Tax 2 - Midterm Exam
Tax 2 - Midterm Exam
Tax 2 - Midterm Exam
13. The following are major internal revenue business taxes in the NIRC of 1997, except one:
A. Income tax C. Value-added tax
B. Excise tax D. Percentage tax
14. Alamid imported cigarettes from Taiwan for sale. At a later date, he sold cigarettes in the
Philippines. He is subject to value-added tax. He is also subject to the business tax of:
A. Excise tax C. Percentage tax
B. Income tax D. None of these
Problem 1
Topline Company sold to Bestbooks Enterprises goods worth P 10 000, exclusive of tax. Record the
accounting entries in the sales book and in the purchase book if:
1. The buyer and the seller are subject to VAT.
2. Seller is VAT registered, while buyer is not.
3. Seller is no VAT registered, while buyer is VAT registered.
Sales book Purchase book
1. Cash/ accounts receivable P 11 200 Purchases P 10 000
Sales 10 Input tax 1 200
000 Cash 11 200
Output Tax 1
2. Cash/ accounts receivable P 11 200 Purchases P 11,200
Sales 10 Cash 11 200
Output Tax 1
3. Cash/ accounts receivable P 10 000 Purchases P 10 000
Sales 10 Cash 10 000
Problem 2
All amounts given are total invoice costs/prices:
A, non-VAT taxpayer, sells to B, VAT taxpayer P 67 200
B, VAT taxpayer, sells to C, VAT taxpayer 100 800
C, VAT taxpayer, sells to D, VAT taxpayer, an exporter 168 000
D, VAT taxpayer, exports 300 000
1. The value-added tax of B:
A. Payable of P 3 600 C. Payable of P 10 080
B. Payable of P 10 800 D. Payable of P 12 096
2. The value-added tax of C:
A. Payable of P 7 200 C. Payable of P 8 064
B. Payable of P 6 720 D. Refundable of P 10 900
3. The value-added tax of D:
A. Payable of P 18 000 C. Payable of P 36 000
B. Refundable of P 18 000 D. Refundable of P 36 000