Since When Can Cleaning The Air Save You Money?: TUV, PTB & CARB Approved

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Since when

can cleaning the air

save you money?

TUV, PTB & CARB Approved


323 S Hale Street • Wheaton, IL 60187 USA

Tel.: + 1 (630) 681 8500 • Fax. + 1 (630) 681 8505 •
• CARB Approved; Executive Order G-70-209
• Saves You Money by Reducing Gasoline Evaporative
• Keeps the Environment Cleaner
• Independent, third-party field test confirmed the
predicted evaporative losses and determined that the
PERMEATOR reduced these evaporative emissions
by 99.27%.
• Protects the Health of Your Staff and Customers
• Installs Easily into Stage II Vapor Recovery Systems
• TUV, PTB & UL698A Approved

The PERMEATOR prevents the venting

of gasoline vapors (volatile organic com-
pounds) and resulting product loss from
gasoline storage tanks through a patented
membrane. The system virtually eliminates
evaporative emissions and has been proven
over many years in large tank storage and
refinery applications.
ARID Technologies, Inc., now brings this
same robust technology to the petrol
station environment.
Design Highlights Feature Benefits
The PERMEATOR reduces the evapora- Low initial cost. Less than 1-2% of typical High return on investment (15-95%) and
tive emissions of gasoline vapors by over outlet construction costs. Similar cost as new short pay back period depending on site-
99%, while it simultaneously increases Multiple product dispenser (MPD). specific factors.
salable gasoline product volume by up 1. High hydrocarbon vapor recovery
to 0.5% of gasoline sold (5 litres per efficiency (>99%) without wasting natural Environmentally Friendly technology
1,000 litres dispensed). The Permeator resources or generating secondary air exceeds current federal, state, and local
pollution. emission requirements. Provides consumer
handles the 520-1 volume increase that
2. Allows vacuum-assisted systems to oper- and environmental protection, while at the
occurs when gasoline evaporates by using ate with higher (V/L) ratios and to achieve same time recovering salable product.
the patented membrane system. higher collection efficiencies at nozzle/
The PERMEATOR can be installed with- automobile interfaces.
out excavation and is simple to maintain. 1. Retrofits any type of Stage II “front-end” Can be installed in any existing refueling
The compact unit can be retrofitted to vapor recovery system. facility:
existing Stage II vapor recovery systems 2. Remote Data Acquisition System and Data 1. Allows uncontrolled dispensing facilities
(vacuum-assisted or balance) or installed at Logger records operating parameters and to avoid large evaporative losses as
facilities with no recovery systems. allows for the calculation of saved product storage tanks ingest air from vent lines.
For Stage II systems, the PERMEATOR volumes while simultaneously providing 2. Allows dispensing facilities using bal-
allows for improved refueling vapor notification of PERMEATOR and storage ance or vacuum assisted systems to
tank system anomalies. avoid large evaporative losses.
recovery efficiency at the nozzle without
sacrificing evaporative emissions from the
storage tanks. Unique membrane technology selectively Membrane vapor recovery eliminates
As Stage II vapor recovery systems recovers toxic compounds, such as benzene, evaporative losses of VOC’s and hazardous
continue to be installed in EU dispens- toluene and MTBE. air pollutants (HAP’s) by converting them
into usable products.
ing facilities, the PERMEATOR will bring
increasing economic return to gasoline Elegant, compact, durable design. Easy installation with little or no excavation.
marketers while delivering greater environ- Safe solution for variable vapor Eliminates the potential for increased vapor
mental benefits. concentrations generated by all types of emissions based on the higher A/L ratios of
Stage II systems. Stage II systems.

1. Simple operation since membrane module Very low operating costs.

has no moving parts. Expected life cycle € 23-54/month
of membrane is 15-20 years with minimal
maintenance cost.
Reduces hydrocarbon contamination in
2. Warranty: three year parts and labor ground water by lowering the fugitive under-
3. Energy efficient — no phase changes are ground vapor emissions
323 S Hale Street • Wheaton, IL 60187 USA involved in the separation because all
Tel.: + 1 (630) 681 8500 • Fax. + 1 (630) 681 8505 streams enter and exit the system in the vapor phase.

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