Effect of Gurney Flaps On A NACA 0011 Airfoil: Roy Myose
Effect of Gurney Flaps On A NACA 0011 Airfoil: Roy Myose
Effect of Gurney Flaps On A NACA 0011 Airfoil: Roy Myose
Roy Myose
Wichita State Univ., KS
Ismael Heron
Wichita State Univ., KS
Michael Papadakis
Wichita State Univ., KS
AIAA, Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, 34th, Reno, NV, Jan. 15-18, 1996
The effect of Gurney flaps on a NACA 0011 airfoil was tested in a low speed wind tunnel. Aerodynamic forces, quarter
chord moment, and airfoil pressure distribution were measured. A rake of total pressure probes was used to measure
the wake one-half and one chord length behind the airfoil. Boundary layer profile measurements were taken using a
mouse at the 70 and 90 percent chord locations on the suction side. Gurney flaps provide a significant increase in lift
with very little drag penalty. The lift increase is accomplished by a change in the effective camber. The typical Gurney
flap height is only 1-2 percent of chord length. Thus, the device remains within the boundary layer and very little drag
penalty results. (Author)
Page 1
Roy Myose*, Ismael Heront, and Michael Papadakis*
Department of Aerospace Engineering
Wichita State University, Wichita, KS 67260-0044
(a) Rake probe details (b) Mouse probe at 70% chord location
J -0.10
Fig. 5. Lift and drag coefficients. +, clean Fig. 7. Quarter chord pitching moment versus
NACA 0011; A, 1% height Gurney flap; °, 2% angle of attack. +, clean NACA 0011; °, 2%
height Gurney flap; n , 4% height Gurney flap. height Gurney flap.
coefficient for the 4% height Gurney flap comes may be reduced by using a Gurney flap. This is
at the price of substantially increased drag as a plausible explanation for thick airfoils with
shown in fig. 5b. This is in agreement with large trailing edge angles (e.g., the Newman,
Liebeck1 who concluded (based on Gurney's LA 203, Gottingen 797, and NACA 0015) used
field tests) that flap heights larger than 2% chord in these previous studies.1'3'5 However,
significantly increase the drag. relatively thin airfoils (e.g., the NACA 0011)
Figure 6 compares the lift and drag would not have separation bubbles near the
coefficients of the NACA 0011 airfoil with and trailing edge at low to moderate angles of attack.
without the 2% height Gurney flap. If a high Thus, it is reasonable that reduced drag was not
lift coefficient is desired (e.g. Q ~ 1.4), the found at low angles of attack in this experiment.
2% height Gurney flap can provide this lift at It should be noted that Storms and Jang2, using
slightly less drag than the clean NACA 0011 a NACA 4412 airfoil, did not find reduced drag
airfoil. At low and moderate angles of attack, overall using the Gurney flap.
however, fig. 6 shows that the airfoil with Figure 7 shows that nose-down pitching
Gurney flap has more drag than the clean airfoil. moment is increased with the Gurney flap. This
Some previous studies1'3-5 have found a reduction again suggests that the effective camber is
in drag overall using the Gurney flap. Liebeck1 increased with the use of a Gurney flap.
has theorized that if a clean airfoil has separation Figure 8 shows the pressure distribution for
bubbles, the wake momentum deficit and drag the clean NACA 0011 airfoil and the 2% height
0.3 • 0.3 •
0.2 - 0.2 -
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 0.1 - 0.1 -
o 0.0 o 0.0
(a) a = O c ••x
N >
•^ -0.1
-0.3 . -0.3 1
-0.3 -
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
0.80 1.00
(c) a = 10°
(c) a = 10°
Fig. 8. Pressure distribution comparison. Clean
NACA 0011: +, upper surface; x, lower Fig. 9. Wake velocity profile, 1A chord
surface. 2% height Gurney flap: °, upper downstream of trailing edge. +, clean NACA
surface; •, lower surface. 0011; o, 2% height Gurney flap.
Gurney flap at three different angles of attack. expected in front of the flap, and was found in
There is a small mismatch hi pressure all previous studies with pressure distribution
distribution between the upper and lower measurements.2'5 Liebeck1 has theorized that a
surfaces for the clean NACA 0011 airfoil at zero recirculating vortex may be associated with this
angle of attack (fig 8a). This is due to a small adverse pressure region just upstream of the flap
flow angularity of about -0.3 ° hi the wind tunnel on the lower surface.
(see fig. 5a). Using the Gurney*flap, fig. 8 Figures 9 and 10 show wake velocity
shows that increased suction is evident profiles based on rake probe measurements taken
everywhere on the upper surface while the lower h and 1 chord length downstream of the airfoil,
surface experiences increased pressure. This respectively. The sharp edges in the profile
results in the substantially increased lift shape is probably due to the coarse resolution
coefficient with the Gurney flap whictr was
discussed earlier. Note the adverse pressure The figures show that the wake momentum
gradient near the trailing edge on the lower deficit is deeper and wider with the Gurney flap
surface due to the presence of the Gurney flap. than with the clean airfoil. This means that the
Such an adverse pressure region is to be drag is increased with the Gurney flap compared
measurements taken at chord locations of 70%
and 90%, respectively. The results are shown in
both normalized and dimensional forms.
Focusing on the dimensional form, it is quite
clear that in all cases the velocity over the airfoil
upper surface is physically increased with the
Gurney flap. This result is reasonable since the
overall circulation of the airfoil (and thus the
lift) is increased with the Gurney flap. When
-0.3 - -0.3 the normalized velocity profiles at x/c = 0.9 are
0.80 1.00 0.80 0.90 1.00
compared, fig. 12 shows that the Gurney flap
u/U profile is fuller than the clean airfoil profile.
This is consistent with the airfoil pressure
(a) a = O c (b) a = 5°
distribution results of fig. 8 where the clean
airfoil case has a more adverse pressure gradient
0.3 r
near x/c = 0.9 than the Gurney flap case.
0.2 When the normalized velocity profiles are
compared at x/c = 0.7, both cases have similar
profile shapes. This result is reasonable since
0.0 - fig. 8 shows that both cases have roughly the
same pressure gradient at x/c = 0.7.
-0.1 -
Figure 12a shows that the boundary layer
-0.2 thickness is about 1.5% of chord in height near
the trailing edge (on the upper surface at zero
angle of attack). Thus, a Gurney flap with a
0.80 0.90 1.00 height of about 2% or less would not
u/U significantly increase the drag since most of the
(c) a = 10° device remains within the airfoil boundary layer.
This is indeed consistent with the drag
Fig. 10. Wake velocity profile, 1 chord coefficient results of fig. 5b.
downstream of trailing edge. +, clean NACA Figure 13 summarizes the boundary layer
0011; o, 2% height Gurney flap. and wake profile results. The flow behind the
airfoil is turned downward so much that it lies
to the clean airfoil at the same angle of attack. below the extended chordline. This is consistent
This is in agreement with the drag coefficient with the behavior of an airfoil with high camber.
results of fig. 5b. Note that the wake velocity
profile misses an important point about the Summary
Gurney flap; it does not show the substantial
increase in lift associated with this small increase Low speed wind tunnel tests were
in drag. Figures 9 and 10 show that there is a conducted on the effect of Gurney flaps on a
downward shift in the wake position with the NACA 0011 airfoil. The maximum lift
Gurney flap. This is consistent with the flow coefficient compared to the clean airfoil
visualization results of previous studies1'* where increased by 25 %, 35 %, and 45 % using the 1 %,
a downward turning of the flow was observed 2%, and 4% chord height Gurney flaps,
behind the Gurney flap. Furthermore, such a respectively. The addition of a Gurney flap
vertical shift in the wake is to be expected for an increased the nose-down pitching moment of the
airfoil with increased camber. airfoil. Airfoil pressure distribution results show
Figures 11 and 12 show the boundary layer that the Gurney flap increases the upper surface
velocity profiles based on mouse probe suction and the lower surface high pressure.
0.040 , 0.96 1 0.040 - » 0.96 - |
0.90 - 0.90 -
0.035 0.84 ; 0.035 - 0.84 ;
0.78 - 0.78 - i
0.030 ' 0.72 - 0.030 - 0.72 -
I 0.6S - . O.S6 ' )
0.025 0.60 0.025 - 0.60 -
.-. 0.5+ --. 0.54
0.020 •0 0.4-8 : 0.020 - 0 0.48 : •
0.4-2 " 0.42
0.015 0.36 0.015 - 0.36 \
0.010 J
i 0.30
I 0.010
j i
fe f
0.005 Jf 0.12 0.005 jf 0.12 ff
0.000 ............if,.,.
0 0 0.2 0.4- 0.6 0.8 1 0
-.,.,., JF..
50 100 15C 200
0.000 , , , , H^T , , 0.08
0.00 ' . , . , &/,
0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 C 50 100 1 50 200
U/U u (ft/a) U/U u (ft/s)
(a) a = O c (a) a = O c
(b) a = 5 C (b) a = 5C
The authors acknowledge Bonnie Johnson
and the Beech Wind Tunnel staff for their
Copyright ©1996, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. Fig. 2
Copyright ©1996, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. Fig. 3
Copyright ©1996, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. Fig. 4