Ncees Pe Exam Through Sce

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NCEES PE Exam through SCE: Requirements and process

The requirements to attend NCEES PE exam through SCE, in addition to the standard
NCEES requirements (, are:

1. Valid SCE membership.

2. Valid Saudi National ID/residence permit (Iqama/Muqeem).
3. FE pass certificate (with NCEES ID).
4. Minimum four years of certified professional experience after graduation in the same
5. Application through the applicant’s SCE profile.
6. Payment of SAR 2500 as SCE fee for exam.

Note: The process strictly follows the deadlines.

Here are the steps, in order, if you satisfy the eligibility requirements for the exam:

1. Apply for PE exam through your SCE profile.

2. SCE verifies eligibility.
3. An invoice will be issued (2500.00 SR) by SCE.
4. Pay the invoice through SADAD (ATM/Online banking).
5. Write to if the payment is done, along with the NCEES ID
6. Log-in to your MyNCEES account.
7. Select the exam.
8. Pay the invoice for NCEES (350.00 USD).
9. Write to if the payment is done, along with the NCEES ID
10. SCE will authenticate your application.
11. Download/read the latest “NCEES Examinee Guide" from (the official guide to policies and
procedures for all NCEES exams).
12. Attend the exam on schedule.
13. You will be notified the result from NCEES or can check the result online through
14. A secured web link will be included in the notification and on your account page
which could be used by third parties for verification of your exam status.

 Each attempt requires to follow the same procedure, and there are no concessions
on exam fees.
 Certificate related issues are to be dealt through NCEES communication channels.

Details on exams are found at and Exam preparation

materials at

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