessins
A dessin d’enfant or simply dessin is defined to be a connected (finite) graph in a
compact surface, whose complement is a union of cells and which has a bipartite
structure on the vertices. It is convenient to denote the labels for vertices of the graph
with • and .
To keep the exposition simple, we restrict attention to orientable surfaces and
to a special type of dessin, concentrating on the subclass of dessins which arise from
pulling back the standard triangulation of CP 1 through a Belyi function, a holomorphic
branched covering mapping β : X → CP 1 with three critical values 0 (= •), 1 (= )
and ∞ (= ). This consists of a topological decomposition of the Riemann sphere
into two triangles U and L, with interiors the upper and lower halves of the complex
plane respectively, with vertices given by the above three symbols and disjoint edges
joining them pairwise along the real axis. In addition, we shall often assume some
regularity property for the function β, to be spelled out in the next subsection; in an
appropriate sense, the restricted class of dessins to be used forms a natural cofinal
subclass of the general pattern. For a broader study, the reader may consult a range
of recent survey articles ([33], [61]) and the chapter by Herrlich and Schmithüsen in
Volume II of this Handbook [29].
is then called clean if each vertex mapping to (and labelled) has valency 4 in the
graph Kf .
It is not difficult to see that every dessin has a standard subdivision for which this
property holds: for instance, one can take the triangular subdivision (see [64]) which
arises by replacing the function f by f˜ = 4(f − f 2 ).
The transition from combinatorial surface topology to complex analysis and the
modular group is made by the classical representation of the punctured plane C −{0, 1}
as the congruence modular surface of level 2, X(2) = U/ (2). One finds with the
help of the monodromy theorem that the unbranched covering mapping f ∗ , obtained
by puncturing X at all labelled vertices, is determined by a finite index subgroup
of (2), for which f is just the projection of each -orbit to the corresponding (2)-
orbit. Consequently there is a uniformised picture of the dessin in the upper half plane
which arises as a quotient under the group of the cell subdivision of U into ideal
fundamental triangles for (2) – for more details here, consult [33] for instance.
To gain insight into the picture in the hyperbolic plane, it is helpful to begin from the
standard triangular fundamental domain for the full modular group, which determines
the barycentric subdivision of the (2)-invariant triangulation.
In the context of the analysis of general (orientable) dessins in [22], one considers
instead permutation representations of the cartographic group C2+ , which is isomor-
phic to the congruence subgroup 0 (2) containing (2) with index 2. This group
consists of all projective transformations
az + b
γ : z → ∈ (1) = PSL(2, Z) with c ≡ 0 (2).
cz + d
It is not hard to see, using a standard choice of fundamental domains for the groups
concerned, that passage from f to f˜ is defined by extending the classifying inclusion
< (2) to < 0 (2), so that there is again a tesselation of U by hyperbolic
triangles which determines a (clean) dessin on the surface X.
A dessin is called balanced when both (a) every vertex has the same valency
and (b) each cell has the same number of edges. A Galois dessin is a graph-and-
cell decomposition obtained by lifting the standard division of CP 1 through a Belyi
mapping which is also a Galois covering.
It is a simple exercise in finite group actions to see that Galois dessins are balanced,
but the converse is not necessarily true. These matters are discussed at greater length
in the collection of articles [61].
Thurston’s original 1975 construction [69] was motivated by his work on the clas-
sification of surface mappings up to free homotopy, and in particular by the search
for a counterexample to an old conjecture of Jakob Nielsen that an algebraically
finite mapping class, i.e. one induced by a surface mapping for which all homological
eigenvalues are roots of unity, must be periodic. To construct examples of the kind of
map which contradicts this, he took a certain product of twists along a pair of loops
α, β that fill up the surface: this means that the loops, taken to be in general position
with no triple intersection points, are such that the complementary regions of S are
all simply connected cells with at least four edges. This type of decomposition by
two loops determines a dessin on S with the property that all vertices of type have
valency 4: this is achieved by placing a vertex in each cell and an edge to it from
each vertex of the graph. In fact this procedure also yields a dual partition of the
surface into quadrangles, each with two vertices labelled , which is a subdivision of
the cell partition of S dual to the original one; omitting the • vertices gives the dual
quadrilateral structure.
The method used by Thurston to produce pseudo-Anosov homeomorphisms from
this combinatorial structure is simple but very ingenious: because the surface S has
been decomposed into quadrilaterals, it has a branched piecewise Euclidean structure
given by the requirement that each cell is to be a unit square. This determines a structure
of compact Riemann surface too, by the standard removal of singularities at corners,
but the important point is that in the Euclidean structure the Dehn twist mappings along
each loop act as translation by an integer. Indeed, one can approach the construction
of the surface in reverse from a set of square tile pieces by first joining them in line
following the path α and then making the necessary identifications of edge segments
on the resulting cylinder; in the local coordinate of the resulting geometric structure,
a twist along the core of the cylinder is clearly an integral translation. For the β loop,
one follows a similar path of identifications and again we obtain as monodromy of the
geometric structure around the loop an integer translation in the orthogonal direction.
Now the group generated by the two twists is a subgroup, often of finite index, in
the modular group SL(2, Z). Furthermore, it is clear that any word in the two twist
mappings that gives a modular group element with two real eigenvalues (a hyperbolic
element) will define a pseudo-Anosov mapping class for the surface; with a more
careful choice of word, the mapping can be arranged to act trivially on homology (see
[69] for more details).
In this construction we see a first glimpse of how dessins and the mapping class
group interact, although the complex geometry of moduli space is not yet in evidence.
4 Teichmüller theory
This section presents the background theory of complex deformations of curves, mostly
without proofs but with some effort to give at least an intuitive grasp of the results
258 William J. Harvey
which are important. To this end, we also include some specific examples of the kind
of extremal deformation which is to be highlighted.
Definition. The Teichmüller space of the Fuchsian group (and by abuse of notation,
of the Riemann surface X = U/ ) is the set of T-equivalence classes of Beltrami
coefficients for the group .
The presence of either torsion or punctures in the Fuchsian group renders the
proofs more difficult but does not change their validity. Furthermore, the morphism
Theorem 1. The Teichmüller modular group Modg is the full group of Teichmüller-
metric isometries of Tg .
The result was extended to all finite dimensional Teichmüller spaces by Earle and
Kra: the notation g, n refers to the topological surface data of genus g with n ≥ 0
marked special points and is explained later on.
Isom(Tg,n ) ∼
= Mg,n . (4)
This group action is of pivotal importance in the Teichmüller theory, because the
action is properly discontinuous on T () = Tg,n with discrete orbits (see for instance
262 William J. Harvey
[16], [54]), producing as quotient the desired moduli space Mg,n of conformal classes
of marked genus g surfaces.
It can be proved (with some work) that the natural complex structures on the
Banach spaces of Beltrami forms project to make the Teichmüller spaces into com-
plex manifolds; one shows that the tangent space at a marked point [X0 , f ] ∈ T (X)
is dual to the complex vector space of holomorphic quadratic differential forms on X0
in the case of a closed surface, with extra vanishing conditions at any cone points or
punctures. From the Riemann–Roch theorem, it is known that this space has finite
dimension 3g −3+n, which tallies with the dimensions of the spaces T (). One then
shows that this almost complex tangential structure is integrable. Furthermore, there is
a Hermitian metric on the tangent bundle which derives from the Petersson inner prod-
uct on the quadratic differential forms and it was shown by Weil, and independently
by Ahlfors, that this metric is Kähler. In fact, Wolpert was able to prove that every
moduli space has a projective embedding, using Kodaira’s embedding theorem [76].
Note. A full account of the complex analytic theory of these spaces is best given by
considering the Bers embedding, which requires more time and space than we can
afford: the reader should consult the standard texts cited earlier for this important
Theorem 2. No homomorphism exists from mod() into the group QC(U) which
would split the epimorphism
Chapter 5. Teichmüller spaces, triangle groups and Grothendieck dessins 263
This fact is easily seen from the covering space properties of the hyperbolic uni-
formisation: Riemann surface symmetries lift to hyperbolic disc isometries, and these
contribute to the quotient action producing the fibre surface in the construction using
R0 (, G) outlined above; see [45] for more details.
The latter result is the counterpart of the final terms in the topologist’s long exact
sequence for the homotopy groups of a fibration for the holomorphic fiber spaces
Fg,n → Mg,n . In general, these two modular groups are only commensurable, that
is, they possess isomorphic ‘pure’ subgroups which correspond to mapping classes
preserving all of the marked points.
This last point of view is valuable because it links the classical complex analytic
methods with the ideas of Thurston on deformations of hyperbolic structures, which
bring into play the geometry of foliations of a surface with permitted ‘finitely pronged’
singularities to set up the space of measured foliations which determine a natural real
spherical boundary of Teichmüller space. This Thurston boundary does of course
include points representing the endpoints of the T-rays emanating from the central
point [X0 ] as described above, but differs in an essential way from the Teichmüller
boundary, also a sphere, which is obtained by considering the set of all the boundary
points of T-rays from a fixed central base point, for reasons arising from the subtle
dependence of the latter sphere on the choice of base point.
The interested reader should consult Kerckhoff’s paper [34] for details of this
fundamental distinction: he establishes the crucial fact that whereas the Teichmüller
modular group action extends naturally to the topologically-based Thurston boundary
with highly significant consequences (see [69]), it cannot extend continuously to the
more rigidly contructed Teichmüller boundary.
The motivating example of this basic construction comes from the deformations of a
torus: recall that marked tori Xτ correspond bijectively to τ ∈ U. We need to relate
this to the T-disc construction, in which we employed the conformally equivalent unit
disc as parameter space. To define the deformation homeomorphisms from a reference
point, say i ∈ U, to τ ∈ U, we use the real affine mapping f˜τ : x + yi → x + yτ
f˜τ : C
⏐ −→ C
⏐ ⏐
which induces fτ : C/i −→ C/τ
and this homeomorphism is extremal within its homotopy class in Teichmüller’s sense,
that is, it has the least overall distortion measured by making the supremum of the
local stretching function on X as small as possible. To obtain the local distortion, one
∂fτ (1 + iτ ) dz ∂ ∂
= , where ∂ = , ∂ =
∂fτ (1 − iτ ) dz ∂z ∂z
and z is the local parameter (z = x +iy) induced on the complex torus by the quadratic
differential form dz2 on C. This can be rewritten as ε φ̄/|φ| where ε = 1+iτ
1−iτ ∈ D, the
unit disc, and φ is the projected holomorphic form dz2 on C/i .
In the present case, the Teichmüller distance between i and τ as defined earlier
turns out to be (see for instance [2])
1 1 + |ε|
d(i, τ ) = log .
2 1 − |ε|
268 William J. Harvey
eφ (ε) = ε for |ε| < 1.
Proof. The map eφ is proper because as |ε| → 1, the norm eφ (ε) → 1, which
implies that the distortion is becoming arbitrarily large and so eφ (ε) tends to the
boundary ∂T (X). The map is injective, either by Teichmüller’s uniqueness theorem
[6] or by the uniqueness of solutions to Beltrami’s equation, and it is holomorphic
because the complex structure on T (X) is inherited from that of the Banach space of
distortion measures B1 (X).
The global metric between points in Teichmüller space, as defined earlier, is in
fact realised by the Poincaré metric for points in a T-disc. This is part of the original
approach introduced by Teichmüller who proved that any two points are joined by
a Teichmüller ray, and used the formula 2 to define it. As a consequence, every
embedded Teichmüller disc is totally geodesic and this leads to another result of
Royden (op. cit.) which identifies Teichmüller’s metric with the canonical Kobayashi
metric on this complex manifold. In the present context, we can re-state this classic
result, generally known as ‘Teichmüller’s Theorem’, as follows.
Theorem 5. For any two distinct marked Riemann surfaces in Tg , there is an embedded
T-disc which contains them, unique up to an isometry of the disc, and the distance
between them is given by Poincaré’s hyperbolic metric.
For a proof of this theorem, which inaugurated the global theory of moduli, see
[1], [6].
which Veech has called F -structures. They are also called translation surfaces by
some authors, since the surfaces concerned are determined by identifications of edges
of polygons using Euclidean translations.
The examples we describe involve surfaces which may be represented explicitly as
ramified coverings over CP 1 : they are taken from a large class discovered by Veech
([70], [72]).
Let Xn , with n ≥ 5 and odd, be the compact hyperelliptic surface of genus g =
(n − 1)/2 with affine equation y 2 = 1 − x n and consider the holomorphic 1-form
ω = dx/y. It has a zero of order 2g − 2 at the single point where x = ∞. The
quadratic form q = ω2 defines a Teichmüller disc in Tg , which turns out to have
particular significance.
Veech considered these structures in connection with the dynamical
of bil-
liard trajectories in a Euclidean isosceles triangle T with angles πn , πn , (n−2)π
n . The
relationship with Xn is based on the following construction, involving an associated
triangle Tζ with vertices at 0, 1 and ζ = e2π i/n .
Let P = n−1
=0 ζ Tζ ; multiplication by ζ determines a cyclic Euclidean rotation
symmetry of P such that the quotient mapping is an n-fold covering of the plane near 0.
Let Q be the equivalent polygon formed with T̃ζ = −Tζ , and then identify pointwise
in P ∪ Q the pairs of outside edges in corresponding triangles ζ T̃ζ , ζ Tζ using a
translation (the corresponding edges are parallel). The result is a closed surface with a
local complex analytic structure except at the projection of the corners, where the union
of all the corner angles adds up to more than 2π . After extending the complex structure
by removing these isolated singularities at the corners – using Riemann’s classical
approach to resolving isolated singularities – this process determines a closed Riemann
surface Xζ (with nontrivial conformal symmetry group) having a local structure over
P1 given by the following composite map p2 (z) := f p1 :
SSSpS2 (z):=f p1
CP = Xζ /z → ±z
1 / Xζ /z → ±ζ z in P ∪ Q.
The arrow labelled f is the standard mapping z → zn , after moving the origin of z-
coordinates to the centre of the polygon P . It is not difficult to infer from this geometric
data that Xζ is the compact Riemann surface Xn defined above: for instance, observe
that there is an order n symmetry of X induced by lifting z → ζ z which fixes three
points, the two centre points and the single orbit of corner points. Also it follows
that the 1-form dz in P ∪ Q lifts to ω on Xζ . Veech proves the following result, a
striking link between the hyperbolic geometry of the disc and the complex geometry
of Teichmüller space and the Teichmüller modular group.
270 William J. Harvey
Theorem 6. The stabiliser in the modular group Modg of the Teichmüller disc deter-
mined by the differential q = ω2 is a Fuchsian triangle group
1 2 cot πn cos 2π
n − sin 2π
Hn = , = σ, β
0 1 sin 2π
n cos 2π
which is isomorphic to x1n = x22 = 1 via x1 x2 = σ , x1 = β.
Notes. 1. Concealed here within the orbifold structure of the moduli space is a para-
doxical appearance by the hyperelliptic involution J of the central surface Xζ : as a
modular automorphism of Teichmüller space, J fixes the point i of U corresponding
to Xζ and sends the 1-form ϕ to its negative. However this implies that it must fix
every point of the Teichmüller–Veech disc we have constructed. Thus the stabiliser
of the point i in the hyperbolic plane (representing the T-disc) U is the cyclic group
x1 and not the full automorphism group of Xζ , the surface which underlies this point
of Tg . In fact the element x2 is a representation of the hyperelliptic involution of Xζ (on
the universal covering space U) and lies in the kernel of the holonomy homomorphism
f → Df from the group of affine selfmaps of the F -structure to GL(2, R). There-
fore x2 is killed by the restriction homomorphism from the modular group stabiliser of
the T-disc U to the isometry group of the T-disc. On the other hand, the hyperelliptic
involution j is induced by this order 2 generating element x2 , when viewed as acting
on the universal covering of the central fibre of the T-disc, but this is illusory. The
point of our T-disc actually fixed by x2 represents a different Riemann surface from
Xζ , having an additional involution automorphism; Veech [70] calls this involution a
hidden symmetry.
2. The case of regular n-gons with n even follows a related but slightly different
pattern which is detailed in [71]. In fact, using the discussion of Veech’s examples
given by [13] it follows that for every n ≥ 5, the hyperelliptic curve Xn , of genus
g = [n − 1/2], enjoy the property that there are two independent Teichmüller discs
centred on the corresponding point in Mg , determined by the 1-forms ω1 = dx/y
and ω2 = xdx/y, the second corresponding to a construction of the same surface as a
translation surface quotient from a single regular polygon with 2n sides; in the latter
case the T-disc has as stabiliser a {n, ∞, ∞} triangle group.
and have genus g = (n − 1)(n − 2)/2, and so when n ≥ 4 they have hyperbolic
uniformisation and fit into a similar picture with respect to the same Hecke triangle
groups Hn as above. Note that the corresponding compact Riemann surface is obtained
by adding just one or two points at infinity depending on parity.
The tesselation of Yn by regular n-gons may be seen in several ways, for instance by
using a similar description of a tailoring pattern for Yn using 2n copies of the polygon P ,
as in [71]. A second method, less reliant on diagrams and explicit pastings, comes
from consideration of the collection of finite index subgroups of a given Hecke group
Hn and the corresponding quotient surfaces covering the affine plane U/Hn [25]. One
sees by either method that the automorphic form of weight 4 for Cn = [Hn , Hn ] on U
which determines the quadratic differential form q = ω2 on Xn also induces the form
q1 = dx 2 /y 2n−2 on the covering surface Yn ; this may be viewed as arising by pullback
on forms via the holomorphic covering. In the case of the Fermat curve, however,
the involution x2 in Hn does not preserve the polygonal tesselation of the surface,
because the hyperelliptic involution does not lift to Yn . The (lattice group) stabiliser
in the modular group of the surface Yn for this Teichmüller disc is in fact precisely
the index-2 subgroup Hn
that omits this element. This subgroup has fundamental set
a union of two right triangles interchanged by x2 , and hence is easily seen to be a
triangle group of type (n, n, ∞).
Theorem 8. The image in Mg of the Teichmüller disc through the complex Fermat
curve Yn corresponding to q1 is a complex curve isomorphic to the affine line, U/Hn
See [72] for detailed proofs of this and other precise stability results.
Note. A point which merits further exploration is the need to correlate the various
modular groups arising in this situation. The result, in the restricted case where the
coverings of moduli spaces are required to be finite cyclic and smooth, is a new type
of generalised modular group which is called the commensurability modular group by
Nag and Sullivan [55].
to give a succinct description of a wide class of modular curve families in the next
3. The equivalent combinatorial concept for more general triangle {p, q, ∞}-
groups is a hypermap (see [33]): here the corresponding universal construction in-
volves the principal congruence subgroup (2) (which has index 2 in 0 (2)) and
subgroups of finite index in that group.
We wish to produce, from the covering data {X, f } of the preceding section, a corre-
sponding curve in the moduli space of X. This will apply not only to the Riemann
surfaces tiled by regular n-gons, which correspond to ‘balanced dessins’, but also to
the broader class of complex orbifold structures given as clean Belyi coverings of
P1 ; in this case the surface is the quotient of the disc by a finite index subgroup of
a (p, q, ∞)-triangle group p,q . The collection of pairs (algebraic curve & map) so
generated are part of the totality of dessins and of course, by the theorem of Belyi,
each is defined over a number field – in fact, they must be part of the Q-structure of
the modular varieties themselves by Weil’s results [73] on the field of definition for a
variety. Further discussion of this may be found in [74] and in [18].
By the classification of surface maps and hypermaps, we may assume that our
covering is given by a Fuchsian group of finite index in one or another of the groups
0 (2), (2) or p,q . As before, X will denote the compact surface obtained from
filling in the cusps on U/ .
Take a tesselation of the hyperbolic plane U by a standard fundamental set Q
for 0 (2), which is a hyperbolic quadrangle with ideal vertices at −1, 0, 1 and ∞
bisected into triangles by the imaginary axis . Now we indicate two further ways to
approach the construction of quadratic differential forms for , the first one similar to
an observation of [13].
Let ω(z) = dz2 /(z3 − z) denote the form on Y = CP 1 with simple poles at the
point set B = {0, ±1, ∞}. We consider the pullback of ω to a compact surface X
through some Belyi function F : X → P1 , which we assume factors through another
function f : X → Y , i.e. F = f 2 . The pullback to X, f∗ (ω) will have a framed
horizontal/vertical structure inherited from that of ω on Y , and if f is totally branched
over B the form will be holomorphic on X.
For instance, this structure lifts to a geometrically similar F -structure on the elliptic
curve E given by the Weierstrass equation w 2 = z3 − z, which is a double covering of
Y branched over the set B, and which has a precise description in terms of the standard
℘-function for the lattice Z + Zi corresponding to E.
It is not difficult to verify [13] (cf. [70]) that the affine stabiliser of the induced
F -structure on Y is the congruence subgroup (2). Also, one sees from this specific
model that for all such pairs X, F the stabiliser of the T-disc for the form F ∗ (ω) has
finite index in (1), by a simple topological argument. Of course, when lifted to
Chapter 5. Teichmüller spaces, triangle groups and Grothendieck dessins 277
general coverings of Y , the form ωf will have simple poles at any unramified points
of f −1 (B).
The second method works only for surfaces X covering the modular surface
X0 (2) = U/ 0 (2). It produces forms of an arithmetic nature on X from familiar
modular forms and depends on a simple fact: the group 0 (2) possesses a holomor-
phic cusp form ω1 of weight 8 that is real on the imaginary axis with a zero of
order 3 at each of the two cusps. This form is defined to be
η(τ )η(2τ )4
where η(τ ) is Dedekind’s well-known (character-automorphic) form for (1),
η(τ ) = e 2πiτ/24
(1 − q n ), for τ ∈ H and q = e2πiτ .
For any subgroup < (1) of finite index with all cusp widths even, one verifies
easily that the lifted form to X has only even order zeros at the cusps, hence has a
square root ω1 which belongs to the space S(, 4) of weight 4 cusp forms. Furthermore,
the form ω1 has critical trajectories which interconnect the cusps of the surface X in
some finite graph, which includes among its edges the projection of the axis and
whose pattern depends only on the structure of the covering. In addition, for any
conformal automorphism α of X which fixes the cusps, one can average the form over
the elements α ν to obtain a cusp form ω2 with (at least) two independent directions
in which all critical trajectories interconnect cusps and all noncritical trajectories are
closed. This property, which is shared by the form ω defined earlier on Y , turns out
to be crucial in ensuring a lattice group as Teichmüller-modular stabiliser.
We consider T-discs Dω for such forms. In order to proceed as canonically as
possible, and to avoid the confusion arising from the plethora of inclusion relations
between the various Teichmüller spaces associated to surface coverings, in what fol-
lows we place modular group activities within the universal group action of mod(1),
the group QS(S 1 ) of all quasisymmetric homeomorphisms of the boundary circle, on
Teichmüller space T (1), universal Teichmüller space, the normalised quotient by the
subgroup (isomorphic to G = PSL2 (R)) of Möbius mappings of the circle.
Let ≤ 0 (2) be a finite index normal subgroup contained in the kernel of the
finite character χω : 0 (2) → S 1 , and representing a surface X = U/ , so that
ω(γ (z)) = χω (γ )γ
(z)−2 ω(z) for all γ ∈ 0 (2). If the form ω is -invariant,
we obtain an induced T-disc Dω in T () ∼ = Tg,n , where n is the total number of cusp
and elliptic torsion points. This will then be mapped injectively, via the (holomorphic)
mapping π : T () → Tg which forgets the data of all torsion and cusp points, landing
in the Teichmüller space of the compactified surface X0 .
Proof. The compact marked surface [X0 ] will certainly have a quadratic form ω0 given
by the obvious extension to the cusps from ω on U/ . In fact, because we have a
holomorphic image of the original T-disc, this disc is also a T-disc, since the distortion
at each point is constant, with finitely many exceptional critical points.
We would like to characterise if possible the Veech T-discs presented in this manner,
which have lattice modular stability group. From the earlier study of examples within
Hecke groups Hn , it is clear that one way to do this is to restrict attention to particular
covering surfaces X obtained from the commutator subgroup of the triangle group H ,
where there is always a good supply of (meromorphic) automorphic forms which have
the following crucial property:
For such forms, the complementary noncritical set – which has full measure in X –
is a union of cylinders, each comprising a free homotopy class of closed trajectories.
Incidentally, the forms occurring in Veech’s examples clearly have the J–S property in
the vertical direction: one changes the direction of the trajectories from horizontal to
vertical by a quarter-turn rotation of the Euclidean structure which means switching
to the form −ϕ. It is natural to widen the class of J–S differentials to include all forms
of finite L1 norm which have some direction in which the trajectory pattern has this
We note that forms of J–S type are dense in the space A14 (X) for every compact
Riemann surface [12]; their construction is usually effected by either analytic or com-
binatorial means and no clear arithmetic connection has yet been made. For more
details, including the essential part played by J–S forms in the solution of a host of
extremal problems in conformal mapping and analysis, see for instance [13], [16],
In all the examples described in Section 4, where is a finite index subgruoup
of a Hecke triangle group, it was possible to use the structure of the covering (or
equivalently a fundamental domain for the group) triangulated in canonical fashion,
to produce J–S forms from the hyperbolic geometry; our next result follows this line of
approach. We shall later (in Section 6) restrict attention to subgroups of the modular
group PSL2 (Z)(= H3 ), where a more direct approach is possible.
Theorem 10. Let H be a Fuchsian triangle group, with (at least) one torsion point and
one cusp; assume that there is a reflection symmetry fixing a cusp and a torsion point.
Let ω be an invariant holomorphic quadratic differential on some smooth Belyi cover
X1 = U/ 1 of the compact orbifold Riemann sphere XH , which is -symmetric and
corresponds to some character of H . Then the corresponding Teichmüller disc Dω in
T (X1 ) ∼
= Tg,k has stabiliser in the corresponding modular group Modg,k isomorphic
to a subgroup of H of finite index containing 1 .
Chapter 5. Teichmüller spaces, triangle groups and Grothendieck dessins 279
Proof. We move to a conjugate of H in the unit disc so as to locate the fixed point of one
torsion generator x at the centre 0 of the disc with the real ray from 0 to 1 fixed by the
symmetry and horizontal for the form ω. In the representation Dω = π eω (D), this
implies that there is a finite order rotational symmetry for the Euclidean structure on the
central reference surface of this disc, which is a compact abelian covering surface X1
on which the form ω is defined, and with all cusps filled in. By the assumptions made
on the group H and the form, the critical trajectories of ω emanate from cusps of 1
and are contained in the H -orbit of the edge subset of some -symmetric fundamental
polygonal set P ∪ P , with P = (P ) and P containing the ray . It follows that the
critical graph of ω is compact in X1 , which implies that ω is of Jenkins–Strebel type,
with all non-critical real trajectories closed.
Now consider the variation of complex structure on the surface as we follow the
Teichmüller ray from the origin to 1 ∈ ∂ D: 1 is a cusp of 1 at which ω vanishes and
this ray determines a deformation of X1 by shrinking the lengths of all closed vertical
trajectories to zero. We claim that the disc D is invariant under a reducible (unipotent)
mapping class which effects some composition of twists about a representative set of
core loops, one from each cylinder in the non-critical trajectory pattern of the form ω
on X1 . To verify this, let t be the primitive parabolic element of H fixing the cusp 1, and
consider the effect of applying conjugation adt to the (marked) subgroup 1 : the rule
adt (k) = tkt −1 defines an element of mod 1 ∼ = Mod(1
), the mapping class group
of the pointed surface X1 . This element is reducible in the Thurston classification
of mapping classes [69], since it preserves the set of vertical core curves, but it acts
as some cyclic permutation both on the set of cusps and also on the set of trajectory
cylinders of ω. A mapping class of the required kind is induced on the compact
surface by applying such an action at the level of 1 using the smallest power t ν of the
element t that preserves each trajectory cylinder. If we denote by d the degree at the
cusp 1 of the covering X0 → P1 ∼ = XH , then 1 ≤ ν ≤ d. It follows that the modular
stabiliser of Dω contains at least the nonelementary subgroup x, t ν of H .
To see that the modular stabiliser contains the subgroup 1 , we recall the discussion
of Section 4 where the structure of the Bers–Teichmüller fibre spaces was sketched
out: in the current situation, we have a T-disc embedded in the universal Teichmüller
space T (1) on which the group H acts as a subgroup of Mod(1). To descend to T (X1 )
and its fibre space F (X1 ) involves passing to the classes of qc mapping invariant under
1 , isomorphic to the iterated fibre space F (k) (X1 ) of moduli for k-pointed surfaces.
The forgetful map π which fills in all cusps then defines a projection to the genus g
Teichmüller space Tg .
It follows from the definition of the successive Bers fibrations, beginning with the
surface X1 as fibre in F (1 ) over the point 0 = [X1 ] ∈ T (X1 ), and the Bers fiber
space theorem (discussed in Section 4.3) that the stabiliser in modg,k ∼ = Modg,k+1
of the fibre space over the disc Dω contains the group 1 . In fact this stabiliser is a
subgroup of the k-strand braid group of the surface X1 , and one has an extension of
280 William J. Harvey
groups within the modular group Modg of the smooth compact surface X1 :
1 −→ π1 (X1 ) → E → π1 (X1∗ ) = 1 → 1.
The action of 1 on the kernel (isomorphic to the fundamental group of the compact
fibre surface) is by conjugation on E as a subgroup of mod(X1 ). After some careful
working out, following the discussion in [13] of the relationship with the real group
of automorphisms of the Euclidean planar structure on X1 , GL(2, R), this also turns
out, to identify 1 with the subgroup which Veech in [70] calls Aff(u), the stabiliser
of the F -structure of the form ω.
Now there is a complex analytic subspace of the tangent bundle to F (k) (X1 ) that is
preserved under the action of E; it constitutes one sheet of the Teichmüller geodesic
flow on T (X1 ) lifted to the fibre space. Alternatively, one may view it as an example
of the type of construction of analytic complex surface given in [21]. It follows that
the modular stabiliser of Dω has finite index in H .
We describe one way to prove existence of the forms required in this theorem.
Work with an inclusion of co-compact Fuchsian groups 0 ≤ H0 which provides a
model of the ramified surface covering which completes the Hecke group picture: one
follows the method detailed in [52] to construct generators of fractional weight for
the ring of all holomorphic character-automorphic forms on the co-compact genus 0
Fuchsian group H0 ; each of the generating forms has a simple zero at just one vertex.
It is then possible to produce (by transferring to the punctured surface and lifting to
the universal cover) weight 4 multiplicative holomorphic forms ω of the same type
on the group H with zeros only at designated cusp vertex points of the hyperbolic
tesselation of X determined by the group inclusion 0 < H0 .
Corollary 1. Let H be a triangle group of type {2, q, ∞}. Then there are holomorphic
forms for the commutator surface of H whose modular stability group has finite index
in H .
The cusp forms of Jenkins–Strebel type for the groups arising in theVeech examples
emerge directly from the Euclidean geometry on a given polygonal model surface, as
Veech observes in [70]. The commutator surface has ε = gcd(2, q) cusps, and the
subgroup of mapping classes produced by the theorem at a torsion point of the disc
coincides in this case with either the whole group H or a triangular subgroup of index 2,
generated in each case by the two elements x ε and t.
For further details and developments from the above result, the reader may consult
[41], which discusses Teichmüller discs stabilised by a pseudo-Anosov mapping class,
and [13], where a clear description is given of some further illuminating examples of
polygonal type with detailed formulae for the relation between the T-disc deformation
and the affine polygonal F -structure from which it is defined.
For Riemann surfaces X given by finite index subgroups of general triangle
groups, one may construct cusp forms of J–S type using the methods indicated above,
but a more natural way follows a (less direct) path through the tesselations by ideal
Chapter 5. Teichmüller spaces, triangle groups and Grothendieck dessins 281
quadrangles induced from the standard fundamental region for (2); again one sees
from the topology that the stabiliser in the Teichmüller modular group of the cusped
surface X contains the subgroup of (2) which classifies X and so is of finite
index, by examination of the structural properties of the geometric fibre space over
the Teichmüller disc.
It is unclear at present how to characterise the types of Fuchsian group that occur as
the Veech (modular) stability group of a Teichmüller disc in given genus, despite the
great activity in this area in recent years. For the case of genus 2, however, the picture
is now completely understood, thanks largely to striking recent work by C. McMullen
and others, which has produced a classification partly based on an explicit type of
Euclidean decomposition of a compact (genus 2) surface X as a translation surface
with rectangular L-shape. With specific side-lengths, these structures will have lattice
Fuchsian stabiliser, and by bringing to the fore the dynamical structure of the Teich-
müller flow on such an X, he provides a striking trichotomy for the case of abelian
T-discs, where the form q = ω2 with ω an abelian 1-form. The papers [48] and [50]
bring out the presence of hidden complex rank 2 symmetry in M2 by establishing
the existence of T-discs Dq with q = ω2 , ω√∈ 1 (X) with rectangular L-shape and
side lengths in a quadratic number field Q( d), such that the projected image of the
complex curve in the Siegel moduli space of dimension 2 abelian varieties has closure
a Hilbert modular surface. This is a homogeneous algebraic surface, the quotient of a
product of upper half planes U × U by an (indiscrete) image in PSL2 (Od ), where Od
denotes the ring of integers in the real quadratic field tied to the Euclidean structure
on X, and it is a clear sign of the importance of Teichmüller–Veech curves that this
study has uncovered such rich structures within these familiar varieties of dimension
3 – it is well known that the complete varieties M̂3 and Â3 are birationally equal to
CP3 . Hubert and Lelièvre [30] have produced a highly refined analysis of the special
structures occurring for square-tiled surfaces in M2 , including asymptotic estimates
of the growth of high genus curves of this type.
Other recent work by Hubert and Schmidt [31] and by McMullen [49] provides
interesting geometrically defined examples of T-discs in low genus (g ≤ 4) with
infinitely generated Fuchsian stabilisers.
In a different but related direction concerning families of algebraic curves, work
of Cohen and Wolfart [9] showed that uniformising hyperbolic discs for a large class
of algebraic curves of genus g ≥ 2 admit modular embeddings into Shimura vari-
eties. This means that there is an embedding into a Siegel variety Ag parametrising
polarised abelian varieties of genus g, using constructions involving the hyperbolic
plane representation of the curve. One of their construction methods is related to
the special examples of Veech’s T-disc structures we examined where the quadratic
differential is the square of a 1-form, and by this (completely independent) process it
282 William J. Harvey
follows that, for instance, many finite index subgroups of (1) embed in the Siegel
modular group Sp(2g, Z) of the relevant genus as the symplectic monodromy group
of the closed 1-form defining the branched Euclidean structure on the surface. An
essentially equivalent construction of embedded T-discs in the Torelli–Siegel space
of a Riemann surface was given much earlier by [40]; also compare with the related
results mentioned above in the discussion of [48] on genus 2.
At the same time there have been important applications to the dynamical study
of the bundle 1 (Vg ) of holomorphic 1-forms on the Teichmüller curve Vg and the
various subspaces into which it divides under the action of SL2 (R) on the F -structure
coordinates which each point of the fibre space 1 (Vg ) represents. The (restricted)
Teichmüller geodesic flow is determined by this action and specifying the partition
of 2g − 2 defined by the set of orders occurring in the divisor of zeros of the 1-form
produces a connected component. Eskin and Okounkov [14] have computed the
volumes of some of these spaces by linking them to the numbers of distinct branched
coverings of tori of given degree. See also [39] for more precise geometric analysis of
the dynamics of this restricted geodesic flow generated on the moduli space of abelian
Theorem 11. For each point {X} of the moduli space Mg represented by a compact
surface X which is a clean Galois Belyi covering of CP 1 , there is a complete algebraic
curve C in the stable compactification M̂g passing through {X} isomorphic to some
quotient surface of X by an abelian subgroup of Aut(X).
Proof. The existence of the affine T-curves was proved in Theorem 10. Examples such
as the original Veech–Wiman hyperelliptic curves and Fermat curves were met earlier.
We consider the natural completion of such a curve in the projectively embedded
variety M̂g of stable curves. The points of a completed curve C which lie in the
Chapter 5. Teichmüller spaces, triangle groups and Grothendieck dessins 283
boundary divisor of M̂g then correspond, not necessarily bijectively, to surfaces with
nodes obtained by passing to the cusps of the stability subgroup, which produces a
noded Riemann surface by collapsing the vertical trajectories of the form. The curve C
is an abelian quotient because of the construction we used.
There is a co-compact triangle group with signature {2, m, n}, where n is the l.c.m.
of the ramification degrees at the points lying over ∞, and a corresponding finite
index subgroup representing the same curve with cyclic symmetry which has identical
ramification structure with this Belyi covering and determines a smooth surface with
the same underlying conformal structure as X. Since this is a smooth surface, the
periods will in fact satisfy the condition that m divides the l.c.m. of 2 and n while n
divides l.c.m.{2, m}.
Let (1) = PSL(2, Z), the classical modular group, act as usual on the upper half
plane by Möbius transformations and denote by U∗ the completion by the cusps of
(1), U∗ = U ∪ Q ∪ ∞ and X∗ (1) = U∗ / (1) the corresponding compact quotient
surface. This is the unique compact Riemann surface which contains the open surface
X(1) ∼ = C, so it is of course the Riemann sphere, but provided with a wealth of further
information of an arithmetic nature, stemming from the isomorphism with the moduli
space of marked complex tori, elliptic curves with their special representations coming
from the classic theory of elliptic modular functions. There are many sources which
the reader may consult on this fascinating topic, for instance [37] and [65].
Following Thompson ([68]), we construct an exact sequence of Galois groups
associated with a certain space of meromorphic modular functions on this rational
bordification, which represents from one aspect an action of the absolute Galois group
Gal(Q) on Belyi coverings of the sphere; this is related to work of Ihara and others
on braid and modular group representations of the absolute Galois group. The field
of functions to be deployed forms a part of the regular representation of the modular
group (1) on the space H (U) of functions holomorphic on the upper half plane
with convergent Laurent–Puiseux expansions at each cusp which have the additional
property that they are algebraic in the standard local parameter. For instance, near
∞ we require an expansion in the variable q 1/N = exp(2π iτ/N) for some integer
N > 0.
Let F0 denote the field of all functions meromorphic in Û which determine func-
tions on some finite sheeted cover of the modular surface X(1)∗ . Clearly F0 con-
tains the subfield C(j ), where j (τ ) denotes the classical modular invariant, and it
is well known (see for instance [63], [65]) that when the group (1) acts on F0 by
σ (γ , f ) = f γ , the fixed field is precisely C(j ).
In fact, it is known by general results on modular functions that for any subgroup
of finite index in (1) there is a (meromorphic) function invariant under precisely ;
the profinite
standard methods of Galois theory then imply that Gal(F0 /C(j )) is (1),
completion of the modular group.
Now consider the following extension field of C(j ) introduced in [68].
Definition. The field of algebraic modular functions K is the relative algebraic closure
of Q(j ) in F0 .
We write G for the Galois group of this field over Q(j ). Then there is a short exact
sequence connecting Galois groups for the field extension.
Theorem 12. The subgroup fixing the intermediate field Q(j ) is isomorphic to (1)
and there is a split exact sequence
−→ G −→ Gal(Q/Q) → 1.
1 → (1) (1)
286 William J. Harvey
Here a constant field Galois automorphism σ ∈ Aut Q acts on the field of algebraic
modular functions via the action on coefficients of the polynomial ring Q(j )[U ]: any
f ∈ K is a root of some polynomial P (j, U ) and, by an observation of Thompson
(see [68]), the image P σ also has a root in K.
the section s : Gal(Q) → G defined in the following way:
The extension is split by
Let f ∈ K with f = n≥M an q n/N near ∞ and let σ ∈ Gal(Q). Then
f → s σ (f ) = anσ q n/N . (2)
This establishes a base for a common action of the absolute Galois group and
mapping class groups of all topological types on certain subspaces of the graded ring
of modular forms. For the case of congruence subgroups, it is then possible to establish
an arithmetic model for the function fields of all levels (this is done for instance in [65])
and generators for the ring of modular forms with (algebraic) integral q-coefficients
at ∞. In this sense, at least, the action of Q on (Galois) dessins can be subsumed into
this setting of a field of functions on U.
For noncongruence subgroups, none of this arithmetic approach applies directly
due to the lack of general methods such as a satisfactory theory of Hecke operators, but
over a complex coefficient field one can define as usual the correct (integer weight k)
action of γ ∈ SL2 (R) on H (U) as
−k a b
f → f [γ ]k (z) := f (γ (z)) · (cz + d) for γ = ∈ SL2 (R). (3)
c d
The space A4 = ≤(1) A4 () of all modular forms of weight 4 with poles of
order at most 1 at cusps of some finite index subgroup and having algebraic Fourier
coefficients may then represent an appropriate arithmetic core within the cotangent
bundles to moduli spaces of curves: the linear action of (1) on spaces A2k () of
forms of weight 2k, k ≥ 1 for a subgroup intertwines with that of the absolute
Galois group on q-expansion coefficients. This territory has not been much explored
for general (i.e. non-congruence) subgroups of (1), but the reader may consult several
articles [4], [62] where this approach is applied to determining fields of definition and
other arithmetic problems for non-congruence modular subgroups.
produce J–S forms. We restrict attention now to the classical modular group where a
more direct approach is possible.
We make two observations which will be preparation for our final result. First,
given any compact surface X furnished with a Belyi covering f of the sphere, there
is a subgroup of finite index in the modular group (1) such that the covering f
is represented away from f −1 (∞) by the induced projection map of X onto X(1),
and with dessin the inverse image of the standard modular triangle decomposition of
the sphere (with barycentric triangulation). From the many alternative combinatorial
descriptions of the same ramified covering pattern which come from the various re-
finements of this polygonal decomposition of X, we choose a representation which
involves subgroups of the cartographic subgroup 0 (2) so as to coordinate with the
joint action ρ : G → Aut(F) on modular forms outlined in the exact sequence (1).
If the pattern of cells is a geometrical subdivision of a regular polygonal tesselation
with an even number 2n of sides for each polygon, then there is a dessin with • vertices
at the corners, vertices at midpoints of edges and with a vertex at the centre of each
cell and a unique form on the surface with zeros only at the points marked and with
compact critical graph. This dessin is obtained from a multivalued holomorphic form
on the complex line X0∗ = U/ 0 (2) ∪ ∞ ∼ = P1 which vanishes at ∞; it arises by use
of Singerman’s theorem on universal tesselations ([66]) which gives an isomorphism
between this covering and the canonical covering of P1 that realises the tesselation by
regular 2n-gons by a specific finite index subgroup of the {2, 2n, ∞}-Hecke group.
If the cell pattern chosen is irregular at the vertices, then we need to make a preliminary
extra choice of covering surface which does have such a regular structure; for instance
we could take the intersection ∩ 0 (2n), a normal subgroup of that congruence
The kind of F -structure that we saw in sections 2 and 3 arose from the prescription
of a quadratic differential with two interacting sets of closed trajectories and in addi-
tion a finite order mapping class, represented as a rotation of the coordinates for the
F -structure. In the Thurston–Veech square-tiled examples, there is a π/2 rotational
switch from vertical to horizontal which comes in when viewed in the modular group
framework, for the reason that we need to use the paving by Euclidean squares, whereas
in the case of the patterns of regular 2n-gons one obtains a quadratic differential
for a Hecke group with closed trajectories in directions making angle π/n. In that
case, the rotation acts as a translation at the cusp ∞ by a rational fraction, which
induces a multiplication by some 2n-th root of unity in the algebraic action ρ on
In this way we see that the appropriate class of modular form for our purposes
should have closed trajectories in at least two independent directions related by a root
of unity.
It seems quite likely that the study of these purely geometric objects should have
intrinsic arithmetic interest, as they form natural ways to parametrise curves defined
over number fields analogous to the intensively studied modular elliptic curves; the
model curves in this setting are, however, usually noncongruence quotients.
Theorem 13. Given any pair X, β with X a genus g curve and β : X → X(1) a Belyi
map, there is a corresponding Veech curve in Mg , an affine algebraic curve over Q
arising from a critically framed modular form ϕ in A14 (X) which determines a T-disc
modular parametrisation eϕ centred at X.
The proof follows directly from the definitions and preliminary discussion of the
preceding section.
all such triples X, β, ω forms a subset of a fibre space over the modular
The set of
tower M̂ = g≥2 Mg on which the absolute Galois group acts in the manner of
equation (3) on Fourier q-coefficients of weight 4 modular forms. One expects that
some curves will have many such immersed models in their moduli space, just as the
hyperelliptic curves y 2 + x n = 1 have at least two, possibly more, distinct T-disc
Having seen how the complex geometry of moduli spaces is linked to dessins
d’enfant by way of the collection of modular Veech curves, we close by indicating
another approach to the relationship between moduli, combinatorial patterns on closed
surfaces and hyperbolic geometry. In a paper of Macbeath ([44]) originating from
the same period as the ideas of Grothendieck and Thurston, it was shown that the
set of points of Mg which are represented by hyperbolic structures with Dirichlet
fundamental region having an inscribed circle, that is simultaneously tangent to all
sides, corresponds precisely to the multitude of genus g permutation representations
of the modular group (1); further evidence, perhaps, of how important mathematical
ideas have a life of their own. Macbeath’s points in Mg do represent curves defined
over a number field, by Belyi’s theorem.
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Chapter 6
1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294
2 Geodesic rays, Teichmüller disks and Teichmüller curves . . . . . . . . . . 300
2.1 Teichmüller deformations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300
2.2 Geodesic rays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303
2.3 Teichmüller disks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303
2.3.1 Teichmüller disks as a collection of geodesic rays . . . . . . . 304
2.3.2 Teichmüller disks by affine deformations . . . . . . . . . . . . 304
2.3.3 Beltrami differentials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310
2.4 Teichmüller curves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311
2.4.1 Veech groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311
2.4.2 The action of the Veech group on the Teichmüller disk . . . . 312
2.4.3 Veech groups and Teichmüller curves . . . . . . . . . . . . . 314
3 Braungardt’s construction of Tg,n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 314
3.1 Coverings with cusps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315
3.2 The cusped universal covering of Mg,n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317
3.3 Teichmüller structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319
4 Boundary points of Teichmüller curves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321
4.1 Hitting the boundary via a Jenkins–Strebel ray . . . . . . . . . . . . . 322
4.1.1 X as patchwork of rectangles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323
4.1.2 Stretching the cylinders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325
4.1.3 S as patchwork of double annuli . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326
4.1.4 Contracting the central lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 327
4.1.5 The end point of the Jenkins–Strebel ray . . . . . . . . . . . . 328
4.1.6 Convergence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 329
4.2 Boundary points of Teichmüller disks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330
4.2.1 Extending Teichmüller embeddings to the cusps of the mirror
Veech group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331
4.2.2 Boundary of Teichmüller disks that lead to Teichmüller curves 334
5 Schottky spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335
5.1 Schottky coverings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 336
5.2 Relation to Teichmüller space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339
294 Frank Herrlich and Gabriela Schmithüsen
1 Introduction
One of the original motivations that led to the discovery of Teichmüller space was to
better understand the classification of Riemann surfaces. Riemann himself already
saw that the compact Riemann surfaces of genus g with n marked points on it depend
on 3g − 3 + n complex parameters (if this number is positive). More precisely, there
is a complex analytic space Mg,n whose points correspond in a natural way to the
isomorphism classes of such Riemann surfaces. Mg,n is even an algebraic variety, but
its geometry is not easy to understand. Most of the basic properties are known today,
but many questions on the finer structure of Mg,n are still open.1
Many classification problems become more accessible if the objects are endowed
with an additional structure or marking. The general strategy is to first classify the
marked objects and then, in a second step, to try to understand the equivalence relation
that forgets the marking. The markings that Teichmüller introduced for a compact
Riemann surface X consist of orientation preserving diffeomorphisms f : Xref →
X from a reference Riemann surface Xref to X. Markings (X, f ) and (X , f ) are
considered the same if f f −1 is homotopic to a biholomorphic map. Thus different
markings of a fixed Riemann surface differ by a homotopy class of diffeomorphisms
of Xref . In other words the mapping class group (or Teichmüller modular group)
g = Diffeo+ (Xref )/ Diffeo0 (Xref ) (1.1)
acts on the set Tg of all marked Riemann surfaces of genus g, and the orbit space
Tg / g is equal to Mg (here Diffeo+ (Xref ) denotes the group of orientation preserving
diffeomorphisms of Xref and Diffeo0 (Xref ) the subgroup of those that are homotopic
to the identity).
Teichmüller discovered that in each homotopy class of diffeomorphisms between
compact Riemann surfaces X and X there is a unique “extremal mapping”, i.e. a
quasiconformal map with minimal dilatation. The logarithm of this dilatation puts
a metric on Tg , the Teichmüller metric. With it Tg is a complete metric space, dif-
feomorphic to R6g−6 , and g acts on Tg by isometries. There is also a structure as
complex manifold on Tg , for which the elements of g act holomorphically and thus
make the quotient map Tg → Mg into an analytic map between complex spaces.
That the complex structure on Tg is the “right one” for the classification prob-
lem can be seen from the fact that there is a family Cg of Riemann surfaces over
Tg which in a very precise sense is universal. This family can be obtained as fol-
lows: By the uniformization theorem, the universal covering of a compact Riemann
1Although we consider this general setting in a large part of this chapter, we shall restrict ourselves in this
introduction to the case n = 0 and write, as usual, Mg instead of Mg,0 (and later Tg instead of Tg,0 ).
Chapter 6. The boundary of Teichmüller disks in Teichmüller and in Schottky space 295
surface X of genus g ≥ 2 is (isomorphic to) the upper half plane H. Any marking
f : Xref → X induces an isomorphism f∗ from πg = π1 (Xref ), the fundamental group
of the reference surface, to π1 (X). We may obtain a holomorphic action of πg on
Tg × H as follows: for γ ∈ g , x = (X, f ) ∈ Tg and z ∈ H put
γ (x, z) = (x, f∗ (γ )(z)),
where we identify π1 (X) with the group of deck transformations of the universal
covering H → X. The quotient Cg = (Tg × H)/πg is a complex manifold with a
natural projection p : Cg → Tg ; the fibre p−1 (X, f ) is isomorphic to X. Moreover p is
proper and therefore p : Cg → Tg is a family of Riemann surfaces. The representation
of Cg as a quotient of a manifold by an action of πg is called a Teichmüller structure on
this family. It follows from results of Bers on the uniformization of families (see e.g.
[4, Theorem XVII]) that this family is universal, i.e. every other family of Riemann
surfaces of genus g with a Teichmüller structure can be obtained as a pullback from
p : Cg → Tg . In a more fancy language: Tg is a fine moduli space for Riemann
surfaces of genus g with Teichmüller structure.
It follows by the same arguments that for any family π : C → S of Riemann
surfaces (over some complex space S) there is an analytic map μ = μπ : S → Mg ,
which maps s ∈ S to the point in Mg that corresponds to the isomorphism class of
the fibre π −1 (s). Unfortunately, g does not act freely on Tg ; therefore the quotient
of Cg by the action of g does not give a universal family over Mg : the fixed points
of elements in g correspond to automorphisms of the Riemann surface, and the fibre
over [X] ∈ Mg in the family Cg / g → Mg is the Riemann surface X/ Aut(X) (whose
genus is strictly less than g if Aut(X) is nontrivial). As a consequence, Mg is not a
fine moduli space for Riemann surfaces, but only a “coarse” one (see e.g. [16, 1A] for
a precise definition of fine and coarse moduli spaces).
There are several equivalent ways to define markings of Riemann surfaces and
to describe Teichmüller space. Instead of classes of diffeomorphisms f : Xref → X
often conjugacy classes of group isomorphisms πg → π1 (X) are used as markings.
For the purpose of this chapter the approach to Teichmüller space via Teichmüller
deformations is very well suited; it is developed in Section 2.1. The starting point is
the observation that a holomorphic quadratic differential q on a Riemann surface X
defines a flat structure μ on X ∗ = X − {zeroes of q}. Composing the chart maps of μ
with a certain (real) affine map yields a new point in Tg . Any point in Tg is in a unique
way such a Teichmüller deformation of a given base point (Xref , id), cf. Section 2.2.
The main objects of interest in this chapter are Teichmüller embeddings, i.e. holo-
morphic isometric embeddings ι : H → Tg (or ι : D → Tg ), where H (resp. D) is
given the hyperbolic metric and Tg the Teichmüller metric, see Definition 2.4. The
restriction of ι to a hyperbolic geodesic line in H (or D) is then a (real) geodesic line
in Tg in the usual sense. The image ι of such an embedding ι is called a Teichmüller
geodesic or Teichmüller disk in Tg . There are plenty of Teichmüller disks in Tg . To
see this note first that the tangent space to Tg at a point x = (X, f ) ∈ Tg is natu-
rally isomorphic to the vector space QX = H 0 (X, ⊗2 X ) of holomorphic quadratic
296 Frank Herrlich and Gabriela Schmithüsen
differentials on X (this results from the Bers embedding of Tg as a bounded open sub-
domain of QX ). We shall explain in Section 2.3 in three different ways how one can,
for a given holomorphic quadratic differential q on a Riemann surface X, construct a
Teichmüller embedding ι : D → Tg with ι(0) = x and ι (0) = q. This shows that for
any x ∈ Tg and any (complex) tangent vector at x there is a Teichmüller disk passing
through x in direction of the given tangent vector.
There are several natural and closely related objects attached to a Teichmüller
disk ι (or a Teichmüller embedding ι : H → Tg ): The first is a discrete subgroup
of PSL2 (R) called the (projective) Veech group ι , cf. Section 2.4.1. If q is the
quadratic differential on the Riemann surface X by which ι is induced, ι consists
of the derivatives of those diffeomorphisms of X that are affine with respect to the
flat structure defined by q. Veech showed that this subgroup of PSL2 (R) is always
discrete ([34, Proposition 2.7]).
A second group naturally attached to ι is the stabilizer
Stab(ι ) = {ϕ ∈ g : ϕ(ι ) = ι }
is a finite subgroup of Stab(ι ), and Stab(ι )/ Stab0 (ι ) then is (via ι) a group of
isometries of H and thus a subgroup of PSL2 (R). This subgroup coincides with the
projective Veech group ι , see Section 2.4.3.
Given a Teichmüller embedding ι we are also interested in the image Cι of ι in
the moduli space Mg . The map ι → Cι obviously factors through the Riemann
surface H/ι or rather through its mirror image Vι , see Section 2.4 and in particular
2.4.3. The typical case seems to be Stab(ι ) = {id} (although it is not trivial to
give explicit examples). Much attention has been given in recent years to the other
extreme case that ι is a lattice in PSL2 (R). Then Vι is of finite hyperbolic volume and
hence a Riemann surface of finite type, or equivalently an algebraic curve. In this case
the induced map Vι → Cι is birational (see [11]), i.e. Vι is the desingularization (or
normalization) of Cι . It follows from a result of Veech ([34]) that Vι (and hence also Cι )
cannot be projective. If ι is a lattice, the affine curve Cι is called a Teichmüller curve,
cf. Section 2.4. First examples were given by Veech [34]; in them, ι is a hyperbolic
triangle group. Later more examples with triangle groups as Veech groups were found,
see [20] for a comprehensive overview and [6] for recent results. Explicit examples
for Teichmüller curves also with non triangle groups as Veech groups can be found
e.g. in [27], [9] and [23]. Möller has shown ([28]) that every Teichmüller curve is, as
a subvariety of Mg , defined over a number field. This implies that there are at most
countably many Teichmüller curves.
A special class of Teichmüller curves is obtained by origamis (or square-tiled
surfaces). They arise from finite coverings of an elliptic curve that are ramified
over only one point. Given such a covering p : X → E, the quadratic differential
Chapter 6. The boundary of Teichmüller disks in Teichmüller and in Schottky space 297
stable Riemann surfaces with intersection graph isomorphic to . It is not hard to see
that for a given genus g, there are only finitely many graphs with nonempty Mg (),
and that the Mg () are the strata of a stratification of Mg . This means that each Mg ()
is a locally closed subset of Mg (for the Zariski topology), that Mg is the disjoint union
of the Mg (), and that the closure of each Mg () is a finite union of other Mg ( ). A
natural question in our context is: which Mg () contain cusps of Teichmüller curves?
In [24] Maier showed that if has no “bridge”, i.e. no edge e such that − e is
disconnected, then the stratum Mg () contains points on a compactified Teichmüller
curve Cι with a Teichmüller embedding ι that corresponds to an origami. Möller and
Schmithüsen observed that this condition on the graph is necessary if the Teichmüller
curve comes from a quadratic differential which is the square of a holomorphic 1-form
(or equivalently from a translation structure on X∗ ).
Most of our knowledge about cusps of Teichmüller curves comes from studying
boundary points of Teichmüller disks in a suitable extension of Teichmüller space.
Several different boundaries for Teichmüller space with very different properties have
been studied, like the Thurston boundary or the one coming from the Bers embedding.
In the framework of this chapter we look for a space Tg in which Tg is open and
dense such that the action of the group g extends to an action on Tg , and the quotient
space Tg / g is equal to Mg . Such a space is the “augmented” Teichmüller space Tˆg
introduced by Abikoff [1]. The points in Tˆg are equivalence classes of pairs (X, f ),
where X is a stable Riemann surface of genus g and f : Xref → X is a deformation.
This is a continuous surjective map such that there are finitely many loops c1 , . . . , ck
on Xref with the property that f is a homeomorphism outside the ci and maps each ci
to a single point Pi on X. Abikoff defined a topology on this space and showed that
the quotient for the natural action of g on the pairs (X, f ) is the moduli space Mg as
a topological space.
In his thesis [8], Braungardt introduced the concept of a covering of a complex
manifold S with cusps over a divisor D. He showed that under mild assumptions on S
there exists a universal covering X̃ of this type which extends the usual holomorphic
universal covering of S − D by attaching “cusps” over D. X̃ is no longer a complex
manifold or a complex space, but Braungardt introduced a natural notion of holomor-
phic functions in a neighbourhood of a cusp and thus defined a sheaf OX̃ of rings (of
holomorphic functions) on X̃. In this way X̃ is a locally complex ringed space, and
the quotient map X̃ → X̃/π1 (S − D) = S is analytic for this structure. When applied
to S = Mg and D = ∂Mg , Braungardt showed that the universal covering Tg of Mg
with cusps over ∂Mg is, as a topological space with an action of g , homeomorphic
to Abikoff’s augmented Teichmüller space. We shall reserve the symbol Tg exclu-
sively for this space (considered as a locally ringed space). In Section 3, we review
Braungardt’s construction and results.
Our key technique to investigate boundary points of Teichmüller disks is the use
of Jenkins–Strebel rays, see Definition 4.4. By this we mean a geodesic ray in Tg
Chapter 6. The boundary of Teichmüller disks in Teichmüller and in Schottky space 299
Although the groups are no longer subgroups of PSL2 (C), it is possible to find
parameters for them in almost the same way as for Schottky groups, namely by cross
ratios of fixed points. It then turns out that these generalized Schottky coverings are
classified by a complex manifold Sg (which contains Sg as an open dense subset), see
Section 5.3. This result was originally proved in [13]; here we show that it can easily
be derived from Braungardt’s characterization of Tg as the universal covering of Mg
with cusps over ∂Mg , see Section 5.4.
Finally we wonder what the image in Sg of a Teichmüller disk ι in Tg might look
like. In the general case we have no idea. Of course, the image may depend on the
choice of the subgroup g (α) that gives the map Tg → Sg . In the special situation
that Cι is a Teichmüller curve we prove that for suitable choice of α, the image of ι
in Sg is not a disk, see Proposition 5.21.
Acknowledgments. We would like to thank Volker Braungardt for allowing us to in-
clude his results on Tg , and for his helpful comments on an earlier version of Section 3.
We are also grateful to Pierre Lochak and Martin Möller for many valuable conver-
sations on Teichmüller disks, Teichmüller curves, and their boundaries. Furthermore,
we would like to thank Bill Abikoff for his useful suggestions that helped to improve
the exposition considerably.
the differential q naturally defines a flat structure μ, i.e. an atlas such that all transition
maps are of the form z → ±z + c, with some constant c ∈ C. The charts of μ in
regular points z0 are given as
z → q(ξ )dξ. (2.1)
One may deform this flat structure by composing each chart with the map
1 1
x + iy → Kx + iy = (K + 1)z + (K − 1)z (x, y ∈ R) (2.2)
2 2
with K an arbitrary real number > 1. This defines a new flat structure on X∗ which
can uniquely be extended to a holomorphic structure on X.
We call XK the Riemann surface that we obtain this way, X1 = X the surface with
the original complex structure and fK : X1 → XK the map that is topologically the
identity. The map fK is a Teichmüller map and has constant complex dilatation
(fK )z K −1
k(z) = = .
(fK )z K +1
Its maximal dilatation supz∈X 1−|k(z)| (as a quasiconformal map) is equal to K.
The pair (XK , fK ) defines a point in the Teichmüller space Tg which for simplicity
we also denote as (XK , fK ). Since the constant dilatation of fK is equal to K, the
Teichmüller distance between the points (X1 , id) and (XK , fK ) of Tg is log(K).
If two holomorphic quadratic differentials on X are positive scalar multiples of
each other, they define, for each K, the same point in Tg . Thus one restricts to
differentials with norm 1. By Teichmüller’s existence and uniqueness theorems, see
e.g. [2, Chapter I, (3.5), (4.2)], one can show that each point in Tg is uniquely obtained
as a Teichmüller deformation. If QX is the vector space of all holomorphic quadratic
differentials on X and if X is the unit sphere in QX , one may thus write
{(X, q, k) : q ∈ X , k ∈ (0, 1)} ∪ {0} = Tg , (2.3)
and the identification of the two sets is done by the map
1+k K −1
(X, q, k) → (XK , fK ) with K = ⇔k= and
1−k K +1 (2.4)
0 → the base point (X, id).
(XK , fK ) depends of course by its definition on the differential q. In the following
we shall denote the base point also by (X, q, 0).
302 Frank Herrlich and Gabriela Schmithüsen
The map (2.4) is a homeomorphism. Here on the left-hand side of (2.3) one takes
the topology obtained by identifying it with the open unit ball in QX . It follows in
particular, that Tg is contractible.
Teichmüller deformations can be understood as affine deformations in the following
sense: Let us here and in what follows identify C with R2 by the R-linear map sending
(1, i) to the standard basis of R2 . Then the map in (2.2) is equal to the affine map
x K 0 x
→ · .
y 0 1 y
Since composing charts with a biholomorphic map does not change the point in Teich-
müller space, one obtains the same point (XK , fK ) in Tg if one composes each chart
of the flat structure μ on X with the affine map
x x K 0
→ DK · with DK = √1
∈ SL2 (R). (2.5)
y y 0
We shall use the following notations which are compatible with those in Section 2.3.2
where we introduce the general concept of affine deformations.
Note that (X, μDK ) is as Riemann surface isomorphic to XK . Thus the point
[(X, μDK ), id] in Tg defined by the marking id : X → (X, μDK ) is equal to (XK , fK ).
Finally, let us turn to Teichmüller deformations of punctured Riemann surfaces:
The definition is done almost in the same way as in the case without punctures, see
[2, Chapter II, §1]. Suppose that g and n are natural numbers with 3g − 3 + n > 0.
Let X be a Riemann surface of genus g with n marked points P1 , . . . , Pn , and Xref =
X0 = X − {P1 , . . . , Pn }.
In this case, one uses admissible holomorphic quadratic differentials on X0 . They
are by definition those meromorphic quadratic differentials on X that restrict to a
holomorphic quadratic differential on X0 and have at each puncture either a simple
pole or extend holomorphically across the puncture, see [2, Chapter II, (1.4)]. The
vector space of these differentials is called QX0 . For q ∈ QX0 we define the critical
points to be the marked points and all zeroes of q; the remaining points are called
regular. Now, the definition of Teichmüller deformation is done exactly as before,
just always replacing QX by QX0 . One obtains in the same way:
{(X, q, k) : q ∈ X0 , k ∈ (0, 1)} ∪ {0} = Tg,n . (2.6)
Here X0 is the unit ball in QX0 .
Chapter 6. The boundary of Teichmüller disks in Teichmüller and in Schottky space 303
Instead of the unit disk D one may take as well the upper half plane H with the
hyperbolic metric. We shall switch between these two models using the holomorphic
f : H → D, t → . (2.8)
Thus Teichmüller disks are obtained equivalently as images of holomorphic isometric
embeddings H → Tg,n of the upper half plane H into the Teichmüller space Tg,n .
How does one find such embeddings? Similarly as for geodesic rays, each holo-
morphic quadratic differential q on a Riemann surface X defines a Teichmüller disk.
In the following we describe three alternative constructions starting from such a differ-
ential q that all lead to the same Teichmüller disk q . For simplicity we only consider
the case n = 0 and g ≥ 2. However the same constructions can be done in the general
case of punctured surfaces.
Here we use the definition of Tg given by (2.3). Hence, (X, e−iϕ · q, r) is the point
defined by the Teichmüller deformation of X of dilatation K = 1+r 1−r with respect to
q−ϕ = e −iϕ · q.
We shall show in Proposition 2.8 that ι1 is an isometric holomorphic embedding,
thus the image ι1 of ι1 is a Teichmüller disk.
The map ι1 may be considered as a collection of geodesic rays in the following
sense: Let τϕ be the geodesic ray in D starting from 0 in direction ϕ, i.e.:
[0, ∞) → D,
τϕ : t
t → r(t) · eiϕ with r(t) = eet −1
+1 .
Then ι1 τϕ : [0, ∞) → Tg is equal to the map given in (2.7) that defines the geodesic
ray to the holomorphic quadratic differential q−ϕ = e−iϕ · q on X.
Thus the Teichmüller disk ι1 is the union of all geodesic rays defined by the
differentials eiϕ · q with ϕ ∈ [0, 2π ). Furthermore, ι1 τϕ is the parameterization by
length of the restriction ι1 |Rϕ of ι1 to the ray Rϕ = {r · eiϕ : r ∈ [0, 1)}.
of X ∗ (as topological surface) in the following way: Let B ∈ SL2 (R) and μ be a flat
structure on X ∗ . Composing each chart of μ with the affine map z → B · z gives a
new flat structure on X∗ which we denote B (X, μ) or (X, μB ). In the special case
B = DK we obtain the Teichmüller deformation of dilatation K, cf. Definition 2.2.
The Teichmüller disk. One may identify SO2 (R)\ SL2 (R) with the upper half plane
H in the following way: Let SL2 (R) act by Möbius transformations on the upper half
plane H. This action is transitive and SO2 (R) is the stabilizing group of i. Thus the
p : SL2 (R) → H, A → −A−1 (i) (2.10)
induces a bijection SO2 (R)\ SL2 (R) → H. Its inverse map is induced by
1 1 Re(t)
H → SL2 (R), t → √ .
Im(t) 0 Im(t)
Composing ι2 from above with this bijection one obtains a map from H to Tg which
we also denote by ι2 .
306 Frank Herrlich and Gabriela Schmithüsen
Note that the identification of SO2 (R)\ SL2 (R) with H given by p may seem a bit
ponderous, but one has to compose A → A−1 (i) with the reflection at the imaginary
axis in order that ι2 becomes holomorphic. We shall see this later in 2.3.3. In fact one
has much more, as is stated in the following proposition.
Proposition 2.8. The maps ι1 and ι2 are Teichmüller embeddings. They define the
same Teichmüller disk
q = ι1 = ι1 (D) = ι2 = ι2 (H). (2.11)
Proof. The proof is given in the rest of Subsection 2.3.2 and in 2.3.3:
In Proposition 2.12 we show that ι2 = ι1 f with f from (2.8) (see also Figure 1);
thus it is sufficient to show only for one of them that it is isometric, and in the same
manner for being holomorphic.
In Proposition 2.11 it is shown that ι2 is isometric. In Subsection 2.3.3, it is
shown that ι1 is holomorphic (see Corollary 2.15). For this purpose we introduce an
embedding ι3 : D → Tg , using Beltrami differentials, for which it is not difficult to
see that it is holomorphic, and show that it is equal to ι1 .
That ι1 and ι2 define the same Teichmüller disks then also follows from Proposi-
tion 2.12.
In fact the described constructions do not only give some special examples but all
Teichmüller disks are obtained like this: Each Teichmüller disk is equal to q as in
(2.11) for some holomorphic quadratic differential q. And all Teichmüller embeddings
are of the form ι1 : D → Tg or equivalently ι2 : H → Tg , see [12, 7.4].
In order to see that ι2 from Definition 2.7 is isometric we first calculate the Teich-
müller distance between two affine deformations.
Remark 2.9. Each matrix A ∈ SL2 (R) with A ∈ SO2 (R) can be decomposed
uniquely up to the minus signs as follows:
K 0
A = U1 · DK · U2 with U1 , U2 ∈ SO2 (R), DK = √1
, K > 1.
K (2.12)
cos(θ ) − sin(θ )
We may denote: U2 = Uθ = .
sin(θ ) cos(θ )
Chapter 6. The boundary of Teichmüller disks in Teichmüller and in Schottky space 307
This fact can e.g. be seen geometrically as follows: SL2 (R) acts transitively on
the upper half plane H by Möbius transformations. The point i ∈ H can be mapped
to A(i) = i by first doing a stretching along the imaginary axis in direction ∞
and afterwards a rotation around i, i.e. A(i) = U1 (DK (i)) with suitably chosen
U1 ∈ SO2 (R) and DK with K > 1 as in the remark. Since the stabilizer of i in
SL2 (R) is SO2 (R), one has A = U1 · DK · U2 with U2 also in SO2 (R). A short
calculation gives the uniqueness claim.
In the following proposition let q again be a holomorphic quadratic differential on
X = Xref and μ the flat structure that q defines.
Proposition 2.10. Let A and B be in SL2 (R) with A · B −1 ∈ SO2 (R) and
A · B −1 = U1 · DK · U2
with U1 , U2 and DK as in (2.12). Then the Teichmüller distance between the two
points PA = [(X, μA ), id] and PB = [(X, μB ), id] in Tg is log(K).
Thus we have in fact that PA = [(X, μDK ), id] is the point in Tg defined by the
Teichmüller deformation of dilatation K with respect to q, see Definition 2.2. Hence
the distance between PA and the base point (Xref , id) = PI is log(K).
b) Suppose again that B = I , but A is an arbitrary matrix in SL2 (R).
Thus A = U1 · DK · U2 and the map id : (X, μ) → (X, μA ) is the composition
of three maps:
id id id
(X, μ) −
→ (X, μU2 ) −
→ (X, μDK U2 ) −
→ (X, μU1 DK U2 ).
Since the first and the third map are biholomorphic the Teichmüller distance is again
More precisely, write U2 = Uθ as in (2.12). Then μU2 is the flat structure obtained
by composing each chart with z → eiθ · z. This is equal to the flat structure defined
by the quadratic differential q2θ = (eiθ )2 · q which is holomorphic on the Riemann
surface X. √
Now, id : (X, μU2 ) → (X, μDK U2 ) is (up to the stretching z → K · z) the
Teichmüller deformation of dilatation K with respect to the holomorphic quadratic
differential q2θ . Thus the distance between PA = PU1 DK U2 = PDK U2 and the base
point PB = PI is log(K).
c) Let now A, B be arbitrary in SL2 (R). The Teichmüller metric does not depend
on the chosen base point. Thus we may consider PB as base point and PA as coming
from the affine deformation defined by the matrix A · B −1 . Then with the given
decomposition A · B −1 = U1 · DK · U2 the distance is as in b) equal to log(K).
308 Frank Herrlich and Gabriela Schmithüsen
The following diagram may be helpful while reading the proof. Some parts will be
explained only after the proof; in particular the space B(X) of Beltrami differentials
will be introduced in 2.3.3.
Using (2.13) one may also describe the geodesic rays ι1 τϕ from 2.3.1 in the
Teichmüller disk q = ι1 = ι2 as follows.
τ−2θ ι1 (2.13)
Proof. One has t −−→ r(t)e−2θ i −−→ (X, e2θi · q, r(t)) = PDK Uθ .
Hence, geometrically one obtains the geodesic ray to qϕ by rotating the flat structure
by U ϕ and then stretching in vertical direction with dilatation K.
310 Frank Herrlich and Gabriela Schmithüsen
2.3.3 Beltrami differentials. In order to see that ι1 and ι2 are holomorphic we intro-
duce an alternative way to define ι1 using Beltrami differentials. We keep this aspect
short and refer to e.g. [29] for more details.
M(X) = {(X1 , f ) : X1 Riemann surface ,
f : X → X1 is a quasiconformal homeomorphism}/ ≈
with (X1 , f1 ) ≈ (X2 , f2 ) ⇔ f2 f1−1 is biholomorphic.
One has a natural projection M(X) → Tg . Furthermore M(X) can be canonically
identified with the open unit ball B(X) in the Banach space L∞
(−1,1) (X) of (−1, 1)-
forms by the bijection:
M(X) → B(X), (X1 , f ) → μf ,
where μf is the Beltrami differential (or complex dilatation) of f , cf. [29, 2.1.4].
Thus one obtains a projection : B(X) → Tg . The map is holomorphic ([29,
3.1]). Furthermore, for each quadratic differential q and for all k ∈ (0, 1) the form
k |q| is in B(X) ([29, 2.6.3]) Thus one may define the map
D → B(X) → Tg ,
ι3 : q q
z → z · |q| → z · |q| .
It is composition of two holomorphic maps and thus itself holomorphic.
We shall show in the following remark that ι3 = b = ι1 , cf. Figure 1.
Hence the Beltrami differential of f is z0 · |q| .
Definition 2.16. If the image of the Teichmüller disk in the moduli space Mg is an
algebraic curve C, then C is called Teichmüller curve.
A surface (X, q), with a Riemann surface X and a holomorphic quadratic differ-
ential q such that the Teichmüller disk = q defined by q projects to a Teichmüller
curve is called Veech surface.
How can one decide whether a surface (X, q) induces a Teichmüller curve or
not? An answer to this question is given by the Veech group, a subgroup of SL2 (R)
associated to (X, q). This is explained in the following two subsections.
Definition 2.17. The image (X, μ) = D(Aff + (X, μ)) of D is called the projective
Veech group of (X, μ).
We shall denote the projective Veech group also by (X, q) and ι , where ι : D →
Tg or ι : H → Tg is the Teichmüller embedding defined by q as described in 2.3.
(X, μ) is a discrete subgroup of PSL2 (R), see [34, Proposition 2.7].
2.4.2 The action of the Veech group on the Teichmüller disk. Recall that the pro-
jection Tg → Mg from the Teichmüller space to the moduli space is given by the
quotient for the action of the mapping class group
g = Diffeo+ (X)/ Diffeo0 (X),
cf. (1.1) in the introduction. The action of Diffeo+ (X) on Tg is given by
ρ : Diffeo+ (X) → Aut(Tg ) ∼
= q , ϕ → ρϕ ,
with ρϕ : Tg → Tg , (X1 , h) → (X1 , h ϕ −1 ).
The affine group Aff + (X, μ) acts as subgroup of Diffeo+ (X) on Tg . The following
remark (cf. [11, Theorem 1]) determines this action restricted to the Teichmüller disk
= q = {PB = [(X, μB ), id] ∈ Tg : B ∈ SL2 (R)}.
Proof. Let ϕ ∈ Aff + (X), B ∈ SL2 (R) and A ∈ SL2 (R) be a preimage of D(ϕ) =
[A] ∈ PSL2 (R). In the following commutative diagram
ϕ −1
(X, μ) UU / (X, μ) id / (X, μB )
id UUU*
(X, μBA−1 )
the map (X, μBA−1 ) → (X, μB ) is, as a composition of affine maps, itself affine. Its
derivative is D(id ϕ −1 id−1 ) = BA−1 (BA−1 )−1 = I . Thus it is biholomorphic
and ρϕ ([(X, μB ), id]) = [(X, μBA−1 ), id].
It follows from Remark 2.18 that Aff + (X, μ) is mapped by ρ to Stab(), the global
stabilizer of in g . Furthermore ρ : Aff + (X, μ) → Stab() ⊆ g is in fact an
isomorphism: It is injective, see [11, Lemma 5.2] and surjective, see [11, Theorem 1].
Thus we have Aff + (X, μ) ∼ = Stab().
Chapter 6. The boundary of Teichmüller disks in Teichmüller and in Schottky space 313
From Remark 2.18 it also becomes clear that the action of ϕ ∈ Aff + (X, μ) depends
only on D(ϕ). Thus one obtains in fact an action of the projective Veech group (X, μ)
on .
A RAR −1 ρA
t →−t ι
H /H /
Figure 2
−1 0
Here R = 0 1 , thus R acts on P1 (C) by z → −z.
Proof. Let t ∈ H. Choose some B ∈ SL2 (R) with −B −1 (i) = −t, thus ι(−t) =
PB = [(X, μB ), id] and using (2.14) we obtain the diagram:
−(BA−1 )−1 (i) = −A(B −1 (i)) = −A(t) = −A(t), thus ι(−A(t)) = PBA−1 . 2
314 Frank Herrlich and Gabriela Schmithüsen
2.4.3 Veech groups and Teichmüller curves. In Remark 2.18 we saw that the affine
group Aff + (X, μ) maps isomorphically to the global stabilizer of the Teichmüller disk
in g . Denote by proj : Tg → Mg the canonical projection. It then follows from
Remark 2.20 that the map
proj ι : H → proj() ⊆ Mg
factors through H/R(X, μ)R −1 . We call
∗ (X, μ) = R(X, μ)R −1
the mirror projective Veech group, since H/ ∗ (X, μ) is a mirror image of H/(X, μ),
and refer to it also as ∗ (X, q) or ι∗ .
H/ ∗ (X, μ) is a surface of finite type and hence an algebraic curve if and only if
∗ (X, μ) is a lattice in PSL2 (R). Altogether one obtains the following situation (cf.
[27, Corollary 3.3]).
boundary points are infinite, and at the boundary the topology of Tg,n is quite far from
that of a manifold.
In his thesis [8], V. Braungardt gave a construction of Tg,n which uses only the
complex structure of Mg,n and the boundary divisor ∂Mg,n . Moreover his construction
endows Tg,n with the structure of a locally ringed space and he shows that it is a fine
moduli space for “marked” stable Riemann surfaces. In this chapter we give a brief
account of his approach.
Example 3.1. The simplest example is well known and quite typical: Take S to be
the unit disk D = {z ∈ C : |z| < 1} and D = {0}. The universal covering of S − D
is, of course, exp : H → D − {0}, z → e2πiz . It turns out that the universal covering
in Braungardt’s sense is Ĥ = H ∪ i∞} with the horocycle topology, i.e. the sets
HR = {z ∈ C : Im z > R} ∪ i∞} for R > 0 form a basis of neighbourhoods of the
point i∞. Note that this topology is not the one induced from the Euclidean topology
if H ∪ {∞} is considered as a subset of the Riemann sphere Ĉ.
Ĥ is given the structure of a normal complex ringed space by taking O(U ) to be
the holomorphic functions on U for open subsets U of H, and by defining O(HR ) to
be the set of holomorphic functions on {z ∈ C : Im z > R} that have a continuous
extension to i∞. Clearly O(HR ) contains all functions of the form z → e2πiz/n for
all n ≥ 1.
We now give the precise definitions. We begin with the class of spaces that we
need (cf. [8, 3.1.3]):
316 Frank Herrlich and Gabriela Schmithüsen
Definition 3.2. Let (W, OW ) be a locally complex ringed space whose structure sheaf
OW is a subsheaf of the sheaf C ∞ (W, C) of continuous complex valued functions
on W .
a) A subset B ⊂ W is called analytic if there is an open covering (Ui )i∈I of W and
for each i ∈ I there are finitely many elements fi,1 , . . . , fi,ni ∈ OW (Ui ) such that
B ∩ Ui is the zero set of {fi,1 , . . . , fi,ni }.
b) We call (W, OW ) an R-space if, for every open U ⊆ W and every proper closed
analytic subset B ⊂ U , a continuous function f : U → C is in OW (U ) if and only if
its restriction to U − B is in OW (U − B).
Note that all complex spaces are R-spaces: The required property is just Riemann’s
extension theorem, see [14, Chapter 7].
Theorem 3.4. (i) For any complex manifold S and any proper closed analytic subset
D ⊂ S there exists an initial object p : (W̃, OW̃ ) → S in the category of coverings
of S with cusps over D; it is called the universal covering with cusps over D. The
restriction of p to W̃0 = p−1 (S0 ) is the universal covering of S0 , and the group
G = Aut(W̃/S) is the fundamental group π1 (S0 ).
(ii) If S is an open submanifold of S and W̃ the universal covering of S with
cusps over D = D ∩ S , then W̃ /H embeds as an open subspace into W̃ , where H
is the kernel of the homomorphism π1 (S − D ) → π1 (S − D) = G.
Proof. We only sketch the construction of the space (W̃, OW̃ ). The details that it
satisfies all the required properties are worked out in [7]. For the proof of (ii) we refer
to [8].
Let S0 = S − D, G = π1 (S0 ) and p0 : W0 → S0 the universal covering. W̃ is ob-
tained from W0 by “filling in the holes above D” in such a way that the G-action
extends from W0 to W̃ . More formally, the fibre W̃s of W̃ over any point s ∈ S is
Chapter 6. The boundary of Teichmüller disks in Teichmüller and in Schottky space 317
and for each i ∈ I a covering qi : Ui → Ui by a complex manifold Ui such that
pi qi
p|p−1 (Ui ) factors as p−1 (Ui ) −→ Ui −→ Ui , where pi is a covering with cusps over
qi−1 (D) (in the sense of Definition 3.3).
Proposition 3.7. There is a universal covering Tg,n → Mg,n with cusps over ∂Mg,n .
Proof. We first construct local universal coverings and then glue them together. For
any s ∈ Mg,n choose an open neighbourhood U and a covering q : U → U with a
manifold U . Let W̃ be the universal covering of U with cusps over D = q −1 (D).
Let H be the kernel of the homomorphism from π1 (U −D ) to g,n . Theorem 3.4 (ii)
suggests that the quotient W̃ /H should be an open part of the universal covering of
Mg,n . All that remains to show is that the W̃ /H glue together to a covering with
cusps over D. This is done in [8, 3.2.1]
Locally Tg,n looks like a product of a ball with some copies of the universal covering
Ĥ of D with cusps over {0} which was explained in Section 3.1:
Corollary 3.8. Let x ∈ Tg,n correspond to a stable Riemann surface X with k nodes.
Then x has a neighbourhood that is isomorphic to
Ĥk × D3g−3+n−k .
Proof. Let s ∈ Mg,n be the image point of x. The deformation theory of stable
Riemann surfaces gives us a map from D3g−3+n onto a neighbourhood of s such that
the inverse image of D = ∂Mg,n is the union of axes D = {(z1 , . . . , z3g−3+n ) :
z1 . . . zk = 0}, see [16, Section 3B]. The fundamental group of D3g−3+n − D is a free
abelian group on k generators; they correspond to Dehn twists about the loops that are
contracted in X. Thus the homomorphism π1 (D3g−3+n − D ) → g,n is injective. By
Proposition 3.7 and its proof the universal covering W̃ of D3g−3+n with cusps over D
is therefore a neighbourhood of x. It is not hard to see that W̃ is of the given form.
Our next goal is to compare Tg,n to the augmented Teichmüller space Tˆg,n intro-
duced by Abikoff [1].
Proposition 3.9 (cf. [8], Satz 3.4.2). Tg,n is homeomorphic to the augmented Teich-
müller space Tˆg,n .
Before proving the proposition we summarize the definition and some properties
of Tˆg,n : As a point set,
Tˆg,n = {(X, f ) : X a stable Riemann surface of type (g, n),
f : Xref → X a deformation}/ ∼ .
Chapter 6. The boundary of Teichmüller disks in Teichmüller and in Schottky space 319
The action of the mapping class group g,n extends continuously to Tˆg,n ([1, Theo-
rem 4]), and the orbit space Tˆg,n / g,n is Mg,n (as a topological space).
Proof of Proposition 3.9. Braungardt shows (see [8, Hilfssatz 3.4.4]) that the stabi-
lizer of a point (X, f ) ∈ Tˆg,n in g,n is an extension of the free abelian group generated
by the Dehn twists about the contracted
loops by the holomorphic automorphism group
Aut(X) of X. For any V and ε, σ ∈Aut(X) σ (UV ,ε ) is invariant under the stabilizer
of (X, f ), and for sufficiently small V and ε, it is precisely invariant. Therefore the
quotient map Tˆg,n → Mg,n is a covering with cusps over ∂Mg,n in the sense of Def-
inition 3.6, except that so far no structure sheaf has been defined on Tˆg,n . But this
can be done in the same way as in (3.1). The universal property of Tg,n then yields
a map p : Tg,n → Tˆg,n compatible with the action of g,n on both sides. To show
that this map is an isomorphism we compare the stabilizers in g,n for the points in
both spaces. For a point in Tˆg,n we just described this stabilizer, and the proof of
Corollary 3.8 shows that for a corresponding point in Tg,n it is also an extension of Zk
by Aut(X).
formal automorphism of P1 (C) associated to x, see e.g. [21, 6.1.1]. The domain of
discontinuity of Gx consists of two connected components − (x) = w μ (L) (where
L is the lower half plane) and + (x) = wμ (H). Then + (x)/Gx = X0 , whereas
− (x)/Gx = Xref 0,∗
, the mirror image of Xref0 .
To extend this family we identify Tg,n with Tˆg,n by Proposition 3.9. As explained
in [1], any point x = (X, P1 , . . . , Pn , f ) ∈ Tˆg,n − Tg,n corresponds to a regular B-
group Gx . This means that Gx is a Kleinian group isomorphic to πg,n whose domain
of discontinuity (Gx ) has a unique simply connected invariant component − (Gx )
such that − (Gx )/Gx is isomorphic to Xref 0,∗
. For the union + (Gx ) = + (x) of
the other components of (Gx ) it holds that + (Gx )/Gx ∼ = X0 − {nodes}. To every
node in X there corresponds a conjugacy class of parabolic elements in Gx , each of
which is accidental (i.e. it becomes hyperbolic in the Fuchsian group hGx h−1 , where
h : − (Gx ) → H is a conformal map). Near a fixed point of such a parabolic element,
+ (Gx ) is a doubly cusped region, cf. the remark at the end of Section 3.1. If we
denote by ˆ + (x) the union of + (Gx ) with the fixed points of the parabolic elements
in Gx (accidental or not), then ˆ + (x) → X is the universal covering of X with cusps
over the nodes (cf. Corollary 3.5).
On ˆ+ +
g,n , πg,n acts in such a way that for fixed x ∈ Tg,n the action on (x) is that
of Gx . Cg,n = ˆ+
g,n /πg,n is called the universal family over Tg,n .
Definition 3.11. Let S be a complex ringed space. A family of stable Riemann surfaces
of type (g, n) over S is a complex ringed space C together with a proper flat map
π : C → S such that the fibres Xs = π −1 (s), s ∈ S, are stable Riemann surfaces
of genus g. In addition we are given n disjoint sections Pi : S → C,i = 1, . . . , n,
of π such that Pi (s) is not a node on Xs . We denote by C 0 = C − ni=1 Pi (S) the
complement of the marked sections.
Definition 3.12. Let C/S be a family of stable Riemann surfaces of type (g, n) over
a complex ringed space S. A Teichmüller structure on C is a complex ringed space U
together with a morphism U → C such that for every s ∈ S the (restriction of the)
fibre Us0 → Xs0 is a universal covering with cusps over the nodes, together with an
isomorphism πg,n → Aut(U/C 0 ).
Theorem 3.13. Tg,n is a fine moduli space for stable Riemann surfaces with Teich-
müller structure. Cg,n → Tg,n is the universal family and ˆ+
g,n → Cg,n = g,n /πg,n
is the universal Teichmüller structure.
Finally Braungardt gives a very elegant and conceptual description of Cg,n which
extends a classical result of Bers ([5, Theorem 9]) to the boundary:
Proof. The kernel of the obvious homomorphism g,n+1 → g,n can be identified
with πg,n , which gives the action on Tg,n+1 . The holomorphic map Tg,n+1 → Tg,n
which forgets the last marked point extends to a map Tg,n+1 → Tg,n by a general
property of universal coverings with cusps. The difficult step in Braungardt’s proof
is to show that the induced map Tg,n+1 /πg,n → Tg,n has the right fibres. For this
purpose he constructs a map ˆ+g,n → Tg,n+1 and shows that it is bijective and induces
isomorphisms on the fibres over Tg,n .
Theorem 4.1. One obtains the boundary points of a Teichmüller curve by contracting
the centers of all cylinders in Jenkins–Strebel directions. They are determined by the
parabolic elements in the associated mirror Veech group.
This statement seems to be well known to the experts although we are not aware
of a published proof.
In Section 4.1 we prepare for the proof of Theorem 4.1 by introducing Jenkins–
Strebel rays. They are special geodesic rays in Teichmüller space which always
converge to a point on the boundary. Following Masur [26], we describe this boundary
point quite explicitly using the affine structure of the quadratic differential q that
defines the Jenkins–Strebel ray.
In Section 4.2 we turn to the boundary points of Jenkins–Strebel rays that are
contained in a Teichmüller disk. In particular if the Teichmüller disk descends to
a Teichmüller curve in the moduli space, all its boundary points can be determined
explicitly with the aid of the projective Veech group. One obtains Theorem 4.1 as a
b) One obtains this point by contracting the central lines of the horizontal cylinders
defined by q as is described in 4.1.4.
Definition 4.4. In the previous proposition, the geodesic ray defined by −q, i.e. the
image of γ−q in Tg , is called a Jenkins–Strebel ray.
For the proof of Proposition 4.3 one may use two slightly different perspectives of
the Jenkins–Strebel ray. They are described in 4.1.1, 4.1.2 and 4.1.3, 4.1.4. In 4.1.5
we describe the boundary point (X∞ , f∞ ). In 4.1.6 we show that the Jenkins–Strebel
ray in fact converges towards this point.
Throughout Section 4.1, we assume that the differential q is Jenkins–Strebel.
For each such segment s on a horizontal edge of Ri its image on X joins the annulus
Zi to an annulus Zj possibly with i = j .
Thus the map wj wi−1 (wi−1 is the extended map, wj is locally the inverse map
of the extended map wj −1 ) is an identification map between s and a segment on a
horizontal edge of Rj . (Images of critical points have to be excluded.)
These identification maps are of the form z → ±z + c with a constant c ∈ C.
Conversely, given the closed rectangles R1 , . . . , Rp , the marked points on their
horizontal edges and these identification maps, we may recover the surface X as
follows: for each i glue the two vertical edges of Ri by a translation and the horizontal
edges (with the marked points removed) by the identification maps. In this way, one
obtains a surface X∗ with the flat structure on it inherited from the euclidean plane
C. By filling in the punctures at vertices, we obtain the original compact Riemann
surface X.
In this sense one may consider X as a patchwork of the rectangles R1 , …, Rp . This
description depends of course on the chosen holomorphic quadratic Jenkins–Strebel
differential q.
4.1.2 Stretching the cylinders. We shall now redescribe the Jenkins–Strebel ray
defined by −q by stretching the rectangles in the ’patchwork’ from 4.1.1 in the vertical
The flat structure defined by −q = eπi · q is obtained from the flat structure μ
defined by q by composing each chart with a rotation by π2 . Thus the deformation
(XK , fK ) of dilatation K with respect to −q is equal to the affine deformation
K 0 0 −1 0 −K
(X, μ) = (X, μ).
0 1 1 0 1 0
x + iy → x + iKy.
Example 4.6. K-stretched surfaces. One obtains the surface XK = XK from the
surface X in Example 4.5 as the patchwork of the stretched rectangles in Figure 5 and
Figure 6, respectively.
326 Frank Herrlich and Gabriela Schmithüsen
• > •
• s3 >
s2 s3 s2
> > • >
s2 s2
Kb1 > <
R1 Kb1
• s1
> • s2
> • s1
> <
s1 •
a1 a1
Figure 5 Figure 6
These maps respect the identifications and define a biholomorphic map from Z
to A, as shown in Figure 7.
z → e2πi a '$
R2 &% 6
b '$
2i ? b
R1 z → e2πi a
e−2π a · 1
r 1
0 a A
&% 1
Figure 7
z = r · eiϕ → r K · eiϕ on both parts.
'$ '$ bi
9 r2
z → zi Ri2
z 2πi z
y z → e ai Ri1
A2i A1i
&% &% ai
ai +Kbi i−z
fK z → e
2πi ai fK
? ?
'$ '$ Ri2 (K)
9 r 2K
z → i z
j z j 2πi z
y z → e ai
A2i (K) A1i (K)
&% &%
Ri1 (K)
Figure 8 ai
where fK = (reiϕ → r K eiϕ ) on the left side and fK = (x+iy → x+Kiy) on the
right side of the diagram. Thus, in particular, we have defined here with (XK , fK ) =
−q −q
(XK , fK ) the same surface (up to isomorphism) and the same diffeomorphism as
in 4.1.2.
4.1.5 The end point of the Jenkins–Strebel ray. We use the description of the
Jenkins–Strebel ray in 4.1.4 to obtain its end point (X∞ , f∞ ) ∈ Tg . Recall from
3.2 that a point in Tg consists of a stable Riemann surface X∞ and a deformation
f∞ : X → X∞ .
If K → ∞ in 4.1.4, the interior radius ri (K) = riK of the two annuli A1i (K) and
Ai (K) that form the double annulus Ai (K) tends to 0 (i ∈ {1, . . . , p}). Ai (K) tends
to a double cone Ai (∞) and the whole surface XK to a stable Riemann surface X∞ .
More precisely, we define Ai (∞) and X∞ as complex spaces in the following way.
Definition 4.9. Let A1i (∞) and A2i (∞) both be the punctured disk
{z ∈ C : 0 < |z| < 1},
and let pt be an arbitrary point. The disjoint union
Ai (∞) = A1i (∞) ∪ A2i (∞) ∪ {pt}
becomes a complex cone by the following chart:
ϕ : Ai (∞) → {(z1 , z2 ) ∈ C2 : z1 · z2 = 0, |z1 |, |z2 | < 1},
ϕ|A1 (∞) : z → (0, z), ϕ|A2 (∞) : z → (z, 0), ϕ(pt) = (0, 0).
i i
Chapter 6. The boundary of Teichmüller disks in Teichmüller and in Schottky space 329
The closures of the double cones A1 (∞), . . . , Ap (∞) are glued to each other by
the same identification maps as in the ’finite’ case in 4.1.4. We call the resulting
stable Riemann surface X∞ . Topologically, X∞ is obtained from the surface X by a
contraction f∞ of the middle curves of the cylinders.
'$r 2 '$
z → i
9 z n
A2i Ai 1
&% &%
f∞ :
r · eiϕ → hi,∞ (r) · eiϕ
'$ '$ ?
ptq9 zptq
A2i (∞) A1
i (∞)
&% &%
Figure 9
We now define the contraction f∞ as the following map: Let A1i and A2i be the two
annuli in Definition 4.7 that form the double annulus Ai (i ∈ {1, . . . , p}). Then f∞
is given by
j j
f∞ : Ai → Ai (∞) for j ∈ {1, 2},
z = r · eiϕ → f∞ (z) = hi,∞ (r) · eiϕ ,
with an arbitrary monotonously increasing diffeomorphism hi,∞ : [ri , 1) → [0, 1).
The isotopy class of f∞ is independent of the choices of hi,∞ .
4.1.6 Convergence. We now show that, in the above notation, the Jenkins–Strebel
ray γ−q converges to the point (X∞ , f∞ ) on the boundary of Tg . Recall from (3.3)
that a base of open neighbourhoods of (X∞ , f∞ ) is given by the open sets
UV ,ε (X∞ , f∞ ) = {(X , f ) : there exists a deformation ϕ : X → X∞
such that ϕ f is isotopic to f∞
and ϕ|X \ϕ −1 (V ) has dilatation < 1 + ε},
for all compact neighbourhoods V of the singular points of X∞ and for all ε > 0. We
may restrict to open neighbourhoods V of the form
V = V (κ) = V1 ∪ · · · ∪ Vp , κ = (κ1 , . . . , κp ), 0 < κi < 1
where Vi is a double cone defined by
j j
Vi = Vi1 ∪ Vi2 ∪ {pt} with Vi = {0 < |z| ≤ κi } ⊆ Ai (∞), j ∈ {1, 2}.
330 Frank Herrlich and Gabriela Schmithüsen
Lemma 4.10. For each such V = V (κ) and each ε > 0, there is some K0 ∈ R>0
−q −q
such that all points (XK , fK ) = (XK , fK ) with K > K0 are in UV ,ε (X∞ , f∞ ).
Proof. Choose K0 such that riK0 < κi for all i ∈ {1, . . . , p} and suppose that K > K0 .
Define the diffeomorphism ϕ : XK → X∞ on Ai (K) by
⎧ j
⎨ z ∈ Ai (∞), if 1 > |z| ≥ κi
iθ i j
ϕ : z = r · e → hK (r) · e ∈ Ai (∞), if κi ≥ |z| > riK
⎩ j
pt ∈ Ai (∞), if |z| = riK
with an arbitrary monotonously increasing diffeomorphism hiK : (riK , κi ) → (0, κi ).
Then ϕ fK is isotopic to f∞ and ϕ|XK \ϕ −1 (V ) is holomorphic, hence its dilatation
is 1. Thus (XK , fK ) is in UV ,ε (X∞ , f∞ ).
j j
Ai (K) id Ai (∞)
'$ '$
reiθ → hiK (r)eiθ
j - p
&% &%
1 κi riK 1 κi
Figure 10
With Lemma 4.10 we have obtained the desired result and completed the proof of
Proposition 4.3.
Recall from 2.3.2 that the flat structure (X, μU ) is defined by the quadratic differ-
ential e2θi · q. Thus e2θ i · q is Jenkins–Strebel. The ray is by (4.2) given as:
γs̃ = γ−e2θi ·q : [0, ∞) → Tg ,
t → 01 K0 (X, μUθ ), id = [(X, μAK ), id]
with K = et and AK = 01 K0 · Uθ .
The Jenkins–Strebel ray γs̃ is the image of the geodesic ray in H from i to the cusp s̃.
From Remark 2.12 (see also Figure 1) one obtains that
Furthermore, we have
−A−1 −1 −1 1 −1
K (i) = −Uθ (K · i) = −Uθ (−Ki) = RUθ R (Ki).
Thus the image of γs̃ is equal to the image of the ray RUθ−1 R −1 (Ki) (K ∈ [1, ∞))
under ι. But the latter one is the geodesic ray in H from i to RU −1 R −1 (∞) =
−U −1 (∞).
Observe finally that −U −1 (∞) = s̃: Since U · v = e1 for the eigenvector v of A,
one has for the fixed point s of A that U (s) = ∞. Hence, one has for the fixed point
s̃ of à = RAR −1 that s̃ = −s = −U −1 (∞). Thus the Jenkins–Strebel ray defined
by γs̃ is the image of the geodesic ray from i to s̃ in H under ι.
Finally we define ῑ(s̃) = (X∞ (s̃), f∞ (s̃)) ∈ Tg to be the end point of the Jenkins–
Strebel ray γs̃ . We then define the map ῑ as follows.
Proof. ῑ is continuous. Let s be a cusp of ι∗ , i.e. s is a fixed point of some parabolic
element à ∈ ι∗ , and c : [0, ∞) → H an arbitrary path in H converging to s in the
horocycle topology.
By Remark 2.20, the action of à on H fits together with the action of ρ(A) ∈ g
on Tg . Both actions may be extended continuously to Hs = H ∪ {s} (endowed
with the horocycle topology) and to Tg , respectively, and one obtains the following
Chapter 6. The boundary of Teichmüller disks in Teichmüller and in Schottky space 333
commutative diagram:
ῑ /T
Hs = H ∪ {s} g
pà p
Hs /Ã g
Here the map ià : H/à → Mg is the map induced by ῑ and H/à is a disk with
center pà (s).
Let W be a neighbourhood of
U = p −1 (i −1 (W ))
à Ã
biholomorphic h:
< X∞
f∞ yyy
Xref E h
EE g
EE ∞
The core curves of the cylinders relative to the flat structure on X defined by q1 are
mapped by f∞ to the singular points of X∞ . Similarly the core curves coming from
q2 are mapped to the singular points of Y∞ . Since the diagram is commutative up
to isotopy, the two systems of core curves are homotopic. Thus the two Jenkins–
Strebel rays are similar by definition, using the terminology in [26, Section 5]. From
Theorem 2 in [26] it follows that there is some constant M < ∞ such that for two
points Q = R lying on the two Jenkins–Strebel rays which are equidistant from the
initial point P0 , one has d(Q, R) ≤ M. But then, since ι is an isometric embedding,
M would have to be an upper bound for the distance of equidistant points on two
different geodesic rays in H starting from i. This cannot be true.
4.2.2 Boundary of Teichmüller disks that lead to Teichmüller curves. Let now
ι : H → Tg be a Teichmüller embedding such that its image ι projects to a Teich-
müller curve C in the moduli space Mg .
ῑ : H ∪ {cusps of ι∗ } → ι ⊆ Tg
Proof. Recall from Corollary 2.21 that if ι leads to a Teichmüller curve then the
projective Veech group = ι is a lattice in PSL2 (R), H/ ∗ is a complex algebraic
curve and H/ ∗ → C ⊂ Mg is the normalization of C. Thus it extends to a surjective
ϕ : H/ ∗ → C ⊆ Mg ,
where H/ ∗ and C are the projective closure of H/ ∗ and the closure of C in Mg ,
Furthermore, the map H → H/ ∗ extends continuously to a surjective map
p : H ∪ {cusps of ∗ } → H/ ∗ , since ∗ is a lattice in PSL2 (R). Here we use
the horocycle topology on H ∪ {cusps of ∗ }.
Chapter 6. The boundary of Teichmüller disks in Teichmüller and in Schottky space 335
p p| p
/ C⊆M
H/ ∗ g
5 Schottky spaces
In this chapter we first recall the construction of Schottky coverings for smooth and
stable Riemann surfaces. We use them to define markings called Schottky structures.
In the smooth case they are classified by the well known Schottky space Sg , a complex
336 Frank Herrlich and Gabriela Schmithüsen
manifold of dimension 3g − 3 (if g ≥ 2). In [13] it was shown that also the Schottky
structures on stable Riemann surfaces are parameterized by a complex manifold Sg .
Here we show how to obtain Sg from Braungardt’s extension Tg of the Teichmüller
space introduced in Section 3. In the last section of this chapter we study the image
of a Teichmüller disk in the Schottky space.
In Schottky’s original paper [32], the Di in the definition were disks. With the
same notation let
F = F () = P1 (C) − i=1 (Di ∪ Di ) and = () = γ ∈ γ (F ).
It is well known, see e.g. [25, X.H.] that is a Kleinian group, free of rank g with free
generators γ1 , . . . , γg , that is the region of discontinuity of , and that X = / is
a closed Riemann surface of genus g. The quotient map → X is called a Schottky
An important fact is the following uniformization theorem:
Proof. The proof is based on the following construction that we shall extend to stable
Riemann surfaces in Section 5.4: choose disjoint g simple loops c1 , . . . , cg on X which
are independent in homology, i.e. F = X − i=1 ci is connected. Then F is confor-
mally equivalent to a plane domain that is bounded by 2g closed Jordan curves. For
i = 1, . . . , g denote by Ci and Ci the two boundary components of F that result from
cutting along ci . Now let g be a free group on generators ϕ1 , . . . , ϕg , and take a
copy Fw of F for every element w ∈ g . The Fw are glued according to the following
rule: if w and w are reduced words in ϕ1 , . . . , ϕg and if w = w ϕi then the boundary
component Ci on Fw is glued to Ci on Fw ; if w ends with ϕi−1 the roles of Ci and
Ci are interchanged. By this construction we obtain a plane domain together with
a holomorphic action of g on it: an element ϕ ∈ g maps the copy Fw to Fwϕ . The
Chapter 6. The boundary of Teichmüller disks in Teichmüller and in Schottky space 337
crucial step in the proof now is to show that this action extends to all of P1 (C), i.e. g
acts by Möbius transformations. For this we refer to [3, Chapter IV, Theorem 19 F].
Definition 5.3. Let S̃g be the set of all (γ1 , . . . , γg ) ∈ PSL2 (C)g that generate a
Schottky group and form a Schottky basis for . The set Sg of equivalence classes
of g-tuples (γ1 , . . . , γg ) ∈ S̃g under simultaneous conjugation is called the Schottky
space of genus g.
For a point s = (γ1 , . . . , γg ) ∈ S̃g let (s) be the Schottky group generated by
γ1 , . . . , γg , (s) the region of discontinuity of (s), and X(s) = (s)/ (s) the
associated Riemann surface. This leads to an alternative description of the Schottky
Remark 5.4. Sg is the set of equivalence classes of pairs (X, σ ), where X is a Riemann
surface of genus g and σ : g → PSL2 (C) is an injective homomorphism such that
:= σ (g ) is a Schottky group and ()/ ∼ = X.
(X, σ ) and (X , σ ) are equivalent if there is some A ∈ PSL2 (C) such that σ (γ ) =
Aσ (γ )A−1 for all γ ∈ g . Note that then X is isomorphic to X.
Our next goal is to show that this complex structure on Sg is natural. The main
step in this direction is
Proof. The surjectivity of μ follows from Proposition 5.2. To show that μ is analytic
we use the fact that Mg is a coarse moduli space for Riemann surfaces. Therefore
it suffices to find a holomorphic family π : Cg → Sg of Riemann surfaces over Sg
which induces μ in the sense that for s ∈ Sg , μ(s) is the isomorphism class of the
fibre Cs = π −1 (s) ⊂ Cg .
338 Frank Herrlich and Gabriela Schmithüsen
The family Cg is in fact universal for Riemann surfaces with Schottky structure, a
kind of marking that we now recall from [13, Section 1.3]:
Note that the construction in the proof of Proposition 5.6 endows the family Cg /Sg
with a Schottky structure.
A Schottky structure on a single Riemann surface X is given by a Schottky covering
→ / = X and an isomorphism σ : g → . Comparing the respective
equivalence relations we find that the points (X, σ ) in Sg correspond bijectively to
the isomorphism classes of Riemann surfaces with Schottky structure. In fact a much
stronger result holds:
Theorem 5.8. Sg is a fine moduli space for Riemann surfaces with Schottky structure.
In this section we explain that Schottky space can be obtained as a quotient space of
the Teichmüller space which was introduced in Section 3.3. For this purpose we first
endow the universal family Cg,0 over the Teichmüller space Tg = Tg,0 with a Schottky
structure as follows:
Let a1 , b1 , . . . , ag , bg be a set of standard generators of πg , the fundamental group
of the reference surface Xref ; this means that they satisfy the relation
ai bi ai−1 bi−1 = 1.
Remark 5.9. The induced map + g,0 /Nα → Cg,0 is a Schottky covering, and the uni-
versal Teichmüller structure τ : πg −−∼→ Aut(+ /C ) (cf. Theorem 3.13) descends
g,0 g,0
via α to a Schottky structure σα : g = πg /Nα −−∼→ Aut((+ /N )/C ) on C .
g,0 α g,0 g,0
GG α
/πg +g,0 /Nα
/ g
vvv /g
v s̃α
Cg,0 / Cg
Tg I / Sg
II ww
II ww
II w
I ww
/ g III ww μ
$ w{ w
Proof. a) Let x = (X, f ) ∈ Tg . Recall from Section 3.3 that the fibre over x in
+ +
g,0 is the component (x) of the region of discontinuity of the quasi-Fuchsian
group Gx associated to x. The universal Teichmüller structure on Cg,0 induces an
isomorphism τx : πg → Gx = Aut(+ (x)/X). From Remark 5.9 we see that the
point sα (x) = (X, σ ) ∈ Sg is given by the restriction σα,x of σα to the fibre over x;
σ = σα,x : g = πg /Nα −−→ Aut((+ (x)/τx (Nα ))/X) = Gx /τx (Nα ).
For ϕ ∈ g we have sα (x) = sα (ϕ(x)) if and only if σα,x = σα,ϕ(x) up to an inner
automorphism. Since τϕ(x) = τx ϕ −1 this happens if and only if ϕ induces an inner
automorphism on πg /Nα , i.e. if and only if ϕ ∈ g (α).
b) This is clear from the fact that Tg is simply connected and g (α) is torsion
free, hence sα is unramified. Using the construction in a) one can give a direct proof
which in turn provides an independent proof that Tg is simply connected, see [13,
Proposition 6].
c) It follows from Remark 5.9 that + g,0 /Nα → Cg,0 is a Schottky covering.
Therefore, by the universal property of Sg (Theorem 5.8), Cg,0 is the fibre product
Tg ×Sg Cg , and s̃α is the projection to Cg . Moreover the Schottky covering +
g,0 /Nα →
Cg,0 is a pullback of the universal Schottky covering g → Cg , i.e. + g,0 /Nα =
Cg,0 ×Cg g , and again ωα is the projection to the second factor.
Proposition 5.12. On any stable Riemann surface there exist cut systems.
The next goal is to define a space Sg that classifies Schottky coverings in a way
analogous to Definition 5.3. Since the covering space is in general not a subspace
of P1 (C) and thus the group of deck transformations not a subgroup of PSL2 (C), we
cannot directly extend 5.3.
A closer look at the construction of a Schottky covering → / = X of a
stable Riemann surface X shows the following:
342 Frank Herrlich and Gabriela Schmithüsen
Theorem 5.14. Sg is a fine moduli space for stable Riemann surfaces with Schottky
5.4 Sg as quotient of Tg
It is not possible to extend the quotient map sα : Tg → Sg constructed in Section 5.2
to the whole boundary of Tg in Tg . Instead we shall, for each α, identify a part Tg (α)
of Tg to which the action of g (α) and hence the morphism sα can be extended. It
will turn out that the quotient space is the extended Schottky space Sg described in
the previous section.
We begin with the definition of the admissible group homomorphisms α and the
associated parts Tg (α) of Tg .
Proof. a) Let (X, f ) be a point in Tg and c1 , . . . , ck the loops on Xref that are contracted
under f . Then the kernel of π1 (f ) : πg → π1 (X) is the normal subgroup generated
by c1 , . . . , ck . The local description of Tg in Corollary 3.8 shows that there is a
neighbourhood U of (X, f ) in Tg such that for every (X , f ) ∈ U the map f : Xref →
X contracts a subset of {c1 , . . . , ck }. Hence the kernel of π1 (f ) is contained in
ker(π1 (f )). Thus if (X, f ) ∈ Tg (α), also U ⊆ Tg (α). The remaining assertions are
b) Again let (X, f ) be a point in Tg and c1 , . . . , ck the loops on Xref contracted
by f . By Proposition 5.12 we can find a cut system a1 , . . . , ag on X and a cor-
responding Schottky covering. This covering induces a surjective homomorphism
π1 (X) → g . Composing this homomorphism with π1 (f ) yields a homomorphism
α : πg → g which corresponds to a Schottky covering of Xref (relative to the cut
344 Frank Herrlich and Gabriela Schmithüsen
As a side remark we note that Tg (α) is not only invariant under g (α), but also
under the larger “handlebody” group
Hg (α) = {ϕ ∈ g : ϕ(Nα ) = Nα }
(where Nα = ker(α) as in Section 5.2). Note that Hg (α) is the normalizer of g (α)
in g , and that we have an exact sequence
1 → g (α) → Hg (α) → Out(g ) → 1.
The quotient space Ŝg = Tg /Hg (α) = Sg / Out(g ) is a parameter space for Schottky
groups of rank g (without any marking).
Proof. This is a local statement which is clear for points (X, f ) ∈ Tg since g (α)
is torsion free. For an arbitrary x = (X, f ) ∈ Tg we saw in Section 3.2 that the
Dehn twists τ1 , . . . , τk around the loops c1 , . . . , ck that are contracted by f generate
a finite index subgroup x0 of the stabilizer x of x in g (the quotient being the
finite group Aut(X)). Let α be a symplectic homomorphism with respect to standard
generators a1 , b1 , . . . , ag , bg , and assume (X, f ) ∈ Tg (α). Since the ci are in the
normal subgroup generated by a1 , . . . , ag , they do not intersect any of the aj and thus
τi (aj ) = aj for all i and j . This shows x ⊆ g (α).
Now choose a neighbourhood U of x = (X, f ) in Tg (α) which is precisely invariant
under x . Then it follows, from Proposition 3.7 (and Definition 3.6), that U/ x is a
complex manifold.
For any two sets a1 , b1 , . . . , ag , bg and a1 , b1 , . . . , ag , bg of standard generators,
ai → ai , bi → bi defines an automorphism of πg . Therefore for any two symplectic
homomorphisms α and α there is an automorphism ψ ∈ g such that α = α
ψ. Then clearly Nα = ψ(Nα ) and g (α ) = ψg (α)ψ −1 . This shows that, as
an automorphism of Tg , ψ maps Tg (α) to Tg (α ) and descends to an isomorphism
ψ : Sg (α) → Sg (α ). We have shown:
Chapter 6. The boundary of Teichmüller disks in Teichmüller and in Schottky space 345
Remark 5.18. The complex manifolds Sg (α) are isomorphic for all symplectic ho-
momorphisms α.
It remains to show that the Sg (α) coincide with the fine moduli space Sg of Sec-
tion 5.3. This is achieved by showing that Sg (α) satisfies the same universal property
as Sg :
Proposition 5.19. For any symplectic α, Sg (α) is a fine moduli space for stable
Riemann surfaces with Schottky structure and hence isomorphic to Sg .
Proof. The idea of the proof is to endow the universal family over Tg (α) with a
Schottky structure and to transfer this to a Schottky structure on the image family over
Sg (α).
Before explaining this for the whole family we consider a single stable Riemann
surface X. Let d1 , . . . , dk be the nodes on X, f : Xref → X a deformation and
α : πg → g a symplectic homomorphism such that x = (X, f ) ∈ Tg (α). In
Section 3.3 we described the universal covering ˆ + (x) → ˆ + (x)/Gx = X of X
with cusps over the nodes. Recall that (x) is the union of the plane region + (x)
with the common boundary points of the doubly cusped regions lying over the nodes di ,
and that Gx is isomorphic to πg .
ˆ + (x) lying
Proof. The key observation is that the stabilizer in Gx of a point d̃i ∈
over di is generated by an element γi corresponding under ρ to a conjugate of the
loop f −1 (di ). Since we assumed (X, f ) ∈ Tg (α), we have γi ∈ NαGx . This shows
that is a complex space, more precisely: a Riemann surface with nodes. The other
assertions then follow directly from the definitions.
The above construction can be carried over to families in the following way: First
consider the universal family Cg over Tg and the universal Teichmüller structure g →
Cg on it. Denote by Cg (α) resp. ˆ g (α) the restriction to Tg (α). Then the quotient
g (α)/Nα → Cg (α) is a Schottky covering and the identification of g with the
group of deck transformations defines a Schottky structure.
The group g (α) acts not only on Tg (α), but also on ˆ+
g (α) as follows: for
ˆ + ˆ +
ϕ ∈ g (α) and (x, z) ∈ g (α) with x ∈ Tg (α) and z ∈ (x) we set
ϕ(x, z) = (ϕ(x), z).
346 Frank Herrlich and Gabriela Schmithüsen
Note that the groups Gx and Gϕ(x) are the same (only the isomorphism with πg has
changed); therefore ˆ + (x) = ˆ + (ϕ(x)). This action, which is trivial on the fibres,
descends to actions of g (α) on ˆ+
g (α)/Nα and on Cg (α). The respective orbit spaces
give a family Cg = Cg (α)/ g (α) over Sg (α) and a Schottky structure on it. Using
the universal property of the family over Tg (α) (see Theorem 3.13) and the fact that
Schottky structures are locally induced by Teichmüller structures, we find that the
Schottky structure on Cg is in fact universal.
The following diagram collects the relations between the spaces introduced and
used in this section. The horizontal maps are open embeddings, the last two vertical
maps are analytic with discrete fibres; all other maps in the diagram are quotient maps
for the groups indicated (to be precise, the map from Tg (α) to Mg is the restriction of
the orbit map for the action of g on Tg ).
Tg N / T (α)
3=3=NNN 33>>NNN
33== NNN 33>> NNNN
33== NNNN / (α) 33 >>> NNN/Ng (α)
33 === NNNg 33 >> NNN
33 == NNN 33 >> NNN
33 = = N N NNN > NNN
3 > NN'
33 === & 3 >
33 == /H (α) Sg 33 << g
33 == g 33 <<
33 === 33 < /H
< g (α)
33 == 33/ g <<<
== / ( ) 33 << /Out(g )
/ g 33
Out g
33 == 33 <<
33 = 33 <
33 / ˆ
33 Ŝg 33 Sg
33 33
33 33
33 33
33 33
33 33
Mg /M
Since g (α) is torsion free, this implies that the intersection is infinite. As a
consequence, the image of the Teichmüller disk in the Schottky space Sg is the
quotient by an infinite group and in particular not isomorphic to a disk.
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Part B
Shigeyuki Morita
1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 353
2 Diffeomorphism groups and diffeotopy groups of differentiable manifolds . 354
3 Mapping class groups of surfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357
4 Automorphism groups of free groups and IA automorphism groups . . . . 361
5 Dehn twists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 363
6 Mapping class groups acting on the homology of surfaces and the Torelli
groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 365
7 Johnson homomorphisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 371
8 Teichmüller space and Outer Space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 376
9 Symplectomorphism groups of surfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 378
10 Extensions of the Johnson homomorphism and the flux homomorphism . . 380
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 382
1 Introduction
Let g denote a closed oriented surface of genus g. The mapping class group of g ,
denoted by Mg , is the group of isotopy classes of orientation preserving diffeomor-
phisms of g . This group has been investigated from various points of view for many
First of all, this group has been one of the main objects in the combinatorial group
theory, the other one being the automorphism group of a finitely generated free group.
Secondly, Mg acts on the Teichmüller space and the quotient space is the moduli
space of genus g Riemann surfaces which is a very important space in both algebraic
geometry and complex analysis. Thirdly, this group has been playing crucial roles
in the theory of 3-manifolds in relation to Heegaard decompositions as well as the
geometry of surface bundles over the circle.
Reflecting this situation, there exist already many survey papers concerning various
aspects of the mapping class group. We have the famous book by Birman [7] and
several survey papers such as [8], [9], [27], [10]. Ivanov’s paper [34] gives a very nice
354 Shigeyuki Morita
introduction to the present state of the study of the mapping class group (see also [32],
[33]). Also we have the survey paper [37] by Johnson on the structure of the Torelli
group which is a very important subgroup of the mapping class group.
There are also survey papers on the cohomological structure of the mapping class
group or the moduli space of Riemann surfaces such as Harer [26], Hain–Looijenga
[24] and the author [69], [71].
The purpose of this chapter is to describe somewhat different points of view in the
study of the mapping class group and to suggest possible new directions for future
research. More precisely, we would like to consider this as a special case of the study
of the structure of the diffeomorphism group as well as the diffeotopy group of general
C ∞ manifolds. We also would like to seek for similarity and difference between the
structures of the mapping class group and some of its closely related groups such as the
automorphism groups of free groups and the symplectomorphism groups of surfaces.
We refer to Vogtmann [84] for a survey of the study of the automorphism groups of
free groups.
This work was partially supported by JSPS Grant No. 16204005.
diffeomorphism π −1 (x) ∼
= M. Now the given bundle E can be recovered as
E = I × M/(1, p) ∼ (0, ϕ(p)) (p ∈ M)
for a certain element ϕ ∈ Diff M. Namely E is obtained from I × M by pasting
{1} × M to {0} × M by the diffeomorphism ϕ. Note that the element ϕ is well-defined
up to isotopy and also note that, if we change the identification π −1 (x) ∼
= M, then the
element ϕ changes into its conjugate element ψϕψ −1 . Thus we obtain
{isomorphism classes of smooth M-bundles over S 1 }
= [S 1 , BDiff M]
= {isotopy classes of elements of Diff M}/conjugacy.
From the above consideration, it is natural to introduce the group consisting of all
the isotopy classes of elements of Diff M which we denote by D(M) and call it the
diffeotopy group of M. It can also be described as the group of path components of
the topological group Diff M, namely
D(M) = π0 (Diff M).
Alternatively, we can also write
D(M) = Diff M/Diff 0 M
where Diff 0 M denotes the identity component of Diff M. Thus we have an extension
1 −→ Diff 0 M −→ Diff M −→ D(M) −→ 1.
This simplest case, namely the determination of D(M) is already a very difficult
problem in general. In fact, the case where M is an n-dimensional sphere S n was one
of the most important subjects during the early years of differential topology. By virtue
of the foundational work of Cerf [13], [14] as well as the solution of the generalized
Poincaré conjecture due to Smale [81], there is a natural isomorphism
D+ (S n ) ∼
= θn+1 (n ≥ 5)
where D+ (S n ) = π0 (Diff + S n ) denotes the orientation preserving diffeotopy group
of S n and θn denotes the group of homotopy n-spheres introduced and studied by
Kervaire and Milnor [44].
Since D(M) is the quotient group of the diffeomorphism group D(M) divided by
the equivalence relation of isotopy which is stronger than (or sometimes equal to) that
of homotopy, D(M) acts on any homotopy invariants of M such as the fundamental
group π1 M and the homology group H∗ (M; Z). We first consider the case of π1 M.
For any abstract group Γ , let Aut Γ denote the automorphism group of Γ . Any
element γ ∈ Γ defines that of Aut Γ which represents the inner automorphism of Γ
by the element γ . This induces a homomorphism Γ → Aut Γ . Let Inn Γ denote the
image of this homomorphism. Clearly the group Γ is abelian if and only if Inn Γ
is the trivial subgroup of Aut Γ . It is easy to see that Inn Γ is a normal subgroup
of Aut Γ . The quotient group Aut Γ /Inn Γ is denoted by Out Γ and it is called the
356 Shigeyuki Morita
outer automorphism group of Γ . In these terminologies, we can say that the action of
D(M) on π1 M induces a homomorphism
ρπ : D(M) −→ Out π1 M.
Also the action of D(M) on the homology group H ∗ (M; Z) induces another homo-
ρH : D(M) −→ Aut H∗ (M; Z).
Then there arise natural questions about these homomorphisms. For example we
could ask whether the homomorphisms ρπ , ρH are surjective or not. We could also
ask whether they are injective or not. In the cases where these questions are answered
negatively, the problem of describing the images as well as the kernels of these ho-
momorphisms arise. It turns out that these questions depend on the global topology
of the manifold M and the above problems are often very difficult to be settled.
If there is given a geometric structure on M, then the automorphism group of this
structure, which is considered to be a subgroup of Diff M, is one of the basic objects
to be studied. Here we would like to mention a few examples.
The first obvious example is the case where there is given a Riemannian metric
on M. Then the corresponding automorphism group is nothing but the isometry group
Isom M. If M is compact, then this group is known to be a compact Lie group sitting
inside Diff M. For example, for the n-sphere S n with the standard metric, we have
Isom S n = O(n + 1) ⊂ Diff S n . It has been one of the main problems in the theory
of differentiable transformation groups to study possible subgroups of Diff M which
are Lie transformation groups for a given manifold M.
The second example is the case where there is given a volume form υ on M.
Then we can consider the subgroup of Diff M, denoted by Diff υ M, which consists
of those diffeomorphisms which preserve the form υ. It is usually called the volume
preserving diffeomorphism group of M. Moser’s theorem in [72] implies that the
inclusion Diff υ M ⊂ Diff + M is a homotopy equivalence. Hence the classifying
spaces BDiff υ M and BDiff + M have the same homotopy type. In particular, we have
a bijection
π0 (Diff υ M) ∼
= π0 (Diff + M) = D+ M.
However the two groups Diff υ M and Diff + M seem to have considerably different
properties as abstract groups and there should be many interesting problems here.
The third example is the case where there is given a symplectic form ω on a 2n
dimensional manifold M. A symplectic form is, by definition, a closed 2-form ω such
that ωn is a volume form on M. The pair (M, ω) is called a symplectic manifold and the
subgroup Symp(M, ω) ⊂ Diff M consisting of those diffeomorphisms which preserve
the form ω is called the symplectomorphism group of (M, ω). Recently there have
been obtained many interesting deep results in geometry and topology of symplectic
manifolds as well as those of symplectomorphism groups (see the book [61] by McDuff
and Salamon which gives an excellent introduction to this field). Let Symp0 (M, ω)
be the identity component of Symp(M, ω) which is a normal subgroup. The quotient
Chapter 7. Introduction to mapping class groups of surfaces and related groups 357
π1 g = α1 , . . . αg , β1 , . . . , βg ; ζ (2g generators),
ζ = [α1 , β1 ] . . . [αg , βg ] (defining relation).
Now we state a classical theorem which is usually called the Dehn–Nielsen theorem.
Mg ∼
= Out+ π1 g .
Since π1 T 2 ∼
= Z2 is an abelian group, Aut Z2 = Out Z2 ∼ = GL(2, Z). The
subscript + in Out + Z2 means, in this case, that we consider only matrices with deter-
minant 1. Thus we can write
M1 ∼
= SL(2, Z).
In order to interpret the subscript + for the general case, we briefly recall the definition
of the homology group as well as the cohomology group of an abstract group π (see
Brown’s book [12] for details). It is known that, there exists a K(π, 1) which is a CW
complex. Furthermore it is uniquely defined up to homotopy equivalences. Hence
for any π -module M (namely M is a module and there is given a homomorphism
π → Aut M), we can define the (co)homology group of π with coefficients in M by
Chapter 7. Introduction to mapping class groups of surfaces and related groups 359
where M on the right hand sides denotes the local system over K(π, 1) induced by
the given π action on the module M. Any group homomorphism ρ : π → π
a homomorphism ρ∗ : H∗ (π) → H∗ (π
) and similarly for the homology with twisted
coefficients as well as the cohomology group. In particular, we have a homomorphism
It is well known (and not so difficult to see) that the inner automorphisms induce the
trivial action on the homology group so that we obtain a homomorphism
The group Out+ π1 g in Theorem 3.1 is defined to be the kernel of the above homo-
morphism. Sometimes this group is called the orientation preserving outer automor-
phism group of π1 g because it is the subgroup of the whole group consisting of those
outer automorphisms which are induced from orientation preserving diffeomorphisms
of g .
Now we would like to mention the methods of proving Theorem 3.1 somewhat
First of all, for any topological space X, let E (X) denote the set of all the homotopy
classes of self homotopy equivalences of X. The composition of mappings induces a
natural group structure on E (X). Next for any topological manifold M, let Homeo M
denote the group of all the homeomorphisms of M equipped with the compact open
topology and let H(M) = Homeo M/Homeo0 M denote the quotient group divided
by the identity component Homeo0 M of Homeo M. It is called the homeotopy group
of M. Now if M is a C ∞ manifold, then there is a natural sequence of forgetful
One can also introduce the equivalence relation on Diff M, Homeo M induced by the
homotopy of mappings to obtain variants of diffeotopy or homeotopy groups.
In general, these groups are all different from each other and they have their own
meanings and properties. However, a very important and characteristic phenomenon
occurs in dimension 2 and that is the fact that they are all equal for surfaces. Namely
360 Shigeyuki Morita
we have isomorphisms
D(g ) ∼= H (g ) ∼
= E (g ),
Mg = D+ (g ) = H+ (g ) ∼
∼ = E+ (g )
where the subscripts + means appropriate subgroups of index 2 consisting of orien-
tation preserving elements. Now elementary homotopy theory implies that there are
canonical isomorphisms
E (g ) ∼
= Out π1 g , E+ (g ) ∼
= Out+ π1 g .
In fact the isomorphism E (X) ∼
= Out π1 X holds for any K(π, 1) space X.
Dehn and then Nielsen [77] proved that the natural map
H+ (g ) −→ Out + π1 g
is surjective. The injectivity of the same map was proved by Baer [2] and, much later,
reproved by Epstein [19]. It may be said that Dehn and Nielsen essentially proved
that the natural map
D+ (g ) −→ Out + π1 g
is surjective, although it is unclear how they recognized the concept of diffeomor-
phisms as well as homeomorphisms which are now strictly distinguished. The injec-
tivity of the above map can be obtained by adapting the proofs of Baer and Epstein
from the context of homeomorphisms to that of diffeomorphisms which are known to
be possible in this low dimensional case.
There are variants of the mapping class group and analogues of Theorem 3.1 for
them as follows. First, if we choose a base point ∗ ∈ g , then we can consider
the subgroup Diff + (g , ∗) ⊂ Diff + g consisting of all the orientation preserving
diffeomorphisms of g which fix the base point ∗. Then we set
Mg,∗ = π0 (Diff + (g , ∗))
and call it the mapping class group of g relative to the base point. There is the
forgetful homomorphism Mg,∗ → Mg which is an isomorphism for g = 0, 1 and
in the cases g ≥ 2, the kernel of this homomorphism is known to be canonically
isomorphic to π1 g . Thus we have an extension
1 −→ π1 g −→ Mg,∗ −→ Mg −→ 1 (g ≥ 2).
Next if we choose an embedded disk D 2 ⊂ g , then we can consider the subgroup
Diff(g , D 2 ) ⊂ Diff + g consisting of all the diffeomorphisms of g which restrict
to the identity of D 2 . Then we set
Mg,1 = π0 (Diff(g , D 2 ))
and call it the mapping class group of g relative to D 2 . Alternatively, we can consider
the compact surface g0 = g \ Int D 2 and the diffeomorphism group Diff(g0 , ∂g0 )
consisting of all diffeomorphisms of g0 which restrict to the identity on the boundary.
Chapter 7. Introduction to mapping class groups of surfaces and related groups 361
We can also consider the mapping class groups of g relative to finitely many
distinguished points as well as finitely many embedded disks on g . However here
we omit them.
section §5) along a simple closed curve parallel to the boundary of the embedded disk
D 2 ⊂ g and its action on π1 g0 is the conjugation by the element ζ above. Since
Mg,1 /Z is canonically isomorphic to Mg,∗ , we obtain a representation
Mg,∗ −→ Aut F2g /Inn F2g = Out F2g .
It is known that this representation is injective so that we can consider Mg,∗ as a
subgroup of Out F2g
Mg,∗ ⊂ Out F2g .
The comparison of various group theoretical properties between the mapping class
groups Mg,∗ , Mg and automorphism groups of free groups Aut Fn , Out Fn have been
an important subject since the very beginning of combinatorial group theory. Recently,
this tendency is strengthened in a wider framework including geometric viewpoints.
Finally we mention the following result of Laudenbach [50] which shows that, up
to a certain finite group, the (outer) automorphism groups of free groups are naturally
isomorphic to the diffeotopy groups of certain 3-manifolds. Let n S 1 × S 2 denote the
connected sum of n-copies of S 1 × S 2 . Then there are the following exact sequences
1 −→ (Z/2)n −→ Out Fn −→ D(n S 1 × S 2 ) −→ 1,
1 −→ (Z/2)n −→ Aut Fn −→ D(n S 1 × S 2 , rel D 3 ) −→ 1
where D(n S 1 × S 2 , rel D 3 ) denotes the group of path components of those diffeo-
morphisms of n S 1 × S 2 which are the identity on an embedded disk D 3 ⊂ n S 1 × S 2 .
5 Dehn twists
So far we have not mentioned explicit examples of elements of the mapping class
group Mg . Here we describe the most important construction of such elements which
is called the Dehn twist because it was introduced by Dehn.
Suppose that there is given a simple closed curve C on g and also recall that there
is specified an orientation on g . Then we can define an element τC ∈ Mg , which is
called the (right handed) Dehn twist along C, as follows. Let us choose an embedding
i : S 1 × [−1, 1] −→ g
of an annulus into g such that
(i) i(S 1 × {0}) = C and
(ii) i preserves the orientations
where we give S 1 and [−1, 1] the standard orientations and the annulus S 1 × [−1, 1]
the product orientation of them. Then we define a diffeomorphism ϕ0 of the annulus
ϕ0 (θ, t) = (θ + f (t), t)
364 Shigeyuki Morita
that products of Dehn twists along various simple closed curves can express very
complicated elements in Mg . In fact, Dehn [17] proved that finitely many Dehn twists
generate Mg . Later Lickorish [51] proved that a certain system of 3g − 1 Dehn twists,
which are now called the Lickorish generators, generates Mg . Then Humphries [30]
proved that 2g + 1 members among the Lickorish generators already generate Mg .
He also proved that this number 2g + 1 is the minimum of the number of Dehn twists
which can generate Mg .
As for the presentation of the mapping class group, McCool [59] proved that Mg
is finitely presentable without giving an explicit presentation. Hatcher and Thurston
[28] gave a method of obtaining a finite presentation and it was finally completed by
the work of Wajnryb [85].
The mapping class group Mg acts on the first homology group of g naturally. As-
sume here that g ≥ 1 and we denote simply by H the first integral homology group
H1 (g ; Z) of g . As an abstract group, H is a free abelian group of rank 2g. How-
ever, there exists an important additional structure on H coming from the geometry of
g . More precisely, the intersection numbers of elements of H give rise to a bilinear
μ : H × H −→ Z.
ρ0 : Mg −→ Aut(H, μ) (6.1)
Let us study how this condition can be expressed in terms of that of matrices repre-
senting elements of Aut(H, μ). For this, choose a basis x1 , . . . , xg , y1 , . . . , yg of H
such that
xi · yj = δij ,
xi · xj = yi · yj = 0 (i, j = 1, . . . , g).
366 Shigeyuki Morita
A basis with this property is called a symplectic basis. It is easy to see that there exist
infinitely many such bases because
x1 , . . . , xg , y1 , . . . , yg is a symplectic basis ⇒
x1 + ny1 , x2 , . . . , xg , y1 , . . . , yg is also a symplectic basis
for any n ∈ Z, for example.
Now if we fix a symplectic basis of H , then the automorphism group Aut H can
be identified as
Aut H = GL(n, Z)
by associating to each element in Aut H the corresponding matrix with respect to the
given symplectic basis. More precisely, first we express any two elements u, v ∈ H
as linear combinations
u = u1 x1 + · · · + ug xg + ug+1 y1 + · · · + u2g yg ,
v = v1 x1 + · · · + vg xg + vg+1 y1 + · · · + v2g yg
with respect to the above symplectic basis and then we identify the two elements u, v
with the following 2g-dimensional column vectors
u = t(u1 , . . . , ug , ug+1 , . . . , u2g ), v = t(v1 , . . . , vg , vg+1 , . . . , v2g )
in R2g . Now set
J = ∈ GL(2g, Z).
−E O
Then we can write
u · v = u1 vg+1 + · · · + ug v2g − ug+1 v2g − · · · − u2g vg = (u, J v)
where (u, J v) denotes the standard Euclidean inner product of two vectors u, J v ∈
R2g . Now a matrix A ∈ GL(2g, Z) preserves the intersection pairing μ if and only if
the condition
Au · Av = u · v for any u, v ∈ H (6.2)
holds. On the other hand we have
Au · Av = (Au, J Av) = (u,t AJ Av),
u · v = (u, J v).
It follows that A satisfies the condition (6.2) if and only if
AJ A = J.
Based on the above consideration, we define a subgroup
Sp(2g, Z) = {A ∈ GL(2g, Z); tAJ A = J }
of GL(2g, Z). This group is a discrete subgroup of the symplectic group Sp(2g, R)
consisting of unimodular symplectic matrices. Sometimes the group Sp(2g, Z) is
Chapter 7. Introduction to mapping class groups of surfaces and related groups 367
called the Siegel modular group because it plays a fundamental role in the theory of
Siegel modular forms.
In conclusion, if we fix a symplectic basis of H , then we have an isomorphism
Aut (H, μ) ∼
= Sp(2g, Z)
and (6.1) induces a homomorphism
ρ0 : Mg −→ Sp(2g, Z).
It is easy to see that Sp(2, Z) = SL(2, Z) so that ρ0 is an isomorphism for the case
g = 1. In the cases where g ≥ 2, it was classically known, going back to a work
of Burkhardt at the end of the 19 th century and later works of Dehn and Nielsen,
that ρ0 is surjective (cf. [55]). It was recognized that ρ0 has a non-trivial kernel
which is a normal subgroup of Mg . This group was named the Torelli group after
an Italian mathematician and was known for some time among complex analysts and
algebraic geometers. However it was relatively recently that the Torelli group called
the attention of topologists. Probably Birman’s paper [6] published in 1971 is the
earliest work on this group by topologists. Then Johnson began a systematic study of
this group in the late 1970s and obtained foundational results concerning the structure
of the Torelli group within several years. We refer the readers to his survey paper [37]
as well as [36], [38] [39], [40]. Following his notation, the Torelli group is usually
denoted by g . Thus we have a group extension
1 −→ g −→ Mg −→ Sp(2g, Z) −→ 1.
It is a classical result, going back to Grothendieck and Serre, that
the Torelli group g is torsion free.
This can be shown as follows. Suppose that there exists a non-trivial element ϕ ∈ g
which has a finite order, say d > 0. Then by Nielsen [78], there exists a diffeo-
morphism ϕ̃ : g → g such that ϕ̃ d = id and the mapping class of ϕ̃ is the given
one ϕ. Then consider the quotient g /Gϕ̃ of g divided by the action of the cyclic
group Gϕ̃ ∼= Z/d generated by the element ϕ̃. It is easy to see that this quotient
space is homeomorphic to a closed surface of some genus h, because the projection
g → g /Gϕ̃ must be a branched covering along a finite set consisting of fixed points
of ϕ̃ on g . Now there is a general fact on the rational cohomology of the quotient
space X/G divided by a properly discontinuous action of a discrete group G on X,
due originally to Grothendieck, that H ∗ (X/G; Q) ∼ = H ∗ (X; Q)G . If we apply this to
the above simplest case of a finite group action, we obtain isomorphisms
H ∗ (h ; Q) ∼
= H ∗ (g /Gϕ̃ ; Q) ∼
= H ∗ (g ; Q)Gϕ̃ ∼
= H ∗ (g ; Q)
where the last isomorphism comes from the assumption that ϕ̃ acts trivially on the
homology (and hence cohomology) of g . We can now conclude that g = h which
is a contradiction because the condition g ≥ 2 should imply that h < g. Observe
368 Shigeyuki Morita
here that the genus 1 surface, namely the torus T 2 admits a free Z/d action and the
quotient space is again diffeomorphic to T 2 .
Now one of the foundational results of Johnson mentioned above is that g is
finitely generated for any g ≥ 3. To prove this, he introduced the following two types
of elements of Mg . One is the BP-map (BP for bounding pair) defined as follows.
Suppose that there are given two disjoint simple closed curves C and D on g which
satisfy the condition that if we cut g along C and D, then the resulting surface is
disconnected. In other words, the disjoint union C ∪ D bounds a subsurface of g .
We say that C and D are a bounding pair. In this case, we call the element
τC τD−1 ∈ Mg
the BP-map corresponding to the above bounding pair. The other type is the BSCC-
map (BSCC for bounding simple closed curve) defined as follows. Suppose that there
is given a simple closed curve C on g such that if we cut g along C, then the
resulting surface is disconnected. In other words, the simple closed curve C bounds a
subsurface of g . We say that C is a bounding simple closed curve. In this case, we
call the element
τC ∈ Mg
the BSCC-map corresponding to the bounding simple closed curve C.
In fact, the following important fact holds:
BP-map, BSCC-map ∈ g . (6.3)
To see this, let us study how a Dehn twist τC along a simple closed curve C acts on
H1 (g ; Z). Let u ∈ H1 (g ; Z) be a homology class and choose an oriented curve
E on g which represents u. We can assume that E intersects C transversely at
finitely many points. Let us choose an orientation on C and let v ∈ H1 (g ; Z) be the
homology class represented by C with this orientation. Locally C divides the regular
neighborhood of C into two parts. If we identify a closed regular neighborhood of
the oriented C with S 1 × [−1, 1] according to the given orientation on the surface
in such a way that the oriented C is identified with the oriented S 1 × {0}, then we
can distinguish the above two pieces by calling them the negative and positive sides
respectively. Now we count the number of the intersection points C ∩ E algebraically
by giving +1 if the oriented curve E intersects C from negative to positive direction
and −1 if E intersects C from positive to negative direction. Let m be the totality of
these ±1 numbers. Then we have
τC (u) = u + mv.
Observe here that, if we reverse the orientation of C, then both m and v change signs
so that the above formula remains unchanged. Now we can check the above fact (6.3)
as follows. First let C, D be a BP-pair. Then we can give orientations on them so
that the resulting homology classes are the same. On the other hand, in the above
computation, we have τC (u) = τD (u) for any u so that τC τD−1 acts on the homology
Chapter 7. Introduction to mapping class groups of surfaces and related groups 369
Theorem 6.1 (Johnson [38]). The Torelli group g is finitely generated for any g ≥ 3.
The method of proving this theorem was roughly as follows. Johnson constructed
a certain finite set of BP-maps of all genera between 1 and g − 2 and showed that the
subgroup of g generated by them is a normal subgroup. Since he had already proved
in [35] that g is normally generated by just one BP-map of genus 1, the proof was
Johnson considered also the subgroup
Kg = the subgroup of Mg generated by all the BSCC-maps
of the mapping class group. Since any BSCC-map is contained in g , Kg is a subgroup
of g . Also it is easy to see that property (5.1) implies any conjugate element of a
BSCC-map is again a BSCC-map. It follows that Kg is a normal subgroup of Mg
(and g ). More strongly, it is known that Kg is a characteristic subgroup of Mg (and
g ). This follows from a result of Ivanov [31] (see also [57]) that any automorphism
of Mg is induced by an inner automorphism of D(g ) for any g ≥ 3 and a similar
result for the case of the Torelli group g due to Farb and Ivanov [20].
It can be shown that Kg coincides with g for g = 2. However Johnson [39]
proved that the quotient g /Kg is an infinite group for any g ≥ 3. More precisely,
choose a symplectic basis x1 , . . . , xg , y1 , . . . , yg of H = H1 (g ; Z) as before. The
ω0 = x1 ∧ y1 + · · · + xg ∧ yg ∈ 2 H
is called the symplectic class. It is known that this element is well defined independent
of the choice of symplectic bases. It is easy to see that the mapping
H u −→ u ∧ ω0 ∈ 3 H
is injective. Hence H can be considered as a submodule of 3 H so that we can consider
the quotient module 3 H /H . Now Johnson [36] constructed a homomorphism
τ : g −→ 3 H /H
and showed that it is surjective and vanishes on the subgroup Kg . This homomorphism
is called now the Johnson homomorphism (see §7 for more details). Later he proved
in [39] that Ker τ is precisely the subgroup Kg . Thus we have an extension
1 −→ Kg −→ g −→ 3 H /H −→ 1.
Because of these basic works, sometimes the group Kg is called the Johnson subgroup
or Johnson kernel.
370 Shigeyuki Morita
To conclude this section, we would like to make a list which indicates the known
results concerning finite generation as well as finite presentability of groups such as
the automorphism group of Fn , the IA automorphism group of Fn , the mapping class
group, the Torelli group and the Johnson subgroup Kg (the groups Out Fn and IOut n
are not included in the list because the results for these groups are the same as Aut Fn
and IAutn respectively). We refer the readers to the cited original papers and also to
the survey papers [84], [10], [34], [37] for details.
7 Johnson homomorphisms
In this section, we define so called Johnson homomorphisms which give homomor-
phisms defined on a certain series of subgroups of the mapping class group into certain
abelian groups.
In order to do so, we first describe a method of investigating the structure of a given
abstract group Γ by approximating it by a series of nilpotent groups. This method is
due originally to Malcev [56]. The first approximation is the abelianization Γ ab of
Γ . This can be algebraically expressed as follows. Let Γ1 denote the commutator
subgroup of Γ . Namely, it is the subgroup of Γ generated by the commutators
[γ1 , γ2 ] = γ1 γ2 γ1−1 γ2−1 (γ1 , γ2 ∈ Γ ). It is easy to see that Γ1 is a normal subgroup
of Γ and, as is well known, we have a canonical isomorphism
Γ ab ∼
= Γ /Γ1 .
Next we consider the second commutator subgroup Γ2 which is defined to be the
subgroup of Γ generated by the two-fold commutators
[γ1 , [γ2 , γ3 ]] = γ1 [γ2 , γ3 ]γ1−1 [γ2 , γ3 ]−1 (γ1 , γ2 , γ3 ∈ Γ ).
Then it can be checked that Γ2 is a normal subgroup of Γ and Γ /Γ2 is a two-step
nilpotent group. More precisely, the quotient group Γ1 /Γ2 is an abelian group and
Γ /Γ2 can be described by the following group extension
0 −→ Γ1 /Γ2 −→ Γ /Γ2 −→ Γ /Γ1 = Γ ab −→ 1 (7.1)
which is a central extension of Γ /Γ1 = Γ ab by Γ1 /Γ2 . We can continue this procedure
to obtain a series of nilpotent groups Nk (k = 1, 2, . . . ) which approximate Γ as
follows, where N1 = Γ ab and N2 = Γ /Γ2 . We set Γ0 = Γ and for each k = 1, 2, . . . ,
we inductively define
Γk = [Γ, Γk−1 ]
= the subgroup of Γ generated by k-fold commutators.
It can be checked that Γk is a normal subgroup of Γ and the series {Γk }k of normal
subgroups of Γ is called the lower central series of Γ . It can be easily checked that
these subgroups of Γ are all characteristic subgroups meaning that any automorphism
f ∈ Aut Γ of Γ preserves them. Now we set Nk = Γ /Γk and call this group the k-th
nilpotent quotient of Γ . In fact, the quotient Ck = Γk−1 /Γk is easily seen to be an
abelian group and furthermore we have a central extension
0 −→ Ck −→ Nk −→ Nk−1 −→ 1 (k = 2, 3, . . . ). (7.2)
Hence Nk is a k-step nilpotent group and we obtain an inverse system
· · · −→ Nk −→ Nk−1 −→ · · · −→ N3 −→ N2 −→ N1 = Γ ab
of nilpotent groups to which there is a homomorphism from the given group Γ .
372 Shigeyuki Morita
Next we ignore any torsion in the above argument and consider everything over
Q. In some sense, this procedure can be understood as taking tensor products with Q.
The first step is straightforward. Namely we just take the usual tensor product of Γ ab
with Q
N1 ⊗ Q = Γ ab ⊗ Q
which is a vector space over Q. For the second step, recall that any central extension
of a group Γ by an abelian group C is classified by its extension class which is a
second cohomology class defined in H 2 (Γ ; C) (see [12]). If we apply this to the
central extension (7.1), we obtain a certain element
χ2 (Γ ) ∈ H 2 (Γ ab ; Γ1 /Γ2 ).
Application of the natural homomorphisms Γ ab → Γ ab ⊗ Q and Γ1 /Γ2 → Γ1 /Γ2 ⊗ Q
to the above element gives
χ2Q (Γ ) ∈ H 2 (Γ ab ⊗ Q; Γ1 /Γ2 ⊗ Q).
This yields a central extension
0 −→ Γ1 /Γ2 ⊗ Q −→ N2 ⊗ Q −→ Γ ab ⊗ Q −→ 1 (7.3)
by which the group N2 ⊗ Q is defined. We can inductively continue this procedure
and we eventually obtain a series of central extensions
0 −→ Ck ⊗ Q −→ Nk ⊗ Q −→ Nk−1 ⊗ Q −→ 1 (k = 2, 3, . . . ). (7.4)
In this way, a series of nilpotent groups {Nk ⊗ Q}k is defined. The inverse system
· · · −→ Nk ⊗ Q −→ Nk−1 ⊗ Q −→ · · · −→ N3 ⊗ Q −→ N2 ⊗ Q −→ N1 ⊗ Q
of nilpotent groups is called the Malcev completion of the given group Γ .
Example 7.1. One of the most important examples of the Malcev completions which
appears in the theory of free groups as well as the mapping class group is that of free
groups. Here we briefly describe it. Let Fn denote a free group of rank n and we
denote the abelianization H1 (Fn ; Z) of Fn simply by H which is a free abelian group
of rank n. We consider the free graded Lie algebra generated by the elements of H
which we denote by
L= Lk
as follows. The degree 1 part L1 is defined to be H itself. Then we consider the bracket
[u, v] ∈ L2 of two elements u, v ∈ H . The skew commutativity [v, u] = −[u, v] of
the Lie algebra implies that L2 = 2 H . Next we consider the bracket
[ , ] : L1 ⊗ L2 = H ⊗ 2 H −→ L3 .
The Jacobi identity of the Lie algebra forces that the submodule 3 H ⊂ H ⊗ 2 H
(defined by the correspondence u ∧ v ∧ w → u ⊗ [v, w] + v ⊗ [w, u] + w ⊗ [u, v])
Chapter 7. Introduction to mapping class groups of surfaces and related groups 373
must vanish under the above map. There are no other constraints so that L3 =
H ⊗ 2 H /3 H . Going further, the complexity of enumerating all the relations
imposed by the structure of the Lie algebra increases. However we can avoid this
difficulty by embedding L into the tensor algebra
T ∗ (H ) = H ⊗k .
The degree 1 parts of L and T ∗ (H ) are the same, namely both are H . The second
term can be embedded as
L2 = 2 H [u, v] = u ∧ v −→ u ⊗ v − v ⊗ u ∈ H ⊗2 .
As for the third term, consider the linear mapping
H ⊗ 2 H u ⊗ [v, w]
−→ u ⊗ v ⊗ w − u ⊗ w ⊗ v − v ⊗ w ⊗ u + w ⊗ v ⊗ u ∈ H ⊗3 .
It is easy to check that the kernel of this map is precisely 3 H so that we obtain an
L3 = H ⊗ 2 H /3 H u ⊗ [v, w]
−→ u ⊗ v ⊗ w − u ⊗ w ⊗ v − v ⊗ w ⊗ u + w ⊗ v ⊗ u ∈ H ⊗3 .
Then we can inductively define Lk as the image of the linear mapping
H ⊗k ⊃ H ⊗ Lk−1 u ⊗ ξ −→ u ⊗ ξ − ξ ⊗ u ∈ H ⊗k .
Thus L = ⊕k Lk is realized as a submodule of T ∗ (H ). The elements in L are called
Lie elements of T ∗ (H ). Now it is a classical result that L is isomorphic to the graded
module associated to the lower central series of the free group Fn . Namely there exists
a canonical isomorphism
(Fn )k−1 /(Fn )k ∼ = Lk
where (Fn )k denotes the k-th term in the lower central series of Fn (the first one
Fn /(Fn )1 ∼
= H gives the abelianization). Thus we have a series of central extensions
0 −→ Lk −→ Nk (Fn ) −→ Nk−1 (Fn ) −→ 1 (k = 2, 3, . . . )
where Nk (Fn ) denotes the k-th nilpotent quotient of Fn . See [55] for details.
Now we define the Johnson homomorphisms. First we begin with the case of
automorphism groups of free groups. This case was considered first by Andreadakis
[1] before the works of Johnson.
We can define a series Aut Fn (k) (k = 1, 2, . . . ) of subgroups of Aut Fn as follows.
Any member (Fn )k in the lower central series of Fn is a characteristic subgroup in the
sense that it is preserved by any automorphism ϕ ∈ Aut Fn . Hence we obtain a series
374 Shigeyuki Morita
of representations
pk : Aut Fn −→ Aut Nk (Fn ) (k = 1, 2, . . . ).
The first one p1 is nothing but the natural homomorphism
Aut Fn −→ Aut N1 (Fn ) = GL(n, Z).
Now we set
Aut Fn (k) = Ker pk = {ϕ ∈ Aut Fn ; ϕ acts on Nk (Fn ) trivially}.
The first one Aut Fn (1) is nothing but the subgroup IAut n .
Now let ϕ ∈ Aut Fn (k) be any element. Then for each element γ ∈ Fn ,
ϕ(γ )γ −1 ∈ (Fn )k
because, by the assumption, ϕ acts on Nk (Fn ) = Fn /(Fn )k trivially. Consider the
image of ϕ(γ )γ −1 in Lk+1 = (Fn )k /(Fn )k+1 which we denote by [ϕ(γ )γ −1 ]. This
procedure defines a mapping
Fn γ −→ [ϕ(γ )γ −1 ] ∈ Lk+1 .
It can be shown that the above mapping factors through the abelianization of Fn so
that we obtain a mapping
H = (Fn )ab −→ Lk+1 .
Hence we can define a mapping
τk : Aut Fn (k) −→ Hom(H, Lk+1 ) (7.5)
by setting
τk (ϕ)([γ ]) = [ϕ(γ )γ −1 ] (γ ∈ Fn ).
Finally it can be checked that the above mapping (7.5) is in fact a homomorphism and
this is called the k-th Johnson homomorphism for the automorphism groups of free
By the definition of the homomorphism τk , it is easy to see that
Ker τk = Aut Fn (k + 1).
Therefore we have an injection
Aut Fn (k)/Aut Fn (k + 1) ⊂ Hom(H, Lk+1 ).
If we make the direct sum over k, we obtain an injection
Aut Fn (k)/Aut Fn (k + 1) ⊂ Hom(H, Lk+1 ).
k=1 k=1
It is known that both of the above graded modules have the structure of graded Lie
algebras over Z and it is a very important problem to identify the left hand side as an
explicit Lie subalgebra of the right hand side.
Chapter 7. Introduction to mapping class groups of surfaces and related groups 375
associated to the filtration {Aut Fn (k)}k of the group Aut Fn as a Lie subalgebra of the
graded Lie algebra
Hom(H, Lk+1 ).
Next we consider the case of the mapping class group. Here, for simplicity, we
consider only the case of a compact surface g0 = g \ IntD 2 with one boundary
component. Then Γ = π1 g0 is a free group of rank 2g. As before, we denote
H1 (g0 ; Z) simply by H which is a free abelian group of rank 2g. By Theorem (3.2),
the mapping class group Mg,1 of g0 is a subgroup of Aut F2g . Hence we can define
a filtration {Mg,1 (k)}k of Mg,1 by simply restricting that of Aut F2g to the subgroup
Mg,1 . The first term Mg,1 (1) in this filtration is nothing but the Torelli group g,1 . It
turns out that, in the case of the mapping class group, there are important additional
structures which do not exist in the case of Aut F2g . First notice that the Poincaré
duality theorem for the (co)homology of the surface implies that there is a natural
H ∗ = Hom(H, Z) = H 1 ( 0 ; Z) = ∼ H.
It follows that we can replace the target Hom(H, Lk+1 ) of the k-th Johnson homo-
morphism (7.5) by H ⊗ Lk+1 . Johnson [36] proved that the image of the first Johnson
τ1 : g,1 −→ H ⊗ 2 H
is precisely the submodule
3 H ⊂ H ⊗ 2 H.
Generalizing this fact, it was proved in [66] that the target of τk can be narrowed, for
any k, as follows. We define a submodule Hk of H ⊗ Lk+1 by setting
[ ,]
Hk = Ker H ⊗ Lk+1 −−−→ Lk+2
where [ , ] denotes the bracket operation in the graded Lie algebra L. It can be checked
that the graded submodule
Hk ⊂ H ⊗ Lk+1
k=1 k=1
A similar problem for the usual mapping class group Mg can be formulated by
making use of the result of Labute [49].
this case so that we can expect very rich structures here. In the following, we would
like to describe one feature of these structures, namely the one which is induced by a
basic concept in symplectic topology called the flux homomorphism.
If we apply Moser’s theorem in [72], mentioned in §2, to Symp g , we can conclude
that the inclusion
Symp g ⊂ Diff + g
is a homotopy equivalence. It follows that the symplectic mapping class group
SD(g , ω) of the symplectic manifold (g , ω) can be canonically identified with
the usual mapping class group Mg and we obtain the following exact sequence
1 −→ Symp0 g −→ Symp g −→ Mg −→ 1.
In particular, the natural homomorphism Symp g → Mg is surjective. Let us see
this fact somewhat more explicitly. One form of Moser’s theorem cited above can be
stated as follows. Let M be a closed oriented C ∞ manifold and let υ, υ
be any two
volume forms on M. Then there exists a diffeomorphism ϕ of M, which can be chosen
to be isotopic to the identity, such that υ
= cϕ ∗ υ where c is a constant defined by
υ =c υ.
Now let ϕ ∈ Mg be any element and let ϕ̃ ∈ Diff + g be its lift. Consider the
form ϕ̃ ∗ ω which is another area form on g . Hence by the above theorem of Moser,
there exists an element ψ ∈ Diff + g , which is isotopic to the identity, such that
ϕ̃ ∗ ω = ψ ∗ ω. If we set ϕ̃
= ϕ̃ψ −1 , then (ϕ̃
)∗ ω = ω so that ϕ̃
belongs to Symp g .
On the other hand, since ψ is isotopic to the identity, the projection of ϕ̃
to Mg is
the same as that of ϕ̃ which is the given element ϕ. We can now conclude that the
mapping Symp g → Mg is surjective as required. It might be amusing to observe
here that the Dehn twist along a simple closed curve C on g , defined in §5, preserves
any area form on g whose restriction to a cylindrical neighborhood of C is equal to
the 2-form dθ ∧ dt.
Now we describe the flux homomorphism briefly (see [61] for details). It is defined
for a general symplectic manifold (M, ω). Let Symp0 (M, ω) denote the identity com-
ponent of Symp (M, ω) as before. Then the flux homomorphism is a homomorphism
Flux :
Symp0 (M, ω) −→ H 1 (M; R) (9.1)
from the universal covering group of Symp0 (M, ω) to the first real cohomology group
of M defined as follows. For each element ϕ ∈ Symp0 (M, ω), let ϕt ∈ Symp0 (M, ω)
be an isotopy such that ϕ0 = id and ϕ1 = ϕ. Then
Flux({ϕt }) = iϕ˙t ω dt
where ϕ̇t denotes the vector field associated to ϕt , which is considered as a one-
parameter family of transformations of M, and i denotes the interior product. It can
be checked that the above value depends only on the homotopy class of the curve {ϕt }
380 Shigeyuki Morita
in Symp0 (M, ω) with fixed endpoints. Hence we have the induced map described in
(9.1). Furthermore it can be checked that Flux is a homomorphism and also that it is
surjective. We have an exact sequence
1 −→ π1 Symp0 (M, ω) −→
Symp0 (M, ω) −→ Symp0 (M, ω) −→ 1
and the subgroup
ω = Flux(π1 Symp0 (M, ω)) ⊂ H 1 (M; R)
is called the flux group. Then (9.1) induces the following homomorphism which is
also called the flux homomorphism
Flux : Symp0 (M, ω) −→ H 1 (M; R)/ ω . (9.2)
Very recently, Ono [79] proved a long standing conjecture that the flux group is a
discrete subgroup of H 1 (M; R) for any compact symplectic manifold M.
Now in our case of surfaces, by Moser’s theorem Symp0 g is homotopy equiv-
alent to Diff + g which in turn is known by Earle and Eells [18] to be homotopy
equivalent to T 2 for the case g = 1 and contractible for any g ≥ 2. Hence we obtain
Flux : Symp0 T 2 −→ H 1 (T 2 ; R)/H 1 (T 2 ; c Z),
Flux : Symp0 g −→ H 1 (g ; R) (g ≥ 2)
where c denotes the total area of T 2 with respect to ω.
where HQ = H ⊗ Q. Similar results hold for the other types of the mapping class
groups Mg and Mg,∗ . The second one is due to Kawazumi [41] who proved, among
other things, that the first Johnson homomorphism τ1 : IAut n −→ H ∗ ⊗ 2 H can be
extended to a homomorphism
ρ1 : Aut Fn −→ VQ GL(n, Z)
where V = H ∗ ⊗ 2 H and VQ = V ⊗ Q. A similar result holds for Out Fn .
The third one is given in [46] where it was proved that the flux homomorphism
Flux : Symp0 g → H 1 (g ; R) can be extended to a homomorphism
: Symp g −→ H 1 (g ; R) Sp(2g, Z).
Thus we have the following three commutative diagrams.
1 −−−−→ g,1 −−−−→ Mg,1 −−−−→ Sp(2g, Z) −−−−→ 1
⏐ ⏐
⏐τ ⏐ρ
1 1
⏐τ ⏐ρ
1 1
⏐ ⏐
Flux Flux
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Chapter 8
Lee Mosher
1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 387
2 The action of MC on compactified Teichmüller space . . . . . . . . . . 389
3 The classification of mapping classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 392
4 The Tits alternative and abelian subgroups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 397
5 Limit sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 398
6 Convex cocompact subgroups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400
7 Teichmüller discs and their stabilizers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 404
8 Surface subgroups and the Leininger–Reid combination theorem . . . . . . 407
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 408
1 Introduction
Let S be a finite type surface, obtained from a closed oriented surface of genus g ≥ 0
by removing p ≥ 0 punctures. The (orientation preserving) mapping class group
of S is denoted MC = MC(S) = Homeo+ (S)/ Homeo0 (S) where Homeo+ (S)
is the group of orientation preserving homeomorphisms and Homeo0 (S) is the nor-
mal subgroup of homeomorphisms isotopic to the identity. The Teichmüller space
of S, denoted T = T (S), is the space of conformal structures on S modulo isotopy,
or equivalently the space of complete, finite area hyperbolic structures on S mod-
ulo isotopy; the phrase “modulo isotopy” means “modulo the action of Homeo0 (S)”.
Thurston’s boundary of Teichmüller space, denoted PMF = PMF (S), is the space
of projective Whitehead classes of measured foliations on S. There is a natural topol-
ogy on the set T = T ∪ PMF which makes it homeomorphic to a ball of dimension
6g − g + 2p with interior T and boundary PMF . The group MC acts naturally
on T and on PMF , extending to an action by homeomorphisms on T .
The theme of this survey is that subgroups of MC can be studied via the ge-
ometric/dynamical properties of their action on T = T ∪ PMF , just as discrete
subgroups of the isometries of hyperbolic space Hn can be studied via their action on
388 Lee Mosher
H = Hn ∪ S∞ n−1 . Recent problem lists with this theme in mind include [38] and [40].
We will survey several topics exemplifying this theme, in the following sections:
§3 The Thurston–Bers classification of mapping classes of MC.
§4 The Tits alternative.
§5 Limit sets and domains of discontinuity.
§6 Convex cocompact subgroups.
§7 Stabilizers of Teichmüller discs.
§8 Combination theorems and surface subgroups.
Here is a brief description of each of these topics, to be filled out in the rest of this
Thurston [43] and Bers [1] classified individual elements of MC, or equivalently
cyclic subgroups of MC, via the geometry and dynamics of their actions on T . Finite
order mapping classes have fixed points in T . Infinite order irreducible mapping
classes have positive translation distance in T , which is minimized along a unique
Teichmüller geodesic, and they act on T with source-sink dynamics. Finite order
mapping classes have fixed points in T , at which the translation distance of zero is
minimized. And infinite order reducible mapping classes have translation distance
in T whose infimum is not realized.
The Tits alternative, originally formulated and proved for lattices in semisimple
Lie groups, was also formulated and proved for subgroups of MC independently
by McCarthy [33] and Ivanov [25]. The Tits alternative says that each subgroup of
MC has either an abelian subgroup of finite index, or a free subgroup of rank ≥ 2.
Limit sets and domains of discontinuity of subgroups of MC were studied by
McCarthy–Papadopoulos [34], in analogy to limit sets and domains of discontinuity
for discrete subgroups of Isom(Hn ).
Convex cocompact subgroups of MC, including Schottky subgroups of MC,
were originally studied by Farb and Mosher [9] and further developed by Kent–
Leininger [27] and Hamenstädt [17], in analogy to convex cocompact subgroups and
Schottky subgroups of Isom(Hn ).
Teichmüller discs in T are isometrically embedded copies of the hyperbolic plane,
and their stabilizers are analogues in MC of Fuchsian subgroups of Isom(Hn ), which
are stabilizers of isometrically embedded copies of H2 in Hn .
The Leininger–Reid combination theorem [29] gives a method for building closed
surface subgroups of MC, by combining certain Teichmüller disc stabilizer sub-
groups, in analogy to the Maskit combination theorem and related results for building
discrete subgroups of Isom(Hn ) by combining simpler discrete subgroups.
Because of our focus on the geometric/dynamic properties of subgroups of MC,
we have nothing to say about the very rich and interesting algebraic tools that are used
to study subgroups, particularly the Torelli subgroup and the lower central series of
This work was partially supported by NSF Grant No. 0405979.
Chapter 8. Geometric survey of subgroups of mapping class groups 389
We start by establishing what will be the basic notions and notations for this survey.
References for this material include [24] and [10].
Virtual torsion free. Serre [42] originally proved that the group MC has a finite
index subgroup which is torsion free. For another proof see [25] Corollary 1.5.
Theorem 2.1. The kernel of the homomorphism MC(S) → GL(H1 (S; Z/3)) is
torsion free. This kernel has index bounded above by |GL(H1 (S; Z/3)))| which is
finite because H1 (S; Z/3) has finite rank ≤ 2g + p over Z/3.
Note that the bound in the index of the kernel is exponential in g and p.
Thurston proved that every mapping class φ ∈ MC(S) falls into one of three
types: finite order, reducible, or pseudo-Anosov; in other words, every infinite order,
irreducible mapping class is pseudo-Anosov. The first two types are not mutually
exclusive, but a mapping class is pseudo-Anosov if and only if it is infinite order and
There are several necessary and/or sufficient conditions for the three types of map-
ping classes, expressed in terms of the geometry and dynamics of the action on com-
pactified Teichmüller space.
Pseudo-Anosov mapping classes. Bers proved [1] that a mapping class φ ∈ MC(S)
is pseudo-Anosov if and only if the infimum of d([σ ], φ[σ ]) is positive and is achieved
by some [σ ] ∈ T . In this case, by combining with the fact that the stable and unstable
foliations F s , F u are uniquely ergodic, it follows that the set of points [σ ] where
the infimum is achieved is a bi-infinite geodesic in T along which φ translates, with
translation distance equal to log(λ). This geodesic is called the axis for φ in T . This
axis has two ideal endpoints in PMF , namely P [F s ] and P [F u ]. The action of φ
on T is a source sink action, with source P [F s ] and sink P [F s ], meaning that for
every point x ∈ T − {P [F s ], P [F u ]},
Fix(φ) = {P [F s ], P [F u ]}.
The ping pong argument and free subgroups. Here is the central construction of
the Tits alternative:
Lemma 3.3. For any two independent pseudo-Anosov mapping classes φ, ψ, for suf-
ficiently large integers m, n > 0 the elements φ m , ψ n freely generate a free subgroup
of MC(S).
The proof of this lemma is a standard ping pong argument, using that φ, ψ each
act with source-sink dynamics on T , and that their fixed points sets are disjoint. A
general ping pong lemma stated in a topological context is as follows:
Lemma 3.4 (Topological ping pong). Let G act on a topological space X and let
φ1 , . . . , φk ∈ G. Suppose that there exists a pairwise disjoint collection of open sets
Ui− , Ui+ , i = 1, . . . , k such that for each i ∈ {1, . . . , k} and each ε ∈ {−, +} we have
φiε (X − Ui−ε ) ⊂ Uiε .
Then G is freely generated by φ1 , . . . , φk .
396 Lee Mosher
The way that Lemma 3.3 is proved is to note that when φ, ψ are independent
pseudo-Anosov mapping classes, and if Uφs , Uφu , Uψs , Uψu are pairwise disjoint neigh-
borhoods of the fixed points P [Fφs ], P [Fφu ], P [Fψs ], P [Fψu ], then by applying the
source–sink dynamics of φ and of ψ, the hypotheses of the Ping Pong Lemma are
satisfied for φ m , ψ n as long as m, n are sufficiently large.
One of the main themes of the rest of this survey is that by taking still more care
with the proof of Lemma 3.3, one can show that the free subgroup φ m , ψ n satisfies
stronger geometric properties reminiscent of convex cocompact discrete subgroups of
hyperbolic isometries.
Theorem 3.5. Given a pseudo-Anosov φ ∈ MC(S) with stable and unstable folia-
tions [F s ], [F u ] and Teichmüller axis A, we have
VCφ = Stab(P [F s ]) = Stab(P [F u ]) = Stab+ (A),
VNφ = Stab{P [F s ], P [F u ]} = Stab(A).
The group Stab+ (A) has index at most 2 in Stab(A), it has an infinite cyclic subgroup
of finite index, and the index in Stab+ (A) of the maximal such subgroup is bounded
by the maximum order of a finite subgroup of MC(S).
Proof. The group Stab(A) acts properly discontinuously on the Teichmüller geodesic
A and so is virtually cyclic. The inclusions Stab+ (A) ⊂ VCφ and Stab(A) ⊂ VNφ
follow immediately. The inclusions Stab(P [F s ]), Stab(P [F u ]) ⊂ Stab+ (A) and the
equation Stab{P [F s ], P [F u ]} = Stab(A) are obvious.
Suppose that ψ ∈ MC(S) − Stab{P [F s ], P [F u ]}. Then φ = ψφψ −1 is
pseudo-Anosov, and it is independent of φ by Lemma 3.2. Some powers of φ and φ
therefore generate a free group of rank 2, and hence ψ
∈ VNφ .
Suppose next that ψ ∈ MC(S) − Stab(P [F u ]), and again consider the pseudo-
Anosov mapping class φ = ψφψ −1 . If ψ(P [F u ])
= P [F s ] then φ is independent
of φ and ψ
∈ VNφ , so ψ
∈ VCφ . If ψ(P [F u ]) = P [F s ] but ψ(P [F s ])
P [F u ] then Fix(φ), Fix(φ ) are not disjoint and not equal, violating Lemma 3.2.
Chapter 8. Geometric survey of subgroups of mapping class groups 397
Theorem 4.1 (The Tits alternative). For each finite type surface S there exist constants
I , R such that for any subgroup G of MC(S), either G contains a free subgroup of
rank 2, or G contains an abelian subgroup of index ≤ I and rank ≤ R.
5 Limit sets
Given a Gromov hyperbolic, geodesic metric space X and a finitely generated, discrete
subgroup G < Isom(X), its limit set G ⊂ ∂X is, by definition, the accumulation set
in ∂X of any orbit of G in X. As long as G is nonelementary (that is, not virtually
abelian), the limit set may be characterized as the closure of the set of fixed points
of loxodromic elements of G, or as the unique minimal closed nonempty G-invariant
subset of ∂X. Assuming in addition that X is proper, it follows that G is compact, and
the domain of discontinuity G = ∂X − G is characterized as the unique maximal
open G-invariant set on which the action of G is properly discontinuous.
In [31], Masur investigated notions of the limit set and domain of discontinuity for
the handlebody subgroup of MC(S) when S is the boundary of a compact genus
g handlebody H ; this subgroup consists of the mapping classes of homeomorphisms
of S that extend to H .
In [34], McCarthy and Papadopoulos generalized Masur’s results to arbitrary sub-
groups of MC(S). The results are not quite as pretty as they are for discrete groups
of hyperbolic isometries. But as we shall see, the results of Kent and Leininger [27]
show that limit sets of convex cocompact subgroups of MC behavior very much
like their counterparts in hyperbolic geometry.
We start with some elementary cases. When G is a finite subgroup of MC, the
natural choice of the limit set is G = ∅, and the action of G on G = PMF
is properly discontinuous. When G is virtually cyclic, containing a pseudo-Anosov
cyclic subgroup φ with finite index, let G = {P [Fφs ], P [Fφu ]}. In the case where
the action of G does not fix each element of G , that is when VCφ is an index 2
subgroup of VNφ , then G is the unique nonempty minimal closed G-invariant
subset of PMF . In the other case, when VCφ = VNφ , then the two points of G
Chapter 8. Geometric survey of subgroups of mapping class groups 399
are the only nonempty minimal closed G-invariant subsets of PMF . In either case,
the action of G on G = PMF − G is properly discontinuous.
Consider now the case where G is an infinite, irreducible subgroup of MC and G
has no finite index cyclic subgroup. Define 0 ⊂ PMF to be the set of fixed points of
pseudo-Anosov elements of G. Define G ⊂ PMF to be the closure of 0 . Define
ZG to be the “zero set” of G , the set of all P [F ] ∈ PMF such that for some
P [F ] ∈ G we have [F ], [F ] = 0; this is well-defined independent of the choice
of [F ], [F ] in their projective Whitehead classes. Define G = PMF − ZG .
Theorem 5.1 ([34]). For G an infinite, irreducible subgroup of MC, the set G is
the unique minimal nonempty closed G-invariant subset of PMF . If G
then G
= ∅, and the action of G on G is properly discontinuous.
Theorem 5.2 ([34]). For each infinite, reducible subgroup of MC, the set G is a
nonempty closed G-invariant subset of PMF . If G
= PMF then G
= ∅, and
the action of G on G is properly discontinuous.
The set G shall be called the limit set and G the domain of discontinuity of G.
400 Lee Mosher
Theorem 6.1 ([9]). For any finitely generated subgroup G < MC, the following
are equivalent.
• Every (some) orbit of G on MC is quasiconvex in T .
• G is word hyperbolic, and there exists a G-equivariant embedding ∂G → PMF
with image denoted , such that the weak hull of is defined, the action of G
on Hull() is cocompact, and the extension of the map ∂G → PMF by any
G-equivariant map G → Hull() is a continuous map G ∪ ∂G → Hull() ∪ .
Theorem 6.2 ([27]). For any finitely generated subgroup G < MC, the following
are equivalent:
• G is convex cocompact.
• The weak hull HullG of the McCarthy–Papadapoulos limit set G is defined, and
the action of G on HullG is cocompact.
• The action of G on T ∪ G is cocompact.
Furthermore, if G is convex cocompact, then the image of the embedding ∂G →
PMF is the McCarthy–Papadapoulos limit set G , and ZG = G , and so G =
PMF − G .
Choose unique representatives [c1 ], . . . , [cm ] for the orbits of the action of MC
on C, and let Hi = Stab[ci ] < MC. It is easy to see [32] that CC is equivariantly
quasi-isometric to the coned off Cayley graph of MC relative to H1 , . . . , Hm . Much
deeper is the question of what, exactly, is the large scale geometric behavior of these
two spaces:
Theorem 6.3 ([32]). The curve complex CC is a Gromov hyperbolic metric space,
and MC is weakly hyperbolic relative to stabilizer subgroups of representatives of
orbits in C.
The boundary of the curve complex was identified in the following theorem of
Klarreich [28]; see also [16]. Two points in PMF are topologically equivalent if they
are represented by singular foliations which, after forgetting measure, are identical.
Theorem 6.4. There is an MC equivariant quotient map from the subspace of
PMF consisting of classes of arational measured foliations to the Gromov boundary
of CC, such that the decomposition elements of this quotient map are the topological
equivalence classes of arational measured foliations.
Using the fact that CC is convex cocompact, it makes sense to compare convex
cocompactness of a subgroup of MC with respect to its actions on T and on CC.
This is accomplished in the following theorem proved independently, and with different
techniques, by Kent–Leininger and Hamenstädt:
Theorem 6.5 ([27], [17]). A finitely generated subgroup G < MC is convex co-
compact if and only if its action on CC is convex cocompact.
Theorem 6.6 ([9]). For any independent set of pseudo-Anosov mapping classes
φ1 , . . . , φK ∈ MC(S), there exists an integer B ≥ 1 such that for all integers
β β
β1 , . . . , βK ≥ B, the mapping classes φ1 1 , . . . , φKK freely generates a Schottky sub-
group of MC(S).
Kent and Leininger [27] and independently Hamenstädt [17] discovered a more
direct and natural setting for this theorem, using a ping pong argument in the curve
complex. Here is their proof.
The action of φk on PMF has source sink dynamics, with source and sink each
being arational, and for k = 1, . . . , K the 2K fixed points are pairwise topologically
inequivalent, because they are pairwise distinct and each is uniquely ergodic. By
Theorem 6.4, it follows that the action of each φk on ∂CC has source sink dynamics.
Chapter 8. Geometric survey of subgroups of mapping class groups 403
and so φk is a hyperbolic isometry on the Gromov hyperbolic metric space CC, and
β β
that their fixed point sets in ∂CC are pairwise disjoint. To conclude that φ1 1 , . . . , φKK
freely generate a convex cocompact subgroup of MC, we apply the following folk
It seems hard to track down an early proof of hyperbolic ping pong, although it
was certainly known to the very earliest practitioners of Gromov hyperbolicity. Here
is a sketch of a proof, pretty much the same as the proof given in [27].
One may choose λ, ε quasigeodesic lines γ1 , . . . , γK in X that are axes for
φ1 , . . . , φK , respectively (if X were proper then one could choose λ = 1, ε = 0,
in other words, geodesics). Fix a base point p ∈ X, and let D be an upper bound
for the distance from p to γ1 , . . . , γK . Also, let L be a lower bound for the length
of a fundamental domain of each φ1 , . . . , φK along its axis γ1 , . . . , γK . Fix B and
β β
β1 , . . . , βK ≥ B, let G be the group generated by φ1 1 , . . . , φKK .
We know by topological ping pong that if B is sufficiently large then G is freely
β β
generated by φ1 1 , . . . , φKK . It suffices to show that for each word w = w1 . . . wm in
the generators, a geodesic from p to w(p) stays uniformly close to the orbit G · p. We
describe a path γw from p to w(p) as follows. Denote wi = φki i . Starting from p,
jump a distance at most D onto the axis γk1 , travel along γ1 for β1 fundamental
domains, thereby travelling a distance of at least BL, then jump a distance at most D
to the point w1 (p). Next, jump a distance at most D onto the axis w1 (γk2 ), travel
along this axis for β2 fundamental domains, thereby travelling a distance of at least
BL, then jump a distance at most D to the point w1 w2 (p). Continuing in this manner
we get a path γw from p to w(p), which stays in a D + BL neighborhood of G · p.
The path γw is a (BL + 2D) local λ, (ε + 2D) quasigeodesic. If B is sufficiently
large, it follows that γw is a λ, ε quasigeodesic for ε depending only on the previous
constants and the hyperbolicity constant of X [5]. Now we use the fact that γw has
Hausdorff distance at most E from any geodesic with the same endpoints p, w(p),
where E depends only on λ, ε , and the hyperbolicity constant for X. It follows that
stays within distance E + D + BL of G · p.
Hyperbolic extensions of surface groups When the surface S is closed and oriented,
there is a canonical short exact sequence
1 → π1 (S, p) → MC(S − p) → MC(S) → 1.
See [3].
Given a subgroup H ⊂ MC(S), let H be its preimage in MC(S − p), and
so we have an extension
1 → π1 (S, p) → H → H → 1.
Thurston’s geometrization theorem (see [39]) shows that if H is an infinite cyclic,
pseudo-Anosov subgroup of MC(S) then H is a word hyperbolic group.
The following theorem was the prequel to the theory of convex cocompact groups.
It is proved by an application of the Bestvina–Feighn combination theorem.
With this result as motivation, in [9] Farb and I set out to develop a geometric
understanding of when H is word hyperbolic, attempting to prove that for this to
be true it was necessary and sufficient that H be convex cocompact. We proved
necessity, and when H is free we proved sufficiency by using the Bestvina–Feighn
combination theorem [2]. A completely general proof of sufficiency was recently
given by Hamenstädt [17], so that now one can state:
Theorem 6.10 ([9], [17]). For any subgroup H ⊂ MC, the group H is word
hyperbolic if and only if H is convex cocompact.
Using this description, we can get a fairly precise understanding of the case when
Stab(D) is a reducible subgroup of MC. Assuming this is so, let φ ∈ Stab(D) be
of infinite order, with shear foliation F . For any other infinite order φ ∈ Stab(D),
the shear foliation of φ must have the same slope as F and so represent the same
point in S 1 (D). Otherwise, if the shear foliation F of φ is distinct from F in S 1 (D),
then high powers of φ and φ would generate a loxodromic element of Stab(D), by
the proof of the Tits alternative for H2 (this is not hyperbolic ping pong, because φ
and φ do not have source–sink dynamics, but a variation of hyperbolic pong-pong
works). Thus, every infinite order element of Stab(D) stabilizes the same point in
S 1 (D), in fact every such element acts as a shear transformation on θ with respect
to the same linear measured foliation Fω . But this implies that Stab(D) is virtually
cyclic, generated by a multiple Dehn twist about components of the curves c1 , . . . , cn
whose enlargement is Fω . In this case we can identify the McCarthy–Papadopoulos
limit set of Stab(D): it is the simplex in PMF spanned by the projective classes of
c1 , . . . , cn .
Henceforth we shall only be interested in the case when Stab(D) is infinite and
irreducible. In this case, since S 1 (D) is invariant under Stab(D) by construction, and
since S 1 (D) is obviously closed in PMF , by applying Theorem 5.1 we obtain:
Thurston [43] gave the first examples of Teichmüller discs D such that Stab(D)
is a lattice, meaning that it acts on D with cofinite area. Start with the linear action
of SL(2, Z) on T 2 = R2 /R2 , then choose a finite subset A ⊂ T 2 invariant under
this action, and let S → T 2 be a branched cover of T 2 branched over A. Lifting
the conformal structure from T 2 to S defines σ ∈ T (S), and lifting the quadratic
differential (dx + i dy)2 from T 2 to S defines θ ∈ QDσ . There exists a finite index
subgroup G < SL(2, Z) that lifts to S, and G stabilizes D(σ, θ ) and acts with cofinite
area. Combining with Theorem 7.1 it follows that the McCarthy–Papadopoulos limit
set of G is the circle S 1 (D).
Veech [44] gave the first examples where Stab(D) is a lattice that does not arise
from Thurston’s construction of branching over the torus. Veech also developed some
of the general theory of Stab(D), for instance establishing that Stab(D) never acts
cocompactly on D. When Stab(D) is a lattice, it follows that there are finitely many
maximal parabolic subgroups of Stab(D) up to conjugacy, and the Veech surface
D/ Stab(D) is a finite area holomorphic curve in the moduli space of S.
McMullen [35] proved that if S is the closed surface of genus 2, if D ⊂ T (S) is
a Teichmüller disc, and if Stab(D) contains a hyperbolic element, then the limit set
of Stab(D) is all of S 1 (D). In the same paper McMullen also gave examples where
Stab(D) is infinitely generated, a phenomenon independently discovered by Hubert
and Schmidt [23].
Chapter 8. Geometric survey of subgroups of mapping class groups 407
For a further survey of stabilizers of Teichmüller discs, and references to the lit-
erature, see the section “Veech surfaces” in the problem list [22], and the chapters by
Harvey [19] and by Herrlich and Schmithüsen [20] in this Handbook.
Theorem 8.1 ([29]). With the objects as denoted above, for each sufficiently large k
the group generated by G and φ k Gφ −k is a free product with amalgamation along
τ , and is therefore isomorphic to π1 (F ) for an oriented surface F of genus ≥ 2.
Moreover, every element of π1 (F ) < MC(S) is pseudo-Anosov except for elements
conjugate to powers of τ .
[1] L. Bers, An extremal problem for quasiconformal mappings and a theorem by Thurston.
Acta Math. 141 (1978), 73–98. 388, 392, 394
[2] M. Bestvina and M. Feighn, A combination theorem for negatively curved groups. J. Dif-
ferential Geom. 35 (1) (1992), 85–101. 404
[3] J. Birman, Braids, links, and mapping class groups. Ann, of Math. Stud, 82, Princeton
University Press, Princeton, N.J., 1974. 404
[4] J. Birman, A. Lubotzky, and J. McCarthy, Abelian and solvable subgroups of the mapping
class groups. Duke Math. J. 50 (4) (1983), 1107–1120. 394
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dynamics, and hyperbolic spaces (C. Series, T. Bedford, M. Keane, eds.), Oxford Sci.
Publ., Oxford University Press, New York 1991, 315–369. 391, 403
[6] A. Casson and S. Bleiler, Automorphisms of surfaces after Nielsen and Thurston. London
Math. Soc. Student Texts 9, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1988. 392
[7] A. Casson and D. Jungreis, Convergence groups and Seifert fibered 3-manifolds. Invent.
Math. 118 (1994), 441–456. 393
[8] M. Coornaert, T. Delzant, and A. Papadopoulos, Géométrie et théorie des groupes. Lecture
Notes in Math. 1441, Springer-Verlag, Berlin 1990. 391
[9] B. Farb and L. Mosher, Convex cocompact subgroups of mapping class groups. Geom.
Topol. 6 (2002), 91–152. 388, 400, 402, 404
[10] A. Fathi, F. Laudenbach, and V. Poénaru (eds.), Travaux de Thurston sur les surfaces.
Astérisque 66–67 (1979). 389, 392, 393, 394, 395
[11] D. Gabai, Convergence groups are Fuchsian groups. Ann. of Math. 136 (1992), 447–510.
[12] F. P. Gardiner, Approximation of infinite-dimensional Teichmüller spaces. Trans. Amer.
Math. Soc. 282 (1) (1984), 367–383. 405
[13] E. Ghys and P. de la Harpe (eds.), Sur les groupes hyperboliques d’après Mikhael Gromov.
Progr. Math. 83, Birkhäuser, Boston, MA, 1990. 391
[14] G. González-Díez and W. J. Harvey, Surface groups inside mapping class groups. Topology
38 (1) (1999), 57–69. 407
[15] M. Gromov, Hyperbolic groups. In Essays in group theory (S. Gersten, ed.), Math. Sci.
Res. Inst. Publ. 8, Springer-Verlag, New York 1987, 75–263. 391
[16] U. Hamenstädt, Train tracks and the Gromov boundary of the complex of curves. In Spaces
of Kleinian groups, London Math. Soc. Lecture Note Ser. 329, 2005, 187–207. 402
[17] U. Hamenstädt, Word hyperbolic extensions of surface groups. Preprint, 2005;
arXiv:math.GT/0505244. 388, 400, 402, 404
[18] M. Handel and W. Thurston, New proofs of some results of Nielsen. Adv. in Math. 56 (2)
(1985), 173–191. 394
[19] W. Harvey, Teichmüller disks, triangle groups and Grothendieck dessins. In Handbook
of Teichmüller theory (A. Papadopoulos, ed.), Volume I, EMS Publishing House, Zurich
2007, 249–292. 407
[20] F. Herrlich and G. Schmithüsen, On the boundary of Teichmüller disks in Teichmüller
space and in Schottky space. In Handbook of Teichmüller theory (A. Papadopoulos, ed.),
Volume I, EMS Publishing House, Zurich 2007, 293–349. 407
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[21] J. Hubbard and H. Masur, Quadratic differentials and foliations. Acta Math. 142 (1979),
221–274. 391
[22] P. Hubert, H. Masur, T. Schmidt, and A. Zorich, Problems on billiards, flat
surfaces, and translation surfaces. Preprint, 2005; http://www.math.uic.edu/~masur/
papers.html. 407
[23] P. Hubert and T. Schmidt, Infinitely generated Veech groups. Duke Math. J. 123 (1) (2004),
49–69. 406
[24] Y. Imayoshi and M. Taniguchi, An introduction to Teichmüller spaces. Springer-Verlag,
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[25] N. V. Ivanov, Subgroups of Teichmüller modular groups. Transl. Math. Monogr. 115,
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[26] M. Kapovich, On normal subgroups in the fundamental groups of complex surfaces.
Preprint, 1998; arXiv:math.GT/9808085. 407
[27] R. P. Kent, IV and C. J. Leininger, Shadows of mapping class groups: capturing convex
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class group. Geom. Funct. Anal. 16 (2) (2006), 403–436. 388, 407
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[31] H. Masur, Measured foliations and handlebodies. Ergodic Theory Dynam. Systems 6 (1)
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410 Lee Mosher
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Chapter 9
Albert Marden
1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411
2 Kleinian groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412
2.1 The 3-dimensional point of view . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 413
2.2 The classical examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 418
2.3 The convex core . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 419
2.4 The Hyperbolization Theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 420
2.5 Uniqueness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 421
3 Boundary deformations of geometrically finite groups . . . . . . . . . . . 422
3.1 The quasiconformal deformation space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 423
4 Geometric deformations of the groups; the representation variety . . . . . . 425
4.1 Deforming the convex core . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 427
5 The deformation space boundary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 427
6 Deformation of surface groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 429
6.1 Bers slices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 430
6.2 Earthquakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 432
6.3 Pleated surfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 434
6.4 Complex scaling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 435
6.5 Complex earthquakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 438
7 Complex scaling for general laminations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 438
7.1 Sullivan’s theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 440
7.2 Earthquake disks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 441
7.3 Appendix: holomorphic motion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 442
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 443
1 Introduction
The goal of this chapter is
• to discuss how and why the deformations of hyperbolic 3-manifolds are controlled
by the deformation of the complex structures of their boundary components;
• to discuss the approach to deforming Riemann surfaces by directly deforming
their hyperbolic structures.
412 Albert Marden
In this exposition, we assume readers are familiar with the classical theory of Teich-
müller spaces of Riemann surfaces, and with the hyperbolic plane H2 and space H3 .
We will include short introductions to Kleinian groups and 3-manifolds, earthquakes,
complex scaling, pleated surfaces, and in an appendix, holomorphic motions.
We thank Lee Mosher for helpful comments.
2 Kleinian groups
We will represent H3 by one of the two common models that best fits the situation at
hand: (i) Upper halfspace (UHS) {(z, t) : z ∈ C, t > 0} with the metric ds = |dx| t , or
(ii) the ball {x ∈ R : |x| < 1} with the metric ds = 1−|x|2 . Here |dx| is the euclidean
distance element. These are referred to as the “conformal models” because they rep-
resent the angles correctly. Stereographic projection extends from S2 → C ∪ ∞ to
an isometry of the ball model onto the UHS model. Möbius transformations extend
naturally from C ∪ ∞ ≡ S2 to UHS and form there the full group of orientation pre-
serving isometries. Stereographic projection conjugates this group to the orientation
preserving isometries of the ball model.
A Kleinian group is a discrete group G of (orientation preserving) Möbius trans-
formations acting on hyperbolic 3-space H3 and its boundary at infinity which we will
denote as ∂ H3 ≡ S2 . For current expositions of the theory, see [62], [34], [47], [45].
For the Kleinian groups G employed in this chapter, we will assume that (i) G is
nonelementary in that its limit set (see below) contains at least three points, (ii) G
has no elliptic elements (no torsion) – except as explicitly mentioned otherwise, and
(iii) G is finitely generated.
It formally follows from Theorem 2.3 that (iii) implies G is finitely presented [55].
The ordinary set of G is denoted by (G) ⊂ S2 and the limit set by (G) ⊂ S2 .
The limit set (G) is the closed, perfect set which is the closure of the set of fixed
points of G. It is also the set of accumulation points of the orbit {G(x)} of any
x ∈ H3 ∪ ∂ H3 . Its complementary open set (G) on ∂ H3 , which may be empty, is
the largest open set in ∂ H3 in which G is properly discontinuous. If (G) = S2 , it
has either one, two or infinitely many components each of which is either simply or
infinitely connected.
The Ahlfors conjecture was that, if G is finitely generated, either (G) = S2 , or
it has zero Lebesgue area. This is now a theorem; the coup de grâce was provided by
confirmation of the Tameness Conjecture (see below).
Under our assumptions, M(G) = ((G) ∪ H3 )/G is a 3-manifold with boundary
∂M(G) = (G)/G, if (G) = ∅; π1 (M(G)) ∼ = G. Each component of ∂M(G) is
a Riemann surface; its complex structure is inherited from that of S2 . On the other
hand, the interior of M(G) has a complete hyperbolic structure. While ∂M(G) is “at
∞” in the metric, it is closely related to M(G) by virtue of the hyperbolic geometry
of lines and planes in H3 .
Chapter 9. Deformations of Kleinian groups 413
The group G and manifold M(G) are called geometrically finite if G has a finite
sided fundamental polyhedron in H3 ; in terms of M(G) this means that the manifold is
“essentially” compact, that is, compact except for cusps (see below). Automatically,
the interior of a geometrically finite manifold is homeomorphic to the interior of a
compact 3-manifold, possibly with boundary. If G and M(G) are not geometrically
finite, they are called geometrically infinite.
Theorem 2.2 (The Density Theorem). Geometrically finite groups are dense in all
finitely generated groups.
Theorem 2.3 (Scott Compact Core [56], [55]). Assume G is finitely generated. There
exists a compact, connected submanifold C ⊂ Int(M(G)) with the properties (i) the
inclusion π1 (C) → π1 (M(G)) is an isomorphism, and (ii) each complementary
component of Int(C) in Int(M(G)) is bounded by a single component of ∂C.
Chapter 9. Deformations of Kleinian groups 415
The submanifold C = C(G) is called a compact core. The existence of the core,
which was discovered independently by Shalen, was initially used for the purpose of
proving that G is finitely presented.
Each boundary component S of C corresponds to the end ES of M(G) determined
by the complementary component of C bounded by S. The end ES is called geomet-
rically finite it there is a boundary component R of M(G) such that ES ∼ = S × [0, 1)
is bounded by S and R: S is parallel to R. But here we are interested in the geometri-
cally infinite case. The boundary component R that “should be” parallel to S has gone
missing. What is then the topology of ES ? Has the missing boundary component R
left some trace?
When there are parabolics, one often uses instead of the compact core as above, a
different compact core that takes account of the effect of parabolics.
We will now use the notation M0 (G) for the result of removing the (open) solid
cusp tori and solid cusp cylinders from M(G), which may not be geometrically finite.
The relative compact core Crel = Crel (G) [36] is constructed with respect to M0 (G)
to have the following properties: (i) each torus component of ∂M0 (G) is a component
of ∂Crel , (ii) each cylinder component of ∂M0 (G) intersects ∂Crel in a closed annular
region, (iii) the inclusion π1 (Crel ) → π1 (M(G)) is an isomorphism, and (iv) each
complementary component in Int(M0 (G)) is bounded by a single component of ∂Crel .
The fundamental theorem of geometrically infinite manifolds is this:
Theorem 2.4 (Tameness Theorem [1], [13]). For any finitely generated group G, the
interior of M(G) is homeomorphic to the interior of a compact manifold.
In particular each end ES is topologically S × [0, 1). The Tameness Theorem is far
from obvious (think of wild spheres, etc.) and resolves the long standing conjecture
called the Marden conjecture. It has many ramifications in the theory, not least in
providing the final step needed the confirm the Ahlfors conjecture.
The Density Theorem 2.2 was first formulated as a conjecture by Bers for surface
groups but quickly gained notoriety in the trade as applicable to all finitely generated
groups. It was finally proved at the end of a long line of important preliminary results
by many authors. It is a deep result as in its full implication it needs the Tameness
Theorem and the Ending Lamination Theorem. We will not discuss the latter here
but remain content to note the following. Thurston originally discovered, in certain
cases, that each “missing” boundary component of a geometrically infinite manifold
is characterized by an ”ending lamination”, that can be realized as a lamination on the
relevant boundary component S of the core C(G). He conjectured that this situation
was true in general. His vision has now been confirmed in full generality, using Min-
sky’s bilipschitz model of hyperbolic manifolds [48], by Brock, Canary and Minsky
[11], [12]. The work also requires a deep study of the complex of simple curves on
a surface carried out by Masur and Minsky. Rather than itemize all the contributions
here we refer to the cited references for a full account and bibliography. We will say
a bit more on this subject at the end of §5.
416 Albert Marden
Proof. Markovic’s proof is as follows. Set X = (G). From [51] we know that X
has the property of uniform perfectness. That is, for the hyperbolic metric ρ(w)|dw|
in each component of (G) and some constant C3 > 0,
C3 |dw| 2|dw|
< ρ(w)|dw| < .
d(w, X) d(w, X)
Upon integrating over a shortest geodesic γz of hyperbolic length Lh (z) from z to H (z),
we find that C3 d(z, H (z)) ≤ Lh (z) supw∈γz d(w, X) < Lh C2 d(z, X). In other terms,
d(z, H (z)) < C4 d(z, ζ ) for any ζ ∈ X. Now d(H (z), ζ ) ≤ d(H (z), z) + d(z, ζ ).
Consequently for some constant C5 , d(H (z), ζ ) < C5 d(z, ζ ). The same holds if we
replace z by H (z). We conclude that
d(H (z), ζ )
≤ d(z, ζ ) ≤ C5 d(H (z), ζ ).
So the ratio of distances to ζ is uniformly bounded between 0 and ∞ as z → ζ . We
are now in position to apply the geometric definition of quasiconformality to show
that H (ζ ) is quasiconformal at ζ . Since ζ was arbitrarily chosen this proves H is
quasiconformal on (G).
After applying Theorem 2.9 (iii) we end up with the following useful results.
Corollary 2.8 is significant in the case that ∂M(G) is compressible and f is not
homotopic to the identity as a self-mapping of each component of ∂M(G).
Instead of a mapping between boundary components, we will now start afresh with
a quasiconformal mapping F : S2 → S2 that induces an isomorphism ϕ : G → H
satisfying F (g(z)) = ϕ(g)F (z) for all g ∈ G, z ∈ S2 ; here G and H are not necessarily
geometrically finite. If the restriction of F to (G) is conformal (G) → (H )
then F is Möbius and the two groups are conjugate. Here we are again using the fact
that (G) has zero area. We now have a choice of extension theorems to H3 and
418 Albert Marden
The convex core C(G) of M(G) is the smallest (hyperbolically) convex submanifold
of M(G) that contains all the geodesics. It may well coincide with M(G).
The convex core is constructed in H3 as the convex hull C ∗ (G) of (G) and then
projected to M(G). The construction is as follows.
Before introducing a group, consider a region ⊂ C without isolated boundary
points, = C. A maximal disk D ⊂ is a round disk that is not contained in
any larger disk. Its closure intersects ∂ in at least two points. We will call the
circle C = ∂D a maximal circle. Erect the hyperbolic plane PC ⊂ H3 (in the upper
halfspace model) rising from C. It divides H 3 into two halfspaces. Denote by H (PC )
the halfspace bordering S2 \ D. The convex hull of the complement in S2 of is
defined to be
C∗ = H (PC ),
2.5 Uniqueness
The following theorem appeared not long after Ahlfors’ Finiteness Theorem. It was
quite surprising at the time as hyperbolic surfaces of finite area are most definitely not
Theorem 2.11 (Mostow’s Rigidity Theorem). If M(G) has finite volume and
ϕ : G → H is an isomorphism to a Kleinian group H , then ϕ is induced by an
isometry M(G) → M(H ).
Mostow originally proved his theorem [49] for closed manifolds. It was extended
to finite volume manifolds independently by [42] (in dimension 3) and [54] (in n ≥ 3
Taking account of boundary components, Mostow’s theorem was generalized to
manifolds with boundary in [42] as follows:
The proof uses the fact that F has an extension to H3 that in turn extends to a
quasiconformal map of S2 . This was discussed in §2.1.
1 Added in proof. As a consequence of Grigori Perelman’s recent work, this is now known to be true.
422 Albert Marden
In this section we will work with a geometrically finite M(G) with nonempty boundary.
Its boundary is the union of a finite number of Riemann surfaces {Ri }, each of which
is a closed surface of genus gi ≥ 0, with ni ≥ 0 punctures. Since each component of
(G) has a hyperbolic metric the same is true of each Ri .
As we have seen elsewhere in this volume, the Teichmüller space T (Ri ) is a
complex manifold of dimension 3gi + ni − 3. This is positive except in the case that
Ri is the triply punctured sphere.
We would like to apply basic Teichmüller theory in succession to each component
of ∂M(G). Namely suppose f is a quasiconformal map of each component Ri to
another Riemann surface. Let μi denote its Beltrami differential on Ri . Provided
each component of (G) is simply connected and hence serves as the universal covers
of the {Ri }, we can lift the {μi } to a Beltrami differential μ on (G) by setting
μ(π −1 )(z) = μi (z), if z ∈ Ri . The collection μ of the lifted {μi } on (G) satisfies
μ(z)ḡ /g = μ(z) for all g ∈ G and a.e. z ∈ S2 ,
Solve the Beltrami equation on S2 , using the fact the limit set has zero area. The
solution F is quasiconformal on S2 and is uniquely determined up to postcomposi-
tion by a Möbius transformation, which can be used to normalize: we may assume
(0, 1, ∞) ∈ (G) and require that F fix each of these points. The map F induces
an isomorphism θ : G → H to another group H , which necessarily geometrically
finite as well. In view of Proposition 2.7 we may assume the restriction of F to
(G) projects to a quasiconformal map f : ∂M(G) → ∂M(H ) that extends to a
quasiconformal map M(G) → M(H ).
On the one hand if we regard ∂M(G) simply as a union of Riemann surfaces with
no particular relation to the interior of the manifold or to deformations of G itself then
we would find that the Teichmüller space of ∂M(G) is simply the abstract product
of the Teichmüller spaces of the individual boundary surfaces. When all components
of (G) are simply connected, they are representations of the universal covers of
the components of ∂M(G). The classical theory is then operative in that nontrivial
deformations of components of ∂M(G) correspond to nontrivial deformations of G.
So all is fine if M(G) is boundary incompressible. Otherwise we have a little
Consider an infinitely connected component i,j over Ri that is stabilized by
Gi,j . For example i,j could be the ordinary set of a Schottky group. Consider a
compressing loop γ ∗ ⊂ i,j , the lift of a compressing loop γ ∈ Ri ⊂ ∂M(G),
For example γ may be part of a generating set of π1 (Ri ), say a loop about a handle.
It certainly figures in the deformation of the Riemann surface Ri . But since γ ∗
determines the identity element of Gi,j ⊂ G it can play no role at all in the deformation
of G.
Fix a basepoint O ∈ Ri for each i. Consider the normal subgroup πc (Ri ) ⊂ π1 (Ri )
consisting of loops, basepoint O, freely homotopic to compressing loops of Ri . The
quotient group π1 (Ri )/πc (Ri ) is isomorphic to the stabilizer Gi,j of any component
Chapter 9. Deformations of Kleinian groups 423
The quasiconformal map F satisfies F g(z) = θ (g) F (z) for all g ∈ G and z ∈ S2 .
Here “≡” means that mappings F that give rise to conjugate isomorphisms are to be
We had normalized quasiconformal mappings F of S2 by replacing G by a conju-
gate so that (0, 1, ∞) ∈ (G) and then requiring that F fix these points. Equivalently
then, T(G) can be defined in terms of equivalence classes of normalized quasiconfor-
mal mappings F of S2 which induce isomorphisms θ : G → H where the equivalence
relation is: F1 ∼ F2 if and only if the projection f2−1 f1 : ∂M(G) → ∂M(G)
extends to a mapping Int(M(G)) → Int(M(G)) homotopic to the identity.
Alternatively, F1 ∼ F2 (i) if and only if F1 and F2 induce the same isomorphism
θ : G → H , or (ii) if and only if F1 (ζ ) = F2 (ζ ) for all ζ ∈ (G). In the latter case,
if F2−1 F1 is conformal on a component of (G), it is the identity there, since it
extends to the identity on ∂. For further details consult [46].
We have yet to explain the relation of T(G) to the product of the classical Teich-
müller spaces of the components: T (R1 ) × · · · × T (Rk ).
To do this we have to recognize that a stronger equivalence can be imposed:
It follows that F1 ∼ F2 in the earlier definition. These two equivalences differ only
when ∂M(G) is compressible.
To mirror the difference in the two equivalence relations we introduce the
group X(G) consisting of equivalence classes of quasiconformal automorphisms
h : ∂M(G) → ∂M(G) which extend to maps M(G) → M(G) that are homotopic
to the identity on the interior – Corollary 2.8. Two such maps h1 , h2 are equivalent
h1 h2 if and only if h−12 h1 is homotopic to the identity on ∂M(G); specifically,
2 h 1 maps each component Ri onto itself and is homotopic on Ri to the identity.
If M(G) is boundary incompressible, X(G) = id.
424 Albert Marden
Remark 3.2. Suppose all components i are simply connected but that there may be
torsion in Gi . Then in addition to the punctures on each component Ri ⊂ ∂M(G)
there will be bi ≥ 0 “branch” or “cone” points. In this case the dimension count will
(3gi + bi + ni − 3).
For it is an interesting fact that T (Ri ) is biholomorphically equivalent to T (Ri ) where
Ri is the result of removing the cone points. That is, the dimension is the same whether
you have bi + ni punctures, or ni punctures and bi cone points.
The basis for the equivalence is the following fact [41], [5]: A homeomorphism
f : Ri → Ri lifts to a homeomorphism f ∗ of i which induces the identity automor-
phism of Gi if and only if f is homotopic in Ri to the identity map. This follows from
the fact that γ is freely homotopic in Ri to f (γ ) for all simple loops γ ⊂ Ri .
There is an analogue of Theorem 3.1 that covers the case that G has elliptics; see
[46], [35] for details.
relation equations. Doing so will give a homomorphic image. The image group H is
not likely to be discrete, or even finitely presented, unless we remain close enough to
the initial G.
The natural topology in R(G) is given by the topology of algebraic conver-
gence. A sequence {T1,k , . . . , TN,k } of N -generator groups converges, necessarily
to T1 , . . . , TN , if and only if limk→∞ Ti,k = Ti is a Möbius transformation for all i.
For our purposes the most important part of R(G) is its discreteness locus. This
is the following closed subset:
It is closed because of Jørgensen’s theorem [32] that the algebraic limit H of a sequence
of isomorphisms {θn : G → Gn } to nonelementary, discrete groups is likewise discrete
and nonelementary; moreover θ = lim θn : G → H is an isomorphism.
Theorem 4.1. T(G) is the connected component of Int(Rdisc (G)) that contains the
Theorem 4.1 is a direct consequence of the fact [42] that T(G) is open in R(G)
for a geometrically finite group G. This is because the quasiconformal deformations
of G are “strongly stable” in Bers’ terminology: Given ε > 0 and a quasiconformal
image H = ϕ(G), there is a neighborhood N of H in R(G) such that for each group
H = ρ(G) ∈ N , there is a (1 + ε)-quasiconformal map of S2 that induces the
isomorphism ρϕ −1 : H → G → H . Geometrically infinite groups in Rdisc (G) are
not similarly stable.
In particular, the dimension of R(G) is the same as that of T(G).
Now the image H of an isomorphism θ ∈ Int(Rdisc (G)) is geometrically finite
and is a quasiconformal deformation of G. But the isomorphism θ itself may not be
induced by a quasiconformal map of S2 . Thus the interior of the discreteness locus
may have many components only one of which is T(G).
In fact each component D of Int(Rdisc (G)) is itself the quasiconformal deformation
space of any fixed θ : G → G ∈ D.
The definitive study of the components of Rdisc (G) is carried out in [15] (there,
the notation AH(G) is used for what here is denoted Rdisc (G)). In brief, the number
of components of the interior is determined by the number of different homotopy
equivalences between M(G) and the target manifolds, or equivalently, the number of
essentially different isomorphisms between G and the target groups. In the case G is
without parabolics, and ∂M(G) = ∅, there are only a finite number of manifolds which
are homotopy equivalent but not homeomorphic to M(G) [61]. If G is a Fuchsian
closed surface group, then Int(Rdisc (G)) = T(G).
Chapter 9. Deformations of Kleinian groups 427
Theorem 4.2 ([10]). Suppose M(G) compact, boundary incompressible and acylin-
drical. Assume we are given a measured lamination (, μ) on ∂M(G). There exists
a new geometrically finite hyperbolic structure M(Gμ ) on M(G) whose convex core
boundary ∂C(Gμ ) has the bending lamination (, μ) if and only if on each closed
leaf γ of , 0 < μ(γ ) < π .
If is the union of a finite number of closed leaves, then Gμ is uniquely determined
by (, μ) up to Möbius equivalence.
Consider the case that the bending lamination consists of a maximal system of
(3gi − 3) simple closed geodesics on the convex hull boundary C(Gμ ); here gi
is the genus of the i’th component
of ∂M(G). Choi and Series [17] show that the
complex lengths of these (3gi − 3)-geodesics serve as parameters for the local
deformations of Gμ in its representation variety R(Gμ ): The lift to H3 of a leaf
determines an element T ∈ Gμ . The complex length of is log k + iθ mod (2π i) if
T : z
→ keiθ z, k > 1, in normalized form.
As yet, the theory of bending laminations is not complete.
The topology we have been using in R(G) is the topology of algebraic convergence:
a sequence of N-generator groups converges to a group, if their generators converge
and generate the group. The algebraic limit of a sequence {Gn } of nonelementary
N-generator discrete groups is also discrete and nonelementary [32].
But there is a fundamentally different notion of convergence, first discovered by
Troels Jørgensen. It is akin to “tangential convergence”, thinking of a sequence in
the unit disk converging tangentially to the unit circle, whereas algebraic convergence
is akin to radial convergence. It relates to the convergence of the quotient manifolds
rather than convergence of the generators of the fundamental group.
A sequence of N-generator groups {Gn } is said to converge geometrically to a
group H if and only if the following hold:
(i) If lim gn = h exists, gn ∈ Gn , then h ∈ H .
(ii) If h ∈ H then h = lim gn , gn ∈ Gn .
The group H is called the geometric limit of {Gn }. As was first pointed out by
Jørgensen, H is not necessarily finitely generated!
The basic fact needed to explore the boundary is this:
The following result, part (i) of which builds on prior work of a number of re-
searchers, gives considerable insight into when a geometric limit of N-generator
groups differs from the algebraic. We have formulated it to take account of the Tame-
ness Theorem.
In §6.1 we will discuss this in more detail. A maximal cusp is a cusp H with ∂M(H )
a union of triply punctured spheres. Maximal cusps are rigid.
One of the deepest and most fascinating topics in the theory is to describe the
nature of (i) the geometrically infinite boundary groups, and (ii) the geometric limits
at the boundary. Fundamental in this investigation is the Tameness Theorem 2.4 which
says that each end of Int(M(G)) is homeomorphic to a product S × [0, 1) where S
is a finitely punctured compact hyperbolic surface. An end of a geometrically finite
manifold is a neighborhood of a Riemann surface boundary component; for this case
the conclusion of the tameness theorem has long been known. It is for geometrically
infinite ends that the theorem is not at all obvious.
As already mentioned in §2.1, Thurston discovered the trace of the “missing bound-
ary component” of each infinite end: The end ES is characterized by a sequence of
geodesics {γn } that exit it. As a consequence of the Tameness theorem, the geodesics
{γn } are homotopic to simple geodesics {γn∗ } on S such that the sequence {γn∗ } con-
verges to a geodesic lamination called the ending lamination. When S, which repre-
sents the end, is incompressible the ending lamination is uniquely determined, oth-
erwise what is determined uniquely is a certain equivalence class of laminations.
Thurston conjectured that homeomorphism f : M(G) → M(H ) between two hy-
perbolic manifolds is homotopic to an isometry if and only if corresponding ending
laminations are the same, for the infinite ends, and the restriction of f to the boundary
is homotopic to a conformal map ∂M(G) → ∂M(H ) for the others. The recent
confirmation of this Ending Lamination Conjecture was a tour de force due to Yair
Minsky [48] together with Brock, Canary, and Masur, see [11], [12] and the references
On the other hand, Soma [58] completely described the topological structure of
the geometric limits on the boundary of quasi-Fuchsian space of a closed surface.
A similar analysis should work in the presence of parabolics and more generally for
geometric limits at boundary cusps on the deformation space of any geometrically finite
group (personal communication). Soma showed that “anything goes” as topologically
allowed by the situation. At each cusp there is in general a huge range of different
geometric limits, including many that are infinitely generated. It seems likely that the
methods of Minsky et al will give additional insight into the geometric structure of the
geometric limits.
In the analytic theory, perhaps the most useful realization of Teichmüller space T (R)
is as the Bers embedding onto a certain open subset of a Banach space of quadratic
differentials on R. Yet viewing T (R) in this way hides a lot of additional structure that
goes with identifying the images in the Banach space with a space of quasi-Fuchsian
430 Albert Marden
Fix a hyperbolic Riemann surface R = H2 /G. In this section we will present three
methods for deforming the Fuchsian group G and surface R within R(G). The first is
analytic in character, using quasiconformal mappings and then projective structures.
In this approach, T (R) will appear as a “Bers slice” in the quasiconformal deformation
space T(G). The second and third approaches are geometric; the hyperbolic structure
on R will be deformed by earthquaking or more generally, by complex scaling.
Theorem 6.1 (Simultaneous uniformization [3]). Suppose we are given two Riemann
surfaces (S top , Sbot ) of finite hyperbolic area together with an anti-quasiconformal
involution J : Sbot ↔ S top . There exists a quasi-Fuchsian group H , uniquely deter-
mined up to Möbius equivalence, such that the top boundary component of M(H ) is
conformally equivalent to S top , the bottom to Sbot , and J is homotopic to the natural
involution JH .
The action of α does not change the conformal type of the bounding surfaces. What it
changes is the topological relationship of the top to the bottom, the marking of the top
relative to that of the bottom. As a result the quasi-Fuchsian group H will change to a
new group H1 in the slice, unless α represents a symmetry of H in that H1 is conjugate
to H – that is α fixes the corresponding Teichmüller point. The automorphism α is a
biholomorphic automorphism of B(G).
Now the compactness of the space of normalized conformal mappings of LHP im-
plies that the closure B(G) in the representation variety R(G) is compact. Therefore
the Bers slice has a compact boundary ∂B(R ) which lies in Rdisc (G). Each boundary
point corresponds to a Kleinian group H with ∂bot M(H ) conformally equivalent to
Rbot , but the top boundary has been somehow degenerated.
The boundary, called the Bers or analytic boundary, is very interesting; it is analo-
gous to the boundary R ∪ ∞ of the Teichmüller space of the torus. There is a certain
countable dense set [38] of distinguished points on it called cusps. A cusp corresponds
to a geometrically finite group H where R top has become “pinched”. Thus if R top is a
closed surface of genus 2, the top component of ∂M(H ) will be one twice-punctured
torus, or two once-punctured tori, or four thrice-punctured spheres, etc. Moreover
the augmented space B(R) ∪ {cusps} can be topologized by designating “horocyclic”
neighborhoods of the cusps. Then its quotient with respect to the mapping class group
is a compactification of moduli space. For an exposition see [43].
The other boundary points H correspond to groups with geometrically infinite top
ends. If H has no new parabolics, then (H ) is connected and simply connected.
The bottom surface (H )/H is conformally equivalent to Rbot while the top surface
has gone missing. Such a group is called singly degenerate.
For closed surfaces, the slice B(G) is itself the intersection with T(G) of a prop-
erly embedded analytic submanifold B∗ (G) ⊂ R(G) of the representation variety,
called the extended Bers slice [30]. It is obtained by constructing all complex pro-
jective structures on Rbot . This means consider all Schwarzian differential equations
{F ; z} = φ on LHP where φ is the lift of a holomorphic quadratic differential on Rbot .
There is a solution, uniquely determined up to postcomposition with a Möbius, which
determines a homomorphism ϕ of G to a nonelementary subgroup of PSL(2, C). In
addition ϕ has the special property that it lifts to a homomorphism between corre-
sponding matrix groups in SL(2, C). The totality of all the homomorphisms make up
432 Albert Marden
the extended slice; if the norm of φ not too large, the solution F will be a conformal
map of LHP, thus determining a point in B(R ).
David Dumas has computed spectacular pictures of B∗ (G) ∩ Int(Rdisc )(G) show-
ing the Bers slice surrounded by an archipelago of islands. He did this in the quasi-
Fuchsian space of a once-punctured torus (www.math.brown.edu/dumas).
6.2 Earthquakes
A geodesic lamination ⊂ H2 is a closed set of mutually disjoint (hyperbolic) lines
referred to as leaves. However two leaves may have a common end point.
If is invariant under a Fuchsian group G, it projects to a lamination on the surface
R = H2 /G.
To introduce Thurston’s theory of earthquakes [65] consider the upper halfplane
model and a line which we may take to be the positive imaginary axis. Denote left
and right quadrants determined by by A and B; A and B have orientations inherited
from C. From the point of view of A, a left earthquake with fracture line is a
discontinuous map which fixes A pointwise, and in B is an isometry moving B to
the left with respect to A, that is, it moves B in the positive direction with respect to
the positive orientation of ∂A. In B it therefore has the form z
→ kz, k > 1. It is
uniquely determined once the displacement log k along is dictated.
On the other hand if we require that B be fixed, the left earthquake along moves
A to the left from the point of view of a person standing in B. Namely in A it has the
form z
→ k −1 z.
Next suppose we have a lamination with a finite number of leaves. Fix a gap σ – a
component of H2 \ – as the base of operations. Suppose μ is a positive transverse
measure: that is, to each leaf of the lamination is assigned a positive number as atomic
measure. Normalize the earthquake to be the identity on σ . A transverse geodesic
based in σ will cross a number of leaves. Carry out a sequence of left earthquakes in
sequence along the various leaves, using the displacement assigned by μ.
Formal definition of earthquake. Suppose ⊂ H2 is a geodesic lamination. A
left earthquake is a possibly discontinuous injective and surjective map E : H2 → H2
which is an isometry on each leaf of and on each gap. Given two gaps and/or
leaves X = Y , a line is said to be weakly separating if any path from a point of X
to a point of Y intersects . Let EX , EY denote the respective isometric restrictions
of E. We require that (i) the comparison isometry EX EY be a loxodromic Möbius
transformation T , (ii) the axis of T weakly separates X and Y , and (iii) T translates
Y to the left, when viewed from X. The requirement (iii) means that the direction of
translation along agrees with the orientation induced from X ⊂ H2 \ . The case that
one of X, Y is a line in the boundary of the other is exceptional in that the comparison
map is the identity.
The earthquake maps to another lamination . The inverse of a left earthquake
is a right one.
Chapter 9. Deformations of Kleinian groups 433
This is a very general theorem. The second statement (which includes the first)
follows from the first as lifts of h extend to continuous maps of ∂ H2 .
Associated to any left earthquake is a nonnegative Borel measure μ transverse
to . Two earthquakes corresponding to the same (, μ) have isometric images. The
measure is constructed by a process akin to Riemann integration (see [20]) based on
the example of a finite number of leaves given above. If is invariant under a Fuchsian
group, μ will be as well.
Normally one only works with the restricted class of locally bounded earthquakes.
These are the class of earthquakes whose transverse measures have the property that
for some K < ∞, μ(τ ) < K for all transverse geodesic segments τ of unit length. If
this is the case for (, μ) invariant under a group G, the leaves on H2 /G cannot end
at a puncture, nor can they spiral in to a closed geodesic.
The boundary values on ∂ H2 of locally bounded earthquakes are quasisymmetric
homeomorphisms, which means their boundary values have quasiconformal exten-
sions to H2 (which are equivariant if (, μ) is invariant under deck transformations).
In the other direction, the boundary values of a quasiconformal mapping H2 → H2 ,
for example the boundary values of a lift of a quasiconformal map between surfaces,
is also the boundary values of a locally bounded left earthquake as described in the
Earthquake Theorem. For the details, consult [65].
434 Albert Marden
The bottom line is that if we have Riemann surfaces R, S of finite hyperbolic area,
given a quasiconformal map f : R → S, there is a geodesic lamination and a locally
bounded left earthquake E along it that also sends R to S. The homotopy class of f
is essentially the same as that of E. Conversely every locally bounded earthquake is
essentially homotopic to a quasiconformal map.
Earthquakes map one Fuchsian group G to another. Thus they give rise to the real
Teichmüller space of deformations of Fuchsian groups. In §6.4 we will show how to
complexify the technique so as to get a complex analytic structure.
We have spoken of the structure of a convex hull boundary component, especially the
dome over a simply connected region. Now consider the reverse process. That is,
given a measured lamination (, μ) in H2 , can we construct a generalized surface in
H3 whose bending measure is μ?
Let’s start with the simplest cases. Take the equatorial plane H2 (the unit disk)
in the ball model and fix a diameter . Bend H2 along with exterior bending angle
0 < θ < π. Here θ = 0 corresponds to no bending at all. The other extreme θ = π
corresponds to two situations: (i) folding H2 in half along , or (more commonly)
(ii) pushing out to ∞ to become a single point ξ thereby forcing H2 in the limit to
become two hyperbolic planes in H3 whose boundaries are tangent at ξ .
To normalize the direction of bending, bend so that the result lies in the upper half
of the ball. The resulting “pleated surface” S bounds on one side a convex region
whose floor on ∂ H3 is bounded by two circular arcs with interior bending angle π − θ.
The dome has only one bending line.
The construction is easily generalized to a finite system of ordered, mutually dis-
joint hyperbolic lines, possibly with common endpoints, 1 , . . . , k ⊂ H2 . Assign an
exterior bending angle 0 < θi < π to each line. Then systematically bend the plane
H2 . For example we may assume that first bend along 1 results in P1 = P constructed
above. Then in P1 locate the copy of 2 , say it lies to the right of 1 . Then bend the
halfplane in P1 lying to the right of 1 along 2 with exterior angle θ2 . And so on for all
the lines. We end up with what is called a pleated surface Pk which is not necessarily
embedded in H3 – it may well have self intersections. It has k bending lines, the
images of the {i }. In any case there is a hyperbolic isometry ϒ : H2 → Pk – such
that ϒ −1 is just unbending. The finite measured lamination is carried to the bending
lines and bending measure on Pk .
Given a geodesic lamination ⊂ H2 and a transverse measure μ with values in
(−∞, +∞), a corresponding pleated surface can be constructed by using finite ap-
proximations [20]. The construction is such that if (, μ) is invariant under a Fuchsian
group G, then the construction of pleated surface automatically determines a defor-
mation of G to a homomorphic image H . This is a group of Möbius transformations
acting in H3 that map the pleated surface onto itself in a manner reflecting the action
Chapter 9. Deformations of Kleinian groups 435
of G in H2 , but H is unlikely to be discrete and the pleated surface may not be locally
convex or even locally embedded.
Formally, a pleated surface is determined by a pleating map f : R → M(G) of a
hyperbolic surface R with the properties
(i) f takes any rectifiable path in R to a path in M(G) of the same length;
(ii) every z ∈ R lies in an open geodesic arc which f maps to a geodesic arc in
(iii) f sends cusps to cusps: the homomorphism f∗ : π1 (R) → π1 (M(G)) ≡ G
sends parabolics to parabolics.
Assumption (i) can replaced by (i ): geodesic paths in S are sent to rectifiable paths
of the same length in M(G). This apparently stronger definition is equivalent to (i)
[16, I.5.2.6]. The pleated surface is called incompressible if f∗ : π1 (R) → π1 (M(G))
is injective.
The pleating locus is the set ⊂ S consisting of those points z ∈ R with the
following property. There is one and only one open geodesic arc (up to inclusion)
through z which f maps onto a geodesic arc in M(G). The pleating locus is a
closed subset of R and is in fact a geodesic lamination. The image f () is often
referred to as the pleating locus as well, or as the bending lines. The map f is an
isometry of the complementary gaps onto in general infinitely sided polygons in M(G).
Given such a general pleated surface, there is likely to be a great deal of positive
and negative bending. Yet by associating a transverse segment τ to the set of positive
endpoints on ∂ H3 of the oriented leaves through τ and then to a continuum in ∂ H3 ,
it is possible to construct a kind of bending measure called an “R-valued transverse
cocycle”. This real valued measure, which is now only finitely additive, and the
pleating locus ⊂ R characterize the pleated surface. It is very interesting that T (R)
is filled out by the images under a rather explicit finite dimensional space of these
cocycles. For the presentation of Bonahon’s theory of shear cocycles see [9], [8].
the case that Im(t) > −1 we arrive at the following result. The term “holomorphic
motion” will be explained in §7.3.
Proposition 7.1 ([23], [25]). There exists a simply connected, strip-like region T ⊃ R,
symmetric about R, such that for t ∈ T , t = u + iv the following hold.
(i) The complex earthquake CE t : D → H3 is a quasiisometry.
(ii) CE t extends to ∂ D; its restriction to ∂ D is a holomorphic motion of S1 = ∂ D
in S2 .
(iii) The restriction of CE t to S1 is itself the restriction to S1 of a holomorphic motion
t : S2 → S2 which is determined by (, tμ).
(iv) The restriction of t to D is a quasiconformal map onto its image t .
(v) The restriction of t to S1 is injective (from (ii)), thus mapping S1 to a Jordan
curve bounding t . The bending measure of Dome(t ) is vt · μ∗ where μ∗ is
the transfer of μ to the image uμ of under the earthquake map CE uμ .
(vi) If (, μ) is invariant under the group G, the holomorphic motion t can be
chosen so that there is a homomorphism ϕt : G → Ht with
t (g(z)) = ϕt (g) t (z) for all g ∈ G and z ∈ D.
Next we fix a point t0 = iv0 ∈ T and set 0 = t0 (D). We will now use
the quasidisk 0 as our base for scaling. The image of the complex earthquake
CE t0 : D → H3 is Dome(0 ).
To set the stage, assume first that Dome(0 ) has a discrete set of bending lines.
The inverse image of the bending lines under the nearest point retraction r is a set of
associated crescents in 0 . Let Et denote the scaling map of 0 with respect to this
crescent system and its vertex angles. Normalize so it is the identity in a prescribed
gap. By Theorem 6.3, for each t ∈ C, Et extends to a continuous map of the closure
0 → S2 . Set
t = Ei(t−t0 )/t0 , t ∈ T , so t0 = id, 0 = E−i .
t t0 (ζ ) = t (ζ ) ζ ∈ ∂ D, t ∈ T . (7.1)
We will construct for all nonnegative measured laminations (, μ) a mapping t
that generalizes scaling on 0 and continues to satisfy Equation (7.1). But for t , its
parameter t will be allowed to range over C.
440 Albert Marden
Theorem 7.3.
• F is holomorphic in t,
• G is holomorphic in t,
• F = G on their common domain T ∩ UHP.
Theorem 7.4 (The Disk Theorem [25]). The set X = X,μ has the following prop-
• X is symmetric about the real t-axis.
• X ⊂ C is closed.
• X ∩ {Im(t) > 0} = {t ∈ UHP : t : 0 → S2 is injective}.
• C \ X has no bounded components; if X0 ⊂ X is a component, C \ X0 has no
bounded components either.
• Every component of the interior of X is simply connected.
442 Albert Marden
Ursula Hamenstädt
1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 447
2 Train tracks and geodesic laminations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 449
3 Hyperbolicity of the complex of curves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 454
4 Geometry of Teichmüller space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 462
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 465
1 Introduction
Consider a compact oriented surface S of genus g ≥ 0 from which m ≥ 0 points,
so-called punctures, have been deleted. We assume that S is non-exceptional, i.e. that
3g − 3 + m ≥ 2; this rules out a sphere with at most four punctures and a torus with
at most one puncture.
In [11], Harvey associates to such a surface the following simplicial complex.
Definition 1.1. The complex of curves C(S) for the surface S is the simplicial complex
whose vertices are the free homotopy classes of essential simple closed curves on S
and whose simplices are spanned by collections of such curves which can be realized
Here we mean by an essential simple closed curve a simple closed curve which is
not contractible nor homotopic into a puncture. Since 3g − 3 + m is the number of
curves in a pants decomposition of S, i.e. a maximal collection of disjoint mutually not
freely homotopic essential simple closed curves which decompose S into 2g − 2 + m
open subsurfaces homeomorphic to a thrice punctured sphere, the dimension of C(S)
equals 3g − 4 + m.
In the sequel we restrict our attention to the one-skeleton of the complex of curves
which is usually called the curve graph; by abuse of notation, we denote it again
by C(S). Since 3g − 3 + m ≥ 2 by assumption, C(S) is a nontrivial graph which
moreover is connected [11]. However, this graph is locally infinite. Namely, for every
simple closed curve α on S the surface S − α which we obtain by cutting S open along
448 Ursula Hamenstädt
α contains at least one connected component of Euler characteristic at most −2, and
such a component contains infinitely many distinct free homotopy classes of simple
closed curves which viewed as curves in S are disjoint from α.
Providing each edge in C(S) with the standard euclidean metric of diameter 1
equips the curve graph with the structure of a geodesic metric space. Since C(S)
is not locally finite, this metric space (C(S), d) is not locally compact. Masur and
Minsky [19] showed that nevertheless its geometry can be understood quite explicitly.
Namely, C(S) is hyperbolic of infinite diameter. Here for some δ > 0 a geodesic metric
space is called δ-hyperbolic in the sense of Gromov if it satisfies the δ-thin triangle
condition: For every geodesic triangle with sides a, b, c the side c is contained in the
δ-neighborhood of a ∪ b. Later Bowditch [2] gave a simplified proof of the result
of Masur and Minsky which can also be used to compute explicit bounds for the
hyperbolicity constant δ.
Since the Euler characteristic of S is negative, the surface S admits a complete hy-
perbolic metric of finite volume. The group of diffeomorphisms of S which are isotopic
to the identity acts on the space of such metrics. The quotient space under this action
is the Teichmüller space Tg,m for S of all marked isometry classes of complete hyper-
bolic metrics on S of finite volume, or, equivalently, the space of all marked complex
structures on S of finite type. The Teichmüller space can be equipped with a natural
topology, and with this topology it is homeomorphic to R6g−6+2m . The mapping class
group Mg,m of all isotopy classes of orientation preserving diffeomorphisms of S acts
properly discontinuously as a group of diffeomorphisms of Teichmüller space preserv-
ing a complete Finsler metric, the so-called Teichmüller metric. The quotient orbifold
is the moduli space Mod(S) of S of all isometry classes of complete hyperbolic metrics
of finite volume on S (for all this see [12]).
The significance of the curve graph for the geometry of Teichmüller space comes
from the obvious fact that the mapping class group acts on C(S) as a group of sim-
plicial isometries. Even more is true: If S is not a twice punctured torus or a closed
surface of genus 2, then the extended mapping class group of isotopy classes of all
diffeomorphisms of S coincides precisely with the group of simplicial isometries of
C(S); for a closed surface of genus 2, the group of simplicial isometries of C(S) is the
quotient of the extended mapping class group under the hyperelliptic involution which
acts trivially on C(S) (see [13] for an overview on this and related results). Moreover,
there is a natural map : Tg,m → C(S) which is coarsely Mg,m -equivariant and
coarsely Lipschitz with respect to the Teichmüller metric on Tg,m . By this we mean
that there is a number a > 1 such that d((φh), φ(h)) ≤ a for all h ∈ Tg,m and
all φ ∈ Mg,m and that moreover d(h, h ) ≤ a dT (h, h ) + a for all h, h ∈ Tg,m
where dT denotes the distance function on Tg,m induced by the Teichmüller metric
(see Section 4).
As a consequence, the geometry of C(S) is related to the large-scale geometry
of the Teichmüller space and the mapping class group. We discuss this relation in
Section 4. In Section 3 we give a proof of the hyperbolicity of the curve graph using
train tracks and splitting sequences of train tracks in a consistent way as the main tool.
Chapter 10. Geometry of the complex of curves and of Teichmüller space 449
Section 2 introduces train tracks, geodesic laminations and quadratic differentials and
summarizes some of their properties.
This work was partially supported by SFB 611.
does not vanish identically, then its zeros are isolated and independent of the choice of
a complex coordinate. If p ∈ S is not a zero for q then there is a coordinate z near p,
unique up to multiplication with ±1, such that p corresponds to the origin and that
q(z) ≡ 1. Writing z = x + iy for this coordinate, the euclidean metric dx 2 + dy 2
is uniquely determined by q. The arcs parallel to the x-axis (or y-axis, respectively)
define a foliation Fh (or Fv ) on the set of regular points of q called the horizontal
(or vertical) foliation. The vertical length |dy| defines a transverse measure for the
horizontal foliation, and the horizontal length |dx| defines a transverse measure for
the vertical foliation. The foliations Fh , Fv have singularities of the same type at the
zeros of q and at the punctures of S (see [27] for more on quadratic differentials and
measured foliations).
There is a one-to-one correspondence between measured geodesic laminations and
(equivalence classes of) measured foliations on S (see [16] for a precise statement).
The pair of measured foliations defined by a quadratic differential q corresponds under
this identification to a pair of measured geodesic laminations λ
= μ ∈ ML which
jointly fill up S. This means that for every η ∈ ML we have i(λ, η) + i(μ, η) > 0.
Vice versa, every pair of measured geodesic laminations λ
= μ ∈ ML which
jointly fill up S defines a unique complex structure of finite type on S together with
a holomorphic quadratic differential q(λ, μ) (see [14] and the references given there)
whose area, i.e. the area of the singular euclidean metric defined by q(λ, μ), equals
i(λ, μ). If α, β are simple multi-curves on S, which means that α and β consist of
collections c = c1 ∪ · · · ∪ c ⊂ C(S) of free homotopy classes of simple closed curves
which can be realized disjointly, and if α, β jointly fill up S, then for all a > 0, b > 0
the quadratic differential q(aα, bβ) defined by the measured geodesic laminations aα,
bβ can explicitly be constructed as follows. Choose smooth representatives of α, β,
again denoted by α, β, which intersect transversely in precisely i(α, β) points; for
example, the geodesic representatives of α, β with respect to any complete hyperbolic
metric on S of finite volume have this property. For each intersection point between α,
β choose a closed rectangle in S with piecewise smooth boundary containing this point
in its interior and which does not contain any other intersection point between α, β. We
allow that some of the vertices of such a rectangle are punctures of S. These rectangles
can be chosen in such a way that they provide S with the structure of a cubical complex:
The boundary of each component D of S − α − β is a polygon with an even number of
sides which are subarcs of α, β in alternating order. If D does not contain a puncture,
then its boundary has at least four sides. Thus we can construct the rectangles in such
a way that their union is all of S and that the intersection between any two distinct
such rectangles either is a common side or a common vertex. Each rectangle from
this cubical complex has two sides which are “parallel” to α and two sides “parallel”
to β (see Section 4 of [14] for a detailed discussion of this construction).
Equip each rectangle with an euclidean metric such that the sides parallel to α are
of length b, the sides parallel to β are of length a and such that the metrics on two
rectangles coincide on a common boundary arc. These metrics define a piecewise
euclidean metric on S with a singularity of cone angle kπ ≥ 3π in the interior of each
452 Ursula Hamenstädt
In the sequel we only consider generic train tracks. For such a train track τ , every
complementary component is a bordered subsurface of S whose boundary consists of
a finite number of arcs of class C 1 which come together at a finite number of cusps.
Moreover, for every switch of τ there is precisely one complementary component
Chapter 10. Geometry of the complex of curves and of Teichmüller space 453
containing the switch in its closure which has a cusp at the switch. A detailed account
on train tracks can be found in [25] and [23].
A geodesic lamination or a train track λ is carried by a train track τ if there is a
map F : S → S of class C 1 which is isotopic to the identity and maps λ to τ in such a
way that the restriction of its differential dF to every tangent line of λ is non-singular.
Note that this makes sense since a train track has a tangent line everywhere.
If c is a simple closed curve carried by τ with carrying map F : c → τ then c
defines a counting measure μc on τ . This counting measure is the non-negative
weight function on the branches of τ which associates to an open branch b of τ the
number of connected components of F −1 (b). A counting measure is an example for
a transverse measure on τ which is defined to be a nonnegative weight function μ on
the branches of τ satisfying the switch condition: for every switch s of τ , the sum of
the weights over all incoming branches at s is required to coincide with the sum of the
weights over all outgoing branches at s. The set V (τ ) of all transverse measures on τ
is a closed convex cone in a linear space and hence topologically it is a closed cell.
More generally, every measured geodesic lamination λ on S which is carried by τ
via a carrying map F : λ → τ defines a transverse measure on τ by assigning to a
branch b the total mass of the pre-image of b under F ; the resulting weight function is
independent of the particular choice of F . Moreover, every transverse measure for τ
can be obtained in this way (see [25]).
Definition 2.5. A train track is called recurrent if it admits a transverse measure which
is positive on every branch. A train track τ is called transversely recurrent if every
branch b of τ is intersected by an embedded simple closed curve c = c(b) ⊂ S which
intersects τ transversely and is such that S −τ −c does not contain an embedded bigon,
i.e. a disc with two corners at the boundary. A recurrent and transversely recurrent
train track is called birecurrent. A generic transversely recurrent train track which
carries a complete geodesic lamination is called complete.
For every recurrent train track τ , measures which are positive on every branch
define the interior of the convex cone V (τ ) of all transverse measures. A complete
train track is birecurrent [9].
A half-branch b̃ in a generic train track τ incident on a switch v is called large if
the switch v is trivalent and if every arc ρ : (−ε, ε) → τ of class C 1 which passes
through v meets the interior of b̃. A branch b in τ is called large if each of its two
half-branches is large; in this case b is necessarily incident on two distinct switches
(for all this, see [25]).
There is a simple way to modify a transversely recurrent train track τ to another
transversely recurrent train track. Namely, if e is a large branch of τ then we can
perform a right or left split of τ at e as shown in Figure A below. The split τ of a train
track τ is carried by τ . If τ is complete and if the complete geodesic lamination λ is
carried by τ , then for every large branch e of τ there is a unique choice of a right or
left split of τ at e with the property that the split track τ carries λ, and τ is complete.
In particular, a complete train track τ can always be split at any large branch e to a
454 Ursula Hamenstädt
complete train track τ ; however there may be a choice of a right or left split at e such
that the resulting train track is not complete any more (compare p. 120 in [25]).
right split
a d
b c
left split
Figure A
Figure B
Lemma 3.1 ([10]). For every pair (α, β) ∈ MC(S) × MC(S) there is a splitting
sequence (τi )0≤i≤m ⊂ T T of complete train tracks with the property that τ0 is adapted
to a pants decomposition Pα ⊃ α and that each component of β is a vertex cycle for τm .
L1/ai(α,β) (β, α, r) for all r > 0, moreover α ∈ La (α, β, r) for every component
α of α and every sufficiently large a > 0, and β ∈ La (α, β, r) for every component
β of β and every sufficiently small a > 0. Thus for fixed r > 0 we can think of a
suitably chosen assignment which associates to a number s > 0 a point in Ls (α, β, r)
as a curve in C(S) connecting a component of β to a component of α (provided, of
course, that the sets Ls (α, β, r) are non-empty). Lemma 2.5 of [7] links such curves
to splitting sequences.
Lemma 3.2 ([7]). There is a number k0 ≥ 1 with the following property. Let P be a
pants decomposition of S, let α ∈ MC(S) be such that α and P jointly fill up S and
let (τi )0≤i≤m ⊂ T T be a P → α-splitting sequence. Then there is a non-decreasing
surjective function κ : (0, ∞) → {0, . . . , m} such that κ(s) = 0 for all sufficiently
small s > 0, κ(s) = m for all sufficiently large s > 0 and that for all s ∈ (0, ∞) there
is a vertex cycle of τκ(s) which is contained in Ls (α, P , k0 ).
Lemma 3.3 ([2]). There is a number k1 ≥ k0 with the following property. For all
α, β ∈ MC(S) which jointly fill up S and every a ∈ (0, ∞) there is a δ ∈ La (α, β, k1 )
such that for every γ ∈ MC(S) we have i(δ, γ ) ≤ k1 max{ai(α, γ ), i(γ , β)/ai(α, β)}.
In particular, for every R > 0, for all α, β ∈ MC(S) and for every a > 0 the diameter
of the set La (α, β, R) is not bigger than 2k1 R + 1.
Proof. In [19], [2] it is shown that there is a number ν > 0 only depending on the
topological type of S and there is an embedded essential annulus in S whose width
with respect to the piecewise euclidean metric defined by the quadratic differential
q(aα, β/ai(α, β)) is at least ν. This means that the distance between the boundary
circles of the annulus is at least ν. Assuming the existence of such an annulus, let δ
be its core-curve. Then for every simple closed curve γ on S and for every essential
intersection of γ with δ there is a subarc of γ which crosses through this annulus and
hence whose length is at least ν; moreover, different subarcs of γ corresponding to
different essential intersections between γ and δ are disjoint. Thus the length with
respect to the singular euclidean metric on S of any simple closed curve γ on S is
at least νi(γ , δ). On the other hand, by construction the minimal length with respect
to this metric of a curve in the free homotopy class of γ is bounded from above by
2 max{ai(α, γ ), i(β, γ )/ai(α, β)} and therefore the core curve δ of the annulus has
the properties stated in the first part of our lemma (see [2]).
The second part of the lemma is immediate from the first. Namely, let α, β ∈
MC(S) and let a > 0. Choose δ ∈ La (α, β, k1 ) which satisfies the properties stated
458 Ursula Hamenstädt
in the first part of the lemma. If γ ∈ La (α, β, R) for some R > 0 then we have
i(γ , δ) ≤ k1 R and hence d(γ , δ) ≤ k1 R + 1.
Therefore from two applications of our above consideration we obtain the following.
Let α, β ∈ C(S) and let P , P , Q, Q be
any pants decompositions for S containing α,
β; then the Hausdorff distance between a>0 La (P , Q, k1 ) and a>0 La (P , Q , k1 )
is not bigger than D1 /2. By our choice of D1 this implies that the Hausdorff distance
between the images under of any α → β- or β → α-splitting sequences is bounded
from above by D1 .
Now let α, β, γ ∈ C(S) be such that their pairwise distance in C(S) is at least 3;
then any two of these curves jointly fill up S. Choose pants decompositions Pα ,
Pβ , Pγ containing α, β, γ . Then there are unique numbers a, b, c > 0 such that
abi(Pα , Pβ ) = bci(Pβ , Pγ ) = aci(Pγ , Pα ) = 1. By construction, we have
La (Pα , Pβ , k1 ) = Lb (Pβ , Pα , k1 ), Lb (Pβ , Pγ , k1 ) = Lc (Pγ , Pβ , k1 )
and Lc (Pγ , Pα , k1 ) = La (Pα , Pγ , k1 ). Choose a point δ ∈ La (Pα , Pβ , k1 ) such that
for every ζ in MC(S) we have
i(δ, ζ ) ≤ k1 max{ai(Pα , ζ ), i(ζ, Pβ )/ai(Pα , Pβ )};
such a point exists by Lemma 3.3. Applying this inequality to ζ = Pγ yields
ci(δ, Pγ ) ≤ k1 . For ζ = Pβ we obtain
i(δ, Pβ )/ci(Pγ , Pβ ) ≤ ai(Pα , Pβ )/ci(Pγ , Pβ ) = 1,
and for ζ = Pα we obtain
i(δ, Pα )/ci(Pγ , Pα ) ≤ 1/aci(Pγ , Pα ) = 1.
Chapter 10. Geometry of the complex of curves and of Teichmüller space 459
Lemma 3.4. There is a number D3 > 0 with the following property. Let α, β, γ ∈
C(S) and let a, b, c be the image under of a β → γ , γ → α, α → β-splitting
sequence. Then the D3 -neighborhood of a ∪ b contains c.
Proof. Let α, β, γ ∈ C(S) and assume that d(β, γ ) ≤ p for some p > 0. Let
(τi )0≤i≤m be an α → β-splitting sequence and let (ηj )0≤j ≤ be an α → γ -splitting
sequence; if D1 > 0 is as above then the Hausdorff distance between {(τi ) | 0 ≤
i ≤ m} and {(ηj ) | 0 ≤ j ≤ } is at most 2pD1 . Namely, we observed that the
Hausdorff distance between the image under of any two α → β-splitting sequences
is bounded from above by D1 . Moreover, if d(β, γ ) = 1 then β ∪ γ ∈ MC(S)
and hence there is an α → β-splitting sequence which also is an α → γ -splitting
sequence. Thus the statement of the corollary holds for p = 1, and the general case
follows from a successive application of this fact for the points on a geodesic in C(S)
connecting β to γ .
Now let α, β, γ ∈ C(S) be arbitrary points whose pairwise distance is at least 3.
Let again (τi )0≤i≤m be an α → β-splitting sequence. By the definition of φ and the
choice of the constant D2 > 0 above there is some i0 ≤ m such that the distance
between (τi0 ) and φ(α, β, γ ) is at most D2 . Let (ηj )0≤j ≤ be any α → φ(α, β, γ )-
splitting sequence. By our above consideration, the Hausdorff distance between
{(τi ) | 0 ≤ i ≤ i0 } and {(ηj ) | 0 ≤ j ≤ } is at most 2D1 D2 . Similarly,
let (ζj )0≤j ≤n be an α → γ -splitting sequence. Then there is some j0 > 0 such that
d((ζj0 ), φ(α, β, γ )) ≤ D2 . By our above argument, the Hausdorff distance between
the sets {(τi ) | 0 ≤ i ≤ i0 } and {(ζj ) | 0 ≤ j ≤ j0 } is at most 4D1 D2 .
As a consequence, there are numbers a(α, β) > 0 and a(α, γ ) > 0 such that
φ(α, β, γ ) ∈ La(α,β) (β, α, k1 ) ∩ La(α,γ
) (γ , α, k1 ) and that the Hausdorff distance
between a≥a(α,β) La (β, α, k1 ) and a≥a(α,γ ) La (γ , α, k1 ) is at most 6D1 D2 . The
same argument, applied to a β → α-splitting sequence and a β → γ -splitting se-
shows that a≤a(α,β) La (α, β, k1 ) is contained in the 6D1 D2 -neighborhood
of a La (β, γ , k1 ). Then {(τi ) | 0 ≤ i ≤ m} is contained in the 12D1 D2 -
neighborhood of the union of the image under of a γ → α-splitting sequence
and a β → γ -splitting sequence. This shows the lemma.
Hyperbolicity of the curve graph now follows from Lemma 3.4 and the following
460 Ursula Hamenstädt
Proposition 3.5. Let (X, d) be a geodesic metric space. Assume that there is a number
D > 0 and for every pair of points x, y ∈ X there is an arc η(x, y) : [0, 1] → X
connecting η(x, y)(0) = x to η(x, y)(1) = y so that the following conditions are
(1) If d(x, y) ≤ 1 then the diameter of η(x, y)[0, 1] is at most D.
(2) For x, y ∈ X and 0 ≤ s ≤ t ≤ 1, the Hausdorff distance between η(x, y)[s, t]
and η(η(x, y)(s), η(x, y)(t))[0, 1] is at most D.
(3) For any x, y, z ∈ X the set η(x, y)[0, 1] is contained in the D-neighborhood of
η(x, z)[0, 1] ∪ η(z, y)[0, 1].
Then (X, d) is δ-hyperbolic for a number δ > 0 only depending on D.
Proof. Let (X, d) be a geodesic metric space. Assume that there is a number D > 0
and there is a family of paths η(x, y) : [0, 1] → X, one for every pair of points
x, y ∈ X, which satisfy the hypotheses in the statement of the proposition. To show
hyperbolicity for X it is then enough to show the existence of a constant κ > 0
such that for all x, y ∈ X and every geodesic ν : [0, ] → X connecting x to y, the
Hausdorff-distance between ν[0, ] and η(x, y)[0, 1] is at most κ. Namely, if this is
the case then for every geodesic triangle with sides a, b, c the side a is contained in
the 3κ + D-neighborhood of b ∪ c.
To show the existence of such a constant κ > 0, let x, y ∈ X and let c : [0, 2k ] → X
be any path of length (c) = 2k parametrized by arc length connecting x to y.
Write η1 = η(c(0), c(2k−1 )) and write η2 = η(c(2k−1 ), c(2k )). By our assump-
tion, the D-neighborhood of η1 ∪ η2 contains η(c(0), c(2k )). Repeat this construction
with the points c(2k−2 ), c(3 · 2k−2 ) and the arcs η1 , η2 . Inductively we conclude
that the path η(c(0), c(2k )) is contained in the (log2 (c))D-neighborhood of a path
c̃ : [0, 2k ] → C(S) whose restriction to each interval [m − 1, m] (m ≤ 2k ) equals
up to parametrization the arc η(c(m − 1), c(m)). Since d(c(m − 1), c(m)) ≤ 1, by
assumption the diameter of each of the sets η(c(m − 1), c(m))[0, 1] is bounded from
above by D and therefore the arc η(c(0), c(2k )) is contained in the (log2 (c))D + D-
neighborhood of c[0, 2k ].
Now let c : [0, k] → X be a geodesic connecting c(0) = x to c(k) = y which
is parametrized by arc length. Let t > 0 be such that η(x, y)(t) has maximal dis-
tance, say χ , to c[0, k]. Choose some s > 0 such that d(c(s), η(x, y)(t)) = χ and
let t1 < t < t2 be such that d(η(x, y)(t), η(x, y)(tu )) = 2χ (u = 1, 2). In the
case that there is no t1 ∈ [0, t) (or t2 ∈ (t, 1]) with d(η(x, y)(t), η(x, y)(t1 )) ≥ 2χ
(or d(η(x, y)(t), η(x, y)(t2 )) ≥ 2χ) we choose t1 = 0 (or t2 = 1). By our choice
of χ, there are numbers su ∈ [0, k] such that d(c(su ), η(x, y)(tu )) ≤ χ (u = 1, 2).
Then the distance between c(s1 ) and c(s2 ) is at most 6χ . Compose the subarc
c[s1 , s2 ] of c with a geodesic connecting η(x, y)(t1 ) to c(s1 ) and a geodesic con-
necting c(s2 ) to η(x, y)(t2 ). We obtain a curve ν of length at most 8χ . By our
above observation, the (log2 (8χ))D + D-neighborhood of this curve contains the arc
η(η(x, y)(t1 ), η(x, y)(t2 )). However, the Hausdorff distance between η(x, y)[t1 , t2 ]
Chapter 10. Geometry of the complex of curves and of Teichmüller space 461
and η(η(x, y)(t1 ), η(x, t)(t2 )) is at most D and therefore the (log2 (8χ ))D + 2D-
neighborhood of the arc ν contains η(x, y)[t1 , t2 ]. But the distance between η(t) and
our curve ν equals χ by construction and hence we have χ ≤ (log2 (8χ ))D + 2D. In
other words, χ is bounded from above by a universal constant κ1 > 0, and η(x, y) is
contained in the κ1 -neighborhood of the geodesic c.
A similar argument also shows that the 3κ1 -neighborhood of η(x, y) contains
c[0, k]. Namely, by the above consideration, for every t ≤ 1 the set A(t) =
{s ∈ [0, k] | d(c(s), η(x, y)(t)) ≤ κ1 } is a non-empty closed subset of [0, k]. The
diameter of the sets A(t) is bounded from above by 2κ1 . Assume to the contrary that
c[0, k] is not contained in the 3κ1 -neighborhood of η(x, y). Then there is a subinter-
val [a1 , a2 ] ⊂ [0, k] of length a2 − a1 ≥ 4κ1 such that d(c(s), η(x, y)[0, 1]) > κ1
for every s ∈ (a1 , a2 ). Since d(c(s), c(t)) = |s − t| for all s, t we conclude
that for every t ∈ [0, 1] the set A(t) either is entirely contained in [0, a1 ] or it
is entirely contained in [a2 , k]. Define C1 = {t ∈ [0, 1] | A(t) ⊂ [0, a1 ]} and
C2 = {t ∈ [0, 1] | A(t) ⊂ [a2 , 1]}. Then the sets C1 , C2 are disjoint and their union
equals [0, 1]; moreover, we have 0 ∈ C1 and 1 ∈ C2 . On the other hand, the sets Ci
are closed. Namely, let (ti ) ⊂ C1 be a sequence converging to some t ∈ [0, 1]. Let
si ∈ A(ti ) and assume after passing to a subsequence that si → s ∈ [0, a1 ]. Now
κ1 ≥ d(c(si ), η(x, y)(ti )) → d(c(s), η(x, y)(t)) and therefore s ∈ A(t) and hence
t ∈ C1 . However, [0, 1] is connected and hence we arrive at a contradiction. In other
words, the geodesic c is contained in the 3κ1 -neighborhood of η(x, y). This completes
the proof of the proposition.
Corollary 3.7 ([20], [7]). There is a number p > 0 such that the image under of
an arbitrary splitting sequence is an unparametrized p-quasi-geodesic.
Proof. By Proposition 3.5, Theorem 3.6 and their proofs, there is a universal number
D > 0 with the property that for every splitting sequence (τi )0≤i≤m and every geodesic
c : [0, s] → C(S) connecting c(0) = (τ0 ) to c(s) = (τm ), the Hausdorff distance
between the sets {(τi ) | 0 ≤ i ≤ m} and c[0, s] is at most D. From this the corollary
is immediate.
(2) There is a number p̃ > 0 with the following property. Let γ : (−∞, ∞) → Tg,m
be any Teichmüller geodesic; then the assignment t → (γ (t)) is an unparametrized
p̃-quasi-geodesic in C(S).
Proof. Let γ : (−∞, ∞) → Tg,m be any Teichmüller geodesic parametrized by arc
length. Then the cotangent of γ at t = 0 is a quadratic differential q of area one defined
by a pair (λ, μ) ∈ ML × ML of measured geodesic laminations which jointly fill
up S. The cotangent of γ at t is given by the quadratic differential q(t) defined by the
pair (et λ, e−t μ). For k1 > 0 as in Lemma 3.3 and t ∈ R let ζ (t) ∈ C(S) be a curve
whose q(t)-length is at most 2k1 . For every β ∈ [0, 1] the q(t + β)-length of ζ (t) is
bounded from above by 2ek1 and therefore by Lemma 3.3, for every t the distance in
C(S) between ζ (t) and ζ (t +β) is bounded from above by a universal constant k2 > 0.
In particular, the assignment t → ζ (t) satisfies d(ζ (s), ζ (t)) ≤ k2 |s − t| + k2 . Hence
for the proof of our lemma, we only have to show that there is a constant k3 > 0 such
that for every h ∈ Tg,m and every holomorphic quadratic differential q of area one
for h, the distance between (h) and a curve on S whose q-length is bounded from
above by 2k1 is uniformly bounded.
Thus let h be a complete hyperbolic metric of finite volume and let q be a holo-
morphic quadratic differential for h of area one. By the collar lemma of hyperbolic
geometry, a simple closed geodesic c for h whose length is bounded from above by χ is
the core curve of an embedded annulus A whose modulus is bounded from below by a
universal constant ε > 0; we refer to [27] for a definition of the modulus of an annulus
and its properties. Then the extremal length of the core curve of A is bounded from
above by a universal constant m > 0. Now the √ area of q equals one and therefore the
q-length of the core curve c does not exceed m by the definition of extremal length
(see e.g. [22]). In other words, the q-length of the curve (h) is uniformly bounded
which together with Lemma 3.3 implies our claim. The theorem follows.
There are also Teichmüller geodesics in Teichmüller space which are mapped by
to parametrized quasi-geodesics in C(S). For their characterization, denote for
ε > 0 by Tg,mε the subset of Teichmüller space consisting of all marked hyperbolic
metrics for which the length of the shortest closed geodesic is at least ε. The set Tg,m
is invariant under the action of the mapping class group and projects to a compact
subset of moduli space. Moreover, every compact subset of moduli space is contained
ε for some ε > 0.
in the projection of Tg,m
Cobounded Teichmüller geodesics, i.e. Teichmüller geodesics which project to
a compact subset of moduli space, relate the geometry of Teichmüller space to the
geometry of the curve graph. We have
Proposition 4.2 ([8]). The image under of a Teichmüller geodesic γ : R → Tg,m
is a parametrized quasi-geodesic in C(S) if and only if there is some ε > 0 such that
ε .
γ (R) ⊂ Tg,m
Minsky [21] discovered earlier that the Teichmüller metric near a cobounded
geodesic line has properties similar to properties of a hyperbolic geodesic metric
464 Ursula Hamenstädt
space. Namely, for a Teichmüller geodesic γ : R → Tg,m ε the map which associates
Corollary 4.4. Let λ, μ ∈ PML be such that their supports are minimal and fill
up S. Then the image under of the unique Teichmüller geodesic in Tg,m determined
by λ and μ is a bi-infinite unparametrized p̃-quasi-geodesic in C(S), and every bi-
infinite unparametrized p̃-quasi-geodesic in C(S) is contained in a uniformly bounded
neighborhood of a curve of this form.
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Astérisque 66–67 (1979). 450, 465
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Note Ser. 329, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2006, 187–207. 455, 456, 457,
462, 464
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of Math. Stud. 97, Princeton, Princeton, N.J., 1981, 245–251. 447
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[13] N. V. Ivanov, Mapping class groups. Chapter 12 in Handbook of geometric topology
(R. J. Daverman and R. B. Sher, eds.), Elsevier Science, Amsterdam 2002, 523–633. 448
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space. Unpublished manuscript, 1999. 464
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[18] H. Masur, Two boundaries of Teichmüller space. Duke Math. J. 49 (1982), 183–190. 465
[19] H. Masur, Y. Minsky, Geometry of the complex of curves I: Hyperbolicity. Invent. Math.
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[20] H. Masur, Y. Minsky, Quasiconvexity in the curve complex. In In the tradition of Ahlfors
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456, 462
[21] Y. Minsky, Quasi-projections in Teichmüller space. J. Reine Angew. Math. 473 (1996),
121–136. 463
[22] Y. Minsky, Extremal length estimates and product regions in Teichmüller space. Duke
Math. J. 83 (1996), 249–286. 463
Chapter 10. Geometry of the complex of curves and of Teichmüller space 467
[23] L. Mosher, Train track expansions of measured foliations. Unpublished manuscript. 453
[24] J. P. Otal, Le Théorème d’hyperbolisation pour les variétés fibrées de dimension 3.
Astérisque 235 (1996). 450
[25] R. C. Penner, J. L. Harer, Combinatorics of train tracks. Ann. Math. Studies 125, Princeton
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[26] K. Rafi, A characterization of short curves of a Teichmüller geodesic. Geom. Topol. 9
(2005), 179–202. 452
[27] K. Strebel, Quadratic differentials. Ergeb. Math. Grenzgeb. (3) 5, Springer-Verlag, Berlin
1984. 451, 463
Part C
1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 471
2 The Teichmüller space of a surface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 472
3 Hyperbolic surfaces with a conical singularity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 476
3.1 Preliminaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 476
3.2 The geometry of a hyperbolic pair of pants with a conical singularity . 483
3.3 The Teichmüller space of a hyperbolic pair of pants with a conical
singularity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 490
4 The Teichmüller space of an ideal 2-dimensional simplicial complex . . . . 493
4.1 Definitions and preliminaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 493
4.2 The completeness of ideal hyperbolic structures . . . . . . . . . . . . 497
4.3 Parametrization of the Teichmüller space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 497
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 506
1 Introduction
In this chapter, we consider spaces of hyperbolic metrics on a space X which is
homeomorphic to either a surface or a 2-dimensional simplicial complex with its
vertices deleted.1 In the case where X is a surface, the hyperbolic metrics have
conical singularities. In the case where X is a 2-dimensional simplicial complex with
its vertices deleted, by a hyperbolic metric, we mean a length metric in which every
2-dimensional simplex with its vertices deleted is isometric to an ideal triangle. In
each case, the Teichmüller space T (X) of X is defined as the quotient space of the
set of hyperbolic metrics on X by the group of homeomorphisms of X which are
homotopic to the identity.
The first section concerns hyperbolic metrics on a surface. We consider in this sec-
tion surfaces of finite type and we recall Thurston’s parametrization of the Teichmüller
space by the lengths of finitely many simple closed geodesics.
In the second section we consider hyperbolic surfaces with conical singularities.
We parametrize the Teichmüller space of X in the case where X is a hyperbolic
1 Note that in this chapter, a 2-dimensional simplicial complex will be defined as a topological space equipped
with a certain decomposition by simplices; this is not the usual definition of a simplicial complex.
472 Charalampos Charitos and Ioannis Papadoperakis
pair of pants with a single singularity. This parametrization allows us to show that the
Teichmüller space of a hyperbolic pair of pants with a single singularity is contractible.
In the third section we consider a class of 2-dimensional simplicial complexes X
which admit a decomposition into topological triangles such that every two triangles
have at most one edge in common. We define the Teichmüller space T (X) of X and,
as in the classical case presented in Section 2, we find a finite number of essentially
simple closed geodesics whose lengths parametrize T (X).
We would like to thank G. Tsapogas for his helpful remarks and corrections.
Definition 2.1. The Teichmüller space T (X) of X is the quotient of the set H(X) of
hyperbolic structures on X by Diff 0 X, where Diff 0 X is the group of diffeomorphisms
of X which are homotopic to the identity by a homotopy ht that respects the boundary
for each value of the parameter t.
Theorem 2.2. For each element h ∈ T (X) there exists a finite number of simple
closed geodesics in X whose lengths determine h.
Figure 1
defined by
L(ρ) = (lρ (∂1 P ), lρ (∂2 P ), lρ (∂3 P )).
It is well known that the map L is a homeomorphism (see Exposé 3, Theorem 5 of [9]
for a proof in the case where Pk is a pair of pants). This implies that the lengths lh (ci )
of the geodesics ci determine the geometry of each Pk . In other words, the lengths
lh (ci ) parametrize the induced hyperbolic structure h|Pk ∈ T (Pk ).
Now, the surfaces Pk , k ∈ {1, 2, . . . , n} are the building-blocks of X in the sense
that every complete hyperbolic surface X of finite volume can be constructed by
considering a finite number of surfaces of genus 0, each being either a hyperbolic pair
of pants or, a cusped annulus or, a double cusped disc, and gluing them along their
Therefore, we consider the following situation: Let P1 , P2 be two hyperbolic
surfaces each being isometric to either a hyperbolic pair of pants or a cusped annulus
or a double cusped disc. Let h1 ∈ T (P1 ) and h2 ∈ T (P2 ) and assume that P1 , P2 have
boundary components c1 , c2 respectively such that lh1 (c1 ) = lh2 (c2 ) = l = 0. This
last condition permits us to glue P1 and P2 , by identifying c1 and c2 via an isometry,
in order to form a surface, say P .
We denote by c the geodesic which is the image of c1 and c2 in P by the natural
inclusion map. Obviously, there is a degree of freedom when the gluing is performed:
any two gluings differ by an amount of rotation t ∈ R (see Figure 2). The parameter t
is called the twist parameter along c and it represents a signed distance measured in
multiples of the geodesic length l. (The twist parameter takes values in R rather than
in S1 since we want to distinguish isometric hyperbolic structures on P which do not
represent the same element in T (P ).)
... ...
... ...
... ...
... ...
. .
..... .....
... ...
... ... t
... ...
..... .....
Figure 2
Figure 3
In a similar way we may prove that each element h ∈ T (X) is determined by the
parameters {lh (c), lh (a), lh (a )}.
3.1 Preliminaries
We summarize here some standard definitions and statements that we shall need in the
sequel (for more details see, for example, [15]). A geodesic segment (resp. geodesic
ray, geodesic line) in a metric space (Y, | · |) is an isometric map f : I = [a, b] → Y
(resp. I = [0, ∞), I = R). A local geodesic in Y is a path f : I → Y such that
for each t ∈ I , there exists an interval I (t) ⊂ I which is a neighborhood of t in
I , such that the restriction of f to I (t) is a geodesic. A closed geodesic is a local
geodesic g : (−∞, +∞) → Y which is a periodic map. The metric space Y is said
to be geodesic if for each two points x, y there is a geodesic segment f : [a, b] → Y
with f (a) = x, f (b) = y. We write [x, y] for a geodesic segment joining x with y.
Chapter 11. Parameters for generalized Teichmüller spaces 477
(1) Each triangle of D, with the induced metric, is isometric to a triangle in the
hyperbolic space H2 .
(2) Each si , i = 1, 2, . . . , n is a vertex of the triangulation D.
478 Charalampos Charitos and Ioannis Papadoperakis
(3) If v is a vertex of D and if we denote by θD (v) the sum of all angles formed by
the edges of D which have v as vertex, then
θD (v) = 2π if v ∈ Int(X) − and θD (v) = π if v ∈ ∂X − ,
θD (v) > 2π if si ∈ Int(X) ∩ and θD (v) > π if si ∈ ∂X ∩
where ∂X is the boundary of X.
The metric ρ( ·, ·) is called a hyperbolic structure on X and X is called a hyperbolic
surface with conical singularities (h.s.c.s.). The angle θD (si ) will be called the opening
of the conical singularity si with respect to D.
a3 a1
a4 a2
a3 a1
Figure 4
c1 c2 d2
c1 d1 x
d1 d2 a1 a2
a1 a2 d1 d2
p a3 y a3 z
... d3 .. d3 d3
...... .
(a) (b)
Figure 5
Corollary 3.4. Let X be a h.s.c.s. of genus 0 withgeodesic boundary and let m be the
number of boundary components, m ≥ 3. Then ni=1 (θi − 2π) < (2m − 4)π .
x1 a1 m1 x2
a4 a2
m 4 m2
x8 d1
a3 d3
m 3 s m 1
d1 a1
x7 x4
m4 d3 m 2
a4 a2
x6 m3 a3 x5
Figure 6
[s, m 1 ] of the oriented geodesic segments (see Figure 6). Obviously, γ is a closed
geodesic in X which has a double point. On the other hand, there is a simple closed
curve on X which is freely homotopic to γ .
Assume that X is a compact h.s.c.s. which has only one conical singularity. In this
case we may find simple closed geodesics on X which cut X into a surface of genus 0.
More precisely we have:
Proposition 3.5. Let X be a closed h.s.c.s. of genus g with a single conical singu-
larity s1 . Then there are g simple closed geodesics of X which do not contain s1 and
which cut X into a surface N of genus 0.
Proof. Let X = X̃/G, where X̃ is the universal covering of X and G is a discrete group
of isometries of X̃ which act freely on X̃. If p : X̃ → X is the covering projection
we consider a point s ∈ p −1 (s1 ). We consider also the Dirichlet polygon D(s) for
G, with center s (see for example [16], p. 243). For h ∈ G, if Hh (s) = {x ∈ X̃ :
dist(x, s) < dist(x, h(s))}, then D(s) = {Hh (s) : h = 1 in G}. By standard
methods we may prove that D(s) = (x1 x2 . . . x4g ) is a 4g-polygon in X̃ with sides
ai , ai , i = 1, . . . , 2g. The surface X is obtained by gluing in an appropriate way the
sides of D(s) (for example the case g = 2 is shown in Figure 6).
Now let di (resp. di ), i = 1, 3, . . . , 2g −1, be the geodesic segments in D(s) which
join the midpoints mi , mi+1 of ai and ai+1 (resp. the midpoints points m i , m i+1 of ai
and ai+1 ). Obviously [s, m ] and [s, m ] are perpendicular to a and a respectively.
i i i i
The quadrilateral (sm1 x2 m2 ) has two right angles and, therefore, the angle at s of
[s, m1 ] and [s, m2 ] is less than π . Thus, the geodesic segment d1 does not contain s.
Similarly, we may prove that di , di do not contain s. Now, we can easily see that di , di
fit together so that the angles formed at mi , mi+1 , m i , m i+1 are equal to π . Therefore,
if we set ci = di ∪ di , i = 1, 3, . . . , 2g − 1, we deduce that p(ci ) are simple closed
geodesics in X which do not contain s1 . Furthermore if we cut X along p(ci ) we
obtain a h.s.c.s. N of genus 0 with geodesic boundary and one conical singularity in
its interior.
Now the question that arises naturally is whether the surface N of Proposition 3.5
can be decomposed into pairs of pants by cutting along simple closed geodesics.
We have the following proposition:
Proof. From Corollary 3.4 we know that θ(s1 ) < 2(m − 1)π .
If the proposition were not true then we would be able to find a simple closed
geodesic in N which does not contain s1 . But in this case s1 is contained in the interior
of a subsurface N with m − 1 boundary components. Therefore we would have that
θ (s1 ) < 2(m − 2)π , which contradicts our hypothesis.
Chapter 11. Parameters for generalized Teichmüller spaces 483
Proposition 3.7. A closed surface of genus two can be decomposed into two hyperbolic
pair of pants by cutting it along three simple closed geodesics.
Proof. From Proposition 3.5 we may find two simple closed geodesics which cut X
into a surface N of genus 0. Now let P = D(s) = (x1 . . . x8 ) be the Dirichlet polygon
in X̃ considered in Proposition 3.5.
We consider the piecewise geodesic of γ = [x3 , s] ∪ [s, x7 ] in P . We show that γ
projects to a closed geodesic in N and thus γ separates N into two hyperbolic pairs
of pants. In fact, the two angles formed by the geodesic segments [x3 , s], [s, x7 ] at s
are equal, and greater than π. On the other hand, by construction it follows that
P (x3 ; s, x2 )+P (x4 ; x5 , x3 )+P (x1 ; x2 , x8 )+P (x6 ; x7 , x5 )+P (x7 ; x8 , s) = π
P (x3 ; s, x4 )+P (x2 ; x1 , x3 )+P (x5 ; x4 , x6 )+P (x8 ; x7 , x1 )+P (x7 ; x6 , s) = π.
From these equalities we deduce immediately that the simple closed curve γ is a
Proposition 3.8. Let li be the lengths of the boundary components ci and ri be the
lengths of the geodesic arcs di between s and ci for i = 1, 2, 3.
1) If s ∈ Int(X) then the real parameters li , ri , i = 1, 2, 3 determine at most four
non-isometric hyperbolic structures on X.
2) If s ∈ ∂X then the real parameters li , ri , i = 1, 2, 3 determine at most three
non-isometric hyperbolic structures on X.
484 Charalampos Charitos and Ioannis Papadoperakis
Proof. First we assume that s ∈ Int(X) (see Figure 7 (a)). We cut X along d1 ∪ d2 ∪ d3
to obtain a surface denoted by P . Let p : X̃ → X be the covering projection. We may
c3 c2
d3 d2 d3 d2
... d1 .. ...
...... .
...................................... ...... ...
c1 ......................................
(a) (b)
Figure 7
realize P as a polygon, say P = (qps1 xys2 zws3 ), isometrically embedded in X̃, where
s1 , s2 , s3 ∈ p−1 (s). P with the induced geometry satisfies the CAT(−1)-inequality.
We consider the following cases:
Case A0 : Every geodesic segment [si , sj ], i, j ∈ {1, 2, 3}, intersects ∂P only at its
endpoints. Then the triangle T = (s1 s2 s3 ) of P is non-degenerate and therefore it
has, by CAT(−1) inequality, all its angles smaller than π . The quadrilateral (s1 xys2 )
is realizable in H2 and therefore is uniquely determined up to isometry of H2 , by the
right angles at x and y and by the lengths r2 = length([s1 , x]) = length([s2 , y]) and
l2 = length([x, y]). Therefore the length of [s1 , s2 ] is determined by the parameters
r2 and l2 .
Similarly the quadrilaterals (s1 pqs3 ) and (s2 zws3 ) are realizable in H2 and the
lengths of [s2 , s3 ], [s1 , s3 ] are known. From this analysis we can easily construct X
in the case A0 as follows: The triangle T = (s1 s2 s3 ) and the quadrilaterals Q1 =
(s1 xys2 ), Q2 = (s2 zws3 ), Q3 = (s3 qps1 ) are realized as polygons of H2 and they
are unique up to isometry. By gluing these polygons along their common sides we get
the surface X.
If we denote by P (si ; sj , sk ) the angle in P formed by the geodesic segments
[si , sj ] and [si , sk ] at si , then we define the set A0 of all hyperbolic structures on X
such that P (si ; sj , sk ) < π for every i, j, k ∈ {1, 2, 3}. Obviously to each such
hyperbolic structure we may correspond a unique configuration of H2 , say of type
A0 , which consists of a triangle T and three quadrilaterals Qi of H2 , glued as in
Figure 8 (a). Conversely, to each configuration of type A0 , we may correspond a
unique hyperbolic structure on X.
Finally we remark that in the case A0 , the whole polygon P is realizable in H2 .
Case A0,1 : We assume that P (s1 ; s2 , s3 ) = π. In this case the triangle T = (s1 s2 s3 )
is degenerate and coincides with the geodesic segment [s2 , s3 ] (see Figure 8 (b)). We
Chapter 11. Parameters for generalized Teichmüller spaces 485
y z s3
s2 q w
x p
w s1
x z
s1 s3
y s2
p q
(a) (b)
Figure 8
define by A0,1 the set of all hyperbolic structures on X such that P (s1 ; s2 , s3 ) = π.
Therefore, to each hyperbolic structure in A0,1 corresponds a unique configuration
of H2 , say of type A0,1 , which consists of three quadrilateral Qi of H2 , glued as in
Figure 8 (b). Conversely to each configuration of type A0,1 , we may assign a unique
hyperbolic structure on X.
Similarly to the Case A0,1 we define the cases A0,2 and A0,3 when
P (s2 ; s1 , s3 ) = π and P (s3 ; s1 , s2 ) = π
respectively. Analogously, we define the subsets A0,2 and A0,3 of hyperbolic structures
on X.
Case A1 : The geodesic in P which joins the points s2 , s3 passes through s1 and
P (s1 ; s2 , s3 ) > π . This implies that [s2 , s3 ] = [s2 , s1 ] ∪ [s1 , s3 ]. Now, if we
consider the pentagon R = (s1 s2 zws3 ) it then follows that R (s1 ; s2 , s3 ) > π and R
is realizable in H2 .
The quadrilaterals (s3 pqs1 ) and (s1 xys2 ) are uniquely determined up to isometry
of H2 , similarly to the case A0 . So the lengths of [s1 , s2 ] and [s1 , s3 ] are determined.
Therefore the pentagon R can be constructed in H2 in a unique way, since we know
all its edges and that the angles at z, w are right, and that the angle at s1 is greater
than π . Thus, under the assumption P (s1 ; s2 , s3 ) > π , P is uniquely determined,
and the surface X as well.
We define by A1 the set of all hyperbolic structures on X such that P (s1 ; s2 , s3 ) >
π . Obviously to each hyperbolic structure in A1 we may assign a unique configuration,
say of type A1 , which consists of a pentagon R and two quadrilaterals Q2 , Q3 of H2 ,
glued as in Figure 9. Conversely, to each configuration of type A1 , we may assign
a unique hyperbolic structure on X. The triangle T = (s1 s2 s3 ) appearing in the
configuration of Figure 9 is called imaginary, because it does not actually exists in X.
p w
Figure 9
y p
p s1 x
x s1
(a) (b)
Figure 10
Case ∂1 B2 : P (s2 ; s1 , s3 ) > π (see Figure 11) and we define the corresponding
subset ∂1 B2 of hyperbolic structures on X. We set ∂1 B2 = ∂1 B2 ∪ ∂1 B0,2 .
Figure 11
In what follows, we introduce a set of real parameters which are defined inde-
pendently of the position of the singularity s. We shall prove that these parameters
determine, up to isometry, the surface X.
Let ∂X = c1 ∪ c2 ∪ c3 and let di be a geodesic segment which realizes the distance
between ci and ci+1(mod 3) , i = 1, 2, 3. It is not hard to prove, by using the CAT(−1)
inequality, that di is unique for each i. Assume d1 ∩ d2 ∩ d3 = {s}. Then if we cut and
open X along d = d1 ∪ d2 ∪ d3 we obtain two connected components P , Q. Each P ,
Q is a polygon isometrically embedded in X̃. We denote by ai the subarc P ∩ ci of ci
and by bi the subarc Q ∩ ci . Set li = length(ci ), ri = length(di ) and ki = length(ai ).
We remark that ri , i = 1, 2, 3 are the distances between the sides of the polygon P .
c1 k1 x2 y2
x1 s1 k1
y1 y3
r1 P s k Q2 r1
s Q1
x4 y4
y6 s2
c2 .................................. ..... ..
.............................. c3 k2 x3 k2
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 12
r1 P k1 Q r2
r3 s2
....... .
..... ..
.............................. k2 x3 s1 l3
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 13
known that each element of Homeo+ (X, ∂) is isotopic to the identity (see Exposé 2
in [9]). The space Homeo+ (X, ∂) acts on H (X) as follows: If f ∈ Homeo+ (X, ∂)
and ρ ∈ H(X) then (f, ρ) → f ∗ ρ where f ∗ ρ(x, y) = ρ(f (x), f (y)).
Definition 3.11. We define the Teichmüller space T (X, s) of X with a conical singu-
larity s as the quotient H (X)/ Homeo+ (X, ∂).
Obviously T (X, s) consists of all hyperbolic structures which belong to one of the
sets Ak , k = 0, 1, 2, 3 defined in Proposition 3.8.
To build a parameter space for T (X, s) which will allow us to understand the
topology of T (X, s) we proceed as follows:
We consider a convex subset C0 of R6 consisting of all (a, b, c, r1 , r2 , r3 ) ∈ R6 :
a, b, c > 0 (1)
a ≤b+c (2)
b ≤a+c (3)
c ≤a+b (4)
r1 , r2 , r3 ≥ 0 (5)
r1 + r2 > 0 (6)
r2 + r3 > 0 (7)
r1 + r3 > 0. (8)
Obviously C0 is a non-bounded convex subset of R6 . Let ∂a C0 (resp. ∂b C0 , ∂c C0 )
be the subset of C0 obtained by replacing inequality (2) (resp. (3), (4)) above with the
equality a = b + c. The sets ∂a C0 , ∂b C0 , ∂c C0 are pairwise disjoint subsets of the
boundary ∂C0 of C0 . On the other hand, we define the subset ∂1 C0 (resp. ∂2 C0 , ∂3 C0 )
of C0 which is defined by the equation r1 = 0 (resp. r2 = 0, r3 = 0). The sets ∂1 C0 ,
∂2 C0 , ∂3 C0 are also pairwise disjoint subsets of ∂C0 . However each ∂i C0 intersects
∂a C0 and let ∂i,a C0 = ∂a C0 ∩∂i C0 . Obviously each ∂i,a C0 is homeomorphic to R4 and
is a convex connected component of the boundary ∂(∂a C0 ) of ∂a C0 . More precisely
we have ∂(∂a C0 ) = ∂1,a C0 ∪ ∂2,a C0 ∪ ∂3,a C0 .
On the other hand, for each i, the set ∂i,a C0 is a convex connected component
of the boundary ∂(∂i C0 ) of ∂i C0 . So if we define, in a similar fashion, the subsets
∂i,b C0 = ∂b C0 ∩ ∂i C0 and ∂i,c C0 = ∂c C0 ∩ ∂i C0 , then we have that ∂(∂i C0 ) =
∂i,a C0 ∪ ∂i,b C0 ∪ ∂i,c C0 .
Now we consider three copies of C0 , say C1 , C2 , C3 . On the disjoint union
C0 ∪ C1 ∪ C2 ∪ C3 we identify C0 with C1 along ∂a C, C0 with C2 along ∂b C and
C0 with C3 along ∂c C. Let C be the resulting space. From the convexity of the
sets ∂a C, ∂b C and ∂c C it follows that C is a non-compact manifold embedded in R6 ,
with three boundary components. The interior of C is homeomorphic to R6 and each
boundary component ∂i C of C, i = 1, 2, 3, is homeomorphic to R5 . We remark that
the restriction of ∂i C on every Ci (considered as subset of C) is defined by the relation
ri = 0.
492 Charalampos Charitos and Ioannis Papadoperakis
0 : A0 → C0
k : Ak → Ck , k = 1, 2, 3
which satisfy the relations (∗∗) below:
1 (A0,1 ) ⊂ ∂a C0 , 2 (A0,2 ) ⊂ ∂b C0 , 3 (A0,3 ) ⊂ ∂c C0
k (∂i Bk ) ⊂ ∂i Ck , k ∈ {1, 2, 3}, i ∈ {1, 2, 3} − {k}.
From the relations (∗) and (∗∗) above we have that 0 | is equal to k | ,
A0 ∩A0 A0 ∩A
so 0 and k fit properly and give a mapping : T (X, s) → C which is 1-1. We set
(T (X, s)) = B.
Theorem 3.14. T (X, s) as well as each boundary component of ∂(T (X, s)) are
contractible spaces.
For the proof of this theorem, which is quite long and technical, we construct step
by step a homotopy H : T (X, s) × [0, 1] → T (X, s) such that H|T (X,s)×{0} = id and
H|T (X,s)×{1} = constant map. For details, see [8].
ideal triangles. In Proposition 4.3 below we shall show that there always exist ideal
hyperbolic structures on X.
In what follows, we shall always assume that the metric h on X is complete.
Although the metric h is defined on X , we shall be speaking about a metric on X.
By the term geodesic (resp. local geodesic) in X we mean a geodesic (resp. a local
geodesic) in X with respect to the metric h, see Paragraph 2.1 for the definitions.
Every ideal hyperbolic structure h on X is a geodesic metric since X with h is a
complete and locally compact length space (see [10], Chapter 1, Theorem 1.10). As
in Paragraph 2.1, we write [x, y] for a geodesic segment joining the points x, y ∈ X .
The space X is a local CAT(−1)-space. This follows from the fact that each point
in X has a neighborhood which is isometric to the union of a finite number of half-
discs in H2 whose diameters are of equal length, the half discs being glued along their
diameters, see Corollary 1.5 of [6].
The universal covering X̃ of X inherits the structure of a 2-dimensional simplicial
complex. Obviously, if we consider an ideal hyperbolic structure h on X then h can
be lifted, via the covering projection p : X̃ → X, to an ideal hyperbolic structure on
X̃, i.e. to a complete length metric h̃ on X̃ − p −1 (S).
Definition 4.1. Let X be a 2-dimensional simplicial complex, C the set of its triangles
and F the associated set of gluing maps. Two ideal hyperbolic structures h and h
on X are said to be equivalent if there exists a homeomorphism F : X → X which
induces the identity map on the edges of X and which satisfies F ∗ (h) = h , where
by F ∗ (h) we denote the pull-back of the metric h via F . We denote by T (X) the
set of equivalence classes of ideal hyperbolic structures on X and we call this set the
Teichmüller space of X.
If h is an ideal hyperbolic structure on X, we shall also denote by h its equivalence
class in T (X).
Let B be the set of ordered pairs (T , T ) where T , T are triangles of X. The shift
parameters define a map : T (X) → RB , by the formula
(h)(T , T ) = xh (T , T ).
The map is clearly injective, since each element of T X is determined by the
associated set of gluing maps, which are isometries between edges of ideal hyperbolic
Equip B with the discrete topology, RB with the product topology and T (X) with
the topology induced from the embedding : T (X) → RB .
Note finally that, for reasons explained in [7], the map : T (X) → RB is not
Figure 14
shift parameter xh (T , T , E). Indeed, the space Z has two cusps and it is obtained
by performing three gluings along the sides of T and T . So the dimension of T (Z)
is 1 (see Theorem 3.3 in [6]). Now, in order to determine xh (T , T , E) we need the
lengths of two closed geodesics; one which determines |xh (T , T , E)| and a second
one which determines the sign of xh (T , T , E). But, it is easy to see that there exists
only one simple closed curve in X which is not nullhomotopic. Therefore, there is
only one essentially simple closed geodesic in X (see Definition 4.4 below).
Chapter 11. Parameters for generalized Teichmüller spaces 497
In Figure 15 (a) the geodesic γ1 , which has no back and forth, can be homotoped
to a simple curve c1 without back and forth for all times t, while in Figure 15 (b) the
geodesic γ2 , which has no back and forth too, can be homotoped to a simple curve c2
but the new curve c2 has back and forth. So γ1 is an essentially simple geodesic but
not γ2 .
γ1 c1
γ1 c1
γ2 c2
Figure 15
It is easy to see that if γ is an essentially simple closed geodesic, then the images
ht ([0, 1]) remain in the same ideal triangles of X as γ , for all t. Therefore, if there
Chapter 11. Parameters for generalized Teichmüller spaces 499
Theorem 4.5. The element h of T (X) can be determined by the lengths of a finite
number of essentially simple closed geodesics in X.
Proof. Let T = (abc) and T = (acd) be two faces of X which share a common
edge. The corresponding ideal triangles of X are also denoted by T and T . The edge
of X joining the cusps a and c is denoted by E(a, c).
In order to prove the theorem it suffices to find a finite number of essentially simple
closed geodesics of X whose lengths determine the shift parameter xh (T , T ).
We may assume, without loss of generality, that each edge of X is adjacent to
at most three ideal triangles. Indeed, we denote by kE the number of ideal triangles
which are adjacent to an edge E and we call kE the index of E. Assume E is an
edge of index kE ≥ 4. Then there is an ideal simplicial complex Y (not necessarily
connected) and two edges E1 , E2 of Y such that
• kE1 < kE , kE2 < kE and kE1 + kE2 = kE ,
• there exists an isometry E1 → E2 such that X is obtained from Y by identifying
E1 with E2 via this isometry,
• T , T belong to the same connected component of Y and share the common
edge E(a, c).
By repeated application of this procedure, we obtain an ideal simplicial complex
Z which contains T and T glued along E(a, c) and the index of edges of Z is at most
Figure 16 displays how the edge E of X gives rise to two edges E1 , E2 in Y with
kE1 = 2 and kE2 = 3.
Figure 16
500 Charalampos Charitos and Ioannis Papadoperakis
ab ad
b d
Figure 17
a minimal subgraph Ha0 of Ha which contains H [ab , ac ] and H [ac , ad ]. We have the
following claim:
Claim 1. The graph Ha0 is homeomorphic to either a circle or the configuration shown
in Figure 18 (a); in the latter case the graph will be called of type G1 .
G1 x G2
ac ad
(a) (b)
Figure 18
Obviously, γ1 (1) ∈ {ab , ac , ad }. Therefore, either γ1 (1) = {ad } or, γ1 (1) = {ac }
or, γ1 (1) = {ab }. We denote these cases by (I1 ), (I2 ), (I3 ) respectively.
Similarly, there exists an arc γ2 : [0, 1] → Ha such that
(i) γ2 is 1-1 for each t ∈ (0, 1);
(ii) γ2 (0) = ad and γ1 (1) ∈ H [ab , ac ] ∪ H [ac , ad ];
(iii) γ2 ([0, 1]) ∩ (H [ab , ac ] ∪ H [ac , ad ]) = {γ2 (0), γ2 (1)}.
Obviously, γ2 (1) ∈ {ab , ac , ad }. Therefore, either γ2 (1) = {ab } or, γ2 (1) = {ac }
or, γ2 (1) = {ad }. We denote these cases by (II1 ), (II2 ), (II3 ) respectively.
By combining these cases for the arcs γ1 and γ2 , and given that each vertex of Ha0
is of index 3, we conclude the proof of the claim. More precisely: In the case (I1 ) or
(II1 ) we may choose Ha0 to be homeomorphic to S1 . In the cases (I3 ) and (II3 ) or, (I3 )
and (II2 ) or, (I2 ) and (II3 ) we may choose Ha0 to be homeomorphic to G1 .
Now, we consider a closed curve r0 : [0, 1] → Ha0 such that
(1) r0 is locally 1-1 and onto;
(2) there are points t1 < t2 in [0, 1] such that r0 (t1 ) = ab , r0 (t2 ) = ad and
r0 ([t1 , t2 ]) ∩ Ha0 = H [ab , ac ] ∪ H [ac , ad ];
(3) the number of times that r0 passes through each vertex of Ha0 is minimum
among all curves r : [0, 1] → Ha0 satisfying properties (1) and (2) above.
For example, in Figure 18 (a) we consider Ha0 to be of type G1 . If we choose a
curve r0 : [0, 1] → Ha0 such that r0 (0) = ab , r0 (t1 ) = ac , r0 (t2 ) = ad , r0 (t3 ) = x,
r0 (t4 ) = ad , r0 (t5 ) = ac , r0 (t6 ) = y, r0 (1) = ab , for 0 < t1 < t2 < t3 < t4 < t5 <
t6 < 1, then we can see that r0 satisfies the requirements (1), (2), (3) above.
Now, for the curve r0 , we consider a partition 0 = t1 < t2 < · · · < tn = 1 of [0, 1]
such that r0 ([ti , ti+1 ]) ⊂ Ti for all i = 1, . . . , n − 1„ where Ti is an ideal triangle of
X and r0 (ti ) ∈ Ei , r0 (ti+1 ) ∈ Ei+1 , where Ei and Ei+1 are edges of Ti . We shall
say that the family {Ti } covers the curve r0 and we remark that the triangles Ti are
not necessarily distinct. By taking the triangles Ti with an orientation on their sides
induced from the orientation of the edges of X , we glue them successively and we
construct a surface Y0 . More precisely, for each i = 1, . . . , n − 1, we glue Ti with
Ti+1 along their common side Ei+1 with shift parameter equal to xh (Ti , Ti+1 ) and Tn
with T1 along En+1 with shift parameter equal to xh (Tn , T1 ). In this way we build a
new surface Y0 with a cusp (Figure 19). All edges Ei of Y0 are ending at this cusp,
which is denoted again by a. Notice that (abc) and (acd) appear as ideal triangles
of Y0 . The surface Y0 is called the development of r0 by the ideal triangles {Ti }. The
edge E(a, b) of Y0 is adjacent to (abc) and to another ideal triangle of Y0 , say (abe).
Obviously, (abe) is one of the ideal triangles Ti which cover r0 , so (abe) is also a face
of X .
For the cusp b of X we work similarly considering the triangles (abc), (abe)
instead of the triangles (abc) and (acd). This means that, we consider a horocyclic
foliation around b, we choose a leaf Hb of it, as well as a minimal subgraph Hb0 of Hb
containing H [ba , bc ] and H [ba , be ], where H [ba , bc ] = Hb ∩ (abc) and H [ba , be ] =
502 Charalampos Charitos and Ioannis Papadoperakis
e e
a a
b d b
c c
Y0 z Y1
e e
a a
b c d b d
z z
u u
Y2 Y3
Figure 19
(2 ) There are points t1 < t2 < t3 < t4 in [0, 1] such that r2 (t1 ) = cz , r2 (t2 ) = cb ,
r2 (t3 ) = ca , r2 (t4 ) = cd and r2 ((ti , ti+1 ))∩{cz , cb , cd , ca } = ∅ for each i = 1, 2, 3, 4.
As before, there exists a family {Ti2 } of ideal triangles of X which cover r2 . So,
we build a surface Y2 which contains Y1 and also contains the development of r2 by
the ideal triangles {Ti2 }. Therefore Y2 is a new surface which contains the cusps a, b, c
(Figure 19). The edges E(c, d) and E(a, d) of Y2 which belong to the triangle (acd)
are adjacent to two ideal triangles of Y2 , say (cdu) and (adw) respectively.
Finally, by considering the cusp d of X we repeat the same procedure with d in
place of c. That is, we consider the three pieces of horocycle H [du , dc ] = Hd ∩ (duc),
H [dc , da ] = Hd ∩ (dca), H [da , dw ] = Hd ∩ (daw), where Hd is a leaf of the
horocyclic foliation around d, we next consider the minimal subgraph Hd0 of Hd
which contains H [du , dc ], H [dc , da ], H [da , dw ] and so on. In this way we construct
a surface Y3 which contains the cusps a, b, c, d (Figure 19).
From the construction of Y3 it follows that there exists a natural projection π : Y3 →
X which is a local isometry in the sense that for every y ∈ Y3 there exists a neighbor-
hood U of y in Y3 which is mapped isometrically by π onto a subset of X . It is imme-
diate to see that for any curve ρ : [0, 1] → π(Y3 ) there exists a lifting r : [0, 1] → Y3
of ρ, i.e. π r = ρ.
Now we shall prove that the shift parameters of all pairs of ideal triangles which
are glued in Y3 , and hence xh (T , T ), are determined by the lengths of simple closed
geodesics of Y3 which are projected to essentially simple geodesics in X .
We need the following
Claim 3. In a neighborhood of the cusp a (resp. of b, c, d) of Y3 we may find a simple
closed curve ra (resp. rb , rc , rd ) (see Figure 20) such that the following holds:
ba b ac da
rb b d rd
bc dc
cb cd
Figure 20
Proof of Claim 3. If the graph Hx0 for x ∈ {a, b, c, d} is homeomorphic to a circle, then
there are neighborhoods of the cusp x in Y3 and X respectively, which are isometric
via π . Therefore, we may choose an arbitrary simple closed curve rx in a neighborhood
of x in Y3 .
If the graph Hx0 is of type G1 for x ∈ {a, b, c, d} or, if Hx0 is of type G2 for
x ∈ {c, d}, then we choose a simple closed curve ρx in a neighborhood of the cusp
x in X , and we denote by rx a lifting of ρx in Y3 . Obviously rx is a simple closed
curve. Furthermore, we must choose ρx , and hence rx , properly so that the projection
π : Y3 → X restricted on the graph G is 1-1.
Without loss of generality, we assume that Hx0 is of type G1 for x = a and Hx0 is of
type G2 for x = c. We consider points ab , ac , ad placed on Ha0 and points ca , cb , cd ,
placed on Hc0 . Let ρa and ρc be simple closed curves contained in a neighborhood of
cusps a and c of X respectively.
For y ∈ {b, c, d}, if the edge E(a, y) intersects ρa in more than one point then we
define the points ay = E(a, y) ∩ ρa so that E[ay , y) ∩ ρa = ay , where E[ay , y) is the
subset of E(a, y) from ay to y which is homeomorphic to the interval [0, +∞). We
set ay = π −1 (ay ) ∩ ra . Similarly we define cy = E(c, y) ∩ ρc and cy = π −1 (cy ) ∩ rc
where y ∈ {a, b, d}. Now, with this choice of curves and points, the graph G is defined
and we may easily verify that π : G → X is 1-1. In Figures 21 and 22 we indicate
how to choose the curves ρa and ρc as well as the points ay and cy in two typical
ac ad
ab Ha0
ac ad
Figure 21
Chapter 11. Parameters for generalized Teichmüller spaces 505
cb cz
ca cz
cb ρc
Figure 22
Now, all the simple closed geodesics in Y3 which are used to determine the shift
parameter χh (T , T ), can be homotoped to simple closed curves which do not have
back and forth and which lie in an arbitrarily small neighborhood U of graph G.
A number of such geodesics are drawn in bold in Figure 23. On the other hand,
a d
b c
Figure 23
these geodesics project to essentially simple closed geodesics in X because they are
homotopic in Y3 to simple closed curves lying in U. This proves the theorem.
506 Charalampos Charitos and Ioannis Papadoperakis
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Chapter 12
Marc Troyanov
1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 508
2 Piecewise flat surfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 510
2.1 Euclidean triangulation on a surface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 510
2.2 The universal branched cover of a piecewise flat surface . . . . . . . . 511
2.3 The developing map of a piecewise flat surface . . . . . . . . . . . . 512
2.4 The holonomy of a piecewise flat surface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 514
2.5 The developing map near a singularity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 515
2.6 Geometric equivalence of euclidean triangulations . . . . . . . . . . . 516
2.7 Flat metrics with conical singularities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 516
2.8 Relation with Riemann surfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 517
3 Punctured surfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 518
3.1 Punctured surfaces and their fundamental groups . . . . . . . . . . . 518
3.2 Uniformization of a punctured Riemann surface . . . . . . . . . . . . 519
3.3 Some groups of diffeomorphisms of a punctured surface . . . . . . . 521
3.4 Outer automorphisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 521
3.5 Lifting the group Diff 0 ( ) on U . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 522
4 The representation variety of a finitely generated group in SE(2) . . . . . . 524
4.1 On the cohomology of groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 524
4.2 Abelian representations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 526
4.3 Representations in SE(2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 527
4.4 Conjugation by similarities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 529
5 Deformation theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 530
5.1 The moduli and Teichmüller spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 530
5.2 The deformation space of piecewise flat metrics . . . . . . . . . . . . 532
5.3 Revisiting the developing map and the holonomy . . . . . . . . . . . 532
6 The main theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 535
6.1 The case of the sphere . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 537
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 538
508 Marc Troyanov
1 Introduction
The Teichmüller space of a punctured surface is the space of hyperbolic metrics with
cusps up to isotopy on that surface, however, it can also be seen as the space of flat
metrics with conical singularities of prescribed angles at the punctures up to isotopy
and rescaling. The aim of the present chapter is to use this fact and show how the theory
of piecewise flat surfaces and their deformations leads to new geometric structures in
Teichmüller theory.
In the first section, which is rather elementary, we describe the geometry of piece-
wise flat surfaces. The second section describes the topology of punctured surfaces
and their diffeomorphism groups. In the third section we discuss the representation
space of a finitely generated group π into the group SE(2) of rigid motions in the
euclidean plane. In the last two sections, we apply the previous results to construct a
new geometric structure on the Riemann moduli space Mg,n of a surface of genus g
with n punctures. More specifically, we show that this moduli space is a good orbifold1
which admits a family of geometric structures locally modeled on the homogeneous
spaces = T2g × CP2g+n−3 .
We now discuss our main result. We first define a punctured surface g,n of type
(g, n) to be a fixed connected closed orientable surface S of genus g together with a
distinguished set of n pairwise distinct points p1 , p2 , . . . , pn ∈ g,n . The Teichmüller
space Tg,n of g,n is the set of conformal structures on g,n modulo isotopies fixing
the punctures (see Section 5 for a precise definition). This space is a real analytic
variety in a natural way; if 2g − 2 + n > 0, then it is isomorphic to R6g−6+2n . The
group of isotopy classes of orientation-preserving diffeomorphisms of g,n fixing the
punctures is called the pure mapping class group and denoted by PModg,n . It acts in
a natural way on the Teichmüller space Tg,n .
We are now in a position to state the main result:
Theorem. Given a punctured surface g,n such that 2g +n−2 > 0, we can construct
a group homomorphism
: PModg,n → G = Aut(T2g ) × PGL2g+n−2 (C)
and a -equivariant local homeomorphism
H : Tg,n → = T2g × CP2g+n−3 .
To say that H is -equivariant means that H (Aμ) = (A) · H (μ) for all A ∈
PModg,n and μ ∈ Tg,n .
nThe pair (H, ) depends on n parameters β1 , β2 , . . . , βn ∈ (−1, ∞) such that
j =1 βj = 2g − 2 and no βi ∈ Z.
1 Recall that an orbifold is a space which is locally the quotient of a manifold by a finite group. A good
orbifold is globally the quotient of a manifold by a group acting properly and discontinuously (but in general not
Chapter 12. On the moduli space of singular euclidean surfaces 509
The moduli space Mg,n of g,n is the set of conformal structures on g,n modulo
diffeomorphisms fixing the punctures. It is the quotient of the Teichmüller space by
the pure mapping class group of g,n ; in other words Mg,n is a good orbifold whose
universal cover is Tg,n and fundamental group is PModg,n . In the geometric language
of (G, X)-strucures on manifolds and orbifolds (see [7], [9], [14], [29]), this theorem
says that we have constructed a family of geometric structures on the orbifold Mg,n
which is modeled on the homogeneous space = T2g × CP2g+n−3 . This family is
parametrized by the βi ’s.
The composition of the map H in the theorem with the projection on the torus
T gives us a map ρ : Tg,n → T2g called the character map. It was proved by
W. A. Veech that this map is a real analytic submersion. Its fibers describe a foliation
whose leaves carry a geometric structure locally modelled on the complex projective
space CP2g+n−3 , see [35] for proofs of these facts and a discussion of other related
geometric structures on Tg,n .
The proof of this theorem is based on the following strategy: we first show that the
Teichmüller space can be seen as a deformation space of flat metrics on g,n having
conical singularities of prescribed angles at the punctures. We associate to such a
metric a homomorphism, called the holonomy of the metric, from the fundamental
group of the surface to the group SE(2) of direct isometries of the euclidean plane.
We then show that such a homomorphism can be seen as a point in the variety . In
brief, H : Tg,n → maps the isotopy class of a singular flat metric to its holonomy
In the special case of the punctured sphere, a stronger form of this theorem has
been obtained by Deligne and Mostow [10] using some techniques from algebraic
geometry and by Thurston [30] using an approach closer to ours.
To conclude this introduction, let us stress that the importance of piecewise flat
metrics in Teichmüller theory is illustrated by the large number of papers dedicated
to this subject. In addition to the work of Veech and Thurston already quoted, let
us mention the contributions of Rivin [27], Bowditch [5], Epstein and Penner [11]
to name a few. Piecewise euclidean metrics also appear in quantum gravity and in
topological quantum field theory, see [2], [8] and the references therein. Although the
present chapter starts with elementary considerations, the reader ought not to consider
it as a global survey of this vast subject.
Acknowledgments. I would like to thank Babak Modami and François Fillastre for
having carefully read the manuscript and for their comments. Finally, this exposition
is dedicated to the memory of Michel Matthey.
510 Marc Troyanov
Definition 2.2. A piecewise flat surface (, T ) is a surface together with a euclidean
where ϕ1 , . . . , ϕk are the angles of all the triangles in T which are incident to p. The
singularity order β(p) of a vertex p is the angular excess at p measured in number of
β(p) = − 1.
We extend the function β to all points of by setting β(x) = 0 if x ∈ is not a
vertex. The point x is then termed singular if β(x) = 0 (i.e. if θ = 2π) and regular
The proof is a direct counting argument based on the definition of the Euler char-
acteristic and the fact that the three internal angles of a euclidean triangle add up to π ,
see [31].
Let us choose a fixed triangle T0 ∈ T and call it home (or the base triangle). We
also choose a base point x0 in the interior of T0 .
Definition 2.6. The universal branched cover of (, T ) is the euclidean two-dimen-
sional complex Tˆ obtained as follows: a k-simplex σ̂ of Tˆ , where k = 0, 1 or 2, is a
pair (σ, [c]) where σ is a k-simplex of T and [c] is an admissible homotopy class of
paths joining T0 to a point in σ .
The universal branched cover Tˆ is a simplicial complex (which is not locally finite)
and there is an obvious simplicial map Tˆ → T sending (σ, [c]) to σ .
512 Marc Troyanov
Proposition 2.8. Let (, T ) be a piecewise flat surface with home triangle T0 and
choose an isometry f0 from T0 onto a triangle in R2 . Then there exists a unique map
f: ˆ → R2 such that f coincides with f0 on T0 and f maps every hinge onto a
quadrilateral in R2 .
Proposition 2.10. Let be a compact piecewise flat surface without boundary. Then
ˆ → R2 is surjective.
any developing map f :
Proof. Observe first that f is a closed map (because it is an isometry on each triangle).
Suppose that R2 \ f ()ˆ = ∅, then this set is open and we can find a point y ∈ R2
which lies on the boundary of f (). ˆ Because f is closed, we can find x̂ ∈ ˆ with
f (x̂) = y. Let x = P (x̂) ∈ . This point cannot be in the interior of any triangle of
the triangulation, thus x lies on an edge e. Moving slightly the point y if necessary,
we can assume that x lies in the interior e (i.e. that x is not a vertex).
Since has no boundary, e is an interior edge; the developing map f sends the
hinge of e onto a quadrilateral Q in R2 . The interior of e is sent in the interior of
ˆ This contradicts the point y lying on the boundary of f ().
Q ⊂ f (). ˆ 2
514 Marc Troyanov
unique isometry g : R2 → R2 such that the g(f (T0 )) = f (T0 , [c]). We denote this
isometry by g = ϕ(γ ).
Proposition 2.11. The map ϕ : π → E(2) (the group of isometries of the euclidean
plane) is a group homomorphism.
Proof. This easily follows from the construction of the developing map. 2
Proof. Suppose that there is a point y ∈ R2 such that H · y is bounded. Since the
developing map is surjective, there exists a point x̂ ∈ ˆ such that f (x̂) = y. Observe
that H · y = f (π · x̂). Any point in the surface can be connected to x = P (x̂) by
a path of length at most D = diam(), hence any point in ˆ can be connected to a
point in the orbit π · x̂ by a path of length at most D.
Since f preserves the length of all paths, it follows that any point in the image
ˆ can be connected to a point in the orbit H · y by a path of length at most D. The
f ()
last assertion contradicts the surjectivity of f . 2
Recall that the developing map of a piecewise flat surface is not unique, it depends
on the choice of an isometry of the home triangle into R2 . However the holonomy is
well defined up to conjugacy:
Proof. The holonomy is defined by the condition f (T0 , γ ) = ϕ(γ )(f (T0 )), hence
ϕ (γ )(f (T0 )) = f (T0 , γ ) = g f (T0 , γ ) = g ϕ(γ )(f (T0 ))
= g ϕ(γ ) g −1 (f (T0 )). 2
Proposition 2.17. The area measure dA, the length structure , the singularity or-
der β, the developing map and holonomy are invariants of this equivalence relation.
Proof. The statement is obvious for dA, and β. Observe now that if T is a triangle
of T and T , T is an elementary subdivision of T , then the pair (T , T ) is the hinge
of their common edge e ⊂ T . Observe also that if f : T → R2 is an isometry, then f
is an unfolding of that hinge.
This argument shows that the developing map remains unchanged when subdivising
the triangulation. Since the developing map is invariant, so is the holonomy. 2
Definition 2.18. A flat surface with conical singularities (, m) is a surface together
with a singular Riemannian metric m which is isometric to the metric mβ in (2.2) in
the neighbourhood of every point p ∈ , where β = β(p) ∈ (−1, ∞).
One says that β(p) is the singularity order of p and p is a conical singularity if
β(p) = 0.
The singular points form a discrete set and the formal sum (with discrete
support) β(p) p is called the divisor of the singular metric m. One sometimes also
says that m represents this divisor.
Proposition 2.19. Any compact flat surface with conical singularities (, m) can be
geodesically triangulated. The resulting triangulation is a euclidean triangulation on
and the associated length structure coincides with the length in the metric m. 2
A proof can be found in [31] and in [30]. See also [18] and [27] for further
discussions on triangulations of piecewise flat surfaces.
Proof. It is clear from Proposition 2.17, that two triangulations which are geometri-
cally equivalent give rise to the same singular flat metric. Conversely, suppose that the
triangulations T and T define the same metric, then each triangle of T is decomposed
by T in a finite number of polygonal regions. We may then further decompose these
polygons in euclidean triangles, and we thus obtain a new euclidean triangulation of
which is a subdivision of both T and T . 2
Remark 2.21. The reader should observe here that the conical singularities are invis-
ible from the conformal viewpoint. This is a consequence of the formula (2.2) which
shows that the singular metric is conformal to a smooth metric. It can also be seen
as a consequence of the theorem of removability of singularities of locally bounded
meromorphic functions.
518 Marc Troyanov
In the converse direction, we can start with a closed Riemann surface with a divisor
and ask whether there is a conformal flat metric representing this divisor. The answer
is positive and the following theorem classifies all compact euclidean surfaces with
conical singularities.
Theorem 2.22. Let be a compact connected Riemann surface without boundary. Fix
n distinct points p1 , p2 , . . . , pn ∈ and n real numbers β1 , β2 , . . . , βn ∈ (−1, ∞).
There exists a conformal flat metric m on having a conical singularity of order βj
at pj (j = 1, . . . , n) if and only if the Gauss–Bonnet condition χ (S) + jn=1 βj = 0
holds. This metric is unique up to homothety. 2
Remark 2.23. A careful examination of the proof shows that the metric m depends
continuously on all the parameters: The conformal structure, the points pj and the
orders βj .
There is a similar theorem for the case of hyperbolic metrics with conical singular-
ities, see [15], [23], [26], [32]. There are also various other extensions (non constant
curvature, non orientable surfaces, non compact surfaces, and surfaces with boundary,
see [17], [32], [33]). The case of spherical metric is more delicate, see [12], [34] for
a study of spherical metric with three conical singularities on the 2-sphere.
Theorem 2.24. Given a compact oriented surface , there are natural bijections
between the following three sets:
(1) The set of geometric equivalence classes of euclidean triangulations on up to
(2) the set of flat metrics m on with conical singularities up to homothety;
(3) the set of conformal structures on together with a finite real divisor i βi pi
such that βi > −1 and the Gauss–Bonnet condition (2.1) is satisfied.
Proof. Theorem 2.22 says precisely that there is a bijection between sets (2) and (3).
Proposition 2.20 shows that there is a natural injection from (1) to (2), this injection
is surjective by Proposition 2.19. 2
3 Punctured surfaces
3.1 Punctured surfaces and their fundamental groups
Definition 3.1. We define a punctured surface g,n to be an oriented, closed connected
surface of genus g together with a distinguished set of n pairwise distinct points
p1 , p2 , . . . , pn ∈ g,n .
Chapter 12. On the moduli space of singular euclidean surfaces 519
Remarks. 1) The previous considerations show that there exists a unique metric m−1
on of constant curvature −1 which is complete, has finite volume and belongs to
the conformal structure [m]. This metric has a cusp at each puncture pi , it is the unique
metric such that P ∗ m−1 is the Poincaré metric on U; its existence can also be proved
by directly solving the prescribed curvature equation (see [16], [17]).
2) We know from Theorem 2.22 that the conformal class [m] also contains a metric
m0 on , unique up to homothety, which is flat and has a conical singularity of order
βj at pj (j = 1, . . . , n) provided (2.1) holds.
This flat metric lifts as a flat conformal metric m̃0 = P ∗ (m0 ) on U. For this metric,
U is not complete and its completion is given by Û = U. The map P̂ : Û → is thus
a concrete model of the universal branched covering introduced earlier.
We identify the set ϒ as a subset of as follows: we first fix a base point z̃0 ∈ U
and let z0 = P (z̃0 ) ∈ . For y ∈ ϒ, let us denote by γ̃y the hyperbolic ray in U
starting at z̃0 and asymptotic to the point y, and let γy = P (γ̃y ), this is a path joining
z0 to a puncture pi = P (y). Now let Di ⊂ be a small disk around pi containing
no other puncture, and let γy = γy \ Di .
We now define cy ∈ π1 ( , z0 ) to be the homotopy class of the path obtained by
following γy , then ∂Di (in the positive direction) and then (γy )−1 .
1 → PDiff + +
g,n → Diff g,n → Sym(n) → 1.
where Sym(n) is the permutation group of {p1 , . . . , pn }.
We also define Diff 0g,n ⊂ PDiff +
g,n to be the group of diffeomorphisms which are
isotopic to the identity through an isotopy fixing the punctures. The quotient
Modg,n = π0 (Diff + +
g,n ) = Diff g,n / Diff g,n ,
is called the mapping class group or the modular group of the punctured surface g,n ,
PModg,n = π0 (PDiff + +
g,n ) = PDiff g,n / Diff g,n ,
of the choice of the path δ and it is clear that if h is homotopic to the identity, then it
acts trivially on πg,n , i.e. we have defined a map Modg,n → Out(πg,n ). It is routine
to check that it is a group homomorphism. 2
Introducing the group POut(πg,n ) ⊂ Out(πg,n ) of all outer automorphisms pre-
serving the conjugacy class of each ci (i = 1, . . . , n) in the presentation (3.3), we
have the following deep result:
Theorem 3.4. If g > 0 and n > 0, then the homomorphism defined in the previous
lemma induces an isomorphism
: PModg,n −−→ POut(πg,n ). (3.6)
This is the so-called Dehn–Nielsen–Baer Theorem, see [19], [36] for a proof.
Lemma 3.5. Let be an arbitrary Fuchsian group, then Z() is trivial unless is
Proof. This follows from classical Fuchsian group theory. Indeed, it is well known
that if γ1 , γ2 are non-trivial elements in PSL2 (R), then they commute if and only if
they have the same fixed points (see e.g. [20, Theorem 2.3.2]). So if Z() contains a
Chapter 12. On the moduli space of singular euclidean surfaces 523
non-trivial element γ0 , then any γ ∈ \ {id} must have the same fixed points as γ0
and it follows from [20, theorem 2.3.5]) that is cyclic. 2
Recall the projection P : U → = U/ . For any element h ∈ N(), we define
P∗ h : → by P∗ h(x) = P (h(x̃)) where x̃ ∈ U is an arbitrary point in P −1 (x).
This map is well-defined, because the condition h = h means precisely that h maps
-orbits in U to -orbits, and it is clearly a diffeomorphism. We thus have defined a
P∗ : N () → Diff + ( ),
and it is obviously a group homomorphism.
Proof. It is obvious that ⊂ N () is normal and that P∗ () = {id}. In particular
P∗ factors through a well defined homomorphism N()/ → Diff + ( ). This
homomorphism is surjective since every diffeomorphism of lifts to the universal
cover U of .
Suppose now that P∗ h = id. Then h(x) ∈ · x for all x ∈ U . This means that
there exists a map U → , x → γx such that h(x) = γx x for all x ∈ U . Since h
is continuous, so is this map, but this implies that x → γx is constant because is
a discrete group. It follows that h ∈ and we have shown that P∗ : N()/ →
Diff + ( ) is also injective. 2
Proof. Suppose that P∗ h ∈ Diff 0 ( ). Then there exists an isotopy ht ∈ N() such
that h0 = id and h1 = h. Hence ψ(ht ) ∈ Aut() is constant by continuity. Because
ψ(h0 ) = ψ(id) ∈ Aut() is the trivial element, we have h ∈ ker ψ = C().
In the reverse direction, we use an argument going back to Nielsen: Suppose that
h ∈ ker ψ = C() and define ht (x) ∈ U to be the point on the hyperbolic segment
[x, h(x)] such that d(x, ht (x)) = td(x, h(x)) (where d is the hyperbolic distance
in U). Since h ∈ ker ψ and preserves the hyperbolic distance in U, the segment
[γ x, h(γ x)] coincides with [γ x, γ h(x)] for any x ∈ U and any γ ∈ . Therefore
we have ht (γ x) = γ ht (x), i.e. ht ∈ C() ⊂ N(). The path P∗ ht ∈ Diff( ) is an
isotopy from P∗ h to the identity and we conclude that P∗ h ∈ Diff 0 ( ).
We have proved that P∗−1 (Diff 0 ( )) = C(). It is now clear that P∗ : C() →
Diff 0 ( ) is an isomorphism since its kernel is C() ∩ = Z() = {id}. 2
Example. Let us compute the first cohomology group when A = k is a field and π is
a finitely generated group. We denote by kρ the π -module k with the representation
ρ : π → Aut(k).
Chapter 12. On the moduli space of singular euclidean surfaces 525
General case. Let us compute the first cohomology group when A = k is a field and
π is a finitely presented group with presentation
π = S | R.
Here S = {a1 , a2 , . . . , as } ⊂ π denotes a finite set generating the group and R =
{r1 , r2 , . . . , rm } ⊂ F (S) (the free group on S) is a finite set of words in S defining
all the relations among the elements of S. We denote by kρ the π -module k with the
representation ρ : π → Aut(k).
For any relation r = ai1 ai2 . . . aip ∈ R, we introduce the linear form λr : k s → k
defined by
λr (σ ) = ρ(aiν ) σ (aiμ ) (4.2)
μ=1 ν<μ
and we define : k s → k m , by
(σ ) = (λr1 (σ ), . . . , λrm (σ )). (4.3)
526 Marc Troyanov
Proof. If σ ∈ Z 1 (π, kρ ) and r = ai1 ai2 . . . aip ∈ R, then we deduce from the cocycle
relation that
0 = σ (r) = σ (ai1 ai2 . . . aip ) = σ (ai1 ) + ρ(ai1 )σ (ai2 . . . aip )
= σ (ai1 ) + ρ(ai1 )σ (ai2 ) + ρ(aii1 )ρ(ai2 )σ (ai3 . . . aip )
= ρ(aiν ) σ (aiμ ). 2
μ=1 ν<μ
Proposition 4.4. The first cohomology group of the finitely presented group π =
S | R with value in kρ is given by
H 1 (π, kρ ) = ker /(k(ρ − 1)). 2
Lemma 4.5. If G is an abelian group, then R(π, G) = Hom(π, G). This set is itself
an abelian topological group.
Proof. Since there are no non trivial inner automorphisms in an abelian group, it is
clear that R(π, G) = Hom(π, G).
We endow Hom(π, G) with the compact open topology and we define a product
on this space by
(ϕ1 ϕ2 )(γ ) = ϕ1 (γ )ϕ2 (γ )
Chapter 12. On the moduli space of singular euclidean surfaces 527
We may identify the euclidean plane with the complex line C: any g ∈ SE(2) can
then be written as g(z) = u · z + v where u ∈ U (1) ⊂ C∗ and v ∈ C. We thus identify
SE(2) with the subgroup of GL2 (C) consisting of matrices of the form
uv u, v ∈ C, |u| = 1 .
SE(2) = 0 1
ρ(γ1 ) τ (γ1 ) ρ(γ2 ) τ (γ2 )
ϕ(γ1 )ϕ(γ2 ) =
0 1 0 1
ρ(γ1 )ρ(γ2 ) τ (γ1 ) + ρ(γ1 )τ (γ2 )
= .
0 1
Chapter 12. On the moduli space of singular euclidean surfaces 529
It follows that ϕ is a group homomorphism (i.e. ϕ(γ1 γ2 ) = ϕ(γ1 )ϕ(γ2 )) if and only if
ρ(γ1 γ2 ) = ρ(γ1 )ρ(γ2 )
τ (γ1 γ2 ) = τ (γ1 ) + ρ(γ1 )τ (γ2 ).
In other words ϕ is a homomorphism if and only if ρ : π → U (1) is a homomorphism
and τ is a 1-cocycle in the corresponding π -module Cρ . 2
This proposition says that the map from Hom(π, SE(2)) to the set
{(ρ, τ ) | ρ ∈ Hom(π, U (1)) and τ ∈ Z 1 (π, Cρ )}
given by ϕ → (ρϕ , τϕ ), is a bijection. In particular we have
Proof. This follows from equation (4.1) and the fact that Hom(π, U (1)) = Ts . 2
In particular we have
Sim(2) = R+ SE(2) = C∗ C.
Proof. The homomorphisms ϕ1 and ϕ2 are similar if and only if there exists
a b
g= ∈ Sim(2)
0 1
such that ϕ2 = gϕ1 g −1 , i.e.
ρ τ2 a b ρ τ1 1/a −b/a
0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
ρ aτ1 + b − ρb
= .
0 1
This shows that
τ2 − aτ1 = b (1 − ρ) ∈ B 1 (π, Cρ ). 2
5 Deformation theory
5.1 The moduli and Teichmüller spaces
The moduli space of g,n is the quotient of the space of conformal structures on g,n
by the pure diffeomorphism group. Let us be more specific: recall first that a conformal
Chapter 12. On the moduli space of singular euclidean surfaces 531
Definition 5.2. We will endow the set Eg,n with the topology for which this map is a
Corollary 5.3. This space is homeomorphic to R6g+3n−7 . In fact we have the following
canonical identification:
DE g,n = Tg,n × ,
where Tg,n is the Teichmüller space and ⊂ Rn is defined by
= β = (β1 , . . . βn ) ∈ Rn | βi > −1 and i βi = 2g − 2 .
the space of
Let us fix an element β = (β1 , . . . βn ) ∈ and denote by Eg,n (β)
singular flat metrics with a conical singularity of order βi at pi (i = 1, . . . , n). We
also introduce the corresponding deformation space: DE g,n (β) = Eg,n (β)/(
R+ ×
PDiff g,n ). The previous corollary gives us the identification
= Tg,n .
DE g,n (β)
isometry near a point z̃0 , to the euclidean plane (identified with C), then we obtain a
map f : U → C by analytic continuation from f0 . This map is a local isometry for
the metric m0 on U and the canonical metric on C (indeed, the set of points where
a map f between two flat surfaces is an isometry is easily seen to be both open and
closed). The map f extends by continuity to Û. The resulting map f : Û → C is the
developing map which we already met in Section 2.3. The associated holonomy is the
unique homomorphism ϕ : → SE(2) such that
f (γ u) = ϕ(γ )f (u).
Theorem 5.4. The following properties of the developing map and its holonomy are
(1) f : Û → C is surjective;
(2) f (γ u) = ϕ(γ )f (u) for all γ ∈ ;
(3) for any y ∈ P −1 (pi ) ⊂ ϒ, the isometry ϕ(cy ) ∈ SE(2) is a rotation of angle
θi = 2π(βi + 1);
(4) if βi is not an integer, then f (y) is the unique fixed point of ϕ(cy ).
Proof. The first assertion has been proved in Proposition 2.10, the second is the
definition of the holonomy and the last two assertions are contained in Proposi-
tion 2.15. 2
Proof. Fix y ∈ ϒ and let cy ∈ be the corresponding group element given by the
map (3.5). Then f (y) ∈ C is the fixed point of the rotation ϕ(cy ) ∈ SE(2). This fixed
point is given explicitly by
f (y) = , (5.1)
(1 − ρy )
where ρy ∈ U (1) is the rotation part and τy ∈ C is the translation part of ϕ(cy ). 2
Remarks. 1.) The map hol : DE g,n → SR(πg,n , SE(2)) is called the holonomy
2.) A more elaborate investigation would show that the holonomy mapping is in
fact real analytic, see [35]. The proof below is perhaps not optimal from the point of
view of rigour, but we have tried to emphasize the geometric point of view.
Proof of Theorem 5.6. (A) To any flat metric m on g,n with conical singularities at
the punctures, we have associated a holonomy homomorphism ϕm : πg,n → SE(2)
which depends on the choice of a developing map fm , but changing the developing
map does not affect the conjugacy class of ϕm (see Proposition 2.14). On the other
hand, it is clear that if two flat metrics m, m on g,n are similar, the associated
holonomies ϕm , ϕm are also similar. In short, to any deformation class of flat metric
[m] ∈ DE g,n with conical singularities on g,n we associate a well defined element
[ϕm ] = hol(m) ∈ SR(πg,n , SE(2)).
(B) The developing map fm is not uniquely associated to a flat metric m, but it
is well defined modulo SE(2) (two developing maps for the same metric differ by
postcomposition with an isometry). The SE(2) orbit of the developing map fm varies
continuously with the metric m and therefore it is also the case for the associated
holonomy class. Hence the map hol : DE g,n → SR(πg,n , SE(2)) is continuous.
(C) Any diffeomorphism h of g,n fixing the punctures acts on Eg,n by pulling
back the metric (m → h∗ m). If h is isotopic to the identity, it acts trivially on DE g,n ;
we thus have a well defined action of PModg,n on DE g,n .
Similarly, any automorphism of πg,n acts on Hom(πg,n , SE(2)), and inner auto-
morphisms act trivially on the two representation spaces R(πg,n , SE(2)) and
SR(πg,n , SE(2)). We thus have a natural action of POut(πg,n ) on these spaces. It is
clear from the construction of the isomorphism : PModg,n −− ∼→ POut(πg,n ) (see
the proof of Lemma 3.3) that the map hol is equivariant.
(D) To prove the local injectivity of hol, we consider two nearby flat metrics m, m
with conical singularities on g,n = Û/ and we assume that they have the same
holonomy ϕ. Since the holonomy around a conical singularity pi is a rotation of angle
θi = 2π(βi + 1), it is clear that both metrics m and m have the same singularity order
(the holonomy only controls the cone angle modulo 2π , but since m and m are nearby
metrics, they actually have equal cone angles).
It follows that both metrics are isometric near the singularities: we can thus find
an isotopy h1 of the surface such that m = h∗1 m near the singularities. Hence we
can simply assume without loss of generality that m = m near the singularities; it is
therefore possible to divide the surface in n + 1 parts
g,n = D ∪ E1 ∪ · · · ∪ En ,
where D ⊂ is a compact region and Ei is a neighbourhood of the puncture pi
such that m = m on Ei . We also assume that the Ei are pairwise disjoint disks. We
denote by Êi = P −1 (Ei ) ⊂ Û and D̂ = P −1 (D) ⊂ Û the lifts of Ei and D on the
Chapter 12. On the moduli space of singular euclidean surfaces 535
Theorem 6.1. Given a punctured surface g,n such that 2g + n − 2 > 0 and β ∈
such that no βi is an integer, there is a well defined group homomorphism
: PModg,n → G = Aut(T2g ) × PGL2g+n−2 C,
and a -equivariant local homeomorphism
H : Tg,n → = T2g × CP2g+n−3 .
536 Marc Troyanov
The theorem says that Mg,n = Tg,n / PModg,n is a good orbifold with a (G, )-
Indeed, the fact that no βi is integer, taken together with Step 1, implies that
hol : DE g,n → SR(π, SE(2)) maps DE g,n (β) into SRreg . The map H : Tg,n →
is therefore well defined. It follows from Theorem 5.6 that H is continuous, locally
injective and -equivariant.
It remains only to show that H is a local homeomorphism, but since Tg,n and
are both manifolds of dimension 6g − 6 + 2n, the conclusion follows from Brouwer’s
theorem on invariance of dimension. 2
This theorem was first proved by Schwartz (1873) for n = 4 and by Picard (1888)
for n = 5 in their study of the monodromy of the hypergeometric equations. It has
been generalized for any n by P. Deligne and G. Mostow in 1986, see [10]. These
538 Marc Troyanov
authors use the cohomology with coefficients in flat vector bundle on an algebraic
In the paper [30], W. Thurston obtained the same result by studying a deformation
space of piecewise flat triangulations on the sphere (this nice paper is a 1987 preprint
of W. Thurston, which has been rewritten and appeared in electronic form in 1998).
It is worthwhile to quote also the related papers [3], [13], [25], [21].
Our approach can be seen as a bridge between the approach of Thurston and that
of Deligne–Mostow.
Observe that the moduli space M = T0,n / PBn carries a complex hyperbolic metric
(depending upon the choice of the βi ’s). It is not complete as a Riemannian manifold
and it carries a natural completion M. Thurston shows that M is a complex hyperbolic
manifold with singularities of conical type. This cone-manifold has finite volume.
Furthermore, when the βi ’s satisfy the condition (6.1), then M is an orbifold. It is
thus possible to construct complete complex hyperbolic orbifolds M of finite volume.
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[2] J. Ambjorn, M. Carfora, A. Marzuoli, The geometry of dynamical triangulations. Lecture
Notes in Phys. New Ser. m Monogr. 50, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1997. 509
[3] C. Bavard and E. Ghys, Polygones du plan et polyèdres hyperboliques. Geom. Dedicata
43 (2) (1992) 207–224. 538
[4] J. S. Birman, Braids, links and mapping class groups. Ann. of Math. Stud. 82, Princeton
University Press, Princeton, N.J.; University of Tokyo Press, Tokyo 1974. 521
[5] B. H. Bowditch. Singular euclidean structures on surfaces. J. London Math. Soc. 44 (1991),
553–565. 509
[6] D. Burago, Yu. Burago and S. Ivanov, A course in metric geometry. Grad. Stud. Math. 33,
Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2001 510
[7] R. D. Canary, D. B. A. Epstein, and P. Green, Notes on notes of Thurston. In Analytical
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Lecture Note Ser. 111, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1987, 3–92. 509
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[9] S. Choi, Geometric structures on orbifolds and holonomy representations. Geom. Dedicata
104 (2004), 161–199. 509
[10] P. Deligne and G. Mostow, Monodromy of hypergeometric functions and non lattice
integral monodromy. Inst. Hautes Études Sci. Publ. Math. 63 (1986), 5–89. 509, 537
[11] D. B. A. Epstein and R. C. Penner, Euclidean decompositions of noncompact hyperbolic
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[12] A. Eremenko, Metrics of positive curvature with conic singularities on the sphere. Proc.
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[13] F. Fillastre, From spaces of polygons to spaces of polyhedra following Bavard, Ghys and
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Chapter 13
Christian Mercat
1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541
2 Discrete Riemann surfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 542
2.1 Discrete Hodge theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 542
2.2 Wedge product . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 545
2.3 Energies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 547
3 Period matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 548
3.1 Intersection number, on and on ♦diamondsuit . . . . . . . . . . . 548
3.2 Canonical dissection, fundamental polygon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 548
3.3 Bilinear relations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 552
3.4 Basis of harmonic forms, basis of holomorphic forms . . . . . . . . . 552
3.5 Period matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 555
4 Criticality and integrable system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 556
4.1 Criticality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 556
4.2 Period matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 557
4.3 Genus one case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 559
4.4 ∂¯ operator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 560
4.5 Geometrical interpretation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 561
4.6 Quasiconformal maps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 562
4.7 Discrete exponential . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 563
4.8 Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 564
4.9 Basis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 565
4.10 Continuous limit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 566
4.11 Cross-ratio preserving maps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 569
4.12 Bäcklund transformation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 574
1 Introduction
Riemann surfaces theory was a major achievement of XIXth century mathematics,
setting the framework where modern complex analysis bloomed. Nowadays, surfaces
are intensively used in computer science for numeric computations, ranging from
542 Christian Mercat
x x
Figure 1. The vertices and diagonals of a quadrilateral define a pair of dual edges.
Chapter 13. Discrete Riemann surfaces 543
the same type and define, up to homotopy and away from the boundary, two dual
cellular decompositions and ∗ : The edges in 1∗ are dual to edges in 1 , faces in
1. The vertex F ∗ dual to a face F . 2. Dual edges. 3. The face v ∗ dual to a vertex v.
Figure 2. Duality.
2∗ are dual to vertices in 0 and vice-versa. This correspondance shows that there
is no lack of generality in considering quad-graphs. Their disjoint union is denoted
the double = ∗ . A discrete conformal structure on is a real positive
function ρ on the unoriented edges satisfying ρ(e∗ ) = 1/ρ(e). It defines a genuine
Riemann surface structure on the discrete surface: Choose a length δ and realize each
quadrilateral by a lozenge of side δ, whose diagonals have a length ratio given by ρ.
Gluing them together provides a flat Riemannian metric with conic singularities at the
vertices, hence a conformal structure [16]. Such a discrete conformal structure leads
to a straightforward discrete version of the Cauchy–Riemann equation. A function on
the vertices of ♦ is discrete holomorphic iff for every quadrilateral (x, y, x , y ) ∈ ♦2 ,
f (y ) − f (y) = i ρ(x, x ) f (x ) − f (x) . (2.1)
These spaces are equipped with the canonical scalar product, weighed according
to ρ on edges and averaged on the graph and its dual:
(α, β)R := 21 ρ(e) α β . (2.2)
e∈1 e e
that is to say if it is closed and of type (1, 0). Let d , resp. d the compositions of the
exterior derivative with the projection on the space of (1, 0), resp. (0, 1)-forms,
C k () = Im d ⊕⊥ Im d ∗ ⊕⊥ Ker
Chapter 13. Discrete Riemann surfaces 545
harmonic forms are the closed and co-closed ones, and harmonic 1-form are the
orthogonal sum of holomorphic and anti-holomorphic ones:
= Ker d ∩ Ker d ∗ = Ker d ⊕⊥ Ker d .
A form on ♦ can be averaged into a form on : This map A from C • (♦) to C • ()
is the identity for functions and defined by the following formulae for 1 and 2-forms:
A(α♦ ) := 21
+ + + α♦ , (2.9)
(x,x ) (x,y) (y,x ) (x,y ) (y ,x )
A(ω♦ ) := 1
2 ω♦ , (2.10)
x∗ k=1 (xk ,yk ,x,yk−1 )
where notations are made clear in Figure 3. The map A is neither injective nor
surjective in the non simply-connected case, so we can neither define a Hodge star
on ♦ nor a wedge product on . Its kernel on 1-forms is the line spanned by the
coboundary of the bi-constant: Ker(A) = Span(d♦ ε), where ε takes the value +1
on the vertices of and −1 on the vertices of ∗ . But d A = A d♦ so it carries
546 Christian Mercat
y yd
y1 xd
x x x
(2.9) (2.10)
Figure 3. Notations.
cocycles on ♦ to cocycles on . Its image are these cocycles of verifying that their
holonomies along cycles of only depend on their homology on the combinatorial
Given a 1-cocycle μ ∈ Z 1 () with such a property, a corresponding 1-cocycle
ν ∈ Z 1 (♦) is built in the following way: Choose an edge (x0 , y0 ) ∈ ♦1 ; for an edge
(x, y) ∈ ♦1 with x and x0 on the same leaf of , choose two paths λx,x0 and λy0 ,y on
the double graph , from x to x0 and y0 to y respectively, and define
ν := μ+ μ− μ (2.11)
(x,y) λx,x0 λy0 ,y [γ ]
where [γ ] = [λx,x0 + (x0 , y0 ) + λy0 ,y + (y, x)] is the class of the full cycle in the
homology of the surface. Changing the base points change μ by a multiple of d♦ ε.
It follows in the compact case that the dimensions of the harmonic forms on ♦ (the
kernel of
A) modulo dε, as well as the harmonic forms on with same holonomies on
the graph and on its dual, are twice the genus of the surface, as expected. Unfortunately,
the space Im A = H ⊥ ⊕ Im d is not stable by the Hodge star ∗. We could nevertheless
define holomorphic 1-forms on ♦ but their dimension would be much smaller than in
the continuous theory, namely the genus of the surface. Criticality, defined in Section 4
provides conditions which ensure that the space ∗ Im A is “close” to Im A.
We construct an heterogeneous wedge product for 1-forms: with α, β ∈ C 1 (),
define α ∧ β ∈ C 1 (♦) by
α ∧ β := 21 α β+ α β . (2.12)
(x,y,x ,y ) (x,x ) (y,y ) (y,y ) (x ,x)
2.3 Energies
The L2 norm of the 1-form df , called the Dirichlet energy of the function f , is the
mean of the usual Dirichlet energies on each independent graph:
ED (f ) := 1 df 2 = 1 (df, df ) = 1
2 2 4 ρ(x, x ) f (x ) − f (x) (2.14)
(x,x )∈1
ED (f | ) + ED (f | ∗ )
= .
Harmonic maps minimize this energy among functions fulfilling certain boundary
The conformal energy of a map measures its conformality defect, it is null on
holomorphic functions:
EC (f ) := 41 df − i ∗ df 2 . (2.15)
It is related to the Dirichlet energy through the same formula as in the continuous case:
EC (f ) = 4 (df − i ∗ df, df − i ∗ df )
3 Period matrix
We use the convention of Farkas and Kra [7], chapter III, to which we refer for details.
Consider (♦, ρ) a discrete compact Riemann surface.
For a given simple (real) cycle C ∈ Z1 (), we construct a harmonic 1-form ηC such
that A ηC counts the algebraic number of times A contains an edge dual to an edge of
C: It is the solution of a Neumann problem on the surface cut open along C (see [10]
for details). It is the minimum of the Dirichlet energy, which is convex on the space
of closed 1-forms having the desired holonomies. It follows from standard homology
technique that ηC depends only on the homology class of C (all the cycles which
differ from C by an exact cycle ∂A) and can be extended linearly to all cycles as
η• : H1 () → C 1 (); it fulfills, for a closed form θ ,
θ= ηC ∧ θ, (3.1)
C ♦
and a basis of the homology provides a dual basis of harmonic forms on . Beware
that if the cycle C ∈ Z1 () is purely on , then this form ηC | = 0 is null on .
The intersection number between two cycles A, B ∈ Z1 () is defined as
A · B := ηA ∧ ηB . (3.2)
The construction of such a basis is standard and we shall not repeat the procedure.
What is less standard is the interpretation of Equation (3.4) in terms of the boundary
of a fundamental domain, discretization introduces some subtleties (that can safely be
skipped in first instance). We end up with the familiar 2g × 2g intersection numbers
matrix on ♦.
Considering T ∪ ek as a rooted graph, we can prune it of all its pending branches,
leaving a simple closed loop ℵ− k , attached to the origin O by a simple path λk (see
Figure 5), yielding the cycle ℵk . These three cycles are deformation retract of one
another, ℵ− k ⊂ ℵk ⊂ T ∪ ek hence are equal in homology.
In the continuous case, a basis of the homology can be realized by 2g simple arcs,
transverse to one another and meeting only at the base point. It defines an isometric
550 Christian Mercat
1. 2. 3.
Figure 5. 1. A maximal rooted tree in a quadrilateral decomposition of the torus. 2. An
additional edge defines a rooted cycle ℵ1 , pruned of its dangling trees. 3. Its un-rooted version,
the simple loop ℵ−
1. 2. 3.
This peculiarity gives a more complex yet well-defined meaning to the contour
integral formula for a 1-form θ defined on the boundary edges of M+ ,
θ= θ+ θ. (3.6)
∂M k=1 ℵk ℵ−1
This basis gives rise to cycles ℵ and ℵ whose homology classes form a basis of
the group for each respective graph, that we compose into ℵ defined by
k = ℵk , ℵ
k+g = ℵk , (3.7)
k+2g = ℵk+g , ℵ
k+3g = ℵk+g ,
for 1 ≤ k ≤ g so that while the intersection numbers matrix on ♦ is given by the
2g × 2g matrix
0 I
(ℵk · ℵ )k, = , (3.8)
−I 0
the intersection numbers matrix on is the 4g × 4g matrix with the same structure
∗ ∗
⎛ ⎞
0 0 I 0
k · ℵ )k, =⎜
⎜ 0 0 0 I⎟⎟ ∗ . (3.9)
⎝−I 0 0 0⎠ ∗
0 −I 0 0
552 Christian Mercat
Proof. Each side is bilinear and depends only on the cohomology classes of the forms.
Decompose the forms onto the cohomology basis (αk ) (see below). On , use Equa-
tion (3.15) for the LHS and the duality property Equation (3.14) for the RHS. On ♦,
use their counterparts.
Notice that for a harmonic form θ ∈ H 1 (), the form ∗θ is closed as well, therefore
its norm is given by its boundary values on the fundamental polygon:
θ ∈ H () ⇒ θ =
1 2
θ ∗θ̄ − θ ∗θ̄ . (3.12)
j =1 ℵj ℵj +2g ℵj +2g ℵj
which verify
α = δk, ,
α+2g = δk, ,
they fulfill the first identity in Equation (3.15) but the second is meaningless in general
since ∗ can not be defined on ♦. We will drop the mention when no confusion is
Proof. It is real because the forms are real, and symmetric because the scalar prod-
uct (2.13) is skew symmetric. Definition Equation (3.13) and Equation (3.1) lead to
the integral formulae. Positivity follows from the bilinear relation Equation (3.11):
4g 4g
for θ = k=1 ξk αk , with ξk ∈ C, k=1 |ξk |2 > 0,
θ 2 = θ ∗θ̄ − θ ∗θ̄
j =1 ℵj ℵ2g+j ℵ2g+j ℵ2j
= ξk ξ̄ αk ∗α − αk ∗α
k,=1 j =1 ℵj ℵ2g+j ℵ2g+j ℵ2j
= ξk ξ̄ (αk , α ) > 0.
The form αk is supported by only one of the two graphs or ∗ , the form ∗αk is
supported by the other one, and the wedge product θ ∧ θ = 0 is null for two 1-forms
supported by the same graph. Therefore the matrices A and C are g ×g-block diagonal
and B is anti-diagonal.
A 0 0 B ∗ , C ∗ 0
A= , B= , C= . (3.19)
0 A ∗ B, ∗ 0 0 C
The matrices of intersection numbers (3.9) and of inner products differ only by the
Hodge star ∗. Because ∗ preserves harmonic forms and the inner product, we get its
matrix representation in the basis α,
−D A
∗= (3.20)
−C B
554 Christian Mercat
and it yields
A + A ∗ + t B ∗
(αk♦ , α♦ )k, = , (3.24)
B ∗ + B ∗ C + C ∗
which, in general, can not be understood as the periods of a set of forms on ♦ along
the basis ℵ.
Let us decompose the space of harmonic forms into two orthogonal supplements,
H 1 () = H1 ⊕⊥ H⊥1 (3.25)
where the first vector space are the harmonic forms whose holonomies on one graph
are equal to their holonomies on the dual, that is to say
H1 := Vect(αk + αk+g , 1 ≤ k ≤ g or 2g < k ≤ 3g). (3.26)
Definition (3.13) and Equation (3.1) imply that
H⊥1 = Vect(∗αk − ∗αk+g , 1 ≤ k ≤ g or 2g < k ≤ 3g). (3.27)
These elements in the basis (αk + αk+g , αk − αk+g ), for 1 ≤ k ≤ g and 2g < k ≤ 3g,
are represented by the following invertible matrix:
⎛ ⎞
I 0 t B ∗ − t B ∗ A − A ∗
⎜0 I C − C ∗ B ∗ − B ∗ ⎟
⎜ ⎟. (3.28)
⎝0 0 t B ∗ + t B ∗ A + A ∗ ⎠
0 0 C + C ∗ B ∗ + B ∗
It implies in particular that the lower right g × g block is invertible, therefore so is
Equation (3.24).
Chapter 13. Discrete Riemann surfaces 555
The proof is essentially the same as in the continuous case [7] and we include it
for completeness.
= (λj + μk Bj,k ) αj + μk Cj,k α2g+j (3.32)
j =1 k=1 k=1
+i (μj + λk Bj,k ) αj + λk Cj,k α2g+j
j =1 k=1 k=1
The first identity in Equation (3.30) uniquely defines the basis ζ and a holomorphic
1-form is completely determined by whether its periods on the first 2g cycles of ℵ, or
their real parts on the whole set.
556 Christian Mercat
4.1 Criticality
Criticality clarifies how purely combinatorial data can be connected to an underlying
geometry and gives a meaning to approximation theorems.
Definition 4.2. For a holomorphic function f , define on a flat simply connected map
U the holomorphic functions f † , the dual of f , and f , the derivative of f , by the
following formulae:
f † (z) := ε(z) f¯(z), (4.1)
where f¯ denotes the complex conjugate, ε = ±1 is the bi-constant, and
z †
f (z) := 2 f dZ + λ ε,
δ O
defined up to ε.
Theorem 4.1. In the genus one critical case, the period matrices and ∗ are
equal to the period matrix of the underlying surface . For higher genus, given
a refining sequence (♦k , ρk ) of critical maps of , the discrete period matrices k
and ∗k converge to the period matrix .
Proof. The genus one case is postponed to Section 4.3. We proved [11] that, given
a refining sequence of critical maps, any holomorphic function can be approximated
by a sequence of discrete holomorphic functions. Taking the real parts, this implies
as well that any harmonic function can be approximated by discrete harmonic func-
tions. In particular, the discrete solutions fk to a Dirichlet or Neumann problem on
558 Christian Mercat
a simply connected set converge to the continuous solution f because the latter can
be approximated by discrete harmonic functions gk and the difference fk − gk being
harmonic and small on the boundary, converges to zero. In particular, each form in the
basis (α♦ ), provides a solution to the Neumann problem Equation (3.16) and a similar
procedure, detailed afterwards, define a converging sequence of forms ζ♦ , yielding
the result.
We can try to replicate the work done on on the graph ♦. A problem is that
A + A and C + C need not be positive definite. Moreover, the Hodge star ∗
does not preserve the space (A(αk♦ )) of harmonic forms with equal holonomies on the
graph and on its dual, so we can not define the analogue of α + i ∗ α on ♦. We first
investigate what happens when we can partially define these analogues:
Assume that for 2g < k ≤ 3g, the holonomies of ∗αk on are equal to the
holonomies of ∗αk+g on ∗ , that is to say C = C ∗ =: 21 C♦ and D ∗ = D ∗ =:
2 D♦ . It implies that the transposes fulfill B = B =: 2 B♦ as well. We can
1 ∗ ∗
♦ ♦
then define βk−g ∈ Z 1 (♦) such that A(βk−g ) = ∗αk+g , uniquely up to dε. The last g
columns (B♦ , C♦ ) of the matrix of scalar product Equation (3.24) are related to their
periods in the homology basis ℵ♦ in a way similar to Equation (3.17). By the same
reasoning as before, the forms
ζk♦ = −1
C♦ k,
α ♦
+g − iβ ♦
+g , 1 ≤ k ≤ g (4.4)
ζ +ζ
verify A(ζk♦ ) = k 2 k+g and have periods on ℵ♦ given by the identity for the first g
cycles and the following g × g matrix, mean of the period matrices on the graph and
on its dual:
−1 + ∗
♦ = C♦ (i − B♦ ) = . (4.5)
The same reasoning applies when the periods of the forms ∗αk on the graph and on
its dual are not equal but close to one another. In the context of refining sequences, we
said that the basis (α♦ ), converges to the continuous basis of harmonic forms defined
by the same Neumann problem Equation (3.16). Therefore
C − C ∗ = o(1), B ∗ − B ∗ = o(1). (4.6)
A harmonic form νk+g = o(1) on ∗ can be added to ∗αk+g such that there exists
♦ ♦
βk−g ∈ Z 1 (♦) with A(βk−g ) = ∗αk+g +νk+g , yielding forms ζk♦ , verifying A(ζk♦ ) =
2 (ζk + ζk+g ) + o(1) and whose period matrix is + o(1). Since the periods of αk
converge to the same periods as its continuous limit, this period matrix converges to
the period matrix of the surface. Which is the claim of Theorem 4.1.
In the paper [3], R. Costa-Santos and B. McCoy define a period matrix on a special
cellular decomposition of a surface by squares. They do not consider the dual
graph ∗ . Their period matrix is equal to one of the two diagonal blocks of the double
period matrix we construct in this case. They do not have to consider the off-diagonal
Chapter 13. Discrete Riemann surfaces 559
blocks because the problem is so symmetric that their period matrix is pure imaginary.
The triangular case is investigated in [4].
down respectively. We show that there exists an explicit holomorphic form which has
the same shift on the graph and on its dual, along this tile. Let ρ− , ρ\ and ρ/ the three
parameters around a given triangle. Criticality occurs when ρ− ρ\ +ρ\ ρ/ +ρ/ ρ− = 1.
The form which is 1 on the rightwards and South-West edges and 0 elsewhere is
harmonic on the triangular lattice. Its pure imaginary companion on the dual hexagonal
lattice exhibits a shift by i ρ\ in the horizontal direction and i (ρ\ + ρ− ) in the North-
East direction along the tile. Dually, on the hexagonal lattice, the form which is ρ\ ρ−
along the North-East and downwards edges and 1 − ρ\ ρ− along the South-East edges,
is a harmonic form. Its shift in the horizontal direction is 1, in the North-East direction
0, and its pure imaginary companion on the triangular lattice exhibits a shift by i ρ\
in the horizontal direction and i (ρ\ + ρ− ) in the North-East direction along the tile
as before. Hence their sum is a holomorphic form with equal holonomies on the
triangular and hexagonal graphs and the period matrix it computes is the same as the
continuous one. This simply amounts to pointing out that the fundamental form dz
can be explicitly expressed in terms of the discrete conformal data.
4.4 ∂¯ operator
For holomorphic or anti-holomorphic functions, df is, locally on each pair of dual
diagonals, proportional to dZ, resp. dZ, we define ∂ and ∂¯ operators (not to be confused
with the boundary operator on chains) that decompose the exterior derivative into
holomorphic and anti-holomorphic parts yielding
df ∧ df = |∂f |2 + |∂f ¯ |2 dZ ∧ dZ
∂¯ : C 0 (♦) → C 2 (♦)
¯ = (x, y, x , y )
→ −
→ ∂f f dZ
2A(x, y, x , y ) (x,y,x ,y )
f (y ) − f (y) f (x ) − f (x)
∂f (x, y, x , y ) = = .
y − y x − x
Notice that the statement f = ∂f dz has no meaning, ∂ is not a derivation endo-
morphism in the space of functions on the vertices of the double.
On the other hand, these differential operators can be extended (see [8]) into op-
erators (the Kasteleyn operator) ∂20 , ∂¯20 : C 2 (♦) → C 0 (♦) simply by transposition,
∂20 = −t ∂02 , leading to endomorphisms of C 0 (♦) ⊕ C 2 (♦). They are such that their
composition, restricted to the vertices ♦0 , gives back the Laplacian:
= 21 (∂ ∂¯ + ∂¯ ∂).
1. Z 2. Z 2 3. Z 3 4. Z 6
For a general discrete function, the derivation with respect to the Z and Z parameters
allow one to define the dilatation coefficient Df : ♦2 → R+ :
¯ |
|∂f | + |∂f
Df := .
¯ |
|∂f | − |∂f
¯ | ≤ |∂f |, we will say that f is quasiconformal. The real
For Df ≥ 1, that is to say |∂f
dilatation can be written in term of the complex dilatation:
∂f (f (x ) − f (x))(y − y) − (x − x)(f (y ) − f (y))
μf = = .
∂f (f (x ) − f (x))(ȳ − ȳ) − (x̄ − x̄)(f (y ) − f (y))
Locally, a discrete harmonic function can be written as a sum of a holomorphic function
and a anti-holomorphic function. Their derivative with respect to Z and Z respectively
give rise to a geometrical interpretation related to Figure 8: The complex dilatation
i μf
μf F (x)
μf (x) can then be defined at a vertex x ∈ and its square root direction is mapped
to the semimajor axis of an ellipse which supports a non similar image of the polygon
x ∗ centered at F (x).
Chapter 13. Discrete Riemann surfaces 563
The discrete exponential on the square lattice was defined by Lelong-Ferrand [9],
generalized in [13] and studied independently in [8]. For |λ| = 2/δ, an immediate
check shows that it is a rational fraction in λ at every point: For the vertex x = δ ei θk ,
1+ λδ i θk
2 e
exp(:λ: x) = λδ i θk
1− 2 e
4.8 Series
∞ λk Z :k:
The series k=0 k! , wherever it is absolutely convergent, coincides with the ra-
tional fraction (4.11): Its value at the origin is 1 and it fulfills the defining difference
equation (4.9). Using Equation (4.14), a Taylor expansion of exp(:λ: x) at λ = 0 gives
back the same result. We are now interested in the growth rate of the monomials.
Chapter 13. Discrete Riemann surfaces 565
Proof of Proposition 4.6. It is proved by double induction, on the degree k and on the
combinatorial distance to the origin.
For k = 0, it is valid for any x since α+1
α−1 = 1 + α−1 > 1, with equality only at
the origin.
Consider x ∈ ♦ a neighbor of the origin, Z(x) = δ ei θ , then an immediate
induction gives for k ≥ 1,
i θ k
Z :k: (x) δe
=2 (4.19)
k! 2
which fulfills the condition Equation (4.18) for any k ≥ 1 because α+1 k
α−1 α > 2.
This was done merely for illustration purposes since it is sufficient to check that the
condition holds at the origin, which it obviously does.
Suppose the condition is satisfied for a vertex x up to degree k, and for its neighbor y,
one edge further from the origin, up to degree k − 1. Then,
Z :k: (y) Z :k: (x) Z :k−1: (x) + Z :k−1: (y) Z(y) − Z(x)
= + (4.20)
k! k! (k − 1)! 2
in absolute value fulfills
:k: d(x,O)
Z (y)
≤ α+1 δ k−1 δ α+1 δ
k! α α + 1+
α−1 2 2 α−1 2
d(x,O) k
α+1 δ 2
= α 1+ (4.21)
α−1 2 α−1
α + 1 d(y,O) δ k
= α ,
α−1 2
thus proving the condition for y at degree k. It follows by induction that the condition
holds at any point and any degree.
4.9 Basis
The discrete exponentials form a basis of discrete holomorphic functions on a finite
critical map: given any set of pairwise different reals {λk } of the right dimension, the
566 Christian Mercat
associated discrete exponentials will form a basis of the space of discrete holomorphic
functions. See [1] for the formula
f (x) = g(λ) exp(: λ : x) dλ (4.22)
2iπ γ
for a certain fixed contour γ in the space of parameters λ, and the definition of g(λ)
as a fixed contour integral in ♦ involving f .
The polynomials however do not form a basis in general: the combinatorial surface
has to fulfill a certain condition called “combinatorial convexity”. A quadrilateral,
when traversed from one side to its opposite, defines a unique chain of quadrilaterals,
that we call a “train-track”. The condition we ask is that two different train-tracks
have different slopes.
On a combinatorially convex set, the discrete polynomials form a basis as well.
Lemma 4.8. Let (ABCD) be a four-sided polygon of the Euclidean plane such that
its diagonals are orthogonal and the vertices angles are in [η, 2π − η] with η > 0.
Let (M, M ) be a pair of points on the polygon. There exists a path on (ABCD) from
M to M of minimal length . Then
MM sin η
≥ .
It is a straightforward study of a several variables function. If the two points are
on the same side, MM = and sin η ≤ 1. If they are on adjacent sides, the extremal
position with MM fixed is when the triangle MM P , with P the vertex of (ABCD)
η sin η
between them, is isosceles. The angle in P being less than η, MM ≥ sin 2 > 2 .
If the points are on opposite sides, the extremal configuration is given by Figure 9.2.,
sin η
where MM = 4 . 2
A function f : ♦0 → C on the combinatorial surface can be extended to a function
on the image of the critical map in the complex plane fˆ : U → C by stating that
fˆ (Z(x)) = f (x) for the image of a vertex, and extend it linearly on the segments
[Z(x), Z(y)] image of an edge, and harmonically inside each rhombus.
Chapter 13. Discrete Riemann surfaces 567
P η η
Theorem 4.2. Let (♦k ) a sequence of simply connected critical maps, U the non-
empty intersection of their images in the complex plane and a holomorphic function
f : U → C. If the sequence of minimum angles are bounded away from 0 and the
sequence of rhombi side lengths (δk ) converge to 0, then the function f can be ap-
proximated by a sequence of discrete holomorphic functions fn ∈ (♦k ) converging
to f . The convergence is not only pointwise but C ∞ on the intersection of images.
Conversely a converging sequence of discrete holomorphic functions converges to a
continuous holomorphic function, in particular the discrete polynomials and discrete
exponentials with fixed parameters.
Proof. Suppose that we are given a sequence of flat vertices Ok ∈ ♦k where the face
containing the fixed flat origin O ∈ U is adjacent to Ok . For a given integer
k, let
F̂k the continuous piecewise harmonic extension of the discrete primitive Ok fk dZ
to U . We want to prove that for any x ∈ U , the following sequence tends to zero
(F̂k (x) − F̂k (O)) − f (z) dz . (4.24)
O k∈N
For each integer k consider a vertex xk ∈ ♦0 on the boundary of the face of ♦2
containing x.
568 Christian Mercat
We decompose the difference (4.24) into three parts, inside the face containing the
origin O and its neighbor Ok , similarly for x and xk , and purely along the edges of
the graph ♦k itself.
F̂k (x) − F̂k (O) − f (z) dz (4.25)
xk x
= F̂k (x) − F̂k (xk ) + fk dZ + F̂k (O) − F̂k (Ok ) − f (z) dz ≤
x k x xk
≤ F̂k (x) − F̂k (xk ) −
f (z) dz + fk dZ − f (z) dz
xk Ok Ok
+ F̂k (Ok ) − F̂k (O) − f (z) dz .
On the face of ♦ containing x, the primitive ξ
→ xk f (z) dz is a holomorphic,
hence harmonic function as well as ξ
→ F̂k (ξ ). By the maximum principle, the
harmonic function ξ
→ F̂k (ξ ) − F̂k (xk ) − xk f (z) dz reaches its maximum on that
face, along its boundary. The difference of the discrete primitive along the boundary
edge (xk , y) ∈ ♦1 at the point ξ = (1 − λ)xk + λ y is equal by definition to
fk (xk ) + fk (y)
F̂k ((1 − λ)xk + λ y) − F̂k (xk ) = λ(y − xk ) . (4.26)
The holomorphic f is differentiable with a bounded derivative on U , so averaging the
first order expansions at xk and y, we get
f (xk ) + f (y)
f (z) dz = λ(y − xk )
xk 2
λ2 f (xk ) + (1 − λ)2 f (y)
+ (y − xk )2 (4.27)
4 3
+ o (ξ − xk ) + o (ξ − y)
f (xk ) + f (y)
= λ(y − xk ) + O(δk2 )
|F̂k (x) − F̂k (xk ) − f (z) dz| = O(δk2 ). (4.28)
is of the same order as the difference |fk (z) − f (z)| times the length (γk ) of a
path on ♦k from Ok to xk . This length is bounded as (γk ) ≤ sin4θm |xk − Ok |.
Since we are interested in the compact case, this length is bounded uniformly and the
difference (4.29) is of the same order as the pointwise difference. We conclude that
the sequence of discrete primitives converges to the continuous primitive and if the
limit for the functions was of order O(δ 2 ), it remains of that order.
The discrete polynomials of degree less than three agree pointwise with their con-
tinuous counterpart, Z :2: (x) = Z(x)2 .
A simple induction then gives the following
Corollary 4.11. The discrete polynomials converge to the continuous ones, the limit
is of order O(δk2 ).
Proof of Theorem 4.2. On the simply connected compact set U , a holomorphic func-
tion f can be written, in a local map z as a series,
f (z) = ak zk . (4.30)
Therefore, by a diagonal procedure, there exists an increasing integer sequence
(N (n))n∈N such that the sequence of discrete holomorphic polynomials converges
to the continuous series and the convergence is C ∞ ;
ak Z :k: → f. (4.31)
A rhombic tiling gives rise to two sets of isoradial circle patterns: a set of circles
of common radius δ, whose centers are the vertices of and intersections are the
vertices of ∗ and vice-versa. Two interesting families of cross-ratio preserving maps
are given by circle patterns with the same combinatorics and intersection angles as
one of these two circle patterns.
Figure 10. A circle pattern with prescribed angles as a cross ratio preserving map.
y q = e−2(θ +θ )
ϕ = e−2ϕ
x x
Proposition 4.12. If w solves the Hirota system, then the function f : ♦2 → C defined
up to an additive constant by
f (y) − f (x) = (y − x)w(x)w(y) (4.35)
is quadratic holomorphic.
Chapter 13. Discrete Riemann surfaces 571
Proof. The function f is well defined because the associated 1-form is closed by
definition of the Hirota system. The function w disappears in the cross-ratio of f ,
leaving the original cross-ratio.
In other words, for (1 + εg)w to continue solving the Hirota system at first order,
the deformation g must satisfy
g(y ) − g(y) f (y ) − f (y)
= . (4.37)
g(x ) − g(x) f (x ) − f (x)
Proof of Proposition 4.13. The ε contribution of the closeness condition (4.34) for
(1 + εg)w gives
(g(x) + g(y)) f (x) f (y) (y − x) + (g(y) + g(x )) f (y) f (x ) (x − y)
+ (g(x ) + g(y )) w(x ) w(y ) (y − x ) + (g(y ) + g(x)) w(y ) w(x) (x − y ) = 0,
which reads, referring to f :
g(y ) − g(y) f (y ) − f (y)
= . 2
g(x ) − g(x) f (x ) − f (x)
yλ yλ
xλ xλ
iρ = x−y+λ
q= (y−x)2 y
x x
Figure 12. The face (xλ , yλ , xλ , yλ ) “over” the face (x, y, x , y ) ∈ ♦2 .
yλ yλ yλ yλ
x xλ
y y
y y
x x
Figure 13. The cube split into two hexagons yielding equivalent compatibility constraints.
It is not injective and I define the discrete exponential at f as being the direction of
this 1-dimensional kernel. It can be characterized as a derivative with respect to the
initial value at the origin:
∂ v u
expu (:λ:f ) := Bλ−1 Bλ (f ) |v=f (O) ∈ ker d Bλu (f ) (4.42)
because Bλu Bλv−1 (g) = g for all λ, g and v.
g = Bλu (f )
f = Bλu−1 (g)
Bμu (f )
Bμu −1 (g)
∂ v
expu (:λ:f ) := ∂v Bλ−1 (g)|v=u
Bλv−1 (g)
Figure 14. The discrete exponential expu (:λ:f ) is the kernel of the linear transformation
d Bλu (f ) (here u = f (O)).
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Part D
1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 580
2 Classical Teichmüller spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 584
2.1 Graph description of Teichmüller spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 585
2.1.1 Global coordinates on Teichmüller space . . . . . . . . . . . . 585
2.1.2 Weil–Petersson form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 588
2.1.3 Mapping class group description using graphs . . . . . . . . . 589
2.2 Poisson algebras of geodesic functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 591
2.2.1 Multicurves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 591
2.2.2 Classical skein relation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 591
2.2.3 Poisson brackets for geodesic functions . . . . . . . . . . . . 592
2.2.4 Poisson geodesic algebras for higher genera . . . . . . . . . . 593
3 Quantization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 594
3.1 Quantizing Teichmüller spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 594
3.2 Geodesic length operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 599
3.3 Algebra of quantum geodesics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 601
3.4 Quantizing the Nelson–Regge algebras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 603
3.5 Improving the quantum ordering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 603
4 Classical Thurston theory of surfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 606
4.1 Measured foliations and Thurston’s boundary . . . . . . . . . . . . . 606
4.2 Train tracks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 611
4.3 Laminations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 615
4.4 Dynamics on train tracks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 616
4.5 Decorated measured foliations and freeways . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 618
4.6 Shear coordinates for measured foliations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 620
5 On quantizing Thurston theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 622
5.1 Proper length of geodesics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 622
5.2 Approximating laminations and the main theorem . . . . . . . . . . . 623
5.3 Elements of the proof . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 626
5.3.1 Continued fraction expansion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 626
5.3.2 Mapping class group transformations and the unzipping
procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 631
580 Leonid O. Chekhov and Robert C. Penner
1 Introduction
One manifestation of Teichmüller space in contemporary mathematical physics is as
the Hilbert space and the algebra of observables for three-dimensional (3D) quantum
gravity since E. Verlinde and H. Verlinde [39] have argued that the classical phase
space of Einstein gravity in a 3D manifold is the Teichmüller space of its boundary.
(Analogously, the classical phase space for 3D Chern–Simons theory is the moduli
space of flat connections on the boundary; this theory was quantized in [12], [13].)
Teichmüller space possesses its canonical (Weil–Petersson) Poisson structure, whose
symmetry group is the mapping class group of orientation-preserving homeomor-
phisms modulo isotopy. The algebra of observables is the collection of geodesic
length functions of geodesic representatives of homotopy classes of essential closed
curves together with its natural mapping class group action.
Given this Poisson structure, one can turn to the problem of quantizing it, thereby
obtaining a variant of the quantum 3D gravity description. According to the correspon-
dence principle: (1) the algebra of observables of the corresponding quantum theory
is the noncommutative deformation of the ∗-algebra of functions on it governed by the
Poisson structure; (2) the Hilbert spaces of the theory are the representation spaces of
these ∗-algebras; and (3) the symmetry group acts on the algebra of observables by au-
tomorphisms. Under the assumption that the quantization of a Poisson manifold exists
and is unique, to solve this problem it suffices to construct a family of ∗-algebras, which
depend on the quantization parameter h̄, and an action of the mapping class group on
this family by outer automorphisms, and to show that the algebra and the action thus
constructed reproduces the classical algebra, the classical action, and the classical
Poisson structure in the limit h̄ → 0. This program has been successfully performed
in [6] and [16], and we describe it in Sections 2 and 3 of this chapter. Actually, the
problem that was solved in these papers differs slightly from the original formulation
because the methods of [6] are suited for describing only open surfaces (surfaces with
nonempty boundary, components of which can, however, reduce to a puncture). The
corresponding Teichmüller space has a degenerate Weil–Petersson Poisson structure,
while the mapping class group acts as symmetry group. We describe the deformation
quantization of the corresponding Teichmüller space, the action of the mapping class
group by outer automorphisms, the representations of the observable algebra, and the
induced action of the mapping class group on the representation space following [6].
Chapter 14. On quantizing Teichmüller and Thurston theories 581
As in [39], the representation space of the observable algebra can also be interpreted
as the space of conformal blocks of the Liouville conformal field theory. This program
is under current development (see [33] and [34]). Our construction can be therefore
interpreted as the construction of the conformal block spaces and the mapping class
group actions for this CFT.
The key point of the quantization procedure is constructing quantum mapping class
group transformations that define in a consistent way the morphisms between quan-
tum ∗-algebras simultaneously preserving the quantum geodesic algebra. The main
mathematical ingredient of the construction is a version of the quantum dilogarithm
by L. D. Faddeev [8]. We interpret the corresponding five-term relation as the only
nontrivial relation in a certain groupoid that has the mapping class group as maximal
subgroup. A similar construction has been made independently and simultaneously
by R. M. Kashaev [16]. The key difference between these two constructions lies in the
dimensions of the Poisson leaves of the two theories: given a graph with v three-valent
vertices, e edges, and f = s faces suitably embedded in a surface Fgs of genus g with s
ideal boundary components, the genus is given by Euler’s formula v −e +f = 2 −2g.
In Kashaev’s approach, there are 2e variables and v + f central elements (at each ver-
tex and at each face), so the Poisson leaf dimension is 2e − v − f = 8g − 8 + 3s,
while in our approach, there are e variables and f central elements, so the Poisson
dimension e − f = 6g − 6 + 2s exactly coincides with the dimension of the Teich-
müller space of Riemann surfaces of genus g with s punctures. The approach of [6] is
thus appropriate for describing 2D topological theories while that of [16] is suitable
for describing Liouville field theory as a lattice theory (for instance, the Liouville field
central charge can be calculated, see [17]).
One of the mathematical tools employed in the quantization [6] is the decorated
Teichmüller theory [25], and the relevant aspects are briefly reviewed in Section 2.
In effect in the classical case, to each edge of a trivalent “fatgraph” (i.e., a graph
plus a cyclic ordering of the half-edges about each vertex) embedded as a “spine”
(i.e., a deformation retract of the surface) F = Fgs is assigned a number Zα , where
α here and below indexes the edges of . The tuple (Zα ) gives global coordinates
on an appropriate Teichmüller space TH = TH (F ) of F (as first studied by Thurston
and later by Fock), where any or all of the “punctures” of Fgs are permitted to be
uniformized instead as circular boundary components (and the subscript H stands for
“holes”); the details are given in Section 2.1. The Weil–Petersson Kähler two-form,
which is known [27] in the (Zα ) coordinates, pulls back to a degenerate two-form, i.e.,
to a degenerate Poisson structure on TH . Furthermore, the action of the mapping class
group MC = MC(F ) of F on TH , which is again known [27] in the (Zα ) coordinates
as well as combinatorially [28], leaves invariant this Poisson structure, and this is the
Poisson manifold TH with MC-action which has been quantized.
More explicitly still, for each edge α, we may associate a pair of Möbius transfor-
mations RZα , LZα depending upon Zα with the following property. For any homotopy
class γ of geodesic in F with corresponding closed edge-path P on , consider the
serial product Pγ of operators RZα , LZα taken in order as one traverses P in some
582 Leonid O. Chekhov and Robert C. Penner
orientation from some starting point, where one inserts the former (or latter, respec-
tively) if immediately after traversing edge α, then P turns right (or left) in ; thus,
the combinatorial geometry of serially traversing edges of as dictated by P deter-
mines an ordered product Pγ of matrices depending upon (Zα ), and the length lγ of
the geodesic representative of γ for the point of TH determined by (Zα ) is given by
Gγ = 2 cosh(lγ /2) = tr Pγ |. It is the Poisson algebra of these geodesic functions
Gγ , the algebra of observables, which has been quantized.
In the quantum case (after passing to a suitable subspace on which the Poisson
structure is non-degenerate), standard techniques of deformation quantization produce
the appropriate Hilbert space H of the quantum theory, as well as pairs of operators
RZα , LZα on H 2 for each edge α of . Again, to the homotopy class of a geodesic γ in
F or its corresponding closed edge-path P on , we may assign the ordered product
Pγ of these operators as dictated by the combinatorial geometry of P in , whose
trace Gγ = tr Pγ is the “quantum geodesic operator.” The main point is to prove
the invariance under the action of MC, which is intimately connected with functional
properties of the quantum dilogarithm as was mentioned before.
In [6] was proved the existence and uniqueness of an appropriate “proper quan-
tum ordering” of operators that enjoy MC-invariance as well as satisfy the standard
physical requirements. In Section 3.5, we observe that the natural operatorial order-
ing given by the combinatorial geometry of edge-paths in can be used to derive
this physically correct quantum ordering. The improved ordering is required in the
subsequent quantization (discussed below).
In order to explain the further new results in this chapter, we must recall aspects of
Thurston’s seminal work on surface geometry, topology, and dynamics from the 1970–
1980s, which is surveyed in Section 4. Very briefly, Thurston introduced the space
P F 0 = P F 0 (F ) of “projective measured foliations of compact support in F ” as a
boundary for the Teichmüller space T = T (F ), where “Thurston’s compactification”
T = T ∪ P F 0 is a closed ball with boundary sphere P F 0 , where the action of
MC on T extends continuously to the natural action on T . Furthermore, the sphere
P F 0 contains the set of all homotopy classes of geodesics in F as a dense subset,
i.e., P F 0 is an appropriate completion of this set. (Unfortunately, the action of MC
on P F 0 has dense orbits, so the beautiful structure of Thurston’s compactification
does not descend in any reasonable way, with the current state of understanding, to a
useful structure on the level of Riemann’s moduli space.) Thurston also devised an
elegant graphical formalism for understanding P F 0 using “train tracks”, which are
graphs embedded in F with the further structure of a “branched one-submanifold” (cf.
Section 4.2). In effect, a maximal train track gives a chart on the sphere P F 0 , and
furthermore, the combinatorial expression for inclusion of charts effectively captures
the dynamics of the action of diffeomorphisms of F (cf. Section 4.4).
Thus, Thurston theory arises as a natural tool to understand degenerations in Teich-
müller space and dynamics on F , and in light of remarks above, its quantization should
provide a natural tool for studying degenerations of 3D gravity or Liouville conformal
Chapter 14. On quantizing Teichmüller and Thurston theories 583
field theory. Many aspects of the survey of classical Thurston surface theory (in
Section 4) are required for our subsequent quantization.
In any case, a mathematically natural problem armed with [6] is to “quantize
Thurston theory”: assign operators Hγ on H to each homotopy class γ of geodesic in
such a way that as γ converges in P F 0 to a projectivized measured foliation [F , μ̄],
then the corresponding operators Hγ converge in an appropriate sense to a well-
defined operator H[F ,μ̄] on H. Upon choosing a spine ⊆ F (i.e., an embedding, up
to homotopy, of a graph whose inclusion is a homotopy equivalence), any homotopy
class of curve γ may be essentially uniquely realized as an edge-path on . Define the
“graph length” g.l.(γ ) to be the total number of edges of traversed by this edge-path
counted with multiplicities.
In the special case of the torus F11 , we have succeeded here (in Section 5) in showing
that the ratio of operators
Hγ = p.l.(γ )/g.l.(γ )
converge weakly to a well-defined operator as γ converges in P F 0 (F11 ), where the
“proper length” is defined by
1 1
p.l.(γ ) = lim tr log 2Tn Pγ ,
n→∞ n 2
with Tn the Chebyshev polynomials. In fact in the classical case, p.l.(γ ) agrees
with half the length of the geodesic homotopic to γ in the Poincaré metric, and in
the quantum case, there is an appropriate operatorial interpretation, both of which
are described in Section 5.1. In particular, for several spines whose corresponding
charts cover the circle P F 0 (F11 ), the analysis involves rather intricate estimates.
This leads to a natural operatorial quantization (in Section 5.3.4) of the standard
simple continued fractions, which are intimately connected with Thurston theory on
F11 (as we shall describe in Section 4.5). To complete the basic theory on the torus,
one would like an intrinsic operatorial description of the circle of unbounded operators
we have constructed, as well as an explication of the mapping class group action on
it, viz., Thurston’s classification of surface automorphisms.
This chapter is organized as follows: Section 2 covers classical Teichmüller theory
and Section 3 the Chekhov–Fock quantization; Section 4 surveys classical Thurston
theory of surfaces, and Section 5 gives our quantization of Thurston’s boundary for the
punctured torus. Excerpts of Sections 2 and 3 are derived from an earlier manuscript
of Chekhov–Fock, and we strive to include further mathematical detail. Section 4
surveys aspects of a large literature on Thurston theory and train tracks, explicitly
covering only what is required in Section 5. Section 5 should be regarded as work in
physics in the sense that some of the formal calculations depend upon manipulations
of asymptotic spectral expansions for which there may be remaining mathematical
issues. Closing remarks in Section 6 discuss the natural extension of these results to
more complicated surfaces as well as other related work. Appendix A includes a novel
proof of the required convergence in the classical case for any surface (in a sense, a
new proof of the existence of Thurston’s compactification), which may yet be useful
584 Leonid O. Chekhov and Robert C. Penner
On the level of Teichmüller space, the two global coordinate systems (lambda
lengths and shear coordinates) are closely related, and we choose to give the exposi-
tion here principally in shear coordinates with the parallel lambda length discussion
relegated to a series of ongoing remarks. On the other hand, certain proofs of identities
involving shear coordinates are easy calculations in lambda lengths.
Theorem 2.1. Fix any spine ⊆ F , where is a cubic fatgraph. Then there is a
real-analytic homeomorphsim RE() → TH (F ). The hyperbolic length lγ of a true
boundary component γ is given by lγ = | Zi |, where the sum is over the set of
all edges traversed by γ counted with multiplicity. Furthermore, Zi = 0 if and
only if the corresponding ideal boundary component is a puncture, so Tgs ⊆ TH (F )
is determined by s independent linear constraints.
586 Leonid O. Chekhov and Robert C. Penner
The theorem is due to Thurston with a systematic study by Fock. We shall not
give a proof here (though there is not a complete proof in the literature so far as we
know), but we shall at least give the construction that defines the homeomorphism
RE() → TH (F ).
The basic idea is to associate to each edge of an appropriate cross ratio. To set
this up, consider the topological surface F + ⊆ F obtained by adjoining a punctured
disk to each true boundary component of F . The fatgraph ι() ⊆ F ⊆ F + is thus
also a spine of F + , and its Poincaré dual in F + is an ideal triangulation of F + (i.e.,
a decomposition into triangles with vertices among the punctures). In the universal
cover of F + , each arc of thus separates two complementary triangles which combine
to give a topological quadrilateral, and the basic idea is to associate to each edge the
cross-ratio of this quadrilateral.
To make this precise and describe the homeomorphism in the theorem, let α =
1, . . . , E = E() index the edges of , and let (Zα ) denote a point of RE . We
associate the Möbius transformation
0 − e Zα /2
XZα = . (2.1)
e −Zα /2 0
where the sign of this sum gives the orientation of the boundary component, and lγ = 0
corresponds to a puncture. This proves the assertions about boundary lengths.
The Z-coordinates (i.e., log cross ratios) are called (Thurston) shear coordinate
[36], [2] and can alternatively be defined by dropping perpendiculars from each of the
two opposite vertices to the diagonal α of a quadrilateral, and measuring the signed
hyperbolic distance Zα along α between these two projections.
Assume that there is an enumeration of the edges of and that edge α has distinct
endpoints. Given a spine of F , we may produce another spine α of F by contracting
and expanding edge α of , the edge labelled Z in Figure 1, to produce α as in the
figure; the fattening and embedding of α in F is determined from that of in the
natural way. Furthermore, an enumeration of the edges of induces an enumeration
of the edges of α in the natural way, where the vertical edge labelled Z in Figure 1
corresponds to the horizontal edge labelled −Z. We say that α arises from by a
Whitehead move along edge α. We shall also write αβ = (α )β , for any two indices
α, β of edges, to denote the result of first performing a move along α and then along
β; in particular, αα = for any index α.
Proposition 2.3 ([6]). Setting φ(Z) = log(eZ + 1) and adopting the notation of
Figure 1 for shear coordinates of nearby edges, the effect of a Whitehead move is
illustrated in the figure, viz.,
WZ : (A, B, C, D, Z) → (A + φ(Z), B − φ(−Z), C + φ(Z), D − φ(−Z), −Z).
588 Leonid O. Chekhov and Robert C. Penner
In the various cases where the edges are not distinct and identifying an edge with its
shear coordinate in the obvious notation we have: if A = C, then A = A + 2φ(Z);
if B = D, then B = B − 2φ(−Z); if A = B (or C = D), then A = A + Z (or
C = C + Z); if A = D (or B = C), then A = A + Z (or B = B + Z).
H A + φ(Z) B − φ(−Z)
A −Z
- AA
HH D − φ(−Z) C + φ(Z)
Sketch of proof. Assume that e is the diagonal of a quadrilateral with consecutive sides
a, b, c, d, where e separates a, b from c, d. Identifying an edge with its lambda length,
the shear coordinate is given by Z = log bd bd
ac , i.e., ac is the required cross-ratio [25].
Furthermore, if f is the lambda length of the other diagonal, then the lambda lengths
satisfy Ptolemy’s relation ef = ac + bd [25], and the transformation laws for shear
coordinates in the proposition are readily derived from this either in the surface for
(2.8) or in the universal cover of the surface in the various cases.
Lemma 2.4. Transformation (2.8) preserves the traces of products over paths (2.6).
Theorem 2.5 ([10]). In the coordinates (Zα ) on any fixed spine, the Weil–Petersson
bracket BWP is given by
∂ ∂
BWP = ∧ , (2.9)
∂Zvi ∂Zvi+1
where the sum is taken over all vertices v and vi , i = 1, 2, 3 mod 3, are the labels of
the cyclically ordered half-edges incident on this vertex.
Chapter 14. On quantizing Teichmüller and Thurston theories 589
The proof [10] relies on the independence of this form under Whitehead moves
as in [28]. Indeed, the equivalent expression for the Weil–Petersson Kähler two-form
in the punctured case was first given in lambda length coordinates in [27] starting
from Wolpert’s formula [41], and the formula in shear coordinates follows from direct
calculation using the expression Z = log bd ac . (There is more to this geometrically,
however, and one must show [3] that the same expression is the Weil–Petersson form
for surfaces with boundary.)
The set of Casimir functions is described by the following proposition, whose proof
is given in Appendix B.
2.6. The center of the Poisson algebra (2.9) is generated by elements of
the form Zα , where the sum is over all edges of in a boundary component of
F () and the sum is taken with multiplicity.
2.1.3 Mapping class group description using graphs. Recall that the mapping class
group MC(F ) of an open surface F is the group of homotopy classes of orientation-
preserving homeomorphisms of F . No special constraints are imposed by the circle
boundary components, i.e., a homeomorphism must fix each boundary component
only setwise, and the homotopies must likewise fix each boundary component only
setwise. Thus, if F has b boundary component circles, p punctures, and genus g,
then MC(F ) ≈ MC(Fg ), so we generally write MCsg = MC(F ) for any surface of
genus g with s boundary components. In this section, we establish the combinatorial
presentation of MCsg associated with the cell decomposition of decorated Teichmüller
Recall that a cell in the decomposition of T˜gs is described by the homotopy classes
of an embedding ι : → F of a fatgraph as a spine of F . MCsg acts on the set of
homotopy classes of such embeddings by post-composition, and the cell decomposi-
tion of decorated Teichmüller space T˜gs descends to an orbifold cell decomposition of
M̃gs = T˜gs / MC(F ).
The modular groupoid MGsg = MG(F ) is the fundamental path groupoid of M̃gs ,
and MCsg arises as the subgroup of paths based at any point. Specifically, consider
the dual graph Gsg = G(F ) of the codimension-two skeleton of this decomposition
of M̃gs (where there is one vertex for each top-dimensional cell, edges correspond to
Whitehead moves, and two-dimensional cells correspond to pairs of homotopic paths
in the one-skeleton which are homotopic to real endpoints in M̃gs .) The fundamental
path groupoid of Gsg is the modular groupoid, and in particular, MCsg is the stabilizer
in MGsg of any vertex of Gsg .
We may think of a Whitehead move along edge α of fatgraph producing another
fatgraph α as an ordered pair (, α ), i.e., an oriented edge of Gsg . Letting [1 , 2 ]
denote the MCsg -orbit of a pair (1 , 2 ) by the diagonal action of the mapping class
group, the natural composition descends to a well-defined product
[1 , 3 ] = [1 , 2 ][2 , 3 ].
590 Leonid O. Chekhov and Robert C. Penner
Theorem 2.7 ([28], [27]). The modular groupoid MGsg is generated by Whitehead
moves and relabelings by fatgraph symmetries. A complete list of relations in MGsg
is given by relabelings under fatgraph symmetries together with the two following
If α and β are two edges with no common endpoints, then
[αβ , α ][α , ] = [αβ , β ][β , ] (Commutativity).
If α and β share exactly one common endpoint, then (see Figure 2 drawn for the
dual graph)
[, α ][α , βα ][βα , αβ ][αβ , β ][β , ] = 1 (Pentagon).
Furthermore, the expression in Theorem 2.5 for the Weil–Petersson form is invariant
under Whitehead moves.
B X4
D4 A Q A4
A Q B @
E0 HHD0 A A3 B H E3
Y0 HH E 4
A0 A Q C0 B3 A D3
B0 C3
B1 HHA1 D2 C
H 2
A A Y2
C1 A
- E2 A
Y E1 X2 B2
A 1 A
D1 A2
Proof. The first parts are immediate consequences of the cell decomposition. Specifi-
cally, by connectivity of T˜gs , any two points can be joined by a smooth path, which we
Chapter 14. On quantizing Teichmüller and Thurston theories 591
may put into general position with respect to the codimension-one faces; this proves
the first part. For the second part, a homotopy between edge-paths in M̃gs can likewise
be put into general position with respect to the codimension-two faces; there are two
possibilities for a pair of edges depending upon whether their vertices are disjoint or
not, corresponding respectively to the commutativity and pentagon relations, proving
the second part. The invariance of the expression for the Weil–Petersson form under
Whitehead moves is a direct calculation in lambda lengths [29] or shear coordinates
using (2.8).
2.2.2 Classical skein relation. The trace relation tr(AB)+tr(AB −1 )−tr A·tr B = 0
for arbitrary 2 × 2 matrices A and B with unit determinant allows one to “disentangle”
any product of geodesic functions, i.e., express it uniquely as a finite linear combination
of GMCs. Introducing the additional factor #G to be the total number of components
592 Leonid O. Chekhov and Robert C. Penner
2.2.3 Poisson brackets for geodesic functions. Turning attention now to the Pois-
son structure, two geodesic functions Poisson commute if the underlying geodesics
are disjointly embedded. By the Leibnitz rule for the Poisson bracket, it suffices to
consider only “simple” intersections of pairs of geodesics with respective geodesic
functions G1 and G2 of the form
G1 = tr 1 . . . XC1 R 1 XZ1 L1 XA
..., (2.11)
G2 = tr 2
. . . XB2 L2 XZ2 R 2 XD
..., (2.12)
where the superscripts 1 and 2 pertain to operators and traces in two different matrix
The bracket between XC1 and XB2 possesses a simple r-matrix structure
{XC1 , XB2 } = (−1)i+j (eii1 ⊗ ejj
)XC1 ⊗ XB2 , (2.13)
where the “elementary” matrix eij has entry unity in its ith row and j th column and
zero otherwise. Direct calculations then give
{G1 , G2 } = (GH − GI ), (2.14)
where GI corresponds to the geodesic that is obtained by erasing the edge Z and joining
together the edges “A” and “D” as well as “B” and “C” in a natural way as illustrated
in the middle diagram in (2.10); GH corresponds to the geodesic that passes over the
edge Z twice, so it has the form tr . . . XC RZ RD . . . . . . XB LZ LA . . . as illustrated
in the rightmost diagram in (2.10). These relations were first obtained in [14] in the
continuous parametrization (the classical Turaev–Viro algebra).
Torus example. For the torus, TH (F11 ) has three generators X, Y, Z, where
{X, Y } = {Y, Z} = {Z, X} = 2,
corresponding to the combinatorially unique cubic spine and the Casimir element is
X + Y + Z. The geodesic functions for the three graph simple geodesics are
GX = tr LXY RXZ = e −Y/2−Z/2 + e −Y /2+Z/2 + e Y /2+Z/2 ,
GY = tr RXX LXZ = e −Z/2−X/2 + e −Z/2+X/2 + e Z/2+X/2 , (2.15)
GZ = tr RXY LXX = e −X/2−Y/2 + e −X/2+Y /2 + e X/2+Y /2 .
Chapter 14. On quantizing Teichmüller and Thurston theories 593
2.2.4 Poisson geodesic algebras for higher genera. In order to generalize the torus
example, we must find a graph on which graph simple geodesics constitute a convenient
algebraic basis. Such a graph is illustrated in Figure 3, where m edges pairwise connect
two horizontal line segments. Graph simple closed geodesics in this picture are those
and only those that pass through exactly two different “vertical” edges, and they are
therefore enumerated by ordered pairs of edges; we denote the corresponding geodesic
functions Gij where i < j . The Poisson algebra for the functions Gij is described by
⎪ 0, j < k,
⎪ 0, k < i, j < l,
⎨G G − G G , i < k < j < l,
ik j l kj il
{Gij , Gkl } = 1 (2.17)
⎪ 2 Gij Gj l − Gil , j = k,
⎪ Gil − 21 Gij Gil , i = k, j < l
Gik − 2 Gij Gkj ,
j = l, i < k.
The graph in Figure 3 has genus m2 − 1 and two faces (holes) if m is even and
genus (m − 1)/2 and one face (hole) if m is odd. Such geodesic bases for m even
were considered in [21]. The Poisson algebras of geodesics obtained there coincide
exactly with (2.17). These are the so-called soq (m) algebras whose representations
were constructed in [15].
In the mathematical literature, this algebra has also appeared as the Poisson algebra
of the monodromy data (Stokes matrices) of certain matrix differential equations [38]
and on the symplectic groupoid of upper-triangular matrices G [4]. These matrices
we set Gii ≡ 1) and the entries
have entries given by unity on the main diagonal (i.e.,
Gij above it. For m × m-matrices, there are m2 central elements of this algebra
generated by the polynomial invariants fG (λ) ≡ det(G + λGT ) = fi (G)λi . The
total Poisson dimension d of algebra (2.17) is m(m−1)
2 − m2 , and for m = 3, 4, 5, 6, . . .
we have d = 2, 4, 8, 12, . . . . The dimensions of the corresponding Teichmüller spaces
are D = 2, 4, 8, 10, . . . , so we see that the Teichmüller spaces are embedded as the
Poisson leaves in the algebra (2.17).
594 Leonid O. Chekhov and Robert C. Penner
i ··· j
j ··· i
3 Quantization
A quantization of a Poisson manifold, which is equivariant under the action of a discrete
group D, is a family of ∗-algebras Ah̄ depending on a positive real parameter h̄ with
D acting by outer automorphisms and having the following properties:
1. (Flatness) All algebras are isomorphic (noncanonically) as linear spaces.
2. (Correspondence) For h̄ = 0, the algebra is isomorphic as a D-module to the
∗-algebra of complex-valued functions on the Poisson manifold.
3. (Classical limit) The Poisson bracket on A0 given by {a1 , a2 } = limh̄→0 [a1h̄,a2 ]
coincides with the Poisson bracket given by the Poisson structure of the manifold.
Not only is the proof of Lemma 3.1 given in Appendix B, but also an algorithm for
diagonalizing this Poisson structure is described there.
Now, define the Hilbert space H to be the set of all L2 functions in the q-variables
and let each q-variable act by multiplication and each corresponding p variable act
by differentiation, pi = 2π i h̄ ∂p∂ i . For different choices of diagonalization of non-
degenerate Poisson structures, these Hilbert spaces are canonically isomorphic.
Torus example. In the case of the bordered torus, we have three generators, X h̄ ,
Y h̄ , and Z h̄ , the commutation relations (3.1) have the form [Xh̄ , Y h̄ ] = [Y h̄ , Z h̄ ] =
[Z h̄ , Xh̄ ] = 4π i h̄, and the single central element is Xh̄ + Y h̄ + Z h̄ . In the Darboux-
type representation, we can identify, e.g., (X h̄ + Y h̄ )/2 with q and (−X h̄ + Y h̄ )/2
with (−2πi h̄)∂/∂q.
On the level of the modular groupoid as a category where all morphisms are invert-
ible and any two objects are related by a morphism, we have constructed one ∗-algebra
per object. In order to describe the D-equivariance we must associate a homomor-
phism of the corresponding ∗-algebras to any morphism in the modular groupoid. For
this, we associate a morphism of algebras to any Whitehead move and must verify that
the relations in Theorem 2.7 are satisfied.
We now define the quantum Whitehead move or flip along an edge of by Equa-
tion (2.8) using the (quantum) function
h̄ π h̄ e−ipz
φ(z) ≡ φ (z) = − dp, (3.3)
2 sinh(πp) sinh(π h̄p)
where the contour goes along the real axis bypassing the origin from above. The
function (3.3) is Faddeev’s generalization [8] of the quantum dilogarithm.
2π i
φ h̄ (Z + iπ ) − φ h̄ (Z − iπ ) =
1 + e −Z/h̄
and is meromorphic in the complex plane with the poles at the points {π i(m + nh̄),
m, n ∈ Z+ } and {−π i(m + nh̄), m, n ∈ Z+ }.
Hence the function φ h̄ (Z) is holomorphic in the strip |Im Z| < π min (1, Re h̄) − ε
for any ε > 0, so we need only its asymptotic behavior as Z ∈ R and |Z| → ∞, for
which we have (see, e.g., [18])
φ h̄ (Z) |Z|→∞ = (Z + |Z|)/2 + O(1/|Z|). (3.4)
Therefore, the function φ h̄ (Z) increases as Z goes to plus infinity and represents an
operator in H by the functional calculus [31].
3. a flip WZ satisfies WZ2 = I , cf. (2.8), and flips satisfy the commutativity relation;
Sketch of proof. Property 1 follows since limh̄→0 φ h̄ (z) = log( e z +1), and Property 3
is obvious.
In order to prove Property 2, we must first verify that [A+φ h̄ (Z), B−φ h̄ (−Z)] = 0
and [A + φ h̄ (Z), D − φ h̄ (−Z)] = −2π i h̄ (since the other relations are obviously
satisfied), which follows from the identity φ h̄ (z) − φ h̄ (−z) = z.
For Property 5, we must verify that the morphism T h̄ () → T 1/h̄ () commutes
with a flip, that is, (A + φ h̄ (Z))/h̄ = A/h̄ + φ h̄ (Z/h̄), (B − φ 1/h̄ (−Z))/h̄ = B/h̄ −
φ h̄ (−Z/h̄), etc., which follows from φ h̄ (z)/h̄ = φ 1/h̄ (z/h̄).
Turning finally to the most nontrivial Property 4, we may reformulate it as follows.
There are seven generators involved in the sequence of flips depicted in Figure 2 for
the dual cell decomposition, which are denoted A, B, C, D, E, X, Y as in the figure.
As a result of a flip, the piece of graph shown in Figure 1 just gets cyclically rotated.
Denote by Ai , Bi , Ci , Di , Ei , Xi , and Yi the algebra elements associated to the edges
of this piece of graph after i flips are performed. From (2.8), (3.3), these elements
1 This result was independently obtained by R. M. Kashaev [16].
Chapter 14. On quantizing Teichmüller and Thurston theories 597
evolve as follows:
⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞
Xi+1 Yi − φ h̄ (−Xi )
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜ Yi+1 ⎟ ⎜ −Xi ⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜ Ai+1 ⎟ ⎜ Di ⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜ Bi+1 ⎟ −→ ⎜ E ⎟. (3.5)
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ i ⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜ Ci+1 ⎟ ⎜ Ai + φ h̄ (Xi ) ⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜D ⎟ ⎜B − φ h̄ (−X )⎟
⎝ i+1 ⎠ ⎝ i i ⎠
Ei+1 Ci + φ h̄ (Xi )
q = e −πi h̄ , q̃ = e −πi/h̄ .
Under the flip, these variables are transformed in an especially simple way,
As the first step of the proof, we consider the inverse transformation laws for Xi and Yi :
Equations (3.7) and (3.9) are obvious. Using the standard formula
F (z)dz
e A+F (B) = e [A,B] B e A,
598 Leonid O. Chekhov and Robert C. Penner
we obtain
Y +2π i h̄ h̄
Vi−1 = e Yi−1 = e Xi +φ (Yi ) = eXi e Y φ (z)dz
π h̄ e−ipz (e−2pπ h̄ − 1)
= Ui exp − dp
2 (−ip) sinh(πp) sinh(π h̄p)
−ip(z−πi h̄)
π h̄ e
= Ui exp dp
i p sinh(πp)
= Ui (1 + q −2 Vi ).
The proof of (3.10) is analogous.
Now, in order to finally prove that Xi is five-periodic, it suffices to verify that both
Ui and Ũi are five-periodic. Indeed, if only the operator Ui is five-periodic, it does
not suffice because the logarithm of an operator is ambiguously defined. However, if
we have two families of operators U and Ũ , which depend continuously on h̄, then,
assuming the existence of an operator X (depending continuously on h̄) such that
U = eX and Ũ = eX/h̄ , then this operator is evidently unique. (It can be found as
lim(m+n/h̄)→0 (U m Ũ n )/(m + n/h̄) for any irrational value of h̄.) The five-periodicity
of sequence (3.8) (and (3.10)) is a direct calculation using (3.6).
The only subtlety remaining is the possibility that some of the edges A, B, C, D, E
coincide. (Note, however, that X and Y must have exactly one common vertex.) If,
say, edges A and C coincide, then the value of the commutator [A, X] is doubled by
definition, and we can then fictitiously split the edge A = C into two half-edges with
the matrices XA/2 assigned to each half-edge using the formula
0 1
XA = XA/2 XA/2 . (3.11)
−1 0
The quantities A/2 = C/2 have the same commutation relations with the rest of
variables as well as the same transformation laws as the quantities A and C before,
so the earlier formulas remain valid if we simply replace there A by A /2 and A by
A/2. The net effect is that commutators with A = C are doubled.
If edges A and B coincide, then we must correct formulas (3.4) using a splitting as
above but demanding A /2 = A/2+X/2. Obviously, [A, X] = 0 in this case (in which
formulas for the quantum ordering below must be also corrected, see Section 3.5).
The formulas in Proposition 2.3 can thus be realized for exponentiated quantities,
although in the current quantum case there will be corrections. For instance, formulas
(3.8) and (3.9) will be different; indeed, letting A = C = X, we calculate that
eX/2 → eX/2+φ (Z) =: eX/2 (1 + eZ ) :≡ eX/2 + eX/2+Z = eX/2 (1 + e−iπ h̄ eZ ) since
the commutator of X and Z is doubled, where the normal ordering (the Weyl ordering)
: · : is explained in the next section. The transformation for eX itself becomes more
complicated when A = C, namely, eX = (eX/2 )2 → eX (1 + q 3 eZ )(1 + qeZ ).
Chapter 14. On quantizing Teichmüller and Thurston theories 599
Corollary 3.5. 1. Let K be an operator acting in the Hilbert space L2 (R) and having
the integral kernel
K(x, z) = F h̄ (z)e− 2π i h̄ , (3.12)
h̄ 1 e−ipz
F (z) = exp − dp (3.13)
4 p sinh(πp) sinh(π h̄p)
Then the operator K is unitary up to a multiplicative constant and satisfies the identity
K 5 = const. (3.14)
2. Let h̄ = m/n be a rational number and assume that both m and n are odd.
Introduce a linear operator L(u) acting in the space Cn and depending on one positive
real parameter u through its matrix
L(u)ji = F h̄ (j, u)q −4ij , (3.15)
F h̄ (j, u) = (1 + u)j/n (1 + q −4k+2 u1/n )−1 .
Then the following identity holds:
L(u)L(v + uv)L(v + vu−1 + u−1 )L(u−1 v −1 + u−1 )L(v −1 ) = 1. (3.16)
Using this construction, Kashaev [18] constructed the set of eigenfunctions of the
quantum Dehn twist transformation. Namely, Kashaev’s dilogarithm function eb (z) is
1/F h̄ (2z) from (3.13). We return to this discussion when considering sets of quantum
Dehn twists for the torus in Section 5.
where mj (γ , α) are integers and J is a finite set of indices. In order to find the
quantum analogues of these functions, we denote by Tˆ h̄ a completion of the algebra
T h̄ containing exZα for any real x.
For any closed path γ on F , define the quantum geodesic operator Gh̄γ ∈ Tˆ h̄ to be
Gh̄γ ≡ ×× tr PZ1 ...Zn ×× ≡ exp mj (γ , α)Zαh̄ + 2π i h̄cjκ (γ , α) , (3.18)
j ∈J α∈E()
κ∈{j }
600 Leonid O. Chekhov and Robert C. Penner
where the quantum ordering ×× · ×× implies that we vary the classical expression (3.17) by
introducing additional integer coefficients cjκ (γ , α), which must be determined from
the conditions below. Notice that the operators {Gγh̄ } themselves can be considered
as belonging to the algebra Tˆ h̄ insofar as
Gγh̄ = exp mj (γ , α)Zαh̄ + 2π icjκ (γ , α) . (3.19)
j ∈J α∈E()
In what follows for the notational simplicity, we shall sometimes omit the su-
perscript h̄ from Gh̄ and write it merely G assuming that G is either an operator or a
classical geodesic function depending on the context. We shall concentrate on the case
of quantum functions of the Gh̄ -type; the consideration of the sector G1/h̄ is analogous
and does not lead to new effects (at least at the present stage of understanding), so we
omit it. We also call a quantum geodesic function merely a quantum geodesic (since
implicitly quantum objects admit only functional, not geometrical, descriptions).
We wish to associate an operatorial quantum multicurve QMC to a multiset Ĉ
of quantum geodesics corresponding to disjointly embedded families of nonnegative
integrally weighted geodesics. One ansatz will be that operators corresponding to
disjoint underlying geodesics must commute; this implies that the ordering in which
the quantum geodesics enter the product QMC is immaterial, where the product is
defined as for GMCs. We next formulate the defining properties of quantum geodesics.
1. If closed paths γ and γ do not intersect, then the operators Gh̄γ and Gh̄γ commute.
2. Naturality. The mapping class group MC(F ) (2.8) acts naturally, i.e., for any
{Gh̄γ }, δ ∈ MC(F ) and closed path γ in a spine of F , we have δ(Gh̄γ ) = Gh̄δγ .
3. Geodesic algebra. The product of two quantum geodesics is a linear combination
of QMC’s governed by the (quantum) skein relation [37].
4. Orientation invariance. Quantum traces of direct and inverse geodesic operators
5. Exponents of geodesics. A quantum geodesic Gnγ corresponding to the n-fold
concatenation of γ is expressed via Gγ exactly as in the classical case, namely,
Gnγ = 2Tn Gγ /2 , (3.20)
where Tn (x) are Chebyshev’s polynomials.
6. Duality. For any γ and γ , the operators Gh̄γ and Gγh̄ commute.
We shall let the standard normal ordering symbol : e a1 e a2 . . . e an : denote the Weyl
ordering e a1 +···+an , i.e.,
: e a1 e a2 . . . e an : = 1+(a1 +· · ·+an )+
(a1 +· · ·+an )(a1 +· · ·+an )+· · · (3.21)
for any set of exponents with ai = −aj for i = j . In particular, the Weyl ordering
implies total symmetrization in the subscripts.
Chapter 14. On quantizing Teichmüller and Thurston theories 601
Proposition 3.6. For any graph simple geodesic G with respect to any spine , the
coefficients cjκ (γ , α) in (3.18) are identically zero.
Proof. Consider term-by-term the trace of the matrix product for the quantum graph
simple geodesic and expand it in Laurent monomials in e Zi /2 . It is easy to see that
each term e Zi /2 comes either in power +1, or −1 in the corresponding monomial
and there are no equivalent monomials in the sum. This means that in order to have a
Hermitian operator, we must apply the Weyl ordering with no additional q-factors (by
the correspondence principle, each such factor must be again a Laurent monomial in q
standing by the corresponding term, which breaks the self-adjointness unless all such
monomials are unity). Since quantum Whitehead moves must preserve the property
of being Hermitian, if a graph-simple geodesic transforms to another graph-simple
geodesic, then a Weyl-ordered expression transforms to a Weyl-ordered expression,
and only these expressions are self-adjoint.
Torus example. For the torus with one hole, there are three graph simple quantum
geodesics for any spine, which are exactly (2.15) in the Weyl-ordered form. The
quantum geodesics G̃Z obtained from GZ by the flip transformation is
This algebra is exactly the soq (3) quantum algebra studied in [15]. There is a unique
central element, the quantum Markov relation
Let G1 and G2 correspond to the respective graph simple geodesics with respect to
the same spine having one nontrivial intersection. For G1 and G2 , formula (3.18)
implies, by virtue of Proposition 3.6, the mere Weyl ordering.
After some algebra, we obtain (cf. (2.14))
where GZ coincides with the Weyl-ordered GI in the classical case (cf. (2.14)) while
G̃Z contains the quantum correction term
G̃Z = ×× tr 1 tr 2 . . . (eij
⊗ ej2i )[XZ1 ⊗ XZ2 ] . . . ××
= : tr 1 tr 2 . . . (eij
⊗ ej2i ) XZ1 ⊗ XZ2 + 2(1 − cos π h̄)e11
⊗ e22
... : .
Here eij
1 ⊗ e2 is the standard r-matrix that permutes the spaces “1” and “2,” and as
a result, the “skein” relation of form (2.14) appears. Locally, this relation has exactly
the form proposed by Turaev [37], i.e., for two graph simple geodesics intersecting at
a single point, we have the defining relation
@ = e −iπ h̄/2 +e iπ h̄/2 .
G2 @
(The order of crossing lines corresponding to G1 and G2 depends on which quantum
geodesic occupies the first place in the product; the rest of the graph remains unchanged
for all items in (3.27)). Note, however, that if the quantum geodesics G1 and G2
correspond to graph simple geodesics, we may turn the geodesic G̃Z again into the
graph simple geodesic G̃Z by performing the quantum flip with respect to the edge Z.
If we now compare two unambiguously determined expressions: G̃Z , which must
be Weyl ordered, and G̃Z obtained from the geodesic algebra, we find that G̃Z = G̃Z .
This enables us to formulate the main assertion.
Lemma 3.7 ([6]). There exists a unique quantum ordering ×× . . . ×× (3.18), which is
generated by the quantum geodesic algebra (3.27) and consistent with the quantum
mapping class groupoid transformations (2.8), i.e., so that the quantum geodesic
algebra is invariant under the action of the quantum mapping class groupoid.
We can now relax the constraints of graph simplicity of curves: as the quantum
geodesic algebra is quantum mapping class group invariant, having two arbitrary
embedded geodesics with a single intersection, we can transform them using quantum
morphisms to a canonical form of graph simple geodesics and employ the Weyl order.
Relation (3.27) remains valid in both cases.
Let us now address the problem of multiple intersections. Here, we have the
following lemma.
Lemma 3.8 ([6]). If more than one intersection of two QMCs occurs, then the quan-
tum skein relations (3.27) must be applied simultaneously at all intersection points.
This lemma implies the standard Reidemeister moves for curves on a graph, where
the empty loop gives rise to a factor − e −iπ h̄ − e iπ h̄ ; that is, for geodesics inter-
secting generically, apply (3.27) simultaneously at all intersection points to obtain the
Reidemeister moves.
Chapter 14. On quantizing Teichmüller and Thurston theories 603
Remark 3.1. The quantum algebra M12 was studied in [6], where the exact corre-
spondence with Kauffman bracket skein quantization of the corresponding Poisson
algebra of geodesics (see [5]) was observed. In [4], this algebra arises as the quantum
deformation algebra of the classical groupoid Poisson relations for the group SL(4).
This algebra is however only one among many quantum Nelson–Regge algebras cor-
responding to Riemann surfaces of higher genera which are described in the next
with the usual commutator (not the q-commutator) and where again ξ = q − q −1 .
j j
't $ ' t $ i
' k
A t t$
tk A @
A q q
i t A q @ q
At t @t
& % i& % k & %
l j
l (a) (b) (c)
For the three cases of oriented curves depicted in Figure 5 below, we may apply
the indicated quantum Whitehead move and calculate as follows:
For curve 1, we obtain
e −B /2 e −Z/2 e A /2 + e −B /2 e Z/2 e A /2 − e −B /2 e Z/2 e −A /2
e B /2 e −Z/2 e A /2 0
e A/2−B/2 − e −A/2−B/2− 4 [A,B]
= 1 for B = A (3.29)
e A/2+B/2− 4 [A,B] 0
1 e −B/2 e A/2 − e −B/2 e −A/2
= e − 8 [A,B] for B = A
e B/2 e A/2 0
e − 8 [A,B] XB LXA for A = B,
XB LXA for A = B.
For curve 2, we obtain
e −C /2 e Z/2 e A /2 − e −C /2 e Z/2 e −A /2
e C /2 e Z/2 e A /2 + e C /2 e −Z/2 e A /2 − e C /2 e Z/2 e −A /2
e A/2−C/2+Z/2+ 4 [A,B] − e −A/2−C/2+Z/2 − e −A/2−C/2−Z/2
= 1 (3.30)
e A/2+C/2+Z/2 − e −A/2+C/2+Z/2− 4 [A,B]
e −C/2 e Z/2 e A/2 − e −C/2 e Z/2 e −A/2 − e −C/2 e −Z/2 e −A/2
e C/2 e Z/2 e A/2 − e C/2 e Z/2 e −A/2
and if edges A and C coincide, we merely use the same splitting as in (3.11); no
additional factors arise.
For curve 3, we obtain
0 − e −C /2 e Z/2 e −D /2
e C /2 e −Z/2 e D /2 − e C /2 e Z/2 e −D /2 − e −C /2 e −Z/2 e −D /2
0 − e −C/2−D/2+ 4 [A,B]
= 1 for C = D (3.31)
e C/2+D/2+ 4 [A,B] − e C/2−D/2
[A,B] 0 − e −C/2 e −D/2
= e8 for C = D
e C/2 e D/2 − e C/2 e −D/2
Chapter 14. On quantizing Teichmüller and Thurston theories 605
e 8 [A,B] XC RXD for C = D,
XC RXD for C = D.
In these formulas, we have used the identities
e A /2+C /2+Z/2 + e A /2+C /2−Z/2 = : e A/2+C/2 ( e Z/2 + e −Z/2 ) :
1 + e −Z (3.32)
= e A/2+C/2+Z/2
e −A /2−C /2+Z/2 = : e −A/2−C/2 (1 + e −Z ) e Z/2 :
= e −A/2−C/2+Z/2 + e −A/2−C/2−Z/2 ,
where vertical dots denote the Weyl ordering (3.21) as before implying total sym-
metrization with respect to all the variables {A, B, C, D, Z}.
As we have just observed and amazingly enough, the only thing that changes under
a quantum Whitehead move is the overall factor standing by the product of matrices,
and even this factor can easily be taken into account if included with each left-turn
matrix L is an overall factor e − 8 [A,B] , and included with each right-turn matrix R is
an overall factor e 8 [A,B] .
The subtlety of potentially multiple intersections between curves corresponds to
the possibility that edges of the graph may coincide. As in the previously useful
convenient fiction of splitting such an edge into two half-edges, the formulas (3.29),
(3.30), and (3.31) remain valid if we replace there A /2 by A /4 and A/2 by A/4 in
case A = C for instance.
We thus have the quantum analogue of Lemma 2.4.
Lemma 3.9. For any oriented non boundary-parallel geodesic γ , taking the finite
(periodic) sequence of matrices with quantum entries in XZi as before but making the
L̃ = q −1/4 L, R̃ = q 1/4 R, (3.34)
where q = e −iπ h̄ , the resulting product of matrices
Pγ = XZn L̃XZn−1 R̃ . . . XZ3 L̃XZ2 R̃XZ1 R̃ (3.35)
is invariant under quantum Whitehead moves.
Remark 3.2. In the case of a boundary-parallel curve, where a sub-word of the form
X R̃X R̃ transforms to a sub-word of the form X R̃, ˜ we must set the resulting
D −Z D
turn matrices to be
L̃˜ = q −1/2 L, R̃˜ = q 1/2 R,
i.e., they have quantum factors doubled in comparison with L̃ and R̃.
We now address the question of the proper quantum ordering. Using mapping
class group transformations, we can reduce any simple curve either to the form of
606 Leonid O. Chekhov and Robert C. Penner
a graph simple curve with exactly one left and one right turn (c.f. formulas (2.15)
and Figure 5) if this curve is not boundary-parallel, or to the form X R̃˜ or X L̃˜
for a boundary-parallel curve. In both cases, each term in the corresponding Laurent
polynomial must be self-adjoint, which immediately results in the Weyl ordering by
Proposition 3.6.
1 A B
2 @
- 1 A B
@ 2 @ −Z
@ @
@ -
? Z
- @ -
- @
@ @
- @ @
3 D C
3 @
This observation does not suffice to derive the proper quantum ordering in our
quantization of Thurston theory since we cannot consider in a consistent way an
infinite product of matrices corresponding to infinite leaves of a measured foliation.
Our tools for analyzing the Thurston theory in this case will devolve to naturality
of the mapping class group action on the QMC algebra and an operatorial version of
infinite continued fractions in Section 5.3.4. On the other hand, the improved quantum
ordering is used in our analysis of closed geodesics on the torus, i.e., of operatorial
finite continued fraction expansions in Section 5.3.1.
(a) (b)
- @
One can show [9] that for any [c] ∈ S, there is a representative cF ∈ [c] which
minimizes the μ-transverse measure in its homotopy class; furthermore, given equiv-
alent measured foliations (Fi , μi ), for i = 1, 2, we have μ1 (cF1 ) = μ2 (cF2 ) [9], and
hence there is a well-defined mapping
J : MF → RS≥0 ,
(F , μ) → i(F ,μ) : [c] → μ(cF ) ,
where the empty measured foliation ∅ is identified with 0 = {0}S . This mapping J is
an injection [9] and induces a topology on MF (where a neighborhood of ∅ is home-
omorphic to a cone from ∅ over MF /R>0 , with the natural action by homothety of
R>0 on measures). The function i(F ,μ) is called the (geometric) intersection function
of the measured foliation (F , μ).
Given [c] ∈ S, there is a corresponding measured foliation defined as follows.
Choose a representative c of [c] and collapse F − c onto a spine (making further
choices) to build a foliation Fc of F , whose leaves either lie in the spine or are
homotopic to c, and choose a transverse measure μc on Fc that pulls back under the
collapsing map the counting measure δc on c. It is a classical fact due to Whitehead [9]
that the resulting Whitehead equivalence class [Fc , μc ] is well-defined independent
of any choices. Taking the projective class of this foliation, we may thus regard
S ⊆ P F 0.
Furthermore by construction, i[Fc ,μc ] ([d]), for [d] ∈ S, is just the geometric intersec-
tion number of [c] and [d], i.e., the total number of intersections of representatives c
with d, where c and d intersect minimally. More generally, given a family of curves
c1 , . . . , cn representing a point of S , together with a collection
w1 , . . . , wn ∈ R>0
of “weights”, we may again collapse to a spine of F − {ci }n1 to produce a foliation
F and choose a measure μ on F that pulls back the weighted sum n1 wi δci to get
a well-defined Whitehead equivalence class [F , μ]. As mentioned before, one may
thus associate a measured foliation to a weighted curve family.
Chapter 14. On quantizing Teichmüller and Thurston theories 609
Theorem 4.1. 1. ([35], [9], [24]) P F 0 (Fgs ) is naturally a piecewise linear sphere of
dimension 6g − 7 + 2s which compactifies Tgs to produce a closed ball T g .
2. ([35], [26]) The action of the mapping class group MCsg on Tgs extends continu-
ously to an action on T g , where the action on P F 0 (Fgs ) is the natural one, and there
are explicit piecewise linear formulas for the action of Dehn twist generators.
3. ([35], [9]) Suppose that a sequence of hyperbolic metrics ρi on F tends to
a point [F , μ̄] ∈ P F 0 . In the projectivization of RS≥0 − {0}, the projectivized
length functions ¯ρi of ρi converge to the projectivized intersection function ī(F ,μ̄)
of (F , μ̄).
610 Leonid O. Chekhov and Robert C. Penner
4. ([35], [1]) The function i(F ,μ) : S → R≥0 extends continuously to the “geomet-
ric intersection pairing” MF 0 × MF 0 → R≥0 , that vanishes on the diagonal and
which is also invariant under MCsg .
5. ([35], [23], [3]) The Weil–Petersson Kähler two-form on Tgs continuously extends
(in the appropriate sense on Yamabe space) to a non-degenerate symplectic form,
called “Thurston’s symplectic form”, on MF 0 (Fgs ) (≈ Y − Y), which is invariant
under MCsg .
Though there is all this beautiful natural structure on Thurston’s boundary, the quo-
tient P F 0 (Fgs )/ MCsg is maximally non-Hausdorff (i.e., its largest Hausdorff quotient
is a singleton) as we shall see, so there is no correspondingly nice Thurston compact-
ification on the level of Riemann’s moduli space.
Torus example. Recall that for the once-punctured torus F = F11 , the Teichmüller
space is T11 ≈ {z ∈ C : |z| < 1}, and the mapping class group is MCsg ≈ PSL2 (Z).
Indeed, the right Dehn twists M and L on the meridian and longitude, respectively,
generate MC11 , and a complete list of relations between them is given by ι = MLM =
LML and ι2 = 1.
A point of P F 0 (F ) is uniquely determined by its “slope”, defined as follows. Fix
two disjointly embedded ideal arcs x, y asymptotic to the puncture p which decompose
F into an ideal quadrilateral, where x ∪ {p} is homotopic to the meridian, and y ∪ {p}
is homotopic to the longitude. Given [F , μ] ∈ MF 0 (F11 ) − {∅}, compact support
guarantees that i[F ,μ] (x) and i[F ,μ] (y) are well-defined and finite, and the ratio |θ| =
i[F ,μ] (y)/ i[F ,μ] (x) ∈ [0, ∞] is therefore projectively well-defined; we further imbue
θ with a sign (when it is finite and non-zero) in the natural way, where the sign is positive
if one (in fact, any) leaf of F immediately after meeting x then meets the copy of y in
the frontier of the ideal quadrilateral which lies to the right (where the orientation of the
ideal quadrilateral is inherited from that of F11 ). It is easy to see that the slope θ is a well-
defined and complete invariant of [F , μ̄] ∈ P F 0 (F11 ), where we regard θ ∈ S 1 in the
natural way. Thus, P F 0 (F11 ) ≈ S 1 , and T 1 = T11 ∪P F 0 (F11 ) is a closed ball (which
you should not identify with the Poincaré disk together with its circle at infinity). The
slope θ = p/q is rational if and only if the measured foliation corresponds to the
simple closed curve wrapping p times around the meridian and q times around the
longitude, where p and q are relatively prime integers. Geometrically, deforming
hyperbolic structure to pinch this curve, it is clear from elementary considerations
of hyperbolic geometry that the corresponding geodesic length functions converge
projectively to the geometric intersection number with this curve. Furthermore, the
geometric intersection number of curves with slopes p/q, r/s written in least terms
is given by |ps − qr|.
Chapter 14. On quantizing Teichmüller and Thurston theories 611
μ(b) = μ(b).
outgoing incoming
half-branches b half-branches b
Construction 4.1. Given a train track τ and a positive measure μ on it, we may
construct a measured foliation of a neighborhood of τ in the following way. For each
branch b of τ , take a rectangle of width μ(b) and length unity foliated by horizontal
leaves. For each switch, place the rectangles of the incoming branches next to one
another and likewise for the outgoing branches, and then finally glue the vertical edges
of all the incoming to all the outgoing rectangles at each switch in the natural way
preserving the transverse measure along the widths of the rectangles by the switch
conditions. This produces from μ a measured foliation of a tie neighborhood of τ ,
where a vertical leaf in any rectangle is called a tie, and the singular ties arise from
the vertical sides of the rectangles. As before by Whitehead’s result, the Whitehead
equivalence class of the resulting measured foliation is well-defined.
If a measured foliation arises in this way from a measure on a train track, then we
say that the train track carries the measured foliation.
B(τ )
Let U (τ ) denote the cone of all measures on τ , i.e., the subspace of R≥0 deter-
mined by the switch conditions. There is again the natural R>0 -action on U (τ ) − {0}
by homothety, and the quotient V (τ ) = (U (τ ) − {0})/R>0 is the polygon of projective
measures on τ . Construction 4.1 thus gives well-defined maps U (τ ) → MF 0 (F and
V (τ ) → P F 0 (F ).
A recurrent train track is maximal if it is not a proper sub track of any recurrent train
track. For general F = Fgs , complementary regions to a maximal train track are either
trigons or once-punctured monogons, but in the special case of the once-punctured
torus, a maximal train track has a single complementary once-punctured bigon.
Theorem 4.2 ([35], [24]). For any maximal recurrent train track τ in F , Construc-
tion 4.1 determines continuous embeddings
U (τ ) → MF 0 (F ) and V (τ ) → P F 0 (F )
onto open sets.
In fact, the geometric condition in the definition of train track precisely guarantees
the injectivity in this theorem. In light of this result, one may regard a maximal train
track in F as indexing a chart on the manifold P F 0 , and we next study the transition
functions of this putative manifold structure.
Torus example. For F = F11 , two embeddings of train tracks as spine are illustrated
in Figure 8, and in fact, every foliation is carried by one of these two train tracks.
The corresponding charts on the circle are also illustrated as well as the two points of
intersection in the closures of these charts.
It is most convenient now to restrict to the “generic” case, where all switches of τ
are trivalent. For each switch of τ , the decomposition of incident half-branches into
incoming/outgoing thus consists of one singleton and one doubleton, and we say a
branch of τ is large if it is a singleton at both its endpoints (which are then necessarily
distinct) as illustrated with the branch labeled e in the left-hand side of Figure 9.
Chapter 14. On quantizing Teichmüller and Thurston theories 613
Likewise, if a branch is a doubleton at both its endpoints, then it is called small, while
a branch which is neither small nor large is called half-large.
Define the combinatorial splitting of a measured train track (τ, μ) along a large
branch e as illustrated in Figure 9, where we identify an edge with its μ transverse
measure μ(e) for convenience. One imagines separating bands of horizontal leaves in
the rectangle associated to e by excavating along the two “singular leaves” beginning
at the endpoints of the large branch, i.e., beginning at the singular ties. If the measure
μ is so that (either of) the singular leaves starting at an endpoint of e turn left or right,
then the respective split is called a left (case 1) or right (case 3) split, while if the two
singular leaves coincide for e, then the split is called a collision (case 2).
Splitting and smooth isotopy of measured train tracks generates an equivalence
relation on the set of all measured train tracks in F , and we shall let [τ, μ] denote the
equivalence class of the measured train track (τ, μ) and [τ, μ̄] denote the equivalence
class of the projectively measured train track (τ, μ̄).
Theorem 4.3 ([24]). If (τi , μi ) are positively measured train tracks giving rise to
corresponding measured foliations (Fi , μi ) via Construction 4.1, for i = 1, 2, then
[F1 , μ1 ] = [F2 , μ2 ] if and only if [τ1 , μ1 ] = [τ2 , μ2 ].
Thus, the space of all Whitehead equivalence classes of (projectivized) measured foli-
ations is identified with the space of all splitting equivalence classes of (projectivized)
measured train tracks up to isotopy.
There is another aspect to the splitting equivalence relation on the set of all measured
train tracks. In addition to splitting, one considers also shifting along a half-large
614 Leonid O. Chekhov and Robert C. Penner
a b
∼ b−a if a < b
d c
a b a b
∼ if a = b
d c d c
a b
∼ a−b if a > b
d c
Figure 9. Splitting.
branch by pushing two confluent branches of a train track past one another as illustrated
in Figure 10. Shifting plays a role in the later discussion, and a basic result in train
track theory [24] is that if two train tracks are related by shifting, splitting, and smooth
isotopy, then they are also related by splitting and smooth isotopy alone.
a a
b c b c
Let us finally give the idea of the proof that S is dense in MF 0 , as was mentioned
before, by explaining density of S in each chart V (T ) ⊆ P F 0 , for some maximal train
B(τ ) R>0 by a rational
track τ ⊆ F . We may approximate any μ ∈ V (τ ) ⊆ (R≥0 − {0})/
measure μ ∈ (QB(τ ) − {0})/
R>0 (satisfying the switch conditions). Furthermore
clearing denominators in μ , there are N ∈ Z>0 and ν ∈ (ZB(τ )
≥0 − {0})/R>0 so
that N μ = ν. We may construct an embedded family of curves in F from ν by
arranging ν(b) ≥ 0 tie-transverse strands parallel to b in a tie neighborhood of τ .
By the switch conditions, there are at each vertex exactly as many incoming strands
Chapter 14. On quantizing Teichmüller and Thurston theories 615
as outgoing, and there is a unique way to combine strands near vertices to produce a
disjointly embedded family of curves. Let us give each component curve a weight 1/N
and combine any parallel curves while adding their weights to produce our desired
weighted family of disjointly embedded curves. Let [F , μ1 ] denote the corresponding
measured foliation (discussed before); tracing through the constructions, one finds
that [τ, μ ] = 1/N[τ, ν] gives rise to [F , μ1 ]. Letting μ → μ and projectivizing, it
follows easily that families of disjointly embedded curves are dense in V (τ ). With a
little more work [24], one can approximate (in the topology of V (τ )) such disjointly
embedded families with a single curve, and this gives the asserted density of S itself.
Thus, Thurston’s boundary P F 0 (F ) is a completion of the set S. In fact, one
can approximate with a single non-separating curve (provided g = 0); since any two
such curves are equivalent under the action of MCsg , it follows that the action of MCsg
on P F 0 (F ) has a dense orbit, and the maximal non-Hausdorffness of the quotient,
which was mentioned before, is thereby established.
4.3 Laminations
Each basic formulation of the objects presented so far, namely, measured foliations
and measured train tracks, requires passage to the quotient under an appropriate equiv-
alence relation. Thurston has given a more ethereal, elemental, and elegant description
of these objects as “measured geodesic laminations”, where no passage to equivalence
classes is necessary. Here we simply give the definition and a few basic properties
referring the reader to [24] for instance for further details. A “lamination” L in F
is a foliation of a closed subset of F , and a “(transverse) measure” to L is defined
much as before as a σ -additive measure on arcs transverse to L with the analogous
condition of no-holonomy (where the homotopy is through arcs transverse to L with
endpoints disjoint from L). L is a “geodesic lamination” if its leaves are geodesic for
some specified hyperbolic metric. The simplest case of a geodesic lamination is the
geodesic representative of an element of S (F ). (In fact, for different choices of metric,
the spaces of measured geodesic laminations are naturally identified via the circle at
infinity in their universal covers, so we may speak of a geodesic lamination without the
a priori specification of a metric.) A measured geodesic lamination has zero measure
in F , and the intersection of a measured geodesic lamination L with a transverse arc
a in F is a Cantor set together with isolated points corresponding to intersections with
simple geodesic curve components or arc components of L, if any. There is a natural
topology on the set of all measured geodesic laminations in F , which is induced by
the weak topology on the set of all π1 (F )-invariant measures supported on the Möbius
band past infinity. ML(F ) (and ML0 (F )) is the corresponding space of measured
geodesic laminations (and with compact support) and corresponding projectivization
P L(F ) (and P L0 (F )). A basic result in Thurston theory is ML(F ) ≈ MF (F ),
ML0 (F ) ≈ MF 0 (F ), P L(F ) ≈ P F (F ), P L0 (F ) ≈ P F 0 (F ), where train
tracks give suitable charts on any of these piecewise linear manifolds. Furthermore,
616 Leonid O. Chekhov and Robert C. Penner
the deformation theory due to Thurston, called “earthquaking” cf. [7], which we do
not further discuss here, is most conveniently expressed in the context of laminations.
Given a measured train track (τ, μ), consider the foliated neighborhood of τ de-
termined by μ via Construction 4.1. Choose some enumeration of the switches of τ
and serially follow the singular leaves from the switches until the first splitting (ig-
noring shifting), for the first switch, second switch, . . . , last switch, and then begin
anew from the first switch. Suppose there are no collisions, and record the resulting
sequence of right or left splits, so as to produce a semi-infinite word of rights and lefts.
Theorem 4.6 ([22]). The right-left sequence is eventually periodic if and only if the
corresponding measured foliation is fixed by some pseudo-Anosov mapping.
Torus example. Consider a generic train track τ in F11 , so τ has one large branch e
and two small branches. The two small branches are canonically linearly ordered by
first taking the branch a to the right and then the branch b to the left at either endpoint
of e, and furthermore U (τ ) ≈ R≥0 , i.e., the measures of the small branches a, b
are unconstrained and uniquely determine the measure on e as well. Given a measure
μ ∈ U (τ ) − {0}, start unzipping (τ, μ) along either singular leaf, i.e., split along
e, to produce another measured train track (τ1 , μ1 ); of course, τ1 is combinatorially
equivalent to τ . For definiteness, suppose that B = μ(b) > μ(a) = A, so the split
is a left split. The edge corresponding to b is the large edge of τ1 , and the two small
618 Leonid O. Chekhov and Robert C. Penner
edges, in right/left order, have measures (A, B − A). Continue unzipping, i.e., next
split (τ1 , μ1 ) along its large edge to produce (τ2 , μ2 ). Again suppose that B > 2A
for definiteness, so the second split is a left split as well, and the small branches of τ2
have measures (A, B − 2A). Continue unzipping (under the assumption that there are
no collisions) until the first right split, say there are a1 = [ B
A ] > 1 left splits before the
first right split. Perform the right split along the large branch of (τa1 , μa1 ), where the
measures on the small branches are (A, B1 ) = (A, B − m1 A), to produce a train track
whose small edges have measures (A − B1 , B1 ). Continue unzipping and suppose
there are no collisions, i.e., suppose A and B are not rationally related, to produce a
semi-infinite sequence of symbols L (for left splits) and R (for right splits). Let a1
denote the number of L’s that begin this sequence, a2 denote the length of the next
consecutive sequence of R’s, a3 the length of the next consecutive sequence of L’s,
and so on. It follows from the discussion above that the continued fraction expansion
of B/A is given by
B/A = a1 + .
a2 +
a3 +
Continued fractions occur in another related
guise as well.
The isomorphism
MC11 ≈ PSL2 (Z) is induced by M → 01 11 and L → −1 1 0 , where M and L are
the right Dehn twists on the meridian and longitude respectively. A mapping class in
MC11 is pseudo-Anosov, reducible, periodic if and only if the corresponding fractional
linear transformation is hyperbolic, parabolic, elliptic respectively. Every hyperbolic
element of PSL2 (Z) is conjugate to a product
1 m1 1 0 1 mk 1 0
··· ,
0 1 n1 1 0 1 nk 1
where mi , ni > 0 are unique up to cyclic permutation. Furthermore, m1 , n1 , . . . ,
mk , nk are the partial quotients of the periodic continued fraction expansion of the
dilatation of the corresponding pseudo-Anosov map. It follows from this discussion
that in MC11 , all pseudo-Anosov mappings arise from the previous theorem. Indeed,
the theorem gives the construction of two semi-groups corresponding to right/left or
left/right twisting on meridian/longitude. For each semi-group, it is easy to construct
a train track τ in F11 so that the matrix representation above precisely describes the
action of the corresponding semi-group on the measures of the linearly ordered small
branches of τ ; indeed, these two train tracks are illustrated in Figure 8.
little trigon as illustrated in Figure 11. The resulting object τ = τ has both a natural
branched one-submanifold structure and a fattening, and furthermore, components of
F − τ are either little trigons or once-punctured nullgons. Thus, τ is not a train track,
but it is almost a train track, and is called the freeway associated to . Notice that each
edge of gives rise to a corresponding large branch of τ , and each vertex gives rise
to three small branches. It is easy to see that every measured lamination of compact
support in F is carried by the freeway τ . The frontier of a once-punctured nullgon
component of F − τ is a puncture-parallel curve called a collar curve of F . A small
branch is contained in exactly one collar curve, while a large branch may be contained
in either one or two collar curves.
→ ∼
in the notation of Figure 1 for nearby branches. From the very definition, ζα is indepen-
dent of collar weights. Again, Thurston’s foliation-shear coordinates are alternatively
defined in terms of the signed transverse length of the arc between the singular leaves
along Zα , in analogy to the geometric interpretation given before of the shear coordi-
nates on TH .
Note that the shear coordinates ζα are not independent. They are subject to the
restrictions that
ζα = 0 (4.1)
for the sum over edges α ∈ I surrounding any given boundary component, and we shall
refer to these conditions as the face conditions for shear coordinates. Thus, the space
of foliation-shear coordinates is of dimension LB(τ ) − n, where we let n denote the
number of boundary components. One sees directly that for any assignment of shear
coordinates, there is a well-defined point of MF 0 realizing them, thereby establishing
a homeomorphism between MF 0 and this sub-vector space RLB(τ )−n ⊆ RLB(τ ) of
shear coordinates on the long branches of τ .
To describe the action of the mapping class group on foliation-shear coordinates,
we shall give the transformation under Whitehead moves, i.e., derive the analogue of
formula (2.8) for measured foliations, which is an elementary calculation using the
formulas for splitting as follows.
Lemma 4.9. Under the Whitehead move in Figure 1, the corresponding foliation-shear
coordinates of the edges A, B, C, D, and Z situated as in Figure 1 are transformed
according to formula (2.8)
MZ : (ζA , ζB , ζC , ζD , ζZ )
→ (ζA + φH (ζZ ), ζB − φH (−ζZ ), ζC + φH (ζZ ), ζD − φH (−ζZ ), −ζZ )
φH (ζZ ) = (ζZ + |ζZ |)/2, (4.2)
i.e., φH (x) = x, for x > 0, and zero otherwise. All other shear coordinates on the
graph remain unchanged.
Remark 4.2. Comparing expressions for the classical function φ(x) = log(1 + e x )
and (4.2), one finds that the latter is a projective limit of the former:
1 1 h̄
φH (x) = lim φ(λx) = lim φ (λx), (4.3)
λ→+∞ λ λ→+∞ λ
that is, all three transformations coincide asymptotically in the domain of large absolute
values (or large eigenvalues for the corresponding operators) of Teichmüller space
coordinates {Zα }. We shall actively use this property in Section 5.3.2 when proving
the existence of the quantization of Thurston’s boundary for the punctured torus.
622 Leonid O. Chekhov and Robert C. Penner
μ(A) μ(B)
@ ζZ · @
@ · @
· @
@ · 1l I
@ ·
@ ? ·
· @
6 ·
μ(D) · @ μ(C)
· @
R · @
@ ·
@ · @
@ cut hZ @
I@ @
(case ζZ > 0)
The proper length of a QMC or GMC Ĉ, again denoted p.l.(Ĉ), is the sum of the
proper lengths of the constituent geodesic length operators (or the sum of half geodesic
lengths calculated in the Poincaré metric in the classical case) weighted by the number
of appearances in the multiset.
Definition 5.2. A sequence nβ = (ni }, for β ≥ 1, of integer-valued ni , for i =
1, . . . , LB(τ ), on τ is an approximating sequence for the projectivized measured
β β
foliation P ζ if the face conditions 4.1 hold on nβ and if limβ→∞ ni /nj = ζi /ζj for
all i, j with ζj = 0.
Definition 5.3. A graph length function with respect to the spine is any linear
In particular, when all ai are unity, the graph length is just the combinatorial length
of Ĉm , i.e., the total number of edges of traversed (with multiplicities) by all the
component curves of Ĉm . When the spine and a are fixed or unimportant, then we
shall write simply g.l.(Ĉn ) or g.l.(Ĉm ) for the graph length.
624 Leonid O. Chekhov and Robert C. Penner
Any graph length function is evidently additive over disjoint unions of multicurves,
and more generally, is a linear function of m.
We next describe the bordered or punctured torus case in detail. Each multicurve
on the torus is uniquely determined by three nonnegative integers (mX , mY , mZ ) that
satisfy one of the three triangle equalities mi = mj + mk , where {i, j, k} = {X, Y, Z}.
Projectivization allows us to re-scale so that mj and mk are relatively prime using this
degree of freedom, so that the corresponding multicurve has just one component.
As in Figure 8, the space P F 0 (F11 ) of projectivized measured foliations with
compact support is a piecewise-linear circle for r + s = 1, and an alternative family
of charts on this circle is given in Figure 13. The relation ∼ in Figure 13 denotes
the equivalence between different boundary cases between two different charts, and
arrows represent one-simplices in P F (F11 ).
In Figure 13, we use the previous notation GX , etc. (see (2.15)) but in a slightly
different sense. Now, these quantities are (2×2)-matrices, not just geodesic functions,
i.e., we do not evaluate traces in the corresponding formulas. There is thus an ambiguity
in choosing the place in the graph where the matrix products begin. We indicate this
place by drawing the reference cut (the dotted line). Changing the reference cut
when moving along the circle corresponds to passing from one chart to another in the
chart covering of the circle. Of course, choosing the reference cut does not affect the
quantum trace operation.
In order to have a good transition in the boundary cases, for instance, in the upper
case in Figure 13 (and the other cases are similar and omitted), we must ensure that
the corresponding functions for the quantities Gm
(1) m (1)
X GZ and GX G̃Z must coincide
in the limit m → ∞ with each other and with the corresponding quantity calculated
merely for the “short” geodesic function GX . To prove this, given two (2×2)-matrices
GX and GZ corresponding to geodesic curves, we can conjugate them by respective
unitary transformations UX and UZ to diagonal form with real eigenvalues e ±lX /2
and e ±lZ /2 since GX , GZ are hyperbolic. We then have
e mlX /2 0 e lZ /2 0
tr GX GZ = tr V V −1 , V = UX−1 UZ
0 e −mlX /2 0 e −lZ /2
and the proper length (5.1) is mlX /2+O(1).2 In order to have a well-defined projective
limit, we shall “kill” the factor m in a consistent way, and this can be achieved by
dividing the result by any graph length function of the curve since g.l.(Gm X GZ ) =
m · g.l.(GX ) + g.l.(GZ ).
In the quantum case, however, the situation is much more involved. Indeed, let us
consider an example of the product, which is of form U m V , as in (5.3), where U =
2 Unless the matrix U −1 G U has the form 0 −r −1 . For this matrix to determine a hyperbolic element,
X Z X r φ
quantity φ must be real
the greater than two. Multiplying this matrix by the diagonal matrix above, we obtain
0 −r −1 e mlX /2
−ml /2 −ml /2 , so for sufficiently large m, the resulting product ceases to be hyperbolic, which is
re X φe X
Chapter 14. On quantizing Teichmüller and Thurston theories 625
' $
(1, m + 1, m) (1, m + 1, m + 2)
@ · Z @
@ · Z
·· ···
· ·
@ ··· ···
@··· ∼ @
@ @
@ @
(1) (1)
tr (GX )m GZ tr (GX )m G̃Z
& %
' $ ' $
(m, m + 1, 1) (m, m + 1, 2m + 1)
@ · Z @
@ · Z
·· ···
· ·
@ ··· GX = LY RZ @
@ ···
··· ···
@ (1)
GZ = RY LX @
@ (1) @
(1) (1) m
tr (GZ )m GX here changing the tr (G̃Z ) GX
· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·-
(m + 1, m, 1)
reference cut (m + 1, m, 2m + 1)
@ Z
(2) @
@ Z
@·· (2) @
@ G̃Z = RX LZ LY RZ = GY GX ···
@ ···
@ @
(2) (2)
tr (GZ )m GY tr (G̃Z )m GY
& % & %
I ' $
(m + 1, 1, m) (m + 1, 1, m + 2)
@ Z @
@ Z
@·· ∼ @
··· ·
··· @
@ ···
··· @
··· ··
@ @
(2) (2)
tr (GY )m GZ tr (GY )m G̃Z
& %
e X/2 , V = e Y/2 , and [X, Y ] = 4π i h̄. Thus, (U m )V = e mX/2+Y /2+mπi h̄/2 while
V (U m ) = e mX/2+Y/2−mπi h̄/2 , and the corresponding logarithms do not coincide as
m → ∞. Moreover, even the Hermiticity condition does not often suffice to determine
the proper length. For instance, given operators U = e αX and V = e iβ∂X , we
may calculate that V (U m )V = e mαX +2iβ∂X +mαβ/3 , i.e., the proper length in this
case is αX 2 + αβ/3 and depends on the parameter β (of course, this correction is
purely quantum). This illustrates that proving continuity for the boundary transitions
in the quantum case requires more subtle estimates, which we perform in the next
section after deriving recurrence relations for the operators of quantum approximating
We may now formulate our main result on quantizing Thurston theory:
Theorem 5.1. Fix a spine of F11 with corresponding freeway τ . Fix any projectivized
vector P ζ of foliation-shear coordinates on τ and any graph length function g.l. For
any approximating sequence n β to P ζ , the limit
p.l.(Ĉnβ )
lim (5.4)
β→∞ g.l.(Ĉnβ )
exists both in the classical case as a real number and in the quantum case as a weak
operatorial limit.
Because both the numerator and denominator in the limit are additive, this limit
is projectively invariant and defines a continuous function (in the classical case) or a
weakly continuous family of operators (in the quantum case) on the circle P L0 (F1,r s ),
for r + s = 1.
The proof of the previous theorem occupies the remainder of this section. The
continued fraction structure intrinsic to the torus case is used extensively, and various
analogous operatorial recursions are derived and studied. There is a second essentially
combinatorial proof of this result, however, only in the classical case since we have no
means to control the quantum ordering of the procedure. Nevertheless, the structures
discovered are interesting, and we present this second proof in Appendix A, which
depends upon the recursion (5.7) derived later in Lemma 5.2. Indeed, this basic
recursion arises from “Rauzy–Veech–Zorich induction” [30] in the special case of the
torus, which is derived from first principles in the next section.
m2 /m1 = . (5.5)
a1 +
a2 +
an−1 +
2l 1l
• • ··· • • ◦ ··· ◦ ◦ ,
1 2 m 1 − 1 m 1 m1 + 1 m1 + m2 − 1 m1 + m2
which represents (the right side of) the cut over the edge Z (homotopic to the cut
hZ in Figure 12). The geodesic function is constructed as follows. Considering the
multicurve in a neighborhood of the edge Z, we start from the lowest thread that goes
from the edge Z to the edge X (labelled by the circled number one in Figure 12 and
in (5.6)) and moves to the right (this corresponds to the leftmost ◦ in (5.6)). We have
the matrix GY corresponding to passing consecutively through edges Z and X and
come back to the line (5.6), which must be periodically continued, at the point that is
situated to the right by m2 points (in this case, just the leftmost • in (5.6) marked there
by a circled number two). Each time passing the bullet sign, we must set the matrix
GX and passing the ◦ sign we must set the matrix GY .
We thus move along the periodically continued line of circles and bullet signs
in (5.6), at each step jumping m2 points to the right and setting the corresponding
matrices GX or GY . We describe a recurrence procedure that produces from the
continued fraction expansion (5.5) the correct sequence of operators, i.e., the correct
ordered sequence of branches traversed by the corresponding curve. We shall split
the construction procedure into stages. Let us consider the trajectory of the starting
thread (the point m1 + 1 in (5.6)). Each stage terminates as soon as we come closer to
the starting thread 1 than the distance to it at the beginning of the stage (approaching it
from the opposite side compared to the beginning of the stage, see Figure 14 below).
We shall let Li denote the string of matrices for the first i stages, where by convention
we arrange matrices from right to left. We terminate the first stage at the thread that
is closer than m2 to the left of the starting point, i.e., L1 = (GX )a1 GY .
628 Leonid O. Chekhov and Robert C. Penner
Define L̃0 ≡ GX and introduce L̃i , for i ≥ 1, which is the matrix Li (composed
from the elementary matrices GX and GY ) in which the first two symbols of elementary
matrices must be interchanged: if the first symbol of Li is GY and the second is GX ,
then the first symbol of L̃i is GX and the second is GY ; all other elementary matrices
retain their forms. We illustrate this procedure in Figure 14.3
(Li−2 ) Li−1
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ◦◦◦◦◦◦◦◦◦◦◦◦◦
|Li−1 | @
- @
@ end of (i − 1)th stage
• • • • • • • • • • ◦◦◦◦◦◦◦◦◦◦◦◦◦
|Li |
end of i th stage
Li+1 end of (i + 1)th stage
• • • • • • • • • • ◦◦◦◦◦◦◦
Lemma 5.2. Given the simple continued fraction expansion (5.5) of m2 /m1 , the
sequence of matrices Ln associated to the corresponding geodesic is given by the
3 Note that we terminate a stage whenever we come closer to the starting thread; this occurs at each stage on
the opposite side from the previous stage, just as for continued fractions. The appearance of tilded quantities is
explained as follow: each time during the recursion when we start a string “parallel” to some Lk from the right
to the starting thread (in the circled domain), we must follow the same string of branches because, by definition,
there are no threads in the string Lk except the very first thread that appears at a distance closer than |Lk | to
the starting thread. On the other hand, if we start from the left of the starting thread, then we must interchange
exactly the first two appearances of matrices in the resulting string.
Chapter 14. On quantizing Teichmüller and Thurston theories 629
following recursion
Turning to the quantum case, we first show that the proper length operator (5.1)
p.l.( ×× L2i ×× )/g.l.(L2i ) must agree with p.l.( ×× L2i−1 ×× )/g.l.(L2i−1 ) for a2i → ∞, that is,
the operators corresponding to continued fractions of form (5.5) with large coefficient
an must converge to the operator corresponding to the continued fraction terminated
at the (n − 1)st step. To this end, we must analyze the structure of matrix products and
corresponding operators. Indeed, the operators Li and L̃i enjoy elegant commutation
relations as we shall next see.
Notice that for every stage i we have a geodesic corresponding to the matrix Li
(because we can close the corresponding geodesic line without self-intersections), and
we can therefore define the corresponding QMC
Li ≡ ×× tr Li ×× .
The first observation pertains to Li and L̃i : One of the corresponding curves can be
obtained from the other by a parallel shift along the cut hZ illustrated in Figure 12.
Thus, the curves are disjoint and hence are homotopic on the torus, and so tr Li = tr L̃i ,
Li = L̃i for i ≥ 1. (5.8)
Furthermore, the curves Li and Li+1 can be perturbed to have exactly one intersection
as one sees by considering how the corresponding geodesic curves pass through the
cut hZ .4 In the case where i = 2k, we obtain (in the notation of (3.24))
[L2k , L2k+1 ]q = ξ ×× tr L2k L2k+1 ×× , and
a2k+1 −1 × (5.9)
[L2k+1 , L2k ]q = ξ tr L2k−1 (L̃2k )
× × ,
where the proper quantum ordering is assumed for the terms in the right-hand sides.
Formulas (5.9) are crucial when proving the continuity. Letting
Im ≡ ×× tr(L2i−1 )m−1 L̃2i−2 L2i−1 ×× ,
L2i−1 ≡ e X /2 + e −X /2 ,
we find
Im−1 L2i−1 = q 1/2 Im + q −1/2 Im−2 , (5.10)
L2i−1 Im−1 = q Im + q 1/2
Im−2 , (5.11)
4 One of these curves necessarily has odd subscript 2k + 1, and we can make a small shift of all threads of
this curve to the right from the threads of the second curve L2k (or L2k+2 , depending on the situation). We find
that there are no intersections of threads outside the region between terminating points of L2k+1 and L2k (or
L2k+2 ), and in this domain, when closing the curves, there is produced exactly one intersection point.
630 Leonid O. Chekhov and Robert C. Penner
If m1 > m2 , the action of the Dehn twist DY−1 along γY (an unzipping transformation
– the Dehn twist in the opposite direction) is
DY−1 : (m1 , m2 , m1 + m2 ) → (m1 − m2 , m2 , m1 )
while if m1 < m2 , we apply the unzipping transformation along the curve γX , which
DX : (m1 , m2 , m1 + m2 ) → (m1 , m2 − m1 , m2 ).5
Definition 5.5. Equivalently, we can consider the zipping procedure, that is, given a
a an
sequence of Dehn twists DYa1 DX a2 a3
DY . . . DYn−1 DX applied to the curve γY , we obtain
the curve (m1 , m2 , m1 + m2 ).
Considering the sequence (5.17) of quantum Dehn twist operators (3.12) and ex-
ploiting the quantum invariance from Lemma 3.9, we come to the main observation
that having an involved expression for the proper limit (5.1) of a QMC operator con-
structed by the rules described in Lemmas 3.9 and 5.2 in terms of the elementary
operators X, Y, Z, we may perform the sequence (5.17) of unzipping quantum mod-
ular transformations, which reduces this operator to a standard form of the quantum
operator GY or GX expressed through the new operators X (n) , Y (n) , Z (n) related to
the initial operators by this sequence of quantum modular transformations. This is the
operatorial statement of naturality of lengths under the mapping class group action.
It is intuitively natural to imagine that as the geodesic lengths must diverge as
m1 , m2 tend to infinity, we must eventually come to an asymptotic regime where all
quantities X(n) , Y (n) are large in the literal or operatorial sense for all sufficiently
large n. The inexorability of the approach to this asymptotic regime is not obvious
and is described in the next section.
5.3.3 Asymptotic regime. Let us recall the modular transformations for X, Y , and
Z variables:
DX : (X, Y, Z) → (X + 2φ h̄ (Z), −Z, Y − 2φ h̄ (−Z)) (5.18)
DY−1 : (X, Y, Z) → (−Z, Y − 2φ h̄ (−Z), X + 2φ h̄ (Z)). (5.19)
5 In terms of the symbolic dynamics of elementary operators G and G , we can present this action as
−1 −1
follows: DX (GX ) = GX , DX (GX GY ) = GY and DY−1 (GX GY ) = GX , DY−1 (GY ) = GY .
Chapter 14. On quantizing Teichmüller and Thurston theories 633
In the classical case, the asymptotics is already clear from this formula; for the first
entry in (5.22), we have U V −1 U + V = U (V −1 U + U −1 V ) > 2U as the expression
in the parentheses has the form e S + e −S ≥ 2 for any real S. The same logic applies
to the second entry in (5.22), and we deduce that the classical part V (U + U −1 ) has
the same property.
The proof given below in the quantum case is more subtle as it needs a thorough
operatorial analysis. Nevertheless, the estimates turn out to be close to those in the
classical case, which we briefly discuss here: we must prove that a lower bound on
the operatorial spectrum on a compactum in the function space diverges with n. This
is a routine procedure, which uses that the action of operators X and Y in the basis of,
634 Leonid O. Chekhov and Robert C. Penner
DX = e q1 /2πi h̄ F h̄ (q1 + p1 ),
q1 = X/2, p1 = 2π i h̄∂X (5.23)
and because it commutes with the geodesic length operator GX , they share the common
set of eigenfunctions
|αS = e −X
2 /16πi h̄
F h̄ (S + X)F h̄ (−S + X) (5.24)
with the eigenvalues
DX |αS = e S
2 /2πi h̄
GX |αS = 2 cosh(S/2)|αS ; |αS . (5.25)
The functions |αS constitute a complete set of functions in the sense that
αT |αS = δ(S − T )ν −1 (S), ν(S) = 4 sinh(π S) sinh(π h̄S)
and ∞
ν(S)dS |αS αS | = Id
We now split the plane of the variables (X, Y ) = (X(0) , Y (0) ) into four sub-domains
and consider the action of the Dehn twists DX and DY−1 in each sub-domain.
Domain I. {X (0) > 0, Y (0) > 0} ∪ {X (0) > 0, Y (0) < 0 and |X(0) | > |Y (0) |}:
DX (X(0) , Y (0) ) = (X(1) , Y (1) ) = (X(0) , X(0) + Y (0) ) ∈ Domain I,
DY−1 (X(0) , Y (0) ) = (X(1) , Y (1) ) = (X(0) + Y (0) , −2X(0) − Y (0) ) ∈ Domain II;
Domain II. {X (0) > 0, Y (0) < 0 and |X(0) | < |Y (0) |} ∪ {X (0) < 0, Y (0) < 0}:
DX (X(0) , Y (0) ) = (X(1) , Y (1) ) = (−X(0) − 2Y (0) , X(0) + Y (0) ) ∈ Domain I,
DY−1 (X(0) , Y (0) ) = (X(1) , Y (1) ) = (X(0) + Y (0) , Y (0) ) ∈ Domain II;
Domain IIIa. {X(0) < 0, Y (0) > 0 and |X(0) | < |Y (0) |}:
DX (X(0) , Y (0) ) = (X(1) , Y (1) ) = (X(0) , X(0) + Y (0) ) ∈ Domain IIIa or IIIb,
DY−1 (X(0) , Y (0) ) = (X(1) , Y (1) ) = (X(0) + Y (0) , −2X(0) − Y (0) ) ∈ Domain I or II;
Chapter 14. On quantizing Teichmüller and Thurston theories 635
Domain IIIb. {X (0) < 0, Y (0) > 0 and |X(0) | > |Y (0) |):
DX (X(0) , Y (0) ) = (X(1) , Y (1) ) = (−X(0) − 2Y (0) , X(0) + Y (0) ) ∈ Domain I or II,
DY−1 (X(0) , Y (0) ) = (X(1) , Y (1) ) = (X(0) + Y (0) , Y (0) ) ∈ Domain IIIa or IIIb.
We see that only Domain III is potentially problematic. This regime is however
unstable: absolute values of X and Y variables decrease in this regime and they even-
tually leave the asymptotic regime as soon as we remain in Domain III; immediately
upon leaving this domain, we come to Domains I and II and will never leave this three
quarters of the (X, Y )-plane. The above considerations of U , V just demonstrate
that even if we were initially in Domain III, we come to the nonasymptotic domain
of bounded X and Y and then will leave this compactum moving toward asymptotic
expansions in Domains I and II.
The asymptotic dynamics always takes place in the first three quarters of the (X, Y )-
plane. Nevertheless, even this dynamics is rather involved. The stable regime corre-
sponds to the case where we are in Domain II before applying one or several operators
DX . The application of the first of these operators brings us to Domain I, and upon
subsequent applications of the operators DX we remain in Domain I. Next, if we
were in Domain I, then the very first application of the operator DY−1 brings us to
Domain II, and we then remain in Domain II upon subsequent applications of DY−1 .
We turn now to actual geodesic lengths of curves or proper lengths of operators. If
a sequence of unzipping transformations terminates, this means that we have a graph
simple geodesic, which is either GX if the last transformation was DY−1 or GY if
the last transformation was DX . Considering the corresponding geodesic or proper
lengths, we find that up to exponentially small corrections, the leading contributions
in the above domains are
Let us now explore the asymptotic formulas (5.26), (5.27) and (5.28), (5.29) first
in the classical case to close this section, relegating the discussion of the quantum case
to the next section.
Assume that we start from the variables (X(0) , Y (0) ) in Domain I and have the
corresponding initial length p.l.(γY (0) ) from (5.26). Applying the transformation DY j ,
we obtain new variables (X (j ) , Y (j ) ) and the new proper length p.l.(γX(j ) ) (5.29)
having form (5.27) in these new variables, which must now lie in Domain II. Note that
(X(j ) , Y (j ) ) = (X(0) + Y (0) + (aj − 1)(−2X (0) − Y (0) ), −2X(0) − Y (0) ).
We then apply the transformation DX to obtain variables (X (j,i) , Y (j,i) ), and the
proper length p.l.(γY (j,i) ) is expressed as in (5.28), where the term multiplied by ai is
(j )
none other than p.l.(γX(j ) ) and the term − Y 2 is exactly p.l.(γY (0) ). We thus find in
the asymptotic regime that the corresponding lengths are related by exactly the same
recurrence relation as for a graph length (the latter of which follows immediately from
p.l.(γY (j,i) ) = ai p.l.(γX(j ) ) + p.l.(γY (0) ), (5.30)
5.3.4 Quantum continued fraction expansion. Let us turn again to the sequence
(5.17) of unzipping transformations. In order to obtain operatorial expressions, we
consider the unitary operators DX , DY and explicitly indicate the variables in which
these operators are expressed, i.e., we write DX(j ) ≡ DX (X(j ) , Y (j ) ) for the Dehn
twist along γX at the (j + 1)th step. Thus,
(X (n) , Y (n) ) (5.32)
−an −an−1 −a2 −a1 a an
= DX (n−1) DY (n−2) . . . DX (1) DY (0) (X
, Y (0) )DYa1(0) DX
(1) . . . DYn−1
(n−2) DX (n−1) .
In order to represent such long strings of operators in terms of the original operators
(X (0) , Y (0) ), we invert the dependence, i.e., we remember that, for instance,
−a2 −a1 −a2 a1
DX (1) = DY (0) DX (0) DY (0) ,
Chapter 14. On quantizing Teichmüller and Thurston theories 637
We shall compute with bases of functions that are convenient in the asymptotic
regime. Let
|fμ,s ≡ e iμ(x−s)
2 /2
μ, s ∈ R. (5.34)
These functions constitute a basis at each μ:
2π 2π
fμ,t |fμ,s = δ(s − t), ds|fμ,s fμ,s | = Id. (5.35)
μ −∞ μ
For two arbitrary real numbers w and γ , we have
2 #
e iwx /2 |fμ,s = e iμws /2 fμ+w,
, (5.36)
1 #
e iγ ∂x /2 |fμ,s = √
f 1 , (5.37)
1 + γ μ γ +1/μ
2π 2π
fμ,s |x|fμ,t = δ (s − t) + sδ(s − t), (5.38)
iμ2 μ
1 2π
fμ,s | ∂x |fμ,t = δ (s − t). (5.39)
i iμ
We now define the dimensionless variable x and set
√ √ 1 ∂
X|fμ,s = 4π h̄x · |fμ,s , Y |fμ,s = 4π h̄ · |fμ,s . (5.40)
i ∂x
The explicit formulas for the operators DX and DY acting on |fμ,s in the asymptotic
regime are
|fμ,s = e i(ai −1)x
2 /2
e −i∂x e ix
2 2 /2
DX |fμ,s , (5.41)
a i(aj −1)∂x2 /2 −ix 2 i∂x2 /2
DYj |fμ,s = e e e |fμ,s . (5.42)
In order to establish the required recurrence relation, we must compare matrix
elements of the three consecutive length operators in the corresponding operatorial
(0) Y
Ast =fμ,s |X + |fμ,t ,
(j ) −a X a
Ast =fμ,s DY j | − Y − |DYj fμ,t ,
(j,i) −aj −ai Y ai aj
Ast =fμ,s DY DX |X + |DX DY fμ,t .
638 Leonid O. Chekhov and Robert C. Penner
for all s, t, i.e., we again attain the recurrence relation (5.30) in the asymptotic regime,
but now for the matrix elements of the operators of the quantum proper lengths.
Estimates show that the corrections due to both the (operatorial) deviations from
the asymptotic regime and the error parameters εi (as for (5.30), (5.31)) decrease
exponentially with the index i, so the limit (5.4) exists in a weak operatorial sense. We
conclude that ratios (5.4) define a weakly continuous family of operators parameterized
by projective transverse measures on the freeway associated to a spine of the once-
punctured torus. This completes the proof of Theorem 5.1.
6 Conclusion
boundary sphere in general may depend upon an analysis of words comprised of letters
which are edge-simple paths.
One appealing long-term goal would be to discover the Thurston classification
already on the operatorial level, for instance, with the dilatation in the pseudo-Anosov
case explicitly computable from the mapping class group operator or from the invariant
projective foliation operator.
Another intriguing aspect involves generalizations of graph length functions inso-
far as the proof of Theorem 5.1 holds taking as graph length any continuous positive
definite function which is homogeneous of degree one. A natural choice of such a
function is induced by the geodesic length of the corresponding geodesic curve taken
for a fixed basepoint in Teichmüller space on its fixed spine, for instance, vanishing
shear coordinates on the usual spine in the once-punctured torus. What sort of regular-
ity (e.g., piecewise smoothness) is achieved in the operators corresponding to points
of Thurston’s boundary under such “gauge fixing”?
Also worth mentioning are very recent advances in the description of quantum
sl(n, R) connections [11], where one finds an improved quantum ordering in a more
complicated higher-dimensional setting.
First note that it is impossible to have arbitrarily long sequences of only left or right
matrices for a given graph: the maximum length is restricted to be less of equal the
maximum graph length of geodesics around holes. This means that the length of a
single cluster for a given graph is always bounded once the topology is fixed.
640 Leonid O. Chekhov and Robert C. Penner
One can directly calculate the product (LZ 1 RZ 2 ) for LZ 1 = LZ1 . . . LZm and
RZ 2 = RZm+1 . . . RZm+k :
q−1 m m+k
q−1 m+k
S1 = e+ r=1 Zr /2− r=q Zr /2
, S2 = e− r=m+1 Zr /2+ r=q Zr /2
q=2 q=m+2
Lemma A.1 (The alphabet lemma). The multiplication table of letters (A.2) reads:
A A 0 D 0
B P B B P , (A.3)
P P 0 B 0
so the trace of any product of these matrices is either unity or zero. In the product of t
matrices of form (A.1), the only monomials that survive are
(A + D)iα D B jβ (B + P ) . . . (A + D)iρ D B jω (B + P ) and (A + D)t , B t . (A.4)
The main point is that almost all cancellations of letters in long words are due to
the local multiplication rules (A.3). This means that, having a long sequence of letters,
say, LI +N from Lemma 5.2, we can split it into pieces depending on sequences of
letters LI , LI −1 , L̃I , and L̃I −1 , where the index I is also assumed to be big enough.
That is, let LI +N = LI LI −1 L̃I LI . . . LI comprise pN entries LI and L̃I and qN
entries LI −1 and L̃I −1 . We have then the following estimate:6
| log tr LI +N − pN log tr LI − qN log tr LI −1 | < C (qN + pN ), (A.5)
6 This estimate also follows from the properties of long geodesic lines in hyperbolic geometry: for two lines
of large lengths L1 and L2 intersecting at angle α, the length L3 of the third side of the resulting triangle is
L1 + L2 + log((1 − cos α)/2) + O(1/L). This also shows that our estimate is very rough.
Chapter 14. On quantizing Teichmüller and Thurston theories 641
where the constant C depends only on the Teichmüller space coordinates Zα and on
the genus and the number of holes of the Riemann surface, and we have also used
(5.8). The ratio of the coefficients is given by the continued fraction
qN /pN = , (A.6)
aI +1 +
aI +2 +
aI +N−1 +
aI +N
and also has a definite limit as N → ∞. Now the estimate follows: up to exponential
corrections, p.l.(L) coincides with the log tr L, so for any ε > 0, let us choose the
index I such that ε p.l.(LI −1 )/2 > C and ε p.l.(LI )/2 > C. Thus,
p.l.(L)(LI +N ) pN p.l.(L)(LI ) + qN p.l.(L)(LI −1 )
= (1 + O(ε/2)) , (A.7)
g.l.(LI +N ) pN g.l.(LI ) + qN g.l.(LI −1 )
and because the ratio qN /pN has a definite limit as N → ∞, there exists N0 such that
the relative error of this ratio times the sum of ratios of proper and graph lengths of
LI and LI −1 will not exceed ε/2. Thus, the collective relative error for such fixed I
and for all N > N0 is less than ε, proving the theorem.
Di Ei Nj
i @ Ci
@ @ A A
@ A
Ai Aj
Xi Xi+1 Xj Xj +1
(a) (b)
where the entries are the Poisson brackets between the corresponding variables. Adding
the last row to the next-to-the-last row as well as adding the last column to the next-
to-the-last column, then adding the third row to the second row as well as the third
column to the second column, we obtain the matrix
⎛ ⎞
0 0 −1 0 0
⎜ ⎟
⎜ 0 0 1 0 −2 ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎜ 1 −1 0 0 −1 ⎟ ,
⎜ ⎟
⎜ 0 0 0 0 2 ⎟
⎝ ⎠
0 2 1 −2 0
which obviously has rank four and can be further reduced (without adding the first
column or row to any other) to the form
⎛ ⎞
0 0 0 0 0
⎜ ⎟
⎜ 0 0 +1 0 0 ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎜ 0 −1 0 0 0 ⎟.
⎜ ⎟
⎜ 0 0 0 0 +2 ⎟
⎝ ⎠
0 0 0 −2 0
Thus, erasing all columns and rows corresponding to the variables Bi , Ci , Di , and Ei
leaves invariant the rank of the Poisson bracket matrix.
Chapter 14. On quantizing Teichmüller and Thurston theories 643
Adjoining the subgraph in Figure 15 (b) creates exactly one degeneracy as the
variable Nj Poisson commutes with everything (as it must be when adding a hole).
It remains only to calculate the rank of the matrix corresponding to a tree graph with
edges Xi and Ai remaining after erasing all B-, C-, D-, E-, and N-variable rows and
columns. The corresponding Poisson bracket matrix has dimension 2g + 2s − 5 > 0
and the simple block-diagonal form
0 1 −1 0 0 · · ·
−1 0 1 0 0
1 −1 0 1 −1
0 −1 0 1 0 0
0 1 −1 0 1 −1 .
0 −1 0 1
0 1 −1 0 .
.. ..
. .
Adding each even-index row to its predecessor as well as adding each even-index
column to its predecessor, this reduces to the matrix whose only nonzero elements are
+1 on the main super-diagonal and −1 on the main sub-diagonal. Since this matrix
has corank one, the discussion is complete.
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Chapter 15
1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 647
2 Surfaces and triangulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 649
3 Laminations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 652
3.1 Unbounded measured laminations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 652
3.2 Bounded measured laminations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 656
4 Teichmüller spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 659
4.1 Teichmüller space of surfaces with holes T x (S) . . . . . . . . . . . . 660
4.2 Teichmüller space of decorated surfaces T a (S) . . . . . . . . . . . . 664
5 Tropicalisation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 668
6 Poisson and degenerate symplectic structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 669
7 Canonical pairing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 671
7.1 Additive canonical pairing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 672
7.2 Multiplicative canonical pairing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 673
7.3 Proofs of main properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 675
Appendix A. Combinatorial description of D(S) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 676
Appendix B. Markov numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 679
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 682
1 Introduction
The Teichmüller space of a surface S is the space of complex structures on S modulo
diffeomorphisms isotopic to the identity. For open surfaces this definition should be
made more precise since we need to specify the behaviour of the complex structure at
the boundary of the surface thus giving different versions of these spaces.
The space of measured laminations for a surface S is defined by William Thurston
[25]. A dense subset of the space of laminations is formed by the ones with finite
number of leaves – just collections of weighted closed curves without intersections
and self intersections. For open surfaces there are different versions of such spaces.
All versions of both Teichmüller and lamination spaces share the following prop-
648 Vladimir V. Fock and Alexander B. Goncharov
studied by them and Arkady Berenstein, Mikhail Gekhtman, Mikhail Shapiro, Alek
Vainshtein ([12] and references therein). As a result of these developments, the cluster
theory was enriched by new examples as well as new features (such as duality, Poisson
structure and quantisation, relations to algebraic K-theory and to the dilogarithm).
In particular the canonical pairings from Section 6, in the special case of a ciliated
disc, can be viewed as the canonical pairings for cluster A and X-varieties of finite
type An , predicted by the general duality conjectures [7].
We are very grateful to Athanase Papadopoulos and Vladimir Turaev, who sug-
gested to write this chapter for the Handbook on Teichmüller spaces. The first author
is grateful to the Fields Institute and Brown University, where this exposition was
mainly written, for hospitality. The authors were supported by the NSF grants DMS-
0400449 (the second author) and CRDF 2622;2660 (the first author). We are very
indebted also to Andrei Levin, Yuri Neretin, Stepan Orevkov, Athanase Papadopou-
los, Robert Penner and especially to Aleksei Rosly for very valuable discussions and
for Guillaume Théret for carefully reading the text and correcting many typos and
4. g = 1, P = (0)
The edges of the triangulation belonging to the boundary of the surface are called
external. Other edges are called internal. Denote by F (), E(), E0 (), V () the
set of triangles, edges, external edges and vertices of the triangulation, respectively.
Topologically a ciliated surface is defined by its genus g and a finite collection of
positive integers P = (p1 , . . . , ps ), where s is the number of boundary components
and pi is the number of cilia on the i-th component. There is no canonical order on
components. Denote the number of holes by h, the total number
the set of boundary
of cilia by c = i pi , and the number of internal edges by n.
Observe, that the numbers of faces, vertices and edges, both external and internal,
are determined by the topology:
(1) V () = h + c;
(2) E0 () = c;
(3) E() = 6g − 6 + 3s + 2c;
(4) n = 6g − 6 + 3s + c;
(5) F () = 4g − 4 + 2s + c.
The first two statements are obvious. The others follow from the expression for the
Euler characteristic of the surface,
F () − E() + V () = 2 − 2g + h − s,
and the expression
3F () = 2E() − E0 ()
of the fact that each triangle has three sides.
The topology of the triangulation can be encoded into a skew-symmetric matrix
εαβ , where α, β ∈ E(), defined as
ε αβ = α, i, β,
i∈F ()
where α, i, β is equal to +1 (resp. −1) if both α and β are sides of the triangle i and
α is in the counterclockwise (resp. clockwise) direction from β with respect to their
common vertex. Otherwise α, i, β is equal to zero. The entries of the matrix ε αβ
might have five possible values: 0, ±1, ±2.
The number of triangulations of a given ciliated surface is infinite except for g = 0
and for either P = (k) or P = (k, 0). However one triangulation can be obtained from
another one by a sequence of elementary moves called flips or Whitehead moves. One
triangulation is a flip of another if it is obtained by removing one internal edge and
replacing it by another diagonal of the arising quadrilateral (Figure 2). A flip can be
done with any internal edge unless it belongs to a unique triangle of the triangulation.
Observe that there is a canonical correspondence between the edges of a triangu-
lation and the edges of a flipped one. We shall use the notation α for the new edge
corresponding to the old edge α. However one should be aware that compositions
Chapter 15. Dual Teichmüller and lamination spaces 651
of a sequence of flips may restore the original triangulations but a nontrivial corre-
spondence between the edges. An example of this phenomenon can be illustrated by
Figure 16 where the composition of five flips does not change the triangulation of the
pentagon, but the canonical correspondence interchanges the diagonals.
Figure 2. A flip.
It is a simple exercise to check that the matrix εα β encoding the combinatorics
of a triangulation after a flip in the edge γ is given by the formula (unless one of the
triangle of the triangulation is glued to itself):
α β −εαβ if α = γ or β = γ ,
ε = αβ 1 αγ γβ (2.1)
ε + 2 (ε |ε | + |ε αγ |ε γβ ) otherwise.
To give some definitions we shall need to fix the orientation of the holes of the
surface. By that we mean fixing orientation of the boundary components in a way not
necessarily induced by the orientation of the surface. We say that the orientation of a
hole is positive (resp. negative) if it agrees (resp. disagrees) with the orientation of S.
For a given boundary component ρ with even number of cilia introduce a function
ζρ : E0 () → Z/2. First assign numbers to edges of by the following rule. If ρ
is a hole assign 1 to the corresponding vertex. If ρ is a boundary component with
positive even number of cilia assign 1/2 to vertices corresponding to every second
cilium of ρ and −1/2 to the remained vertices corresponding to ρ. Assign then 0 to
the vertices corresponding to other boundary components. The value ζρ (α) is just the
sum of numbers assigned to the ends of the edge α.
The mapping class group D(S) of a ciliated surface S is the group of connected
components of the diffeomorphisms of S preserving the set of cilia and the orientation
of S. In our examples of Figure 1 the mappings class groups are, respectively Z/7Z,
Z/7Z, Z/3Z × Z/7Z and PSL(2, Z). Observe that the mapping class group is finite
if and only if the number of triangulations is finite.
In 7.3 we give a combinatorial description of the mapping class group in terms of
the surface triangulations.
652 Vladimir V. Fock and Alexander B. Goncharov
3 Laminations
Taking into account that the reader may be unfamiliar with Thurston’s notion of a
measured lamination [25], we are going to give all definitions here in the form which is
almost equivalent to the original one (the only difference is in the treatment of the holes,
punctures and cilia), but more convenient for us. The construction of coordinates on
the space of laminations we are going to describe is a slight modification of Thurston’s
“train tracks” ([25], Section 9).
It seems worth mentioning here that the definitions of measured laminations are
very similar to the definitions of singular homology groups, and is in a sense an
unoriented version of the latter ones.
There are two different ways to define the notion of measured lamination for
surfaces with boundary, which are analogous to the definition of homology group
with compact and closed support, respectively.
Measured laminations are certain collection of weighted curves on the surface. By
a curve here we mean a curve without self-intersections either closed or connecting
two points on the boundary, disjoint from cilia and considered up to homotopy within
the class of such curves. We call a curve special if it is retractable to a hole or to an
interval in the boundary containing exactly one cilium. We call a curve contractible if
it can be retracted to a point within this class of curves. In particular a nonclosed curve
is contractible if and only if it is retractable to a segment of the boundary containing
no cilia.
(3) Oriented boundary components are holes unless they are disjoint from the curves.
The set of all rational unbounded laminations on a given surface S is denoted by
Tx (S, Q). This space has a natural subset, given by collections of curves with integral
weights. This space is denoted by Tx (S, Z). We shall also omit the arguments if they
are clear from the context.
Chapter 15. Dual Teichmüller and lamination spaces 653
intersection point of the edge α and a curve of the lamination positive if it belongs to a
segment of a curve connecting AB and CD and negative if it belongs to a segment of
a curve connecting BC and AD. Since the curves of the lamination do not intersect,
having both negative and positive intersection points on the same edge is impossible.
Notice that we do not assign a sign, say, to a curve intersecting BC and CD.
Now assign to each edge α the sum over the positive intersection points of weights
of the respective curves minus the sum over the negative intersection points of weights
of the respective curves. The collection of these numbers, one for each internal edge
of , is the desired set of coordinates.
Observe that although the curves spiralling around the holes without cilia intersect
some edges infinitely many times, only a finite number of these intersection points are
positive or negative, and therefore all numbers on edges obtained is this way are finite.
Now we need to prove that these numbers are global coordinates indeed, i.e., that
the correspondence between rational unbounded measured laminations and rational
numbers on edges is one-to-one. We shall do it by describing an inverse construction.
Note that if we are able to construct a lamination corresponding to the set of
numbers {xα }, we can also do it for the set {uxα } for any rational u ≥ 0. Therefore
we can reduce our task to the case where all numbers on edges are integral.
Take a triangle, parametrise each side of it by R respecting the orientation induced
by the orientation of the triangle, and connect each point with parameter i ∈ 21 + Z≥0 on
one side to the point with parameter −i on the next side in the clockwise direction with
respect to the orientation of the surface. This can be done by curves without mutual
intersections. Now replace every triangle of our triangulation with such triangles with
curves in such a way that the point with parameter i on one side of an edge α is glued
to the point with parameter xα − i on the other side (Figure 5).
Observe that although we have started with an infinite bunch of curves, the resulting
lamination is finite: all these curves glue together into a finite number of connected
components and a possibly infinite number of special curves. Indeed, any connected
component either intersects positively or negatively at least oneedge or is closed.
Since the total number of positive or negative intersection points α∈E()−E0 () |xα |
is finite, the resulting lamination contains no more than this number of connected
Chapter 15. Dual Teichmüller and lamination spaces 655
If all edges of the quadrilateral taking part in the flip are different, the change of
coordinates can be shown by the graphical rule Figure 6.
@ x1 + max(x0 , 0)
@ x2 − max(−x0 , 0)
@ @
x1 @ x2 @
@ @
@ @
@ ←→ −x 0 @
@ @
@ @
x @ x3 @
@ x4 − max(−x0 , 0)@ x3 + max(x0 , 0)
@ @
Figure 6. Changing coordinates under a flip of the triangulation. Only the changing coordinates
are shown here. The numbers on the other edges remain unchanged.
edges of and show that these numbers are global coordinates on the space of lami-
Deform the curves of the lamination in such a way that every curve intersects
every edge at the minimal possible number of points. Assign to each edge α half of
the sum over the intersection points of weights of the respective curves. Collection
of numbers, one for each edge of , is the desired set of coordinates. For the space
T0a (S), the numbers assigned in this way to any external edge vanishes. Thus only
numbers assigned to internal edges serve as coordinates for this space.
Reconstruction. Now we need to prove that these numbers are coordinates indeed,
i,e., that they provide a bijection between the space of bounded measured laminations
and collections of rational numbers on edges. For this purpose we just describe an
inverse construction, which gives a lamination, starting from numbers on edges.
Let us first fix a pair of rationals u and v and introduce the numbers {ãα | α ∈ E()}
ãα = uaα + v.
By choosing u and v one can make the numbers {ãα } to be positive integers and to
satisfy the triangle inequality for every triangle of the triangulation with edges α, β, γ :
|ãα − ãβ | ≤ ãγ ≤ ãα + ãβ . (3.2)
Now mark 2ãα points on each edge α and join the points on the sides of each triangle
pairwise by nonintersecting and non-selfintersecting lines connecting points on dif-
ferent sides and passing inside the triangle. One can easily see that once the triangle
inequality is satisfied this can be done in a unique way up to homotopy (Figure 7).
Now take each hole and each cilium and add a closed curve surrounding them with
weight −v. Then divide the weights of all curves by u. The construction is finished.
The proof that the construction is indeed inverse to the previous one is self-evident.
Properties of the coordinates. Just as for the case of X-laminations, the constructed
coordinates on the space of laminations correspond to a particular choice of the trian-
gulation. The rule stating how the coordinates change under a flip of triangulation is
658 Vladimir V. Fock and Alexander B. Goncharov
βδ βδ
max δ|εβδ >0 ε aδ , − δ|εβδ <0 ε aδ − aα if β = α,
aβ = (3.3)
aβ if β = α.
Since any triangulation change is a composition of flips, these rules allow to express
the coordinate change for any triangulation change.
If all edges of the quadrilateral taking part in the flip are different, the coordinates
change can be shown by the graphical rule on Figure 8.
@ @
@ @
a1 @ a2 a1 @ a2
@ @
@ @
@ max(a1 + a3 , a2 + a4 ) − a0 @
a0 ←→
@ @
@ @
@ @
a4 @ a3 a4 @ a3
@ @
@ @
Figure 8. Change of coordinates under a flip of the triangulation. Only the changing coordinates
are shown here, the numbers on the other edges remain unchanged.
A bounded lamination is integral if and only if all coordinates are integral or half
integral and for every triangle with sides α, β, γ the sum aα + aβ + aγ is integral.
If we multiply a lamination by a positive number, the coordinates get multiplied
by the same number.
A bounded lamination is called even if all coordinates are integers. One can easily
check that this condition does not depend on the coordinate system. This set is denoted
a . Observe that an even lamination divided by 2 is not necessarily integral.
by Tev
The canonical map p : Ta → Tx is given by xα = − β εαβ aβ .
The action rρ of the additive group Q corresponding to a boundary component ρ
with even number of cilia is given by
where t runs over all triangle having ρ as a vertex, αt and βt are the edges of t incident
to ρ and δt is the third edge.
Chapter 15. Dual Teichmüller and lamination spaces 659
Real lamination spaces. Since the transformation rules for coordinates (8) and (6) are
continuous w.r.t. the standard topology of Qn , the coordinates define a natural topology
on the lamination spaces. One can now define the spaces of real measured laminations
(resp. bounded and unbounded) as a completion of the corresponding spaces of rational
laminations. These spaces are denoted as Ta (R) and Tx (R), respectively. Of course,
we automatically have coordinate systems on these spaces.
Observe that to define real measured laminations it is not enough to replace rational
numbers by real numbers in the definition of the space of laminations unless the surface
S is a disc or a cylinder with one hole. Such definition would not be equivalent to the
one above since a sequence of more and more complicated curves with smaller and
smaller weights may converge to a real measured lamination which is not presentable
by a finite collection of curves.
4 Teichmüller spaces
The Teichmüller space T (S) (resp. moduli space M(S)) of a closed surface S is the
space of complex structures on S modulo diffeomorphisms isotopic to the identity
(resp. modulo all diffeomorphisms). We are going to give two different extensions of
this notion to the case of open surfaces with cilia. But before we recall some basic
facts about relations between complex structures, constant negative curvature metrics
and discrete subgroups of the group PSL(2, R). For more details we recommend the
reviews [1] and [19].
Consider first a vicinity of a boundary component. Topologically it is a cylinder, but
as a complex surface it can be isomorphic either to a cylinder {z ∈ C | 0 < r < |z| < 1}
or to a punctured disk {z ∈ C | 0 < |z| < 1}. The boundary components of the second
kind are called punctures.
According to the Poincaré uniformisation theorem any complex surface S (except
a sphere with less than three holes and a torus without holes) can be represented as
a quotient of the hyperbolic plane H by a discrete subgroup of its automorphism
group (sometimes called the Möbius group) PSL(2, R) of real 2 × 2 matrices with unit
determinant considered up to the factor −1. The group is defined up to conjugation,
is discrete as a subgroup of PSL(2, R), is canonically isomorphic to the fundamental
group of the surface π1 (S) and acts freely on H . The subgroups with these properties
are called Fuchsian groups. In particular, this implies that the Teichmüller space T (S)
for a surface S without cilia is isomorphic to a connected component in the space of
Fuchsian groups considered up to conjugation. The connected component is singled
out by the topology of the quotient of the upper half plane. The group corresponding
to a given complex structure is called the monodromy group.
Recall that an element g of PSL(2, R) is called hyperbolic (resp. parabolic, elliptic)
if it has two distinct real eigenspaces (resp. one one-dimensional real eigenspace, two
conjugate complex eigenspaces). Since eigenspaces are stable points of the action
660 Vladimir V. Fock and Alexander B. Goncharov
of g on CP 1 , only parabolic and hyperbolic elements acts on H freely and thus all
elements of must be of these two types.
The quotient of H by the action of the subgroup generated by a parabolic element is
a punctured disk. Thus the only elements of π1 (S) which can be mapped to parabolic
elements are loops surrounding punctures.
On H there exists a unique PSL(2, R)-invariant curvature −1 Riemannian metric
given in the standard coordinates by (Im z)−2 dzd z̄. It induces a metric on S. Since
this metric is of negative curvature, any homotopy class of closed curves contains a
unique geodesic unless a curve surrounds a puncture. In the latter case the length of
the curve can be made arbitrarily small and. In this case we say that the geodesic
length is zero.
Any nontrivial element of has one or two fixed points on RP 1 , which is the
boundary (absolute) of H . The singular set of a ciliated surface S is the subset of
RP 1 consisting of all fixed points of all elements of the monodromy group and
of preimages of all cilia. This set is -invariant by construction and thus its convex
hull in H is also -invariant. The convex core S0 of the surface S is the quotient of
this convex hull by . To describe it geometrically in terms of the original surface
S consider the closed geodesics surrounding holes as well as geodesics connecting
adjacent cilia on the same boundary components. Cut out of the surface the pieces
facing the respective boundary components. These pieces as Riemannian manifolds
are isomorphic either to the positive quadrant of H or its quotients by a cyclic group.
The remaining part of the surface S is just its convex core S0 .
For example, if our surface is a ciliated disk, its convex core is an ideal polygon.
Homotopy classes of closed curves on a surface are in one-to-one correspondence
with the conjugacy classes of its fundamental group. Denote by γ an element of π1 (S)
and by l(γ ) the length of the corresponding geodesic. Then a simple computation
shows that
l(γ ) = log , (4.1)
where λ1 and λ2 are the eigenvalues of the monodromy along the loop γ . This
number is obviously well defined, i.e., it does not depend on the choices of particular
representation of π1 (S), of a particular element of π1 (S) representing a given loop,
and of a particular 2 × 2 matrix representing the element of PSL(2, R). This formula
agrees with the convention that the length of the geodesic surrounding a puncture is
It is not a priori obvious that this space possesses a natural topology in which it is
connected, but this will be clarified later.
For every hole ρ there exists a map r ρ : T x (S) → R>0 given by the exponential
of the length of the geodesic surrounding this hole (resp. exponential of minus the
length of the geodesics surrounding the hole) if the orientation of the hole agrees
(resp. disagrees) with the orientation of the surface.
For every boundary component with even number of cilia there exists a map denoted
by the same letter r ρ : T x (S) → R>0 defined as follows. Take an horocycle about one
cilium. Then take another one about the next cilium tangent to the first one. Repeat
this procedure until we come back to the original cilium. The value of r ρ is e±l , where
l is the distance between the two horocycles about the first cilium and the sign depends
on whether the final horocycle is inside or outside the original one. The value of r ρ
does not depend on the choice of the original horocycle and may change to its inverse
if we have chosen another starting point.
Reconstruction. Our goal now is to construct a ciliated surface with hyperbolic met-
ric starting from a triangulation of a ciliated surface with real positive numbers {x α }
662 Vladimir V. Fock and Alexander B. Goncharov
−1 0 x
assigned to internal edges. First of all we give a simple prescription for how to re-
store orientations of the boundary components from these data: The orientation of a
boundary component corresponding to a hole γ is just induced from the orientation
of the surface (resp. opposite to the induced one) if the sum x α over all α incident
to γ is positive (resp. negative). If the sum is zero, it means that it is not a hole, but a
The construction of the surface itself can be achieved in two equivalent ways. We
shall describe both since one is more transparent from the geometric point of view and
the other is useful for practical computations.
Construction by gluing. We are going to glue the convex core S0 of our surface
S out of ideal hyperbolic triangles. The lengths of the sides of ideal triangles are
infinite and therefore we can glue two triangles in many ways which differ by shifting
one triangle with respect to another along the side. The ways of gluing triangles
can be parameterised by the cross-ratios of four vertices of the obtained quadrilateral
(considered as points of RP 1 ) just as defined by Figure 9.
Now consider the triangulated surface S. Replace every triangle of the triangulation
by an ideal one and glue them together along the edges just as they are glued in S
using numbers assigned to the edges as gluing parameters.
Note, although this is not quite obvious that the resulting surface is not necessarily
complete even if the surface has no cilia. In fact it is the complex core S0 with boundary
components corresponding to holes removed.
Construction of the Fuchsian group. We are now going to construct a discrete
monodromy subgroup of PSL(2, R) starting from a triangulation of S with positive
real numbers on edges. Construct first a graph out of the triangulation in the following
way (Figure 10). Draw a small edge of the graph transversal to every edge of the
triangulation and for every triangle connect the three ends of edges in it pairwise.
Orient the edges of the arising triangle
1 1in
the clockwise direction. Now assign to each
of these edges
the matrix U
= −1 0 . Assign to the remaining edges the matrix
(x α )1/2
B(x α ) = 0
−(x α )−1/2 0
, where α is the edge of the triangulation it intersects.
Chapter 15. Dual Teichmüller and lamination spaces 663
* HH
6HU α U
U j U H
B(x α )H
Figure 10. Graph for computing monodromy for T x (S). The original triangulation is shown by
the thin lines.
Now to any oriented path on this graph we can associate a matrix by multiplying
consecutively all matrices we meet along it, taking U −1 instead of U each time the
orientation of the path disagrees with the orientation of the edge. (The orientations
of the edges transversal to the edges of the triangulation are not to be taken into
account, since B(x)2 = −1 and therefore B(x) coincides with its inverse in the group
PSL(2, R).) In particular, if we take closed paths starting form a fixed vertex of the
graph, we get a homomorphism of the fundamental group of to the group PSL(2, R).
The image of this homomorphism is the desired group .
The fact that these two constructions are inverse to the above construction of
coordinates is almost obvious, especially for the first one. The only note we would
like to make here is to show where the matrices I and B(x) came from. Consider two
ideal triangles in the upper half plane with vertices at the points −1, 0, ∞ and x, ∞,
0, respectively. Then the Möbius transformation which permutes the vertices of the
first triangle is given by the matrix I , and the one which maps one triangle to another
(respecting the order of vertices given two lines above) is given by B(x).
@ @
@ @
x1 @ x2 x 1 (1 + x 0 ) @ x 2 (1 + (x 0 )−1 )−1
@ @
@ −1 @
@ (x )
x0 ←→
@ @
@ @
@ @
x @
4 x3
x 4 (1 + (x 0 )−1 )−1@ x 3 (1 + x 0 )
@ @
@ @
Figure 11. Changing of coordinates under a flip of the triangulation. Only the changing coor-
dinates are shown here, the numbers on the other edges remain unchanged.
Integral monodromy. It is obvious form the reconstruction formulae that if all co-
ordinates are equal to 1 then the monodromy group is a subgroup of PSL(2, Z). Of
course the subgroup obtained in this way is a finite index subgroup and is free (and
thus torsion free). It turns out that a kind of converse statement is also true. Namely
for any torsion free finite index subgroup ⊂ PSL(2, Z) there exists a surface S with
a triangulation || which is unique up to the mapping class group action such that is
the monodromy group of a hyperbolic structure on S corresponding to all coordinates
equal to 1. Thus we have an explicit bijection between conjugacy classes of torsion
free finite index subgroups of PSL(2, Z) and triangulated surfaces.
We shall give an explicit construction of the triangulated surface out of a torsion
free discrete subgroup of PSL(2, Z) borrowed from Kontsevich [18].
Observe that the group PSL(2, 0Z)1 is
the free product of the subgroups Z/2Z gener-
aα = el/2 aα = e−l/2
Figure 12. Penner coordinates.
points with the horocycles if the horocycles do not intersect (resp. if the horocycles
do intersect), as shown on Figure 12.
This number can be easily computed algebraically using the correspondence be-
R . xIf x(x
1 , y1 ) and (x2 , y2 ) are vectors, corresponding
tween horocyles and vectors in 2
F aα βaγ HH
H D(a H HH
γ)H HH
6 H
α D(aα )
aγ aβ
*HH D(aβ )
HHH aγ H
HH F aβ aα
retract this path to the graph and the monodromy operator can be computed by the
product of the corresponding matrices on the edges.
Moreover this graph with matrices allows to compute the signed distance between
any two horocycles. Indeed, consider the path connecting two corresponding vertices
of the triangulation. Move each endpoint along an edge of the triangulation to the
nearest vertex of the graph and then deform it to pass along the edges of the graph.
Associate to it the product of the matrices along this path. Then the absolute value
of the upper right element of this matrix is equal to the exponential of signed length
between the horocycles. The result does not depend on how we have deformed the
path since the monodromy along the edges surrounding the vertex is strictly lower
Properties of the coordinates. Just as for the three cases considered above, the
constructed coordinates correspond to a particular choice of triangulation. The rule
describing how the coordinate changes under a flip of an edge α is given by
⎪ εβδ −εβδ
⎨ δ|εβδ >0 aδ + δ|εβδ <0 aδ
aβ = if β = α, (4.4)
⎪ aα
⎩a if β = α.
If all edges of the quadrilateral taking part in the flip are different, the coordinate
change can be shown by the graphical rule shown on Figure 14.
The canonical map p : T a → T x is given by
xα = (aβ )−ε . (4.5)
668 Vladimir V. Fock and Alexander B. Goncharov
@ @
@ @
a1 @ a2 a1 @ a2
@ a1 a3 + a2 a4 @
@ @
@ a0 @
a0 ←→
@ @
@ @
@ @
a4 @ a3 a4 @ a3
@ @
@ @
Figure 14. Changing of coordinates under a flip of the triangulation. Only the changing coor-
dinates are shown here, the numbers on the other edges remain unchanged.
The action rρ of the multiplicative group R>0 corresponding to a hole with even
number of cilia is given by
rρ (w) : aα → wζρ (α) aα .
If ρ is a hole, then the area map Aρ is given by
Aρ = ,
a α a
t βt
where t runs over all triangle having γ as a vertex, αt and βt are the edges of t incident
to γ and δt is the third edge.
The subspace T0a is the space where all numbers assigned to external edges are
equal to one.
5 Tropicalisation
In this short section we shall state explicitly in which sense the spaces of laminations
are “tropicalisations” of the corresponding Teichmüller spaces.
Recall that a set F with two binary operations: addition + and multiplication · is
called a semifield if it satisfies the following axioms:
(1) F is an Abelian semigroup with respect to addition.
(2) F is an Abelian group with respect to multiplication.
(3) Addition and multiplication are related by the distributivity law: a · (b + c) =
a · b + a · c.
The simplest examples of a semifield are just positive real or rational numbers with
respect to the usual addition and multiplication. Another class of examples are given
Chapter 15. Dual Teichmüller and lamination spaces 669
by the sets of real, rational and integral numbers with the usual addition used for
multiplication and usual maximum used for addition. The corresponding semifields
are called real, rational and integral tropical semifields and are denoted by Rt , Qt
and Zt respectively. Every algebraic expression which does not contain substraction
(such expressions are called substraction free) makes sense in a semifield. Consider
for example the polynomial a 3 + 3ab2 + 2. In tropical semifields this expression
can be rewritten using usual operation as max(3a, 2a + b, 0). We say that the second
expression is the tropical analogue of the first one.
Observe that tropical semifields can be considered as certain limits of nontropical
ones. Namely fix a positive real constant and consider the set of real numbers pro-
vided with the addition: (a, b) → log(ea/ + eb/ ) and the multiplication given by
the ordinary addition. This semifield is obviously isomorphic to the semifield of pos-
itive numbers by the isomorphism a → ea/ . In the limit as → 0 the isomorphism
is no longer defined, but the limit of the operations does exist and coincides with the
operations in the tropical semifield.
In particular the tropical analogue of a substraction free rational function of n
variables f (a1 , . . . , an ) is given by
f(a1 , . . . , an ) = lim log f (ea1 / , . . . , ean / ).
One can easily see by comparison of the Sections 3 and 4 that the formulae for the
spaces of laminations are tropical analogues of the respective formulae for Teichmüller
spaces. For example the space of laminations Tx has he same set of coordinate systems
as the Teichmüller space T x , while the transition functions between the coordinate
system (3.1) for the former space are given by tropical analogues of the respective
functions (4.2) for the latter one. Similarly the lamination spaces Ta and T0a are
tropical analogues of the spaces T a and T0a respectively.
In particular one can see that Teichmüller spaces can be canonically compactified
by adding the quotients of the respective real lamination spaces by action of the
multiplicative group of positive real numbers. One can show that it is just a version
of the Thurston compactification [25] for ciliated surfaces.
Teichmüller space T x (S) can be mapped to this space (for G = PSL(2, R)) and if the
surface S has no cilia the corresponding map is a local diffeomorphism in a vicinity
of a generic point. This map induces the Poisson structure PWP .
Another way of defining the same Poisson structure was given by William Goldman
in [15]. For any closed loop one can associate the absolute value of the trace of the
element of PSL(2, R) corresponding to it. Goldman gave an explicit expression for
the Poisson bracket between function of this type as a linear combination of functions
of the same type.
The image of T a (S) in T x (S) under the map p forgetting the horocycles corre-
sponds to the representations of π1 (S) in PSL(2, R) sending all loops surrounding
holes to parabolic elements. It implies that the Poisson structure restricted to the
image is non-degenerate. The inverse image under the map p of the corresponding
symplectic structure defines a degenerate symplectic structure ωWP on T a (S).
The Poisson structure on T x (S) for a ciliated surface S is given by the formula:
∂ ∂
PWP = εαβ x α α ∧ x β β . (6.1)
∂x ∂x
The degenerate symplectic structure ωWP on T a (S) for a ciliated surface S is given
by the formula:
daα daβ
ωWP = εαβ ∧ . (6.2)
aα aβ
The main property of these Poisson and symplectic structures is that they are
independent of the particular triangulation. This property can be checked explicitly
by substitution of the transformation laws (4.2) (resp. (4.4)) into the expression for
PWP (resp. ωWP ), taking into account the transformation law (2.1) for the matrix εαβ .
Another useful property is the compatibility of the bracket with unramified covering
of surfaces. If S̃ → S is an unramified covering of degree N then there are obvious
maps i x : T x (S) → T x (S̃) and i a : T a (S) → T a (S̃). Then one can easily see
that (i a )∗ ω̃WP = N ωWP , where ω̃WP is the canonical degenerate symplectic form
on T x (S̃). The map i x is not a Poisson map, however it maps symplectic leaves to
symplectic leaves. If i x : L → L̃, where L and L̃ are the symplectic leaves of T x (S)
and T x (S̃) respectively, then (i x )∗ (P̃WP )−1 |L̃ = N(PWP )−1 |L .
One can check that if the surface S has no cilia the formula gives the known
Poisson and symplectic structures. The simplest way to do it is to compute explicitly
the bracket between traces of matrices corresponding to closed loops using both our
definition and Goldman’s one. Due to the compatibility with coverings it is sufficient
to check the coincidence of the brackets for two loops having one intersection point,
where Goldman’s expression is especially simple. We do not give the computation
here since it is straightforward and technical.
The kernel of the symplectic form on the space T0a is spanned by the vector fields
corresponding to the action rρ , where ρ runs through the boundary components with
even number of cilia. The kernel of the Poisson structure on the space T x is spanned by
Chapter 15. Dual Teichmüller and lamination spaces 671
the differentials of the functions r ρ . In particular if the number of cilia is odd on every
boundary component the symplectic and the Poisson structures are nondegenerate.
The kernel of the symplectic form on the space T a is generated by the orbits of
resizing of all horocycle at a given boundary component by the same amount.
The lamination spaces Tx and Ta also have a canonical Poisson structure PWP and
the degenerate symplectic structure wWP , respectively. They are given by
∂ ∂
PWP = εαβ α ∧ β ,
∂x ∂x
wWP = εαβ d aα ∧ d aβ .
All the properties of these structures are similar to the respective properties of the
Poisson and symplectic structures on their Teichmüller counterparts.
7 Canonical pairing
Certain curves or collections of curves on a surface define functions on Teichmüller
and lamination spaces. Namely:
1. A closed curve γ on S defines a function (γ ) on T a (S) as well as on T x (S) by the
length of the geodesic w.r.t. the curvature −1 metric in the homotopy class defined
by the curve.
2. If a curve γ on S connects two points on the boundary it defines a function (γ )
on T a (S) in the following way. Move the ends of the curve which do not belong to
holes, in the counterclockwise direction until they hit the cilia. Then take a geodesic
in the same homotopy class and take the exponent of the signed half of the length of
the segment between the corresponding horocycles like in Figure 12.
3. If a collection of curves m = {γi } with rational weights {wi } has the property that
for every segment of the boundary between cilia and for every hole the total weight
of the curves hitting it vanishes, then it defines a function on T x (S) in the following
way. Move first the ends of curves in the counterclockwise direction to hit the cilia.
Lift then the collection of curves to H and choose horocycles at their ends. Then
take the weighted
sum of signed lengths of geodesic segments between the horocycles
(m) = wi (γi ). It is easy to see that this sum does not depend on the choice of
the horocycles due to the vanishing property.
These functions can be considered as functions of two arguments: the first is a
curve or a weighted collection of curves and the second is a point of the appropriate
Teichmüller or lamination space. Our aim now is to extend the first argument to be not
just a single curve, but a point of an appropriate space of laminations. The resulting
functions of two arguments are called pairings.
672 Vladimir V. Fock and Alexander B. Goncharov
There are two version or pairings between Teichmüller and lamination spaces –
additive and multiplicative. The main feature of the additive one is that it can be
extended to real laminations as a continuous function. The multiplicative one is defined
for integral laminations only. For every lamination this pairing defines a function on
the Teichmüller space which is a Laurent polynomial in the coordinates with positive
integral coefficients.
(1) Let γ x ∈ Tx be a single closed curve and ma ∈ T0a . Then (γ x , ma ) is its length
(γ x ) (Rule 1).
(2) Let mx ∈ T x and let γ a ∈ Ta be a single closed curve. Then (mx , γ a ) is equal
to ± a half of its length (γ a ) (Rule 1). The sign is + unless γ a surrounds a
negatively oriented hole.
(3) Let γ x ∈ Tx be a curve connecting two points of the boundary of S and ma ∈ T a .
Then (γ x , ma ) is the signed length (γ x ) given by Rule 2.
(4) Let γ x ∈ Tx and γ a ∈ Ta be two curves. Move the ends of γ a (if any and but
those belonging to holes) counterclockwise to hit cilia. Then I(γ x , γ a ) is a half
of the minimal number of intersection points between γ x and γ a .
(5) Let mx ∈ T x and let ma ∈ T0a be a collection of curves. Then the function (l a )
defined by this Rule 3 is equal to (mx , ma ). (The vanishing property follows
from the definition of T0a .)
(6) Let u, v be positive rational numbers. Let mx1 , mx2 ∈ Tx be two collections of
nonintersecting curves such that no curve from mx1 intersects mx2 , and ma ∈ T a .
Chapter 15. Dual Teichmüller and lamination spaces 673
(1) Let γ x ∈ Tx be a single closed curve with weight k and ma ∈ T a . Then
I(γ x , ma ) is the absolute value of the trace of the monodromy of (γ x )k .
(2) Let mx ∈ Tx and let γ a ∈ Ta be a single closed curve which is not retractable to
a hole. Then I(γ x , ma ) is the absolute value of the trace of the monodromy of
(γ x )k .
(3) Let mx ∈ T x and let γ a ∈ Ta be a single closed curve which is retractable to
a hole and the hole is oriented positively (resp. negatively). Then (γ x , ma )
is equal to the absolute value of the largest (resp. smallest) eigenvalue of the
monodromy of (γ x )k .
(4) Let γ x ∈ Tx be a curve with weight k connecting two points of the boundary of
S and ma ∈ T a . Then I(γ x , ma ) = exp (γ x , ma ).
(5) Let mx ∈ T x and let ma ∈ T0a be a collection of open curves with integral
weights. Then I(mx , ma ) = exp (mx , ma ).
(6) Let u, v be positive integral numbers. Let mx1 , mx2 ∈ Tx be two collections of non-
intersecting curves such that no curve from mx1 intersects or coincides with a curve
from mx2 , and ma ∈ T a . Then I(umx1 + v mx2 , ma ) = (I(mx1 , ma ))u (I(mx2 , ma ))v .
If mx ∈ T x and ma1 , ma2 ∈ T0a are nonintersecting collections of curves such
that no curve from mx1 intersects or coincides with a curve from mx2 , then
I(mx , uma1 + v ma2 ) = (I(mx , ma1 ))u (I(mx , ma2 ))v .
Continuity. Let us first prove the continuity of the pairing between Ta and T x . To do
this it suffices to prove it for laminations without curves with negative weights. Indeed,
if we add such a curve to a lamination the length obviously changes continuously. We
are going to show that the length of integral lamination is a convex function of its
coordinates, i.e. that
(mx , ma1 ) + (mx , ma2 ) ≤ (mx , ma1+2 ) (7.1)
where by ma1+2 we have denoted a lamination with coordinates being sums of the
respective coordinates of ma1 and ma2 . Taking into account the homogeneity of ,
one sees that Inequality (7.1) holds for all rational laminations and therefore can be
extended by continuity to all real laminations.
Let us prove Inequality (7.1). Draw both laminations ma1 and ma2 on the surface
and deform them to be geodesic. These laminations in general intersect each other
in a finite number of points. Construct now a new collection of curves out of the
union of ma1 and ma2 in the following way. For every intersection point consider the
676 Vladimir V. Fock and Alexander B. Goncharov
triangle ABC of the triangulation it belongs to. Without loss of generality we may
assume that the segments of the curves containing the intersection points connect the
sides AB with BC and AC with BC, respectively. Then remove the neighbourhood
of the intersection point and replace it by a union of two nonintersecting arcs in such
a way that the segments of the resulting curves still connect AB with BC and AC
with BC (Figure 15). The resulting collection of curves considered as a lamination
is just ma1+2 . The total length of the constructed curves can be made as close to
(mx , ma1 ) + (mx , ma2 ) as one desires. However it is not geodesic any longer. When
we deform this collection to the geodesic one its length only decreases, thus giving
the desired inequality (refineq).
Laurent property and positivity. Now we are going to show that the functions Ima
and Imx are given by Laurent polynomials with positive integral coefficients in any
coordinate charts. We shall show it for laminations representable by a single curve
and then extend the result to arbitrary laminations by multiplicativity.
Consider first a single closed curve with weight k as an element of the space Ta .
If M is the monodromy operator around this curve, then by definition Ima = tr(M k ).
According to the construction of the Fuchsian group from Section 3.1 the operator M
is given by the expression
M = B(x i1 )I ±1 B(x i2 ) . . . I ±1 B(x ip )I ±1 ,
where i1 , . . . , ip is the sequence of edges of the triangulation the path intersects and
the signs for I ±1 are chosen according to whether the 0path
turns left or right passing
through a triangle. Multiplying every I ±1 by J = −1 1 from the left and every B
by J from the right we do not change the product since J 2 = 1 in PSL(2, R) and
transform the expression for M into M = H (x i1 )E ± H (x i2 ) . . . H (x ip )E ± , where
E + = 01 11 , E − = 11 01 and H (x) = x 0 x −1/2
1/2 0 . Since all coefficients of these
matrices are Laurent monomials with positive coefficients, the trace of any power of
M is a Laurent polynomial with positive coefficients.
Now consider the case of the space T a (S). The reconstruction rule implies that
the traces of the monodromy matrices are Laurent polynomials of the coordinates in
integral powers of the coordinates {aα }. Positivity follows from the existence of the
monomial map p : T a (S) → T x (S).
We leave the proof of the Laurent property and positivity for non closed curves as
an exercise.
changes the set of triangulations since some of them may have nontrivial symmetry
group. Introducing the marking is a tool to remove this symmetry. (Here and below
the vertical lines | · | indicate the diffeomorphism class.)
The mapping class group D(S) obviously acts freely on the space of marked
triangulations with the space of combinatorial types of triangulations as a quotient,
(S)/D(S) = ||(S).
Recall that a group can be thought of as a category with one object and invert-
ible morphisms. Similarly, a groupoid is a category where all morphisms are iso-
morphisms, and any two objects are isomorphic. Since the automorphism groups of
different objects of a groupoid are isomorphic, we can associate a group to a groupoid,
well defined up to an isomorphism. We are going to construct a groupoid providing the
mapping class group and admitting a simpler description by generators and relations
than the mapping class group itself.
Definition. Let ||(S) be the set of objects. For any two triangulations ||, |1 | ∈
|(S)| let a morphism from || to |1 | be a pair of triangulations of S of types || and
|1 | modulo the diagonal mapping class group action; we denote this morphism by
|, 1 |. For any three triangulations , 1 , 2 , the composition of |, 1 | and |1 , 2 |
is |, 2 |. The described category is called the modular groupoid.
One can easily verify that (1) composition of morphisms is well defined; (2) the
class of the pair of identical triangulations |, | is the identity morphism and the
inverse of the morphism |, 1 | is |1 , |; (3) the group of automorphisms of an
object is the mapping class group D(S).
To give a description of the modular groupoid by generators and relations, we need
to introduce distinguished sets of morphisms called flips and symmetries. Recall that
a morphism |, α | is a flip if the triangulation α is obtained from by removing an
edge α and replacing it by another diagonal of the resulting quadrilateral. We use the
notation α to emphasize the relation of this triangulation to the triangulation . Note
that for a given triangulation , several marked embedded graphs may be denoted by
α because no marking of α is indicated.
To each symmetry σ of a triangulation we assign an automorphism |, σ |.
There is no canonical bijection between the edges of different triangulations even if
a morphism between them is given. However, if two triangulations are related by a flip,
we can introduce such a bijection since all edges of one triangulation coincide with the
edges of the other. We exploit this identification and denote the corresponding edges
of different graphs by the same letter if it is clear which sequence of flips relating these
graphs is considered. To avoid confusion we note that this identification has nothing
to do with the marking.
In this notation, the triangulation α1 ...αn is the graph obtained as a result of con-
secutive flips αn , . . . , α1 of edges of a given graph .
There are three kinds of relations between flips, which are satisfied for any choice
of marking of the triangulations entering the relations.
678 Vladimir V. Fock and Alexander B. Goncharov
A - A
The proofs of Relations R.2 and R.4 are obvious. Relation R.5 is obvious from the
triangulation of a pentagon shown in Figure 16.
Replacing the mapping class group by the modular groupoid, we can express the
latter through generators and relations in a simpler way.
Note that a symmetry can be represented as a ratio of two flips in a given edge
and the modular groupoid is therefore generated by the flips only. We do not describe
relations between flips and graph symmetries in detail because they are quite obvious.
In fact, the symmetry groups of and α act transitively on the set of flips |, α |,
and this action can be considered as relations between flips and symmetries.
The proposition can be proved using direct combinatorial methods of the simplicial
topology. However, we give the main idea of another proof, which is more specific
for dimension 2.
Proof of the proposition. To any connected simplicial complex S we can associate
a groupoid by taking a point in each top-dimensional simplex objects and the ho-
1 The notation R.n indicates the number n of graphs entering this relation.
Chapter 15. Dual Teichmüller and lamination spaces 679
motopy classes of oriented paths connecting the chosen points as morphisms. The
corresponding group is the fundamental group of the topological space given by the
To any codimension one simplex we can associate two classes of paths (differing
by orientation and having the identity morphism as their product) connecting adjacent
top-dimensional simplices. It is natural to call them flips. We can associate a relation
between flips to any codimension two simplex. It is obvious that this set of flips
generates the groupoid and that the only relations between the flips are given by
codimension two simplices.
The same is true for an orbifold simplicial complex, where we replace simplices
by quotients of simplices by finite groups. In this case, we must choose one generic
point per each top-dimensional simplex as an object and orbifold homotopy classes of
paths as morphisms. The corresponding group is the orbifold fundamental group of
the orbifold given by the complex. The groupoid is now generated by flips and groups
of top dimensional simplices and still the only nontrivial relations are those given by
codimension two simplices.
Consider now the orbifold simplicial decomposition of moduli space of complex
structures on S by Strebel, Hubbard, Mazur and Penner [21]. The orbifold fundamental
group of the moduli space M is just the mapping class group D(S). Recall that Strebel
orbisimplices are enumerated by ribbon graphs corresponding to S and the dimension
of a simplex is equal to the number of its edges. One can easily see that the groupoid
of the Strebel complex coincides with the modular groupoid. Moreover, the flips of
the former correspond to the flips of the latter. The relations between flips are given
by codimension two cells, which correspond either to graphs with two four-valent
vertices (which produces Relation R.4) or to graphs with one five-valent vertex (which
produces Relation R.5). Relation R.2 holds true for any simplicial complex.
The set of Markov numbers is a remarkable collection of integers that appeared first
in number theory but is related to lengths of closed geodesics on a holed torus with
hyperbolic structures. In this appendix we shall give a simple description of these
numbers as well as a proof of a few of their properties as an illustration of the technique
developed here.
Consider a torus with one hole T . The space of homotopy classes of simple (i.e.,
without self intersections) unoriented closed paths on it can be parameterised by points
of QP 1 . Indeed, once we have chosen an orientation of the path, we can consider it as
an element of the first homology group of T with compact support. It is also obvious
that any simple (indivisible) class is represented by a unique simple oriented closed
path. Since the first homology group is Z2 , it just gives the desired parameterisation.
680 Vladimir V. Fock and Alexander B. Goncharov
Introduce the equiharmonic complex structure on T , i.e. the structure which has
maximal symmetry group Z/3Z. For any closed path γ on T without self-intersections
the numbers Xγ = 23 cosh l(γ ), where l(γ ) are the lengths of the corresponding
geodesic, are called Markov numbers.
The main properties of Markov numbers are the following:
1. Markov numbers are positive integers.
2. Markov numbers include Fibonacci numbers with even indices, 2, 5, 13, 34, 89,
233, . . . .
Call a Markov triple a triple of Markov numbers (X, Y, Z) corresponding to three
geodesics having pairwise one intersection point.
3. Elements of a Markov triple satisfy the Markov equation:
X2 + Y2 + Z2 = 3XYZ. (1)
4. Any integer solution of this equation is a Markov triple.
5. For any Markov triple (X, Y, Z) the triples (Y, Z, X) and (Z, Y − 3XZ, X) are
also Markov triples. Any Markov triple can be obtained from the triple (1, 1, 1) by a
sequence of such transformations.
Since homotopy classes of closed non-selfintersecting curves can be parameterised
by QP 1 , one can choose affine coordinates on QP 1 in such a way that the curves with
coordinates 0, 1 and ∞ have Markov numbers 1. Denote by M(u) the Markov number
corresponding to the curve
with 3 p
u ∈ Q.
the coordinate
6. The function ψ q = q arcosh 2 M q , where gcd(p, q) = 1, is extensible
Proofs of the properties (unfortunately, without the last one and Property 4). There
is only one combinatorial triangulation corresponding to the holed torus. It has one
vertex, three edges and two triangles. This triangulation has obvious Z/3Z symmetry
group cyclically permuting the edges. Let x, y, z be the corresponding coordinates on
the Teichmüller space T x (S).
A closed curve on S can be considered as a bounded lamination if we assign
to it the weight 1. The standard coordinates of such laminations are given by three
nonnegative integers n1 , n2 , n3 . These three numbers have no common factor, because
Chapter 15. Dual Teichmüller and lamination spaces 681
otherwise the weight of the curve would be greater than 1. On the other hand one
of the numbers should be a sum of the two others since otherwise there would be
a component surrounding the hole. The relation between this parameterisation by
n1 , n2 , n3 and the parameterisation by QP 1 described above is given by
if n3 = n1 + n2 ,
x = nn21 (2)
n1 if n1 = n2 + n3 or n2 = n3 + n1 .
Denote by Z, X and Y one thirds of the traces of the elements of the Fuchsian
group corresponding to the curves with coordinates (1, 1, 0), (0, 1, 1) and (1, 0, 1)
respectively. They can be easily computed using the explicit formulae for the Fuchsian
1 1/2 1/2
Z= (x y + x 1/2 y −1/2 + x −1/2 y −1/2 ),
X = (y 1/2 z1/2 + y 1/2 z−1/2 + y −1/2 z−1/2 ), (3)
Y = (z1/2 x 1/2 + z1/2 x −1/2 + z−1/2 x −1/2 ).
Using these expressions we can verify the equality
X2 + Y2 + Z2 − 3XYZ = − (xyz − 2 + (xyz)−1 ). (4)
The symmetry of the graph obviously cyclically permutes the coordinates and
therefore the numbers Z, X, Y. A flip of an edge acts by Rule (3.3) and it results in
the mapping
On the other hand this transformation law can be rewritten taking into account
Equation (6):
(U, V, W) → (W, UWA − V, U). (8)
This rule coincides with (5) for A = 3.
Now consider the decorated surface with U = V = W = 1. This is the surface
with the area inside the horocycle A = 3. Applying modular transformations we get
obviously the Markov triples, which proves the property 8.
There exists a canonical decomposition (called Farey tessellation) of the upper half
plane H into ideal triangles with vertices in all rational points of its ideal boundary.
The dual graph to this tessellation is the universal three-valent tree. The faces of
this tree are therefore in one-to-one correspondence with rational numbers. On the
pictures below we have drawn a fragment of this tree with corresponding Markov
numbers written on the faces.
2 HH
Z 5 Z
29 Z 13 Z
@ @ @ @
169 @ 433 @ 194 @ 34 @
985 A 14701A 37666A 6466A 2897A 7561A 1325A 89 A
5741 7453378 3276569 8399329 43261 4400489 51641 9077
499393 1278818 48928105 96557 1686049 294685 135137 233
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[14] W. M. Goldman, Convex real projective structures on surfaces. J. Differential Geom. 31
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[15] W. M. Goldman, The symplectic nature of fundamental groups of surfaces. Adv. Math. 54
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[16] N. J. Hitchin, Lie groups and Teichmüller space. Topology 31 (3) (1992), 449–473. 648
[17] R. M. Kashaev, Quantum dilogarithm and Quantisation of Teichmüller space. Lett. Math.
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[18] M. L. Kontsevich, Intersection theory on the moduli space of curves. Funct. Anal. Appl.
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[19] S. Krushkal, B. Apanasov and N. Gusevskii, Kleinian groups and uniformization in exam-
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[20] A. Papadopoulos and R. C. Penner, La forme symplectique de Weil-Petersson et le bord de
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[21] R. C. Penner, The decorated Teichmüller space of Riemann surfaces. Comm. Math. Phys.
113 (1988), 299–339. 648, 664, 679
684 Vladimir V. Fock and Alexander B. Goncharov
Jörg Teschner
1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 687
1.1 Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 687
1.2 Aims . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 689
1.3 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 690
1.4 Outlook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 691
Part I. Coordinates for the Teichmüller spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 693
2 The Penner coordinates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 693
2.1 Triangulations and fat graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 693
2.2 Penner coordinates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 695
2.3 Fock coordinates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 695
3 The Ptolemy groupoids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 697
3.1 Groupoids vs. complexes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 698
3.2 Change of the triangulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 698
3.3 The representation of the mapping class group . . . . . . . . . . . . . 700
4 Teichmüller space as the phase space of a constrained system . . . . . . . 700
4.1 Kashaev’s coordinates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 700
4.1.1 The constraints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 701
4.1.2 Change of fat graph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 701
4.2 The structure of the Kashaev space Wϕ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 702
4.2.1 Fock variables vs. Kashaev’s variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . 702
4.2.2 Splitting of Wϕ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 702
5 The Fenchel–Nielsen coordinates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 703
5.1 Definition of the Fenchel–Nielsen coordinates . . . . . . . . . . . . . 704
5.2 Symplectic structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 705
5.3 Geodesic lengths from the Penner coordinates . . . . . . . . . . . . . 705
6 Coordinates for surfaces with holes of finite size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 707
6.1 Useful fat graphs on surfaces with holes of finite size . . . . . . . . . 707
6.2 Kashaev type coordinates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 708
Part II. Quantization of the Teichmüller spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 709
7 Quantization of the Teichmüller spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 709
686 Jörg Teschner
1 Introduction
The program of the quantization of the Teichmüller spaces T () of Riemann surfaces
which was started in [15], [17] and independently in [30]1 is motivated by certain
problems and conjectures from mathematical physics. One of the main aims of this
program is to construct a one-parameter family of maps
−→ HbT (), OTb (), MTb () , (1.1)
(i) b is a deformation parameter, related to the traditional h̄ via b = h̄,
(ii) is a two-dimensional topological surface possibly with boundary,
(iii) HbT () is a Hilbert-space (possibly infinite-dimensional),
(iv) OTb () is an algebra of bounded operators on HbT () and,
(v) MTb () is a unitary projective representation of the mapping class group of
on HbT ().
The data OTb (), MTb () are restricted by the requirement that a suitably defined
limit of OTb () for b → 0 should reproduce the commutative algebra of functions on
the Teichmüller space T (), whereas a natural limit b → 0 of the automorphisms
of OTb () which are induced by the representation MTb () should correspond to the
natural action of the mapping class group MC() on T ().
1.1 Motivation
Motivation for studying this problem comes from mathematical physics. A conjecture
of H. Verlinde [53] can be formulated very schematically as the statement that
Hb (), MTb () HcL (), MLc () , (1.2)
(i) HcL () has a definition in terms of the representation theory of the Virasoro
algebra with central charge c as the so-called space of conformal blocks associated
to ,
(ii) MLc () is an action of the mapping class group MC() on HcL () which is
canonically associated to the representation-theoretic definition of HcL ().
Part of the interest in the space HcL () from the side of mathematical physics is
due to the fact that the elements of HcL () represent the basic building blocks in
the so-called Liouville conformal field theory [49]. Deep connections between the
perturbative approach to quantum Liouville theory on the one hand and Teichmüller
1 See [18], [10] for recent generalizations.
688 Jörg Teschner
theory on the other hand have been exhibited by Takhtajan, Zograf and Teo see e.g.
[48] and references therein.
This conjecture may be seen as a non-compact analog of similar relations between
the quantization of moduli spaces of flat connections on Riemann surfaces on the one
hand, and rational conformal field theories on the other hand. For K being a compact
group, the geometric quantization of the moduli space MK () of flat K-connections
on a Riemann surface was performed in [27], [1]. Alternative approaches were based
on more explicit descriptions of the symplectic structure on MK () [19], [2], [3], [8],
[4].2 In either case one may schematically describe one of the main results of these
constructions as an assignment
−→ HkM (), MM k () , (1.3)
(i) HkM () is a finite-dimensional vector space,
(ii) MMk () is a projective representation of the mapping class group of on Hk ().
Part of the interest in these results was due to the close relations between the represen-
tation MMk () and the Reshetikhin–Turaev invariants of three manifolds [43]. Another
source of interest were the relations to rational conformal field theory, which were
predicted in [56], see [47] for a review of mathematical approaches to the problem
and further references. These relations may, again schematically, be summarized as
the existence of canonical isomorphisms
Hk (), MMk ()
ll5 iSSS
lllll SSS
l ll SSS (1.4)
lll SS)
W ul
o / H RT (), MRT () ,
Hk (), MW k () k k
(i) HkW () is the space of conformal blocks in the WZNW-model associated to the
compact group K, which can be defined in terms of the representation theory of
the affine Lie algebra ĝk with level k associated to the Lie algebra g of K,
(ii) MWk () is the natural action of the mapping class group on Hk (), which
construction of Reshetikhin–Turaev.
2 The equivalence between the different quantization schemes has not been discussed in detail so far. It
boils down to the verification that the monodromy representation of the KZ-connection constructed within the
geometric quantization framework of [27], [1] is equivalent to the mapping class group representation defined in
[2], [3], [8]. It seems that e.g. combining the results of [36] and [6] does the job.
Chapter 16. An analog of a modular functor from quantized Teichmüller theory 689
The quantization program (1.1) can be seen as a non-compact analog of (1.3) in the
following sense. In (1.1) the role of the moduli space of flat connections MK () is
taken by the Teichmüller space T (), which can be identified with the component in
the moduli space MG () of flat G = SL(2, R)-connections that has maximal Euler
class [26], [23]. Moreover, the natural symplectic structure on the moduli space of flat
SL(2, R)-connections restricts to the Weil–Petersson symplectic form on T () [22].
A quantization of the Teichmüller space T () may therefore be regarded as providing
a quantization of a topological component in the moduli space MG ().
We expect that any non-compact counterpart of the developments mentioned above
will be mathematically at least as rich as the already known results associated to com-
pact groups K. In particular we expect that certain analogs of the constructions of
Reshetikhin–Turaev and/or Turaev–Viro will capture information on the geometry of
hyperbolic three manifolds, similar and probably related to the appearance of hyper-
bolic volumes in the asymptotic behavior of certain link invariants [29].
1.2 Aims
A major step towards establishing H. Verlinde’s conjecture (1.2) is to show that the
quantization of the Teichmüller spaces (1.1) as initiated in [15], [17], [30] produces an
analog of a modular functor. The basic data of a modular functor are assignments such
as (1.3), which are required to satisfy a natural set of axioms as discussed in Section 9.
One of the most important implications of the axioms of a modular functor are simple
relations between the representations of the mapping class groups associated to and
†c respectively, where †c is the surface that is obtained from by cutting along a
simple closed curve c. These relations imply that the representation MM k () restricts
to – and is generated by – the representations MM ( ) which are associated to those
subsurfaces that can be obtained from by cutting along a set of non-intersecting
simple closed curves. This crucial locality property can be seen as the hard core of
the notion of a modular functor.
Within the formalisms introduced in [15], [17], [30]–[32] it is far from obvious that
the quantization of Teichmüller spaces constructed there has such properties. To show
that this is indeed the case is the main problem solved in this chapter. The representa-
tion MTb () constructed and investigated in [30]–[32] is obtained by exploiting the fact
that the mapping class group can be embedded into the so-called Ptolemy groupoid
associated to the transformations between different triangulations of a Riemann sur-
face . A representation of the Ptolemy groupoid is constructed in [30]–[32], which
then canonically induces a projective unitary representation of the mapping class group
MC(). The simplicity of the Ptolemy groupoid, which underlies the elegance of the
constructions in [30]–[32] now turns out to cause a major problem from the point of
view of our aims, since the above-mentioned locality properties implied in the notion
of a modular functor are not transparently realized by the Ptolemy groupoid.
Essentially our task is therefore to go from triangulations to pants decompositions,
which is the type of decomposition of a Riemann surface that is naturally associated
690 Jörg Teschner
1.3 Overview
This chapter has three main parts. The first of these parts collects the necessary
results from the “classical” theory of Riemann surfaces. This includes a review of
two types of coordinate systems for the Teichmüller spaces T (), one of which is
associated to triangulations of , the other to pants decompositions. The coordinates
associated to triangulations were first introduced by Penner in [39]. We will also need
to discuss variants of these coordinates due to Fock [15] and Kashaev [30] respectively.
The changes of the underlying triangulation of generate a groupoid, the Ptolemy
groupoid Pt(), which has a useful representation in terms of generators and relations
(Theorem 2).
The coordinates associated to pants decompositions are the classical Fenchel–
Nielsen coordinates, which we review briefly in §5.1. We furthermore explain how
the coordinates of Penner [39] and Kashaev [30], which were originally introduced to
parameterize the Teichmüller spaces of surfaces with punctures only, can be used
to provide coordinates also for the case where the surface has holes represented by
geodesics of finite length.
The material in this part is mostly known, but it is scattered over many places in
the literature, and some basic results were stated in the original references without
a proof. We have therefore tried to give a reasonably self-contained and complete
3 See [57], [58], [59] for some classical work on the symplectic nature of the Fenchel–Nielsen coordinates
which represents important background for our results.
Chapter 16. An analog of a modular functor from quantized Teichmüller theory 691
presentation of the relevant material, providing proofs where these are not available
The second part gives a largely self-contained presentation of the foundations of the
quantization of Teichmüller spaces. Our presentation is heavily inspired by [30]–[32],
but we deviate from these references in some important points. The treatment pre-
sented in this chapter seems to be the first complete and mathematically rigorous
formulation of the quantum theory of the Teichmüller spaces.
The main aims of this chapter are finally achieved in the third part. We begin in
§9 by introducing the notion of a stable unitary modular functor, and by explaining
why having a stable unitary modular functor is equivalent to having a tower of unitary
projective representations of the modular groupoid.
In §10 we will reformulate the main result of [38], [5] concerning the description
of M() in terms of generators and relations in a way that is convenient for us.
Of particular importance for us will be §11, where important first relations between
certain subgroupoids of M() and Pt() are observed.
In §12 we define the geodesic length operators and establish their main proper-
ties. These results are of independent interest since some important properties of the
geodesic length operators had not been proven in full generality before.
A key step in our constructions is taken in §13 by constructing a change of rep-
resentation from the original one to a representation in which the length operators
associated to a pants decomposition are simultaneously diagonalized. An important
feature of this construction is the fact that the unitary operator which describes the
change of representation factorizes into operators associated to the individual three
holed spheres (trinions) which appear in a pants decomposition.
In §14 we construct the corresponding representation of the modular groupoid
M(). The operators which represent M() are constructed out of compositions of
the representatives for the transformations in Pt(). This makes it relatively easy to
verify the relations of M(), but the price to pay is that some crucial locality properties
are more difficult to prove.
1.4 Outlook
In a sequel [51] to this exposition we will calculate the matrix coefficients of the
operators which generate the representation of the modular groupoid explicitly. A
close relation to the modular double DUq (sl(2, R)) of Uq (sl(2, R)) as defined and
studied in [12], [42], [9] will be found.
It should be noted that (HbT (), MTb ()) will not satisfy all the usual axioms of a
modular functor, which require, in particular, that the vector space V() assigned to
each Riemann surface should be finite-dimensional. Most importantly, however, the
assignment → (HbT (), MTb ()) was up to now only constructed for surfaces
which have at least one boundary component.
What will allow us to overcome this unsatisfactory feature are the remarkable
analytic properties that the matrix coefficients of the operators which represent the
692 Jörg Teschner
modular groupoid will be shown to have. It turns out that the mapping class group
representation MTb () assigned to a Riemann surface with a boundary represented by
geodesics of a fixed length depends analytically on the values of these lengths. The
analytic properties of the matrix coefficients will furthermore allow us to “close a hole”
by taking a limit where the length parameter assigned to this boundary component
approaches a certain imaginary value. It will be shown in [51] that the resulting
mapping class group representation is equivalent to the one on the surface which is
obtained by gluing a disc into the relevant boundary component.
Concerning the representation theoretic side of H. Verlinde’s conjecture (1.2) it
should be mentioned that a complete mathematical construction of (HcL (), McL ())
is not available so far, but nontrivial steps in the direction of constructing and describing
(HcL (), MLc ()) precisely have been taken in [50] in the case of surfaces of genus
zero. This includes in particular the derivation of explicit formulae for a set of basic
data which characterize the resulting representation of the braid group uniquely.
The explicit computation of the matrix coefficients of the operators which generate
the representation of the modular groupoid carried out in [51] will therefore allow us
to verify H. Verlinde’s conjecture (1.2) in the case of Riemann surfaces of genus zero.
We furthermore expect that it should be possible to construct non-compact analogs
of (HkRT (), MRT k ()) based the non-compact quantum group DUq (sl(2, R)), and
thereby complete a non-compact analog of the triangle (1.4).
Acknowledgements. The author would like to thank L. Chekhov, V. Fock and espe-
cially R. Kashaev for useful discussions.
We furthermore gratefully acknowledge financial support from the DFG by a
Heisenberg fellowship, as well as the kind hospitality of the Humboldt University
Berlin, the School of Natural Sciences of the IAS Princeton, the Physics Department
of Chicago University and the Caltech, Pasadena.
Chapter 16. An analog of a modular functor from quantized Teichmüller theory 693
P 0
Figure 2. Another representation of the triangulation from Figure 1 and the dual fat graph.
e2v e2v
Figure 3. Graphical representation of the vertex v dual to a triangle t. The marked corner defines
a corresponding numbering of the edges that emanate at v.
Remark 1. Decorated ideal triangulations are dual to decorated fat graphs, which
means that the vertices are numbered, and for each vertex v ∈ ϕ0 one has chosen a
distinguished edge ev ∈ ϕ1 . As a convention we will assume that fat graphs always
carry such a decoration unless otherwise stated.
Chapter 16. An analog of a modular functor from quantized Teichmüller theory 695
Theorem 1 (Penner [39], [40]). (a) For any fixed ideal triangulation τ of , the
l : T˜ () → Rτ1 , P → (le (P ))e∈τ1
is a homeomorphism.
(b) The pull-back of the Weil–Petersson two-form ω on T () is given by the
ω=− dle1 (t) ∧ dle2 (t) + dle2 (t) ∧ dle3 (t) + dle3 (t) ∧ dle1 (t) ,
where the summation is extended over the set τ2 of triangles of τ , and ei (t), i = 1, 2, 3
are the edges bounding the triangle t, labelled in the counter-clockwise sense.
The Teichmüller space T () itself can finally be described as the space of orbits
in T˜ () under the following symmetry. Choose a number d(p) for each puncture p.
Let the action of the symmetry be defined by
le ≡ le + d(p) + d(p ) (2.1)
if the edge e connects the punctures p and p .
a b
t1 t2
d c
(ii) the Poisson bracket which is induced by WP on the quotient Fϕ /Cϕ coincides
with the Poisson bracket which corresponds to the Weil–Petersson symplectic
form on T ().
Chapter 16. An analog of a modular functor from quantized Teichmüller theory 697
ti e
tj b
x1 x2 x3 x4
We then have
(x4 − x1 )(x3 − x2 )
exp(ze ) = . (2.7)
(x4 − x3 )(x2 − x1 )
By means of Möbius transformations xi → ax i +b
cxi +d one may map the corners of one of
the two triangles to −1, 0 and ∞ respectively. The variable ze , being expressed in terms
of the Möbius-invariant cross-ratio therefore parameterizes the different ways of gluing
two ideal hyperbolic triangles along a common edge modulo Möbius transformations.
Given the variables ze one may reconstruct the Riemann surface as represented in
the Fuchsian uniformization by successively mapping ideal hyperbolic triangles into
the upper half-plane, glued along the edges e in the way prescribed by the given
value ze [15].
generated by the moves between different fat graphs will be the subject of the present
v v
Figure 6. Transformation ρv changes the marked corner of the triangle dual to a vertex v ∈ ϕ0 .
Proposition 1 ([39, Proposition 7.1], [32]). The complex P t () is connected, i.e.
for a given surface , any two fat graphs ϕ and ϕ can be connected by a chain of
elementary transformations.
Chapter 16. An analog of a modular functor from quantized Teichmüller theory 699
a b a b
v e w * e
d c
* d * c
Figure 7. The flip transformation ωvw changes the diagonal in the quadrilateral formed by the
two adjacent triangles tv and tw .
Validity of the following relations in Pt() can easily be verified pictorially [32].
ρv ρv ρv = id,
ωu1 u2 ωu3 u4 = ωu3 u4 ωu1 u2 , ur = us for r = s,
ωvw ωuw ωuv = ωuv ωvw , (3.1)
(ρv−1× ρw ) ωvw = ωwv (ρv−1
× ρw ),
ωwv ρv ωvw = (vw) (ρv × ρw ).
Theorem 2. The complex P t () is simply connected, i.e. any relation between the
generators (vw), ρv and ωvw of the Ptolemy groupoid is a consequence of the relations
(3.1) together with the relations of the permutation group.
Lemma 1 (Lemma A.1a of [40]). Let τ be the triangulation obtained by applying the
flip of Figure 7 to a pair of adjacent triangles in a given initial triangulation τ , and
denote e and e the diagonal edge before and after the flip. The coordinates associated
to τ and τ will then agree for each edge that the two triangulations have in common,
1 √
λe = (λa λc + λb λd ), λf ≡ 2 exp 21 lf for all f ∈ ϕ1 , (3.2)
where we have labelled the edges according to Figure 7.
4.1.1 The constraints. To define the linear forms hc let us introduce an embedding
of the first homology H1 (, R) into Wϕ as follows. Each graph geodesic gc which
represents an element [c] ∈ H1 (, R) may be described by an ordered sequence of
vertices vi ∈ ϕ0 , and edges ei ∈ ϕ1 , i = 0, . . . , n, where v0 = vn , e0 = en , and we
assume that vi−1 , vi are connected by the single edge ei . We will define ωi = 1 if the
arcs connecting ei and ei+1 turn around the vertex vi in the counterclockwise sense,
ωi = −1 otherwise. The edges emanating from vi will be numbered eji , j = 1, 2, 3
according to the convention introduced in Figure 3. To each [c] ∈ H1 (, R) we will
n ⎪
⎨−qvi if {ei , ei+1 } = {e3i , e1i },
hc ≡ ui , ui := ωi pvi if {ei , ei+1 } = {e2i , e3i }, (4.3)
⎩ i i
i=1 qvi − pvi if {ei , ei+1 } = {e1 , e2 }.
hc is independent of the choice of representative c within the class [c]. Let Cϕ be the
subspace in Wϕ that is spanned by the hc , [c] ∈ H1 (, R).
The equations hc (v) = 0, [c] ∈ H1 (, R) characterize the image of T̃ () within
Vϕ . It is useful to recall that H1 (, R) splits as H1 (, R) = H1 (cl , R) ⊕ B(),
where B() is the s − 1-dimensional subspace spanned by the homology classes
associated to the punctures of , and cl is the compact Riemann surface which is
obtained by “filling” the punctures of . The corresponding splitting of Cϕ will be
written as Cϕ = Hϕ ⊕ Bϕ .
4.1.2 Change of fat graph. In order to describe the change of Kashaev variables
induced by a change of fat graph let us, following [30], define the following two
transformations associated to the elementary moves ωvw and ρv respectively.
Av : (qv , pv ) → (pv − qv , −qv ), (4.4)
(Uv , Vv ) → Uv Uw , Uv Vw + Vv ,
Tvw : (4.5)
(Uw , Vw ) → Uw Vv (Uv Vw + Vv )−1 , Vw (Uv Vw + Vv )−1 ,
where we have set Uv ≡ eqv and Vv ≡ epv for all v ∈ ϕ0 .
The proof is again straightforward. Lemma 3 implies in particular that the mapping
class group acts on Wϕ by canonical transformations.
Theorem 3 ([58]).
ωWP = dτi ∧ dli , τi = li θi . (5.3)
−1 otherwise. The generator X(c) of the Fuchsian group that corresponds to c is then
constructed as follows [15].
Xc = Vσr E(zer ) . . . Vσ1 E(ze1 ), (5.4)
where the matrices E(z) and V are defined respectively by
0 +e+ 2 1 1
E(z) = z , V = . (5.5)
−e− 2 0 −1 0
Given the generator Xc of the Fuchsian group one may then calculate the hyperbolic
length of the closed geodesic isotopic to c via
2 cosh 21 lc = |tr(Xc )|. (5.6)
The proof of (5.4) was omitted in [15]. We are therefore now going to explain how
to verify the validity of equation (5.4).
It was remarked in the Section 2.3 that for given values of the coordinates ze one
may construct a uniformized representation of the corresponding Riemann surface by
successively mapping ideal hyperbolic triangles into the upper half plane which are
glued according to the values ze . Iterating this procedure ad infinitum one generates a
tessellation of the upper half plane by ideal hyperbolic triangles. Let us now consider a
generator X(c) of the Fuchsian group, represented on the a upper
half plane by a Möbius
transformation MX(c) , where MX (u) ≡ au+b cu+d if X = b . The element c ∈ π ()
c d 1
may then be represented by an open path on the upper half plane which leads from a
chosen base point u to its image under MX .
But one may equivalently represent the motion along the path by standing still at the
base point and moving the tessellation around by means of Möbius transformations.
More precisely, let us assume that our base point u is located within the ideal hyperbolic
triangle t0 with corners at −1, 0, ∞, and that the path Pc representing our chosen
element c ∈ π1 () crosses the edges ei i = 1, . . . , r in the order of the labelling.
We may assume that the edge e1 connects the points 0 and eze1 . After having crossed
edge e1 one would have left the triangle t0 into the triangle t1 with corners at 0, eze1 , ∞.
The Möbius transformation M1 corresponding to E(ze1 ) brings one back into t0 : It
can be checked that it leaves the set of corners {−1, 0, eze1 , ∞} on the two triangles
glued along e1 invariant, but exchanges the two triangles. To continue along the path
Pc in this fashion we now need to map the next edge e2 to be crossed to the edge going
from 0 to ∞ before we can apply the Möbius transformation corresponding to E(ze2 )
in the same manner as before. This is precisely what the Möbius transformation MVσ1
does: It simply rotates the edges of our fundamental triangle t0 . Moreover, the triangle
t2 that would be reached when leaving t0 through e2 will be mapped by MVσ1 into
the ideal hyperbolic triangle with corners 0, eze2 , ∞. The fact that eze2 is indeed the
position that the corner of t2 is mapped into by MVσ1 follows from the prescription for
gluing t1 and t2 along e2 in terms of ze2 and the fact that MVσ1 preserves cross-ratios.
By continuing in this fashion one generates the Möbius transformation MX(c) that
evidently maps the original tessellation representing the chosen point P in T () into
Chapter 16. An analog of a modular functor from quantized Teichmüller theory 707
Throughout we are mainly interested in the case of Riemann surfaces which have a
boundary ∂ represented by s geodesics of finite length. We therefore need to discuss
how to introduce analogs of the previously described coordinate systems for T ()
for the cases of interest here. When considering surfaces with holes of finite size one
has to choose if one wants to keep the geodesic lengths of the boundary components
variable, or if one wants to consider surfaces which have fixed boundary length
given by the tuple = (l1 , . . . , ls ) ∈ Rs+ . We shall find the first option often more
convenient to work with. Passing to a representation in which the boundary lengths
are fixed will then be almost trivial.
c P2 P1 c P2 P1
v *
Figure 9. Simple fat graphs in a neighborhood of the disc defined by the geodesic c which
encircles two punctures P1 and P2 .
708 Jörg Teschner
For surfaces e with s pairs of punctures there exist fat graphs ϕ e which are of
standard form in the neighborhood of s − 1 discs Di . The simplest possible form of
a fat graph around the remaining two punctures is indicated on the right of Figure 9.
A fat graph ϕ e on a surface with 2s punctures will be said to have standard form if it
has standard form near s − 1 discs Di , and if it has the form depicted on the right of
Figure 9 in a neighborhood of the remaining disc.
We will finally say that a fat graph ϕ on a Riemann surface with s geodesic
boundaries has standard form if (, ϕ) can be obtained from a pair ( e , ϕ e ) con-
sisting of a 2s-punctured surface and a fat graph ϕ e of standard form by cutting
e along s geodesics b1 , . . . , bs , each of which encircles a pair of punctures. The
embedding → e furthermore induces an embedding MC() → MC( e ) of the
respective mapping class groups. The subgroup of MC( e ) which is generated by the
diffeomorphisms that are supported on ⊂ e preserves the set of fat graphs which
have standard form.
Proof. Let us first note that the linear form h1 which is via (4.3) associated to puncture
P1 can be expressed in terms of the variables (pv , qv ) associated to the vertex v in
Figure 9 only. This means that both pv and qv are contained in Nϕ e . Instead of the
linear form h2 associated to puncture P2 we may consider hc = h1 + h2 , which can
be expressed exclusively in terms of the variables associated to the vertices contained
in . Part (i) of the lemma follows easily from these observations.
In order to verify part (ii) one may again consider ϕ e . When writing the relations
fc = 0, c ∈ B() in terms of the Fock variables ze , e ∈ ϕ1e one will always find
contributions containing the ze , e ∈ ϕ1e \ ϕ1 . It is then easy to convince oneself that
the relations fˆc = 0 may be used to express the ze , e ∈ ϕ1e \ ϕ1 in terms of the ze ,
e ∈ ϕ1 . After this is done, all relations fc = 0, c ∈ B() are satisfied, the variables
ze , e ∈ ϕ1 are therefore unconstrained.
However, in this case the relation between the Teichmüller space T () and Tϕ is
slightly more complicated. In order to describe this relation let us consider the spaces
Fun(T ()) and Fun(Tϕ ) of smooth functions on T () and Tϕ respectively. These
Chapter 16. An analog of a modular functor from quantized Teichmüller theory 709
spaces carry canonical Poisson brackets { . , . }WP and { . , . }ϕ uniquely defined by the
bilinear forms WP and ϕ respectively.
It should be noted that the length functions associated to the boundary components
are contained in Fun(T ()).
natural to demand that these symmetries are preserved by quantization in the sense
that any g ∈ G is realized as an automorphism f → ag (f ) of Ph̄ .
Representations of the group G can be constructed by studying representations of
the algebra Ph̄ by operators O(f ) on a Hilbert space H ,
O(f ) · O(g) = O(f ∗h̄ g).
The Hilbert space H will then typically come equipped with a unitary projective repre-
sentation of the group G of symmetries by operators Ug such that the automorphisms
Ag (O(f )) ≡ O(ag (f )) are realized as
Ag (O) = Ug · O · U−1
g .
6 Commutativity [O, A] = 0 with a self-adjoint unbounded operator A is, by convention, understood in the
sense of commutativity with the spectral projections of A. For the reader’s convenience, we have collected the
relevant operator-theoretical results in Appendix B.
Chapter 16. An analog of a modular functor from quantized Teichmüller theory 711
i[ze2 , ze1 ] = h̄ WP (ze2 , ze1 ) (7.5)
fϕ,c = 0, for all c ∈ B(). (7.6)
The space H() will be defined as an irreducible representation of the commutation
relations (7.5) which satisfies the additional conditions (7.6).
Remark 4. It is worth noting that the decoration of the triangles is used to define the
concrete realization of the space K(ϕ) as a space of square integrable functions.
When quantizing the Kashaev space Wϕ we get more than we ultimately want. In
order to see this, let us introduce quantum analogs of the coordinate functions hc and
ẑe respectively, i.e. self-adjoint operators ĥc and ẑe on H (ϕ) which are defined by
formulae very similar to (4.3) and (4.6) respectively, normalized in such a way that
the following commutation relation hold:
i[ ẑe1 , ẑe2 ] = h̄ WP (ze1 , ze2 ), (7.8)
i[ ĥc1 , ĥc2 ] = h̄ I(c1 , c2 ). (7.9)
[ ẑe , ĥc ] = 0 for all c ∈ H1 (, R). (7.10)
We observe that we do have a representation, henceforth denoted Zϕ , of the algebra
(7.5), but this representation is neither irreducible, nor does it fulfill the additional
relations (7.6). The latter point becomes most clear if one introduces the operators f̂c ,
c ∈ B() associated to the relations (7.6) which are defined by replacing ze → ẑe in
(2.3). We may then observe that
f̂c = hc for c ∈ B(), (7.11)
which is verified in the same way as statement (iv) in Lemma 4.
712 Jörg Teschner
where the space Hh (ϕ) is isomorphic to L2 (Rg ). There exists a unitary operator Iϕ ,
Iϕ : K(ϕ) → Hz (ϕ) ⊗ Hh (ϕ) such that
Iϕ · ẑe · I−1 −1
ϕ = ze ⊗ 1 and Iϕ · ĥc · Iϕ = 1 ⊗ hc , (7.15)
for any e ∈ ϕ1 and c ∈ H1 (cl , R), respectively.
Chapter 16. An analog of a modular functor from quantized Teichmüller theory 713
Proof. Part a) is a classical result of I. E. Segal, [45]. Part b) follows easily from the
observation that the quadratic functions of the operators v generate a representation of
the Lie algebra of Sp(2M, R) which satisfies the infinitesimal version of (7.20), see
e.g. [24] for more details.
One may therefore find an operator Jϕ on L2 (R2M ) which represents the transfor-
mation (7.18) in the sense that
Jϕ · v · J−1
ϕ = v̂ (v) = Jϕ v. (7.22)
The sought-for isomorphism Iϕ can finally be constructed as Iϕ = K−1 · J−1
ϕ .
Remark 5. It is worth noting that the definition of Hf (ϕ) depends only on the com-
binatorial structure of the fat graph ϕ, not on the way it is embedded into the Riemann
surface . It follows that the isomorphism Hf (μ.ϕ) Hf (ϕ), μ ∈ MC() is
Let us fix a base point V ∈ Ob(G) and assume having chosen a path πV (μ) ∈
[μ.V , V ] for each μ ∈ G. Let then R(μ) : H(V ) → H (V ) H(μ.V ) be defined
RV (μ) = u(πV (μ)). (8.3)
We are going to assume that the paths πμ1 .V (μ2 ) are the translates of πV (μ2 ) under
μ1 , i.e. that πμ1 .V (μ2 ) = μ1 .πV (μ2 ). It follows that
Rμ1 .V (μ2 ) = RV (μ2 ).
Remark 6. There is of course some ambiguity in the construction, coming from the
choice of a representative πV (μ) ∈ [μ.V , V ]. However, it is clearly natural to consider
two representations r, r as equivalent if the generators rV (μ) and rV (μ) differ from
each other just by multiplication with a (possibly μ-dependent) central element. The
cocycle ϑ of the representation r will differ from the cocycle ϑ of r by a coboundary.
Chapter 16. An analog of a modular functor from quantized Teichmüller theory 717
The special function eb (U ) can be defined in the strip |z| < |cb |, cb ≡ i(b +b−1 )/2
by means of the integral representation
1 dw e−2izw
log eb (z) ≡ . (8.10)
4 w sinh(bw) sinh(b−1 w)
We refer to Appendix A for more details on this remarkable special function. These
operators are unitary for (1 − |b|)b = 0. They satisfy the following relations [32]
Tvw Tuw Tuv = Tuv Tvw , (8.11)
Av Tuv Au = Au Tvu Av , (8.12)
Tvu Au Tuv = ζ Au Av Puv , (8.13)
Au3 = id, (8.14)
It follows immediately from (8.11)–(8.14) that the operators Tuv , Au and Puv can
be used to generate a unitary projective representation of the Ptolemy groupoid in
K(ϕ) L2 (R2M ).
Proof. To begin with, let us note that each path π ∈ ρ ≡ [ϕ , ϕ] canonically defines
a map c → c ≡ A(c) for each c ∈ H1 (, R). This map is defined in an obvious
way for the elementary moves depicted in Figures 6, 7 if we require that c coincides
with c outside the triangles depicted in these figures.
Proof. The existence of operators H(π) of the form (8.15) which are such that state-
ment (i) of the proposition is verified follows directly from Lemma 6 if one takes
into account that the transformation hϕ ,c → hϕ ,c is represented by an element of
Sp(g, R) according to part a) of Lemma 7.
In order to prove statement (ii) of the proposition, we mainly need to check that
the operators V(π) satisfy the relations of the Ptolemy groupoid. Let us consider a
closed path π ∈ [ϕ, ϕ] which decomposes into a chain of edges as π = πn · · · π1 .
V(π) ≡ V(πn ) . . . V(π1 )
On the one hand one may observe that V(π ) can be factorized as
V(π) = H(π) · U(πn ) . . . U(π1 ) = H(π )ζϕ (π ). (8.16)
The operator H(π) in (8.16) can be represented as follows:
H(π ) = H(πn ) · U(πn ) · H(πn−1 ) · U(πn )† . . . U(π1 ) · H(π1 ) · U(π1 )† ,
where πn−k ≡ πn · · · πn−k . It follows from Lemma 7 together with (8.15) that
U(πj+1 ) · H(πj ) · U(πj+1 )† = exp(iHπj (hϕ )).
Taking into account equation (7.15) we conclude that
K−1 · H(π) · K = 1 ⊗ Hh (π ). (8.17)
Chapter 16. An analog of a modular functor from quantized Teichmüller theory 719
On the other hand let us note that V(π ) commutes with all operators hm , h∨m ,
m = 1, . . . , g. Equation (8.16) implies that the same is true for H(π ). However,
the representation of the operators hm , h∨m , m = 1, . . . , g on Hh (ϕ) is irreducible
(see Remark 3). This allows us to conclude that H(π ) = ηϕ (π ) ∈ C, |ηϕ (π )| = 1.
Inserting this into (8.16) proves our claim.
Proof. To begin with, let us observe that it follows from (8.9) that the operators
u(E) associated to the edges E = ρv , E = ωvw in Pt 1 () can all be factorized as
u(E) = Q(E)·G(ẑe ), where Q(E) is of the form Q(E) = exp(iQE (v)) for a quadratic
function QE , and G ≡ 1 if E = ρv and G(z) = eb (z) if E = ωvw . It follows that the
corresponding operator V(E) defined in Proposition 5 can be factorized as
V(E) = Q (E) · G(ze ), where Q (E) ≡ H(E) · J−1
ϕ · Q(E) · Jϕ . (8.19)
The operator Q (E) is a product of four operators Jγk , γk ∈ Sp(2M, R) for k =
1, 2, 3, 4. If follows from Lemma 6 that it can be represented in the form
Q (E) = exp iJE (v ) ,
for some expression JE (v ) which is quadratic in v . Note that the operators G(ze ) and
V(E) commute with all operators hm , h∨m , m = 1, . . . , g and fl , l = 1, . . . , s − 1. It
follows that the same is true for Q (E), which implies that JE (v ) ≡ JE (z) depends only
on the vector z ≡ (ze )e∈ϕ1 . V(E) is therefore
of the form
V (E) = exp iJE ( z ) ·G(ze ).
Our claim follows easily, Wf (E) = exp iJE (zf,e ) · G zf,e ) does the job.
We are finally in the position to define more precisely what we will regard as the
quantized Teichmüller spaces. To this aim let us note that the Hilbert spaces H0 (ϕ)
associated to the origin 0 in B () form irreducible representations of the relations
(7.5), (7.6). Functions of the operators z0,e generate the algebras B(H0 (ϕ)) of all
bounded operators on H0 (ϕ), which suggests to interpret B(H0 (ϕ)) as particular rep-
resentations of the quantized algebras Th̄ () of functions on the Teichmüller spaces.
The operators V0 (π) generate a unitary projective representation of the Ptolemy
groupoid which allows us to regard two operators Oϕ2 ∈ B(H0 (ϕ2 )) and Oϕ1 ∈
B(H0 (ϕ1 )) as equivalent, Oϕ2 ∼ Oϕ1 , iff
O2 = V0 (π) · O1 · (V0 (π ))−1 , π ∈ [ϕ2 , ϕ1 ]. (8.20)
720 Jörg Teschner
Let furthermore MCϕ be the unitary projective representation of the mapping class
group MC() which is generated from the operators V0 (π ) by means of the construc-
tion in Section 8.2.
Definition 3. (i) We define the algebra Th̄ () as the algebra generated by the families
O ≡ (Oϕ )ϕ∈P t0 () of bounded operators Oϕ on H0 (ϕ) such that Oϕ2 ∼ Oϕ1 for all
ϕ2 , ϕ1 ∈ P t0 (). The algebra Th̄ () will be called the quantized algebra of functions
on the Teichmüller spaces.
(ii) Let MCh̄ () be the subalgebra of Th̄ () generated by the families MC(μ) ≡
(MCϕ (μ))ϕ∈P t0 () for all μ ∈ MC().
We will then explain why having a stable unitary modular functor is equivalent to
having a tower of projective unitary representations of the modular groupoid before we
take up the task to actually construct the latter from the quantization of the Teichmüller
spaces as described previously.
pβo )(p) ∈ bβ , where pβo : bβ → S 1 is defined by pβo (p) = −pβ (p). There is
a corresponding projection Pββ : → ≡ ββ which maps bβ , bβ to the
same simple closed curve on .
The Lagrangian subspace y is given by the image of H1 (, R) under the pro-
jection Pββ .
These data are required to satisfy the following “obvious” consistency and com-
patibility conditions.
Multiplicativity. For all homeomorphisms f : 1 → 2 , g : 2 → 3 there exists
ζ (f, g) ∈ S 1 such thay we have
U[f ] U[g] = ζ (f, g)U[f g] . (9.1)
ζ (f, g) has to satisfy the condition ζ (f, g)ζ (f g, h) = ζ (g, h)ζ (f, g h).
Functoriality. The gluing isomorphisms and the disjoint union isomorphisms are
functorial in .7
7 One is considering the category with objects r-surfaces, and morphisms isotopy classes of homeomorphisms
of r-surfaces, equipped additionally with the gluing and disjoint union operations.
Chapter 16. An analog of a modular functor from quantized Teichmüller theory 723
Compatibility. The gluing isomorphisms and the disjoint union isomorphisms are
mutually compatible.
Symmetry of gluing. Gαβ = Gβα .
It would take us several pages to write out all conditions in full detail, we therefore
refer to [52], [6] for more details. However, it seems that the following two “naturality”
requirements represent a key to the understanding of the notion of the modular functor:
Naturality. a) Let f1 : 1 → 1 , f2 : 2 → 2 be r-homeomorphisms. We then
G21 · U[f2 f1 ] · G†21 ≡ U[f2 ] ⊗ U[f1 ] .
b) If the r-homeomorphism f : 1 → 2 induces an r-homeomorphism f : 1 →
2 of the surfaces 1 , 2 obtained from 1 , 2 by the gluing construction, we have
Gαβ · dν(s) U[f ] , y, csαβ · G†αβ = U[f ] ( , y , c .
These requirements make clear how the mapping class group representations on the
spaces H( , y , c ) restrict to and are generated by the representations assigned to the
surfaces which are obtained from by cutting along simple closed curves on .
Remark 7. The standard definitions of modular functors assume that the Hilbert
spaces H(, y, c) are finite-dimensional. They are therefore not suitable for nonra-
tional conformal field theories. Our definition should be seen as a first step towards
the definition of analogs of modular functors which are associated to nonrational con-
formal field theories in a way similar to the connections between rational conformal
field theories and modular functors mentioned in the introduction.
However, there is one important ingredient of the usual definition that does not have
an obvious counterpart in our framework. In the more standard definitions of modular
functors it is required that there exists a distinguished element s0 in L which has
the property that coloring a boundary component β with s0 is equivalent to “closing”
this boundary component. More precisely, let csβ be a coloring of the boundary
components of an extended surface which assigns s ∈ L to the component with
label β, and let ˆ = ( , y , c ) be the r-surface obtained from ˆ = (, y, c) by
β̌ β̌ β̌ β̌
gluing a disc to bβ . The more standard definitions of modular functors assume or
imply existence of an element s0 in L such that
H (, y, cs0 β ) H(β̌ , yβ̌ , cβ̌ ), U[f ] (, y, cs0 β ) U[f ] (β̌ , yβ̌ , cβ̌ ).
This yields additional relations between the mapping class group representations as-
signed to surfaces with different numbers of boundary components.
In the case of the quantized Teichmüller spaces it ultimately turns out that an
analog of the element s0 in L exists only if one considers the analytic continuation of
H (, y, c) and U[f ] (, y, c) with respect to the boundary labels c(β) ∈ L. This fact,
and the corresponding improvement of our definition of a stable modular functor will
be elaborated upon elsewhere.
724 Jörg Teschner
Our construction of the operators Fσ2 σ1 (c), Vσ μ (c) assigns unitary operators to
each of the elementary moves . This yields unitary operators U(π, c) : H(σ1 , c) →
H(σ2 , cπ ) for each path π ∈ [σ2 , σ1 ], where cπ is the coloring of boundary compo-
nents which is obtained from c by tracking the relabeling of boundary components
defined by π . Due to the fact that multiplicativity holds only projectively, cf. eqn.
(9.1), one will find that there exists ζ (π ) ∈ S 1 such that U(π ) = ζ (π ) for all closed
paths, starting and ending at the same marking σ . In other words, a stable unitary
modular functor canonically defines projective unitary representations of the stable
modular groupoid.
Conversely, the definition of a tower of projective unitary representations of the
modular groupoids M() involves the following data.
Assignment (σ, c) → H (σ, c), where H (σ, c) is constructed out of spaces
H(S3 , c3 ) assigned to trinions as in (9.2).
π ∈ [σ2 , σ1 ] −→ U(π, c) : H(σ1 , c) → H (σ2 , cπ ) .
It is important to note (see next section for a detailed discussion) that the elements
of the set M1 () of elementary moves only change the markings within subsurfaces of
genus zero with three or four holes, or within subsurfaces of genus one with one hole.
The corresponding operators will be called Moore–Seiberg data. They characterize
a tower of representations of the modular groupoid completely. Let us furthermore
note that the faces/relations that one needs to define a two-dimensional CW complex
M() which has as set of edges M1 () turn out to involve only subsurfaces of genus
zero with three to five holes, and subsurfaces of genus one with one or two holes. This
means that one only needs to verify a finite number of relations to show that a given
set of Moore–Seiberg data defines a stable unitary modular functor.
10.2 Generators
The set of edges M1 () will be given by elementary moves denoted as (pq), Zp ,
Bp , Fpq and Sp . The indices p, q ∈ σ0 specify the relevant trinions within the pants
decomposition of that is determined by σ . The move (pq) will simply be the
operation in which the labels p and q get exchanged. Graphical representations for
the elementary moves Zp , Bp , Fpq and Sp are given in Figures 11–14.
Chapter 16. An analog of a modular functor from quantized Teichmüller theory 727
3 3
p p
1 2 1 2
3 3
p p *
2 1 2 1
3 3
* *
2 1 2 1
q p
* Fpq *
p q
* *
3 2 1 3 2 1
Sp *
c p
10.3 Relations
3 2 1
q p
q * p Bp−1 Fpq q * p
3 2 1 Bp−1 Fqp
* * q *
* p * p * q
r Fqr q
q *
* r p Fpq
* * *
Fpq q *
r *
Fpr p
* p r *
q * * q Fqr
* *
It is useful to observe that the move Tp represents the Dehn twist around the boundary
component of the trinion tp numbered by i = 1 in Figure 10. With the help of these
730 Jörg Teschner
definitions we may write the relations supported on surfaces of genus one as follows:
a) Sp2 = Bp ,
g = 1, s = 1: (10.9)
b) Sp Tp Sp = Tp−1 Sp Tp−1 .
g = 1, s = 2: Bqp = Sqp Tq−1 Tp Spq . (10.10)
Relation (10.10) is represented diagrammatically in Figure 17.
Bqp q
* * *
p q *
Spq −1
q *
Tq−1 Tp p c3
b1 * *q b2
Theorem 5. The complex M() is connected and simply connected for any e-sur-
face .
Proof. The theorem follows easily from [5], Theorem 5.1. We noted previously that
our complex M() differs from the complex Mmax () of [5] in having a set of vertices
which corresponds to decompositions of into connected components with exactly
three holes. The edges of M1max () which correspond to the F-move of [5] simply can’t
appear in M1 (). Otherwise the set of edges of M() coincides with the relevant
subset of M1max (), with the exception that our move Bp is a composition of the B-
and the Z-move of [5]. To complete the proof it remains to check that our set of faces
is equivalent to the subset of M2max () which involves only the vertices M0 () of our
smaller complex M(). This is a useful exercise.
Definition 4. Let M () be the complex which has the same set of vertices as M(),
a set of edges given by the moves
(pq), Zp , Bp , Bp , Sp , Tp , Fpq , Apq , Bpq , Spq (10.11)
defined above, as well as faces given by equations (10.1)–(10.10).
Chapter 16. An analog of a modular functor from quantized Teichmüller theory 731
Definition 5. Let Aσ ⊂ Cσ be the set of all curves c which are incoming for both
adjacent trinions. We will say that a marking σ is admissible iff there is no curve
c ∈ Cσ which is outgoing for both adjacent trinions, and if cutting along all curves
c ∈ Aσ yields connected components all of which have genus zero. The set of all
admissible markings will be denoted by M0ad ().
Proof. Let us consider two admissible markings σ, σ ∈ M0 (). There exists a path
in M() which connects σ and σ . This path may be represented as a chain
C = E,n( ) · · · E,1 , E,i ∈ Mi () composed out of the moves Zp , Fpq , Bp
and Sp .
For a given marking σ ∈ M0 () let [σ ] be the set of all markings σ which differ
from σ only in the choice of decoration. The moves Zp act transitively on [σ ]. By
732 Jörg Teschner
c c
b b
Lemma 8. Assume that σa , σb ∈ M0ad () satisfy σb ∈ [σa ]. There then exists a path
ab in Mad () which connects σa and σb .
With the help of Lemma 17 in Appendix D it is easy to show that for an admissible
graph σ there always exists a sequence of Zp -moves in M1ad () which transforms σ
to a graph σ that is irreducible.
We may and will therefore assume that σa and σb are both irreducible. Using
Lemma 17 again allows us to transform σb to a marking σc which is such that the
outgoing external edges of σa and σc correspond to the same outgoing boundary
component of .
The graphs σa and σc can finally be connected by a chain which is composed out
of moves Bp and Fqp it only. This follows from the connectedness of M(0 ) in the
case of a surface 0 of genus zero [38]. In this way one constructs a sequence of
moves that connects σa to σb
It remains to prove that M ad () is simply connected as well. Let us consider any
closed path in M ad (). The path is contractible in M (). The deformation of
to a trivial path may be performed recursively, face by face. The crucial observation
to be made is the following one.
Lemma 9. The paths which represent the boundaries of the faces of M2 () are
paths in M ad ().
Proof. By direct inspection of the relations (10.2)–(10.10).
Lemma 9 implies that deforming a path ∈ M ad () by contracting a face in
M2 () will produce a path which still represents a path in Mad (). It follows
that is contractible in M ad ().
Figure 21. Annulus Ac and fat graph ϕ on A.
ec,2 *
c2 c1
Let ec,2 and ec,1 be the edges of ϕσ as indicated in Figure 22, and let cε , ε = 1, 2
be the curves which represent the corresponding boundary components of Tp . We
shall then define
qc ≡ yc2 , pc ≡ −yc1 , (11.3)
ycε ≡ zec,ε + fcε , ε = 1, 2. (11.4)
The same construction yields linear combinations (p̂c , q̂c ), c ∈ Cσ of the Kashaev
variables which represent the coordinates (pc , qc ) within Wϕσ . Note that our construc-
tion of the fat graph ϕσ implies that Tc contains a unique vertex vc ∈ ϕσ,0 . It turns
out that the variables q̂c , p̂c have a simple relation to the Kashaev variables qvc , pvc .
Proof. In order to prove part (i) let us first look at the vertices v ∈ ϕσ,0 which appear
on the graph geodesic homotopic to c. The contribution to ycε of the edges that
are incident to v is ẑe1 + ẑe2 + ẑe3 if ei , i = 1, 2, 3 are the three edges incident
to v. It then follows from (4.6) that yc does not depend on both pv and qv . What
remains are contributions from the vertex vc , as well as contributions from the vertices
contained in annuli Ac which are determined as follows. Note that the homology
class [c] can be decomposed as a linear combination of classes [c ] with c ∈ Aσ . It is
straightforward to check that each c ∈ Aσ which appears in this decomposition yields
a contribution −hc to fˆc . These contributions sum up to give −hc . What remains
Chapter 16. An analog of a modular functor from quantized Teichmüller theory 735
is the contribution from the vertex vc . Part (i) of the lemma now follows easily by
recalling the definition (4.6).
Part (ii) of the lemma is a trivial consequence of part (i).
12.1 Overview
When trying to define operators which represent the geodesic length functions one
has to face the following difficulty: The classical expression for Lϕ,c ≡ 2 cosh 21 lc as
given by formula 5.6 is a linear combination of monomials in the variables e± 2 of a
very particular form,
Lϕ,c = Cϕ,c (τ ) ex(τ ) , x(τ ) ≡ τ (e) ze , (12.1)
τ ∈F e∈ϕ1
where the summation is taken over the space F of all maps ϕ1 e → τ (e) ∈ 21 Z.
The coefficients Cϕ,c (τ ) are positive integers, and non-vanishing for a finite number
of τ ∈ F only.
In the quantum case one is interested in the definition of length operators Lϕ,c
which should be representable by expressions similar to (12.1),
Lϕ,c = Cϕ,c (τ ) ex(τ ) , x(τ ) ≡ τ (e) ze . (12.2)
τ ∈F e∈ϕ1
nontrivial in general. However, a full proof that the length operators introduced in [16]
fulfil the requirements (a) and (c) does not seem to be available yet. We will therefore
present an alternative approach to this problem, which will allow us to define length
operators that satisfy (a)-(d) in full generality.
It is easy to see that this recursively defines length operators for all remaining
c ∈ Cσ .
Remark 9. Let us note that (11.5) implies that [ycε , Lσ,cε ] = 0 for ε, ε ∈ {1, 2}. We
therefore do not have an issue of operator ordering in (12.5).
Proof. Let us recall that cutting the surface along all of the curves c ∈ Aσ , yields a
set of connected components which all have genus zero. For a given curve c ∈ Cσ \Aσ
let c be the connected component which contains c. Cutting c along c produces
two connected components. The component which has c as its outgoing boundary
component will be denoted c . It follows from Definition 6 that Lσ,c is an operator
function of the operators pd and qd , where d ∈ Cσ is contained in c . The claim
therefore follows immediately from (11.5) if c and c are disjoint.
Otherwise we have the situation that one of c , c , say c is a subsurface of the
other. The crucial point to observe is that the resulting expression for Lσ,c depends
on the variables pd and qd associated to the subsurface c exclusively via Lσ,c . The
claim therefore again follows from (11.5).
The following theorem expresses the consistency of our definition with the auto-
morphisms induced by a change of the marking σ .
For moves m = [τm , σm ] ∈ M1 () that can be realized locally we may choose
essentially the same path πm ∈ [θm , ϕm ] for all surfaces into which m can be
embedded. It is then crucial to observe the following fact
Proposition 10. If m ∈ M1 () is admissible, but can not be realized locally, there
always exists a path m which is (i) homotopic to m within M ad (), and (ii) takes
the form
m = Ym m Ym−1 , (12.7)
where Ym is a chain composed out of Zp -moves and Fpq -moves which can all be
realized locally.
12.3 Spectrum
Theorem 7. The spectrum of Lσ,c is simple and equal to [2, ∞).
Proof. To begin with, let us consider the following simple model for the length oper-
L ≡ 2 cosh 2π bp + e−2πbq , (12.8)
where p, q are operators on L2 (R) which satisfy the commutation relations [p, q] =
(2πi)−1 .
A basic fact is that L is self-adjoint. Indeed, being a sum of two positive self-adjoint
operators L is self-adjoint on the intersection of the domains of the summands. The
main spectral properties of this operator are summarized in the following proposition.
v *
Lemma 12. Let be a surface with genus g and s holes. The pure mapping class
group MC() is generated by the Dehn twists along geodesics of simple type.
Proof. For g ≥ 2 it is known that the Dehn twists along non-separating closed curves
suffice to generate the mapping class group MC() [21]. Closed curves which are
non-separating are always of simple type.
For g = 0 any closed curve is of simple type. In the remaining case g = 1 one
may note that the only closed curve c which is not of simple type is the one which
separates a one-holed torus from the rest of . It is then well-known that the Dehn
Chapter 16. An analog of a modular functor from quantized Teichmüller theory 741
twists along a- and b-cycles of the one-holed torus generate the Dehn-twist along c.
If we supplement these generators by the Dehn twists along the remaining closed
curves (which are all of simple type), we get a complete system of generators for
MC() [21].
We may therefore use a fat graph which in an annular neighborhood of c takes the
form depicted in Figure 23. It is easy to see that the action of the Dehn twist Dc on
the fat graph ϕ can be undone by a single flip ωvw . As the representative Fϕ,c for the
Dehn twist Dc on K(ϕ) we may therefore choose Fϕ,c = Tvw .
The operator hϕ,c associated to the homology cycle c is hϕ,c ≡ 21 (pv + qw ). It is
not very difficult to verify that the operator
Dϕ,c = ζ −6 exp(2π i h2ϕ,c ) Fϕ,c . (12.12)
commutes with all hc , c ∈ H1 (, R). The prefactor ζ −6 , ζ = eπib /3 was inserted to
Proposition 12 ([33]). Dc coincides with the following function of the length opera-
tor lc :
Dc = ζ −6 exp i .
8π b2
This should be compared with the classical result that the geodesic length functions
are the Hamiltonian generators of the Fenchel–Nielsen twist flow, which reproduces
the Dehn twist for a twist angle of 2π .
Let us note that we do not have to specify the order in which the operators Cσ,p appear
thanks to the following lemma.
Proof. This follows from Proposition 9 and Definition 6, keeping in mind (11.5).
In order to construct the sought-for operator D(σ ) it now remains to map the
st to multiplication operators. Proposition 11 ensures existence of
length operators Lσ,e
an operator
dσ,e : L2 (R) → Ksp such that dσ,e · Lest = me [2 cosh 21 l] · dσ,e .
9 See Appendix B for the precise statement.
Chapter 16. An analog of a modular functor from quantized Teichmüller theory 743
14 Realization of M()
14.1 Two constructions for the generators
Our aim is to define operators U(m) associated to the edges m ∈ M1 (). We will
give two constructions for these operators, each of which makes certain properties
manifest. The proof of the equivalence of these two constructions will be the main
difficulty that we will have to deal with.
The second construction. We note that for all m ∈ M1 () the markings τm and
σm will coincide outside of a subsurface m → . Let us therefore consider the
restrictions τm and σm of τm and σm to m respectively. Admissibility of τm and σm
is obvious for m ∈ M1 (), allowing us to use the first construction in order to define
an operator
U (m) : HL (σm
) → HL (τm )
Out of U (m) we may then construct the sought-for operator U(m) by acting with
U (m) non-trivially only on those tensor factors of HL (σ ) = Ksp⊗σ1 which correspond
to the subsurface m → . More precisely, let Em ⊂ σ1 be the set of edges in
σ1 which have nontrivial intersection with m . Out of U (m) let us then define the
operator U(m) : K(σm ) → K(τm ) by applying definition (B.5) to the case O ≡ U (m)
and J ≡ Em .
Comparison. The crucial difference between Ũ(m) and U(m) is that the latter is
manifestly acting locally in HL (σ ), in the sense that it acts only on the tensor factor
of HL (σ ) which corresponds to the subsurface m . This is not obvious in the case of
744 Jörg Teschner
The length operators Lσ,c associated to the boundary components c ∈ A() form
a commutative family of operators. The joint spectral decomposition for this family
of operators leads us to represent HL () as
HL () dη (c) HL (, c), (14.2)
where the integration is extended over the set L Rs+ of all colorings c of the boundary
by elements of R+ . It follows from Theorem 6 that the operators U(m) and Ũ(m)
commute (up to permutations of the boundary components) with the length operators
Lσ,c , c ∈ A(). Within the representation (14.2) one may therefore10 represent the
operators U(m)and Ũ(m) by families of operators (U(m, c))c∈L and (Ũ(m, c))c∈L .
Proposition 13. For all m ∈ M1ad () there exists a path πm ∈ [θm , ϕm ] such that we
Ũ(m, c) = U(m, c).
Proof. When we compare the respective definitions of U(m) and Ũ(m), we observe
that there are two main discrepancies that we need to deal with. First, it is not always
true that the path πm can be realized locally in the sense of Definition 7. It may
therefore not be clear a priori why there should exist a simple relation between U(m)
and Ũ(m).
Second, we may observe that the definition of the operators U(m) and Ũ(m) involves
products of operators Cσ,p , where the set of vertices p that the product is extended
over is generically much smaller in the case of U(m). This means that most of the
10According to Proposition 14 in Appendix B.
Chapter 16. An analog of a modular functor from quantized Teichmüller theory 745
factors Cσ,p must ultimately cancel each other in the expression for Ũ(m). The first
step will be to prove Proposition 13 in the case that m can be realized locally.
Proof. It follows from (12.11) and (11.5) that Cσ,p can be represented as a function
of the following operators
Cσ,p = Cσ,p pvp , qvp ; Lc2 , Lc1 ,
where vp is the vertex of ϕσ contained in the trinion Tp and cε ≡ cε (p), ε = 1, 2 are
the curves which represent the outgoing and incoming boundary components of Tp
respectively. Let us recall that the length operators Lτm ,cε and Lσm ,cε ε = 1, 2 satisfy
(12.6). These observations imply that
u(πm ) · Cσm ,p = Cτm ,p · u(πm ), (14.4)
whenever the operators pσ,p and qσ,p commute with u(πm ). Our task is therefore to
determine the set of all p ∈ σ0 for which this is the case. The condition that m can
be realized locally implies that (14.4) will hold unless p is located within m . The
claim now follows straightforwardly from these observations.
In order to treat the general case let us recall that Proposition 10 implies that πm may
be chosen as πm = ym π̂m ym −1 , where y is uniquely defined by the factorization
of Ym into elementary moves that can be realized locally, and π̂m is the (fixed) path
which was chosen to represent m in the case that m can be realized locally. This leads
to the following representation for Ũ(m):
Ũ(m) = D(τm ) · u(πm ) · D(σm )†
= D(τm ) · u(ym ) · u(π̂m ) · u(ym ) · D(σm )† .
By using Lemma 14 one may deduce from (14.5) that the following holds:
Ũ(m) = Ũ(Ym ) · U(m) · Ũ(Ym−1 ) = U(Ym ) · U(m) · U(Ym )† . (14.6)
It remains to observe that
Proof. Let us factorize HL () as HL () = Ksp⊗β1 ⊗ Ksp⊗σ1 \β1 , where β1 ⊂ σ1 is the
set of all edges which end in boundary components of . The representation (14.2)
may be rewritten as
HL () dηs (c) HL (, c), (14.7)
where HL (, c) Ksp⊗σ1 \β1 for all c ∈ Rs+ . Let U(m, c), c ∈ Rs(m)
+ be the unitary
operators on HL (m , c) which represent the operators U(m) in the representation
(14.7). Within this representation it becomes almost trivial to complete the proof of
Proposition 13. Let β21 = β2 ∪ β1 , where βj ⊂ σ1 , j = 1, 2 are the sets of edges
which correspond to boundary components of mj . Let δj ⊂ σ1 , j = 1, 2 be the
sets of edges that are fully contained in the interior of mj respectively. Let finally
σ1 = σ1 \ (β21 ∪ δ2 ∪ δ1 ) We may then factorize HL () in the following way:
HL () = Ksp⊗β21 ⊗ Ksp⊗δ2 ⊗ Ksp⊗δ1 ⊗ Ksp⊗σ1 , (14.8)
where HL (, c21 ) Ksp⊗δ2 ⊗ Ksp⊗δ1 ⊗ Ksp 1 for all c21 ∈ Rs+21 , s21 = card(β21 ).
In the representation (14.9) we may represent U(mj ), j = 1, 2 by families of op-
erators U(mj , c21 ) which take the form U(m2 , c21 ) U2 (m2 , c21 ) ⊗ id ⊗ id and
U(m1 , c21 ) id ⊗ U1 (m1 , c21 ) ⊗ id respectively. The lemma follows easily from
these observations.
It follows from the lemma that U(Ym ) · U(m) · U(Ym )† = U(m), which completes
the proof of Proposition 13.
Taken together our results show that the quantization of Teichmüller spaces yields
a tower of unitary projective representations of the modular groupoid in the sense of
Conjecture 1. There exists a definition for the operators U(m), m ∈ M1 () such
that the phases ζ ν̂( ) which appear in the relations u(π ) = ζ ν( ) are trivial for all
but one ∈ M2 (), which can be chosen as the relation (10.9),a). The phase which
appears in the relation (10.9),a) is given as
ζ ν( ) = e 2 cL , cL ≡ 1 + 6(b + b−1 )2 .
We now believe to have a proof of this conjecture. Details will appear elsewhere.
Our conjecture is also strongly supported by the calculation in [31] which establishes
a similar result for the realization of the pure mapping class group on the quantized
Teichmüller spaces.
The function sb (x) may be defined with the help of the following integral representa-
1 dt sin 2xt x
log sb (x) = − . (A.1)
i t 2 sinh bt sinh b−1 t t
have appeared in the literature under various names like “Quantum Dilogarithm” [13],
“Hyperbolic G-function” [44], “Quantum Exponential Function” [60] and “Double
Sine Function”, we refer to the appendix of [34] for a useful collection of properties
of sb (x) and further references. The most important properties for our purposes are
(i) Functional equation: sb x − i b2 = 2 cosh π bx sb x + i b2 . (A.3)
(ii) Analyticity: sb (x) is meromorphic,
poles: x = cb + i(nb − mb−1 ), n, m ∈ Z≥0 , (A.4)
−1 ≥0
zeros: x = −cb − i(nb − mb ), n, m ∈ Z .
(iii) Self-duality: sb (x) = s1/b (x). (A.5)
(iv) Inversion relation: sb (x)sb (−x) = 1. (A.6)
(v) Unitarity: sb (x) = 1/sb (x̄). (A.7)
− π12i (1−4cb2 ) −1
(vi) Residue: resx=cb sb (x) = e (2π i) . (A.8)
748 Jörg Teschner
The function eb (x) clearly has very similar properties as sb (x). We list the properties
that get modified compared to sb (x) below.
(i) Functional equation: eb x − i b2 = (1 + e2πbx ) eb x + i b2 . (A.9)
(iv) Inversion relation: eb (x)eb (−x) = eπix e− 6 (1+2cb ) .
2 2
(vi) Residue: resx=cb sb (x) = (2π i) . (A.11)
Among the most remarkable properties satisfied by the function eb (x) is the so-
called pentagonal relation (A.12) which underlies the validity of the pentagonal relation
eb (p) · eb (q) = eb (q) · eb (p + q) · eb (p), (A.12)
Relation (A.12) is valid if q and p represent [p, q] = (2π i)−1 on L2 (R). Equa-
(A.12) in turn is equivalent to the following property of the function Eb (x) ≡
eb − 2πx b :
Eb (U) · Eb (V) = Eb (U + V), (A.13)
where U = e2πbq , V = e2πbp . Proofs of (A.12) and (A.13) can be found in [60], [14],
[9], [54].
The unbounded operators that we will have to deal with will all be self-adjoint. We
will freely use standard functional calculus for self-adjoint operators. When we say
that two unbounded self-adjoint operators commute,
[ A, B ] = 0,
we will always mean commutativity of the spectral projections. Let F = {Aı ; ı ∈ I}
be a family of commuting self-adjoint operators defined on dense domains in a sep-
arable Hilbert space H. Standard functional calculus for commuting self-adjoint
operators associates to F a commutative von Neumann subalgebra CF of B(H).
Theorem 9 applied to CF yields the existence of a common spectral decomposition
for the family F , where X represents the one-point compactification of the spectrum
of F .
Tensor product notation. For a given finite set I we will often use the notation H ⊗I
instead of H ⊗card(I) , where card(I) is the number of elements in I. In order to avoid
fixing a numbering of the elements of I we shall find it useful to employ the following
“leg-numbering” notation. To a given a subset J ⊂ I we may associate the canonical
permutation operators
PJ : H ⊗I → H ⊗J ⊗ H ⊗I\J .
To an operator O ∈ B(H ⊗J ) we may then associate an operator OJ ∈ B(H ⊗I ) via
OJ ≡ P−1
J · (O ⊗ id) · PJ . (B.5)
If J = {i1 , i2 , . . . } we will sometimes write Oi1 i2 ... instead of OJ . We will also
abbreviate OJ1 ∪J2 ∪... to OJ1 J2 ... .
Theorem 2 . The groupoid Pt() t() which
is the path groupoid of the complex P
has vertices ϕ̃ and the following generators and relations:
750 Jörg Teschner
(i) Flips Fe along the edges e ∈ ϕ̃1 (see Figure 7).
(ii) The exchanges (ef ) of the numbers assigned to edges e and f .
(a) There is no vertex that both edges e and f are incident to: Ff Fe = Fe Ff .
(b) The edges e and f are incident to the same vertex: Fe Ff Fe Ff Fe = (ef ).
(c) (ef ) Fe = Ff (ef ).
(d) Fe Fe = id.
It was observed in [41], [17], [10] that Theorem 2 follows quite easily from the fact
[39], [35] that the fat graphs ϕ̃ can be used to label cells in certain cell decompositions
[25], [39] of T () × Rs+ . This allows one to associate a path π̂ in T () × Rs+ to
each path π̃ ∈ [ϕ̃2 , ϕ̃1 ] in Pt(). Each closed path π̂ in T () × Rs+ can be deformed
into small circles around the codimension two faces of the cell decompositions from
[25], [39]. The latter are easily identified with the relations listed in Theorem 2 . This
implies that no relations other than those listed in Theorem 2 are needed to contract
a closed path π̃ ∈ [ϕ̃, ϕ̃] to the identity.
It remains to show that Theorem 2 follows from Theorem 2 . To this aim it is impor-
tant to observe that Pt() imbeds into Pt() by means of the following construction:
Given the numbered fat graph ϕ̃ let us define a decorated fat graph ϕ according to
the following rule: Pick any numbering of the vertices of ϕ̃. For each vertex v let us
distinguish among the edges which emanate from v the one with the smallest number
assigned to it. For each move Fe let us choose a lift φe of the form φe = δe ωue ve δe ,
where the vertices ue and ve represent are the ends of e and δe , δe change the decoration
only. It is then crucial to check that the relations of Pt() ensure that the image of
Pt() within Pt() is simply connected. This follows if the images of the relations
listed in Theorem 2 are contractible within Pt(). We have drawn a particular ex-
ample for such an image in Figure 24 below. It is easy to verify that the image of the
corresponding path in Pt() is closed. More generally one needs to consider all rela-
tions obtained by changes of the numbering of the edges. These relations are obtained
by inserting η−1 η between the moves which occur in the image of the relation under
consideration, where η represents the change of decoration induced by a change of
numbering. In a similar way one may convince oneself that all the relations listed
in Theorem 2 are mapped to closed paths in Pt(), which completes the proof that
Pt() embeds into Pt().
It remains to show that each closed path in Pt() is homotopic to a closed path
in the image of Pt(). Let us consider a closed path π ∈ [ϕ, ϕ] ∈ Pt(). Write
π = ωn · · · ω1 , where each ωk is of the form ωk = δk ωuk vk δk , with δk , δk being
composed out of moves ρw and permutations only. Choose any numbering for the
edges of ϕ and denote the resulting numbered fat graph by ϕ̃. The path π then defines
a path π̃ in Pt() by means of the following construction: Substitute the moves ωr
for k = 1, . . . , n by the corresponding flips along the edges which connect uk and vk ,
and then multiply the result by the necessary permutations of the numbers assigned to
Chapter 16. An analog of a modular functor from quantized Teichmüller theory 751
(12) F1 *
1 2 *
* * *
1 2
2 1
* *
* * F2
1 1
* *
2 2
* *
the edges of ϕ̃. π̃ has the form π̃ = n · · · 1 , where k ∈ [ϕ̃k+1 , ϕ̃k ] factorize
into a single flip Fk times a change of numbering Pk , k = Pk Fk .
The path π̃ is mapped to a path π in Pt() by means of the construction above.
π has the form π = φn · · · φ1 with φk ∈ [ϕk+1 , ϕk ]. On the other hand let us note
that the path π = φn · · · φ1 with φk ≡ ηk+1 ωk ηk is clearly homotopic to π
for all changes of decorations ηk which satisfy ηn+1 = η1 . For suitable choice of the
ηk one gets φk ∈ [ϕk+1 , ϕk ]. It is then easy to see that φk and φk are homotopic.
Lemma 16. (i) A move m = [τm , σm ] ∈ M1 () can always be realized locally if all
but one of the boundary components of m are contained in {ce ; e ∈ Aσ }.
(ii) The moves Bp , Bp , Tp can be realized locally if the curve cp,1 which represents
the boundary component of tp assigned number 1 in Figure 12 is contained in Aσ .
(iii) The moves Fpq , Apq , Sp , Spq and Bpq can always be realized locally.
Proof. The claim will follow easily from another auxiliary result that we will formulate
as a separate lemma. As a preparation, let us recall that cutting a surface along the
curves c(σ, e), e ∈ Aσ produces a surface † , the connected components of which all
have genus zero. Let us call a marking σ irreducible if the set of connected components
of † has only one element. It is easy to see that a marking σ is irreducible iff it has
precisely one outgoing external edge.
Lemma 17. Let σ be a marking on a surface that is irreducible. For any chosen
boundary component b of there exists a chain of Zp -moves and Fpq -moves that
(i) preserves admissibility in each step, (ii) consists only of moves that can be realized
locally, and (iii) transforms σ to a irreducible marking σ whose outgoing external
edge ends in the chosen component b.
Sketch of proof. In order to check the following arguments it may be useful to think
of an irreducible marking as being obtained from the corresponding marking σ † on
the surface † of genus zero by identifying the appropriate boundary circles. To each
incoming boundary component of † there corresponds a unique element of Aσ .
The following claim is easy to verify. By means of Fpq -moves one may transform
σ to a marking σ̃ which has the following two properties. First, for each vertex p ∈ σ̃0
at least one of the edges that are incident at p is contained in Aσ . Second, there is no
edge e ∈ σ1 which connects a vertex p to itself. These two properties insure that for
each p ∈ σ̃0 either Zp or Zp−1 preserves the admissibility of the marking. It is then
not very hard to construct a sequence of Zp -moves that (i) can all be realized locally
and (ii) which transform σ̃ to a marking σ̃ whose outgoing external edge ends in the
chosen boundary component b.
By means of a chain of Fpq -moves one may finally transform σ̃ back to a marking
σ that differs from the original marking only by the desired change of decoration.
End of proof of Lemma 15. Lemma 16 allows us to restrict attention to the cases
m = Zp , Bp , Bp , Tp . We need to transform the original marking to another one
which has the property that both incoming boundary components of the trinion tp are
contained in Aσ . Given a curve c ∈ Cσ \ Aσ there is a unique subsurface c →
with marking σc such that (i) c is the unique outgoing curve in the boundary of c ,
and (ii) the incoming boundary curves of c are contained in Aσ . In order to infer
the existence of the chain Yp it clearly suffices to apply Lemma 17 to the subsurfaces
Chapter 16. An analog of a modular functor from quantized Teichmüller theory 753
c1 and c2 respectively, where c1 and c2 are the incoming boundary components of
the trinion with label p.
where the summation is taken over the space F of all maps ϕ1 e → τ (e) ∈ 21 Z,
and the coefficients Cτ are assumed to be non-vanishing for a finite number of τ ∈ F
only, in which case we assume Cτ ∈ R+ . These operators are densely defined and
positive self-adjoint due to the self-adjointness of x(τ ). The cone generated by operator
functions of the form (E.1) will be denoted C+ (ϕ).
Proposition 16. Let ϕ, ϕ be two fat graphs that are related by ρ ≡ ωvw ∈ P t(),
and let us adopt the labelling of the relevant edges given by Figure 25. For each
O ∈ C+ (ϕ) one has
aρ (O) ≡ u(π) · O · u(π)−1 = Eb (ze ) · O · Eb (ze ) , (E.2)
where Eb (z) ≡ eb − 2πb z
, and O is related to O via
O ≡ O za , zb + ze , zc , zd + ze , −ze , zı ; ı ∈ ϕ1 \ {a , b , c , d , e } if
O = O za , zb , zc , zd , ze , zı ; ı ∈ ϕ1 \ {a, b, c, d, e} .
Proof. Given the explicit expression for Tvw we only have to verify that
e−2πi pv qw · O · e−2πi pv qw = O ,
with O and O being related by (E.3). Keeping in mind (4.6) we notice that the
operators zf may be represented in the form zf = zf,v + zf,w , where v, w ∈ ϕ0 are
the vertices connected by the edge f ∈ ϕ0 . Let us label the vertices in ϕ0 and ϕ0 such
that the edges a and d are incident to the vertices va and vd besides to the vertex v
respectively, and similarly for the vertices vb , vc and w. This leads to the following
754 Jörg Teschner
a b a b
w * e
d c
* d * c
Figure 25. Labelling of the edges which are relevant for the description of a flip.
As an example let us consider the monomials Mnnba nndc ≡ e 2 (na za +nb zb +nc zc +nd zd ) ,
where n! , ! ∈ {a, b, c, d} are restricted by the requirement that 2N ≡ na +nc −nb −nd
must be even. One then finds certain simplifications on the right hand side of (E.2):
−1 nb nd Eb (ze + π ib2 N) nb nd
Eb (ze ) · Mnnba nndc · Eb (ze ) = Mna nc Mna nc
Eb (ze − π ib2 N)
N−1 (E.5)
n n 2m −ze n n
= Mnba ndc (1 + q e ) Mnba ndc .
m=− N−1
Chapter 16. An analog of a modular functor from quantized Teichmüller theory 755
Lemma 18. Assume that m ∈ M1 () can be realized locally. We then have the
u(πm ) · Lσm ,c = Lτm ,c · u(πm ) (E.6)
for all curves c such that c ∈ Cσm and c ∈ Cτm .
On the proof of Lemma 18. It is easy to see that our recursive Definition 6 of the length
operators Lσ,c reduces the task of proving Lemma 18 to the curves that represent a
boundary component of m . Let us write Lσ,e ≡ Lσ,c(σ,e) .
In the cases m = Fpq , Sp , Tp , Zp we will need to verify Lemma 18 by direct cal-
culations. Let us begin with the case m = Fpq . The claim is again trivial for the length
operators associated to the incoming boundary components of m . Let us therefore
focus on the length operators Lσm ,f , Lτm ,f assigned to the outgoing boundary com-
ponent of m . Definition 6 yields the following expressions for the length operators
Lσm ,f and Lτm ,f respectively.
Lσm ,f = ez21 +y3 +y2 +y1 + ez21 −y3 +y2 +y1 + e−z21 −y3 −y2 −y1
+ ey1 −y2 −y3 + ey1 +y2 −y3 + e−y1 −y2 −y3
+ ez21 +y2 +y1 L3 + ey1 −y3 L2 + e−y2 −y3 L1 ,
Lτm ,f = e+z32 +y3 +y2 +y1 + e−z32 −y3 −y2 −y1 + e−z32 −y3 −y2 +y1
+ ey1 +y2 +y3 + ey1 −y2 −y3 + ey1 +y2 −y3
+ ey2 +y1 L3 + ey1 −y3 L2 + e−z32 −y2 −y3 L1 .
We have used the abbreviations yι ≡ yϕσ ,eι , yι ≡ yϕτ ,eι , Lι ≡ Lσ,eι and Lι ≡ Lτ,eι
for ι ∈ {1, 2, 3}, as well as zι ≡ zϕσ ,eι , zι ≡ zϕτ ,eι for ι ∈ {32, 21}. The labelling of
the edges is the one introduced in Figure 26. According to Proposition 16 we need to
f f
Eb (z32 ) · ey3 +y2 +y1 +z32 + ey1 −y2 −y3
+ ey2 +y1 L3 + ey1 −y3 L2 + e−z32 −y2 −y3 L3
1 1 (E.8)
+ e 2 (y1 +y2 −y3 ) (1 + e−z32 )e 2 (y1 +y2 −y3 )
1 1
+ e− 2 (y1 +y2 +y3 +z32 ) (1 + e−z32 )e− 2 (y1 +y2 +y3 +z32 ) · Eb (z32 )† .
We finally need to apply equation (E.5). The terms in the first line of (E.8) have N = 1,
those in the second line N = 0, and all other terms have N = −1. Straightforward
application of equation (E.5) shows that the expression given in (E.8) equals Lτm ,f , as
The next case we will consider is m = Sp . It clearly suffices to restrict attention to
the case that m = 1,1 , the one-holed torus. On m let us consider the fat graphs
ϕi , i = 1, 2, 3 depicted in Figure 27.
a c c
c b
b b
d d d
a a a
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Chapter 17
Rinat M. Kashaev
1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 761
2 The decorated moduli space of flat PSL2 (R)-connections . . . . . . . . . . 763
2.1 Subgroups of PSL2 (R) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 763
2.2 The moduli space of flat connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 763
2.3 A first definition of the decorated moduli space . . . . . . . . . . . . 764
2.4 A second definition of the decorated moduli space . . . . . . . . . . . 765
2.5 Equivalence of the two definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 767
2.6 Coordinates for the decorated moduli space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 767
2.7 Reconstruction of a flat connection from the coordinates . . . . . . . 770
2.8 The transition functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 771
2.9 Goldman’s symplectic structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 772
3 Towards the quantum theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 772
3.1 Quantization of an ideal triangle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 773
3.2 Quantization of the flip transformation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 775
3.3 A solution by Woronowicz and Zakrzewski . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 777
3.4 Spectrum of the length operator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 780
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 781
1 Introduction
Quantum theory of the Teichmüller space of a punctured surface developed recently in
the works [1], [2], [4], [8] is an example of a topological quantum field theory with infi-
nite dimensional quantum state space. This theory, for example, is connected with the
quantum theory of the Liouville equation [16]. From the purely mathematical view-
point it leads to an interesting infinite dimensional projective unitary representation
of the mapping class group of the underlying surface.
Teichmüller space is a connected component of a bigger space, namely the moduli
space of PSL2 (R) flat connections on the surface, or equivalently the space of conju-
gacy classes of representations of the fundamental group of the surface in the group
762 Rinat M. Kashaev
PSL2 (R). This space is symplectic with Goldman’s symplectic form which restricts to
the Weil–Petersson symplectic form on the Teichmüller component. It is thus natural
to ask if one can extend the quantum Teichmüller theory to a quantum theory of the
moduli space of flat connections. Physically this is the question of quantizing the
Chern–Simons gauge theory with a non-compact gauge group which in our case is the
group PSL2 (R) .
Unlike Teichmüller space, the other connected components of the moduli space
are not topologically trivial [6]. This is why quantization of the whole moduli space is
not expected to be a straightforward generalization of the quantum Teichmüller space.
Since the quantization procedure is not yet a functor (probably with the exception
of the deformation quantization), the canonical quantization in physics is sensitive to
a choice of coordinates. In the case of the Teichmüller space a convenient system of
coordinates is given by real analytic coordinates, for example, the Penner coordinates
coming from the decorated Teichmüller space, in which both the Weil–Petersson sym-
plectic structure and the action of the mapping class group are described by explicit
rational expressions. This is why the first step in the quantization program of the
moduli space of flat connections could be an appropriate choice of coordinates.
This chapter is essentially a review of some of the results related to the quantization
problem of the moduli space of irreducible flat PSL2 (R)-connections on a punctured
surface with parabolicity conditions around the punctures.
Section 2 is devoted to the decorated moduli space of flat connections which gen-
eralizes Penner’s decorated Teichmüller space. In addition to the constructions of the
work [11], here we also give another geometrical definition for the decorated moduli
space which adapts to our context Penner’s original definition of the decorated Teich-
müller space. It is worth noticing that the definition of [11], being more algebraic in
nature, remains valid for the group PSL2 (F), where F is an arbitrary field.
In Section 3, we first show the relevance of the works of Woronowicz and Za-
krzewski [17], [18] to the quantization problem of the moduli space. Then, we con-
sider a simple example of an annulus triangulated into two ideal tetrahedra, and derive
a formula for the trace of the holonomy associated to the only non-contractible simple
loop in the annulus. Quantization of this trace function leads to a certain difference
operator in the Hilbert space of square integrable functions on the real line. The spec-
trum of this operator appears to be very much sensitive to the sign variable which
distinguishes between different components of the moduli space.
Acknowledgement. I would like to thank V. Fock for pointing out a few inaccurate
statements in the initial version of this exposition and for making a number of valuable
comments. This work is supported in part by the Swiss National Science Foundation.
Chapter 17. On quantum moduli space of flat PSL2 (R)-connections 763
Proof. A free and transitive action of the group R>0 on f -horocycles at a given
puncture can be seen as follows.
Let a be a path in with initial point x ∈ and terminal point a puncture P . Let
Ua ⊂ G be the stabilizer unipotent subgroup of the f -holonomy along the loop (a)
with respect to the adjoint action. Any horocycle h representing an f -horocycle at P
is invariant with respect to the action of Ua which, in fact, coincides with the stabilizer
group of h. The normalizer subgroup N (Ua ) ⊂ G of Ua acts transitively on the
space of all horocycles representing f -horocycles at P . In this way we obtain a free
and transitive action of the quotient group N(Ua )/Ua on the set of all f -horocycles
at P . On the other hand, the group N (Ua )/Ua is identified with the Cartan subgroup
conjugate to the subgroup of diagonal matrices. The latter is isomorphic to R>0 .
Here, following the paper [11], we give a definition of the decorated moduli space in
terms of flat graph connections.
Given an immersed graph ⊂ , a flat graph G-connection on is an iso-
morphism class of flat G-connections on with fixed parallel transports along the
edges of . A graph gauge transformation of a flat graph connection is a usual gauge
transformation modulo gauge transformations relating different representatives of flat
graph connections.
Equivalently, one can define a flat graph G-connection as a representation in G of
the edge-path groupoid of , graph gauge transformations being equivalence trans-
formations of representations.
Suppose that an immersed graph ⊂ is the one-dimensional skeleton of a cell
complex homotopically equivalent to . Then, there is a one-to-one correspondence
between equivalence classes of flat graph G-connections on (with respect to graph
gauge transformations) and moduli of flat connections on . A typical example of a flat
graph G-connection is given by a representation of the fundamental group π1 (, x)
in G, where the immersed graph is given by a single vertex x and the homotopy
classes of simple loops in based at x as edges. Graph gauge transformations in this
case correspond to overall conjugations by elements of G.
We shall confine ourselves to special immersed graphs on associated with ar-
bitrary collections of ideal arcs. Recall that an ideal arc on is a nontrivial isotopy
class of a simple path running between punctures. Let A be the set of ideal arcs.
Define a pairing
I : A × A → Z≥0 , I (e, f ) = min(|a ∩ b| | a ∈ e, b ∈ f )
where |a ∩ b| denotes the number of intersection points of a and b.
ˆ ⊂ be the complement of a disjoint union of small open disks centered at
ˆ is a compact surface homotopically equivalent to
the punctures. The subsurface
with the boundary given by a disjoint union of s circles {L(P )}P ∈V associated with
766 Rinat M. Kashaev
the punctures
ˆ =
∂ L(P ).
P ∈V
Following the paper [11] we describe some of the properties of the subsets Mτ .
rational mapping ψτ,ε : R3κ>0 → R (see the end of Section 2.7 for details);
(ii) if σ : {±1} → Z is defined by σ (ε) = 21 2κ
i=1 εi , then for −κ ≤ k ≤ κ,
the sets M̃k = τ ∈ ε∈σ −1 (k) M̃ε (τ ) are principal Rs>0 -bundles which are
disjoint for different k;
(iii) there exist principal bundle isomorphisms between M̃±κ and the decorated Teich-
müller space T˜ of Penner.
Recall that a flip transformation is an elementary transformation from one ideal tri-
angulation of to another obtained by taking an ideal quadrilateral composed of two
distinct ideal triangles, and replacing its diagonal by the opposite diagonal. It is well
known fact that any two ideal triangulations of are related by a finite sequence
of flip transformations [7], [13]. Thus, to describe the transition functions between
coordinate charts associated with two ideal triangulations it is enough to describe the
transition function in the case of a single flip.
Let m̃ ∈ M̃, m = π(m̃), and τ, τ be two m-admissible ideal triangulations related
by a single flip transformation. Then, the geometrical interpretation of the coordinates
given in Section 2.6 implies that the positive real numbers and the signs associated with
ideal arcs common to τ and τ and ideal triangles are identical. Thus, we only need
to describe the formulas relating the coordinates within the quadrilateral associated
with the flip transformation. A way to obtain these formulas is to compare the parallel
transports in this quadrilateral with respect to the two coordinate systems. The result
is as follows.
Let a, b, c, d be the sides of the quadrilateral and e, f its diagonals, with e in τ and
f in τ and the triangles t1 = (a, b, e) and t2 = (c, d, e) in τ and t3 = (d, a, f ) and
t4 = (b, c, f ) in τ , see Figure 1. Then, denoting the positive real numbers associated
r r
c @b c @b
r e@r r f @r
@ @
d @r a d @r a
with the edges by the same symbols a, b, . . . and the signs of triangles t1 , t2 , . . . by
ε1 , ε2 , . . . we have the following equations
ε3 ef = ε1 bd + ε2 ac, ε4 ef = ε2 bd + ε1 ac (2.1)
772 Rinat M. Kashaev
pentagonal equation. In the case of the moduli space the flip transformation acts also
on sign variables, so a part of the problem of quantization is the problem of finding
the associated solution of the pentagonal equation. Here we show that the solution of
Woronowicz and Zakrzewski associated with the quantum ‘ax + b’ group [18] gives
rise to a viable quantum theory of the moduli space.
c @b
r @
sign operator is trivial and one takes for A the algebra End(L2 (R)) of linear operators
in the Hilbert space L2 (R) of square integrable functions f (x) on the real axis with
respect to the standard Lebesgue measure with the realizations
u = e2πbq , v = e2πbp .
so the initial quantization parameter takes the form q = eiπb . Using the fact that the
classical variables u, v are real and positive it is assumed that b ∈ R>0 and p, q are
self-adjoint operators realized as differentiation and multiplication operators:
1 df (x)
(qf )(x) = xf (x), (pf )(x) = . (3.4)
2π i dx
To take into account the sign degrees of freedom, we take for the quantum triangle
algebra A the algebra End(L2 (R) ⊗ C2 ) with the realizations
1 0
u = e2πbq ⊗ idC2 , v = e2πbp ⊗ idC2 , e = idL2 (R) ⊗ . (3.5)
0 −1
This algebra has the property that if an element x ∈ A commutes both with p ⊗ idC2
and q ⊗ idC2 then there exists unique x ∈ End(C2 ) such that x = idL2 (R) ⊗ x.
In order to simplify the notation, in what follows we shall identify elements of the
algebras End(L2 (R)) and End(C2 ) with their images in A by the canonical inclusions.
To complete the quantization of a triangle we have to restore the broken cyclic
symmetry of the side variables (a, b, c). This means that we have to construct an
inner automorphism of the quantum triangle algebra corresponding to a change of
the distinguished corner. Namely, consider the transformation drawn in Figure 3.
Classically, the new variables (û, v̂, ε̂) corresponding to the right hand side of Figure 3
r r
c @b −→ c ∗@ b
r @
∗r r @r
a a
Now, there exists a unique up to multiplicative factor unitary operator A ∈ End(L2 (R))
which realizes the latter transformation by conjugation:
A(q, p)A−1 = (p − q, −q).
Explicitly we have
A = e−iπ/3 ei3π q eiπ(p+q)
2 2
where the normalization constant is chosen so that
A3 = 1. (3.8)
Thus, the operator A considered as an element of A realizes by conjugation the trans-
formation (3.6).
different ideal triangles mutually commute. Thus, in the case of the quadrilateral under
consideration, the quantum algebras associated to the two triangulations are given by
the tensor product algebra A ⊗ A with tensor components corresponding to quantum
triangle algebras associated with the triangles t1 and t2 for one triangulation, and with
the triangles t3 and t4 for another triangulation. Here, in the case of L2 -spaces the
tensor product is defined by
Tq ⊗ 1 = (q ⊗ 1 + 1 ⊗ q)T (3.10)
T(p ⊗ 1 + 1 ⊗ p) = 1 ⊗ pT (3.11)
T(p ⊗ 1 + 1 ⊗ q) = (p ⊗ 1 + 1 ⊗ q)T (3.12)
Te 2πbp
e ⊗ 1 = (e2πbp e ⊗ 1 + e2πbq ⊗ e2πbp e)T (3.13)
Te ⊗ e = e ⊗ eT. (3.14)
Proposition 2. Any solution of the system of equations (3.10)–(3.14) has the form
with b , b : {±1}2 × C0≤≤b → C being functions which are analytic in {±1}2 ×
C0<<b and for any x ∈ R satisfying one and the same functional equation
r2 = 1, rq − qr = rp − pr = re + er = 0. (3.18)
Chapter 17. On quantum moduli space of flat PSL2 (R)-connections 777
in the strip |z| < (b + b−1 )/2 and analytically continued to the whole complex plane
through the following pair of functional equations:
ϕb (z − ib±1 /2) = ϕb (z + ib±1 /2) 1 + e2πb z . (3.20)
It is a meromorphic function with poles given by the set
P := {ib(m + 1/2) + ib−1 (n + 1/2) | m, n ∈ Z≥0 } (3.21)
and zeros given by the set −P . It satisfies the “inversion relation”
2 +b−2 )/24
ϕb (z)ϕb (−z) = ϕb (0)2 eiπz , ϕb (0) = eiπ(b
and has the “unitarity property” with respect to complex conjugation
ϕb (z) = 1/ϕb (z). (3.23)
Proof. (i) The function 1/ϕb (z) is analytic in the domain −(b + b−1 )/2 < (z) while
the function 1/ϕb (z − ib−1 /2) is so in the domain −b/2 < (z). The intersection of
these two domains is the domain of analyticity of the function b (ε, ρ, z).
(ii) Using the functional equation (3.20) with a plus sign, we have
b (ε, −ρ, x + ib) ϕb (x − ib−1 (1 − ε)/4) −1
= −1
= 1 + e2πb(x+ib/2−ib (1−ε)/4)
b (ε, ρ, x) ϕb (x − ib (1 − ε)/4 + ib)
= 1 + qe2πbx e−iπ(1−ε)/2 = 1 + εqe2πbx .
(iii) The case where ε = 1 is equivalent to the inversion relation (3.22). For
ε = −1, by using the functional equation (3.20) with a minus sign and the inversion
relation (3.22), we have
(1 + iαρeπz/b )(1 + iαρe−πz/b )
b (−1, ρ, z)b (−1, ρ, −z) =
ϕb (z − ib−1 /2)ϕb (−z − ib−1 /2)
(1 − iαρe−πz/b )(1 + iαρe−πz/b )
= iαρeπ z/b
ϕb (z − ib−1 /2)ϕb (−z − ib−1 /2)
iαρeπz/b (1 + e−2πz/b )
ϕb (z − ib−1 /2)ϕb (−z − ib−1 /2)
ϕb (z − ib−1 /2)ϕb (−z + ib−1 /2)
iαρeπz/b iαρeiπb /4
= −1 /2)2
= .
ϕb (0)2 eiπ(z−ib ϕb (0)2 eiπz
(iv) The case where ε = 1 is equivalent to equation (3.23). For ε = −1, by using
(3.23) and (3.20) with a minus sign, we have
ϕb (z + ib−1 /2)
b (−1, ρ, z)b (−1, ρ, z) = (1 − iαρeπz/b )(1 + iαρeπz/b )
ϕb (z − ib−1 /2)
1 + e2πz/b
= = 1.
1 + e2πz/b 2
The solution (3.24) is found by Woronowicz [17]. Namely, if Fh̄ (r, ρ) is Woronow-
icz’s quantum exponential function (see formulae (1.18), (1.19) of [17]), then
b (ε, ρ, z) = F2πb2 (εe2πbz , αρ(1 − ε)/2).
Chapter 17. On quantum moduli space of flat PSL2 (R)-connections 779
This solution, together with b = 0, leads to a unitary operator (3.15) when r is self-
adjoint. A deep result of Woronowicz and Zakrzewski (Theorem 2.1 of [18]) implies
the following
where for any vector space V the operator σV ⊗2 ∈ End(V ⊗2 ) is the corresponding
permutation operator defined by σV ⊗2 (x ⊗ y) = y ⊗ x for any x, y ∈ V . One can
verify by an explicit and straightforward calculation that
σC4 = (−1)mn (e ⊗ e)m (r ⊗ r)n
σL2 (R2 ) = eiπ/6 A−1 ⊗ 1e2π ip⊗q e2π i(p−q)⊗p e−iπ(p⊗1−1⊗q) .
780 Rinat M. Kashaev
corresponding to two possible values ε = ±1. Here again operators p and q are
self-adjoint operators in a Hilbert space satisfying the Heisenberg commutation re-
lation (3.3). In particular, in the representation (3.4) the exponential operator e2πbp
becomes a finite shift operator of the form
(e2πbp f )(x) = f (x − ib).
To make sense of such pure imaginary shifts, one has to assume that the domain
D(e2π bp ) of this operator consists of functions f (z) defined in the strip −b ≤ z ≤ 0,
analytic in its interior, and with square integrable restrictions to the boundary compo-
nents z = 0 and z = −b.
In quantum Teichmüller theory all sign variables take one and the same value
and thus one deals with only the operator L+ , while L− appears in other connected
components of M. The principal difference between these two non-bounded operators
is that L+ is self-adjoint while L− is only symmetric but not self-adjoint.
Chapter 17. On quantum moduli space of flat PSL2 (R)-connections 781
Theorem 4 ([10]). The spectrum Sp(L+ ) of the operator L+ consists of only a con-
tinuous part which is given by a subset of positive real numbers:
Sp(L+ ) = Spc (L+ ) = R≥2 .
In the Teichmüller component the absolute value of the trace of the holonomy hγ
along a closed contour γ is related to the length lγ of the geodesic isotopic to γ through
the formula
|Tr(hγ )| = 2 cosh(lγ /2)
Thus, the above result means that the quantum spectrum Sp(lγ ) of the length operator
coincides with the set R≥0 of its possible classical values.
To solve the spectral problem of L− one has to study its self-adjoint extensions.
Theorem 5 ([12]). For any θ ∈ [0, 1[ such that θ + b−2 /4 = ∈ Z, the operator
L− admits a self-adjoint extension Lθ , L− ⊂ Lθ ⊂ L−∗ , with the spectrum Sp(L )
consisting of a continuous part
Spc (Lθ ) = R≥2
and a point part
Spp (Lθ ) = −2 cosh 2π b θ − Z< .
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List of Contributors