Modern Quantity Surveying

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Modern Quantity Surveying- A complete package adding values to projects

Technical Report · March 2017

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.23580.08325


1 11,424

1 author:

Yeshwanth Babu Reddy

Deakin University


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A complete package adding values to projects.


Table of Contents:

1.1 Background ............................................................................................................................................. 2

1.2 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 2

1.3 What is Quantity Surveying..? ............................................................................................................ 2

1.4 Who is called a Quantity Surveyor..? ............................................................................................... 2

2.1 Services offered by a Quantity Surveyor ......................................................................................... 3

 Traditional Quantity Surveyor Services ........................................................................................... 3

 Modern Quantity Surveyor Services ................................................................................................. 3

3.1 Roles of a Quantity Surveyor (QS) .................................................................................................... 4

4.1 Quantity Surveying in Construction Phases .................................................................................. 5

4.1.1 Pre- Construction Phase .............................................................................................................. 5

4.1.2 Design Phase................................................................................................................................... 5

4.1.3 Tendering Phase............................................................................................................................. 5

4.1.4 Tender Selection & Appraisal ..................................................................................................... 5

4.1.5 Construction Phase ....................................................................................................................... 5

4.1.6 Post Construction Phase ............................................................................................................. 5

5.1 The changing face of Construction Industry .................................................................................. 6

6.1 Modern Quantity Surveying- Adding values to Projects ............................................................. 6

6.1.1 Prior Engagement of QS services by Clients ......................................................................... 6

6.1.2 Introduction of Information Technology (IT) in Design Aspects ....................................... 6

6.1.3 Transformation of Measurements from Manual to Computer Aided Design ................. 6

6.1.4 Transparency in preparation of BOQ ........................................................................................ 6

6.1.5 Provision & Accessibility to Wide Range of Procurement Services ................................ 7

6.1.6 Value Management......................................................................................................................... 7

6.1.7 Cost Management & Controlling Concepts ............................................................................. 7

6.1.8 Conception of Innovative developmental Approaches ........................................................ 7

7.1 Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................... 8

References ........................................................................................................................................................... 9

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1.1 Background:

"Quantity surveying" can be dated back to the antiquated Egyptian civilization where they
utilized dedicated personnel for the completion of estimations and costing for their great and
magnificent structures. It formed into an occupation amid the 17th century restoration of
London after the Great Fire.

In 1836it emerged as a new age profession when the new Houses of Parliament of Great
Britain, designed by Sir Charles Barry, turned into the first public contract to be completely
measured and tendered utilizing Bills of Quantities (BoQ’s) of amounts for money related
responsibility.(RICS, 2005)

1.2 Introduction:

The world is evolving quickly day by day. So are the requests and demands on the
professions, and thus the roles of professional experts. All divisions in an organization with
context to the economy are under expanding pressure to offer wide range of services that are
innovative, value added and also to come up with solutions on how to survive and face the
rapid changes and increasing competition in the world market. In short over the last few
decades, the quantity surveying profession has experienced various transitions. The
appearance of data innovation and the potential it offered, combined with the downturn in
development movement in the UK and various different nations amid the mid-1980s and late

Thus these challenges called for change in the functionality of quantity surveying profession.
Harun and Torrance (2006) proposes that quantity surveyors ought not to contain themselves
inside the traditional limits of cost administration; they require developing new specialties,
developing new information and break into new zones with a specific end goal to upgrade
their competitiveness.

1.3 What is Quantity Surveying..?

It can be characterized as, a profession which guarantees that the assets of the construction
business are used to the best point of interest of society, by suggesting the most economical
monetary administration for undertakings and an expense consultancy service to client,
builder and planner amid the entire construction process.

1.4 Who is called a Quantity Surveyor..?

The Quantity Surveyor (QS), otherwise called a Construction Economist or Cost Manager, is
one among a group of expert counsellors to the construction industry. As consultants they
gauge and screen construction costs, from the practicality/feasibility phase of a venture
through the completion of the development period. After development they may be included
with tax deterioration plans, swap cost estimation for protection purposes and, if essential,
arbitration and mediation.(AIQS, 2015)

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2.1 Services offered by a Quantity Surveyor:

 Traditional Quantity Surveyor Services:

The principal services that are offered by any quantity surveyor or a Quantity Surveying firm
across the globe are as follows:

Preliminary Cost
Cost Planning Feasibility Estimates

Advice on Selection of
Preparing of Tender Advicing on
Consultants &
Documents Contractual Methods

Evaluation of Project Management Periodic Financial

Construction Work Services Reporting

Tax Deduction
Technical Auditing Feasibility Estimates

 Modern Quantity Surveyor Services:

The modern services that are being offered in the recent past by few of the quantity
surveyors or the Quantity Surveying firm across the globe are as follows:

Asset Advisory Facilities Building

Consultancy Surveying

Risk Mitigation
& Litigation Support Property Taxation
Due Diligence

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3.1 Roles of a Quantity Surveyor (QS):

A qualified Quantity Surveyor has numerous options to gain employment, and involve in wide
range of activities. Usually they are employed by Quantity surveying firms, construction
companies, Property developers etc…

 The quantity surveyors working for Consultant firms are held by the project clients to
guarantee that whatever is being constructed is the thing that the client needs or could

 The principal duty of the quantity surveyor working for a Contractor is to take care of
the money related premiums of the contractor. He will be responsible for computing
and recording of monetary/financial estimations of the works that are done and
guarantees that the contractor is paid appropriately and on time.
The key functions of a Quantity Surveyor is as shown in the table below:

Table 1: Functions of a Quantity Surveyor

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4.1 Quantity Surveying in Construction Phases:

The QS is involved in almost all of the construction phases with a vivid and wide role to play
in each of the phase. The following discusses the duties and responsibilities of QS in each of
these stages as follows;

4.1.1 Pre- Construction Phase:

The QS examines the 'designers' and 'engineers' plans, distinguishes the expenses involved,
and then sets a general assessed budget plan for each task in the project.

4.1.2 Design Phase:

In this phase the QS involves with the design team and suggests practical solutions so that
the project turns out to be economical within the allotted budget of the project, which in short
is called as Value Engineering.

4.1.3 Tendering Phase:

In this phase the QS advises on tendering and contractual plans considering the client's
needs and other data accessible from the designers. He also advises on the insurances and
liabilities with the client's insurance advisers. The detailed and final tender estimate is
prepared by the QS, together with the project architect.

4.1.4 Tender Selection & Appraisal:

At this stage the QS advises on short listing of tenders and look into the financial standing
and experience of the tenderer. He also advices on errors and negotiates on offers. The final
review of financial budget and recommends the best tender.

4.1.5 Construction Phase:

Amid the construction phase the QS will, get ready with suggestions for payments to
contractors, subcontractors and suppliers as per the agreement prerequisites. Also he
evaluate expense impacts when there are changes happening in the project, i.e. like delays
and variations with contractors and agencies. He also involves in resolving disputes between
clients, designers, contractors, subcontractors and others related with the project.

4.1.6 Post Construction Phase:

The QS prepares the statements for final accounts, which records the genuine expenses
occurred in all areas of the employment in the project. Also the documents required for the
technical auditing are made available. Tax deduction policies and laws are considered and
applied wherever needed.
Thus these are the various duties and responsibilities of a QS in each of the stages.
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5.1 The changing face of Construction Industry:

The rapidly changing scene of the construction industry additionally demands that present
specialists and in addition future experts ought to be proactive to drive change rather than
only adapting to improvements. Also Quantity surveying profession is experiencing a period
of fast change. There was a time when the profession was thought to be confronting
extinction, but now it has revitalized, and confronts an appeal for the services that are
provided for the construction activities all across the globe.
There is a new optimism about the future of quantity surveying as a profession and quantity
surveyors are now seen as important players in the construction industry (Smith, 2004).

6.1 Modern Quantity Surveying- Adding values to Projects:

The changes involved in the modern quantity surveying practices have and are resulting in
adding great values to construction projects across different industries. The primary changes
involved are as discussed below;

6.1.1 Prior Engagement of QS services by Clients:

Currently in construction industry every stakeholder has a multirole to be played considering

his/her profession, i.e. these days, clients are mastering with the tasks involved in the
construction work. The client needs to appoint the QS as early as possible in the project,
preferably prior to the construction phase, in order to get the most out of a quantity surveyor.
Therefore QS plays a vital role in meeting up clients, before lodging tenders, keeping in mind
the end goal is to meet the client's requirements.

6.1.2 Introduction of Information Technology (IT) in Design Aspects:

Involving IT concepts into the aspects of design, and the potential it offers has changed the
way of stakeholders in performing their errand. At the same time it also has resulted in
increase of quality and quantity of work.

6.1.3 Transformation of Measurements from Manual to Computer Aided Design:

Since from the time CAD services were introduced, numerous theories are discussed about
the use and impact of CAD services in QS profession. The beauty of using CAD software
generated designs is that instantly the Bills of Quantity (BOQ) are generated. Since then it
became important for QS in determining and learning of the innovative knowledge of the
technology and its advancements of their partners in the industry. The introduction of IT and
CAD generated designs are reducing the complexity involved in manual measurements and
are yielding more economic results in terms of Quality & Accuracy.

6.1.4 Transparency in preparation of BOQ:

A Bill of Quantities (BQ or BOQ) is prepared by QS to give a broad and organized trade list,
including a description and quantity, of each of the components or items involved in a

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construction project. i.e. It is a book containing long list of items involved in the project. In
furthermore QS lives up to expectations of clients to create procurement strategies for the
conveyance periods of undertakings. the QS has a full working knowledge of all types of
contracting including Construction management, Alliancing, Design & construct, Lump sum,
GMP and works closely with legal teams to secure the best advantage of clients.

6.1.5 Provision & Accessibility to Wide Range of Procurement Services:

The modern times Quantity Surveyors Role has been changing day to day in the ever
expanding construction market. The provision of wide range of procurement services
available or offered play a vital part in any project. It consists of gigantic information about the
general anticipated costs all together that would fulfil the necessity of the project. Thus the
QS's are expanding their services i.e. services such as standard type of agreement and
consultancy services, and database management services for, data, documentation, dispute
resolution and other services.

6.1.6 Value Management:

It is a known fact that QS is perceived to keep up and monitor the project costs amid and
post construction. The entire measure of project is managed by QS to keep up adaptability in
cash flow and progress the development work till its completion within estimated cost. This
methodology is one of the powerful methods for amplifying value of a venture. Value
management procedure proves advantageous in most of the undertakings at all phases of
development, however is especially powerful when induced in the early stages of project. By
embracing an orderly way to deal with project audit, through a progression of workshops and
controlled interaction between primary stakeholders, specialists and information providers,
the advantages obtained through the value management can be huge.

6.1.7 Cost Management & Controlling Concepts:

To be beneficial, organizations should acquire incomes, as well as control expenses. On the

off chance that expenses are too high, net revenues will be too low, making it troublesome for
an organization to succeed against its rivals. To accomplish this the QS gives adaptable,
creative and exceptionally proficient advice at all times throughout the development phase,
and adds success through proactive, realistic and operational expenditure forecasting amid
and at master planning phase of project. Then after the cost management is engaged
through the outline/design development stage on completing the project within assessed
budget, giving ideal worth to cash and performance.

6.1.8 Conception of Innovative developmental Approaches:

As per a survey conducted by Building research innovation technology and environment, on

innovation and technological aspects of a QS in construction industry, it highlights that the
critical aspect of review is to recognize about Quantity surveyor's tendency in innovative data
collection, innovative management and monitoring skills. Thus a Qs's innovative ideas and
skills play a crucial role in the outcomes of any project.

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7.1 Conclusion:

Every industry comprises of stakeholders functioning as per a scheduled structure of course

of actions. A Quantity surveyor is one such stakeholder in the construction industry who
cannot function or carry out tasks as per a scheduled structure. The exact role of a QS
cannot be defined in a confined way because, of day to day changing requirements in the
construction industry. In order to satisfy the overall changes involving in a project, the QS
seeks to play a vital role by involving in multi-disciplinary roles.
Hence in short the new definition for Quantity surveyor can be formulated as an auditor,
facilitator, leader, manager, Innovative and dynamic individual of the development process
involved in a project, and the Quantity Surveying profession as multi- disciplinary practice,
functioning to arrive at the best economic output for a project. Quantity Surveying
Professionals have the potential to emerge as knowledge leaders in the construction industry
by adding great values and economic outputs for the construction projects.

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 Ashworth, A. and Heath, B.C. 1983, Advanced Quantity Surveying, London:


 Miller, m. h. (2000). Quantity surveyor role in innovation generation.

 George Ofori and Shamas-ur-Rehman Toor (Department of Building, National University

of Singapore, Singapore)

 Peter Smith, 1995 – 2003 , Trends in the Australian Quantity Surveying Profession

 Chichester, West Sussex, United Kingdom John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2014.

 New aspects of quantity surveying practice / Duncan Cartlidge, London : Spon, c2011









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