User Guide For Micasense Sensors: Revision 07, June 2019
User Guide For Micasense Sensors: Revision 07, June 2019
User Guide For Micasense Sensors: Revision 07, June 2019
Revision 07, June 2019
Seattle, WA
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Table of Contents
Table of Contents 1
Establishing a Connection 4
Wi-Fi Connection 4
Ethernet Connection 4
Home Page 6
© 2018 MicaSense, Inc
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Power down the sensor, remove the storage device and delete the bin file (otherwise each time
you power up the sensor, it will reinstall the firmware).
Establishing a Connection
Any device (such as a computer, tablet, or smartphone) can be used to establish a connection
with the sensor using Wi-Fi or Ethernet.
Wi-Fi Connection
When the sensor has been powered on and has finished initializing, it will broadcast a Wi-Fi
signal (if the Wi-Fi adapter is attached). The SSID includes the sensor name and serial number.
The serial number is printed on the rear of the sensor.
The password for this Wi-Fi access point is:
Once connected to the sensor’s Wi-Fi, open any web browser and access the sensor’s web
page by typing in “” in the address bar of the browser.
Ethernet Connection
It is possible to connect to the sensor via Ethernet. First, you will need a cable or adapter that
connects an Ethernet cable to the appropriate port on the sensor (see your sensor’s integration
guide for details).
Manual TCP/IP configuration is required. Set the host computer’s Ethernet to use a manual IP
address in the block We recommend the IP address if it is not in
use already. Set the host computer’s subnet mask to
Once the host computer's Ethernet has been configured, connect to the configuration page
using the Ethernet IP address ( by default). The IP address can be changed in
Settings > Advanced > Ethernet Configuration.
Home Page
Coverage Page
Settings Page
Home Page
Provides status information for the sensor and the GPS receiver that is connected to it.
The time is provided by a connected GPS device.
“Capture Config” shows the current automatic trigger setting (overlap, timer, external trigger,
or disabled).
Whenever the sensor captures images manually (using either the physical button or the web
button), the selected image(s) will be displayed in the Live View page based on the setting of
the “Band” pull-down menu. Instead of displaying “All Bands” you can choose to display
individual band numbers, which are notated in the image above. The total number of bands
available for display depends on the sensor.
The capture button forces a capture for the sensor, and is equivalent to pressing the manual
trigger button on the sensor.
The QR button starts automatic panel detection mode. In this mode, the sensor displays a live
preview, updated about twice every second. The configuration page and sensors with internal
speakers will play a sound until the sensor detects a MicaSense reflectance panel and QR code.
Once detected, the sensor will trigger a capture of the panel automatically and exit the mode.
To exit the automatic panel detection mode, press the “Stop” button.
The Streaming checkbox is used for near-real-time preview images from the sensor. When the
Streaming mode is enabled, the images shown will update as quickly as the sensor can support
it (approximately twice a second). The “Refresh count” shows how many times the display has
been updated. Note that streaming mode does not save any images to the storage device. It
just enables fast capture of the sensor for preview purposes only. Streaming mode works best
when connected to the sensor via Ethernet.
Streaming mode is intended for live-preview. Disable streaming mode before starting
any other operations (particularly before enabling auto-capture mode or flying).
Exposure (Advanced)
If Manual Exposure has been enabled in the Settings page, exposure settings will appear at the
top of the Live View page. There are exposure settings available for each band of the sensor.
These settings will apply to each image the sensor takes until they are changed or disabled.
This is an advanced operation option and should normally be disabled. By default, the
sensor automatically adjusts gain and exposure.
The first option controls the length of exposure. It ranges from 0.066 ms to 24.5 ms and
indicates the amount of time the global shutter is “open” and recording light.
The second option controls the gain, which indicates how much to amplify the incoming signal.
The available values are 1x, 2x, 4x, and 8x. The original pixel values are multiplied by the
chosen option.
These settings can be configured dynamically using the MicaSense API. See the exposure
section of the API documentation for details:
Coverage Page
The coverage page provides information on the geographic location where images in the
storage device were captured based on the GPS module information. This page also provides
a calculator for estimating parameters for mission planning.
Download KMZ
Clicking the “captures.kmz” link will cause the sensor to generate a KMZ file that will be
downloaded by your browser. The KMZ file contains the lat/lon/alt of all captures in the storage
device and can be used to verify coverage after a flight or series of flights. The KMZ file can be
opened using a GIS application (like QGIS or Google Earth)
Pre-Flight Estimator
The Pre-flight Estimator is a calculator that can estimate the results of a flight mission. Enter the
mission parameters and press the “calculate” button to see the results below.
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Coverage Estimator
The Coverage Estimator is a tool for quickly checking that a flight has sufficient overlap. From
the initial Coverage Page, select one or more image sets to estimate and click “Next” (note:
image sets must be geographically close together in order to work properly).
The Flight Adjustment tab should appear, and show a summary of its current estimation
settings. Sensor Orientation indicates the directionality of the sensor with respect to the
aircraft, as shown below.
The Flight AGL is estimated based on the GPS positions recorded for the images, with the
assumption that calibration panel pictures were taken near ground level, but if the estimate is
incorrect, you can manually enter the correct AGL.
The Estimate Resolution sets the quality of the output map. Low is sufficient for most
Clicking “Draw Coverage” will render the coverage estimate. The rendering time depends on
your device’s CPU, the size of the field, number of images, flight AGL, and quality setting, but
typically runs in under 30 seconds on a modern smartphone.
Finally, you will be presented with an estimate of your coverage. Any area that is dark green
has a high probability of correctly being processed in Pix4D or other image processing
platforms. Areas that are yellow may work, but likely will not. Red areas will almost certainly not
process correctly. Edges around the field will typically show as red or yellow. This is okay as
long as the data you are trying to collect is all contained within the dark green region.
Example of good field coverage
Example of poor field coverage
If you discover that your field coverage estimate is similar to the poor field coverage map
shown above, double check to make sure the Flight AGL is set correctly. If the Flight AGL is
incorrect, click back on the Flight Adjustment section, correct the Flight AGL, then click on
“Draw Coverage” again. If the Flight AGL is correct, your overlap settings may have be wrong.
You will need to capture more images of the field to ensure that post-processing will be
The most common cause of incorrect overlap is that the sensor’s parameters have not been
entered into the flight planning software for use in calculating track distances. Check our
knowledge base or your sensor’s integration guide for sensor parameters that should be used
in flight planning. You can also confirm that the track spacing is correct by checking it against
the values given by the sensor’s Pre-Flight Estimator tool (“Distance between capture” is the
forward overlap distance and “Distance between track” is the side overlap distance).
Settings Page
The settings page is used primarily to configure the Auto-Capture options for the sensor. The
sensor supports three methods of Auto-Capture: Timer mode, External Trigger mode, and
Overlap mode.
Basic Configuration
Timer Mode
Use the drop-down menu to select Auto-Capture Mode as “Timer”
In the updated window, specify the “Timer Period (sec)” (the interval between pictures) to the
desired setting. If the timer interval is set to less than 1.0 seconds, the sensor may not run at
the specified interval, but will capture as quickly as it can (about once per second).
Press the “Save” button to save the Timer mode settings. Items that have been changed will
be colored yellow until saved, at which point they will turn green.
Press the Start button to begin capturing images at the desired interval rate.
Press the Stop button to stop capturing images.
In the updated window, select the external trigger mode from the list. The settings are as
Setting Meaning
Rising Edge Sensor will trigger on the rising edge of a pulse
Falling Edge Sensor will trigger on the falling edge of a pulse
Short PWM Sensor will trigger if PWM transitions from longer
than Threshold to shorter than Threshold
Long PWM Sensor will trigger if PWM transitions from shorter
than Threshold to longer than Threshold
For PWM mode, enter the threshold PWM – note that this value is in milliseconds (ms), so the
value is typically between 1.0 and 2.0.
Press the “Save” button to save the External Trigger mode settings.
Verify that the triggering is functioning by commanding a sensor capture through the host
Overlap Mode
Use the drop-down menu to select Auto-Capture Mode as “Overlap”
In the updated window, select the Target Alt to be the altitude AGL (Above Ground Level) at
which the aircraft will be operating during the mapping mission. Note that this is specified as
AGL altitude.
Specify the Along-Track Overlap as a percentage (%) of image that is common between one
image and the next one.
Press the “Save” button to confirm the settings.
When the aircraft reaches the target altitude minus 50 meters, it will initiate taking captures. In
overlap mode, it will only take a capture if the distance traveled is detected to be greater than
the required distance at the specified target altitude as specified in the % overlap setting.
For example, if you set the target altitude to 120 meters, the sensor will start capturing when it
reaches 70 meters altitude. When the measured altitude is lower than 70 meters (target altitude
minus 50 meters), the sensor stops capturing.
Manual Exposure
The manual exposure checkbox enables manual control of the exposure and gain of the sensor,
with settings available in the Live View Page. This is an advanced operation option and should
normally NOT be enabled.
Advanced Configuration
The Advanced Configuration menu provides controls for managing file storage as well as
Ethernet and Multi-Sensor configurations.
Make sure to click the “Save” button after making any changes, or the changes
will be lost.
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Audio Options
On sensors that have internal speakers, users can enable or disable audio output. This applies
to all sounds, including the start-up sound as well as the sound made during the “QR” or
automatic panel detection mode.
Pin Purpose
Altum’s Pin 3 is an output. By default, it is a PPS output. For advanced integrations, this pin can
be configured as a Top of Frame output instead, to signal to external devices the precise
moment when the Altum captures images.
Input (default)
RedEdge GPS Pin 4 is, by default, a general-purpose input pin but can become an output pin
as specified below.
Enabling Top of Frame output changes the PPS pin purpose from a digital
input to a digital output.
Damage to the sensor may occur if another output pin, such as the PPS
output on a GPS receiver, is connected when Top of Frame Output mode is
If you are using the provided GPS, please disconnect it entirely or at least
unplug the wire going to the PPS pin before enabling top-of-frame output.
This is for advanced integrations only, when external hardware, such as an RTK GPS receiver,
needs to know the precise moment the sensor captures images. It is available in firmware
version 1.5.28 and higher.
Pulse Polarity
“Pulse high, rest low”: The pin will output 0 V until a capture is taken, then it will output a 3 V
signal for 100 ms.
“Pulse low, rest high”: The pin will output 3 V until a capture is taken, then it will output 0 V for
100 ms.
Streaming Allowed
When enabled, if the sensor is in streaming mode, a top-of-frame output signal will be sent
each time the image updates (about once per second), even though the images shown in
streaming mode are not saved to the storage device.
Multi-Sensor Configuration
The Network Mode is only relevant if you have more than one sensor and wish to capture
simultaneously. The table will list the settings of all other networked sensors. In addition to
configuring a single master, all of the sensor software versions should match. After changing
the sensor’s network mode, you must click “Save”, and then reboot the sensor in order for the
new setting to take effect.
Ethernet Configuration
Here, you can assign a different Ethernet IP address to the sensor. To use the Ethernet, you will
need to obtain or build an adapter that connects to the appropriate port on the sensor (see
your sensor’s integration guide or the MicaSense knowledge base for details).
The Ethernet IP address is by default. Changing this setting does not
update the Wi-Fi address, which will always be
Update Firmware
This section displays a list of all *.bin files on the attached USB drive. Use the radio button to
select the .bin file you wish to use to upgrade. Alternatively, click the "Choose File" or
"Browse" button to select a different file on your computer. Once the file of choice is selected,
click the "Update Firmware" button to begin the update process. Do not disconnect the power
or turn off the sensor until the process has completed.
Format Storage
Press the “Format Storage button to erase all data on the attached storage device and
reformat the device to a compatible format type. A warning will appear for confirmation.
Press “OK” to format and erase all data on the storage device or “Cancel” to keep all
information on the disk
Magnetometer Calibration
This procedure is for the provided GPS only and is not required for configurations that provide
GPS and attitude information via the serial or Ethernet connection. If the configuration for your
sensor is one that uses the provided module for GPS and magnetometer data, a calibration
process for the magnetometer is needed.
You will need a compass to verify the calibration once completed.
From the Settings page, access the DLS Configuration section.
“Calibrate DLS Mag” is a clickable button that will start the calibration process. This calibration
process is for the magnetometer sensor that is inside the 3DR GPS module.
Ensure that the DLS is connected to the GPS module with both the 4-pin and 6-pin connectors.
Additionally, your DLS and GPS module should be rigidly mounted to your aircraft frame.
Before beginning the calibration routine, position yourself and the drone
away from large metal objects such as cars and buildings. Also avoid
paved areas, which may have metal rods inside the cement. An open field
is preferred to avoid interaction with any sources of magnetic interference
or objects that may perturb the Earth’s natural magnetic field.
Once the startup sequence has finished, you will be guided through the orientations your
drone should be in for each of the calibration steps.
To calibrate the magnetometer, a 6-axis calibration routine needs to be performed. During the
routine, the drone (specifically the GPS module) should remain in a fixed position while being
rotated, i.e. the user performing the calibration should be moving around the magnetometer.
The drone and GPS module should also be kept level to the plane they are on in each position.
The on-screen rotation guide will show you when you have successfully completed one
orientation and can move on to the next.
The black dot is a level (like a bubble level), indicating how level the
unit is compared to the plane it is on. It does not indicate how far
away from the center of rotation the unit is.
If you are using a Serial or HTTP connection to supply GPS and attitude
information to the sensor, you do not need to perform the magnetometer
calibration described above.
Additionally, you will want to perform a magnetic interference test to verify that your drone will
not affect the heading readings during flight.
File Storage
The sensor stores files in the storage device in a folder structure. A new folder is created for
each time the sensor is powered up. For example: “0000SET”, “0001SET”, ...
Within each folder, a subfolder with the images themselves is created. If more than 200 images
are stored, a second image folder is created (“000” and “001” for instance). Two log files are
also created for each sensor power cycle (diag.dat and paramlog.dat). The log files are
proprietary and can only be read by MicaSense.
Within each subfolder, a group of TIFF files is created for each image capture. The suffix at the
end of each file indicates the imager number. Please see your sensor’s integration guide for
The TIFF files are 12-bit resolution stored in either 12-bit DNG TIFF RAW format or 16-bit TIFF
RAW format depending on the setting (see Settings > Advanced). Metadata tags are
embedded for each file in standard EXIF format.
Sensor 12-Bit DNG 16-Bit TIFF Files per capture Resolution
LED Signals
Sensor/DLS 2 LED Signals
One flash indicates normal behavior, that the sensor is operating as expected. More
than one flash indicates an issue as outlined in the following table:
Green 1 Flash Sensor is ready for operation (it has a GPS fix and more
than 2 GB available on the storage device)
Yellow 2 Flashes GPS unit detected, but does not have a fix
4 simultaneous flashes on both LEDs This occurs upon boot-up of the DLS
Power OFF the sensor before removing the storage device. Failure to do so may corrupt
some of the files in the storage device if they are still being written.
The HTTP API is the most powerful way to interface with the sensor. You can use this API using
either an Ethernet connector or the Wi-Fi access point.
Serial API
The Serial API provides a MAVLink interface to the sensor. You can use this API by connecting
your MAVLink-capable system to the serial connections on the sensor. See the Integration
Guide for your sensor to determine where to connect.
API Documentation
For the latest API documentation, including example code, please visit: