Capsstone G!2
Capsstone G!2
Capsstone G!2
A lot of people nowadays are engaging into different vices, one of which is smoking. There
are lot of people who smokes, even teenagers or young adults and after smoking smokers just toss
aside the cigarette filters everywhere not knowing it can be recycled. Some of the smokers are
unaware about the consequence that the nature might give us by throwing cigarette filters just
everywhere while walking, little did the humans know that this cigarette filters are one of the
ecological waste because cigarette filters does not dissolve that easily and it can also lead to land
pollution. However this cigarette butts can be recycled and be used as glue, melting process were
done to produce glue from cigarette filters with the use of acetone as solvent.
Most of the Filipinos are cigarette users or smokers, which is according to the users
is one of the reasons to relieve stress because it contains nicotine. Nicotine helps them to calm
down, but unfortunately after using it smokers just throw the cigarette butts anywhere while
walking. This practice often brings discomfort to others because cigarette butts or filters being
non-biodegradable waste does not dissolve that easily. On the other hand cigarette filter can be
used as an alternative glue. It is estimated that about 40 lb. (18.2 kg) per year of glue are used for
every person in America, and it is easy to see how and why when one looks at the extent of uses.
Cigarette filters (Cigarette butts) are specifically designed to absorb vapors and to
accumulate smoke components, filters also prevent tobacco from entering a smoker’s mouth and
provide a mouthpiece that will not collapse as cigarette is smoked. The raw materials for the
synthetic fibers arranged into a bundle called tow. This tow is opened, plasticized, shaped, and cut
to act as filters. Filters generally have the following components: A “plug” of acetate cellulose
filter tow has 95% of cigarette filters are made of cellulose acetate (a plastic), and the balance are
made from paper and rayon. The cellulose acetate tow fibers are thinner than sewing thread, white,
and packer tightly together to create a filter, they can like look like cotton. Other materials have
been tried and rejected in favor of the taste that acetate produces. Filters vary in filtration
Cigarette filters are made of a cellulose acetate polymer. The basic raw material used to
manufacture cellulose polymer is purified plant- derived cellulose. Cellulose, the structural
component of the primary cell wall of green plants, makes up to 40 o 50 percent of a tree’s
composition. The most common source of cellulose pulp derived from trees, grown responsibly
managed forests. Polymers are sticky in nature, they are one of the components of glue. Polyvinyl
acetate (PVA, PVAc, poly (ethenyl ethanoate): commonly referred to as wood glue, white glue,
carpenter’s glue, school glue, Elmer’s glue in the US) is an aliphatic rubbery synthetic polymer. It
belongs to the polyvinylesters family. Polyvinyl acetate is basically is one the ingredients used in
making glue which is a kind of Polymer which is also used to make a cigarette filters. Though
cigarette filters are non- biodegradable, with the used of sunlight and acetone, glue can be made.
Glues are common materials found in each classroom. Strikingly, the creation of glue dates
around 200,000 BC, when it was mixed with paint to make cave drawings last longer. Being only
one member of a large class of adhesives, glue works by binding two materials together. It does
this through producing a small surface chemical reaction and bond between the materials. Glue
was the first used to connect materials together for the repair of broken ceramics and statues in
4000 BCE. Glue came into being when ancient tribes discovered that the bones, hides, skin, sinew,
and other connective tissues from animals could be processed to remove collagen, the protein in
these tissues. The collagen was sticky and was useful for holding things together. Plants have also
been used to produce glues collectively called vegetables glue. These materials are dispersible or
soluble in water and are usually vade from starches that compose many grains and vegetables.
Although there are many ingredients that can be used to make glue such as plants, fish heads,
bones and skin most formulas contain something called polymers which its nature is sticky.
names and the materials used in making and manufacturing glues are tissues from animals. The
organic compound (CH3)2CO, or acetone, is a translucent flammable liquid that exhibits a high
degree of solvency that is why it can dissolve cigarette filters. Many compounds are soluble when
exposed to acetone. Glue is very common used in homes, offices and schools. Many people just
toss aside a cigarette filters and it can be recycled. Due to the expensiveness and unaffordable of
Cigarette butts are the most common litter, as an estimated 4.5 trillion cigarette butts are
thrown away every year worldwide. Cigarette butts takes years to degrade, therefore the
researcher’s finds an innovative and alternative way to reduce this litter which of growing year by
year. Cigarette butts will be dissolve in acetone to create glue, which will be used by students for
their activities and projects that will be needing this. On the other hand this not only resolve the
problem in litter but also financially, glue from cigarette filters are less expensive than the
This study aims to develop a product that would serve as an alternative to expensive
commercial glue. The researchers chose this topic for this study because they would like to know
if cigarette butts and acetone will be an effective ingredients to make an affordable glue. Aside
from making an affordable glue for the students, the researchers aims to reduces the ecological
waste by collecting the cigarette filters that are commonly found in the road or anywhere that
usually take years to degrade and also to help the other students learned how to recycle simple
things that they usually see in their everyday life and hoping that by using it as an alternative glue
it also helps to reduce land pollution. This study also aims to reducing the litter caused by cigarette
filters and also to help the students to be innovative and help them financially by just making glue.
The researchers aims to study the benefits of glue from cigarette filters that can provide a
a. School;
b. House;
c. Office
3. What are the perceptions of the users and the critics in terms of:
a. Functions;
b. Production
c. Efficiency;
d. User- friendly
4. What are the possible benefits that the alternative and innovative glue contribute?
Pantalan Senior High School. The school will not basically use the glue out of cigarette
filters but they can make it and sell it to the public for a cheap price to be added to the fund of the
school, through this they just don’t earn funds but also reduce the litters caused by the cigarette
filters. Through this study they can start a campaign about collecting cigarette filters near the
school premises and at the same time it can also maintain the cleanliness of the surroundings. Also
the school can also come up to an idea to have a gathering that tackles about how effective glue
the department will gain knowledge or an idea about the effectiveness of glue from cigarette filters
and acetone and also it can give them ideas for other researches that is connected to the topic. From
this study the department can form a group that can develop a better or more effective glue from
cigarette filters. In that way they can also help to maintain the cleanliness in the society and near
the school premises. Also they can earn a knowledge about the experiment done through this study,
they can earn a knowledge on what is the component of cigarette filters that makes it capable to
be a glue.
Faculty Members. Being one of the role models of the students, the faculty will have the
opportunity to influence the students in a good way on how they can lessen their expenses by using
the alternative glue out the cigarette filters than using the commercial glue which is usually
expensive. And also to teach them to recycle the cigarette butts by turning it into a glue than just
Students. Through this study the students will be enlighten and given a knowledge about
the benefits of using innovative and alternative glue, not just to reduce their expenses but also to
reduce the litters in their campuses commonly cause by cigarette butts. The students will also gain
knowledge about the connection between cigarette filters and glue, and the content that the two
have. And also the knowledge on how they can turn cigarette filters to glue.
The Researchers. Through this study proper knowledge will be given and learned by the
researchers about the benefits of the innovative and alternative glue out of cigarette filters. The
researchers were given the chance to understand more what is behind or the reason why cigarette
filters can be turned into glue. They can learned the proper way to make it. They will dwell and
search more about the topic which means they will gain more knowledge like its content,
components. They can also perform it in their homes to reduce their expenses and at the same time
The Future Researchers. This study would give them a primary knowledge about the
benefits of using innovative and alternative glue that they will be needing if they chose a connected
topic. This study will be their basis to their study if they chose a similar topic to the chosen topic
of the researchers. They will gain the prior knowledge that they will be needing for their study.
This study focuses in assessing the perception of the STEM students of Pantalan Senior
High School regarding the benefits of the innovative and alternative glue from the cigarette filters.
Also it was deemed necessary to use quantitative type of research, owing to its nature. This study
also tackles about how making glue out of cigarette filters will help the society to reduce the litters.
This study is conducted to determine the extent its benefits not only to the students but also to the
This study is limited to the STEM students of Pantalan Senior High School. Also one of
the limitation of this study is the time allotted for the survey. Aside from this the survey of the
researchers will be performed in the second semester of the school year 2017- 2018.
Definition of terms
ABM- as it is used in the study, ABM is an acronym for Accountancy and Business
Management, wherein the students under the said department were the respondents of this study
-According to the site, ABM stands for The Accountancy and Business
Management strand would focus on the basic concepts of financial management, business
management, corporate operations, and all things that are accounted for.
Acetone- Conceptually it is a flammable liquid that is used as a solvent which dissolves the
cigarette filters.
-From the site of PubChem, acetone is a colorless volatile liquid ketone made by
Alternative- in the study, the word alternative was used to indicate that the product is a choice
from the original product which is glue or an option for a greater and not costly for the students.
Benefits- notionally, benefits is the advantage to the student, it is made to help them in various
Cellulose Acetate Polymer- this word had been given to the research as a plant derived cellulose
Natural cellulose of the appropriate properties is derived primarily from two sources, cotton linters
Cigarette butts- As used in the research the cigarette filter is a part of a cigarette that is thrown
filters also prevent tobacco from entering smoker’s mouth and provide a mouthpiece that will not
Ecological Waste- conceptually, it is a solid waste like cigarette filters and other garbage that the
substance which is discarded by the society after primary use, or it is worthless, defective and of
no use
Glue- as it is used in the study, glue is a sticky liquid used to paste something like paper, and it is
hard protein chiefly gelatinous substance that absorbs water to form a viscous solution with
strong adhesive properties and that is obtained by cooking down collagenous materials.
Innovative- notionally, it is producing and creating new ideas about the procedure and the
product itself.
- From the innovative is featuring new methods or new ideas: advanced
and original.
STEM- as it is used in the study, STEM is an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering and
Mathematics, wherein the students under the said department were the respondents of this study
interdisciplinary and applied approach. Rather than teach the four disciplines as separate and
discrete subjects, STEM integrates them into a cohesive learning paradigm based on real- world
Chapter 2
The purpose of this chapter is to provide the reader with a general overview of the previous
research on how cigarette filters can be used gain as glue. The said previous research was discussed
and concluded by the experts, which are deemed to be significantly, associated with the research
about glue from cigarette filters as an alternative and innovative glue and its benefits to the STEM
Students of Pantalan Senior High School (PSHS). This chapter involves the (A) Foreign Literature,
(B) Local Literature, (C) Foreign Studies and (D) Local Studies.
Foreign Literature
It is estimated that about 40 lb. (18.2 kg) per year of glue are used for every person in
America, and it is easy to see how and why when one looks at the extent of uses. Furniture,
plumbing, shoes, books, buildings, and automobiles all use glue in some part of their construction.
Glues are part of the larger family called adhesives. The two classes are distinguished by the fact
that glue comes from organic compounds while adhesives are chemical- based. Adhering materials
called epoxies, caulks, or sealants are also chemical compounds that have special additives to give
them properties suitable for particular jobs or applications. Glue came into when ancient tribes
discovered that the bones, hides, skin, sinew, and other connective tissues from animals could be
processed to remove collagen, the protein in these tissues. The collagen was sticky and was useful
for holding things together. Milk solids, known as casein, and blood albumin can also be used as
a basis for glue. Dried serum from cow’s blood yields albumin that coagulated (clumps together)
when it is heated and becomes insoluble in water ("Glue." How products are made, Retrieved
Cigarette butts are consistently the most collected items in litter clean-up efforts, which are
a costly burden to local economies. In addition, tobacco waste may be detrimental to our natural
environment. The tobacco industry has conducted or funded numerous studies on smokers’
littering knowledge and behavior, however, non-industry sponsored research is rare. We sought to
examine whether demographics and smokers’ knowledge and beliefs toward cigarette waste as
litter predicts littering behavior. Smokers aged 18 and older (n = 1,000) were interviewed about
their knowledge and beliefs towards cigarette waste as litter. Respondents were members of the
Research Now panel, an online panel of over three million respondents in the United States.
ever having littered cigarette butts or having littered cigarette butts within the past month (p-value
< 0.05). The majority (74.1%) of smokers reported having littered cigarette butts at least once in
their life, by disposing of them on the ground or throwing them out of a car window. Over half
(55.7%) reported disposing of cigarette butts on the ground, in a sewer/gutter, or down a drain in
the past month. Those who did not consider cigarette butts to be litter were over three and half
times as likely to report having ever littered cigarette butts (OR = 3.68, 95%CI = 2.04, 6.66) and
four times as likely to have littered cigarette butts in the past month (OR = 4.00, 95%CI = 2.53,
6.32). Males were significantly more likely to have littered cigarette butts in the past month
compared to females (OR = 1.49, 95%CI = 1.14, 1.94). Holding the belief that cigarette butts are
not litter was the only belief in this study that predicted ever or past-month littering of cigarette
waste. Messages in anti-cigarette-litter campaigns should emphasize that cigarette butts are not
just litter but are toxic waste and are harmful when disposed of improperly (Jessica M. Rath,
Rebecca A. Rubenstein, Laurel E. Curry, Sarah E. Shank and JUlia C. Cartwright, 2012).
textiles, plastic films, and cigarette filters. A review of degradation mechanisms, and the possible
approaches to diminish the environmental persistence of these materials, will clarify the current
and potential degradation rates of these products after disposal. Various studies have been
conducted on the biodegradability of cellulose acetate, but no review has been compiled which
includes biological, chemical, and photo chemical degradation mechanisms. Cellulose acetate is
prepared by acetylating cellulose, the most abundant natural polymer. Cellulose is readily
biodegraded by organisms that utilize cellulase enzymes, but due to the additional acetyl groups
cellulose acetate requires the presence of esterases for the first step in biodegradation. Once partial
deacetylation has been accomplished either by enzymes, or by partial chemical hydrolysis, the
degraded by UV wavelengths shorter than 280 nm, but has limited photo degradability in sunlight
due to the lack of chromophores for absorbing ultraviolet light. Photo degradability can be
significantly enhanced by the addition of titanium dioxide, which is used as a whitening agent in
many consumer products. Photo degradation with TiO2 causes surface pitting, thus increasing a
material’s surface area which enhances biodegradation. The combination of both photo and
biodegradation allows a synergy that enhances the overall degradation rate. The physical design
of a consumer product can also facilitate enhanced degradation rate, since rates are highly
abundance of ideas for designing consumer products that are less persistent in the outdoors
environment, and this review will include insights into enhanced degradability designs (Juergen
Binary blend films of cellulose acetate (CA) with flexible syntheticpolymers including
evaporation. Thermal analysis by DSC showedthat CA of any degree of substitution (DS) was not
miscible with PVAc, but CAwith DS less than 2.8 was miscible with PVP to form homogeneous
blends. Thestate of mixing in CA/P(VP-co-VAc) blends was affected not only by the DS of CAbut
also by the VP/VAc copolymer composition. As far as CAs of DS<2.8 andP(VP-co-VAc)s with
VP contents more than ca. 25 mol% were used,theCA/copolymer blends mostly showed a miscible
behaviour irrespective of themixing ratio. FT-IR measurements for the miscible blends of CA/PVP
hydroxyls of CA and carbonyls of N-vinyl pyrrolidone units, which maybe assumed to largely
contribute to the good miscibility. Cellulose Polymer acetate and Polyvinyl Acetate belong to the
same group of polymers. A polymer is a long molecule that is mostly made up of many similar
repeating units. In the case of polyvinyl acetate, each repeating unit contains an acetate group.
Borax, which is a white powder made up of sodium tetraborate, can react with this acetate group.
Specifically, one molecule of borax can react with acetate groups on two different polyvinyl
acetate molecules (such as those from the glue), creating a bond between the two polyvinyl acetate
molecules. Borax cross-links the polyvinyl acetate molecules together. The more cross-linked
molecules, the larger the polymeric material that is made from the reaction. Additionally, as more
cross-links are made, the more the polymeric material becomes less liquidlike and gains solidity
Cellulose acetate and Polyvinyl belongs to the same group which is polymers that makes
the cigarette filters more possible to be used and recycled as glue with the use of acetone as solvent.
It have the characteristic of stickiness in nature. Cigarette filter is made of Cellulose acetate and
Melting process were done to produce glue from cigarette filters using acetone as solvent.
It was found out that the glue from cigarette filers has lesser stickiness property than commercial
glue. However, the glue from cigarette filters was able to meet the standard properties of glue. It
was concluded that the use of recycled materials as a substitute of commercial glue for paper
Local Literature
Dear EarthTalk: Has anyone ever studied the environmental impact of discarded cigarettes?
I’m constantly appalled at the number of drivers I see pitching their butts out their car windows.–
It’s true that littered cigarette butts are a public nuisance, and not just for aesthetic reasons.
The filters on cigarettes-four fifths of all cigarettes have them-are made of cellulose acetate, a form
of plastic that is very slow to degrade in the environment. A typical cigarette butt can take
But beyond the plastic, these filters-which are on cigarettes in the first place to absorb
contaminants to prevent them from going into the lungs-contain trace amounts of toxins like
cadmium, arsenic and lead. Thus when smokers discard their butts improperly-out the car window
or off the end of a pier or onto the sidewalk below-they are essentially tossing these substances
Studies done by Johns Hopkins University, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) and even the tobacco industry itself show that these contaminants can get into
soils and waterways, harm or kill living organisms and generally degrade surrounding ecosystems.
While the tobacco industry may have its hands full just trying to stay afloat in the
maelstrom of ongoing bad publicity, critics say it should be doing more to prevent cigarette butt
litter. “Just as beverage manufacturers contribute to anti-litter campaigns, and have invested in
public education on litter issues, so too should the tobacco industry,” says Kathleen Register,
founder and executive director of Clean Virginia Waterways, a non-profit that has spearheaded the
fight against cigarette butt litter in the mid-Atlantic region of the U.S. She adds that cigarette
manufacturers “need to take an active and responsible role in educating smokers about this issue
cigarette packaging and advertisements, distributing small, free portable ashtrays, and placing and
maintaining outdoor ashtrays in areas where smokers congregate. She also suggests putting an
extra tax on cigarette sales, with proceeds going toward anti-litter education efforts and to defray
the costs of cleaning up butts. “Picking up littered cigarette butts costs schools, businesses and
park agencies money,” she says. “By taxing smokers for anti-litter educational efforts, some of the
costs of cleaning up cigarette butts will shift onto smokers.” One way or another, Register hopes,
smokers will learn that the Earth is not one giant ashtray (ENVIRONMENT: Cigarette Filter,
Glue is the chief topic in this investigatory project. Glue is widely used worldwide. From
schools to offices, from homes to buildings, glue is always present to help in individuals in their
daily lives. This material can be used in simple works or as an emergency utensil; from torn books
to stripped parts of paper works; this tool is very significant in our lives.
Glue is a sticky material (usually a liquid) that can stick two or more things together. Glue
can be made from plant or animal parts, or it can be made from oil-based chemicals. The first glues
may have been natural liquids that come out of trees when they are cut. Later people learned to
make glue by boiling animal feet, cartilage or bones. Some very strong glue is made from fish
bones, rubber or milk. Simple glue can be made at home by mixing wheat flour and water. This
glue will stick pieces of paper together. Many kinds of art can be made using glue. A collage is a
work of art made by using glue to stick colored things onto paper.
Some glue can be used to keep water out of boats, buildings or vehicles. In this case the
glue may be called caulk. Some man-made materials, including wood-like materials, are made
using glues to bind together small pieces of material or powders. These qualities of our project,
the homemade glue, really come in handy to our fellows with problems about toxics in their homes.
This project isn’t only helpful to us, but is also easy to organize in times of financial crisis and
Polyvinyl acetate includes all homopolymers and copolymers where the vinyl acetate
content is at least 50%. About 80% of total consumption is used in wood, construction and paper
adhesives, and architectural coatings. Most of the remaining polymers are used in paper and textile
coatings. Almost all of these polymers are made in emulsion form. Copolymers generally consist
of 80–90% vinyl acetate and 10–20% butyl acrylate, ethylene, vinyl versatate, or some other
modifier. Generally, uses are well established and consumption trends mirror those of GNP. In
North America and Western Europe, consumption is expected to grow by 2–2.5% per year during
Some polymer types have grown more rapidly than others. Copolymers of vinyl acetate–
ethylene (VAE) have been growing relatively fast since they can be used in architectural coatings
with very low levels of solvent (low volatile organic compounds [VOCs]). Also, consumption in
construction mortars has been growing for bonding larger ceramic tiles to vertical surfaces. The
product can be used in powdered form for easy transport and mixing at the construction site. The
leading producers of these copolymers are Wacker and Celanese, which have been adding capacity
Cellulose acetate and triacetate fibers are derived from acetylated cellulose. Cellulose
acetate is used primarily in the production of cigarette filter tow, which is used in the majority of
cigarette filters worldwide. The filter tow helps remove tar and nicotine while maintaining
favorable taste to the smoker. It also provides desired hardness/firmness filter mouth feel; a
uniform, white appearance at the end of an unlighted cigarette; is readily processed; and is cost-
effective. In cellulose acetate textile fibers, the fabrics made provide comfort along with a soft and
good drape, and also have pleatability and ease-of-care characteristics (IHS Markit, 2016).
The economic stability of a nation depends on the availability of the cheap sources of our
products. Products from waste are expected to supply part of the country's economic problem in
the future.
For the sake of cleaner environment and to produce products from waste materials, the
researchers decided to explore the potentials of cigarette filter are glue paste. Cigarette filters are
place in the glass added 15ml of acetone and stir thoroughly. The cigarette filters were also tested
with water. The pastes produced from cigarette filters were compared with other commercial paste.
Findings of the study showed effective results in the production of glue paste from cigarette
filters. The product was a sticky substance that can be used as a substitute for any commercial glue
Foreign Studies
Discarded cigarette butts are a form of non-biodegradable litter. Carried as runoff from
streets to drains, to rivers, and ultimately to the ocean and its beaches, cigarette filters are the single
most collected item in international beach cleanups each year. They are an environmental blight
on streets, sidewalks, and other open areas. Rather than being a protective health device, cigarette
filters are primarily a marketing tool to help sell ‘safe’ cigarettes. They are perceived by much of
the public (especially current smokers) to reduce the health risks of smoking through technology.
Filters have reduced the machine-measured yield of tar and nicotine from burning cigarettes, but
there is controversy as to whether this has correspondingly reduced the disease burden of smoking
to the population. Filters actually may serve to sustain smoking by making it seem less urgent for
smokers to quit and easier for children to initiate smoking because of reduced irritation from early
experimentation. Several options are available to reduce the environmental impact of cigarette butt
waste, including developing biodegradable filters, increasing fines and penalties for littering butts,
monetary deposits on filters, increasing availability of butt receptacles, and expanded public
education. It may even be possible to ban the sale of filtered cigarettes altogether on the basis of
their adverse environmental impact. This option may be attractive in coastal regions where beaches
accumulate butt waste and where smoking indoors is increasingly prohibited. Additional research
is needed on the various policy options, including behavioral research on the impact of banning
the sale of filtered cigarettes altogether (Thomas E. Novotny, Kristen Lum, Elizabeth Smith,
Cigarette butts are the most common form of litter, as an estimated 4.5 trillion cigarette
butts are thrown away every year worldwide. Many chemical products are used during the course
of growing tobacco and manufacturing cigarettes, the residues of which may be found in cigarettes
prepared for consumption. Additionally, over 4000 chemicals may also be introduced to the
environment via cigarette particulate matter (tar) and mainstream smoke (Elli Slaughter, Richard
Gersberg, Kayo Watanabe, John Rudolph, Chris Stransky, Thomas Novotny, 2011).
Paste is widely used worldwide. From schools to offices, from homes to buildings, paste is
always present to help individuals in their daily lives. This material can be used in simple works
or as an emergency utensil; from torn books to stripped parts of paper works; this tool is very
significant in our lives. Paste is a thick, soft, moist substance, usually produced by mixing dry
ingredients with liquid. It is a substance which is used to attach light things, such as papers,
together just by rubbing it to one object to the other. This substance has only limited grip when
used for it is not that sticky but is suitable to be used in fastening papers and such (Homemade
Glue, 2014).
A research was done by Mr. Benjamin. Russ of University of California, the reason why
adhesives are sticky because they are eventually high in viscosity liquids that also have some
elastic characteristics. The viscoelastic means that they exhibit some of the characteristics of
liquids, and so they will “wet” a surface to which they are pressed, but because of their elasticity,
Most cigarette filters are made from cellulose acetate. Cigarette filters contain twelve
thousand plastic-based fibers, and like many other forms of plastic are not biodegradable.The raw
material for the manufacture of cigarette filters is cellulose (obtained from wood). The cellulose is
acetylated (i.e. making it into a material called cellulose acetate or simply "acetate" for short),
dissolved, and spun as continuous synthetic fibers arranged into a bundle called tow.
Cellulose was discovered in 1838 by the French chemist Anselme Payen, who isolated it
from plant matter and determined its chemical formula. Cellulose was used to produce the first
consisting of a linear chain of several hundred to many thousands of β(1→4) linked D-glucose
units. Cellulose is an important structural component of the primary cell wall of green plants, many
forms of algae and the oomycetes. Some species of bacteria secrete it to form biofilms. Cellulose
is the most abundant organic polymer on Earth. The cellulose content of cotton fiber is 90%, that
of wood is 40–50% and that of dried hemp is approximately 45%. Cellulose is mainly used to
produce paperboard and paper. Smaller quantities are converted into a wide variety of derivative
products such as cellophane and rayon. Cellulose for industrial use is mainly obtained from wood
Acetone (systematically named propanone) is the organic compound with the formula
(CH3)2CO. It is a colorless, volatile, flammable liquid, and is the simplest ketone. Acetone is a
good solvent for many plastics and some synthetic fibers. It is used for thinning polyester resin,
cleaning tools used with it, and dissolving two-part epoxies and superglue before they harden.
Acetone (systematically named propanone) is the organic compound with the formula
(CH3)2CO. It is a colorless, volatile, flammable liquid, and is the simplest ketone. Acetone is a
good solvent for many plastics and some synthetic fibers. It is used for thinning polyester resin,
cleaning tools used with it, and dissolving two-part epoxies and superglue before they harden
Local Studies
A cigarette filter is use to strain the dangerous ingredients of the cigarette. Most of the
Filipinos are smokers or cigarette users, which is one of the reasons that relieves their stress
because it contains nicotine which helps us to calm down, but unfortunately they just throw their
waste anywhere and because of this habit we are challenged to find a way to help our beloved
country on its campaign against improper disposal of garbage. The aim of this research is to find
a cheaper and easily made alternative for glue, because glue is useful product especially to the
students like us, teachers, office workers, and etc (Investigatory project, 2014).
Historically, glue only refers to protein colloids prepared from animal tissues. Glue is
essentially collagen, a protein derived from the skin, bones and connective tissues of cattle and is
an important by product of the meat packing industry. Although there are many ingredients used
to make glue most formulas contains something called polymers which is naturally sticky.
Cigarette filter also known as cigarette butts. It contains hazardous chemical like cadinium,
arsenic and lead. It is made for safer smoking. The row materials for the manufacture or cigarette
filter is cellulose. It is acetylated, dissolved, and spun as continuous synthetic fibers arranged into
a bundle called tow. This tow is opened, plasticized, shaped, and cut to act as a filter (Cf Glue:
A cigarette filters is a components of a cigarette, along with cigarette paper, capsules and
adhesives. The filter may be made from cellulose acetate fiber or activated charcoal (either as a
cavity filter or embedded into the cellulose acetate). Macro porous phenol—formaldehyde resins
and asbestos have also been used in cigarette filters. The acetate and paper modify the particle
retention (filtration), and finely divided carbon modifies the gaseous phase (adsorption). Filters
can reduce “tar” and nicotine smokes= yields up to 50%, with a greater removal rate for other
classes of compounds (e.g., phenols), but are ineffective in filtering toxins such as carbon
monoxide. Most factory- made cigarette are equipped with filter; those who roll their own can buy
Cellulose acetate is non- toxic, odorless, tasteless, and weakly flammable. It is resistant to
weak acids and is largely stable to mineral and fatty oils as well as petroleum. It is biodegradable
and the raw materials is a renewable natural polymer expected to find application for other uses in
the future. Smoked cigarette butts contains 5-7 mg nicotine (25% of the total cigarette nicotine
content), children ingesting >2 whole cigarettes, 6 cigarette butts or a total of 0.5 mg/kg of nicotine
should be admitted to a hospital. Cellulose acetate is hydrophilic and retains the water- soluble
smoke constituents, o which many re irritating (acids, alkali, aldehydes, and phenols), while letting
A lot people nowadays are engaging into different vices, one of which is smoking. There
are a lot of people who smokes and after smoking they just toss aside the cigarette filters or butts
everywhere not knowing that it can be recycled and used. Commercial glue is relatively expensive
because of their brand names and the materials used in making and manufacturing glues are tissues
from animals (Tanya Ticzon, Faith Tolentino, Bianca Vibal, Vanessa Vibar, Dayzzel Villaruel,
This experiment aims to develop a product that would serve as an alternative to expensive
commercial glue. The reason for the researcher to choose this topic is to know if acetone and
cigarette butts or cigarette filters would be an effective glue. Commercial Glue is relatively
expensive because if their brand names and the materials used in making and manufacturing glues
are tissues from animals. The organic compound (CH3)2CI, or acetone, is a translucent flammable
liquid that exhibits a high degree of solvency that is why it can dissolve cigarette filters. Many
compounds are soluble when exposed to acetone. Glue is very common in homes, school and
offices. Many people toss aside a cigarette filter and it can be recycled and used. Due to the
expensiveness and unaffordable of some glue, many would prefer making home- made glue. Glues
from cigarette filter are affordable and easy to make (Reyes, 2009).
The glue from cigarette filter had gone a several test. It was tested in paper and cloths to
found out what appropriate concentration is effective as glue, at the same time what materials is it
best used. Though it was found out that the glue from cigarette filter has lesser stickiness property
that commercial glue. However, the glue from cigarette filter was able to meet the standard
properties of glue.
This section of the study contains the synthesis of review of literature and studies. It
emphasizes the past studies related to the innovative and alternative glue from cigarette filters and
its benefits.
The literature that the researchers gather will support their claim about the topic. It will
also serve as the guide for this study. The foreign and local literature is somehow related to each
other, tackling about the benefits of innovative and alternative glue from cigarette filters.
Cigarette butts are consistently the most collected items in litter clean- up efforts, which
are costly burden to local economics. The majority (71.4%) of smokers reported having littered
cigarette butts at least once in their life, by disposing of them on the ground or throwing them out
of a car window. Over half (55.7%) reported of disposing of cigarette butts on the ground, in a
sewer/ gutter, or down a drain in the past month. Those who did not consider cigarette butts to be
litter were over three and half times as likely to report having ever littered cigarette butts (OR=
3.68, 95% CI= 2.04, 6.66) and four times as likely to have littered cigarette butts in the past month
It is true that littered cigarette filters are public nuisance, and not just for aesthetic reasons.
The filters on cigarette- four fifths of all cigarette have them- are made of cellulose acetate, a form
of plastic that is very slow to degrade in the environment, a typical cigarette butt can take anywhere
Cellulose acetate and polyvinyl acetate belongs to the same group which is polymers that
makes cigarette filters more possible to be used and recycled as glue with the use of acetone as
solvent. It has the characteristics of stickiness in nature, cigarette filters are made of cellulose
acetate and glue are made up of polyvinyl acetate that makes it possible.
Glue is widely used worldwide. From schools to offices, from homes to buildings, glue is
always present to help in individuals in their daily lives. This materials can be used in simple works
or as an emergency utensil; from torn books to tripped parts of paper works; this tool is very
Melting process were done to produce glue from cigarette filters using acetone as solvent.
It was found out that glue from cigarette filters has lesser stickiness property than commercial glue.
However, the glue from cigarette filters was able to meet the standard properties of glue. It was
concluded that the use of recycled materials as a substitute of commercial glue for paper feasible.
Cigarette butts are the most common form of litter, as an estimated 4.5 trillion cigarette
butts are thrown away every year worldwide. Many chemical products are used during the course
of growing tobacco and manufacturing cigarettes, the residues of which may be found in cigarettes
prepared for consumption. Additionally, over 4000 chemicals may also be introduced to the
environment via cigarette particulate matter (tar) and mainstream smoke. (Elli Slaughter, Richard
Gersberg, Kayo Watanabe, John Rudolph, Chris Stransky, Thomas Novotny, 2011)
Most cigarette filters are made from cellulose acetate. Cigarette filters contain twelve
thousand plastic-based fibers, and like many other forms of plastic are not biodegradable.The raw
material for the manufacture of cigarette filters is cellulose (obtained from wood). The cellulose is
acetylated (i.e. making it into a material called cellulose acetate or simply "acetate" for short),
dissolved, and spun as continuous synthetic fibers arranged into a bundle called tow.
consisting of a linear chain of several hundred to many thousands of β(1→4) linked D-glucose
units.The cellulose content of cotton fiber is 90%, that of wood is 40–50% and that of dried hemp
is approximately 45%. Cellulose is mainly used to produce paperboard and paper. Smaller
quantities are converted into a wide variety of derivative products such as cellophane and rayon.
Cellulose for industrial use is mainly obtained from wood pulp and cotton.
Acetone (systematically named propanone) is the organic compound with the formula
(CH3)2CO. It is a colorless, volatile, flammable liquid, and is the simplest ketone. Acetone is a
good solvent for many plastics and some synthetic fibers. It is used for thinning polyester resin,
cleaning tools used with it, and dissolving two-part epoxies and superglue before they harden.
Historically, glue only refers to protein colloids prepared from animal tissues. Glue is
essentially collagen, a protein derived from the skin, bones and connective tissues of cattle and is
an important by product of the meat packing industry. Although there are many ingredients used
to make glue most formulas contains something called polymers which is naturally sticky.
The glue from cigarette filter had gone a several test. It was tested in paper and cloths to
found out what appropriate concentration is effective as glue, at the same time what materials is it
best used. Though it was found out that the glue from cigarette filter has lesser stickiness property
that commercial glue. However, the glue from cigarette filter was able to meet the standard
properties of glue.
The result of the study supports the hypothesis that glue from cigarette filters has benefits
to the STEM students of PSHS furthermore the product will be beneficial to the community in
terms of environmental cleanliness because be making the product, the litter caused by cigarette
This research presents the research design in terms of research method, research
Research Method
The study utilized the quantitative type of research, in which a large sample size is included
where in the objectives are more accurate. It certain numerical data and used structured research
instruments that are used in observing phenomenon. An experimental design is used to determine
whether something causes a particular effect. It supports a hypothesis using statistical analysis and
it is the only research design that can establish cause and effect.
In line with this research use the experimental design. Experimental Design is a blueprint
of the procedure that enables the researchers to test his hypothesis by reaching valid conclusions
about relationship between conceptual frameworks within which the experiment is conducted. The
results and findings of the study should always be compared to the standards. Experimental design
was approached in this study to determine the benefits of the alternative and innovative glue from
Sampling Technique
The sampling technique that the researchers will use in this study which is entitled “Glue
from cigarette filters: Innovative and Alternative glue for STEM students of PSHS” is the Cluster
sampling. Cluster sampling refers to a type of a sampling method, the researchers divides the
population into separate group, called clusters. From the large group of the whole student body of
PSHS narrowed down to the students of the Academic track and lastly narrowed down into small
group which is the students of the STEM Department. Then, a simple random sample of clusters
is selected from the population. A simple random sample is a subset of a statistical population in
which each member of subset has an equal probability of being chosen. The researchers conducts
The researchers used Slovin’s formula, it is used to calculate the desired sample size (n)
given the population size (N) and a margin of error (e) it is computed as
1 + 𝑁𝑒 2
N= total population
e= marginal error.
The marginal error that is used is 3% and the confidence level is 97%. If a sample is taken
from a population, a formula must be used to take into account confidence levels and margins of
e= 3%= .03
1 + (115)(.03)2
1 + (115)(. 0009)
1 + 0.1035
𝑛 = 104.21
𝑛 = 105
Therefore the researchers conclude that the respondents needed in this study is 105 students
Instruments used
For purpose of the study the researchers used a survey form to determine the benefits of
The main data gathering instruments used in the study was the survey form to determine
the benefits of glue from cigarette filters. The researchers distribute a 21 statement with likert’s
scale to gain the perceptions of the respondents towards the benefits of alternative and innovative
glue. The survey is divided four parts: (1) the alternative glue from cigarette filters is useful in
school, home and office; (2) It is eco- friendly and manufacturing it can lead to better environment;
(3) What are the perceptions of the user and the critics to the characteristics of it; and (4) What are
the possible benefits that the alternative and innovative glue can contribute. The survey form is
The researchers conducted s pilot testing to validate if the constructed questions will
Research Procedure
Making glue out of cigarette filters requires a lot of work, first the researchers gathered
enough cigarette filters, some of the cigarette filters were find in the streets. And also the
researchers gathered the materials needed which is acetone, which is used as the solvent and a
container. Second the researchers proceed to cleaning the cigarette filters, in cleaning the cigarette
filters first remove the paper that us attached to the cigarette filters then wash it thoroughly. After
washing the cigarette filters dry it under the heat of sun. Cut the filters into tiny pieces for it to
easily dissolved, put it into a clean container. Then the 5 ml of acetone is slowly poured into the
container, then stirred gradually. The container was covered with a tight cap and were shaken for
about 30 seconds.
Treatment of Material
The quantitative research is used to conduct this study, quantitative research is a formal,
objective, systematic process for obtaining quantifiable information about the world. It is presented
in numerical form, and analyzed through the use of statistics. The researchers distribute the survey
questionnaires to 105 students of STEM Department and collected it afterwards. The collected
information were primary data in which the data were original and had been collected primarily
through the survey questionnaires. The collected information were not change or altered, thus the
data were more valid and adequate. The data collected by the researchers is evaluated by tallying
and making graphs and tables. The data used in making the graphs were based on the questions
The researchers does not use a complicated method of statistics. The data gathered and
collected was tabulate, analyze and interpret the researchers used the following statistics tools. The
data collected is arranged according to their percentage. To get the percentage, the formula below
will be used:
𝑅𝑎𝑤 𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒
𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑒 = 𝑥100
Weighted mean will be used to determine the general answer of the participants of the
study among the indicators presented. To get the weighted mean the formula below will be used:
∑ 𝑓𝑥
𝑊𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑛 =
x= respondents in a scale
n= sample size
Likert’s scale rating of response will be used to measure the respondent answers by
determining the extent to which they strongly agree or strongly disagree in the particular statement.
Likert’s scale rating of response will be used to measure the respondent answers by
determining the extent to which they are very satisfied or not. The scale will use the following
1 1- 1.49 Poor
To test the validity and reliability of the questionnaire the researchers conduct a pilot
testing on the 22th day of February 2018. The respondents were 10 students from the ABM
Validity Validators
Indicators A B C D E F G H I J Average
1 5 5 5 5 4 5 4 4 4 4 4.5
2 4 4 4 5 4 4 4 4 3 4 4
3 5 5 4 5 4 4 4 4 4 5 4.4
4 4 5 4 4 3 3 4 4 3 3 3.7
5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3.8
6 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3.8
7 5 5 4 4 3 3 4 4 3 3 3.8
8 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 3 4 3.8
9 5 5 5 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4.2
10 4 4 4 3 3 4 4 4 3 3 3.6
11 5 5 5 4 4 4 5 5 4 4 4.5
12 5 5 4 4 4 4 5 5 4 4 4.4
13 5 5 5 4 4 5 5 5 3 4 4.5
14 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4.2
15 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 5 4 3 3.9
16 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4.1
17 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4.1
18 5 5 4 4 4 4 5 5 4 4 4.4
19 5 5 4 3 4 4 4 5 4 4 4.2
20 4 5 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
21 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 4 4 4.2
Average 4.6 4.7 4.2 3.9 3.9 4 4.2 4.3 3.5 3.8 4.11
After tabulating and computing the data gathered from the pilot testing the average score
is 4.11 with a descriptive equivalent rating of high validity, which means that the questionnaire
has a high validity and it is valid to be used for the actual survey.
Range Interpretation
0.00 No Reliability
A 5 4 5 4 4 4 5 4 5 4 5 5 5 5 4 5 5 5 5 4 5 97 110.25
B 5 4 5 5 4 4 5 4 5 4 5 5 5 5 4 5 5 5 5 5 4 98 132.25
C 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 88 2.25
D 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 3 3 4 82 20.25
E 4 4 4 3 4 4 3 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 81 30.25
F 5 4 4 3 4 4 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 87 0.25
G 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 5 4 4 4 88 2.25
H 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 4 5 4 4 5 5 4 5 91 20.25
I 4 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 4 4 3 4 4 3 3 4 4 4 4 74 156.25
J 4 4 5 3 3 3 3 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 79 56.25
Mean 86.5
Variance 53.05
After tabulating the data gathered from the response of the participants the mean and
variance were computed. To compute the score for reliability the formula below will be used:
𝑛𝜎 2 − [𝑀(𝑛 − 𝑀)]
𝐾𝑅21 =
(𝑛 − 1)𝜎 2
𝜎 2 = population variance
𝑛𝜎 2 − [𝑀(𝑛 − 𝑀)]
𝐾𝑅21 =
(𝑛 − 1)𝜎 2
5570.25 − 1600.25
𝐾𝑅21 =
𝐾𝑅21 = 0.72
After computing the reliability the result is 0.72 with an interpretation of Very High
Reliability, which means that the questionnaire has a very high reliability and it is reliable for the
This chapter represents an analysis and interpretation of the data obtained in the study. Its
findings were based on the data gathered through the questionnaires retrieved from the
respondents. Those data were then analyzed to be presented, discussed and interpreted according
to the perimeters of this research to answer the problem sought for the study.
Male Female
The distribution of the respondents according to their age were shown in graph 1. Within
105 STEM students 76 of the respondents were males and 29 are females
19 16
8%5% 17
18 34%
16 17 18 19
In graph 2 the distribution of the respondents according to the age were shown. Five (5) of
the respondents were 16 years of age, 36 were 17 years of age, 55 were 18 years of age and eight
(8) of the respondents were nineteen years of age. Half of the respondents were eighteen years old
a. School as:
Projects 54 43 8 0 0
Splinters 24 56 26 4 0
Furniture 18 41 40 5 1
Crackle 21 38 41 5 0
c. Office as:
Manufacture materials 18 52 32 3 0
a. It contribute to green 52 43 10 0 0
conserve resources
cleanliness in the
3. What are the perceptions of the user and the critics in terms of:
Satisfactory Satisfactory
Functions 43 53 9 0 0
Production 47 46 12 0 0
Efficiency 39 50 15 1 0
User friendly 56 38 10 1 0
4. What are the possible benefits that the alternative and innovative glue can contribute?
in streets/ community
Little or no environmental 56 36 13 0 0
a. School as:
c. Office as:
community maintain
cleanliness in the
3. What are the perceptions of the user and the critics in terms of:
Satisfactory Satisfactory
4. What are the possible benefits that the alternative and innovative glue can contribute?
in streets/ community
a. School as:
work or
c. Office as:
sealing system
The table shows the weighted mean of the respondent’s response. It also includes the
interpretation and the rank of the following responses. The result show that the most useful way
of cigarette filters as an alternative glue is in making school projects which have 4.44 weighted
mean and interpreted as agree. The second one which have 4.28 weighted mean and have an agree
interpretation is in doing artwork and other related activities. The usefulness of the alternative glue
in office as posting office supplies ranked as 3rd and gains 4.03 weighted mean and interpreted as
agree. The next one that got the weighted mean of 3.92 which ranked as 4th is the protection and
sealing system that are usually done in offices. The protection from splinters ranked as 5th
gathering a weighted mean of 3.90. The sixth one that has a weighted mean of 3.51is manufacture
materials that is also interpreted as agree. At the 8.5th rank furniture and fixing loose screw have
the same weighted mean of 3.67 and has an interpretation “Agree”. The last was the alternative
glue as used to seal pruned plants that has the weighted mean of 3.58 also interpreted as agree.
help conserve
resources like
cleanliness in the
focused on not
creating harm to
The table above shows some factors on how the alternative glue is eco- friendly. The results
are shown and interpreted as well as the ranking of the following statements. The alternative glue
from cigarette filters contribute to green living that help conserve resources like water and energy
is the most gratifying and agreeable of all claiming the 1st rank with a weighted mean of 4.48 that
has an interpretation of “Agree”. The next statement that states that the intent of the product is
focused on not creating harm to the environment with a weighted mean of 4.37 and interpreted as
agree. Alternative glue from cigarette can help the community to maintain the cleanliness to the
3. What are the perceptions of the user and the critics in terms of:
The table shows the perception of the respondents to the characteristics of the product. The
results were shown and interpreted as well as the ranking of the following characteristics. The first
characteristics claiming the 1st rank is the user- friendliness of the product gathering a weighted
mean of 4.42 and interpreted as satisfactory. Second in the ranking is the production of the product,
the production of the product has a weighted mean of 4.33 and interpreted as satisfactory. Th4
functions of the alternative glue ranked as 3rd with a weighted mean of 4.32 and interpreted as
satisfactory. And last in the ranking is the efficiency of the product with a weighted mean of 4.21
4. What are the possible benefits that the alternative and innovative glue can
waste in
simple and
low- cost
precautions for
and curing
The table above shows the weighted mean of the respondent’s response on the following
statements, the rank and the interpretation were also presented. 1st in the ranking is that the possible
benefits of the product is that is lessens the ecological waste in streets/ community with a weighted
mean of 4.6 and interpreted as “strongly agree”. Two of the statements has the same weighted
mean of 4.4 and also interpreted as agree and ranked 2nd, the two statements were: the applicators
are simple and low- cost; and there is little or no environmental precautions for disposal. The last
in the ranking which is 4th is that the product is rapid drying and curing with a weighed mean of
20.00% 40.96%
7.62% 0 0
Strongly Agree Agree Fairly Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree
The graph above shows the usefulness of alternative glue in doing school project. Out of
100%, 51% of the respondents says that the product is very useful by strongly agreeing, 41%
agrees with it and the remaining 8% fairly agrees with the usefulness of the innovative and
alternative glue.
22.86% 24.76%
3.81% 0%
Strongly Agree Agree Fairly Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree
Out of the 105 respondents 4 respondents disagrees to the usefulness of alternative glue in
school in protection from splinters which takes 3.81% of the population. The remaining 96% of
the respondents agrees to the usefulness of alternative glue to remove splinters. 23% of the
respondents says that the product is very useful in protection from splinters by strongly agreeing,
The response of the respondents to the usefulness of alternative glue in school in doing
artworks and activities were shown in the graph above. All the respondents agree to the usefulness
of alternative glue in doing such things. Out of 100%, 42% of the respondents says that the
alternative glue is very useful in doing artworks and such activities by strongly agreeing, 42%
agrees with it and the remaining 15% fairly agrees with its usefulness.
The graph above shows the usefulness of alternative glue at home when applied in a
furniture. 17% of the respondents says that the product is very useful by strongly agreeing, 39%
agrees to it, 38% fairly agrees with the usefulness when it is applied in a furniture, 5% disagrees
Out of 105 respondents 8 disagrees to the usefulness of alternative glue at home in seal
pruned plants, this 8 respondents is equal to 8%. The remaining 92% agrees to the usefulness of
it. 13% of the respondents says that the product is very useful by strongly agreeing, 39% agrees
The response of the respondents about the usefulness of alternative glue at home in a
crackle were shown in the graph above. 20% of the respondents strongly agrees to the usefulness
of it to reduce the crackle or the noise, 36% agrees with it, 39% fairly agrees with it and 5%
disagree with it and says that putting the alternative glue does not reduce the noise or crackle. All
in all 95% of the respondents agrees to the usefulness of the alternative glue in home in a crackle.
In the graph, the response were shown about the usefulness of the alternative glue at home
to fix a loose screw. 15% of the respondents says that the product is very useful by strongly
agreeing, 42% agrees with it, 37% fairly agrees with the statement and 6% of the respondents
disagrees to the statement and does not believe that the alternative glue can be used to fix a loose
screw. All in all 94% of the respondents agrees that the alternative glue can be used in fixing a
loose screw.
24.76% 21.2%
Strongly Agree Agree Fairly Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree
Out of 105 respondents 5 of them disagrees to the statement that the alternative glue can
be used as protection and sealing system, this 5 respondents is equal to 5%. The remaining 95%
of the respondents agrees to the statement. 25% of the respondents says that the product is very
useful by strongly agreeing, 49% agrees with the statement and 21% of the respondents fairly
agrees in this statement. All in all the respondents agrees to the statement that the alternative glue
30.00% 57.14%
The graph above shows the usefulness of alternative glue in office as posting office
supplies or used to post the paper usually used in the office. All the respondents agrees with the
statement. 23% of the respondents says that the alternative glue is very useful strongly agreeing,
57% agrees to the statement and 20% fairly agrees with it.
10.00% 17.14%
Strongly Agree Agree Fairly Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree
Out of 105 respondents 3 of them disagrees to the statement that the alternative glue is
useful in manufacturing office materials, this 3 respondent is equal to 3%. The remaining 97% of
the respondents agrees to the statement. 17% of the respondents says that the product is very useful
by strongly agreeing, 50% of the respondents agrees to the statement and 17% fairly agree to it.
20.00% 40.95%
9.52% 0%
Strongly Agree Agree Fairly Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree
All the respondents agrees that the alternative glue contributes to green living that helps
conserve resources like water and energy. The graph shows in the last page after this page were
the responses of the response of the respondents were in percentage. 50% of the respondents says
that the product can contribute to green living that can help to conserve resources like water and
resources by strongly agreeing, 41% agrees with it and 9% of the respondents fairly agrees with
20.00% 41.90%
5.72% 0 0
Stronfly Agree Agree Fairly Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree
In the graph shown above were the response of the respondents to the statement
“Manufacturing it can help the community maintain the cleanliness”. All of the respondents agrees
to the said statement. 42% of the respondents says that making it can help to maintain the
cleanliness in the surroundings by strongly agreeing, 52% agree to it and 6% of the respondents
fairly agrees to the statement. Therefore the researchers conclude that manufacturing it can help
the community maintain the cleanliness in its environment. The conclusion is based on the answer
of the respondents.
Out of 105 respondents from STEM Department only 1 student or 1 respondent disagree
to the statement and the rest agrees with it, that the intent of making alternative glue from cigarette
filters is focused on not creating harm to environment. 47% of the respondents says that the intent
of making alternative glue from cigarette filters is focused on not creating harm to environment by
20.00% 40.95%
8.57% 0% 0%
Very Satisfactory Satisfactory Fairly Satisfactory Fair Poor
All of the respondents were satisfied about the functions of the alternative glue. 41% of the
respondents says that they are very satisfied in the functions of the alternative glue, 50% is only
44.76% 43.81%
5.00% 11.43%
0% 0%
Very Satisfactory Satisfactory Fairly Satisfactory Fair Poor
In the graph shown were the response of the respondents about the production of the
alternative glue. 45% of the respondents says that they were very satisfied about the production of
the product, 44% of them is satisfied to it and 11% of the respondents were fairly satisfied. All in
all the respondents were satisfied about the production of the alternative glue.
20.00% 37.14%
Very Satisfactory Satisfactory Fairly Satisfactory Fair Poor
In the graph shown above were the response of the respondents about the efficiency of the
alternative glue from cigarette filters. 37% of the respondents is very satisfied about the efficiency
of the alternative glue, 48% is satisfied, 14% of the respondents is fairly satisfied by it and 1% of
User- friendly
9.53% 0.95%
Very Satisfactory Satisfactory Fairly Satisfactory Fair 0%
In the graph, the response of the respondents were shown about the alternative glue
from cigarette filters being a user- friendly product. 53% of the respondents is very satisfied about
the alternative glue being a user-friendly product, 36% is satisfied to it, 10% of the respondents
were fairly satisfied by it and 1% of the respondents were not much satisfied by the product.
4.76% 0
Strongly Agree Agree Fairly Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree
In the graph shown above were the response of the respondents about the benefits of
alternative glue can contribute, one of which is to lessen the ecological waste in the streets. 64%
of the respondents strongly agrees to the statement, 31% agrees with it and the remaining 5 % of
the respondents fairly agrees with it. All in all, all of the respondents agrees that the one of the
benefits of the alternative glue can contribute is to lessen the ecological waste.
20.00% 39.04%
10.48% 0 0
Strongly Agree Agree Fairly Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree
In the graph shown above were the response of the respondents about the statement
“Applicators are simple and low- cost” 50% of the respondents strongly agrees with the statement,
39% of them agrees to it and the remaining 11% fairly agrees with it. All in all, all of the
respondents agrees that the applicators can be easily found and low- cost.
12.38% 0 0
Strongly Agree Agree Fairly Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree
All of the respondents agrees that one of the benefits that the alternative glue can contribute
is a little or no environmental precautions for disposal. 53% of the respondents strongly agree to
it, 34% of the respondents agrees with it and 12% fairly agrees with it.
20.00% 42.86%
8.57% 0.95%
Strongly Agree Agree Fairly Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree
In the graph shown above were the response of the respondents about the benefits of the
alternative glue can contribute on of which is rapid drying and curing. 43% of the respondents
strongly agrees to the statement, 48% agrees to it, 8% of the respondents fairly agrees to it and 1%
This chapter presents the summary of findings from the data gathered from the respondents,
conclusions drawn from the result, and the recommendation for the problem the study about
Cigarette Filters: Alternative and Innovative Glue from cigarette filters and its benefits to the
students under the STEM Department in Pantalan Senior High School and also to the community.
Summary of Findings
The succeeding paragraphs are the summary of the findings garnered in this study.
a. School as:
The alternative glue from cigarette filters is useful in school in doing projects with a
weighted men of 4.44 and a verbal interpretation of “Agree”. This shows that according to the
Furthermore, the alternative glue can be useful in protection in splinters. It has a weighted
mean of 3.90, it also has a verbal interpretation of “Agree”, based on the response of the
respondents, the alternative glue form cigarette filters is useful in protection from splinters.
According to the data gathered the alternative glue is also useful in doing art works and
activities, with a weighted mean of 4.28 and a verbal interpretation of “Agree”. The respondents
b. Home as:
The alternative glue from cigarette filters is useful at home in furniture with a weighted
mean of 3.67 and a verbal interpretation of “Agree”. This shows that according to the respondents
According to the data gathered the alternative glue is also useful in seal pruned plants with
a weighted mean of 3.58 and a verbal interpretation of “Agree”. Based on this the students were
The alternative glue is also useful in crackle or reducing noises with a weighted mean of
3.71 and a verbal interpretation of “Agree’. The students agree to the usefulness of the alternative
glue in a crackle.
Also, the alternative glue is useful in fixing a loose screw. The students agree to its
c. Office as:
The alternative glue is useful in office as a protection and sealing system with a weighted
mean of 3.93 and a verbal interpretation of “Agree”. This shows that the students agree to the
According to the data gathered the alternative glue is also useful in office as a posting office
supplies with a weighted mean of 4.03 and a verbal interpretation of “Agree”. The students agree
The alternative glue is useful in office as manufacture material has a weighted mean of
3.81 and a verbal interpretation of “Agree”. This shows that the respondents agree to the usefulness
The alternative glue contributes to green living that help conserve resources like water and
energy. It has a weighted mean of 4.4 and a verbal interpretation of “Agree”. According to the data
gathered the respondents agree that the alternative glue can contribute to green living and
According to the data gathered manufacturing the alternative glue can help the community
to maintain cleanliness with a weighted mean of 4.36 and a verbal interpretation of “Agree”. Based
on the data the respondents agree that it can help the community maintain the cleanliness in the
The intent of the alternative glue is focused on not creating harm to environment with a
weighted mean of 4.37 and a verbal interpretation of “agree”. The respondents agree that the intent
3. What are the perceptions of the user and the critics in terms of:
a. Functions
According to the perception of the respondents about the functions of the product has a
weighted mean of 4.32 and a verbal interpretation of “Satisfactory”. Based on the data gathered
b. Production
The students were satisfied to the production of the alternative glue from cigarette filters.
According to their perception the production of the product has a weighted mean of 4.33 and a
c. Efficiency
The efficiency of the product were tested by respondents which is the students from the
STEM Department. The perception of the respondents about the efficiency of the product has a
weighted mean of 4.21 and a verbal interpretation of “Satisfactory”. Based on the data gathered
d. User- friendly
According to the participants the product is user-friendly and it does not contribute any
harm to the user. The perception of the respondents about the product being user- friendly has a
weighted mean of 4.42 and a verbal interpretation of “Satisfactory. The respondent were satisfied
4. What are the possible benefits that the alternative glue and innovative glue can
The alternative glue can help to reduce ecological. Based on the data gathered the
alternative glue can lessen the ecological waste with a weighted mean of 4.6 and a verbal
interpretation of “Strongly Agree”. The students were agreeing to the said benefits.
The alternative glue can be easily made without a hitch. Based on the data gathered the
applicators were very simple and low- cost with a weighted mean of 4.4 and a verbal interpretation
of “Agree”. The respondents agree that the applicators or the materials needed to make the product
The alternative glue has no environmental precautions for disposal with a weighted mean
of 4.4 and a verbal interpretation of “Agree”, this shows that the respondents were agreeing the
The alternative glue is rapid curing and drying with a weighted mean of 4.32 and a verbal
interpretation of “Agree”. Based on the data gathered, the respondents agree that the product can
be dry quickly.
Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions were drawn:
1. The alternative glue can be useful in such things like doing a projects and artworks or
posting office supplies and also can be used to reduce noises or crackle or others by the
students from STEM department. The respondents revealed that the alternative glue can be
2. The alternative and innovative glue is eco- friendly hat it can lead to a better environment.
The participants revealed that it contribute to green living that help conserve resources like
water and energy, manufacturing it can help the community maintain the cleanliness in its
surroundings, and the intent of the product is focused on not creating harm to the
3. The alternative and innovative glue from cigarette filters has a rating of very good
characteristics. The production of the product can be easily done, efficient and user-
friendly, the functions are satisfactory and it can be used very well.
4. The alternative and innovative glue provides benefits not only to the students but also to
the community. The respondents revealed that the manufacturing the product can lessen
the ecological waste and also the applicators or the materials needed to produce the product
can be easily found, also there is no environmental precautions for disposal and it is rapid
Based on the findings and the conclusions made, the researchers offer the following
1. The administration of the school can integrate a seminar or orientation for the students to
understand more and to gain sufficient knowledge about the cigarette filters as alternative
2. For the community, there should be a separate trash bin for only the cigarette filters to they
can manufacture the alternative glue, they just have to thoroughly clean it and turned into
glue, in this way can earn funds for their community by selling the alternative glue to the
3. Future researchers may use the data collected by the researchers to improve the alternative
glue or it to provide more benefits to the students and to the society and to generate more
evidence and gain more knowledge and understanding about the alternative and innovative
Research Teacher
Principal II
“Glue from Cigarette Filters: Innovative and Alternative Glue for the Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) students of Pantalan Senior High School”
Name (Optional): _________________ Gender: Male Female
Age: 17 18 19 20 21
Kindly check (/) your answer for the following statement or question.
b. Home as:
c. Office as:
Manufacture materials
3. What are the perceptions of the user and the critics in terms of:
4. What are the possible benefits that the alternative and innovative glue can contribute?
The picture was taken at the 22th of February 2018, the researchers conduct a pilot
testing to test the validity and reliability of the questionnaire that is going to be used in the actual
survey. In the picture were the ABM students, the respondents for the pilot testing is 10 in total.
As seen in the picture, the respondents were using and testing the product which is the alternative
doing the paper works specifically the graphs and table in the
chapter IV.
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Date of birth : July 7, 2000
Age : 17
Height : 5’
Weight : 42 kg.
Sex : Female
Senior High : Nasugbu West Senior High School 2016- Present
CP# 09354856769
Date of birth : October 14,1999
Age : 18
Height : 5’9
Weight : 52 kg.
Sex : Male
Date of birth : April 10, 1999
Age : 18
Height : 5’5
Weight : 87 kgs.
Sex : Male
Senior High : Nasugbu West Senior High School 2016- Present
CP# +639754874766
Date of birth : October 7, 1999
Age : 18
Height : 5’4
Weight : 60 kg.
Sex : Male
Senior High : Nasugbu West Senior High School 2016- Present
Date of birth : November 18, 1999
Age : 18
Height :
Weight :
Sex : Male
Senior High : Nasugbu West Senior High School 2016- Present
Date of birth : June 17, 2000
Age : 17
Height : 5’8
Weight : 68 kg.
Sex : Male
Religion : Christian
Senior High : Nasugbu West Senior High School 2016- Present
Date of birth : November 3, 1999
Age : 18
Height :
Weight :.
Sex : Female
Religion :
Senior High : Nasugbu West Senior High School 2016- Present
Date of birth : June 15, 1999
Age : 18
Height :
Weight :
Sex : Male
Religion : Christian
Senior High : Nasugbu West Senior High School 2016- Present