Results and Discussion: Table 2.1 Listed Below Are The Results of The Colorimetric Determination of PH

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Results and Discussion methyl red changes from red to yellow

indicating pH range 4.4 – 6.2, methyl

1. Electrometric Determination of pH
orange changes from red to yellow
The buffer solution was prepared
indicating pH 3.2 – 4.4, bromocresol
by mixing the phosphoric acid and its
green changes from yellow to blue
conjugate base which is sodium
indicating pH range 3.8 – 5.4, phenol red
phosphate. The calculated amount of
changes from yellow to red indicating pH
these buffer agents are 0.96mL
6.6 – 8, bromophenol blue changes from
phosphoric acid and 1.49g sodium
yellow to purple indicating pH range 3 –
phosphate in order to obtain a pH of 2.
4.6, and bromocresol purple changes
The electrometric determination of pH
from yellow to purple indicating pH 5.2 –
using a pH meter showed an accurate
6.8. The pH 7 is neutral and as the pH
measurement on the buffer prepared.
becomes less than 7, it is acidic while
Because the reading shows the exact
greater than 7, it is basic.
value of the desired pH which is 2,
adjustment of the pH of the buffer The assigned sample, which is
solution was not necessary in the case. alkaline water by the brand Nature’s
Spring, was observed and compared on
2. Colorimetric Determination of pH
the collection of different buffer solutions
Table 2.1 Listed below are the results of
the colorimetric determination of pH. ranging from pH 2, 3, 5, 7, 7.50, 8, and
12. As shown on Table 2.1, the students
were able to compare the changes of
On the colorimetric determination
colors between the assigned sample and
of pH, acid-base indicators were used as
the buffer solutions prepared by the
color standards to determine the pH
other groups. It is seen that the color
value of the solutions. Acid-base
changes of the sample were exactly the
indicators, also called pH indicators, are
same with the buffer solution with the pH
usually weak acids or bases and changes
of 7.50. Therefore, based on the
color with pH (Clark, 2019).
observations, it shows that the pH value
Phenolphthalein changes from colorless
of alkaline water matched the buffer
to pink indicating a pH range of 8.3 – 10,
solution with 7.50 and with this result,
the colorimetric method is less accurate
because the claim of the sample,
Nature’s Spring alkaline water, which is
supposed to be pH 9, does not
correspond to the data.


Clark, J. (2019, June 06). Truro School in

Cornwall. Retrieved from:

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